#i drew this while sitting in the living room with my dad
Can we pls get a cuddle session doodle with rlgl sun (or moon) and Y/N 🥺🥺
I am slowly becoming obsessed with this AU
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Looks like you are getting a full on cuddle pile!!!
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ragingbookdragon · 5 months
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(Wonderful render by @ave661 (if you've never seen her work, please go and check it all out!)
It’s a rare moment where Simon is home for longer than two weeks and she’s excited and ready for it. She’s more so ready to hand him the baby and take a straight two-day vacation where she could pretend she’s a normal human being who’s only friend isn’t a babbling child. Now, Simon was a good dad, called every night when he wasn’t busy and read their child a bedtime story over the phone, took on the majority of housework and shopping when he was home, but raising a child while your husband was halfway around the world was hard. She didn’t take anything of what her husband did for granted; she knew how hard he worked when he was home, knew he was every bit as capable of being a parent as she was—and he was.
Shopping on New Year’s Eve was hectic anywhere and it took her at least three hours to finally get into the store, shop, and get home. As she stepped into the flat, she noticed how quiet it was, and for a moment assumed that maybe her husband had taken their daughter out while she was gone. But after setting the bags down in the kitchen, she stepped into the living room and paused, a soft smile coming across her lips as she caught sight of Simon lying on the couch, their daughter curled up underneath one arm.
She pulled her phone out, quietly snapping a photo, and walked over, gently sitting down next to his hips; Simon stirred at the difference in weight and cracked an eye open, looking over at her beneath his hood.
“Love?” he murmured, and he started to shift but she stopped him with a hand on her arm.
“You don’t have to get up, baby,” she calmed, and softly ran her hand through her daughter's hair. “Have you both slept all day?”
“Mhm,” he said, curled into his daughter. “She’s been tired since she got up at one.”
She watched them and rested her hand on Simon’s arm, rubbing it. “It’s a quarter to five, you hungry?”
He nodded and let out a sigh, starting to move again. “Yeah, lemme get up and cook.”
“No, no,” she shushed, and firmly laid her hand down. “I’ll fix dinner, you stay.”
“But I do dinner when I’m on leave, love. You always make dinner.”
She smiled. “Let me take care of my loves, okay, babe?”
Simon blinked, looked at her and laid his head back down. “Okay.”
Bending over, she nudged his hoodie up a bit to press her lips to his temple. “You’re a good husband and daddy, Simon,” she whispered. “I’m so thankful for everything you do for us.” She felt the way heat drew along his skin and she smiled against him. “My perfect Simon,” she added. “The best husband and an even better daddy.”
Simon shifted until his eyes weren’t visible beneath his hood. “Go away,” he muttered, but the small grin on his lips said otherwise.
“I love you too,” she snorted.
Before she could pull away and stand up fully, she was pulled back and his lips brushed her cheekbone. “I love you.”
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chaethewriter · 1 year
You're dead to me [1]
Dad!Jake Sully x human!daughter!reader
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In which Jake Sully leaves his life on earth to settle down with the Omatikaya people as Toruk Makto. Having a family that consists of four kids with Neytiri, everything seems to work out just fine, but what if the past comes back for him? And his babygirl is right there in front of him?
warning: english isn't my first language, angst, fluff, barely proofread, kinda rushed, prologue type of part.
Word count: 1,9k
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"Daddy daddy look what I made!" When Jake Sully entered the room, he was met with a pair of sparkling eyes staring directly at him, paper in hand as you jumped up and down in excitement. He closed the door with his hands before he moved them back to the wheels, rolling himself forward carefully as he had their dinner on his lap. When you headed towards him, your tiny feet stepping towards him in small baby steps, Jake Sully already knew he had to remove anything available on his lap for the tiny human that was about to jump in his arms. He quickly put the plastic bag to his side and opened his arms to welcome his adopted daughter in his arms. "Daddy daddy!!", your squeals filled the air as you pressed yourself against his body. Jake Sully had to steady his body for the huge amount of impact a tiny human like yours could give, but once he seated you comfortably on his lap, he couldn't help but lift you up to his face, his arms around her body to hug her close as she was kneeling on his lap. "Hi babygirl, did you make something for daddy?", he brought his lips towards your chubby cheek to blow a raspberry against your skin. Tons of giggles left your lips as you nodded your head to his question, "I drew daddy and me!" You held onto his shoulder to steady yourself with one hand before you brought the drawing in front of his face. Jake Sully had to squint his eyes to get used to the closeness, the little girl, that was you, basically pressing the drawing into his face. Another pair of giggles left your lips as you waited for his reply. He turned you around on his lap and you immediately took a seat, your short legs dangling against his. Jake took his time to analyze the drawing. It was incredibly messy, as expected of a six year old. A few scribbles in different colors. Something that is supposed to look like a rainbow? But in the middle, there he was. Jake sully himself. He was sitting on something that looked like a chair and his little girl was there, right on his lap. The drawing was very abstract, but it made his heart flutter nonetheless. "And you drew this all by yourself? You did this all by yourself?" One hand is held onto the drawing while the other was wrapped around your stomach.
"Yes daddy!! I love you daddy!!"
You, (Y/N) Sully, prior (Y/N) (L/N), were confused. Where did your daddy go? You were young, age 8 when he left you on earth. You didn't understand why. Didn't he love you? But he always made sure to remind you. Kisses, quality time, cuddling. He took you in when mommy and daddy died, so why is he suddenly leaving you? He told you it was for work, something important that would give the both of you a good life. Give you a good life. But you didn't care about anything of that. Being with your daddy already made you feel like you were living your best life. Painting with daddy, eating with daddy, cuddling with daddy. But he told you to be patient and that he would return to you soon. Yet, when was soon? You grew impatient, even though you yourself knew that it wasn't kind of you to be like that. He took you in when you were an orphan and took his time to care for you, even though he was paralyzed and having a hard time himself. You completed one another, because you both needed each other the most at the same time. So you tried you best to stay optimistic. Your daddy loves you, so surely he will come soon for you, right? But days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Then he missed your eleventh birthday. The neighbors Jake Sully was close with took care of you instead during the time. They were like your auntie and uncle, but they weren't your daddy. When two years passed, you decided to call it quits. He wasn't coming back for you. You were thirteen at that time, old enough to understand the reality of the world. A teenager without any goals is what you were, the light and will left your eyes the moment your daddy left you. You hated carrying his last name, yet couldn't bring yourself to change it back to your original surname.
The decision to keep your last name was the reason they found you. They, are a resistance group going against the destruction of Pandora. Pandora. The planet your daddy went to and never came back from. Like the reckless thirteen-year-old you were and not thinking about consequences at all in this terrible world, you went with these unknown, potentially dangerous, people to their underground base. There you were answered all the questions you had and wanted to ask. It was normal that you were curious about your dad, but tried to be nonchalant about it. Him leaving you wasn't a big deal, not at all. Why would that be a big deal? But you couldn't fool anyone with that type of behavior, as the liteaunant explained further than the questions you actually asked. Much more personal information. A daughter will always miss her dad after all. You learned that your father, Jake Sully, was still alive and one of the people. A painful way to know, from someone else, since it felt like your father indirectly slapped you in the face with an 'I don't care about you'. "Alive and well", were the words she told you. Alive and well your ass. When you were asked to join the program to protect Pandora, the indigenous and its nature from the greedy governments that tried to destroy it. The same governments that already have destroyed their own planet: ignoring global warming. Proceeding to pump gas from under the ground, bringing animals in danger, and destroying the nature humanity needs to even breathe. You couldn't lie, you wanted to decline. Saving the world and all sounded good and all, but you never wanted to do anything that even indirectly involved you so-called father. When money and status were involved, it started to sound interesting in your eyes. Ironic, the same way your dad left you. Like father like daughter, one could say. Yet, this was your chance to show everyone what you could turn out to be.
So, accepting is what you did. You soon started training, but it was no usual military training. You all learned about life on Pandora, you and the others that had potential in them learned to live like the people of Pandora: the bow and arrow, spears, but also hand-to-hand combat if anything were to go wrong. The training honestly went great, you didn't regret accepting the offer one bit. You felt fit and worthy, and most importantly you found people around you that cared for you. The liteaunant that guided you from the start was like a master to you. Not in an authority kind of way, but a respectful bond between two equals. You had friends that went through this entire process with you, telling each other about their lives and how they ended up here. While they were almost like warriors following orders, every night the group would sneak away to be like teenagers again, kids having fun and playing games. For a long time, it was the same routine. Wake up, eat, and train for almost the entire day, do homework, have dinner, sneak out, and sleep. You hated that homework so much, but knew that you needed to master everything you were given. It was to learn the language of the people, Na'vi. This felt like when you had to learn languages in high school, but ten times worse as you didn't even finish high school. "Oel nati kamy?", your voice sounded unsure as you tried to say the formal way of greeting someone in Na'vi, but you earned a slap against your forehead in return from one of your friends. "No, it's Oel Ngati Kameie, skxwang!"
Years of training together ended up being so worth it, because when all of you reached the end of your teenage years, it got announced that you were finally ready. You felt so delighted to know that all of your hard work paid off in the end. You knew everyone had a hard time trying their best to teach you the language of the people, so you were so thankful for everyone around you to get you where you are right now. Everyone worked so hard for it. As a parting gift, your liteaunant gifted you a katana. "It's to protect yourself, and always think of me", she joked to you, but the both of you could feel the heavy tension in the air. The grip on your katana tightened as you dropped your bag on the floor. You finally wrapped your arms around her, forgetting about the warrior exterior, that facade falling for just a moment. She didn't hesitate to hug you in return, "thank you for everything." You had whispered into her ear and pulled yourself together, being the first one to pull away from the hug. You knew that if you didn't let go now, you would second-guess jumping on your flight to Pandora. "Come on (y/n)!" Your friends already boarded and you were the last one left on the flat grounds. "Go on, child. You deserve this. And remember what I told you!" You don't reply, but only flash her a smile as you run after your friends with the katana and a bag. You all follow your superiors' suit, putting your stuff where they tell you to. With no seconds left to spare, they immediately tell you to follow them to your tubes, you were getting put into cryosleep. You still couldn't believe it. They were going to put you to sleep for six years and you're gonna wake up looking the same, but temporarily living in a dream world you trained your entire teen years for. You lay down in your tube, ready to get put to sleep. The nerves were truly getting to you. "See you on the other side!", you jokingly said to lift up the mood, and your friends started joking around, telling one another goodbyes and what they should do if one of them doesn't wake up. You just lay there quietly, waiting to get put to sleep as your mind starts wandering. You kept thinking about your leatiunant's words. She keeps telling you that you should make up with your dad or at least hear him out. You hoped you wouldn't run into him on Pandora, but he was Jake Sully. The Toruk Makto that went from being a sky demon to being one of the people. For sure you would get in contact with him. But as long as no one revealed your name, everything could be fine. He's dead to you after all. Surely, you were only there for the money and a good time, right?
Only time could tell.
A/N: my first time writing on tumblr so no idea how some stuff works. Had this type of idea for a dad Sully plot for a while and finally started it. Legit rushed through this to finish this asap cause backstory kinda lame. I'm a college student so give me some time until the next part. I need to release a novella for college so I'm double-writing a story— isn't smart of me but🤭
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peachhcs · 29 days
going to worlds
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
with worlds coming up, tensions get high in the hughes’ household between luke and samy.
2k words
so this is actually more samy x luke more than samy x will but here’s the sibling angst i mentioned a few days ago! i feel like we don’t see a lot of samy’s relationship with her brothers so i wanna try and write that more but i will be writing more about worlds between will and samy as it plays out! :))
au masterlist
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“no, absolutely not,” luke immediately shook his head as he walked out of the kitchen. samy was hot on his tail as she followed him into the living room, watching as he plopped himself onto the couch, remote in hand. 
“why not? it’s not like i’m gonna be bothering you,” the younger hughes argued, hanging herself over the couch so she was right in her brother’s face. 
the boy pushed her away, “but it will be a bother when i have to look after you the entire month there. i’m not doing that shit. i’m not gonna be some babysitter at my own hockey tournament,” luke was being harsh which samy sort of expected, but not this bad.
“i’m 19 years old. you don’t need to look after me,” the girl fired back. 
“that’s not what mom and dad will say. plus, i kind of do because we’re in a fucking foreign country and i’m not that stupid to let you wander around czechia by yourself,” luke shot back even harder. a frustrated groan escaped samy’s lips. this brother was supposed to be easier than her other two. 
“i won’t be by myself. plus, i went to sweden and mom and dad were fine,” samy mumbled sheepishly. 
“what do you think you’re gonna do when we’re at practice almost the whole day? sit in the hotel? that’s gonna get boring real quick,” the curly-brunette shook his head, already very over the conversation and disregarding what his sister said.
“you’re being such a brat. i’m not 12 years old anymore, luke. i can take care of myself, you know. you’re not even 21 yet so right now it’s a one year age difference.” 
“why do you even wanna go? don’t you have your own shit to do instead of follow me to czechia,” the middle hughes rolled his eyes. although, his words hit a nerve. 
samy drew back off the couch, a frown settling onto her lips. sure, her and luke had their fair share of fights and arguments, but for some reason, his words hurt even more than any of those combined. 
“jesus, when did you turn into such an asshole?” now her words hit luke’s nerve this time. the older boy whipped around so hard samy swore he gave himself whiplash. his lips were set in a straight line along with his eyebrows pinched together. 
“who are you calling an asshole right now? you’re the one who needs to grow up right now,” the boy shot back quite harshly. 
“so me going to every single one of your ntdp games, home games at umich mean nothing to you? you just think i’m following you around?” the girl frowned, her hurt showing more than she anticipated as her voice wavered. 
“i- i..that’s not what i meant, sam. i just..it’s gonna be a bother and you just wanna go to make out with your boyfriend anyway,” luke defended himself, but his words didn’t sound any better than before. 
those words hurt samy a lot more than a few minutes ago. luke never called her sam ever. the siblings stared at one another, the silence engulfing them while luke awaited a response. “so that’s what you think? you’ve just forgotten that will’s still my best friend and i’ve been supporting him since we were kids along with you? you just think i wanna go to be some bother to you and have sex with my boyfriend?” samy’s voice finally rose to the point where they both knew she was angry. 
“i mean..am i wrong?” the wrong responses kept falling from the middle hughes’ mouth. 
“yes! you are wrong, luke! haven’t you and will always wanted to play on the same team together since we were kids but never could because you weren’t ever in the same age group? and now that it’s finally happening, i can’t go and support my brother and best friend who are playing for the same team because all you think is that i’m going to have sex with him all the time and be some fucking bother. i only asked you because i knew mom and dad would only let me go if you said yes and i thought you would because you’d want your sister there cheering you on like i have been for your entire life. maybe this whole fame thing really did get to your head,” samy stormed off before luke could even respond. her heavy footsteps carried all the way up the stairs until the boy heard her bedroom door slam shut. 
“woah, someone’s mad..” jack came out from the downstairs bedroom. his hair looked absolutely insane like he’d just woken up despite it being 2 in the afternoon. 
“i don’t know what’s up with her,” luke rolled his eyes, settling back into the couch like nothing happened. 
“she’s got a point, you know. you were kind of being an asshole,” jack shrugged as he wandered into the kitchen. 
“oh come on, not you too. if she goes, i’m just gonna have to look after her!” luke exclaimed, head falling back onto the couch in frustration. 
“she’s not some kid anymore, moosey. she’s 19. you’re not even 21. she can handle herself. she did in sweden,”  jack stuck up for their little sister. 
“that was different because everyone was there already. this isn’t the sam, jack. mom and dad will put me on babysitter duty because they aren’t there,” the younger brother continued his defense. 
“i don’t think it would be babysitting. more like making sure she’s okay. checking in? plus, i doubt she’ll even be in the hotel room that much anyway. she’ll wanna hang with smitty and leno,” jack started making himself a sandwich with the little ingredients in the fridge. apparently, ellen and jim hardly grocery shopped when they didn’t have four kids in one house anymore. 
“yeah and then that will lead to them having sex and then that becomes a whole thing,” luke rambled on. 
