#i have similar opinions on trevelyans
solsthiems · 1 year
maybe im just a hater but ive never really liked the cousland origin. its generic, its boring, and all the other origins are way more interesting both plot-wise and lore-wise.
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solavelyan · 11 months
3, 5 & 22 for choose violence!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
lkaj;fdsf god. i think the most recent one was someone speculating on why of all the inquisition love interests, blackwall isn't as popular, and one of their guesses was that people don't like him as much because he's available to dwarves and qunari. as if people are so comically "prejudiced" against dwarves and qunari that the love interests that will fuck them are somehow tainted. that was pretty fucking stupid.
but one of the ones that really stuck with me was someone who said that... if you dislike cullen, you actually hate drug addicts in real life and you're a bad person. as if that's the only reason he might not be your favorite. pffff.
5. worst discord server and why
the one i'm not in anymore. :3
okay but realtalk, i'm not quite high or brave enough to give a specific name, but i will say that i think it's easy for writing-focused discords to get into a sort of feedback loop that it turns out i just really don't enjoy. some of that is definitely me, but i think i have similar feelings to some other people who were on the same servers as i was and left (the feeling of some spaces being a popularity contest, being unsure of how genuine feedback was at any given time because it could feel transactional, just not necessarily vibing with the sort of unspoken preferences of the group wrt canon interpretation/fanon/etc.).
i also just don't like servers that get above a certain member count because they're too active and i feel obligated to read everything and know everything and then i get anxiety lmao. my ideal server size is like... somewhere under 100 people, probably realistically somewhere south of 50. so that's just me.
most of my fannish group activities before 2022 were either just out in the wild on tumblr, or RP circles in IJ, so i had a bit of a discord culture shock after keeping to myself for so long. and i will say that while some people who are loud about being "live and let live" and being open to other people's opinions are being genuine, functionally... yeah, any contained group of people that gets to a certain size is going to start emulating the behaviors of wider fandom, but in ways much more specific to the driving personalities of those servers.
so you end up with some really wild, overly dramatic discussions of "fandom problems" that functionally only affect the 5 people having that discussion and the maybe 3 or 4 other people that got under their skin about it, so you end up with takes like... well, like in my last question, proposing that a straight white man love interest in a fandom historically pretty friendly to straight white men must be unpopular because he's marginalized somehow, and not because his competition was Ex-Templar Fandom Has Been Thirsting Over Since DAO, What the Fuck Do You Mean That's Freddie Prinze, Jr.?, Charismatically Voice Acted Gay Magic Man from Cool Fantasy Rome, and Tragic Elf Man Ianto Jones. people were just not as into burly bearded dilfy types in 2015 as they are now. it's not a mystery, but if your fishbowl is curved enough, it sure looks like one.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
oh, this is probably small and silly, but that bit of flavor text at the beginning of Inquisition for the human pc mentions that trevelyan is from a huge family with close ties to the templar order, is the youngest child of multiple siblings, and was expected to go into service to the chantry, either as a templar or in the clergy. i've seen a lot of religious trevelyans, but i rarely see them portrayed as templars or chantry clergy or something. i'm honestly really surprised, given how popular some of the templar npcs are, that we weren't awash in templar ocs during inquisition's heyday.
i don't mind feeling relatively unique (i think i've only seen one or two other templar trevelyans but that's about it), but this is one of those things that always surprises me when i'm the only one rocking up with an ex-templar oc in a given group. they're so interesting! i would totally read someone else's take on the concept.
[ from the choose violence ask meme ]
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
Omg, same! I always felt a little like the odd one out for making my Cousland a fantasy catholic asshole; like, everyone else seemed to love this warden origin. But… I just do not care about playing as a human noble, lmao. I’m probably a bit biased, but part of the appeal of playing as the warden is that they are not who your typical Andastrian would choose as a hero—they are an elf, or a dwarf, or a mage! Hell, even playing as Aeducan is much more interesting; no one on the surface gives a shit that they were once royalty. To everyone there, they are just a dwarf.
Ugh, sorry to come rambling into your inbox. I was just happy to see someone else with a similar opinion. 🤗
yeahhhhhhh the whole 'evil playthrough' [gasp] its an aeducan/cadash sure reeks of something! :^)
honestly in many ways, aedan was not intended to become who he was but i made him and during his origin i was like yea this makes sense. i basically made aedan, hated him, and then was like wait. he can be a stock villain for all my banal evil needs. the way bioware keeps reverting canon to what they need it to be despite player choice in dao made sense with my cousland as prince-consort.
i SUPPOSE fem!cousland could get interesting to me (i do kinda stan her for propositioning duncan in front of her dad. m!couslands wish they had balls like that) esp if she actually enjoys being a warden so refuses to take the throne or idk marries alistair without having romanced him For Ferelden or something but i guess the almost fairytale-esque possibilities of the cousland pt doesnt always jive with me. & i think its the same for me in dai too, where i only really enjoy playing a mage trevelyan and all my non-mage trevelyans become stock villains for me to use in my narrative if i need a piece of shit noble for some nefarious thing.
