#i believed in you || hikari & taichi
seventeenlovesthree · 1 month
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Digimon Adventure subtext analysis: The other family angle
Years ago, I had already tried to conduct an analysis on how Taichi, Hikari and Koushirou were set up in a way that displayed the importance of family within their bond [I, II, III]. The conclusion there was that, by closing his own family-related arc, Koushirou was capable of supporting Taichi and Hikari's (also indirectly family-related) struggles in the Dark Master's arc as well. In a very similar vain, it can be argued that Sora, Yamato and Takeru were set up similarly. The hypothesis here is that, by mirroring Sora's and Yamato's (and Takeru's) familial issues, they're capable of supporting each other in the final arc as well.
Let's see how these familial parallels and similarities play out:
While it can be argued that the majority of the characters keep their family-related trauma to themselves, in Sora's and Yamato's cases, it has the biggest effect on the group dynamic as a whole. Because while Taichi, for example, starts to get reckless in order NOT TO get reckless and protect everyone he loves, Sora's and Yamato's instinct is to pull away from everyone and everything to protect them, even if they may declare the opposite to be true. (Mind you, that is actually some kind of behaviour Taichi will adopt in Tri onwards as well, but that shall not be the point of this analysis.)
The most obvious parallel between them is that they have rather disruptive family lives. While Sora's parents aren't divorced, they're still not living together and her relationship to her mother is rather rocky, filled with misunderstandings based on expectations and different views on life. Yamato's and Takeru's parents are divorced and Yamato has a rather difficult time approaching his mother himself, telling her how he really feels about it all, etc. He tends to surround himself with an aura of coolness and aloofness, even though the viewer quickly learns that he is very emotional and is just trying to bottle it all up.
In the novels it is implied that Sora may have known that Yamato and Takeru were brothers from the very beginning - so her deflecting or not prying further into their lives at the start of the series, especially when Taichi and Koushirou are speculating about their relationship, makes sense. Because she understands that they need space.
And Yamato returns the favour later on, letting her cry it all out; when Sora is experiencing her outburst of emotions in her Crest episode, the viewer learns that she has been doing the same thing as Yamato: bottle it all up. In the same way, they are both prone to wanting to figure out how to deal with their "inner states" by themselves, they're both not particularly good at talking it all out - and so it shouldn't be surprising that they understand that aspect about the other and give each other time and space to breathe. It's not something everybody in the group understands, but it is a very distinctive parallel: Sora basically explains to them that she kept away from the group because she hadn't figured herself out yet. Thus, Sora explaining Takeru that Yamato needs time to do some soul-searching himself is a direct follow-up response here. She sensed Yamato's need to do this on his own and followed it up by the promise that Takeru would be safe in his absence.
Takeru is a good keyword at this point as well, because similarly to how Hikari was a focal point in the other analysis, he is the key factor that makes the family angle so apparent. Yamato may be the one to give Sora space - but Takeru is the one who tells Sora what she desperately needed to hear. He wants to keep the family together at all costs, he is fed up with separation scenes, so he doesn't want her to leave again, sees her as "family", wants her to know how valued and loved she is - and so, Sora is the one who reassures Takeru when Yamato is on the brink of leaving himself, believing that, eventually, everything will turn out fine. It may look like nothing more than repetitive behaviour at first - but it is a circle of learning and trust instead, to rekindle and have better family dynamics in the future.
It's due to their strained relationships with their parents, their masks, their coping mechanisms that Sora and Yamato think they don't have what it takes to activate or even deserve their respective Crests. Love and Friendship - they don't know what it means for them personally. It's why they're so prone to being engulfed by darkness, why their dark caves are dangerous manifestations of their declining mental health, self-doubt and fears.
That is why the soul-searching is needed, repeatedly so. It's why they understand each other's need to be left alone - which is something we will see throughout the entirety of the Adventure series for both of them. But it's also why they need Takeru's softness and Taichi's persistence (as well as Jyou's support and Mimi's reassurance at different times) to get it back together again. They have to be reminded that they don't HAVE TO be alone in all this (even if they often choose to).
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They know, deep down inside, that self-pity and giving in is not an option. They do ask themselves why they got into this situation, why they were chosen in the first place - but they also learn, through their experiences (and their respective bonds with and urge to support Taichi) that they're the ones who have the choice. To fight or to stay away - it's going to be their choice, again and again.
In the novels, the sight of Sora and Takeru together, right after he broke out of his own cave of darkness, even reminds Yamato of his mother, indicating that the entire journey is helping him to come to terms with slowly wanting to reconcile with her.
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In general, Sora's role in the Dark Master's arc is mirrored by Koushirou's - they're support systems for the Yagami siblings (and Taichi and Yamato in combat), but Sora in particular is also often put together with the younger siblings, protecting them (enforcing her motherly role) or actually fighting alongside them (in more equal matters). In addition, she is acting as a bridge between the Takaishida brothers, especially in the final arc in which she is the one who throws Yamato's keychain at Takeru, thus helping him to overcome his own insecurities as well and eventually activating his Crest of Hope himself.
Long story short; Sora had already been on her way of reconciliation with her own mother and, after everything she went through, was able to reassure Yamato that he could go on to find his own path as she did hers before, believing that he could do it too. In return, Yamato had been put - and eventually also put himself - in the position to pull Sora out of her own state of darkness as well. Because he had been there himself, he was finally able to put things into words. Because, at this point in time, they're both incredibly similar - and may have gained what it takes to make up with their mothers.
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digitalgate02 · 3 months
(Rough) Fact Checking on Rui & Ukkomon's statements in 02TB
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Tbh I'm kinda concerned about people taking Rui's statements for granted and not realizing the movie is unclear what is legit and whatnot.
This is not Kizuna-like levels of screwed up, but this is still bugging me as i've been discussing about this movie with friends who managed to watch it before me, and once i watched it by myself i completely understood their thoughts and theories regarding the movie and the Rui & Ukkomon lore.
We still got no actual news of digital releases or EN subs (tho i believe fansubs might appear once the JP Blu-Ray/DVD is released in May) or any other country digital release (or Blu-Ray/DVD ones) so i can’t completely make a detailed lore busting post about Rui’s statements and what we know or were presented in the original Adventure’99, 02 and their extra materials like Drama CD and movies.
But i do remember tiny bits of the movie… And stuff said in the pre-release stream.
I’ll do my best here.
The movie staff released a timeline for this movie, which indicates Rui met Ukkomon in February 29 1996 → I don’t think this is a contradiction, because if the Korean interview with SekiP is reliable (i mean, we can’t check what she said in JP, and the telephone game from JP to KR and to EN means something might have been lost in the process!), she said they changed a bit of the lore for this movie. Btw, the OG lore of Digimon Partnership count starts in 1995 and then it doubles year by year is still present in the movie, as there’s a scene where the current number of partnerships in the year of 2012, but the number stated is not exact since the movie takes place in February only. So of course the count wouldn’t be the full year number, which is 131,072 partnerships in total.
Rui and Ukkomon form a bond, and Ukkomon grants Rui the wish of having many friends, which he tells the 02 group that partnerships with digimon were the result of this wish → This is completely uncertain, and it is also doubted by the 02 kids in the movie. In Adv’99 and 02 we learn that there’s multiple sources for becoming a Chosen Child: Homeostasis (Adv Eight, possibly their predecessors); Holy Beasts (Daisuke, Miyako & Iori); unknown sources (Menoa, Meiko, Ken, Wallace, Worldwide Chosen, Dark Seed Children perhaps?)
Rui claims he’s the first person who was partnered with a digimon → Well, this is not wrong! Now, if he were claiming to be the first to have met or interacted with a digimon… He would’ve been wrong: The first human to get in touch with the Digital World and the digimon were actually two – Oikawa Yukio and Hida Hiroki (yes, Iori’s late dad), in the 1980s. Despite that, they never had digivices at all. Then in 1995 we possibly had a double digimon encounter happening: Wallace meeting Gummymon and Chocomon briefly ¹, and the Yagami siblings meeting a Koromon. This could mean Rui and Ukkomon were actually the fourth digimon encounter in the timeline. But what is correct is that he became Ukkomon’s partner first because he got the very first digivice in the world. Taichi and Hikari weren’t partnered with that same Koromon ², but they got their own partner digimon + digivices in 1999. And Wallace probably became Terriermon’s partner years after, possibly in 1996 and after Chocomon’s disappearance ³, or post-1996.
Rui claims Ukkomon is a special digimon because he can grant wishes → Okay, but i definitely remember the 02 Kids going like “sounds cool bro but we doubt it” when he said that. And the movie itself quite shows the opposite later: Ukkomon did not cure Rui’s father, and he was possibly manipulating everyone else like puppets (besides Rui’s parents i meant) – so what kind of digimon who can grant wishes is this?! He has no magical god-like powers at all! And his null lore (Bandai’s) profile points out that part of granting wishes are just rumors. But you know what said profile mentions too? That Ukkomon is able to hijack the opponents’ minds. It’s his species’ special move – Liar Dream – besides spinning like a beyblade to attack (Whirlpool Spin).
