#honestly the moment you stop meme and think about his situation it’s straight up depressing
hanakihan · 5 months
speaking of isekai
PLA honestly handled it better than 90% of isekai media in situation with Ingo
Like yea game downplays it in a way but it’s obvious he’s struggling
We clearly see him being an outcast here, he doesn’t spend time in settlements, he isn’t friends with that many people and mostly keeps it ‘professional’, his closest friends are his Pokémon
And entire amnesia situation makes it even sadder, man got yeeted here and now honestly doesn’t even know if he belongs here or anywhere at all
And now think about him having no memories and prior knowledge aside from reflexes, he has no language knowledge, no culture knowledge, he doesn’t even know what place and time it is, he ends up in a rather cruel wild place and just think about him, an amnesiac with clear need in medical attention straight up making himself learn how this world works
Ingo is honestly one of the best examples of undercover horror elements in isekai
Ingo’s situation isn’t romanticized or glorified or made fun of in canon by itself and it makes us feel sorry for him, it makes us sad, because even on basic level we understand how fucked up his situation is
Just think a minute about how Ingo’s situation is a literal isekai stripped of tropes and let depressing realization bitch slap you out of fantasy and memes
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ohsh-arat · 3 years
Domestic (Head)canons
Note: ahhhh very first post headcanons/canon post of my ocs because I love them! Lowkey this helps me remember little things about them since my brain is rusty as hell (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) also there’s a lot of silly canons and some involve with reader <3
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— Kunio Omezo —
☀︎︎ As an assassin, he’s been going through missions to missions nonstop; but the thing is with him, if you text him ‘there’s no food at home’; straight up Door Dash to your front door all bloody,,, while holding bag of fast foods in hand. A mission wouldn’t stop him from bringing you food.
☀︎︎ Kunio has the habit to switch from English to Japanese when he’s frustrated. But when he’s really pissed off he would really bring out his native language and sprinkle in English in the most aggressive way (But he mostly a cool head man so no need to worry about him).
☀︎ ︎But if he ends up being frustrations or depress, he would workout or bake right at home. He tried drawing and painting but that ended horribly for him since he can’t do artsy stuff (just for experience yknow?).
☀︎ He has this habit where he would fiddle his thumbs together when he’s excited. It’s honestly cute because a cold and deadly assassin with a stoic demeanor, fiddling his thumbs just out of excitement.
☀︎︎ Highkey enjoys his hair getting all ruffled up. Just the feeling of someone just semi aggressive rubbing his head makes him oddly relax in a way. But also slow head strokes would make him melt even more (bonus if he ‘purrs’).
☀︎︎ Kunio… Oh Kunio… he has a thing for fluffy things (but in secret). Wondering where he went? Just check the bedroom and congratulation! You found him in a cocoon of extra fluffy blankets. But once he walks up seeing you stand there in amaze and awe, he would be very embarrassed.
☀︎︎ “you better not tell anyone about this...”
☀︎︎ He got himself the best voice when it comes to singing, I mean he loves to sing though he’s a little embarrassed to do it in front of others. But he’s 100% down to sing you to sleep!
☀︎︎ His skin care routine is unbeatable, he spends more time in the bathroom way more than probably any guys. He likes to make himself look presentable and just having the slightest bump would irritate the crap out of him. So if you or anyone walk into the living room seeing Kunio on the couch just sitting there his hair slicked back with those headbands and clay mask on his face; he would look honestly unfazed for someone walking in.
☀︎︎ Kunio was thinking about owning a pet but… it was proven difficult because of his job as an assassin so he subsitute that idea with a house plant instead! He owns a aloe vera plant and monstera deliciosa (Swiss cheese plant). He named them Alen (Aloe) and Wendy (Swiss) for fun.
☀︎︎ He has a very strong sweet tooth, his favorite sweets are mochi! (A bonus if they’re animal shaped mochi because it’s a very special memory connected to his mom). He could go on for days eating sweets after sweets but he rather avoid diabetes.
☀︎︎ But hey, it you like sweets as well then say less, Kunio would drop some store bought sweets from your favorite local shop or even homemade sweets from him!
