#her design is so cute I love her voice. she’s so funny and honestly she’s has every right to get mad a lot
cupiidzbow · 4 months
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i have zero respect to people who don’t like her . they’re always weirdly misogynistic abt her too like y’all say you want mean women and you can’t even handle ca.ndy k.ong 😒😒😒😒😒
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eww-y-tho · 5 days
The hypothetical debates surrounding the whole "Lady and Lord Whistledown" vs "Colin and Penelope Bridgerton" make me wither because
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Lady and Lord Whistledown.
I'm telling you, this shit would be so fucking funny. I can picture it in my mind's eye: Bridgerton season 4, we get a quick shot of Colin and Penelope talking shit and giggling like crazy in the background, maybe with some PDA to match because Colin can't keep his hands off her, only to hear a male voice actor of a similar calibre to our angel Julie Andrews join in sometimes while Charlotte picks up the paper and cackles. Obviously, the reveal would happen, but I want to believe that our Queen would be down for Whistledown to continue as long as it doesn't get too personal. It would be kind of unfair and a bit indicative of the period, monarchy and all, but Charlotte being in on it would amp up the comedy points. Plus some ~historical cultural commentary~ would just be that final flavouring of spice.
It would kind of feel like Colin's turning to the dark side because we've already seen quite a few scenes where he seems possessed by Lady Whistdown's attitude and I love the idea of him coming from hating Lady Whistledown's guts to protecting her and joining in because it's fun and it activated his little shit reflex. Plus the subtextual implications of just how much Colin and Penelope actually are best friends and are connected beyond normalcy would just be *chef's kiss*
I would also love it because it feels very partner-in-crime vibes, giving another aspect to their relationship that would be fun to see. Combined with the power Lady Whistledown has on the story, we'd be guaranteed to see our beans quite a lot. Also a "Hello, my Lady," followed by a "Hello, my Lord" after a particularly steamy scene would literally have me shaking crying giggling dancing kicking my feet.
As for Penelope, it honestly depends on how you view her character and her relationship with Lady Whistledown. If the person in question thinks that Lady Whistledown is a vital part of her personality, an aspect of who she is, limiting her by making her quit would just feel really, really sad, man. Lady Whistledown has caused Pen a lot of grief, however, and we see it a lot throughout the story, so I think Colin being there, sharing the secret and partaking would make her feel much more comfortable in her own skin.
Anyway. Love the idea, and would perish if it happened, but probably won't.
Colin and Penelope Bridgerton.
This one's more cute than anything else. Two writers as a couple release solo and joint works sometimes while establishing their reputation as respectable authors and leaving Lady Whistledown behind them. I can see another scene in my mind's eye, Colin and Pen are sitting across from each other on their respective writing desks, writing and then handing each other their work to review and give opinions, paired with a kiss after they start teasing each other about their writing. Considering that the designated Sexy Desk Scene has already been taken, this would have to be in a secluded area or in their bedroom. And then shots of people buying their books and enjoying them would ensue.
With the amount of journals and letters and things Colin's done, he's practically primed for an author's role. Maybe they can be more exposed to Colin's love for travel in this version. Having Penelope with him on his trips while writing their little hearts out would be adorable. Sadly, though, this would mean that they would probably have less screen time.
If you see Lady Whistledown as an outlet for the suffering Penelope was going through throughout the story, she wouldn't need Lady Whistledown anymore and abandon the alias because she's served her purpose as Penelope's coping mechanism, and Colin and Penelope would find their fix through other means. Maybe continuing to gossip but only between the two of them, going back to the beginning of the series and the final link to their relationship.
It's been established over and over again that they both love reading, writing, gossiping, and discussing all things philosophical. And each other for enjoying those qualities. So, I think this dynamic would be particularly interesting because it would be yet another way to connect. They could probably also make each other all hot and bothered by leaving random sexy letters sporadically, which would just be so fitting, tbh. However, that would also work for the Lady and Lord Whistledown dynamic so it's kind of a null point. It would be hot, though.
And, yeah, that's how I see those hypothetical dynamics playing out and how that would affect the characters. But now for the negatives. While I love the Lord Whistledown idea, I do think that Colin is a bit too nice and cute for that, and it would probably be a bit OOC, especially because of his personal experiences with Whistledown, it would be a bit weird if his tune suddenly changed to "yeah, I know gossip can ruin someone's life, but I like it now, so I don't care." But I also just can't fathom Bridgerton without Lady Whistledown, and this idea hinges on literally removing the narrator and source of all the tea, as well as making us lose our angel Julie Andrews. At least the Lady and Lord Whistledown idea fulfills almost all fronts of their relationship dynamic.
Again, as the GIF demonstrates, both are good, and I love both of them for the different ways they would take the characters, but let's be real, a combo would be really fun as well. Like Pen keeps up with Lady Whistledown while Colin writes his own books or smth.
Anyway, enough of my rambling. Bye.
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strawberryfairi · 3 months
TR Guys + Their Types PT 2
Headcanons! ↳ Black Girl Edition🤎
⚜️Featuring: Hakkai Nahoya (Smiley) Draken Mitsuya Wakasa
(Honestly I love making these)
~ Ugh, Hakkai the sweetheart. ~ He's so freaking shy and awkward so he'll definitely need some help from a more bold kind of girl....at least with a bit more guts than him or else chile...the relationship ain't getting nowhere.
~ I could see Hakkai with a girl that loves to color coordinate clothes and kind of match together every now and then; maybe for a little date night.
~ Going off of this^^ I could for SURE see him having a couples fashion page together with her. Like think of those boujee high fashion show audience member outfits like a Schiaparelli or Balmain vibe.
~ I think Hakkai would go for the kind of woman with a really naturally soothing voice. That kind of just airy, light voice.
~ Definitely loves the kind of woman that loves doing fun activities together (I know y'all remember that scene in S2 when Hakkai was tearing up that bowling alley and pool table and all that)!
~ As for hairstyles, Hakkai truly does love anything she's wear and I could definitely see him getting style advice from you (even though he eats all of his hairstyles).
Nahoya (Smiley)
~ I can so see him with someone that's good at doing hair. Like she'll try out all these cute styles on him that'll have him lookin' good. I could see him start feelin' himself after she tries a new style on him that he likes. (Potentially a genuine hair stylist).
~ Will definitely turn her into his own personal hair stylist.
~ I think he'd love the kind of girl that will take his outfits and completely finesse them. Like wearing one of his bomber jackets or tops and makes it look ten times better on her.
~ I can absolutely see him going for a girl that's into high street wear styles! For example: Imagine a graphic tee that's tied in the front for a slight crop effect with some cute cut out designs in the back, cute jeans, topped off with tie up heels and a cute little mini bag.
~ She MUST get along with his brother or else it's just not happening. But that's obvious.
~ Since he be so damn rowdy all the time, I can see him with the kinda girl that levels him out.
~ I can also very much see him with a comical girl. Like she's just always making him laugh and is genuinely a funny and witty person. Also good with comebacks.
~I feel like Draken definitely likes the girly type. Lipgloss collections, cute skirts, a plethora of perfumes both high and low end, and shopping is a therapeutic experience for her. Like he can't keep up with her new outfits.
~ Personality-wise she's gotta value family and friendships. He definitely would NOT like the type that's just always randomly cutting someone off because of one minor argument or something they said. I think he'd like the kinda woman that will work things out and value the people she has in her life (especially because he never really had his parents so he always cherishes the people he does have).
~ I think he'd like a ray of sunshine kind of girl. Just always lighting up a room with her bubbly and upbeat personality.
~ When it comes to her hair, I can absolutely see him obsessed with the different kind of braid styles she does. From Fulani braids to cornrows with zigzag parts, he just utterly eats it up every time.
~ And don't even get him started with the cute beads! Like..it's a yes for him.
~ He definitely likes for her to do his hair for him, and try out different kinds of braids aside from his simple braided ponytail.
~ Ok so this man Mitsuya for sure loves a family oriented woman, just straight off the bat.
~ I think he'd like a very down to earth and friendly kind of girl.
~ I could see Mitsuya with a cook like...hold on hear me out.
~ Mitsuya is already good at cooking but I can see him with a professional or just really great cook. I can imagine him cooking and learning things from her wether it's just how to cook more efficiently or cooking foods from other cultures (*cough* Like Soul Food *cough*).
~ Mitsuya would like a girl that can show him all kinds of new things and he could show her new things as well.
~ I think Mitsuya is just the kinda guy who is interested in lots of things so he'd like a girl who's open-minded in that way too.
~ Definitely can see him with a fashionable woman too. I just imagine him first meeting her by being so entranced by her outfit and her walk (instantly she becomes his muse that he creates all kinds of fashions for).
~ I don't think Mitsuya would mind being with a tall girl either. On some Zendaya x Tom Holland vibe!
~ I for sure believe Mitsuya loves to do spontaneous dates! Some days it's real fancy and boujee and other days it's just a chill date night at home with a nice meal he's cooked and a cute "restaurant music" playlist he picked on Spotify. So a woman that doesn't mind the full spectrum of dates (cause let's be honest some girls be like boujee dates ONLY, trynna be extra...) he'd really appreciate.
~ Honestly I feel like Wakasa would like a woman that's really opposite from him in certain ways.
~ For example^^, I think he'd love an energetic, highly sociable type of woman. Loves to talk and meet new people while Wakasa's a bit more quiet and reserved (doesn't mean he doesn't like to talk, it's just not gonna be his go-to thing to do unless he's drunk as a skunk).
~ It's an official cannon that Wakasa is the clingy type so I could definitely see him with the kind of woman that's not really that way but puts up with his clinginess just for him.
~ I'm also getting wise vibes. Like he'd like a woman that is really wise and will have him thinking about things from different perspectives when they talk about certain topics.
~ I feel like Wakasa would like a woman that is (like Mitsuya) on the more open-minded side when it comes to trying all kinds of new things. Wakasa seems like the type that wouldn't really mind trying something he's never done at least once just to see.
~ Definitely could see him with like an outdoorsy girl, or at least someone who's open to camping or going out fishing (and doesn't mind the bugs💀...).
~ I think Wakasa would like a girl that's random. As in just does random stuff out of nowhere due to boredom (ex: breaking out into song loudly in the middle of silence or quoting random movie lines).
~ As for outfits, I think Wakasa would be drawn to like the super cute, dainty, feminine style. Loves him a cute frilly skirt or sundress! He spends so much time around his friends and stuff (a whole bunch of rowdy ass gang boys), that when he sees a really girly girl it's like he's hit by a feminine ultra-blast or something (what am I saying lol).
~ For hairstyles, I think Wakasa would be OBSESSED with the perm rod curls style. Those super cute, bouncy spiral curls would have him staring so hard on accident (lowkey lookin' like a weirdo). I could see him always pulling on them then letting go to watch it bounce back.
A/N🧚🏾‍♀️: As requested I made some new headcanons @honeybunhottie 🩵 Hope you enjoy it as much as the last!
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pancreasman · 11 months
Camp Camp S5E1 opinions (spoilers)
I just watched the new episode of Camp Camp and nobody cares but here's what I have to say, first:
(this is your disclaimer to please watch the new episode LEGALLY and in a way that supports the creators. Even if that means blocking spoilers for a bit so you can watch it for free when it's available. It's a small team, and they deserve all the support they can get because making cartoons is hard!)
