#i can almost feel the warmth
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Another bonfire! It looks so dynamic, like the tail of an animal or a growing plant.
It has such a majestic appearance as it is blown into the night by the wind. Like something alive, following the lead to spread warmth in the world…. and now I'm rambling again.
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also it’s interesting because. my family is deeply unsentimental (in a very powerful way) and society is divided into the pretty heartless or the pretty sentimental (generally speaking) and I’m sort of this walking heart wound of emotion trying to straddle these lines (and having a hard time of it!) but one of the things that does guard me from being more sentimental than I am is the secret cruelty and unfairness that lurks at the bottom of all sentimentality.
#like. schools are just such an interesting example#because they HAVE to combat the cruelty of the world#and there has to be love and warmth and support#especially if the school is a good one or trying to be and especially if the staff cares (which good teachers do)#but all the awards and the celebrations and trying to make things feel special can breed bitterness and resentment and a certain#stale weariness almost?#and yes some of that is just the human condition#it doesn’t mean you should do away with all of them just because you can’t please everyone#some of it is just the nature of the game of it all#but there is something where it becomes cloying very quickly#when wanting to celebrate students becomes detached from quality or high expectations#and even when it is united there is something I don’t like about the continual celebration of one student over another#of the kind of instinctive favorite picking schools do in terms of like ‘these are the golden kids’#and I get it I get it we need things to keep us going too. something to celebrate someone who appreciates us#but it’s just. on some level no! no kid above reproach no kid beyond redemption#because that’s life but it’s also just kids!!!#the only real safe space for me to interact with them is teacher / student and they are allllll my students#and I have a job to do by all of them not just the ones who love me#and many of them do and i love them in return!!#but just sort of letting the love hang in the air without immediately sinking it back into the work#or using it to redirect them#and at some point just stepping all the way back#to see and remind them that my job is to be a door and a guide into something bigger than me#isn’t good. it makes it sour more. and also in some way is me hurting people more#like this senior class is special to me. they just are. and yet to dwell too much on that in my speech (a temptation) actually has all sorts#of pitfalls attendant on it.#including exposing myself to the scorn of the kids who are like ‘who’s that lol’#which is funny and balancing in itSELF#but even if the whole class is on board the wave of sentimentality it actually shuts me off more from the students I currently teach#making that somehow seem less because they are not my ‘favorite’
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wraithwars · 3 months
oh, don't mind me: i'm just thinking about astarion proposing to tav some time after the main plot.
he plans everything to even the most inconsequential detail, wanting everything to be absolutely perfect. he writes a speech. then rewrites it. then rewrites it again and again only to realize, as he's down on one knee in front of the sole individual that has his heart in a death grip he dares not escape from, that no words could expression the adoration and love he haves for them. and he starts to cry when that person accepts wordlessly, taking him into their arms in the tightest hug they can manage, tears of their own sliding down their cheeks.
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torchwood-99 · 1 month
Ok, been sitting on this for a while, been trying to talk myself out of it, but here goes.
The book doesn't sell me on the love Theoden had for Eowyn.
I tried to read it and find something in his actions towards her that tell me he has proper regard, proper respect for her, that gives any weight or meaning to his love for her, but I can't find anything. He dismisses her before the entire court, doesn't consider her an heir or a proper part of his house, and has to have her virtues called out to him by other people, when she has been serving him for years.
Return Of The King sees him spout platitudes and declare her "dearer than daughter", but none of this is backed up by his general actions to her.
He loves Eowyn, fine. But he doesn't love her the way he loves Eomer, or probably loved Theodred. He doesn't love her as a fully realised being. Nor as someone to take pride in and carry on his legacy. He loves her a crutch, a tool, and something between pet and person.
He has affection for Eowyn, but his love feels more like a trivial thing, than something with any real worth or regard to it.
