#i dont actually know some of the mods that theyve got
little-soldiers · 6 months
i tell myself im going to sleep in today and then i wake up at 4:30 in a cold sweat with a deep seated drive to make a mekanism to do list
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keibea · 11 months
Get to Know Me - Sims Style
i was tagged by @amuhav because she loves me and knows i love doing these things
what's your favourite sims death?
ngl i dont actually have one, im terrified of any of my babies dying so they never do...but i guess old age maybe? because that means theyve lived a long life and ive played with them for a long time?
alpha cc or mm?
alpha HANDS DOWN...i dont hate mm by any means dont get me wrong, but ill always be an alpha girl at heart. its the alpha hairs, they always get me.
do you cheat your sims weight?
only if it fits their character i guess? not usually in gameplay.
do you move objects
i move objects every single day.
fave mod?
ooofff i mean out of necessity? nraas. but just the one i love? hands down pose player. mostly because i was so excited when i finally got it to work (i was like 13 or something and before then i could not figure out how to get mods to work) so a lot of happy memories from finally getting my sims to pose.
first expansion/game pack/stuff pack?
my first ever was sims 2 glamour life stuff pack when i was a kid. if we're talking sims 3, i believe the first pack i got was generations, which is still my favourite sims pack ever.
do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
i pronounce it LIVE, always have as far as i know.
who's your favourite sim that you've made?
well, its gotta be elodie honestly. she and eli are the longest sims i have ever had and i love them both dearly. in the sims 4, its gotta be my girl pippa. before tumblr? i had this family called the moretti's, i miss them and i think about them way too often. i loved them all.
have you made a simself?
oh yeah. loads of times. i think ive shared my sims 3 and sims 4 variations on tumblr (but they look really weird tbh). i love making myself, cause then i can wear all these clothes i cant afford in real life.
favourite ea hair
im with aimee on this one.
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im mostly joking, but usually sims 3 hairs are a no go for me, except for some store ones and the hairs that are pulled back into buns always look really nice. for sims 4, only the newer ones. the older ones are not for me.
favourite life stage?
young adult. i feel like you can always do more with young adult sims and you have so much more time (except in sims 1 i believe?and sims 2 only if u went to uni?? idk). 90% of my sims are forever young adults because i love that life stage so much.
are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
mate ive been trying to build for donkeys years to no avail. so im almost always in it for the gameplay.
are you a cc creator?
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BAHAHAHA HA once upon a time bro maybe. your girl tries to be, but uni is a pain in my bottom, and sims 3 loves making my life difficult.
do you have any simblr friends or a sim squad?
somehow i do?? more friends then irl anyway. the girl gang is @thesimperiuscurse , @lazysunjade & @amuhav these 3 have put up with me despite my crazy personality for an incredibly amount of time and i love them all dearly. but i have so many friends on here its crazy (more than 3 people its incredible!). obviously they havent seen my real personality yet. besties include: @catharsim , @plumbobem , @johziii , @rollo-rolls , @moonsonnet , oh gosh im forgetting people I AM SO SORRY I LOVE U ALL SO MUCH
do you have any sims merch?
bro i wish, but no money. spent it all on anno 1800. no regrets.
do you have a youtube for sims?
i believe formally i do, but i dont post anything. i do have some ideas if i ever wanted to, but my adhd brain couldnt cope being consistent so i probably never will.
how has your "sims style" changed throughout your years of playing?
as in sims or gameplay? idk ill talk about both. gameplay wise, not much, except im weirdly a lot more controlling then i was over my sims WHOOPS. but i still cant get passed gen 2 so that hasn't changed. but i still prefer family gameplay, probably always will. and challenges, always challenges. sims wise? a lot.
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this is one of the earliest sims i have photo evidence of. this was in 2018 i believe?
whose your favourite cc creator?
the people that are the cause of most of my cc obsession are @kerriganhouse , @rollo-rolls , @johziii , @joojconverts & @martassimsbookcc and probably a few more but mind blank
how long have u had simblr?
since 2020. one of the longest things ive ever committed to.
how do you edit your pictures?
with my blood, sweat and tears. im not joking, a lot of sweat and tears goes on when im editing.
what expansion/gamepack is your faveourite?
of all time? generations, no doubt in my mind. i never had any sims 1 or sims 2 expansions, so i never got to experience those unfortunately. generations was perfection though. i mean, boarding school? lifesaver. also led to the best sims series of all time: lifesimmer's generations. for sims 4 though? probably get together, purely because of the world.
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sleepii-moth · 2 years
there’s issues with the outer wilds discord server? I haven’t used discord in a while so that’s news to me. if you want to create a new server for it, that’s prob for the best!! imagine all the cute emotes that could be made;;; ough now you’ve got Me wanting to do that SHDHDJ
yeah i can basically sum the majority of the issues up in 3 points:
someone said something shitty and multiple people called them out for it being shitty, a mod just said "well ignore x theyre just like that", said person got no repercussions as far as i could tell
one moderator i know of has constantly been rude to anyone mentioning something theyve done or added to the server that people didnt like, theyve responded to criticisms of their modding abilities with "have you ever even modded in a big server before" and "well no one likes over moderation" (when they barely moderate anyway)
its generally just organized badly imo, they have this shit split up by like. level of spoiler??? and not type of channel?? and even then they dont have private categories for the spoiler stuff so anyone can just go see them it doesnt matter if you have a role that says you can see spoilers or not. they also insist on making so many channels be threads instead of channels when thats literally not what threads are for then ppl complain when ppl dont use the threads even though threads are incredibly hidden half the time when you're not looking for them
and yeah. theres more.. i just come from servers with very heavy moderation- and surprise! all of those servers arent horrible because people who dont follow rules actually get banned, and people actually repsect the mods
also yeah! id love to make a bunch of emotes to start the server off with and stuff :) i think my main problem rn is that i dont have anyone other than me to moderate- even if its just a 20 person server id still need some help, and also just in general i want to think about it for a bit so its not just like an impulsive decision
if i do decide to do it though id probably stick a post in the tag asking ppl if their interested before making it
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mejomonster · 3 months
So far about halfway through ff7 rebirth. My biggest thoughts so far are:
While i get that FF7 Remake was trying to do something unique. And because of its choices it make Remake and Rebirth SEQUELS to the original ff7. The actual design of the game I really dislike, specifically how many hours long tine wasting dungeon areas there are. The plot changes? Fine. I know everyone just wanted a remaster, me included cause I just wanted pretty normal ps1 ff8 or ff9 or better proportion models with voices so Id hear cloud say mosey and ride a dolphin. I think making these new ones sequels does give them the freedom to say "well since its not the original plot, but a sequel, if you dont like changes then your original ff7 is still the original plot in the first timeline." And i honestly think it gave them the excuse to say Ever Crisis phone game is the actual ff7 original remaster (except its not, because its in installments, its too linited hardware wise to do the regular mini games, and its a lose lose for anyone who wanted just a plain remaster with voices... i guess theres always mods).
