#how to get along with your fellow modders
ts3creatorscave · 1 year
Creator Community Good Faith Practices
Here at the Creator’s Cave, our mission is to create a ‘safe space’ for people to learn how to create new content and mods for The Sims 3, and share their knowledge of how to create new content and mods for the Sims 3.
Frequently, new custom content (CC) is generated by making edits to existing CC. As part of the above mission, we feel it is required of us to encourage ‘Good Faith’ practices, and to discourage ‘Bad Faith’ practices when utilizing content from other creators in your CC or mods.
We've made a  list of ‘Good Faith’ and ‘Bad Faith’, and ‘Grey Area’ practices to serve as guidelines for both existing and aspiring creators.
We asked those in the discord to help distill and tweak it, and will continue to make alterations based on feedback from the creator community. These guidelines are primarily enforced by the community itself, and other creators may decline to provide assistance to someone who is using ‘Bad Faith’ practices.
Here’s a link to the doc for any interested: TS3 Creator Good Faith Practices
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Not expecting a reply, just wanted to drop by and say THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I started doing a little modding around in January, mainly trying to google and learn stuff only to find out that info and the modding community of DBH is scarce. I’m a very shy person, so starting to talk with other modders didn’t (and still doesn’t) seem like an option. Not to mention not knowing how to approach them ans where.
I used all the little info I found and got as far as to learn how to do hex swaps on the dbh demo (since the online model swapoer doesn’t work on it). Also found tutorials for textures but didn’t go for it yet. Now that I finally have the full game I’m better able to do more stuff.
Thanks to your activeness, more info has become easily available. Of course I have to thank the whole modding community as well, but I personally feel like it wasn’t until you came along that the info started to surface.
So thank you again and keep doing what you do. I love to follow your modding diary and I’m excited to learn from your learnings!!
I started modding at the start of the year too! I'm so glad you're finding my mod diary entries helpful.
I really want DBH modding information to be much more public, so that's why I started my diary! Unfortunately, a lot of people keep things private when they're not supposed to/are told not to share it. I somehow got caught up in that (which you will see in one of my previous entries) even though it's like, the opposite of what I want to achieve.
I can't take credit for "figuring out" the mods though. People have figured these out long before I got here, and those people are linked in my previous entries. <3
I would love to learn a programming language so I can reverse engineer the game and get codes that way rather than asking fellow modders, but learning that feels so out of my grasp since I like, you know, have work to do. Grass to touch. It's time that I wish I had!
Unfortunately, (and this is NOT to cause drama) my main source of info/mentor has blocked me on Tumblr because she misunderstood a post I created (classic Twitter-style misunderstanding lol)(and no hate to her at all! I am unable to talk to her privately anywhere to reconcile and clarify. So, I'm locked in a learning stalemate at the moment), so the entries will be significantly slower.
You are absolutely welcome to DM me if you get stuck with something. I only know as much as people tell me, so if you figure anything out, please let me know! I'd love to learn anything from anywhere and put it in an entry for more people to find.
I hope your modding journey is easy! It's tough for me because I have no idea what I'm doing and finding stuff is so, so hard. So I hope you're having fun and getting the results you want. I'm so glad you're using my regurgitated info lmao <3
DATE: 01/03/2023
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purrrsia · 1 year
Tumblr media
I'm new here so I'm not sure how this works, but I love to play Sims 4 and use my Quest 2 along with photography and drawing. So, I stay busy until summer gets here, then I really stay busy working outside with my flowers and garden and also helping my 82 year old mom.
I saw this message from @toastie-sim and after reading it, I cannot believe how hateful and mean other's can be!! I don't really understand what the Sims at Dark is, but I take it's like a message board?? Anyway, you people who have the guts to sit behind a computer and type vulgarities and crap to the people who work hard for your benefit, it's just really pathetic and selfish! I have no idea how mod and barely know how to download them, but it looks incredibly difficult and you should be much more appreciative and thank the modders, rather than hurry them and get pissed because they aren't working quickly enough to your satisfaction. Working isn't even the correct word..."helping" fellow Simmers using their knowledge from the kindness of their heart. They should be respected for what they do. Whatever happened to kindness? Something doesn't go your way, you whine, cry, and bitch! I'm sorry, whoever reads this, you know who you are. Be nice and have patience, please! Go ahead and throw the hate at me. This is my first post and it won't be my last. Things like this just urk me!
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jamesbyerj · 4 years
Morrowind May Modathon 2020 and Summer Modjam - Mods & Prizes!
