#i am jusr a silly little multishipper.l
0-dear-rose-0 ยท 1 year
OMG what got you into your favourite ships? I love asking people that are newer that get into smaller ships, because it's a lot easier to get into the bigger ones I think x)
Back like in 2018 I was a big style shipper, and I still like it BUT RAH k2 will still always be FAVORITE ship
I agree getting into bigger ship is a lot easier because there's a lot more content made for that ship (im dying over here oughh)
Tbh I cannot remember for the life of me how I first got into K2 but now they've taken over my life. I think their dynamic is really interesting because they are opposites while also still having many similarities and you can do SO much with it. ( also can be like a Romeo and juliet situation WHICH UNFORTUNATELY I am a complete sucker for)
Especially Kysterion, I like to imagine it a lot like Mary Jane and Spiderman because Arghh idk it just scratches my brain so good.
Stendy and Creek are the standards so uh I don't have much to say about them
I ship sooo many rarepairs it's actually insane but I just think ๐Ÿ˜ญ THYED BE CUTE RAHHH
Ever since that cupid ye ep came out I was thinking wow, tolkien and kyle could work LIKE I think they'd be compatible. They're similar in like their ambitions so I'd think they'd get along really well ๐Ÿ˜ญ ans then I think that maybe they should kiss IDK lmao
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