#i am 99.9% sure that these people are not the ones that op was talking about. so im making a whole other post.
bleuberrygliscor · 4 months
re that prev post for compassion fatigue:
Genuinely, your mental health matters. you are not helping anyone if you are actively subjecting yourself to mental self-harm. take steps to take care of yourself, block the tags on your own time if you must.
but do not, do not go into someone else's house and loudly proclaim that you want a break. walk away, log off, drown yourself in unrelated tags if you need the refresher.
but come right back when you are done. when you have it in you to help, relieve those who are tired and hold the fucking line.
0 notes
asleepinawell · 5 years
on reblogging...
When I reblog posts off my dash I often don't even notice who I'm reblogging from--my brain is focused on the content and I've scrolled past the icon/name already. I'm even less likely to notice the urls of the op and commenters. I'm trying to get better at keeping an eye on that. Why?
I've seen a noticeable rise in the number of women positivity posts that link back to radfem and terf blogs. I'm not sure if the number has actually increased or if the terfs have just gotten better at making their transmisogynistic rhetoric seem innocuous on the surface. Women positivity posts aren’t the types of posts I reblog here in general, and anti-men posts (which seem to be terf posts 99.9% of the time and often from bi/pan and/or aphobic blogs as well) aren’t things I would ever reblog regardless of source. So those aren’t the ones I, personally, am too worried about accidentally reblogging, just the ones I see the most. Something to keep in mind for people who do reblog those types of posts.
(The fact that positive posts about women are so often tied to radfem and terf accounts is extremely disturbing. The fact that hating men (not toxic masculinity or the patriarchy, but just all men uniformly) feels like it’s increasingly being embedded into the identity of being a woman and especially a wlw is also disturbing to me. radfem rhetoric is creeping in around the edges and I want nothing to do with it.)
I’m more worried about the truly innocuous posts where the content is a picture of a cat or a funny text post about a random topic. Because I don’t care if the post content is genuinely harmless, the source it comes from is not and I don’t want to promote that person’s platform at all. One of the tricks of spreading propaganda is to pull in an audience based on cute funny things and then expose them to the propaganda once they’re there.
So where I’m going with this is I’m trying to be better at running an eye over usernames. I’m not perfect. My brain spaces out on a regular basis due to a combo of adhd and just being Like That, but I’m working on being more aware. However, if you see something I reblog that comes from a shitty blog (terf, trans/bi/pan/aphobe, exclusionist, racist, the whole ‘queer is a slur’ crowd, otherwise bigoted, etc) and you feel comfortable doing so, please tell me. I always feel weird giving a heads up to other people who I’ve never communicated with so I get that, but this is your permission to tell me. I have chat disabled most of the time, so just send an anon ask. I’ll go look at the post and blog in question and most likely block and delete.
I’m not a discourse blog and I have no intention of becoming one. If you send me shitty discourse asks I will block you and delete them without responding. Same for replies, comments, chat. I don’t talk about this stuff frequently on my blog and I don’t intend to, however I don’t feel comfortable remaining ambiguous about my thoughts on this stuff. I think this post makes my views pretty clear.
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Weight Bias & Body Shaming
This is a pretty strong subject to start out on but it’s something I’m passionate about. So read on if you will - get my take on the subject - and hopefully some of it will sink in.
Dear Reader:
I don’t see myself as beautiful. No matter how hard I try, I look in the mirror constantly judging my skin, my face shape, eye shape, eyebrows, hair color, length, style….does my neck look thick, is my shirt too tight, is my double chin showing? Do I feel brave enough to wear a dress today (most often I do not). Do I feel like wearing a short dress with tights so I can be comfortable; hiding my body and who I am? Trying to seem as inconspicuous and un-obtrusive as possible. Because if you can fade into the background people will have no reason to even notice you and you may spare yourself some pain and humiliation.
From a young age I was trained to believe that I wasn’t good enough because I was overweight. That if I lost that weight I would be acceptable to people, but as I was, I was deserving of pain, ridicule and being ostracised. This wasn’t intentional and I harbour no ill will toward all the people that participated in this molding of who I am. There are too many to count anyway. Teachers, doctors, family, friends, strangers, businesses, and employers. I was once told I was too fat for a job and then told by family that the employer was right to say that to me. This was years ago, but had this happened in 2019 I’m sure I could have at least gotten him some bad reviews on his business page if not more. I was once called a hippo at the zoo by a boy in my class in front of an adult (who didn’t correct him) – she laughed. I’ve had doctors misdiagnose me because “If I lost weight ________ would go away”. I have normal aches and pains and people immediately say “Well if you lost weight _______ would go away”. No, what I have are injuries from lifting heavy objects for years, twisting while I did it. I’ve had ultrasound techs try to find my baby down by my vagina and then tell me they can’t see through my stomach. Perhaps if they had looked at my stomach where every other woman carries her baby they wouldn’t have had a problem. I once had to go to get a bone scan done (for approval to get Bariatric surgery done). I was sent to a clinic that had the equipment to do the scan (ON MY ARM) but they said their table couldn’t hold me. The irony was being sent there so I could have weight-loss surgery.  
I had an anesthetist once tell me (IN THE BARIATRIC PROGRAM) that I wasn’t the biggest patient that she had ever worked on, but that I was up there. Can you imagine if someone said that to you? I was already in an extremely stressful mental state because I was seeing her for a pre-op apt for gastric bypass. And not only that to prepare for the surgery I was on a liquid diet and hadn’t eaten any real food in almost a MONTH! I left the hospital in tears. I was literally doing everything I could (including being willing to alter my internal organs) so I could gain some semblance of a place in society and this woman couldn’t have to decency to treat me like any other patient.
I was recently at a party and there was a couple built similarly to my husband and I (pic of us). We chose our seats at the dinner fairly early on.
