#hera offerings
travelingthief · 21 days
Lady Hera Offerings and Devotional Acts
Learn about:
Marriage traditions
Process of childbirth
Lord Zeus
Birth doulas
Parenting styles and techniques
Family dynamics and cultures
Wedding rings
Promise rings
Wedding mementos (from yours or others)
Love letters
Love/marriage poems
Wedding vows
Flower girl baskets
Ring-bearer pillows
Pictures of your partner
Mementos of your relationship
Wedding photos/scrapbooks
Flower crowns/wreaths
Family pictures/scrapbooks
Family mementos
Childhood photos
Maternity clothes
Pregnancy pillows
Mother’s Day gifts/cards
Parenting books
Family heirlooms
Items symbolic of your culture
Mementos of deceased loved ones
Date night mementos
Home cooked meals
Handmade crafts, particularly ones you do with your family
Baby shower mementos
Childhood toys
Myth Related 
Peacock feathers
Peacock imagery
Cow imagery
Golden apples
Serprants imagery
Tortoise imagery
Greek yogurt
Olive oil
White wine
Devotional Acts
Attend weddings
Buy gifts off wedding registries 
Plan your wedding
Date night
Brainstorm date ideas
Do something kind for your partner
Address any jealousy issues
Be loyal
Address any commitment issues
Include Her in your wedding
Have open communication with your partner
Learn your love languages/partner’s love languages
Consider how you can grow in your relationship
Support new moms
Call your mom/mother figure
Buy gifts from baby shower registries
Brainstorm future child names
Clean the house
Spend time with children in your life
Identify and break generational cycles
Research your family lineage/culture
Save money for the future
Consider what kind of family you’d like to have
Work through and process childhood trauma
Take lots of family photos
Cook a meal
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princesmeadow · 4 months
Happy Theogamia Lord Zeus and Lady Hera!
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hestiashearthfire · 18 days
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Current statues. The rose quartz represents Aphrodite, the opalite heart was a gift to Hera.
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cupids-baby · 3 months
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For Hera 🦚🧿🍯
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commsroom · 2 years
beating my fists against the wall thinking about how eiffel hallucinating hera in mayday is the only time (that isn’t from her perspective) that her voice doesn’t have the usual filters on it. what that suggests about how eiffel sees her and how it aligns with her own self perception. what it implies, when hera’s glitching is such a literal manifestation of her self doubt and eiffel’s belief in hera and her ability is so unshakable and absolute, while her voice in mayday speaks for the part of him still strong enough to hold onto hope.
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starryqueenofgods · 3 months
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Wide and wise eyed Queen Hera, your name is ever on high!
All images found on Pinterest
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No, I am not putting Mesperyian on here.
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thegodwhocums · 1 year
it is so so so tempting, even as someone who's not a reconstructionist, to find the TRUE way that polytheists worshiped back in Thee Olden Days - like there's something purer and more efficacious about methods tested and proven over millennia, and like if I just Study Harder I will connect all these fucken dots and do things the RIGHT way like the ANCIENTS did
like there's a way to time-skip over the war and colonization back to the agrarian bonfire dances and the queer mystic mentorship circles
and yet, this yearning, while understandable, is misplaced.
we asked Dionysos about the deities that preceded the expansion of global patriarchy, and got a really compelling response:
Don’t get hung up on the archetypes. You’re not living in the Stone Age. You don’t need to recreate Stone Age rituals. Create rituals for now. What thanks do you need to give? What do you need to ask for? What would it serve you to have represented? I’m thinking of an expression – “form follows function.” [You’re allowed.] Your heart breaks at the beauty of the lilac. To whom do you express that transcendent joy? If there’s no one, then you have a vacuum. Who is best suited? Old gods, new gods? They’re all sort of the same. Don’t try to achieve temporal purity – to try is limiting. [The insight here is that your heart is filled with gratitude that you live in a world that has this particular kind of beauty in it, and that’s something you should be sharing with divinity.]
- Dionysos, channeled 27 May 2023
it's surprising in some ways to hear such a pragmatic approach to the gods FROM a god, but like - what does it serve divinity to have offerings from a disaffected devotee?