Rui claims he killed Ukkomon a long time ago → Also not totally true. Rui tried killing Ukkomon, but he couldn’t commit to it. He tried to destroy the digivice, which resulted in his injury in the right eye. Ukkomon did not… “die” apparently. Yes, he was melting, but one detail you might not know is that when a digimon dies, everything from their body, or their weapon is also erased too. Check Adv’99 death for Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon. The eye Ukkomon slapped into Rui’s face was still there after his “death” so this was the biggest hint for the audience. It was also implied in the Audio Drama #3 (released in the Japanese theaters, and soon in the BD/DVD deluxe box as bonus with the other two theater ones) – But it’s okay, he possibly never had a contact with another digimon or even a Chosen Child before meeting Daisuke & co, so we can’t blame him for believing he had killed Ukkomon.
In a flashback, Ukkomon tells Rui that he’s connected to something bigger → This might be the only legitimate truth he had told Rui, besides that Rui was the first person partnered with a digimon. Somehow, Ukkomon is connected to some god-tier entity because once BigUkkomon is destroyed, the digivices are not needed anymore. This part might be completely confusing for everyone else, but it’s not confirming Rui’s claims that the digimon partnerships were caused by Ukkomon, and yes the part of Ukkomon’s claims to be related to some higher up god-like entity.
The notes within the text:
To my biggest surprise… Wallace never mentions when his mother found the egg. But he definitely mentions when Chocomon disappears – 7 years before, which means 1995. I’ve seen many people think this movie goes against the canon in different ways… But now i’ve reached the conclusion that what Wallace meant is that he met Gummymon and Chocomon in the same year Chocomon disappeared in the flower field. Plus, Wallace is shown in those flashbacks as a 4 years old kid (stated in the Memorial Chronicle) and we know via a CD bonus card that Wallace’s age is 11 years old in 2002 (same as Daisuke, Takeru, Hikari and Ken) – so i guess if he had gotten the egg before 1995 he would’ve been too young to remember it (unless you opt for 1994, but i think this wouldn’t be possible…)
The Koromon who met Taichi and Hikari is implied to not be the same who was partnered with Taichi 4 years later in Adventure'99: the TV series Agumon knew Taichi’s name because of the data inserted on his egg by the Agents, which were also manufacturing the Crests and Digivices, according to Homeostasis’ analysis on the children from the Greymon vs Parrotmon fight.
Since Chocomon went missing, i suppose Wallace became partnered with Gummymon only, but if we go with Adv’99 and 02, the Chosen Children can evolve non-partnered digimon as well: Leomon mentions he only managed to evolve into SaberLeomon because of the Chosen Children’s digivices being used on him previously in the series, and in 02 we witnessed the Digimon Kaiser using his digivice to dark evolve Agumon into both SkullGreymon and MetalGreymon virus (the latter only when he created the Evil Spiral, of course).
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xinhua-jun · 7 days
the kids should be allowed to say fuck. as a treat.
*Yamato is not in this list, solely because I believe he should be granted one☝️free bitch use. Specifically: during THE SEVENTH ONE AWAKENS, right after Leomon says “even a Digimon as powerful as that is lending Devimon their power…” to which he should be allowed to say, “I DON’T CARE. I WILL FIGHT THAT BITCH.”
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shihalyfie · 11 months
Do you think Daisuke/Davis is a underrated goggle head because his bad personality in English Dub version?
Yes. No question about it. Well, okay, if there is room for question, it's more that I don't think "underrated" is the right way to put it because I think a good chunk of complaints about American English dub Davis are entirely legitimate, it's just that the "the dub didn't change much" fallacy means that most people don't realize this isn't how he was written in Japanese, that this isn't the character a lot of people (read: anyone working from the Japanese version or most non-English dubs) are referring to when they talk about Daisuke, and, most importantly, that future 02-based material (including the upcoming movie) is not going to be based on what the American English dub did with him.
Of course, this kind of thing is very subjective. But in the last ten or so years that I've seen people become increasingly aware of the Japanese version, I've seen so much of the phenomenon where people who disliked (or even despised) him from the American English dub found him to be one of their favorite characters (if not favorite character) upon watching it in Japanese. This happens with such high frequency that you'd have to be in denial to pretend that this isn't a real thing, and it's probably the disparity I've seen the most with any Digimon character.
Here's the thing, though: I don't think it's a bad thing for a character to be rude or arrogant, in the sense that characters who are human will have human flaws. In terms of sheer rudeness, I like characters from other franchises who are far worse punks than American English dub Davis ever was. The problem is that Daisuke is written with a character arc that's premised on him having always been open-minded from day one (with his real problem being assertiveness and emotional resolve rather than him ever having been condescending or rude), and American English dub Davis's writing does not fit inside that framework. So when you have a character who's constantly dunking on everyone around him, and nobody ever addresses this and instead starts talking about how friendly he is in the second half of the series, it's hard to believe, because it just feels like "this entitled jerk is a really nice guy we swear" is being shoved in your face whether you agree with it or not.
In terms of my personal story with Davis and Daisuke, for me, the major dealbreaker was the way Davis treated Kari. Even now, it rubs me the wrong way; it's creepy, invasive, and entitled, and the fact that it's treated like a "boys will be boys" thing and Kari is expected to just put up with it does not go over well with me as a girl who's experienced way too much harassment in my life (and the sentiment has only gotten worse over the years). So it was pretty shocking to flip over to the Japanese version and find that he was no worse than an immature puppy who arguably respects women the most in the cast (and certainly more so than Taichi does, even). I've even seen quite a few Japanese fans call him their first crush or ideal man...but anyway, point is, I'm also pretty sure that was a dealbreaker for quite a few others too (especially anyone else who's gotten that kind of harassment), and people really do not talk enough about how important that difference in nuance is. Because if he has a crush on Hikari/Kari and is immature about it, it's all the same thing, right?
It's really not.
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detectiveichijouji · 8 months
How would you guys react if Tai, Daisuke, and Takeru suddenly vanished? Like, up and gone, with almost no trace, not knowing what actually happened.
The Day Taichi, Daisuke and Takeru went missing for a whole day… They all just went into panic mode – Had Ken, Iori, Jou and Sora trying to contain their panik fiesta but it wouldn’t work very well.
It all started because Yamato friggin entered the Koushiro’s office KICKING the door in despair screaming HAS ANYONE SEEN TAKERU TODAY?? HE DIDN’T MESSAGE ME SINCE YESTERDAY!!
Koushiro says Taichi had sent them a message yesterday about having something IMPORTANT to say but he never answered past 1 AM. Miyako believes it was Arsenemon’s fault. Iori thinks it might be another reason, and Mimi wonders if they got a triple date with people they have a crush on (Hikari: Are you implying Daisuke-kun would like someone else than me??)
Jou think they might have forgotten their phones at home (Ken: Would all of them do it at the same time!? | Iori: I suppose Taichi-san and Daisuke-san would, but I’d be surprised if Takeru-san did forget his phone at home too… | Yamato: TAKERU NEVER FORGETS HIS PHONE AT HOME, I KNOW IT I’M HIS BROTHER!)
Sora’s theory is that they’re in a place with too much noise that they can’t hear their phones ringing… Or are on silent mode. Hikari thinks this is plausible, because sometimes she can’t hear her phone ringing in the middle of the crowd in Shibuya Crossroad.
Miyako keeps insisting it’s Arsenemon’s fault, only to get a Calling Card saying… “Nope. Try again, mademoiselle Miyako 😐” – mysteriously Noel pops in seconds later because he was instructed by Daisuke to come gather with them, and then Daisuke suddenly stopped messaging him.
None of the Older Chosen know Noel, but they just accept he’s just another of Daisuke & co’s friends. Ken suspects Noel of eavesdropping on them. Noel denies, and shows his phone – The last message Daisuke sent was last night, telling him to gather with the group for something. Iori knows Noel is just a recent Chosen Child, so he assumed Daisuke wanted to introduce them to Noel.
(Soleil and Lune are not there, and they don’t give a frick to Taichi, Daisuke and Takeru either. None of their business. However Noel does care about Daisuke and Takeru, and to some extent Taichi – Daisuke’s friends are his friends in some way)
Everyone was losing their minds, having wild guesses for HOURS until Yamato started calling the police, Miyako and Koushiro trying to ask the Chosen Network, Sora and Jou trying so desperately to keep everyone CALM but getting headaches, Mimi teasing Hikari even more with the idea of the three boys being on a mixer in secret, Ken and Iori just believing Noel might be lying to them about further details WHEN…!
The door opens. Taichi, Daisuke and Takeru come in with snacks and a cake. It was a surprise for Hikari but all they see is CHAOS AND EVERYTHING BURNING. (No, the digimon didn’t set things on fire, they were just also arguing between each other about what happened to the trio and Agu-Vee-Pata too)
Yamato SCREAMS “WHERE DID YOU GO TAKERU!? WHY DIDN’T YOU MESSAGE ME THIS MORNING!?” – Takeru answers he was out with Taichi and Daisuke, but then Daisuke squints at Taichi, who was the one supposed to gather everyone for the surprise PARTY AND….
Nope. Taichi forgot to send the message talking about HIKARI’S SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY to everyone but Hikari herself. Hikari then smirks at Mimi, “See, they weren’t on a mixer, I know none of them would enjoy that kind of activity!!”
Everyone is now staring at Taichi. So, the important thing Taichi wanted to tell them was that? Oh it was to celebrate Hikari’s birthday (Sept 26) and HE DID NOT SEND THE FRIGGIN MESSAGE!? Taichi protested that it was too late and he was tired from work.
Crisis averted, they had a double feature party – one for Hikari’s birthday, and one to introduce Noel into the group.
The End.
