#cohabitation Latvia
brijeshtiwaripune · 1 year
First ex-Soviet state Estonia legalizes same-sex marriage
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Prime Minister Kaja Kallas expressed her pride in Estonia as the bill garnered 55 votes in the 101-seat parliament. Estonia, a progressive ex-Soviet state, has made significant strides in advancing LGBT rights over the past few decades. Same-sex sexual activity was legalized in 1992, and in 2016, same-sex couples gained the ability to register their relationship through cohabitation agreements. On June 20, 2023, Estonia achieved another milestone by becoming the first ex-Soviet state to legalize same-sex marriage. This historic move reflects Estonia's commitment to equality and aligns it with Western values while distinguishing itself from neighboring Russia. Legal Framework and Progress in Estonia The path to same-sex marriage in Estonia involved public debates, court rulings, and the passing of the Registered Partnership Act in 2014. However, the implementation of certain acts required for the law to take effect faced delays, resulting in legal complications. The new Estonian government, committed to promoting equality, pledged to pass the necessary acts, and the Supreme Court recognized the right of same-sex couples to family life. Support for LGBT rights and Same-Sex Marriage in Estonia Estonia is considered one of the most liberal ex-Soviet states regarding LGBT rights, with a majority of the population supporting anti-discrimination laws and same-sex marriage, as indicated by a 2023 survey. This growing support is a testament to changing attitudes and increased acceptance in Estonian society. Advocates of same-sex marriage emphasize the importance of equal rights, reducing hostility, and creating a secure environment for all individuals. Estonia's progress in LGBT rights is seen as a potential catalyst for change in neighboring countries like Latvia and Lithuania, inspiring them to follow suit. Impact of Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage The legalization of same-sex marriage in Estonia will eliminate legal uncertainties faced by same-sex couples and solidify their rights. Starting from January 1, 2024, same-sex couples will have the right to marry and jointly adopt, further enhancing their legal recognition and family rights. The new law will also enable joint adoption by same-sex couples, expanding their ability to create and raise families. Estonia's move towards marriage equality reinforces its commitment to inclusivity and ensures that all loving couples have the same rights and opportunities, irrespective of sexual orientation. Ongoing Challenges and the Road Ahead While Estonia has made significant progress in promoting LGBT rights, challenges and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community still persist in certain sectors of Estonian society. Continued efforts are necessary to address these issues and foster greater acceptance and equality for all individuals. Advocacy groups, lawmakers, and activists will continue their work to combat discrimination, raise awareness, and promote understanding. Read the full article
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“Now now boy. No need to give me that expression-” Ivan looks down at Raivo’s amulet, with fearful eyes
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“....it can’t be-”
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[part 1]   [part 2]   [part 3 ] ((If any of you hold an actual Rabbit like how Ivan did i will yeet you, Raivo is a magical bunny, don’t hold actual bunnies like that))
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A note attached to the small box says:
"Happy day of birth young one! I hope you enjoy the gift I sent you. You and Ivan should come by soon, I haven't seen you in so long. So much has happened we really must catch up. -Lutz”
Inside is a small, dark embroidered cape with a hood. 
Happy Birthday Raivo! Have fun with that design idea Finny >:3 I’ll let you decide with that dark hooded cape for your edgy teen 
@ask-cohabitation-russia @ask-cohabitation-latvia
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How well do you get along with other teens?
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“Oh, I get along fine with all of them, oui… Except for him.”
He sniffed.
“What a rude child.”
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What about that Ravis kid or something? Do you see him like child of yours or is that someone elses?
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“He’s a good child, how could he force me into parenthood- all my children are at least slightly inclined to trouble, he couldn’t be further from that.”
//or so nri believes @ask-cohabitation-latvia
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Happy Valentine’s Day from ask-cohabitation-latvia!
from Finny and Raivo
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Alfred: Happy Valentine’s Day! Wow. Didn’t think I’d get one. Cool!
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Another one- this one is @ask-cohabitation-latvia from the cohabitation AU- Rip Raivo, he’s probably being lectured. 
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Happy Valentine’s Day from ask-cohabitation-latvia!
from Finny and Raivo
“Why, thank you both for the absolutely lovely valentine~! You’ve absolutely made my day.”
