#heretic König
gauloiseblue · 17 days
Just read the newest fic and OH MY GOD I HAVE NO WORDS
Something something König is kinda low key ungrateful for the Angel saving him from the Fae preferring that the Fay might as well take him and kill him or shit if she's not taking him
Something something König seeing having his Engel for himself as an appropriate reparation for essentially giving him crippling addiction for the divine
Something something König wanting his Engel as a way to still think of himself as salvageable if not redeemable
Something something IOFAB König seeing his wife as something of an angel in a very twisted way
Something something König first trapping his Engel through divine and mystical ways (the blood and the removal of her halo) and then keeping her with him through worldly means (irl stuff that a celestial being only observed from far away)
Something something IOFAB König being very devoted to his wife in a very twisted way, giving her whatever she asked him for except freedom and some other things
Something something IOFAB König wanting to feel his wife's sublime presence and affection through any means necessary
Something something IOFAB König wanting his wife with him and only him at all times akin to a child praying to his guardian angel Angel of God, my guardian dear...
Something something IOFAB König having his wife as a way to taste the closest thing to heaven since he knows he's not getting there
Something something both Königs seeing their obsession as home after spending years in the battlefield
Girlie, why did you put your poetries in my inbox AKDLFLKDJK— 😭😭😭😭😭 not me squealing and kicking my feet when reading your ask orz
Yea, he's such an ungrateful human :/ he should've built a shrine or a temple for her to express his gratitude, but nooo, he put her through hell instead.
(Fun fact, if you translate the title, you'll find that it's an idiom that basically sums the whole story.)
And you're so right. Both IOFAB and heretic König share one similarity. They're both ruthless and extremely selfish. They're also very forceful, aside from the non-con element of course. It's like he has the mindset of a bird collector; if he can provide protection and fulfill their needs, then it's alright for him to keep them.
I honestly wrote that story because there's just something about being kind to the wrong person. Like, we all know that we should be kind to others, but what if that person ended up betraying us? Just like what I described in the story, an Angel is a protector of the innocents. So she had no choice but to 'mark' him as a way to protect him, but she forgot that human changes. She didn't expect that the kid she once helped would go that far to meet her again. Moreover, to keep her by his side.
Then again, I always love the problematic stuffs. Like devotion if it's taken too far, corruption, the whole manipulation thing, obsession, etc etc.
Once again, thank you for your ask. I'm genuinely happy when people look past my problematic kinks and enjoy the stories that I wrote <3
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kit-williams · 5 months
Hail to the King
For @konigsblog as a thank you for the follow and I guess to what expect of my writings.
tw: this is lewd, delusional König, warhammer 40k shenanigans, König is a Black Templar (see The 40k au for why)((I might try to write another with him as a Blood Angel)) I am shit at trigger warnings
It wasn't his fault that they hadn't kept a better leash on their Schätze. In his defense the chapter serf should have known better and the mortal... well she shouldn't have looked so helpless and cute. Normally he would be thrilled and an honor to join a kill team to slay xenos but this was suppose to be a punishment on learning to not touch what wasn't his.
He walked down the hall of the alien craft chopping down any xeno unfortunate to walk into his path. Most of the Inquisition agents he was around were men... it seems the Inquisitor had been warned about his pecularities.
"You're not suppose to be here." His head snapped over to the voice of a little Maus. He could feel his mouth salivate as the space suit hugged her form in a pleasing way. Oh sure to many baselines she was hardly different from the form of a man but he could see... as well as the custom suit with the symbol of the Inquisition on her front. But the way she was leaning over a console with the curve of her ass just on display.
"Auch, Where am I suppose to be then Maus?" He said annoyed trying to not play his hand but lucky for him his suit hid his eyes from the way they lustfully ran over her body. Though he looked at the bodies of the Xenos littering the room. "You being a little Maus and just coming in after all the fighting is done?"