All this is my opinion, if you disagree, let me know! I genuinely want to discuss it. If you agree with me, then feel free to vent along with me and we can be excited or dissapointed together. The show qualifies as art and is open to criticism. Also WARNING: SPOILERS FOR THE NEW SEASON PREMIERE OF CAMP CAMP!
Ok with all that garbage out of the way, here's what I have to say:
• Max’s new voice is pretty good. I got used to it pretty quick. Props to the VA!
• Dolph’s new design is cute. I totally understand why they changed it and the redesign is good.
•I think the idea of the whole camp hating the trio is funny and I kind of wish they made it real even though it went against the point of the episode kind of.
• The part where the trio is shaming Preston and they all move in sync was the one part that made me laugh. I love when they're all being goofy together.
• I liked the idea with the circle in the dirt at first because I thought it was just Max’s way of illustrating a point and I thought it was cute how he included his friends. Started as a nice moment
• Nurf lovingly flipping them off was funny.
• my gwenvid heart was soaring. They were very cute and I wish we got a more overt gwenvid moment as a send-off. Like, it doesn't have to be made canon and can stay subtle but something for the fans would have been nice.
• Gwen’s new voice did a good job. Slightly different vibe to her but it wasn't bad at all. I liked it. It was an interesting change and I didn't mind at all.
• The scene with Max and David’s hike was beautiful and the best part of the episode by far. They're both so in character, they are well-written and their dynamic is so sweet, and the message rings true. It was a nice moment and something I think Max needed to hear.
• “somebody. Fucking. Has to.” GUYS WHEN I TELL YOU I FJGKRNGKRHDNR WHAT A CALLBACK. I wish they made David’s reaction a little longer and made it more of a moment because I nearly missed it at first but once I heard it I got so excited. Really, Max’s whole pep talk in that moment is very good.
• The camera is such a thoughtful and fitting gift for Max because he's struggling with letting go of camp, and the fact he uses it himself too makes it all the more sweet.
• My lil Makki heart jumped when Max came back and Nikki shouts his name. It was sweet, the excitement and joy in her voice. I forgot it was meant to be a joke at first honestly it was so sincere.
• the animation was great! I loved the facial animations, especially on David and Nikki. Idk why those two had such good expressions but I'm not complaining.
• the trio. They're such besties. I'm love them.
• Honestly the fight cloud with Nikki and Neil was fun idk why I liked watching them wrastle. Children fighting is amusing.
• I'm glad Gwen finally got recognized for her talent. It’s a running theme throughout the show that Gwen is more talented and capable than she lets on and this was a fine way to end it. Good for her.
• opening narration was unnecessary
• wish they introduced Dolph’s new look more organically. It deserves to be it’s own moment.
• why can't Nikki write? She's 9 not 4. She was never stupid.
• plot is all over the place. It's like two or three episodes smashed into one and there's not enough extra time for any of them. It lacks focus. If it were up to me I would have cut out the first half with the social media app and the trio trying to get people to like them. It felt like filler.
• it's just not very funny. There was maybe one joke that made me laugh. And not even hard. Camp Camp is usually pretty funny to me so I don't get what happened. The comedy is all so slow despite the plot being so crammed so I wonder if the delivery was faster if we would have more time for plot. Anyway, they just lacked any sort of setup or punchline. Just nothing jokes.
• Why does Max go along with trying not to be bossy? He clearly didn't care before and the way it's written it isn't implied he's doing it for his friends. It's like he suddenly did care about being liked out of nowhere. I think it would have been funny and made more sense if maybe Nikki or Neil made him play along, like Nikki bit him until he stopped.
• the circle thing. It was a cute idea at first because I thought Max was just making some kind of metaphor, and I thought that it was cute. I wish they kept it like that and just made it a sweet moment of Max expressing his devotion to his friends in his own way but instead they stay in the circle and are just unfunny for a few minutes and then Nikki says they ran away?? Like first of all why are you running away and also no, you didn't run away because you're still at camp. WHY ARE THEY IN THE CIRCLE IT DOES NOTHING FOR THE PLOT AND MAKES NO SENSE?
• Is it just me or do they keep playing sad music like... A lot? It just keeps popping up every other scene and at some point it just became funny to me. It's so badly paced out lol
• I mentioned Max’s pep talk was good and it was but also I wish that it was in a better written context. Like, I think it would have been a better end to the cliff scene instead of a way to motivate David to... fight a robot cause... He thinks he can't... Because reasons? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense and I think that it's supposed to connect but it really doesn't.
• Too much Preston. Never liked Preston never will. Why did he talk so much.
• the running gag of everyone being like “oooookay” when the trio assumes they hate them is just... So unfunny omg
• This episode suffers from season 4 syndrome, which was a characteristic of season 4 that I heavily disliked where they sacrifice the outrageous personalities of the characters to have them sit around and discuss life lessons that aren't even that profound to begin with. It's boring, unnatural, and uncharacteristic. At least make it funny. I don't want to see them sit on the ground and calmly discuss basic friendship lessons like I KNOW THAT NOW PLEASE DO SOMETHING INTERESTING.
• I wish David and Max got a better goodbye. I kind of liked David’s line of “That's good enough for me.” but I wish they expanded on it. Maybe have Max struggle to be sincere and make it more obvious that he's trying to act tough and David still sees through it. So he's like “I get that's you're struggling to be sincere so ill take what I can get because I appreciate the effort.”
Overall, it was kind of a mixed bag. It had some very VERY good moments and a lot of good ideas, but I think it was messy and didn't use it's time well, as well as not taking advantage of a lot of potential jokes. I understand that they likely had limitations but they tried to tackle too much with one episode. If I were to change anything I would cut the first half and work on giving the characters a more clear and smooth arc from beginning to end. Pick a focus and stick to it! Still, I'm excited to see where this will go!
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danganronpafan777 · 6 months
Rei x Reader (Part 1?) I’m in Love with the Antagonist!
A/n - Life’s been kinda rough, and I don’t think I’ll go back to writing requests just yet. I just felt inspired by the latest episode of I’m in Love with the Villianness (Hated the Lene and Lambert plot tho). Idk if I’ll make this a series.
DISCLAIMER - This story is heavily inspired by the anime/manga, I’m in Love with the Villianess. Literally the same kinda plot with diff characters, but no knowledge of the series is needed to read this.
“Incompetent! Are you dosing off right now? Honestly, I can’t believe a prestigious school like Hope’s Peak doesn’t give out entrance exams to be rid of nitwits like yourself.”
Rei’s harsh words echoed through your mind as you read them off her text window. Her dialogue wasn’t spoken aloud, only a single “Hmph!” voice bit accompanying her written speech. You liked to imagine her voice as stern and demeaning, adding a few of your own headcannons to it.
 Rei Mekaru was a girl who worked her way to the top, and looked down on you, someone she thought was nothing but useless and spoiled.
This girl was your escape from reality. The daily pressures of work and school, trying to socialize but not having anyone who shares your interests, and parents who only demand more and more. With life’s chains wrapped around your body, straining your every movement, your sole outlet of freedom was this silly otome game.
Funny enough, Rei Mekaru was not a love interest, but the antagonist of the story. In this game you could ramble about for hours, the MC was a student of Hope’s Peak’s 79th class, the Ultimate Baker. It may have been a choose-your-own-path type of game, but when your favorite character wasn’t a love interest, it felt a bit limiting. The love interests consisted of the nine boys in your class: Utsuro Maeda, his twin Yuki Maeda, Tsurugi Kinjo, Kinji Uehara, Yamato Kisaragi, Mitsuhiro Higa, Teruya Otori, Haruhiko Kobashikawa, and Kakeru Yamaguchi with specific events, affection levels, and cgs for each character. 
You had your favorites, but weren’t really interested in any of them. Instead, you’d comb through their routes to explore new dialogue and cgs with Rei Mekaru, who over the course of the game, ignores, humiliates, and tries to best the MC in every way. 
She was just so cute!! Rei may seem cruel, but she has a distorted view of the world, sorting people as competent and incompetent, thanks to her backstory of being abandoned by her parents and studying to keep herself off the streets. It was a shame for it all to be sidelined in favor of the love interests. 
Your eyes drooped, and you began to fall asleep to your favorite game for perhaps the hundredth time. But that was okay, the game’s background music and annoyed sprite of your favorite character was enough to keep you content, even after a rough day of being worked to exhaustion.
You were jolted awake by the sound of a hand pounding on the school desk you had been resting your head on. 
“Incompetent! Wake up! Have you not heard a word I was saying!?”
Rei looked pissed, now straightening her posture and glaring down at you.
“…Oh my god….”
You weren’t in your bedroom anymore. Hell, you weren’t even in your world anymore. You didn’t need to look at the classroom scenery twice to know you were in Hope’s Peak. And you wouldn’t, as the beautiful and familiar girl in front of you captured your complete attention.
Rei Mekaru was here in front of you. This wasn’t a cosplay or just a dream. The girl whose design, backstory, and character you loved so much was standing right in front of you, with her classic annoyed expression and her voice as irritated and angelic as you imagined. 
“…Do I have to repeat myself again?” She sighed, “You-...?”
Were your eyes sparkling? Maybe, you resembled your designable avatar, and was basically an anime character now. Were you shaking? Not a bone in your body could remain still, and you fought the urge to hug her right there. 
“You are amazing…” You breathed. 
“Wh-What..!? D-Don’t speak such nonsense!” Rei looked completely taken aback. 
You still couldn’t believe it. Not only were you in your favorite game, but you could do and say whatever you wanted! You could spend time with Rei! You could get close to her! And maybe even…!
You took a breath. She is a person, not an object. You couldn’t force herself into anything. Plus, this game is supposed to be centered around boys.
But with your knowledge of her future, her past, and her character…
You may be able to forge your own path.
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thesoulsofthedarned · 5 months
TL;Dr : Reverse 1999 is great
So since yesterday I’ve been playing Reverse 1999 because I was interested in the story. Honestly I’d say this game is pretty good overall! The story is cool, the gameplay is fun and interesting, and the characters are really fun, not to mention the character roster has a much more unique and diverse cast than Genshin (sorry Genshin). So for this post, here are some of my highlighted characters:
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Sonetto is pretty sweet, plus she has cool attack animations. She’s also a free five star you get in the main story, which is neat :3
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Normally i dislike Tsundere characters because they can be annoying, but Matilda is an exception. She also has pretty attacks, plus she’s kinda funny so I like her.
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Leilani is currently my favorite, i just love how cute and energetic she is! I’m really glad shes for free, even though she’s a 3 star :,)
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Currently one of the MVP’s of my account. Does decent damage plus provides solid healing, an overall comfy unit for me. It helps that she reminds me of Diluc. I dunno why but characters who represent justice/judgement always appeal to me in video games. Maybe it’s because of their strong presence?
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Mondlicht is another favorite of mine (even though i have trouble pronouncing her name ;-;). I really like how she’s a balance of cute and stoic, it reminds me of Razor (not 100% sure if they’d get along tbh). She also has an axe gun so she’s easily top tier lol.
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Ok so from what I’ve seen on the internet, his name in the English language is spelled “Zima”? I think? Lemme know if I’m wrong. Anyways yeah, I like him a normal amount. He’s just a peaceful, possibly sleep deprived lil guy with an owl, you can’t compete with that! Plus he sounds like he struggles with speaking english, unsure if that was the intent but it’s a very cool detail.
