#i had a coworker like that it was unbearable 🥰
biioshocker · 1 year
you just know peter b parker was begging miles to hold mayday during their escape scene when he should have been capturing miles bc he wanted a picture of the two of them together so bad
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specialagentlokitty · 3 months
Rossi x reader - trust in you
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hi, I hope you’re doing well 🫶🏻 I was wondering if I could please request something where reader desperately wants relapse with sh but instead winds up talking to her father figure hotch or Rossi (or both)? No pressure if you don’t want to write it. I absolutely love your writing 🥰🥰 - @twwobsessed 💜
TW: mentions of self harm and negative thoughts
Some cases hit people harder than others, usually you were able to remain objective about the cases, put all those normal thoughts of sadness, despite, hatred for people to the back of your mind.
But your most recent case had you finding it hard to do that, it hit a little too close to home for you, and no one on the team knew that, you carried on going through it.
You saw the case through to the end, but it was hard, and you couldn’t stop thinking about it as you flicked through the book in your lap, pretending you were reading.
You didn’t really talk to anybody when you got back, instead of doing your paperwork like normal you went straight back home.
You went for a bath, made a cup of tea, tried reading a book but nothing was helping you relax.
You had resorted to pacing back and forth along your hallway, pinging the elastic band around your wrist, trying to resist the unbearable urge you had to scratch, to try get rid of this itch that seemed to be buried deep within your skin.
You knew scratching wouldn’t work, no matter how much you scratch you would never be able to get rid of that itch.
Your brain was running a million miles an hour with all the thoughts, feelings and urges you had worked through a long time ago.
But they came back.
It was like you could never escape, no matter how well you seemed to be doing they always came back, always haunting you.
Your own mind begging you to inflict pain on yourself.
You didn’t want to, you had been clean for nearly a year, you had fought this all by yourself, you had never told anybody about your struggles.
Everybody struggled, dealt things their own way and this is how you had been ever since you were a teenager, even when you went through the academy, even as you joined the BAU, where you had been for the past three years.
You kept it all to yourself.
It was destroying you.
It was going to destroy you and you knew that.
You didn’t want to do this anymore, you didn’t want to go back into that life, you didn’t want to slip into old habits.
Grabbing your keys, you pulled on one of your hoodies and went to your car, heading to the person you knew would most likely still be up at this time.
You didn’t have your phone so you couldn’t call saying you were outside, so you settled for just knocking on the door until you finally heard somebody coming over.
Lowering your hand, you watched as the door was swung open, showing the worried and confused face of your coworker.
“(Y/N) what’s wrong?” Rossi asked.
You took a shaky breath, running a hand down your face.
“I.. I.. I need help…” you whispered.
“Come here, come on.”
Rossi held his hand out for you and you took it, letting him pull you in for a hug as he closed his front door.
Tears fell from your eyes, and you quietly sobbed, gripping the back of his shirt tightly.
“I.. I can’t do this anymore…”
Rossi held the back of your head, running a hand up and down your back.
“I need you to tell me what happened…” he whispered.
“I can’t.. I don’t… I can’t.. I can’t do this alone anymore…”
Rossi pulled away, placing a hand on your shoulder to lead you to the couch, gently sitting you down.
“Wait right here.”
He rushed away to get you a glass of water, and he came back, handing it out to you and you set it on the table.
Rossi also get down a box of tissues for you, and he finally sat down, taking one of your hands in his.
“I need you to talk to me (Y/N)…” he whispered.
You sniffled a little bit, running a hand down your face as you took a deep breath.
“This case.. I.. it brought back memories…”
Rossi slowly nodded his head.
“I.. I lived the same way as the victims…”
“(Y/N) the unsub chose his victims because he believed they could never recover, he believed they were sick, and they needed help to die. You know this. He targeted people who used forms of self harm as a method to get through every day life.”
You sniffled a little bit, slowly nodded your head.
“I know… that’s why I.. I.. I couldn’t help you…”
“You said you were called away on an urgent matter.”
You shook your head.
“I lied…”
“We would have known.”
You left out a weak laugh, burying your face in your arms tapping the back of your head a few times.
“I got so used to lying that I… I learned how to tell the perfect lie…”
“(Y/N) did you do something? Did something happen?” Rossi asked.
“No.. no that’s.. that uh.. why I came here…”
Rossi slowly nodded his head and you sat up, carefully rolling the sleeves of your hoodies up.
Rossi reached out, hesitating before he gently took one of your arms.
He ran he thumb along the rigid scars that were embedded deep in your skin.
He could tell they were old, and he didn’t need to ask in order to figure out what they were caused by.
