#i fucking love hamsters they are so feisty
cinnaminsvga · 2 years
This screams hamster jin and y/n
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hnderyx · 3 years
Hihi! Can I ask for a reaction of them wanting your attention and cuddles but you’re too concentrated doing something else?
Btw your reactions are so cuuuute!!
WayV's reaction to you being too concentrated on something else and they want your attention~
Heh, thank you for your ask!
And thank you for the compliment! Those type of comments always get me all giddy 💕
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I feel like when this guy wants attention, it's a bit more subtle
So when you're sitting at your desk writing an essay
He picks up on your stressed out vibes
He thinks that maybe if he takes your attention off of your essay for a little bit, you'll be able to come back and have an easier time finishing it
Clear your head a little bit
He also feels kind of neglected and wants some attention
But he'd never admit to that
Because he's 'so mature'
So he comes up behind you and gives you a back hug type thing as he rests his chin upon your head
"y/n, don't you think you should take a break for a little? You've been working on this for the last six hours.. straight"
"No, Kun. I need to get this done. It's due by next week and I'd rather not have to worry about it"
Next week?
Bro, what?
You've got like.. what, 100 hours plus to finish it?
And you're all bent out of shape right now?
"You could take a little break and maybe go for a walk with me or something.. your little mind has been full of essay thoughts for too long"
Alright, plan B
He goes and grabs your jacket and shoes
He drops the shoes by your chair and holds your jacket out for you to take
"We're going on a walk, y/n. You need a break. No saying no"
You're a bit annoyed at this, but you comply
He’s succeeded at getting your attention without exposing the fact that he is indeed an attention leech
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I feel like we all know what Ten’s like when it comes to wanting attention
“Baby Yangyang come here” *aggressive bed patting*
So when he sees you sitting in your library, reading some new fantastic book you’ve purchased
His heart immediately turns into goo
You sitting there, looking so focused
Your little expression
It makes him just want to cuddle you to the nth degree
So he does just that
Or, tries to
Sitting on the couch next to you, he wraps his arms around your torso and rests his head on your shoulder
You’re pretty much alright with this until he starts to try and distract you by blowing into the nape of your neck
To get your attention, of course
“Ten, stop. The story’s starting to get to the climax. Don’t distract me, it’s interesting”
“I could get you to your climax too, y/n. It’d be far more interesting”
You slap him away with a glare
“You’re fucking greasy. I just want to read”
You direct your attention back to the novel
He sits there with a slight pout before moving to rest his head on your lap
“Don’t you think your idol boyfriend is more interesting than a stupid book, y/n?”
“Look, you can lay there all you want, just don’t talk to me. I’m trying to focus”
He snakes his arms around your waist and pulls his face into your stomach
You drop one of your hands that was supporting the book to play with a couple strands of his hair
After about 20 minutes you start to hear soft snores from your boyfriend
At least he got his cuddles, and you got to focus on your new novel
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I think the majority of us know that this lad isn’t too thrilled about skinship
So when he’s wanting it
You better swan dive right into that shit, y/n
If you’re not, I’ll come to have a serious conversation with you. I’m not too great at language skills and I have a terrible stutter but I’ll come for you istg
When he sees you in the kitchen
Making some cute cookies in the shape of flowers
Guy just wants to snuggle
Looking at you with flour all over your face, maybe a little in your hair
In your cute little apron
It makes him so soft
So he comes behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, toying with the little bow you’ve tied on the front of your apron
“Whatcha doing, y/n?” 
“Makin’ cookies” you mumble, pressing the cookie cutter into the dough
“You wanna come cuddle? I’ll clean you up and get all that flour off your face”
“I can’t right now, maybe after I put the cookies in the oven. I wanna have some of these as soon as possible. It’s a new recipe, Sicheng”
You start laying the cookies out on the pan, the parchment paper crinkling every once in a while from the weight of the dough
He observes every movement your hands make
Patiently waiting for you to finish the task at hand
“So when are you gonna.. you know.. put them in the oven?”
