#him wanting winx to be diverse is literally the reason that we have characters like flora and aisha
floralovebot · 1 year
What are your thoughts on how nickelodeon made the Princess of Linphea lightskinned? Was this them trying to whitewash Linphea?
That's interesting!
I mean listen I wouldn't put it past them yknow? This is rainbow and nickelodeon, two companies very cozy with whitewashing and racism. But I do think this could've been more innocent on their part. We didn't see a lot of the people of Lynphea in the first three seasons but we did see some, notably Miele who is also very lightskinned and could very well be white or very white-passing.
I think it's also important to remember that Rainbow is,, pretty bad with racial sensitivity and they treat all of the planets as very "color blind" so to speak. Like Melody is considered the "Asian planet" yet the princess is likely wasian but so white-passing that most fans thought she was completely white. We've also seen multiple other characters from Melody that don't "look" asian (obvs being asian doesn't have a "look" but in the realm of animation and rainbow racism? yeah they do). Nabu and Helia are both heavily asian-coded, yet Nabu (and his family) is from Andros while Helia is implied to be from Lynphea or Solaria.
We also see multiple shots of the crowds on other plants like Domino and Solaria where you can see characters that are definitely Not White. And while those characters could easily be from a different planet, they're also usually wearing the clothing associated with that planet and are considered Part of the people.
Rainbow often mixes different races and ethnicities for literally all of the planets. Like the argument that a character couldn't be from one planet because they aren't a specific race does not work in the winx universe. All of the planets are incredibly "mixed". And again, while there's obviously a discussion to be had about whitewashing cultures, being color blind, uncomfortable implications of colonization, etc, the princess of Lynphea being a white girl or at least partially white-coded or white-passing is actually really on brand for them and not something that I would entirely blame Nickelodeon for.
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florelia12 · 13 days
do you have a fancast? like perfect irl people that remind you of florelia (and the rest) not necessarily actors but people in general. tbh it's hard to find the perfect tan girl with green eyes. sometimes it's easy when people aren't in your ear telling you flora is latina bc she might be but it's hard to find latinas with flora's physical traits. and helia to me he's not asian he just has cat eyes. though I have to admit I like it when in fics people say helia and musa are cousins.
okay there is a lot to unpack here.
First of all, no, I actually don't have the perfect fancast for Florelia or any of the Winx characters really and its not something that really bothers me. I don't want a live action (not everything needs to be made live) or a reboot, I want them to fix the mistakes they've done in the actual show and bring back quality content.
Secondly, I am that person in your ear telling you Flora is a Latina and that Helia is Asian.
Not because she might be, but because it has been explicitly said since forever that Iginio was inspired by Jennifer Lopez when creating Flora. The WHOLE POINT of the characters Musa, Aisha and Flora being designed the way they were was to include diversity.
The proof is coming out with the original designs for Musa and Flora where they are both clearly white. What other reason would Iginio have to change their features and the colors of their skin if it wasn't to be inclusive? And what is wrong with him doing that?
When people say Flora is Latina they obviously don't mean she is a Latina, Puerto Rican girl living in an alien world. Her character is inspired by a Latina woman. Hence, her features and skintone (when doing art or fancast) and possible stereotypes (when making hcs or writing fanfics) need to be taken into account.
When you say it's hard to find Latina's with Flora's traits, it's not because Flora's not a Latina or girls who look like her don't exist, it's because there is not enough representation of darker skinned Latinas. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT. Especially if you're looking for it on pinterest, like you search girlhood in there and all you get are white girls?? Where the hell are the rest of us?
Also Flora having green eyes is directly related to the fact that she is the Fairy of Nature (they literally glow when she powers up) but that doesn't mean Latinas can't have green eyes. One simple google search will show you.
You can argue for Linphea since it doesn't look like Puerto Rico but it also a realm of Nature and that doesn't leave as much room for them to work with as they got to with Musa and Melody (even that has its issues of lumping in all the different cultures) and lets be honest we barely got a glimpse into Linphea's actual culture as it was.
