#i have another 1 btw should b on my masterpost thing
istanbulite · 25 days
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"And the gesture for love?" you ask. "What would that be?"
Blade smiles crookedly. "That is not a gesture at all," he says. "It is a pledge that transcends words."
A Moodboard for Eos and Blade because i realised some of Malcolm T. Liepke's artworks had their color schemes i was like *points* 👌
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spaceorphan18 · 5 years
Finding Kurt Hummel: The Hurt Locker, Part 1
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6x04: The Hurt Locker, Part 1
It’s weird that this is, really, the only two parter of the entire show.   I mean some episodes had drastic cliffhangers, and others aired together, but this is one of two -- which makes me wonder if this was originally all going to be one episode.  It’s hard to tell.  
We’re also getting into that cracky, cracky fourth wall breaking part of the show.  I know some of you don’t like it - that it feels like they’re putting too much of a spotlight on fandom and the audience.  I guess it doesn’t really bug me? I think they’ve always done this, even so far back as mid-season 1, it’s just a bit more concentrated now -- and I think there’s a part of them that just didn’t give a shit either.  Not many people were watching at this point anyway.  Idk...  
The Hurt Locker
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So - we start this episode off with the bizarre crackiness that is Sue’s hurt locker -- where she her psychopathic tendencies and her meta commentary come to collide.  And when she’s not making voodoo dolls out of Will and Rachel (and plotting that bizarre and icky hypnotism stuff on Sam) she’s daydreaming about Klaine’s fabulous gay wedding because it’s her dream to be flower girl.  
Now - at his point, I’m not sure I can even meta this.  I mean, yeah, I can go into the whole thing where Sue’s always had a soft spot for Kurt - and she has.  And a lot of this is wanting Kurt to have a happy wedding (because apart she finds them both shrill and annoying).  But, you know what, let’s just go with it.  Sue’s mega shrine to Klaine is really a stand in for us shippers.  
Honestly, I think it’s kind of funny.  This particular episode - are the writers poking at our eccentricity? Maybe, sure.  But - it’s also celebratory in its own twisted way.  And idk, in a way - Sue’s pushing them back together because ‘we’ want them back together.  But also - because the narrative (the writers) want them back together, too.  
Would they have gotten back together if Sue hadn’t gotten intervened?  Idk - that’s not the story the writers are telling.  So, if you want to explore that, go write the fanfic about it! But the writers are telling the Klaine gets back together story -- and this is the insane way the chose to do it.  
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Alright, so beyond the fact that this is utterly terrifying - I find it fascinated that she places Blaine as the bride.  Make of it as you will - but I do think it’s an interesting departure from the idea that Kurt is the ‘girl’ of the relationship.  [side note - they are two guys - there is not a girl in their relationship.]
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Alright - so Sue hauls Kurt into her office and you know what? He’s totally not having it.  He’s been done with her shit for years, and I’d like to point out that his unwilling attitude is their from the beginning of the scene.  The minute he sits down, he’s over it - and that’s before Sue goes on to declare that his life ambition is to get back together with Kurt.  
I also - kinda think the whole idea of blouses, light and airy femme-ish gays, is kinda funny.  
So, here’s my thing about this scene.  Kurt firmly tells Sue that he doesn’t want to get back together with Blaine.  And in this scene, it may be firm, but it’s not harsh.  
At the end of the series, Kurt’s going to tell Sue that he’s grateful she pushed he and Blaine back together -- because apart, and even after trying to heed to Britany’s advice and move on - Kurt’s not happy.  In fact, as he says in the series finale, he’s miserable.  So yeah - him telling Sue that he doesn’t want to get back together with Blaine is sorta like when he was declaring them friends and wanting ‘desperately’ to be over Blaine back in season 4.  He’s trying - because he doesn’t think it’ll happen.  