You look over at him as you’re delicately brushing egg whites over the cookies
He’s real desperate for cuddles and here you are, making cookies
y/n, what’s wrong with you? Give the guy some loving
“After the oven beeps. It has to be 175 degrees for these to bake properly. Be patient”
A few moments later, the oven beeps and you FINALLY put the cookies in
Poor guy is nearly jumping from excitement when you finally remove your apron and move to give him a hug
It was now time for Sicheng and he honestly couldn’t wait to receive your attention instead of watching you fuck around with dough and ignore him
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Lucas probably could get your attention and cuddles whenever he wants
So when he sees you dusting the house
In your cute little Saturday morning outfit
Shorts that are WAY too short to be allowed in public, and an old tee you’ve had for centuries
He can’t help but want to cuddle his little cutie
But he knows you can be a little bit feisty when you set your mind to something and he tries to distract you from it
Does he care if you get a little upset if he takes your attention for like.. an hour? 
No bro, he doesn’t
When it’s Xuxi time, it’s Xuxi time
Besides, when you’re angry, you’re basically just like a little angry hamster
He walks up behind you and suddenly lifts you 
And at this point you’re like “wtf is happening?”
Until you realize that the gentle giant (if you’re taller than him, then he’s the midget) of the house is carrying you towards the couch
“Yukhei, I was dusting. Put me down. I need to finish this before I can relax”
“You can finish it later,” he plops down on the couch with you on his lap “right now, you can relax with me”
You basically claw to get out of his grasp to finish your task
But his iron strong grip is keeping you sat upon his lap
Eventually you give up
What’s the use of fighting it
He could probably bench press 40 of you
So 1 of you wanting to get back to dusting is probably like holding a squirming kitten in your arms
You toss the dusting rag in your hands onto the coffee table
And then snuggle into his hold
Yukhei has won
But then again, how could he not?
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You decided recently to take up a new hobby
And that hobby was dancing
So you decided to try and cover one of your boyfriend’s songs
And wow, to DJ
Coming home from practice and laying his eyes on you attempting to dance to Turn Back Time was the cutest shit-
There you were, in your pyjamas
In the middle of the living room with everything pushed out of your way
Trying your best to follow along with his movements on your laptop screen
“y/n, you do realize you could’ve just asked me to teach you?”
You pause and turn to face him
You didn’t hear him come through the door and now 1.) you were deeply embarrassed and 2.) you ruined your surprise for him
“I wanted to surprise you with it, Dejun..” 
God, when I tell you this guy’s heart grew like the Grinch’s after all the Whos showed him the warmth of Christmas (idk if that’s even right I haven’t seen the movie in years-)
He rushed over to you and pulled you into a tight hug
“Let’s go rest. I’m tired after practice and I’d just love some hugs from you”
“DJ, I really want to learn this for you.. You can go rest and I’ll come join you later”
“I can teach you later. Having me teach you would be significantly better than trying to learn from a dance practice video..”
But his attempts to convince you to come cuddle you were futile, as you ‘just wanted to do it by yourself’
Eventually he just resorted to picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder to carry you to your shared bedroom
You tried to protest, but your protests were just as futile as his cuddle requests
He did take the responsibility to teach you the choreography after your little afternoon nap, even if you tried to refuse
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Your anniversary was coming up and you thought you’d do some arts and crafts to make a handmade card for Kunhang
You were successful in your endeavour until he found his way into your craft room
Kind of like a sneaky snake
You didn’t realize he was there until he whispered a “whatcha doing?” into your ear
This basically caused you to jump the height of the empire state building
You tried your best to hide the card you were working on, hoping that he didn’t see too much of it
“I was making something for you- for our anniversary”
A grin found itself onto his face
“That’s so cute, y/n” he pulls you into a suffocating but loving hug, “but how about for right now, you come cuddle?”
“I’m busy..” your voice was muffled by his hoodie “I don’t want the decorations to dry wrong, Mr. Wong” (yes y/n, bust out those rhymes)
“Oh come on, I’ll love it no matter what the decorations look like”
The next few minutes were just filled of Hendery’s attempts to get you to be the big spoon because he ‘wanted to know what it felt like’
You finally gave in
Because not gonna lie, cuddles with Hendery are SSS tier
Not before trying to hide the card under a stack of books
You didn’t want him to lay his eyes on it again until your anniversary
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I feel like
With you, Yang² would be clingy 24/7
He just hits me as a lad that would love to show his love for you in any way possible
And because of this, there’s a lot of begging for cuddles
When he comes home to see you curled up in bed with a cold facecloth draped over your forehead
He’s immediately worried
“What’s going on? What’s wrong?”