“How long were you doing this to yourself?”
He nodded, pulling your sleeve down for you, and he did the same to your other arm, letting you go ahead and hide them once again.
Rossi held his arms around for you.
You shuffled over, letting him hold you, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I need you to tell me everything (Y/N), okay? You can’t leave anything out.”
You nodded in agreement.
You told Rossi everything, from how and when it started, to when you managed to stop and everything in between.
Rossi didn’t speak, he quietly listened to you, and when you stopped talking that’s when he spoke up.
“Was it something in the case that trigged this emotions for you?” He asked.
You nodded again.
“Going through their lives, seeing how they all had the same trauma, the same feelings of wanting to just disappear.. knowing I had the same thoughts.. it.. it made me realise that could have been me…”
“What makes you think that?”
“Rossi he was the third therapist in my list in case I couldn’t get to the other two…”
You felt his grip tighten around you, and he ran his hand up and down your arm.
“I got the second one on the list…”
Rossi slowly nodded his head.
“I.. I can’t do this alone Rossi…”
“You’re not alone (Y/N), you’re never alone. You know this. You have a whole team, a whole family behind you, willing to support you if you asked them.”
You shook your head.
“No.. no I.. I don’t.. don’t tell them…”
“Alright, I don’t have to tell the team anything. But I need you to promise me something.”
You sniffled a little, nodding your head.
“You keep coming here, to me, if you get these feelings again. You never harm yourself again, can you promise me that?”
You nodded again.
“Good, now, I just so happened to be getting ready to cook. Your favourite in fact, would you like to help me?”
You sat up, looking at him as you wiped the tears from under your eyes.
“Do you get that funky cheese I like?”
This made Rossi chuckle a little bit.
“Yes, I got the mozzarella, and I got everything you need to make your own mozzarella sticks since you seem to enjoy them so much.”
You stood up, sorrowing up your sleeves as you followed him to the kitchen and he got everything you needed to make your favourite snacks.
Rossi noted the elastic band around your wrist, and he said nothing about it.
“Thank you for trusting me.” He said quietly.
You smiled a little at him.
“Thank you for always being there for me…”
Rossi smiled, placing his hand on your shoulder, giving it a small squeeze.
“I’m always here for you kiddo.”
You nodded your head, going back to making your snacks while he began cooking the actual meal itself
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floydsmuse · 7 months
Creek kisses and Summer wishes
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warnings: none! just the usage of the f bomb once, but other than that it’s fluff <3
pairing: Rhett Abbott x f! reader (no y/n)
description: as a way to cool off & have some fun, Rhett takes you out to a creek away from town. (wc 1k+)
a/n: hi ! so i’m back with yet another Rhett fic :) the difference between this one & the last one i wrote for him is just😅 but, i really wanted to write something fluffy for Rhett because he deserves to be happy & feel loved :,) i also just wanted to thank you all of for your support you’ve shown me on my fics 🫶 it means so much to know you enjoy them as much as i do writing them. so with that being said, i hope you like this one! likes & comments are great! reblogs are appreciated too🥰💕 ty!
it was mid July, on one of the rare days where Wabang was hot, but surprisingly not unbearable. it had gotten up to about the mid 80s. which was still considerably hot, but not as torturous as it reaching up into the high 90s & dipping into the 100s. you were finishing up your shift at the local diner across town & were anticipating your bf coming to pick you up after your shift.
Rhett had done his fair share of work around the ranch all day and tending to the animals. he was beat & needed a way to cool off. he figured after he picked you up, he would take you out to this creek that was just on the outskirts of town, in a pretty private woodsy area. it had been a while since he’d last been to it. he hadn’t gone since before he met you. During past family get togethers that Rhett was forced to attend against his will, he would sometimes sneak off & go to the creek to clear his head or even take a dip to escape the scorching heat of summer. Rhett thought it would be fun to take you, as you loved going on adventures & going to new places with him.
the time had finally reached five & you were officially off the clock. you removed your apron & grabbed your bag from its place in the cubby. you bid your coworker a goodbye & went into the staff bathroom to quickly check yourself in the mirror. your hair was frizzy as expected from the humidity & was coming out of the hairstyle you had put it up into to stay cool. you decided to take it down, leaving it laying freely onto your shoulders. your makeup held up fairly well during the course of the day, besides the little bit of fallout from the minimal mascara you had on. you gently wiped under your eyes & adjusted your top. after you were pleased with yourself you hurried out of the bathroom, punched out & headed towards the front of the building, where you were met with Rhett in his truck patiently waiting for you.
you opened the truck door to find him smirking at you. before you could even properly greet him he beat you to it,
“hop on in sweetheart. i’m takin you somewhere.” he spoke with that damn southern drawl that drove you absolutely insane every time you’d hear it.
