#honestly even my non aroace pals related to it in their own way
glorytoad · 27 days
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I posted this on an aroace subreddit and what I loved is that everyone seemed to have their own interpretation of what it meant and how it applied to them.
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I needed to re-make my headcanons list so here we go: Mlp characters with gender, sexuality, and body type headcanons. Also have some ‘what race they’d be as a human’ headcanons and maybe a few other things tossed in too;
Pinkie Pie
Panromantic Pansexual
Genderfluid(DFAB). Depending on the day, it will be either she/her, he/him, they/them, or even sometimes they don’t even know.
5′ 10″(177.8 cm)
Definitely fat, but has plenty of muscle and is active as hell. 
White, mostly Irish, but has a small amount of Native American in there.
Hella ADHD, fidgets with things all the time, messes with her hair, waves arms as she talks, tends to chew on things(pencils/pens, necklaces, headphone wires, etc.), so she keeps lolipops and hard candies on her so that she doesn’t ruin things.
Twilight Sparkle
Biromantic Bisexual
Demigirl(DFAB). she/her or they/them pronouns
As a Unicorn: 5′ 10″(177.8 cm), as an Alicorn: 6; (182.88 cm)
Decent weight, some muscle from sparing with her brother on occasions. She eats a lot but burns through calories like hell because she’s always using magic.Probably a little chubbier in Season 1, since she sat around all day, but she’s become more active since then.
She used to need glasses as a kid, but refused to wear them. Since since she was Celestia’s student she could take her time to decipher blurs. Becoming an Alicorn fixed her eyesight somewhat.
Gray-romantic Gray-sexual
Cis female(never bothered to question her gender though)
5′5″(165.1 cm)
Average weight for her height. 
Chinese and Japanese
Loves making clothes for all bodytypes. Encourages everyone who comes to her shop that they look amazing. Specifically makes things for larger bodytypes instead of the ‘uh, just make it bigger??’ thing.
Aromantic Asexual(sex neutral)
Agender(DFAB) she/her pronouns because she’s used to it(but doesn’t mind other pronouns)
6′ 4″ (193 cm)
Lot of muscle from farm work, but it’s the legit muscle and not the defined body-builder muscle. Can lift a lot
75% Native American, 25% white. pretty much looks like a combination of the two.
AJ defies a lot of the ‘country girl’ stereotypes. For example, she’s quite smart. She’s good with math, and stars know how many apple-related facts she could ramble off.Also, she’s, like, the least homophobic/transphobic person(pony?) ever. She will fight anyone who is, even if they’re family members.
Rainbow Dash
Heteromantic Heterosexual
Cis female(has actually explored her gender(and sexuality for that matter), but has come to the conclusion that she’s a girl)
5′ 8″ (172.7 cm)
Obviously athletic with plenty muscle, but not the heavy-lifting ones like AJ has. Rainbow’s more like a gymnast or a dancer. 
Everyone thinks she’s the gay one because stereotypes, but she’s just a major ally. Honestly it kind of works when she accompanies closeted friends to LGBT events, since it takes the pressure off them. Also, Rainbow’s smarter than everyone thinks. Like, yeah she doesn’t remember things she finds boring, but she can list every single feather in a wing, and knows her way around weather.
Homoromantic Homosexual
Trans Male(DFAB)
5′6″ (167.64 cm)
Very small and thin. ‘perfect model’ type body. not much boobage but considering he’s a trans guy he’s okay with that.
I don’t have a specific race headcanon for Flutters but probably not white.
Within the show’s timeline, Fluttershy is still in the closed about his gender. The only one he’s told is Rainbow Dash who is very supportive. I have wrote a fic with EQG Fluttershy coming out to her friends, and timeline-wise it’s during his senior year at CHS.
Sunset Shimmer
Homoromantic Homosexual
Cis female
5′8″ (172.72 cm)
little bit of muscle
Unsure of race but not white
Remember the fire wings from ‘My Past is Not Today’, and also Daydream Shimmer? She has those, but they’re sort of phantom-like. Basically you can only see them if you look for them. Or if you have Aura Vision. 
