#i dunno why i find them hot
hislittleraincloud · 8 months
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Laurel Gates x Tyler Galpin - #Gatesmonster ship
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seat-safety-switch · 1 month
Are you now, or have you ever, been a member of the American Horticultural Society? If you answered in the affirmative to this question, there are several detectives down at the station who would like to talk with you about your activities over the last few weeks. Don't worry, I'm no snitch: I just want my shitboxes back.
Gardeners are nothing if not resourceful. If you go into a good-sized suburban backyard garden, you'll see trash cans getting used to protect plants. Old lawnmower-struck hose irrigating tender veggies. And CD-ROMs dangling everywhere, to alternatingly antagonize and beguile the crows into not eating all the cucumbers this year. I admire this kind of waste-not-have-not mentality, but sometimes it goes a little bit too far.
A couple months ago, there were some rumblings about "guerrilla gardeners." These rogue seedsfolx would roam the countryside, eyes peeled for opportunity to plant a garden on land they don't own. Upon finding old abandoned lots, sun-bleached traffic islands, and unattended flower beds, they would strike, stuffing innocent lands with their ovules. Soon, a gorgeous garden of hardy plants would be in that place. Pissed off the bylaw officers, who now had to deal with the beauteous, chaotic bounty of nature, rather than dead, brown grass when it came time to mow. I thought this was pretty funny, until it happened to me.
Do you know why they tell you not to leave your dog inside a car? Because it gets really hot inside a car. Sun goes into the windows, but the heat can't escape. We call this a "greenhouse effect." Do you know what else has a greenhouse effect? Fucking greenhouses do. One morning, I came out to my yard full of several dozen non-operable, shit-box automobiles to find that someone had jimmied the locks on each and every one of them. On the seats? Plants. Some were exotic hothouse varieties. Some were simply pretty flowers. And they were all growing strong, fed by the sunlight through the greasy windows, the controlled drip of rainwater through the rust holes in the roof, the iron-rich powder on the seats, and the humid rainforest atmosphere of my cars' interior. What was this town coming to?
I cleared this out, of course, placing the plants gently outside, where they belonged. Soon, even more exotic varietals of botanist-lust found their way into the cars to replace them. If I turned my back for a weekend, I'd be chopping a strange kind of vine that even Wikipedia says "I dunno" about. The local bylaw officer noticed, too, while trying to do one of her routine sweeps to see if she could get me on a technicality. Seeing the work of the guerrilla gardeners enraged her so much that I don't think she even noticed I started parking the Viscount in the neighbour's swimming pool to keep the interior safe from all but water lilies.
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lonely-cowboy · 4 months
requests started coming in hot right as i started my midterms so pls forgive me for taking so long to get through my requests (which i'm loving btw i'm so excited to get to all of them)
with that being said i'll stop yapping and let you read in peace
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pairing: connor (rk800) x f!reader
summary: you're very confused when you find a photograph of yourself on connor's desk.
word count: 1k
warnings: none
author's note: i said i'm done yapping and i mean it i have nothing to say. (except i do wanna say this was inspired by the person that said my connor was very you are in love coded bc that made me happy and got me thinking)
masterlist ⟡ requests
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“What do androids do in their free time, anyway?”
“Plot against humanity? I dunno.”
Hank’s laugh came out in a quiet huff, one that indicated he didn’t think your answer was too far from the truth. 
You had come into the precinct hoping to interview Hank and Connor on their latest investigation surrounding a human cult determined to wipe out every single android. As head journalist for the Detroit Free Press, you were desperate to get word before everyone else. And as Connor’s friend, you were sure you could sweet-talk it out of him. 
But when you got to the precinct, Connor was, strangely, nowhere to be found. Usually, he trailed behind Hank like a lost puppy, but not even Hank knew of Connor’s whereabouts. His unusual absence only led to conversations about what the hell an android could be doing on his lonesome. Neither of you had any clue.
“Have a seat, kid,” Hank offered, nudging his chin over to Connor’s desk. “You know he’d feel bad if you were standin’ around waiting for him.” 
Rounding the table, you took a seat in Connor’s chair. You sat stiffly with your hands atop your thighs, the exact same way Connor would. The realization made you chuckle softly to yourself. Even when he wasn’t here, his presence always made itself known in the subtlest of ways.
Your eyes wandered across Connor’s desk, noticing that it was relatively barren. Hank’s desk was littered with mementos– old donut boxes, Detroit Gears merchandise, anti-android propaganda that he’d crumpled up and intended to trash. But Connor’s desk was plain and organized. A single blue pen sat exactly parallel to his recent case file that had been neatly folded. On top of his case file was a quarter like the one he always fidgeted with. You wondered idly how many quarters he had lying around, having never seen him without one. But the only belonging of actual interest was a picture frame right beside his terminal.
Your brows furrowed as your gaze latched onto the photograph. You were staring directly at a picture of yourself.
Believing it to be a trick of the light, you reached for the picture frame and brought it closer. Sure enough, it was you.  
You stared at a version of yourself who was mid-laugh. You could almost hear your own laughter ringing in your ears. It was that genuine kind of laughter, you knew. The kind that was an obnoxious cackle you always wanted to hide. Why on earth would Connor have a picture like that framed?
Come to think of it, where did Connor even get this picture? You didn’t recognize it at all. You couldn’t even place where it was taken. There were zero clues in the photograph as you were the only focus. Nothing else, just you.
You were about to ask Hank about it when a voice over your shoulder startled you, “I really like that picture.”
An inhuman yelp escaped your lips as you spun around in Connor’s chair. You found him looking down at you with a pleasant smile, not even remotely embarrassed to be caught having a photo of you.
“Why… what even… what?” you stammered.
Connor cocked his head curiously, waiting for you to get your words out. But you couldn’t. You were so utterly confused that your brain couldn’t remember a single word in existence. You just stared at Connor with a gaping mouth, holding the picture up for his viewing pleasure. 
When you didn’t say anything, Connor’s eyebrows furrowed for only a moment before easing. An endearing habit of his that made your heart flutter. He definitely was not helping you find the right words. 
“I’d like to clear your confusion as best I can, but… I’m afraid I don’t understand its cause,” Connor said gently.
From behind, you heard Hank’s quiet snort. He wasn’t helping either.
“Well… Connor,” you started slowly like you were gradually putting the puzzle pieces together. No matter how hard you tried, the pieces weren’t fitting. “Why do you have a picture of me?”
The corners of his lips raised into a small grin, his hands moving to clasp in front of him. You knew this stance to mean he was about to tell a story.
“I asked Lieutenant Anderson about the keepsakes on his desk. I was curious as to why these particular items were objects of significance and what classified them as such,” Connor explained cheerfully. “As I recall, he said ‘I don’t know, they’re just alright, I guess.’ Perhaps my interpretation was incorrect, but I took that to mean those items made him happy.”
Connor’s smile widened slightly. That meant he was finished. He didn’t clear any of your confusion.
“Okay…?” you prompted.
“I wanted to do something similar. I thought it could help me accommodate to deviancy, so I decided to surround myself with things that make me happy.”
Your mouth clamped shut as your confused look turned to one of shock. You were almost sure you hadn’t heard him right, but another laugh (hidden behind a cough) from Hank made you confident that you had.
“I… make you happy?” you clarified.
“Yes,” Connor answered curtly. There was another long pause as you waited for Connor to continue. He seemed to get the hint by now, elaborating further. “I always enjoy your company. I look forward to seeing you when we have scheduled plans. This wasn’t a scheduled visit, so I was pleased to see you were here. It made me smile. Seeing you makes me smile.”
With all his talk of smiling, you couldn’t help cracking one of your own. Seeing your smile made Connor brighten.
“Like that,” he said. “If I could photograph and frame you right now, I would.”
You were so giddy with affection that you couldn’t help but laugh. You had never known Connor to be so poetic with his words.
“You know, Connor,” you said with careless laughter. “I came here to sweet-talk you into an interview for the Press. But here you are sweet-talking me.”
Connor looked pleased with himself, standing a little straighter. “I hope that made you smile.”
“It certainly did.”
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
1.6k / joel miller x virgin!reader / master
sequel to Aches but can read alone. Next: Needs. WARNINGS: I8+ mdni, big girthy age gap (20/50s) only one sleeping bag, pining, fingering, grinding, jacking off, hand job, mutual masturbation, innocence, pet names. No use of y/n.
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“You don’t have to do it for me,” you whisper.  
The problem is, the more Joel relieves you, the more often you seem to ache.  The more you think about him and his body - his body pressed against yours, wrapped around yours.  Inside yours - It’s what you think about all day, every day now.  It’s getting really bad.  It’s hard to keep eye contact sometimes.  
Earlier, you were both rummaging through an abandoned convenience store. Joel walked up and asked, “Find anything ya like?”  You turned around and your eyes instantly fell on his tight jeans.  He followed your gaze down, then slowly stepped toward you.  “Hmm?” he prompted you.  
You stammered, “Sorry. What?”  
He smiled to himself.  “See anything ya like?” 
“I, uh-”  
“In the store, honey.”  He briefly glanced around the building.  “Find anything good?” 
“Oh.  No, I guess not.” Your whole face was hot.  
He cupped your burning cheek and his brow furrowed as he asked, “You okay, sweetie? You’re warm.” 
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you whispered with your eyes drowning in his.  A pool was forming in your panties and his touch on your face made you throb between the legs.  It was that moment you realized how out of control your desires were getting.  It was a constant distraction. 
Now you’re huddled in his sleeping bag as usual.  Joel is spooning you with his hard dick pressed against you.  Your top leg is back slightly behind you, between his legs, to make room for his hand between your thighs. He’s two knuckles deep and you’re already close to falling apart. He’s been helping you for a couple of weeks now, and it gets easier and easier to let yourself come. 
“Course I don’t have to,” he says and pushes another finger into you.  You inhale a chest full of air as he pushes his digits to the hilt and curls them.  Your hips lift into his hand which was already soaked with your arousal before he inserted a single digit.  “Why? Want me to stop?” Your clit rubs against his slick palm as he expertly works his fingers. 
“No,” you whisper. “I don’t want you to stop.” 
“Good,” he murmurs, moving his fingers rhythmically as you grind into his hand.  Then he whispers in your ear,  “Cause I kinda like doin’ it.”  
You moan softly. 
“Ya know,” he says softly, “You might like helpin’ me, too.”  
You’ve thought so much about his cock.  You’ve felt it pressed hard against you so many times through his boxers and your panties.  You’ve never touched it though, not with your hands.  You haven’t felt the skin, except one time when it was accidentally peeking through his boxers and the tip touched your lower back, making a wet spot on your shirt.  When you flinched, he apologized. 
“Yeah,” you whisper. “Maybe.” 
“Why don’t we find out,” he murmurs. “try just a few seconds?”
You swallow, ashamed of your eagerness for anything involving his cock.  “Okay,” you say hesitantly.  
“Good girl.”  He takes his hand away from between your legs for just long enough to free his aching manhood from his boxers and lube it with your slick. “Gimme your hand, sweetie.”  
“I dunno how or anything,” you tell him. You clench your thighs together, still in need of relief.  You’re not sure if you’ve ever ached this badly.  
“That’s okay.  Don’t gotta do anything.” 
You slowly reach back, offering him your hand as you crane your neck to look to his eyes for reassurance.  It’s too dark to see, but you can still feel what his warm eyes would look like. 
“Think you’re gonna like this. But if ya don’t, ya don’t have to, okay?” He wraps your hand around his cock upside down. “Yeah,” he whispers.  “Just kinda hold it. That’s all ya gotta do.” His breathing is heavier with your hand touching his stiff cock. It’s larger than you thought it would be.  You always imagined you’d easily be able to wrap your hand around one.  
Joel thrusts into your slick hand and you feel a stab of need.
“How’s that?” he asks, thrusting slowly into your hand again with a barely audible grunt. 
“Good,” you whisper, holding your hand behind you. The skin of his shaft is so smooth. Now more than ever, you’re aching to be filled.  
“Attagirl,” he murmurs.  “Still want my help, right?”
“Yeah,” you breathe.  
“Good girl.” He reaches his arm over yours and slides his hand between your legs again. He softly groans when he feels how much wetter you are than you were just a minute ago.  All this, just from touching his cock.  “God damn,” he whispers. 
“Nothin', baby.”  
It would be hard to say what you prefer - having his cock thrust into your hand or against your body. But finally feeling it naked, feeling its shape, the softness of the skin, the impossible firmness of the erection – it takes your breath away.  He slides two fingers into your cunt and pumps them at the same slow rhythm he’s thrusting into your hand. 
Your pleasure builds rapidly, and you badly need release. “Doin’ great, baby,” he says in a deep, gruff whisper. “Just perfect.” He gradually increases the pace,  moving his fingers and cock in unison.  His cock fills your hand as his fingers fill your dripping cunt.  You’re keenly aware of what you’d rather be filled with.  
He softly grunts into your hair.  “Ohh, yeah,” he sighs as he thrusts into your hand and pumps his fingers.
You whimper at the edge of your climax, your upper back pressing into his chest and your hips grinding desperately into his large hand as his fingers fuck you. Your whole body tenses. 
He talks you through it soothingly as usual, lips planted near your ear. “Yeah, baby,” he murmurs, “you’re there, I got ya.”  Your hips push desperately into the palm of his hand, and his hand pushes back just right.  You whine his name as your core finds its stuttering release. The pleasure is more explosive than ever.  
“Good girl,” he whispers.  You recover for a few seconds, then turn around to face him.  He quickly folds down the unzipped sleeping bag for more space and rolls onto his back.  “You wanna keep helpin’?”
You nod and whisper, “yeah.” Then you add “Am I doing okay?” 
“'Course you are, baby. Get your hand wet between your legs now,” he says, which embarrasses you.  
“Nothin’ to be ashamed of, remember?” 
You take his cock in  your hand again and he covers it with his, showing you how tight to grip it and how to stroke it over the head. 
“Good girl.” 
Once you’ve got the hang of it, he asks, “You like helpin’ me?” 
