#hopefully i can play more this weekend 🤞
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jaheira please im trying to have a serious conversation
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worldwake · 1 year
Unfortnitedly I think the best option right now is to just suck it up and pull as close to an all-nighter as I can manage, but I don't want to lmao. I might just set 9000 alarms to go off at 4 am to get in some last-minute cramming. Yippie
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vacancy90 · 28 days
Long time no weekend sports update, so here you go:
All throughout winter I've been attending tennis practice every Friday night, which was really good and fun. 💪🎾 Now the outdoor season has finally begun, but my tennis buddies started playing competitively for the club this season so their training is different now. Don't know when they'll be free to play with me again.
And this is where cycling kicks in. Can do it anytime, anywhere and, unlike tennis, alone. For quite some time now I've been riding my dear gravel bike, trying to go longer distances and also faster. Sometimes with a friend, but mostly alone. It was inevitable, the desire for a real road bike. So, since last Saturday she's home. Welcome to the family, baby! 💜🤍
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Yesterday I went for the first ride and despite the rainy weather, we had so much fun! I rode with a friend, told him NO HILLS! (Got to get used to new cleats and also, in bad weather better play it safe with the new baby to get familiar) Guess what? Climbed more altitude metres in 20 km less than the weekend before. But omg what a joy on this beauty! I mean, I did curse my way up a 13% incline but I made it and couldn't be happier about this!
Let's not talk about the tiny scratch on the right shifter due to miscommunication and a slipping front wheel, but I saved it from more damage by sacrificing my body. It wouldn't have been a true initiation without a fall, I guess.
So, yeah, I'm looking forward to a beautiful cycling season with the new beauty and hopefully some tennis sessions, too, because I'm gonna ride the old bike to the club through the woods. 🤞
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spacecowboybriony · 1 year
So my choir director is running a kids camp in the next school holidays (I won’t be there to help because I’m on holidays otherwise I would definitely be there every day because that sort of thing is right up my alley, fingers crossed for next year 🤞), and she held auditions over the weekend. The auditions were more of a formality, just to figure out what sort of vocal range the kids gave so she knows what part to give them on the camp. However, if the about 60 kids who auditioned, 3 didn’t make the cut. Which is a real shame, and I don’t envy having to let those kids know. But some kids just cannot sing. If they’re a little pitchy but can get onto the right note and stay there, that’s okay, you can work with that. But if you’re singing with them and they can’t sing the same note as you, there’s not much you can do.
Anyway, where I’m going with this, is that one of those 3 is one of my Girls’ Brigade girls. And I’m like. Should I not wear my choir jacket for a few weeks? I basically live in that thing 😅 but also I had another girl audition and I assume she’s got in, so hopefully it doesn’t come up in conversation too much. I just hope that she’s okay, and that it doesn’t crush her confidence too much. I’ve definitely had rejections from choirs before and it crushed me. It’s such a blow to the confidence.
And her brother is in my choir. Her mum played in my band for a while. They’re a very musical family. Above everything I just hope she’ll be okay.
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mac-lilly · 2 years
Ain't that the truth! I almost became a teacher only to switch majors in college because my aunt (who was a kindergarden teacher until she retired) told me that all of the stuff you learn in the classes to become a teacher never gets used afterwards.
Lol oh very true! Though I gotta give Zac props on building his singing voice to go from having to be dubbed by Drew Seeley to being considered good enough to duet with Hugh Freaking Jackman!
Well Zac and Charlie are the same height (5'8") so the table would be needed! 🤣 And yeah, Julie is the sole exception to Luke's love of music because as he said, no music's worth playing if it's not with her.
Ah yeah I saw that on Twitter. Don't know how I feel with them not requiring testing or masks since cases are on the rise in Europe but hopefully people will use good judgement.
So the queue is like the seating arrangements when they said you could email to sit by friends (higher passes could sit in the lower zones but the lower passes couldn't sit in the higher zones).
Why...why wouldn't you want the poster signed?
Good to know about the public transport but I'll likely be taking a cab anyway (I got a hotel about 30 mins away from the convention center because I got a good deal on it through my job).
Fingers crossed we'll get something about discounts though my wallet is definitely happy for the break lol.