“is this really about not wanting samy there or is it about you thinking she’s taking away your moment if she’s there?” the older hughes brother proposed a new idea. he always saw through to his siblings hidden emotions they were trying to conceal. a beat of silence passed between the brothers and jack took the silence as his answer. he stopped making his sandwich for a moment to find a seat on the couch beside his brother. luke’s gaze stuck to the ground. 
“come on, rusty. talk to me,” jack nudged his brother’s knee. 
“it just feels like i never get to hang out with will because samy’s always there. or..he chooses her instead of hanging with us nowadays. being able to play on team usa together has been our dream since we were kids. i love that samy’s happy and so is will..i just..i really hoped this could be a just us thing. i don’t know. sounds selfish, i know,” the younger boy mumbled almost ashamed. 
“it’s not selfish, lukey. i get it. i’m still getting used to their whole dating thing too here and there. it is weird seeing one of your close friends date your sister,” jack sympathized. “i’m sure if you talked to samy she’ll understand. she’s always been your #1 supporter, luke. i know she’s not trying to come with you to wedge her way in between you guys. maybe set some boundaries?” 
“maybe i just feel so disconnected because i went to college and then was hardly ever around. feels like i don’t even know her sometimes anymore or will, you know? he used to be attached to our hips as kids and now..it’s just..not the same,” the curly-haired boy’s voiced faded off. a frown appeared on jack’s lips, rubbing his brother’s arm in a soothing manner. 
“talk to her, lukey. this can be your chance to reconnect with both of them the month you’re there,” the older boy encouraged. 
luke finally took to his words, agreeing as he got up and shuffled upstairs to hopefully reconcile. samy’s room sounded quiet the closer he got, so he gently knocked on the door.
“go away,” he heard lowly.
“please? just wanna talk,” luke mumbled from outside. 
a beat of silence passed until there was a small click and his sister’s gaze appeared through the crack, “about what?” 
“me being an asshole,” the older boy admitted in defeat that she was right earlier. the door opened wider, an indication that he could go in. 
luke’s gaze flicked around the room that he really hadn’t seen in..years almost. it was so similar, yet it felt so different in his eyes. so much time seemed to pass in samy’s room.
“you have five minutes to give me a good explanation,” the girl crossed her arms, snapping her brother back into reality. 
the guilt crept across luke’s face as he struggled on where to start. he was never the one to admit his feeling outright like this. “first, i’m sorry. i was an asshole about the whole thing,” he began.
“yeah, you kind of were. that really hurt, luke,” samy said seriously and the boy sighed. 
“i know..i don’t know why—i think i just…” he stumbled over his words and everything he just admitted to jack downstairs. “feels like i don’t really know you anymore just because i’ve been away and i hate that. we used to be so close and now it feels like we just don’t talk..same with will. i dunno. i guess i just didn’t want you there because i was being selfish and just wanted will and i there together. i realize now that you deserve to be there too to support us,” the boy continued in a long ramble that probably made no sense. 
he watched samy’s expression soften up a little, “you think we aren’t close anymore?” 
“i mean..not as close as we used to be. college and everything else seems to have made us drift..same with jack. same with quinn.”
yes, the hughes siblings were close, but not nearly as close when they all lived under one roof. one by one as each brother left, their bond slowly dissipated. texts became littler and littler. the time changes weren’t easy to work around sometimes. 
in some ways, samy saw where luke came from because quinn and jack missed a lot of big milestones in samy’s life yet she was there for all of theirs. 
“i-i’m sorry. i didn’t know you felt that way,” the girl frowned. 
“no, no, it’s not your fault. i just..have been feeling weird lately. i think having you there will be really fun. maybe it can even make up for some of the time we’ve lost,” luke offered a smile. 
“no, i don’t have to go. you’re right. it’s a you and will thing. something you’ve been waiting for since you were kids,” the girl shook her head.
“no, no, i want you there. i promise. plus, i think smitty would actually fight me if he knew i wasn’t letting you come. i’m serious. we can catch up. have fun in czechia together. i’m sure mom and dad would love our sibling bonding,” the two shared a laugh. 
“are you sure?” 
“positive. i’ve missed hanging around you,” luke opened his arms for a hug. the youngest hughes stepped into his arms and they shared a tight hug in what felt like forever. 
“we’re gonna have so much fun there. i already have an intinerary planned for your off days,” the girl grinned widely when the two pulled away. 
a laugh escaped luke’s lips, “of course you do. we’ll talk to mom and dad tonight, yeah?” 
samy nodded and she let her brother squeeze her shoulders one last time before leaving her alone for now. she excitedly called will next to let him know the good news that they’d be able to spend the next few weeks together. 
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half-oz-eddie · 6 months
Billy's been living with the Byers-Hopper family for almost 4 months. He still isn't very receptive to Joyce or Jim's gentler parenting methods, nor does he understand why Will and El keep bugging him to play as if he's some super fun guy to be around.
Jonathan doesn't bother him too much. Sometimes they smoke weed together and run errands together, but they don't exactly hang out and that's fine with Billy.
On Christmas morning, he wasn't expecting much. He thought he'd sit in the corner and watch everyone else open gifts while he was excluded, because that was what he was used to.
But it didn't go that way. Joyce invited Steve over for Hot Chocolate and presents, which, to Billy's surprise, he received many of. Steve bought him a new watch, El made him an ashtray, Will drew a poster for his bedroom, and Joyce and Jim...well, they gave him a big red box with a bow on it.
Billy slowly opened the box, his brows furrowing at the little shaking furball inside.
"A puppy?" He chuckled. "You got me a puppy?"
"He's a rescue from the animal shelter." Joyce smiled. "And you know what? His name's Billy too! It's almost like fate!"
Billy didn't hate dogs, but he didn't really care about having one very much either. "Gotta admit, you're pretty cute, though." He smirked at the puppy. "Guess you're mine, now."
2 days after Billy got little Billy, he caught him chewing on his shoes and he shouted at him.
"No! Don't chew on my shoes! The hell's the matter with you?"
The puppy cowered in a corner, whimpering and Billy sighed, remembering how frightened he was when he would get yelled at.
"Shit. I'm sorry. You're just a puppy, you probably don't know any better." He sighed, kneeling down and reaching out a gentle hand for little Billy. "Look, pup, you can't chew on shoes, alright? Bad." He pointed to the shoe. "Not food. No."
Little Billy cocked his head to the side, then peed on the floor.
"Jesus Christ." He whispered to himself. "Listen. You can't piss on my floor, and you can't chew my stuff, alright? We can't share space like this if you're gonna tear up my stuff." He lifted little Billy and brought him to the newspaper on the floor. "Pee here." He pointed to the wet spot on the floor. "No. Bad. Not for peeing."
Eventually, Little Billy understood to pee on the paper and not on the floor. Billy tried to take him out for walks, but little Billy refused to go outside.
"I don't like leaving the room much either, pup. But you can't be afraid of what's out there, okay? How about I carry you?" Billy offered, putting his arms out for the puppy.
Little Billy jumped into his arms and Billy zipped him up into his jacket. "Let's go."
Billy took little Billy outside and showed him the neighborhood. "That's a tree. You can piss on as many of those as you want. If you pee on it, it's yours. Sounds good, right? And that's a car. I have one of those. I'll let you ride in mine when you stop pissing everywhere, deal? And that's...that's Steve."
"Don't you 2 look cozy?" Steve smiled as he approached.
"Yeah, he was too scared to walk around on his own. He's pretty jumpy. I think he was abused in his old home."
"Probably, yeah."
"I yelled at him this morning and he got scared. Made me feel like shit. I remember getting yelled at like that when I was little. I'm trying to be nicer so I don't scare him."
"That's really sweet of you, babe. You're such a good guy."
"I don't wanna be like him—Y'know...my dad. I wanna be different."
"You are. I don't think Neil would have a puppy tucked into his jacket like a proud father swaddling a baby, would he?"
Billy laughed. "Probably not."
"You two are a perfect match."
"Why's that? Because I was an abused rescue too?"
"Well—No. You're a hero. Little Billy needed a hero too."
Billy smiled. "Let's go back home. I'll get us all some lunch."
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totalswag · 1 year
new addition — DREW STARKEY
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authors note first concept! more dadxdrew content will be posted. writing about drew as a dad is one of the most cutest thing ever. this is my first time writing on here and it’s been awhile since i’ve written something so it will be a little rusty. also, thank you to those who've sent in requests, i will get to them when i can. feedback is always appreciated <3
summary welcoming your first child into the world and announcing it to the rest of the world.
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A month ago you welcomed a beautiful healthy baby girl into the world. Words cannot describe the feeling of becoming a parent for the time. Each day that goes by you cherish every moment with her.
The minute you laid eyes on her, you knew deep in your heart you were meant to be in that very moment. She makes you look at the world differently.
First thing family and friends said when they met Y/D/N for the first time was that she has Drew's features, especially his eye color. But, she is the perfect mix between you both.
When Y/D/N was first born you both posted a picture showing her in her bed next to your hospital bed without showing her face because privacy is huge for Drew and you. You want to protect her from the rest of the world, it's a scary place.
Earlier this week, it hit a month since Y/D/N was born. She continues to grow everyday and never fails to make us smile.
You were in the kitchen cleaning the dishes while Y/D/N was in her swing set sound asleep in the living room; her pacifier in her mouth with her blanket to keep her warm. She loves taking naps or relaxing in her swing set. She will get fussy if you take her out when she's comfortable.
Drew was in the other room on the phone with his manager about an upcoming movie with Daniel Graig that will be filmed in Europe which meant Drew will be gone for a while.
It will be hard not having him around for a month or two but trips to see him will be planned. He’s spoken to you about it when he first got the role.
"She looks so peaceful" you are startled by Drew's voice in the kitchen. He apologizes by kissing your shoulder, "didn't mean to scare you babe."
“You scared me,” you gasped while putting the last plate in the dishwasher, “how did the call go?” You ask turning your body around facing Drew as he looks through the pantry for a snack.
“It went pretty good. We spoke about the movie, apartments since I’ll be there for a while filming and when I fly to Europe '' he explains.
He could tell you were feeling upset about the whole thing. He walks towards you with open arms, you lean into his body from the gesture.
Drew and you went into the living room and sat on the couch to watch tv.
"I think we should show our little princess to the world," Drew says while staring at his baby girl in complete awe.
"I think so too," you shift in your seat, "she's sleeping so peacefully in her swing" you add.
"Grab your phone to take a picture," Drew says.
“Actually, I took a few pictures maybe half an hour ago before she fell asleep. Here let me show you” you grab your phone from the kitchen counter and sit back to your seat, showing him the pictures.
Drew picked a picture out he wanted to post and you agreed.
Y/D/N started getting fussy in her swing. Before you could get up, Drew insisted he grab her. He picked her up carefully placing her on his chest; she tried tilting her head back, staring up at her father as he looked at the tv.
She started to make little noises catching Drew's attention. He made eye contact with her which brought a small grin to her face.
"She grinned at me" he giggles then kissing the top of her head softly.
The bond between those two makes your heart melt. From the moment Drew laid eyes on Y/D/N, you could already tell their bond will be stronger as time goes on.
She is definitely a daddy's girl. She's so attached to him. She holds onto his chain when she lays on his chest when she's awake or sleeping.
"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and your mama" Drew softly whispers in her ear as he sways back and forth. 
You took a picture of them. They looked so cute.
Spending time together as a family is one of your favorite things to do because it holds memories. This is what you've always dreamed about as a little girl and you finally have it.
You ended up posting the picture tagging Drew with the caption.
A month later and you are already getting so big. Words cannot express the joy of being your mommy. You’ve changed mine and your dads life for the better <3
Once you set your phone down, your phone immediately started blowing up with a bunch of comments from family, friends, and fans.
Drew felt his phone buzzing from the coffee table. You look at him giving him a little chuckle, lifting your arms up, indicating you want to hold Y/D/N. Drew places her in your arms; you shift your body into a comfortable position. She looks at you then looks around her.
"Everyone keeps saying she looks just like me," he chuckles, scrolling through the comments. "Well she is your daughter" you add.
"She has your smile" he also adds, nudging your shoulder.
“Thank you for carrying our daughter for nine months and pushing her out when I knew it was painful. You are such a strong, beautiful, and wonderful woman that I love so much. I can’t wait to see where our future has in store for our family” Drew’s words have never failed to make you cry when he says things like this to you. He wraps his right arm around your lower waist, pulling you closer together while kissing your lips passionately.
“You are making me tear up over here Joseph” you chuckle, wiping a few tears from your face. “But, you are the one of the main reasons why our daughter is here so thank you babe” you add on because it’s true.
“I love you” you place your hand on-top of his.
“I know” he smiles, “and i love you too princess” he leans down kissing the top of Y/D/N head. She smiles at his gesture.
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sunny44 · 9 months
Old vs new
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x daughter
Warnings: none, just fluff
Summary: When Lewis is bored in his house and decide to do a instagram live with his daughter.
This is a request
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It was a sunny afternoon and I was bored in the house, my wife was with her sister and I was at our house with my daughter who was doing something in her room and then I had the idea of doing an Instagram live witch is something I usually don’t do but since the fans lives Ava I thought it was a good ideia.
I called Ava saying to meet me in my trophies room and when I press the button to start the live, Ava entered the room and she sit in my lap and we immediately created a buzz as fans tuned in to witness our live.
"Hey everyone, I've got a very special lady here with me today," I said to the phone and Ava smiled and waved at everyone. "As you guys already now this is my daughter Ava. And she’s already in go kart to be the next Hamilton.”
Mia giggled, her eyes lighting up as she playfully jabbed, "Yeah, Dad, you're not as fast as you used to be. You're like, ancient in F1 years!"
The comment sparked laughter from Lewis and his audience. "Ancient, huh?" he responded, feigning shock. "Well, I might not be as young as I was when I started, but I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve!"
Ava’s eyes twinkled mischievously. "Oh, I've seen your tricks, Dad. I've also seen your old races on TV. Vintage stuff!"
The banter continued as they reminisced about Lewis's early days in racing. He recounted stories of his breakthrough races, while Mia giggled at the outdated racing gear he used to wear. "Hey, don't laugh too hard! Those suits were cutting-edge back then," Lewis protested, feigning offense.
Mia, her voice dripping with mock seriousness, quipped, "Yeah, sure they were, Dad. Just like those ancient cell phones you used!"
The playful teasing exchanged between father and daughter endeared them to their audience even more. Amidst the jokes, Lewis shared the valuable lessons he learned from his journey – the hard work, dedication, and resilience that drove him to become a champion.
"You know, Ava" Lewis began with a thoughtful expression, "racing isn't just about speed and trophies. It's about determination and pushing yourself beyond your limits. That's something you'll need to remember when you're the next Hamilton in F1."
Mia's eyes gleamed as she leaned closer to the camera. "Oh, I'll remember, Dad. And when I'm on that track, I'll make sure to remind everyone that the Hamilton legacy continues!"
Their connection was a beautiful blend of admiration and camaraderie. As the conversation flowed, Lewis turned the tables on Ava. "You know what, Ava? I think it's time for a challenge. How about we have a karting race this weekend? Old vs new!"
Ava's face lit up, excitement radiating from her. "You're on, Dad! Just remember, I've been practicing!"
As the live session drew to a close, Lewis shared his pride in his daughter's aspirations. "I'm not just her father, but also her biggest fan. If she chooses to step into the world of racing, I'll be there every step of the way."
The Instagram Live ended with promises of the upcoming karting showdown and a grateful farewell to the fans. Lewis and Ava had not only shared their love for racing but had given the world a glimpse into the genuine bond they shared – a bond that would undoubtedly continue to flourish as the next generation of the Hamilton legacy began to unfold.
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shelbystales · 10 months
Story Time - One Shot
Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
Word count: 1672
Summary: After a few days being absent in his familly, Tommy arrives late, once again. But to his surprise you and his son are still awake.
Warning: fluff, fluff and more fluff?
A/N: I could EASILY have turned this into a long SMUT, but hey... all my one shots are smut 😂. But if you guys want i can write a part 2.
Oh and please dont forget to comment and interact, tell me what you think! it means a looot to me.
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes
Thomas Shelby trudged wearily through the dimly lit streets of Birmingham, his mind still reeling from the day's events. It had been a long and exhausting day, negotiating business deals, and handling the never-ending challenges that came with running the Peaky Blinders. 