You nod as you keep stroking his cock.  
Joel says, “Mmm hmm,” and looks at you curiously.  “Why’d ya say I don’t have to help?” His breathing is still heavy, but he’s trying to control it as you talk. 
You open your mouth but hesitate to answer. Instead, you stare down into the darkness, imagining what his cock must look like based on all the details that are gliding in and out of your hand.  He’s soooo hard.  
“You can tell me anything, pretty girl.”  He takes a deep breath. “We figure stuff out together, remember?” He breathes again. “Always do.” 
“Yeah,” you whisper, then you swallow. “I dunno how to say it,” you admit.  
“Do your best,” he says. 
“Since you’ve been helping me, I’ve been feeling it more often.”
“You have?” he asks. “Like how?” His hips subtly move as you keep stroking his cock. 
“Like during the day.  Randomly.” 
“That’s okay, baby.” 
“But it aches, and it’s distracting.” 
“Distracting?”  His voice becomes more strained. 
“I have a lot of thoughts all the time.” 
“What kinda thoughts, baby?”  His voice has a sense of urgency. 
“About you.” 
He moans softly. “Uh-huh. Like what?” 
“Tell me anything, baby,” he quickly reassures you, nearly out of breath.   
“About this,” you whisper. You pause to give his cock a squeeze to make sure he knows that’s what you’re talking about.  “Yeah, about this.” Then you continue stroking.  
“Ohh baby,” he exhales. “Course ya do.” 
“All the time,” you whisper. 
“And what about it?”  he pants.  
“I’m not sure,” you mutter.  
“Thinkin’ ‘bout me bein’ inside you?” he asks, still panting.  He moans softly.  
“Yeah,” you whisper. 
“Ohhhhhh, God,” he sighs as he begins to pulse into your hand. “God damn, baby,” he breathes as he releases his last hot, sticky rope into your fist.   
Joel catches his breath, then says, “'Course ya have those thoughts, sweetie. I have the same thoughts. Everyone does."  
“You do?” 
“It’s normal,.  They teach biology in FEDRA school right?” 
“It’s biology, honey.  Our bodies feel things for each other.  They wanna be together in the way they’re meant to.  It’s how we work -  Nothin’ but science.” 
You’re not sure how that’s supposed to help you.  
He reaches for his backpack and grabs some paper to wipe off your hand and his stomach. 
“So what do I do about it?” you ask him. 
He’s quiet for a few seconds.  "Let’s think about it, honey.  We’ll figure it out together.” 
“We’ll figure it out, sweetie.  We always do.” 
He wraps himself around you and kisses your head, then you say good night.  You think about what he said so matter of factly.  The thought of it excites you but also scares you.  Especially now that you’ve felt how big he is with your hand for scale. 
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Thank you so much for reading and engaging.  Love you guys <33
if you like this, please check out my dbf x innocent virgin! reader fic Left in Lincoln (dbf x virgin) which has been ongoing since April. Read warnings. Also, my master list has a virginity section on it.
You can subscribe to @toxicfics for notifications and @toxicrecs for my fic recs.
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bandgie · 6 months
hiiii is ok if i request a stoner smut😭 ( with either han,chan or felix) like y/n and him are smoke buddies and in one of the sessions things get a little hot and heavy 🥲
it’s ok if ur uncomfortable but if you’re not i’d love to see it
-anon 🍃
a/n: yes?!? oh my god?? why give me 3 options when I can do them all?? at the same time??
synopsis: You warned your smoking buddies that you get a little...different when you're really high. They don't believe you though, and smoke you out anyway. Neither of you can decide if it was worst mistake or best decision of your lives.
warnings: MDNI 18+, heavily under the influence, 4some, brief pussy play, no protection, cumming inside, pussy eating, mxm themes!!!, squirting, double penetration, blow job (m!&f!), multiple orgasms (f!), I went crazy with this one I ain't gonna lie
2.6k words
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"Oh dude she's gone."
"You shouldn't have smoked her out man."
"She wanted me to!"
You can distantly hear the three of them arguing. Han is, once again, thrown under the bus as Felix and Chris blame him. To be fair, everyone's high out of their mind. Whatever Felix bought back from California hits.
Han is warm as you snuggle against him, his heartbeat irregular as he keeps defending himself. When you told them you get a little excited when you're super high, they thought you'd be bouncing off the walls. Instead, they had to keep you from clawing Han's cock out to bounce on that.
"I'm not even that high," you speak up for yourself. "I just want a little fun, that's all."
Chan scoffs, bloodshot eyes looking at your droopy ones. "You are that high, actually. The sober you that I know would punch Han before he even thought about touching you."
The image of slapping the man you're sitting on makes you laugh hysterically. You're gasping for air, clutching at your chest as you cackle. Your exaggerated laughter makes Felix chuckle, and it doesn't take long until all four of you are on the verge of throwing up from giggling. 
"But I like the way he feels," you manage to speak after your chest heaves. "Hannie's so soft and warm, it feels so good." It's not smart of you to talk like that when Han's cock is underneath your ass. You can feel like twitching in response. 
You softly grind your ass against it, humming. "You like it too, huh Hannie? Do you want to touch me?"
"Hey. That's enough," Chan's voice is stern, but you don't miss how his eyes drop to your bare thighs. Han freezes under you, scared that moving might make his cock hard. 
You roll your eyes and grind against Han again, hearing him hiss. "For fucks' sake Chan, I'm high, not drunk." There's not a care for the aftermath in your head. It feels as though there'll be no repercussions, that time has frozen still for you. For this moment. 
Still, Chan shakes his head. "Doesn't matter, you're not in the right mind."
"If you don't wanna fuck me Chan, Hannie will." You turn your attention back to Han, who's struggling under you. He's hard now, but his hands stay placed on the cushions. "You'll play with me, right Han?"
His eyes dart from yours to Chan's, unsure. "I dunno. What if you get mad at me in the morning?" You coo at his uncertainty. Reaching for his hands, you place them on your hips. His fingers dig into your soft flesh, pulling you closer to him. 
"I would never be mad at you," you promise. "Just touch me."
That’s enough permission for Han. He parts your thighs while Felix and Chris are front-row viewers. Getting high was just an excuse, you've always wanted him to touch you. For all of them to touch you. It's why you didn't wear any shorts under your skirt. A black thong barely covers your cunt, and Han is quick to play with it. 
His fingers slip behind the material, finding your clit easily. He gently rubs you in circles, moaning in your ear. Han slips his hand out and places it over your underwear, rubbing that instead. 
It makes you whine, bucking your hips in protest. You're about to complain when you catch the other two boys staring. Felix is on the edge of his seat, staring at where Han touches you. Chan is the opposite, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans back in his seat. He looks irritated but there's dark arousal in his eyes. 
You let Han make a show of you, getting you to drip down your ass. 
"Fuck," you hear Felix swear. His voice sounds deeper if that was even possible. His lips are wet from how constantly he's licking them, but he makes no move towards you.
Han pinches your clit. The sudden grasp makes you whine, hips lifting in the air before he forces you back on his lap.
"I don't have a condom," he whispers in your ear. You shake your head aggressively, "I don't care. Put it in."
Chan opens his mouth to say something but snaps it shut. His jaw clenches as he watches Han slips his hand between the two of you, releasing his throbbing cock. He doesn't want to hear you complain in the morning about this, it's your fault. 
Han pulls your panties to the side and slides his cock against your folds. You arch your back into him, moaning. You look down to watch his dick collect your juices, lewdly making noise. Then he angles his cock down, catching your entrance.
You have to slightly lift your hips when his tip goes in. The stretch is far from painful, and it feels like you're on cloud nine. You slam your hips down on Han impatiently. He whines behind you, body shaking and his arms wrap around your waist.
It's a struggle to keep your legs open for the other men to see, but you hook them over Han's legs for support. Han starts slow, unused to the feel of your cunt. He groans in your neck, biting your skin. "Fuck, that's good pussy."
You only hum in response as you feel Han fuck into you harder. It sends overwhelming shocks of pleasure throughout your body. Your mind grows hazy, vision blurring. You've touched yourself while high, and that alone was a trip. To have someone bury themselves deep inside you, to feel their hot dick slip in and out of you, it feels like you're at a constant high. 
Felix is the first to break. He stands to his feet quickly and takes long strides toward you. Han slows his thrusts, unsure if Felix wants a turn with you already. He grips you a little tighter, possessively. 
Both of you are shocked to see him fall to his knees in front of your pussy. He pushes the thong further out of the way with his thumb, looking up at you. 
"Can I?"
You're nodding before he even finishes, "Fuck yes." 
You cum at the feel of Felix's plush lips. Your walls clench and grip Han's cock tightly, making him thrust into you deep. Felix has to keep his hands on your thighs to keep you still. It's obvious you came with the high-pitched moans and convulsing body, but neither of them made a move to stop. 
"Shit, I can feel her creaming on my cock. Fuck, Felix lick me too," Han rasps out. 
Felix is quick to comply. You feel his tongue dip past your pussy presumably only onto the few inches of Han's cock that isn't in your pussy. Han trembles behind you, hips stuttering into yours. Felix reaches back up to your clit, running his lips over your nub before he lightly sucks. 
You don't have much energy to grind on his pretty face, so you lay there pliant as Han fucks into you earnestly and as Felix gently eats you out. You bury your hands into Felix's green hair, desperate to grip onto something.
The hot sensation builds in your stomach again, this time much more intensely. Han can feel the clenching of your walls, the added wetness your pussy drools out. The pressure in your tummy feels different, hotter, and unstable.
"Felix!" You cry out. "I'm gonna cum again! Fuck, I think I'm gonna squirt!"
You think he might back away, but he buries his face deeper, sucks a little harder. "Give it to me baby, I want it all over my face."
The force of your second orgasm makes Han's cock slip out. Felix's face and Han's thighs are victims of your release. You coat them sheer with your orgasm, watching how Felix keeps his mouth open to drink your release. 
He gulps down the remaining spurts of your pussy, a smile on his face. "Yeah, Han. That's good pussy alright." Felix stands, looking down at your wrecked state. He bends down and kisses you roughly, making sure you can taste yourself on his lips. Then he moves behind you to kiss Han who already has his tongue out. Both of them moan in the kiss, making your pussy throb even more. 
Felix unbuckles his belt and pushes his pants just down enough to reach for his cock. You drool at the sight, moaning softly. He pumps himself a few times, then taps his tip on your swollen clit. 
"Think you can handle two at a time baby?"
Before you can even think to answer, Han butts in. "You should be asking me that. I don't think I'll last much longer." The two of them laugh, and then Felix looks back at you. "Can you?"
Biting your bottom lip, you nod. "Yeah, just go slow." Han and Felix nod in unison, "Of course baby." 
The two of them angle their cocks into your slightly gaping entrance. Han pushes the tip of his cock in first. Felix follows quickly after, pressing his tip against Han's. You let your head fall back between Han's neck and shoulder, relaxing your body. It's quite easy since you are already elated, but there's still a painful stretch as they slide in.
You hiss when they stretch you out, their cocks halfway in. Han tightens his grip on your waist and pecks your forehead. Felix soothingly runs his hands against your thighs and kisses your exposed neck. "Doing so good, you're almost there."
Their comforting touches encourage you to try harder. They sink further in and you gasp. 
"Chan," Han calls his hyung who's been overly silent throughout the whole thing. You almost forgot he was there. 
"Think our baby needs a bit of help. Come on."
Chan shouldn't help. He told you many times this was a bad idea, but no one listened. Still, watching your teary eyes get to him. The way your face contorts from discomfort. You looked so pretty cumming over Han's cock, he can't imagine what'd it be like to cream over both. 
He finds himself standing and walking over to you three, standing beside Felix. 
"Mate, you need to Han bottom out first. Here." Chan hands one hand on Felix's waist while the other guides your stomach downwards. Han moves his hips up, slowly filling your walls. You squeal and tremble, but it's bearable. 
"There you go," Chris coos. "Make sure you go deep Han. Felix needs as much room as he can get."
Han obeys his friend, making sure to bury himself to the hilt. You feel him push past what you thought was possible. Your legs threaten to snap shut, but Felix's iron grip keeps them open. Han can feel how tight your pussy is, how good it feels to rub against Felix's cock.
Chan taps the green-haired on the waist, "You're good to go."
"Oh," your eyes roll back to your head. Your lips spread deliciously when Felix pushes the remaining inches in. You can feel how your clit slightly rubs against his girth, making extra warmth flow out of you.
Your reactions make Chan chuckle, smiling for the first time in what seems like hours. "Feels good huh? Taught him well." He playfully slaps Felix on the ass. 
The two of them feel heavenly in your walls. All three of you are a moaning mess, content with staying still. It's not until Chris clears his throat that Han begins to move. Shallow thrusts into your pussy that make the trio whimper.
Felix moves with longer strokes. They don't match each other's thrusts, but the speed is the same. One goes in while the other goes out, then sometimes it's at the same time, then it's everything in between. Your walls loosen after a few testing strokes, and they're fucking into you roughly in no time.
Chan tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, getting a good view of your face. It's then that you notice his hard-on, how painful it must be in his jeans. Wordlessly, you open your mouth, tongue lolling out. Chan laughs at your directness, "You sure?"
You respond by using your weak fingers to unzip him, "Yesssss."
He laughs again and helps you undress him. His cock is the biggest of the three, in girth and length. You're thankful he isn't in you, there's no way you could've handled it. Chan taps the head of his cock on your lips, smearing his pre-cum. 
Then he pushes in gently, not to disrupt the boys using you. He's hot and heavy on your tongue, slightly salty. Truthfully, getting as high as you did always leaves you with a dry mouth. You find it difficult to provide enough spit for Chan's cock.
He doesn't complain though, and never pushes you past your limit. Chan uses his hands to jerk what you can't fit in your mouth. You want to protest and say you can do it yourself, but with how good Felix and Han are fucking you, it seems impossible. 
Han's cock twitches inside you, a warning for his orgasm. "I'm gonna cum. Fuck baby I'm gonna cum in you." 
