#i dont think you can teleport there and im kinda sick of walking all the way there
played some more mother 1 i died to the magicant dragon like seven times in a row . awesome
#last attempt ana died turn one i just gave up after that#i dont want her to lose out on the exp… plus shes rhe only one w superhealing in case someone else goes down#ive heard it can get oneshot if u just use a superbomb but part of me wants to actually beat it#idk#seems pretty impossible at the level im at rn tbh i might just give up and do that#i got lifeup beta on ninten before one of the attempts on rhe way to the dungeon thingy but i reset the game after i died cuz i didnt#wanna lose the money i had on me and i still havent been able to learn it again -_- really annoying but also it hasnt been too necessary#since i gave evrryone h2o pendants and started setting up psi shields turn one#honestly the biggest issue is the physical damage (its pretty much guaranteed to oneshot ana even with boosted defense)#only way to combat that is just grinding i think which i dont really wanna do since the best place#just based on the general feel of enemies so far for me to do that would be the desert#i dont think you can teleport there and im kinda sick of walking all the way there#right after i got the cactus melody i wanted to use the ocarina to play what i had so far but i accidentally used the onyx hook#and i still had to do the whole monkey cave thing so i had to walk all the way back 😭#oh my god im realizing how whiny this sounds its like. im not as frustrated as ive seen some ppl get w this game but understand this is lik#the most time-wasting game in the world. walking anywhere takes forever cuz of the horrible encounter rate and shitty map design#genuinely i dont mind as much of this games jank as i probably should but the backtracking is insane#especially when you actually take advantage of the onyx hook. at least i have teleportation now stuff will#probably be a lot more streamlined from now on#inqusitivewaltz.txt
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queenofwerewolves · 3 years
Future Hope
chapter one - Where it all began.
We all thought the new decade would be a new fresh start, a new beginning for humanity, we were all so excited for the the arrival of 2020... and it's unknown horrors that we awaited along with it.
it started with just jokes and memes, the virus wasnt affecting us, it didnt seem like a big deal. Then it reached Italy, then the United States. In a span of three months, the entire world changed and was affected by COVID-19. Then it happened.. the attack and sudden uprising of those who had privilege, but didnt know of it's power..
it started with the Black Lives Matter Protests, but it got worst, so unhumaningly worse. People around the country and the world tried to help and stop this evil, but it wasnt enough to stop them. The White Suprimacy.
Death, despair, anguish, loss for hope... What has the world come to?
Even after two years of the incident, in the year of 2022, the same horrors from before was still going on. No one could stop them, those who tried were imprisioned or now buried six feet under, people gave up, they lost hope... Until a new reason for that hope arrived.
It started as a friendship group. Eight people of different kinds, intetrests and hobbies brought together by a common interest, which soon grew into an unbreakable bond, sharing pictures or tagging one another with a funny meme attached to it, simple acts but filled with love.. Until this group almost lost a member.
A fight was happening while she was visiting a store, it was between a simple teen wearing a pride shirt and a middle aged man, bickering and arguing issued, but no one expected the man to pull out a gun and attempt to shoot the kid... Only to miss, and shoot the beloved group friend...
She was texting her friends while it happened, only for them to not hear anything for weeks... But she finally replied, after weeks in the hospital, recovering from the shot. One of the members couldnt have it anymore, and kindly asked for everyone to create a Discord account so they could all see how their wounded friend was doing. Everyone agreed, and surprised her with a call.
Maria was her name, and she couldnt be more delighted about the surprise..
"Yo! Yooo Bitch can you see us?!" Shouted one friend from their call
"For fuck's sake Spike the woman was shot and you have to call her a bitch?!" Rudely replied another friend, who's background was dark and gloomy and had far too many halloween decorations.
Maria laughed softly. "It's OK Spooks.. Wow.. I cant believe Im seeing you all.. Just wished it wasnt at the hospital through a videochat..." She said with a soft smile.
"It is truly a concerning situation we've been dragged into.. but it brings me joy to see you alive and well Maria" Said another friend, looking a little too-well dressed in the call
"Im guessing Griff begged you all to make a Discord huh..?" Maria said, looking at the video box of young man with a concerned yet and embarrassed look.
"Queen... We were so worried..." He answered, slightly choked up. "We thought you were a goner.. When you finally texted back I..I just had to see you..!"
Queen. A nickname she never thought someone would ever call her, hell it was a title that she didnt even deserve. Until she met Griff, which started to call her that, and her other friends jumped along, she always loved that nickname.. Made her feel special...
"Seeing you all together... All for me... It makes me want to cry.. But we dont have time for me getting emocional" Maria answered, suddenly stern
"Why is that Queen? Something going on?" Answered another friend, who was sucking on a lollipop during the call, such the sweet tooth she is.
Maria smiled. "No Muffin.. I simply have a proposal for you all.. And I hope you all are in with me...Because Im getting pretty sick of the way things are in this shit world.."
And so was born a new hope, a group of fighters that are indignified about the way things are, and how they almost took their friend away.
After healing completly at the hospital, they all met in person for the first time. Maria told them that they way they are now wont be enough to make a change to the world, but she knew how to fix that. After a small walk through the woods in the park, they came through a gated area, which Maria crawled under a broken spot of the gate and the others followed, doing the same.
"Long ago" Maria started speaking. "After I moved here, I decided to explore around this park for fun. That's when I found this abandoned gate and went through the same broken piece of wall of the gate we all came through, I believe that's here can help us become better then we already are."
