#hlvrai related
pistachi0art · 7 months
Hlvrai Complementary Colors (kinda like a personality swap au? More like “if the characters were fucked up and twisted and emo” >:) )
Gordon (from orange to blue): lost everything and really didn’t know how to cope properly. Play a game to not think about it? Why not. Gets waaaay too deep into it and starts projecting negative thoughts to everyone and everything around him. he’s really sad but covers it up by being an asshole. fun. Especially lashes out at Ben.
Benrey: (blue to orange.): Softie. He’s missing an eye bc he sucks and knows it- that’s what his brother told him :( thinks he can fix gordon but is often beat up because of it. boo. Well at least he can keep the rest of the team safe from him if he takes it. Tommy’s nice? Kinda. Better than the rest at least.
Tommy (yellow to purple): NOT A PHASE DAD. Is pretty laid back despite his problems. Has a black lab with three heads bc it’s cool. Named it Crush. Paints his nails black w/ Benrey bc he’s tolerable. Accuracy is still 100 despite never handling a gun. Poor guy needs a proper father figure and a hug :/
Dr. Coomer (green to red): FERAL BEING FULL OF HATRED AND RAGE. Anytime he kills a clone his mind gets a tad clearer- and he asks more questions…
Bubby (teal to reddish-orange): spent too much time and his tube and now is really curious about everything- which makes him very danger prone. Still can kick ass and has a tendency to set stuff on fire. What a pretty blue color. Bonds w/ Coomer when he’s coherent enough to interact with.
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sweetvox · 5 months
the mischaracterization of tommy in fanworks to be like the group therapist is so sad to me bc his complete inability to have an actually serious and vulnerable conversation in canon is the funniest thing ever. gordon straight up lost an arm, is suffering from blood loss and immense trauma and tommy just-
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solarcircuits · 13 days
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Was unsure whether to shade this or not but eventually decided against it and added a texture instead
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ottoslab · 1 year
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spaceistheplaceart · 17 days
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what if speedrunner gordon had a different HEV suit...? one that was designed for speed? 🤔
(please reblog!)
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zanukavat · 9 months
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mmmmmore sketches
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no0t2 · 3 months
something sucks about posting art online is when you get a hyperfix on one thing long enough, you establish yourself as "the [media] artist".
now i know that i can post on my blog whatever i want, forever, but i still can't help but feel a bit, guilty.
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blushft · 9 months
"i don't have a type," i say, sweating bullets.
the chubby middle aged transman who is in desperate need of a hug (he is determined to prove me wrong):
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tarczar · 6 months
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Old people. So cool.
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut!
He moves all the time. He's too loud. He has no attention span. He forgor :(. He dissociates. He changes his mood quickly.
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junkypenni · 6 months
honesty i dgaf if it aint hl2vrai cus either way its half life content and ill eat that shit up no matter what
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pistachi0art · 6 months
If things turn out the way that they do please please don’t gatekeep-
lmao I know it’s silly to say this and I know people like the way things are atm but in the chance that this blows up again like it did last time and a whole new wave of people come in, teach them the ins and outs dos and don’t all that good shit just don’t be condescending and “higher than thou” just reflect on the past and all that.
This fandom has had a LOT of history (good and bad) and I’m really happy we all (hopefully) know better now but yeah- :) you get what I mean?
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illusionist1c · 10 days
the batim phase revival is strong rn
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alt with no text under cut
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graegrape · 2 years
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thought i'd revisit this old benrey design i made like last year. king of the weirdness
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sol-draws-sometimes · 3 months
Maybe it’s my fear of not being believed but I literally can’t do comedy where the other person isn’t being believed. Straight up, at first I would get stressed when the Human Centipede clip was going around. Like, do you know how terrifying it is to be in a wild ass date where you think you’re in danger and the waiter notices but has they have to open their mouth so now you have lie. Or the Elmo Rocko memes like, OF COURSE ELMO’S DISTRESSED! I WOULD BE TOO! LIKE EVERYONE IS TELLING YOU THIS ROCK IS REAL WHEN IT’S NOT(and like yah I’m sure there’s nuance to the situation but like COME ON).
Or Bibi from La Familia Peluche, I remember liking the show as kid and I still do but like, fuck man, the borderline emotional abuse than girl goes through IS WILD. LIKE EVERYONE FUCKING TELLING YOU THAT YOU’RE NOT NORMAL AND FEELING LIKE YOU’RE GOING CRAZY. I remember rewatching La Familia Peluche in Highschool and like fuck man, that period episode. Or to this day I remember the scene where they were serving food and she started to eat first and her family chastised her so she stops but then they make her feel back cause she already started so now she just continue to eat it and like I’ve literally been in a similar situation. And for those who haven’t watched the show, the whole shitck is that this is an absurd world where everyone works on a different level and Bibi’s the only who reacts normally to our eyes(the comedic straight man to alot of the jokes), which leads to the iconic line “Bibi porque no eres una niña normal”(Bibi why aren’t you a normal girl) that is said in every episode. Which from a dramatic irony perspective that we the audience know she’s the only normal person, makes it a funny joke, but if you think about it too hard, it’s so fucking sad, I just can’t help but not fully enjoy the show cause I just constantly feel bad for her.
Fuck even watching HALF LIFE VR BUT THE AI IS SELF AWARE FUCKS WITH ME! Like yes I very much enjoy the series! But, most of the time I’m just feeling bad for Gordon, like fuck man, I’d react the same way, wouldn’t you. Like ESPECIALLY BENRY! MAN DID HE STRESS ME OUT! I genuinely felt so bad for Gordon!
And then this slides into how I can’t enjoy alot of comedy(especially cringe humor) cause even though I understand the joke and think it funny on paper, I just end up feeling too bad for the character to actually enjoy. And it’s awful because I’ll STILL watch the shows because I’m invested in the characters not the humor if that makes sense??? (Oh, Community/The Office, the hate love relationship I have with you).
Anyway, yes I’m so fun to watch comedy with, I literally can’t be in the same room from some scenes. And yes, all my favorite characters follow the Only Sane Man trope, why’d you ask?
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gins-stim-emporium · 3 months
lackadaisy (rry2k) stimboard ! (for me ^_^)
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snails eating / sweater / teddy bear
flower artwork / 🐌 / flower field
star curtains / dress / snail teapot
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