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But beyond that - it’s good to remember that this is Sue we’re talking about.  She once tried to shoot Brittany from a canon.  She’s been an adversary since the beginning. Do you really think he’s going to trust her? Or really take any part of her shenanigans?  No - he really doesn’t want to do any of that, nor open up emotionally at all.  
The last episode was extreme on Kurt showing emotion - and in this one, he’s closed right up - because, god damn it, it freakin’ hurts when he goes there.  So why not listen to Brittany? Why not just compartmentalize and move on - because he thinks Blaine has.  
Anyway - back to Sue - case in point, at the end of the scene, she declares that she’s set up an invitational to destroy the glee club once and for all.  And she tells him that straight up (instead of voice over!!). So yeah - Kurt is not going to be open about his most vulnerable emotions to someone who is actively trying to destroy him in other ways.  I mean - that’d just be stupid.  
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So... there’s an invitational.  Did you know there was an invitational during season 1? Yup - it was the episode with April Rhodes if you can believe it.  
Anyway, Rachel’s already talked to Will about going easy.  And now - Kurt and Rachel confront Blaine.  And Blaine is having none of it.  And I love it.  Because for the first time since... season 2? Blaine’s standing up for himself - being his own individual person, and not caving in to whatever Kurt wants.  That’s actually a good thing - because one of the issues they were having was that Blaine wasn’t his own person - he was kind of lost in Klaine and I’m thrilled to see him doing alright on his own.  
Meanwhile - if you watch closely, there is a slight look of amusement among the eye-rollyness we see from him here.  Kurt never wanted Blaine to be his lapdog either.  They’re on an equal playing field now - which is actually pretty good! 
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So - in the middle of all the stand-off over invitationals, Blaine gets a text that there’s an intruder in his and Karofsky’s apartment.  I kind of love that they don’t call the police or anything but all go running over there to check it out.  This show and logic, man...  
Anyway - I think it’s kind of cool that Kurt (and Rachel) both go over to help Blaine! If the first few episodes of the season were about Kurt coming to terms with his feelings and the status quo, the next few (as told by Sue in the next episode) are about Kurt and Blaine becoming friends again.  And no matter how much is going on with the competition between glee clubs.  Kurt and Blaine are still in each other’s circles, and are still there to help each other out.  
So, um, yeah, there’s a literal bear in the apartment (and I think that the Karofsky freaking out about it part of it is to a) be funny, and b) show that Karofsky isn’t the scary dude we all knew from season two).  It is bizarre that a literal bear would be in the (brightly rainbow colored) apartment.  But, you know, that’s Sue for you - and Kurt catches on pretty quickly.  
I also kind of wonder if this is the first time Kurt’s been over there.  Huh. 
Delicious Porcelain Rump Roast
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So, Kurt’s second trip back to Sue’s office is less lighthearted and annoyed - and more just plain angry.  And, I used to think this was slightly over played by Chris, but now that I’m watching this within context, I think maybe it’s not... 
Sue, literally, put a live bear in someone’s apt - and even if it was a cub, it’s still incredibly dangerous - and could have hurt someone badly.  Not to mention the cost of getting it out was probably not cheap.  Sue’s meddling dangerously in his life now - so of course he’s going to be adamant that he doesn’t want her help -- because it’s supposedly the only way it’s going to get her to stop.  
He also takes the moment to tell Sue that he’s met someone online.  And I have to figure that after the Brittany conversation, he went onto the dating sites he was using before he figured out his feelings, and tried again.  And this time met a dude who seems to really like Golden Girls, too, and I’m sure they’ve been up talking a lot.  Which I’m sure is a nice thing -- because having fun talking about old TV shows vs drowning in the misery of watching the person you’re deeply in love with live with your old tormentor - I can see why Kurt’s in the mindset he’s in.  
Anyway, he tells Sue to stop - but then Sue goes on another meta rant about how he can’t date because the dude will eat him alive because, let’s face it, after six years, Kurt Hummel has become a delicious little porcelain rump roast.  Thank you, Glee, for that nice long pan up and down Kurt’s full body.  Lol.  