But anyway. The bulk of ff7 Remake is mostly like the ff7 original, just a sequel so its got a few wild changes pretty common to the ff7 expanded universe like Crisis Cores addition of Angeal and Genesis. The only sucky part of it to me is it felt like it needed to be a 20 hour game, not a 40 hour one. I did not need to be in midgar that long. More importantly the dungeons felt bloated. I think they were trying to prove they needed multiple games so they made Midgar too long, or thought ppl would be mad if it was a 20 hour game. I qouldnt have been mad. But because it does have bloated dungeon segments i may never play it again. Its redeeming feature is the chapter select at the end, so i can redo certain parts i liked and skip a ton of annoying time wasting chunks.
Is ff7 remake worth playing? Sure. Especially if you liked or played Crisis Core or Dirge of Cerberus and are used to the ff7 sequels kind of flavor. And if you loved ff7 original, it is cool seeing some moments re-realized and some expanded on in nice ways. But if you dont like feeling time wasted, it may irk you at some points. If pacing is as big a deal to you as it is for me, this may be a grating issue.
Ff7 Rebirth though? Im about halfway through and i love it. I get why this chunk took until ps5 to come out. I dont like that it took so long sure. But i get the GOAL they had with this game, and they met the goal. I see everything the gane team learned from making kingdom hearts active combat, from open world in ff15 and kingdom hearts, in perfecting active combat with a slowdown to select actions (kh never slows down). I see an open world vastly busy and realistic sized while small enough it feels comparable to other great open world playstation games, levels/cities being 1-2 hours long like typical worlds/levels/cities in other games. So in short: Rebirth is NOT bloated. Its paced MUCH better. Its the best attempt ive seen square enix do of open world (but naybe ff16 is better as i need to play that too). The chocobos, boat, airplane, climbing, grappling hook, all do aa much as the ff7 ps1 in terms of FULL open world exploration, except the world is way richer now and its as fluid as modern games (like ghost of tsushima, tomb raider, kh3) to explore. Knowing how much SE struggled to develop jumping or open world basic lol, this is eons more than theyve ever been able to do before. And Rebirth doesnt fucking glitch! I played Fallout 4 open world and would save in fear constabtly cause i could get stuck walking in the ground or risking trying to climb a hill. In Rebirth ive went right into all kinds of weird terrain with cloud and many vehicles and havent gotten stuck OR glitched once. The whole game hasnt glitched once. It plays phenomenal. So the whole combat system is great, modern while still having more turn based action control than Kingdom Hearts and ability to control each party member uniquely, its open world is well paced and rich and fun and easy to maneuver, AND the game kept and increased the mini games! And the side missions are all integrated into building party member relationships so even boring missions have some nice relationship building moments at least. Meaning you can do side stuff you like, skip others. The game is very fast paced if you stick to main story. And its fun to sink into the world and side stories if u go off playing around. Rebirth feels like a phenomenal execution so far of what they really WANTED a final fantasy 7 redone to be like. Its clear during Remake they didnt know how to do full open world yet (or just wanted to pad with dungeons so much it felt so closed and forced often, i just HATE Remakes pacing tbh). In Rebirth it feels great. Its fun just exploring the world i remember from ps1 tbh. To drive in the desert, fly by cosmo canyon on the chocobo, boat into the ocean and fuck around.
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cripple-cat · 2 years
Maya Headcanons Because I Feel Like It
her favorite foods are some of the nastiest combinations of things that she doesnt seem to understand should absolutely never go together like sardines and peanut butter but no one can convince her its gross
she is only content to wear dresses if she doesnt have to wear fancy shoes with them
she carries a traumatic pride in her siren tattoos and abilities because of her upbringing that she doesnt hide but will never talk about willingly
she plays the dumbest echo games to pass the time
she says cringe culture is dead and never judges anyone else for the things they enjoy but also calls herself cringe
she adopted a spiderling once and promptly forgot about it and didnt remember until she accidentally fast travelled to sanctuary with it and it started freaking out about being fast travelled
she carries a set of photos in her holo deck that no one is allowed to see and everyone assumes are sentimental in some way, when they are, in fact, just tiny inspirational kitten photos
she once grabbed zer0s hand because theyre friends why wouldnt she hold hands with her friends and they stared at her for too long and then stared at their hands for too long and stared at the ground for too long and it got really awkward and zer0 said "Well, this is awkward/Do I have enough fingers?/I am uncertain." and it got too awkward to keep holding hands but it was also too awkward to stop so she just stood there until they let go to go do something else
following that incident zer0 did give her a very awkward and unnecessary apology gift in the form of a cool class mod they found that they covered in sticky notes with doodles on them
which sparked an ongoing gift trade every once in a while where they just give each other cool shit covered in sticky note doodles
they both keep all the sticky note art
she and krieg make friendship bracelets with tina on their downtime
she learned all her friendship bracelet skills from krieg but everyone thinks tina taught her all these intricate weaving techniques
krieg does anything she asks so she asks him to tell her when he doesnt want to do what shes asking because she knows what it feels like to do what you dont want to for someone else no matter how bad it is and she thinks its very cute in a very sad way when sometimes hell violently shake his head when she tries to give him a friendly pat on his arm and will give him the space he wants until he makes it explicitly clear hes okay with touch
tina invited her and krieg and zer0 to a dress up tea party but krieg and zer0 had nothing "fancy" to wear so she haphazardly stitched a dress out of salvaged bandit shirts for krieg and gave zer0 a sundress shed saved and kept from somewhere and both of them loved their new outfits so much that they didnt take them off for weeks
sometimes she drinks with axton and sometimes she just hangs out with him while hes drinking and they gush about hot people and sexy guns and inspirational kitten posters
he sends her memes and asks for judgment on his bad flirting
shes not as close with salvador but they still find time to rage over uno every couple weeks and its the best bonding experience theyve had with each other so far
she and gaige get up to hijinks like its nobodys business, which it isnt
maya actually LOVES pranking people and gaige is one of the best people to do that with
they bond over growing up in more "civilized" places and learning that they like life on pandora much better even if the healthcare is some shady unlicensed guy with big needles and food isnt usually that good and they slaughter on a regular basis
she comes home living her life the way she wants to with people she loves and trusts and is content knowing that she doesnt know what tomorrow brings but she has a family now and even if theyre gone one day or shes gone someday theyll always have had this, even just for a little while
i spent so long writing this and i need to go to bed i just needed to talk about her i love her so much
ill probably make more of these for everybody
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luwupercal · 3 years
the primarchs and the videogame i want to see them stream on twitch.tv
lion eljonson: dark souls 1
fulgrim: literally fucking anything with ferrus but i kinda want to see him play crusader kings 3. im a moderator on his twitch chat and discord server
perturabo: i want to watch him dead-eyedly nail the hardest rhythm heaven remix theyve got on tap and not even acknowledge the 600 dollar donations he gets w the entire chat going pogchamp. i also want him to react to jerma rat movie live
khan: not quite a videogame but recently i caught a cr1tikal stream where the guy just kinda watched internet historian videos about PR disasters and came out of them rooting for some guy who was an absolute chad and i think khan would be extremely fucking fun at this
leman russ: nier automata. cant explain it i just think hed enjoy moderately weeby videogames of that tier. he does like that stream matpat did of earthbound calling it “undertale zero!!!” but its with drakengard and he keeps making the chucky cheese eye stare face whenever the heroes talk about eating babies or whatever
rogal dorn: [looks you dead in the eye] kerbal space program. i’d be down to watch him play getting over it also but i think the stream would end up with a nc17 rating. if you dont understand this joke dont worry about it
(bonus: i want rogal dorn and perturabo to be forced to play mystery visual novels together. ace attorney, the 999 series and danganronpa specifically. in that order. i want dorn to react stone facedly to nagito komaeda)
konrad curze: Pathologic (Russian: Мор. Утопия, tr. Mor. Utopiya, IPA: [ˈmor ‖ ʊˈtopʲɪjə], lit. 'Pestilence. Utopia') is a 2005 role-playing and survival game developed by Russian studio Ice-Pick Lodge. The game was released in Russia by Buka Entertainment in June 2005, followed by a localised English release from G2 Games in 2006. An updated version, Pathologic Classic HD, was developed by General Arcade, published by Gambitious Digital Entertainment, and released in October 2015. A remake was developed by Ice-Pick Lodge using the Unity game engine and released as Pathologic 2 in May 2019 by tinyBuild.