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reliablejoukido · 7 months
zuzsenpai (reliablejoukido)'s fanfiction masterpost
Since I have written quite a few Digimon fanfics now, I thought I would document them all in one place, largely so I can keep track. If anyone ever has any questions about my stories, please send an ask!
"Somewhere Only We Know" - Jyoumi, Daiken, Takari - multi chap 10/16; rated T; ongoing; currently 88,295 words - Joe Kido starts a medical clinic in the Digital World. As the other Chosen Children help him get situated, they slowly begin to learn what the Digital World means to them as adults. Meanwhile, Ken evaluates his feelings, friendship, and future with Daisuke.
"Friday I'm in Love" - multi chap 8/8; rated T; completed; 7,789 words - A few glimpses into what it’s like to fall in love over the course of many Fridays.
"Daisuke's Love Mix-Up! - oneshot; rated T; 11,400 words - During a midterm exam, Daisuke borrows Hikari’s eraser. Disaster strikes in the weirdest way possible, and it’s an uphill battle just to keep his first love from vanishing into thin air. Or perhaps it’s a winding road that leads to feelings he didn’t know he had.
"20 Questions" - oneshot; rated T; ???? words - Ken and Daisuke are out here playing 4D chess... but perhaps not on the same board.
"(Don't) stop flirting" - oneshot; rated M; 4,288 words - Ken couldn’t get those words out of his head. He didn’t want to do anything about it… but Daisuke had other plans. - "The Beginning" spoilers
"Watch Me Now" - oneshot; rated E; 7,129 words - “Just one look you're gonna be obsessed, I give it all I got never any less.” Or: Daisuke watches Takeru watch Daisuke. It gets them both a little thirsty.
"It’s getting late and I cannot seem to find my way home tonight" - multi chap 4/4; rated T; completed; 17,400 words - Takeru is only 20 years old and his love life is already tiresome. That is, until he lets something slip to Daisuke that changes everything. Takeru suddenly finds himself inexplicably drawn to endless possibilities.
"Flying Hope" - multi chap 1/2; rated T; ongoing; currently 9,845 words - Takeru Takaishi did NOT start out the day expecting to develop a crush on his old friend Daisuke. Completely out of the blue, at age 32 and some change. He supposed it wasn’t the worst thing that could happen in his life right now.
"The Captive Monsters of Yamatora Seaside Elementary School" - oneshot; rated T; 9,054 words - In a world where digital monsters are scarcely-documented cryptids, two men— Daisuke the believer and Takeru the skeptic— seek to answer the burning question in everyone’s minds: “are Digimon real?”
"So Come and Dance with Me" - multi chap 7/9; rated T; ongoing; currently 49,206 words - Daisuke Motomiya is 27 years old and finally achieving his dream of opening a ramen truck in New York City. The city assigns him a spot near the theater district, where he runs across a flyer for an off-Broadway production starring an old, extremely attractive acquaintance.
"Vibes" - oneshot; rated M; 1,507 words - He thinks about her. She touches him.
"Bar-Crossed Lovers" - multi chap; rated M; completed; 11,733 words - Miyako laughed out loud when she saw him on the other side of the bar. Out of everyone who could’ve bought her a drink tonight, it had to be the one person in the world who wouldn’t mean anything romantic by it.
"The Universal Language of Friendship" - muti chap 2/?; rated T; ongoing; currently 4,196 words - Lui visits Daisuke at Yamatoya Ramen. With the help of Daisuke’s friends, Lui observes, and tries to learn about building relationships. - "The Beginning" spoilers
"Escape With Me" - oneshot; rated T; 2,800 words - “I've never been here before, I don't know the score. But I never wanted you more than I do tonight. Will you escape with me? And we'll start brand new.”
"Spontaneous Like Clockwork - oneshot; rated T; 2,305 words - At first, Jou hadn’t been sure what to make of Taichi just inviting himself over whenever he felt like it. But it soon became apparent that his old friend gained enjoyment out of spending time with Jou— not because he liked bothering the doctor and using him for his food and couch— but because he genuinely loved the company. Or, Taichi discovers Costco.
"The Secret of Us" - multi chap 5/5; rated E; completed; 21,048 words - Yamato and Sora think Taichi has a girlfriend. Truthfully Taichi is single, but there is someone in his life.
"Kiss from a Rose" - oneshot; rated E; 5,860 words - When his dark eyes met hers, they seemed impossibly darker, with a glint of something interesting forming in his expression. Oh, Mimi thought, am I in for something special tonight?
Gen fics:
"All Roads Lead Me Back to You" - multi chap 4/4; rated G; completed; 10,346 words - There are no official roads in the Digital World. When Jou Kido drives his makeshift ambulance, he has to forge his own path.
"return of the king (feat. 02 hair)" - oneshot; rated T; 466 words - Jou Kido's hair is serious business.
"Two Sides" - oneshot; rated G; 658 words - Even if Ken never sees Iori outside of work, they'll always be two sides of the same coin.
"The Badge" - oneshot; rated G; 1,476 words - Iori technically already knew he passed the bar– the results had been posted online since Monday. But what Iori was waiting not-so-patiently for was the shining symbol that represented passing the bar. The golden emblem that symbolically gave him the liberty to defend someone in court, instead of just helping out as an apprentice. The glistening stamp of approval that meant a client would take him seriously as a lawyer.
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variouscolors · 3 months
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Some extra deets about Lightni verses:
Something something, might be just me re-phrasing or developing more this previous post about him and the verses.
We know Daisuke wouldn't be a "competitor" for the Kaiser shenanigans, and according to "Goggles" track from Spring 2003 CD Drama his motivation to want strength (not power) is because he was a victim from Vamdemon's invasion on Aug 3 1999. Also in the same track, he mentions having witnessed Taichi and the others, which led him to want to be strong like them.
If you alter a bit of those details, like, Daisuke not remembering well those events (02 era Daisuke says in the track he didn't remember well, though) you can play with Daisuke's lack of assertiveness and make him let the others convince him it was actually a movie or even a terrorism event, nothing related to real "monsters", and he would just accept it.
Also, you would just have to change how he got the digivice, since in canon he got it at the same time as Miyako and Iori. I think this is important, because if you decide to keep him in the same school as the other four, he would have to not be buddies with Hikari and Taichi, and let him receive his digivice before or after Miya-Iori.
Considering the fact Daisuke is pragmatic, i don't think he would be using the DW as a stress-relief game like Ken, so i imagine he would just do it to distract himself, and possibly not even trying to get involved with the Kaiser vs Chosen shenanigans. So my approach was that he went exploring it like a normal game and then met my favorite digi-secondary characters in-series: ep 36-37 Digitamamon and Bakumon and befriend them (besides V-mon yeah)
My idea was also swapping the Digimental of Courage and Friendship in the order he receives them -- so V-mon is sealed inside the Digimental of Friendship instead... Ok, it's because i think the Courage one would be better for a later plot and because without remembering Taichi in the Odaiba Fog events i don't think he would be courageous enough to lift it. And since my theory for ep 11 is that he had to learn to trust everyone in-group including their digimon, if he's starting as trusting the digimon... He could definitely lift the Digimental of Friendship!
Also, since this idea is versatile to whoever is the Kaiser (or an equivalent villain AU), Daisuke's persona for this AU is because of the digimon not trusting any human outside Taichi's group. So yeah, Daisuke's persona here is he just disguising as digimon to keep in touch with his digi-friends :V
Also, on another note, him not being able to believe the Digital World is a real parallel world next to the human world is because he was convinced his witness of the monsters in Odaiba were not real, and that it was a weird dream. Which means it makes it interesting when he starts to realize the digimon are alive and that the Digital World is not a game!
But okay, how does Daisuke get involved with [character] Kaiser(in)? Well, since he's a coward he definitely begs the villain to spare him, V-mon, Digitamamon and Bakumon from getting brainwashed-or-captured. The villain does not know Daisuke well enough to spot any Daisuke-ness in his quirks, and Lightni is seen as a digimon so... A digimon begging for mercy?? Yeah.
But also the Chosen are not that close to Daisuke too, so they don't imagine he's involved with their enemy. And when everyone discovers it... Well, he's not assertive enough to confront them either.
I don't think you need to give him a Dark Seed, considering he's pretty much calling for attention and wanting validation, plus he's naive if you push the right buttons you can exploit that~
And since the [character] Kaiser(in) might be his first and only human friend, he might be willing to keep helping them, or maybe pulling a Wormmon later and beg the 02 group to save his friend from destroying themselves.
The Digimental of Courage could get a play around this part too, when he finally gains courage to stand up against his friend and face them.
Idk if you need Magnamon here, but maybe you could give the Digimental of Miracles to whoever is serving as Daisuke's role in replacement here. Unless you come up with a reason for Daisuke to get the Digimental here too...? If the villain is not Ken, maybe leave it to Ken!!
Idk much more past Kaiser arc-section, but i think it could run similar to the rest of 02, except Daisuke being in Ken's position and if the Kaiser is not Ken, having Ken being the one trying to reach him out to unlock Paildramon + Imperialdramon. As for the Dark Seed it could still take a place in it, possibly with whoever was the Kaiser (or Ken himself).
Update [March/12]:
Since he was convinced by everyone else that the digimon events from Aug 1-3 1999 weren't real, he didn't meet Taichi until 2002.
Also, he never was Hikari's classmate until 2002, so he didn't develop a huge crush on her.