Then we have Helia. Yes his character wasn't explicitly said to be Asian. But his design doesn't leave much doubt, especially the moment someone points it out. His features are inspired by East Asian features, he shares similar design characteristics to Musa and other asian characters.
The fact that you said he just has cat eyes already proves how you view Asian features. And also the fact that you identify he has Asian features but don't want him to be Asian is because of whatever prejudice you are holding onto.
The joke is so fucking old, it was never, ever funny.
Also I want to pose this question to everyone, not this person since they didn't say they think he's white. Why is it that if a light-skinned character's inspiration isn't explicitly stated, they are just by default white?
And anyone pointing out the possibility of them being otherwise makes people think they have the free-reign to just to ignore because the character is light-skinned?
When Helia's background is left for interpretation it makes more sense to explore the hundreds of Asian cultures that exist instead of ignoring all of that and jumping straight to him being white. Like there are East Asians and there are Southeast Asians and no these aren't just two cultures they are a number of different countries with different cultures.
I am South Asian. No, I do not look like Helia or Musa, I look like Nabu.
Hell, I thought Flora was Indian and Helia was white when I was NINE. It took one person casually pointing out "hey they're not" to realise oh ya they actually aren't.
I don't know if this was a targeted ask because I have posted in this account about how i find the Helia and Musa being cousins hcs uncomfortable.
But yeah, I find it uncomfortable because where I'm from (I can't speak for every single Asian country though I don't think this is an isolated experience) it is a joke to ask any new Asian person you meet if they are related or if they know this other Asian person that you know. Again it's an old joke, it's not that funny, it never was.
It is also a joke to say yeah all Asians are related, or they all cousins. It may seem harmless, but I'd say it has deeper roots of incest accusations/stereotypes like marrying your cousin or whatever. Even if I'm wrong about that (if i am please someone who is a poc correct me, white people shut up), it's still a stereotype you are perpetuating. (and no I'm not just talking about older fanfics that were probably written by 11 year olds where everyone is always related, i'm talking about the ones written by adults.)
Why is it never Sky and Stella being cousins? Or Riven and Tecna? They have similar features. Why not them? Why is it always only Musa and Helia?
But that just brings us back to you saying you don't think Helia's Asian. Musa is clearly Asian (if you're going to say she's not then you are just plain ignorant). But, Musa's Asian and her "cousin" Helia just has cat eyes ???If you like that hc then why can’t you accept that he is clearly Asian?
Before white people get defensive about poc calling out racism that you claim isn't intentional, stop and think WHY. It has been said time and time again, racism is not always inherently overt or 100% intentional. It can come out in even as something as 'small' or 'not as serious' as cartoon characters. But it is serious because we poc exist in these spaces too.
Also you can be POC and still be racist. Funnily enough, that was the very first direct interaction of racism I experienced in this fandom. That also does not mean white people get a pass (it's sad I even have to add that as a disclaimer)
I don't even know if you bothered to read this far, but I hope you've learned something.