He could see the pout on the other side of her visor, "Rude. No I cleared the room myself. Oh was a shame that it had to come to blows but then again..." He stopped listening as soon as her hips started to sway with what she was saying. He wanted to dig his fingers into her flesh as his hips moved against hers only hearing her pretty little moans. "Hey big guy!" She finally shouted over the vox.
König resumed paying attention to his Maus. "Ja?"
"Thanks for paying attention...," The sarcasm was obvious in her voice, "anyway. Like I said earlier you're not suppose to be near me and you're suppose to be on the other side of the ship dealing with Xenos."
"The fighting led me this way and given the amount of dead at your feet Maus. You're not exactly alone. It would be a shame if your Inquisitor lost your expertise." He purred out the last few words just buttering her up a little.
"Well... you're not wrong..." He could easily tell she was preening under his complements, "But the Inquisitor said you weren't allowed near female agents or crew members. So be off with you... shoo." She tried her best to wave him off as she turned back to the console.
Konig held a growl in his throat he'd has to teach his Maus manners later. But he was on duty and purging Xenos in the name of the Emperor came first and pleasure later. He started back down the hall before he heard mechanics and her soft little 'Oh hi.' He rushed back as soon as the rapid burst fire rang out and abhorrent xenos cries as he rushed back into the room.
She was in the middle of wrestling one as it was trying to grab her rifle out of her hands. He snarled out as he was upon them in a moment as thick xeno blood painted the walls and her suit as his chainsword ripped through the xeno flesh. Her head turned at the sound of a chime and she grabbed the assumingly heretical technology... then again he wasn't the biggest fan of the Mechanicus and knew Inquisitors tended to flirt with the Dark Mechanicus or heretecks to get better tech.
"Well I'm done here. Thanks again big guy!" She chirped and patted his chest before he grabbed her and pulled her to his chest.
"Nein! You'll just find trouble klein Maus. Und how will you get out of trouble all by yourself hmm?" He cocked his head to the side and watched her fold her arms over her chest. He was giddy as she was just the right amount of willful yet submissive. He knew what was for her own good... he had experience and age. She sighed as she settled into his arm holding her without much of a fight.
König knew he could get his hands on a pretty little Maus during his time here.
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makos-hotbox · 1 year
| brief req. summary :: can I request Ghost and König (separate) headcanons with a s/o (she/they) who has really bad anger issues? Like they will jump over a table just to hit someone? |
/ — I’m so sorry that the original ask got deleted 😭😭 and honestly as a fellow anger issues haver; I loved writing this. I hope you enjoy! /
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.! 𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔰 !.
— “ If you're 555, I'm 666! “
— “ What's it like to be a heretic? “
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Ghost would be very aware of your anger before you even get in your relationship together. He noticed how it was hard for you to contain yourself when something irked you or someone pissed you off too much.
But that didn’t stop him from falling for you, so obviously, he doesn’t mind. Ghost doesn’t seem like someone who would purposely try and irritate his lover. He’s pretty laid back and relaxed imo, only teasing you or making snide comments if he knows you can handle it. Or not at all if you don’t want him too. Ghost is respectful on that
When you end up physically fighting someone, Ghost’s first reaction is to cheer you on. But since he has to be mature, he will quickly run in and separate you from the other person. Restraining you completely (and quite easily) until he’s sure you won’t attack again.
Shortly after, he will probably ask you what kind of damage you did and idk maybe even give you a few tricks.
It's not out of the norm to see ghost pick you up out of nowhere and take you away to somewhere else. As long as you’re not fighting anyone. He doesn’t want you getting into trouble.
If someone around you is being a dick, (ex. Another soldier) and you start to get upset, Ghost is quick to notice. After being around you for so long, he knows the signs of your irritation. And as soon as he sees you clench your fist, raise your voice, or stiff up; he will do one of two things.
Either A) he will step in and separate you and whatever the issue is. He doesn’t like seeing you upset and he definitely wouldn’t like for there to be trouble if you acted on your anger. Ghost will back up the other person, glaring at them through his mask and sizing up to them.