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Sweetheart makes me feel a certain way, plus she’s a really nice Dps. Her design reminds me of Betty Boop a little bit. Her voice is nice too, it really sells the kind of character that she is.
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Pavia’s interesting to be sure. He reminds me of Childe with his murderous tendencies and unmatched charm. For real though, this guy is a borderline psychopath, the voice lines will tell you that much 0-0
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La Source is a decently comfy healer, definitely worthy of the MVP status despite being a 3 star. Plus I love how sassy she is, she can be pretty funny. That being said, she’ll probably be benched as soon as I get my hands on a better healer.
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rendonut · 6 months
opinions on the hashiras?
Kyojuro Rengoku:
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• okay, first of all
• smash
• I am in love with him
• I love how his English dub voice makes him sound like a superhero but he laughs like a Disney villain
• before I watched the show, I was confused about him
• like
• why is this guy so obsessed with saying "umai!" and "tasty!"
• but now I completely understand him
• he is my bae
• he's so hot, no wonder he's the flame hashira
• he's a foodie just like me fr
• I love how the entire Rengoku family has the blonde and red hair because of their ancestors eating a lot of shrimp tempura
• I'm jealous of his metabolism
• he 100% deserved better
Tengen Uzui:
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• okay
• can we appreciate how pretty he looks with his hair down?
• because aaarrrgfhhsaha
• so fine
• to me, he gives off similar vibes to Kyojuro and idk why
• maybe it's because they're both hot idk
• I thought he was kinda odd at first but then I saw how he is with his wives and just
• yk what I mean?
Gyomei Himejima:
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• I feel kinda neutral about him
• we don't see much of him so I haven't formed a proper opinion
• but something about him makes me think he's probably really sweet and wholesome
• he's cool
Sanemi Shinazugawa:
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• he honestly reminds me of Inosuke
• just because of his violent nature
• when he tried to hurt Nezuko, I wanted to jump through the screen to stop him
• I was mad
• but he's not a bad guy
• he's just misunderstood
• he's had a similar experience to Tanjiro in terms of his family
• I felt really bad for him
Obanai Iguro:
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• firstly
• hear me out
• he's kinda cute
• I love his eyes so much
• Kaburamu is a cutie
• as a Slytherin, it just makes sense for me to like snakes
• anyway
• I find it so sweet how he seems so nervous around Mitsuri
• I honestly hate what the snake demon did to him
• cutting up his mouth from ear to ear?
• poor guy is so afraid about what other people will think of his appearance that he hides his mouth in bandages
Giyuu Tomioka:
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• I immediately started simping for him as soon as he first came on screen in season 1
• he's so fine
• kinda grumpy emo boy
• love him tho
• he's bae
• can I just say that his character design is so cool?
• his hair?
• amazing
• his haori?
• fantastic colours
Shinobu Kocho:
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• you're all going to hate me for saying this
• but she kinda annoyed me at first
• but now I love her
• I think her eyes, hair and overall character design are stunning
• just thinking about when Douma started licking her butterfly hairclip in the manga because that was weirdly funny to me
• she's cool
Muichiro Tokito:
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• at first, I thought that he was related to Inosuke
• genuinely
• I think that they really look alike
• anyway
• can I adopt him as my brother?
• I love how he always sounds so calm and monotone
• even when he was roasting Gyokko so hard
• speaking of
• he absolutely soloed Gyokko
• he's 14 and already one of the most powerful hashira (in my opinion)
Mitsuri Kanroji:
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• I saved the best until last
• she's so silly
• I love her sword
• it's metal and yet it acts like a whip
• what kind of sorcery is this?
• once again, I love her character design so much
• similarly to Rengoku, I love how her hair colour was caused by her eating so much sakura mochi
• it's just so funny to me
• overall, I love her
If you read all of this nonsense, thank you.
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yourfriendlyqueerpeer · 10 months
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Spider-Mark: Love Lost
Mark Lee x gn!reader
non-idol au, somewhat inspired by NCIT House
Description: Mark Lee, Y/N's best friend (and crush) and perfect student at NCIT.
Spider-Man, Ncity's most admired hero once strange creatures and mad scientists start making frequent appearances. Living two lives is hard for Mark, but it's about to become harder when things go downhill with Y/N after a creature attacks. Can he save them before it's too late?
wc: 1.6k
***Here's a new update in honor of Mark's birthday, I'm sorry again for how long I was gone and honestly I was going to wait until after Kcon to post but I decided I might as well put a new chapter up now since it's his birthday. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
As night time approached, it was about time for the party to start. The couples had all planned to meet up at the park and go to the party together. Y/N and Mark were the first to arrive, Mark appearing more tired than usual.
"Mark are you sure you're okay? You were acting off this morning and you look like you're about to pass out." Y/N asked.
"I'm fine, really. I just drank too much last night and that's why I look like this. I won't have anything at this party, but I know you want to go so I'm still going with you." Mark smiled at them.
"How cute, Mark being a caring boyfriend!" Johnny's voice suddenly cut in.
"Damn it Johnny! Why are you always coming in to ruin the mood?" Y/N retorted.
"You're the one who decided to be all cutesy in our meeting spot." Johnny responded defensively.
Y/N looked to the girl behind Johnny and said in a joking manner, "You could have done so much better, why him?"
"In that case, Mark could have too." Johnny interjected, defending his dates choice.
"Oh now you've done it!" Y/N raised their hand to slap Johnny when the tall male got the signal and began running away from them.
The two ran in circles around the park, Y/N swatting at Johnny and Johnny avoiding them like his life depended on it. Meanwhile Mark and Kylee watched, amused by the event playing out in front of them.
The vibe dropped though, when the last couple arrived. Jaehyun, while confused, still found the situation funny, but the girl to his side had a look of disgust on her face. Ella could care less for this behavior, she just wanted to hurry and get to that party so she could ditch Jaehyun and go after Ten.
Y/N suddenly realized the two were there, giving Ella an eye roll seeing her expression, and stopped chasing Johnny. "Oh look, everyone’s here! Shall we get going now?"
Johnny stopped running and breathed a sigh of relief before going back to his date, looking a bit flustered that she'd just witnessed that side of him. After that, the three set off.
Once they arrived at Ten's mansion, that honestly nobody knew how he could afford at his age, they waited to be let in by the guard who was hired to make sure only couples came in. The thing about these parties is that they were strictly designated for couples only because Ten was said to have skills that could give couples all the luck in dating they could possibly want if they were willing to pay his price. However many couples visited just in hopes the general aura of the party would help. Even the boy’s psychic friend who was currently overseas, Yuta, confirmed it.
Once everyone was inside, Ella looked around for a moment before spotting Ten and abandoned Jaehyun to make her way over to him. Y/N and Kylee exchanged glances and then Y/N grabbed Mark's hand and dragged him over to Ten.
"Heeeeyyy Ten." Ella said, rather annoyingly.
Ten looked up from a large and somewhat old looking book. "Hello." He smiled. "Have you finally gotten a partner and looking to strengthen your luck?"
"Actually, I'm looking to get lucky with yo-" Ella couldn't finish her sentence due to Y/N coming up and "accidentally" bumping into Ella.
"So you're the infamous Ten everyone talks about!" Y/N exclaimed in an overdramatic tone in attempt to take his attention away from the menace beside them.
Ten looked over and decided the couple with both parties present was more worth his time than the girl who'd abandoned her partner. "Yes I am! I'm guessing you two are a fairly new couple? I haven't seen you around here before."
"Yep. We just started dating about a week ago." Y/N replied.
"Well, normally I don't offer my services to brand new couples because I see a lot of people rush into something and then regret it." Ten started as he looked the two of them up and down. "But I can sense that you two were friends for a long time before finally confessing to each other, so I'll make an exception."
The boy looked back down at his book and flipped through some pages before finding the perfect one. "Here we go!" He turned around to the cabinet behind him and opened it up, rummaging through some stuff before finding what he needed. Once he closed the cabinet and turned back around, he placed two beautifully colored stones on a wood board on the counter. "These stones will protect your love for each other making it so that, no matter the circumstances, you two will never forget about each other. Whenever you see each other's faces, you'll always know that the other is there for you."
"How does it work though?" Mark asked, finally talking for the first time since arriving there.
"It simply emits an aura that combines with your own. The best way however, is to always wear it on you." Ten pulled out a stick of chalk and drew some symbols on the board around the two stones. He put his hands on either side of the board and concentrated for a moment in silence. After that, he pulled out two wires and wrapped them securely around the stones, adding a small ring at the top of the wire. "I'd suggest putting these on those necklaces you two have."
The couple took the stones and each put one on their necklaces. They were small enough that it didn't add much weight.
"So what do we owe you?" Y/N asked.
The annoyed Ella who'd been standing by watching gave Y/N a shove. "Some privacy for us now!"
Y/N glared at the girl and quickly signaled Kylee over to deal with her. Kylee came over and pulled Ella away. Ten noticed the situation and smiled at Y/N. "I'll waive the fee this time."
"Yo what? Really!?" Mark asked shocked.
"You're a friend of Kylee and Kylee's a friend of my love. If you are working together to help keep Ella away from me, and in turn, saving my love the stress of having to come public to keep people away from me, then I owe YOU." Ten responded graciously. Then mumbled under his breath, low enough that no one could hear. "Plus, you'll need it."
About an hour later, Y/N noticed the strange feeling in their body again. They felt it begin around their neck and spreading up towards their head. At this point, they decided it wasn't worth it to stay out anymore. "Mark I think I need to go to bed."
Things became somewhat of a blur for Y/N after that. Next thing they knew they were laying in their own bed and Mark had sent a good night text. Y/N's head started to feel weird and they decided to go outside for some fresh air.
Stumbling out to the small balcony outside of their room, Y/N's body started to feel even more strange. Freaking out, they accidentally bumped into the railing and fell over. Fear kicked in but then a strange sensation overcame them and suddenly Y/N was... flying?
Confused by the sudden change, Y/N somewhat crash landed and then got up to examine what just happened. Black feathers surrounded them and they found that large wings had somehow sprouted from their back.
Y/N tried to process what was happening, but realized too late that their body began moving on its own. Almost like someone else was controlling it. They could see and think, but whatever was in control of everything else wasn't letting go.
Their body took off in the sky and sought out a small restaurant to attack. Bursting through the window set all the guests in a frenzy. Y/N tried to regain control but couldn't. The bird-like body went snapping at various people while Y/N internally panicked.
Meanwhile, Mark awoke with a start. His senses were going wild and he knew something was wrong. He quickly suited up and went out to find what was happening. Once he arrived, he was shocked to see a new bird-human hybrid. He'd thought the last one he dealt with would be the only one.
Wasting no time, the masked man quickly worked to get everyone to safety before going to deal with the creature. The bird being ran out the door and tried to fly off but the hero shot out a web to catch it.
He walked over and once he was close enough, he recognized something, an all too familiar necklace around the neck. He pulled his own necklace out in hopes that the stones would sense each other and do something. Suddenly the body started moving in a strange manner before returning to a normal human form.
Y/N began freaking out once they regained control of their own body again, not knowing what just happened as things began to get blurry for a moment. Then they heard a voice.
"Hey, hey, calm down, you're alright." They looked up to see the masked hero who was kneeling next to them.
"Spider... Man?" Y/N asked weakly, wondering if this time was actually real.
"Yes. I don't know what's happening to you but I'm going to help you, okay?" he replied, helping Y/N up.