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destroyscythe-heck · 2 years
An incomplete list of cursed things that happened in a dream I had about a live action Gundam Wing movie when I took a nap yesterday
1. There was an orchestral cover of “Everybody” by the Backstreet Boys playing during like the boys setting up for the big final showdown
2. The dialogue I remember was mostly MCU style quips and snarky stuff
3. Duo’s character basically got completely gutted and replaced with him being the standard stock action movie comic relief
4. Hilde, Dorothy, Mike Howard,and the Manganac corps all got completely cut
5. Wufei got done realizing dirty “because nobody liked Wufei anyway so it’s fine if he’s just an unsympathetic dick who gets bullied the whole time”, it was very mean spirited and probably also really really racist with how he was handled
6. Relena also got completely gutted to to just make her “Heero’s love interest who is a girl who sometimes also talks about how pacifism is neat” probably to make her seem less “annoying” or “pushy” or “preachy” or “SJW-ish” because people would mock the movie on YouTube
7. Quatre was being played by a white actor but it was justified in the story by none of the Winner kids being the same race or even looking related at all because their parents got a bit creative during the Gattaca-ing of their army of test tube babies
Also out of the script the people making the movie said they were justified in doing that because they added more new diversity by casting Trowa as black and a “plus size” actress to be Sally (Both of which I am ok with but we went through this with the live action Winx Club show, you can’t erase some pre existing diversity and then pretend it’s okay by adding something new, you definitely could have had kept Flora in the show and cast a plus size Latina actress) Also (Yes I’m still mad about that because Flora and Tecna were my favorite Winx Club characters, and erasing her to have Terra be there was complete BS because again, plus size Latina actresses exist)
(Winx Club rant tangent over)
8. Noin was the cookie cutter generic type of “stronk female character ™️” that hasn’t really been anything groundbreaking since the 80’s and also showed that you completely missed the point of why people like Ripley from Alien
9. Treize actually had a motivation this time! But it seemed like it was written by somebody who still thinks that “Illuminati Confirmed” is the cutting edge of the hip cool meme culture for the youths
10. Kathrine and Trowa kissed and then later had a completely out of character-ly dramatic freak out when they found out that they are actually siblings in a cheap attempt to make fun of Luke and Leia Skywalker
11. Une was a complete caricature of herself, like she was so Sat A.M. cartoon villain obviously evil that you’d really wonder why anyone is comfortable having her as an underling because it’s so obvious that she’s that evil and would sell you to satan for one corn chip, but it seemed like if you snatched her glasses off her face she could go from skinning adorable puppies alive with one hand while pressing the big red button with the other to wanting to go bake cookies with Relena or whatever
12. I know that Heero already wasn’t the most emotional character ever but you could have literally replaced him with a mannequin wearing a wig, a green tank top, bike shorts, and a pair of Timbs (for product placement reasons) in his scenes and nobody would notice
13. The already incredibly shallow criticism of drone warfare that was done with the mobile dolls was somehow watered down even more
14. Sally’s rebel group became a stand in for the US army who were obviously supposed to be the good guys
15. The old scientist dudes who started Operation Meteor were also evil because they were also in the Illuminati who are playing both sides with earth and space and the original Operation Meteor was a false flag attack meant to cause total chaos on earth for reasons
16. But everyone ended up okay because the boys got found by Sally and the thinly veiled stand in for the US Army
17. Zechs had a complete mental breakdown when he left OZ and him forming White Fang himself from the remains of the colony rebels was him having a Joker arc
18. … because Relena said she didn’t love him anymore and was mad at him for becoming a war criminal even though he actually could remember what the Sanc Kingdom was like and how their dad was Mr. Pacifist Mc Pacifismface, but she didn’t say all that aloud. Just only that she didn’t love her brother anymore and only that
19. But he ended up okay and perfectly good because during the climactic Libra fight Noin was there and she kissed him and made him not the Joker anymore through the power of redemption arc love
20. And finally, there was a really prominent fart joke featuring Duo Maxwell in like the first 5 minutes
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thefloatingstone · 3 years
What don’t you like about the trailer?
First of all THESE ARE ALL PERSONAL PREFERENCE and not really in any reflection of the QUALITY of the movie/show.
As in... I say I hate it, not that it's not good XD I just really want to make that clear because people will sometimes confuse the two, but also because people who might really be into the trailer might feel the need to defend it. When really this is literally nothing more than just "this ice cream is strawberry! I wanted chocolate!" kind of thing.
