#heta-cohabitation au
are you comfortable in that dress?
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“I would be lying if i said the dress part wasn’t really comfy. It is however, little tight around the torso. It’s not the worst I’ve been put in, though I could do without the gloves.”
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“But I guess the bunny ears are, kinda cute. If they could stay on my properly head for my hh-hair! Yes my hair is not the most compliant”“I still don’t like this whole situation”Playboy bunny/dress event 2/10
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Why thank you~ I’m very flattered! I love cravats! And I don’t know what you mean by “little”  but thank you~!
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Where does this au take place in?
We’ve decided to have the main city this AU takes place in is in Central Europe. An alternate timeline to the modern world however as humans and monsters have had more casual relations with each other. The idea of example of dragons guarding ancient Germanic towns in exchange for food or angels and demons flying alongside fighter pilots and pulling them out of their planes when they’re shot out of the sky. Ghosts working as recon and vampires or witches working as doctors in the trenches. Witches and Witch doctors helping with medical research and werewolves working as therapy animals. etc etc. That’s the idea at least. 
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aphmatthewwilliams · 6 years
Introduce myself you say? Oh uhm sure, okay.
What can I say...
Well hello, my name is Mattheos. I can't quite say how old I am, since I don't remember a big part of my life. I just know I've always been alone. If I had to give it a shot I would say 170+ maybe.
Yeah yeah I know. I'm not that old but but that doesn't mean I can't make it on my own. Besides, I'm not always alone. I actually have a little buddy! His name is Raffee and he's an otter! He's fur is ice white, like the flakes on the sea roof at a winter morning, and then he has deep blood red eyes.
Okay okay I'll tell you some more about myself. Well.. OH! I live in a small cave a bit outside the coast of the Forrest. For a long time I actually didn't know there was a Forrest nearby. I also haven't really lived there for long. I used to live, further out through the horison but... I was forced to leave.
B-but let's not talk about that! Hehe. Lately I found out I have a special skill I didn't know off before. I can actually go on land! I just have to turn my tail into these "legs" first. They are quite unpractical if you ask me. First you have to move BOTH at the SAME TIME. I have no idea how humans just do this, without any problems. Then you also have to move them one at a time. (I still forget that sometimes.)
When I'm "human" people always shout at me "put some clothes on!" But I HATE it. Especially those things they call pants, so I only wear skirts. And if I absolutely have to wear something on my upper body too, I have a soft white cope. But only if I have to!
My cales doesn't disappear either. So I'll still be a monster (as they call me) in my leg form.
Was that enough? Okay, just one last thing! If you see me in human form, I will always have wet hair. That's because if it dries out, I'll get my tail back. Already tried that once, and it was a fight to get back to the ocean.
That was it for me now! Have a good day!
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Halloween event: Where did you spend your time in?
-Date 3rd of November-
“Halloween event, Where did you spend your time?”
“And here we are.”
Raivo mushes his way through the crowd and before him stands rows and rows of stands. Food stands, games stands, you name it. The whole street is illuminated by several lanterns, shining an orange glow over the whole festival. Monster and humans alike walk around in costumes, it is hard to see who is monster-kind or human-folk with all the costumes. Speaking of, Raivo looks over that Oskar, what kind of monster is he? The witch had told him not every monster has the ability to have a human-form.“Yo, earth to kiddo, did this place fry your brain or something? I asked you a question”“Oh oh, sorry-” Raivo rubs his neck sheepishly,  “Could you say it again?”