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Happy Valentine’s Day from ask-cohabitation-latvia!
from Finny and Raivo
Rotti: Thank you! This is made my day brighter!
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Cast List (As of 11/19/2020)
Those who are crossed off are ones who have not contacted the Mods about their situations on whether they are staying in the AU or not. They are still claimed for now, until we get in contact with them we don’t know for sure.
America- http://ask-cohabitation-america.tumblr.com/
Australia- http://ask-cohabitation-australia.tumblr.com/
Cameroon: https://ask-cohabitation-cameroon.tumblr.com/
China- https://ask-cohabitation-china.tumblr.com/
Colombia- Application Accepted
England- https://ask-cohabitation-england.tumblr.com/
France- https://ask-cohabitation-france.tumblr.com/
Iceland-  https://ask-cohabitation-iceland.tumblr.com/
India- https://ask-cohabitation-india.tumblr.com/
Knight’s Templar- https://ask-cohabitation-knights-templar.tumblr.com/
Latvia- https://ask-cohabitation-latvia.tumblr.com/
Liechtenstein- https://ask-cohabitation-liecht.tumblr.com
Romano- https://cohabitation-romano.tumblr.com/
Russia- https://ask-cohabitation-russia.tumblr.com/
Sealand- https://ask-cohabitation-sealand.tumblr.com/
Veneciano- https://ask-cohabitation-italy.tumblr.com/
Austria- https://ask-cohabitation-nyoaustria.tumblr.com/
Turkey- https://ask-cohabitation-nyoturkey.tumblr.com
Canada- https://ask-cohabitation-2pcanada.tumblr.com/
China- https://ask-cohabitation-2pchina.tumblr.com/
Denmark- https://ask-cohabitation-2p-denmark.tumblr.com/
England- https://ask-cohabitation-2p-england.tumblr.com/
France- https://ask-cohabitation-2pfrance.tumblr.com
Germany- https://ask-cohabitation-2pgermany.tumblr.com
India- https://ask-cohabitation-2pindia.tumblr.com/
Persian Empire: https://ask-cohabitation-2p-persia.tumblr.com/
Sweden- https://ask-cohabitation-2psweden.tumblr.com/
Ukraine- https://ask-cohabition-2pukraine.tumblr.com/
2p Nyo’s
China- https://ask-cohabitation-2pnyochina.tumblr.com/
Alexander- https://ask-cohabitation-alexander.tumblr.com/
Rotti Vendetta/Harley- https://ask-cohabitation-rotti.tumblr.com/
Moscow (Maria)- https://ask-cohabitation-maria.tumblr.com/
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“valentines blep for you//”
Raivo: “Thanks dude, and sure I got plenty of Orange Juice”
He is just gonna pretend you didn’t just call him Ravioli.
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“I do think you are a monster and you are just simply delusional. Utterly maddened from being completely submerged in human culture for so long you can’t recall your own. Or you were never given to opportunity to actually learn it. When I figure out your origins this problem will be remedied, but until then I will still deny these delusions of yours.” he said with a huff and a roll of his eyes.
I know this was technically for the truth event but since it’s on pause I thought to answer it anyway. This is what his answer would have been if I had the event still going on. Sorry @ask-cohabitation-latvia I know thats not what you want to hear but he’s never going to play along with you lol XD
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unhappy latvia for @ask-cohabitation-latvia
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The autumn is upon us. Leaves will soon fall and the nights get longer. Any plans?
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“Plans? We'll see.”//tagging @ask-cohabitation-latvia for mystery reasons
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🔮 (Cohab latvia)
“Young man... From day one, you have fascinated me. Well, more like your amulet has. I would love to unlock its secrets... Ah, I’m getting sidetracked. I must admit, I pity the fact that you must stay around that cannibal witch. If you ever need a break from everything, don’t be afraid to come to my manor. I wouldn’t mind having a little company over.”
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Happy Valentine’s Day from ask-cohabitation-latvia!
from Finny and Raivo
((Thank youu!! Belated happy Valentine’s day my friend!💕😊))
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