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xtruss · 1 year
Opinion | Slavery: My Family Owned 1,000 Slaves and Profited From the Trade: This is How I am Trying to Make Amends
I left the BBC to fight for restorative justice. The £100,000 we have so far donated to Grenada should be seen only as a first step
— Laura Trevelyan, Former BBC Journalist | Saturday 25 March, 2023
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The bell of the Belmont Estate in Grenada, a former 17th-century slave plantation. Photograph: Georg Berg/Alamy
n 1833, when Britain finally abolished slavery, my ancestors were absentee owners of more than 1,000 enslaved people on the Caribbean island of Grenada. To the best of my knowledge, the Trevelyans never set foot on the island. They enjoyed the profits that came rolling in from sugar harvested by exploited and brutalised enslaved people thousands of miles away across the Atlantic Ocean.
Like much of Britain, my ancestors never had to confront the face of slavery – or its sordid legacy. Generations later, my extended family spent a year debating how we could respond to the horrors of the past. The deafening silence from the descendants of slave owners, from other families like ours, causes unimaginable pain, Sir Hilary Beckles of the Caribbean Community’s Reparations Commission told us. He convinced us of the power of an apology and encouraged us to lead by example.
So we wrote a letter of apology to the people of Grenada and decided to donate more than £100,000 to education projects on the island. After emancipation, most former enslaved people were illiterate. Helping Grenadian students build a brighter future through education seemed like the obvious way to try to repair the damage of the past.
In February, I travelled with six members of the Trevelyan family to Grenada to apologise in person. As we sat in the trade centre of Grenada’s picturesque capital, St George’s, preparing to deliver our apology, I grew anxious. Would we receive a hostile reception? What if this backfired horribly, and put back the very cause we were trying to advance? I could hear the drumming coming from a protest outside by a Rastafarian tribe, whose members felt the amount of money we were donating was wholly inadequate.
You could feel the raw emotion in the room. The Grenadian poet Nigel De Gale spoke before me of wanting to live like the slave master did, to see white people slave for him. I tried to keep my poker face intact, confronted with this powerful articulation of the anger so many must feel. It was against this backdrop that my cousin John Dower and I read out our apology to the people of Grenada. We hoped we could at least acknowledge the suffering our ancestors had inflicted on Grenadians, and perhaps encourage other families in similar positions to do the same. The country’s young prime minister, Dickon Mitchell, graciously thanked us, and said he forgave us. It was an incredible relief.
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Enslaved people unloading a ship’s cargo of ice from Maine at Grenada. Photograph: Granger/Historical Picture Archive/Alamy
Afterwards, I found the reaction in Grenada to be mixed. Some people were understandably upset to be confronted with the face of slave ownership, and wanted to know why we were giving such a small amount of money compared with the wealth our ancestors had accumulated. Once slavery was abolished, compensation was paid by the British government to the slave owners to make up for their loss of “property”. In 1834, the Trevelyans received the equivalent of about £3m in today’s money. “I know it seems inadequate,” I said, “but it’s a first step.” At the same time, I was heartened to hear of the healing power of our apology. “A burden that I didn’t even know I was carrying has been lifted,” one woman told me. “Thank you for coming forward.”
Of course, it’s not just my family that has benefited from this system of wealth extraction. Britain’s Industrial Revolution was fuelled by money from the slave trade, making us a rich nation. After abolition, the Caribbean islands were left with an impoverished, mostly illiterate workforce – while Britain leapt forward into a golden age of prosperity.
When the UK needed a workforce after the second world war, the Windrush ship was sent to the economically distressed Caribbean colonies. Descendants of the enslaved came in their thousands to help build postwar Britain. Beckles has called this sordid legacy Britain’s black debt. Now is the time to repay that debt.
This reckoning did not start with my family. Powerful questions in the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the Black Lives Matter movement are forcing governments, institutions and families to examine their history. As the past recedes, it also comes into focus more clearly. The Dutch government has apologised for the Netherlands’ role in the slave trade, and established a fund to help tackle the legacy of slavery. The Church Commissioners have apologised for their links to the slave trade and established a £100m fund to try to address past wrongs.
Now, Trinity College, Cambridge – of which my great-grandfather the historian George Macaulay Trevelyan was master – is examining if it benefited from slavery. GM Trevelyan glossed over the slave trade in his bestselling histories of England. But today a new momentum is building; one that accepts that the wealth of European countries was built from transatlantic slavery, and tries to make amends.
The Labour MP Clive Lewis, who is of Grenadian descent, recently asked parliament why the British government can’t apologise for slavery and pay reparations, as our family has done. Since my trip to Grenada, I have been inundated with messages from families in similar positions to ours who want to know how to make things right. Last week I left the BBC, after a 30-year career, which was a joy and a privilege, to campaign for reparative justice full-time and encourage Britain to face up to its colonial debt.The coronation of King Charles in May is an opportunity to talk about the royal family’s links to slavery. Commonwealth leaders from the formerly enslaved nations will be there in Westminster Abbey. As the king himself has said about the enduring impact of slavery: “This is a conversation whose time has come.”
— Laura Trevelyan is a former BBC journalist who campaigns for reparatory justice
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notsuchacleverboyq · 3 years
My Favourite 007 Headcanons
Based on this Instagram post I posted a while ago.
1) 007 and 006
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We all know Alec Trevelyan (even if I haven't watched this movie in more or less three years). He is the agent 006 who at some point happens to betray 007 in GoldenEye.
Some fans have started shipping Brosnan's 007 and Alec Trevelyan, making them the most lethal ship I've ever heard of.
I happened to read an exquisite Fanfiction in which Q always refused to introduce his family to James (who was his lover). Obviously, Bond got pretty mistrustful of the entire situation and decided to secretly follow Q when he went visiting his parents. Bond fell into a trap, literally speaking, and found himself in front of the former 007 (Pierce Brosnan) and Alec Trevelyan.