I think if you're determined to honor all 12 Olympians or an equivalent box-set sort of pantheon, that is a little different - if you're building your own set (to make this sound more like Lego than a spiritual practice whoops), then the advice as I'm taking it is to see where you're overflowing with the kind of passion that a mortal can offer to divinity, and follow that! be guided by the things that make your heart explode! this, as I interpret it, is the most precious thing that humans can offer to the divine: overflowing appreciation and love and agony and all the things that make us human, directed to gods and spirits who can share in those beautiful and terrible emotions with us.
still hashing all this out so it's not my most polished set of thoughts but: damn.
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
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oracleofdiscord · 7 months
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Paris + The Gods
please pretend that it looks like ares is taking the crown from paris instead of giving a crown to paris because having paris actively hand it over didn't work with the rest of the concept for this drawing
also please pretend that it actually looks like aphrodite is leaning over instead of looking like she's the same height as paris - a lot of the shading i used to indicate that she wasn't standing up straight got killed by the glowy hair effects
bonus flats + simpler shading under the cut, bonus ramblings in the tags
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#paris of troy#aphrodite#apollo#ares#this drawing was inspired by me talking with a friend about the trojan royal family#and realizing that even for someone from a family with a lot of connection to the gods#paris has a *lot* of connection to the gods#i mean the connection to aphrodite should be. obvious#and there's also the story of ares for some reason deciding to enter a bull contest that paris was holding#(for those who aren't aware of this story: ares wins and paris gives him a crown as a prize)#and then paris was skilled with a bow and a lyre which would have been in apollo's domains#and the variant of achilles death i've seen most has apollo working with paris to kill achilles#(which means it was paris who apollo went to avenge hector and also apollo's son(s) that achilles killed)#and paris's first wife was a nymph and his second wife was a demigod#also this is stretching things but you could argue there's something to be said#for how athena - who (according to one account of tiresias's story) had blinded a mortal man for seeing her naked -#and hera - who had reason to not be very fond of trojan princes -#were both willing to accept a mortal trojan prince as their judge#and were both willing to offer up extremely generous rewards#although i do say that that's stretching since you could also just say they both wanted the apple badly enough#to accept the judge and offer up those prizes no matter who the judge was#also it has occured to me that since paris is also called alexander#everyone in this drawing has a name that starts with 'A'#anyway i think the joke i made to my friend is that paris might be godnip#like catnip. but for gods. godnip.#my art
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travelingthief · 1 year
Zeus Devotions and Offerings
Learn About:
Clouds (what’s their part in the water cycle? How do you tell the difference between types of clouds?)
Weather (predominantly rain, wind, & thunder and lightning) (What causes these phenomena scientifically?)
The justice system
Eagles, hawks, and other birds
His myths and genealogy (there’s a lot there!)
His Roman counterpart, Jupiter
Political history in your country (or any country of interest)
Climate change and how you can help reduce it
Collect rainwater as an offering or for use in spells
(Safely) Watch a storm (I like to do so in my car)
If you can, safely offer shelter to those during storms (travelers, unhoused folks, or even stray cats/dogs!)
Participate in storm clean-ups
Splash in puddles/Dance in the rain
Thank Him for the rain and acknowledge how helpful it is for providing life to all of us
Take proper storm precautions, like buying enough food, having flashlights/candles on hand, and having non-electric ways to keep warm
Keep a rainy day fund
Spend rainy days with your [chosen] family
Meditate/fall asleep to rain sounds
Learn how to respond in the event someone is struck by lightning
Go cloud-gazing (try making up stories for the shapes you find!)
Go parasailing
Travel on planes
Hot air balloon rides
Ask Him to bless your flights and travels
Go birdwatching
Ride a zipline
Fly kites
Learn cloud divination
Order and Justice
Keep up-to-date with local political happenings
Participate in your city/school council
Attend protests and advocate for equality  
Vote in local, state, and nationwide elections
Take breaks for yourself when learning about politics! That shit can be overwhelming!