1.       Out of the way of anyone having to walk past
2.       A straight exit in and out of the seats
3.       Sturdy chairs (not folding ones)
4.       Sit at the end and the back so others can join but they don’t have to squeeze past you
The other couple eventually made their way over to the same table we were at and I jokingly said “We know what seats to grab! People like us just can’t trust the little chairs”. The look this woman gave me was hilarious! Either in that moment she decided she loved me, or she hated me with a passion. I’ll never know though so I’m not worried. As dinner progressed I mentioned that I had had gastric bypass and she actually said ‘Oh, I’m sorry to hear that’, I was stunned! I have never regretted my decision to do this (okay, maybe a hint of melancholy when it comes to buffets and Disney trips) but for 99.9% of the time I am so beyond happy I made this choice. I AM happier, I AM healthier. But that doesn’t mean that society accepts me. I’m still fat. I’m still being judged and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to NOT CARE! I mean, I have a wonderful husband, kids, home and friends! But I don’t feel like I deserve to have those things, and that any moment those things can and will be ripped away from me.
I feel uneducated
I feel undesired
I feel unworthy
I feel ugly
I feel useless
I feel unappreciated
The body positive movement is so much more than just trying to get people to “get off our backs”. It’s about standing up for ourselves and saying, you know what? We deserve to exist! We deserve to be loved! We deserve to be educated, cared for and clothed just like the rest of society. Human beings come in all shapes and sizes but people can’t seem to get over the fact that they have no right (NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER) to comment on the size, shape or gender of another human being. In fact if you line up 10 women who all weigh the same thing there will certainly be someone (or several someone’s) who would classify as obese just because of their body “type”. We are not one size fits all and that is why healthcare professionals need to work harder to be more compassionate and not jump to the patient’s weight at each appt. I have bones, muscles, sinew and blood just like you and I am NOT an object to be ridiculed, laughed at or judged. I deserve to be happy just like everyone else and no one has the right to make me feel this way. Thankfully I found an amazing family doctor who treats me like a person. Does she care about me getting healthier, YES! Is my weight the first or only thing she brings up at appts? NO! And that is because I am a human being.
I am more than a number on the scale.
My thyroid disorder went undiagnosed for 15 years because doctors just blamed my weight. My anxiety and depression went undiagnosed and treated and I was told to “go for a walk – lose weight – drink more water”.
I struggle every day with acceptance. I can’t take a compliment, I can’t trust what people are saying because I think they might just be trying to “be nice” and I seek constant reassurance from those around me. I also have to be in control of situations because I can control possible embarrassments, avoid uncomfortable situations and even better I set up parties with my own needs in mind. Aisle depth, seat type and styles, washroom size, room to move around/pass by?  I have extreme social anxiety because people will look me up and down, they might whisper about me, or talk about me when I leave. I will avoid any situation where I can’t control my own comfort.
I’ve had kids comment (no parental correction) and I’ve got reprimanded at work for wearing pants that weren’t the same as everyone else’s. (even though I tried to explain that I was unable to find pants that would fit me that would match what the company wanted and I what I could find was as close as I could get).
The body positive movement is meant to bring awareness to the prejudice against people who are overweight. From employment, travel and healthcare all the way to schools, fashion and restaurants. We want to be loved, desired, and accepted for who we are (whether or not we are trying to lose weight or not). We want to be treated fairly and with dignity in all aspects of society.
We aren’t saying that Obesity is healthy.
We are not glorifying obesity.
We are not saying that you can just get fat and it will be okay.
What we are saying that Obesity exists, and that treating those living with it as though they are less deserving of happiness that the rest of society is fundamentally wrong. That we can and should be doing better to help those living with it feel accepted, happy, and a part of society. If we can change this way of thinking perhaps there would be less obese people in the future because they won’t grow up with the same mind set I and countless generations have.  
It can’t hurt to try.
 -          L
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 113 Results
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The chapter poll closed with 1,355 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,319 Responses
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While still highly rated, last month’s chapter was a hard act to follow. The number of 5 ratings were down nearly 17%.
I find myself getting waaaaay religious whenever a new chapter comes out
Floch is annoying, Gabi is annoying, Eren is annoying, but I can't wait to see where this all is heading.
I could feel the ground shake and hear Zeke's agonizing screams and almost, almost really felt for the poor guy, falling victim to something worse than the angel of death itself.. gosh, I don't think a manga ever gave me such goosebumps before..well done Isayama, well fucking done.
Everytime I think Floch has reached the maximum level of assholery, he ups the game to inconceivable levels. I still can't believe poor Marlowe had to die for this.
Can I have a break from suffering? Thanks.
Forget opening a tea shop, Levi should open a sushi bar instead
Seriously how about Levi just go solo the whole world and win because he's so damn OP and save all Eldians and just end the story in the next episode
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It was hard to choose a favorite moment. “All of it” was the top pick (21.5%) followed by “Levi’s face when he resolved to kill his comrades” (17.1%). Third place was “Levi slicing Zeke’s feet and legs” (10%).  Levi’s Angel of Death moment was the most popular write-in. In retrospect it should’ve been included as an option.
Levi looking like a goddamn Angel of Death.
Nothing I am invested in happened this chapter, but Levi emerging from the trees like an avenging angel was pretty cool!
This is the First chapter where I have trouble choosing one Option. This was a real rollercoaster.
Levi kicking Zeke’s a** is quality entertainment
Kinda bummed by this chapter, though it was good. As a Mikasa stan (lmao) I was looking forward to seeing her post-emotional destruction, but we didn’t see her face vs. the rest of the 104th which makes me think she isn’t crying, but has gained some resolve and will pull open the bars or some shit. Also FUCK Floch.
Thank you Levi for finally ripping Zeke apart.
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Close to 70% of the fandom believes Levi was the most savage this chapter. Floch was a distant second (18.2%). The most popular write in was “All of them!”
I think the title "Savagery" does refer to Levi, because I think he can be the monster he needs to be to survive. And I love it.
Paradis island. The whole chain of command is out of the window; the residents are becoming savages (those who drank wine becoming mindless titans, trainees beating up Shadis, Yeagerists promoting anarchy, etc.) They are becoming literal savages (they're all sociopaths because they're a little more savage than others lul)
Keith Shadis & Floch  would be the obvious choice. But I interpret the title as describing the overall savagery of war, as seen in all the different parties.