I have no idea about how the author dealt with Alec's betray, but that's not really important for the post anyway.
After a talk with Q and his family, Bond found out some things:
The former 007 and 006 were engaged (the ship I previously talked about);
Q 007's biological son and 006's stepson;
Q has a step sister, who's 006's biological daughter.
The best part of the Fanfiction was that no one in the family happened to be straight.
After this, I immediately loved the idea of 007 and 006 being engaged and raising Q together, mostly because it gave an explanation to the quartermaster's skills at dealing with Bond's daily shit and everything.
This is the Fanfiction.
2) Tanner and Q
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I'm not actually sure whether I have a real position about this Headcanon, nor if I actually like it, but I suppose it could make sense.
I once happened to read a Fanfiction (again) in which they gave to understand that Q and Tanner had been in a relationship in the past.
I mean, why not?
According to this Headcanon, Q and Tanner used to be together when Q still wasn't working for MI6 or had not earned an high position yet; they eventually broke up due to professionalism matters or because they agreed the relationship couldn't have quite worked.
I have honestly never thought about Tanner as queer, I have thought for years that he always came home to his wife or girlfriend after the workshift was over; but I don't dislike the idea.
Furthermore, it's obvious how Q and Tanner get along really well.
3) Q is Trans
⚠️There might be a minor No Time to Die spoiler at this point but it has nothing to do with the plot itself⚠️
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This is one of my favourites.
There are three main versions of this Headcanon:
Trans man;
Whatever your opinion is, Q spreads queer energy: it's undeniable and, most importantly, FINALLY CANON.
(He's not canonically trans, but you get what I mean).
Anyway, I'm really fond of this headcanon, I think I made it clear, and for one specific reason: Q is a role model for some trans fans (and cis) who use Q's character to cope with their body dysphoria.
I happen to fall in this category.
We find ourselves in a situation in which the relationship with our body can present as particularly difficult (whether we're talking about body dysphoria due to transition or having a "too thin" type of body, for example, even if the last example is about something different).
In this way, people find someone who's similar to them and has the same problems: they feel less alone in the struggle.
4) Bond is Rufus Sixsmith's Reincarnation
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This needs to be explained meticulously.
I think it makes sense, but don't ask why because I don't know the correct answer to such a question.
Both Bond and Sixsmith are blond with grey/blue eyes. I think we can agree on it.
But the characters are completely different: Bond is an impulsive dickhead, while Sixsmith is considerably more patient and reflexive.
But why does this theory make sense?
They have one thing in common: Ben Whishaw.
Both of these characters interact with one of Whishaw's character in the movie: Robert Frobisher and Q.
It doesn't matter that Sixsmith was Robert's lover and Q, sadly, just Bond's colleague.
However, this Headcanon can be well understood only by explaining what happens in Cloud Atlas.
The book and the movie result different about the resurrection we're talking about:
The book: in the book the main character has always reborn as the main character. In fact, they all have an identical mark on the shoulder because they are the same person, just living a different life in a different body. And that's how Sixsmith recognises Robert in Luisa in the moment they meet in the lift; he literally asks: "Have we already met?".
The movie: the movie is a bit more controversial than the book. They decided to use the same actors to play different roles (so you could see an actor who's played a protagonist playing a side character). Because of this, my first interpretation of the movie was that every character reincarnates at some point and might happen to be a protagonist. In fact, the movie is mostly about karma and how someone who's been unlucky and mistreated by others will be in the opposite situation in the next life (and vice versa). Also, the characters keep interacting with eachother, meeting through time, as if they were naturally drawn forward eachother. Ben Whishaw's characters and James Darcy's ones are the only that never interact again after Robert's death. The problem is that, even in the movie, Sixsmith asks Luisa if they had already met: it might be because she's a journalist and he might have heard about her, or because he sensed the mark on her skin (?).
Following the movie theory (and cowardly avoiding the problem) the Headcanon can make sense.
If it's true that characters are drawn to eachother, Sixsmith and Robert can meet again while being respectively Bond and Q.
Also, Sixsmith dies in 1973 and it is acceptable for Bond to be born around that year. Furthermore, being Robert's reincarnation still alive at the time (meaning that he died later), this gives us the age difference we need for Bond and Q.
It's a good theory for 00Q fans because Robert and Sixsmith were lovers and 00Q has more chances to happen; for Cloud Atlas fans, it's good because, finally, Robert and sixsmith can meet again.
5) Q is a a Former 004
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Still Fanfictions.
That said Fanfiction, was about Bond being assigned a mission together with 004, who turned out to be Q (who wasn't Q yet).
There was also a oneshot in which Q bursted in the field to help Bond and he reveals he used to be 004.
Why is this Headcanon good?
Because it gives us a character development which we could have gotten before if they hadn't decided to destroy the Spectre script.
Why did Q leave the field?
There are two opinions about it:
It wasn't for him: just like Moneypenny, at some point he decided to leave the field because he noticed he couldn't fit in such a profession;
An accident: there was a pretty rough accident during a mission that got Q leave the field as soon as possible (the accident can change).
There is also a theory about Q being a former MI5 agent but leaving the job due to a shooting in which he got hit.
6) Q is Vesper's brother
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I have already made an entire post about Q and Vesper being ridiculously similar: the hair, the eyes, the way they interact with Bond, their temper... They're almost identical.