As funny as Sue’s whole thing is, Kurt backs away slowly because she is freakin’ crazy, and she does need to butt out cause it really isn’t any of her business.  
Prep Work
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So - this little scene is about Rachel and Kurt being teachers - and dumping a lot of exposition about the invitationals.  There’s not a whole lot of meta-ish things to say (other than Kurt’s literally twitchy at Rachel’s new piano skills), but it’s a fun and comedic little scene - where they try to give a nice pep talk to the newbies, but you know, there are only four of them and there are lot of things that could go wrong.  
Btw - is it just me or is Lea Michelle extra orange in this episode? 
I suppose this is the point where I should probably mention that season 6′s actual driving plot line is the same as season 1 - to get these kids to sectionals.  And a lot of effort is placed into that, and you know, we have a tendency just to forget that because we’re so focused on the Klaine aspect of everything.  But I’m saying this now because I think when looking at it in full context, the last three-ish episodes before the end make a lot more sense when we see that the story isn’t about the personal lives of Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson (or even, really, much of Rachel Berry) but getting the glee club back on track.  And, eh.  Fine.  I would have preferred a different direction - but they’re trying hard to recapture that season 1 stuff.  And while I enjoy season six more than maybe most people - I still think they could have gone in maybe a more interesting and less rehashed direction for their last season. 
But, eh, they’re doing a full circle thing - so I get it.  
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So, Blaine comes in looking for Rachel for piano lessons - but she’s off sharing a pretzel with Sam because -- you know what, let’s not talk about that plot line.  Anyway, Kurt’s in the auditorium, too - and they both kinda eye-roll Figgins (who’s been reduced to janitor, btw).  Which reminds me - the scene before this is the scene where Figgins’s sister shows up as the Carmel High principal, and it is utterly one of my favorite things they’ve ever done.  
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As soon as Figgins leave - we get Blaine in an upset pout.  And you know what, Kurt’s gonna go ahead and see what’s up.  Cause you know what? Kurt does care - and because they care.  And because they’re getting that friendship back.  It’s interesting to me - that even though there’s a high level of angst in this scene (and god is there) our beloved obligatory Klaine scene is the only scene in which Kurt is mostly relaxed? I mean - he’s not having to yell at Sue, or be professor to a bunch of kids, or have a super awkward date.  He’s just Kurt here - and Blaine’s just Blaine.  And I think it’s the first time in a while that they’re kind of openly just being themselves! 
The awkwardness is stems from the fact that this conversation? It’s about being romantically involved with other people.  Which - is a super weird conversation to be having with your ex.  But interestingly, pushing that awkwardness aside, they both seem to be there for each other.  Kurt’s going to reassure Blaine that Sue’s just messing with he and Karofsky - and they aren’t actually related, while Blaine’s going to wish Kurt best of luck on his upcoming date.  
Even if they didn’t get back together - I get the impression that they still benefit from being in each other’s lives.  As much as this scene is awkward - neither of them are being open to anyone else on the show right now.  It’s baby steps for them - but they were (are) also best friends - and not to diminish the friendships they have with Sam and Rachel respectively, there’s a bond that they share that’s...different than what they share with Sam and Rachel. 
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There’s an interesting additional layer of complexity on this scene, though.  First of all, Kurt telling Blaine about his date -- it’s the first signifies to Blaine that he can be upset with Kurt all he wants, but he’s got to sort out his feelings.  Because if he doesn’t, maybe he and Kurt are really over.  
See - before Kurt says his little admission, they discuss Sue trying to get them back together.  And Blaine’s very adamant that as nice it was that they’re each other’s first everythings -- they’ve moved on and don’t want to get back together.  Blaine’s totally on the same page on that sentiment.  Maybe even more so than Kurt, because Kurt’s definitely more hesitant when they discuss it.  But then, bam! Kurt has a date and -- oh shit reality time for Blaine.  