You hum around Chris's cock in response, and soon enough you're filled with Han's cum. It's warm in your stomach and you feel it pool onto the sofa. Felix moans at the extra lubrication, finding it hot to see him fuck the cum out of you. 
Han's cock stays inside of you. He likes to think Felix and you help ride out his high. He turns his head to watch you suck off Chan, groaning. Han opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out, looking up at Chan expectedly. 
The eagerness in Han's eyes has the older man raising an eyebrow, but he indulges nonetheless. Chan slips his cock from your mouth and places it on Han's tongue. 
Han is in a better condition to suck. He even does the honor of spitting on Chan's dick. He licks and takes his cock almost to the hilt before gagging. The sight makes Chan moan, and he puts his dick back in your mouth. Your lips are much softer and your mouth is hotter. Han's is wetter though, and much more usable. Chan settles for using both of your throats.
You're thankful for Han helping, it's hard to focus with Felix still pounding away. His fingers are for sure going to leave a bruise, and your pussy may not be the same after this. With your warm pussy and Han's cock, Felix can feel his balls tighten and how his hips lose their momentum.
He doesn't warm you when he cums. There's just his deep, consecutive moans as Felix fills you to the brim. Your legs tremble, and you're cumming before you're aware of it. Chan has to use Han's mouth more often as you moan and whimper through your orgasm. 
Felix rides his high out when Chan forces your head to face his cock. He jerks himself quickly, tapping his tip on both your and Han's tongues. Chan cums on both of your faces, hot spurts landing on your cheek and lips. 
Your tongue pokes out to get a taste, moaning. 
Felix finally pulls out, making you whine. Han follows suit, letting his soft cock leave you empty. Chan lets you give his cock extra kisses while Han unwraps an arm from you to wipe his face. 
Chan has to pry you away from his dick, chuckling when you protest. He tucks himself away despite your complaining. 
The four of you untangle from each other. Though the couch is small, all of you manage to snuggle against one another with you and Han in the middle. All of you are shining in afterglow and cum, with complete disregard for how you might react in the morning. 
Han picks his head up to overlook all of you, a playful scowl on his face. "And you were mad at me for smoking her out."
a/n: man i...I dunno what to say. this is totally self-indulgent. the way I need this to happen. thank you anon 🍃, I truly needed this
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moonstruckme · 7 months
Could I request poly marauders x reader who was always judged at home on what she ate when she was little, and now subconsciously hides her food from the marauders (like she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it) I completely understand if you’re not comfortable doing this req!
Thanks honey!
cw: reader experiences shame around eating "bad" foods
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
“You know what I could use right now?” Sirius asks about halfway through the film, right on schedule. “A little treat.” 
You smile, and James hops up gamely. “I’ll see what we have,” he says. Remus chuckles as you and Sirius both turn around on the couch, watching eagerly as James goes into the kitchen. “Ice cream?” he asks, as if he doesn’t know already. 
“Obviously,” Sirius confirms. 
James opens the freezer. “Alright, we have rocky road…half a pint of mint chip…rum raisin—Remus, you’re an old man.” Remus shrugs with a little smile. You think that he’s probably just glad no one else wants anything to do with his flavor of choice. “Also plain vanilla, and…” James pauses, moving things aside and reaching into the back of the freezer. “...chocolate cherry. This yours, angel?”
You’d forgotten you’d bought that. “Yeah,” you tell him, “but it’s open to everyone, of course.” 
James sends you an odd look. “Why’d you have it back behind the frozen peas?”
“I didn’t know it was back there,” you say with a shrug. “I just put things there automatically, I guess.” 
There’s a crinkling sound as James moves more bags of frozen vegetables aside. “There’s also a box of thin mints and an ice cream sandwich.” 
“Ooh, can I have that?” Sirius asks, giving you a pleading look. 
You smile at him. “Course you can. And Jamie, would you bring me the chocolate cherry, please?” 
James still has a funny look on his face as he shuts the freezer, bringing you and Sirius your frozen treats. You turn around once he hands it to you, finding Remus watching you with a similar expression. 
“What?” you ask, popping the lid off your ice cream. James squishes between you and Sirius, the four of you barely fitting on the couch. 
Remus looks like he’s turning something over in his head. “Why was all that back behind the frozen vegetables, love?” 
You shrug, happily sucking ice cream off your spoon. “I dunno. I just put it there, I guess.” 
“It just…” Remus shrugs, and he’s wearing that tiny smile he does when he’s trying to make light of something he doesn’t consider light at all. You tilt your head bemusedly. “It makes it seem like you were trying to hide them or something.” 
“She’s always hiding food,” Sirius says airily, munching on his dessert. “Like the oreos behind the soup cans.” You all look at him, and he stops chewing. “Was that not something we all knew?”
“I don’t…I didn’t think I was hiding anything.” You cross your arms, feeling defensive without really knowing why. There’s a whole number of things you don’t know about yourself, apparently. 
“It’s alright, darling,” Remus says soothingly, placing a hand on your thigh, “just so long as you don’t think you have to hide anything from us.” 
“I don’t,” you say, but you’re looking at your lap and your face feels hot. You don’t, right? Why would you? 
“Sorry for calling you out like that, babe,” Sirius says through a mouthful. “I figured it was intentional, and you just didn’t want us to eat your food. Nobody here cares what you eat, y’know.” 
“I know,” you promise him. “I guess…I just get a little embarrassed sometimes. Like, if I pig out, I don’t want everyone to know because suddenly a whole box of oreos is gone or whatever.” 
“First of all, as if we would even notice,” James scoffs, giving you a friendly shake by the shoulder. “And second, it’s like Sirius said—we don’t care what you eat, sweetheart. Or how much of it. If you want to eat a box of oreos, that’s your business. That’s not even that many oreos.” He shakes his head like you’re silly. “No one’s going to judge you for it.”  
It’s not surprising to hear him say that, and yet you can’t make yourself believe it’s true. Your boyfriends may not say anything about your eating habits—to your face or even to each other—but there’s no way that if they knew every detail, they wouldn’t think it was shameful. 
“Also,” Remus says, arching an eyebrow, “I don’t love the phrase ‘pig out.’ There’s nothing wrong with having a treat—”
“Duh,” Sirius cuts in, toasting with his half-eaten ice cream sandwich. 
“—and you shouldn’t feel like you have to hide things like that from us,” Remus finishes with a nod to appease Sirius. “If you don’t mind me asking, did you put your food in hiding places before you moved in with us?” 
You gnaw on your lip as you think back to pints of ice cream stowed in the ice cube dispenser when you lived at home, eating before your parents got back from work and quickly putting it away again when you heard cars approaching. Back then, you’d hidden dishes in your room too, evidence of food you knew wouldn’t be approved of crusted onto plates and bowls you were keeping stashed there until you could wash them without anyone noticing. 
“I guess so,” you say, and you can feel Remus’ eyes on yours but can’t bring yourself to meet them. You don’t know whether your shame is for your love of junk food or the odd habit of secrecy you’ve fallen into because of it. It might be both. “I used to do it when I lived at home, but I didn’t realize I was doing it here.” 
“That’s alright, sweetheart,” James says hastily, panicking in the face of your solemn change in mood. “So long as you know we don’t care, it’s not like you hiding it is hurting anyone.” 
“It’s hurting me,” Sirius protests. “We had ice cream sandwiches, and I had no idea!” 
You laugh, and James visibly relaxes. “Alright, I’ll try to stop putting things way in the back so that you can find them. I’m not trying to hoard, I swear.” 
“Keeping all the good stuff for yourself.” Sirius shakes his head at you. “That sweet face hides some pretty selfish tendencies, huh?” 
“Actually, could I grab a few of your oreos?” Remus asks before you and Sirius can really get into it. “That sounds pretty good right now.” 
“Yes!” you say. “Yes, please, have as many as you want. Sorry I kept them to myself, it wasn’t on purpose.” 
James takes your jaw in a big hand, pressing a slobbery smooch to your cheek. “You’re forgiven, sweetpea.” He raises his eyebrows. “If I can have some of those thin mints.”
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s-4pphics · 5 months
gift basket (e.w.)
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kinda cont. to this :3 meep
wc;cw: 1.6k, return of pothead!ellie and her pothead gf, weed duh, parties, mention of psychs but no actual psychs lol, fluff… UNHEARD OF, flirting and a lil sexual tension, something quick bc i miss her fr
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“you tryna do acid?” you call from ellie’s small dining table, rolling up for the two of you. ellie’s attention is yanked from her device, gawking from where she sits on the couch, decked in her usual party attire: all black everything from head to toe. “the fuck did you just say?” 
“you tryna do acid?” you repeat, sealing the blunt. ellie’s eyes flick around the living room, jolting down to the blunt in your hand before they lock with yours. 
“. . . why the fuck would i do that before a party?” ellie snorts, removing and tossing her reading glasses on the coffee table before returning back to some annoying show about a blue cat with bunny for a sister. neither of you are high yet and she’s already in hysterics, wildly cackling and shoveling parmesan goldfish in her mouth.
ellie.  .  . oh, ellie. 
why won’t she fucking touch you? 
after your intense smoke session on pothead christmas, your relationship has gotten strange. not strange in a bad way; she never hesitates to invite you over to spark up, pick you up for late night drives, have study sessions (where she watches you study with eyes tinted pink). everything is exactly the same, but you don’t want it to be. 
it’s been a month since she smoked you out and rambled about her sex life, since you asked — begged her to kiss you. at this point, you would accept a fucking peck, for sucks sake! but she brushes you off every time, pushes you right back into that best friend box after every hot box. you’ve given her every sign to put it down on you, and she’s receptive. the stares she gives you, the lingering touches, the seemingly doting affection that shines beneath her pupils. it’s all there and. . . not at the same time. 
but here you are again. igniting her fucking bud before you roll out to another frat house. being high and horny simultaneously is your greatest weakness. . . especially when your little crush looks this fucking good. 
“you’re so far away.” ellie lures gently from the cushions, “c’meeere, i’m cold.” 
“. . . it’s almost june.” you note flatly. she rolls her eyes and blows a raspberry, climbing over the back of the couch and sliding in next to you, eyes glued to your working hands. she pinches the blunt between her thumb and index finger. “it’s fat as fuck, jesus christ.” she mumbles in amazement. fucking geek. 
“it’s yours. say thank you.” ellie gasps in delight and throws her arms around your neck, bending down to smack kisses on your cheek, mumbling thank you, thank you, thank you! you can’t hide your smile when you throw hers in your little baggie before shoving it in her front pocket. you pat it for good luck. “don’t crush them like you did last time. i’m gonna be hot,” you scold lightly and ellie smirks against your cheek. 
“i dunno. you’re pretty hot already.” she purrs against your face. you push her away and she giggles, jogging to get her shoes on. you follow in her lead and lace up, praying to god that she doesn’t sit on the fucking bag in the uber. 
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ellie can’t stop staring at this fucking lava lamp. 
it’s gorgeous, really. . . the bright colors, the holographic glitter, the fucking. . . clay balls. are they clay? they look like stress toys floating around in uncooked egg whites that've been injected with fairy vomit—
she feels like she’s underwater, but not in a drowning, i’m-gonna-die way. she feels like a mermaid as she searches the room at your call, tunnel vision centering on every drunk face until she finds yours. you're actually right in front of where she sits on the love seat. . . right in front of someone else. . . who’s directly behind you. . . who the fuck is that? 
your brows are pulled down in concern as you shout over the blaring music, asking her if she feels okay, if she wants to leave, but she’s not focused on none of that. . . her high is about to go left in a second if this bitch doesn’t stop squeezing your ass. ellie sends you an affirming look even though her blood is sizzling beneath her skin and you nod in acknowledgement, returning your attention back to whoever you’re throwing it on. 
. . . would it be fucked up if she busted this lava lamp over this broad’s head? she doesn’t think so. 
she barely registers it. the small display in front of her is nauseating. ellie’s known you forever, and never once have you accepted a rip from somebody you didn’t know. . . so why the fuck are you ripping from a bitch you don’t know? the end of the blunt sparks a bright orange with your heavy puff, the carbon you didn’t inhale ghosting in front of your mouth. smoke leaves through your nose as you giggle, the fucking. . . bum whispering something in your ear with a tight squeeze on your waist. 
you’re shaking your head like you like it, like you’re approving of this fuckery and ellie almost vomits. she stands too quickly for her legs because she plops back down like an utter buffoon, the world spinning like a pinball. her arms extend as she searches for balance while sitting and—
whatever the fuck she was going to say vanishes when your hands come down on her shoulders, comfortingly squeezing them through her sweaty shirt. softly. ellie turns to mush as she tries to read your lips. . . maybe she shouldn’t do that; it looks like you’re saying don’t be gay. . . but ellie is gay and so are you so how the fuck would that work?
she’s being scooped up by you and. . . yeah, she’s very faded. ellie’s always prided herself in having a high tolerance to the dirty green, but she’s on one tonight. what the fuck did you put in that shit? is this why you asked her to do acid earlier? because you laced her shit? she can feel her palms getting clammy as you walk her down a dark ass hallway. . . if she had that lava lamp, maybe she could see—
a door slams shut and a lock clicks. it’s suddenly bright. ellie’s convinced she made it to heaven. . . especially when her vision focuses and she’s met with the angel that you are, eyes sparkly and twinkling like fairies in a meadow. god let her in the pearly gates. . . 
“you okay, baby? needa throw up?” your hand is on her cheek, thumb gently massaging the skin. her heart’s singing. ellie’s entranced by you and her skin heats. . . her pussy also skips a beat. a little one-two. 
“. . . baby’s okay.” she mumbles. why is her tongue so heavy? you coo at her, “wanna go home?”
ellie nods, “fuck that bitch you were grindin’ on. hope she breaks her neck. . . or somethin’ crazy, i dunno.” you choke on laughter and pull her in for a gentle hug. ellie’s heavy arms enclose around your waist. tightly. selfishly. 
“you mad i wasn’t grinding on you?” 