This lays out all of the needed elements for Q and Vesper to be siblings.
There are also interesting factors that could be used for Fanfictions related to this:
Bond being overprotective of Q;
Q not knowing for sure about what happened to Vesper and getting mad at Bond once he finds out;
Bond getting desperate once and if he falls for Q;
Also, if we consider the actors, both Ben Whishaw and Eva Green were born in the same year, which could make Q and Vesper twins, other than siblings.
7) Q's name
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We know that this version of Q lacks of a personal identity: he doesn't have a name, while the previous versions did.
Fans have been forced to make up one by themselves. The most common choices are: Arthur, Andrew, Thomas, Daniel (London Spy fans ಥ‿ಥ), Ethan, Gabriel, Kian...
But there are also fans who follow a sort of Headcanon: making a quick research, internet would tell that every M in 007 movies (and books) had a surname that started with an M; these fans follow this logic.
Just like in M's case, they tend to use a name that starts with Q for the quartermaster: Quinn, Quincey, Quince...
I honestly love "Quincey", despite having used "Arthur" for a quite long period; just like for the trans!Q Headcanon, I'll start using "Quincey" and won't stop.
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quietsun5268 · 3 years
[dai spoilers] (Poll) Which Inquisitor is paired well with each love interests?
In one of my posts, it involves which Race type Warden do you think is paired with each love interests (https://quietsun5268.tumblr.com/post/664207003005206528/spoilers-all-poll-which-warden-is-paired-well). This one involves which Race type Inquisitor do you think is paired well with each love interests. What's your opinion about it?
Cullen Rutherford
Elf: When she and Cullen get married, he's respectable her beliefs and doesn't have a problem with her saying her Dalish vows
If you're a Mage, regardless if you're Elf or Human, then it adds an extra dimension to the romance given his past.
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Which Inquisitor Do You Like Cullen With?: https://strawpoll.com/v4c9dvb4r
Josephine Montilyet
Qunari: Their romance their relationship can have shades of Beast and Beauty.
Dwarf: When playing as a Dwarf, she'll ask them for their opinion on the absurd rumors that they're a Carta member that were started to damage their reputation. When they tell her those "rumors" are fact, she gives a very downplayed, "Oh. Oh dear...". Is there a problem right there?
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Which Inquisitor Do You Like Josephine With?: https://strawpoll.com/2sy58sy2c
Dwarf: Both of them are ex-criminals trying to make a new life. Even Blackwall will acknowledge the similarity himself.
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Which Inquisitor Do You Like Blackwall With?: https://strawpoll.com/4ugu26uhp
Cassandra Pentaghast
Elf: I don't think romancing her with an elf is a good idea. Bring her to the Temple of Mythal, and she starts spouting very anti-elven views and show little to no respect for elven history or the ancient elves. She does something similar parts of the Jaws of Hakkon DLC. In my opinion this is out of character of her, since She's (mostly) very respectful to those with non-Andrastian views.
Qunari: Most of The Chantry hate the Qunari so pairing the Qunari Inquisitor with Cassandra adds layers to the romance.
Let's not forget being a Mage also adds layers to the romance.
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Which Inquisitor Do You Like Cassandra With?: https://strawpoll.com/4z3yqfxj4
The Iron Bull
Qunari: The Iron Bull has spent most of his life hunting down Tal-Vashoth, which are deserters. Romancing him as the Qunari Inquisitor might add layer since the Qunari Inquisitor isn't part of the Qun. I say might because they didn't defect/rebel, they just weren't raised in it, their parents would be classified as Tal-Vashoth though.
The Iron Bull is huge for a Qunari so so pairing him up with any races gives a Huge Guy, Tiny Person trope (I say person cause he's pansexual, and will romance the Inquisitor regardless of gender)
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Which Inquisitor Do You Like The Iron Bull With?: https://strawpoll.com/ju1dec8k9
Dorian Pavus
Elf: Dorian's from Tevinter which systemic enslavement of elves and most Dalish avoiding Tevinter due to said enslavement. This adds a layer the Elf Inquisitor and Dorian romance but downside is that there is not a single line of dialogue acknowledging their people's animosity. Dorian is the only companion who openly sympathizes with his plight and approves of them trying to help their people (without slipping in backhanded comments against the Dalish like Solas and Sera)
Qunari: Although you can romance Dorian in any race, you notice he does have a type, Burly men.
Human: Human Inquisitor is a very distant cousin of Dorian (so distant that it's pretty much a formality at this point). House Trevelyan was once a branch family of House Pavus that settled in Ostwick. Human Inquisitor can respond by asking if this means they can still flirt. He assures him that he's good to go by about three Ages.
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Which Inquisitor Do You Like Dorian With?: https://strawpoll.com/1dfwz2oe9
Elf: Not a good idea to pair Sera up with Elf Inquisitor. It's not just the difficulty, To me their relationship can be considered Toxic. I mean, Sera's ultimate involves Elf Inquisitor choosing between her beliefs or the relationship that can be considered a possible example (everyone has an opinion). Plus she makes fun of Elf Inquisitor's culture during the whole relationship. Another example, see the Human section.
Qunari: Sera does voice her attraction towards Qunari Woman. Let's no forget it's easy to get a high romantic approval from her if your Inquisitor's a Qunari.