The Peaky Blinders' operations had been especially intense lately, and the weight of responsibility rested heavily on his shoulders. All he wanted now was a moment of peace and a good glass of whisky.
As he finally reached his home, a beautiful Victorian house tucked away in a quiet corner of Small Heath, bought especially for you, he let out a sigh of relief.
The familiar sight of his residence offered a small respite from the chaos of the outside world. He pushed open the creaky front door, the familiar scent of his home enveloping him as he stepped inside.
The living room was dimly lit, the fire crackling in the hearth casting a warm glow over the room. Thomas made his way to the worn-out leather couch and sank into it with a grateful sigh. 
With a heavy sigh, he poured himself a glass of his favorite drink and took a sip, relishing the familiar burn that washed over him. The warmth of the alcohol began to soothe his frayed nerves, and he allowed himself a rare moment of relaxation.
As he closed his eyes, the sounds of his home enveloped him—the crackling of the fireplace, the ticking of the clock, and the distant creaking of the floorboards. But amidst the background noise, he heard something that brought a small smile to his face, a soft chuckle, unmistakably belonging to his son, Charles.
It was such a joyful and carefree sound that he hadn't heard in a while. He furrowed his brows, wondering why Charlie would be awake at this hour. 
Curiosity getting the better of him, Thomas set down his glass and followed the sound. He made his way through the hallway and stopped outside his son's bedroom. The door was slightly ajar, and the flickering light from the hallway revealed a heartwarming scene.
There, on the bed tucked under the covers, was his son Charlie, just three years old, and you, his mother, playing with him. Charlie was giggling uncontrollably as you tickled him, a smile on your face that lit up the room. 
Thomas felt a softness in his heart, a tenderness he rarely allowed himself to feel amidst the harsh realities of his world.
"Well, look who it is," you said with a playful grin, noticing Thomas at the door. "Come join the fun, Tommy."
Thomas hesitated for a moment, his mind still clouded with the weight of his responsibilities. 
But something about the sight of you and his son together drew him in. He stepped into the room, his eyes locked on the scene before him.
He approached you with his usual confidence, but as he got closer, he found himself momentarily at a loss for words. 
You looked up, your eyes meeting his in a moment of unspoken understanding. It was as if you could see the pain and darkness that lay hidden behind his steely exterior.
"Seems like I've walked into a tickle battle. Why are you still awake little one?" he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Aye, you have" you replied, giving him a knowing smile. "Charlie was missing his dad, weren't ya, love?"
The little boy nodded enthusiastically, his eyes shining with adoration as he looked up at his father.
Thomas moved to sit on the edge of the bed, the weariness in his bones momentarily forgotten. He reached out to ruffle Charlie's hair, earning another delighted giggle from the boy.
"I'm sorry, I've been busy all these days" Thomas said, his voice softened by genuine regret. "No need to apologize, Tommy," you said, laying a hand on his. "We know how much you have on your plate."
He sighed, his eyes never leaving the two of you. "It's not an excuse, though. Family should always come first."
"You're right," you said, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "And you're here now. You can help me put this one to sleep"
“I don’t want to sleep. I want to play with da!” Charlie cried, the crying giving away the little one's tiredness
“How about we play tomorrow, hm?” Tommy asked
“You won’t be here tomorrow,” Charlie spoke in a weeping voice.
You just sat there, with Charlie in your arms. Just watching.
Charlie just missed his dad, but Tommy was needed out there. You could see the pain in Tommy’s eyes, to be an absent parent was not in his plans. 
“How about I tell you a story?” Tommy asked “and tomorrow I can take you and your mom out, maybe we can go to that park you like, ey?” 
Charlie got agitated in your arms, happy with his dad's promise. But you feared he wouldn’t keep it, again. Making you go silent. 
Charlie got out from under the covers and crawled into his father's arms, who received him with a strong hug.
Thomas found himself immersed in the simple joy of being you both, a rare respite from the constant struggles of his life.
“Okay, now lie down" Tommy ordered, pulling the blanket back for Charlie to get inside.
"Lie down here too daddy" charlie called him
Impossible to resist his son’s request, Tommy kicked off his shoes and crawled under the covers, Charlie between the two of you.
"What book are you going to read?" charlie asked
"No books. the story is here" Tommy pointed to his head making Charlie smile “Once upon a time, in the green hills of Birmingham, there lived a magnificent horse named Midnight."
"Like cocoa?" Charlie asked, refering to the brown horse Tommy had bought. Cocoa wasn't his race name, but the one Charlie chose for him.
"No, this was no ordinary horse, my boy. Midnight had a coat as black as the night sky, if you looked close by, you could even se the stars. He was magical and he could run faster than the wind…” Tommy went on telling the story. 
As Thomas spun his tale, the room seemed to come alive with his words. He painted vivid pictures of the horse's daring escapades and heroic deeds, capturing his son's imagination with each passing moment.
You watched the scene unfold, your heart swelling with love for the two most important people in your life.
You marveled at how effortlessly Thomas could transport your son to another world with his storytelling, and you couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of admiration for her husband.
As the story reached its end Charlies's eyelids began to droop, his exhaustion finally catching up with him. 
Thomas leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to his son's forehead and you gently tucked the covers snugly around him.
Once Charlie was fast asleep, you and Thomas went back to the living room. The fire had died down, so you gave it life again, with a few woods and a single match. 
Thomas poured another glass of whisky, and you sat beside him on the couch, streching your legs across his lap.
"I never thought I could have this," Thomas admitted quietly, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames. "A family, a home... it was never part of the plan."
"But here we are," you said, taking his hand in yours. "Life has a way of surprising us, doesn't it?"
"Aye, it does," he murmured, his fingers entwining with yours. "And I wouldn't trade this for anything." he pulled your face gently for a kiss
"Where this is coming from? all this declaration of love for us?" you chuckled lightly "had a hard day?" you asked and he nodded
“Yes" He sighed "you were silent back there” tommy pointed out
“Well, good you noticed. I don't want you promising Charles things you can’t do,” you admitted. “We both know how it’s with you. You can’t stay away from work”
“I have a lot of work to get done, y/n” he said almost in a whisper
“I know. Just, please don’t lie to him. You’re his hero” you asked
“I never plan to” he sighed
“So you're taking him to the park tomorrow?” you asked and he nodded “good. you better, I can’t stand to look at the disappointment at his face again”
“What do you mean again?” he asked frowning
“Oh, come on Tommy. ‘i’ll be home dinner’, ‘i’ll pick you up at school’, ‘i”ll do this or i’ll do that’. you may not remember tiny promises, but he does. Everynight he asks if you are coming home before he sleeps” 
“every night?” he asked, sounding defeated
“Yeah, and even though i know the truth i say ‘i don’t know, maybe’” 
he went silent
You could see the guilt wash over Tommy's face, and you knew he was grappling with his own emotions. You didn't want to add to his burden, but you also couldn't bear to see Charles disappointed again.
"Tommy, I understand that you have a lot on your plate, i promise i do," you said gently, "but you need to make time for Charles. He's growing up so fast, and he needs his father in his life."
"I know, I know," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just... I can't promise to be there all the time. It's not easy, y/n. You know what I do, what I'm involved in."
"I do know, Tommy," you replied softly. "And I know that your work is important, but so is your family. Charles needs you, and so do I. I also miss you. You come home after i am already sleeping and you leave before the sun comes out. I am getting abit tired of this loneliness"
Thomas took a deep breath, his gaze locked with yours. He could see the concern and love in your eyes, and it weighed heavily on his heart. He reached out to cup your cheek tenderly, his thumb caressing your skin.
"I'm sorry, love," he said sincerely "I can't promise you miracles, but i'll try to be home earlier".
You leaned into his touch, savoring the warmth of his hand on your cheek.
He gently kissed you. His lips slowly savoring yours. Tongue gently invading your mouth and sliding on your lips. 
“I love you y/n” He said resting his forehead on yours
“I love you too tommy” you smiled 
“Let me take care of you now, eh?” he smirked pushing you down to lay on the couch. 
“Yes please!” you said smiling in anticipation, making him chuckle as he lifted your nighgown.
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poppadom0912 · 1 year
Would it be possible to please request a Halstead!Sibling piece where the reader is the sibling, and during the late hours of the night, they get a really heavy nosebleed, so they come out of their bedroom to Jay and Will in the living room watching some TV with a few beers, and all hell breaks loose when they see reader is covered in blood and can't get the nosebleed to stop? Thank you!
A/N: I feel like I haven't written in years so I apologise in advance if this is rubbish. I also apologise for not writing this earlier, this was requested quite a while ago.
I am also aware I have posted in nearly three months but life is very stressful. I promise I'll try posting more once all my exams are over which is technically mid June. I'll try to get out all my finished drafts so you guys aren't starving.
Warnings: Blood, fainting/nausea, mentions of hospitals.
For once in a long time, things were good.
Jay was mentally handling things and was starting a relationship with his detective partner whose name you kept forgetting but you remembered how pretty she was. Will wasn't making Ms Goodwin's life miserable and he was accepting that he was moving on from Natalie. And with you, school was better than ever with your grades and no longer letting anxiety stop your life.
Overall, things were the best they've been since your dad died and you couldn't be happier.
Neither of your brothers were at work and upon your incessant pleas, the three of you found yourself settling on the same sofa watching a movie.
At some point, you had to excuse yourself when your best friend messaged you in a rush about homework that you completely forgot existed.
Ignoring the darkness of the night and the comfy pajamas you wore, you completed the homework to the best of your abilities and shared it with her when she expressed her struggle.
Eventually, you lost track of time and found yourself tucked under your duvet reading the intense story on your kindle; homework safely in a folder in your bag for the next day.
Totally immersed in the heating up plot, you were oblivious to the very clear signs that you would usually catch onto had you been much more alert.
You only ever realised what was happening when several single droplets of blood plopped onto kindle screen, obscuring you from reading any further.
Confused, you let go of the kindle, letting it sit on your covered lap, your hands went up to your face, trying to find the source of blood but deep down you kinda already knew.
Removing your fingers from your nose, you glanced down and sighed in defeat, shoulders slumping at the sight of blood coating your fingers.
Rolling your eyes in annoyance, you kicked off your sheets and scanned your bedside table for the tissue box you always kept because of you hayfever and nosebleeds like this. But, it wasn't there and that threw you off because it was literally there the other day.
Huffing, your mind drew a blank at what to do as blood continued to fall steadily but it seemed that as the seconds ticked away, the stream only increased in speed.
In hopes of not ruining the rug under your feet, you held up your shirt to your nose, using it just like how you would tissue in this case.
Then, all of a sudden, your nose felt ticklish and the urge to sneeze became all too strong that you couldn't even say pineapple to prevent yourself from sneezing.
With no control, your grip on your shirt fell and you sneezed thrice. The pain in your nose throbbing and stinging, your eyes pricking with tears from the onslaught of everything happening all of once.
You were far too gone now. Dragging your eyes to your alarm clock, it took you more than a few seconds to read the time and work out whether or not Jay let yet but then you remembered Jay wouldn't have left without bidding you goodbye.
Well, even if he had gone which he should've seeing as it was nearly 1am, Will would've been the most useful in this situation.
Opening your door with your elbow so you wouldn't get blood on the handle, you walked towards the living room even if you were in a daze. You knew the layout of the apartment by the back of your hand.
Your feet pattered against the wooden flooring, alerting the other two inhabitants of the apartment that you were entering. Taking into account the late time, Will turned around ready to question why you were up at such a time on a school night when he froze upon laying eyes on you.
"Y/N? What happened?" Will asked straight away, getting onto his feet and coming up to you, lifting your chin in his hand so he could get a good look at your face.
Jay turned around to see why Will was asking you such a question when his eyes widened in alarm at your figure, pajamas practically drenched in blood and blood smearing your nose and upper lip.
"What the hell!" Jay shot up. "Why are you covered in blood?!"
"I'm having a nosebleed." You said plainly, boredly gesturing to your very bloody nose that Will was inspecting. "Duh."
"Jay, can you go grab my bag?" Will asked the middle Halstead sibling, not once taking his eyes off you.
Without any rebuttal, Jay did as the doctor said but not without mumbling under his breath about how using manners would get people so far in life.
"I have no idea. One second I'm reading and the next I'm bleeding everywhere." You shrugged, answering Will's question. "And then I sneezed three times."
Will hummed, your chin grasped lightly in one hand while the other was held out to Jay. Will asked Jay for certain things which he was given without a second thought.
"You most likely burst a vessel when you sneezed which made it much worse." Will said so nonchalantly, not at all bothered by the blood that was staining the gloves he put on with way too much ease.
"Alright, just hold that there for a few minutes." Your oldest brother told you, letting you take over from where he was holding the gauze. "Let's sit you down but don't get blood anywhere, I cleaned yesterday."
You looked at him dumbfounded but followed him to sit down anyways, Jay scoffing in disbelief at his words.
"Wow, you love me so much." You said sarcastically, a tight lipped smile on your chapping lips as you went back and forth with snarky remarks.
"This is a lot of blood though Y/N." Will addressed seriously, looking at just how much blood was covering your pajamas. "How long have you been bleeding for?"
"Like literally two or three minutes." You gave a very rough estimation, grimacing as you actually looked at the damage on your clothes, groaning in disbelief. "Ugh, these are my favourite pjs."
"Don't worry about that." Jay said, watching you closely from behind Will's shoulder so he wasn't in the way. "You dirtied your sheets or anything?"
You hummed in thought, squinting as you tried to remember. "I got blood on my kindle but I don't know about my bed."
"I'll go check." Jay allocated himself the job, finding himself useless as Will wasn't going to remove himself from your side.
"Okay, let me take a look." Will said under his breath as he carefully took the bloodied gauze away from you so he could replace it with a new one.
It was only a few seconds period of having nothing for the blood but it seemed that it wasn't dripping as it was. Alas, the uncomfortable urge to sneeze overcame you and you found yourself overwhelmed with the need to sneeze.
Without even registering what was happening, you sneezed twice, covering your mouth with your inner elbow instinctively.
You groaned, dragging it out at the sight of blood on the sleeve of your cotton shirt. Yep, there was definitely no chance of salvaging it now.
"Ooo, okay." Will winced, being as gentle but using as much force necessary when pinching your nose. "Either you're getting the flu or your hay fevers suddenly acting up in the winter."
Your shoulders slumped against the back of the chair, tired with your bleeding nose that wouldn't stop. At this rate, you'd be up all night because of your stupid nose.
"Woah!" Jay exclaimed, freezing in his steps as he entered the kitchen, eyeing the new mess that he luckily missed out on seeing. "What'd I miss?"
"I'm going to die."
"She's not going to die."
"Jay, Will's lying." You whined like a baby, dropping your head in exaggeration. "I'm going to bleed out and not live to see either of you get married. What a miserable life."
Both your brothers rolled their eyes at your dramatic self. Sharing a knowing look, having a silent conversation with just their eyes you groaned again.
"I want black flowers at my wedding and I want Trudy to do my eulogy because at least she'll miss me." You said, starting your funeral arrangements very seriously despite what your brothers were thinking.
"Perfect, I'll go on holiday then."
"You're not going to die Y/N."
You sighed dramatically, your voice was nasally, as if you had a severe blocked nose when in reality, it was just a really bad nose bleed that you were trying to stop. "This sucks."
"Yes it does but as long as you don't sneeze or blow your nose, you'll be fine." Will said, tossing the bloodied gauze and replacing it with another, letting go when you held it on your own.
"This is going to be a long night."
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mavrintarou · 8 months
Wipe Your Eyes [7- end]
Thank you for your patience and support, and thank you for hanging on to this ship. Here is the last part of Wipe Your Eyes, I hope you all enjoy.
Warning: heart warming fluff and some steamy pregnancy sex
Sixth part
Y/n watched in silence as Kiyoomi folded and hung the newly washed baby outfits their baby boy received during the baby shower. Kiyoomi insists on taking charge of it, leaving her to sit idly in the comfortable glider watching while rubbing her belly.
At almost eight months, they were both as ready as they could be for the arrival of their little one.
