#hhh sorry if like 88% of u guys are like 'uhh no that's not accurate for me at all'
For the prompt thingy how about 9 with Saeyoung?
9. person A with a picture of person B as their phone lock screen
genres/tags: attempt at humour, light fluff
warnings: none
word count: 1.9k
notes: LMAO THIS TOOK ME A LAUGHABLY LONG TIME BUT IT’S FINALLY HERE. Took me a few rewrites too lol... Hope you guys enjoy! Reblogs and feedback are very much appreciated, please!
Also, many thanks to @gureishi for beta reading (I think that’s the correct phrasing) this!!
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It was a slow day. A boring day. Part of you wanted to be productive in one way or another, but another part of you just wanted a break from any and all thinking and doing – excluding simple, mindless tasks such as scrolling through social media or watching YouTube. This latter side was (and had been, for most of the day) winning.
You didn’t particularly like that you had made no progress on anything today, but then again, it wasn’t like you were pressed for time or faced with deadlines or anything of the sort. Nevertheless, habit made it hard to completely accept that perhaps it was okay to let today be a lazy one.
You exhaled and pursed your lips. Saeyoung was occupied with his work, Saeran was out on another long walk, the messenger was dry, and all your other friends were busy. Even the social media feed was slowing down. You supposed that you could re-watch some of your favourite YouTube videos, but then you would also have to do something else, such as art, to occupy your hands. After all, it wasn’t new content, and thus would not be enough to entertain you entirely.
Another huff of air, louder this time, followed by a groan. Sprawled along the couch in yet another strange position, you held your phone before your face, a pout settling on your lips. You were bored, yet you hardly had the energy to do anything at all. And napping – if only to pass the time until Saeyoung finished his work – was out of the question. You couldn’t remember the last time you had been able to nap, save for the times when you pulled a literal all-nighter.
Closing the social media app left you staring blankly at your arrangement of the other applications. What to do, what to do… I could play computer games. But that meant getting up, which you couldn’t find it in yourself to do. A thoughtful hum accompanied your furrowed brow. You sifted through the different apps, but nothing seemed appealing.
In what was almost a desperate (or fruitless) attempt to find some form of entertainment or motivation, you opened the gallery and skimmed through the albums of fanart, memes, screenshots of conversations, and photos of your friends (both those of the RFA and those outside of it). You found yourself grinning as you were reminded of events and get-togethers, silly things, pranks. You weren’t by any means a professional photographer, nor did you have any plans to become one, but you still liked to capture moments of life via any method – be it videos, pictures, or voice recordings. You organized everything as best as you could, typically by event. And when one friend had a particularly high number of photos or videos, you gave them their own album.
Of course, this was the case for Saeyoung. You had close to 600 photos and almost 40 videos featuring him alone, a couple hundred more of the two of you together, and more of him with other people. You loved looking through his album, loved having a way to view his face when you couldn’t do so in person – such as right now. He was working hard in his office on a recent assignment; you didn’t want to bother him.
But soon – too soon – you reached the end of the album, the photos dating back eleven months. It had been almost a year already since you met the RFA, since you fell head-over-heels for the redheaded hacker (and him for you), since the craziness with Mint Eye and Rika. Since Saeran had begun his recovery.
How time flies.
You sighed quietly and turned off your phone to stare up at the ceiling instead. Not a minute later, a familiar face popped into view, over the top of the couch, accompanied by a loud shout— No, it was closer to a playful roar, what with the growl that edged it.
Whatever the hell it was, it made you shriek, and before you could even process all that was happening, your phone was flying towards Saeyoung’s precious face. And all you managed in response to that was a choked gasp and hushed swear.
By some miracle (or a little thing called agency training), Saeyoung dodged in time, with a yelp of his own. Not only did he dodge the projectile, he also – after a bit of flailing – managed to catch it.
There was a pause. You gaped at him, awed, heart pounding a little faster from the whole ordeal. “Holy…”
He snapped out of his own stupor at your whisper; his lips curled into a smug smile. “Didn’t you know your God Seven is awesome?”
You huffed a laugh. “Oh- No, I just thought you were some loser.” You pulled an exaggeratedly puzzled expression. “Who are you again? Why do we let you live here?”
Saeyoung pouted, and you grinned. He leaned over the back of the couch, moving closer to you. “I paid for this place, and this is how you treat me? I see how it is~.” His pout twisted into a playful smirk.
“It seems you need a little reminder,” he purred. He turned to your phone. “Let’s see~ You’re always taking phot—” His words caught in his throat as he lit up the display and his eyes landed on your lock screen. His eyebrows rose in mild surprise, and red dusted his cheeks.
Oh. Oh no. That’s right. You had changed the image yesterday.
To a photo of him. And not just any photo – one of your favourites. One you had snuck at the last RFA party. Because damn he just looked so good in that suit… and with his hair like that… and the confidence etched into his features… And the moment you caught… Well, it simply screamed, “Hot damn.”