Dwarf: But then again, it's also easy to get high romantic approval if your Inquisitor's a Dwarf too. Let's not forget Sara's possible relationship with Dagna. The downside is that the Dwarven Inquisitor can express discomfort over Sera constantly gushing over her being so little and "squeezy-cute". Sera brushes it off each time and gives non-answers.
Human: While Sera doesn't like nobles, she's fine with Human Inquisitor as long as she doesn't act like a jerk. She seems open minded of giving Human Inquisitor the benefit of the doubt, it does prove that she won't extend the same courtesy to Elf Inquisitor.
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Which Inquisitor Do You Like Sera With?: https://strawpoll.com/kb5ddzae4
I haven't added Solas since he only romances Elf Inquisitor.
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dalishious · 3 years
I've read that if the Inquisitor has the Champion specialization, they can talk with Gaspard about it in an extra dialogue. But no matter how I searched online I couldn't find the exchange and I never played champion in inquisition. Do you know what they say to each other? Is it possible to find out somewhere?
Inquisitor: I understand you're a chevalier. I've undergone similar training.
Gaspard: Ah, yes—a popular topic of conversation.
Inquisitor: Oh?
Gaspard: You may not wear the title, but to study...
[If Adaar] Gaspard: When one thinks of chevaliers, yours is not the image conjured. [If Cadash] Gaspard: Your colourful background makes it all the more intriguing. [If Lavellan] Gaspard: You'd be more of a scandal, were it not for Briala. [If Trevelyan] Gaspard: The Free Marcher turned knight. You've captured imaginations.
Inquisitor (A): I respect the honour and discipline required. There's nothing remarkable in that.
Gaspard: Such reserve! You've taken up the sword in pursuit of glory—what could be nobler? [To End]
Inquisitor (B): I may not look the part of a knight, but I respect the discipline and skill required.
Gaspard: Such reserve! You've taken up the sword in pursuit of glory—what could be nobler? [To End]
Inquisitor (C): Minor details. I could best the finest chevaliers.
Gaspard: (Laughs.) You have the arrogance for it. [To End]
Inquisitor (D): I don't need to prove myself to them.
[If high court approval] Gaspard: The court must find your candor novel. Or do you save it for me? [To End] [If low approval] Gaspard: Such delightful indifference! I doubt the court shares that opinion. [To End]
[If female] Gaspard: Come, my lady! My comrades-in-arms are rarely so charming. [If male] Gaspard: Come! We are kindred spirits, you and I. Brothers-in-arms must stand together.
Gaspard: Find a drink, and we shall toast to it.
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potatowitch · 3 years
Hawke as Companion
Template by @little-lightning-lavellan
Is your OC a Companion in the Dragon Age series? What would it be like for a player to select them to join their party for quests (or romance them, perhaps? 👀)
I did originally plan on doing this for my Inquisitor but, as always, I've got Hawke brainrot instead, and I figured writing some companion interactions would be so much more interesting with her as a companion than my Lavellan. This got .... very long.
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You have selected RIAN to join your party!
Gender: FEMALE
Class: MAGE
Specialization: BLOOD MAGE
Marian Elaine Hawke, known also as “Rian”, “Chuckles”, “Champion of Kirkwall” and “Hawke, NO” was born in 9:06 Dragon to Malcolm and Leandra Hawke. Despite having to keep her father's magic a secret, she was never led to believe that magic was anything but a gift. Therefore, she spent much of her younger years experimenting to see if she could produce magic, eventually managing at age 9 to light the fireplace with a tiny fireball.
Growing up, she was attached to Malcolm at the hip - the two of them shared not only their magic but their senses of humor and general chaotic energy.
After the Hawke family fled Lothering during the Blight, Hawke joined Athenril’s smugglers to pay off her entry into Kirkwall. As soon as she met Varric at the start of Act 1, they became inseparable best friends - Hawke often cites Varric as her soulmate and the platonic love of her life. During the Deep Roads expedition, Carver became infected with the Blight, and with the help of Anders, Hawke was able to lead him to the Grey Wardens so he could join their ranks.
Over the years, she developed close relationships with most of her companions except for Aveline and Sebastian. Her friendship with Merrill eventually developed into a committed romance, and Hawke started to practice blood magic after recognising that Merrill could do so without being "evil". The two of them eventually also developed feelings for Isabela, and as such she joined their romance as well.
By Act 3, Hawke had become a staunch supporter of mage rights, a dedicated member of the Underground, and wholeheartedly supported Anders’ choice to destroy Kirkwall’s Chantry.
Following the destruction of the Chantry, Hawke and her friends fled Kirkwall, splitting up despite Hawke desperately wanting them to remain together. Isabela and Merrill chose to remain with Hawke, and the three of them traveled across the Free Marches, occasionally running into Anders and assisting him in rescuing mages from rebelling Circles. Eventually, Isabela managed to acquire a new crew, and her partners were more than happy to sail with her as she established herself once again as the Queen of the Eastern Seas.
Depending on the player’s choices in Here Lies The Abyss, Hawke can be convinced to stay and help the Inquisition further instead of accompanying the remaining Wardens to Weisshaupt, becoming a full companion. She will move to sit with Varric by the fire in the main hall. Hawke will also be present in Varric’s companion cutscene where he invites the Inquisitor to play Wicked Grace.
Upon first being recruited to the Inquisition, Hawke’s specialisation is not available - when automatically leveled, she will put points primarily into the Inferno and Storm trees. Her unique specialisation, Blood Mage, only becomes available if the Inquisitor has allied with the mages at Redcliffe. At that point, Hawke will initiate a conversation with the Inquisitor about their opinions on blood magic, and if the Inquisitor states that they have no problem with it, her specialisation will open. Otherwise, she will refuse to admit her use of blood magic to the Inquisitor.