sanguinius: any multiplayer videogame as a salty healer
ferrus manus: there are so many videogames i want to see ferrus manus play but the thing i most, in all my life, want to watch him do live on twitch.tv is browse the skyrim nexus female companions tag. alternatively i want him to play pathologic with konrad or mario party with fulgrim. fuck i actually kinda want to watch him play pathologic by himself. or Loop Hero. goddamnit. i want to watch him play bideo games. i also want him and fulgrim to do a Monster Factory type series and/or play increasingly godawfully-modded skyrim
angron: aminal crossimg... pleese... he gets raymond as a starter villager. hes always threatening him with an axe but then goes ha ha ha just kidding
mortarion: i am genuinely blanking on what mortarion could stream on twitch tv but i know in my heart of hearts hes an envtuber which is what really matters
magnus: league of legends with voice chat on that slowly turns into political debate. gacha whales live. 5D chess with multiverse time travel speedrunner
horus: he only plays shooters and its usually the flavor of the day like... apex legends type stuff, dips into fortnite/pubg type battle royales and valorant/overwatch type hero shooters, got his start on tf2. but hes got this miniseries where he plays slime rancher and its the funniest shit ever
lorgar: disco elysium (to watch the world burn), fallout 1, planescape torment, a bunch of visual novels like just throw higurashi at his face and go, maybe even put him in the pathologic squad, mother 3... i also want him to play mario party w Leman and Magnus because again watching the world burn
vulkan & corvus corax: they have an SMP server and their channels are genuinely extremely underrated. they have a running gag about treating dream the minecraft guy as their esteemed colleague but in reality corvus is starting to crave spilling his blood a little. corvus moonlights as an envtuber and vulkan does the best irl streams youve ever seen
alpharius: paint drying
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
not kin with any wrestler, but most wrestlers especially those who perform on TV are often personas or characters being played, with scripted or planned scenes, storylines, and plots. even if a wrestler goes by their real name, more likely than not theyve got a gimmick or fake personality that they're presenting through and its not 100% themselves, its definitely more akin to YTer's sonas than kinning an existing person as they are
1337n00b said: Mark Calloway is not actually an undead goth that can summon lightning bolts, anon. They are playing characters
God I wish they were real tho!!
seethingballofhatred said: I dont know shit about wwe wrestling but I still know that they are all characters doing a performance fight for entertainment. None of it is real
fr33p0 said: afaik WWE is scripted with fictional characters that have fictional interpersonal relationships, the wrestler characters =/= the actual people playing them, theyre just actors
[the above replies from this post: https://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/post/627534757785485312/ ]
Yeah, I heard about the keyfabe thing? So like it's like a soap opera except with table smashing and more sweat involved! Also funny costumes! Also it's kinda funny that, I guess? Legally they are fictional characters! Because of that whole 'Hulk Hogan' thing, I mean!
Though sometimes I'm not entirely sure which wrestler is genuinely wrestling professionally without a fictional persona! That is, under a stage name that was made to protect their identity because some fans can be inappropriate!
So to answer the curious cats: WWEkin are akin [ha!] to youtuber's fictional persona's! But there might be some wrestlers who aren't using fictional identities? It's complicated!
Thank you to everyone who responded! I’m very happy we can work this out together!
Mod Party Cat!
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 years
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oohohoho you just opened the deepest can of worms on the planet
-mod dave, who wrote a fucking ten mile essay
first off, addressing the second anon, no theyre all humans. h., half humans at least. cause yall know me i fucking love my humanstuck aus off my ASS
(that would be funny as hell though. a troll from space walking into a camp on earth going “I AM THE SON OF ONE OF YOUR EARTH GODS. BITCH” like... holy shit)
so first things first their parents. im gonna lay this out, the beta kids and trolls are all greek (EXCEPT sollux hes roman cause his parent has no greek equivalent), and all the alpha kids and trolls are those gods roman equivalents (,,EXCEPT dirk cause he kinda balances sollux being roman out). i havent figured out how thatd happen like 16+ times yet cause in the percy jackson books theres only ever been one instance of two siblings of the same godly descent being greek and roman respectively in HISTORY so like.. i guess th. i guess thats just not a problem in this au
anyway this gets really long so im gonna talk about the beta kids and trolls cause i havent elaborated on the alphas at all ((peep the tags if you wanna see their parents though))
johns the son of zeus, rose is the daughter of athena, dave is the son of apollo, and jade is the daughter of demeter. they were all raised in their respective states, all had to come to new york for various reasons. jades been there the longest, shes been there 9 years and shes been on a couple quests. her biggest accomplishment so far is how she protected the camp from this big vicious angry hellhound that got past the barrier. naturally the girls fluent in Dog Training, so she steps up and instead of trying to kill this thing, she reaches out and tames it as fast as she can. it ends up actually working, and ever since that day she, her cabin, and the camp have a whole bodyguard sleeping right outside the demeter cabin! hes her steed in battle and hes a Very Good Boy. and his name is becquerel
johns the newest kid at camp, he has no idea who he is or why the fuck his school got attacked or why in the hell those anemoi thuellai were so fixated on him or HOW in the hell he absorbed the lightning one threw at him and ended up fine,,, hes just a big mess right now. a big enough mess that when he got claimed by literally zeus, no one else was around, he shrugged it off as some basic magical happening, and he stayed in the hermes cabin far longer than he should have cause no one! fucking knew he got claimed! by zeus of all people! dumbass. he ends up figuring it out though. like an off-hand mention about how this “weird lightning thing appeared above my head a couple weeks ago, haha weird right?” once he figures it out he realizes “hey i might be able to fly” so he sneaks off into the woods to try it. he succeeds fairly quickly but god almighty everyones face the one day the dude just yote himself off a small cliff without warning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
dave and rose are really tight, theyve been there roughly the same time length, and since their cabins are across from each other they just bother each other all the time. daves the resident Doctor even though he really doesnt look it cause hes got the apollo powers. apollo is the medicine god. so if you wound your stupid ass in battle daves in the ER room patching you up with his glowy hands. rose on the other hand is a very good strategist. shes one of the only athena kids ever recorded to actually have a power - telekinesis. she has no idea how she developed it, she thinks its from birth, but it freaks her out. shes training it though.