☀︎︎ Kunio wouldn’t consider himself the best cook but just hanging out and cook together would make him happy. But when it comes to baking, oh man you summoned the baking god. Seriouly though, he grew up baking sweets and treats with his mom so don’t be surprised to see some cute bakery sweets come out all great looking!
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— Owen Fitzgerald —
☀︎︎ Owen a big ass cuddle bug, I mean he loves hugging people in general but just cuddling— it makes him so giddy inside (imagine a dog wagging its tail)
☀︎︎ He own one of those soft LED animal night light as a source of light for reading and having a friend as well! (His little friend is a LED Dino that can changes colors)
☀︎︎ When he was introduce to snacks like gold fish, pringles, pocky, gummy bears, etc. he became addicted; just discover a stash of snacks under his coat or even hoodies (if he switch to casual attire) and he’ll start sprinting to his room.
☀︎︎ “No! You are not taking my mini meals” *sprints off*
☀︎︎ Tech stuff obviously wasn’t a thing back in the 19th century, when he was introduced to futuristic, cutting edge technologies; it literally blew his brain into pieces (also fried some of his brain cells since explaining was covered under seconds). Couple months back when he discover Tik Tok, he can’t stop himself from being on that app and…. he accidentally got himself famous :)
☀︎︎ trashbin8 baby~ *wink wink*
☀︎︎ “🎤sawarasenai🥰kimi😸wa⛓shoujo👻na💅no✨böKù🌸Wâ🧚ÿARiçHiñ🤴BįCChī😾ńO😩oSû🚣Dà🎉YO💦”
☀︎ ︎Someone take Tik Tok away from him and don’t let him search up what the lyric mean ;nervous;
☀︎︎ No doubt Owen would be super invested in memes and will probably send either extremely wholesome or extremely curse memes at 3am because he loves you <3 (there’s no between).
☀︎︎ After spending weeks and weeks with his phone, he might have develop some a taste for lofi music. He couldn’t help himself but it really helped him read, write, or even just chilling.
☀︎︎ Talk about chilling, you would find him sitting outside on top of a roof and just soaking up the sunlight as the sun sets. Sometimes he’ll ask to join him and hey guess what, he bring snacks and drinks as well.
☀︎︎ Honestly loves tackling people for some reason (as a playful thing ofc) but he’s also ticklish as well ;eyes; if you get yourself in that situation, just tickle his waist and he’ll become a tea kettle. The more you tickle him the more he’ll laugh but also plea for mercy (and a bit of sobbing action).
☀︎︎ Tbh if you spare him... Owen would really say ’Peace was never an option’ and straight up tackle you again as a payback
☀︎︎ Owen reads old literature like A Study in Scarlet, Atlanta in Calydon, and The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. But he grew invested into reading manga, then later into watching Anime.
☀︎︎ ”This is way more entertaining than all the books i’ve been reading my entire life!?” *display the book as he flip through all the pages*
☀︎︎ what a chaotic man he is
Note: I think I could do better but I’m too tired to think at the moment🏃🏻‍♀️💨
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sparda3g · 6 years
Attack on Titan Chapter 111 Review
While it’s only a matter of time before everything goes straight to hell, the series can hold off the action aspect for a bit longer and yet, maintain the sheer quality with its suspense. This chapter is no exception. One of the fond elements of the series is suspense and it was well-executed here with the intensity of a man’s will for vengeance and the amount of twists and turns that had me gasping. All those info, big or small, that have been scattered for past couple of chapters are all coming together.
The beginning culminates everything that has happened involving with Eren and establish his “faction” name. It was funny for Survey Corps to call them “bastards” at first, but even for them, it was uncomfortable. Instead, they will refer them as Anti-Survey, which is the easiest name calling, so I expect their symbols to be upside down from its counterpart. But really, they are better known as Yeager Faction. Simple, but easy to call apart.
Hange elaborates the detail of the faction’s highly likely agenda. Based on the collected sources, she believes they intended to reunite Eren and Zeke. They also want to present themselves as rising power and killing Darius off was their sign. They sure made a hell of a point, I’ll give them that. The seed of the faction grew when the military began to kill time with no progress in sight. Granted, there were some, but patience is key and they had none. The final nail to the coffin is the call to replace Eren’s Founding Titan. It make sense on why Yelena treated him like God. They don’t want a replacement; what they have now is their only hope.