At this point, Hawke will also speak more openly about her support of Anders. She will eventually admit that they are still in contact, though she won't tell the Inquisitor anything that could give them an idea of Anders’ whereabouts.
Her specialisation is not open to the Inquisitor, however Hawke can offer to teach a mage Inquisitor "a neat trick", which will give the player the choice to replace their current Focus ability with Hawke's.
Upon unlocking Hawke's specialisation, she will gain a large increase to her Constitution but her mana bar will become considerably shorter, and conventional healing effects will only operate at 25% efficiency. If she is out of mana, she will automatically revert to using her health pool to power her spells instead.
Her spell tree is very similar to the Dragon Age 2 Blood Mage tree, however it does not include the Blood Slave ability - it is instead replaced with Blood Bomb, which is a variant of Walking Bomb. Instead of applying a damage over time curse to a target, Hawke channels a spell that corrupts the targets' blood from the inside until the target dies - at which point they explode, doing damage to nearby enemies. This spell continually consumes Hawke's mana and health while it is being channeled.
Her Focus ability is Major Sacrifice, a variant of the Knight-Enchanter's Resurgence. Instead of healing the party to full health and providing an ongoing healing aura, Major Sacrifice will instead heal the party to full health but take 25% of Hawke's current health, and will provide an aura of ongoing damage to nearby enemies, converting their health into health for the party.
If the Inquisitor brings Hawke to Valammar, she will be suspiciously quiet throughout the quest - though she will pipe up to complain about the Darkspawn. Following the reveal that Bianca shared the location of the thaig, Hawke will be furious and will argue with her.
Upon returning to Skyhold and speaking to Varric, the cutscene will begin in the middle of a conversation between him and Hawke.
HAWKE: You deserve better, you know. VARRIC: Yeah, you've said that before. HAWKE: It bears repeating. As many times as it takes to get it through your thick head. You deserve so much better. VARRIC: *sigh* Thanks, Chuckles.
Hawke is not romanceable, though she welcomes playful flirting from a female Inquisitor. She will eventually initiate a conversation where she makes sure the Inquisitor isn't expecting the flirting to go anywhere further, as she is already in a relationship.
RIAN APPROVES OF: Supporting mage freedom, open-mindedness with magic and spirits, sarcasm, humor, stealing from nobility, pranking nobility, loyalty to your friends, being nice to Varric, terrible puns.
RIAN DISAPPROVES OF: Chantry rhetoric, the Circles, Templars, Tranquility, authority, betraying your friends, ignorance, pomposity, being mean to Varric.
Hawke will not leave the Inquisition, even if her approval is at Hostile. When questioned about this, she will say:
HAWKE: Did you miss the part where Corypheus is my responsibility? I’m going to fix my fuck-up, Inquisitor. If I have to put up with you while I do it, then, well … I’ve always said the Maker has a sick sense of humor.
Following Corypheus' defeat, Hawke leaves the Inquisition to rejoin Merrill and Isabela.
Once Trespasser is started, Hawke can be found accompanying Varric and Bran to the Winter Palace.
During exploration of the Eluvians, if both Hawke and Varric are in the party, they will briefly discuss how excited Merrill would be by all this, and Hawke will say "You'd better be writing all this down, Varric."
She will approve of redeeming Solas, though she won't disapprove if the Inquisitor decides they would rather kill him.
High Approval
If Varric has chosen to give the Inquisitor an estate in Kirkwall, Hawke will pipe up during the conversation saying she's excited to be neighbors, offering to give the Inquisitor the key to her wine cellar - though she will complain that Varric has never given her control of the harbor, to which Bran will mutter "thank the Maker".
Regardless of the Inquisition's fate, Hawke will return to her lovers, occasionally keeping in touch with the Inquisitor via letters.
Low Approval
If the Inquisitor has low approval with Hawke, they will be informed that she left as soon as the Inquisitor stepped back out of the Eluvian following the final confrontation with Solas. The epilogue slides will state that her whereabouts are, once again, unknown.
Killing an enemy
And stay down!
One more for me. We’re keeping score, right?
Have at you!
How’s my hair looking? (COMBAT ENDS)
I wonder what’s in their pockets. (COMBAT ENDS)
Oh, ew. I’m not cleaning that up. (COMBAT ENDS)
Low Health
This is going badly!
Little help, maybe?
Why are none of you healers?
This hurts! This really hurts!
Low Health (Companions)
INQUISITOR: You good over there, boss?
VARRIC: Varric, that blood better not be yours!
COLE: Help the kid!
CASSANDRA: They’re swarming the Seeker!
BLACKWALL: Hang on, Beardy!
IRON BULL: Bull’s in trouble!
Fallen Companions
INQUISITOR: Shit! Trevelyan/Lavellan/Adaar/Cadash is down!
VARRIC: Don’t you dare leave me now, Varric!
COLE: Cole! No!
CASSANDRA: Seeker is down! How did they manage that?
SOLAS: Come on, Solas!
DORIAN: Help Dorian!
SERA: Awful quiet, isn’t it? Oh shit, Sera!
(first time seeing a High Dragon) *laughing* "Oh, this will be fun!" IF VARRIC IS IN THE PARTY: "Hawke, the last time you fought one of these you nearly died." "Yeah, but I didn't die. That's the important thing."