so the beta trolls, are also all human(ish). aradias hades kid. but i pulled a pjo trope on her based on one of my favorite characters (im not saying for spoilers, but if you recognize the situation, You Probably Know Who Its Based Off) and aradia died. her mom, the handmaid, had been pulling some Shady Ass Shit and ended up getting herself killed, but aradia tried saving her and ended up going down with her.
so handmaid gets sentenced to the fields of punishment in the underworld, and aradia gets sentenced to elysium, heroes paradise. shes like “no i want my mom to be okay” so they take that away from aradia and they put them both in the fields of asphodel, the neverending grey space for Not So Good But Not So Bad people. her mom becomes a shade (shadow spirit, no human resemblance), as all people do, but aradia. doesnt? and she gets dunked in the fucking river lethe and if you dont know what that does it erases your memory. so she just. comes out of the river like “hello? wgat tae fukc goin on??” but she still remembers one thing. there was an “a” in her name.
tavros is the son of hermes, hes just kinda taken on the role of backup counselor for when the actual cabin counselor is out. hes in a wheelchair, but he also has prosthetic legs for when he needs to actually stand up and fight. hes really good at it too. also catch him in winged converse cause he Owns Those and Uses Them To His Advantage. hes trying his best to keep focused on the camp, cause aradia was his childhood friend, he misses her a whole lot, she never got to camp in the first place. and to his knowledge, shes still dead.
sollux is a janus kid. thats a problem cause janus is roman, and this is a greek camp. he grew up with dave, he showed up with dave, hes been at camp as long as dave. but hes been unclaimed since he showed up so he thinks hes unwanted by whatever parent he has. he knows hes a demigod, he got through the camp barriers, so what the fuck is wrong with him? he also feels shitty cause hes shit at the greek lessons, he cant read a lick of it which literally every demigod without exception should be able to do, he cant name any gods- well, he can, but.. he gets their names mixed up. why does he keep calling poseidon “neptune”? and he has a much, much different way of natural fighting than other kids. they slice, he jabs. he wasnt taught to jab. 
karkat is an aphrodite kid with vitiligo, and to make matters worse, hes ace and on the aro spectrum. to make matters WORSE, the aphrodite kids are kinda notorious for being really shallow, really materialistic, and really mean. karkats been dubbed the “runt” of the cabin, he gets made fun of for his spots to the point where he uses make up and magic to conceal them. worst of all? hes the kid of the goddess of love, for fucks sake. being reminded that “loveless people shouldnt be able to stay in this cabin, mom must have made a mistake claiming you” is kind of.. a blow to the self esteem. long story short he hates aphrodite for claiming him, and would have rather stayed in the hermes cabin. but he eventually goes on this big quest thats vague as fuck right now but Its The Main Plot, he ends up proving to himself that hes worth something and that his siblings are wrong, and my FAVORITE LINE IN THE WHOLE THING i came up with is HIS when he deals a final blow to some big monster: “REMEMBER MY FACE THE NEXT TIME YOU REINCARNATE. MY NAME IS KARKAT VANTAS, I’M THE SON OF APHRODITE, AND LOOKS CAN KILL.”
nepeta isnt anywhere near developed as others are unfortunately, shes a daughter of ares and shes really really good at hand to hand combat. shes small but she leads groups of people in things ranging from camp volleyball games to actual literal wars. shes a tough little shit
kanaya isnt really developed either, i have yet to figure out most of her powers too actually, shes a daughter of iris, the rainbow goddess though. (blatant reference to both kanayas vampirism and. h. her. sh. es ga. gay) ONE THING SHE CAN DO THOUGH is iris message at will without water or drachmas so really shes just everyones go to cell phone and its fucking hilarious cause people just come into the cabin like “KANAYA I NEED TO TALK TO [X]” and shes like “You Better Fucking Pay Me I Am Not Your Personal Cell Phone”
terezi is the daughter of nemesis and she has this really peculiar power she hasnt really gotten the hang of yet. she has synesthesia, so while she cant see she can smell and taste the colors of her surroundings and its really helpful. sometimes though she gets messages from her mom. they dont even come as dreams half the time, they come as almost a different plane altogether. tez has the power to literally tip the scales, pretty much. and when she gets like that, she can see. shes not on earth though, shit on earth stops when shes like that. shes just kinda In Her Own Head, i guess? and in her head she holds the two scales in her hands. she is the arms of the scale. and depending on which one she lifts up, she can literally alter the fate of the battle or happening thats going on By Herself. once she chooses she just whooshes back to real life though and nothing has changed. the only downside? it takes a LOT of energy and cant be exploited for little things. her one thing on her bucket list is to tap into said powers while getting something from a vending machine so like three things will fall out but it hasnt happened yet and shes upset
vriskas a daughter of tyche, the luck goddess, come the fuck on you knew i was gonna, i havent really elaborated on her either and im upset about that. but hey now you get a break from all those fucking paragraphs
equius is a hephaestus kid, and he kinda stays in the background. hes a range fighter, he spends a lot of time in the forge, and even though its been a project looooong since forgotten, hes been excavating the tunnels under cabin nine for years. by himself. he has no idea where they lead, but dammit hes gonna find out where. he has no idea about a certain bunker in the woods though...