Spike, chewing a piece of gum sneered at her comment. "Oh sure, what is it? A wishing well?"
"Well..." She answered as they came to a stop.
In front of them was a perfectly clean, almost sparkling fountain with clean crystal water still working and flowing out of an angel's vase. The fountain was too bright and shiny, it sure as hell didnt match the rest of the area's gloomy and dark visuals..
"It's a wishing fountain!" Maria spouted out, smiling wide. But the rest werent as.. cheery as she was.
"A fucking... wishing fountain?" Spike answered. "You expect me to believe that's a real wishing fountain? If that's true then why dont you wish for this shit world to become better?"
"I tried!" Maria answered "Apperently it doesnt make big wishes like that, it only makes wishes about yourself or something very small. Like wishing your room to be clean kind of small"
"I mean.. It kinda has that magic aesthetic, I mean, that thing is impeccably clean while the rest is covered in dirt?" Kip answered, glancing at the fountain.
"I know it sounds silly but it really works, I actually did my wish already!" Maria said smiling wide
"Bullshit" Spike answered "You aint a fucking Werewolf, what makes you think we believe you actually wished to be one?"
".. Cause I didnt wished to be a Werewolf..?" Maria answered, dumbfounded. "I always said that I LIKE Werewolves, but I never wanted to be one. I wished to be good at using a scythe and knife throwing, like exceptionally good ya know?" She said excitedly. "And before you answer, YES I do have a scythe, I bought one. Dont ask where."
"So... who goes first?" The smollest of the group, Rook, asked.
"I'll go" Said Griff, pulling out a coin before Maria stopped in this tracks. "This.. Doesnt accept coins" Maria said, seeming a bit worried.
"Then what?" Griff answered back, only to shocked when Maria answered "Blood".
Before Spike could throw a fit, Maria cut him. "Just a drop! Literally! I got a needle here with me, all you gotta do is prick your hand and let the drip fall after you make a wish."
"Let's just get on with it before Spike goes crazy again" Said Blink, the tallest of the group and the one to deal with Spike's bullcrap
Griff took Maria's needle and stood in front of the fountain...And said outloud his wish..
At first he whispered his wish, as if he didnt want anyone to hear it.
"Uh.. It has to be out loud or it wont work Griff." Maria said.
"I-I said.. I wish to be a strong, masculine and really beefy Wererabbit that's really manly and buffed up!!" he shouted with a tone of embarrassment in his voice.
"A Werebunny.. Griffy?" Said Maria in disbelief. "What?! It's co- ow!!" Without looking, he pricked his hand with the needle, and let the drop of blood fall into the fountain's water, mixing along with it. The fountain suddenly shined so brightly that everyone had to cover their eyes for a brief moment before it died out.
Then.. Silence.
"... So.. Now wh-AHCK!!!" Shouted Griff, hit with a sudden shot of pain throughout his body, which made him fall on his knees as everyone backed away from him. They watched in horror as not only he grew almost three times his size, but he got much fuzzier, his ears stretched into rabbit ears, his muscles swelled and bubbled as they grew bigger, his body shifted painfully into a hybrid between man and rabbit. When he finally finished, he just collapsed on the floor, panting exaustedly.
His friends were inicially shocked, until Maria snapped out of it and rushed to his side, placing a hand on his head. "Griffy? You OK..?"
He answered, in a much gruffer, deeper voice.. "Yeah.. Yeah Im good.."
"Jesus.. It worked.. Can you stand?" She asked. Griff nodded as he slowly got up and almost knocked his head on a tree branch from how tall he was now. Everyone was looking up at him, jaws dropped in shock and awe, until..
"HOLY SHIT YOU'RE NAKED!!!" Rook shouted as she covered her eyes, running in place "MY EYES!! THEY BURN!!!"
"We.. better finish these wishes quick and get you some pants." Maria added, Griff simply nodded as he covered himself embarrassed.
One by one they did their wishes. Becoming who they wanted to be to fufill their purpose with Maria.
Spike wished for strong arm strenght, fast stamina and an aluminum bat that never breaks, and can destroy almost anything. Blink asked for a sword, the ability to parkour and jump from building to building like some kind of vigilante. Kip asked to be part cat for the heck of it and that whatever she draws will become a reality. Muffin asked to be a fairy, to bring joy because she isnt a fighter. Togekiss asked for high I.Q, the ability to see simulations of possibilities in the future and telekenisis and teleportation. Spooks asked to be like an Underworld Goddess, with the power to summon shadows and have the darkness on her command, and finally, Rook asked to be part bird and a wizard with elemental nature, and musical spells,to honour her beloved Lammy, she also wished to have a split personality to be like her favorite character, ENA.
And so the team was ready, and soon they would make a change to the world, the revolution has begun, it was time to shine..
For a Future Hope.
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j-ni733 · 5 years
Break time...
Teleporting to another timeline was… disorientating at most. While everything looked familiar where Aaron’s feet took her, it just felt weird. Teleporting past guards. Seeing the sky. This place just felt so wrong. But she told herself that it’s fine. She made it to the princess’ room and stood in front of it feeling some type of dread heavy in her chest. Rubbing her face and covering her eyes, she was about to knock. Fate opened the door waving bye to the princess. He stop and sees Aaron. Aaron peaked through her fingers and waved sheepishly. Fate narrowed his eyes but greeted her friendly with his goofy-skeleton grin. Aaron just nodded and looked over at Frisk who was already looking her way. A silence fell before Fate coughed and said he’ll wait outside for Frisk.