After being helped up and having an arm around the man's shoulder to help Y/N keep their balance, they noticed something. "Wait a second... That necklace." Y/N took ahold of the charms. "M.L. x (Y/N's initials)," they looked up at the masked man’s face, well, mask. "Mark?"
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 6 months
My thoughts on Trolls 3 & that Adam Sandler Lizard movie Leo (and also my thoughts on Wish)
So there's a lot to unpack here; let's start with the most basic, Trolls 3! It's adorable, nothing bad to say about it, good movie to watch with your family! For once I don't have a lot to say about a DreamWorks film, other than it was so cute and funny. I still prefer the first two but this was great and I loved the songs. I thought the 2D scene was a little bit weird my uncle thought the same. Didn't care for the villains' design but Velvet and Veneer were funny! I like how they had colorful lipsticks tho haha XD anyway, I recommend Trolls 3, see it in theaters if you still have time.
As for that Adam Sandler Lizard movie, it was great! It's called "Leo" and it's on Netflix. It kind of gets heavy when Leo finds out that he one year left to live and when he talks to the kids, it's amazing. I love how they tried to show different types of kids and different struggles they had. One girl talked to much, the other girl whose parents were going through a divorce, there was also a boy who was insecure about his voice and another one who was insecure about body hair, and I even liked how they didn't make the rich blonde popular girl be mean, they even showed her struggle too! There was also this one boy whose mom didn't allow him to play outside and be a kid and he had this drone follow him around all the time, and she even made him wear a hazmat suit inside his house which to me, was the most depressing. The part with the teacher, was on and off. I hated her for most of the movie but she even had redemption. The teacher at the beginning was really nice but it was the old lady teacher, idk man I didn't like her for most of the movie but at the end she's okay. I still think characters get redemption way too easily sometimes. Just my opinion... btw the humor was really good! It had that 90's Nickelodeon type of humor (like from CatDog or Rocko's modern life or Angry Beavers). Like, there were a few dirty jokes and just a few fourth wall breaks. Also, the movie had a good message. I wasn't expecting it to be a musical but it was. Let's just say that the songs weren't as good as Under the Boardwalk, but they weren't bad songs. Honestly, I even think the songs in Wish were better but Leo is over all a better movie and has a way better message.
About my opinion on Wish now, I don't recommend you watch it in theaters, unless you're a really wealthy person who can afford to see movies all the time. I mean, in my opinion it's a waste of time and money. It's better to watch it in the comfort of your own home on a free website, don't even watch it on Disney plus. There's a few reasons why but here's one of them https://www.instagram.com/reel/ but the other reason is because I don't think Disney deserves to make a lot of money form this. Part of me feels bad because I LOVE the character design, and the diversity. I feel bad for black girls, they can't get at least one modern Disney princess who from a good movie. Tiana's movie is old and she ends up marrying the dumb hunk prince when she just wanted to be a restaurant owner, Ariel is racebent but she's pretty cool even tho there's a war over her being black, and Asha's a sweet character but her movie doesn't make sense. Like, Wish's plot was all over the place; at first you were kind of on the king's side but they did make him out to be evil enough that you were on Asha's side. The hardest thing for me to understand was that at first she wanted the king to grant everyone's Wish because she wanted her grandpa to be happy since he was 100 years old, then she wanted to get her grandpa and mom's wishes back from the king, and then she wanted everyone to be happy but I was so lost... the only time I laughed was that one song and it showed the bear and the deer, and they called the deer "Bambi" as a joke, but really, it looked like Boog and Elliot from the Open Season franchise. The dancing chickens was pretty funny too, it reminded me of the Flip flop and fly scene in Chicken Run. Honestly, Wish isn't the worst Disney movie ever, but it's not that good. If you're planning on seeing it, know what you're in for. The story was incredibly boring as well, and the background characters barely had any personality or lines but were still cute (I like Asha's friends, especially the plus size girl in the red and also the girl with the yellow dress and blue thing in her hair). And like, the best thing about this movie had to be the character designs. Not only did it show race and skin color diversity, but it showed body type diversity as well! Some shows and movies just show skin color diversity and make the plus size characters the joke (like **cough cough** Total Drama show) but this movie actually have TRUE diversity! It's a shame that the story's a disaster because the designs were a 10/10... as for the story, it's a 4.5/10.
We've come to a conclusion. Watch Leo on Netflix and if you don't have Netflix, you can use kisscartoon, actvid, or whatever other free movie website you have. If you want to watch Wish I don't recommend seeing it in theaters but I'm not stopping you. (Please click the link to the video I sent). Also, Wish is better than most of the old Disney movies, don't go comparing it to peter pan or something, we know that movie's outdated and way worse than Wish. If you're a Trolls fan or just have any interest in seeing Trolls 3, GO SEE TROLLS 3 in theaters! I recommend it! And also, if you have any thoughts, whether you agree or not, just let me know. Even if you have different opinions than me, just let me know!
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kitkat-the-muffin · 8 months
OH BOY I need some AIR after playing Cloutchase Vol 2!!!!
Time for the customary screenshot dump! Spoilers under the cut!
But first, some spoiler-free teases to further encourage you to play the game yourself first!
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Aight here we go
Hrrrrrrrrrrrrgh I started with Amino and then had to wash it down with Discord cause oof the cringe flashbacks to middle school
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They really went all out on the accuracy didn't they. It just like me fr (derogatory) (inaccurate)
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We need to talk about this split second of dialogue btw- I caught it just in time oh my god WHAT- they should kiss I think
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I played this with a friend actually and she gave Kik a Beetlejuice voice and it was amazing. My friend did all the voices actually and I did the narration and she was great and accurate it was a real fun experience. I've never even heard of Kik before this but she HAD and knew what to do XD
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THE FREAKIN WARRIOR CATS ROLEPLAY. I know EXACTLY how it feels to be dragged into a WCRP when you've never read the books or know anything about the series, more middle school trauma for you there
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Amino's route was positively perfect I have no notes I am going insane I am going feral I need therapy I need a monkey onesie-
Moving on, Muffy was in Discord's route! That was so neat to see! Also the crypto ending was so funny look at this:
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We also need to talk about Twitter X. Just look at him
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Amazing. Perfection. He is disgusted with us, as he should be
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Ok in regards to actual Discord, I freakin love him. Again, I was playing this game with a friend, and she said his trans experience was so relatable to her. Then I spoke with another friend and he said the same thing. We all agree he's very gender looking, even tho two of us are femme XD
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When we finished the Good Ending my friend said that Discord's feminine persona looked a lot more fake than initially thought now that we knew the truth, and that's honestly great character building. The maze was such an interesting way to get to know Discord better too, even if all the mythology reference were askew lol
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I think both versions of Discord are incredibly cute and adorable but Masc Discord is my favorite cause he just looks so much more comfortable in his own skin if you know what I mean? Or maybe I'm just projecting idk
I've actually hit 12 photos already so idk why Tumblr wont stop me from adding more. Maybe it's different on desktop than mobile idk
Anyway I loved both routes and I wish I could gush about them more but I have a certain social experiment session in an hour (shoutout to the two people who actually read through my experiment tag) so I'll just leave it here
But gosh I loved these two they were amazing I want to play them again aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Calling it now it's Thesaurus.com and Dictionary.com (two of MY ocs that I haven't even DESIGNED yet ffffffffffff now that Webtoon's done I guess that's my next project)
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venbetta · 4 months
I took some time and actually watched Hazbin Hotel... I watched the pilot 6(?) years ago, and seeing the hellfire commentary from Twitter made me reluctant (rightfully so I guess).
But I say it was pretty alright. I feel like I have some complaints. I'm not a diehard fan at all, nor do I see myself in the fan base, but I feel like I can add my own input, I guess. These are my opinions and personal reasons, please be nice.
Spoilers/commentary beneath the cut (16+)
For starters, I think the concept is good, I like some of the designs for the characters, especially since they improved from the pilot.
I think I have at least 3-4 favorite characters, ranking them from my most fave:
Lucifer, Alastor, Vox, and Nifty.
... I didn't like anyone else. I'll probably explain that.
The only reason why I liked these four was mostly cuz they had some funny bits to them. I told my friend that Lucifer reminds me of Hunter from TOH??? And I said "Maybe it's cuz their both blonde and depressed." Lucifer just has that appeal for me. Vox didn't have much screentime, but I like his niche design and voice. Alastor is also cool. Nifty is just a cute gremlin that I fuck with honestly. Good for her. Everyone else I either didn't care much for or straight up didn't like...
Charlie annoyed me a lot, I know she's the MC, but I didn't like her. I get that she's supposed to be good, but her behavior in some scenes bothered me. Like in Ep4, I understand she was coming from a good place, but I couldn't help but feel agitated. I can't explain it. She has a savior complex which is her flaw, and maybe I just don't exactly understand it.
Of course, she's not the worst character (looks at Valentino and Adam), but she could improve. There were a few characters that I feel should've been written better, but the pacing made it hard.
I feel like the pacing was something I didn't like, but I can't blame it since it only has 8 episodes. The writer in me deflated seeing how fast things moved along, but I get why they sped it up towards the end. I wanna ramble about how the show could have gone if it had 24 episodes- but that feels like another post. Also, another thing that irked me were characters word vomiting.
Again if this show had more time to explore each individual character, it wouldn't have happened. I thought ep 4 with Angel Dust pouring his heart had good intentions to tell the audience that he's fucked up, it could've been built up more (if there were more episodes) until he finally blew up, similar with Husk. It's different because it's an animation, but you can still show and not tell visually about someone struggling. That's just me.
The excessive swearing isn't funny, I didn't find myself laughing that much except for Ep 8: Adam telling Lute to chill the fuck out, Alastor's mic breaking, and Lucifer saying "I'm gonna fuck you!" are the only bits I found funny. I've laughed at dumber things (my sense of humor is garbage, I'll laugh at a waffle falling over), but I didn't find most of the jokes funny.
I knew it was a musical, and I love musicals, but there weren't many songs I vibed with. Maybe a few, but not a lot. I'm a music person, and the songs just didn't feel right? Like the lyrics either felt awkward or general direction of the song didn't feel cohesive. I think I only like 4 songs in total.
The VAs were great, I recognized a lot of them, and I enjoyed their performances. They all fit their characters.
The animation was good for what was originally an indie project, and I hope the animators/artists were properly compensated. I know there was a lot of shit going on about Vivi allegedly not paying them but regardless, they did amazing.
I'm gonna be serious and say I feel like I didn't want to give HH a chance because I just didn't exactly care about it. My friends watched it. I saw Twitter's scolding opinions and hottakes on it, and I didn't want to hate watch it. But I was still curious. While I wasn't laughing through most of it, I think it's good. There's a lot that I'm trying not to say or get into because that would derail my commentary and make it about other discussions I'm not fully knowledgeable about...
I sailed the seven seas to watch this show, and I say it was sort of worth it. Again, I'm not a crazy fan, but anyone that likes it, good for you.
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almea · 2 months
No one cares, but I cannot shut up about things I've been thinking about for Star Rail for months.
I think it's so funny that the idea of travelling through space on a train should be a little silly, but I just. Immediately bought into the idea of it being the most romantic thing ever. That loading screen of the Astral Express against a starry sky with that magical music playing really did a lot of heavy lifting lmao.
