#how to train your rio tbh haha
junkokiu · 2 years
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mego42 · 4 years
2x02 discussion questions
accidentally skipped last week’s so I promised myself I was gonna be extra insightful this week but then this happened instead so my b, please forgive me @pynkhues
1. What was your favourite scene of the episode? Tell us why!
anyone that say anything other than the weirdo stop sign face touching creeper end bit is a liar unless they pick that I’m that bitch speech, that’s an acceptable alternative
2. Was there any scene that missed the mark for you? And if so, how?
all of the boomer ones with the exception of the “what is this the craft” one. for as terrible as boomer is, the show usually deploys him in a way that either makes me laugh or makes me rage but this ep all of his scenes are just kind of pls stop
3. At the start of this episode, the girls discuss Rio’s assignment and they talk about it as a gang initiation - blood in, blood out. Do you think this is what Rio actually intended in giving them the job? Or do you think it was still more of a punishment for his arrest?
lmao no I do not think at any point is rio seriously asking the girls to join his gang in the slightest but i can see where his whole handing beth loaded guns and then pissing her off schtick may have lulled people into thinking he’s that dumb
4. Greg tries to corner Annie about their affair in front of his pregnant wife! It’s mortifying, haha, but also raises the question of what do you think Greg’s thoughts were at this point. Why do you think he was still trying to get pregnant with Nancy while entertaining dreams of leaving her for Annie? And what do you think his plan was for the relationships overall?
bold of you to assume greg has thoughts
5. We really see how betrayed Stan feels by Ruby in this episode in their marriage counselling scene, and the effect that has on Ruby. Why do you think Stan feels this so deeply, and do you think that things would’ve been different if she’d told him upfront about everything as it happened?
yes absolutely, I think stan would’ve been mad as hell but the betrayal is 100000% him reckoning with the fact that ruby is able to lie to him specifically
6. Another Annie crime heist comes to fruition in this episode as the girls steal a car to scrap for parts! What do you think of this particular idea? Do you think they should’ve gotten away with it as easily as they did?
annie had so close to a really great idea it physically hurts. steal from the rich but not their teslas like why would you steal a giant rfid chip come on
7. Nancy gets a lot of great scenes in this episode, and in particular it seems to mark an overall turning point in her relationship with Annie twice over – the first when it becomes clear that she wants a relationship with Annie, and secondly the betrayal of realising Annie’s been sleeping with Greg. Why do you think Nancy sought out a friendship with Annie? And what do you think of Annie’s varying responses to the other woman?
nancy wants a a friend so bad it’s the saddest thing and annie is cursed with oops I already fucked up before I realized it was a fuck up syndrome. it’s a whole mess.
8. “I don’t think I’ve ever looked at Dean the way you looked at Stan.” Discuss!
real talk I get v confused why people think the writers aren’t 100% writing the boland marriage to be a slow motion train wreck.
9. “I’m that bitch” Discuss!
The fact that retta hasn’t been at least nominated for an emmy is an absolute disgrace.
10. We’ve seen Beth try to bullshit Rio a lot across the three seasons of the show, but arguably the scene at the pool is one of her most brazen lies. Do you think Rio believed Beth at any point in her story? What do you think was running through both their heads in the moment of it?  
Beth: nailed it
Rio: why does this turn me on when did my life come to this where did I go wrong
11. Why do you think Beth aggressively stole / tore down the stop sign?
bc no one would stfu and let her FIGURE THINGS OUT one of her top 5 most relatable moments tbh
12. That final scene with Beth and Rio is another massive turning point in the season overall, and likely one of their most emotionally honest. What are your thoughts on it overall? And what do you make of it in the context of the broader series?
you know i hadn’t considered the significance of annie and dean talking over her all ep in the context of this scene until you pointed it out but i think it’s v significant that after all of that, rio is the one there bearing witness to beth putting the sign up. she’s exerting the limited control she has over her life/circumstances to the fullest extent she can (with full loony tunes flair, I love her so much) and he both sees it for what it is and rewards her for it with an offer to help her level up. it’s emblematic of the best parts of their relationship: he sees her and who/what she could be if she had the space to be it and tries to give her the opportunity (too bad that’s all counterbalanced by the merrily burning dumpster fire that’s the rest of their dynamic)
13. On a scale of one to ten, how mad are you that we never got the scene where Rio taught Beth how to use a gun?
it’s officially on the list of things i’m gonna die mad about. entry 231, i’m looking at it rn
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magneticflower · 4 years
5, 6 & 7 pls
NBC Good Girls Ask Meme
Favorite season 1 scene? On that same note, favorite s1 ep?