Y/n observed her husband and noticed how his curls had grown past his ears and spiraled in various directions, giving him a captivating rockstar vibe. Kiyoomi had always been incredibly handsome and sexy in her eyes, but something about him lately made her adore her husband more than ever. 
A few weeks ago, she had walked past him in the living room, engrossed in the second book of Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy. Y/n suddenly halted in her tracks, eyes narrowed as she noticed something different about him; when she discovered it, her eyes widened. “When did… you get glasses?”
“I went to the eye doctor the other day, and they said my vision has slightly changed and prescribed me some glasses.”
Y/n’s heart pounded against her chest, feeling her teenage crush fantasy come true seeing Kiyoomi wearing black square-rim glasses that added an extra touch of sophistication to his already captivating presence. His curls add an extra touch to his new glasses.
She blamed the pregnancy hormones that made her pounce on him.
Kiyoomi chuckled, after he read in the book that a pregnant woman’s libido increases during pregnancy, he was prepared and ready to serve. He found her most adorable when she needed him but was too embarrassed to ask but he picked up on her cues. She would look at him with a longing gaze and blush profusely as if she just had a naughty image of him in her mind.
He patted his thigh, setting his book aside, “come here.” With just a month remaining until their little one arrived, Kiyoomi found her lovely waddling over. She used to be shy sitting on his lap but now, she would climb and straddle his lap.
His hand rubbed her bulging belly and immediately he felt a movement from within. Kiyoomi’s excitement is becoming increasingly difficult to suppress; it has evolved into a daily ritual for him to tenderly stroke and converse with his unborn child, both in the morning and at night. The sheer joy and anticipation coursing through him were poised to overflow as the countdown to their due date drew nearer.
Kiyoomi slid his hands underneath her shirt and pulled it off. Y/n had become self-conscious of the stretch marks and discolored skin of her belly but he was always assuring to kiss those thoughts away. His fingers quickly unclasped the clips of her bra, freeing her engorged breasts that had been showing signs of leaking.
He tugged his shirt off, tossing it along with her clothing, he absolutely loved being skin to skin, having her belly pressed against his front side.
“I need you now, Omi,” she whispered breathlessly and needy, rocking her hips against his growing bulge. She didn’t like how she would have random spurts of moments where she was horny and needed him right there and then.
“Yes, love,” he cooed, shifting her onto her back on the couch. They have been friskier lately, Kiyoomi has been making love to her almost anywhere and everywhere. In the shower, in the kitchen, and in the bathroom. Once, they almost made love in his car until they were interrupted by the car beside them.
Kiyoomi tugs off her bottom sleepwear pants, dropping them on the ground. His fingers grazed her soaked folds and groaned, “you’re so wet already…”
“For you, just for you,” she murmured, “please…” she widened her legs.
His fingers slipped easily inside of her and curled against her tight walls before he pumps them in and out of her pussy. “You’re becoming greedy, three fingers aren’t enough for you now.” His thumb pressed and circled her clit. Her walls soon squeezed his three fingers and he chuckled, he wants her pussy to squeeze his cock instead.
His joggers are tugged low enough to free his cock before he gripped one of her legs and aligned himself and thrust inside. His hips rocked slowly, intentionally driving her mad until she begged him.
“Faster, Omi… faster.”
Kiyoomi enjoyed having the upper hand at the moment since she was limited to positions with her large belly. The doctor suggested only positions that would not strain her or the baby, which meant that he could only make love to his wife from behind or on her back. Recently, Y/n has been complaining about being on her back so he has been finding ways to satisfy her from behind. She was so sensitive that even a shift of angle or lifting one leg had her trembling at his mercy. His hand caressed her belly, a sense of pride surging through him as he recalled the last ultrasound appointment, the nurse announced their baby was most likely going to be tall when they did a quick estimate of his size.
He slipped his cock out and tugged her upright, “turn around and hold onto the couch then.” He shifted behind her and slipped himself back inside of her. He fastened his thrusts, pounding into her with more speed and depth.
“Omi,” Y/n moaned his name repeatedly, “I’m – I’m so close….”
“Wait for me,” he whispered hoarsely. He hovers over her, rutting into her as he reaches to grope her breasts, tweaking her perky nipples. “Wait for me,” he repeated again.
“Omi – Omi… oh Omi,” she chanted as her orgasm erupted.
Kiyoomi thrust one final time, jerking with each spurt of his ejaculation. He pulled out and reached for a napkin to catch the spilled seed. After wiping her down, she collapsed against the couch. He hovered over her before kissing her, “are you satisfied, Mrs. Sakusa?”
She cupped his face, kissing him a little bit longer. “Are you?” she reached and wrapped her hand around his semi-hard cock. At her touch, he felt a jolt within him, and his cock began to harden. “Are you satisfied, Mr. Sakusa?” Her eyes linger on him and she smiles, “I love the glasses on you.”
Kiyoomi continued to go to therapy until it was appropriate for the both of them to go to one session. Dr. Kitagowa coached and approached them on how to have healthy communication that meets each other’s needs, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.
Each time they returned home, Kiyoomi and Y/n would have a discussion and address their past mistakes and how they would approach the situation with what they learned.
Their marriage is steadily getting better with each passing day. Ultimately, they both admitted that they wanted their marriage to work for their baby and each other.
“I can’t live without you,” Kiyoomi whispered one night. “The thoughts scare me and I don’t even want to know.”
Y/n snuggled closer into his embrace, “me too, Kiyoomi. Me too.” It was a few minutes of silence before she called his name, he hummed quietly and she pulled away to lift herself onto her elbow. “I have something to tell you.” His brows furrowed and she reached to smooth it, “it is nothing bad, but I initially reached out to Genesis Publishing to decline their offer because I didn’t want to leave you or Japan. No matter how great the compensation was, it didn’t outweigh the importance of staying here with you. However, they’ve now come back with an alternative proposal: I can continue to stay in Japan, with the only requirement being that I visit the corporate office quarterly for a week's stay. What are your thoughts? Do you think I should accept this revised offer?”
Kiyoomi propped himself up on his elbow, and she could discern the multitude of questions swirling within his mind, leaving him uncertain about where to begin.
“Go ahead, ask me anything,” she assured, placing a hand against his cheek, rubbing her thumb against his cheekbone.
His eyes shut for a brief moment before opening them again, “I’m still processing what you just said but I feel relieved about their new proposal.” He reached to rest a hand on her belly, “if it is something you want, you should take it. I’ll support your decision regardless of what you decide.” He gazed into her eyes before promising, “but if you accept, you will just have to take baby and me with you because… we’re a family.”
Y/n giggled and leaned to kiss him, “yes, we’re a family and yes, you two will come with me because a week without you two will be too long.”
Kiyoomi cherished every aspect of Y/n’s pregnant body, appreciating its beauty and the transformative journey it represented. In what felt like the blink of an eye, her body underwent remarkable changes, with the roundness of her belly expanding seemingly overnight. 
Kiyoomi made an effort every night to rub lotion around her expanding belly and body in general. Though he tried to conceal his laughter, he found her extremely adorable when she struggled to reach her toes or below her knees.
Having reached a new level of patience as a husband to a pregnant wife, Kiyoomi faced a situation where Y/n was taking longer than expected to get ready for her birthing class. Taking a deep breath, he called out to her from the living room in a gentle tone, “is everything okay?”
Instead of her usual “yes,” Kiyoomi was taken aback as he heard Y/n’s quiet voice utter, “no.”
He found her lying on her back, her legs hanging off the edge of the bed with both her sneakers on but shoelaces undone. She looked up at him with tears flowing down her cheeks and a pout on her lips. “I… I can’t tie my shoes.”
Kiyoomi’s lips trembled as he tried to contain his laughter. He stepped forward and knelt on a knee, taking one ankle at a time and setting it on his lap as he tied her shoelace. “I’m here for you, Y/n. I’ll tie your shoes for you – you just need to ask, okay?” He reached up to wipe her tears away.
“Okay,” she answered meekly.
“What’s wrong?” he murmured, tightening his arm around her belly. “You’ve been moving more than usual.”
Because of Kiyoomi’s extreme sensitivity to sleep, feeling every movement or noise, Y/n had tried her hardest to not shift so much while being his arm but she was not able to find a comfortable position.
Now that he was awake, she shuffled until she faced him, their bellies pressed up against each other.
“Ask your son that, he’s active at this time.” To make her point valid, the baby kicked or punched right into Kiyoomi’s guts making him flinch. “Apparently he thinks it’s play time.”
Chuckling Kiyoomi reached and turned on his night lamp and rubbed Y/n’s naked belly, “hey you,” he earned another movement, “why are you up this early?”
“I think he’s said he’s up because daddy forgot to give him a belly rub with lotion.”
Kiyoomi raised a brow before realizing he did indeed forget his nightly routine. “Well then,” he reached for the bottle of lotion and squeezed some on his hands before rubbing it all around her belly. He leaned down and murmured, “daddy is sorry he forgot.”
Y/n has been watching her husband for the past hour sitting in the glider in the corner of the hospital room rocking his daughter against his chest. His shirt is off as he shares a skin-to-skin intimate bond with her.
“I can’t believe, he is a girl.” Y/n burst out giggling.
Almost seven hours ago, she gave birth to their son who came out as a girl.
She just remembered that Kiyoomi did not dare watch the birthing process, especially after the classes they took, he begged and apologized to her in advance that he did not have the heart to be down south when the time came. He stayed up north with her the entire time, holding her hand and being her biggest supporter.
“Congratulations!” The midwife announced holding the screaming infant. “He is…” she paused, “a… girl?”
Y/n and Kiyoomi exchanged a shocked expression that mirrored each other perfectly.
“Boy or girl, it doesn’t matter to me,” Kiyoomi answered pressing a light kiss to the top of his daughter’s head. She was so tiny in his arms.
 Y/n had a deep suspicion that Kiyoomi had desired a daughter in secret, yet he was equally content with their son during the gender reveal. She could observe how his entire world transformed as he gazed at their daughter with the same adoration he reserved for her.
Y/n did not find her husband or daughter in their usual spot on the couch and checked her nursery, also finding it empty.
She slowly opened the door to their bedroom and exhaled softly seeing them both sleeping on the large bed.
Kiyoka, now nine months old, had been successfully transitioned to her own room a few weeks ago. Y/n had anticipated it would be challenging for her to sleep without their daughter, given the months they spent sharing a room. Surprisingly, Y/n took it well, but Kiyoomi found the transition difficult. It was no surprise, as Kiyoka used to sleep on Kiyoomi’s side of the bed when she was in the same room, making it easier for him to tend to her during the night.
Though he does not voice it, Y/n was aware of him getting up almost every hour in the night to check on his daughter before coming back to bed and pulling Y/n close.
“She’s fine, we have a baby monitor, remember?”
“Just want to make sure she’s not cold,” he mumbles, “what if she misses us?”
Y/n groan, “Omi, she’ll be fine. We’ll go get her when she wakes up.”
Every morning, Y/n is woken up by her daughter and husband, “good morning mommy!”
Y/n changes her clothes and gently crawls into bed. Kiyoomi opens one eye and quietly motions for Y/n to come closer so he can wrap his arm around her. “You’re back?”
“Hmm, I missed you two,” she answered, pressing a faint kiss on her daughter’s curls and a kiss on his lips.
Kiyoka inherited her father’s curls, the moment she was delivered and had her first bath, her mop of hair was in different directions, just like her father’s in the morning after a night shower.
“We missed you too,” he murmured, “we had an eventful day.”
“Oh, how so?”
“Kiyo, had a poopy diaper explosion today.” Y/n’s eyes widen, she’s heard of horrific stories but has yet to experience an episode, and the one time, it happens without her there. Even though Kiyoomi handles Kiyoka’s poopy diapers like a pro, she can truly tell how he felt deep down.
As a joke, Kiyoomi’s friends, Atsumu, Kotaro, and Hinata got him a hazard suit as a gift during the baby shower. It is still in its original packaging in the closet. “I just threw her entire outfit away,” he paused, “and her toys… and the entire playpen.”
Kiyoomi’s fists are in the air as he successfully earns the winning point for the team. He turned around and looked at the crowd, instantly spotting his wife and daughter cheering for him.
It’s the radiance and pride beaming from his wife’s face that fuels him every day. As for their nearly one-year-old daughter, she appears oblivious amidst the jubilant clapping and cheering from everyone celebrating the MSBY Black Jackals’ victory.
“Daddy Kiyoomi, where are you?”
He pushed through the crowd, excusing himself as he could spot the curly mop head of his daughter.
She is the first to spot her daddy and excitedly reaches for him when he is close enough. Plucking her out of her mother’s arms, Kiyoomi smothers her with kisses.
“Good job, Omi,” Y/n congratulated, pushing herself onto her tippy toes to press a kiss to his lips. “You deserve a reward later.”
Kiyoomi hums in agreement and affectionately drapes an arm around her shoulder, “I look forward to it,” he replies.
Kiyoka ran around, laughing her heart out chasing the other toddlers her age.
“He so cute,” the mom beside Y/n commented, Y/n tilted her head with a genuinely confused raised brow. “Your son,” the mom quickly added, she pointed to the child Kiyoka was playing with. “That’s my daughter, Haruka.”
Y/n cast a glance at the two children, realizing that the other mom had mistaken Kiyoka for a boy. It was an understandable mistake given that Kiyoka was dressed in a matching track outfit and sneakers, which emphasized her sporty appearance more than her gender.
From infancy to her first year, Kiyoka’s hair growth had slowed down, resulting in a bob of curls that resembled her father’s current hairstyle. There was no denying that she was a splitting image of Kiyoomi, except for the absence of his two beauty marks. He even got her matching masks that she would wear when they ventured out in public together.
Y/n smiled, containing her giggles. “That’s actually my daughter, we were told she was a boy but… that wasn’t the case when she came out. She received a ton of clothes at her baby shower and I’m putting them to use.”
Later that night after Kiyoomi tucked his daughter to bed, Y/n told him about their day at the playground.
“We should consider updating her wardrobe,” Kiyoomi suggested. He had been the sole buyer of girl’s clothing for their daughter, but as soon as she learned to express her preferences for outfits, the dresses he had purchased began to accumulate, untouched in her closet, as she favored different attire instead.
Y/n was aware that he felt disheartened because their daughter showed no interest in wearing the clothing items he had bought for her. From the frilly dress to the pink and purple unicorn t-shirt, Kiyoka preferred to wear the black t-shirt like her dad’s, the one with the same “MSBY BLACK JACKALS” lettering. Y/n found herself having to buy more of those toddler shirts because her daughter insisted on wearing the same one every single day.
“Omi, love,” Y/n couldn’t contain her chuckle, she leaned to kiss the pout away. “You have to realize how much she adores you. Just look at the way she gazes at you; she wants to be just like you.”
Most days, Y/n’s heart swells up with affection when she witnesses their daughter imitating her father. There was a particular instance when Y/n and Kiyoka brought lunch to Kiyoomi’s practice. As he observed his teammates on the court, Kiyoka stood by her daddy, mirroring his posture with arms crossed and legs spread apart.
Y/n was able to snap a photo of the two, making it her lock screen image.
“So…” his expression shifted as if sudden realization had struck him. “It’s my fault?” Guilt was evident on his face.
Y/n burst out laughing and pulling him into a tight hug. “No, love, it’s no one’s fault. You are her idol, she just wants to like you and dress like you. She is still young, just let her be.”
“Do you really mean it… you think I’m her idol?”
Nodding her head, Y/n pecked his lips twice, “yes, I might have carried her for nine months and birth her, but you are by far her favorite.”
. . .