#Lotr#Lord of the Rings#Eowyn#Theoden#I don't think this is Tolkien's intent#I think I'm meant to believe that Theoden was awesome to Eowyn and did love her more than a daughter#but Tolkien never gave me a reason to believe that#can someone find me a moment in the books where Theoden's love for Eowyn feels like something substantial#where he loves her for who she is and not for the services she has provided#where he shows any respect for her capabilities and pride in her person#and not just going along with it when other people point them out to him#I love them in the films and I want to believe in their love so much#but Theoden's love for Eowyn in the books just feels perfunctory and leaves me feeling empty#I don't think this is how their relationship is meant to make me feel#Eowyn put her life on hold and endured hell for Theoden's sake#and we never even get an implication he regretted what she endured for his sake#we never see a hint of Theoden regretting how he snubbed her before the court#almost every scene between the two of them in Two Towers lacks warmth or regard between them#the minute Theoden's recovered he sends Eowyn away as though she's not longer of use to him#he forgets her bloody existence before everyone in the hall#he has her wait on him while Eomer Aragorn Gimli and Legolas all get to sit with him#and in turn all Eowyn can do is look at him with cool pity#and at their parting she focusses more on Aragorn than Theoden#she clearly isn't feeling the love right now and why should she?#it makes Theoden calling her daughter and showing her some morsels of affection in Return of the King feel empty#like now yeah he can be bothered to acknowledge Eowyn a bit now that it suits him#but when other stuff is going on she falls to the back of his mind#there's enough unseen moments or gaps where perhaps if Tolkien had written them I might have believed in Theoden's love for Eowyn#such as their parting before Pelennor which was described as “painful”#but that pain could have meant a variety of things
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fishnchip3011 · 2 months
everytime i actually open up sdv to play i get flashbanged with sebastian's white ass sprites because i always forget not everyone sees him as wasian💔 my current hc for him is half chinese (liable to change... but ik for sure he's half asian) but he is Not bilingual he can't rly speak or write the other language he can only understand it when listening but even then he's not very fluent LOL this is just turning into a sebastian hc post might as well go full out. to me sebastian Does have relationship experience but has been thru shitty ones in the past which is part of the reason why he's so pessimistic & brooding </3 and he'd hook up with ppl in zuzu city for a night for a while but it just made him feel shittier so he's stopped since ☝️ also people make him out to be way cooler than he actually is like yea sure he's kinda cool but he's also a Massive Loser especially when he tells you how he hates "seasonal fads" like pumpkin spice and that one line about the potluck soup where he's like "Why ruin the potluck? Hmm... I guess some people feel liberated when the rigid structures of society break down a little. Maybe I'm weird.” WHO ASKED😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 his ass also can NOT cook he can make spaghetti but it's mid. he probably has low ass stamina and yeah he's tall and lanky (rn i see him as around 5'9-5'10) but you could snap him in half over your knee. when he's in an actually healthy relationship he gets really flustered over certain romantic gestures cuz he's not used to feeling valued or being considered someone's #1. he picks up on little things and does acts of service but i also think he can be really callous and insensitive at times because while he can be pretty perceptive he is also Very Emotionally Stunted. he unlearns lots of unhealthy behaviors & mindsets with the help of his partner & family & friends ^__^
#i almost popped a vein trying not to mention rowan in all of this so this post is more. consumable i guess#but rowan to me is soooooo perfect for him to me because rowan's whole thing is empathy and warmth#where it's a strength but also a weakness for him because he's also a chronic people pleaser and a doormat#out of the need he feels to make people feel valued which is a good thing but not when its to the point of self negligence#rowan gives rly good advice but overburdens himself cuz he feels responsible for ppl&doesnt give himself the same treatment he gives others#when he's with sebastian he helps him feel valued and sebastian learns to trust people more and not to immediately assume the worst of ppl#and seb is sooooooo perfect for rowan bc seb is vocal about what he dislikes and when hes not happy w something/one#and is good at setting boundaries whereas rowan is Not. he helps rowan learn how to say no to ppl and be more assertive#& think abt his own feelings more! they both help e/o vocalize their feelings#for rowan its vocalizing his opinions more and valuing himself more & for seb its vocalizing more for the sake of better communication#w other ppl so he can establish better trust & relations w ppl. and stop being so closed off/unapproachable LOL#their differences match up well but it also leads to arguments/tension cuz seb doesnt communicate and resorts to avoidance#and rowan is too pliant sometimes to the point where it hurts not just himself but the ppl around him including seb#also fun fact rowan is the type to cry when he gets really angry/upset & when seb resorts to avoidance instead of reassurance#(which is what rowan wants) rowan sometimes ends up catastrophizing & also bottles up his emotions similarly to seb#they always reconcile in the end tho even if it takes a while </3 they r both learning ok!!!!!!!!#not perfect to the point where they dont argue bc thats Impossible but they suit each other well. they r good for each other qwq#eon babbles#stardew valley#farmer rowan#<- i talk about him in tags. hehehe
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torosdottir · 2 months
wish someone would hurry up and come up with a quick and easy definition of the word "love" and solve so many of my problems
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derpinette · 4 months
morally i am against bras but i cannot commit because the moment i feel any type of movement against my nips i feel like lopping my entire breast off Skoptsy style
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hshouse · 2 years