This has gotten messy for everyone involved. The faction is basically Survey Corps 2.0; 100 members or possibly more are part of it. I don’t know if Hange should really take the punishment for something that is more of everyone’s fault, but since she does accept it, I guess I have to go with it. She seem to hint her endgame development to be retirement, but we’ll see if she survives first. Rogue is still a douchebag for pressuring her and saying nonsensical words about turning into a titan out of nowhere. It may be panic talk, but he’s still a prick to belittling her further.
Before everything goes south there, Commander Pixis breaks the sourness and take command from there. I have to say, he’s one of the few higher-ups that I really like and this chapter serves him well. He’s the only one there with a cool head (no pun intended?) and get the corps back in order. Even after the tragic event, he remains in control and get the plan moving ahead to protect and secure every possible location for Eren to stop by, including Historia’s. Armin says that he’s next in line to take the corps control. I’m perfectly fine with that. So what’s the plan? To surrender to Eren. I take my words back.
Hilarious how Pixis says it with a straight face, yet have everyone shocked and depressed. He had them a bit hopeful earlier, but saying they have been defeated killed every piece of it. Hell, he already surrendered the military earlier, so he’s fine. This upset one person because it would mean Darius’ death would go unresolved. It’s like never getting your revenge, you will always feel defeated. Pixis does make a point though. He did begin his reign from the revolution, so to die by it is a poetic sendoff. I mean he did die from his own art as well, so the more the merrier.
The part that increased my respect towards Pixis is how he will handle this mess from this point forward. As comical it sounds of him to plan to surrender to Eren, he’s not going to submit. His agenda is to negotiate with the faction by surrendering themselves and learn their demands. Otherwise, well, Civil War, here we come. Where’s that meme? As for Darius’ death, he wants to keep it a low profile. Even if it does mean ignoring his death, it’s a small price to pay to protect thousands. That’s a difficult task for a soldier, so I applaud him for taking this approach. He got the corps motivated; a fine start for him.
Mikasa shines nicely in this chapter. I know fans tend to associate her with Eren this, Eren that, but when it comes to outside of it, she does shine nicely as a character. Case in point, her chat with Kiyomi. After Pixis warned Kiyomi that her safety may be in jeopardy once the fighting begins, she approach to Mikasa like she’s her mother. Despite having a “home” for Mikasa to return to, she was born and raised in Paradis Island, so she’s going to stay and fight. The best part is when she calls Kiyomi out on her actual reason to pray for Paradis Island and it all boils down to finance. That felt so good to expose the BS Kiyomi has been spouting.
It is funny how her characteristic resembles an anime character with the comical reaction like sweating bullets or drooling over money, yet remain in a serious nature. At the very least, she does admit that finance does rely on the “Rumbling” and if that fails, they are done. I guess you can say the clan has become a greedy one. It’s no worse than those folks who worshipped Meowth from Pokemon and seek for payday. Hell, if only Meowth does exist in Paradis Island, let alone us in the real world.
The only part that remains questionable is despite her admitting to her true reliance, she didn’t lose her pride and respect Mikasa’s mother’s wishes. Therefore, she will protect her. Perhaps it is true that she wants Mikasa to return “home.” Maybe it’s the only truthful part of her. Throughout the corps’ discussion, there’s this iffy feeling that she may know something is coming and she’s not saying. Certain panels emphasized her expression to say she’s hiding something. Maybe it’s nothing, but after the chapter was done, I’m not so sure.
Although Hange has been a mentally wreck for a while, she does keep up with the situation and has a good hunch on the faction’s motive. Even if they were to tell everyone about the true plan, Survey Corps wouldn’t keep them at peace. She and others have to expose Zeke’s scheme before it gets worse. It’s her theory, but it’s pretty damn believable. Their first stop is restaurants since it is Marleyans’ work environment that Yelena protected. The rest of the chapter focus on one restaurant, but it’s easily the best part as it is riveting, engaging, and emotional.