E/n: Can you imagine, rock star hair looking Kiyoomi with glasses? #nosebleed
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brooooswriting · 9 months
Could do a tara carpenter x fem reader
the core 4 finds a lost dog near Tara and Sam’s place
*Everyone but Mindy is against the idea keeping the dog because this dog is massive and it’s a mastiff breed*
They put found dogs flyers and post it on social media see if this dog belong to anyone and are just waiting to see if they the owner comes and are taking care of the dog
*Poor tara who drew the short straw and she has the task of walking the dog and got dragged all across the park*
Mindy who witness the whole thing recorded the whole thing
*you could hear her laughter in video and tara yelling “don’t just stand there🤬!!!! HELP-“ before falling into the lake*
Everyone was about to ask what happen seeing her completely drench and leaves in her hair but she like “😤😑 don’t ask” while Mindy was in the floor dying of laughter and show them the video
But for some reason this dog is strangely attach to Tara and choosing to stay by her side. In a cute moment imagine tara having a nightmare then the dog trying to show comfort to her. And she sleep hugging his head🥺. They all start warming up to the dog*
That until a girl appears with a flyer and is like “hi I believe you found my dog” and tara is flustered at seeing this girl
Fast forward when Ghostface show up ay tara and Sam apartment *it backfires because they werent expecting a dog nor r to be there. R just look at her dog “sic them boy” 👹😈
so in a way, everyone who isn’t ghostface survives. Anika deserve to live damn it!!!!Everyone looking at the dog and praising him because he’s a good boy 🐶
In my head I can imagine Quinn calling Ethan “😨😨😨abort mission!!!!! I repeat abort mission!!!!!!”
*Because their dad got badly mauled by the dog and they don’t want to risk getting caught without a plan but yk dogs are a great judge of character and can sense a bad person and he never like Ethan, Quinn or her dad, always snarling and nipping at them*
R would even question if Quinn was truly dead because her dog kept growling at her when they put her in a body bag. Like how the hell didn’t you notice ghostface in your room? She would trust her dogs more than people. They have a closer bond with r
In my mind I was thinking “it’s bad enough/embarrassing that ghostface getting beaten/outsmarted by the main protagonists, imagine them being defeated by a dog” and this was inspired by the Spider-Man miles morales game. In the game there a side quest and if you complete it you can fight crime with a cat as a sidekick and the bad guy getting his ass handle by Spider-Man then you see a cat come out of his backpack. Imagine that same guy in jail and everyone asking how you got beaten by Spider-Man and question you why you have claw marks on your face 👀👀
That’s my dog
Tara carpenter x reader
*disclaimer: changed storyline*
Word count: a lot
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“Naww, look at him. He’s so cute” Mindy yelled as she saw a dog sitting in front of Sams and Tara’s apartment. The dogs ears perked as soon as he heard the voice talking to him, looking at the group of four.
“That dog is giant” Chad said taking a small step back causing Tara to laugh. Sam kept quiet for a moment while Mindy decided to walk up to the dog, much to the groups dismay. There were several calls for her to stop but she obviously didn’t.
“Look guys, he’s somebodies. He has a collar but the tag is broken. We should take him in” she said as she crouched down in front of the dog to be eye level with him.
“Mindy, no. Who knows what he’s capable of and if somebody owns him they can’t find him in our apartment” Sam argued while Tara made her way to look around the corner, trying to see if there was somebody looking for a dog. The moment Tara walked past the corner forward the corner tho dog stood up and followed her. A relieved sigh left Chad and Sam as they thought that he was going to leave. But instead, he stood behind Tara, scaring the poor girl when she turned around.
“Sam, there’s a storm tonight. We can’t leave him outside! Come on have a heart” Mindy argued as she watched the dog look up at Tara. There was a moment of silence before Sam nodded, a small one but a nod nonetheless. A squeal left Mindy as she clapped and called the dog over who happily strutted next to her, following her upstairs into the apartment. “Ok, maybe he’s a bit big for the apartment but you know” Mindy grinned sheepishly as the dog accidentally threw down some books.
“Mindy, Tara, you guys upload some pics online, on social media, maybe somebody recognizes him while Chad and I print out some flyers and hang them up around here. Make sure he doesn’t destroy anything” Sam ordered after taking some pictures of the dog, including his collar and the half of the tag that was still attached. Uploading pictures takes way less time then printing flyers and hanging them up, so Mindy and Tara were on dog duty. Which, to be honest, wasn’t as hard as they thought it’d be, the dog was well trained and nice.
Around evening he started to scratch on the front door, whining while doing so. After a bit of a discussion the group decided that the dog had to go outside and that whoever drew the shortest stick would have to take him.
“Come on guys, this is Ridiculous. Mindy wanted us to take him in, so she should have to go with him!” Tara complained after it turned out that she lost. The dog was massive and while he looked nice and seemed to be friendly she was sure that he wouldn’t even feel her holding the leash.
“You lost Tara, fair and square. But due to the fact that I’m the nicest person ever, I will come down with you” the brunette explained, a proud smile on her face as she opened the door for Tara. The first few minutes were fine, the dog immediately sniffed the side of the building to pee. “Let’s go to the park a bit” Mindy said and took off.
It took one second of Tara being distracted for the dog to see something an start running towards it growling. Even when Tara tried to pull him back with her whole body weight it was useless, he pulled her along. She was stumbling over her own legs, screaming at the dog and Mindy to do anything. But Mindy was only laughing and, unknown to Tara, filming the whole thing.
“HEY!HEY NOOO” the small brunette screamed when she saw a small pond in front of her, small enough for the dog to jump over it but for her? It took one last step for her to land face forward in the water, letting go of the belt they used as a leash when she touched the ground underneath the water. She could still hear Mindy wheezing and the dog barking as she stood up, water dripping from everywhere. The moment she stood the dog was back at her side nuzzling his head into her wet hand.
“You’re an idiot, we Are going back Home” she scolded the dog as she picked up the “leash” again pulling him past her friend, glaring at her. “And you, you’re the worst” she growled as she walked past her, hitting her shoulder and walking back to the apartment.
Even Sam and Chad couldn’t hide their laughter when they saw a completely dripping Tara walk into the room, unclipping the belt and walking towards her bathroom. Even without the leash the dog quickly followed Tara, never leaving her sight. Save to say that Tara wasn’t really in the mood to socialize anymore and it was rather late anyway, so she decided to settle on the bed with a book. She was silently enjoying her book when suddenly the other half of her bed dipped down, the dog climbing on top, taking up so much space that she nearly fell of the edge.
“Bro, I think you’ve got something twisted. Get off the bed” she scolded him lightly pointing at the ground. The dog just happily panted when she tried to push him off, barely scootching away. There was no point in trying to pick him up so she decided to settle on the small part of the bed that he hasn’t conquered yet, turning off the lights to sleep.
His panting annoyed her, he smelled like dog and he was constantly watching her which made it hard for her to fall asleep but at one point the tiredness of the day did get her and she fell asleep facing the dog.
The next day when she woke up the dog was in front of her, curled up leaning on her stomach. He was still sleeping until she moved to get out of bed, he was immediately following her. Everything was fine until Quinn came to close to Tara making him fletch his teeth and bark causing the redhead to jump away and Tara to pull him away.
There was a bit of silence but in the end everybody decided that it was probably just a coincidence and kept doing whatever they were doing. Anika had brought over some food, a leash and some toys as they didn’t know how long the dog would stay.
It was afternoon when everybody, except Quinn and Ethan had warmed up to the dog, they called him Freddy after Freddy Krueger, which was Mindys idea. The group was sitting on the couch watching TV, Freddy sat on Tara’s feet with his head on sams leg who scratched his head. It was nice, Sam and Tara walked the last round with him at night, he stopped pulling the leash and didn’t even move away from the two.
At night time he slept with Tara again but this time he decided to settle in front of the bed. The brunette fell asleep with one of her arms out of the bed to scratch the giant dog. Sometime during the night she started to turn and twist, a whimper leaving her mouth making Freddy wake up. He quickly climbed onto the bed with his first two feet and nudged her until she woke up. Tears were streaming down her face and her breathing was quick and shallow. While she tried to calm herself down Freddy laid his head onto her stomach, licking her hand closest to him, trying his best to comfort her. A small smile came onto her lips as she rolled onto her side and hugged his head, leaving a kiss on top as she fell back asleep.
The next morning she woke up to somebody hammering on her front door. “T, wake up. Somebody is coming for the dog” Sam called out, knocking one last time before she heard Tara grumble. The moment she stepped out of her room, finally dressed and ready for the day, there was a knock on the door. Freddy immediately ran to the door, his tail waggling from left to right as if he knew who was on the other side.
“Hi, I believe you found my dog” you said as soon as the door opened. The mastiff quickly running to you, nearly throwing you over when he body checked you, making you giggle. Tara just stared at you for a moment, her cheeks coated in a light blush before she looked down at her feet to hide it.
“uhm, yeah. We found him two days ago, he sat in front of our apartment and due to the storm we didn’t wanna leave him outside” she explained, smiling at the sight in front of her before taking a deep breath. “Do you wanna come inside for a bit?” She asked, already taking a step further away so you could see into the apartment.
You gave her a nod and made your way into the apartment. “Come on Dook” you called out to the dog who was still standing on the other side of the door. He quickly made his way towards you.
“Dook?” Tara asked as you settled down on the couch, the dog between you two. You chuckled lightly as you petted his head before turning to her.
“Well, yeah. The Babadook is my favorite horror film but I didn’t wanna call him Babadook, that would have freaked me out on the long run so I decided to call him Dook. It’s weird I know” you mumbled the last part as you uncomfortably scratched the back of your neck but the pretty girl next to you only chuckled before turning further to you.
“No, it’s actually pretty awesome. The Babadook is such a great movie and the name Dook is pretty cute actually” Tara said smiling at you.
“Yo, I’m Mindy and that’s my twin brother Chad” the brunette introduced, waving at you.
“Hey, I’m y/n and this is Dook but you’ve already met him huh” you grinned as you waved back.
“How did he get lost anyway?” Sam, who you’ve already met, asked as she sat on an armchair next to the couch.
“My stupid brother was supposed to look after him while I was out of state but he lost him 5 hours after I’ve been gone and didn’t tell me” you explained, an annoyed look on your face. They giggled at your eye roll before taking off.
After a small while you’ve decided to go too, much work to do just like emptying your suitcase from your trip. “It was really nice to meet you, you are a great person. And thanks again for looking after Dook” you bid as a goodbye, a smile grazing your features as you looked at Tara.
“Well, If you ever wanna come over and watch the Babadook together, I wouldn’t say no” she smiled at you and took your hand in hers, writing her number on your hand.
“Naww, Tara is in loooovvveeee” Mindy sang from the kitchen.
Ever since then you and Tara have been inseparable. Everywhere the core four was you were too, even at that frat party and the dinner later. Sam trusted you and Dook, Mindy and Chad thought you were pretty cool, Anika loved your style and taste, Ethan didn’t like you because he was scared of the dog and Quinn was constantly flirting with you.
“I knew you were sleeping with cute boy” Tara laughed out, leaning on your shoulder. A giggle leaving you too as you watched the group, Dook laying on your and Tara’s feet. Just as Sam was about to say something all your phones dinged, Dook suddenly jumping up.
“Shit” Sam cursed out, all of you jumping up. It wasn’t long ago that the siblings told you about what had happened to them in their hometown. Everybody, except Tara ran to get further away from the door, so you quickly grabbed her and pulled her to you. Dook standing in front of you barking and snarling at the door.
“Get out of here” you screamed at them, trying to push them away but before anyone could move the door opened and a dead Quinn fell on top of Anika throwing her to the ground. Dook, just as he was trained, stood beside you, barking at the intruder but not moving. You were frozen for a moment, overwhelmed with the situation until you heard Anika groan and Tara call your name. “Dook, sic them boy” you looked down at the dog who immediately took off attacking the costumed person who was currently trying to Stab Anika. The 32” tall dog jumped against him throwing him off of her, Sam immediately pulling her away and pushing her into Mindys arms.
By now Dook had pushed the intruder into the corner furthers away, Chad and Tara were gone while Sam and Mindy helped Anika into the bedroom, where Danny was waiting for them with a ladder. You knew that you had to fight him off until the police showed up because you wouldn’t take the ladder and leave dook behind.
You were slowly backing up into the bedroom, “Dook, attack”. The moment the words left your mouth he didn’t just bark anymore but was about to charge at him full speed, making the ghostface run outside forward the police sirens. So you called him back to you, deciding to not put him into further danger. You sat on the ground with him, petting his head and kissing the top of his head as you praised him, thankful that nothing had happened to him.
“Are you alright?” You quickly asked Tara when you came outside, the dog running to her and licking her hand.
“Yeah, I’m good. I’m sorry I left you up there, I-I” she started to stutter, her eyes becoming glossy as she looked around. You decided to interrupt her.
“Hey, it’s alright. I told you to go, after all I had Dook. It’s okay, we’ll get thru this. We are here for you” you told her as you hugged her, her head resting on your chest, tears leaking through your shirt making your heart break. An elder man came into sight making Tara pull away and excuse herself, Dook snarling at him. “Dook, psst” you scolded and made him come along as you went to talk to Sam.
“Sam, can we talk for a second?” You asked, pulling her away from Danny. It’s not that you didn’t like him or didn’t trust him but you didn’t wanna Worry anybody if not necessary. “I think it has to be someone we know, someone I know too” Sam thought for a moment being totally quiet.
“What are you on about y/n?” She asked slightly annoyed and scared, making you sigh.
“Dook was quiet the whole time, if somebody came in or had already been inside he would have barked or something but he didn’t. Which means he knew whoever was inside“ the explanation made sense and it made sams stomach hurt too. She had prayed that this wasn’t going to happen again, that her sister could now lead a normal life.
“I hate the fact that what you just said made sense” she groaned, looking around to check her environment. You just gave her a tight lipped smile and a pat on the arm. It was hard to comfort Sam, at least as a human, because as soon as Dook stood in front of her nudging her hand she knelt down and patted him, thanking him for Saving them.
You left the mastiff with Sam as you made your way to Tara, Mindy, Anika and Chad. The boy stood infront of his sister, eyes sad as he watched her taped arm. The girls other arm was wrapped around her girlfriend who was also patched up, a lot more than Mindy. You wished you could go up to that like Tara, the weird tension between you two kills you and the fact that there seemed to be some kind of tension with Chad too made it even weirder. So instead of standing between them you settled down between Anika’s legs, she had become a great friend of yours, maybe even your best. You guys were extremely comfortable with each other and could tell the other everything, she knew of your feelings for Tara and you knew of her fear of abandonment. When you settled down, Anika rested her arms on top of your shoulders, keeping you close trying to give both of you some comfort.
Just as you settled down, Ethan came around the corner confused about what had happened. “You” Chad screamed taking by the collar and throwing him against another ambulance. “Where the fuck were you? You’re not with us and suddenly my sister almost dies” he screamed, lifting him away from the car just to push him against it again.
“Chad, I had Econ, you know that. You can ask all the other students” the boy pleaded, kinda stuttering. But he didn’t struggle against chads hold, not that it’d do anything anyway. You decided to step in, not because you were a hundred percent convinced that Ethan was innocent but because this wouldn’t lead to anything.
“Come on, let him go. Econ would be a stupid excuse to use, he wouldn’t be able to get everybody to lie for him so let him go Chad” you explained, laying a hand on his shoulder to kind of push him back a bit. He didn’t immediately let him go but when you squeezed his shoulder he folded and let the boy down, disappearing to his sister. The moment you stepped closer to the boy Dook was at your side, snarling at him almost making you chuckle at the way the boy backed up. “I hope you learned a lot at Econ”.
*later that night*
“How didn’t you even kill one fucking person?” Wayne screamed at his kids, the vein on his forehead popping out. He kept walking back and forth as he scolded them.
“How was I supposed to know that y/n and the dog would be there? That thing would have killed me if I would have stepped closer” Ethan whined, holding his arm where Dook had bitten him. He had always been afraid of that monster.
“Ethan is right dad, that dog is massive and dangerous” Quinn said trying to support her brother. Her hair wet from the shower to get rid of all the fake blood she was covered in.
“Well we need a new plan” he mumbled.
“Y/n, Anika, this is Gale and this is Kirby” Sam introduced you. Kirby was closest to you so you shook her hand first before going to Gale but stopping shortly before your hands touch.
“Uff, that’s one hell of a bruise, what did ya do?” You asked pointing to her left side under the eye. You couldn’t help but be suspicious of somebody you didn’t know. Especially with the way Dook stood in front of you instead of how he normally stood next to you.
She sighed and looked at Tara before speaking up. “Tara hit me because I did something I told them I wouldn’t do” she explained making your mouth open in shock. You turned to Tara with your mouth still open.