“well hello to you too.” you playfully snarked back & he let out a light chuckle. you hoped into your seat & buckled up. you weren’t sure if you should’ve asked where he planned on taking you two. you liked that element of surprise & Rhett was always full of them. so instead you just let him drive & take you to your destination. he placed a hand onto your thigh, gently squeezing there & just enjoying the ride. with the windows down, the smell of the fresh summer air, & the sound of music playing on the radio, you headed off.
roughly about 20 minutes later, you arrived at a woodsy area, surrounded by tall trees & slightly unkempt grass. Rhett pulled up onto the land with ease & stopped the truck.
“uh Rhett.. where exactly are we?” you questioned, your voice laced with confusion. you tried to make out what you were looking at through the window from your seat in the truck, but all you could see were lines of trees that surely went on for miles. Rhett didn’t answer you however. instead he turned off the car & hopped out of the truck. he headed over to your side & opened your door. you cautiously stepped out, Rhett immediately grabbing a hold of your hand with his & clasping them together. after a few seconds, he finally spoke up. a bit of excitement evident in his voice,
“i have something to show ya. do ya trust me?” he playfully quipped, which earned him a light slap to his chest & he pretended to be hurt by it. holding onto his chest in a dramatic state.
you couldn’t stop the giggles from leaving your lips,
“i do trust you! are you giving me a reason not to? where in the hell are we Rhett Abbott?!” you slightly raised your voice, but with a hint of laughter still lingering. he was leading you into the woodsy area now & still holding your hand in his. you had to admit it was quite beautiful & sort of peaceful. there were sounds of birds chirping & the rustling of the leaves on the trees. you didn’t need to step in much further, immediately noticing a body of water in its wake. Rhett quickly let go of your hand & ran over to it. you following suit.
as you approached closer to the water, you noticed Rhett starting to strip out of his clothes. only leaving him in his black boxer briefs, with his bull pec tattoo on full display for you to admire. but the next thing you knew, Rhett was in the water. he had only gotten halfway in before he was coaxing you to join him.
“come on in darlin,’ the waters fine.” he spoke, causing you to shake your head & playfully roll your eyes at him.
he had treaded further in now & even went as far as to stick his head under the water. fulling submerging himself. you couldn’t quite grasp what was happening & you weren’t too sure if you necessarily wanted to partake in this. the water didn’t look too bad, but you were slightly afraid of the idea of someone catching the two of you. Rhett’s voice broke you out of your thoughts, practically begging you to come in, making it clear that he wouldn’t hesitate to pick you up over his shoulder & drag you in if it came to.
Rhett was someone who liked to live on the edge at times. he tried not to take life too seriously. since after meeting you, a different side of him came to light & he felt more excited about life. he felt like it was more worth living for, once you stepped into the picture. looking at that dopey smile on his face & his pleading eyes boring into you was all you needed to see before you stripped off your clothes, leaving you in just your bra & panties. you let out a “Fuck it” & headed for Rhett. he let out a loud whooo, cheering you on from his place in the creek. you finally reached him & he didn’t hesitate to lift you up into his arms.
he spun you around, an endless fit of giggles left you & you were feeling so alive in this moment. he placed you back down into the water & drew you in for a kiss. your lips melted together & your hands wrapped around each other. the kiss wasn’t super heated by any means, but it was indeed passionate. once you both needed air, you parted. Rhett looked absolutely lovesick & you were sure you did too. he gently brushed a strand of hair that fell in front of your face, then placed a light kiss on to your nose which caused your cheeks to heat up & your nose scrunched up. he pulled back & before you knew it, Rhett had dipped you under the water. his laugh loudly echoing throughout the woods. you quickly came up for air & lunged straight at him.
“oh you’re are so in for it now Rhett Abbott!” you playfully exclaimed. the rest of the evening consisted of you two messing around in the water & exchanging loving kisses.
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always-andromeda · 2 years
hiii, different anon here but I also vote for some brian wilcox content and since you asked for a suggestion I was thinking, what about way out there for him? maybe with coworker reader and they actually pull off robbing the store like he talked about and they just flee in their car and are free together? ❤️ would love an afab reader, but I'll be happy with any of your amazing writing!!! congratulations again 🥰💖
Author’s Note | Okay, so writing Brian is kind of becoming very fun now. 🤭 he's just...so greasy and so gross and I've kind of fallen in love with his bitter ass. also, I got three requests for Brian. so I made them into like a mini trilogy!! this is part three of that trilogy. hope y'all enjoyed this little concept!!