It's May and that means the [url=https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8650243-morrowind-may-modathon-month-2020-celebrating-18-years-of-morrowind//]Morrowind May Modathon[/url] is back brought to you by one of the pillars of our Morrowind community: veteran Nexus Mods member [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/19250]darkelfguy[/url]! Simply upload a mod for Morrowind, use the Modathon 2020 tag and win prizes and achievements along the way!  [center]Shiny achievements galore...[/center][center][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1588320962-150779278.jpeg[/img][/center] [b][size=3]How to enter the Morrowind May Modathon 2020[/size][/b] [list] [*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/add]Upload a Morrowind mod[/url] between now and the end of May. [*]Use the May Modathon 2020 tag or tick the checkbox "Created for the Morrowind May Modathon Month 2020 competition" under "Classification" when creating a mod page. [/list][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1588320985-124140221.jpeg[/img] [img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1588320990-53999511.jpeg[/img] And that's it! You're entered into the draw to win game prizes and achievements. Good luck! [b][size=3]Morrowind is well and alive in 2020[/size][/b] If, like me, you have a soft spot for TES III: Morrowind (released 18 years ago, oh how time flies!) you'll be excited to hear that the yearly Morrowind May Modathon usually leads to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/?BH=0&RH_ModList=nav:true,home:false,type:0,user_id:0,game_id:100,advfilt:true,include_adult:false,page_size:20,show_game_filter:false,open:true,tags_yes%5B%5D:2594]hundreds of new TES III mods[/url] being uploaded in just a single month. [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14022]Last year's Modathon[/url] had [b]over 240 mods[/b] that have been entered into the competition! Not bad for a game that is now almost two decades old, huh? If the mere thought of having Dunmer shout "N'wah" in your face, or being called "scum" by the lovely Ordinators is giving you nostalgic pangs, then it's time to dust off that copy of Morrowind, grab some mods, and dive into one of the best RPGs of all time. [center][youtube]0NcUslCpMrs[/youtube][/center] And for you modders out there: simply upload any new Morrowind mod, big or small, add the Modathon 2020 tag, and win prizes and achievements provided by the Modathon host [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/news/13682]darkelfguy[/url] (who also runs the YouTube channel [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTiULQ_bcPRu_jMTZ86WO7A]Morrowind Modding Showcases[/url]). Keep an eye on our social media channels ([url=https://www.facebook.com/nexussites/]Facebook[/url] and [url=https://twitter.com/NexusSites]Twitter[/url]) as well as the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind]Morrowind mod section[/url] for updates and, of course, new, spectacular mods!  That being said, darkelfguy, please take it away: [quote]Today I'm pleased to announce the sixth Morrowind May Modathon Month Modding Competition, one of the biggest annual modding competitions in the gaming community, will be returning on May 1st! Celebrating Morrowind's 18th anniversary, this year's Modathon Modding Competition will once again be running throughout the entire month of May, and participating Morrowind mods will again have a chance to unlock sweet achievements, win prizes, and compete with their fellow modders to become the ultimate modding champions of 2020! Last year was one of the biggest years in the history of Morrowind, with over 1000 mods released in 2019, and 240 of those released for the 2019 Modathon, and this year we're hoping to beat that record! We have over 70 achievements for modders to unlock, for everything from building an epic dungeon, to fixing Morrowind's animations, replacing the game's graphics, and of course there's a ton of hidden achievements and much more for you to discover! Unlock as many as you can! Participation is simple, any Morrowind mod released in May can be entered into the competition, just remember to include a tagline "Part of the May Modathon Month" near the top of your mod's description, or use the Modathon 2020 tag to enter your mod as part of the competition. You'll be automatically entered to potentially win one of our weekly random-drawing prizes, and of course unlock achievements! Mod your way to fame and glory in the biggest modding event of the year, and help celebrate one of the greatest games ever made! The best games never die, so get out there, have fun, and build a ton of mods to make this great game even better than ever before! The competition runs from May 1st through to June 1st, and you can find out more about how to participate, along with a complete list of achievements, [url=https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8650243-morrowind-may-modathon-month-2020-celebrating-18-years-of-morrowind//]over on the official announcement thread[/url]! - [b]darkelfguy / Morrowind Modding Showcases[/b][/quote] [b][size=3]But there's more![/size][/b] Stay tuned for the first [b]Morrowind Summer Modjam[/b] coming soon: [center][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1588320956-1458519303.jpeg[/img][/center] [quote]Coming this summer, we're hosting the first Morrowind Summer Modjam, a 48-hour modding competition where modders have just one weekend to come up with, design, and release the best mod they can before time runs out! The Summer Modjam starts the weekend of July 11th-12th, with random-drawing prizes and badges that participating modders can unlock, and much more! We'll be revealing more information about the Modjam as July gets closer, so stay tuned! - [b]darkelfguy / Morrowind Modding Showcases[/b][/quote] If that sounds more like your, uh, jam - then keep your eyes peeled for the announcement later this summer. But for now, we hope that all of you are staying safe, that you enjoyed our last ([url=https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14248]still ongoing[/url]) "Stay Home. Make Mods." event, and that you'll enjoy this year's Morrowind Modathon as much as in the last few years. Best of luck to all participants and happy modding!   Published first at Morrowind May Modathon 2020 and Summer Modjam - Mods & Prizes!
