#honest conversation
screamingfromuz · 6 months
So someone asked to have an honest conversation with me about the I/P conflict. I agreed and they gave me their opinion, I gave them mine while pointing what I saw as problems with their points.
there was a lot (5 pages of text between the two of us), but here is the main highlight:
They support a full surrender of Israel and it's dissolvement, basically Destroy Israel, rename the whole place Palestine, put a "socialist coalition of Palestinian political leaders and those Israelis who have been fighting for Palestine to be free" (good luck with that), and give the Palestinians everything they want (a lot of reasonable things in that list, even if very one sides next to a lot of very unreasonable things).
and after all of that is done, "Israelis [should] work every day of the rest of their lives to repair the harm done by the occupation" so "eventually, like it used to be, Jews and Palestinians will once again be neighbors, allies, and friends in the region".
I have pointed out that Jews were considered second class citizens, so returning to pre-1917 state is not an option, and that many Palestinian authorities called for the explosion or murder of Jews in the case of establishing a Palestinian state on the entire territory. not to mention all the implications of dissolving Israel, from education, to calendars, to laws, to refugees, to museums, to art.
I did not touch on the coalition Idea, as my answer was getting long, but boy is it something we are trying to get to the Knesset.
They thanked me for writing a response, said that I haven't read all their sources (I admit I only skimmed through and not read thoroughly), then they claimed my desire for humanitarian solutions is false and called my activism "self-aggrandizing charity project" that is based on lies.
then they blocked me. Shame, I would have liked to continue this conversation.
I will say that I got them to admit the do not want a ceasefire, but that they support the surrender and destruction of Israel, so progress!
I do look forward to the day both Israelis and Palestinians get to build a better future here from the mess we did.
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dessertbird · 10 months
Daily Destiel 💙💚
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Honest conversation. 🥺😍❤️
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Did you think we were finished…. Season 2 coming soon, so stay tuned.
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sezzlelot · 1 year
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The admiration I have for this man, second to none. I couldn’t imagine anyone else being the captain of my club. Honestly the work he puts in, the contribution he makes and the dedication and drive he has for this sport, the club.
Also him touching his face, hits different with me 😍
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staroftheseablog · 8 months
There are so many things happening in my life lately. Some of them I still don’t’ understand because in one hand they feel so unreal to me, and in the other hand I feel really lucky and blessed that I achieved so many things. But…somehow I don’t feel satisfied with all of it.
I am 22 years old and there are so many things that I still want to do, feel, experience. For a year now I am working at the company I could only dream about when I was in high school. Now I am part of it and made it somehow my home - also my colleagues are just like my family. I’ve never in my life been less at home than this year. I have been to so many places and somehow I still found the time to work 12 hours shifts for whole year. Also, simultaneously I finished my 4th year of college successfully. Now, this October, I started my last year of masters.
Even all of this achievements, my mind is constantly messing with my nerves and make me question my entire existence, future, career, friendships.
I don’t know if somebody has noticed, but when you stared working on something you wanted your whole life, you ironically started also losing so many friends. There were so many moments this year when I felt lonely and sad, but again aware that this is, I guess, part of growing up. Yes, it did make me stronger, but sometimes I miss being just 18 year old student with no worries in this world.
At the beginning of the year I also had really tough times in my family. We faced death of our beloved family member who means the world to me and was/is/will be my forever guardian angel in Heaven. I miss him so much and I’ll always will. That experience taught me how to grief, but also how to be consistent with everything that was going on beside that tragic event. I survived, because I told myself I that had to.
At the beginning of next year I am about to start my whole new chapter in life called cultural exchange. I am moving to Spain for half of a year where I am going to study but also enjoy living in different country far away from home. I am excited, but also (not gonna lie) scared. That means that I am about to quit my job, pack my suitcases, left my friend, family and tell myself - “ you are on your own now”. Honestly, can’t wait. But, yes, it frightens me sometimes when I am thinking about it because this is one the hugest leaps of my comfort zone so far.
