#i didn't like last year's midge drawing but i like this one so all is well in the world
chalkrub · 2 months
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i'm once again sharing a birthday with jesus - but even more importantly i'm sharing a birthday with my darling MIDGE!! happy birthday beautiful creature i can't believe you've been around for two years now
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episims · 4 months
A Peek to My SFS Stats
I know some creators prefer not seeing their download numbers and that's fair! This kind of stuff can easily cause pressure and/or feelings of underachievement.
For me though, it's just statistics. And since it's pretty precisely 5 years from when I first uploaded anything to SFS, I've gathered some data to play with.
So, this very self-indulgent post is solely about my SFS stats. Just because I'm a total nerd I find it interesting, and I like being open about things. It's long and blabbery so the rest is safely under the cut.
For the background: I tend to create whatever I need for my own game. I share my weird stuff because I feel like it's a trade for everything I download from others.
Probably due to the lack of any consistency or branding at all, my CC has a wide range in download numbers. I have some popular pieces, sure, but also some niche mods like no snow accumulation that has only interested 126 persons in nearly two years.
Even though saying "only 126" is an illusion created by the internet. Imagine if those 126 individuals would come to you in person. That's more people than I've probably even had a real talk with during the last year!
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The raw data of my SFS main folder is (calculated with a sheets program): it has 227 files and the average download count for each file is 1557, but 74% of the files have been downloaded fewer times than the average.
So even though my CC isn't usually downloaded that much, I've shared a handful of things that have been downloaded so much more than everything else that they pull the average up.
What are those things? Time is an important factor here, as most CC tends to gather downloads over time (not a single post from 2023 on this list).
1) Subtle wrinkles (January 2022)
17313 downloads (674 hearts; ~3,9% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1112
That's several thousand more than the second most downloaded thing I have, and it's such a random thing.
I'm sure most people have downloaded them to get those 4t2(ish) forehead wrinkles. I have no other explanation as the rest of them are hand-drawn by a person who can't draw. Also the preview is frankly hideous, I used about one minute to take it... safe to say I didn't expect this post to gather any attention at all.
2) Cellphone default (January 2021)
13547 downloads (565 hearts; ~4,2% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1133
Noteworthy that it's been updated a couple of times which pushes people to redownload.
This was a quick passion project, since at that time I couldn't find a cellphone default I was completely happy with. If it hadn't been a quickie, I would've used more time to find a good base mesh oof. Many thanks to @pforestsims for later improving it.
3) Tombstone defaults (December 2019)
12477 downloads (582 hearts; ~4,7% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1064
I was so proud of these when I made them. Those were my first mesh defaults ever! Today, I'm proud of my past self for doing them. That's crazy many meshes and subsets to handle for a total noob.
I couldn't do anything with BHAVs back then, so those defaults would've never ever happened without @midgethetree. She endured a lot, working with a noob who went through several meltdowns because of subset issues that didn't make any sense.
4) Baby personality mod (February 2020)
9724 downloads (489 hearts; ~5% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1193
The first mod on the list! Absolutely essential one for myself and apparently for some others too.
Also the actual first mod of my own ever. I can't really recommend starting with something this complicated, I had zero ability to perceive the scope of the mod when I asked if @midgethetree was willing to help me through it. She deserves all the praise for doing it, I've realized later that I couldn't ever teach anyone the way she taught me. So, if you read this: thank you, Midge.
5) Rabbit pen default (August 2022)
9628 downloads (442 hearts; ~4,6% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1305
This was completely @deedee-sims' idea and project! I just hopped in (hah) to help. I'm only hosting it for practicality, as the BHAVs most often need updating, and those are by me.
6) Turn On/Off replacements (July 2021)
8644 downloads (388 hearts; ~4,5% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1470
This post has more notes than any other post of mine, yet it's not even nearly the most downloaded thing I've done. The two don't always go hand in hand.
I've also shared an updated version of these lately in a new post. It's unlikely they'll get the same amount of attention, which on paper doesn't make much sense since it's practically the same thing but done better. But I'm sure everyone knows that the hype and the quality don't always match.
7) Pixelry’s KKB fridge recolors (February 2022)
8147 downloads (329 hearts; ~4% of all downloaders) Post notes: 662
This is such an oddity on this list since it's the only recolor set and the post has fewer notes than the other ones, too. People just (secretly) really like cute fridges, apparently.