Aaron stepped in and closed the door behind Fate, just looking at Frisk. It was odd. Aaron bowed out of habit, greeting the princess formally. Frisk got up, ran over to her, and hugged her tightly greeting her with a wavering voice. Aaron took the embrace and smiles slightly. The two pull apart, find smiles making their way into the ladies faces but that sinking feeling was starting to happen. Frisk gestured to her bed and Aaron shook her head on her bum too much, even she’s kinda sick in staying in one place. Frisk sat down on the bed toying with the blanket that was nicely covering the bed. She expected for Aaron to tell her what’s on her mind. She had all the lies and half truths to tell the female soldier but just had to wait it out.
The girl in green walked outside to the balcony and stared outside for a moment sighing softly not sure how to phrase all the questions in her head. “What did you do?” The female soldier said slowly, testing the words. Of course, Frisk knew a thing or two about Aaron when it comes to RESET. She would’ve known Aaron would remember, otherwise why would she come to her room or her timeline in the first place? Frisk stayed still and answered calmly. “I’m not sure what you mean,” Frisk said softly trying to get the soldier to avoid telling her. She looking at her hands as she was twiddling with her thumbs.
Aaron turned around looking away from the forest view and looked at the Frisk as her smile disappeared. “You didn’t tell me this would happen. You said it would be alright,” The princess felt a sharp guilt as Aaron made that statement. She did tell her everything will be alright. She did tell her everything will be fine. Nothing wrong is going to happen. She lied… everything is not going to be fine. But Reset was the only way to fix things… It’s something that can do something that no human nor monster can do. It was no use telling Aaron more lies. Frisk swallowed quietly and took a deep breath. “Sacrifices have to happen, you wanted your brother back and it you looked as if you were about to bury yourself under all the guilt”
“Did you reset here? Where’s Cyrus?” Aaron shot back, her hand balling into a fist. Frisk didn’t respond. She can’t let her know Cyrus ran away. After reading his letter, explaining how a coward he was and that he was scared to keep up his task, it broken Frisk’s heart hearing how hurt her dear brother is dealing.
“Tell me what did you do?” she took a step forward almost threateningly, “Tell me why you had to do it” Why? Why did she kill blank!Frisk? Why did she have their world start everything over? Will Aaron understand?
“No one’s happy when our timelines are involved together, Aaron. I think it’s best we keep separate,” Frisk said slowly and steadily. “You were happy with Asriel. Why didn’t you come back?” Aaron was starting to get irritated. The vague wording isn’t helping.
“Stop!” Aaron snapped, “Where is Cyrus?” Aaron was standing in front of Frisk. Frisk kept her head down staring at her own hands. “Please.” she said softly, “Tell me where he is… I have to know” her voice was pleading worried. To Aaron, Cyrus was like another little brother, another person she considers as a family. A silence hung over the two for a few moments. “Frisk tell me where he is!” Aaron snapped.
“I DON’T KNOW!” Frisk stood with a mix of anger and sadness expression. Her gaze was leveled with Aaron’s but she could not stand stone faced like the one before her, “I didn’t reset! I don’t know where my brother is! But I will not stay guilt knowing you are suffering the same as I,”
Aaron just stared at Frisk, “Why didn’t you reset?”. Frisk turned away from Aaron and faced the wall instead. “Because Cyrus might die if I do. I don’t know if you remember this, but his soul changes every time I reset...and he’s personality is changing along with it. His soul is complex like yours, Aaron, and I’m afraid this reset will do more harm than good to him. I don’t want to be the reason what’s changing him...”
Aaron gripped her own arm tightly. She felt her anger was building up but she kept herself calm. She counted in her head and sighed softly, “Have you at least been trying to search for him while I’ve been gone?” Frisk glanced to the side, “I’ve tried Aaron, really I have…. But Sans believes I shouldn’t personally seek him out”
“I’ll go look for him then. The skeleton won’t stop me from doing anything,” Aaron argued. Frisk looked at Aaron. She’s going to go find Cyrus? With who? Herself? She can’t...“You shouldn’t! You might get injured out there Aaron! There are things out there you don’t know. This is different from your place. This isn’t your problem, it is mine! Your life doesn’t belong in this timeline. You’re free at home, isn't that what you wanted? To see the real stars with your brother?”
“....He wanted to see it with his best friend also…” Aaron said quietly and narrowed her eyes sighing. “I don’t want to lie to Adrian anymore.... He remembers Cyrus, kinda, and it’s really sad watching him struggle,”
Frisk opened her eyes in surprise, ”Adrian remembers... Cyrus?” Aaron just nodded and rubs her face. Frisk gripped her hands to her chest. “Are you going to tell him...?”. There was silence, all Aaron could respond was cover her face with her hand. ”What am I going to do…” She was already tired. How did this all go this way…? Frisk hugged Aaron tightly, ”We’ll find him… I want to find him so badly as well, Aaron...” Aaron glanced at Frisk before wrapping her arms around her gently and pets her head like she would do to comfort Adrian.
“I promise, I’ll find him for you, Frisk. Even if I have to search this entire planet for him…”
Frisk’s eyes was shaking trying not cry. She hid her face on her shoulder hugging her tighter. She didn’t want Aaron to sacrifice her life to find Cyrus. What if she never came back? It was dangerous out there as Sans mentioned. We don’t know what’s out there. Although, she could always kill her other self again to reset...however, to be honest, she rather not. Killing Blank!Frisk had her sick to her stomach. It was like killing herself, yet she was the one to judge her own wrong actions. She really does want her brother back home safely, so she can have the courage to face him again, but she doesn’t want to let go of Aaron. To her, Aaron was like a mother. Frisk knows about her parents death and she misses her parents very much. Aaron was the only person she felt close to, like she could tell everything. Frisk closed her eyes and in her thought, the only word she could think of while holding onto the light of hope in her soul, wishing everything would be alright, was:  
written by @dragonlover1128 
[Previous] [First] [End] [Alternative]
TBC: Where is he?