“I asked you if you wanted to do something, the witch threw some money at me to keep you entertained”“..What am i pet” Raivo mumbles annoyed“Yeah probably, see anything you fancy? I’m gonna grab some food, you want something?” On the mention of food Raivo could feel his stomach growl. Some food couldn’t hurt. He follows behind Oskar, feeling rather exposed in this outfit. That Witch, she had to choose this outfit out everything. She knows I can’t wear my hat for this one. Raivo takes a deep breathe, and decides to yell at the Witch later, and enjoy the festival. It was the first time he has ever been to a non all human event.This is very different. They pass different vendors, the scent of food fills the air, from fry to sweets, it was a sensation to the nose. Raivo walks by the different stands, it’s hard to tell what’s human food or monster food.He has to go off looks, and smell. As well as if the food vender is human or not, though,it becomes increasingly harder to tell monster from human as he goes on. His thoughts were interrupted when another voice interrupted by a greeting.“Oh? If it isn’t Oskar, funny meeting you here” A man wearing sports tracksuit approaches as he holds his gas mask in his off hand and  holding what looks like a kebab in the other.“Ivan! Glad you could make it. “ Oskar greets and the two of them do some sort of handshake, fist bump thing. Raivo couldn’t quite tell from the angle.“To you as well. Now who’s the little one?” Ivan asks pointing towards Raivo.“That would be Raivo, Snezhana is making me watch him. Oh and don’t get too attached to him, he’s human” Oskar’s last words felt like knives, he half expects that Ivan will join in his laughter or something, but he when he looks over at Ivan, the man has a face of pure confusion.Ivan turns and walks towards Raivo, inspecting him. Before talking again
“Could’ve fooled me with those horns of his, such a well made costume, the person who made it did a fine job.))” Ivan says tapping one of the horns on Raivo’s head, much to Raivo’s dismay. Raivo wiggles himself a bit away,“Oh my apologies, you must be afraid I’m going to break your horns, they must be a fragile, I understand your worry, I’ll not mess with them any longer”“..Thanks..?” Raivo asks confused, and also worried. Is this man taunting him? Raivo doesn’t think he’s seen him before, this Ivan, or so what Oskar called him. He was tall, much taller. And he speaks like he knows something he doesn’t. Raivo wasn’t sure what to think of him.“Oh right we were just about to grab some food, wanna tag along Ivan?”“Oh glady, you wouldn’t mind that would you, boy?” Raivo feels deja vu.They walk around the stands, Raivo manages to find something edible, Ivan wins a stuffed cat plushie out of pure spite alone, and Oskar manages to destroy in apple bobbing, the hard part was getting those apples off his fangs again.Ivan parts ways from them again, now it’s just Oskar and Raivo
Halloween event 4/6
Thanks for joining in @ask-cohabitation-russia and @ask-cohabitation-2psweden
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“Hello there darling, don’t worry! I won’t bite. I’m just here to talk~”
[Ask Box Open]
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*Pats the floof* Happy birthday! :3
Raivo accepts the birthday wish, but does a roll to avoid getting pet on the head.“hiss”Finny: He, doesn’t like to get pet on the head, he doesn’t mean any harm^^
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"Hey Raivis?" She approached you, looking everywhere to make sure no one sees her with him, "I was wondering... don't you think our science teacher is a dick? Everyone seems to like him but... ugh. He's a total jerk! It's not just in my head, is it? Can you tell too?" She asked unsurely, scowling in irritation at the world. -Quiet Screamer (Miriam) ||Has trouble remembering his name rip||
“Hey Raivis?”
Raivo was on his way to the cafeteria when she suddenly came out of nowhere. Well not from nowhere, Raivo probably didn’t notice her because the whole lamb costume thing still fresh in his mind. Did she see it too?
“Once again, that’s not my name.”
Raivo sighs, “close enough.. You had something to ask?”
“Right,” Miriam looks right and left really fast. Is she worried someone is going to hear what she is going to say.
“ “I was wondering… don’t you think our science teacher is a dick? Everyone seems to like him but… ugh.” Raivo lifts an eyebrow in concern. It’s very on the spot, Raivo tries to think.
“Have you-” he tries.
“He’s a total jerk! It’s not just in my head, is it? Can you tell too?" She asked unsure, scowling in irritation. Raivo could feel she wanted him to agree with her, but why did she ask him? She usually never ‘talks to him unless they are put in a group assignment together.
“Uhh, I guess. He often uses me as an example of someone with bad genes, because of my height, or lack thereof.”
She laughs, Raivo isn’t sure if it was at him or with him.
“He at one point said I should drink more..H2O2 or whatever it’s called.”
“I think you mean H2O, H2O2 would kill you. He’s was just saying to drink more water.”
“He didn’t want to kill me did he? Oh my god thank you uhh.. Raivu?” Raivo cringes at the name, but at least she tried he tried to convince himself.