Walls were built to protect titan from Levi, amen
While it very much could be a direct description of Levi's brutal actions aganist Zeke, I believe everyone engaged in this conflict is being savage one way or another by inheritence, as war in itself is savagery.
Zeke did nothing wrong. Levi did nothing wrong. Floche is the worst.
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Most respondents (42.8%) believe that Pixis does not know about the wine specifically, but deduced that Zeke's scream had something to do with what happened. 24.8% believe that he is just a smart dude, but 23.2% think that he might have been tipped off by Yelena.
Pixis knows alcohol. He knows when something's up.
Imo Pixis , Eren and Zeke are all working together , so Pixis gained knowledge of the wine from Eren , although after he drank it.
He was willing to surrender to the Yeager brothers, maybe Zeke or Kiyomi told him beforehand.
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While the majority is unsure (42.7%), more than a third (34.4%) believe Nile and Pixis are destined to become titans.  Only 22.9% think they will die another way be just fine.
I really hope Pixis doesn’t become a Titan I’ve always liked him.
I think that Zeke has a plan, probably he wants that Levi takes him to Sina with the Paradis high commands (Pixis, Nile, etc) to use his scream with they to turn them to titans. We saw in this chapter that Zeke's scream doesn't work with enough distance, that's the reasson that Zeke wants to go with them.
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79.4% of people responding to this question: Levi lost his entire squad (...again). He didn’t lose 20% of his squad. He didn’t even lose 50%. He lost his whole squad (...again). Look at what it’s done to him. You can see the death in his eyes, but he keeps on going. This is why Levi is one of my favorite characters.
If I have learned nothing else, I have learned that the world has destined Levi to be a soloist. Every time he has a squad something goes wrong.
Man, Levi's face was just pure resignation. He knew he had to, once again, he had to take lives in order to protect others. Gut wrenching, but just completely real.
Ffs, just let Levi retire. Like, look at the PAIN in his eyes when he remembers the conversation with his subordinates. It's even worse when his expression changes to "knowing exactly what to do".
I think he will be correct that everyone’s deaths amounted to nothing in the end
That panel if Levi falling while all his comrades are trying to kill him; this guy can't catch a break
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53.3% of the fandom agree that Levi is OP but they are a-ok with it.  20% thinks he’s powerful and not OP at all. Only 10.3% of respondents indicated that Levi’s extreme power hurts their enjoyment of the series.
It doesn’t matter to me that many think Levi is OP; whether you agree with that or not, come on, give Levi a break. He at the very least deserves a happy ending after all he’s been through
Levi is too overpowered. I didn't want him to die here but at least I want him to have a more difficult fight. Him getting a serious injury for example. Every fight he had he didn't even get injured (except against the FT and that was because of Mikasa). This is one of the reasons that for me Levi is a VERY boring character.
Levi destroying Zeke was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. I think he stands a fair chance against Eren if he still has thunder spears.
Seeing all the Levi hate, because of the ""OP"" thing was kinda unexpected and annoying to me lol Without Levi's help for example in the female titan or RtS arc wouldn't be some characters where they are right now *cough* Mikasa would be dead *cough* I think Zeke underestimated him and that's was the deal at least.
Not sure the arguments about Levi being too OP make much sense. He was in the forest of giant trees, which has already been established as the best environment to use 3DMG. I really thought Levi was toast after last chapter just because Zeke utilizing the element of surprise, but I forgot how strong he was. Good to see him in action again.
I know a lot of people have had issues with Levi being too OP or with Levi being too cruel uwu but ffs have we forgotten who this man is? Levi fucking Ackerman, who is *supposed* to be OP af, who has the curse of having one of the worst fates in the series. Seriously, everybody around him is dying, he was born in a shit world that just keeps getting shittier, and he is no close to that pristine tea shop than he ever was, possibly ever will be. Sure he's Hella strong and survives all his battles with barely a scratch, but does it give him a happy life? No it fucking does not.
Levi isn't OP you guys are just mean
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Just over half the fandom (50.8%) say no, Levi’s quick defeat of Zeke was not unrealistic. Only 8.6% answered “Yes” to this question.
I know 90% of the Fandom has a hard-on for Levi but I wish the fight with zeke was more even.
Levi's fight against Zeke was fun but at the same time it felt like some sort of repetition of him fucking Zeke up back in RTS (I guess that was part of the purpose, lol), so it ended up not being very appealing to me after a couple of days.
Being Intelligent and being Smart are different things and yes Zeke might be good at planning strategies but he is a dumbass when it come to fighting and understanding other people.
Seeing Levi vs BT 2.0 gave me some serious highs. Was literally shaking while reading the leaks. I just realised how Levi truly is the perfect foil to someone like Zeke. The world could be crumbling, but give Levi any task, and you can trust him to deliver it 99.9% of the times, with the 0.1% being but the benefit of the doubt.
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At nearly 40%, a majority of respondents thought that Levi vs Zeke Round 2 would be a more even fight than their first encounter, with a close 34.7% thinking that Levi would prevail again. Only 21.1% believed Zeke would win.
Anyone who thought Zeke had any chance of facing Levi and winning mano a mano (even with titans) is not reading the same manga I am.
The "Farewell, Heicho" leak made me think Zeke won.
I thought Zeke's plan wouldn't be enough to kill Levi, but enough for him to escape. I still wasn't surprised lol.
If it came down to a straight battle, I knew Levi would win because we've seen him win against greater odds. The difference is that I didn't think the encounter would become a straight-up battle so quickly, I assumed Zeke would have some other distraction or escape plan other than literally just yeeting out of the scene
I hoped Zeke would escape or Levi would at least struggle instead of Ackerhaxing his way through 20+ Titans and still managing to catch up to an escaping Zeke and effortlessly defeat him, but no.
The outcome was fairly expected considering all the factors that stood in Levi's advantage (big ass trees, thunder spear, zeke's miscalculationsTM/underestimation...etc) so I wasn't surprised when he easily whooped his ass.
Bolting away while screaming was such a solid plan. I'm shocked it didn't work.