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charlyoddsox27 · 6 years
its 6am, i havent slept, im bored, so im posting a list of the mercs in order of whom i like the most and reasons why, because thats something i should do i guess?
here goes
(spoilers for the comics down below but either way i think im the only person on earth who has never read them before now)
~~1. Medic~~
reasons for being my favourite:
• fucking. look. at. him. 👌
• 'mad german doctor' is one of my favourite tropes and he is a pretty bang-on satirical depiction of it
• cute-ass german accent
• healers are the most respectable class imo and since Medic pretty much started it he's automatically the best, thats how it works right?
• he sold some random persons soul to satan in exchange for a ***ballpoint pen*** and can i just say, fucking mood??? (he is literally the "i'd sell you to satan for one cornchip" meme)
• "yes, Archimedes...I couldn't agree more." *shudders* b oi .. .
• so many more reasons to love this gross old doctor so little room in Tumblrs posts.
~~2. Spy~~
reasons for being my second favourite:
• cranky, done with everyones shit, just wants to be left alone, fucking mood
• he's a spy i mean c'mon. look at the swanky-ass suit, look at the class radiating from this asshole.
• he may be a dick but he has a soft side he's just too jaded to show it most of the time (see: Scouts death in the comics?? real tears. honestly wish they'd panned that out more.)
• masks are hot tbFH--
• he enjoys a nice glass of whisky by the fireplace and so do i (fun fact: france is the biggest importer of scottish whisky in the world so its a nice touch)
• shapeshifting is fucking cool are you serious like he can just. do that. what a legend
• "i have a cyanide pill in one of my molars, if i break it then spit some in your mouth before i die, we can avoid being tortured." *'heavy' bursts in to save them* "PFFTHBTHF--"
• arrogant frenchman is one of my other favourite tropes and this is the most arrogant frenchman ive ever seen
• he's the only fully sane Merc, maybe apart from Engie.
• people love to hate him bc he's an asshole but...come on. after working with all those other weirdos for years, you'd be pretty jaded too.
• as a gross shipper, he's the easiest and the most fun (imo) to ship with Medic (rip me)
~~3. Pyro~~
reasons for being my third favourite:
• would have tied with Soldier if it werent for that one picture of them in the comics holding a puppy over their head with the most adoring expression on their mask??? good Pyro. goodest Pyro.
• doesn't do much in the comics but makes up for it in pure charm. look at that soulless face and tell me you dont love it.
• ambiguous gender ambiguous gender amBIGUOUS GENDER AMBIGUOUS GENDER. she/he/they? trans? nb? whatever you headcanon, it'll never be confirmed so its literally up to your own imagination. fucking ace, Valve 👌👌👌
• likes to burn things. god damnit. they like to burn things, guys. but they enjoy it so much, you just cant hate them, you can only feel a sympathetic joy that this precious lunatic is having fun in their own little world.
• canonically mentally ill (schizoprenia? it could be hallucinogenic drugs but i like to think its schizophrenia.)
• pretty sure they burned a pair of pedophiles in the comics. at least i think thats what those panels were insinuating. "lets open an orphanage and have an endless supply of kids to--" sounds pretty red-flaggy to me tbh. plus they were the villains so, eh?
• bludgeoned a bear to death until its skull was pulp because it insulted their special interest. you go, Pyro.
• for a few bits in the comics they have a really cute family dynamic going on with other Mercs, Soldier for example."Miss Pauling, Pyros on my side of the car." "Miss Pauling, Pyro cut off my hand." fuckin' cuties.
• when they start putting on like 50 shirts to keep warm in the Russian mountains. chubby.
• a gas mask that can function as both badass, and completely adorable.
• just. everything about them. how could you not love them. they're not in the wrong, you are. stay away from my misunderstood child and let them burn things god damnit.
~~4. Soldier~~
look I'm sorry, I love Soldier and he was gonna be tied with Pyro but that fucking puppy drawing sold me.
• absolute gold every second he speaks. he could sneeze and i'll laugh.
• such a dumbass you cant get annoyed at him for it. like. just agree with him and move on. no point reasoning with a boulder. "haha! silly Miss Pauling, thinking theres different types of blood." Medic: "haha yes! indeed, silly."
• i'm not American and even i can see how blatantly his character mocks stereotypical Patriotic Americans™. but its so dumb and laughable, its adorable.
• the first "meet the Mercs" video i ever saw was "meet the Soldier" so he holds a special place in my heart
• (preaches about experiencing the horrors of war; has never actually been to war. shh dont tell anyone though--) *neck gets snapped*
~~5. Demoman~~
• I'm Scottish. even though his accent is absolute garbage (no offense to the VA), any representation is very nice.
• Black AND Scottish?? i mean has a character like that even existed before TF2??? amazing example of representation right there. there are barely even any black people in Scotland, how did this happen. I love it. more of this, please.
• he's a drunk guy who blows shit up for shits and giggles and god I wish I could too, sounds like a miracle stress-reliever.
• his sassy black scottish mother. combining the stereotypical black mother with the stereotypical scottish mother is literally the best thing that ever happened.