(approaching a campsite) "Well ... I've slept in worse places."
(when collecting a Shard) "Let me guess. We have to collect a stupid amount of these for a really stupid reason, and they're all going to be in really stupid, hard to reach places. *sighs* I love adventuring."
"Have we been here before? Feels like we've been here before."
(upon unlocking the cabin in Redcliffe with the Tranquil skulls) "That's ... fucking Maker. Tranquil have always made me uncomfortable but ... they were still people. They were still... shit, I need a second."
"Eugh, that smell! Worse than my dog when he's eaten cheese, and that's saying something."
(upon killing Widris) "Something, something, crazy mages ... "
"Oh, walking corpses. That's nice."
(upon seeing the dragon vs giant fight) *laughing* "Oh, that's brilliant!"
"Not to sound like Varric, but why are there so many bloody hills around here? My legs hurt."
"Maker, I hate Orlais."
(finding Valorin's corpse) *sighs* "Might sound a little hypocritical coming from me, but ... blood magic is not for the careless."
(seeing the ruined bridge, if Varric is in the party) "Hey Varric - " "Don't you dare, Hawke." "C'mon, please?" "You are not tossing me!" "Spoilsport."
"I've always thought it was beautiful how the Dalish bury their dead under a tree sprout. Like ... I don't know, maybe death doesn't have to be the end."
"There's sand in ... places. So many places."
"Have I said I hate sand? Because I hate sand."
(seeing Red Lyrium) "Maybe don't touch that. It'll do all kinds of weird shit to you."
"I'm fucking freezing. When can we go home?"
(seeing Red Lyrium giants) "What the fuck?"
(Elfsblood River rift - near the lady with titsicles) *giggles*
"I'm getting the weirdest sense of deja vu." IF VARRIC IS IN THE PARTY: "You're not the only one."
"Why do I always end up back in the Deep Roads? Am I cursed?"
VARRIC: "I was worried about what would happen if I brought her here, but ... it's nice to have Hawke around again."
CASSANDRA: "I have to admit, I do admire the Champion. A woman who built herself up from nothing to defeat the Arishok ... there's a certain romance to Varric's stories about her."
SOLAS: "I've been informed that Varric also calls Hawke "Chuckles". I ... don't see how we are similar."
DORIAN: "Hawke? Oh, I like her. She's not as daft as she acts."
BLACKWALL: "The other night, I found her getting teary-eyed in the tavern over how much she misses her dog. Don't quite know what to make of that, really."
VIVIENNE: "She is a powerful mage, I'll give her that, but she's also a naive fool. No wonder Kirkwall fell to pieces around her."
IRON BULL: "She's fun. Got a lot going on in that head she doesn't talk about, though."
COLE: "Fleeing, fighting, falling. Failed father, failed mother, failed Beth and Carver too. Fire and freedom, and she knows it's right but it still feels wrong. Old wounds that never healed, sometimes she can still taste the blood in her mouth. You chose to save her. She wishes you chose differently."
SERA: "Thought she'd be scary, but she makes me laugh. Hasn't let owning a mansion get to her head, either, and have you seen those arms? She's strong."
CULLEN: "I'd ... rather not talk about her, if you don't mind. We've a less than friendly history."
JOSEPHINE: "Lady Hawke is charming, certainly, but I cannot imagine her being popular amongst her neighbours in Hightown. She throws the very concept of decorum bodily out of the window."
LELIANA: "I knew her when she lived in Lothering. She didn't seem to like the Chantry much, but she was always sweet, and her jokes made me laugh. It's a little odd to see the woman she's grown into."
Malcolm also made sure he trained Hawke in using a sword. She's not very good at it, preferring instead to use her staff as a melee weapon if an enemy gets too close.
She has a mean right hook.
Her and Varric have matching tattoos on their left buttcheeks.
Despite being Ferelden and adoring her own mabari, Hawke has a preference for cats.
She's awful at singing. She sings a lot anyway.
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Fic Writer Meme
I was tagged by @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @inquisitoracorn @noire-pandora and @musetta3, thank you all for the tag!!! ❤️
Name: another-rogue-trevelyan here, anotherroguetrevelyan on ao3
Fandoms: I am a smol baby writer so I’ve only really written for Dragon Age so far, but I am JUST beginning work on a Greedfall fic
Most popular oneshot: Honestly hard to tell, because I wrote a fic where every chapter was basically a one shot and I’m not sure which chapter was most popular
Most popular multichapter: Hearts Like Lions! To be fair, the vingette story got abandoned in favor of this one, but I appreciate all of the support and love I’ve received for it ❤️
Actual worst part of writing: titles
But also, action. I feel like I’m so bad at describing action scenes. Is witty banter not enough? Must characters do things???
How you choose your titles: Step one - stare into the void. Step two - finally have something come to you that you don’t hate. Step three - search it in ao3 to make sure a similar fic doesn’t already have the same title. Step four - find out that a similar fic does have the same title. Step five - cry. Step six - repeat.
Do you outline: Formally, no. I prefer to write fics that follow canon and fill in the gaps, so canon is basically my outline. For extra things I’ll sometimes type ideas for specific scenes into the notes on my phone, usually dialogue ideas, but that’s about it. Somehow this system works for me
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice? Would love to maybe write long fics for my warden and Hawke one day, but as it is I’m 100,000 words into Evelyn’s story and haven’t gotten to adamant yet so... we’ll see.