Kurt says they’re being adult about it -- and they really are.  But saying you’re over your ex and actually being over your ex are two different things.  And I think this is the wake-up call Blaine needed. 
Meanwhile, Kurt is open and honest with Blaine -- and ACTUALLY TALKING TO HIM! Can we not down play that aspect? Communication has always been their hard spot, but here, despite the level of difficulty, they’re having and open and more mature conversation.  And yeah - angst flying everywhere -- but you know what? They’re growing up, too, and will be soon ready to be in that adult relationship. 
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Well - maturity aside, it’s still not an easy conversation to have, and Blaine kinda gets outta there before they can get into it any more.  
There’s another awkward hug - not as weird as the Scandals one, but it’s always strange having to distance yourself from someone you’ve been very intimate with - and while they’re beginning to get comfortable with each other again, the physical intimacy boundaries are still very awkward.  
But then we have this last little moment of Kurt by himself.  Despite actually being interested in going on this date - he’s not Blaine, and that hurt and sadness and longing are still there.  He can yell at Sue all he wants, and he can tell Blaine they’re fine all he wants, but when he’s alone, he allows his misery to show through.  
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Oh man - where do I even begin with this, lol
So, first of all, Walter totally was not what Kurt was expecting - and Kurt’s first reaction was to get the hell outta there.  It is creepy - this dude in his 50s purposely did not disclose the fact that he’s twice this kids’ age - and had kids, to get a date.  I’m sorry, like, creepy vibes all over.  I don’t necessarily think Walter turns out to be that way - but Kurt has every right to just jet -- which he kind of tries to do at first, honestly. 
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Kurt’s face when Walter says he’s on instagram! 
So - here’s the thing to remember about this.  Despite the fact that this whole Walter thing is going to go on for a few episodes -- Glee is going out of their way to show that this is totally not a thing to last.  First of all, Walter is much older and just not on the same wave length as Kurt -- I mean, all the old people jokes from the earlier episodes in the season were totally setting this up -- but Kurt doesn’t necessarily want to date anyone his dad’s age.  
Secondly, this dude’s got a ton of baggage - he’s divorced, has kids, and is just coming to terms with the fact that he’s gay -- and which can be super awkward on a whole lot of levels.  There are a ton of red flags here, which is why, again, Kurt’s first instinct is to get the hell outta there. But it’s also a way for the writers to show that -- this isn’t a love connection or a good match.  Enjoying the Golden Girls is not a basis for a full functioning romantic relationship when there are a ton of other red flags going on.  
But to clarify a little bit - it’s obvious that Kurt and Walter are at two very different points of their lives, and that alone shows that this isn’t something that’s meant to last.  It’s here to be the last roadblock before Kurt and Blaine reconcile.  
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I will say that I do find it kinda funny that Kurt got completely distracted by someone agreeing with him about Golden Girls being the best sitcom ever.  
However! Here’s the thing - Kurt’s got a ton of baggage, too, and like Adam - I’m a little sad we didn’t see these midgames explored just a tag more - because it would have been fun to see just how much Kurt goes on about Blaine unintentionally and be just as awkward and weird as Walter is when he’s talking about his ex-wife and kids.  
Why does Kurt end up sticking around? Because fundamentally - Kurt is a good person.  And he knows what it’s like to be gay, and just need someone there to know that you’re not alone.  He doesn’t owe Walter anything, but Kurt does have compassion, even if it’s for this late bloomer gay.  
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Meanwhile, I know what you’re thinking -- do you think they hook up?  After this scene, no.  Walter states he’d like to start as friends, and that’s the only reason Kurt sticks around.  
Later? Well - I could make a case for either way.  The narrative is going to go out of its way to show how they’re rather platonic (really - while Blaine and Karofsky get jokes about their sex life, Kurt gets jokes about how he doesn’t have sex).   I also think that being someone’s first experience could be pressure that Kurt may not want to take on.   