gamzees just there for a fucking laugh tbh hes a son of dionysus and i love that cause hes the god of wine and parties and insanity. usually gamzees just zoning out somewhere hes Not supposed to be, and hes not affected by the maenads FUCKED UP BULLSHIT that goes down the forest sometimes. also hes so fucking scared of tavroses wing shoes he tried them on once while he was high and JESUS CHRIST
eridan is the son of kymopoleia, a SUPER obscure goddess. lets just say dont fuck with eridan cause his mom is the goddess of violent sea storms,
and naturally, feferi is the daughter of poseidon. cause who the FUCK else would she be the daughter of. WHO. NAME ONE GOD
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apothecarywormcrud · 4 years
7, 10, 11 for the s/i asks 💙
7. Give us 3 random facts abt your s/i!
oh it is real prouss hours now 
avatar of the corruption who was originally just a simple artist living out in the countryside with their bees, which they cared about more than anything else, pretty much. corruption started slowly exerting its influence over them, whispering sweet nothings, etc. p. easy to do considering that the bees already loved prouss back. the tipping point was when it orchestrated the burning of the hives via jude perry, and prouss, in their desperation, gave into it completely in order to save their bees. so now a bunch of bees live in their chest cavity nd theyve got bits of hive all up nd over em. sometimes a bee crawls out of their mouth. its fine. they’re fine.
makes candles outta their own beeswax nd sells em on etsy or some shit cuz like. th fuck else are u gonna do with it. 
this isn’t about prouss per se but did you know bees can get dysentery cuz i sure didnt 
10. How many s/i’s do you have? Do you use the same s/i for multiple f/os or make completely different ones?
if we’re talking like. named ones that i’ve actually developed i think it’s like. 8 or 9? generally I have one self-insert per Thing and if i happen to like multiple bastards from it i find a way to make it work. the exceptions to this are when i have extra character concepts i wanna play around with but dont wanna relegate them to a straight-up OC. so far i think this has only happened with bleach, which has netted me two inserts (one is a mod-soul created by mayuri who’s heavily aligned with karakura town and the arrancar, the other is a shinigami and squad 11 member) and two OCs, one of which started out as a self-insert but then OC no. 2 made her entrance nd i was like oh theyre in lesbians actually. 
11. Does you s/i have one outfit they’re always seen in or multiple?
i think masato might be the only one ive actually drawn in other outfits lmao. er. my naruto insert also has a couple variations but those are mostly just associated w/ the passage of time bc nobody in anime ever changes their fucking clothes. kabuto yakushi has worn the same shitty jumpsuit for 7 slutty slutty years. 
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g0dtier · 5 years
leftist tumblr/twitter really needs to chill with the outrage directed at other leftists and check facts and shit. like take leftist youtubers for example
hbomberguy got a callout posted about him that contained like 3 images of an incomplete chat log which accused him of being a rape apologist and over the years the story just turned into “hbomb is a rapist”
and like the whole story is convoluted as shit because i just went on like an hour long deep dive trying to find all the deleted pics and logs and posts and i did! and what i found was so underwhelming and weird but what it comes down to is this
this person accused a friend of hbomb without proof and conflicting messages of something heinous, 5 years after the fact apparently happened, was met with understanding but questions about clarification or proof which they could have easily given which they said so themselves but actively decided not to, said they “didnt want to blow this wide open” and then posted their callout to every single leftist and gaming subreddit they could find, raged about hbomb not linking to their callout in his apology, and then deleted their tumblr, the callout they wanted people to read so desperately and all the screenshots with it and now the facts (which were barely there) have become so convoluted that a bunch of people think hbomb is actually a rapist or smth
if u are into drama and wanna know other shit heres like, what i put together from all the shit i found
like it starts with skype chat logs in the middle of a conversation, u know a convo has been held about this before but the logs arent there for some reason, K didnt decide to post the first conversation about these accusations for some reason and this is kinda important cause later on K does something else weird with the chat logs
K accused Hbomb’s friend PL of being a rapist and sending them rapey messages 5 years before these call logs
K continued to work with Hbomb knowing PL and Hbomb were friends for 5 years before deciding to accuse out of the blue
without proof because their computer died, even though skype chat logs can easily be recovered even on a new computer and they said they had proof and logs they got from other people about PL’s behavior yet refused to show them to anyone or post them in the callout
chat logs start off with Hbomb asking about the situation but that they dont have to talk if K doesnt want to and K immediately going into a rant about how they rely on Hbomb to not become homeless and how their former rapist now has kids 
this is like a really weird thing to start off a convo with. if ur friend is like “hey if you want to, you can talk to me about this rape accusation” and u immediately reply with “lol yea anyway the person who abused me as a child has kids now and no one will believe me when i talk about him and also if you dont believe me and i get shit for this accusation i WILL be homeless” thats like. some heavy emotional manipulation to start off a convo with. anyway the accusation is this
K accuses PL of threatening to rape them 5 years ago, K and PL were wanting to meet up but PL made rapey comments and K, according to the callout post, didnt show for the meeting
Hbomb says he has some trouble with this because he absolutely wants to believe and support K and asks what he can do for them, but also mentions how theyve talked about PL for years and that there never was anything like this mentioned and that this accusation is sort of coming out of the blue. he also mentions, which is kinda important, that K told him after the original meetup was cancelled that they were afraid PL actually cancelled the meetup because he lost interest in K. Which doesnt correlate at all with what K claims and seems like something they should clear up right
anyway hbomb is like completely chill and supportive during this entire conversation and mentions how he feels like garbage over not being able to believe K out of the blue, which is 100% fucking reasonable considering the situation where K actually apparently felt sad about the meetup not continuing, everything being fine for 5 years, and then accusing PL out of the blue without any proof while also prefacing it with a “if u dont believe me i will be homeless”. like thats 100% just a fucking reasonable reaction lmfao. 
so u imagine there’s gonna be some clearup about everything being fine for 5 years and what hbomb said about K confiding in him all those years ago that they thought PL cancelled the meeting because they didnt like them, right?