These ended up being harder than I thought so I’m going to separate it into funny and serious.
My favorite funny moment or lighthearted moment that just sticks with me is between Motivational Speaker Annie and ‘Relax, I’m just gonna scare him a little’ Ruby. Those two moments always end up making me laugh like crazy. I always lose my ish when I watch the Ruby scene so that might be slightly higher than motivational Annie. 
My favorite serious scene would have to be the finale scene with Rio, Beth, and Dean. The build-up to it, the setting, the mood, and the dialogue are just perfect and I think that scene is probably one of the best, if not the best, scene in the entire series thus far. It really was too good. 
Favorite episode for this season is stuck between the pilot, 1x04, and the finale. 
Favorite season 2 scene? Favorite s2 ep?
This season is super hard to choose from because there are a lot of solid scenes for real but---
“You say you don’t know who I am. Well, let me introduce myself. I’m the crazy-ass bitch that robbed a grocery to save her children and protect her family. Your child and your family. I’m that bitch. Nice to meet ya.”
Top spot has to go to Ruby telling Stan just who she is and why she did what she did. Honestly, when it comes to development and showing progression for a character and a relationship, I think the show is so solid when it comes to Ruby and Stan. You can really feel the effects of the things that the girls are doing for them in particular because so many areas of their lives are being affected by it. Not to say the other two don’t have those things, but with the Hills it affects their marriage, their identity, and even is now showing its affect on their children that we don’t really get to see with the others ya know? 
I can’t stick with just one scene though so i’m going to have to add one of my favorite scenes ever which is the the Dean, Beth, and Rio scene that is only second to the finale of season 1:
“Take it up with HR, yeah?”
“Who is HR?!?” 
“Oh, me, haha.”
This entire scene is another one where the atmosphere of it and the performance of it is just pure excellence. All three of them delivered in this scene and I never knew how much I needed That Particularly Chaotic Rio til I saw it. 
There’s also the scene where Annie confronts Beth which is Iconic. Honestly, season 2 is filled with most of my favorite scenes I--- I’m regretting putting favorites on this question thing now tbh. 
Favorite episode---- stuck between 2x04 and 2x06. I think I’m going with 2x06 because I just overall enjoyed that episode. 2x11 was a close contender though. 
Favorite season 3 scene? Favorite s3 ep?
Favorite season 3 scene was probably the bar scene with Rio being like, “I’m the problem.” and telling Beth to finally get rid of him if she wanted to so badly. Beth and Rio were at Peak Attitude right then and I was enjoying it. Beth getting rid of   Also, the ending scene with Rio and Beth in 3x11 was really good. 
Funny/lighthearted favorites include Beth training Max to shoot a gun because that scene was comedic gold & Beth’s “oh my god, what happened?”
Bonus faves would be Ruby and Stan karaoke (before it got heartbreaking), the failed JT convenience store robbery, and Annie’s threatening bird photoshoot. 
Favorite episode would probably be 3x01. It was the one I enjoyed the most overall I think.
Thank you for sending these!!
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
lol it's funny that out of all ney's friends it's GUI and cris I can't stand that he is hanging out with lately 😩Cris because out of all his friends I think he lives off of Ney the most and brags about it on his SM,plus his racist post about an Arab guy..GUI I can't remember why but haven't been fond of him since ney's santos says.
Yeah I kinda have the same with Cris after that Snap of him… But he does work for GagaMilano (probably via Ney but at least he works). With Gui I personally have no problems at all. He looks like a very sweet guy with a great - humble - family. Not one to buy insanely expensive things or anything. __________
ANON: “ONLY pple who think there is nothing wrong/off about Jo,Gil,Gustavo,the others and even possibly Rafa not being at his big party are Brumars who are on cloud 9🙄 because any sane person will question their very OBVIOUS absence! If what it takes to make it work with her is distancing himself from friends&family, then boy needs to set his priorities straight bcause this same girl was mute when the whole of Brazil wanted his head on a stick during Olympics and only pple by his side were his family”
It’s indeed really weird to see them not spending NYE with Ney.
Let’s hope that now she will say something if he gets the same amount of critic he has received this season. I hope she does if it happens again.
ANON: “Bruna isn’t fooling Rafa at all lol. We got an official Brumar photo before any official pic of Bru and Rafa hanging out. I guess Rafa is sooo done trying to be friends with her. I’m sure they’re civil and polite with each other but u can tell that Rafa doesn’t want to be close friends with her. I just hope Ney doesn’t distance himself from his family and loyal friends just to be with his gf. This is not what an enduring relationship is about.”