• the bit in the comic where Medic explains that Demo can't remember what happened to his eye bc he scooped out part of his brain, and the look on Demo's face. just. the look.
• again, he's scottish, he's stereotypical, and he's awesome.
~~6. Sniper~~
• underrated
• piss jars. piss jars everywhere.
• "no dad, im not a crazed murdering lunatic, I'm an assassin. ...well one's a job and the other's mental sickness!!"
• "meet the Sniper" has kickass music
• ruffled gross old man who isn't actually old, he's just seen some SHIT
• actually given development in the comics + some really good scenes with Spy.
• so suave...so...handsome. handsome ruffled bushman. me like.
• he dies first in the comics but gets brought back and gets a cool-ass scar. and then he's just walking around naked everywhere for the rest of the comic. Medic, where the fuck did you put his clothes.
• isn't actually Australian. thats like one of the biggest twists in the comic. "no wonder i was never inhumanly strong and my chest hair didn't grow into the shape of Australia!!" Classic.
• says "bugger" a lot and i love that word
• he needs a hug, let me hug him. and give him a bath.
~~7. Heavy~~
I'm gonna be crucified for putting the big lad so low but i promise i dont dislike any of the Mercs. he'd be higher up but...ive never really liked big huge tank-men tbh :/
• loveable as fuck
• will murder you if you bully his puny little Medic
• i looove Russian accents omfg
• he like big gun. i can respect that.
• when Medic was killed and he went APESHIT on Classic!Heavy and I lost my fuckin' mind over that shit
• he probably has a soft spot for small cute animals. i love imagining him being swarmed by Medics flock of doves and petting them like "good bird...so many good bird..."
• actually smarter than people give him credit for???
• i really really wish his character was a lil more fleshed out but. that's just me. i love him but he doesn't have the same appeal to me as Medic or Spy.
• his entire relationship with Medic...ugh. yes. best friends and/or boyfriends. all good to me 👌
• he named his gun Sasha and that's adorable
~~8. Engineer~~
• gOD, FUCK, I REALLY WISH HE DID MORE IN THE COMICS. i barely know anything about his character. i like him a lot but...god, he...he doesn't...do.....anything.......
• he built a cool robot arm for himself and AI turrets and teleporter machines and guns that fire magic healing powers and immortality machines, in the 1960s. what. some kind of wizard fuckery is this.
• smoothest voice in the west
• "y'all"
~~9. Scout~~
oh god i really am gonna be crucified. i dont hate him i just. like him the least.
• shitboy
• reminds me of a shitty ex but also kinda relateable in a way
• some genuinely funny bits in the shorts.
• gross horny hetero teen boy with a god complex and serious daddy issues. also, he can't read. the "sex bom" tattoo on his chest will be an eternal testament to that. nice job, Spy. you raised him good.
hoo boy there we go theres all the boys, all the beautiful boys (and Scout) in order of how much i love them. if i made any errors in my info about the canon, feel free to send me death threats 💙 (no seriously tell me though, being a newbie is embarrassing)
so uh. yeah. that took two hours to write. its now 8am. im still bored lol. bye i guess.
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irregulardiaryposts · 3 years
16:35 01/03/2021
so. its now march!!!!! march is an okay month. but it also means its been a year since corona really kicked off and thats proper weird to think about. it feels like absolutely fuck all has actually changed but yet im a very different person yk. i played minecraft for 10 hrs last week. im addicted to it. this time last year i was kinda sick and we thought i had corona but since testing wasnt really available i just had to stay home ages. it was horrible but to think that was a whole YEAR ago is absolutely fucking wild. 
anyway back to minecraft. i absolutely love it. its such a simple game and you can truly play however you want to. like. if u dont want to bother beating the enderdragon or doing any serious grind stuff, you can literally just fuck about doing whatever you wanna do... u wanna build a little cottage in the woods? yes. u wanna pick lowers and decorate and build cute farms? yes. u wanna explore a vast and expansive world filled with literally endless possibilities and find pets and loot and different biomes and blocks? yes. you wanna mess around with ur friends? yes. u wanna do pvp or multiplayer games? yes. u wanna meet new people? yes. u wanna play by yourself and become exceedingly rich? yes. u wanna do all this and comforted by the melodic tunes and beautiful landscapes? yesssssssss. it literally has something for everyone but people get so pissy about how others play its soooo annoying. like so what if someone wants to go into creative and cheat or they wanna play on peaceful or they have keep inventory on? they are playing the game in the way they enjoy the most, the way that makes them happiest, makes them comforted, allows then to enjoy playing it. coz i bet if everyone was made to play the exact same way and there was no way to customise your experience, it would not be nearly as popular as it is. it probs wouldve died out if people werent enjoying it because they got frustrated by it, or too scared to lose their things to progress in the game, or too anxious to play because its scary and they dont know how to beat things. or if people play solely in creative and they enjoy that the most and wanna try survival, they dont deserve to get made fun of coz they want to ease their way into harder things. or if someone just wants to build or just explore or just tame a million dogs, as long as they are happy they are already enjoying the game to the max, they dont deserve people being like “ if u play without X youll enjoy it more coz thats the way we play it” like fuck off it would be like if a hardcore players was like “play in hardcore or ur stupid” ppl would get mad because thats not the way they want to play it and they wouldnt enjoy it as much or at all as the hardcore player does. and dont even get me started on this whole bedrock vs java bs. this its such a waste of time like??? who benefit from this argument? because its silly java players think they are automatically better than every bedrock player because they have java. 