Once the problem is gone, Ghost will take you back to your room and help you calm down. Allowing for you to rant, thrash around and hit pillows, or to just lay down. Whatever you want, he would be there with you.
Or B) Ghost will push back on the problem even harder. Stepping between you and the person so he can take care of it himself. If the dickhead doesn’t shut their mouth, Ghost will do it himself. He doesn’t usually like to make it physical, but if he needs to, he will. He just doesn’t want you getting in any trouble, or, if things went south, hurt.
If you’re ever feeling upset about how you have trouble containing your anger, he’s there to comfort you. Ghost may not be able to go full therapist with you, but he can listen and hold you. You can rant and wallow in a spot of sadness for a bit, and Ghost will be there the whole time. Quietly reassuring you that it’s going to be okay. How your “issue” is nothing but another reason he loves you.
If Soap or any of his teammates are bothering you and trying to get you worked up, Ghost will probably take the violent route. Smacking them upside the head with a firm “knock it off.” They usually get the hint and leave you be. Over time they adapted to not purposely try and work you up. (Or accidentally)
Here it goes again… another annoying soldier who wants to buck up to you just because he’s insecure about his masculinity. The two of you were at the same shooting range and he started trying to one up you. Failing miserably, he got mad and tried to pick a fight.
“How the hell could a little girl like you be big bad military? You should quit soon darling, we don’t want you getting your pretty face injured.” ‘Montoya’ cocked his head to the side, faking worry for you. It was disgusting. You were just trying to clear your head at the range and now something else has taken that space.
Your chest began to feel heavy, growing ticked off. Mind flooding with ways to retaliate; punch him, yell at him, or walk away? So many options to choose from. In the back of your head you felt a bit guilty for wanting to resort to violence first. A silent reminder of the immediate mood switch.
Ghost had told you many times that you should try and walk away or speak rationally when you’re upset. More so that you don’t get in trouble for starting a fist fight. But, to hell with talking rationally. “Kiss my ass Montoya. I’ll whup your ass here, on the field, or anywhere else. You’re so worried about a girl being better than you that you don’t even notice your own dick shrinking.” You commented quickly, cleaning up your space so you could leave. Not having the energy to deal with something like this.
Montoya didn’t stop following as you started walking to your truck. “Oh really now? You can't even reach the top shelf, you could never amount to me. All that shit back there was pure fucking luck.” You loaded your stuff into the vehicle, clenching your fists as you tried to walk to the drivers side. Instead, Montoya stood in front of you and shoved you back.
That was all it took before you cocked your fist back quickly and popped him right in the jaw. Montoya stumbled back onto the ground with a groan. “Keep your fucking hands off me dickhead.” You grumbled, turning around at the sounds of running footsteps along the dirt.
“Woah! Woah! Woah! Holy shit, Y/n!” Soap sped past you to check on Montoya, whose nose was bleeding. Ghost stopped next to you, staring at your glaring expression. Grabbing your arm, he pulled you into a hug.
“Nice job, but how’re we gonna explain this one?” He whispered, Soap was still busy helping Montoya. You rolled your eyes and rested your head against Ghost’s chest. “We won’t, he fucking earned that one by shoving me.”
“Wait, he laid his hands on you?”
You nodded your head. Then without a word, Ghost opened the door of your truck and helped you in. “Wait here.” He closed the door and stomped over to Soap and Montoya.
All you could hear was a muffled, “Pick his ass up Johnny! It’s time for round two for putting his hands on Y/n!” And through the rear view mirror, you watched as Soap’s attitude changed, yanking Montoya up by his shirt. A smile spread across your face as Ghost swung his fist right onto the other side of Montoya’s jaw.
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Before your relationship with König, he was a bit scared of you. Seeing your outbursts and almost constant glare showed König that maybe it would be the best idea to not work you up.