wrong because the next logs are the only chat logs of that conversation where a bunch of K’s reply is completely cut off. Like K decided posting these logs was important but deliberately decided to cut out a bunch of their own reply after being asked in the most non-confrontational way fucking ever for some 100% reasonable clarification on their accusations. like they have multiple screenshots which show the chat continuing exactly from the last screenshot by including the last thing said on the former screenshot but they did decide that the last screenshot should start halfway through their last message to hbomb
K then decides to not go after PL at all but make a huge ass callout about hbomb instead for not believing them. like the callout isnt even “hey PL made rapey comments at me” the callout is “hbomb didnt believe me when i told him this”
after this a couple things happened
K spread the callout everywhere they could because they wanted everyone to know about this and they recieved tons of support
they posted some out of context screenshots of hbomb replying to unknown messages and his replies may or may not be about this incident, no one knows because theyre completely vague without earlier context which again wasnt included
they also posted stuff about his mods defending him when all the mod (singular) in question says is to take up comments about this with hbomb himself bc discussing public callouts and dragging people has been prohibited since way before this thing happened and it makes people uncomfortable to discuss new and vague situations like this in the public server instead of in PMs which is like. logical
then they claim that (again no proof) they heard through the grapevine from someone else that hbomb had been dragging K in voice chat and calling them a crazy bitch or something like that which makes zero fucking sense because boasting in a public voice chat on a server where people are already trying to drag you about how someone who made a callout post is a crazy bitch, with your own voice, which can easily be recorded and is way harder to accuse of being faked is actually a 0 brain cell move and while i dont know hbomb personally i dont think anyone would actually be that fucking stupid
Hbomb wrote an apology and K accused him of copying it from an ask they got about what an apology should be like which is like really fucking weird because nothing in the apology even remotely resembles what they asked for so its like aight
after hbomb was thoroughly dragged through the mud because K spread the callout everywhere they could and got mad at hbomb for not including a link to their callout in his original apology and then, right after the fucking apology and they got all the traction they really tried to get they just...deleted their tumblr and all the archives and screenshots lmfao
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mikiruma · 5 years
okay i'm snapping what the hell is saints row about. who's the dude with the giant titties you keep thirsting over and who's the mcdonalds emo. i need some answers bc i don't know shit.
ill edit this w a readmore bc it got Very wordy and im on mobile but i promise you. this series is a mess, i live for it, i could go ON abt it for days but this response was long enough fhwkfhejhfnd
1) so basically the premise in most of the games is like. you are a member (leader as of sr2) of a street gang (the third street saints!) and though the story is tweaked slightly for each installment, the overall goal is the same- control different neighborhoods in your city, squash the other gangs, be badass. i *call* it a grand theft auto clone but tbh i havent played gta, the gameplay's similar enough though. the first two games are more uhh... grounded? than the later 3? the plotlines are darker, deaths & events are more fucked up in a heavier/moral sense, etc etc. but the last 3 are way more silly i think. the entire series is kinda packed with crude/sexual humour and essentially responding to a punch with a flamethrower, but it goes over the top in the newer games which is.. why i always liked em lol.
but its just funny in general to think of the plot progression. oh i witness a gang war so im recruited in a gang whose current leader... wants to end gang violence. oh that leader tried to kill me and arrested/killed everyone else so i am going to go apeshit on this city until i find him and kill him back. oh somehow we are international celebrities and do crime as publicity stunts, i am gonna ask mayor burt reynolds to help us with this zombie invasion. oh now i am president of the united states, time to get the earth blown up by an alien warlord and do it with whats left of my gang every survivor plus an ai in a ball.
ive seen Some Shit abt the general timeline but tbh ive always tried to piece it together like. ok these games take place in/around whatever year they were released. besides sr4 which would be... 2019 if my math is correct? i just felt like mentioning that bc i am not touching any canon timeline
OH ALSO the main reason i even got into the series. i literally bought sr3 because of the character customization. the body mods could.... use a lot of work imo but what you can do for your protags face is BANANAS... and changing voice pitch in sr4 was fun too bc male 1 was ok for my boss but having it just a teensy bit higher REALLY made it
tldr; i cant help you there i am just along for this ride
2) im assuming you mean johnny gat not bc theres any competition but like. theres so many dudes like that in this game
his role is actually pretty consistent in that he stays a lieutenant, and hes one of the rare characters (besides. the protag i think?) who's been in every single game. he's the designated badass of the saints and is really good at coming up with plans that involve lots of guns or blowing stuff up. if i typed everything i liked abt him right now this post would be a mile long but trust me he is an excellent man, even tho he might be the scariest motherfucker ever and i probably would be afraid of him irl, he fully deserves that. hes loyal to the saints and his boss which i absolutely respect. still bitter abt sr3 "killing" him bc cmon. he cannot die. does that count in the spoiler? its the literal first mission after u customize your character so i dont think so// whatever ive been posting untagged spoilers for the other games bc theyve been out for a decade
3) IM STILL LOSING MY MIND OVER THAT SJSDHADDHSI mcdonalds emo.... thats his legal name now....
but seriously matt miller is like. one of my fav characters from sr3. he's the leader of one of the rival gangs, the deckers, and they specialize in hacking & money laundering and stuff like that. matt specifically is 16 in his debut game which is really funny to learn bc imagine being a ballsy ass kid repeatedly nae naeing the us government because you can.
anyway i like him bc instead of killing the other gang leaders like usual, u just fight him in a vr world and ur both sick ass dragons and he decides "actually i dont wanna go brain dead. ill give u either weapons or car discounts" then he fucks off back to england. then it lets him come back for sr4 and yall are friends now :D yes yall tried to kill each other but whats past is past. i would be his friend irl honestly hes great. also im still firm on the autistic matt train bc of how often he shares his love for nyte blayde & im WEAK over the boss eventually getting into it as well
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cherryphobe · 5 years
Hey I tried to Google but nothing came up -- what's up w gaudiest-patronuses and fish blog
sorry this is late! GP made a really fucking tactless post trying to be ‘woke’ abt finding minors attractive but then treating them like precious cinnamon rolls when finding out theyre minors, it was also made aware that they let minors draw nsfw of their weird icon thing, like just general bad vibes tbh
& tbh i actually dont know if fish blog actually did anything awful themselves that they didnt already publicly apologize for. some ppl were saying they defended pedophilia being a kink on their discord server but ive never seen direct screenshots of it & they made a post to address it saying theyd Never support maps & are working on getting new mods for their server. however they did once make a pretty tasteless post abt lesbians being scary/aggressive & iirc theyre a man, but theyve since apologized for it, admitting it was thoughtless & inappropriate.
fish does just rub me the wrong way but ive got nothing personal against them. however fucking terrifying pink icon kid is 100% concerning
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i think an indication of the light (i.e. the talented writers.......) leaving the da series is that like origins is, in a lot of ways, a type of game i’m not usually into. i hate the way everything looks, i hate a lot of the mechanics, i have adhd and the idea of reading all that warden dialogue makes me want to take a nap and usually would really break illusion for me but i loved the game and i got so attached to my surana...i played through it twice with her to explore different options and romance leliana and zevran, and then when i got it on pc i made the same character, because i couldn’t think of playing it without her tbh, and modded the game to romance morrigan like i’d always dreamed of lmao. bioware made me create and live through this character and go through an expirience that for me, always culminated in a dramatic, fitting, emotional sacrifice. i am still touched by the story of my surana, who finally went out into the world and really got to know it and make friends in it for a short time, and then ultimately made the decision to die protecting it. nowadays i dont remember like..anything abt it except for the characters, but thats msotly because it got way overshadowed in my heart by 2
dragon age 2 is a rushed and broken piece of shti with half its story missing. i’ve probably played it all the way through about 9 or 10 times?? i made a bunch of different characters this time because i wanted to explore all the options (in a game where you explore the same caves 800 times and have the same argument through the entire storyline lol). i cared more about that game than i maybe ever have about a game? it made me love the series, somehow, even though i hated so much stuff about the da world bc its boring as hell tbh, because of the life in the characters. i romanced them all at least twice. i did everything i could other than side with the templars, and i like tried, multiple times, but i couldnt. the game made me feel strongly enough about it that i couldn’t bring myself to /pretend/ to agree with a socio-political stance in the game world because it went too strongly against my morals. a lot of the ‘choices’ you make in biowares are illusions of choice that mean nothing, but in da2 i feel like they were the best at both 1)hiding that, and 2)making some choices matter if only because YOU know what YOU did, even if it doesn’t effect anything.