I just really hate what MLP has been doing for literal decades now where it will take magical sparkly ponies who live in a Fantasy world with fantasy animals and dragons and whatever else....
and then have them live in fucking "Modern day American style suburb"
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You know I literally last night for the first time was watching the 2nd Episode of Winx Club, and there's a scene where they're taking Bloom who is from Earth to see the biggest city in the world of Magic. And they do the thing where she has to close her eyes until the get off the train and then they go all "TA DA!" and reveal the city and it's just a regular ass city but slightly more futuristic and when Bloom isn't impressed they go "are you disappointed??" and her response is
"OF COURSE I'M DISAPPOINTED!!! When you said biggest city in the magic realm I was expecting DRAGONS! and CASTLES!! and MAGIC!!!! This is just a city!!!"
That's how I feel about seeing magical candy coloured horses fucking around in Downtown Los Angeles.
I'm pretty sure this is friggen permanent damage from being 5 years old and going from My Little Pony and Friends which was about living in Dream Valley and dealing with shape shifting peacocks and evil wizards to My Little Pony and Friends which was about "Oh no! The bully at school stole my diary and he's going to read it out loud to the rest of the class!"
Anyway, other things I really hate is I really don't like the separated species of pony. Apparently they did this in G3 as well and I just dislike the entire concept. I don't know why. It seems really limiting and dumb to me. maybe the country I live in is just too culturally diverse to think splitting cultures up is in any way interesting. And yes I KNOW this is probably an invalid complaint because by the start of the show they'll have all blended together or something. Idk. I don't like this kind of story for MLP. Especially because it already feels more like a wikipedia article of all the different locations and species more than it does a plot.
Lastly, and this is probably just the trailer, but I fucking hate the way the dialogue is presented as how the characters will talk.
every fucking sentence out of their mouths sound like they were tailor made to be quote tweeted or put on a Hot Topic shirt as the next "Super quotable quirky catch phrase". Catch Phrases are made fun of for a reason, but show writers never stopped DOING them, they've just made cute catch phrases EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE that come out a character's mouth.
There is no dialogue. There is only hashtag relatable shirt logos
The writing feels the way this image looks
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And finally I hate the dumb jock horse already. The internet has recently decided they really like the idea of a "himbo". But in my country he have a different slang word for characters which are like this dumb jock horse. And that is calling him a "chop".
As in a piece of meat.
So we have hashtag relatable coloured horses living in downtown LA, comprised of Oh-so-quirky unicorn, "normal" main character earth pony and meathead jock horse going on a quest to unite ponies that have been split along species lines as we watch them do things like play DDR while endlessly quipping at each other.
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You might as well take a cheesegrater to my ears now and save me the wait.
No thanks. I'll pass.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 3 years
So as someone who’s been watching Winx Club since I was a child.
Why make Flora Terra? Why make her white? Why get rid of Tecna? Why make Musa non-Asian?
And some of the rumors about what happens in the show or plot are unfortunately believable!
Riven is a bisexual predator who used alcohol to get “naughty” with someone (why just why? Like I know Riven was a douchebag in the cartoon but not that much. Also why make him bisexual)
Faragonda is an alcoholic who hates her job. ( checked the casting list online the headmistresses name isn’t even Faragonda. It’s something else)
Stella and sky are a couple in this show.
Sky’s a cheater(I see we’re going this route aren’t we)
Now then the Specialists:
Sky is still named Sky in the show
Riven is still named Riven in the show
But here’s where we go wrong.
On the online casting list more than a couple never heard of names of characters. Like Silva, Dane, Sam, Mike Peters, etc. I believe these characters to be the missing specialists.
Silva seems similar to Helia plus his actor looks like him. Except the short hair and beard. Dane maybe Brandon. Sam seems like a name you would give a nerdy character so that maybe Timmy. Don’t know who the hell Mike Peters is though.
Moving onwards the Trix:
From what I’ve heard they got rid of the Trix, and replaced them with a single character named Beatrix. This seems to be likely considering there is an actor who’s a girl listed under Beatrix.
Final thoughts:
Coming from a black girl who’s going to be forced to watch shit like this because this is what’s for teens nowadays. Or at least this is what is being made for teens anyway, I’m done. I’m moving over to anime, the plot is better even in the horrifying stuff. Also, the outfits look horrible and the campus is all grey and gloomy. Netflix do better. I would rather watch Winx club as an anime than something like this.