Mr. Braus and the family attend the restaurant where Nicolo is working at. I’m happy that the promise was being settled here, so it leaves a good feel impression. Gabi is there looking part of the family already. Almost look like Kaguya from romcom series if you ask me. Everyone is smiling and laughing, like peaceful times. Everything feels charming, even if we knew the story behind it.
Kaya recaps the story between Nicolo and The Braus Family. It all stemmed from the loss of Sasha. Gabi and Falco now knows Nicolo is a Marleyan, but what they gloss over big time is Sasha was the one Gabi killed. Instead, they were shocked that Nicolo and Sasha was a couple. If that was true, that just make me think Isayama is a bit of an asshole. Joking aside, oddly enough, it’s funny how Gabi is stunned to believe Eldian and Marleyan can mate as it shouldn’t happen because….reason!
Isayama and his humor strikes again when Falco was on to something, suggesting something bad is happening, but in reality, it’s the food that compels him. It’s time for Shokugeki no Kyojin as everyone is having a foodgasm. Hm, Kyojin sounds odd, but then again, so does Eren. Anyway, it’s amusing to say the least. Then it gets awkward when the Survey Corps arrive.
Everything seems fine in the beginning. Nicolo cooperates with them without resistance, have a room for them to sit, how kind of him, and things are looking pleasant. That is until Jean wants to sip on the wine that only Higher-ups can drink. Nicolo snatch it rapidly like it was his prize possession. He even resorts to racism to push Jean away from the wine. Damn, he really loves that wine, doesn’t he? A while ago, I was theorizing about the possibility of the wine to be poison or something. It faded out, but this moment brought it back and the possibility has gone through the roof. Falco and Gabi fake their reason to go to the bathroom and follow Nicolo. This is where it gets seriously intense.
I always thought someday, Gabi as Sasha’s killer would play a role somewhere and this is the time. To be honest, I didn’t expect it to play it here, but Isayama is clever at setting up the stage. Gabi feels assured to speak to another Marleyan and explain her story of how she got into the island. Long story short, she was imprisoned after killing a few Survey Corps. This sparks a huge curiosity from Nicolo. Once he asks her about a female soldier, I begin to shake with fear. When she gleefully responded yes, shit is about to hit the fan really bad.
All the good feelings died the moment Nicolo learns who killed her beloved Sasha. All it was missing was a suspenseful soundtrack to absorb your attention even deeper for what’s about to happen. I like to use The Dark Knight track, “Why So Serious,” mainly the beginning. Nicolo lost his cool and aim to kill Gabi with the same wine he was protecting. Falco comes to save her, but damn, that was a bad blow to the head. Nicolo didn’t mind too much, because he is filled with rage. It doesn’t stop there. He brings them to the family’s table to perform an act. The title: Revenge.
The intensity keeps on growing with the entire family now knows who killed Sasha. I thought Gabi was only tossed away, but she got punched hard in the face. Her nose is broken and she looked dazed like she’s about to collapse. I don’t know if the fans still hate her, so take it as a reward or sympathy. Honestly, I find it difficult to take a side. I know killing another is morally incorrect, but after Nicolo’s testimony, it’s hard to object it.
This whole settlement should have been easy, but the conflict is difficult. Nicolo may want revenge, but he was kind (I guess?) to hand over the opportunity to Mr. Braus. Not even a son-in-law, yet he acts like one. Survey Corps invades, but he has Falco as his hostage. All he wants is to pay back Sasha; put a closure to her death. Isayama is great at timing the chapter’s theme. First, we have Darius’ death left unresolved for the sake of peace; now, we have Sasha’s death to be decided.
What stung me bad is how Nicolo truly did love Sasha and how much she meant to him. She gave him life to live through hell. I don’t know if this is true, but supposedly, Sasha wasn’t trying to say meat as her final word, rather it’s Nicolo. Niku is meat. She was one syllable away before her final breath gave out. That’s downright sad. It’s harder to hold back when seeing her one more time through Nicolo’s words. Dammit! They were a pair and for a small panel time, I’m actually torn. How can I argue against that?