“duh! the fuck. . .” she slurs. “i should be grabbing ass, ‘s my. . . s’mine, fuck you.” you’re giggling into her neck and she shoves a hand in your back pocket. 
“you needa bed.” you shake your head. 
“yeah, so i can dig you out in it— “
her laughter is uncontrollable, “yeeeah, you’re fucking mine. no more hoes for you.” 
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you’re burning hot when your eyes open. . . because there’s a fucking body on top of you!
you and ellie are slung across the couch cushions, party clothes still on. ellie must’ve been awake for a minute because she sighs, breath hitting your tummy, “did you try to kill me yesterday? be honest.” 
“. . . bitch. . .”
“i’ve never been that high . . . well, that’s not true— “
“exactly.” you snicker, “how long you been up?” 
she holds up her wrist to check her imaginary stopwatch, “approximately. . . three minutes and thirty-fi— six seconds— “
“i fuckin’ hate you. get the fuck off me.” 
“hmm. . . nah, i’m good right here.” 
ellie’s head shifts on your stomach and you know she’s staring up at you, “i needa fucking shower— “
“me, too. with me?” you hear the smile in her tone. you finally gawk down at her. “you’re never hitting my shit again. what’s up with you?” 
her eyes crystallize when she shrugs, “had another dream about giving you head and now i gotta do it. follow your dreams, or whatever they say.” 
your jaw is on the floor and your stomach is in knots. “ellie—“ you gasp. 
“no, i’m not still high, and no i don’t wanna just fuck. kinda obsessed with you if last night wasn’t obvious.” she speaks so casually and it’s giving you whiplash. “i almost committed murder. that’s how pissed i was.” 
“a-at me?” 
ellie’s eyes roll, “oh my god, no. at whoever that freak was from last night. . . i don’t wanna talk about that shit anymore. i have trauma.” 
her tongue rolls over her lips and she eyes you like a vulture to a carcass, “i dunno if you ever used that shower head when you sleep over but. . .  it goes crazy.” her proposal makes you squirm and she smirks, planting a kiss on the skin of your belly. followed by another. . . and another a little lower. 
“you my girl?” she whispers against your skin, staring up at you, tongue poking out just barely to swipe on the plush area. 
“. . . maybe.” you mumble shyly, and ellie’s teeth beam. she sits up to stand and pulls you with her, guiding you out of the living room and down the hallway, into the bathroom. she snags her lighter off the counter and ignites her favorite cinnamon candle, the wick nearly gone. “for ambiance.” she whispers with a grin. 
you unbuckle the belt looped in your jeans, “pulling out the big words, huh?”
“call me thesaurus the way i make that pussy talk.” she expects you to laugh, but you don’t. you almost grab your shit and leave. . . but her laughter sounds like wedding bells. 
“just take your clothes off.” you say dryly. 
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likedovesinthewindd · 14 days
room service; part two to sore loser
summary: you find the two boys at the party, but neither of them want the night to end there | content/warning: alcohol consumption, smoking (patrick), suggestive content | a/n: I kinda don't like the way this turned out
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The cold condensation from the bottle of Sprite in your hand was beginning to numb your hand as you maneuvered your way through the crowded backyard, looking for a place to sit down. You didn't even know why you were here, anyway.
The party was in celebration of your earlier opponent signing a new brand deal, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't still little butt hurt by it all. But you didn't want to look bitter; you'd celebrate your peers' success just as much as they celebrated yours. Plus, you could never say no to a chance to get out your dorm room.
You finally found an open patio chair, plopping down with a soft groan before your eyes scanned over the crowd. You saw the girl of the hour, a wide grin sporting her face as she took pictures with her trophy in hand in front of a giant poster of herself, an impressive shot of her in action.
You couldn't help but smile at the sight of her giddiness, taking a sip of your bottle before your view was obstructed by the two bodies. Your gaze moved up until it met two familiar faces staring down at you, each with a small smile on their faces. Against your initial hesitance, a smile stretched across your lips from behind your bottle as you lowered it down to your lap.
"Hi boys," you greeted, laughing at the way they talked over each other in reply. "You look beautiful," Art spoke up first, complimented you with a coy, almost boyish smile. Your hand smoothed over the material of your dress, straightening out any crinkles. "Thank you," you answered, "you two clean up nicely as well." You almost laughed at the way both of their backs straightened at your words.
You extended your hand, Patrick moving quickly to help you from your seat before Art could even register what you were doing. Once you were standing, your hand was straightening the back of your dress, offering Patrick a grateful smile that he returned tenfold. You were a bit confused and dumbstruck by the boys' undivided attention on you, but you couldn't say you weren't enjoying it.
"Are you guys having fun?" you asked, getting a combined reply of an uncertain hum and a "not really." You hummed in agreement. "Do you smoke?" Patrick asked, his hand digging into his back pocket, most likely feeling for his cigarettes and lighter. You shook your head, placing your almost empty bottle of Sprite on the small patio table.
"There's a garden way back that side," Patrick said, gesturing to behind you. You took the hint with a hum, already turning around and making your way to the garden, the two boys hot on your trail.
𖡼 ⊹ ˚.
"So," you started, watching the way Patrick exhaled a cloud of smoke, turning his head slighty as to not blow it in your face. "Why don't you go to Stanford?" you asked.
The three of you were sitting on a bench facing the impressive French Parterre in the middle of an even more impressive garden. You sat in the middle of the two, head having to move back and forth between them every time you talked.
"I dunno," he said, "just isn't my thing." He replied, taking another long drag of his cigarette as his eyes gawked your reaction. You only nodded, head moving to your right, Art's head rising from his palm when he saw your attention on him. "What about you?" you asked, "why are you at Stanford?"
He scratched the back of his head in thought, before shrugging. "I dunno," he answered, "what about you?"
"I want a degree, that way I might get a good job if tennins doesn't work out," you replied. "Which seems to be the right choice with the way it's been looking lately," you added a little bitterly.
"I can always coach you," Patrick said softly, smirking at you when you turned to look at him with raised eyebrows. "You're funny," you scoffed without any real offense. "You don't need a coach," Art spoke up, "you just need to get out of your head."
"How do you know I'm in my head?" you asked. He shrugged, "I dunno. I can just see it." You frowned, turning back to Patrick. "You see what he sees?" you asked him, watching as he stubbed the cigarette out on the bottom of the bench's armrest. He gave a small shrug before nodding. "Okay," you said, standing from the bench and turning around to face them. "How do you suppose I get out of my head then?"
Neither of them answered; Art's head dipped down, suddenly very interested in his jeans and Patrick swiped a hand across his mouth with a small laugh. You sighed. "I'm gonna get going, I have a busy day tomorrow," you said, causing Art's head to rise again, but you were already walking off.
"Wait, the night can't end here," Patrick said, causing you to turn around. "Why not?" you asked, words a little snappy. You didn't want to admit it to yourself, but their comments on your playing soured the mood a little. You had always been awful when it came to receiving criticism, constructive or not.
"I'm staying here for the weekend. Come over to my hotel," he tried, giving you his hotel name and room number. You recognized it as the hotel where your parents were staying for the week. They had come over to watch your matches and asked you to stay with them at their hotel room for the week to catch up. You weren't going to tell him that, though.
"You want me to come over to your hotel and find your hotel room?" you asked with a laugh. "If it's not too much trouble," Patrick replied, that stupid smirk still on his face.
You could almost laugh at his eagerness. "Is he gonna be there?" you asked, turning your head towards Art. "He could be, if that's what you want," Patrick replied, his eyes watching the way your smile widened the slightest at his words.
You nodded before turning around again. "Okay," you replied before making your way back to the party.
𖡼 ⊹ ˚.
You had barely given two knocks before the door was eagerly opened, Patrick standing in the doorway with a dopey smile and an unbuttoned shirt, looking flustered.
The hotel room was messy– that much had been expecting from two boys living together– and the sight of their beds pushed together made you laugh. Art was standing by the bed, hands clutched together in front of him like a church deacon. You gave him a small smile before turning around to Patrick as he pushed the door closed. "So," you breathed, looking down at the playing cards scattered across the carpet, "how often do you guys do this?"
Their brows furrowed. "Do what?" Art asked, watching as you moved to the bedside dresser, taking a beer from the already opened six pack. You opened the can, the crunch and wizz pairing wonderfully with the sound of the humming AC. "Recruit a third?" you asked, taking a gulp and watching the way they sputtered.
"Oh, that's not what we—"
"We're not—"
"Are you two not, y'know?" you asked. "No," Art answered quickly. "No, we're not together." Your eyebrows raised. "Oh, alright," you smiled. "You work so well together, though," you added, "I'd hate to disturb the syncopation."
You moved to sit down on the bed, eyes shifting to Patrick in question. He quickly found his way next to you, sitting much closer than necessary. You gave him a smile, eyes scanning over his face, watching the way his cheeks balled when he returned the smile. Still, you moved closer, turning your body so that you faced him completely and lifting your one leg onto the bed.
His eyes kept moving down to your lips, swallowing when he saw your tongue dart out to wet them. Your faces were all of a sudden much closer than before, your noses almost touching as his hand, now placed on your thigh, rubbed across the skin tentatively. "You never answered my question," you spoke, looking down at your hand as it smoothed across his exposed chest, relishing in the feeling of his chest hair against your palm.
"Hm?" he replied, the sound ending in a sigh when you looked up at him again. "What do I need to do to get out of my head?" you asked again. He was beyond incoherent at that point, mind only registering the feeling of your hand on his chest and your warm nose now rubbing against his.
You hadn't given him chance to think much further either, your mouth finally meeting his in a kiss that had him sighing in relief. He immediately went all in, turning his head to deepen the kiss as your hands touched the sides of his face. This went on for a while, the sound of the broken AC and the occasional sigh and groan from Patrick filling the room until you pulled away. His mouth tried chasing yours but you turned your head completely, your focus now on Art, who sat at the very edge of the bed as he gawked at the two of you.
Patrick's mouth moved to your neck as you tapped the empty space next to you. Art moved quickly, shuffling along the cheap covers untill he was right next to you. You turned your body completely, causing Patrick's lips to detach from your neck as you faced Art.
"What about you?" you asked as Art's face moved closer to yours, his hand reaching for to your thigh and clashing against Patrick's that was still rubbing the inside of the opposite thigh.
"Do you know what I need? Hm?" you asked, watching Art's mouth open in a heavy breath before you kissed him. He was much more timid than his friend, lips unsure before he gained a bit of confidence when he felt your hand on the back of his head, gripping the hair there.
The kiss ended much too soon for his liking, and he almost passed out at the look on your face, eyes half-lidded and lips swollen. You turned to your left, Patrick not looking much better than you. Your eyes went back and forth again, looking at the two boys and noticing when their eyes briefly met each other's over your shoulder.
"Maybe I do need a coach," you said softly as you rose from the bed, the old mattress creaking underneath you. You quietly made your way to the door, leaving them with a soft "goodnight."
✰ ⊹ ˚. part 3
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lovinpelova · 22 days
unknowns | n. mühl
summary; you turn her entire world upside down.
🎵 dunno - mac miller
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uconn was known for the student-athlete parties they threw and there was no doubt about that, so as your friend aubrey invited you to celebrate the women's basketball team winning the big east tournament you'd immediately agreed. you hadn't been to many parties before due to being too busy studying or simply being too tired, but you'd dropped aubrey off to multiple and they always looked insane.
your best friend had barged into your dorm earlier that afternoon and slammed your revision books shut, silencing your protests with a statement confirming the huskies had booked their ticket to the ncaa championship and were going to be celebrating that night at a local frat house.
"oh fuck yeah! i love those girls."
"that's what i'm talking about girl! now lets get dressed, it starts in five hours and you know how i like my makeup done."
you stood up and led her to your bedroom, opening the section of your wardrobe that had some clothes from her previous party outfits when she had slept over.
"i'll never understand why you spend so much time doing your makeup if you're just gonna ruin it within a couple minutes."
aubrey scoffed as she dug through her clothes, finding a few candidates and finally deciding on a slim black dress that you gave her a thumbs up to when she sent you a questioning look.
"don't wear your heels, you can never walk in them."
"thanks babe! and i do my makeup so i can attract hot boys to ruin it within a couple minutes."
"oh, gross."
you rolled your eyes at her antics as she playfully blew you a kiss and you flipped her off, lying back comfortably on your bed whilst contemplating outfit choices. aubrey had left a couple minutes later after realising she needed to get makeup from her dorm, practically sprinting down the hallway as you watched her almost run into someone out of excitement, heading back into your room to decide on what to wear.
four and a half hours later, aubrey was finally ready. you'd waited until the last hour and a half to start getting ready, knowing it wouldn't take you as long as her, before putting on a simple pair of straight-legged jeans and expensive top alongside your favourite pair of shoes. you wanted to wear a jacket over it but remembered there'd be nowhere to put it and aubrey was never a good person to look after your belongings when she was drunk too.
"aubs come on we're gonna be late!"
"shut the fuck up i'm coming!"
the shorter woman pushed past you and flicked your forehead as you looked down with a raised eyebrow, your height intimidating her whilst you locked up your room and headed towards the parking lot.
"what the fuck did you get fed to be so damn tall?"
"nothing you ate that's for sure."
aubrey let out a sarcastic laugh and got in the passenger seat of your car, informing you of the usual party place it was supposed to be at and gladly realising she was right when you arrived ten minutes later. it was still early but there were definitely people present, music could be heard from multiple blocks away and cars were parked stupidly all over as students ran across the roads in front of your car.
"damn, all this just for qualifying? imagine what it'll be like when they win."
you commented whilst locking your car, making sure aubrey had shut the door properly as you both headed towards the open front door. people were drunkenly dancing and talking on the front lawn with red solo party cups and beer bottles strewn all over, the music growing louder as you walked closer and finally made your way inside to be met with a sea of students.
"i think they'll need two houses when they win!"
aubrey shouted over the music as you guided her through the crowd by holding her hand, heading towards the kitchen and wearing matching grins at the sight of what there was on offer. not many people were around the alcohol as they'd already had their pick, so you were blessed with the time to choose what you liked and witness aubrey mixing all the alcohol she could find.