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42% of respondents think it’s possible that Levi might have been open to Zeke’s plan, but equally possible he wouldn’t have listened. Nearly 40% are certain that Levi has no interest in anything Zeke has to say. A small 13% of respondents think that Levi would have been open minded if open communication had been present.
whether Levi would have "understood" the Jeagerbros' plan is irrelevant. I think Levi still lives by "make the choice with least regrets" and so would not have changed his mind, even if he had understood their motivations.
Poor zeke , Poor Levi , we wish Levi will understand zeke's point of view...😔😔
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Half of respondents believe that Levi will not be able to bask in his victory for long before the story throws him another wrench. 30% aren’t sure if he will or not and 15% are confident that Levi’s victory is solid and will be rewarded.  
I believe Levi has now somewhat of an advantage over the Yeagerists as he's holding the key and core to their plan captive, without Zeke the plan just won't proceed. Unless Eren suspected something might happen to Zeke and has a plan B up his sleeves, Levi has the upper hand now, and he can easily finish Zeke off any second. If he were to encounter Eren & co. on the way there's no doubt he'll use Zeke as a bargaining chip. I'm exceptionally excited to see how things will play out between them.
God I hope not, but knowing Yams, something terrible awaits Levi after the brilliance of this chapter.
not sure but SERIOUSLY people need to stop with the lies and secrets.
I think something we're not expecting might happen.
Why would he? If there are any negative consequences coming his way, it is because he didn't kill Zeke . Zeke seems like the type to come up with double plans -- for example, Levi could unintentionally be leading Zeke to his meetup with Eren.
I wouldn't say "negative consequences," but he definitely stalled their plans. Considering the fact that no one other than the two know what those plans are, I feel like Levi's victory over Zeke would allow some space in the story for these "plans" to finally be revealed and explained, whether it be to the characters in the story, or to us readers.
Zeke can regenerate anyway so I think he might get away with it
I'm afraid for Levi. He did what he did to Zeke with the best intentions, but I fear he's now inadvertently ruining the plan the brothers had so carefully orchestrated. I'm afraid he's gonna face Eren in a next chapter, who's going to do everything to prevent his brother from being eaten.
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Historia’s Farm was the most popular option with nearly half the vote (49.7%). Shiganshina was second with 20%. In retrospect we should’ve included Rakugo as a potential destination since the theory that he’s heading there to feed Zeke to Connie’s mom is gaining popularity.
Historia's Farm or Ragako
Levi's smart enough to figure out there were probably more individuals on the receiving end of the tainted wine.  With that in mind, he'll be very cautious with where he goes to ensure no more transformations occur.
Unless he has some titan serum in his pockets going straight to Historia would be a bit pointless. Meeting with Pyxis first seems likely.
Taking Zeke to Shiganshina or anywhere where everyone else are is too risky. Zeke could get away and pull out his screaming card and shift onto his beast titan form.
The horses don't seem to be moving. So maybe he's just chilling out in an open field
To Erwin’s grave
Dear snkpolls. How about cutting out with this unfunny Zevi bullshit for sociopaths and including real ships some people actually like instead? I mean pairings. Not the actual ships. I don't want Titanic in the next poll.
Honestly, the Zevi getaway option gave me a much needed laugh after the chapter.
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A tiny fraction (3.1%) of the fandom was upset or disappointed with Levi’s actions, the rest were fine with it. “I don’t blame him” and “cruel but understandable” comprised the thoughts of 70% of the fandom. 20% wish Levi had done even more.
I thought it was unnecessarily cruel and completely in-character for Levi. God I love this man
He didn't want Zeke to transform, what's so difficult to understand?
Honestly I’m not sure why zeke was so surprised that Levi came out alive lmao. Like he’s literally seen - up close and personal - what he’s capable of. He’s humanity’s strongest ffs.
I get it and it's hard to say there's not a little justification, but I think it's a very natural human response to wince at ANYONE suffering enormous amounts of pain. Most of us would cringe even if we were witnessing Hitler himself being tortured, no matter what we might think right now. It's just a natural, innate reaction to human suffering.
Unnecessarily cruel and it's gonna bite him in the ass.
I have not been able to eat celery since
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44% of respondents were not swayed one way or another about their stance on Zeke after hearing more of his perspective, while 29% continue see him as a total enigma. 23% have started to see Zeke more positively.
Zeke shows he lacks fundamental understanding of human compassion
Zeke is officially an idiot and Eren is a bigger one for trusting him above his friends.
I kinda don't want Zeke to have some tragic background. Zeke as the series Joker who just wants to see everyone destroy each other no matter who they are, that is a far more interesting direction for me than more of the same 'Marleyans aren't evil, just misunderstood' rubbish that we have been force-fed for over a year
Zeke deserves life, love, and his glasses.
One other thing that really pleased me in this chapter is that Levi managed to give a reply to each of Zeke's annoyingly patronising statements. Zeke has always made me furious with his ""aww you naïve creatures, you don't understand"" bit, and I adored the fact that Levi actually shut him up while he fought him. About goddamn time someone shut up that monkey.
Zeke worrying about his glasses is a big mood because as a fellow glasses wearer, I would do the same
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A huge majority (74%) agrees: Keith Shadis is a good dude, and wanted to protect the recruits and/or Hange with his boast. A minority (7.6%) believes he severely overestimated himself (oof), while everyone everyone else (18.4%) was not sure.
I didn't before, but I do now, you monsters!
Respect for Shadis for what he did.
Also, somebody please kill Floch already.
Shadis deserves only good things
Shadis is sick, anyone who says he isn't is trippin
I wish Shadis had head butted the shit out of Floch
I can't believe that Shadis roasted Floche to a crisp and sent him to the Burn Unit lolololol
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Floch will not be winning any popularity contests in the near-future, with 67% of respondents selecting the most negative options: that they want him to burn (44.5%), or that they just simply love hating him (22.5%). In contrast, only about 10% of respondents view Floch favorably:  3% say they are fully on his side, while 6.4% still reluctantly support him.