Learn de-escalation methods
Join a debate team
Keep your schedule in order
Maintain a clean and orderly environment
Advocate for a greener future
Visit your state house
Leadership and Protection
Trust yourself to take on leadership roles
Build your self-confidence 
Be assertive in your boundaries 
(If you're able to) Work out and build muscle
Take proper measures to protect your home (locking the door and windows or a protection spell/jar!)
Take self-defense classes/martial arts/wrestling etc.
Make your own self-love affirmations 
Do things that make you feel powerful!
Understand your power. So many people are afraid of power because of negative connotations, but power can be used for good as well
Carry yourself with pride
Speak with conviction
Support small businesses
Check the weather and dress appropriately (or pack emergency backup clothes if the fit is too good)
Carry an umbrella on you! And a spare if you can, to pass out to someone in need!
Wear grays and sky blues
Travel and see the world!
(Safely and sanitarily) collect bird feathers. Make sure you’re aware of which bird feathers are restricted from being collected
Show Him things you’re proud of!
Set attainable goals and make a plan to achieve them
Offer hospitality to every guest, even if you’re not thrilled to see them
Be a pleasant guest, even if you’re not thrilled to be there
Bull/swan/eagle imagery
Rainwater/snow water
Representation of lightning/storms (Paintings, trinkets, drawings, etc.)
Imagery of Scales of Justice
Voting stickers/Absentee ballot envelopes
Political mail for causes you support
Homework you put a good effort into and are proud of
Pictures of the sky/clouds
Bird figurines
Crown imagery/figurines
Lastly, it’s undeniable that Zeus has a long history of assaulting and mistreating women. Everyone has their beliefs on the matter and I think it is entirely possible to worship/work with a god while fully acknowledging the messy past. Furthermore, as I dive deeper into the history surrounding the myths I gain a better understanding of the factors surrounding Zeus’s philandering, like the synchronization of Gods and Goddesses across religions and how Zeus likely assimilated past male deities and the people of the time created the stories of his many affairs to explain this merging.
There’s no way to justify the raping by our human standards. That being said, I don’t think it’s cause to completely shut Him out. He is the King of the Gods, the Bringer of Life! Surely that is something to celebrate. 
With all that, some final acts that support women:
Believing victims
Donating/volunteering at women's shelters
Learning the signs of domestic abuse
Learning and acknowledging red flags in a partner
Talking to friends about any major red flags you’re concerned about with their partner
Advocating for women’s rights 
Learning about domestic abuse/rape/abortion services in your area
Hoping this is helpful to someone! I see very few posts for Zeus on here.
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seafoamsister · 10 months
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"hera" by eduard niczky
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hestiashearthfire · 2 years
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Praise to Hestia, Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Asclepius, and Hygeia for family, health, and all of life’s continued gifts. Praise to you, Immortal Ones!
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cupids-baby · 2 months
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For Hera 🍯🐄🧿
Thankful for everything she bestows on me 🦚💖
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commsroom · 2 years
i think to really understand hera (and, by extension, her relationship with eiffel) you have to recognize that she values the same things he does. hera works harder than eiffel does because she has to, because more is riding on her doing her job, because the bare minimum she's allowed to get away with and not have everyone die horribly is... still kind of a lot of work, all of the time. and even then, she does the bare minimum when she can. she cuts corners she probably shouldn't. she hates drudge work. and she really hates being told what to do.
eiffel and hera are both prisoners on the hephaestus - and that they're the only two who really know they weren't given a choice is central to their bond as well - but, at the same time. eiffel both embodies and extends to hera a kind of freedom she wants very much. no one else has ever made room for her to goof off or wanted to talk to her about nothing, just wanted to hear her voice, just wanted to make her laugh. wanted to hang out with her and talk, just for a little while, even as he's falling asleep after days without rest.
that's what draws her to eiffel. "you hate rules as much as i do, don't you, doug?" because the first time she ever speaks to him, it's while he's clamoring around in the dark, clearly no idea what he's doing, not having paid attention to anything about the station or the mission or, of course, the rules. because she tells him about the contraband cigarettes floating out of his pocket and makes a point of keeping it a shared secret. she likes those things about him.
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messywitch · 1 year
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moodboard made for Queen Hera.
ok to rb!
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