Over time as you grew closer from team missions, König stopped being afraid of you. Learning about your temper and just you in general. He became used to your hot headed self and knew how to aid you out of your rage moments. And just like that, over time, König began to grow feelings for you.
König is not really someone who would try and irritate you purposely. Or even accidentally. He knows how to make good word and tone choices just to keep it safe. But he also just doesn’t like seeing you upset, especially if it’s his fault.
He is quick to apologize and make it up to you if he does end up setting you off. Feeling bad for the rest of the day, König will do anything for you. Running errands so you could relax, bringing you food, and doing whatever you ask.
If someone is messing with you, König takes full advantage of his size. Stalking up to that person, looking like a complete demon. Threatening eyes staring down at the idiot that dared mess with König’s beloved.
There’s been very few times König had to get physical with someone to leave you be. Usually his large frame is enough to scare anyone off. But when he had to use his fists, it ended with broken noses and tons of bruises.
When König witnesses you getting violent with someone, he doesn’t really do anything to stop it. Maybe he will wait a few moments to step in, but he usually doesn’t. In his opinion, if whatever that person said was enough to make you swing? They deserve it.
Whenever the fight is finally broken up though, König takes you back to his room to check for any bad wounds and let you rant it all out. The night will usually end with the two of you cuddled together playing some sort of game.
If you’re up for it, König will take you to a rage room with him. Giving you an opportunity to let out any bottled up frustrations left. He will happily cheer you on as you demolish an old tv or computer. Expect a nice meal and nap later :)
Storming down the hallway, music blared loudly into your ears. Trying to contain your irritated thoughts about how training went today. Price took you and some of the team members to go train. And you were apparently not on your game today as you missed shots and stumbled around like a drunk idiot during combat training.
It was embarrassing on its own, you’ve never been that sloppy before! Soap and Gaz were constantly reassuring you that it was okay after very loud profanities were yelled. But it didn’t stop there, as you were all leaving to go work on other stuff, you overheard some snide comments coming from a group of soldiers.
They were all about you, seeing as “L/n” was whispered countless times. The group mostly commented about how terrible you were at literally everything. Not only training, but apparently bringing up old mistakes you’ve made while on missions or during important meetings.
“Ultimate shite.” Soap mumbled under his breath, he glared at the other group. After that he had pushed you along to leave before anything could go wrong. In the truck, you were allowed to think about and boil your anger even more.
Leading you to now, bursting into König’s room loudly. He was playing a game on his bed and jumped up at the sudden intrusion. König immediately noticed your upset expression and all his focus was now on you. “Woah- what’s wrong Liebling?” He hopped off his bed and came to your side.
You stood tense for a moment, eventually just leaning onto the tall frame of your boyfriend instead. A long and exaggerated sigh left your lips followed by a loud groan. König’s hands rubbed up and down your back slowly. Trying to give you some sort of comfort, he nudged you.
“Let’s go lay down, and once you’ve relaxed, you can tell me all about it. But I want you to feel better first.” König led you to his bed and allowed you to silently settle yourself on it and get comfortable. The German laid next to you so you could lay on his chest as he held you close to him. Whispering loving compliments and phrases to you in German, König knew exactly what he was doing.
He was practically bringing you back to earth with all of the affection, reminding you that there’s someone who loves you and all your flaws. It felt amazing, and you eventually became completely cooled off in König’s arms. Realizing this, he kissed your forehead. “Would you like to talk about it?”
“Don’t even get me fucking started.”
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enbyonmandalore · 1 year
Heaven "Satan" St. John
An introduction to my CoD MW2 OC. TW for Violence typical to the CoD franchise.
