#i got kinda spoiled and i know something bad happens with carlos' dad but i dont completely know what
lily-blue-blue-lily · 10 months
slightly regretting my decision to wait weekly for s4 of lone star to be put on disney plus, purely because of the ending of 4x16
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getreadytosmash · 6 years
The Past that Smashed
Chapter 15
Jen’s POV
I was reading a magazine in the living room with Carla while she was looking at her phone. I don’t know why, but I think something is troubling her. Maybe I should ask?
“Is something wrong?” I asked.
Carla jumped in surprise and snapped back into reality.
“It’s my cousin, Carlos, who hasn’t said a thing for a long time and I’m worried if something happened to him. He’s not usually like this,” Carla admitted looking sad.
I went over to her and put an arm around her. She went stiff when I did that and was surprisingly looked shy, something she never was.
“Hey, I know what’s it’s like to be worried that about a cousin. I’m mean have you seen what Hulk has been through. Relax, maybe he forgot his phone, it’s the first time for everything right?” I assured her.
She smiled and said “Well, Hulk does somehow find trouble so maybe that can relate. Besides Carlos always does something new that gets him in trouble.”
I know that maybe I was kinda avoiding her for her crush on me. But it feels like I have to do something about this.
“You know what? Do you want to go to the movies with me? I know a theater where I can get a discount for knowing Hulk,” I offered.
She blushed and looked away for a moment. Then turned to look at me and nodded.
“Sure. I would love to go.”
“How about the 4th of September?”
“That’s fine with me.”
She pulled up her phone to find a good movie to watch. We decided that we were going as friend because she knows how I feel and I’m only doing it because of how I was treating her.
I watched her show me different movies then I saw one about a doll. Hmm. I still wonder when Rag Doll will show up.
Carlos’ POV
Oh man. Oh man. Oh man! Carla is going to kill me! I may have dropped my phone in the toilet after trying to get some medicine for my stuffy nose. Crap! How do I tell her that Ennui is coming at the 4th of September?! Even his best friend from high school, David Jerry, is going too. And I didn’t even got to tell Ennui about David. This is bad. This is very bad. Sorry Sam, I tried my best. I just hope everything will work out okay.
A-Bomb’s POV
I have two tickets to see DJ JD and NO ONE wants to come with me?! I was hoping at least Carla but I see that Jenny over there has asked her to go to the movies with her so I’m not going to spoil that. Hell, even Carla knew who DJ JD was since he helps her with her movies’ soundtrack. Hulk doesn’t want to go because what if Sammy needed him and we don’t know when he will come back. So my options are either Red or Skaar. Jesus, I’ll take Leader of I’m that desperate.
I went to Skaar first. He was in his room sharpening his sword. He even had that stuff Mattie wrapped around his arm while he does it.
“Skaar doesn’t want to go. Thinks that there is too many people. Skaar wants no trouble. Why Skaar go if Skaar doesn’t know where.”
“Oh come on! Do I really need to take Red now? Dude, at least think about it.”
He looked up and looked at me then lift his arm to at Mattie, for some reason as if it talks to him.
“Skaar says no.”
“Ugh. Okay fine. I will take Red,” I mumbled.
I went to Red to asked him and then he starts complaining.
“Why me? Why not take Albizu? Doesn’t she know him?”
“Well, listen to this Red. Jen already asked her out to the movies.”
“Oh. Well did she now,” he said with a grin. “ So never mind those two,” he said shaking his head “What what about Hulk?”
“Uh, Sammy problems. Remember that. And we don’t want him disappearing in the middle of a concert full of people.”
“Uhh.” He was trying to think of anything to get out of the situation.
“He told me that he was not going and I think he asked Mattie about it so I’m guessing she told him no.”
“Jesus. He’s acting like it a real thing.”
“I mean, yeah, she is real and turns out she was an actual human. And-Hey! Don’t get me off topic. How about this? I’ll buy you any food that you want and I will not pull pranks on you for a month, deal?”
Red thought to himself. Then he sighed.
“Deal,” he murmured.
Yes! Now those tickets don’t have to go to waste. Now time to wait for the day…FUUUU-
David’s POV
Aww yeah! A concert is almost in 4 days and I’m already excited. But this time with a different reason than what I usually tell people. I usually say that I’m doing it for this fans, even in places that aren’t that popular. But now, I’m going to see the big guy. Or at least try like sneaking away without anyone noticing. You know, being famous.
I got a text from Carlos a few weeks back and told me about Hulk’s time travel. I was about to go immediately until he told me now to wait on a certain date because Sams said so. Man, you can really trust Carlos for being the brains of the meetings and the one who keeps us together. He’s not good with social skills but in tech, he’s great and know a lot of stuff like programming, coding, and even hacking. Carla is mostly used for any questions the Hulks havre but only certain ones. He doesn’t even tell us what our job is supposed to be. I mean, I don’t even know if Carla knows that Carlos texted Ennui. Carlos maybe has his reason to do things, and maybe because of Sams. But I won’t complain….okay, maybe a little bit because waiting is BORING especially when I could see my best friend again! But turns out that someone else other than the main group which is us, Carla, Carlos, Dawn, Ennui, and me, knows about this and bought tickets for my show so Ennui can make it on the same day as me. He told me who he was since only Dawn, Ennui, and I know who he is.
I was preparing my song list that I was going to use, my clothes, what I’m going to eat later. And last but not least the poles that goes on the corner of the beds with numbers on them. I have four of them, but the fourth one has the number four on it and a ball on top and the rest doesn’t. These were from my old bed, and Sammy’s but he gave it to me when his parents bought him another one since one of the balls went missing. I had to take off the other two because Los told me. Los, that is shorter for Carlos, told me to do because it symbolizes something. I don’t not know what else beside his Halloween candy, but I’m sure those Hulks will figure it out. Man, I can’t wait.
\Dun, Dun, DUN! Another chapter finished! BTW thanks for changing the number for me, I knew that I would screw up one day. And also Ennui doesn’t hate Jerry, it’s that he hates it when his best friend does stuff without telling him first. Hope you enjoy.\
(That's alright, I know how annoying labeling chapters can be. And yeah! DUN, DUN, DUN! I wonder what's being planned...it's definitely going to be exciting and I can't wait. And thanks for clearing up Jerry and Ennui, I wasn't too sure weather they really hates each other. I'm glad that Carla and Jen will be hanging out, they'd like each other a lot! Though I'm laughing at the idea of Rick taking Leader and just holding his hand like a child so Leader doesn't run off XD poor Red has to be dragged off instead, but something other than working out will do him some good, who knows, maybe he'll show off some of his ballet skills ;D and Hulk is being a protective dad like always lol. And SKAAR! He's being sooo cute! Poor baby just wants to love!)
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