8) Crib teeth anim fix (August 2022)
6157 downloads (431 hearts; ~7% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1408
This list is already long enough, but I wanted to show how fast the number starts dropping at this point.
This got posted a day before the bunnies, and I find it funny to think that for about 3000 people it's more pressing to have bunnies in their game than fixing their toddlers dropping teeth while crying lol.
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No point in continuing the list forever, but among my most note-gaining Tumblr posts are also:
Puppy/kitten want replacements (October 2022, 1114 notes, 3849 downloads)
Improved biotech station (July 2022, 1110 notes, 3893 downloads)
Camera overhaul mod (January 2024, 1059 notes, 1752 downloads)
Newspaper default (March 2022, 970 notes, 5052 downloads)
While I don't have a real conclusion to offer, it's clear that notes don't always get realized to downloads, and likewise many people download without interacting with posts.
One more thing I'd like to point out is that the percentage of people who hit that SFS heart button seems pretty constant. I feel like it shows that some people just have that habit and some don't, and it's not likely directly related to how much they like the thing.
The amount of SFS hearts that crib teeth anim fix has gotten doesn't follow this pattern lol. It's really not common to see the percentage change even that much.
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alixinwwonderland · 2 years
Can I request a followup to that last one maybe??
First part here
Being with Midge is easy in all the ways Lenny never thought he'd get to have, and hard in all the ways he never thought he'd have to deal with.
On the one hand, quite possibly the biggest relief of his life is that adding romance (and sex. a lot of sex. really great sex) to their relationship hasn't actually changed it that much, and certainly hasn't ruined it. They still challenge each other and tease each other and banter with ease. Somehow, from the start, they just slid into each other's lives like they'd always been there, and the pressure he expects from Dating-with-a-capital-D just ... doesn't manifest.
That kind of stability also means that other things are easier than he ever thought he'd get to experience. It turns out that it's a hell of a lot easier to tackle a raging addiction and a headache-inducing legal quagmire when you've got people calm and on your side, willing to listen to you rant about free speech or sit patiently while you struggle to keep down a few spoonfuls of broth. And it's not even just Midge. It's Abe, always raring for a good rampage about free speech and injustice; it's Rose, elegant and tentative and much wiser in her advice than she gets credit for; it's Zelda, sitting with Lenny while Midge gets some food and rest. Hell, it's even Susie, who brings her own special brand of ferocity to wrangling the showbiz side of things when even his own manager is about ready to tap out from the stress.
But then there's the other stuff. Namely, one slick-haired schmuck of an ex-husband.
Now, as an ex-husband himself, Lenny understands a little about the breed. The frustration, the blame game, the guilt, the what-ifs, even the misplaced jealousy. He gives the man credit - he's doing his best to be a more active father to Ethan and Esther than Lenny managed to be during his post-divorce, mid-addiction years.
But Joel Maisel, well, he seems to have a knack for making pretty much everyone and everything around him worse. Lenny would find his floundering and lashing out amusing, if Joel didn't also have a knack for finding Midge's weak spots and drilling down on them in his more spiteful moments.
Which is why Lenny is strolling into the Button Club one evening, ignoring the stares of a few people who clearly recognize him, and sliding into a bar seat right across from the man himself.
"So, I hear I've been in your fantasies as of late," he opens with. He smirks behind his hand as Joel drops the glass he's holding and turns around with a sputter.
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
Lenny leans back, cigarette in hand, the picture of calm.
"Rumor has it, you've been running your mouth and imagining me sticking a needle in my arm 'til it's all over. Now, I'm very sorry to disappoint an audience, but the only sticking I'm doing these days involves a certain very funny brunette and-"
"OKAY!" Joel snaps, cutting him off. "Why are you even here? Defending Midge, playing the hero until she figures it all out? She's smart, you and I both know that. Smart enough to know when to cut and run from a mess," he adds disdainfully.
Lenny can't resist a joke served up so easily.
"Yes, she certainly has a history to draw on in that department," he comments. Joel's already-scowling face flushes, partly with anger and partly with embarassment at the realization that he set that one up himself.
"And no, in answer to your question. I'm not here to 'defend' Midge. She can do that herself, and it's not as if me saying anything would change your mind anyway."