“Ra- Ey-vo. Rai-vo” he corrects her.
“I’m not sure how you make that sound with your mouth. What is it Dutch?”
“Estonian actually, had to look it up because my adoptive parents are not Slavic. But that’s the name that is on my birth certificate.”
“So you are Estonian? Or just your name?.. What are you exactly? ”she bombards him with questions.
“I…I don’t know what I am.” Raivo felt a wave of doubt rush over him. Raivo thinks that she could notice too. However, before he could say anything, the sounds of someone coming around the corner echoes throughout the hall. Her eyes widen, as she hesitantly gives Raivo one last glance and runs off. Raivo didn’t quite understand her expression. She is hard to read sometimes.
Raivo breaks out in a cough. Before making his way towards his destination.
This cafeteria trip is taking longer than he thought.
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Hello there. I have a very special order. Please take it to my apartment above my Bakery. @ask-Cohabitation-2p-England
Raivo lands his broom in front of the bakery, Raivo stops up for a minute before digging up the note from his bag. “This can’t be the place… It feels to nice” Ravio thinks checking it again. Nope, this it alright. Raivo jumps off his broom and moves his way into the bakery. Upon entering, he is attacked by all the strong scents and sweet smells. He didn’t know why but it made him ill to his stomach.“Hello?? Raivo’s delivery service. You made a deilvery..?” Behind the counter stood familiar face.
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“It’s you…You are that guy who visited my school” Raivo stood in shook.Of all People, why would he order something like this. The person behind the counter confirms, and Raivo pulls out a small package, and places it on the table. Holding out his clipboard. Raivo bites his limp. The stench of the package tickles his nose, he feels his tummy turn.“Your…baking ”ingredients” sir, please sign here, Mr. Oliver…sir”@ask-cohabitation-2p-england
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Uhm, no. I don’t have anyone like that- and well.. I- uhm...
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Why did only Raivo went to the principal's office and not both him AND the bully? Why didn't the teacher ask what happened and let them explain? What did Raivo do?
*contains mention of blood and description of injury*
Everything is still a haze as Ravio looks around. His classmates faces seem more scared than usual. He looks over at the bully before him, he found out why. Something red was covering the hand of the boy who held his amulet, at first glance it seems to look like blood, but it’s to light for that’s, and then it hit him. It’s anburn mark, not that deep but definitely not a pretty sight.
“Did, did my amulet do that?”
Raivo thinks as he stands up tucking the amulet back into his hoodie again. Nobody seemed to want to talk to him, Raivo could only imagine the worse. And quickly left the classroom. As he walks up to the Principal’s office, he could feel his chest get more heavy, but the weird feeling from before seems to be gone at least. He came to the large wooden doors and knocks.
“Who is it?” A rather strict voice came from behind the door
“Raivo, Raivo Finley of class 1C”
He isn’t quite sure if he ready to meet the principal, rumors flood around about him and his tendency to expel for little to nothing. Not to mention the rumors about him being non-human. Raivo couldn’t quite remember if he had ever heard a word of positivity about him, he could feel the scolding already. That’s when the door opened before him, once again knocking him out of his thought train. Before him stands a rather tall pale man. With a very stiff facial expression. Raivo heart sank, what would his parents think if he gets expelled, would he get home-schooled? Or worse, would he have the Witch as his new teacher. Raivo shivers st the thought.
“Come in”Gulp. Raivo steps into the room and the door smacks behind him. As his eyes get use to the dim lighting he notices the decor. The room has a very vintage feel to it, a vase of umbrellas stands neatly by an old fashion coat hanger. The room has a few sofas and it feels, warm almost, like something his grandfather would have.
“Take a seat.” The principal refers over at an sofa chair by a desk. It’s soft, it felt almost too welcoming. It contrasts greatly with the cold dead silence between them, Ravio is too afraid to break it.
“Do you know why you are here?”
“I..I um was hoping you could perhaps. Uhh tell me? Victor and them engaged me. So how come they aren’t here as well..-”The principal looks up from his notes.