Since no "person with goggles" memories (he probably saw Taichi, explained in the first bullet here), he does need goggles at all! Though, he could get the goggles later.
And since he does not wear Taichi's goggles, this means Taichi still has them. And later he will pass it to Daisuke after realizing this kid needs a little push to be more assertive.
His hair is also... a little different from canon Daisuke. I made this because i wanted to give a little difference from canon to AU (plus his outfit is also... a little different from canon too!!)
Despite being working to the [Character] Kaiser(in)/Villain, he's still the same -- a strong sense of justice and wanting to do the right thing. EXCEPT... He's a scaredy-cat. Yeah, he never got that push the canon Daisuke had from Taichi.
The reason he's sticking with the Kaiser(in) is because it's his first human friend, but he considers V-mon, Digitamamon and Bakumon his digi-friends (even if he believes they're just NPCs in a game).
The only bad thing in him is that he likes to do food experiments like a mad scientist. And this could end bad sometimes.
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orifumioshi · 6 months
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*ehem* Sorry. I'm ok. Anyway... Digimon Survive uwu and as an extra: I, myself, was supposed to be born on Feb 29 but I went ahead of time and ruined my mom's telenovela finale by being born on Friday 23rd (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Ok so, I just came back home from watching and I'm still shaking.
02beginning SPOILERS AHEAD!
Because I went to the very first screening at 12 pm, we were only 6 in the room and one guy went cosplaying as Dukemon (was too shy to ask for a proper pic because he was with his girlfriend).
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The experience of being welcomed with Bolero with an overwhelming audio is something I'll never forget but onto the plot.
Because I thought I would have to wait years to watch it, I actually looked for spoilers but nothing very explicit tbh, I also saw people saying there was body horror but honestly, Ghost Game had it "worse" xD so I wasn't that bothered by what Ukkomon did; he never did it with malice anyway, of course it was kind of... wrong? Awful? But he did it because he genuinely wanted for Rui to be happy; no one told them they had to talk in order to have a healthy relationship.
I don't think I ever felt so close with Daisuke before despite being a Dai oshi; I felt so angry with how Rui's mom treated him, being a 4 years old baby... this was the second time I cried in the movie (the first being listening target and don't believing that I was there watching xD) and I swear I wanted to cross the screen and scream at her a couple of things. Rui was genuinely a good boy (still is), going to talk to his sick dad about their day, I thought that was very sweet.
At the end, the "time travel" didn't really felt like that to me but rather a very immersive memories.
The evolutions sequence were beyond amazing so, nothing to say really xD just thankful that XV-mon and Stingmon were actually "drawn" rather than staying as CG and even so, the CGs were very neat.
I was quite worried about the dub but it seems the dialogues were done properly, at least taking in consideration what I remembered from the PVs. Thankfully we got Hikari, Iori and Ken having their same VA from Adventure along with the Digis; Daisuke and Takeru had their same VA from Lastevo and Miyako got a whole new voice but they did decent, they actually got quite well how the 02 gang is.
And Daisuke, oh my boi being the man I trust to ruin it with the police xD "why didn't you stopped me?!", I love you uwu and how he was the only one to tell Rui right to his face what he had to do.
The battle sequence was nice as well, I was worried for a moment to be honest and loved that scene where Miyako "ships" Daisuke and Ken-chan uwu
I knew we had to go in a big fight but I genuinely felt bad that the only solution was to defeat Ukkomon. I actually stayed until the post credits scene and I was happy to see Rui smile ;w;
So, in my humble opinion, it's a very good movie to add to the Digi Lore, it's very enjoyable and was what I needed for 02.
I saw people say that the movie doesn't solve the losing partners issue presented in Lastevo but I think that's not the case: Ukkomon gave the chosen children the Digivice via Homeostasis; considering that this "superior being" is indeed Homeostasis, this giving the partnership a tangible item to tie Digimons with Humans but, is that all?
I personally think that Takeru being anxious over losing their partners was justified after all, Yamato lose Gabumon so I understand why he would hesitate to kill Ukkomon; at the end, the Digivice was just that, a tangible bond but, they don't really need it, do they? Just like how in Adventure, Taichi and co. didn't needed the crests to evolve because their hearts were the actual crests.
The Digivice ties Digimon and Humans, yes but even without it, the bond is there so how does this solves the partners loss? As long as they have a bond, they will come back I mean, Ukkomon is coming back and Rui's Digivice is no more plus even after losing their D3s, Daisuke and co. still had their partners, right? This just shows that Digimon Survive was right in not giving their protagonist digivices: KIZUNA. We don't need the bond to be tangible, right?
Also, I almost screamed when Wallace was on screen with Terriermon and Lopmon ;w; it was nice to see Chichos too xD How did your dubs named her anyway? Here in Mexico it was changed to "Guadalupe"; Chichos sounds like "chichis" and that's a way to say "boobs".
Anyway, because I want more cards, I'll go to watch it again on Sunday because it's the only day I have free ;w; hope they don't run out of them, I want all my kids OTL
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atsoraasayoma · 2 years
All right, this has been a long time coming.
The criticism that Tri has received is ridiculous. Let’s face it most of the criticism is against yeeting the 02 newer digidestined.
And then you have the complainers who attack the personalities of the Digidestined because they are ‘not true to character’ or ‘it’s character assassination’
Saying stuff like that just drives me nuts.
I believe that a lot of people say this for the sake of continuity between the series for consistency. But in doing so They miss something so obvious it’s easy to just condemn it instead and walk by it.
So what do I mean?
That, for the most part people do not stay the same forever. Don’t get me wrong personality wise the continuum stops with Tri otherwise they are the same, but it’s not a matter of personality or character consistency.
No, this is a matter of teenage adolescence.
We saw a different side of the Digidestined that I am very grateful for. With all the angst and emotion of the teenage years it was great to see the Digidestined at a degree for the worse.
Let’s kind of list a couple shall we?
Taichi instead of being headstrong is wishy washy at times, an ass at other times and just comes across as unsure.
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Yamato is cold and aloof, jagged and sharp. Not much different honestly. Maybe a little bit colder though.
Sora is…how can I put this lightly? Emotionally supportive but emotionally unstable at the same time even though she seems like the most stable one at times.
Koushiro is so analytical to the breaking point of having a melt down and he has a couple times especially prior to the reboot.
Joe is so distracted like crazy but not really changed that much. He just wants to go back to the real life and who can blame him?
Mimi is a straight up savage who forces her way into getting what she wants without being considerate of others. Even when she thinks of being considerate it’s still her feelings primarily the source of offense.
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Takeru is more evolved I should say, but he lies and messes around far more than he should. But again he’s a teenager. We all have to learn.
Hikari is developing even more as an empath but struggles more to release her feelings in a healthy way which triggers physical distress like unleashing Cthulhu type monsters from twisted digivolutions.
Meiko is everything you could expect her to be. She’s been isolated, socially awkward but people have some kind of strange expectation from her to just jump on the same level As the other digidestined as far as personality or likability. She is a defeatist for sure but I enjoy her growth and regression back and forth this whole time.
As for the story I thought it was good, not great, but they left out some information we have to figure out for ourselves or make inferences. Gee I wonder when In the digimon adventure series we did NOT have to do that? Mystery isn’t it?
I also wondered about the digivolution fight choices as far as the level they were at. They are either going way too lax like champions fighting ultimate meicrackmon or way too op sending three or two Megas against one. (Rip machinedramon.)
But again the teenage years are unstable. It makes sense as the Digidestined find out who they are they fluctuate between the levels. They were after all afraid to hurt meicrackmon but ruthless against everyone else.
The part I liked most about Tri were the relationships. You could see how they naturally interacted with each other and unlike some of the digimon digivolutions they were NOT choppy (looking at you plastic gattomon).
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For example and this is not the takari fanatic enthusiast within me speaking (ok, maybe it is) I enjoyed watching the takari chemistry in dialogue but also body language wise. Don’t ask me how many times they were there for each other.
But also aside from all of that I really enjoyed how for the most part each digidestined interacted with Meiko. And although she is normal and dare I say a bit bland it’s that blandness that really makes the personalities of the Digidestined pop.
Takeru’s heart to heart about Patamon’s infection.
Taichi telling her to shut up but apologize and lead/handhold her along.
Yamato saying a sharp word and the man performing a daring action to express those words.
Mimi’s dress up uniform and encouragement.
Koushiro grilling her about information to save the world.
Meiko relating with Sora about a digimon partner that won’t play nice.
Hikari bringing all of it together helping her understand her place with gentleness, tact, and just reading the atmosphere and between the lines.
You see? Digimon adventure is good if you can look past a few things. And it’s really good if you decipher everything that is going in like I did.
In second place is the relationship with digimon on full display, each digidestined experiencing the negativity or ‘opposite’ of their crests and overcoming the negativity to unleash the power of Megas. (That deserves its own post. More on that later.)
I could go on and on even about the vagueness of both homeostasis and yggdrassil being expressed by their representatives but I wanted to make this post about the Digidestined.
Any comments or questions? Let me know as always!