Child of a cult leader
One older brother, Michael, and two younger sisters, Faith and Eva
Michael escaped the cult first, leaving all his siblings behind
Their father believes his son being a heretic "infected" Heaven with demonic ideals
Heaven escaped the cult at 16 after being nearly tortured to death
Religious trauma (obviously)
Can growl & hiss like an animal, defense mechanism from their childhood
Joined the military young by lying about their age
Violently beat a fascist to the brink of death because he reminded them too much of their father
Had the best time of their life as a cadet in the Royal Air Force
Had the chance to finally feel normal and make friends
Callsign "Angel"
Met a black girl named Gloria "Wrecker" McIntosh, fell in love with her
Became a RAF officer
Eventually achieved rank of squadron leader due to being an excellent helicopter pilot and drone operator
Loves flying bc all their big problems seem so small from up high
Arrogant enough to call the helicopter on their first big mission "The Baron"
Caught special forces recruiters' eye for being able to potentially resist enemy torture very well
Received "special interrogation" training
Shot down while on patrol in a war zone and pulled themselves out of the burning wreck, only survivor of the incident
Barely made it and had to undergo 2 years of physical and psychological therapy
Covers the massive burn scar on their face with a mask
The right side of their body in general is extremely scarred from the crash
Captain Price was present when they first woke up from surgery, but they didn't recognize him
Captain Price continues to make sure Heaven stays in the military
Once they're allowed to be active again, they get recruited to SAS and change their callsign to "Satan"
The co-pilot that died in the crash was Gloria
Kept a pair of Gloria's dog tags as well as a few (stolen) sweaters
Price's immediate reaction to seeing Heaven again is "Oh no, not another one with a mask..."
Is present during the events of MW, helps get Gaz and Price around and is assisted by Nikolai
Eventually gets put on Task Force 141 after the events of CoD MW
Immediately befriends Soap
Soap and Satan talk in extra thick Scottish and Irish accents when around each other
"Speak fuckin' English!"
Satan's cocky attitude slowly but surely is wearing Ghost's patience thin...
Audio books + stress cleaning = post-mission coping mechanism
Secretly loves eastern European music, but will never admit it
Learned to speak Polish for a mission
Fluent in Gaelic
Despite listening to a lot of heavy metal, their favorite song is "Somewhere Over The Rainbow"
Gets anxious letting anyone besides themselves pilot an aircraft
Insists that they hate chocolate (lie)
Actually hates any other candy
Doesn't celebrate any holidays and volunteers for shifts on said days, but Price, Gaz and Soap still gift them stuff for Christmas
The only way they're able to seem to be as unfazed as they do, is bc they're completely disconnected from reality on missions (helps keep the PTSD in check)
When TF 141 meets KorTac, Satan befriends Gromsko almost as quickly as they befriended Soap
Polish swearing can be heard throughout the base at all hours
König has a staring problem and thinks nobody notices
Ghost notices and chaos ensues (aka Test The Limits)
TW for more shit Heaven went through:
beaten as a child up until they were 16
nearly drowned during baptism in order to be "reborn"
forcefully exorcised at 14, burned with battery acid in the process
had a large cross carved into their back to "drive out the devil"
caged in with a hungry dog
sleep deprivation, forced to stay up for days reciting prayer
held hostage at gunpoint during a mission
survived a nearly fatal helicopter crash, cracked multiple ribs, a triple fractured right leg, broken collar bone, two broken fingers on the right and three broken on the left hand, broken left wrist, severe concussion, 2nd degree burns on the right side and back of their body and face
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lepreuxchevalier · 1 month