“Not that I’m telling you how to do your job or anything! You probably know what your doing and I don’t want to stand in your way. They were just you know pulling on my dumb necklace and-”
“Raivo do you wish to become a witch?”
Raivo was taken back by that question, a witch? Oh gosh no. He doesn’t want to be anything like the witch. Living alone and having to deal with monsters all day. Doing what she pleases, having a cool familiar and the amazing feeling of flying a broom. Raivo shakes it out of his head. No way in hell was that something he wanted.
“I’m not sure what you are talking about sir, what makes you say that?.”Raivo lies trying to keep his so called “part time” forever job a secret.
“Two things actually. The clear witch made amulet around your neck was my first guess. It seems to be holding quite a lot of magical power, not something to take lightly.
Raivo reached for the spot where the amulet lays under his hoodie, how did he see that?
“How did you? Wait what’s the second thing?”
“That mark you have. That’s not something you see on people your age now a days. I would be careful who I show that off to.”
Raivo was starting to look almost as pale as the principal. How much does he know. Did he want to use this against him? Raivo looks over at the principal. Now that he looks at him properly his eyes doesn’t seem to hold any ill intent.
“Why are you telling me this? What do you what?”
“What about yourself, what do you want? You seem to be conflicted over something. And judging from what the teachers have told me. It’s been affecting your grades. Keep an eye on that.”The principal stands up and leads Raivo out of the room and into the hall.
“You are free to go.”Raivo felt much better.
“Also.- If anything like today happens again, come to me okay? Now if you excuse me, there is something I have to clean up in. Wouldn’t it be nice just to forget when bad things happen to us, a lot less stress that way.”
What does he mean by that?
Before Raivo could ask the principal was gone
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Don't you like sweets?
ask: “Don’t you like sweets?”
-Date 3rd of November-
Oskar and Raivo are walking back from the festival and path some houses
Oskar: “Alright human, do I have to take you trick or treating too?” Uhh um do children your age trick or treat? I lose track of humans years. You are uhh-?Raivo: “I’m 14, though my 15th birthday is soon”Oskar: “Like uhh a few months or? Sorry human time is also confusing, you need to work with me here.”Raivo: “15 days,  to be exact. It would be the 18th, this month.”Oskar: “Do almost 15 year olds still trick or treat.”Raivo: “I mean normally no, besides, lately i’ve not had the biggest sweet tooth”
Oskar: “I feel the same way, like, your human candy is “okay” at best. It upsets my stomach too. Not the right ingredients.Raivo: “Now you are sounding like her, The witch that is. Always telling me how bad human food is. How it needs more…flavour”Oskar: “Because I have the same diet, though I’m that Ivan and Snezhana don’t like hang out more, they have a lot in common, it’s kind of scary”Raivo: “Yeah right, That which is an old hag who can’t do more than nag, sure she eats…questionable things, and they both like to wear scarfs and mess with me. But that’s a about it.”Oskar: “I known Ivan longer than I’ve known Snezhana, but something smells off, not that you could tell human noses are inferior in every way.”Raivo: “Rudee”Oskar: “Says the teenager, I’m just stating facts.”Raivo and Oskar bicker for a bit until they reach Raivo’s house, and Oskar helps sneak Raivo back through the window of his room.
Halloween event 5/6
Thanks for letting me use Oskar
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Of course I do! Normally we sleep from mid-morning to mid-afternoon to keep out of the light of the mid-day sun. The sun’s harshest during that time and it’s dangerous for us to be out during that time. Some of us who are awake during that time make sure they are inside.. Some vampires sleep like humans, but not very often. We don’t have to sleep as much as humans, maybe four to five hours. I sleep more than that but it’s because I’m still young. We sleep more when we’re young, but the older we get the less sleep we need.  
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You don't go around biting everyone do you?
“Oh no no no! All the blood I drink comes from servants and vampire blood drives!”
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So who are you exactly?
“My name is Lutz Krause! My father is the head of the Vampire’s Allegiance. Basically our own little government that discusses what we need from human government’s and vice versa. I still live in the manor of my parents, but they moved closer to the county’s capital so I am here to protect out home and keep things in line while Mother and Father are gone.”
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You are a vampire... correct?
“Yooou bet!”
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