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dnofsunshine · 2 years
sexuality headcanons (digimon edition)
as requested by:
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awww <33 usually i'd do wholesome headcanons, but i can't ignore this request cos i've been wanting to talk abt this forever in a post XD
disclaimer: you can disagree with me!! these are specifically my views <33
mimi: open bisexual (a hopeless romantic; matchmaker)
yamato: demi
koushiro: asexual, demiromantic
miyako: disaster bi (hopeless romantic, but terrible at relationship advice)
ken: secret disaster bi
daisuke: disaster bi (very open with his affection/crushes, as we've seen in canon; himbo energy)
hikari: ace, biromantic
takeru: panromantic, demisexual (excellent at relationship advice, but very nervous abt the idea of entering a relationship at first from the trauma of the divorce of his parents; very doting)
taichi: confused bi (dense af, but would be a doting boyfriend; himbo energy)
jou: totally the straight friend of the group (surprisingly good at relationship advice, also a doting boyfriend)
iori: iconic aroace, but amazing at relationship advice
sora: pan (secret romantic, matchmaker; i like to believe sora has a devious side and her & mimi enable each other)
thank you for the request!! <333 i really enjoy these, they're helping me get over my writer's block for digimon so please send more if you have any!
other: wholesome headcanons
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seventeenlovesthree · 6 months
What the 2nd audio drama of Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning tells us (potentially) in text and subtext
I've been anticipating the 2nd drama "An SOS to Our Brothers! Takeru and Hikari’s Secret Mission?!" for various reasons and in the end - it was not exactly what I had expected, but I can't say it hasn't caught me off guard. Also in various ways.
So take my little self-indulgent analysis with a (big) grain of salt.
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Spoilers under the cut:
First things first: These are not the breadcrumbs I was hoping for, but they are breadcrumbs nevertheless! I will try to analyze the drama from the perspective of what it tells us about Takeru, Hikari, Ken - and the perception of the older children from their point of view AND from a production standpoint, aka "what the creators probably wanted to include in the movie, but couldn't and now tried to portray it in a more lighthearted way".
What the drama tells us about Takeru:
In context of the drama: Let's get the most important aspect out of the way: Let's hope the writing stress won't get to him in the way of turning him into a slight alcoholic. No, all jokes aside, just like in Kizuna, we are told that they're actual adults now by showing them drink alcohol and that will never not baffle me. What absolutely DOESN'T baffle me is that he continues to be an absolute troll that vibes with (and gets enabled by) Hikari 100% - and that he feels comfortable enough to troll and be open with Ken is also very nice development for him. Also, let's not overlook the fact that he basically made (diplomat and spy in training) Taichi the main character of his Totally Spies/Evangelion fanfiction here. Sure, Yamato ("he got my brother, the astronaut-in-training, on his side") and Koushirou ("[he] wasted no time in analyzing it and developing a shield that would nullify its attacks") played important roles in there too, but they were basically just the supporting cast Hikari had to remind him of, so he wouldn't just write an entire novel about Taichi's adventures to prevent World War III. Of course there were still lots of plot holes (which were rightfully pointed out by Ken), but you gotta love Takeru still idealizing Taichi like that, while sprinkling in references to Kizuna's events (and including Imura while doing so, whom he may actually have had some talks with after he regained consciousness again, so that was a nice touch).
In context of the production: I actually adore that they are going all out on portraying Takeru as obsessed with writing and I think it feels very organic in terms of foreshadowing his career AND his role as narrator of Digimon Adventure as a whole. I also maintain that this means to take EVERYTHING we hear about the Adventure canon with a grain of salt, because it may or may not be fabricated by his own ideas and perspectives - and that is EXACTLY what this drama did. It definitely worked for me - because by the end of the drama, I actually went "You litte sh*t really got me good, I actually believed you!" It's also funny that they're contextualizing their obsession with Evangelion references through Takeru - at this point, we can just assume that he is a big Evangelion fanboy himself and that is where all these hints and nudges are coming from.
What the drama tells us about Hikari:
In context of the drama: She actually appears less prone to being a habitual drinker than Takeru and only drinks sweet stuff (Pina Colada) because she's got a sweet tooth - as opposed to Tailmon going all out with the Tequila, holy... That aside, her main role is to enable Takeru and help him write fanfiction. I'd like to believe that she would actually have liked to contact the others for real (hence why she was so keen to talk in detail about Yamato's and Koushirou's involvement and Sora's and Jyou's reactions), but the movie itself already showed us that Taichi and Koushirou were not available and the former actively shouted at her to leave him alone - hence why the frustration over that may have led to them coming up with a little story like that in the first place. And I think it's very telling that they feel comfortable enough to tell their little headcanons to Ken in particular. Even if it was a trolling attempt, it shows that they are supposedly close with each other and that is pretty neat.
In context of the production: The main take-aways for me here are: a.) The fact that Hikari and Takeru are basically glued to one another by the hip, troll partners in crime - and Toei and the writers absolutely have no intention of changing that whatsoever while STILL managing to portray them as strictly platonic. b.) You can tell Hikari is a skilled story-teller by the way she was sprinkling in little details about the "characters" to flesh out Takeru's narration, or else it may have been even less convincing. And that was also a nice touch to showcase she would be great at telling stories to children as a future kindergartener too!
What the drama tells us about Taichi:
In context of the drama: There he is, our busy diplomat in training, working for the "Digital World-related department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs". Despite all the outlandish and exciting things Takeru likes to imagine about his career, as Ken points out, Taichi is still "too young" to make that big of an impact yet, being able to pull strings and having important connections like that - but at least the movie showed us he WAS working behind the scenes together with Koushirou.
In context of the production: I cannot help but wonder whether they actually would have liked to make a little OVA about Taichi going on an undercover mission, backed up by Yamato and Koushirou (and Mimi????), to prevent his own employer from causing World War III/Third Impact. Granted, Takeru's descriptions there were WILD and I'm still not over the "my brother and Taichi-san boarded an F-16 and rushed into the sky over Tokyo" comment, but overall... Cutting away some of the over-the-top narration, Kizuna already showed us that they absolutely WOULD go on spy missions and that this could have been a great OVA theme to show that the older kids are, indeed, still relevant. ESPECIALLY our main character of main characters, Taichi Yagami. Even if we still don't know the state of Agumon, at least we do know he is making progress.
What the drama tells us about Yamato:
In context of the drama: What we can assume is that Yamato actually already is an "astronaut-in-training", since Ken didn't really disagree with that point. There were a few "details" that may or may not be taken with a grain of salt as well, such as (Kizuna's) Imura being portrayed as "a friend of my brother in the FBI" (could be true!) or the idea that Yamato might already be capable to board a "F-16 and rushed into the sky over Tokyo", but... Hey, since Tri, we have at least seen Yamato giving persuasive speeches, but whether or not he would be as involved in everything remains to be questioned. We actually don't know how or if he was involved at all in this.
In context of the production: I still find it funny that, even in Takeru's own world-building, his big brother is "just" the secondary main character - but that is at least mainly in line with how he is overall portrayed.
What the drama tells us about Koushirou:
In context of the drama: There actually isn't a lot of content mentioned in THIS drama that could be used canonically, since everything mentioned here is just Takeru projecting his Evangelion fanboyism onto Koushirou - but drama 1 and the movie itself already contextualized his role rather nicely, as you will see below.
In context of the production: Interestingly enough, through the course of both the movie and the dramas - aside from Taichi -, he was the character who was mentioned and referred to the most. There shouldn't be any question about his role as tertiary (or even occasional secondary) main character, since, even as a background character, he oozes supporting cast energy - no matter whether he is being referred to as "expert in all things Digimon" (movie), mentioned by Tailmon and Patamon to be a potential sugar daddy sponsor as rich "company president" (drama 1) or is being described by Takeru to pull strings in the back by creating AT fields to support Taichi and Yamato. You can tell that they simply CANNOT tell a story without him and it's nice that, through Takeru's (and Hikari's) narration skills, we are being told that he is vital and influential to everything that is happening. He really deserves the appreciation. (I do wonder if Takeru watched the Rebuild Series and thought "Wow, Maya is so annoyed and fed up with everything, I can use that for Koushirou-san in my fanfiction!!!")
What the drama tells us about Mimi:
In context of the drama: Crazy Mimi being crazy spy Mimi was actually what broke the immersion for Ken. And that in itself is amazing. We actually have no idea what she is doing right now, but apparently, "Mimi, who happened to be passing by, to make an anonymous phone call" is not realistic enough for Ken to accept Takeru's fanfiction as canon. To be fair, it was Patamon who included Mimi - since neither Takeru nor Hikari knew how to include her in there...
In context of the production: ... And Toei probably didn't know either. Which is a shame, since I think we can all agree that we all would have loved to see crazy spy Mimi in action. But at least we know she wasn't the only victim here...
What the drama tells us about Sora:
In context of the drama: I want to believe that Hikari actually IS in (semi regular) touch with Sora. I want to believe that she is currently on her way to "follow the path [she] believed in". Because if she isn't, my reaction to Takeru and Hikari not knowing how to include her either that would be the same as Ken's: "Wow..." At least it being "hard for her to join the fight after all" could be explained by her and Piyomon not being reunited yet, but... All we can do is guess here.
In context of the production: Once again, Sora, just like Mimi and Jyou, gets the shortest end of the stick and we are still led to believe that she is not really in touch with the group and still on her way to self-discovery. Which is still a shame. And maybe they really just (still) don't know what to do with her.
What the drama tells us about Jyou:
In context of the drama: Writing Jyou is easy. Because I actually BELIEVED the course of the story outlined by Takeru here: Them not wanting to contact him, because he is "always busy" and him getting "really pissed at us after the fact, saying that he actually managed to have some free time for once, and we hadn’t let him know", so they "had a hard time calming him down". THAT WAS REALISTIC - and also implies that Gomamon would have been there and ready to take on the fight, but... Yeah, unfortunately, all of that wasn't real.