At the same time, I think Kurt enjoys sex - and kind of the way Blaine’s not letting his relationship with Karofsky be intense, I think Kurt could be fine with some casual sex.  I think he has gotten to that point in his life where sex and love/romance don’t need to be so tangled with one another.  He’s still in love with Blaine, his heart won’t change.  But enjoying the physical side of things - I think he’s grown up enough to feel okay with doing that.  
And like Adam - it’s your choice.  I’m kind of indifferent on it, and like I said, could easily make a case for either one. 
That all said - do I think Walter was a necessity? No - I think there are other ways you can show someone moving on from a relationship that don’t involve dating another person.  But this is a) Glee - where they don’t know how else to tell these kinds of stories and b) mainstream society in which it’s routine to tell stories like this.  So I get it.  
Invitationals (Part 1)
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Meanwhile, back in the overarching plot of the season - invitationals happen.  And Will decides to not do as Rachel asks and actually preps his group and not throw it.  To be fair, she should have never asked.  Still - he’s kind of a dick about it.  
And we’re forced to sit through two unnecessary vocal adrenaline songs because the episode was running a little light on music.  
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I’m with ya Kurt.  Because while VA is flashy, there is almost no vocal showmanship when your lyrics consist solely of ‘rock lobster’ and ‘whip it’.  How can these even be songs for a glee club? Ug, this show.  
The only meaningful thing is that Kurt shares a ‘wtf’ look with Blaine.  They may have opposite groups, but they both can agree that Will and VA and this whole ending five minutes is just stupid.  
Get back to the more interesting plot, show, no one cares... 
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Your recent (and fabulous) meta masterposts reminded me I wanted to ask you for advice in linking other people's meta to your own meta, specifically: is there any sort of etiquette when linking meta that isn't yours, particularly if you've never really talked to the original writer before, and the meta you are writing can be viewed as wanky/not a popular topic of discussion in fandom? Is tagging them optional or an unspoken rule? I would like to avoid stepping on anyone's toes ifpossible Thnx!
Heya :D 
I’ve had it hammered into me to always cite sources, and I think that is true in fandom with meta. I do see it as a body of academic work, if very loosely and conversationally. Like… rogue academia being accessed by everyone. End result is still an enormous collection of written work. And in that case you should show fair and square what you’re talking about if you’re staring a new post and not replying. I think linking is always important unless you’re at the most grumbly dotposting vagueblog part of complaining about wank. (I complain about wank this way a lot as a way to vent and show I know about something going around fandom and here’s my 1 line opinion but I don’t wanna get involved :P)
I think it’s very contextual about tagging people in meta though… If they seem open to discussion and their original post was low-wank for the subject (e.g. not screeching about something, or showing obvious angry feelings you’ll never overcome such as character or writer hate that the root causes are too deep to rationalise with in 1 post about what is just a tangential topic to the wank) then I would tag. I’d link to say this is informing my own post and I’m not arguing or tearing things down. I think a lot of the problem in fandom is people assume if you post a reply, it’s, well… a riposte or something. 
I got caught out by it recently replying in the bubble under a post I saw on my dash in the SPN meta tag - the reply I got was assuming I was attacking and defending, while I’d read their tone as quite mild and not hate-filled, so I offered an insight on the thing in the spirit of cross-fandom unity, and was surprised to realise they thought I was defending, which drastically altered my tone into seeming to suggest all sorts of things I hadn’t meant or considered… I forget that no matter how many smilies you cram in to try and look friendly, if people are on the defence from certain things, there is no way to project your chill personality into their life >.> 
(I am now aware I’m vagueblogging but I plagued that poor person’s replies way too much trying probably unsuccessfully to clear up that confusion that I am super chill and read critical meta all the time as a hobby without taking personal offence, and at this point I’m too embarrassed to go back or tag them here :P)
Another thing is if you link their meta, try not to make your meta look like a point by point tear down, but just something informing your thoughts - if you break down every reason you think they’re wrong, it’s going to look rude if you tag them or don’t tag them, no matter how chill you try to be. I try to do this sort of thing by explaining my point of view on a thing by going back to the start and offering my own explanation for the situation or analysis based on things I think, and it’s okay to leave out parts of their stuff you don’t agree with if you can’t weave it into your positive explanation.