On another note of diversity in teen aimed shows nowadays: Coming from a black girl who likes to read and is in a multitude of fandoms...I don’t care that X character that was white is now black! I just want good plot and something not like Riverdale. Honestly, I don’t need to see black people everywhere in every show or movie I watch. Especially when they’re not necessary to the plot, I’d rather they be left out if that’s it. Then at the cost of having black character in there they get rid of some other character.
An example would be every redhead ever in modern media(except bloom and maybe a few other characters). Why is it that the redhead is replaced with a black character? Is it too hard to find a white actor and put a wig on them. Worst examples were Starfire and Jimmy Olsen. I haven’t seen a redhead or ginger in so long that I’ve almost forgot that they existed. Redheads are already rare enough in the world, you can’t give them some representation that isn’t someone with poorly dyed hair. Leave the characters the same way they were in the book or comic!
Then there’s the disturbing trend of hiring adult characters to play teenagers, for the sole reason of having far too many sexual encounters than the average teenager would have. Riverdale is the best example of that. These people are supposed to be around 15-16. Now they’re engaged in cults, prostitution, murder mysteries, etc. Is this what Hollywood thinks teens are like? Furthermore, who writes this stuff? Have they been around any teenager at all? If the rumor about Riven using alcohol to get someone to have some sort of sexual experience with him is true, I’m going to be devastated.
They are only 16! Stop sexualizing teenagers! Write them realistically!
Netflix on the other hand has a horrible record of pedophilia(Cuties, the 12 forever writer, the Babysitters club writer) in my own way I’m glad the actors aren’t teenagers. I feel like if they were we would be seeing an article or tumblr post revealing their pedophilic ways. But, it’s uncomfortable to see how much sex is portrayed with underage characters. Frankly, it’s inappropriate to have teenagers OR any underage character having sex on a platform where adults can view it and pedophiles have access to it. Netflix needs to do a better job doing it’s film and show media, and hiring people that don’t have such a creepy past or are disconnected with the current youth.
Final thoughts over. One last thing.
Why does this whole mess look like a Wattpad writer had some sort of involvement in this? Literally has every telltale sign of a Wattpad writer!
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Why name the show Winx then? They really wanted to capitalize off the fandom, didn’t they? Does this also mean no transformations and no outfits? Are they getting rid of the best parts of the show?!
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bre-meister · 3 years
So, I just watched the first 3 episodes of Fate: The Winx Saga and I know I don’t usually talk about Winx on this blog but... girl gotta put her thoughts somewhere. This show was my childhood and Netflix really said “Fuck it”.
 I’ll leave it under the cut so if you wanna stay for this rant, feel free
 I went into this knowing I would hate it and, honestly, I do and I don’t
 I think it is an absolute shit dumpster fire of an adaptation that someone poured gasoline on and then tried to lite on fire with Bloom’s inconsistent control issues and shit just got even worse 
But, this could have been a fairly decent show If it was a stand alone- It had no need to be attached to the Winx name because it really is not Winx
There are some problems I had with it that everyone had before the show even dropped - The whitewashing and lack of diversity, the atrocious outfits, the lack of wings (“We evolved” that’s fucking bullshit y’all know good and well that part of the fun of the OG show was the new transformations and the outfits and we can’t even have that)
Also there is def technology here so why the FUCK do we not have Tecna? She’s the straight laced girl of the group but at the same time I feel like she could have added some much needed levity 
And my girl would have told it like it is. Sometimes these people (not the Winx because they are NOT the Winx) do dumb shit for the sake of doing dumb shit and Tecna would never have allowed this!