Starlight Glimmer
Heteromantic Heterosexual
Cis female
5′6″ (167.64)
average bodytype
Has experimented with her sexuality before but no she only likes guys
Demiromantic Pansexual
Agender(more of ???? really, but uses it as it’s the best label) (DMAB) okay with any pronouns.
His adult height will be 6′2″ (185.42 cm)
average bodytype
Really confused by gender but rolls with it.
Sweetie Belle
Demiromantic Demisexual
Genderfluid  (DFAB)
Adult height is 5′6″(167.64 cm)
Little chubby, but has a lot of stamina.
Chinese and Japanese
Theatre kid
Biromantic Asexual(sex repulsed)
Agender(DFAB), they/them pronouns
Adult height is 5′7″ (170.18 cm)
Athletic like Dash, but also a little extra muscle. 
They do eventually get to fly. It’s nowhere near anything Dash can do, and even by average standards They’re pretty bad. Their speed and endurance are terrible, but they can at least make it to the clouds on their own, and can glide fairly well.
Biromantic Heterosexual
Cis Female
Adult height is 5′ 9″ (175.25 cm)
Not as outright muscular as her siblings, but can still lift plenty.
75% Native American, 25% white, looks more Native than white. 
Best at building. Gives a helping hand to whoever needs something made
Princess Celestia
Demiromantic Asexual(sex positive)
Agender, she/her pronouns
7′4″ (223.52 cm)
Decently muscular. Can kick your ass.
Not sure about her race, but definitely dark skinned
Celestia lets very few others get close to her. She rarely shows her true emotions. 
Princess Luna
Biromantic Homosexual
Agender, she/her pronouns
Normal Height: 7′ (213.36), de-powered(season 1): 6′ 5″ (195.58), Nightmare Moon: 7′ 4″(223.52 cm)
Little bit of chub. 
Dramatic as fuck
Princess Cadence
Demiromantic Pansexual
Cis Female
5′ 8″ (172.72 cm)
Thin and light
Unsure of race
Shining Armor
Biromantic Bisexual
5′ 11″(180.34 cm)
Listen, my man, he’s a fucking Guard. He has muscle and can kick your ass.
Technically he’s Prince of the Crystal Empire, but he’s more co-Captain of the Crystal Guard
Panromantic Demisexual
When asked about gender, he’l just give an unsure shrug and a wiggly hand gesture.Uses he/him most often, but okay with other pronouns
7′ 5″ (226 cm)
He’s a mix of, like, every race, and has such an even balance of features that he can pass as whatever he wants to.
Tbh full-human(non-magical) Discord totally fucked up his left wrist as a teen and wears a wrist brace all the time.
Big Macintosh
Biromantic Bisexual
Cis male
6′8″ (210.82 cm)
Lot of muscle. 
75% Native American, 25% white, looks more white
Still always quiet
Diamond Tiara
Panromantic Demisexual
Adult height is 5′10″ (177.8 cm)
Little bit of muscle, little bit of chub
Unsure of her exact race but dark skinned
You can pry her metalworking abilities from my cold dead hands
Silver Spoon
Heteromantic Heterosexual
Cis female
Adult height is 5′ 7″ (170.18 cm)
Kinda fat
No specific race headcanons. Possibly white
Best chef 
Trixie Lulamoon
Homoromantic Homosexual
Cis female
5′ 5″ (165.1 cm)
Unsure of race but probably not whiite
Hates that she’s shorter than Twilight. Had internal rage when she showed up after Twilight’s Ascension because she’s now even taller than her.
Prince Blueblood
Aromantic Pansexual
Cis male
5′7″ (170.18 cm)
Average body type
Unsure of race
Less of a dick than he appears to be, but uses his rep to help Aunt Celestia.
Now we’re getting to ‘I don’t want to write a goddamn paragraph for each character’ section, so have bullet points. Maybe I’ll expand if asked.
All three Sirens are gay. Hella gay. Adagio is 5′10″(177.8 cm), Sonata is 5′8″(172.72 cm), Aria is 5′6″(167.64 cm)
Cheerilee is bisexual
Flash Sentry is Bisexual
Derpy is demiromantic demisexual
The Cake Twins are Demiboy and Demigirl (respectively to their assigned Gender) and also hella gay. 