Well we did saw her having lunch with Ney and Rafa when she was in Barca the first time.
ANON: “Wtf im i reading bruna got what she want got rid of Davi? Hahahha shes loves children why would she hate Davi?!! Plus as far as i remember ney never celebrated nye with davi since he was born lol. Nadine and ney pai were also there. I expected jo&gil to be there too tbh but Maybe they wanted to party hard bang Girls instead of to hang out ONLY with couples.”
True. Carol also said - years ago - Davi loves Bruna. Of course he’s older now but I’m sure the bound they had will come back within time.
I’m not sure if Nadine was at the party btw 🤔 And there weren’t ONLY couples at his party. Besides Jo doenst look like the person that bangs all day err day. (Remember those teasing Snaps from Ney a couple months ago towards Jo?)
ANON: “Ash amor can i ask you if u would have a boyfriend and he would spend so so much time with his friends wouldnt u get annoyed? Is it to much to ask for to Take time for ur girlfriend especially in a long distancerelationship? A man should put his woman First (of course After Davi )I dont understand ur anons i mean who is going to suck his dick at the end of the day i bet not one of his friends lol. Sry i had to let this out 😌”
I don’t really understand this message; maybe because it was a reaction about yesterday’s anons. I presume this is a reaction to the complaints of anons that certain close friends of Ney were not at the party? If it is then:
I still don’t understand the message. Of course you want to spend private time with your boyfriend. And I already said that if Ney has a gf he can’t have 9171717 friends over at his house 24/7 anymore. But during this holiday many of Neys friends have been with him for daaaaaays in Rio and also some of Bruna (I don’t know many of her friends but i know a few where there at least sooo probably more that I don’t even know the name of xD).
And many of Neys friends where there expect the ones he’s been hanging with since day one almost? (Besides Cris & Gui). He didn’t spend private time with Bruna during this holiday because he was constantly surrounded by his friends. Everyone expect Gil,Jo, Gustavo and Joao… THAT is what confusing people. That “everyone” was there expect for them.
(I hope you get what I mean because it’s kinda hard to explain for some reason)
ANON: “Has Neymar always hung out with these people or is he just doing it for Bruna? I don’t remember a time where we got this many videos of him during his down time unless he posted them himself. If these are his new "friends” he needs to bring his old ones back again because it’s creepy and really fucking annoying how many videos they record of him where he’s not paying attention like they’re paparazzi rather than his friends.“
He has hung out with many of them before and is friends with them. Not this long as far as I can remember haha. Most of them are celebrities themselves (at least the one he’s posing with on his snapchat/Instagram/stories.
That’s something he himself allows them to do. He could have also asked them not to film that much. Tho I have to say I was kinda surprised David Brazil didn’t Snap much. Maybe Ney did say to him he wasn’t a loud to snap 😂😂
But I don’t think many of the people like Thiaguinho, Bruninho, Gabriel Medina etc are people you should worry about. They’re ok. 😊
ANON: "I am not sure I like that Ney is hanging out with bruna’s publicist?? also, why does her publicist hang out with her even for private moments? Is her whole life one big PR stunt after the other..even the kardashians who live for fame and attention don’t hang around their publicist all the time…everyone knows there needs to be a boundary between publicist and client otherwise lines get blurred on what’s private and her publicist was sharing way too many videos/pics dropping hints bfore NYE”
I have no idea. I presume they are really REALLY close 😉 Maybe just like Ney and Alvaro have become really close they’re too. Only I think he also represents other clients; while Alvaro’s only focus is Ney.
But I just presume they’re really close friends. __________________
ANON: “Ney ddn’t even visit his NJR institute which he always does :( was hoping for a picture of him and the kids”
Oh yeah I didn’t even think about that. But he did play in 3 charity matches this time. So maybe that’s the reason.
ANON: “Nice to see Neyfinha together during training but are you sure that Gil and Jo didn’t travel with Ney? Jo is Neymar’s brother and they always travel together and spend NYE together since they’re family. This is so strange. Also, Rafaella didn’t really spend much time with her brother? They were at the same parties but she was with her own friends and they didn’t take many selfies this time around 😕😞”
Gil and Jo weren’t at his party. And Gil is still in Brasil. Jo I’m not 100% sure but he has been with Gil the whole time so I presume they will travel back to Barca together. We didn’t see them in the video. That’s for sure.
I don’t know if Rafa was at his NYE party tho…
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