A character such as his is destined to die while Eren looks at him emotionless. Eren doesn't give a shit about him and this little boy will learn it the hard way. He's a prime example of the "brainwashed, vengeful" character who dies a horrible death.
He's just a pawn.  I have no feelings for pawns.
I'm really sad that Shadis got pulverized, but do still think that Floch is trying to help Paradis the only way he knows how (even if a tad misguided).
Floch is correct about needing to be more proactive, but he & Yeagerists are going about everything the wrong way. I do not support the Yeagerists.
Shadis' assault was absolutely unnecessary and savage for all the wrong reasons. Floch is basically on a power trip here and it was sickening to read. I hope he dies a slow, painful death, that dickwad.
I don't think there's a definitive answer as to who's right here. Marley's coming and if Eren is the right leader, then fine. But it's not given.
I hate him, but wonder if he might have a point
I wish someone would use P A T H S to rip the fabric of their reality open and that that would lead to Mount Doom, just so they could then toss Floch's ass into it. That would be great, thanks.
Now I'm not saying anyone is truly evil in snk... but Floch is sprinting in that direction so fucking fast.
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Levi easily takes first place this time around after losing yet another squad, this time at his own hand. He’s followed by Shadis (did he really deserve that, Floch??), Hange, and the rest of the 104th. Zeke’s short flashback garnered some empathy as well.
Levi, Zeke, Mikasa, Armin and the 104th, Hange, Shadis, Every single character in this chapter. Even Floch and the cadets.
I feel a lot of sympathy for Falco, waking up naked in a robe in front of strangers. What, they were in THAT much of a hurry?
I feel sympathetic to all of them - even Zeke a tiny bit. This whole thing is a clusterfuck of mamoth proportions.
Zeke might join the list, but depends on next chapter, I need his flashbacks to give me a valid reason to why I should sympathize with him, which I think they will as his past looks just as crappy and angsty as the other characters'.
Levi, Zeke, Mikasa, Armin and the 104th, Hange, Shadis, Eren. He looks miserable even though he's SOOO FREEEE~
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The percentage of respondents who believe Eren is fully in control of his actions jumped from 17% to 23% this month. 29% percent still believe that he’s fallen victim to a combination of Zeke’s manipulation and previous titan holders’ memories. 16% remain confused and don’t want to make assumptions either way, 14% believe that the titan power is controlling Eren, and a small 8% actually think it’s the other way around and that Eren is manipulating Zeke.
I think what he said to MA is ultimately to protect them, but like Connie said - the eren we’ve seen since Grim Reminder 2.0 in Liberio isn’t the eren we once knew.
Eren is and always has been kind of a jerk. I think he's 100% free to make his own choices. However, I wouldn't discount the idea that the memories he's inherited and whatever selective knowledge Zeke has imparted are influencing those decisions. They're in no way forcing him though. This is all 100% organic Eren BS.
He is being only influenced by the previous titans, which is messing up with his mental state. This causes him to make decisions not regarding human life out of wanting to fight for freedom.
Eren is the master manipulator! Mark my words, guys!
Zeke and Eren are both misguided. Perhaps the rumbling is a lie, or they have a plan that only they would get, but I suspect that the rumbling isn't a simple concept, just like Marley and the Helos story.
Eren is definitely being influenced by previous titans. After he consumed the hammer titan some changed about the way he acts.
He's definitely not being controlled by Zeke, but I still think there is something off/wrong with him.
Eren's doing what he thinks is best for his people, and chose this path based on the memories he gained, the experiences he's had, and the information he's come to know. Its possible some of this information was skewed by Zeke, but other than that Eren is in control
I personally believe he is being influenced by the many titan powers he holds as well as the many memories of the people that held these titans before him however, I believe that these powers are not completely dominating him and he’s able to make his own decision. Eren is also probs not being manipulated by Zeke as I believe that these two bros will stay together.
Influenced to an extent but still in control in that the various factors we're considering has warped how he thinks the situation should be handled. I feel like Eren thinks his unpredictability gives him the most control because he'll probably try to do what's most advantageous on the fly as forks in the road appear (because he never really struck me as someone who can spearhead planning ahead). He's in control of his actions but I think he's still incredibly susceptible to manipulation by those who can plan as a result.
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Half of respondents believe that Eren is actively working with the Yeagerists in order to achieve a larger goal. 17% aren’t convinced he has anything to do with them aside from tagging along on their road trip. Almost 10% of respondents believe Eren will eventually backstab Floch and isn’t on their side at all, and 9% feel that Eren has been the one giving orders all along.
Maybe he is, but I still have some hope for him that what he did was to protect the people he loves. I hope he still cares about them.
Eren is using them (he doesn't give a fuck about them) and the Yeagerists are using Eren. Eren will backstab Floch. I don't think Eren's aware of everything Floch's doing while using his name but, at the same time, if Eren "cared" about what they do he would ask/wonder... he's too dead inside for that tho
I hope he backstabs them but damn am i confused and a lil angry about this situation
Whether he is working with them or not, he did nothing to stop them but rather act as their leader and that makes him partially responsible for their actions.
Dammit Eren you better not be behind Shadis' beating, he's a good man
I have this feeling Eren doesn't really give a titan's ass whether they're on his side or not, as long as Big Bro got his back he will carry on with the plan either way. They sort of just formed this faction on their own but Eren isn't stupid not to take advantge of that. After all, who knows what might happen and keeping his own small army at arm's reach sure is helpful. But Eren did mature into this very prideful and confident rebel with that "aint need nobody bitch" attitude so.
They seems to be a different faction led by Floch, and Eren is exploiting this.
I think he is working with Zeke (whether they have the same end goal or not is something I’m not sure about) but I don’t think he is working with the Yeagerists and doesn’t even fully know about them or what they are doing
Zeke and Floch are on one side and think they are working with Eren. Eren is currently working with them solely as a means to reach an end and will go his own way after they initiate the rumbling.