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How To Possess Assets Cash In Grand Theft Car 5 (GTA V)
Grand Theft Car Sixth is v fallen the various other day time and if you're already somehow bored stiff with the largest video game Rockstar offers ever created , or if you're just an in-game sociopath attempting to wail on some specialist numbers, here's a list of cheat codes and hidden secrets currently known for GTAV. GTA Online: Spend a total of $8,000,000 purchasing automobiles included as part gta 5 online money glitch of The Heists Upgrade. However, if you have been prohibited before in GTA Online or put into the cheater pool of players after that it will end up being virtually difficult to end up being un-banned because once you are categorised as a cheater you will always be seen as a cheater by Rockstar and you drop all of your credibility with the Support team. Making money in GTA Online requires a little work, like in actual existence simply. As a result of this glitch Rockstar has began a fresh ban influx and possess been banning lots of accounts to try and get rid of most gta 5 money of the glitched money. This Money Glitch shall help you obtain unlimited money in Grand Theft Auto 5. This GTA 5 Money Glitch functions on all video game and platforms version. The just plausible method is definitely to purchase a million money money's well worth of shark credit cards or make use of some money glitch made by modders and hackers in general public lobbies. GTA 5 Hacks can be a powerful device to gta 5 online money glitch generate cash and popularity in GTA 5. There are other websites, but in fact, they do not work. Parole Time (30 factors): GTA Online: Comprehensive The Jail Break as Heist Leader or Crew. 3 Multi Features: With this Online GTA 5 Hack you'll obtain 3 features under the same device. Effectively full the "Considerably Out" mission for the Omega stranger (he becomes available after completing the "Fame Or Shame" primary objective) in east Sandy Shores by collecting all 50 spaceship parts in Grand Theft Car gta 5 money 5 to open the Space Docker (alien) car. Read our Making Money in GTA Online web page and you'll soon end up being going swimming in a sea of extravagance and decadence. Rumors of undercover Rockstar police” entering open public GTA Online lobbies to search for and ban cash glitchers began moving in July. Cash mistakes possess been patched up time after time by Rockstar in an attempt to provide gta 5 online money glitch gamers a level playing field, but right now it would appear that the fresh "Ill-Gotten Games pt.2" update provides allowed for however One more money cheating scam. Eurogamer's guide to all the hack codes obtainable in GTA 5, along with some important techniques for playing the game's share markets. Previously this evening (Sept 16), Digital Spy's Liam Martin granted Grand Theft Car 5 five superstars , phoning it a "masterpiece" and a "greatly amazing technological achievement". In addition to making gta 5 money it known that there is certainly code hinting at a future release of GTA Sixth is v on the PC and PS4 , some of the pirates have made the decision to provide back again to the gaming community and it entails seeping all the tricks for the Xbox 360 edition of GTA V. In this post I are heading to end up being talking about a Grand Theft Car 5 Glitch that offers produced hundreds of participant BILLIONAIRES over night time! As this is usually a solitary money glitch, you can repeat any car without the help of your gta 5 money close friends or fellow players in GTA Online. It's period for GTA 5 Tricks Personal computer. http://gta5online-moneyglitch.com have complete cheat listings and how to get into them easy and fast! 1997 designated the discharge of The initial video game of the series and nearly 15 years later on, after moving out many even more editions of the game, the latest instalment of the video game- Grand Theft Car 5 or GTA 5 was released in 2013. Certainly with any glitch their is usually gta 5 cheat a possibility that it won't work a few occasions (usually the 1st time,) but if successful the insurance shall have worked out, while the thieved vehicle will be component of the gamer's garage. Transformation gravity: You can make use of this code to mess around with GTA 5's gravity, and send out vehicles skidding through the fresh air flow before clattering back again straight down to globe. Like the prior gta 5 money money glitches , the new exploit involves taking advantage of character switching between online and Story Mode and selling your car to Los Santos Customs. In the Name of Science (30 factors): GTA Online: Comprehensive The Humane Labs Raid and Series A Financing as Heist Leader or Crew. Get the many out of GTA 5 Online Money Generator by getting large numbers of money and RP to your accounts fast and easy without gta 5 money any complications. Grand Theft Car on-line can be as well-known as ever still, with fresh articles getting released soon and everybody ramping up their Must play it at this point” levels to the max. We possess added different tricks, links and various other resources if you're presently playing Grand Theft Auto 4. I possess performed the research and investigated the best GTA 4 hack sources and websites so that you can save gta 5 cheat period getting them. The GTA Sixth is v Hack Requirements below are outlined for the Xbox One and PS4 version of the game, check back later to see if any new GTA V cheats are discovered, as they'll become added to this web page. Second of all, the GTA Online money glitch tutorial video also explains that you must have money to make money. If you're playing on the PC and not thinking about hot-swapping vehicles in your garage gta 5 online money glitch area to dupe them, redditor SuperSlimek discovered an easy method to get even more cash during Car Sale quests. It costs a lot of money to repair it and starts to explode after launching a few vehicles.
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