and the kicker is like, this is dorky as hell lol but in my mind’s eye i picture my surana in a relationship with zevran, leliana, and morrigan, because they were all characters i got invested in and stuck with me and i feel they made an impression on the character i created and put into the story to an extent that it would feel wrong picturing that character without any of them. she’s best friends with sten. she wishes her and wynne could get along better, as fellow mages. she...wishes the best for alistair. hawke is the same deal; the four og romances were each affecting and important enough to me that i end up deciding ‘my hawke’ is just dating everyone lol. i like all the characters too much to choose. i’ve thought so so so much about the hawke i finally settled on. about her relationships with her family and their past, things she feels guilty about, how she handles and expresses that guilt, how she feels deep down about every important character and plot point.
when i first got inquisition it was the most hyped i’d ever gotten about something. i would gush at my brother about the lore of the world for literal actual hours at a time in the months before the game came out. i borrowed money to buy it the second it came out. I played through the whole thing, like, 99% completion, the only achievements i was missing were ones that required a second play through or specific story choices i didn’t know about. I freaked out at my friends not to spoil anything because they’d finished the game before I’d gotten to the winter palace. I never finished a second playthrough. I started several other characters but I know on a few of them i never even got to the fight at haven (or past the pride demon, but that was as a mage on expert mode which i’m pretty sure is actually just not possible so rip i guess) I don’t really have a ‘canon’ inquisitor? I don’t really feel anything about the one I finished the game with. Even as excited as I was I spent the whole game annoyed that the inquisitor didn’t seem to have personality at all, let alone the choice of a personality that you could make with your warden or with hawke. I romanced sera.....and I actually felt bad about myself because of how they wrote everyone else to treat her. It actually made me feel unwanted and wrong as a young lesbian. I cried when sera was confirmed pre-release as a for sure, specifically Lesbian love interest. I loved her before the game even came out. It made me feel accepted in a time and place where I very actively was not, and when I was struggling, within finding myself as a Gay Youth in general, with the idea that being a lesbian, specifically, was a bad thing that I should choose not to be in lieu of a better, more progressive form of Gay. Cue a proud and unapologetic lesbian character, the first in the series, that everyone fucking hates and that you can kick out of the game at any time with little consequence. With a romantic story line that seemed like an afterthought, and to have less care and attention put into it than two straight options that actually WERE afterthoughts, because they weren’t even going to be in the game until mid-development. A lesbian with an opening quest for her romance arc that is basically just you running around to every other companion and listening to them list everything they hate about her, at worst telling you you’re making a mistake in associating with her bc shes stupid and disgusting and at best giving an obvious “well....whatever you think is best....hope that works out for you..........OUO;;;.....” That quest, if you keep romancing her, culminates in what is supposed to be both of you deciding “fuck what all of society thinks, we’re all we need” because, lesbians, right? thats the lesbian narrative? except homophobia doesnt exist in this world so we had to make everyone hate sera Herself in order to fit it in and that doesnt have any implications at all. and then you have sex; sera’s very sexual, because,,,,,,,,,,not because men think lesbians are hot umm........its because........uhhh........its empowerment!!! but i digress like i love sera despite bioware lol. and i tried to spend time daydreaming and fleshing out my inquisitor and her and their relationship and lives with each other and shit but all the thinking i did on it was forced. unlike my surana and my hawke, my inquisitor isn’t poly w/ everyone because i couldn’t bare to choose between characters i loved. i didn’t even romance most of them. i don’t even have a specific character in mind as ‘my’ inquisitor. the characters i liked the most, that felt the most well-written and fleshed out, were established characters from pre-existing da content. and the game even fucked up my hawke that i cared about and loved because they wanted to capitalize on how much people love hawke, and love Their hawke, but put in a weird hawke-puppet that had none of Any of the personalities you could give them, and that just said dull bullshit about how theyve seen what the corruption of blood magic can do, etc. etc. etc. like.....................................the magic is gone and their left with good characters they don’t know how to write and i mostly boring world with some interesting aspects they decide never to touch on.
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so like i said today has been A Day and im gonna post it under read more
so ive like. really not been having a good week. its ap week so that should be the cause but honestly my depressions been especially bad lately and ive just been feeling really shitty about everything lately. im scared im annoying my friends, im scared to lose them, im scared that i havent done enough, im scared that im gonna be stuck in a body i dont like my whole life. just. a lot. and so thats kinda been building up and its kinda sucked Major Ass(tm) and today just became the day where it just sorta snapped. I didnt do anything in class today, and the one class i actually talked to people was with my two friends who did and said some stuff that kinda really really Did Not Help and i know that they didnt mean it i know that they didnt mean to hurt me but it kinda just hit the right (wrong?) way where if they were sincere they wouldve confirmed my anxieties about people not caring about me or people finding me annoying and not important. and im still trying not to think about that bc im tired and ive had a good night after school but i keep do and ://// like i was talking about a new story idea i had and they just kept going on side tangents and asking stuff about it that didnt matter through the things and it became annoying and clear they didnt actually care even tho they apparently did??? anyways not the point but that was Bad. and so by the time i reached last period german, i was kinda just not having anything and was lowkey sensory overloading and so we were doing busywork and i was listening to music because i was done with the day and just kind of done with everything and if i didnt listen to music while i was working i knew i would break down. and then thats kinda what actually happened. herr kuchta (whomst i dislike greatly) came over and told me i couldnt have my earbuds in and i refused and told him that if i didnt i couldnt do my work but by that time id already started to get worked up so he took me out of the class room and told me to take a breather and all that. so i did i went outside the mods and just kind of had a micro panic attack and cried and just tried to gather myself to go back to class but i couldnt i couldnt go back in the thing is that herr kuchta came back to tell me to come back in the class twice and the second time he told me to either come back in or go to my subschool and i didnt want to do that so i told him “no give me a damn minute im having a bad day and youre treating me like shit” and he replied that if i didnt get back in the class or go to my subschool he’d call the school security. so i was more mad at that point than anything so i trudged over to the subschool and hoped to any god up there that no one saw me
i was scared as shit to go to the subschool and have to face other people but i did eventually and got to my counselors office and just. broke down. its midnight now and my eyes still hurt when i blink but i just talked and complained about herr kuchta and all the other shit thats been happening with my parents and the shit ive been thinking and overthinking and it just. came out. to this lady id barely even talked to but i did and it was scary as fuck but i needed to. but she listened, and she helped, and it wasnt as scary as i thought. and she said that she’d tell my parents and tell them to get me some help. like ive been asking them about since freshmen year while theyve been shrugging me off with false promises and “its part of the high school experience.” and my counselor said that shed be there to help and that an outside source telling my parents i (probably) have anxiety and depression might help them understand more and that shed help me get actual counseling/ treatment and. i feel relieved i feel like an actual step has been made and so so just thankful that she was actually so willing to help and understand. i feel like ive progressed more in this topic in this one day than in the past year. 