Combining the Trix into one person is still iffy for me, like I get why they did it but I just don’t think it has the same effect as having the three of them
Sometimes she gives me Icy vibes and most of the time she gives me Darcy vibes and almost never she gives me Stormy vibes (even though her powers are most like Stormy) and that shit just gives me whiplash
 I also think that having the witches at cloud tower provided the original show with this great idea of “even though we use dark magic and are considered witches we still make the choice ourselves as to whether or not we use that magic for good or for evil” but then again I might be reading into it too much who knows 
It’s bad enough they had to go and make Aisha the token black character but then they also make her this mean, black woman caricature (and I know it stems from her frustration that she can’t do this one thing perfect but still, as a black young woman who has seen black women portrayed like this constantly it is damaging as hell)
On that note - why did they have to make the one black and overall minority girl the control freak? Idk it just doesn’t really sit right with me
Speaking of jealousy...we gotta talk about Stella
 I know this is supposed to be more realistic and grown up and ya, I get it, girls can be catty but dude, Stella WOULD NEVER
THIS Stella endangered Bloom on PURPOSE because she was Jealous and then she really wanted to dipp on her in the woods after Bloom was trying to help her get back HER ring she shouldn’t have given her in the first place all cause she was a bit scared? Even scared Stella in the original show wouldn’t have done that! Would she have complained? YES! But she wouldn’t be so quick to give up
Need I remind everyone that she almost drained herself completely trying to protect her friends in the Omega Dimension from the Ice Snakes and only stopped because Musa was like “Stella, your hurting yourself. Take a break everyone will be ok”
And this shit show wants me to believe that these are the saem people? I think not!
 So I’m only on episode 3 but I can already tell that whatever they’re trying to say happened with Rickie is not what actually happened and that whole storyline is just super annoying like bro, there better be a good ass reason why she is pretending to be such a terrible person and I just don’t trust this show to be that creative 
This thing between her and sky is so confusing and makes like, no sense
Moving on...
I love Sam, he is so sweet and cute and amazing 
 His introduction “uh...I’m Sam...what’s up” made me laugh my ass off and I can’t even tell you why
Truly I love him but at the same time...he’s kinda getting in between Musa and Riven
 Like I get that their relationship was not the best at all (and this Riven has even more problems which was kinda unnecessary cause he already had SO MANY!) but at the same time when we’ve only got the opportunity to have 2 of the original couples like... I’m gonna need this show to give me something 
Riven - I loved him in the original show because he always had so many issues but then season 4 rolled around and he was genuinely trying to become a better person. And to have the guts to realize later that he was not ok and that he had to leave to figure that out? Respectable. I recognize that this dude had issues (and that Musa deserved better) but I respected him by the end of his journey
THIS Riven? He can eat shit. I know this is kinda supposed to be the whole Darcy arc he had in the first season or whatever but at least then he was being mind controlled to a certain extent which explained a lot of why he was doing what he was. But this dude is just an overall douche. 
Isn’t he supposed to be Bi? Internalized homophobia is amazing guys we definitely want more of that - -  (just to be clear that was sarcasm)
And I know this contradicts my wanting him and Musa to be together but I think that these two things go hand in hand
I hate that they upped his issues by 100000x because I legit want them to be together and have a genuinely good, functional relationship
But Sam is precious and should be protected
So now Terra
Honestly I think making her say “I have a cousin named Flora” only made the whitewashing more obvious and worse. If they seriously wanted to go this route they should have just committed and not brought Flora’s name into this at all. We the fans are not idiots Netflix! We know what you did!!
This might just be a more personal thing but I kinda feel like they made her entire personality (at least this far) only about her being plus size 
And this was FAR more prevalent in the few chapters from the book I could stomach to read
And wasn’t that their defense for whitewashing? That they wanted to have more inclusion in body types?
You can have a plus size character and not make almost 90% of their screen time about them being self conscious about their body- Like this legit seems to be almost 99% of the reason she’s socially awkward
Again, if you’re going to commit, COMMIT! Show her being ok in her own body and her own skin. Let’s fight against the same culture that makes this character feel self conscious
As far as Musa goes... still don’t really like that they changed her powers 
I guess they thought her new ones would be more useful in a more “practical” setting but um... they haven’t been? Not really?