“You did that?” You asked her still shocked with your eyebrows raised. She timidly nodded at you making you grin and raise your hand for a high five before wrapping your arm around her shoulder and pulling her into you. “Damn girl, nicely done” you told her, clearly proud of the fact that she was protecting herself.
Seeing that made Sam smile too, her head slightly turned to the side as she watched you two. Her sister was happily giggling into your chest, her cheeks slightly red and her eyes lit up while you grinned down at her, your eyes were full with love and admiration. As a bigger sister, she was happy that you could protect her and loved the fact that she could protect herself.
When everybody started to follow Gale to whatever she wanted to show you, you fell behind due to the fact that Dook was still a dog, wanting to mark like every corner. As soon as Tara noticed she left Chad and fell behind too, walking with you in silence. Everybody was already going inside when you two rounded the corner. “You alright?” You asked her as she stood in front of the door, suddenly not moving anymore.
“Yeah, I’m just, I don’t know” she mumbled out looking at her feet as her hands messed with the fabric of her shirt. She looked even smaller than normal.
“It’s going to be okay, I’m here for you” you told her with a comforting smile before you gave her a nod as a start sign. Just as you were about to go inside a hand slid down your arm into the pocket of your trouser where it found yours making you tense for a second. You pulled both of your hands out of the pocket and intertwined them before carefully pulling her along. The place was full of old ghost face things, masks, robes, a TV and more. Tara suddenly stopped at one Vitrine, her mood dropping before her hand suddenly let go of yours.
“I-I need a second” she mumbled and walked off towards Sam. You heard them fight before Tara stormed off, alone. “Dookie, follow Tara. Go” you told the dog who ran off to follow her making you smile a bit. You felt more comfortable when somebody was there to protect her and when you saw a Kirby follow her too you decided to keep roaming the place, finding Mindy and Anika.
After some time and some explanation from Mindy, Kirby found you. “You should go to Tara” she told you with a tight lipped smile. You were about to go when she spoke up again, “very cute dog by the way” you grinned at her before walking off to find Tara.
The moment you turned the corner she was on you, her arms wrapped around your neck as she stood on her tippy toes and pressed her lips against yours. You needed a second and even though you wanted to kiss her back with every bit you carefully pushed her away. She immediately started to stutter when her lips detached from yours. “I’m sorry, it’s just- this is a hard time for you and I don’t want you to regret anything” you told her as your hands caressed her waist in a comforting manner.
She smiled at you, her hands playing with the baby hair at the back of your neck. “I won’t. Come on, I still gotta tell you something” her hand slipped in yours as she pulled you to sit down on a step and then she told you about Amber. About how they were always flirting and how there was this tension that was between you too, and how she then killed her friends and how she sometimes thinks that if she had made a move Amber maybe wouldn’t have went crazy and that she wouldn’t have lost her best friend. She didn’t wanna make the same mistake again and she didn’t wanna lose somebody because she was scared of living. “Kirby opened my eyes. Just because Amber was crazy doesn’t mean you are crazy too right? We can live a happy life together and love each other even though the thing with Amber fucked me up right?” Her eyes were teary which made your heart break.
“We will live the happiest lives ever, after we caught that motherfucker” you said making her giggle. You stood up and pulled her with you to go with the others but not before kissing her. Your heart exploding at the feeling of her lips on yours, only to be interrupted by Dook who seemed to be jealous as he went between you two. Both of you laughed before going back to the group, hand in hand with Dook in front of you. Sam looked at your hands before glaring at you, hiding her small smile.
“So what to we have on these people?” Kirby asked looking into the group, eyes fixated on Sam.
“Y/n had a point. Dook didn’t bark which means we knew whoever was inside” you gave everybody a tight lipped smile before deciding to add something.
“I have a really stupid thing, or maybe it isn’t stupid, I don’t know. But Dook constantly barked at the body bag which made me suspicious. He wouldn’t just bark at a dead person and I mean, there wasn’t even a scream, who doesn’t notice ghost face in your room?” You rambled on until Chad decided to interrupt you.
“So you guess what? That Quinn is still alive and a part of the whole thing?” He chuckled slightly clearly not believing you. You rolled your eyes looking at Tara for help.
“Well, I mean that does sound very unrealistic. I’m sorry but how would that even work?” She was apologetic about not being on your side, Ethan who you hadn’t noticed until now nodding along with what she said. You rolled your eyes again looking at Kirby who just shrugged.
“Whatever. Do we have any other thoughts, ideas?” You asked a tad annoyed, parting from Tara to follow Dook around.
“I think we should do the tracking the call thing” one of them suggested, a discussion immediately breaking loose. You just watched your dog sniff around, focusing on one of the masks that seemed to have fallen down hoping that he’d pick up on something.
The next time ghostface attacked was when they did the call thing but there was nothing you could do, he was too far gone. Gale barely surviving. It hurt Tara a lot, she was clinging to you like a koala, whispering how sorry she was that you were in this, that she’d never forgive herself if you got hurt. You just pressed her head into you in a comforting manner, rubbing her back and letting her cry.
You were also heavily against the idea of them playing bait but here you were in the weird ass old cinema kinda thing. “So y/n, I got a K9 kennel for Dook” Kirby told you which was a great thing even though it sounded weird. But you were scared that they’d do something to him and with a K9 kennel you could get him when you needed him but they wouldn’t get inside to hurt him in case they found him.
“Thank you so much, I’ll put him in and then come back” you told them petting your leg for him to follow, Tara quickly walking up next to you to follow you. You wrapped your arm around her shoulder as you walked to the hidden place.
“I feel sorry putting him in that thing, he’s always such a good boy” the smaller brunette mumbled as she crouched down to cuddle him, wrapping her arms around his head. Your heart was exploding from the cuteness of the scene no matter how shitty the actual situation was.
“I know me too. But at least we know that he’s gonna be safe isn’t that right love?” You said pointing at the kennel making him go inside and sit down. “Good boy, I love you and I’ll get you soon” you smiled at Tara before taking her hand and walking around the building.
“If something happens tonight, I want to thank you for finding dook and taking care of him and taking me in and showing me how it feels to really be with someone” you told her as you pulled her closer to kiss her.
Suddenly someone appeared behind her trying to stab her making you push her out of the way. You punched their face before grabbing her and running towards the main room, running past a stabbed Chad. “Shit Chad” Tara screamed and stopped running to bend down to him.
“T, we cant Save him if we die ourselves. Let’s go, we need to find Sam and figure out where Mindy is” the mentioning of Sam did it for her making her stand up and keep running for you. In this moment you were happy that Anika was too hurt to come along, one person less to be scared about. When you stopped in the main hall Sam stood there completely shocked and out of breath.
“Oh god, there you are I was looking for you. Wayne called me, he told me that Kirby went crazy and got fired. He believes that she’s ghostface” she explained ushering the two of you closer to her. “Mindy got stabbed on the way here, in the subway. I-I don’t know where Chad is” she added making Tara flinch at the mentioning of her friend.
“He got stabbed, we left him we couldn’t do anything. It’s better if they think he’s dead” you told her.
The next things were too quick for you to comprehend. Kirby appeared and was suddenly knocked out by someone in a ghost face costume, and then another one appearing. Turned out they were Wayne and Ethan, father and son. And then, a third one appeared. A scared ‘Mindy?’ Leaving Sams mouth, tears welling up in Tara’s and you were tensing. But then the mask was pulled of and revealed Quinn making you jump and fist bump the air.
“I fucking told you. I told you she wasn’t fucking dead motherfuker” you then quickly turned quiet again, realizing that this wasn’t the right moment. And then Wayne started talking about something with their past and weird ass stuff, you kinda zoned out trying to find a way out while protecting Tara. At least until you hear a certain name.
“And then there was Dook, he was rather easy to take care of after you put him in a kennel where he couldn’t do anything to us” Wayne said, Ethan and Quinn giggling making you even madder. They started to circle the three of you, Tara and Sam grabbing a stone. Sam quickly turned around signaling you to run and look for your dog once there was an opportunity and you did. They distracted them long enough for you to run off to where dook was hidden, constantly clicking the button that was supposed to release him but nothing. He was nowhere to be seen making you panic.
When you arrived at the kennel he was laying on his side, eyes closed and the kennel still closed. You pried the door open, once you got it open you crawled inside, tears already spreading in your eyes. “Dook?” You mumbled just for him to open his eyes and stand up, licking you across the face. “Not cool dude, i thought you were dead” and then your eyes fell to some kind of dog treat that you didn’t put there. Picking it up to smell it you quickly figured out that there was something wrong with it. “You’re such a smart boy” you cuddled him for a moment before remembering why you were even here.
When you came back to the siblings Sam was upstairs, holding Tara who was hanging over the upper part of the theater, Ethan under her fumbling around with a knife. “I’ve always wanted to stick something in you Tara” he said making you gag and more aggressive than you already were.
You saw Quinn and Wayne coming for Sam upstairs, “Dook, go protect Sam” you told the dog and got yourself ready to tackle Ethan just in case Tara needed the help.
“Sam, you have to let me go” Tara’s voice was desperate making Sam sigh and do let go of her, she fell and landed in his arms. She grinned as she stuck the knife into his throat pulling it down and god she looked good. She landed on her feet when he fell over and made her way towards your open arms.
Upstairs Sam shot Quinn in the head and then tried to shoot Wayne just for the gun to be empty. In that moment Dook jumped on his back knocking him to the ground, giving Sam the opportunity to kick him in the face and knocking him out. She came back down with the dog next to her. “I have a plan” she told you and quickly explained what you were supposed to do while scratching Dooks back, Tara scratching his head.
You were just a back up and a protection in sams plan, so you stood behind Tara with Dook, feeding him some treats. “What’s your favorite scary movie?” She said into the phone, holding the voice changer in front of it, a grin spreading across your face. She kept talking for a bit until you heard a scream through the phone which was when she hung up. “God, I just wanna go home” she mumbled as she leaned against you waiting for Sam to get you two.
Sam and Tara sat on the steps while you stood a bit further away to give them their privacy. They talked while you sat on the ground with Dook in your lap, zooming out until Sam called out for you. “If you hurt her I’ll hurt you. Even worse than I hurt Wayne” you gave her an upside down smile, and an awkward okay before Tara came running towards you making Dook and you jump up. She jumped into your arms and kissed you making you twirl her around.
That night you laid in Tara’s bed, cuddled up with Dook next to your legs. You wrapped your arm around her waist and pulled her even deeper into you. “Thank you for everything y/n, you’ve been here for us. You and Dook, you’ve been protecting us as if we are your family. I’ve always wanted somebody like you” she mumbled into your chest making you smile.
“Dook and I will never let anyone hurt you or your family. Tomorrow we will pick up Mindy and Anika and then we will visit Chad, Gale and Kirby. Now, stop talking so we can watch the movie” you grinned as you pressed play on the Babadook before pressing soft kisses on her lips.
It may have been to early to say I love you but god, you loved that woman more than anything. You loved her just as much as you loved Dook.
So this is like the longest thing I’ve ever written and I’m not sure I like it. But I took forever to write and I hope you guys enjoy it.
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coupleoffanfics · 9 months
Gotham Isekaied Reader
I have an idea. It's nothing new. I wrote nearly 5 pages of this idea, but I'm too scared to post it since it's filler and I even drew a cover. So I will ramble about this idea through headcanon. Some Jerome x Reader, I’m sorry. I can’t help myself. CW: One mention of suicide.
y/n wakes up to find that her life has gotten a major upgrade. Any flaws that her family has is erased. Did mom drink away stress? Now she doesn’t even touch alcohol. Dad isn’t smoking away his life. Her older brother is a law-abiding citizen who is studying to become a lawyer. Her younger brother is more positive about life and growing up in a home that they wished they had.
Not to mention that they’re rich. She no longer lives in a bad neighborhood and sleeps in a snazzy mansion.
Life is looking up until y/n turns on the TV with a news story about a man killing corrupt people with weather balloons.
She sits there thinking, ‘This was nice, but I should be getting back home.’
Maybe y/n’s close friends with Bruce beforehand. That’s when she realizes that she has to learn about the other y/n’s life. She can’t risk telling anyone about “we’re in a shitty TV show” without everyone considering throwing her into a mental institution. Tough luck because she ends up in Arkham regardless.
She writes down plotlines that she remembers. Making files on the character that she has met. Her files are hidden away in her room and aren't brought up later down the line when a certain person finds them.
How y/n ends up in Arkham is complicated. I want y/n to be completely sane through our POV, so she’s not going to be “I’m so insane and quirky”. Maybe she’s framed or killed someone in self-defense. Well, okay, I have thought out what gets her thrown into Arkham, but I don’t think anyone would find it interesting.
During her trial, the prosecutor will use her history of depression and suicide attempts to paint her as a homicidal. The whole trial is fishy, yet ends with her being locked up.
Bruce believes y/n when she says she hasn't done anything and promises to get her out of there. Legally of course.
Alfred probably tries to keep Bruce from visiting because Arkham has a reputation and doesn’t want him to be anywhere near there. The poor boy is going through too much in a short amount of time. 
So Bruce will send Selina to deliver anything. Or they both run away to visit y/n. When they come back to the manor and Alfred is questioning them, they both lie by saying that they’re somewhere else.
Bruce just wants to make sure his bestie is alright. Selina is just along for the ride but might visit y/n even when she doesn’t need to.
While in Arkham y/n is vibing in her little corner when Jerome starts bugging her. Might tell him about some plotlines just to see if anyone would believe her.
Jerome just laughs it off and starts orbiting y/n because she’s interesting. She tends to ramble and mumble to herself, for some reason he finds it so cute.
“You’re kind of funny, but I wouldn’t call you a joker.” She says before thinking, ‘Because legally you aren’t him. Thanks a lot, higher-ups.’
He writes about her in his diary and uses any stickers that she gives him. ‘Yeah, she's weird. Calling people characters and saying that we aren’t real, but she’s my little weirdo. I also got another pack of Hello Kitty stickers from her.’ Then he proceeds to doodle her with crayons.
When Theo Galavan surprise adopts them, Jerome starts taking y/n’s words more seriously. Still doesn’t believe her when she says he and everyone aren’t real. Like how is that possible? He feels real, oh whatever he has no time for that.
At the manor, Bruce is freaking out and dialing Jim begging him to save his bestie from that homicidal ginner. Theo has to make it seem like y/n is a hostage since she refuses to do any killing and Jerome has scary dog privilege.
‘They aren’t real. They aren’t people.’ She’d try to tell herself, but she just can’t bring herself to try to hurt someone. y/n is one of those freaks who try to drive safely in GTA without running over anyone or anything.
She doesn’t think that her words mean anything and that everything will follow the script. Until she tells Jerome to take an extra lighter with him. She’s chilling by herself when the news shows footage of a burnt bus and the news anchor talking about the cheerleaders who lost their lives.
That’s when y/n starts thinking over everything she’s said. She debates whether or not she should tell Jerome about Theo’s betrayal.
‘The show does start declining in ratings when he’s killed off. I could be doing the writers a favor, but what about the people? No, characters. They’re just characters! They aren’t real!’
In the end, Jerome is killed off and she’s put back into Arkham. Everyone is surprised by how calm she is after Jerome’s death. Not upset or anything. Like weren’t they close? Maybe their relationship was more one-sided.
Jim will question y/n and she might let a few things slip. Most brush her words off as they believe that she has some sort of Stockholm syndrome and is angry at Theo for killing her captor.
Back at Arkham, y/n yells, “FUCK!” When seeing Hugo Strange.
When Theo is dealt with, Jim will visit her or send her a thank you card for pointing him in the right direction regarding the investigation.
I’m getting tired and I might continue writing about this.
But I was going to have y/n be free from Arkham when some evidence regarding her case comes out. y/n will be outwardly passive throughout the story.
In the end, I was going to have y/n be the one who becomes Joker. Maybe she falls into a tub of chemicals. Don’t worry darling you aren’t going to be deformed like Jeremiah at the end. You’ll look different, but still smoking hot. 😘
Anyway seeing the physical change, her dwindling hope of getting back home, and her mental state being worn out. She decides to step up and take the name of Joker.
Bruce angst all the way. Maybe angst for other characters, but I could see this tearing him apart. He’s forced to watch his closest friend be replaced by a cackling monster. To then eventually start fighting against her.