like obviouslyyyyyy java is better and im sure a lot of bedrock players would rather java, but u cant lie and say that a lot of og players didnt start on bedrock and then upgrade to java, because as kids u cant really afford a proper pc but everyone has an xbox or an ipad lol. like they literally forget that they probably started playing on bedrock too. and its so stupid because yes while bedrock is a little shit in comparison to java, ITS STILL THE SAME FUCKING GAME just be glad were not fucking fortnite players jesus its pathetic. yes this is essentially a minecraft post and what fucking about it. i told u im obsessed with it. 
i should talk about something else. perhaps my crippling procrastination? its absolutely abysmal how shit at school i am now. i get two unconditional offers and suddenly i think i dont need to do a single bit of work (its kinda true tho) i only have three classes and in doing 1 and 1/2 of them. im not even bothering studying for prelims/exams whatever the fuck because im hopeless. theres no point because even if i do end up doing the exam and i fail theres absolutely no consequences because i have 0 shame. ill walk out of an exam i failed with my head held high because i know uni will be so much better - ill only have one subject, one i actually enjoy and want to do work for (only somewhat tho, my procrastination problems still carry through, im actually doing this instead of a 15 min thing for class but whatever) ill have a reduced working day, i can focus on just one subject, ill have other things to work on too like a part time (scary) and car (exciting) and ill get to meet new people that also want to learn spanish and are interested in it too, and i want to make more friends and i want to be more independent (moving out??? hopefully but also scary) 
i cant believe im actually at a point in my life where im actually interested in the future and want to live to see it (lol yeah) like i wonder what 13 yo me would think. even 15 yo me. i wonder how 20 yo me will look back on this. hi me if ur reading. do u have a s/o?? or new friends? how many new experiences have u had? are u comfortable in ur life? struggling ? happy? i hope ur happy coz u deserve to be. i deserve to be. i hope u have a good time reading these. i dont know if ill ever forget about this blog or not. what was i talking about tho. procrastination. its horrible, I hope u get that fixed pls tell me u do. also please tell me u get better at typing.  this has accidently turned into a speaking to ur future self thing. ill stop now. 
im a very good procrastinator. and my ability to actually focus on stuff has been getting comical. idk if its the pandemics fault or mine or schools but is a bloody issue and it needs to get better. i guess its coz i just have absolutely 0 energy do do what i need to or it just absolutely does not interest me to do it and i know theres absolutely no consequences to it looool. 
every now and then theres a day where i feel very unproductive and lazy and it feels like how it used to. a sort of growing annoyance at myself and feeling like a slug. idk some days i feel teleported back to like almost 4 years ago and idk what to do about it. i used to have a coping mechanism (?) where if i felt bad about stuff id just shower, wash my hair and put on new pjs and do something i wanted to do. it kinda put me in a clearer headspace and allowed be to get out of a slump for like 20 mins. u could call it self care or whatever but it genuinely was like washing the bad thoughts away and starting anew (is that the word) like i was able to think more rationally and get back into the semi real world but i was also doing it because i never used to have a proper shower routine, i used to go days without showering or getting out of bed for much and it kinda feels good to have this little reboot thing where i just shower to get me away from straying back there. 
idk. am i articulating well enough. ive written a lot i think. is there any more updates? nothing really apart from my growing disinterest in all things school lmao. anyway until next time i suppose (will probs be either never or like june lol)
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alicedoessurveys · 7 years
60 Questions
Are you currently learning from anyone how to play any instruments? Not learning from anyone, but I'm teaching myself to play ukelele
Are you one of those people who always tend to think critically in issues? i dont 100% understand the question, but i am someone who is constantly thinking critically of myself. I'm not so critical of other people
Do you know anyone who is overly flirty with people? Girl or a boy? Yeah, I've known a few boys over the years who seem incapable of having a girl as just a friend without being flirty
When was the last time you had any kind of pork? What kind was it? Had sausage the other day, but i cant remember what day it was my brain isn't working
Are you someone who normally eats a full breakfast every single morning? i usually eat cereal, unless I'm not hungry or when i have to wake up early for something cause i tend to feel really sick
Do you believe vampires are real? Not the stereotypical Twilight kind. surely not, but then there are some strange people in the world
Is there anyone out there who can give you butterflies in your stomach? Yup
Are you someone who has to hide the things you like around friends? not really, me and my friends tend to like the same things
Have you ever been to a porn website? Were you addicted to it afterword? i have, i used to be friends with someone who while we were on Skype would find it hilarious to send me random links and wait to see my reaction when i click it and end up on some horrid porn site.
What is the most disgusting thing you think the opposite sex can do? Idk, i find it gross when i see guys out in public with their hands down their pants :’) and spitting, i hate seeing anyone walking down the road spitting theres no need and its disgusting
Would you rather be able to teleport or freeze time? Which one seems best? Teleport. never have to drive again 👍🏻
Have you seen the movie Twister? Did the tornadoes look real to you? i have not seen it
Have you actually been through a devastating natural disaster before? Thankfully nope. we don't really have anything that bad in england. we did have a bad hurricane once like over 10 years ago that cause quite a bit of destruction. i was actually in the exact area it hit like 5 minutes before it hit which freaked me out a bit
Did your mom ever fix your eggs and bacon into a smiley face as a kid? i didn't have bacon and eggs as a kid
What fast food place, in your opinion, has the best french fries? i really like burger king’s fries or mcdonalds
Do you believe one day aliens might take over the planet Earth? Nope
Are you someone who always looks for sales when you go shopping somewhere? not really, i have to be in the right mood. i do look when I'm online though
Are you constantly re-arranging your bedroom? Or do you not like change? i used to be someone who rearranged my room a lot (i get it from my mother) but since i moved into my current bedroom 2 years ago its stayed the same way with slight changes to what furniture is in there or the way i arrange my books/ornaments etc
Who would you consider the best teen actor or actress out there now? ones that people will know i think are the actors from stranger things, especially the girl who plays eleven. Also the main two out of the netflix version of ‘a series of unfortunate events’ are brilliant
When did you last cuddle up next to someone and watch a movie? not for ages
Where would people most likely find you out on the weekends? at home :’) i don't really go out
Do you like the school you attend or is it just pretty bland to you? im not in school anymore, but when i was i hated it. its was an absolute dive
Do you remember when they used to actually throw candy out at parades? I've never been to a parade that throws candy.