I also miss writing. I can’t even remember when was the last time I wrote something. I used to write songs, poems, essays. I feel like I used to be more creative back then than now. Also, I found myself being so lazy to read books. Maybe I wouldn’t call it lazy, but tired…or it was just a stupid excuse. Funny thing is that I actually bought a lot. New ones. Fresh ones. Expensive ones. They are still on the same shelf.
There is also one thing that bothers me since I started college. Actually this also bothers me in high school, but I didn’t care that much about that. I have terrible love life. When I say terrible I mean nonexistent love life. Yes, I would fall in this stupid kind of love with guys I met during summer or with someone that I would do my college project, but there would never be reverse reaction. I would just made it up in my head and used it for another one overthinking therapy before sleep. There was never a single person in my life who would really like me for who I am and who would see me as something more than a friend or a girl with her friends. I am really done with third wheeling because if I continue to do that, I feel like I would become a doctor or expert in field so I can write my master thesis on this topic. It is critical.
I really do need someone who is going to love me. I need a lover, a friend, someone who’s going to respect me, listen to me, hug me, someone who can be my emergency call when I couldn’t find strength to put my shit together.
Yes, I did pray and I know that God is working in my favor. That gives me hope and peace. I am not unhappy but I feel like I can be happier. Or at least I deserve to be.
Maybe I don’t, maybe that’s not the case. Maybe I have so many sins so I am obligate to wait until I eat myself alive. Maybe that is some kind of punishment. Maybe it isn’t right time yet. Maybe I am too desperate. Or I am too exaggerating.
I am confused. No one said that with 22 years old I have to know what I wanted to do with life, but sometimes I am really lost.
I want to do everything, but again I don’t have time to everything. I have to make sure that I am financially stable, because I don’t wanna take money from my parents. But…what if working just to stay alive takes from me the best years of my young student life?
It is hard to be young these days. Everyone would say they understand you, but the fact is that they actually don’t. I haven’t met a person who understands me better than myself. My mum is really close, but that woman on the other hand has super powers I wouldn’t never be able to understand properly. She is miracle maker. I want to be that for myself too.
I am sensitive, but I am also brave. Braver than before. Circumstances taught me so.
I know I can do whatever I put my mind to. There is 101% chance that I am going to survive every next battle that is about to face me. I already faced it before.
I am me and, besides everything that I have just said, that is the only thing I surely know no one can beat.
It is me against me.
And we love to cooperate.
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feluka · 1 year
the most powerful thing i've done is convince my mother that my binder is a "modesty bra" sjfhekdjdjfhjdj i fully have that woman believing that this is a common thing among my classmates who like to dress modestly, which inspired me to follow that trend. i've been telling her this since ~2014 and she still says "i washed your bra for you ^_^" when she washes my binder for me
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sometimes a healthy relationship isn't 50/50 because it can't be, and that's okay.
disabled people who cannot take on an equal portion of the work in a relationship deserve to be loved too, if that's what they want. and as long as their partner is getting the support they need, and is happy to take on that work, then what's the issue? it's nobodys business but your own the way that works in your relationship.