She doesn’t react to being called y/n anymore, but she’ll give Batman/Bruce a melancholy look if he calls her by that. He doesn’t call her y/n often because that wasn’t y/n. y/n l/n was dead and there was no way she was coming back.
The theory of Joker being sane will ring true to y/n. She knows this isn’t real. It’s just fiction and any good piece of fiction needs a good villain. Since she’s not making it back home, she’ll make things fun.
Or multiple endings because those are always fun.
“Jerome? Jeremiah? Never heard of them.”
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whore-ibly-hot · 1 year
Neighbor!Yandere x reader drabble (Thoughts and ideas)
(AN: My first time trying out a yandere concept, lemme know how I did!)
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Initially, when Yan!Neighbor moved in next door, their thoughts weren't even centered around the family living just west of the house. Between their parents divorce, and the sudden move, the only thing on their mind was the swirl of anxiety, anger, and (though they didn't choose to acknowledge it) the loneliness gnawing at there heart. Even before everything happened, they didn't get along with their parents, but now, after all of this, they can't stand them. Not only did they feel that they had been unfairly ripped from the town they grew up in, and their friends, but their dad just expects them to be happy about it. Admittedly, their father wasn't very emotionally available, and tended to respond negatively to any anger or sadness from Yan!Neighbor, considering it a 'poor attitude'. However, their dad's plan to just simply wipe his hands of hands his old life and force his child to do the same only drove a further wedge.
At their dad's insistence to 'straighten up', they had begrudgingly agreed to attend a dinner party being held next door, at your own home. They didn't really pay much attention to the party around them, simply observing the middle-class dads and PTA moms mill about with a grimace, gazing at them from a corner. They did their best to tune out the conversations, ignoring the chats about kids accomplishments and new fad diets, when suddenly, they heard a sound that caught their attention. Turning their head, they could just barely peer into the kitchen, and they stand to follow the sound they had heard, a soft humming. As the peer around the door frame of the kitchen, they feel as if the entire party behind them has simply vanished. The sounds of the evening are replaced with the soft thrumming of their heart, and the humming coming from you. You were just washing the left over dishes, trying to help out your parents while avoiding the socially-draining party itself, but to Yan!Neighbor, you looked like an angel.
What drew them to you, they didn't really know, and even now, they still have trouble placing it. Perhaps it was your sweet face, or the melodic sound of your voice. Maybe it was the domesticity of the scene before them, with you happily scrubbing away the at the dishes as you bobbed your head in song. In that moment, they saw the home life, the domestic bliss that they craved. Though it was only for a few seconds, Yan!Neighbor could swear they saw you in a new home, your shared home. You where just cleaning up from the dinner you had prepared that night, fulfilling the role of the perfect house-spouse, ready to greet them with a loving embrace before sitting down to enjoy a meal with them. Maybe you would sit beside them and intertwine your hands while you asked about their day, or maybe you would offer to feed them. The thought makes them so flustered, they're suddenly hyper-aware of their surroundings, and remembering their place at the party.
For quite sometime, Yan!Neighbor would be far too nervous to approach you, choosing instead to watch you from afar. After that night when they first saw you, they quickly learned that their bedroom window gave them quite a *satisfying* view into your room. As time went on, their father went over to your parents house more and more often, and Yan!Neighbor finds them-self attending too, (though always trying to play down their eagerness). Most likely, your parents goaded you into talking to the quiet, oddly intimidating neighbor's kid. You had always gotten an odd vibe, since they never really seemed to want to talk with you.
While you make polite conversation, Yan!Neighbor only responds with nods or headshakes. They aren't trying to appear disinterested, but they can't risk not knowing what to say. Adjusting to a new home and school isn't easy, so their lack of social interactions with others isn't helping them out. "So, you just moved here?" They nod in response. "That's cool, just, uh, let me know if you ever need someone to show you around." You say this just to be polite, but that isn't what Yan!Neighbor hears. They hear an opportunity to spend an extended period of time with you, alone. They can feel their heart about to burst out of their chest, and they swallow as if preventing the organ from leaving. "I... yeah, I'd like that. A lot." You looked up, shocked at the first thing they had said to you all night.
From this singular, awkward interaction, a sort-of friendship blossomed. As you learned more about your odd friend, you actually began to pity them, and found yourself determined to help them fit in around town. Yan!Neighbor didn't care what your motives were, all they knew is they were closer to you. Once they figure out your plans to help them adjust, it doesn't really change how they act. Why would they need to bother fitting in, or hell, even re-connecting with their family? They have you now. As far as they were concerned, they didn't need anyone else.
Yan!Neighbor has quite a few ways of spending time with you, even if your a little hesitant at times. They are in love, but they aren't stupid. They know you probably won't want to hang out with them if you learn about some of their more *unconventional* activities, so they try to keep things subtle. As mentioned above, they greatly enjoy the view of your room they get from their upstairs window. Seeing you doing mundane things, like reading a book or watching your favorite show provides them with a feeling of closeness you don't tend to give them when you're hanging out. Seeing things that you usually do alone or in privacy feels intimate, and feeds into their domestic fantasy. While gazing at you, they dream of the day they'll be on the bed, right next to you, being able to partake in these activities with you. That's not to say Yan!Neighbor doesn't enjoy some of the moments people consider to be *very personal*. They'd have a photo folder on their phone of you doing your simple little activities, and a separate folder for a different kind of picture. Photos like these bring Yan!Neighbor back to the fantasy of them lying in that bed with you, but usually end up with them having to get a little more active with themselves to refocus on other things.
A few times you've arrived home to realize that your spare house-key is missing, and rather than getting soaked in the rain you opt to go to your neighbors house. You find your quickly welcomed in, and sat on the couch. In front of you, you will usually find a few dvd's and an array of snacks laid out. You are often too tired from the rain to realize the snacks were all your favorites, and since it's just them at home, it seems like an awful lot of food for just one person. Almost like they were expecting company. They assure you that anything you need until your parents get home to let you back in the house is yours. Tired? Don't be afraid to take a nap, you can even use their bed if you want. Soaked from the rain? They'll let you shower, just be sure to specifically use the one attached to their room, for no particular reason. They'll even let you wear their clothes, and don't worry about washing them when you're done with them. Yan!Neighbor will take care of it.
Unlike Yan!Neighbor, you've lived in this neighborhood your whole life, and are pretty close with people from around town. Unfortunately, Yan!Neighbor catches onto this pretty quickly. All of a sudden, neighborhood watch meetings are filled with complaints and concerns. Threatening notes left in mailboxes pop up all around, and even people not from their neighborhood begin to avoid it. Friends you once had, and even a couple suitors decline to visit your home due to the reputation the area has developed. The few people who decide to brave a visit to your home often leave to find their windows smashed, tires slashed, or a note tapes to their window, threatening their lives. Quickly, you find yourself spending all day alone, so you decided the solution seemed to be to get out more. You tried to go see friends in places outside of your home, like parks and cafes.
This doesn't pan out either. Yan!Neighbor was temporarily thrown into a fit of panic. They wanted to keep you to themselves, not drive you away. They couldn't stand you being away, even for just a few hours everyday. So, they began to threaten your home as well. They would never harm you, of course not, but if your parents thought someone would, there would be no unsupervised leaving of the house. Besides, added damage to your family's vehicles ensures no sneaking out.
While you sit in your room, attempting to find a way to overcome the loneliness that has begun to creep in, Yan!Neighbor has begun working hard to endear themselves to your parents. It was hard at first, as their father hadn't exactly talked them up to your folks. They didn't let that sway them, though. Whether it was a lawn that needed mowing, a dog that needed a walk, or even a car that needed fixed due to a strange series of recent window-smashings, Yan!Neighbor was always there to help out. Overtime, they assured your parents that they would look out for you, easing the anxiety they had developed about leaving you home alone. Soon enough, they find themselves home alone with you more than your parents. You're just happy to have someone, anyone outside of your family to talk to, even to the point where you can ignore some of their odd behavior, and some of the even odder things happening around you. You've noticed a perfume bottle missing from your dresser, and a few pairs of your underwear didn't seem to make it out of the wash. Meanwhile, Yan!Neighbor is ecstatic over the collection they've started, along with that spare key to your house they took a while back.
Overall, Yan!Neighbor isn't nearly as violent as some yanderes, but isn't to be underestimated. As long as you're good, and continue little actions like cooking for them or watching a show, that feed into that domestic fantasy they have, you probably won't suspect anything. Yan!Neighbor will accept any love or affection you give them, but won't be fully satisfied until you're married, and possibly expecting a bundle of joy.
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wooahaes · 8 months
ginger & lemon
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pairing: non-idol!vocalracha & gn!reader
genre: fluff. silly fluff <3
word count: ~0.7k
warnings: tea/drink mentions? reader gets sick (and so does jeongin... and seungmin despite his efforts).
daisy's notes: seungmin and his two dummies he loves <3
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Seungmin liked only two people in this school’s vocal choir. One was his roommate, Jeongin, because they’d met a few years ago and seemed to click. The other one was you, because you stood next to Seungmin and didn’t annoy him like everyone else did. Therefore, the three of you banded together pretty much anytime you weren’t rehearsing or performing as your own little trio.
And with the weather getting colder… Seungmin knew that the three of you needed to protect your voices. While you and Jeongin always wore your scarves to keep warm, there was one thing that he could do for the two of you. He’d stopped by the campus coffee place, ordering three ginger teas with lemon that he’d carry across campus to the choir room. He’d even asked for a sharpie marker while he was there, writing everyone’s initials on the sides of their cups. You had been bundled up outside, sitting with Jeongin as you waited for the instructor to show up and finally unlock the damn door, and he saw the way you lit up upon seeing him.
“Jeongin,” you swatted his arm. “Look! Seungmin cares about us.” 
Seungmin drew closer, holding his tea in one hand and a little carrier with the other two in his other. “These are all for me.” 
Jeongin giggled, reaching out to take them. “Thank you, Seungminnie.” His giggles grew a little louder when Seungmin rolled his eyes, settling into the space on the other side of you.
Yet he noticed something… off about you as he sat next to you. While you carried on conversation with Jeongin, who had set his cup on the ground between the two of you, you kept rubbing at your neck. You tugged your scarf closer to your neck, bundling up further against the awfully chilly autumn weather that the three of you were facing. 
After a moment, you felt him staring and turned. “What?”
“Are you alright?”
You looked at Jeongin for a second, “Look—He really cares—” before giggling a little. When you turned back to him, you smiled a little, “just feeling a tickle in the back of my throat. It’s nothing major.”
Yet Seungmin immediately moved over and away from you, bringing his cup with him. 
“Don’t be so dramatic!” You huffed, crossing your arms. “I’ll be fine. I’m sure the ginger tea you bought us will fix me right up—”
“You should go home and rest,” he said. “You don’t want to hurt your voice.”
You pouted at him instead. “I’ll be fine. I’ll tell the instructor that my voice feels a little strained so I might be quieter today.”
Jeongin, who had tuned out of this conversation for a moment, looked up from his phone, cup in hand. “Wait, what?”
“Tell them they should go home before they get sick,” Seungmin said, only to catch a glimpse at the side of Jeongin’s cup. “Wait, is that their cup?”
You immediately turned, taking it from Jeongin. “Jeongin—”
“I’ll be fine,” he said. “I don’t think I’ll get sick from one sip.”
“But if I’m getting sick, I don’t wanna be the reason you get sick,” you pouted at him.
Seungmin nudged you. “So you’re admitting it.” 
With a huff, you stood up. “Tell her I’m going home because I might be getting sick, then,” you tugged your jacket close to you. “But if it turns out to be nothing, then you owe me lunch.”
A few days later, you found yourself in Seungmin’s apartment. He let out the heaviest sigh, pointing you toward Jeongin’s room. The two of you could squish into a bed together, and he’d just quarantine the two of you there while watching over you. You lived alone, and Seungmin had insisted on bringing you over as soon as you mentioned that you were sick… purely because Jeongin had gotten sick almost just as fast. Seungmin promised not to give you too much shit until you were better.
(And when Seungmin ended up joining the sick pile, calling in his dad-friend Chris… He immediately grew tired of you and Jeongin bickering over whose fault this really was. Someone, anyone, please help him.)
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @weird-bookworm
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fandomworld9728 · 5 days
The Life of the Morningstars - Chapter 12:
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"Dad! It's time to get up!" Knocking on the door, Charlie was starting to get worried. He hadn't answered any of her calls or texts to come join them for breakfast. She even made their favorite type of pancakes as a nice little welcome treat. "Dad? I'm coming in!" 
Taking out her master key, the princess let herself in and quickly covered her nose at the strong smell that had filled the room. The smell of overripe and sour apples along with burnt honey so strong it gagged her. Quickly closing and locking the door, Charlie went to open the window to air it out only to stop. What if the smell drew people to the hotel to try and find out who it was coming from?
No. She wasn't going to mess up again. What did she do or let happen that cause this sort of reaction from her dad? And how was she going to air this place out safely?
Sitting up in bed, Lucifer looked around the room trying to wake up and focus. "Charlie...?
"Oh, thank fuck!" Rushing over to him, she sat on the edge of the bed before pushing some hair out of his face. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I think... I think I was wrong. A scent set me off. Luckily, it didn't trigger my heat. I'm sorry I made you worry. I thought for sure..." He was usually more careful than this. Now his gross and soured scent was probably leaking out of the room. This is why he preferred to live alone. So that he couldn't fuck up like this and bring trouble to his darling daughter.
"No! No, I'm sorry. I should have put my foot down and paid better attention. I-I... I'm not as good of an alpha as I thought..."
"Charlotte Annette Morningstar! Don't you ever say that about yourself again. I am so proud of the alpha you have grown into. You just haven't had a proper teacher seeing as your mother didn't want to teach you and left us... and as much as we love Beel and Ozzie, and their nontraditional view on second genders, that didn't really work in your favor for the basics of omega care."
Lucifer felt like he failed her as a parent. There weren't many omegas here in Hell. Not even among the Hellborn. Not to mention, as far as he knew, Lucifer himself had been the only omega angel in Heaven. That could have changed while he was gone but that meant he also wasn't taught about his own biological make up. The ones who would have the most information on this would be the sinners.
"Okay, here's what we're going to do. You head on down to breakfast while I air out my room. I'll come down and join you when I'm done. After, you will find a proper alpha teacher. I recommend a sinner you trust."
Lucifer hadn't expected this kind of reaction. After he had used his wings and a portal to air out his bedroom, he came down to join everyone for breakfast only to find everyone but Charlie looking like they were either high or drunk. When asking his darling daughter about it, she was just as surprised as he was but figured it had to do with his scent rushing out when she had opened his door earlier.
Since she grew up around it, it didn't affect her unless she was emotionally distressed. Even Alastor, the creepy bastard, was relaxed in his chair. Lucifer wasn't sure if he should be flattered or uncomfortable.
"Hey there toots~ What uh... what is that amazing smell?" Angel asked, laying boneless on the floor. "I ain't never felt this good before."
"Oh! Uh... w-well..."
"Yeah. Don't keep it a secret. I feel like I got buzzed off the best high shelf shit in all of Hell." Husk had his upper body draped over the bar, looking like he was on the verge of passing out. Unlike Vaggie who actually was passed out. At least she looked comfortable. The egg bois of Sir Pentious' were huddled around her.
Speaking of the snake. He didn't seem to be here. Though, the sounds coming from the kitchen gave away his location. Did... did Lucifer's scent make him hungry? That was a new one.
The only one who didn't seem effected by it at all was Niffty. Which made sense seeing as she was a beta. Seems like she might end up being Lucifer's saving grace when he couldn't control his scent, as much as that freaked him out. Maybe he shouldn't have brought up saving graces... every time he did, the world had to screw him over. Case in point, Alastor opening his mouth and making it so he had to go and change pants.
"Yes, Charlie. What is that smell? It is utterly delicious."
Oh. Lucifer was so screwed. Maybe he needed a vacation to the Lust or Greed Ring. Hell, he'll even visit Wrath at this point!