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Summer's ending. And your job at Mickey's is becoming more and more unbearable.
You're absolutely sick of dealing with indignant older customers and parents with children who make messes that you'll have to clean up. And you certainly don't appreciate the idiots from school who come in to leer at you in your baggy yellow uniform.
"It's all so cyclical," you mumble as Brian kisses your neck fervently.
Lunch breaks in the backseat of his car have become all too familiar. His dark hair tickles your neck and the way his hands wander make you shiver. You chuckle at how in just a few short months, he had already figured out pretty much exactly how to touch you. You'd expected him to be a lot more reluctant and selfish with his affection, especially since he isn't even your boyfriend.
Brian hums as his tongue works at soothing a bite mark. One that he's quite proud of. He knows that you'll cover them up once they get the chance to fully flush bright red.
You roll your eyes and repeat yourself, "This job...it's so cyclical."
Brian leans back and gives you a quizzical look. "Am I becoming so predictable that you're thinking about work during our break?"
You sit up properly and kiss his pert nose. "Nope. I'm just thinking about...what are we going to do after the summer ends? I'm going away for college and--"
"Ah! Remember, we don't talk about that shit." Brian interrupts you teasingly before attempting to lay another heavy kiss on your lips.
Turning your head away, you pout at him. "I'm serious, Bri. At some point we're going to have to talk about us and the future and..." you trail off, watching his eyes already begin to glaze over. You snap, "Brian!"
He sighs and hangs his head back, exposing the marks you'd given him a few days earlier. You'd wondered aloud one afternoon why he left them exposed and risked getting in trouble with Tony for them. And you can still remember the way his lips formed into a smirk as he spoke through his crooked teeth, "Gotta show Tony that I've got another part time position on the side."
But what if part time could become full time? After all, you'd spent enough time with him that you'd like to think you know him fairly well.
You know that he can't get by without at least three different energy drinks a day. You know that he loves wasting his paycheck on video games (so much though that he still can't afford to fix his car's air conditioner). And you know that he loves avoiding his problems like the plague. Sure, he'll have to worry about them eventually. But as long as he's got the cognitive dissonance, you know he'll run from discussion about the future until the absolute end.
"I just don't get why we have to complicate things." Brian finally decides on saying.
"Talking doesn't complicate things. If anything, it makes everything easier to figure out. Because right now, what I know is that I'm going away soon and I have no idea if I should be as into you as I am right now."
Brian's chest swells with a silly sort of pride as he fiddles with the hem of your uniform. The stench of oil that clings to both of you almost makes him sick to his stomach. Or maybe it's the moment of vulnerability.
"You know I like you." he mutters under his breath. "I just-- If you're going away, you're probably not going to want some broke moron holding you back."
You grasp his chin and make him look you in the eyes, "Bri, you're not just some moron. I think we deserve to give ourselves a chance."
"I'm not going to lock you with some long distance bullshit--"
"Fuck long distance," you exclaim. "What if we went away together?"
"That sounds like some Romeo and Juliet bullshit."
Shoving his shoulder lightly, you snort, "Don't jinx us, you dork. We could just go somewhere where it's just the two of us. It could just be us. No customers, no coworkers, no manager."
Your fingers dance up the middle of his shirt before you tap his nose. Brian scrunches up his face and replies, "We'd need to stay somewhere. And for that, we'd need money."
And just as quickly as your idea was born, it vanished with a snap. Minimum wage is nothing close to a livable wage for you two. But Brian tilts his head and squints, staring just past your head and out the window towards Mickey's.
"You know those robberies that have been going on?"
Brian doesn't need to elaborate too much for you to know exactly what he's talking about. You'd spent many nights awake wondering if your next shift would be the one where the perpetrators would finally hit Mickey's. You were too young to have your head blown off over a couple grand in cash. And based on the wicked smile that curls on his face, you already know what he's suggesting.
"Bri, we're not going to hold up the place at gunpoint. I think that might make us worse than Tony."
Brian waves you off with a scoff, "We don't have to hold the place up. Listen, between you ad me, we both know plenty to get ourselves in and out without anyone noticing. Now tomorrow is Thursday, right? Tony doesn't take shit to the bank until Fridays."
"So we're just going to grab the cash and run tomorrow?" You knew good and well that Brian could be impulsive. But this was an entirely different level.
Sensing your discomfort, Brian quickly lays a hand over your thigh and gives it a little squeeze before dipping his head to get at your level.
"We don't have to do it tomorrow. We can try next week. That way we have enough time to quit." He smiles slightly, "That sounds like fun, right?"