"you're gonna give yourself alcohol poisoning if you add any more."
"hm, good way to go."
you shoved her shoulder lightly with a chuckle whilst choosing your favourite drink that the frat house had finally decided to put on offer, turning to the shorter woman as she nudged you with her elbow and pointed in front of you, your eyes following what she was referring to. a small group of tall women stood talking with drinks in their hands, people passing them and sharing a couple words before setting off again, the women continuing their conversation.
"those are from the team- that one on the left is kk, the one to her right is paige, the one with her back faced towards us is nika i think and the one on the right is ashlynn."
"damn, you weren't lying when you said i should try out for the team based on my height. some of them are taller than me!"
"girl, i'm never wrong."
you rolled your eyes at her cocky statement before being dragged away by her, recognising the new environment as the dancefloor you'd previously walked through and beginning to let loose. it wasn't long before you'd lost aubrey to a random guy she'd found, sending her a playful wink as she danced and eventually dragged him away to talk by the drinks in the kitchen, obviously intending on leaving with him or going upstairs at some point.
after a couple moments of enjoying yourself on the dancefloor it had became too crowded for your liking, driving you to push through the sea of bodies towards the kitchen and breathe out a heavy sigh with your chest heaving for a breath. you leaned against the counter for a moment and stood upright again, feeling eyes on you as you turned to the left and saw the group of women aubrey claimed were the whole reason of this party staring at you. the one who had her back turned to you previously kept her eyes on you for a moment longer than the others, excusing herself and making her way over as you internally panicked whilst standing upright.
you normally found confidence in your height that provided you a mask to hide your stress, but with nika being the same height as you it was no use.
"hey, you okay? you looked really stressed just then, we thought you were about to pass out."
she asked with a laugh, making you smile in response whilst shaking your head.
"no, i'm good. just a bit too crowded in there."
"yeah, that's why we stay in here. i'm nika by the way."
she stuck her hand out to greet you formally, a soft smile playing on her lips to match your own as you took note of her accent.
"i'm y/n, i'm not hearing an american accent there. you international?"
"croatia, came here for basketball- obviously."
she rolled her eyes at herself as you laughed lightly together, waving off her self judgement to comfort her.
"would it be rude to ask you to say something in croatian for me?"
"not at all, what you wanting me to say?"
you leaned against the counter and thought for a moment whilst smoothing out your shirt, trying to think of anything.
"how about; this party is shit?"
nika laughed loudly and quickly covered her mouth with her hand, closing her eyes in embarassment as you laughed at the snort she'd attempted to cover up. both of you calmed down quickly as she apologised and you waved her off once more, taking a deep breath to calm herself down from the laughing fit she'd just had.
"how about this instead, želiš li otići odavde?"
"i would love to be able to speak croatian right now."
you replied with your heart hammering, the woman was absolutely stunning and speaking in her home language was turning you on to no end. the words rolled off her tongue effortlessly and her accent returned to give her another attractive factor, hazel eyes boring into yours making your chest feel like it was about to explode as she maintained eye contact with ease. you noticed the way she'd move her head and keep her eyes on yours whenever you shifted slightly, noting it down as a thing athletes must be taught by their coaches- but god was it hot.
"i asked if you wanna get outta here."
she repested with a smile, soft tone matching her inviting features whilst she placed her hand to rest on the kitchen counter next to yours, fingers brushing.
"isn't this party supposed to be about you?"
"they won't notice i'm gone. and i'm not the only player on the team y'know?"
nika took a step closer and moved her hand to be resting on top of yours, fingers tracing patterns down your wrist and along your digits in a teasing manner.
"where you thinkin' of goin' then?"
it wasn't long before nika was pushing you against the front door and connecting your lips hungrily, both of you battling for dominance as you guided her further into your dorm whilst tearing each others clothes off. aubrey crossed your mind for a moment and you made a mental note to text her in the morning asking if she got home safe, but right now your only concern was the woman tangling her fingers into your hair to pull you closer.
you'd woken up the next morning to find no trace of nika whatsoever, it was as if she hadn't even came home with you and the whole night was just a dream. she hadn't left a note explaining why she left, offering you her number, if she enjoyed her time with you- nothing.
you thanked god you didn't drink much the night before as you got dressed and freshened yourself up, looking in the mirror to spot a couple hickeys trailed down your neck and scratch marks along your biceps or shoulderblades, nika had definitely came home with you and there was no doubt about it. your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of banging on your door, immediately heading to open it as you knew it would be aubrey.
"did you get any sleep last night? where did you stay?"
the blonde groaned in relief as she resided comfortably on your couch, amusement overtaking your features once you realised she was still in the dress she wore to the party.
"i stayed at that dude's dorm- can't remember his name. you get lucky last night?"
aubrey sat up with a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows, eyes trailing to your neck as she shot up to stand on the opposite side of the kitchen counter before taking a seat on one of the highchairs.
"that's a hickey! you can't deny it- who was it?!"
"aubrey i don't ask about your-"
"i know but i also know for a fact that the only gay girls at that party were the basketballers! which one?"
you sighed and shut your eyes, thinking about last night for a moment before giving in once you realised your best friend wouldn't give up.
"uh, nika."
you expected a round of applause or yelling about how proud she was as usual but were instead met with silence, opening an eye to see aubrey sat there in shock with her jaw dropped slightly. she looked like she'd just seen a ghost as she stared at you in disbelief.
you stood up straight as an indicator for her to continue, watching her try to gather her thoughts before she shut her eyes tightly and opened them again. it looked like she was trying to keep a secret and you'd just blackmailed her into giving it up as she finally began to tell you what was wrong.
"nika has a boyfriend, i'm pretty sure he plays for the men's basketball team. name's nahiem or something."
"oh, well that explains why she was gone this morning."
everything made a lot more sense thanks to aubreys confession, but why would nika sleep with you if she was dating a man?
"and as much as i hate to be awkward i went on my phone today and found this."
aubrey tapped on her screen for a few moments and turned her phone towards you, revealing a text chain with someone called azzi talking about a game against duke in four days time in the sweet sixteen of the ncaa tournament, and aubrey promising azzi she'd be coming with a plus one.
"you're gonna have to watch her play in four days."
"i'm sorry! you know what i get like when i'm drunk."
you groaned in annoyance as she smiled sheepishly at you, taking her phone back whilst you stood there thinking about all the possibilities of what could happen when you see nika again.
"you want me to go over there with you and say hi to them?"
"yeah! it will give you and nika a lil' ice breaker, plus they're really nice. if she makes it awkward they'll fill in for you or something."
aubrey practically dragged you out of your seat towards azzi as she waved you over, sending you a smile that you returned. some of her teammates walked over and a few stayed to keep making shots in their warmup drills, nika turning around to see where everyone was going and practically lighting up at the sight of you, jogging over to the small group you were making your way towards.
"looks like she won't be making it awkward."
aubrey commented with her elbow nudging yours, greeting azzi with a hug as you stood and watched rather awkwardly.
"this is y/n, the one i was telling you about!"
the blonde introduced you cheerfully as you waved, noticing the way nikas eyes were glued to you whilst she watched the girls introduce themselves.
"i'm sorry, how on earth did you get talking to drunk aubrey and manage to convince her to come to your basketball game? this woman hates sports."
the girls laughed at your joke as aubrey sarcastically joined in, azzi being quick to explain how she met your best friend at the party and managed to get her number before she left with the random guy she was dancing with last time you saw her. you couldn't get into conversation for too long as the game was about to start, so the girls bid goodbye and made their way onto the other side of the court. with aubrey making comments here and there about how she didn't understand a single thing about basketball, you filled her in with your limited knowledge on how the game worked, informing the smaller woman on when nika made an assist or rebound and ignoring the way she'd stare at you with a knowing look.
the game was soon over and uconn were once again headed to the elite eight, aubrey being quick to head down to the bench and hug azzi even thought she wasn't played. you wondered what on earth they'd spoken about in the past couple of days to get so close as you made your way down, congratulating the girls on their win and promising to be at all their games. you spotted nika on the other side of the court hugging a man not too much taller than her, smiling up at him as he kissed her on the forehead and turned her around to go celebrate with her team, her eyes connecting with yours before she jogged over with her arms wide open and a massive grin on her face.
"i'm so glad you're here! you're coming to our next game right?"
her hands stayed on your shoulders as she stared at you hopefully, watching you take a moment to process her question before nodding your head.
"uh, yeah! i'm sure aubrey was gonna drag me to it anyways."
"gives me an excuse to see you again, it's on monday!"
you couldn't help but not be mad at nika. her aura was so inviting and she didn't pretend to not know you, it's like the second she wrapped her arms around your waist you'd forgotten about her boyfriend completely and were at her mercy again. just like the night of the party, you found yourself willing to be anything she wanted as long as it meant you'd get a second longer with her, so as she pulled you over to speak to her teammates by the wrist you made no move to pull it away.
the same thing had happened on monday, you'd spoken to the girls before the game thanks to aubrey and witnessed her blossoming friendship with azzi form into one with paige too, meaning the girls were inviting you to their apartment for some opportunities to know them better after the game regardless of if they won or not. obviously, they beat southern carolina by seven points and were now headed to the final four, meaning they were fired up and had been blasting music on the way back to their home with you and aubrey squashed into the car where space was available.
you'd walked into their shared home and found not nearly as many of the girls as you thought would be present had even came, majority either spending time with family or wanting to go home due to how tired they were. it was obvious paige was on the bluetooth for their speakers in the living room as her and kk argued over what songs to put on, all the girls gathering around in their designated seats and leaving you to find your own. aubrey immediately gravitated towards aaliyah on the double couch in the corner, striking up conversation as you made your way towards the only seat left next to nika.
the croatian smiled brightly when she saw you coming over to sit down with her, welcoming your company and going to say something before paige interrupted.
"alright, truth or dare girls let's go!"
the women cheered in agreement to her idea and began deciding on who was first, landing on kk as paige dictated herself as the one asking the first question since it was her idea. the first couple of dares and truths were fairly tame, ranging from azzi singing a solo for you all to aaliyah telling her parents a picture of a stupid tattoo she knew they'd hate and claiming it was hers.
it was now nikas turn to be asking whoever she pleased the golden question, yourself preparing as she let her eyes linger on you before eventually asking.
"y/n, truth or dare?"
"oooh goin' after the newbie i see!"
paige commented as none of the girls had gone for you and aubrey yet, wanting to make you as comfortable as possible without forcing you into the game.
some of them teasingly groaned in annoyance, claiming you were boring as you flipped them off and waited for nika to ask her question.
"who's your favourite player on the team?"
your eyes widened for a moment as the basketballers looked at you intently, even aubrey was trying to hold her laugh back slightly as she saw the panic flash across your face when she realised you barely knew any of them well enough to have a favourite - apart from nika, so you went with that.
"erm, i don't really know any of you more than i know nika, so i'mma have to go with her. sorry guys!"
the athletes gave each other knowing looks as nika wore a proud expression, sticking her tongue out at paige and wrapping an arm around your shoulder to pull you closer.
"this my twin!"
"how dare you?!"
paige mocked offense as she put a hand to her chest, gasping dramatically before laughing with you all and sending nika a heart with her hands as she returned it. you turned to nika and smiled at her, glad to see she was already looking at you with a soft grin with her eyes flickering between your lips and eyes, making you turn away before you lost your self control. it didn't take long before the girls were up dancing and blasting music, yourself and nika the only ones on the couch as she'd put in a shift during the game and you just weren't in the mood to dance, so she'd put her legs up over yours and rested her head on your shoulder whilst your arms rested across her thighs.
"did you tell the girls about us?"
you asked quietly, nika pulling her head out of your neck with confrontation written across her expression.
"i saw the looks they gave each other earlier on. why didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend?"
"i think this is a conversation we need to have somewhere else, y/n."
the point guard stood up and made her way over to aaliyah, speaking for a minute before taking a key she'd handed her and walking over to you, putting her hand out for you to take and lacing your fingers together when you did as she asked. you walked towards the apartment complex elevator and went up a few floors, nika leading the way to aaliyah's apartment and letting you in first, shutting the door behind her.
"no one else is gonna be here tonight, it's aaliyah's place."
you turned to her with a stern voice whilst taking a seat at aaliyah's kitchen island, watching as she stood across from you and took a deep breath. you expected her to have a lengthy explanation on how what happened was a mistake or how she was broken up with him at the time- anything along those lines, but only silence came your way. you made the next move, sighing heavily and sitting up to stretch your back out.
"you literally spoke to him seconds before coming to me at the duke game, i know it didn't just slip your mind. why didn't you tell me?"
"because i wanted to break up with him! but when it came to it i met you and i just couldn't bring myself to-"
"oh so you're a coward then? how would you feel if you found out he'd cheated on you and then told you he'd been wanting to break up with you for ages beforehand but let it go on anyways!"
the croatian looked down in shame at her feet, refusing to meet your eyes as you calmed down from your tangent of rage. you'd been put into an impossible situation and were most likely going to be blamed for it when it got out, but you couldn't not feel bad for nika as she spoke up with a wavering voice.
"i think i might be gay- and i don't know what to do. when i saw you i knew that i wasn't just confused and then one thing led to another..."
you sighed deeply and rubbed your forehead to calm down the furrow in your brow, noticing the hopeful glint behind her eyes as you looked up to her.
"as much as i like you and wanna see where this goes, i'm not involving myself any further until you break up with him."
the croatian nodded her head in understanding as she looked down at her feet again, not moving when she heard your chair scrape against the floor in assumption that you'd be moving to leave, shocked to find your arms around her waist as you hugged her from behind instead. you rested your head on her shoulder and discreetly breathed in her scent, smiling when her hands fell on top of yours and body relaxed into your embrace.
"i'll see you later niks, yeah?"