You explain to him that you think you might have a little flu, but that’s all
And that maybe you being in a close proximity with him wouldn’t be great for him 
Still, he attempts to climb in bed with you to hold you close
“Yangyang, I don’t want you to get sick. I don’t want to take care of you when you’re bowing to the porcelain gods”
“Oh come on, y/n. I need cuddles because it hurts me to see you like this... and you should cuddle me because cuddles are the best cure-”
You roll your eyes and sit up from the bed slowly before making your way to the living room, to at least prevent the guy from catching whatever you had
And as you’re heading down the hallway you get the “y/n, y/n, wait”
He grabs your hand and pulls you back towards the bedroom
You’re too weak to protest against this 
You used up your energy and brainpower by trying to force Yangyang to leave you alone
It didn’t work, of course
So you gave in
Maybe you did need cuddles from him
You two spent the rest of the day spooning in bed and snoozing
Taking a break when you needed to bow down to the toilet, of course
He was right though, the cuddles did make you feel a bit better
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amymel86 · 7 years
Happy Birthday to Me - part 2 of 3 - Jon x Sansa
Yet another fic I end up extending by an extra chapter!...
~Two Weeks Before Sansa's Birthday~
"You like redheads right"?
Jon looked up from the mind numbing spreadsheet he was working on, his fingers paused in mid air above the keyboard.
"Well yeah, but you're a bit taller than I normally go for" Jon retorted to his colleague Robb as he leant back in his desk chair.
Robb snorted but came round to Jon's side of the desk and leant back against it, crossing his ankles out in front of him.
"But you do yea"?
Jon threw up his hands and shook his head "Jesus! I date one redhead and apparently that means I have a type"! Jon curled his fingers around his last word using 'air quotation marks'.
"And that one you had a couple of dates with before Christmas...the Dutch one...what was her name"?
"Yea Mel...she was hot..what happened there"? Robb asked as his fingers absentmindedly moved some of Jon's papers about on his desk. Jon frowned and picked up the paperwork Robb was fiddling with.
"I dunno man... she kept saying weird things and was obsessed with fire... I think she had a bit of a problem... like she was a pyromaniac or something - she kept burning things with the candles they put on tables at restaurants...we got kicked out of one place on our second date!....Didn't quite fancy waking up to a house on fire, you know"?
"Hmmm...okay, yea, makes sense" Robb nods and Jon can practically see the hamster wheel in his friends head spin round as Robb stares intently at the utilitarian office carpet.
"What's this about mate"? Jon asks, reaching for his coffee mug.
Robb's hand disappears into his pocket to retrieve his phone before he starts tapping and scrolling. "I want to set you up with someone".
Jon rolls his eyes and goes to take another swig - only to promptly choke on his gulp of hideous instant coffee as Robb holds out his phone in front of Jon's face. On the screen was a photo of quite possibly the most gorgeous woman he's ever seen. She was definitely out of Jon's league.
"Bloody hell"! Jon coughs and splutters as he snatches Robb's phone from him to get a better look. "She's fucking hot! How do you know-"
"She's my sister" Robb states with a clearing of his throat and a glare that was half warning, half amusement.
"Oh right...yea...umm...yea, I wouldn't mind if you set something up". Jon says as he hands back his friend's phone and tries to hide the redness in his cheeks by taking another gulp from his mug.
"Hmmm..." Robb contemplates Jon in his desk chair for a while making him feel like he's suddenly in an interview. "What exactly did happen with Ygritte? Did it end badly"?
Jon looks away, takes a deep breath and scrubs his hand across his beard.
"Look" Robb starts "I won't go all out big brother bodyguard mode on you yea? But Sansa's special... she's not had much luck in her past relationships and if I'm gonna try and set her up with someone I'm going to make damned sure she's not going to get hurt again...alright"? Jon gaped at his colleague, he'd never seen him this riled.
"Yea...um, yea...ok"
Christ! What happened to her?
"So"? Robb pushed.
"So"? Jon parroted.
"So what happened with you and Ygritte"? He clarified.
Jon huffed before answering. "Well, I was at the stage where I thought we should move in together and...you know...start planning a future...she didn't agree" Jon paused but Robb's expression urged him to continue. "When I pressed her on it...she said she couldn't ever see herself wanting those things". Jon's words sounded like a confession and he felt a bit lighter for retelling them.
