#i hate that twt is the primary source now and we can't just delete it if we wanna stay up to date
hyunubear · 2 years
no you’re totally right. - i kind of spoke about two different groups from you.
i was talking pretty generally about the whole issue (if you can call it that) as well because like i said i don’t really think it’s my place to speak considering i’m a new fan and i only really understand the feeling from situations outside this specific one and every situation like this is different and what fans and artists go through is different. so it’s definitely not my place to be firmly making any points about it.
i agree with everything you were saying. like i previously it’s just unfair to deny people to feel what they feel - especially if you’re like me and you never lived through it. it’s also unfair to essentially be anti-wonho. i don’t know about you but i’ve seen people who are obviously anti-ot7 be incredibly rude when people bring up simply things like wonho is the one who designed mondoongie and such and that’s not right. you may be okay with not having him in the group anymore to actively want to erase the work he’s put in the group is seriously wrong.
the whole situation is just a little crazy and weird and people are just constantly and knowingly hurting others people’s feeling because they know that saying certain things will hurt them. you can be respectful and understanding on their individual careers and still be on either side but people typically like to play the ‘i’m right; you’re wrong’ game and it just ends in conflict. (because that’s what they’re looking for)
((side note i don’t know what the whole nickfest thing is about either - it just doesn’t quite seem like the right fit for them, their average audience age or their music but considering eshy is notoriously bad at his job this is clearly the best he can do 😒))
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hiii!! sorry for the long wait i saw these just before logging off to go to bed last night and I've been pretty busy all morning ;;;;
yeah the whole situation is crazy and it's mostly the fault of the company and how they dealt with it. (I say this knowing other companies probably wouldn't have done a better job, if not worse. people got kicked out of their groups without any notice for MUCH much less) at the end of the day it all comes down to this whole unwritten policy that isolated wonho for years -up until maybe this year- not just from monsta x but from the rest of the industry. it's the fact that he was treated like an outcast despite being free of all charges and wasn't getting any interactions or promo outside of his won circle until pretty recently that pushes both sides (ot7 and anti ot7 stans) further apart. it's fucking sick.
and this whole lightstick debate has been driving me insane!!!! tbh at first (and before the vlive situation) I was like 'so what? just bring whatever it's not like he's gonna notice from that distance' but after seeing some more arguments around it I'm starting to kind of see the other side's point. like to me it sounded like some mbbs were saying they'll bring moondongie bc they don't have a weneebong and that would make sense bc lightsticks are pretty pricy and not everyone might want to spend that much on them just for a concert, but then I saw people arguing that seemed like had different intentions; showing that they still support "monsta x wonho"... and nope. that does not sit well with me, nor does it make sense. this is SOLO wonho's concert and shoving a moondngie in his face and expecting him to have a positive reaction is incredibly disrespectful. this just makes things more difficult for mbbs who don't have a weneebong and didn't have that intention by bringing moondongie instead. like he definitely won't be able to tell from stage unless ur on the first few rows and if he goes into the crowd for encore u could just turn ur moondongie off and put it in your bag.
honestly i wish more newer mbb/wenees and stan twt were like you!! it doesn't take much to understand that you can't tell people how to feel and you don't need to fully understand where they're coming from to respect their feelings! so thank you <3
almost forgot! i actually have no idea what this nIck fest is... like is it a nickelodeon thing? the one where they pour slime on people? the thing that's for literal KIDS???? it makes no sense... monsta x's target audience isn't even teens! it's ADULTS, MILFS, DILFS, AND THILFS!! tf are they gonna sing for KIDS??? I'm.... *clown emoji*
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