In context of the production: They love to play with the running gag of Jyou always being busy - but I like that they, through Hikari, acknowledged not only the fact that they should ALL FEEL GUILTY FOR NOT CONTACTING HIM (and everyone in general), but that he is indeed Mr. Reliable if he is given the chance. Even if reading that bit got me mad for a moment, it at least granted him a little dignity.
What the drama tells us about Ken:
In context of the drama: I think the most important take-aways here are that Ken Ichijouji not only is a person of common sense and sensibility in general - but also that he can be assumed to be comparably rather close with Takeru and Hikari, which is a very nice touch. We don't really get to hear a lot about him personally, but the fact that Hikari and Takeru went out with him alone for food and drinks is pretty telling in my opinion.
In context of the production: Ken has the honour of being a stand-in for several parties at once: First of all, he is a stand-in for us, the readers/listeners, to witness the craziness that is Takeru Takaishi's (and Hikari Yagami's + their Digimon's) imagination in real time, reacting sceptically to whether or not the stuff is realistic/believable in the first place. Secondly, by the end of it, he is a stand-in for the writers who (I am sure now) absolutely would have LOVED to go bonkers with the older kids, telling a crazy Totally Spies/Evangelion AU through them (or at least the ones they knew how to include, such as Taichi, Yamato and Koushirou - they OBVIOUSLY would have loved to put Mimi in there too, even going so far as to make Ken TRY to come up with a scenario for her... But then, they didn't even try with Sora and Jyou).
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digitalgate02 · 2 months
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It's a miracle i managed to color this one because I was also almost not coloring everything in it LOL
So here's the baddies' outfits... On Daisuke. Yeah. If you read the previous post about this AU, you will remember he just starts as one of the lackeys of the big bad (which is Daemon and the Demon Lords) -- but the twist here is that... He wasn't aware of this at all, he believed the lab he was working at was some sort of digimon vet clinic/lab.
Well, you can see the color palette for the outfit is using the same ones from Daemon’s cloak :) 
And why the heckie does he appear wearing that getup in a vet clinic/lab? Well, he didn’t know either, but they claimed that it was for protection against certain digimon abilities (a lie, yeah) – but it makes no sense when he gets in touch with Chibimon and the digimon is not even that dangerous as he was told about. The digimon are some sort of critters from another world like in the canon, but I'm picturing them like the critters from Gaim (the Inves), as in, having their own world and the humans using them for some selfish purposes (eh, this is a bit of Cyber Sleuth/Hacker’s Memory too… Yup)
Oh yeah, Daisuke is not working alone in the “vet lab” apparently. He got coworkers. Some are nice, some are just so ready to dunk Daisuke into the trashcan because of him fooling around (he only does that when he’s BORED, y’know?? his job is really BORING!!) but I’m not sure who they are, if they are my OCs or if they are other characters from the canon or even from… the franchise in general. The other kiddo in the getup screaming at him there is… [drum rolls]
Himekawa Maki.
I know, this sounds really funny to think about… I want to just re-use all my ideas for Maki and Daigo so bad you can’t even. And I think I’m de-aging her a little and she’s only 3 years older than Taichi/Yamato/Sora/Meiko/Menoa here. She and Daigo are the same age tho.
Maki is Daisuke’s supervisor btw. Daigo… Well, he does not work here, but I’ll leave him for another post in the future.
And speaking of Daisuke’s circle of friends, who’re none than the same group he got in the canon universe… They all want him to quit that job for his own sanity. Ken, Miyako and Iori are way more vocal about this, meanwhile Takeru, Rui and Wallace try their best, but are not muuuuuuuuuch vocal. And Hikari? Hikari’s a mystery. She doesn’t like him working for that “vet clinic” and then thinks he should quit, but she’s the least vocal about it. I wonder why…
He didn’t quit it yet BECAUSE he claims he needs the money and this is the only job he got.
(and yeah, Daisuke’s backpack has a certain hedgehog’s keychain.)
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bacomon-art-blog · 1 year
I'm bored so here's my opinion on whether or not the digidestined have barked at someone cause I think it's funny
Taichi: Absolutely, but only because he knows it pisses people the fuck off
Yamato: Taichi barked at him once and he got mad which resulted in a bark off, that was the only time he barked, he has howled on stage though.
Sora: No, she is better than these idiots
Mimi: Yes, all the time. If anyone pisses her off, bark. She also finds it funny to do it at some of the digimon. She did it to ogremon once, fun times.
Koushiro: No, he is also better than these idiots. (However I think he is also a simp, so if someone he liked asked him to do it he would.)
Jou: He did it once in a panic cause a dog scared him so he barked back at it. It was a very embarrassing day. Taichi will not let him live it down. (Mimi on the other hand has already witnessed him do it on several occasions when they were away from the group)
Takeru: Yes, but unlike everyone else, he knows when it is best to do so.
Hikari: Only in response to someone barking at her, usually Takeru.
Miyako: Yes, and she definitely picked it up from Mimi.
Daisuke: Yes, he does it the most out of everyone let's be honest. He thinks it is the funniest way to resolve a fight. Why fists when you can see who can bark the loudest at 3am. Jun hates it. :))
Iori: Only at Daisuke, when no one else was present, since no one would believe him. He's a cocky little shit when he wants to be.
Ken: He found it amusing when the others did it, but had no interest in joining in. Until he witnessed Iori do it to Daisuke, and has joined Iori in tormenting Daisuke on the occasion.
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shihalyfie · 1 year
Sorry separate ask, but on Hikari, how do you think she'd respond to being the elder child? IE, her and Taichi swap ages but everyone else stays the same?
I sort of figured without Taichi to serve as example & bulwark she would end up quieter and a bit 'stranger', especially with not seeing the Digital World until she's at least twelve.
IE, its hard lessons on her part that no one else can see the things she talks to, (& for a time she's convinced she's forever hallucinating) or that people don't like her accidentally vocalizing their thoughts or issues they never discussed.
If it comes to others, she'll still put her foot down, but life has left her more meek, or more, alienated, than canon. (This also leads her closest friend Sora to being aggressive protective of her)
Hm, I think this is a tough question because even though technically only one thing has changed, the scenario now depends on so many other factors that it's hard to make a prediction. Certainly, it's true that Taichi wouldn't be there to serve an example or to have a presence to rely on, but on the other hand, Hikari's not a doormat, and Taichi being her younger brother would mean she now has "responsibility" for him. So I would actually completely disagree with the idea that she'd end up being more quiet, because now she has to get used to the idea of taking care of others and working hard on their behalf, so she has to act the part of a responsible older sister and would have to be more active and aggressive about anything.
I do agree that she would be likely to be more closed off about her own feelings, but it's also possible she would cover that up with an even more ostensible cheerful and active demeanor.
On top of that, part of the reason she apparently felt alienated about the monsters she saw as a kid (and to be honest I honestly don't think that was as big of a part of the problem as the fanbase often reads it as) was that nobody believed her, so she stopped talking about it. But while it's easy for older brother Taichi to dismiss his kid sister as being too imaginative, I wonder if younger brother Taichi would have actually supported her instead?
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beginningobserver · 6 months
02 kids tell Rui-kun about the Digimon Kaiser
[AO3 version]
A few months after the group had met Rui…
“Ichijouji-kun…” Rui glanced at the taller boy in the group “Can I ask you something…?” 
They and the 02 group were enjoying their day at this cafe shop that had just opened -- one in which you could take your digimon with you. With the number of digimon partnerships increasing and doubling year by year, humankind has been starting to get used to the digimon in their daily lives.
“Hm?” Ken turned to Rui.
“Last time we met… You mentioned being a ‘Digimon Kaiser’ or something like…”
The group looked at each other, then to Ken: “Did you tell him?”
“We only said it briefly” Wormmon defended Ken instead.
“So it was you… Not an illusion?” Rui asked.
“Yes, it was us. Wormmon and I noticed what happened and went to help you get out of there.”
“Huh?” Daisuke blinked, “What are you two talkin’ about?”
“I went to a strange place with a dark ocean in it…”
“You went to--” Hikari was saying but she dropped her line abruptly.
“Anyway, Ichijouji-kun mentioned being a ‘Digimon Kaiser’ so I got curious. I’ve been thinking how could I ask about it without sounding intrusive.”
“Ken, why did ya mention that!?” V-mon protested, with pouty cheeks “It’s too early to talk about the Kaiser!”
“Too early?” Rui raised an eyebrow.
“Well, I think he should learn the truth,” Takeru said seriously. 
“The truth…?”
“Ichijouji-san was our former enemy,” Iori explained nonchalantly, “the Digimon Kaiser was a tyrant trying to dominate the Digital World.”
“Oh, like that one round man from the game Daisuke-kun likes?”
“Yeah, sort of!” Daisuke nodded, but Ken was a little unamused with that comparison, “He even had minions and built things! Like evil versions of Tailmon’s Holy Ring.”
“He also enhanced them,” Miyako continued, “turning into an evil spiral.”
“Evil rings and spirals…? That sounds like a fictional story.”
“But they were real, he also built radio towers to spread the power of his D-3” Tailmon continued.
“Those control towers were brainwashing every digimon wearing those rings and spirals!” Patamon added with a terrifying tone.
“Brainwashing digimon…?” Rui kept getting more and more impressed with that story.