What is your favorite childhood memory? Who did you share this with? going to my nan and grandads house 3 days a week every summer holiday
Are there any windows open in your house right now? Which ones, if so? nope its cold
Is it currently your favorite season? If not what is your favorite? its just past my favourite season, i like autumn and the part of winter where its christmas
Do you like soda pop? If so, which is your favorite and least favorite? what is soda pop?
Does it bother you when people burp around you or do you do it too? Nope, doesn't bother me at all. I've been bought up in a family that isn't
Do you have any siblings you’re embarrassed about being related to? nope Im proud of my sister
Which noises do you currently hear right now? Can you control those? The telly which i could turn off if i wanted to but i dont. also, cause I'm ill I've got tinatus in my ears
What is one thing you’ve never understood throughout your life? a lot of things
When you see an old person do you think ‘sweet’ or ‘creepy?’ Sweet
What is it that makes old women want so many cats in their life? cats are good company and fluffy and low maintenance
What is one kind of music you’d do anything to not listen to in the car? Scream
When was the last time you babysat, if ever? Did anything bad happen? last time i babysat was last year sometime. nothing bad happened. ill be babysitting a lot more when this foster child comes along
How many times a day do you wash your face? Do you wash it really good? I dont wash it as much as i should. i tend to use face scrub/wash when I'm in the shower
Would you consider yourself to have a boring life or a really exciting one? currently very boring
Do you ever talk to people you met online through webcam? Or is that weird? No, thats weird haha
Who was the last person you kissed and why did you kiss this person? Ugh, I've kinda explained this in previous surveys. he was someone i got very close to and nearly dated but then i freaked out and decided i didn't want a boyfriend. then we didn't talk for a while and he found himself a girlfriend but when we worked on the same theatre production together we got close again. one night he was driving me home from rehearsals and he pulled over into a carpark and was like i want to kiss you and i let him kiss me then he drove me home.. the worse part was he gave me his cold too :’)
How many fish have you owned in your lifetime, so far? Did they all die? we used to have nearly 100 fish in the pond in the garden but one day they all died except one so we called him lucky and took him to live in my grandad’s garden pond. I'm guessing he's dead now cause that was like 15 years ago
When do you think it’s the right age to pass away? when you're ready and when its your time to go
If you were to get drunk right now, how would you most likely act? i dont drink so i wouldn't get drunk
How many people have you kissed in your lifetime, so far? Who were they? just one, read answer to earlier question.
Are you going to post this on a social networking site after you take it? Tumblr
Is there something people in general do that bothers you a lot? Just existing
Has anything supernatural ever happened to you? What were these events? Nope
How many concerts have you seen so far in life? Were they good ones? a lot
Do you like doing anything your friends wouldn’t expect you to do? Yup
Can you sing very well or are you considerably tone deaf? im don't think I'm awful.. i can hold a tune i just don't have a voice that i like
When did you last make a survey? How many people took it so far? i dont make surveys
Would you ever consider becoming a scientist? Why would you or why not? Nope im not smart enough & science was my worst subject at school
Where is your favorite place to go when you’re feeling sad and alone? Tumblr
Have you ever had to call poison control while you were babysitting? Nope…
Do you ever look back on the past years and wish you could go back? a bit, just health wise
When is the next time you’ll talk to the cousin you’re closest to? not sure, were on snapchat quite a bit
Does it bother you when people constantly sign in on MSN? Or not so much? nope i dont use msn anymore
When was the last time you saw a bird? What kind of bird was this? i was watching a robin in the garden earlier
Have you ever seen someone getting beat up by lots of people at one time? yeah I've witnessed a few fights cause i live opposite a pub so we get a lot of drunk people walk past late on weekends and occasionally they have fights
Are you really into vintage things? Have you ever been into that stuff? i like the look of some vintage stuff but I'm not super into it
When was the last time you bought new sheets for your bed? bought myself some new festive bedding in november, so like 2 months ago
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hdawg1995 · 7 years
DnD Antics: “its just a stick”
the wrecking crew met again for the first time this year! WOO! lets get the adventure started!
me: hey tim! you ready to be trained by master splinter? tim: haha yea-.... wait what?
DM: so tim, what has Zack been doing this whole time? tim: i dont know- me: say you’ve been training with the rat! SAY YOU’VE BEE- DM: okay since you don’t know.... *rolls*... odds or evens? tim:.... eevens? DM: odds. you notice your wife is acting strange.  group: ???? me of all people:....is she pregnant? DM: yes. tim: WHAT?