I also try really really hard to address all things positively - start as many meta posts as I can with “I love” or “this interests me” or “I would enjoy conversation on this” or other phrases to try and convey you’re making something constructive and for your own enjoyment, or reply to asks with positive affirmations about what they say even if you have some other contrary thoughts. Introduce contrary meta only after putting a positive buffer in rather than introducing like “I have some shit to say” :P Talk up whatever you can that you agree with and makes positive ground, and try to see the other side first before explaining your own… The old Here’s Argument A, I think Argument B, here’s my conclusion which concedes all interpretations are valid but I do still like B better and it fits into my world view more neatly. That sort of thing. I mean I’m not consistently good at this because when I’m tired or grumpy structure goes out the window (sentence, paragraph and essay :P), but when I try and put my thinking cap on, full positivity about everything is my watch word.
Anyway if you try to make your own post as gentle as possible towards the wank, it means tagging someone in it can more clearly be seen as a courtesy towards crediting their idea and offering another opinion which you can clarify you know this is what they think and you’re not demanding they change their mind, but here’s my post about it, thanks for the step up with your post :P 
But yeah, I am a bundle of social anxiety so I tend to tag probably less than I should. That meta post I nearly sweated myself dry worrying if I should tag the OP of the other bi dean masterpost (I did in the end) because I’ve never talked to them, and it did look like stepping on their toes, even though it was something I’ve meant to do for ages, and was fundamentally different to theirs by having a lot of meta back and forth and collections of wide-ranging essays rather than a join the dots through canon like theirs, which is a much easier post to show people for the specific answer to “why do you think Dean is bi” rather than collecting up what I’m interested in fandom… *and that one wasn’t even at all wanky* :P
ANYWAY I think it is rude to link or mention someone’s meta and then do a tear down. I think it’s rude to tag someone when you’re mostly just complaining about their post or only writing to disagree with their concept, and I think it’s pointless to tag anyone who looks like they’re just snap back or block you. I *don’t* think that you shouldn’t ever tag someone you disagree with, as long as you can be constructive and kind. I’ve seen untagged posts with meta disagreements that could have been perfectly civil and not rude IF they’d tagged, because the actual content of both posts seemed to be a fairly constructive discussion, if only they’d been courteous to why they were writing their counter. Of course discovering you’ve been vagueblogged at is never fun and it turns you into the strawman or object of ridicule. I think tagging someone and knowing there’s a full chance they’ll read  what you say even if they will disagree SHOULD be a good incentive to write politely and civilly but then on the wide internet that is not a very common courtesy >.>
(I think it’s excellent that you asked btw… We need more discussions on fandom courtesy.)