if you or your partner are disabled, and you can't split the work in the relationship 50/50, that's okay. you're not abusive, or a baby, or unloveable because of that. I promise
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knifearo · 3 months
ultimately when it comes to shipping and fandom space treatment of aspec characters i just don't accept "aro/ace people can still date/have sex" as an answer from nonaspecs. like yeah. mhm. okay. now i think we both know that you're not saying that out of real interest in the diversity of aspec experiences. so you can turn in your seventeen-page essay on why and how you plan to examine this character's aspec identity within the context of a romantic or sexual relationship complete with evidence from canon and peer reviews from multiple aspec people within the next week or i'm putting you in the pit from the edgar allen poe story
#you know. the one with the pendulum#'hey. why are you as an allo person shipping this aspec character like this'#'oh aspec people can still date/have sex!'#'yeah. now can you answer the question that i actually asked you'#like goddamn just say you don't care they're aspec and you want to fulfill a sexual/romantic fantasy with them. that's Fine#it like. sucks. for sure. lotta aspec people will be unhappy with you. but everyone is entitled to their own wants and experiences.#but i'd prefer you just be honest with it rather than using our community's conversation points as retroactive justification#and ONCE AGAIN. you guys are real fucking cavalier with this shit and it shows a real fundamental lack of respect for aspecs#when most of you would NEVER ship a canonically gay character with the 'other' gender. cause again. it would suck.#you can do it. nobody's Stopping you. but it would suck.#and we understand that putting a queer character in situations that erase that queerness is shitty! until it comes to aspec characters!#and whoa... there it is again... people don't consider aspec identities to be queer... crazy how it always comes back to that#anyway. you all know what i'm talking about. have seen many posts about this lately#it is [ long sigh ] unfortunately a very hot button issue with the advent lately of alastor hazbinhotel#which. again. god i wish there were other canon aspec characters to be having this conversation about.#but we'll have to do our best with what we have#aromantic#aromanticism#arospec#aroace#talking#aspec#asexual#asexuality
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frommyfavoritebooks · 2 years
a real conversation free from projection and ego-flexing is a special gift
most do not talk to listen; they talk to be heard
self-awareness, selflessness, and a real desire to listen are required for mutually authentic and honest exchange
- clarity & connection, yung pueblo
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chronicowboy · 19 days
still caught up on the back door of it all. (yes i'n turning it into my own heavy handed evan buckley style metaphor so what?). buck getting a side of eddie no one else does, this open and vulnerable and heartbroken man who doesn't have to be anything but himself because he knows buck is safety and certainty and of course. buck being let in in a way no one else is, into the deepest and ugliest parts of eddie that he's tried to hide and polish and fix on his own for so long. eddie opening the door wide for him and being shocked when buck asks if he can come in because buck's the kind of person to knock eddie's door down to get to him, but also knowing that buck will always knock first as an i'm here, i'll be here before he pushes his way inside all of eddie's mess. and the back door opening into the kitchen, into the heart of the home generally, but absolutely the heart of their home, buck comes knocking and eddie lets him into his heart without hesitation, eddie lets him into his heart directly, no hallways to traverse through first, one step and buck's inside because when is he not nestled safely in eddie's heart?
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trashy-greyjoy · 5 months
maybe i'm just not used to actors actually having chemistry these days, but something about carmy's conversations with sydney just feel more genuine and (to quote ayo) more intimate than the conversations they have with other people. they both just seem so open and ready to know more about each other. carmy consistently prompts her keep talking and asks questions and neither of them really seem to have reservations about sharing their vulnerabilities and worries. like they can just talk to each other with full honesty and openness and just a natural desire to know more about the other person and i really love that.
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cupparosielee · 6 months
OK I want to talk about how fucking hilarious it is that when Louis is ignoring him and reading newspapers about Claudia, Lestat's response is literally just "my dick is huge why won't you fuck me?"
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Lestat is gazing out of the window feeling neglected by his husband, looking fully heartbroken by the abandonment, and instead of having an honest conversation about it this bitch turns round and tells Louis to stop neglecting his massive penis, and flounces out when Louis ignores him (presumably going straight outside to Antoinette who appreciates exactly now considerable his considerables are)
Bonus points to Louis for glancing up at him like this when he mentions his appendages and immediately looking back at the newspapers
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10/10, peak comedy right there.
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unrelatabledude · 3 months
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a remix of a classic (x)
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cosmicretribution · 1 year
hmm something im wondering a little about-- how high is the overlap between the hermitcraft/traffic/empires fandoms? so out of curiosity, how about this:
(*regarding the hermitcraft/empires crossover, if you watched the crossover but don't keep up with the other series outside of it, then please pick the option for the series you 'main' ! )
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inblackwoods · 3 months
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I can see the Bachelor standing behind your back
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goatsandgangsters · 5 months
I love that a power unbound beckoned me like “hello I am the kinky sex and animosity book”
and then it was like “SURPRISE!! this is the tenderness and recovery book!! what if you stop running from your pain, and what if you didn't cut yourself off from the world or detach, and what if you let go of the things you became to survive and started to live again. what if you let yourself be cared for and loved, and what if you let yourself be vulnerable, and what if you let yourself belong. what if your pain was finally known so that it could rest. what if you leaned on someone instead of shouldering everything alone. what if you built something new out of everything you've lost. and also what if there was kinky sex.”
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