I'm so fascinated by the flashes of the future Stelle gets. Is it related to the Stellaron? Is it related to her artificial body? Is it related to the Aeon that blessed her? I just don't know and I am waiting for the day they get into it.
I really love Stelle's design. Her being the tallest female character is one of my favourite things. I assume it's because it makes things easier for cutscenes if she's not significantly shorter than Caelus (honestly they should have just made them the same height, even if it's just "the same height if we include Stelle's heels", and I could have been even happier) but god it's so cute and funny that the female characters who have so much more tall energy than her, like Kafka, Himeko and Acheron, are all shorter than her. Her hair being so fluffy and looking a little messy makes her look SO cute. I really love the art for her fourth Eidolon because her hair looks extra fluffy in it.
AND GOD HER VOICE. It's a tragedy that Stelle doesn't speak more because I love her voice so much. The fact that it's that low… I loved… Stelle getting possessed in 1.5's Trailblaze Continuance just to get to hear her voice… I know there's some speculation about whether or not the receptacle that wasn't chosen is going to be a character further down the line, and if it happens I'm going to be so sad because the people who didn't choose Stelle would probably get to hear her voice more than I do lmao.
I kind of wish we didn't get to name the Trailblazers because when Aventurine calls her "Miss Stellaron" in 2.0, for a brief second I lived in a world where the voice lines could call Stelle by her name instead of "you" or whatever other placeholder they used and it was so good. Ever since I played Three Houses, I've gone more and more in the direction of "the more voice acting there is in a game and the less you can customize the main character, the more pointless it is to let you name them."
There is nothing I love more than characters appearing in another character's splash art. Silver Wolf and Blade being in Kafka's splash art fucking took me out. There is genuinely nothing that can convince me that they're not Important to her. It's a tragedy that Sam isn't also on it too. I gasped out loud the first time I used Preservation Stelle's ultimate and saw Bronya, Seele, Serval, and Gepard in the splash art. It's SO cute, I'm going to be so sad if they don't do the same thing for all the other paths too. The Astral Express being in Destruction Stelle's splash art is a similar situation because it's where her journey started and to me it represents her bond with the rest of the crew. Baby Tingyun on Yukong's. The much more subtle case of Lynx having a picture of her with her siblings in her tent.
I just really love the platonic and familial relationships in this game. The Astral Express crew and the Stellaron Hunters both have me in a choke hold. Looking at each group on its own is already A Lot (Listen, I almost cried when I heard Himeko's voice line about how she asked Dan Heng to be the Express's guard because she felt he wouldn't have stayed if he was gonna be a freeloader), but comparing both groups and seeing how they contrast but they ultimately have their own bonds with each other... And Stelle travelled with both of them at one point.
The fact that the whole Astral Express crew has those express pass pins is such an amazing detail. I almost cried when I realized they're all matching!!!! I wish they had made a separate model for Stelle and Caelus where they don't have their pin yet and then had a scene of them being given the pin after they joined... It could have been so cute...
I read through Kafka's companion mission again the other day and oh my god, I can't believe I forgot that she plays the truth and lies game with Silver Wolf all the time. I need to go lie down on the ground over these two constantly playing a game that kind of inevitably leads to getting to know each other better.
I also love her mentioning that if she and Blade had been thrown into prison, Sam and Silver Wolf would have broken them out. Please, I'm in shambles. Yes, they would have broken them out just because they needed to, but also. I really do believe there's this deep trust they all have for each other. If I think about it, I don't know if I would say the Stellaron Hunters love each other, I certainly don't think any of them would say it except maybe Kafka in a teasing way, but I do think they all care about each other in their own way.
There is Something that really gets me about the fact that all the Stellaron Hunters, including presumably Elio, went to go pick up Silver Wolf from Punklorde. Like, Kafka and Sam both going to get Blade makes sense logistically because they needed Sam to restrain him and Kafka to calm him down, but Silver Wolf? Who Kafka specifically said wasn't chosen for being good at fieldwork? Why did they all go to get her? I don't know, it just makes me really emotional for some reason.
The Landaus have such a fun dynamic between the three of them. It's so cute how Serval and Gepard both worry about Lynx, Gepard more so than Serval, and it annoys her but she also loves them both. For most of Serval's companion mission I was just like "🥺 Gepard just doesn't want his big sister to leave." The light cone???? Of Serval and Gepard when they were kids??? Serval defending her brother because she knew he didn't do anything wrong???? Also, something about how it's a Preservation light cone, but Gepard, the Preservation character, is the one being defended. Gepard's idle animation where he's humming Serval's song????
The inherent tragedy of Jing Yuan's relationship with Yanqing because he's raising him to be strong enough to kill him one day…
Dan Heng's interactions with Bailu in his companion mission were sooooo good and I hope they expand on it more in the future. It was really sweet that Dan Heng was so concerned about Bailu and now he has a new little sister. I love that they have this bond with each other because they're the only ones who can even remotely understand the weight of the expectations everyone puts on them because of Dan Feng. The CG in that companion mission was Everything to me. Dan Heng's speculation that he inherited Dan Feng's destructive powers and Bailu inherited his healing powers is so interesting if it's true. When I read Bailu's character stories and it said they were waiting until her coming of age ceremony before giving her the title of Imbibitor Lunae, it really hit me like a truck. I'm so curious about whether years down the line, as the story on the Xianzhou continues, we'll eventually get a Bailu Inhibitor Lunae. I just think it would be so cute if Bailu and Dan Heng had units with matching titles…
I had zero thoughts about Sunday, good or bad, besides being like "excuse me?" about the shit he said at the end of 2.0, but they showed the light cone with baby Sunday and Robin in the 2.1 stream and I was just like, oh noooooo, it's so cute, he loves his little sister so much.
I'm obsessed with the "Elio is the cat" theory. Is the leader of the Stellaron Hunters being a cat absolutely ridiculous? Yes, but I love the idea of the leader of this group of space criminals being a cute black cat too much. Even if the cat (tragically) isn't Elio, I still think it's like, connected to him or meant to represent him whenever it shows up. Release more light cones so Silver Wolf and Blade also have art with the cat.
I love the text message system so much. It's such a fun way to give characters some extra characterization and make them feel more alive. The peak example of that will always be the fact that Blade's text messages are all sent by the other Stellaron Hunters. Blade not sending messages would have already been like. Yes, this lines up with his character, but the fact that not only does he not send messages, but literally everyone except Elio (and honestly if every character had four daily messages instead of three I would bet Elio would have sent one too) uses his phone to send messages gives a little extra insight into the dynamics between the Stellaron Hunters.
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e-vay · 10 months
Evay QA Bulk Post 1
I’m working through my inbox but don’t want to drown y’all’s feed in my asks so I’m grouping as many together as I can. Q&A below:
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Thank you so very much! I was trying to really combine both Amy and Sonic’s aesthetics. Amy is classy and design oriented so I wanted to keep that feel, but I wanted to show how their home would evolve once she and Sonic start living together. Sonic’s never canonically had a house, but he travels so much that I headcanon that he’s constantly collecting trinkets and souvenirs from all the places he’s visited. So I wanted to give them a very “worldly” design style. If you’re familiar with Uncharted 4, I picture Sonic and Amy’s house being very much like Nate and Elena’s beach house.
I love interior design and architecture but I’m not great at drawing it (yet). Once I improve I want to do a full layout of their house for my stories (and the future Shadora Fortress).
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I really enjoyed the movies and I’m excited for the third! I hope they give Shadow a voice that’s deep and delicious and doesn’t sound like a sniveling villain. I don’t like it when they cast him with a very generic evil voice, I prefer it when he’s got depth. Honestly I’d be happy if they stuck with Ian Hanlin, he’s perfect to me. 
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For the record, I absolutely love that game. Some of my favorite memories involve me and my best friend playing it. He ABSOLUTELY is an avid gun collector. I love seeing the memes of Shadow just rambling off about gun details. BUT HE KEEPS THAT CRAP LOCKED UP IN A SAFE AND UNLOADED AT ALL TIMES!!!!
At least for my stories he isn’t one to actually threaten to harm anybody for wanting to date his kids. He dealt with that enough trying to be with Aurora. But you can bet he won’t think anybody’s worthy to date his kids lol
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First of all, I am ALWAYS down for Sonic singing his feelings. Like that is my #1 favorite thing in every story. Whenever he breaks out the guitar/lute I’m like “HELL YEAH LET’S DO THIS”
Secondly, that SONG omg!!! I’d never heard it before but wow 😭 I couldn’t love it more. I completely agree and thank you so much for sharing with me!
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That is so funny that you say that. It was not my intention to make human Sonic look like RCS but honestly he is my favorite Sonic at this point so maybe it came out subliminally! Also I think Roger is just so damn handsome so I will take that as a compliment lol! 
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I do ship them but I don’t know about them having kids. I don’t really know those characters well enough to write family members for them and I wouldn’t want to do it wrong. Thank you!
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I’m fine with any of your ships as long as it’s not with relatives. And as long as you keep my characters “in character” then that’s fine. 
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Interesting! 🤔 I haven’t heard that pairing before but hey I’m certainly not going to tell you that you can’t ship them together. 
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I loved Amy the minute I saw her so just from a superficial level I was like “These two are too cute together!” But I really fell in love with them when their story evolved and we got to see their dynamism in the games outside of just a cute little pink sprite in Sonic CD. And Sonic X really sealed the deal haha So many romantic moments between them in that show, God bless. 
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Sonic and Amy were just making out, not anything more. Orbot and Cubot aren’t accustomed to seeing that so that’s why they reacted that way. 
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I don’t have any plans on that at the moment. I like that universe and I especially loved how Sonic acted around her in it, but idk if I’ll make a comic about it. But I can never say never!
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I’m sorry to have worried you, but honestly I was okay while I was away. I went through a lot of major life events and I had lost my drawing mojo and was fighting to get it back. But now it’s back with a vengeance!
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I plan on doing both. I know several amazing parents who do a wonderful job raising their kids and still follow their passion.
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Thank you so much! I’m self-taught, but I’ve researched a lot of tutorials and references to help me improve over my life. The number one thing people need to study if they want to do comics or animations or anything is ANATOMY! You don’t have to take an anatomy class (I didn’t), but look up references and tutorials to learn how the spine works, how the muscles work, proportions, etc. Even if your characters don’t fall into the typical human form, you still need to understand skeletal structure and muscles. 
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I’m not an avid listener but I do like some if her songs :)
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I’m in the process of assembling that. There’s a lot so it’s taking time lol 
Yes I’m going to continue HHNF
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Thank you! Yes that’s pretty accurate. Their family is all about honesty and telling the truth, but younger Aurora doesn’t like to share all the details with Sonic because he’s so reactive with her and will quickly try to fix whatever the problem is and Aurora wants to learn to fix it herself. Amy is more willing to just listen to Aurora and offer advice if Aurora asks for it. Amy WANTS to beat up whoever is upsetting her daughter but she also knows the importance of learning how to fight for yourself so she wants Aurora to feel empowered to do that. 
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Thank you! I hope you’re having a great day too! I think Amy is better at TALKING through feelings and Sonic’s better at the overall cheering up way of handling things. So as long as there’s nothing terribly awful bothering Aurora and she’s just feeling a little down, he’ll find ways to make her laugh. Sometimes that means walking in unexpectedly in a costume to shock her or dragging her out of the room to have a musical jam session together. 