so i guess long story short, im an actual step towards getting actual treatment. i actually have a feasible chance to get better and feel better and its hitting me now and i. im so relieved. 
im still Not Good yet; im still anxious about myself and my friends and my talents and experiences and my future and my relationship with my family and
a lot
but at least im on my way
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dangkinronpa · 7 years
headcanons for genocider syo who loved pranking their classmates and messing around
heres ur headcanons syo! i hope u like them, and if u want anything changed just let me know and ill start working on it! - mod kiibo
- when syo first entered the 78th class, they didnt take very long to make it known that they was the class clown. since the very first day, they started pulling pranks on their class, the first one being a giant prank on the entire class. the more lighthearted kids loved them, while the more strict classmates hated their antics
- syo would pick a few classmates they considered their favorites, and those classmates usually got teased a lot. these people were usually the ones that had good reactions, such as mondo or ishimaru. despite that, everyone ended up having some prank pulled on them within the school year, courtesy of syo
- one time, somebody walks in on syo stuffing an envelope full of different kinds of glitter. syo starts acting jittery and says that this definitely wasnt something they were sending to that one person they couldnt stand, they would never do something like that. thankfully for syo, this student disliked the same person and even offered to help
- syo is a pretty fun loving person, so they really hate it when a situation starts getting too serious. because of this, they always try to keep the situation light and full of fun, even if it isnt appropriate. for example, syo would be the type of person to plant a whoopie cushion at a funeral to keep everyone from being so sad
- even though syo does their best to make sure their jokes dont go too far, occasionally they do. people have to tell syo that pretending to cut off someones hair during class is just mean, and that instead they should put the scissors away and pull a different kind of prank, such as finding out how to control the intercom
- hey, what do u know, syo actually does manage to figure out how to control the intercom, and it gets wild. they tell everyone about how they snuck in while the headmaster was taking a bathroom break and began telling jokes like a stand up comedian. it didnt last long, though, because syo mentioned the headmaster coming back and ended their fun to run away
- syo spends a lot of time pretending to flirt with togami, and joking around with him, even though he doesnt really give them much of a reaction. when asked about why they do this, syo just shrugs and says that they should probably just kill him instead, right? but theyre just joking, dont call the police, theyve done such a good job of avoiding them
- when syo teases people, they occasionally bring out their somewhat dark humor. being a genocider and all, it makes sense for their humor to suddenly take a dark turn, but is still surprises people when she goes from joking about how bad ur shoes look to how fucked up it would be to find a dead person on the side of the road
- people rarely ever take syo seriously, because theyre rarely ever serious. whenever they do get serious, though, chances are its for a very good reason. when syo is ripped out of the joking mood, theyre the type of person who will do whatever it takes to get the outcome they want, and a lot of people get a little scared by this
- at heart, though, syo really does enjoy having fun with people and making jokes, even if the only person laughing at said jokes is themself. to them, playing around with their classmates and making a clown of themself is the best part of their day, and they want to continue pulling silly little pranks on people they care about
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dangkinronpa · 7 years
headcanons for tsumugi who was close to ibuki
heres ur headcanons tsumugi! i hope u like them, and if u want anything changed or u want any added just let me know and ill get on it! - mod kiibo - tsumugi is usually considered a good kid by most people, and isnt really thought of as someone who would get in a lot of trouble if left to her own devices. what most people dont realize is just how much trouble she can get in when she spends time with her friend, ibuki - ibuki is just a little bit of a trouble maker, and since tsumugi is such a good kid, she loves dragging her into situations where she can be seen and heard getting into mayhem. tsumugi is rarely ever grateful for this, but she has to admit to herself that it feels nice knowing people can actually see her out there - ibuki also begs tsumugi to cosplay her all the time, even though tsumugi is constantly telling her that she just cant do that. ibuki never really understands until tsumugi finally caved in and puts on ibukis clothes, just to see the horrified look on ibukis face once shes done this. ibuki never asks again - however, the two of them do enjoy jamming out to music together, and ibuki likes making up songs that they can sing on the spot. tsumugi, on the other hand, doesnt like to get very wild and simply sings her favorite songs while ibuki plays the guitar, just to see how they would sound in what is basically death metal - ibuki also loves to pluck the glasses off of tsumugis face and try them on, partially to see how she looks in glasses and partially to see just how bad tsumugis eyesight is. for some reason, ibuki is shocked and always says tsumugi has worse eyesight than she remembered, and tsumugi is facing an empty wall, telling ibuki it isnt funny and that she can see fine - ibuki tries to convince tsumugi to get some piercings to make her look cooler, but tsumugi absolutely refuses. she confesses that part of her actually enjoys being able to sneak into places without having to pay. that doesnt really stop ibuki, though - speaking of sneaking into places without paying, ibuki asks her quite a few times how she can manage to pull this off. tsumugi just tells her its impossible, and when ibuki asks her to elaborate she has to explain to ibuki that, well, she just isnt boring enough, as strange as that sounds. ibuki figures shell never be able to sneak in and out of places like tsumugi - tsumugi actually ends up dragging ibuki to a con once, just so that they can both cosplay there, and tsumugi falls in love with every single cosplayer who happens to be dressed as one of her favorite characters. ibuki doesnt get why tsumugi is so excited, but tsumugi is just so happy seeing others dressed up like this character that she doesnt care what ibuki thinks - the two of them probably spend time together just goofily reenacting movies, animes, and musicals in ibukis room. every time they do this, they make sure that they play their own love interests, just to laugh at how stupid they look pretending to be in love with themselves. (for instance, in a heathers reenactment, tsumugi would play both veronica and jd) - the two of them may be a bit goofy at times, but tsumugi and ibuki are always there to support one another. theyve got each others backs through thick and thin, and theyre really proud to say that theyre good friends. its a weird friendship, but they like it
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