You perk up a little. "Quitting doesn't sound too bad."
"You're fucking right it doesn't. Then next Thursday we bust into that joint right before they open and we take them for all they're fucking worth. And we do whatever the fuck we want to with the money."
The longer the idea sits with you, the more you convince yourself that you could try. Maybe it's your youth or your inexperience that doesn't make you worry too much about the consequences.
Because as soon as you nod slowly and give him a coy, "Yeah, I think we could do it," Brian is back on you, spending the last few minutes of your lunch break showing you his excitement for the plan.
A week later, the job was quick and quiet, just the way he described. It's yet another reason why you can't see him being the moron he thinks he is. He's intelligent when he applies himself. And it's fitting that this is how he would choose to apply himself.
It's a punch in the face to every advisor you have met with in your desperate pursuit of a college career. It's a massive middle finger to Mickey's and it's a step in a direction that seems right.
The best part is burning those stupid yellow uniforms. You're surprised they don't burst completely into flames considering they're probably covered in grease.
Brian holds your hand and watches the fire intently as it consumes the uniforms, reducing it into an ashy, charred heap with a few half melted buttons sprinkled throughout. 
There's something liberating experiencing this with him. It makes your mind twist itself up a little remembering the person you used to be at the beginning of that bleak summer. It makes too much sense that Brian is the one that broke you from the cycle of working for nothing. In some strange way, he'd shown you that there was more to life than the never ending despair of the service industry.
You'd never thought you’d see yourself falling asleep beside him in a shitty motel, but for once, Brian wraps his arm around you without any leading touches at the end of it.
Curled into his side and head resting on the fabric of his undershirt, you ask into the dark room, "What are we going to do now?"
Brian chuckles, "Whatever we want to. Just stick with me and we'll figure it all out together, kid."
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larabiatasstuff · 11 months
I love the Terry's hairdresser story and the Max eyebrow one that it's given me an idea...what if you are Max's hairdresser and he likes you and is always very flirty? Max wears his hair quite short so I imagine he needs a haircut frequently...maybe it's just an excuse to see you. You assume he is just flirty with everyone but then romance blossoms? that would be so cute, and you are so good at writing Max!! thank you 🥰
I love the Terry's hairdresser story and the Max eyebrow one that it's given me an idea...what if you are Max's hairdresser and he likes you and is always very flirty? Max wears his hair quite short so I imagine he needs a haircut frequently...maybe it's just an excuse to see you. You assume he is just flirty with everyone but then romance blossoms? that would be so cute, and you are so good at writing Max!! thank you 🥰
First of all thank you so much for your kind words anon 🖤 It means a lot to me that you like my writings 🥺I'm more than happy to write that for you 🤗
It was Monday morning around ten o'clock when my coworkers and I got our stations ready for the day. I absolutely loved working in that small salon and I absolutely loved the people that came to get their hair done . Especially one charming police officer that came in regularly for a trim. He was a very funny and adorable guy and today we had another appointment. "Good morning ladies." I heard his voice when he entered the salon. "Well good morning officer, long time no see." I said greeting him. He gave me one of his cheeky smiles . "Yeah it's been a while. I hope you didn't miss me too much." "Oh the yearning for your presence was almost unbearable." I said playfully guiding him to my station. He took a seat and took his beanie off. "Oh I see it really must be a while. Your troll army grew." he pointed at the little toy trolls that were standing on the shelves. "You noticed? I got a few at a flea market recently. Alright what are we doing today?" I asked while running my fingers through his soft dark hair. "Well I thought about a perm maybe? I always wanted to look like Bob Ross.He got all the ladies, you know"Max said wiggling his eyebrows. I punched his shoulder. "Yeah of course, so a little trim as usual." "Yep you know exactly how I like it." he said leaning back in his chair. I added shampoo and started with a gentle scalp massage. "So something new in the adventures of Max Parish?" "Not really actually, oh I recently jumped into a closing roll up door." my eyes went wide. "Oh my god, did you hurt yourself?" he sighed "No just my ego. But it would have looked really cool if I was just a little faster." "Oh I bet. Can you look down please. Yes like that thank you." "How have you been doing?" "Oh well there's nothing really exciting I could tell you." "Anything you say is interesting to me. I mean how long do we know each other? I love talking to you Y/N, I really do." he said smiling at me through the mirror. "That's very nice of you Max. So finished, how do you like it?" I said showing the haircut in the mirror. " It's perfect as always Y/N thank you. Oh and before I forget it. Here's a present for you. I saw this and thought of you." he handed me a small package.
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