(And of course I’m 100% open to people replying or tagging me in discussing whether I’m right or some of this is rude in practice or whatever. :P)
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ikonis · 7 years
@hanbinjob said:
 I honestly feel like this person is asking you to convince them otherwise.  I don't think they're necessarily blaming Hanbin; maybe they want confirmation of their perception, or to be proven wrong on what they'd seen. I agree that they should put some effort into deciding for themselves whether or not Hanbin really is who they thought, but I don't actually think they're trying to be a jerk, just open to the idea that perhaps they're wrong about their impressions. :D
The thing is I heard this too often. It’s really easy to blame hanbin for the fact that they can’t seem to get to like iKON. If you don’t even know that he isn’t like what people try to make him look like then idk tbh. I tried to show people what kind of person he is, I answered many anons regarding this topic & even made tons of masterposts and gif sets. But that isn’t even necessary. If you try to get to know iKON, you’d normally watch some of their videos right? At least one interview or idk an iKONTACT. Just by doing that much you will already realize that hanbin isn’t like what you thought he would be like. It just takes that much effort. But if you don’t even try to get to know them by doing THAT much, then that’s your problem. I’m not here to explain hanbin’s personality to people who hate him. I’m not here to try to convince them to like him. All I can do is to show you their videos, make gifs and give you a little introduction about the boys and the fandom. And I did ALL of that, many many times. So if you really want to know more but don’t want to look for videos or stuff like that all you have to do is to just check our tags. If you blame your dislike or hate on hanbin then do it but pls leave me out of it. I’m tired of it by now. I’m not trying to be rude to that anon, all I’m saying is that they obviously didn’t put any effort in getting to know hanbin better. I can’t do anything about their feelings. If they don’t like him, then that’s their personal thing. I think It’s better for them to not get into iKON in that case. cause OT7 is really strong and if you only like one member and try to drag the others, or if you don’t like one member then I guarantee you that iKONICs will come for you. And in this case we’re talking about THE LEADER, the boy who btw is responsible for 80% of the stuff iKON releases, the guy who doesn’t sleep so that his members can sleep in peace, the one dude who
wrote lyrics like this:
“The reason why I can’t run away when the gun is pointing at me? Huh? The reason why I can’t sleep in peace during the night after dark? What am I living for? I’m living for my fam, for my fan, do this thing for my team, for myself.”
“Brothers that share blood and flesh I was trying to protect.”
“I told them to trust me, that we will succeed for sure. With the weight of not just my life but six others on my shoulders, looking for chances.” (this is from climax, the most iconic and best known song by them come on)
And said stuff like this:
"What if I'm not there on the stage in 100 days? What if my team is not there? Bobby's came all the way from the states, Jinhwan has come from Jeju Island, Junhoe and Donghyeok do not go to school to practice more. How on Earth can I let them lose the game?” (this is literally from ep 1 of WIN if you didn’t even triy to get to know iKON by watching this, then I’m sorry but you put absolutely NO EFFORT in it)
“After win we had no idea what would happen to our team and when we would debut. So what I could do as the leader was to protect the team. What could I do was to produce good songs.” 
"I'm thankful for so many things but I'm speechless right now. Mostly I'm thankful that you followed me so faithfully. And I'm sorry. For everything. I'm just....I'm sorry for alot of things but I'm not gonna change and I'm just going to keep being sorry." (to his members)
So you either try to get to know them by looking at the thousand of masterposts, the gifsets, the introductions, the fansites & the many many videos OR you keep blaming hanbin for not liking iKON and don’t get into the group. Also if the anon only dislikes hanbin, wouldn’t that mean that they at least tried to know more about the other members? What means that they’d also know how much all the members love, adore and respect hanbin, as a leader & also as brother & friend.
“B.I is the best leader in the world.” - Jinhwan
“If it wasn’t for B.I, we wouldn’t be here.” -Bobby
“B.I’s leadership is what got us to this point.” -Yunhyeong 
“When I blamed myself and gave up on myself, you would practice with me until dawn and said to me "What do you mean you can't do it?. You can do anything you set your mind to". Whenever it was hard or something didn't work out I think of your words and see you hyung and how hard you still work and gather myself up and try again. What it means to be a leader in hyung's eyes...I learn so much by watching you. What it means to be diligent.. you try your best for all of us and for the excellence of our performance yet try to keep the atmosphere light w/ jokes and in so doing, you draw out team B's charms. You are forever my leader and hyung who is like a friend.” - Donghyuk
Hanbin is hands down the best leader I’ve ever seen. Saying he only cares about himself is 10000% false. It’s a fact that iKON only got another chance because hanbin worked his ass off after win and that even tho he went through a depression at that time. iKON wouldn’t be ANYWHERE without him. The members & iKONICs are super thankful to him for always giving his best. 
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