"Then why are you here?" Joel demands. Lenny looks at him and thinks about all the things he's been through, all the things he's learned since Midge walked into his life, and how in a twisted way, he has the man in front of him to thank for it all.
"You and I are stuck with each other, possibly for a long time," he says. When Joel opens his mouth to retort, he just holds up a finger. "So, from one divorced dumbass to another. I get you're miserable, but stop trying to make everyone else miserable along with you. Otherwise you'll end up hating everyone, alienating your kids, and without any friends who give a damn beyond what you can do for them. And take it from me, that is a very, very unpleasant place to be."
"Why should I listen to you, huh?" Joel demands, but there's a flicker behind his eyes that tells Lenny the deeply un-marvelous Mr. Maisel might not be as stupid as history would suggest.
"Because I went from about as low as a man can go, to the kind of life I'd never even imagined," Lenny says, simply. "And if I can make that kind of leap, well, there's hope for anyone. Even you."
He walks out without another word.
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6: “ I lost the baby. ”
(Warning for talk of miscarriage. For context, read these first: 1. 2. 3.)
Lenny's first Weissman/Maisel family dinner as Midge's actual, real, honest-to-god boyfriend a week later is a tense one. She and Joel cannot seem to stop fighting, and it's spilled over to the dinner table.
"All I'm saying is that the brisket is a little dry," Joel says with a shrug. "It happens sometimes. You're not perfect."
"Seems perfect to me," Noah cuts in. "Never tasted better, sis."
"No, if it's dry then it's dry," Midge says, her voice short. "Sorry about that."
"It's really very good," Lenny assures her, resting a hand on her knee gently. "And you spent all day in that kitchen, you don't have anything to be sorry for."
Joel's soft snort draws Midge's attention back to him.
"What was that noise supposed to mean?" Rose asks, looking at Joel pointedly.
"Nothin," he says quietly.
"Son," Moishe warns.
"You know, maybe she does have some things to be sorry for," Joel blurts out.
"You want to do this here?" Midge asks in a raw voice.
"You don't have to do anything you don't want," Lenny says quickly.
"No, let's do this here," Joel says. "Let's get this out in the open."
"Joel, you've been on her case for a week straight," Noah points out, getting a little angry. "Knock it off before I - try and make you."
"If you don't succeed, I will," Abe says seriously. "This is my house-"
"Actually this is my house," Midge snaps. "And fine. If Joel wants...what? What is it you want, Joel? Absolution? Is that what you're after here? In front of the whole family?"
Joel says nothing.
Midge gets to her gets to her feet then, taking a deep breath and folding her arms over her abdomen. "Fine. Our marriage slowly dissolved because I lost the baby five years ago. Five years ago last week, in fact. Joel has been itching for me to take responsibility for the way things ended up, so here I am. Except that he had me believe that we had moved past the miscarriage. That getting pregnant again and having Esther had healed those wounds and that he was happy." She pauses. "I thought he was happy. I thought I was happy. I wasn't really happy. Happy enough, I suppose. But he's been telling me for a few weeks now that he cheated because of the miscarriage. That it...changed the way he looked at me. That he couldn't look at me the same way as before. Or at all, maybe." She looks at him. "Did you ever even look at me after that? Really look at me? Even when we had sex after we split up that one time, you didn't really...see me. Look at me."
"When did you have sex?" Shirley asks in shock.
"Good luck with her," Joel says to Lenny, before getting up to leave.
"This was what you wanted," Midge blurts out chasing him to the front door. "You wanted me to take ownership of this."
"And you still managed to blame me!"
"Because I can't get away from the fact that you're not innocent in all of this!" she yells back. "And I know that you want to be, but you're not! You cheated. You left, and it's not my fault that those choices keep following you around!"
"Well, maybe things would be easier if you'd died instead of that baby!" he snaps angrily.
They stare at each other for a long, intensely quiet moment.
"I didn't-" Joel starts. "I didn't mean-"
"Go home, Joel," Midge tells him in a flat tone.
"Go home," she nods, before turning away from him and heading back to the dining room, grabbing a bottle on her way as she keeps moving. "Enjoy the dry brisket everyone."
Lenny is up like a shot, but stops when he hears her bedroom slam shut.
"Shit," he mutters.
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