Sonic’s also known to give people flowers when they’re sad in canon (he does this regularly in the games and in Sonic X), so he’ll bring her bright, colorful flowers to make her smile. 
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In my AU, Eggman has already kind of peaked by the time of Boom!Baby. He’s softened a lot and isn’t interested so much in world domination as he just wants attention lol. Having Sage and becoming a father further helped me justify that with my AU. 
He's also particularly sentimental towards Aurora since he helped deliver her, so he doesn’t really fight the team anymore. He is more like a constant pain in their sides mucking things up. 
Sonic team is busy fighting other, newer foes in my AU.
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Their biggest challenge is going to be the Time Travel comic that I haven’t completed yet. It’s hardest because not only will lives be put on the line, but it also touches on trust and when to let go. I’m sorry I can’t give you a more detailed answer yet but I don’t want to spoil the plot! And thank you so much! 
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Yes I just need to draw them. There are so many dang Sonic characters hahaha
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It’s VERY important to Aurora for her parents to give their blessing, so Shadow will honor that and ask them for it. I already know how and when he’s going to do it, but I can’t spoil it for you yet! 😉
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They’ve had three litters. I headcanon that back in the day hedgehogs used to have litters (2 or more kids) all the time but that became less and less common in modern day. But I also headcanon that as the Ultimate Lifeform, Shadow was engineered to be able to… multiply effectively. So even though they’ve only been pregnant 3 times, they keep having triplets or twins. 
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I do consider the First Kiss comic canon to my AU. But it happened a while before My Gal, maybe like a year or so before. Give them time to stew on that kiss hehehe
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They just wanted to make a life change. The stars just happened to align at the same time haha
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All the kids’ names are supposed to be based on their personalities or powers. Most Sonic characters are named that way, so I don’t know if it’s canon for Mobian parents to sense what their kid’s powers will be or not. Aurora has dreams that sometimes give her premonitions so she had inklings to what their kids might be like so she and Shadow could brainstorm ideas based on that. Also a lot of their names are outer-space-related or at least outer-space-adjacent and that was because Shadow’s a space man lol So he had influence in that. 
Sonic wants all his descendants named Sonic II so he’s no help lol. 
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Thanks, I’m happy you like it! 
There are 3 litters. The first litter has the triplets Piper, Zane and Nova. The second litter was born almost a year and a half later and has the twins Aster and Blitz. The third litter was immediately after and that has the triplets Cinder, Diamond and Boon. All this information is listed in their character reference post. 
In the beginning the family mostly just stuck to ordering online and getting home deliveries lol. But if they do have to do a grocery store run it’s a full family event. The kids all ride on Shadow (see this post). Their house has two fridges to accommodate for all the mouths to feed!
Their life certainly isn’t boring anymore 😂 It’s exhausting but they’re happy (also there are 8 kids haha!)
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Thank you so much, it’s good to be back!
Aurora definitely would have asked him about this, but at least in my stories Sonic became an orphan at a young age and I don’t have him with any siblings. 
I’ve had another person ask me who I picture Sonic’s parents as and I do plan on drawing a reference of them, but they’ll be unique to my stories. They won’t be from any other Sonic media. 
I don’t draw Aleena, Manic and Sonia because of a couple reasons. I never watched Sonic Underground so I don’t have the allegiance/nostalgia that a lot of people have to that show. Also for my own preference, I don’t like the idea of Sonic being born to royalty. It doesn’t suit him, in my opinion. That doesn’t mean I don’t respect people who have that as a part of their canon and it doesn’t mean I have any bad feelings towards the Underground characters. I just don’t draw them. I grew up on the games and later Sonic X and Sonic Boom so my stories revolve around what I know. 
It’s funny that you mention that ship because I only just learned about it from Starrjoy’s P!AU comic. Again I didn’t watch Sonic Underground so I don’t know who Bernadette is, but sure I’m down for Sonic having two moms. Families come in all shapes and sizes, so as long as they’re a loving parent or parents then I support it. 
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They love all their grandkids and they love spending time with them, but I think in their older age Sonic and Amy go off on more adventures again. They never stopped adventuring, but they settled down a bit while raising Aurora. Now they’re relishing a second wind and they’re frequently going on worldly explorations.  
But they always make sure to attend any events the kids are involved with and are always home on Sundays for family dinner. Sunday night is dinner at Grandma and Grandpa’s! <— I have them always having dinner at their house on Sundays even before Aurora and Shadow have kids
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To be honest, I never felt like they needed more. I had a comic where they discussed it hypothetically, but they’re content with just having the one kid. (Don’t worry, just because they’re not having kids does NOT mean they aren’t… active 😈 They’re very VERY much so!). I am okay with fan stories where people give Aurora siblings and there’s a fic I’m reading right now that involves Sonic and Amy having a whoopsie baby way late in life and adult Aurora is having to deal with that and I love it lol. But just for my own writing, it’s a single-child household. 
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cyncerity · 4 months
Okay, okay- random question, but. What are some theories you have expected for season 2 of Hazbin Hotel?
ok ok so first thank you for asking a furlong my hazbin hyperfixation
second: i don’t know if i have any real theories?? I was kinda on a roll with them in S1, i’ve whole heartedly believed Vaggie was an angel since the pilot and when my friend and I sat down to watch the last two episodes i told her “if anyone is gonna die it’ll be Sir Pentious cause he’s kinda completed his arc (destroying the hotel -> protecting it) plus if they kill him they don’t have to get rid of a voice actor cause Alex Brightman also voices Adam.”
At first I and my friend were very upset that I was right, but then they killed Adam and I didn’t believe it. Like, c’mon, Vivzie is obviously friends with Alex enough to have him in both of her Hellaverse shows and to follow all of his broadway shows on Insta (found that out while looking for the character’s insta handles). But then they redeemed Sir Pentious (whoever first called him “Repentious” i love you) and i was like “oh yeah ok that makes sense.” I was also banking on Angel getting redeemed, but it makes sense for that to happen way later given that he’s a more prominent character.
Anyway S2 predictions:
Firstly, i think Pentious is gone have a bigger role. I personally base a lot of my headcanons on irl things, and Vivzie loves Alex too much to let him sit on the sidelines. I mean, cmon, Pentious, Adam, and Fizzarolli combined sing (or at least sing in) 8 songs. The only character that compares to that is Charlie, who also has 8, but she’s the main character. Fizz sings more than anyone else in Helluva (he’s 5 of those 8 songs) and he’s definitely not a main character. So yeah, more Pentious. And i honestly want that so much cause his thing with Cherri was cute for the two episodes it existed and i love naga designs and autism coded characters so he’s always been one of my faves.
As for Cherri, she’s probably my second fav from the pilot, so seeing her sing with everyone else at the finale was awesome. I want to see more of her so bad and i love her Aussie accent a lot. Unfortunately, i predict that she’s not going to care that much over Pentious. Maybe Pentious is gonna be freaking out in heaven over her, but besides her one “that’s hot” line, she definitely could tell he liked her but never cared. i don’t think we’ll get much of her in hell going “oh i miss Pentious so much i should’ve given him a chance.” That ship was written purely so they could have that kissing with the explosion in the background shot and you know what? I’m ok with that, it was cute and funny, it gave us a great shot, and that’s all it needed to be.
Also it gave me one of my fav moments in the finale that no one else seems to care about, which is Angel seeing how pathetic Pentious is and trying to wingman for him. Honestly to me it never really felt like Pentious made super great friends with anyone at the hotel. I get that they didn’t need to all be super close, the fact that they were all just speaking without animosity to him was enough given that he never had friends, but seeing that group pick with him on Angel’s door just didn’t do anything. I just figured they decided to imply that Angel and Pentious were friends off screen, and i was kinda just like “ok that sucks but whatever.” Then there was the “two dicks” scene and anything I doubted about their friendship went out the window. Cause yeah, Angel isn’t a super flashy “let’s hang out and talk a bunch and blah blah blah” kinda friend, he shows his friendship by having someone else’s back. He shows his friendship through actions; staying at the hotel when Vaggie says they should leave, fighting with Husk outside the bar and with Cherri in the pilot, playing along in Charlie’s drug skit with Pentious (Charlie was fucked for that, by the way), keeping Nifty safe from Valentino. Angel shows, he doesn’t tell. The fact that he went up to his bestie and, without Pentious asking him to or even knowing he was doing it, starting trying to convince her to give it a shot. Angel knows Cherri better than Pentious does, he knows what to say to get her interested. This is one of the outright nicest things Angel does for anyone in the series, and it made me believe in his and Pentious’s friendship instantly.
Anyway, sorry for that rant, i just love that scene a lot. Now, next prediction: the V’s are the next big bads. Or at least, the co-big bads. I think near the beginning of the season, they’ll be the no. 1 issue and by the end the show will have forgotten them again in favor of Lute and whatever’s going on with Lilith. Idk if Lilith will be a bad guy, i don’t wanna place bets on that yet (I really hope she isn’t tho, it’d be so cliche and we already have enough bad guys). Unless the shows pacing is as bad as it was this season, then the V’s will be important for like 1 or 2 episodes then disappear. Idk if they’ll cover Alastor’s deal here more, and how it probably almost definitely connects to Lilith, but there’s already 100 people posting in depth theories on them and i don’t really care so it’s not my place. I’m here for the Aroace rep and to watch Alastor be silly.
Another! this isn’t really a prediction, just something i want to happen but logically i know it won’t: I want Sir Pentious and Molly to meet, if only for a second. Even if it’s just a gag of Pentious seeing her and pausing for a few moments as to why she looks so familiar, I want someone to acknowledge Molly being in heaven. Even better, have Emily notice Molly. Have Emily notice that one of Heaven’s denizens looks like the demon she saw on trial, leading Emily to question Molly leading to the reveal that they’re twins, and Molly explaining that Angel, or Anthony, doesn’t deserve hell and is a good person. I need this.
Lastly, i want more Rosie (she won me over with the “Ace in the Hole” joke immediately), and Lucifer, but maybe Arackness (Angel’s brother, i can’t spell) and definitely Baxter. We saw them for like one shot in the finale, so Viv hasn’t forgotten about them. We know Viv had plans for Baxter at least and I love his design, I want more of him. With Pentious out of hell, we need a new deranged scientist. Maybe he can also be voiced by Alex Brightman.
anyway that’s about it, i have a lot of thoughts about this show and only a few theories, so thank you for reading!!
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themattress · 11 months
Character Perception Evolution
Sometimes, believe it or not, I change my views on fictional characters.
This post will be updated with any example of such characters I can think of.
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) - While most people cite her being considered an annoying, pointless, and all-around hated kid sidekick character and evolving into one of the most beloved characters in the franchise, I actually have a different take. I never minded Ahsoka when she debuted in 2008. I thought she was largely inoffensive and was happy to see another lead female character in the series given how little of them we had. And yes, she only got better and better as she grew, and totally deserved her popularity. But something’s been wrong with her ever since her time travel-based survival of her big duel with Darth Vader, accelerating with her depiction by Rosario Dawson (complete with some awkward as Hell interactions with Luke Skywalker) and Dave Filoni’s dumbfounding remark that Ahsoka’s voice being with the voices of other dead Jedi in The Rise of Skywalker doesn’t necessarily mean she’s dead. It feels like she’s become a Creator’s Pet, a character that Filoni refuses to let go of past her natural expiration date. That’s why the primary excitement I have for the upcoming Ahsoka series is for Thrawn, not for her. She just isn’t that interesting anymore.