Envoy: *building a snowman. is as happy as can be.* elizander: *gets punched through a support beam in Envoy’s house* Envoy: *internally screaming*
we get to the earth trial. its a maze! in order to make sure we don’t get totally lost and we can teleport to each other in case something happened we are all mentally linked... except for spine. but lets be honest thats okay, Spine doesnt need us AND all his undead minions in his head.
me: so we can hear everyone’s thoughts??? ryan (frost): and we can see what each other is thinking. we just don’t know whos thinking what. shafeek: i imagine blue from fosters home. coolie:...i...i imagine the color blue. me: i imagine the blue flying moose! shafeek: and blue is riding the moose! coolie: there flying though the sky! shafeek: and blue has armor! coolie: SO DOES THE THE MOOSE! me: HE IS READY FOR BATTLE!
Frost crystal and Spine find some crazy living metal things and- Spine: *bursts through the door* I HEARD THERE WAS A PARTY!
Spine learns their language and after the room with the metal things is flooded (no worries, Spine, his golem, and frost can breath under water) they do some underwater battleing and nearly die to mercury poisoning. also Frost has half a whine bottle if liquid living metal.
vale: if i teleport you out, is any of that metal stuff coming with you? frost: well i mean yeah but dont worry about it.
Vlae’s spider does some SICK mission impossibly dodging as she crawls on the ceiling and through spike pits, nearly dying but surviving. might be traumatized. but shes okay now.
frost: *calls a deity* hello- Envoy: TELL HER I SAID HI! Elizander: were all connected mentally, she can hear you. envoy: HELLO LADY! vale: HHHHIIII! the Yak: PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON! frost: i’ll call you back....
Nazul sends magic missile after magic missal down the halls until he hits the necromancer.... not that it matters, magic and blunt? legit 0 damage to Spine.
we find a cursed library. me: imma make a arcane knowledge check. shafeek: i grab a book and start reading :D DM: Envoy, as you are making your check, Nazul walks past you and grabs a book. he seems drawn to it, moving to sit down at one of the tables.
turns out the books -no matter how boring- will memorize anyone who reads them. also if you are too smart NOT to try and read them they’ll just try and grab you. after we get Nazul back to reality, turns out one of the halls has a slime down it. we thought it was a time spell since it just seemed things were moving in slow motion. we try freezing it but in the end Spine (who lost his syth to the slime) pillar of woes the thing and ‘saves’ its contents.
the legendary syth is broken but can be fixed, so can Nazul’s dagger but his last and final fade is dead :(
we move on and frost crystal is a one uldra trap and quest mastering machine! she gets to the point where we reach the item we had to retrieve from this trile- The Rod of Gaia.
ryan (Spine): im telling you its just a stick. me: i kinda hope its just a stick now. that would be hilarious. (me and Ryan talked about how ridiculous it would be if it was just a stick on the way to DnD. i am way too hyped for this legendary item to be nothing) ryan (frost): i hope its what you said eailyer, that its a stick until a druid holds it. frost: *gets handed a stick*....are you sure this is the rod of gaia? guardian (who is a brownie): yes! you don’t trust me? i’ve guarded that rod for generations! me: its a stick! ryan (spine): i told you! frost: its not that i don’t trust you its just.... you being the guardian.... you wouldn’t just give me the rod. me: *wheeze*
so we get the brownie drunk and turns out the stick is NOT the rod (sadness) and that we need to go farther down. also we pasted a dragon sleeping/guarding her eggs. this is important for the next bit.
tim: I WANNA TALK TO THE DRAGON! me: Tim shes guarding her eggs- tim: im not gonna STEAL the eggs- me: and shes SLEEPING!
spine: *enters the room* dragon: *suddenly awake and pissed* Spine: okay.
turns out the dragon doesn’t like necromancers... and she was the dragon that killed Giovanni (Spine’s oldest undead ‘minion’. more like friend. Spine doesnt like the word ‘minion’. but yeah Giovanni is the real OG). as spine and his golem leave the room the dragon stomps on the golem cause ‘it dosn’t matter’. sad spine. 
also the bard who has 5 in her disable device got a nat 20 and turned off the ‘walls turn you into a hero sandwich’ trap. best moment of Envoy’s life. well one of them.
we enter a puzzle now. we have to put the elements into the pillars
me: i fly up and use my flint and steel. ryan (frost): oh i was just gonna use create fire. me: nooo i wanna be useful!
tim: okay im at the fire pillar. me: your wife gonna do the water thing? tim: i didn’t say she was up her. me: just have her up there so you two can do the fire and water thing. tim: but- lindsay: screw it i fly up on my griffion, pour the water from my water skin into the water hole and light a fire with my flint and steel.
we open a door after all 4 elements and their opposites are placed on the right pillars (gg bardic knowledge). we then open a trap door into a room where the REAL rod of gaia is. turns out its guarded by a 12 headed hydra! ROLL INISITVE!
lindsy: i fly me and my pride over to one of the islands DM: oh oh oh attacks of opportunity a plenty! me: NOPE! i use my quick action to cast a spell i learned over break! DM: what? me: “target a creature per level. so long as you are playing target(s) can not make attack of opportunity” vale: *stares death in the eye and lives*
lindasy: im going to have Issac cast phantasmal killer! Issac deals damage to something for the first time in this bird’s life and he even stuns one of the hydra heads! GG Issac!
Zack performs monkey beats the gong on the hydra’s body and thats where we left off!
not that many antics this week, but i can report the whole group has seen the group drawing and its now set as the facebook group’s picture! also EVERYONE loved the burning town in the background.
see you all next week! will the wrecking crew defeat the hydra or fall victim to one or all of its twelve heads? find out nect time- on dragon ball Z!
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