“Yeah!” V-mon nodded his head this time, “he enslaved every digimon and took control of their areas and villages!”
“D-don’t say just ‘oh’ like if this was a TV series!!” Ken babbled.
“Then one day he just forced all of us to take part in a karaoke contest!” Takeru continued, “And he cheated!”
“Wait-- I don’t remember that…” Wormmon blinked.
“He stole candy from the sweet innocent baby digimon too,” Hikari added with a frown.
“...What?” Ken squinted his eyes.
“He sent Stingmon against us once and made Stingmon wrestle with Taichi-san’s MetalGreymon!” Daisuke babbled energetically.
“I don’t remember evolving Wormmon into Stingmon while I was the Kaiser--”
“He forced all of us to listen to him playing an off-tune electric guitar.” Miyako said in a dramatic tone.
“He stole our rations when we were camping in the Digital World,” Iori added with a poker face.
“N-not you too, Iori-kun!!”
“He did all of that?” Rui blinked.
“That’s not true!!” Wormmon growled, “Stop making fun of Ken-ch--”
But then Ken and the others started laughing.
“What…?” Lui didn’t get it, alas.
“We’re just teasin’ him!” Daisuke chuckled, “He was a meanie, but he regretted all of his actions and then worked hella hard to fix his mistakes.”
“Yeah, I can agree with that” Ken smiled, “But I’m glad I can say those without feeling guilty anymore.”
“That’s right,” Wormmon nodded, “Ken-chan and I are still working to compensate for our mistakes in the past, but we’re not the bad guys anymore.”
“Oh, I see…”
“... You don’t believe all of that was real right? 💧” they all said, quite sighing at Rui’s reaction to all of it.
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detectiveichijouji · 8 months
Case 23 - Kido Joe’s strict rules of madness
[AO3 version]
Briefly, Ken and the others found Noel around Taichi’s university. But the moment his eyes encountered theirs, Noel decided to run away. Maybe he was still scared?
Daisuke stopped walking and glanced at Ken, “Noel had a fragment, but he got it stolen from him. He was going to give it to me so we could keep it in a safer place and without hurting anyone.”
“... I see.”
“I told ya, Noel is a good guy. You gotta apologize to him.”
“... I will, but next time ok? I have to go home.”
And then Ken left. The group went back to their own homes after that too. But Ken wasn’t going home… He really found odd Noel Leblanc being there, right there… Casually and all of a sudden… He was kinda curious about Noel’s alibi to being there…
… But he didn’t find Noel.
… Noel Leblanc was definitely there -- Ken was musing as he returned home. The moment he arrived at the Ichijoujis residence, he realized his parents weren’t at home yet so he just walked to his room and started musing about the information gathered so far.
“... Something does not sound right…”
“Hm?” Wormmon blinked, “What’s wrong?”
“Noel confirmed he’s a distant relative of Arsène Lupin’s creator,” he was reading the messages Takeru sent to him. 
It felt like Ken and Takeru had become some kind of Sherlock Holmes and Watson for this mystery. Funny though, because of the Lupin books having its own take of the most known British detective as ‘Herlock Sholmes’.
“Huh, is it?”
“Well, it can be possible… But it might mean we’re on the right path,” Ken rested the phone on the desk and looked at Wormmon, “It could mean the hypothesis that Noel Leblanc created Arsenemon is plausible.”
“Hmm…Ah, I see!” Wormmon nodded, listening to Ken’s musings quite interested.
“Maybe he sent Arsenemon to help us out. Noel was present when Hikari-san received Koushiro-san’s phone call…”
“Hmm… True true.”
“This means… Espimon might not be Noel’s only digimon partner.”
“He’s Arsenemon’s partner too.”
Joe and Gomamon usually go home late, because of the activities at the medical school and his internship there. Also, they were still helping the Digimon Arena -- which changed its localization to a better place, and kept training and challenging digimon and tamers. Except this time King Shoutmon had legit real prizes for them, from their village’s cuisine and crafts after all.
“Soooooo… Do you think I can beat TeslaJellymon next time and win the all-you-can-eat ticket from Delumon’s cafe?”
“It would’ve been nice, but don’t forget we’re not there to just compete,” Joe smiled, “we’re helping to keep everyone safe and treat their wounds.”
“Of course! But… Ah… I’d like to try out the Village of the Smiles’ cuisine someday…”
They laughed lightly, walking in the streets. Until they found the eyepatched Impmon… lying on the sidewalk.
“Huh…?” they blinked.
“Help… Me…!!”
In the morning…
“Aaaah I can’t believe I’m turning 17 soon!!” Daisuke seemed pretty… excited?? “Just a few more days… Uh… 18 days!!”
“Why? Do you want to get your presents already?” Hikari giggled.
“N-nope! I mean… Takeru, Ken and you are already 17! I’m always the last one of the 1991 kids to get older!”
“True…” Takeru smiled, “I’m the oldest. You can call me ‘Takeru-san’ now”
“No way!” he pouted.
Noel was also walking with them to school, again. At least this didn’t feel tense this time.
“... Ah! Noel,” Daisuke grinned, “When is your birthday, dude?”
“... June 15, but why?” The boy looked back, directly to Daisuke and with some curiosity about what Daisuke would do with that info.
“Oh! So you’re…”
“16 years old already. I was born in 1992… I think.”
“Makes sense…”
June 15…? -- Takeru thought, but this time he kept quiet. To not make Daisuke mad at him again. But why was that date interesting for him…?
“This makes him a Gemini!” Hikari commented, “Like Miyako-san!”
“Hm? Inoue-san… is a Gemini…?”
“Yes, her birthday is on May 30th though”
“Mine is December 1st!” Daisuke added, with another grin, “This means I get presents twice in a month!”
“Oh… Christmas presents too…”
“Well, there’s the ones who just give only one present for two dates” Hikari teased Daisuke with a giggle, “Right~”
“H-hey…! Don’t remind me of that!!”
The classes were completely normal for them all. But something kept bugging Takeru… Something wasn’t right… Something… was off.
Then, after class he just witnessed (by sheer accident of fate) Lune talking with Noel and Soleil:
“You shouldn’t be befriending those punks!” She said, “Remember, we have a goal.”
“...” Noel, however, did not say anything in return.
“Well… Let him be, Lune.” Soleil sighed, “Soon or later he will stop.”
“I made predictions, they won’t stay on your side at all!” she continued, “If you keep trying to be Motomiya Daisuke’s friend… You’re fated to misfortune.”
Takeru wanted to intervene and defend Daisuke, they were saying something so awful about his friend! And now saying Noel couldn’t stay friends with Daisuke?!
But Takeru’s phone rang, and he had to leave before the other three noticed him there. It was Miyako, asking him and the others to gather at the karaoke booth.
He, Daisuke and Hikari (plus their digimon) left the school and went to the usual karaoke booth. There, Miyako explained them the details:
“King Shoutmon said… Joe-senpai had gone crazy and took control over the Digimon Arena. Then, Izumi-senpai sent me a message saying he detected another fragment and a bizarre amount of data around this area here,”
She pointed to a marked area in the map of her laptop.
“Then, I went to check which area is and… Bingo. It’s the new place our friends picked to host the Digimon Arena’s activities.”
“Another fragment…” Takeru clenched his fist.
“Now they chose to attack Joe-san…” Hikari frowned, “First Sora-san, then Taichi… What are their goals now?”
“... I can’t see the pattern here” Iori commented, trying to connect the cases to each other, “Only that Arsenemon was right to warn us about the enemy targeting us now.”
“Hmm…” Ken mused.
“Did you notice something, Ken?” Tailmon asked.
“Miyako-san, please search for Ornismon data. I need to check a little detail.”
“Hmm??” They all looked at Ken, and then Miyako started checking the database about Ornismon.
“Hmmm… It is an ancient bird, possibly linked to… hatred?”
“Hatred??” Patamon repeated, “So this means…”
“They were exploiting our Crests’ power negatively” Hawkmon added, “isn’t it what you were thinking about, Ken-san?”
“Yes, as I suspected… Previously they were enabling the seven deadly sins, but now…”
“They’re goin’ after us and using our Crest power wrongly…” Armadimon mused, “So, this means… Takeru and Patamon can be targeted again, dagya?”
“... We need to catch those remaining pieces as soon as possible” Daisuke clenched his fists, then asked: “How many shards are left?? How many do we have? And How many Arsenemon have?”
“Whoa whoa, calm down Daisuke” Miyako said, “Hmmm… 7 for us, 9 for Arsenemon, and there’s only 4 left.”
Iori was recapping all the previous incidents with the fragments: “Taichi-san’s case was possibly exploiting the Crest of Courage. So if Joe-san has one…”
“Well, he was kinda acting cowardly don’t ya think?” V-mon commented, “So, what’s the opposite of Reliability?”
“Hmm… Deceitful, disloyalty, dishonesty, treachery, unsteadiness…” Wormmon answered.
“I think we shouldn’t go too literal here,” Daisuke sounded annoyed, “Let’s go stop Joe-san before things get worse.”
But someone else was listening to them… And before they could catch him , the one spying on them left quickly, not even meeting with the group when they left the booth and headed to the Digimon Arena.
The Digimon Arena was covered by… water!? At least it was a bubble filled with water shielding the building. The 02 group were confused about it though -- would they need to swim to get inside? Should they just send Iori and Submarimon?