I really like what Isayama is doing with Gabi’s development. The lessons she has to learn are hard but necessary. In this moment, it’s fear of what “devils” are about to do. The irony twist is her so called people of righteousness is the one out for vengeance. To be honest, I did feel bad for her. Yes, she has said and done idiotic things, including here, but she has been living in fear and lies, so I can’t fault her too much. Being a child does help as well, considering the limitation of a mindset. The expression of things coming to an end does strike me. It’s Mr. Braus’ call now, wielding the knife to decide her fate.
If there’s anyone that you can say the best man of the chapter, it’s undoubtedly Mr. Braus. That speech about him and his daughter in the forest is teary. Looking at young Sasha is sad enough, the two bonding together like a family is even sadder. The speech is about a child being let go to roam around the forest; protecting, fighting, and eventually, die. They lived in the forest for a long time. It was then he let her go out of the forest, only the world was a giant forest. The striking point is how it ties in to the whole theme of the chapter.
Mr. Braus hands over the knife to his wife to say, “He will not kill Gabi for revenge.” It’s his responsible for letting Sasha die out in the forest. Adult is responsible for their children’s fate. If they are let go out of the forest, there is hope for a greater future. Otherwise, history will repeat itself. This is a deep metaphor for act of cycle. If one gets revenge, another will arrive. Then another. And another. Where does it end? If one leaves, a change will be made. It’s unbelievable how Mr. Braus now appears with more panel time and already he’s the man of the hour. Next time I watch Season 2, I will cheer like hell when he’s on screen.
I’m glad for Nicolo decided to let go of his darkest desire and give in the chance to move away. Otherwise, it could have ended awfully. Still, I feel bad for him. As powerful that scene was, I find the next scene powerful in its own way. Seeing Mikasa treating Gabi is a sight for sour eyes. After what just happened, Gabi is overwhelmed, finally questioning the devils do they not hate her. That simple question holds tons of weight. It’s the wake-up call she truly needed.
To add more to it, a sudden attack emerge from behind, but Mikasa quickly stops it. To Gabi’s surprise, it’s Kaya, the same child who protected her identity and helped her to fit into the family. Moment like this always gets me. One moment a friend, another moment an enemy. It reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender, whereas Zuko fits in well with the villagers, but once his identity is revealed, everyone hates him in a single flip of a switch. That one panel shot with Mikasa stopping Kaya from stabbing while holding Gabi tightly is a great shot. A former friend trying to kill a newfound enemy that is protected by thought-to-be enemy. Poetic.
This scene was needed to show how life can be unpredictable at times. Nothing is set in stone. Gabi has to see it for herself and rightfully so. She basically got a taste of broken friendship. What’s more is she actually feels remorse. Seeing Kaya in tears and anger open her eyes to see the damage she has caused. To recite Mr. Braus’ words, she must leave that forest. Otherwise, she’s doomed to be part of endless cycle. Isayama is really doing a hell of a job. I’m really intrigued by this development. But, he has one more to throw in.
The secret of the wine is revealed. It’s not poison as some, including me, predicted. It’s worse. It’s Zeke’s spinal fluid. Holy crap. This really stunned me. This is why build-up, even if it halts the action, can raise the shock factor really high. This means the Higher-ups are screwed. All it takes is Zeke’s roar and they’re done. I guess Rogue and others are going to explode after all. This would mean Zeke really is planning behind their back, unless the faction knows about it as well, which it is likely. This is crazy. The cruel twist they’re going to get. However and sadly, Falco is now part of the factor as well.
When he got smashed by the wine bottle, some part went into his mouth, which essentially means he drank some. Because of it, he will be victimized with the rest. Gabi wasn’t there to hear it, but this will break her if she knows his fate. Even worse, Reiner may lose his cool if he loses his sole purpose to live. My God, the setup is so good right now, I don’t know what to think.
Bottom line, this chapter was great. The build-up continues to be compelling and intriguing with pieces here and there to consider over. All key moments/segments in the restaurant were exhilarating and emotional. Plenty of strong moments left me awed and inspired. Mr. Braus is practically MVP by a large margin, but others did well in their role. The ending revelation was shocking; leaving the future chapters even more anticipating. The setup has been stellar and it’s growing more and more. Whatever it leads to, it’s going to be a hell that everyone will remember.
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