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Almost all respondents (81.9%) speculate that Mister Xaver is the holder of the Beast Titan that preceded Zeke, and 25% believe he was affiliated with Eren Kruger in some way. 21% think that he is a family friend of the Jaegers, while 8% believe he was an actual member of the family. There are all sorts of other creative ideas floating around about who this bespectacled mentor figure might be:
Titan Scientist
Pitcher and pinch-hitter for the Liberio Warhammers.
Zeke’s father figure
Zeke's only childhood friend
I think he’s the person who inspired Zeke’s plans
A member of the royal family
Kiyomi and Kruger's ally in the plan to restore Eldia in order to destroy Marley, hated by the three of them
I think he might be an “Ackerman” or someone from the Hizuru clan that secretly remained in Liberio to watch over the members of the royal family there (Dina, then eventually Zeke as he grew up). I also think he was working with Kruger to “groom” Zeke for the ultimate plan that is beginning to unfold now in the most recent chapters (whatever that plan may be idk) (just as Kruger’s influence and memories “groomed” Grisha, and perhaps Eren for what’s happening now as well) P A T H S.
Xaver runs a school for mutants.
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Just over half of respondents believe that Xaver had some influence on Zeke, and that influence contributed to his choice to turn his parents (and the other restorationists) in to the Marleyan government. 33% are not sure, while ~16% believe that Xaver had no hand in that decision.
It would be interesting to see Zeke's flashback, I think you could be onto something, that Zeke himself is a victim of childhood indoctrination, and was manipulated by Xavier (a true honorary Marleyan) to turn in his parents and be loyal to Marley. He clearly thinks of him very fondly, and he seems to be the only one confirmed to be in Zeke's good books. He may or may not be the former beast titan, but I think that however he died is a major reason and key to understanding Zeke's current actions and main motive.
Since he has been shown comforting Zeke after he snitched on his parents, their relationship obviously goes way back and it drives me to think he was a close family friend/relative whom Zeke found some kind of comfort in to battle the neglect, pressure and brainwashing of his parents. From the final panel it doesn't look to me that Xaver wanted Zeke to become a warrior at first, hence probably why he infuenced him to turn in his parents, but obviosuly sth happened that changed that. I do believe he's the ex-BT, even if he wasn't, surely his death was a major factor in why Zeke decided to become a warrior. Dang it I should stop writing nonsense I just wanna KNOW WHATS UP WITH THAT MONKEY MAN
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WHO DID IT BETTER? 1,326 Responses
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Almost half of respondents thought both our Ackermans brought the thunder equally! Levi, however takes the title this time, with 31% choosing him over Mikasa when it comes to blowing up titans. 18.8% thought she still did it best. 
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“Splat” edged out “ba-BOOM” for the win with just under 20% of the vote. “BSHHT” was  third and “baKRAK” a close fourth.
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These last few hard hitting chapters have amped up the pace of the story, and most people are looking forward to further plot progression. 46.2% and 42.7% are hoping this comes are some sort of flashback related to Zeke or the Yeager bros, respectively. Historia and the warriors bring up the rear, and there’s always people hoping for something more specific in the write-ins:
I miss Reiner and Historia...bring them back please.
this chapter lacked a significant amount of Reiner, and i am tired of not seeing him
I'd take an entire chapter of Levi chopping Zeke up, please
Show me my Mikasa!
Missing Option: Mikasa, Armin, and the 104th
Literally a thought from Eren.
Gabi and Eren Talk
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Annie ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Someone killing Floch. Anyone. Please.
Let it be contain one panel of the best girl Yelena 😭
Prison break for the SC and equipping the 3DMG in preparing to battle
More Floch Greatness. All Hail The New Eldian Empire!
I can safely assume next chapter will be 75% Zeke flashbacks which is what I've been waiting for.
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Floch needs to — and I can’t stress this enough — die an unholy death.
Zeke should not have grown his facial hair back before all his skin lol
A very aptly named chapter, where there is savagery and violence, without glorifying or romanticising the brutality. Violence obscures understanding and communication, as seen with the inability for Levi and Zeke to understand each other, despite them being more similar than they realize. Levi kills all his titanized comrades but he is emotionally and mentally unravelling — it is not true victory, only loss and fading of hope. Floch’s violence through abuse of power only breeds cruelty and the reiteration of oppression — it is not true revolution, only regression. Zeke and Eren’s actions intentionally bring war upon Paradis — it brings death and destruction. And yet violence is necessary - it is an unavoidable truth in a world that refuses to listen, only fight, because of fear. The themes in this chapter have so many layers to them; it was a tough one to read because of how dark and brutal it was, but very thought provoking. As readers we look forward to action and fight scenes, but here Isayama deliberately and skillfully delivers it in such a raw and uncomfortable way.
Floch will forever be Manneke Pis. Shadis has been through enough. Eren is hot but needs to die. Falco needs some clothes. Where was Gabi? I fear for Historia's unborn child. Warriors when?
Regarding Zeke, seeing him tear up while thinking of Xaver hurt me a little bit. It's one of the few times (the first time, even? not sure.) that we've seen him show any strong attachment and fondness (and borderline remorse) with regards to his actions. He isn't the "absolutely evil" character in this series.
This kind of chapters are like "ok" to me but frustrating as hell. It will be nice to see it animated in 2030 nonetheless.
I still thinks Eren is a jerk but i still love him. Plus: Floch can be canceled i don't care. Plus+: I want my babies Armin and Mikasa free of the jail, They don't deserve that crap from Eren.  
Seeing Levi vs BT 2.0 gave me some serious highs. Was literally shaking while reading the leaks. I just realised how Levi truly is the perfect foil to someone like Zeke. The world could be crumbling, but give Levi any task, and you can trust him to deliver it 99.9% of the times, with the 0.1% being but the benefit of the doubt.
I think it was a waste of time if I'm being honest. We learned nothing new other than from the few pages with Zeke.
I think this chapter made me realise that I don't really care about Levi anymore.
I waited until the last day to fill this poll out because I honestly don't know how I feel about this series right now. While there's plenty of entertainment to be found in these recent chapters, I don't think I really like the direction the story has taken. I'm bored. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I was surprised to see people genuinely being concerned about Levi surviving after the last chapter/when spoilers were dropping. Levi got plot armour thicker than a tank. He already took out a whole row of titans at far worse odds. He wasn't going to die.