Oh did you see the tweet from the person raising money for the Cameron Boyce foundation? I hope they make their goal (they said it was $800 this year because they raised $600 last year) but they're closing it soon and they were at $500 last I checked. Though they've got 5 days to go so hopefully they can get that extra $300 to make their goal :D
Oh wow! You're going to be doing a lot of travel!
I have a cousin who is about to become a teacher (for high school, I think), and yeah, I don't envy her. Although, she'll make more money than Mr. Bolton. The minimum wage for newbies (who have passed the exam) on the job is 50,000€. (Still not enough money cause some schools are warzones.)
Yeah, sure, it's an achievement for him. On the other hand, the problem with Zac in the first movie was that his singing voice didn't work with the songs. (The songs were probably already written when the casting happened, so they couldn't make any adjustments.) With the later movies, they could write songs that suited his voice.
(Oh gosh, they are so tiny. And Madi and Vanessa are even smaller. I'm still very concerned about the photos with them.😅)
Yeah, I'm also not sure. On the one hand, it's nice that you don't have to worry about what happens if you are positive. On the other hand, it's risky. But their hands are probably tied since there are no Covid regulations in France anymore. 🫤
Yeah, exactly like the seating. Well, enhances your chances of getting everything done. 🤞
Because I have to do a lot of traveling after the con and a poster is so unhandy and easy to damage. Also, I already have a few autographs, and they are photo-sized, so the poster wouldn't fit in. But I'll decide later.
Ok, when your hotel is that far away. Mine's within walking distance. However, because of this, I just checked the way from the airport to the city, and there's a disruption too. 😑 So either bus or taxi. (I hate buses, I hate taxis.😅)
Yeah, I did. And I already donated. I hope they can raise the money. But with inflation going on … it won't be easy. Would be nice if they got $600 at least. 🤞 Kenny looked so happy when he was informed about it.
Yup. Lot of travel. However, once I'm home, I have an entire weekend to recharge (with the new Pokemon game🤩).
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fruitless-vain · 2 years
Day 32:
Really feel like we’ve got a schedule down for this dudes digestive tract! Ate full breakfast (minus four kibbles) and then he asked to go out back! He’s starting to stand by the back door and then look at us if we say “outside?” When he needs to go! Yay! No whining at all this morning when he was out, just a man on a mission and then lots of zoomies!
The weather is looking nice so I’m going to aim to get loads of walks for everyone done this week. Hopefully get some of Shams energy an outlet and make outside less exciting when it comes to integration work this weekend, one less thing adding to potential overstimulation.
Did Shams first solo walk with just me today and he did great! As long as he’s not feeling scared he doesn’t really pull at the moment so walking is a breeze on that front. A little more distracted today so not as many check ins but he was still able to give me a good amount despite how busy the street was today. Got to follow a pedestrian at a pretty close distance for a while, sham was very interested, pulling forwards and heavily sniffing the tracks which was nice to see. He stops and stares when he first sees someone moving but quickly acknowledges that they’re not a threat and happily moves on. Got to hear some barking on the walk from a long distance away, he acknowledged it and moved on. Came back in to the house no problem, didn’t whine at all until it came time to actually settle down inside, wasn’t too bad though just a bit of a “i just finished a walk that was exciting I am excited im struggling to calm myself” sort of whining, not anxiety based.
His long line had entered Canada so hopefully it’ll get delivered this week! He’s been trying so hard to run and have fun outside but I simply cannot give him that ability on a 7ft line. 🤞 hoping it shows up before the weekend at the very least
He’s starting to redirect himself off of bitey play, starting mouthing at Jack a little too much and immediately stopped himself, launched on to his rope and started thrashing it around. Beautiful response when we start disengaging from his play.
Also did really good with Fonz today, did a couple over excited whines then would disengage himself to go play with a toy, person, or lay down.
Peed on his bed! Again!!! Literally finished his last bite of dinner (eating on his bed), stood up and peed. 0 time in between to get him outside even if I tried. Thankfully I saw him do it and was able to rip the cover off the bed before it soaked in too much so hopefully I can save the bed. Until this new problem is sorted he’s bedless. Which I feel bad about but I can’t afford 100 beds.
Otherwise he ate his dinner in full and is doing well with the new no jumping rule. He’ll sit at the gate when Jack comes home, get super excited and slam himself in to a very intense down trying his very hardest to keep his feet planted while so excited.
Bed pee is extremely frustrating but the rest of the day was really good.
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