"hopefully sooner rather than later y/n/n."
she mumbled in response and looked at you with a soft smile, eyes trailing down to your lips but knowing not to do anything that would make her predicament more difficult. you regretfully let go of her and made your way out of aaliyah's apartment, texting aubrey that you were going to get an uber back to your dorm and assuring her to get home safe or stay over with the girls, the only other thing on your mind being nika.
as far as uconn wanted to go, iowa stood in their way. your university was one game away from being potential ncaa champions and it just seemed the pressure had gotten to them in the last seconds against iowa, connecticut fans devastated at the sight of their opposers walking away victoriously. you and aubrey watched in despair as your girls walked up to their opponents and shook their hands, congratulating them before some waved you down and smiled at how you shot out of your seats to comfort them.
you made your way around the group with soft hugs and praising words, not realising nika was missing until you caught paiges eyes wandering in the group huddle you'd made. your eyes followed hers and you saw her speaking to nahiem, obviously it wasn't a pleasant conversation judging by their body language and the way he wasn't hugging her out of comfort, the croatian held her hand up to his face to stop him from talking after a moment and walked away.
paige looked to find your eyes on hers and smiled comfortingly, happy when you returned it as nika joined the group and rested her head on the blondes shoulder.
"hey, we're gonna leave you guys be for some time yeah?"
"maybe we can come visit later if you want us to?"
you and aubrey compromised as the girls all nodded their heads in agreement, hugging you one by one and heading to the locker rooms. when you got to nika you let aubrey hug her first - thinking she wouldn't want to hug you after your conversation from the other day - but were shocked to feel her collapse into your arms with a tight hold. you immediately hugged her back and rested your chin on her head as she buried hers into your neck, pulling away after a moment with tears in her eyes to smile softly and watch you return it before heading off to the locker rooms with paige.
"they were so close."
aubrey mumbled as you hummed in agreement, slinging an arm over her shoulder to keep her close whilst setting off towards your own dorm. after an hour or so of sulking for the girls and being concerned about nika in specific, aubrey got a text from paige saying they wanted to see you both, happy to be greeted with your arrival half an hour later.
you made your way around the room greeting them with soft smiles, sitting next to qadence and wrapping an arm around her as she rested her head on your shoulder, smiling at the way she pushed herself deeper into you out of comfort. a soft conversation ran throughout the room with aubrey and paige taking the lead, successfully distracting the girls from the loss they'd just suffered and gaining a laugh every so often when a joke was made or playful insult was thrown about. it didn't take you long to notice that nika was the only one who wasn't there, otherwise she would've either been lying on your other shoulder or replacing qadence.
"hey, y/n,"
aaliyah spoke quietly from next to you, placing a hand on your thigh gently to gain your attention and not interrupt the others.
"nika's in my room. i think she'd really love to see you."
"oh, i don't wanna-"
"she'd really love to see you."
aaliyah repeated firmly as you went to deny her offer, not wanting to intrude and leave the others when you had a freshman falling asleep on you.
"it's okay, i'll use aaliyah as my pillow."
she spoke from your shoulder, placing her hand on yours gently with a reassuring smile and practically pushing you out of your seat, the rest of the girls smiling and waving you goodbye as they immediately knew where you were headed. you took the elevator to the floor you'd remembered nika pressing on, standing nervously as it just came to mind that you'd be alone with her for the first time since denying her advances.
your mind ran wild with awkward scenarios that could occur when nika saw you at the door, thinking she'd simply slam it in your face or give you a tight-lipped smile that wouldn't cover up her tear-stained face. then you remembered the way she collapsed into you after the game, how she didn't want to let go and said she was so happy to see you watching her play after what happened. your thoughts were clouded with nika as you walked towards the apartment you guessed was aaliyah's, knocking on the door hopefully and smiling once the point guard answered it.
a massive grin grew on her face as soon as she saw you and she pulled you into another tight hug, clutching onto your shirt. nika pulled you closer before you forcefully pushed her away, holding her hand to make up for it as you walked her backwards and shut the door behind you with your foot whilst holding eye contact. you guided her towards the couch and sat next to her, placing an arm around her shoulders as she sank into you the same way qadence was earlier on, wrapping her arms around your waist.
"how you doin' niks, hm?"
you asked softly with your hand rubbing over her arm, feeling her smile into your neck at the nickname.
"m'good, you?"
"m'okay, thanks for asking."
the croatian pulled away to smile softly up at you, a comforting environment present as you held each other gently. she licked her lips and looked down at yours, smile slowly fading as her eyes visibly darkened and your heart rate picked up with her gaze locked on yours, her arms moving to wrap around your neck as she carefully straddled you. the croatian guided your hands to rest on her waist, biting her lip to keep in the grin when your hands mindlessly wandered across her thighs - then she started leaning in to kiss you; ever so slowly. giving you a chance to pull away, and you did.
you saw hurt flash across her expression to replace the smile she wore previously, prompting you to quickly explain.
you stated bluntly and quietly, nika sighing softly as one of her hands came up to trace your jawline.
"i broke up with him."
your eyes met hers to check if she was being sincere, and she was.
she had no reason to lie after she'd already done so beforehand, she knew she'd lose you if she lied again.
you asked breathily, watching her lean in slowly again and not moving to pull away. her lips were centimetres from brushing yours now and you could feel her fingers moving to hold the side of your neck.
"after the game, did you not see us arguing?"
"yeah but i thought..."
"but you thought what?"
the croatian asked quietly, smiling widely at how nervous she was making you just by speaking.
"maybe it was just the stress of losing the game or something."
"no. he said i was breaking up with him because i was upset about the game, so i just stopped him from saying anything else."
"yeah i saw that, the sassy hand and everything."
you joked as nika laughed with you, shaking her head and leaning in to brush her lips over yours.
"shut up."
she spoke softly, connecting your lips in the sweetest kiss you'd ever experienced. your hands gently pulled her hips closer to you as she pushed her chest against yours, sighing into your mouth whilst your lips moved in sync and her hands held onto your shoulders to stabilise herself- almost as if she would lose control if she didn't have a death grip on you. you'd been waiting so long to have nika as your own again and here she was, in your lap, kissing you like you were made of glass and somehow pouring all her emotion into it at the same time; it was heavenly.
the pair of you pulled away after a couple moments to catch your breath, resting your foreheads together as you panted into each others mouths with laughs and softly placed hands pawing at clothes, trying to get a feel for the others body after going so long without.
"god i've missed you."
nika breathed out before she pulled you into a passionate kiss, your hands trailing up her back and pushing in the curve of her spine to have her closer. you felt her smile into the kiss as she tilted her head to deepen it further, making you smile in response to her desperation for something as simple as a kiss before pulling away, pecking her lips a couple more times to apologise for the pout she wore.
"i take it you're not questioning your sexuality anymore then?"
nika threw her head back with a hearty laugh as you watched with a grin, chuckling with her as she looked back down at you and shook her head fondly, confirming there would be no more lies and she was finally yours.
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blueywrites · 11 months
I know we agree that Eddie would be obsessed with his girl. But I also think, even more than that - he would want his girl to be obsessed with him.
Like, after the initial 'wah I dunno what I'm doing' part of becoming a boyfriend for the first time, of course, because I do think Eddie would be both awkwardly though endearingly inexperienced, and also kinda scared of his feelings finally being reciprocated because now there's actual risk involved. But once he's past that, I think as much as he is just all about you - wanting to be around you, hold you, kiss you, fuck you, sleep with you, just exist beside you - he is even more excited at the prospect that you're all about him.
He wants to catch you looking at him and see it written all over your face, your expression all gooey and gross and totally fucking gone. It wouldn't make sense to him, because, yeah, you do that when he's screaming his lungs out on stage at The Hideout, fingers nearly cramping with his hard he's playing and, before the performance is even half-done, he knows they fuckin' killed it. That makes sense to him But you also look at him like that even when he's doing asinine shit, like picking off his nail polish and balancing the flakes in a pile on his hairy knee, or perching hunchbacked on a chair, muttering to himself as he drafts the next dungeon crawl for Hellfire. You see him at his best and his worst and his weirdest, and you seem to only wanna be closer to him. It's the same he feels about you, but at least with you it makes sense, 'cause you're you. It beats the shit outta Eddie why you're obsessed with him, but he's seen it enough to accept it now.
He starts feeling all warm inside his chest whenever he remembers just how obsessed you are with him. And so then he starts to do whatever it takes to encourage you in that.
Some guys think their girl's too needy? Hell fuckin' nah. Not Ed. You keep pulling him back in for snuggles and kisses and pouty "I'll miss you baby"s when he's been trying to leave the last twenty minutes, and he's just burying his grin in your hair, lapping up every word like a greedy bastard. He doesn't give a shit that he's gonna be late and get an earful from Gareth when you're filling up his chest with ooey gooey warmth like this. Space? Never heard of her. It could be hot as the devil's asscrack in July and he'd let you paste yourself to him. Damn the sweaty skin, the baby hairs tickling his chin, the elbow in his rib. Climb inside his favorite hoodie with him; stretch it all the way out. Make him a permanent one-handed driver by stealing his palm so you can play with his rings and just touch his skin, as if it alleviates some kind of ache in you.
And you best believe that man is determined to delight you. It doesn't matter how much or little experience he's had with other people before; Eddie wants to know how to make you fall apart. He studies your body - spends days between your legs with his mouth and his fingers and his cock, learning exactly what to touch and with what pressure and rhythm. Learning when to ease up and when to press on. Learning what your sounds and your faces and your motions mean. Learning all of you until he can have you coming on his cock in less than five minutes, and on his tongue in less than three, if you happen to be pressed for time. And if you're not pressed for time... Well. Eddie makes sure that each time he gets to really savor you, your obsession with him just grows that much deeper. Once you're coherent and no longer cock-drunk, at least.
Eddie isn't just determined to delight you in the bedroom, either. He'd keep it going all the time, his efforts to ensure you're totally gone on him - buy you cheap things like fake tattoos and ring pops from the 25-cent machines, steal you flowers cut from the yards he passes when he's selling in Loch Nora, leave you little love-heart doodles in your locker and loiter around the corner, waiting for you to find them, just so he can grab you up from behind and gasp against your neck, "Are those from a secret admirer?! Are you cheating on me?!" And as you squeal and giggle and deny it profusely, that warmth returns.
Because Eddie doesn't ever need to wonder about you. For the first time in his life, someone has finally looked at him and said, "Yeah, that freak right there. I'm obsessed with him." And there's no way in hell he's gonna take that for granted.
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quiet-onset · 2 months
seeking refuge
pairing: carmen berzatto x reader
wc: 1.5k
summary: carmy is having a day, and you want him to get lost in you.
warnings: 18+ minors do not interact!!!, unprotected sex, overstimulation (character and reader)
a/n: is this realistic? probably not. but that's why it's fanfiction! i truly do not remember writing most of this, but i was looking through my wips to find something work on and came across this already finished fic from last year lol. enjoy!
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He had the look in his eye. That look had him curling in on himself, shoulders slumped as his mind ran wild. Every once in a while, he’d get lost in his own thoughts, a complete mashup of all the anxiety-inducing shit he’d ever encountered. Money, renovations, Michael, don’t miss NA meeting, walk-in door handle, Ma, menu, run menu ideas by Sydney, Sugar, and oh shit, Sugar’s baby, right, I’m an uncle—
Like some sort of psuedo-siren, your voice called him back to stable ground, away from troubled waters. Still, he was merely wading when his eyes focused on you. His lips pulled up in an anxious smile, the best he could give you at the moment. “Hey, sorry, hey. I’m here.” He said, nodding his head. Then, his brow furrowed, and he shook away the confusion. “Wait, what are you doin’ here?”
“Richie called, said you might need the rest of the day off.”
Carm rolled his eyes and stood from the office chair, stepping past you to yell at Richie from the doorway. “Cousin!”
“Uh-uh, you are not fuckin’ up my flow today, cousin. I’m in the zone. Take that anxiety bullshit elsewhere, heard?” Richie dismissed him before he could make his defense.
“Hey, fuck you.”
“Yeah, yeah, fuck you, too. See ya tomorrow.” Richie replied. “I need hands, chefs!”
You chuckled behind Carm, wrapping your arms around his waist. You pressed your cheek against his back and immediately felt some of the tension there roll away. “That training did a number on him.” You commented.
“Too smart for his own good now.” Carmen added.
You leaned up to press a soft kiss against his ear. “Come home, bear.”
It was only a matter of time after that. He’d explained the issue on the way home, or at least tried to. “I dunno, there’s just too many thoughts and not enough time or space. Feel like my brain’s gonna fuckin’ explode, just get lost in my goddamn mind.”
He almost pulled over and dragged you into the backseat at your reply. “Get lost in me instead.”
And he did. He managed to keep himself contained long enough to get home, but once there, he wasted no time. A mere fifteen minutes later, and he had you on your back, legs spread about his waist as his thick, hard cock stretched you open. You held on for dear life as your pussy clenched around him, wet and sticky with your arousal.
“Fuck, you feel good, baby. ‘S exactly what I needed.” He panted. “So fuckin’ wet.”
You could barely form the words to respond, hips canting up with each thrust, chasing the pleasure. Not that it mattered to Carmen, he was content with the sweet moans and whimpers that fell without pause from your lips. He adored the sounds you made and strove to pull them out of you as he pounded you into the mattress. He stopped for a brief moment when he felt your walls tighten, groaning deep in his chest. One hand gripped at the back of your thigh and pushed, spreading you wider. The other slid forward until his elbow was pressed against the mattress next to your head, and he buried his face in your neck.
“Gonna make me come ‘f you keep squeezin’ like that, baby.” His lips brushed against your ear as he spoke, his breath hot and wet against your skin.
“Can’t he-help it.” You whined prettily. “Feels good. Please don’t stop, gonna come.”
“Yeah? Gonna come on this dick?” His hand reached down to toy with your clit, eyes rolling to the back of his head when you cried out his name.
All you could do is nod, your moans getting louder as your orgasm approached. And then, pleasure so good, tears pricked at your eyes. Your back arched, your breasts pressed into his chest, you moaned his name. That white-hot bliss pulsed in every part of you, almost like it was being torn from you. Your cunt clamped around him, and you’re sure if you looked down, a ring of your arousal would coat the base of his cock.