"Those things"? Robb repeated with a knitted brow.
"Yea...you know...moving in together...getting married...having kids" Jon's answer rapidly descended into quiet mumbles and he averts his eyes away from Robb and fixes them on the power button of his computer screen.
Robb leans forward and clasps Jon on the shoulder excitedly. "Right fucking answer mate" he grins like he's been proved right in an argument.
  It took as long as two hours since Robb first showed Jon a photo of Sansa and talked about setting them both up together for Jon to approach Robb at the office kitchenette.
"So what's she like"?
"Hmm"? Robb murmured as his attention was still on fishing out the teabag from his cup.
"Your sister...what is she like"?
"Sansa? Oh, well she's a typical girly girl" he answered, not really paying much attention to Jon whilst he disposed of his used teabag in the swing-top bin. Jon rolled his eyes.
"Well that doesn't give me much to go on" He frowned. Robb sniggered, his teaspoon clinking as he stirred.
"She's caring and polite... but pretty bloody feisty if you upset her.....DO NOT put bubblegum in her hair while she sleeps...my jaw still fucking clicks to this day" Robb finished with a grin.
"Anything else"? Jon pressed, too intent on learning about this woman to pay any mind to his friends banter.
"She likes to think she's funny" Robb takes a tiny sip on what surely must still be boiling hot tea.
"Must run in the family then" Jon grunted. Robb grinned.
"She loves her dog, Lady. She loves travelling...she's a fantastic baker... and she owns her own dressmaking business - makes those fancy ball gowns and wedding dresses and stuff".
Jon retreated back to his desk and chomped on a biscuit as he realised that he still wasn't happy with the amount of information Robb had provided. He wanted to know everything about this woman. - What sort of books or films does she like? Is she a tea or coffee person? Where did she go to Uni? What makes her laugh and what does it sound like?
What the fuck is wrong with me?
He tried to get back to his working day and resume the tedious tap-tapping of numbers into spreadsheets but soon found himself texting Gilly for advice on what he should wear for a date.
~One day until Sansa's Birthday~
Jon's never really considered himself a particularly obsessive type of person - he's normally pretty fucking laid back as it goes, so this - this takes him by surprise.
It started with just looking Robb's sister up on Facebook - perusing her photos of some of her nights out or the artful ones of pretty scenery - there were quite a few of her dog too.
"Look Ghost! You like the look of her boy"? He asked, as he allowed his white Siberian Husky to sniff at his laptop, which was currently showing a photo of Sansa's dog. Ghost whined and started licking at the screen. "Whoa" Jon snatched his computer away from the slobbering beast. Ghost made a grumbling sound and laid down with his head between his outstretched paws, his eyes looking up at Jon all sorrowful. "Yea...me too boy...me too" he said before switching the screen to a photo of Sansa wearing an oversized bobble hat, matching scarf and a bright beaming smile as she looked directly at the camera with those piercing blue eyes.
Seriously though - What the fuck is wrong with me?
Jon closed his laptop, sighed and glanced over at the dry cleaned suit Gilly all but demanded he wear to meet Sansa tomorrow. He sent up a silent prayer to the Gods of dating that he wouldn't let slip how much of a creepy fucking stalker he'd become in the past two weeks.
It wasn't even going to be a date - Robb is just going to drag him along to Sansa's surprise Birthday party.
I might not even get to talk to her, Jon mused as he scrubbed his hands down his face and groaned.
What he should bring to the event had been a whole other host of trickiness. A card - of course he should bring her a card, but how should he sign it? Just Jon? Or should he elaborate and mention that he's Robb's mate? Would that be lame? And a gift - Should he bring one? He's never even met her but he knows that if it wouldn't be majorly awkward then he would want to buy her something unique and personal, like a handmade pair of earrings with stones the same colour of her eyes or an obscenely large arrangement of her favourite flowers.
Urgh! This might not even work!...we might not 'click'...or maybe we'll want completely different things....or I'll make a fucking tool of myself by revealing my apparent stalker tendencies.
Jon flops back on his sofa with a sigh and tries to make peace with the old adage - 'what will be, will be' when Ghost leaps up onto him to give his master some slobbery encouraging kisses, near enough damaging the 'goods' with his heavy paws in the process.
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