#hi theo hi nova hi kai in particular bc i feel like we all have quite similar styles and i absolutely take huge inspo from that
hella1975 · 5 months
i adore your writing style- the symbolism, the metaphors, the imagery agh it's just everything i look for in writing and i was wondering if you have any recs for authors or books or fics that u take inspiration from?
BLUSHING SO HARD RN. IM SO FINE AND NORMAL ABOUT THIS. as for recs god what a question this really made me think actually and this definitely isnt that answer you're looking for because - to my upmost shame - i barely read anything at the moment. like im absolutely the target audience for those posts like 'dont just read fic!' bc rn im only reading fic. whoops. having said that, even in periods when i have been reading a lot, my writing style is something ive come into over long, gruelling years of figuring out what works for me and what im best at. im lucky enough to have a lot of mutuals that are also into writing, and honestly? i probably take most inspiration from them. being able to go back and forth with ideas and send each other snippets is really important to my writing process.
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