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baby-alien11 · 3 months
Memories: Scream Premiere (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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The end of 2022 and the start of 2023 were a bit crazy to describe it in a way, from the Avatar premieres, the Critic Choice Awards, Jack going to film another movie and you starting to prepeare for your VFX make up career while doing some campaigns for a few brands
But fortunately, march arrived and with that the Scream VI premiere in New York along with the press tour, and just like in december, the living room was a mess with clothes, shoes, accesories and things like that
"I can't wait to wear this bad girls", you smiled admiring your Valentino red platforms
"Wear your tiara to add more drama", Skeet joked
During early february, a small bussiness sent you a tiara with black stones as a gift, which you loved so much that you bought a crystal clear box to display it in your closet
"Dad, if I wear the tiara, I'm going to enter the list of nepo babies everyone hates", you pointed, "And I don't want that"
"A list like that really exist?", Skeet frowned
"It's unofficial, but it does", Naiia responded, "We're not in there"
"But we made a cameo on the NY Magazine nepo baby article", Jakob said, "That was wild, I printed it and hung it in our living room"
"You sounded like Toto Wolff on that episode of Drive To Survive", you laughed, "I have it, I have it printed out"
"That was iconic", Jakob noted, "I'm still waiting for the day he and Christian Horner have a fist fight, I truly believe Toto could beat the shit out of him"
"Or even better, a fist fight between all team principals", Stutz commented, "I'm betting on Guenther"
"Nah, Guenther would just sit, watch and laugh at the fight", you said, "But Zak Brown could beat some of them"
"This year is the Las Vegas Grand Prix, it would happen", Megan pointed
"Are you seriously thinking about adults fighting each other?", Skeet asked still folding clothes
"Which of them are you betting on?", you returned the question, "If we put them in a cage fight"
"Fred Vasseur"
With that answer, the five of you let out an audible gasp for the unexpected answer due to none of you thought of the Ferrari team principal as a potential winner of the fight
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Due to none of you had to do a lot of press for the movie, you only had a shared interview with Jack for 'The Drew Barrymore Show' the day after the premiere, the flight was programmed on early saturday, arriving the same day during the afternoon and being stopped a few times at the airport because of fans asking for photos, autographs and even giving small gifts
During the road to the hotel, on Twitter you saw fan accounts posting about the arrival and insta stories from the people at the airport tagging both of you, at what you liked them and sent them a small message in apreciation for waiting at the airport
Arriving at the hotel, you sent Jack a text saying that you arrived while all of you registered to get the room keys and go to the rooms, on the elevator, you recieved a text from Coco Arquette
Coco 🥥
dude, are you here yet??
Y/N 🔪
omw to my room at the elevator
Coco 🥥
can i go??
mom is doing press and i'm bored
Y/N 🔪
my floor is the eleven
room 1107
Coco 🥥
"Coco is coming", you informed, "She's bored"
"She's attending the premiere?", Skeet asked
"Yep, she's wearing a red dress, very Gale Weathers of her", you responded
"And you're wearing a black dress, which is very ghostface of you", Skeet pointed
"I know, is amazing", you exclaimed, "And we even didn't planned it, that's the best part"
Leaving the glam team on their designated floor, the elevator continued until it stopped at the eleventh floor where the concierge stepped out first with the cart with the luggage to led you to the suite, where while walking close you saw Coco leaning against the wall beside the room door
"Gale-Dewey", you exclaimed claiming her attention
"Billy", she exclaimed back
Since the two of you met a few years ago, both of you often refered each other as your parents characters
"Hi, I missed you", you said hugging her while the concierge opened the door to leave the luggage inside
"I missed you too", Coco said separating from the hug to enter the room with you, "Hi, uncle Skeet"
"Hey, kiddo, how's it going?", Skeet greeted with a fist bump, "Courtney knows you're here?"
"I sent her a text but they're doing press, so she hasn't seen it", Coco shrugged helping you with your luggage while you went to the small kitchen to grab snacks and something to drink
"I'll still text your mom to let her know you're here", Skeet said
"Dad, we'll be gossiping in my room", you anounced entering into one of the rooms
"Have fun and make sure there aren't any hidden microphones or cameras"
Closing the door and leaving the suitcases next to the closet, both of you took off your shoes to sit on the bed and open the snacks and drinks
"You won't guess who talked bad about me", you said while eating from the bag of Skinny POP popcorn
"Who?", Coco asked taking a sip from her Orangina juice
"Tana Mongeau"
"No fucking way! What did she said?"
"Well, I knew about it because a fan on Tik Tok sent me the clip of her podcast, basically she said that I came out of nowhere, that I was going to take advantage of Jack's fame and then jump into another famous guy, that I will be forgotten or live based on scandals, and that my fashion sense was basic as fuck"
"What the hell is her problem? You have been building your career since you were twelve during Riverdale with the cameos and the behind the scenes videos, your multiple campaigns with brands, you did a GRWM for Vogue a month ago, and she's more known for her scandals, didn't she had a baby she didn't know as a wallpaper?"
"Kylie Jenner's daughter, Stormi, it was so creepy, I'm glad they called her out"
"And please, basic fashion sense? You are one of the best dressed people I know, are you going to respond to her?"
"No, I'm going to ignore her, she doesn't deserve my energy"
"Well said", Coco nodded with a high five
"Anyways, how's it going everything on your side?"
During the next two hours, both of you updated on everything in your lives while taking photos and doing tik toks, which one of them was using an audio from 'In The Heights' from the song 'No me diga', or even from the first Scream
It was after the entry of the night and while both of you watched the resume of the qualifying for the Bahrein Grand Prix, the girls time was interrupted
"Tornado, a package arrived for you", Skeet exclaimed
Leaving what you were doing, both of you got out of your room to walk to the living room to see Jack standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his arms, and with comfortable clothes instead of his press outfit
"Babe", you squealed running to him
"Gorgeous", Jack smiled opening his arms for both of you to merge into a hug, "I'm glad you arrived well"
"I'm so glad to be here on time", you said without breaking the hug
The hug lasted a few minutes during which none of you noticed how Coco left the suite to go to her own not without taking a buch of photos of both of you, and Skeet went to his room
"These are for you", Jack said handing you the bouquet
"They are beautiful, thank you so much", you gasped apreciating them, "I'm going to put them in water"
Going into the small kitchen, with the help of Jack, both of you put the flowers in a vase with water and colocate them in your room
"Is the qualifying from today?", Jack asked seeing the screen
"Yes, ", you nodded sitting at the bed at what he did the same, "Max, Checo and Charles are the top three"
"And the guy that sent you that messages last year?"
"Eleven, and his new teammate, eighteen"
"Last year they got a good result, what happened to them?"
"Their car isn't as competitive as last year, the Red Bull on the other hand, is like a rocket ship"
"Basically a season of hearing the dutch or mexican anthems"
"Absolutely, maybe other anthems with luck, but I still want to see Lewis winning again and his eight championship"
"Abu Dhabi was traumatic"
"The FIA did a mess in the last laps, Mercedes owns him the championship"
"Do you think Lewis could swap teams in a future?"
"I honestly don't think so", you sighed, "Toto and him are close, it's like a father-son relationship at this point"
"Just like Charles and Ferrari, Max with Red Bull, Kevin with Haas, Lando with McLaren, Lance with Aston Martin, Esteban with Alpine, Yuki and Alpha Tauri, and etc"
"Exactly, they all have their favorites"
Still hearing the repeat of the qualifying, both of you organized your things in the bathroom and in the small closet, and after you changed in your pajamas, which were one of Jack's long sleeved shirts which was a bit big on you and comfy shorts, both of you lay in your bed to continue watching the highlights of the qualifying until eventually both of you fell asleep
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The sunday, it was a lazy day for everyone, during the morning you and Jack woke up a bit early to watch the race, which started good for Red Bull with a 1-2, and then all the cast from the preview movie and the recent one hang out in the terrace of the hotel, slightly remembering the mini reunions during filming
When the monday arrived, which was the day of the premiere, the preparations started since early in the morning
"Everytime there's a premiere I feel like going to the MET Gala", you joked while the glam team did your hair and make up, "Especially being in this hotel"
"One day you will be there", Nora said while prepearing the dress, shoes and accesories, "Don't worry"
"What's the theme this year?", Skeet asked
"Karl Lagerfeld:A Line of Beauty", you responded, "He created iconic moments and looks in fashion, but doesn't excludes that he was a shitty and horrible person"
"What would you wear if you were going this year?", Tessa asked straightening your hair
"Chanel, and tweed", you quickly answered, "With pearls, you can't fail with that, and let's pray that men don't appear in black boring suits"
"Amen", everyone in the room exclaimed
The rest of the glam session continued with small talking and comments about the process of the looks, and scrolling through Twitter
"Guys, we created a masterpiece, again", you concluded seeing the entire look in front of the mirror, "This is not regular ghostface, this is cunty ghostface"
"What the fuck did you just said?", Skeet laughed while getting ready
"I mean, ghostface slays all the time, but this is fashionable ghostface", you explained also laughing, "Can you imagine a MET Gala horror themed? It would be awesome"
When both of you were ready, they took a few photos for social media and you did a few Tik Toks with audios from the movies, including the iconic "please don't kill me Mr. Ghostface, I want to be in the sequel", before going to the lobby and walk in the middle of the fans and paparazzi to the van
"Y/N, you look beautiful", one person exclaimed
"Thank you", you exclaimed in response before getting on the van
Fortunately, the ride wasn't long, so you arrived at the place of the premiere quite early, seeing more fans and paparazzi on the entrance
"Demi Lovato is already here", Rachel informed seeing her phone
"Really?", you asked with excitement
"She was one of the first to arrive", Rachel nodded
"I can't wait to met her", you squealed
Finally getting out of the car, you were welcomed by screams of fans and flashes from the paparazzis, stoping to take photos with them and giving autographs before entering
"How are you feeling the shoes?", Skeet asked while waiting to step into the red carpet
"Surprisingly, they are comfortable", you responded, "Besides, I used higher and pointy heels for the canadian premiere of Avatar, so I'll be good"
When they let you step into the carpet, you and your dad posed together for a few photos until you jokingly pushed him aside to take individual photos, then taking some with Melissa and then going back to take individual photos, until you felt a pair of arms you knew very well circling your waist
"Hi", you smiled turning your head to look at him, "You look more handsome"
"You look more gorgeous", Jack said kissing your cheek being careful of your make up and hair
Taking advantage of the moment, the press took photos and videos, some while you weren't paying attention to them, and then looking at the cameras and doing different poses
While Jack took some individual photos, you went and took some with the girls and also with Coco, before stepping aside so the cast and crew can take the group photo, until you heard your name being called by the cast to join the group photo, at what you trotted to stand between Jack and your dad
"How did you run with platform heels?", Jamine asked
"Dude, I don't know", you laughed
After the photos were taken, it was time for the interviews, the first one with Seventeen and then Vogue, when they gave you the instructions of what to say
"Hi Vogue, I'm Y/N Ulrich, I'm so happy to be here at the Scream 6 premiere, my dress is a Balmain, and I chose it because reminded me of the Ghostface costume, and this franchise has being part of my life since I was a little girl, so being here is so special, and tonight is the first time I'll be seeing the movie, and I hope everyone enjoys it, have a great night"
Fiishing that small segment, you went with MTV, where they gave you a mini mic
"It's a baby tiny mic", you exclaimed watching the mic, "I love it"
"Fisrt of all, it's an honor to be in front of horror royalty, the Ghostface Princess", the girl interviewing you said, "I feel like there's a lot to unravel of your outfit, which is amazing, so can you please give us the whole context"
"Of course", you nodded, "First of all, I have to give credits to my stylist whom I like to call my fairy godmothers because they make this possible, um, the dress is a Balmain which we chose beacuse the sleeves are like the Ghostface robe, and then we wanted to add pops of color red, which ended in the red platforms and my clutch, my earrings are mini bowie knives, the iconic Ghostface weapon, the rings which are from a local bussiness from LA are like the blood spilling and the iconic ghostface mask"
"And your make up is spectacular, I love the eyeliner and the red lips"
"Thank you so much, it's like what Taylor Swift said: 'draw the eyecat sharp enough to kill a man'"
"That's so genius, I love it, and please can we get a closer look at the nails because they are a piece of art", laughing you raised your hands so the camera could focus your nails, "Now that we did the outfit appreciation, we can talk about the reason why were here, the movie, you have a cameo, you met your boyfriend Jack in here, how does it feel to be part of this iconic franchise?"
"It feels like a full circle moment, you know, having seen the four first movies at eight years old, I watched them with dad and he told me behind the scenes, Neve, Courtney, Matthew, Rose, Jamie, Drew are like uncles and aunts to me, having a cameo and meeting Jack was so incredible, so yeah, it's amazing being oficially part of this legacy", you responded, "And also with this cast we are a big happy family, I love everyone"
"What can you say about the movie were about to see?"
"Well, I only was there one day to film my part and never returned to the set, because I hate spoilers", you laughed, "I only known the basic of the movie, and the change of scenary to this big city I think is an amazing concept, and what Radio Silence has done since they took charge of the story is incredible, they are continuing the legacy of Wes and honoring him, which I think is the most important, so yeah the way they create and develope storylines is one of the best thing I've seen, and happy to be part of it"
"Well, thank you so much for talking with us, it's always a pleasure"
"Thank you so much for having me, have a great night"
"You too"
Finishing the round of interviews, you went to the sidelines where you stayed with Anna to talk, and then walking to the theatre with everyone to watch the movie, and grabbing popcorn and something to drink
And after the directors and the cast, in which again insisted that you stand with them for the segment at what you accepted, said a few words about the film and thanking everyone for being present to watch it
"I'm excited", you smiled while the lights started to fade
"Any predictions on who Ghostface might be?", Jack asked
"I let you know after a few minutes of the movie", you responded
Being anxious of your reaction when the reaveal comes, Jack only smiled in a mischieview way
Certainly, you were shocked because the change of style of the openning but in a good way, and then you were mad at Sam's therapist
"There's us", you smiled seeing the small scene
"I'm so happy that I asked you on a date", Jack said in a small voice
"And I'm happy that I accepted", you responded in the same tone resting your head on his shoulder
For the rest of the movie, you resisted the urge to bite your nails, instead holding Jack's hand or arm, and also regretting not being on set for the shrine filming days because of your "no spoilers" rule, and also laughing when Ethan said the phrase 'am I going to die a virgin?'
When the third act started, you were already in tears because all the injured or dead characters that you didn't notice how Jack got his phone out to film your reactions
"Holy shit", you murmured after Wayne Bailey revealed himself as a ghostface, and then the ghostface at his left started to lift his mask leaving you more shocked, at what you turned to look at your boyfriend, "You're ghostface"
"Surprise", Jack laughed
"Oh my God", you murmured returning to watch the movie, only to see Liana's character alive being the third ghostface, "Oh my God!"
Apparently your voice resonated in the theatre because you heard some laughs
For the entire third act you were at the edge of your seat watching how everything was developing, and suffering by the way Ethan died, and then cheering when Sam and Tara's plan worked and the core four, Kirby, Gale and Danny were alright
"My honest opinion of Ethan, good boy and ghostface: it was hot", you said to Jack while the credits started, "You nailed it"
"Absolutely, by the way, please, if your comfortable, can you please call me 'sweet dumb thing'?"
Laughing a little, Jack got a bit closer to you until his face was next to your ear
"Sweet dumb thing", he said in a low voice that made you giggle
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jackchampion, melissabarreram, skeetulrich, ddlovato, guywithamoviecamera, and 127,096 more
yn.ulrich happy Scream VI premiere day for those who celebrate!!
I just saw the movie, and I swear this is no biased, but is absolutely amazing, you are not ready for everything that is going to happen
Congratulations to the amazing cast and crew who worked really hard on this film, you did a fantastic job by assembling everything
don't forget to purchase tickets in your nearest theatre
tagged jackchampion screammovies
jackchampion I can't get over how beautiful you looked tonight
› yn.ulrich babeeeeeee, you're making me blush
francisca.cgomes 😍😍
cocoarquette_ the best ulrich
› yn.ulrich the best arquette-cox
screammovies it was an honnor to have royalty watching our bloodshed
julrich21 you see her all glam in the carpets but in reallity she dresses like a homeless when she's at home
› yn.ulrich stfu and go try grow a real mustache instead of the three hairs in your face
› naiia 🍿🍿
› skeetulrich 🤦🏻‍♂️
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