Sending Iori alone sounded too troublesome…
So Ken had a strange feeling and approached the water barrier. He examined it for a second and then put his head inside it for a few minutes. Miyako and Daisuke gasped in horror and they were ready to go there when Ken took his head off the barrier and looked at them, deadpanned. 
“It’s not real, we can breathe inside.”
“NEXT TIME DON’T DO SOMETHING THAT RECKLESS!!” both Miyako and Daisuke hissed.
“A-anyway… Let’s go,” Takeru tried to interrupt their fight. They all nodded and got inside the building.
And then they just met Joe and what was supposed to be Gomamon, perhaps? A Neptunemon was next to him and they watched the Arena, TeslaJellymon and other competitors like Tenno Yuu’s Sparrowmon were… writing something on paper sheets!?
“What, is this a cram school now?” Daisuke blinked “Everyone’s doing homework??”
“No, it’s not homework it’s…” Iori commented as they approached the arena. Then he just glanced at one of those sheets and realized what they were, “... a contract.”
“A contract?!” The others (but Ken) exclaimed.
Daisuke immediately took a paper from one of the kids filling it and read it, “Huh…? It’s about the arena rules?? Wait, you have to agree with ALL OF THOSE to be able to participate in the battles!?”
Ken yanked the paper from Daisuke’s hand, and the others read it over his shoulder, “... ‘No running, no using projectiles, no weapons, no shouting, no chatting, no singing, no rough play, no drinks or food, no swearing, no tossing junk, no diving’… ‘Don’t break the equipment/building, use the stairs, play safely, use slippers’... ‘Please inform your phone, Digimon Arena ID, blood type, digivice type, digimon type, digimon field, digimon category, allergies, goals’…”
“What is this, a public pool??” Daisuke squinted his eyes. (※ he clearly didn’t read it at all)
“I think this is going too far,” Iori commented.
“Joe-san, please stop!” Miyako ran towards her, but suddenly a horde of Marching Fishes came in, blowing a whistle and wearing security hats.
“DON’T RUN INSIDE THE BUILDING!!” Joe shouted from a high lifeguard chair.
“A-ah!!” Miyako stopped immediately. The others came in, but walking calmly. Then she looked at the group and whispered, “How can we do something without breaking the rules?”
“... Have Imperialdramon deck that fish-like digimon?” V-mon commented.
“That’s Neptunemon,” Tailmon clarified, “I didn’t expect to see one here…”
“The rules didn’t say we can’t fly, so…” Daisuke grabbed his digivice, “Let’s go, V-mon!”
V-mon nodded and then… “V-MON EVOLV--”
“NO SHOUTING!!” Joe ordered, shouting again; then he snapped his fingers. 
“W-WHAT?!” The Marching Fishes came in swarms and then dragged Daisuke and V-mon outside -- “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaah, helppppp…!!” they shouted until their voices faded. Then the fishes left them outside the building.
Daisuke and V-mon tried to get inside, but… no success. Now the barrier was made of water and they couldn’t dive into it -- “DARN IT!!” Daisuke punched the barrier.
The other five couldn’t even react to that… Oh no, they’re in real serious trouble. If they can’t snatch the shard from Joe and Gomamon…
“Joe-san,” Hikari frowned, and then walked calmly there, “Why are you doing this?? Weren’t you helping King Shoutmon and TeslaJellymon to get stronger? Weren’t you here because you wanted to help the contestants to not get badly hurt??”
“Those fights ARE dangerous, so I put an end on them. If they follow the rules, no one will be hurt. I’m doing it for them, but I won’t allow anyone to disobey my rules.”
“That’s wrong!” she snapped, but still not raising her voice, “You know deep down that you’re setting too many rules to the point there’s no fun anymore! Yes, you’re preventing someone from getting hurt, but you’re also not allowing no one to do anything!!”
“You’re like them, disobeying norms and running amok in this place!”
“Aren’t you disobeying the rules too, at this point?” Iori said, deadpanned.
“You clearly said ‘No shouting’ while shouting,” Takeru commented.
“He also shouted when telling Miyako-san to not run too,” Wormmon nodded.
“The rules say no weapons, but Neptunemon is wielding that big spear right next to you,” Patamon added with a shrug.
“We can do those things! We’re keeping this place in order!!” Neptunemon hissed.
“That’s a lie, you just want to drop a ton of rules on us to ruin the fun” Miyako squinted her eyes, “How can the Digimon Arena work if you can’t even battle?!”
“Yeah,” Armadimon wagged his paw, “Bet y’all can’t beat us fair and square here, dagya.”
“You all are--!!”
“Checkmate, Joe-senpai” Ken smirked, “You know we’re right. You broke the same rules you made.”
“Should we go retrieve the fragment from him now?” Hawkmon asked them.
“Mhm! Miyako-san!” Hikari grabbed her D-3.
Hawkmon evolves to… Aquilamon!Tailmon!Jogress Evolution! Silphymon!!
Silphymon then used their visor to pinpoint where the shard was, so they could get it from Joe-or-Gomamon. They identified it as the whistle on Joe’s necklace.
“There” Silphymon shouted, but Neptunemon attacked. They dodged the spear and stared at the opponent, “Miyako-san, The Digimental fragment is the whistle” They (Aquilamon side) said.
“I won’t let you get him and ruin our dominion!”
“Since Joe-san broke the rules…” Takeru nodded, then used the Digimental of Hope to evolve Patamon into Pegasusmon.
“No!!” Neptunemon shouted, and then threw the spear at the boy and Pegasusmon. Everything was starting to get extremely BAD when…
“Un, deux, trois~”
Someone snapped the fingers and teleported Takeru & Pegasusmon out of the range of the spear.
“WHAT?!” everyone exclaimed.
“C'est l'heure du spectacle” Arsenemon appeared in the middle of the arena, “ Pardon, I’ve been appearing too early recently~”
“STOP RIGHT THEREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!” Daisuke and V-mon came in, running after they had been unblocked from the barrier.
“Oh, my favorite Chosen Detective was outside this time,” then he snapped his fingers and a calling card popped in front of Daisuke, which was caught by the boy:
Hello, mon ami. I’m here to steal the wicked fragment from Kido Joe. Enjoy the show~
“I won’t sit and let you steal it!” Daisuke growled.
Then suddenly, Kido Joe started to laugh. Quite scary, to be honest.
“Ah, you want this?” Joe showed them the whistle in his hand, “Well, I’ll give you if you could beat Neptunemon.”
“What? Do you think I’m not a trustworthy person?”
“Ken… We have to use Imperialdramon right now” Daisuke whispered to the other, who nodded in response.
“Then I will--” But suddenly a robotic arm sneaked in and stole the whistle from Jou’s hand “W-WHAT!? HOW?!”
“You’re all bark but no talk!” Miss Espimon appeared from the ceiling, “Now go back to normal!!”
“… He let it be caught,” Armadimon blinked.
“?!?!?! HOW COULD YOU--”
“He might not wake up like this. So allow me to help you, fine gentleman…” Arsenemon shrugged, “Oeil de Chat” he snapped his fingers and a small black cat with green eyes magically popped in front of Joe, having the glowing cat eyes synchronize with Joe’s and then making the man fall asleep.
“I… um… Sleepy…” Joe fell asleep, and with this Gomamon returned to his original form.
“H-huh?!” Gomamon blinked, “Ah I’m back to normal…?”
“ You. tried. to. kill. us.” Pegasusmon appeared behind Gomamon with a deadly glare. He was already charging his Silver Blaze when Takeru patted the back of his head.
“GAAHAHAHAAAA SORRY SORRY SORRY!! 💦” Gomamon hid behind Daisuke. 
Daisuke took Gomamon with his two hands and lifted the digimon, “So, you we’re really into it huh…”
“I’m soooooooooorry!! That Impmon inserted one of those shards on Joe and it also corrupted me!!”
Everyone stared at Gomamon, “Suspicious…”
“D-do you really think I’d try to hurt y’all!? I’m a good digimon!! B-Besides… There was something else that night…”
“A pair of eyes… They definitely cough Joe and me into some hypnosis spell… I recognized it… It was… Dracumon’s eyes.”
“Dracumon?”  The kids and the digimon exclaimed, but not Ken or Tailmon (neither Epimon and Arsenemon) (※ Silphymon jogress has undone and both Tailmon and Hawkmon were back to adult and child forms, respectively)
“Dracumon… that name…” Ken mused, “It surely sounds familiar…”
“Dracumon are vampire-like digimon, probably one of Vamdemon’s old acquaintances” Tailmon explained, “Might be… related to… That one digimon we met before…” 
“Ugh… I felt like I had a hangover…” Joe woke up, kinda dizzy though… “But I didn’t drink…”
“Are you okay now, Joe-san?” Hikari asked him.
“Yeah… Thank you guys… And sorry everyone…”
“Oh don’t worry you’re fine now right, Big J??” TeslaJellymon grinned, “we gotta catch those two digimon and snap their necks!!”
“No neck snapping!” Daisuke said, then he looked around and… “GAH, ARSENEMON AND ESPIMON ARE GONE!!”
Ken didn’t mind the lost fragment though… He was mostly interested in the fact that Espimon came out of nowhere. It only reinforced his theories that Arsenemon is linked to Noel, as partner or as some accomplice.
As for now, Arsenemon has acquired the 10th shard, while Team 02 has only 7. Only 3 are yet to be found, or to be used by Impmon and Dracumon.
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