I'm excited for what's coming. I wanted a high stakes story and I'm anxious, but in a good way. Still giving Eren the benefit of the doubt, he has to have info that he's not sharing (from having the memories of 3 titans).
I'm so dead inside due to having an awfully emotional week of being very sad about Zeke and celebrating the survival of Levi. I love both of them so much, this chapter exhausted me greatly.
It was nice to have a more action-packed chapter this time around, I've been missing those. It looks to me like at least half of next chapter will consist of Zeke's childhood flashback, then after that I would like to see Historia again. Please Isayama it's been half a year I miss my queen! :((((
Oh my god Xavier yes yes yes I thought Isayama had completely forgotten about the “mystery man”
I'm so glad Levi won and got Zeke tied up! Now Armin's got to find a safe way to do a titan jailbreak! Hange needs allied more than ever!
No Pieck, no party. Things are just heating up, and it’s still somehow a shitshow?
It's nice to know that characters such as Levi exist in a very morally grey world, and that of all the people given extraordinary powers and abilities, it's someone with that kind of mindset. It makes me feel positive that the series would end in an overall good note, even if this may include some heartbreaking deaths and turn of events.
I liked finally seeing a little more inside Zeke's head.
THIS is how you subvert expectations. Introduce that Levi is watching Zeke back in 106 and doesn't trust him then, and then showing their conversation in 110 to further building the tension. Because of the reveal of Zekerets and that Zeke had been working with Eren as well as the fact that Levi won his first encounter against Zeke - it makes sense from a storytelling standpoint for Zeke to win his next encounter against Levi. 112 plays into this expectation due to Zeke's sudden attack on Levi with a cliffhanger heavily suggesting that Levi would die. Instead 113 was the complete opposite, with Levi utterly decimating Zeke and making the story take an unexpected curve. This chapter is brilliant.
The story is progressing extremely fast right now. The Endgame arc is approaching its climax with all the players taking their stance in preparation for the Ragnarok…
Floch needs to be taught not to miss around with adult affairs that are way beyond his basic childish comprehension. I don't hate the guy but I will be satisfied to watch him shit his pants in a fiasco made of his terrible life choices.
okay but when will best boy jean finally read flock the riot act
there is no transparency in this arc, only suffering
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cosmosogler · 6 years
hi guys.
hmm. i’m not sure how to talk about today. i had bad dreams and got up when my alarm went off even though i’m pretty sure i was awake before that again. didn’t take the lorazepam because it was making me drowsy all day. 
i bummed around on the internet for two hours instead of getting ready for the day. then i finally reluctantly brushed my teeth, got lunch started, and did a bunch of chores. lunch made me sick, but i’m pretty sure it’s because i skipped breakfast like a fool.
harrison came over and we played kirby. it was kind of rough trying to play though because he doesn’t seem to be very coordinated with co-op games. he kept leaving the area i was in and forcing me to de-spawn and then re-spawn near him, but usually on top of a spike pit. or an enemy. or a bottomless pit. i died a lot.
i rocked his socks off at mario kart and smash though. i started feeling real tired... i booted him out a little after 6 and made myself a quick microwave dinner. i’m still tired and sore. my back and neck really hurt.
he sent me a message on facebook saying he was anxious. i figured. then he said he had something he wanted to tell me but was terrified. 
i felt sick. i figured what he wanted to talk about... i talked about anxiety symptoms for a bit and then strongly reaffirmed our friendship. i make sure to mention fairly regularly how gay i am, and my gayness. did i mention i’m super gay?
i know it hasn’t stopped people before. but... i don’t want to deal with his reaction when i say “no.” 
i’m scared. i don’t want him to go there. i can’t afford to not have at least one friend. saying “no” has a high chance of making things too awkward to be friends.
i just wanna draw comics about gay video game characters. and maybe pass my physics test. that might be nice too. 
i’m not interested in dating 99.9% of people. he falls in that very large group. i just want to have friends. preferably a few close friends (though that hasn’t been working out much). i don’t want a romantic partner right now.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(remember how I kept mentioning that my computer has been weird?
 It finally just broke down and I feel like I’ll have to wait a couple of days for it to be ok again…currently using dad’s computer that he never uses, but since the keyboard on this one is a bit wonky there may be more typos than I usually make. Sorry OTL)
It’s quite the heartwarming moment. Look at how happy Draco looks
She was PUNCHING her stomach??? Idk how I missed that when I was reading the chapter, gotta go reread it now…but why, Touka. Why would you do that.
I’d much prefer an Uta/Touka child tho. Kaneki's kid might not be able to escape being involved in a tragedy, but any child of Uta’s is destined to be the one writing that tragedy. At least they’d be safe(ish).
Ugh I’m imagining Eto passing on the title of OEK to the Touken kid as she’s dying like
“If I say goodbye, this world will learn to move on. Our legacy outlives me when I’m gone…”
Ok, but wait. What if. Uncle Hide meets Eto and the child at the airport and drives them to their new home, where a tall man with a serious face, white hair and a pink flower-patterned shirt is waiting for them…
“Who’s that, Auntie Eto?”
“That’s your grandfather, sweetheart.”
(No idea whether I should smile or sob over those Hide gifs)
My sister is the girl who claims that she’s the queen of Korea.
“Sweetheart, Korea already has a president.”
“Then I’m the queen of England.”
“You’re not from England though…”
“I can speak English!”
(five year old logic. This is an actual conversation we had once. She’s also read a bit of Black Butler’s more kid-friendly arcs with me (I’ve altered canon to make her believe that Sebastian is like Ciel’s fairy godfather or something lol)…and is convinced that whenever those pictures of Sebastian pulling off his glove with his teeth pop up he’s actually eating his glove.)
Well, as you can probably tell I’m still a masochist/sadist when it comes to characters and stories XD
And since I sent Naomi and Louisa, I hope you liked them! :) Louisa’s still in development so there might have been too little info, sorry about that ^^;;
Yeah, you’re right, it’s pretty op. However, I was actually trying to make her a bit op, if that makes sense? I thought it might be good to make her naturally a super powerful ghoul so that it would really show how much she’s holding herself back.