Amarant Coral (Final Fantasy IX) - I disliked Amarant back when I first played Final Fantasy IX, seeing him as this generic badass loner edgelord character who didn’t have very well-written character development. However, a few years back I replayed the game. And while his character development remains as shoddy as I remember (I feel like the developers just ran out of time and both he and Freya suffered as a result), I found myself greatly enjoying Amarant because I now could see that he’s pretty clearly a knowing parody of a generic badass loner edgelord character! The game knows he’s a jerkish stick-in-the-mud for no good reason and has fun with it, with Amarant’s snarky comments and frustration at having to be dragged all over creation by Zidane and his merry band of idealists making him hilarious.
Cain Madhouse (To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts) - Refer to this post. I first encountered Cain through the anime, where I thought he was a cool villain but not much else than that. He seemed to be there purely for the sake of providing the series with a central antagonist. Then I read the manga, and was honestly taken aback at just how interesting, complex and even sympathetic Cain was as a character. He isn’t even the true villain of the story, a role actually shared by his abusive father and the evil religious nutcase he’s in cahoots with. While he’s certainly far from a blameless martyr, Cain truly is doing what he believes to be for the best, and in his own twisted way still loves the people in his life that he cares for and genuinely wishes to do right by them. And all this nuance despite being named “Cain Madhouse!”
Charmcaster (Ben 10) - Here I’m talking about one version of the character in particular: the one from Ben 10: Omniverse. Back in 2014 when she was fresh, I greatly enjoyed this take on Charmcaster. She was really funny and cute, her magic was badass, her design was wonderful, her voice-acting was entertaining, and in general she was a major step-up from the version we’d gotten in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien. Unfortunately, time has not been kind to her. I don’t hate her, but I can’t fully enjoy her when so many of those AF/UA aspects are still in play with her, which makes her and her trajectory somewhat nonsensical, not to mention tasteless and ultimately kind of pointless. That was OV’s whole problem, I suppose: trying desperately to reconcile the original Ben 10 with the retcon-ridden AF/UA and largely failing. It doesn’t help that the next incarnation of Charmcaster in the rebooted continuity is so much better, as are similar characters in other shows such as Lena from the new DuckTales.
Dawn (Pokémon) - In the Diamond & Pearl anime, I didn’t care for Dawn for a good while, partly because doing a rehash of May immediately after May had left was insulting especially when I loved May so much and partly because there were other issues with her character’s utilization that irked me. However, after her subsequent, much-improved appearances in Best Wishes and Journeys, I looked back at her in her anime series of origin and realized that it really wasn’t Dawn that was ever the problem - it was Ash and Brock! It’s a franchise-wide trend: whenever Dawn is paired up with literally anyone else, she shines. Even the rehashing of May and personal gripes I have don’t matter much because she’s so likable. But when with Ash and Brock as their traveling companion, she by and large becomes the most generic goodie-goodie shojou girl possible. Just detach her from them and she’s a solid character.
Eraqus (Kingdom Hearts) - That great character design and Mark Hamill’s impeccable voice-acting made me think he was sympathetic when I originally played Birth by Sleep. Overtime, that impression faded. Yes, I agree with him that darkness is a problem and vigilance against it is needed; even if he was supposed to be wrong about that, he isn’t. The problem is that he goes about that in the dumbest, most counter-productive way possible. Terra would literally not have a darkness problem if not for Eraqus’ dumbass teaching methods. Worse still, everything that goes wrong in the story could have been avoided if he was just honest with his pupils about everything, including the fact that Xehanort might not be on the up and up given his obsession with potentially causing an apocalypse, an obsession he literally scarred Eraqus over. And maybe he shouldn’t have jumped immediately to murder as the solution to Ventus’ awareness of his own special existence posing a danger to the universe. If that wasn’t enough, we later learn he openly cheats at chess and just expects everyone to take it. 
Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia) - I used to hate this character; he was obnoxious and unlikable, yet the narrative and other characters never reacted to him the way they should and bended over backward to accommodate him. However, nowadays I don’t hate him so much as I feel sorry for him, on a meta level. Bakugo could have been a superb character with a great redemption arc, the pieces are all there.  But for some reason or other, Horikoshi instead decided to keep him the angry, violent, petty, egotistical asshole he’s always been, and justifies doing so while also playing at redeeming him by treating his super-dickery as comedic. I’m sorry, but that doesn’t work when it didn’t start out as comedic and had terrible effects on people like Izuku. Bakugo’s only been funny when he’s the butt of the joke, not when others still have to suffer from his rage-outs. It’s sad that Bakugo can’t live up to his potential, especially when others in the series like Endeavor (who’s a far worse person) do.
Kevin 11 (Ben 10) - I loved Kevin as a villain in the original Ben 10, hated his sudden change in character complete with a quickie redemption and out of nowhere romance with Gwen in Alien Force but was willing to tolerate him and wait to see where they’d go with him because he was admittedly pretty funny, loathed what ended up happening with him in Ultimate Alien which turned me off him altogether, and in Omniverse...ditto what I said about Charmcaster. But then there’s the continuity reboot version, and because of it I now have to admit that while I’ll always hold a soft spot for him, the original Kevin doesn’t hold up too well either. He’s a pre-pubescent kid named Kevin 11, yet he’s a purely evil psychopath and his villainous appearance is that of a grotesque mutant chimera? Yeeeah, I think the school bully with a troubled home life who has his own evil version of Ben’s Omnitrix and its aliens makes a lot more sense. Him not changing his ways so easily, staying Ben’s rival no matter how much they might team up, and having feelings for Gwen that are comedically one-sided also helps.
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) - Back in the day, Fruits Basket to me was just the 2001 anime series, and I honestly found Kyo pretty annoying. His hair-trigger temper and violent inclinations were a turn-off, as was his dub voice and that whole concluding arc with his true form. Then I read the manga and saw the faithful 2019 adaptation, complete with an incredibly improved performance by Jerry Jewell, and now I absolutely love the guy! No joke, he’s easily one of the best, most interesting and likable male leads in a shojou, as is Yuki.
Lysandre and Diantha (Pokémon) - Just see this post for details.
Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Man) - I’m talking specifically about the version portrayed by Kirsten Dunst in the Sam Raimi trilogy. She came off as a generic superhero girlfriend in the first movie to me, a hodgepodge of several characters from the comics instead of a proper adaptation of Mary Jane. It got worse in the second movie, where she played the annoying obstructive love interest trope. But despite the stupidity of having her be kidnapped in the climax again, I found myself really enjoying her in the third movie. This made me pay closer attention to her in the first movie, and to check out all her deleted material (much of which was included in the novelization) in the second movie. Not only did I find her to be a strong, truly human-feeling character, but she was more faithful to the comics’ Mary Jane in several key areas than many give her credit for, and Kirsten Dunst always gave a great performance.
Prince Demande and the Black Moon Clan (Sailor Moon) - I recall liking these villains fine as a kid, but feeling like they weren’t as good as the Dark Kingdom. While the Dark Kingdom is still my personal favorite group of villains, I now have to concede that the Black Moon Clan in both the manga and anime are superior. They’ve got the more complex set-up, feel darker and more dangerous, and have by far the best of Chaos’ incarnations in the Death Phantom. Meanwhile, I recall feeling some sympathy for Demande when I was young; his situation wasn’t an easy one after all, and he did love his brother very much, not to mention in the anime he gave his life for Usagi. Then I grew up and learned what rape was. Fuck this guy. Even if I love him as a villain, he’s a horrible person and no sacrificial death can change that.
Regina Mills (Once Upon a Time) - My stance for a long time has been that Regina was an overall good character in the first three seasons but then totally fell apart from some truly appalling creator favoritism. Having revisited the show recently, I don’t entirely revoke this stance, but it’s more complicated than I thought. When you get down to it, Regina only ever worked properly in Season 1, where she was a humanized yet still proudly evil antagonist. Season 2 not only dropped the ball in terms of consequences for her, but it fast-tracked her down the redemption path in a way that was ham-fisted and not believable. Season 3 handled her on the heroes’ side much better, but it’s nigh impossible to reconcile with the backslide she went through in the second half of Season 2, where she is depicted as this absolute psychopath delusional beyond the point of recovery, but Adam and Eddy genuinely don’t view her that way and weren’t meaning to make her come off that way - in their eyes, her grievances are all legitimate. And that’s really what I have a hard time ever getting around: the notion that the villainous Regina I loved in Season 1 was never the real Regina, just a stand-in until A&E had free reign to finally give us their Regina and re-orient the story to being “how the poor sad Evil Queen got her happy ending” like they originally envisioned. 
Roxas (Kingdom Hearts) - So TV Tropes has Roxas for this trope, saying he was divisive due to the KH2 prologue he starred in, but stuff like his FM boss battle, his presence in Coded, and especially 358/2 Days increased his popularity, to the point where KH3 resurrected him to give him a happy ending. I’m....kind of the exact opposite.  Honestly, I’ve always liked KH2′s prologue, warts and all, and while at first it was disappointing Roxas wasn’t a huge presence in KH2 given all the hype he was given, as time went on the more I appreciated his story and what was being said with it. It was genuinely complex and thought-provoking. I do not like the black-coated Organization XIII member Roxas that got shoved down our throats afterward, I tend to care about him the least out of 358/2 Days’ cast when playing that game, and I hate how such a nuanced story as what we had in KH2 gets undone, in a nonsensical way, solely for the sake of cheap fanservice (ditto for Xion’s case). Yeah, the FM boss battle is awesome, but for me mainly so because I get to kick that stupid black-coated Roxas’ ass!
Rumpelstiltskin (Once Upon a Time) - Another case of a character that’s listed on TV Tropes, saying that his popularity waned because of him constantly going through the Heel Face Revolving Door, which especially damaged his relationship with Belle. For me, that in of itself wasn’t the problem. He’s the freaking Dark One, practically the show’s main villain! Of course it’s going to be hard for him to ever reform. What soured me on him for a long time was the narrative’s framing of him and other characters’ reactions to him, which were increasingly insufficient for what an utter bastard he truly was. Going back over the show, I’ve somewhat softened on him again since he himself was a mostly well-written, well-acted and consistent character across 5 whole seasons, and I don’t feel like taking mistakes from the narrative and other characters out on him; it’s not like he asked for any of that. It’s just in Seasons 6 and 7 where I feel he was out-of-character on the whole, to two opposite, incompatible extremes.
Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - When I first began watching the anime, I thought Kaiba was a cool and sympathetic rival character. As it went on, though, I got sick of him being such a one-man Spotlight Stealing Squad and how hard the makers of the anime were actively trying to make him look cool. It didn’t help when I read the manga and saw this wasn’t the case for him here; he wasn’t even the deuteragonist the way the anime positions him, Joey was. But enjoying him in The Abridged Series made me revisit the actual show, and I actually realized that while those issues I had are technically still there, the 4Kids English dub has always done its best to mitigate them with Eric Stuart’s voicework and lines, which actually keeps him far more in line with his original manga self, who isn’t an overtly sympathetic, honorable and “cool” rival but a crazy, extravagant jerkass. And I love him that way. Screw the rules, he has money!