Like all he needed was your pleasure, his finish hit him like a truck seconds later. An unending string of fuck, fuck, fuck as he pumped his come into you, the white, warm streams of him coating your walls. His balls pulsed hard as he gave you long, slow strokes, the head of his cock nearly kissing your cervix with one particularly deep thrust.
And even though his pace had slowed, his hips didn’t stop. The overstimulation was starting to set in, your stomach flipping deliciously at the continuous pleasure. Still, he was strangely quiet, so you wanted to make sure he was okay.
“C-Carmy,” You whimpered out. “You still with me, bear?”
You expected a pause, a wait, but the answer was immediate. “‘F course I am. Nowhere else I’d rather be. Goddamnit.”
“Gotta have you again.”
You didn’t have time to process his words before he was pulling out of you and flipping you over. He hastily grabbed a pillow and lifted your hips to slide it under. Even in the orgasmic-haze that fogged his brain, he wanted to make sure you were comfortable. Still-hard cock in hand, he stroked himself firmly as he kneeled behind you. His free hand gripped at the fullness of your ass, pulling lightly until he could see the mess he’d made of your pussy, a mixture of yours and his come dripping out of you. It might've drenched the pillowcase, but the thought hadn’t even passed Carmen’s mind. He just leaned over you until his nose was buried in your hair, pressing himself into your sweet cunt once more. You let out a loud moan of his name, your tight walls still fluttering post-orgasm.
“Didn’t want your legs to get sore.” He mumbled as he started fucking you again, slow and deep. “Shit, I need to keep goin'. Need to fill you up again.”
“‘S too good, oh my god.” You cried out. At this angle, the tip of his cock brushed against your g-spot with every thrust.
“Gonna let me keep goin’, right? Let me keep fuckin’ my cock into you, fillin’ your sweet little cunt with my come? Gonna let me get lost in you, pretty girl?”
On one hand, you weren’t sure where this Carmen came from. It wasn’t like he was silent during sex, but he never talked this much. Never this filthy. It was like his pleasure controlled him, the overstimulation working double-time to control his body and mind at once. With every word, his pace got faster, his thrusts deeper, inhibiting your ability to speak. 
It wasn’t made better when Carmen wrapped his arm around your neck, his bicep pressing lightly against your throat. A ragged gasp passed through your lips as he gave an experimental squeeze, timed perfectly with a deep thrust of his cock. He pressed his cheek against yours as you nodded eagerly, hoping the response would suffice.
“That’s it, baby, that’s fuckin’ it. So good to me all the goddamn time.” He groaned, hips bouncing off your ass with every thrust. “Pullin’ me out my head, makin’ me feel good. Perfect girl for me. Perfect girl with a perfect fuckin’ cunt, shit.”
He kept going and going and going, only relishing in a short rest each time. A setting sun and four orgasms later — five, for him — he was still burying his overstimulated cock in your overstimulated pussy. You were on your side now, facing him with your leg thrown over his hip. Each slow thrust of his dick and every pulse of your puffy cunt was laced with pain, but the pleasure was still there, too, making it hard to think. But for Carm, his mind was clear, the only thing left a vision of your sweaty face contorted with mind-numbing pleasure-pain.
One hand pulled you closer by your ass, the other brushing your hair off your sweaty forehead. “So pretty like this, baby. Could do this all fuckin’ day.”
“Carm, ‘s too much.” You gasped, eyes wide as you looked up at him. “Feels too good.”
He wiped a tear from your cheek, feeling his balls throb hard, almost painfully, as he plunged his cock deeper into you. “I know, I know. Just need another one, need to keep going till I’m fuckin’ empty. You can do that, right? You can take it.”
And sure, the overstimulation may have been clouding your judgment. But one look at his blue eyes, glazed over and needy, and you wanted to keep going. You wanted to lay there and let him take what he needed until he was spent, till all the anxious thoughts he ever had faded from memory. Your pussy tightened at the thought as you wondered how long it would take before he fucked his mind completely empty.
And just like that, he was coming again. Your sticky walls coaxed it out of him, pulsing around him until his hips stuttered. With the number of loads he’d already pumped into you, you couldn’t even feel the new warmth of his come. You only knew it was there when his cock pushed back inside, and come dribbled out of you and down your thigh.
And not a moment later, you were on your back again, and he was fucking you headfirst into your sixth orgasm. You and Carmen had a long night ahead of you. 
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Say it Dirty - An Alfie Solomons/Reader One Shot Story.
For my babes @cillmequick and @zablife. Enjoy!
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Words - 1,467
Warnings - Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
Alfie. One could never use the word tall to describe the gangster rum distiller of Camden town, but suffice to say, he is big. He takes up space. He has presence. Alfie is so wide in both physical width and the enormity of his personality, he fills whatever room he happens to be within.  
Everything about Alfie is imposing. That is why you fell for him in the first place. What gets your blood tingling with desire the most, though... 
“Next lad!”  
Oh, that enormous voice. He doesn’t shout often, but when he does, it sends your knees to jelly.  
“Next lad!” 
He’s handing out the weekly wages, the precise count out of pounds, shillings and pence into a small paper envelope, handing them to each of his employees for their, ahem, “baking” endeavours. The smell of the rum within the large casks fills your nose as you walk past them down in the dingy distillery, moving past the line and entering Alfie’s office.  
“Bear with me, sweetheart.” He doesn’t even need to look up from his desk to know you’ve arrived. He can smell the sweet notes of your perfume in a sea of rum and sweaty men a mile off. “Just gotta get these fellas paid, innit.”  
You perch on the edge of his desk, his hand moving to stroke your thigh fleetingly. “Next lad!” God, you’ll melt off the edge of the desk if you’re not careful. “Is there a fuckin’ reason you’re gorping, boy?”  
“Um, n-no, Mr. Solomons.”  
Alfie lowers his spectacles, raising his eyebrows. “You seriously comin’ in here for your pay, and giving me missus the once over with your beady little eyes while you’re here, eh? Nah, son. Off you fuck, while you still have them legs to carry ya. Just know, though. If I ever see you lookin’ at her like that again, yeah, it’ll be the last fuckin’ time you have eyes, mate.”  
The young man takes his wages with a stiff gulp. “S-s-sorry, Mr. Solomons.”  
“Ain’t me you was lookin’ at like a slab of meat.” He folds his arms, jerking his head in your direction, a smile spreading beneath his beard. “Apology should be directed at me wife, really.” 
“I apologise, Mrs. Solomons.” He’s steadier when talking to you, wringing his cap between his hands nervously all the same.  
Alfie studies you, watching you nod. “Alright, fuck off outta here. Next lad!” He scurries from the office, your husband continuing to hand out each wage envelope and mark it off with a pencil strike in the ledger. With the last lad paid, he stands, moving before you.  
“Now, how about I take my little turtle dove out for a bit of nosh, yeah?” Well, that’s the sole reason you came to meet him from work, after all. He goes for a quick wash and to change his shirt before you leave, yet when he returns, he finds you not quite as ready to leave as he is.  
The double take at seeing you sitting atop his desk naked is priceless, eyes touring your bare curves with much interest. “My darlin’, I dunno what kind of fuckin’ restaurant you think we’re going to, right, but it ain’t the kind where the customers sit about naked.”  
“Can’t help it,” you purr, pulling him close, hands smoothing over his fresh shirt. “See it’s when you raise your voice, Alfie, when you get defensive of me, too. It does things to me, that voice of yours.”  
He looks quietly thrilled at that. You don’t quite know how one can raise an eyebrow with cocky intent, but Alfie nails it every time. “Yeah, that right, love? You like the sound of my voice? Why don’t you sit on my cock while I talk to you, then?” 
Grasping his shirt, you pull him close. “That’s exactly what I had in mind, Alf.”  
Your lips meet in a slow tempest, all heat and honey, his hands beginning to glide where his eyes have already roamed, touring your bare flesh keenly. When his mouth follows, you whimper, each kiss sinking into your skin, the soft of his beard coaxing tickles over your flesh. Hot hands adorned in cool gold knead at your thighs, fingers slipping between.  
The sweet sting of him toying with your clit radiates, little pricks of pleasure trickling down your spine, puddling at those clever fingers, his teeth sharp at your neck. “Always did love my hands, didn’t ya, dove?”  
You hum in appreciative response against his tongue, mouths locked, those fingers you do indeed love so much thrusting within. He opens you, pushing greedily, his raspy chuckle low and self-satisfied at each little mewl that pours from your mouth like wine, your cunt clenching around each rotation as he roots those thick digits, so inordinately deep.  
“Fuck, get in the chair,” you pant, hands moving to slide his braces down, undoing his trousers. “I need to ride you. Now.” 
He chuckles, his thumb rolling over your clit sending sparks to skitter wildly. “Ain’t half a demanding little mare tonight, aint’cha?” 
“Yeah,” you breathe, Alfie letting his trousers and undergarments fall to pool at his ankles, sitting down in the chair and guiding you astride him. “But then I always did know what’s good for me.” Taking him, you squeeze the thick of his rigidity, pushing him to your glistening opening and dropping down until you’re full.  
You can feel every inch of him pressing your soft walls, thick and heavy, his hand weaving into your hair and pulling until you arch for him, bending like a crescent moon. “Fuckin’ ‘ell, look at that body bow for me. Can’t wait to watch these pretty little tits bounce while you ride me, darlin’.”  
His mouth devours you, nipples sucked and bitten, his free hand grasping your hip as you begin to roll against him, his girth sending sensations to flutter up your spine, fizzing like champagne bubbles, the hint of teeth upon the peak of your nipple sending glimmers to join them. “Ain’t even half started properly yet, and this sweet little cunt is like a fuckin’ lake. Yeah, look at you. So fucking pretty for me, ain’t ya? So pretty and sweet, split open on me.”  
His words mist hot beneath your skin, rising like steam, the torrent of seductive filth unabating. “Think I could have you like this on me for hours, and I wouldn’t get tired of watching you gripping tight on my cock. And you would, wouldn’t ya? Yeah, you’d keep giving, my beautiful, cock hungry little doe.”  
His thumb stretches, and it sends a rain of pleasure pelting through you when he brings it to your clit, circling, your bundle twitching against the stroke, your toes gripping on the floorboards beneath as you begin to ride him with more determination. “That’s it, sweet. Show me how much you love this cock.”  
The moan seeps from your lips, sweet and slow, like thick syrup, the clasp of your cunt tight upon him, the sound of him punching into the very wet of you lewd, mixing with the slap of your arse smacking hard against his solid thighs. It’s a symphony of utter sin, his groans adding delicious baritone, your tits bouncing, his hands moving to clutch them as his tongue swipes your cleavage.  
His touch has lightning forking from nerve to nerve, your ministrations greedy in desperate need to come around him, wet his cock further with the dew of your orgasm, your hands fisting tight in his hair, a shift of his hips sending him deeper into the flutter of your cunt.  
You sob his name, and he pushes even deeper, so heavy and overwhelming within you. “Come on, my beautiful little darlin’. Come pretty for me on this cock.”  
Oh, how you do, the pleasure burning neon through your nerves, a sky of colours painted over you as it topples you completely. The scream it pulls from you has him twitching, and he becomes caught in the tide of it, cock pressed filthily deep into the rhythmic clasping of you, spilling hard, everything tense undoing and softening to fluid bliss. You both swim in it, adrift on the endless ocean, panting against one another.  
“Fuck, that worked up a right appetite,” he finally breaths, kissing your neck as you roll your eyes. 
“Do you ever cease thinking about your stomach?” 
He chuckles, low and dirty. “Yeah. I often think about how good me wifey feels when she fucks me like she just did. And you can count on it, treacle, that I’ll be thinkin’ about it for the rest of the night an’ all.” 
The way he keeps stealing heated glances at you all the way through dinner, you’re left in little doubt of that, too.  
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Travel Day II
Wonze x Child!Reader
England Lionesses x Wonze!Reader
Summary: A normal day with you is fairly stressful
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You run around a lot with Ella and Lessi as soon as Mummy lets you go but you get bored of them quite easily. You wander over to Beth, whom you haven't seen in a while.
Usually, there's another little girl with her and your brow furrows when you don't find your friend.
"Erm...Beth...where's-where's..." You can't really remember her name but you know that she's got a nickname like you. "Where's liefje?"
Beth laughs slightly. "Sorry, peanut. She's gone with Viv to the Netherlands camp this time."
You huff. "Why?"
"Well, Viv wanted to show her what it's like in the Netherlands."
"But why?"
"Well, Viv's her mother too. Sometimes they like to do stuff like that together."
"Does it make you sad? My Mum might be sad if I spent all my time with Mummy."
"No." Beth shakes her head. "She's only had Viv for a little while. You've had your Mum and Mummy all your life."
You kind of get it so you nod. "Can I play with liefje next time then?"
"Next time," Beth agrees and you hurry off.
Your next targets are huddled in the corner and you barrel over, climbing up onto Hempo's lap before she realises what you're doing.
Chloe laughs at Hempo's shocked face as you wiggle your way onto her lap. Hempo's doing Lego again but it's just the beginning of it right now so you're not too sure what it is just yet.
"Hi, peanut," Chloe says in greeting," I haven't seen you in a while."
"I'm in Spain," You reply, reaching out for the little instruction booklet that you can't read but can inspect the pictures," With Mum and Mummy there."
"Yeah," Chloe says, glancing around before sliding her plate of snacks closer to you," Are you enjoying it there?"
"It's hot," You reply, biting down on a chocolate biscuit," And makes Mum sweaty so I don't like her hugging me."
Chloe laughs just as Hempo moves to help you click a piece into place and fish out a new one.
"Mummy can hug me though," You continue," She's friends with Aitana. Aitana's nice. Mum's friends with Mapi'. Mummy says it's because they're both children."
Both Chloe and Hempo laugh now and you beam at them, not really getting the joke but not wanting to be left out.
Mummy approaches you a few moments later, taking your hand gently and guiding you to the toilet before practice.