Transmare Snails 
Bisexual Snips is 
Twist and Alula are gay and also dating. 
Pansexual Pipsqueak 
Rumble is biromantic Asexual 
Thunderlane is Pansexual  
Fleur DIs Lee is Aromantic and Asexual 
Gay Breaburn because it’s a classic 
Bisexual Soarin 
Night Glider, Double Diamond, Party Favor, and Sugar Belle are all bisexual
Lyra and Bon bon are gay and dating(but totally make fun of the ‘oh we’re best friends. Just gals being pals’ thing)
Octavia is homoromantic asexual
Vinyl Scratch is pansexual
Indigo Zap is agressively straight
Lemon Zest is pan
Sour Sweet is a gay trans girl
Sugarcoat is AroAce
Sunny Flarre is graromantic graysexual
TImber Spruce is demiromantic Demisexual
Gloriosa Daisy is hella gay
Ask for any others Or for heights of characters I didn’t give heights for
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dandymeowth · 7 years
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Various screencaps of REGs telling people they can’t identify as queer and/or that queer is not an identity or isn’t real, all taken from this post. This is provided as part of evidence that, yes, acephobes/discoursers are absolutely saying we can’t be or use queer. Also, hey, check out how many of them are transmisogynistis, radfems, biphobes, transphobes, etc! and use a lot of anti-progressive/anti-sj language (like “identity politics”). It’s almost as if their rhetoric is related...
I have removed the REG usernames in the following captions to avoid their interacting with this post, and to slightly no-platform them. Anyway, they read:
bigballofwibblywobbly: Well you created an argument about something that wasn’t being talked about. I was talking about individuals who don’t identify as anything but queer.
Not saying we should apply it to the whole group. But you’re a terf so it all makes sense.
[REG/radfem 1]: queer isn’t an orientation??? its a reclaimed slur like god i love being a part of the lesbian gay bisexual transgender reclaimed slur for homosexual community. you’re an ace inclusionist ofc you want to reclaim slurs never used against you and think queer is a separate orientation. the lgbt community will never be the queer community or the ‘everyone that doesn’t completely conform to heterosexuality’ community lol
[REG 2]:  Yeah queer isn’t really a coherent identity in and of itself. I see “sapphic” being used in much the same way now. Like I understand that figuring out who you are is difficult and people may want to use words that are sort of? Vague and noncommittal? But queer quite honestly does not mean anything in the sense that as it’s own identity it says nothing really about who you are attracted to or your gender identity. It’s [post cut off at this point]
[REG 3]: That and its fucking vague as fuck? What does it even mean? So many non-LGBT people claimed that they’re LGBT bc they’re “queer”, when they’re just cishet polyamorous people or cishet kinksters or cishet aces or cishet aros or cis aroaces like…. that slur isn’t for u. And people who are LGBT but identify as q*eer are still LGBT? Why do u need a slur in the acronym if you’re either L G B or T? What’s the point? What does it add?
[REG 3]: Then you’d go under the bi umbrella Identity politics are so ridiculous jfc u don’t experience some new form of oppression and therefore need a community based around it just because you are mga but don’t like the label bisexual for urself.
[REG/radfem 4]:  “Queer” could mean that you are a guy who uses nail polish or that you have a turtle pet.What’s the point of this word?What does it represent?What’s your axis of oppression?What experiences do you share in common?What’s the fucking point of identifying as “queer” other than to pretend that you’re special and oppressed?
feminismandmedia: I love how you say that people who are attracted to multiple genders are pretending to be special and oppressed.
Fuck off you twit.
[REG/radfem 4]: Sexual attraction is about sex not gender.There are only 2 sexes so you’re either heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual.It’s not that deep, trying to give a special name to your sexuality doesn’t make you opressed and it’s actually disrespectful to actually opressed people.
[REG/radfem 5]: You shouldn’t be identifying as q*eer freely without consequence because it’s a slur.