I know she said she’s not a human lie detector but... they show keeps making her one whenever it’s convenient 
I guess they thought her new ones would be more useful in a more “practical” setting but um... they haven’t been? Not really?
 I still don’t understand why they have to sneak around but, idk maybe they’ll explain it later ( like I get that Sam is Terra’s bro but Musa and Terra don’t even know eachother like that for this drama to be such a big deal)
Bloom is alright
That’s all I have to say about her
Her mom though?
Idk why she was acting the way she was, Just why?
Not her making fun of Bloom going to antique shops when Vanessa owns a literal FLOWER SHOP in the original show!
I will say though, “This basic bitch will pull out her PhD and take you to school. Every comeback is another week without your door. Hit me.” with that confidence? BEST LINE IN THE SHOW!
She had my support for like .5 sec there
“Slam the door, loose the door” she was on some Black mother shit right there - the amount of time my mom has threatened me with this? 
It wasn’t even a threat it was a promise
Sky seems to be the most in character but then again the bar isn’t set too high
Why are the teachers so fucking shady? And are there only 3 professors in this giant ass school?? (I say that knowing there were only, like 4 in the original - 5 if we count Daphnee)
It also took me a min to realize that they kinda combined Feragonda and Griselda into one person. I don’t really like it that much
 I still don’t understand why they had to strip Aisha and Sky of their titles. I felt like that added so much to their characters - Aisha felt the need to be so perfect because she was a princess and Sky had all these increasing obligation through the show that would create conflict (sometimes it was stupid but still)
Also for a show about they Winx they sure as hell don’t spend that much time together 
They got their name in the FIRST EPISODE of the original show. It’s been 3 and the only mention of “Winx” was a quick pan of the door label for their suite. Blink and you missed it
And they seem to keep flip flopping between being best friends to being indifferent to each other, to “I don’t really know you” to sometimes hating each other (the emotion flop is mainly Stella but the others seem to have some weird ranges as well)
From a technical standpoint this show has some weird choices
 Sometimes cuts will just ...happen? Especially during actions scenes sometimes it’s hard to make sense of what’s happening 
And all the fight scenes - especially the training scenes - just seem so rehearsed it hard to watch
and why does Riven keep flip flopping between the worst specialist and a great one?
The utter lack of creativity in terms of the technology and weapons and even just the representation of the magic in this show is sad
The Original was so magical and colorful It was always obvious that this was a different dimension
I feel like I could legit go to Switzerland and find a place just like this and it wouldn’t be anything super different or weird
I also still don’t get why earth can’t know? Are we just gonna pretend that the Earth fairies and Believix and the Wizards of the Black Circle just... didn’t happen?
If this person that Beatrix is working for isn’t Lord Darkar or Valtor like...idk what to do
Again I would just like to stress that this show did not need to be an adaptation
 In fact it really isn’t I don’t know what they hell they are adapting cause this is NOT Winx and I cannot stress enough just how utterly wrong this felt while watching it
 All most of the characters have the same names but they are not the same people at all - no where close
Also can I just say, Sky’s hair seemed so different (length, part, style) almost every other scene sometimes I would legit have to sit back and be like “this is the same actor right?”
 Speaking of I’d like to finish this off by saying: absolutely no hate to the actors and actresses - I can see they are doing their best with what they have been given and most of the more controversial decisions were not made by them 
I will say I did think that linking Fairy magic to emotion was a good touch - idk if they did this in the Original show or not. I can’t remember 
So far this show...
As and adaptation:
words cannot describe how bad it is
As a stand alone property:
 I mean, it’s noting amazing or truly different but I’ve definitely seen worse 
I’ll probably make another one of these for the last 3 episodes. I could literally get 0 notes on this and still do it anyway. Sometimes you really just gotta rant
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