#i forgot to appreciate gren in the main post so ill do it in the tags
sappitus · 5 years
So my friends and i recently acquired a joint Netflix account and I found TDP on the kids profile so I went back to mine and started watching. TBH I didn’t have high expectations for it. It was listed as a kids show but I wanted fantasy bullshit.
Listen here fools. Very much not bullshit. It’s pretty much one of the best shows I’ve ever watched. The characters are so human and well-rounded. A problem I constantly have when consuming story-based content is that I put the characters in a good-or-bad box and when I watch this show, I can’t do that which is a good sign because people aren’t just good or bad. The representation is fantastic. Might have a slight crush on Amaya. The story is also great. Zym, 10/10, hands down best dragon in all the lands. Bait is such a grumpy cutie. It’s humorous without seeming like it’s trying too hard. 500/10 would watch again. I’m not the best source for a review but I did enjoy it a lot so there’s that.
Tumblr media
I finished it in a day and I went straight to tumblr for more content okay.
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