Oh, boy. You weren’t gonna live this down, were you? Because it wasn’t just the photo, it was the caption: Look at mah man. He’s so sexy in that suit hehe <3 …because you had sent it to a friend. Your best friend, in fact – the one person you were absolutely comfortable sharing that with. Because damn, you just had to share such a beauty with someone!
You were certain your face was redder than Saeyoung’s at this point. You tried to stammer out some excuse, tried to instead calm down and throw out some nonchalant line, but the words dried up with the rest of your mouth.
Glimmering gold shifted up from the now-dark screen to lock onto your flushed face. A teasing smile played upon his lips, and it quickly grew into a grin. “Aw, honey~ You think I’m sexy? Sexy enough to be on your lock screen, too~. Hehe, you’re so cute.”
“W-well, I— I um… u-uh… Y-you just… It’s a good picture, okay!” you blurted, flustered and a little indignant. “You always look so dang good in that suit an’ with your hair all like that so- so just hush up about it! How can I not take a picture?” Or two. Or five. Or thirty.
Saeyoung opened his mouth to reply, but he seemed frozen in place, layers upon layers of red washing over his face until it blended with his hair. You blinked a few times, overcoming your own embarrassment, and felt your mouth tug into a smirk. Oh~? Tomato boy is here to join us, hmm?
A good half minute (first of silence, then of incoherent stammers) passed before he gave in and just groaned, brushing one hand through his hair. You giggled a bit, for the action left bits here and there sticking up.
“Gaah, stop being so cute!” he whined.
You could only giggle again. “I’m not doing anything~.”
“Stop that!” He let out another groan and clutched his shirt, as though it would calm his heart. “Are you trying to kill me? My heart can’t take your cuteness!”
“Hehe, maayyybe~.” You leaned against the back cushion, cheek resting on the comfy material as you grinned up at him (perhaps trying to optimize your supposed cuteness). “Maybe I can’t help it when I’m with you.”
He squinted playfully. “You’re cute all the time, don’t try to deny it, [Name]~.”
Perking up, you feigned shock. “Then how have you survived all this time?”
Saeyoung drew near (almost smirking), slipped your phone into his pocket, and held your face in his warm hands, squishing your cheeks together a bit. “I’ve learned to handle it. But sometimes your cuteness levels go way, waayyy up, and my poor heart is struck once again!” He nuzzled his nose against yours, then pecked it, eliciting another soft giggle from you. “You’re blushing,” he teased quietly, and this time planted a kiss between your eyes.
“Shush.” You tried to sound half-stern, but it came out all-delight. Your heart fluttered at even a glimpse of the adoration in those sparkling eyes of his – so you shut your own, a flustered laugh escaping you. His lovely chuckle followed, and he pressed his forehead to yours.
“I love you~.”
You opened your eyes, hands coming up to loosely grasp his arms. You bit your lip (failing to control a smile), tittered again, averted your eyes. “Jus’ come here,” you said, tugging at his arm. “The couch. Come on, come cuddle.”
The redhead beamed, pressed another (messy, hasty) kiss to your forehead, and released you to skirt around the couch (last time, he had vaulted over, but that didn’t end well).
In a moment of boldness, thinking back to the photo he had discovered, you forced the words out: “You know, you really are sexy in that suit.”
His glowing face turned pink, but his confidence didn’t falter – nor his enthusiasm, given that he half threw himself against you, hugging you and sending you both crashing down. He pushed himself up and smirked down at you. “Good to know.”
Oh, you knew that face, knew it all too well. He was planning something with this new piece of knowledge. But, you thought, how bad could it be? If it had anything to do with his suit, with his styled hair, with his confident demeanor, then you could only see stars in your future.
You grinned and wrapped your arms around him. “Love you,” you sang quietly – almost shyly. Leaning up, you stole a sweet, deliberate kiss. Falling back, you brought a hand up to weave through his vermillion curls. And his eyes shut at your gentle motions, and his features relaxed with the rest of him. He shifted, closing some of the remaining distance between the two of you. And again his eyes fluttered open; his lips curved into that beautiful smile – then they were capturing your own, and thoughts of him filled your mind, flushing out everything else. You twirled curled strands around your fingers: mindless. He drifted a hand down your side to hold your hip: habit.
He pulled away, kissed your cheek, and nuzzled into your neck, tickling you with a contented exhale. You giggled; in turn, he did, too.
With his weight comfortably holding you down, with his presence surrounding you, you let your eyes slide shut, fingers still absentmindedly combing through Saeyoung’s hair.
“Love you,” came his muffled promise.
“Love you more.”
“Untrue. Loved you first.”
“Doubt it. Love you forever.”
He waggled his fingers against your flank. You squeaked, squirming beneath him, and he snickered lightly.
You felt him grin. “I love you, too.” He lifted his head, brushing his lips against your jaw. “Forever,” he breathed.
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