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An illustration of a boyar cavalryman of "Rod Vojvodin Bol'shogo" or "House Vojvodin of Bolshoi" unhorsing a "legitimate issue" or "a dynastic scion" of "Maison Williamson du Royaume d'Aquitaine" or "House Williamson of The Kingdom of Aquitaine." This illustration officially commemorates Rod Vojvodin Bol'shogo's hard-earned military triumph against Maison Williamson du Royaume d'Aquitaine and it's feudal vassals during "The Second Rus'kayan Errantry War" officially preached and prosecuted against at "La Vallée de Morçeaux" in "Le Duché de Dulac" by Louis-Chrétien Carignan-Cerqui, Archevêque de Carillon on behalf of Archpatriarch Benedin XVI, 256th Bishop of Romulus and Head of The Conservative Church of The New Gods with the intent of the systematic purging of the religious heretics officially subscribed to The Church of The Old Gods in Rus'kaya Tsarstvo in direct retaliation to Rod Vojvodin Bol'shogo's military and political connivance with the southern emirates of "Al-Khalifat Al-Khashabar" against the religiously Conservative "Rod Danielewski z Mazowsza" or "House Danielewski of Mazowsze," the longstanding "Defenders of The Faith" as personally and traditionally proclaimed by "The Archpatriarchs" or "The Bishops of Romulus" as the anointed, undisputed, and universal "Heads of The Conservative Church of The New Gods" until "Edmund IV, 41st and Reigning King of Albion and Current Head of House Lyonheart" drafted and published his written antithesis both critiquing against and questioning the general, sweeping, and universal theological reforms of "Karl Von Luxembourg, Church Doctor of Theology at Die Universität Wörtzburch" to the religious establishment of The Conservative Church of The New Gods officially seated within The Holy Sept of Romulus as the historic capital, civilizational kernel, and titular namesake of The Cosmopolitan, Classical Romulan Republic and "The Empire of Mankind Primus" before it's final collapse marking the end of The Civilized World's historic epoch of "Classical Antiquity." As well as speaking out against both his maternal grandfather "Friedrich I, Der ester und herrschend König von Middenland und Der Gründungschef von Hohenrotbart" and his older cousin "Albrecht Von Biermann, Der herrschend Markgraf von Brannenborg, Der momentan Chef von Hohenbiermann, und Der weltlich, übertragen Kurfürst Des Selbst Kaiserreich der Menschheit" in their systematic persecution, legislative marginalization, and confiscation of the lands, estates, and treasuries of any ecclesiastical and monastic clergy of The Conservative Church of The New Gods who had both openly refused to submit before and openly protested against the formal renunciation of their spiritual, cultural, and moral ties of fealty to The Bishops of Romulus through their legislative decrees to formally convert to Karl Von Luxembourg's theological reforms on behalf of both their dynastic houses and their hereditary subjects. This illustration best contrasts the civilizational friction between the opulence, the extravagance, and the decadence of "La Cour Royale de Maison Williamson du Royaume d'Aquitaine au Palais de Fontainebleau" with the rugged, resilient, and Spartan aesthetic of the princely "great houses" of "boyar" and "dvoryantsvo" aristocrats and nobles officially housed and seated within the provincial "kremlins" of the Gospodar and the Moravian petty principalities within Rus'kaya Tsarstvo.
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gauloiseblue · 8 days
Aight, I'm gonna ask stuff about heretic König...
What would be their life like after König takes the Angel for himself? I mean she's an angel with literally no legal records, how would that work? What did he do for the old angel hunter since the old guy wanted something in return? Omg, is the old dude an angel hunter?
The old man isn't just an Angel hunter, he's a supernatural hunter 🤔 like, he sells and collects many things from mythical creatures. You can buy djinn, vampire's blood, etc etc from him.
There's actually a missing scene between the moment he met the old man, and the moment he had killed the Fae. König already helped the man before he went to catch the Angel, but I didn't write it bc it's too long. They went to catch a powerful Djinn, and the old man "used" him as bait. Fortunately, he survived because of the Angel's mark. That's when he found out about the mark.
Also, Zero, did you know how easy is it to keep someone without an identity? Especially when she doesn't require basic human needs? Like, how many kids were born without a legal record? How many "missing" people who successfully went under the radar? My point is, it's easier than you think. Not to mention that she's never a human from the start.