"I don' need the potty," You try to tell her.
"Well, let's just try," Mummy says," Just have a try for me."
You don't like the way she seems to know your body better than you do because you do end up going to the toilet and, when you leave your stall, she's still in her own.
You don't really like the toilets (they always smell a little strange) so you scamper outside to wait for Mummy there.
You know that after the toilet break, Mummy will take you upstairs to get changed and then maybe try to send you to sleep so you'll be out cold when she and Mum bring you to practice.
You don't want to do either and take your brief respite from being supervised to bolt.
You know your way around St George's Park like you know your way around Camp Nou and you pick through the hallways with ease. Sometimes, you and Beth's liefje run around together through these same corridors so you take a sharp left through a heavy fire door and creep into a meeting room, poking your head around the doorframe.
Sarina's there. She's Mum and Mummy's boss sometimes, like how Jonatan is their boss in Spain too.
She's looking through paperwork at her desk, looking incredibly bored so it's no wonder that she spots you easily.
"Hello." She gets up from her seat, ushering you inside and glancing around. "Where is Keira and Lucy?"
"Mummy's in the toilet. Dunno where Mum is. What are you doing?"
Sarina lets out a little huff of amusement and guides you further inside. "Just some paperwork," She says," Do you want a snack?"
She pulls open a drawer and lets you peer inside. You take a packet of chocolate, sitting down at Sarina's feet to start eating.
You sit at Mum's feet sometimes and crawl under tables at Barcelona when it gets a bit too loud so this is somewhat second nature.
You don't know how long you sit there but soon Sarina's getting you to your feet and holding your hand so you don't run off again.
There's a certain energy in the air as you head out onto the pitch. Some of the girls are milling around anxiously, calling out things as they look around the barriers.
"What has gotten into them?" Sarina mutters under her breath.
"I think they're looking for the little one," The silly social media man says as he films your and Sarina's arrival," Keira lost her."
"Did not lose!" You say, stamping your foot," Mummy was in the toilet!"
"Regardless," Mum's familiar voice says behind you," You had us all worried, peanut."
She takes you from Sarina, holding you securely on her hip as she hurriedly sprints towards the rest of the girls. As soon as she gets close, she lifts you up like you're Simba (something that she always does at home when you're watching Lion King).
"I've got her! I've got her!"
Mummy come rushing over, checking you over for injuries.
"God," Auntie Georgia says as she jogs closer," You had us all worried there, peanut. You've got to stop wandering off."
You roll your eyes. "Just having fun."
"You can have fun with Mum and Mummy, peanut," Mum says sternly," No wandering when we're here."
"What about with Auntie Georgia?"
"Yes, with Auntie Georgia," Mummy replies.
"And Lessi and Tooney?" You continue.
"Yes with them too."
You give her a suspicious look. "And Hempo? And Alex?"
"Yes, them as well."
"Then not just have fun with Mum and Mummy," You say and Mummy sighs deeply.
Mum stifles her laugh, ruffling your hair. "Alright, peanut," She says," Now's not the time to make a point. You're lucky no one took you."
You give her a patronising look. "You say to bite people if they try to take me somewhere I don't want to go."
"Lucy! Is that why she bit Paños last week?!"
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cleewii · 11 months
rating: m for mature
cw(s): suggestive content/minors DNI. gn!dom!reader. sub bakugo katsuki. masochism.
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thinkin’ about pain slut KATSUKI
i dunno why but i imagine he’s a little too into getting hurt.
“want ya to mark me up…”
it takes you by surprise, because he’s always come off like he’d be the one who would want nothing more then to sink his teeth into you. teasing flesh beneath his teeth, skin under his tongue, and drawing blood like second nature; his own hands left to leave blossoms of bruisy purple and red in their wake. when you look at him, rugged and bruttish as he is, it’s hard to imagine anything else, and yet, the way he looks at you, crimson eyes teetering along the edge of something desperate, you find yourself perking up at the thought.
“are you sure?”
he grunts out a “yeah”, tongue dragging across his canines out of habit, and he watches your face with a burning intensity that leaves your skin hot.
it’s almost too much to handle; you feel like you’ll melt on top of him and be left a mess marring his silk sheets, but still, there’s a desire buzzing in your fingertips, and try as you might, you’re nothing if not weak to it.
your fingertips drag up the nape of his neck, weaving through his hair until you’re wrenching him up towards you. he tastes sweeter like this. it’s impossible, surely, and yet, when you press your lips to his, and you drink in the way he groans with it, it’s like honey on your tongue.
your mouth drags across his jaw and down his neck, and his breathing grows heavy the moment you test the feel of his skin against your teeth.
“fuckin’…be rough with me. s’not like m’gonna break. m’not made of glass ya know…” his calloused hand comes to take yours from its place on his chest, dragging you up to column of his throat and placing it against it—against him.
He laces his fingers between your own to encourage the spread of them across the apex of his neck, and you can feel him swallow beneath your palm, can feel the warmth of the blood flowing beneath his skin. the ridges of his throat press back against the way he pushes your hand down, softly, and you know what he’s asking for, but you can’t help swallowing the spit gathering in your mouth, eyeing him nervously.
“what if i accidentally hurt you?”
he looks at you like he’s starving, and his teeth bare underneath the warm glow of light.
“m’askin you to.”
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spicyyy-muffin · 2 years
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Mentions of punching, missiles, misogyny 
Genre: Fluff 
Simon Riley x Reader
Negotiating as a woman was the most frustrating, teeth pulling part of my job. 
Men didn‘t take me seriously. Especially when I was trying to get information out of them. 
“I’m gonna ask you one more time, who told you American missiles would be transported at that time, and at that location?”
He spat blood out on the floor smirking back up to me, “What will u give me if I tell you sweetheart?” 
My fist flew across his cheek again. I couldn’t say anything back because that would just add fuel to his fire and I refused to give him that satisfaction.  But his words are cold stones, sinking my stomach further into the ground. 
It was just Ghost and I in the room alone with him. 
“Tell me sergeant, do they take turns on you? Who leaves you the sorest-” 
It was Ghost’s fist flying this time. 
“It’s lieutenant. Watch your mouth or I’ll sew it shut.” 
“Ohhh full of threats, I bet you're the one that gets the most fucks in.” 
Ghost’s fist swung a couple more times before Price pulled the metal door aside and walked in. 
“Enough, back to base, both of you.” 
Ghost swiftly turned his head walking out without another word. 
Turning around to follow him, Price gripped my wrist. 
“The facade is fading lieutenant. You better tell him to rein it in before Shepard finds out and you're on a one way ticket back to the states without a brooding boyfriend.” 
His mustached face grinned staring down at me. 
“He’s not my boyfriend sir.” 
“Do you copy lieutenant?” 
I walked out following the hot path behind Ghost. 
His long legs moved swiftly in front of me making it hard to catch up. 
He ignored me. 
He kept walking. 
He turned around, I bumped into his chest and my cheeks were being held in the palms of his hands. 
“Why do you do this to me?” His eyes gleamed into mine expecting a response. 
I’m not sure what I expected him to say but it wasn’t that. 
Was he even blinking?
“Do you know?” 
“Know what?” 
He shut his eyes in imitation pain. 
“How much you mean to me, do you know or not Lieutenant?”
His hands shook. 
“Yeah, yeah Ghost I know, what’s wrong with you?”
“You. You are my problem.” 
He took his hand off my cheek, pulling the bottom of his mask up and bringing his lips down to mine before I could rebuttal.
We stayed there for what I wished was forever but only a short amount of time before he pulled away. 
“I wanna take you away. Show you where I grew up, my favorite pubs, the shitty flat my mum raised me n my brothers in.” He shook his head in disapproval. 
“What’s wrong with wanting me to see that baby?” 
“No you don’t get it. I could care less if I ever saw Soap or Price again-” 
“That’s not true.”
“Y/n please.” His voice was vulnerable and shut me up quicker than a hot iron. 
“Be with me.” 
“I’m right here Ghost.” 
He pulled me closer into him. 
“No baby.” He smiled softly. “Just be with me. Be mine.”
I smiled back, stepping on my toes to press my lips against his. 
“You're funny if you think I’d be with anyone else.”
“Why cus I’ll cut their lips off?” 
I laughed against his mouth.
Walking through the cafeteria I felt a tap on my shoulder.
“So you n Ghost aye?” 
I smiled while putting some meatloaf on my plate. 
“Don’t know whatchu mean.” 
Soap laughed, “Full of shit, the both of you’s.” His eyes crinkled gleaming across the room to Ghost nonetheless. 
“Have you seen his face yet?” 
I paused, turning around, “Why? Sad you're not gonna be the one to sit on it anymore Mctavish?” I bit into my apple, smirking at him while walking away. 
Walking up close to my hunched over man staring directly into Alejandro. 
“Dunno ‘bout that one mate.”
I set my tray down as he looked up at me. 
“Ello love.” 
His arm slithered around my waist pushing me flush to his side. 
“Missed yeh.” He mumbled into my ear, pressing his face momentarily into my neck. 
It wasn't a large act of PDA, but noticeably enough among our peers. 
“Christ, is this what it’s gonna be like from now on?” Soap muttered sitting across from us. 
“Why are’you jealous Mctavish?” 
Soap stared incredulously at the two of us as Ghost’s hand slipped to my inner thigh. 
“For fuck’s sake, you two are made for eachother.”
Lmk what you think!
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moonstruckme · 1 month
I know nothing about spencer actually, since I never watch his series. But I read on one of your fics that spencer is germphobia?
Could I request one where spencer gets home after a case for a week and found reader sick in the bathroom?, and she's kinda locked herself since she knows spencer germphobia?
You know that kind of fever where you sweat and throw up nonstop
It's been so long after you write spencer. I miss your spencer a lottttttt TnT
Thank you for requesting! I’m not totally sure if Spencer is canonically confirmed germophobic but he’s definitely sensitive to germs, so we’ll roll with that :) 
cw: nausea, vomiting
Spencer Reid x fem!reader ♡ 832 words
You’re not at your best, shaky and sweaty, but when you hear the front door open you move quick as a flash. 
“Hello?” Spencer’s call echoes through the apartment. 
“Hi,” you say back, quieter than you intend. Still, he finds you easily, and you’re glad you reacted fast when the handle on the bathroom door jiggles. “What are you doing here?” 
Spencer’s taken to staying at your place, but when he’d called you from the jet to tell you his case was over you’d said to go back to his apartment. With what he knows about how sick you’ve been the last couple of days, you thought he’d listen. 
“You shouldn’t be by yourself,” he answers simply. He doesn’t try the handle again, but his voice sounds just on the other side of the door. “Are you okay?” 
“I’ve been better,” you admit, breathing through another wave of nausea, “but I’ll be fine. You should go home.” 
“I am home. Open the door.” 
“Spence,” you sigh. The tips of your fingers are cool against your temples, and you press them in to quell the uneasy feeling that comes with having your brain so muddled. “You don’t want to come in here.” 
“Why can’t I decide that?” There’s an odd scraping sound on the other side of the door. 
“Because you’re too nice. I know how you feel about germs.” The mutinous acid vat of your stomach revolts again, and you cough a couple of times, swallowing forcefully. 
“I’m just as likely to get sick from pressing an elevator button,” Spencer insists gently. “Seriously, let me in.” 
“Go home,” you plead. 
“I’m coming in.” 
You sigh, bending to lean your head against the cool porcelain of your tub. “What, are you going to kick the door in?” He’s told you about his coworker Morgan doing that, but you don’t think of your scrawny (though you love him for it) boyfriend as capable of such measures. 
“Not quite.” Another scraping sound, and you sit up as your bathroom door tips outward. Spencer catches it before it can fall, easing it down onto the floor before stepping over it. He’s taken the whole thing off its hinges. 
“Show off,” you say tiredly, too spent to do anything about it as he walks over to you. 
“Yeah, well,” Spencer lifts some flyaway baby hairs off your neck, cool knuckles pressing to the hot skin, “I didn’t want to damage your door. You didn’t tell me your fever was this bad.” 
“I told you I was sick.” 
“I feel like ‘sick’ is more or less ambiguous,” he says, not unkindly. His touch moves to your face, long, slender fingers laying down across your forehead. “How high is it?” 
“Dunno.” You swallow thickly. “Haven’t checked. Are you okay?” 
“I touched a dead body yesterday; so long as I shower after this I’ll be fine. How have you not checked?” 
“I can’t—find—” You cough as bile rises in your throat, bending over the toilet “—the—” 
“Okay, it’s okay.” Spencer rubs your back. Your coughing turns into retching. “I got it. I’ll look for the thermometer soon, okay?” 
You nod, tears pressing at your eyes as you dry heave. The muscles in your throat and abdomen spasm painfully. 
Spencer makes a sorry sound, his hand coasting up and down the ridges of your spine. “You haven’t been eating anything, have you?” It’s not really a question. “We need to get something in your system. You know that ‘starve a fever’ saying is an old wives’ tale, right?”
He sits with you until the fit abates, then stands and leaves the room. You hear cabinet doors opening and shutting, and before long he’s got a wet rag cooling the back of your neck, you’re sipping water out of a straw, and he’s sticking your previously missing thermometer in your ear. 
“I’ll probably have to go soon if I want to get to the store before it closes,” he’s saying quietly, free hand settled comfortably north of your knee. You’re trying really hard not to breathe in his face. “It’d be good to have some cheerios or something for you to eat, and something with electrolytes.” 
The thermometer beeps, and he pulls it close to read the screen, a frown pursing his pretty lips. 
“Are you sure you want to stay?” you ask, though at this point you really want him to as well. “I don’t want to freak you out.” 
Spencer sets the thermometer aside. “You’re not freaking me out,” he says, hands gentle as he takes the rag from your neck and folds it onto a new side before putting it back. You almost sigh. “The worst thing that can happen is I get sick, and” —he meets your eyes, mouth tipping upward as he shrugs— “if that happens, it can’t be helped. But if I went back to my apartment, and I was fine there but you were still sick here by yourself, well, what’s the point in that?” 
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