(You might have noticed that I ended up scrapping the kakuja anyway though ^^;; Naomi and Tatsuo are both old OCs I decided to remake and I couldn’t remember the backstory behind how she got her it. I didn’t really want to make a new explanation so yeah, no kakuja XD)
Honestly, my personal opinion on OCs is that being super powerful is fine as long as you can have it make sense (example: if you have an AoT OC making them a really strong soldier is fine, especially if they’re a new member of the MP or a Survey Corps veteran. However, you cannot make them as strong as/stronger than Levi and Mikasa unless they are a dead member of the Ackerman clan, and having them on the same level as the Titan trio is also pushing it unless they were also trained to be warriors/potential titan shifters). Angst is fine too as long as it fits (dead parents and a violent childhood spent alone on the streets is the average backstory for a ghoul in the TG universe, but not for a skater from YoI) and you know how to pull it off. I mean, Kaneki’s story is basically 99.9% tragedy but Ishida nailed it. I think it depends on the writer’s skill level and understanding of the character.
And I definitely did not have the required skill level/understanding when I created that Catwoman OC lol
It seems we’ve both improved a lot since those dark times though, so that’s great! :D (still, sometimes I’m not quite sure if I’m doing it right haha…but from what you’ve shown me you’re being a queen again. How do you do it. Please teach me your ways).
I can relate to that…I make OCs just because I like developing them. The only ones who ever actually get used are the characters for my original stories (like Louisa) ^^;;
Well, I did imagine some of his role in TG canon and I planned for him to die in Re…probably because of Naomi, because he has a very strong sense of self-preservation until his baby sister gets involved.
It is a perfect gif. And yes, that’s usually what happens when I try to explain my fandoms to my parents/acquaintances. (Aot is especially awkward because in the Korean version titans are just called ‘giants’, and whenever I talk about it with other people not in the fandom I can just FEEL that they’re imagining fully-dressed fairytale giants like the one in Jack and the Beanstalk lol)
You’ll probably have to use it again soon because I’m working on that Kaneki/reader Heathers AU ;)
Btw, Shuu/Kaneki song list that I just thought of (you probably know a lot of the songs on here too, but I just felt this weird need to show it to you. It’s mostly from Shuu’s POV):
Part 1
Blank Space- Taylor Swift
Irresistible- Fall Out Boy
Kiss with a Fist- Florence + The Machine
Fire meet Gasoline- Sia
Love the way you lie- Skylar Grey
I don’t wanna live forever- ZAYN & Taylor Swift
Part 2:
Dark Paradise- Lana Del Rey
Ultraviolence- Lana Del Rey
Jet pack blues- Fall Out Boy
Breath of Life- Florence + The Machine
Colors- Halsey
Okay enough yelling. But damn, I am McFricking emotional right now, because damn, it was expected but unexpected and holy shit I can not calm myself down because  w h a t  t h e  h e l l  Idk if you’ve read it (sorry if you didn’t, this probably doesn’t make any sense ^^;;) I just. Wow. woow. I wanna put the panels here, but if I do, it’s a spoiler and I don’t wanna spoil it for you. When you do read it, please come scream with me.
Aw, that’s a shame :/ Hopefully it gets fixed soon!
The joy on his face is unmistakeable. Just look at it
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No, no, I’m not sure if she was punching it, I just said that it’d be bad if she did punch it, since she had punched her stomach in the anime when her friend delivered that food. Also, in the school’s bathroom stall.
Uta/Touka child would be the ultimate troll. Damn, now I’m wishing it’s their child as well :P
That would be sad, but completely honestly, Eto’s death wouldn’t phase me all that much.
And now you’ve melted my heart to the end. Congrats on not breaking it for once :)))
I like your sis hahah Give her the newest chapter of BB and we’ll see how she reacts *sadistic grinning* Bassy eating his gloves certainly is an interesting thought, though.
I like both of them ^^ I definitely want to hear more about Louisa, though
It seems we have different views on OCs here ^^;; Honestly, op characters haven’t been my favourite after I finished my phase of making them hahaha How I see it, having an all powerful characters erases a lot of great opportunities for character development and sometimes even makes the plot pointless, since they could solve it at any time, by themselves. Not to mention it can make them very unoriginal. This is especially present in my views of AoT OCs. Most of them are either Titan Shifters (which is also canonically impossible considering the recent chapters, unless you add a new titan type (also pushing it)) or as strong as/stronger than Levi, which makes them all bland and hard to distinguish between. Why not make a character strong in their own way? Instead of being an expert with blades (just like Levi), why not have them be someone extremely skilled with 3DMG, so they can serve as distraction for titans until others finish it off? Sure, that doesn’t mean the character will have a ton of solo kills (which is something OC creators seem to value a lot), but it still makes them important to the team. Also, one of my biggest problems with those OCs: they all join the Survey Corps (despite being in top 10 (also pretty much a requirement for OCs)) and are extremely brave and yadayadayada Let’s be honest, if we were in that world and managed to get top 10, chances are we’d join the MP. Or at least the Garrison. 
As for angst, I’m fine with an angsty backstory, as long as it doesn’t go too far. Sure, kill the parents and have them wander on the streets, but for fucks sake, if you do that, there’s no reason for the character to be molested, experimented on by a cult, have a best friend who dies purely for the plot and then make the see the undead or something, so they are more Edgy™
Whoops, that turned out quite long ^^;;; This is just my personal opinion, though.
Well, when making my newer OCs, I try to focus on character flaws. What makes them human? What would break them? Why do they have powers, yet aren’t able to defeat everything with a single kick (ONE PUUUUNCH)? I guess making 'flawless’ characters in the past made me take the opposite approach today :p
Well, Titans do look ridiculous. I mean,
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Not fairy tale material, but enough for the whole fandom to make fun of them.
Oh my, am I going to get my feelings destroyed again?
Actually, I don’t know a few of the songs ^^;;; I’ll go listen to them now ^^
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