I feel like König will have a short life (realistically) because he's addicted to the ecstasy the Angel gives. He'll forget to eat, to take care of himself, etc etc. Buuut, I'll leave it up to your interpretation ^^
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gauloiseblue · 12 days
i just wonder wot would be iofab könig or heretic könig's everyday life with their respective readers
We've covered a lot on IOFAB König, you can find it under #IOFAB tag ^^ But basically, the reader can't go anywhere, but she doesn't have to lift a finger, since he provides for her and he hires a helper to take care of her.
As for heretic König, I'd say he'd move somewhere else. An angel needs to be in touch with nature, so it's likely that he buys a cabin for that purpose. Maybe he'll retire from the military and find other jobs (like hunter or arm dealer) so he can be with her longer. I've put a hint of what their lives would look like in the story. If you remember, an Angel's touch can cause a human to experience ecstasy. Kissing one would put them into a state of bliss. So you can guess what he'd do to her every day.
(Just a little note: she's still an angel, but she's lost her power and her ability to go back to Heaven. She still doesn't experience hunger like humans, but she needs to be in nature to stay alive. She can fall into sins, but it'll take decades, even centuries, for her to become a human)
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gauloiseblue · 7 days
If all your konigs were to fight who would win?
I got the same ask about pitting IOFAB König against the heretic one.
I don't know, why should they fight? Why can't we have a harem or something? Seems a lot more fun than bloodshed.
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gauloiseblue · 8 days
Ngl, Éngel probably is very slightly luckier than Lawfully Kidnapped Wifey, because in the grand scheme of things, all she has to do is to hold her breath and outlive König The Heretic and she'll regain her halo and wings after a little while of repenting and then she's back to enjoying her life again being spotted in random forests. While IOFAB darling has to deal with König of The Flesh and Blood (I'm having fun with doing Arknights Alter names) for the rest of her life.
I can't imagine being stuck inside the house forever, man 😭😭😭 No amount of forest walks, garden walks, and touching grass will replace ACTUALLY being outdoors and talking to your friends about your hyperfixations for HOURS. The helper can't take care of me in that way cuz they can't even understand me.
Imagine being able to have somewhat financially stable adult money and still not be able attend cons and watch theater musicals live on stage or plain shopping random shit u like because some extremely selfish middle aged man decided that “yea I want that. She my pet wife now” I'd summon Mahoraga on him fr fr😭 My dreams of watching Wicked live on stage is going to come crashing down like how that building fell on IOFAB reader .
Y can't IOFAB König have a much more normal more enjoyable hobby? Like Gundam models or Figurine Painting
So yea, Éngel gets it very slightly easier cuz heretics will always face judgement unless reincarnation before redemption is a thing wherein she has to live a human life before going back to her celestial body...
Imagine if IOFAB König is just reincarnated Heretic König where his crippling addiction for angels turned into extreme ruthless selfishness and Éngel reincarnated as IOFAB darling. Soulmates in a twisted Legend of Zelda way (Nina/random murdered Fay for the third part of the reincarnation trio)
Sorry for the random long dump 😅
Zero, you really went from anon to the no. 1 theorist of IOFAB XD That's quite a character development you have there, I'd say.
I don't think any of them is luckier 🤔 she's an Angel, so she's like, a conglomerate's daughter who's taken away from the comfort of her home. Not to mention the religious guilt she suffers, and the fear of falling from grace. Angel isn't immune to earthly pleasure, so there's a chance that she can't go back to where she's used to.
I mean………. at least you have a loving husband…….? But dw, he doesn't exist <3
(Out of curiosity, did you talk to your friends about your hyperfixation? Like, did you tell them about COD fandom, and all the fics that you read? Did they know about my or other writer's fics? 🤔)
He does have hobbies, which is collecting guns and weapons, reading books (esp the psychology one, bc you know why), impregnating his wife, and hunting.
While reincarnation AU is interesting, I feel like a parallel universe makes more sense. Idk, I haven't think about it that much 🤔
Sorry I don’t get all of the game references you used 😅 I don't even know legend of zelda, except for the meme about breath of the wild speedrun.
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