#taylor’s roll put#has me thinking sooooo much about H’s whole pr/brand/strategy#and my thoughts have been like falling into place#and it’s just very frustrating#to me bc her absolute MASTERY of building her brand#makes hshq’s mess#even more messy for me#there are MANY points to bring#but the one I am thinking tonight#is how she operates on an even bigger platform so she is one of the few ppl I think are proper to compare H to#and she shows how you can have absolutely crafted to the tee strategies where almost nothing is spontanous and everything is planned and $$#is front and center and YET feel personal and intimate and like she is our buddy and that we know her and she knows us and she likes us#the reason given for H’s distant persona is privacy but what this comparison shows is that you can get privacy without giving up warmth#harry on stage is such a drastic contrast to every other imput we have from him/his brand its kinda jarring#but it doesnt HAVE TO BE THIS WAY and he doesn’t need to sacrifice privacy to still craft a warmer closer persona. thats what I have been#thinking tonight. like I know 98% of you don’t follow or even like her. but trust ME when I say that being a fan of both its like oil#and water when it comes to how their public persona is. i genuinely feel like I know her. I DONT!! but thats what I feel. and I only feel li#I know H bc I am a super fan. but thats not what his brand portrays. also and this point is more nuanced so bear w me. there is an element#that comes from this brand of Cool and Private that i KNOW is completely inaccurate like I would put my hand on the fire over this but#hshq OFTEN puts out things or implies it that H is Cool and Different and would not like want to hang out w normal ppl that are not Cool#which one I don’t care if it is true and two I dont think it is true but its something that doesnt sit well w ppl. taylor has a persona that#seems like even tho she is a trillionaire she would still sit on your couch and drunk your grocery store wine and talk about dumb shit#this is largely because of ppl like fucking KID HARPOON who are into makinng harry seem like a weird etheral being and not just. a dude#but anyway. i think this is not great. and outside of this corner MANY ppl are fans of both like me. and this is v noticeable even if ppl#dont articulate it like this. and I think he is gonna have to pivot this strategy. i just hope they do it before ppl get more annoyed#and start being even meaner to him than they already are
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boomerang109 · 10 months
okay so i didn’t cut myself bangs, my hair just already has bangs if brushed differently
#i cant explain the amount that my dsyphoria is built around my bangs#my bangs and my self-image =/=#i think#wait this is gonna be awkward I wonder if this is a thing#I’ve never realized this before#but like#i cant see faces in my memories right like I know what people look like but I cant conjure their pictures in my brain#(fuck thinking about this is making me try and I think I’m hurting my head. like I get memories and essences and their face is basically#there but it’s like doctor who where if you focus you can’t actually see. like yeah I know the facts so I feel like I’m seeing it but I cant#actually see their faces.#so anyway. i guess because that probably meant I couldn’t picture my own face#?do people do that???#i knew what I looked like based on bangs#so family photos. which one am I? bangs#and ever since they’ve been gone I still try to draw myself or picture myself with bangs#it’s def just cause I’m high but I can feel them and they’re like a reassuring warmth on my forehead#i feel so at peace#also like I recognize peoples faces im actually really good at faces so this isn’t me talking about prognosia just in case that’s unclear#it might be some weird imgination thing but I think this is how kinds work? I’ve always been unclear how much is exaggeration and not in the#whole ‘picture this’ thing. cause like. i can get the essence and ALMOST see it. but really trying to see it almost hurts my head. like I#cannot do it. but I kinda have always felt like other people could see it and I was just locked out of my imagination seeing#but also I knew that was dramatic and probably no one could see things and I was just taking idioms too literally and being weird#wow I’m high over sharing but these bangs are unlocking childhood nostalgia for real for real#and damn I really should’ve figured out the combing of this thing earlier but. sometimes I am dumb#and also I know it wouldn’t have worked not that long ago
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dykeinthedark · 1 year
me (lives in new york) when it starts snowing outside and its almost christmas: omg this is just like catcher in the rye
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psalmsofpsychosis · 11 months
Me: anyway i'm actually very very dead inside, i haven't used more than 4% of my capacity for warmth in the last 15 years, and i dont feel like i can, i feel super lethargic and beaten all the time
Fella sitting beside me: you're literally burning the stool under your ass and shooting lava from your eyeballs but okay
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
just heard coat of many colors by Dolly Parton for the first time I’m so sorry I’m going to need a minute or several days——
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
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the fact that Helen Gamble, vicious, ruthless prosecuting attorney, would do just about anything for Lucy Hatcher, a defense firm's flighty pest of a secretary, is something that can be so personal
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dcvotion · 2 years
❀ ||  Hi hello, I promise I’m still here-- I’m in the process of moving literally across the country this coming Sunday night (East coast to west coast, babyyyy~) so it’s been rough with picking up extra hours at work and getting things all prepped, but I promise in August, things will officially pick back up again ♡
I miss everyone here !! Hope y’all are having a lovely night, take care of yourselves, and I will see you soonish!!
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a-cosmic-elf · 2 months
30 day Song Challenge: Day 3 - a song that reminds you of summertime.
Nuyorican Soul - I am the black gold of the sun 🌞
That start… wait for it… ahhhh *takes drink and sits by the pool* ☀️🏝️🍹😎
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