[REG/radfem 4]: Why are you oppressed?What’s the base of your oppression?How is society systematically aimed against you?If you’re actually oppressed why do you use such an ambigous and nebulous terminology with no concrete meaning to describe your community?Since it makes it harder to acknowledge you as an oppressed group? “Fam. I like all genders. I like dick and vagina too. I’m queer too” You’re bi, congrats, you may be affected by homophobia(oppression) if you date a same sex partner.“Oppression” is a strong and assertive word, you can’t just throw it around.
bigballofwibblywobbly: My god I hate TERFs. Fall off a bridge. Thanks.
Seriously? Do we now have a quota of oppression to fill? You want every dirty detail? You disgust me.
Also I’m not bisexual thanks.
[REG/radfem 4]: “Do we now have a quota of oppression to fill” Yes it is called being oppressed.I said that the person who said they liked dicks and vaginas is bisexual, not you. You hate us cause we’re right and you know it, I would hate us if I were you too. Just bc someone called you she instead of zir in the supermarked once doesn’t mean you’re oppressed Bethy, get your shit together.
bigballofwibblywobbly: I love how they erase my queerness to fit their argument.
[REG/radfem 4]: What am I erasing? Lmao, what’s “queerness”?You still haven’t answered what it means, bc it means nothing, it is a word made for straight kids feel special, a homobhobic slur actually.
bigballofwibblywobbly: My pal. I already said. I like all genders.
[REG/radfem 4]: …so you’re bisexual therefore only oppressed if you date a same sex partner like I said.
bigballofwibblywobbly: Wow. That’s some nice biphobia you have too. Bisexual people don’t become straight if they are in a relationship with the other gender.I’m not bisexual anyways.
(Also on that last one, calling being nonbinary a white thing? lol)
bigballofwibblywobbly: Well guess I don’t belong in the community. Congrats your gatekeeping has cut out people who like multiple genders. Top notch. Really.
[REG 6]: Aren’t there other words for liking multiple genders other than a slur?
[REG 7]: Um OP polysexual falls under the acronym without using a slur and is an umbrella term for multi-gender attraction….
Bonus under cut.
The following cap is a separate post made by a REG that is capped for no-platforming purposes and to prevent their interaction. It was shoved into the ace positivity tags because discoursers seriously just straight up hate ace people and don’t want them to exist. 
The post is about how “real” LGBT+ people hate the word queer and don’t identify with it except as a comeback, implying anyone who identifies with or uses it regularly is actually not LGBT+ and instead one of “the mogais”. It compares people reclaiming queer to white people using the n-slur and neurotypicals using the r-slur.
The post uses the phrase “cishets in denial” and I honestly think that truly encapsulates exactly how discoursers are seeing being LGBT+. 
It fits right along with that “if you are attracted to the opposite sex you’re not lgbt” post. 
It fits with the idea that more people are identifying as LGBT+ because it’s “trendy” and are actually fakes and liars, an idea spread and supported by cishets, truscum, anti-sj, radfems, etc. This comes as no surprise as MOGAI was coined by a nonbinary person, and that has been the driving force behind the hatred for it.
It also fits with how “sga” is pulled from conversion therapy because that’s literally how the people behind and supportive of the concept of conversion therapy look at being LGBT+: that it’s a phase, you’re just jumping on the bandwagon, you’re in denial, this isn’t the “real” you, etc. 
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The post reads:
[REG 8]: Lol, seriously? There is no better way to show that MOGAI is made up of mostly cishets in denial than how heatedly they fight to use the word “qu**r”. If they paid fucking attention, they’d know that actual members of LGBT don’t really want to be called that, that most LGBT folks only use it to fight the balance of power that qu**r causes and that they aren’t going to cast away the history of the slur just because it’s supposedly a trendy umbrella term.
It’s the same way white people whine about their “right” to use “n*gga” when black people say no, or NT people claim “freedom of speech” when calling anyone and everyone “r*tard*d” despite decent human beings explaining why that’s fucked up.It’s so damn annoying…
danni-rants: And this is in ace positivity why again
queerautism: You heard it here first folks. Everyone who fought to reclaim Queer as an act of rebellion and empowerment… was actually cishet all along. Same for neurodivergent people who can’t be more specific than ‘queer’ about their identity. And everyone who keeps trying to turn it into a positive term and build a community around it. Also my nonbinary pan ace ass apparently lol
Simply Amazing.
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