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Shadow was awesome in Sonic Adventure 2, I was definitely a fan of him there. But then his popularity caused him to be immediately resurrected, to diminishing returns, which made me sour on the character and consider him emblematic of the Sonic franchise’s problems. I wished he had just stayed a one-shot. However, recent things such as the Sonic Boom TV series, the Sonic Prime TV series, the Sonic Forces DLC, The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog and the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie have all made me re-evaluate Shadow. Now I think he’s not bad as a series mainstay, just subject to being mis-used...but hey, so is every other character, so it’s not an issue unique to him. Used well, he’s honesty one of the franchise’s best characters.
Slade Wilson (Teen Titans) - I used to truly buy into the notion of him as a badass Anti-Hero / Anti-Villain like many people did, but after reading his original stories up through “The Judas Contract” and especially Christopher Priest’s run on the Deathstroke comic series, I no longer hold that view of him. Slade’s a badass combatant, sure, and as a threatening villain you definitely have to appreciate him. But as a person, he is not a badass. At all. He’s a pitiful, prideful, predatory scumbag. He’s “badass” and “honorable” in the exact same way that Walter White is: it’s all a big smokescreen to compensate for what a small, lowly, wretched excuse for a human being he is. Great character, great villain, absolutely intolerable person.
Supreme Leader Snoke (Star Wars) - When The Force Awakens came out, I didn’t like Snoke at all. He was the cheapest of retreads (an old, decrepit Dark Side user who rules the Empire and corrupts a Skywalker into becoming his evil apprentice), the cheapest of plot contrivances (the remnants of the Empire can only become a powerful threat and the victory from Return of the Jedi undone due to this fucker from out of nowhere), and the cheapest of Mystery Boxes (who is he and where did he come from and why does he do what he does, isn’t it so mysterious, don’t you just wanna speculate and theorize all over the internet?) As annoyed as I was that he died without any answers in The Last Jedi, I also liked him better as just Kylo Ren’s stepping stone. Better effects for him and a hammier performance by Andy Serkis helped. And when The Rise of Skywalker revealed he was literally a puppet of the resurrected Palpatine, everything about him just clicked. Stupid people online rant about insufficient foreshadowing for Palpatine’s return, but rewatch the trilogy with Palpatine in mind and Snoke himself - everything about him - is the biggest piece of foreshadowing there is. 
Ulrich Stern (Code Lyoko) - Through Code Lyoko’s first two seasons, Ulrich was hands-down the weakest part of the show for me. I didn’t think he was interesting or likable, and his Will-They-Won’t-They romance with Yumi, who could honestly do much better, was so exhausting. But then we hit Season 3, and the two-part prequel. Everything about Ulrich’s depiction in that just screamed “This guy is an asshole, you’re not supposed to like him”. It reframed everything we’ve seen of him as deliberate; even his lust for Yumi now comes off as just a way for him to feel better about himself since deep down he’s aware of what a shithead he is. Then when we returned to the present day action, Yumi firmly breaks off any potential for dating him. From this point on, Ulrich has to develop on his own terms, and he becomes so much better as a character; I actually found myself liking him, sympathizing with him, and appreciating his willingness to change for the better; a great foil to William whose stubborn unwillingness to do the same costs him and everyone else around him. The season 3 finale reminding me of the reason Ulrich became the way he used to be in his absolute scumbag of a father also helped a lot. He’s not my favorite and still kind of a dick, but I like him now.
Venom (Spider-Man) - Like most kids, I thought Venom was awesome growing up. Once I got older and looked up his history, I found that the majority of it was not very flattering, making me feel more conflicted about the character. Where do I stand on him now, you may ask? It’s simple, really: I love Venom - the symbiote. It’s Eddie Brock who I feel is the problem. Beyond the name and bonding with the Venom symbiote, I don’t think there’s been a consistent thing about this guy across all of his incarnations. The issues with Venom can almost always be traced back to the human part of the equation, because he was thought up on the fly by David Micheline with very little about him solidified beyond being an angry psychopath. I much prefer Venom as the symbiote, the host body be damned, and I’m glad that depiction has been gaining traction in recent years in various comics, TV shows and video games.
Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts) - So I totally subscribe to what’s on TV Tropes about Xehanort the Keyblade Master (was hailed as a great villain in Birth by Sleep, now seen as a horrible villain for everything that followed). But I want to talk about Terra-Xehanort. Because while I love him and both split halves of him, back in the olden days I preferred Ansem over Xemnas. He had the cooler design, a more vivid personality, was tied far closer to the Disney Villains, and of course was the villain in the original Kingdom Hearts (forever my favorite even if KH2 is technically a better game - and even then KH still has the better story). Now it’s reversed. Even disregarding how (with the exception of Dream Drop Distance) Xemnas retained his dignity as a character going forward while Ansem didn’t, there is just a weight and presence to Xemnas that I’ve fallen in love with more and more as time passes. He has the same depth and darkness of character as Ansem but takes it even further. His plans are even smarter and with more direct involvement from him. And of course, there’s him being KH2′s Final Boss, which means he’s irrevocably associated with the peak of the series to me. He’s the only incarnation of Xehanort whom I can safely call both a great character and villain to this day.
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seelestia · 2 months
OMG THE NEW NAVIA THEME IS SO CUTE??? i think it's safe to say that you definitely cooked, lia hehe >:3 /lh /gen
anyways! that's pretty much what it is when it comes to college and frankly? i just wanna get it over with like literally the only highlight to it is seeing my friends and spending time with my boyfriend 😭 but!! a social science major sounds cool! i'd say you have some pretty good goals set in mind and you can always take up a minor if you want to pursue the others :> (i did consider having music as a minor) and sure! the courses depend on what you pick really and the college/professor, online is just about the same as in-person if you have a lot of reading on a pc to do tbh. english classes are well. kind of like the ones in high school but college-leveled. just make sure you give yourself enough time to do assignments bc they can be painful :"D
HELP LMAO??? okay that's true though, the fontaine quest definitely made a splash and we really had to dip our toes in the water with it huh? anyway thats kind of the thing, the only similarity between bedo and lyney is that they actively flirt with me in their own way, and its funny bc i usually try to find someone whose personality complements mine bc im generally the quieter one compared to both (ah yes a reality tv show for me HJEKAHD) also yea! i think both of them really do have traits that make them stand out and frankly i wish they got more screentime (also i have yet to watch the 4.6 trailer ehehe)
same here to you!! i'm always happy to rattle off of your hcs and i enjoy talking about our selfships as well hehe (*^ω^*) and i love it when bedo calls me his "sweet violet",,like the way he says it is just so endearing? like the pitch of his voice always becomes softer and more affectionate jsjdksndj (yk its funny, my boyfriend does the same thing with me bc his nicknames are unique to me as well)
also i'm throwing another ramble at ya: imagine wanderer or ayato surprising you with breakfast in bed HEHEHEHE
awh thats oki! like i said, i'm always happy to indulge your selfships since i enjoy hearing about them :> /gen. honestly i wouldn't be surprised if wanderer did knock you softly on the head for thinking the flowers were from yato ajjdkshd (nah just put the hairpin in before he gets a chance /hj /lh) also i forgot to tell u im a sucker for floriography so i methinks wanderer could give you camellias which represent everlasting love. the hairpin ayato gives you is unique in design and had it specially made for you alone :3
and i quote from my irl friend: "bouncing off the walls gf x completely stoic unmoving statue bf" HDJAKDHSJ NOT ONLY THAT SHE COMPARED HIM TO A PIECE OF FURNITURE BC OF HOW STIFF HE IS IN PICTURES (but hey i give him credit for a cute smile <3) and he is very much a pretty boy even though he tries to deny it until i accept that he calls me pretty too BUT YEA QUITE LITERALLY OPPOSITES ATTRACT anyway pretty much, not all relationships are like yk. sunshine and rainbows so thats why i feel very grateful to have a healthy one. if anything, we're just both trying to do our best to make one another happy but thankies hehe (also nw! i dont think u sound like a grandma, i just like hearing u ramble ehhehe)
also im not rlly sure why ppl think 20 is old either like dang, sure my back hurts on occasion but i'm not a fossil 😭
AHHH THANK U, VI!! so it seems you agree that i... baked? :3c /lh HAHAHA navia is so sweet and silly. i just have to make her my theme! (++ as a homage to her for carrying me in spiral abyss 🫣) since i do put in effort whenever i do theme changes, it makes me happy to know others like it <3
i'll have you know that i'm a true enabler of dad jokes & puns. throw 'em at me! which reminds me: how does albedo react to your jokes? for me, ayato just thinks it's funny that i find them funny (he pats me on the head afterwards - A+ for effort). wanderer is just the epitome of unimpressed and sometimes, he'd even pull on my cheek a little if the joke is extremely unfunny LOLLL. the only one who'd ever indulge me is mr. shikanoin heizou ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。) oh, woe is me!!! /lh
i see! ty for the perspective, vi <3 i'm gonna find it nostalgic to look back on this convo after i went to college. tho assignments really are a staple of uni life, huh? one of the times i thank highschool for instilling the habit of “work first, play later” in me. i imagine it's gonna be more painful however so i'll need to juggle rest & work 😭 hope you're holding up with yours!! <3
THAT'S CUTE!! i find it so funny that albedo himself is the paradigm for introverts but when it comes to flirting with people he finds intriguing, he's not here to play LMAO. how does he act 〜suave〜 so naturally?? smh i need those skills too /hj. lyney on the other hand... he takes it as an achievement if he manages to fluster you! the sleight of the hand is his bread & butter but he's good with his words just as well, no? voila! ✧ i am biting my fist UWAGHH. i am head over heels for the 'speaks to you / says your name in a softer voice' thingy but to witness it first-hand??? i'm so happy for you 🤭
WWHWHWHWH. ayato usually has the maids prepare our meals so he probably tells them to make it extra special. unfortunately, i'm more of a night owl than an early riser so by the time he brings the tray onto the bed, i'm just looking at him all groggy LOL. he thinks it's cute, taps my cheek and teasingly asks if this is all a ruse to get him to spoon feed me.... this man /aff. wanderer tho is a good cook so he does not play around with food or breakfast! but it's gonna take lots of coaxing to have breakfast in bed since “if it spills on the mattress, i'll demote you to the floor for a day.” i tell him about the existence of trays but he's still adamant. no fun 💔 /j
CAMELLIAS?! those happen to be one of my fav flowers!!! and the meaning too... i'm ahhdjwjejw /pos. he would tho!! wanderer canonically like wandering off in nature (oh, dearest sumeru), i think he picks flowers to bring back home. but sometimes, he'd rather observe them from afar: they're fleeting, after all. so he might as well leave them be to bloom to their fullest. yk.... i should buy some seeds these days and make a garden of our own. maybe it could be a surprise for him oooooo mhm mhm!! wbu?? does albedo or lyney indulge in making you breakfast in bed too hehe :3c (for lyney, i'm willing to bet lynette sponsored that breakfast /j)
vi: 🌸🌷🎀🩷
bf: 🚪🚪🚪
/j but we appreciate the effort!!! i'm also not vv photogenic myself so i can relate badly with the furniture pose LMAO 😔 i prefer taking pictures of others instead! ayato is really photogenic. this is what happens when you deal with paparazzi /j & wanderer can be photogenic too but only in candid. he does not like staring at the camera. what a grumpy cat /aff +++ i saw the picrew you sent me! VI IT'S SO ADORBS AHHHH feel free to share more picrews of you & your f/o's anytime! i love love love them ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა /gen !!!!
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