Callouts @ Me: I get too excited to share and share things as soon as they’re done and then feel like I have to cram to get another chapter done because I never hold onto anything when I’m ahead
Best writing traits: I think I’m pretty good at dialogue and characterization. I love weaving canon dialogue in with my own, and a few wonderful commenters have said it’s hard to tell where the canon dialogue ends and mine begins. Also, I live for the banter
Spicy Tangential Opinion: I don’t know if this really counts but I actually love editing. It seems like most writers hate it, but I find editing to be so much easier than the original writing and I think it’s fun to play with the words and make them even better than they were.
Tagging @kemvee @hollyand-writes @hawkeish and anyone else who’s interested!
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commie-eschatology · 3 years
Return to Redcliffe
particularly proud of this Solas + Trevelyan scene from “Return to Redcliffe” so gonna do some shameless self-promotion. Ao3:https://archiveofourown.org/works/33444538
When all her companions are asleep, Trevelyan leaves the Inquisition camp. She isn’t sure if she’ll come back. Someone is clearly following her, but she ignores that for now. The road back to Redcliffe stretches in front of her, but she hesitates. This is an extraordinary bad idea, she tells herself, but when has that ever stopped her? Lydia used to complain about her tendency to just act on desire alone. But Lydia is dead, she tells herself, you broke her head open with your staff until her brains spilled all over the floor. You killed the woman who raised you, only for the rebellion to sell themselves into slavery. ` In the woods, she stumbles upon a templar caravan. Very fortunate for her, very unfortunate for them. Their screams echo through the Ferelden forest; she imagines getting incinerated from inferno magic would hurt quite a bit, but it’s certainly not her problem. Trevelyan leaps onto the, now empty, wagon, and finds a crate of apples. She takes a few bites of one and monologues, “I rebel, therefore I am,” to the half eaten piece of fruit.
There’s groaning from underneath the wheels, and a jumble of words that vaguely sound like “what the fuck?” so she asks, “Sorry, are you still alive down there?” There’s no response, so in the interest of being thorough, she throws a fireball at the voice. The smell of burnt flesh follows, so she assumes it got the job done, but then again, Ferelden usually smells like that. Really not a terrible scent, she considers. Or perhaps she’s just gone mad.
Trevelyan looks at the Mark on her hand- staying with the Inquisition is the clever choice, she tells herself. Only she can close the rifts, after all. The rebels have been utterly defeated, the movement badly needs allies if it’s to survive. Still, her logic feels cold and hollow. The Venatori ships are already in Redcliffe harbor. She asks herself, how many will be shipped up to the Imperium in chains, in just the time it takes to travel between the Hinterlands and Haven?
Fire burns underneath the wagon. It’s always been fire for Trevelyan- burning the family manor during a childhood nightmare, cremating Lydia’s mangled corpse with her own spells, and, most recently, incinerating more templars than she can count. It’s the same fire that she could use to burn those Tevinter slave ships tonight- despite Fiona and Linnea’s betrayal, she has no doubt that at least a few of her people would join her.  
“Do you want to keep staring at me from the woods then?” she asks the person shadowing her. Solas steps out from the shadows, clearly surprised at being discovered, but he tries not to let it show. He’s usually far more subtle, she doesn't doubt she could be more stealthy if he wanted, but he clearly believes everyone around him is an utter idiot. Fair enough, she supposes. He gives a slight smile, the kind that might say “well done.”
As with everyone, Solas projects emotions into the Fade- but his are more tightly moderated than any other mage she’s ever seen. Now though, Trevelyan sees a wave of complex feelings she can barely sort through, radiating from him: rage at the Tevinters, intense all-consuming fear of something she can’t sense, great sadness for something lost, but all controlled, and directed by conscious purpose.
“These woods are dangerous,” he says, characteristically naming the obvious, “and you have the only means of closing the rifts.” He regards her for a moment. “I apologize if I intruded. You have proven yourself a capable fighter, but I have found it is far too easy to make rash mistakes when one is alone.” His actual meaning is not lost on her: don’t be an idiot and run, is what he wants to say.
He adds, “And in my defense, you did just eviscerate an entire troop of men.” She expects him to ask her why, but he doesn’t; apparently needing no explanation for her small act of rebellion.
“They were templars,” she explains anyways, “most are awful. The others just look away when the Circle rapes happen. Honestly, I’ve always preferred the former.”
“I can’t disagree with you,” Solas says, “my few interactions with templars have been... unpleasant. Either they are accustomed to following the worst orders, as you have said, or they just enjoy inflicting pain, especially upon those without recourse.” There is clear contempt and disgust in his voice, it’s as if he’s speaking from experience.
“That’s why we rebelled,” she says, taking another bite of the apple, “also,  I was hungry. Inquisition rations weren’t doing it.” Solas actually laughs. Trevelyan idly wonders when murder became so casual for her. Kill the woman who raised you, and everyone else becomes easy, she supposes.
There’s a short, but not awkward, silence between them. She knows exactly why he is here, to prevent her from defecting back to the rebels, but his presence is, surprisingly, not unwelcome. They haven’t had much time to talk like this; the conversations they’ve had have so far been in either the shadow of Haven’s Chantry, or on the road with Cassandra.
She motions to the adjacent seat on the wagon. To her surprise, he nods, and walks, or more accurately, struts over, butt wiggle and all. Like most mages, he usually makes himself seem as small as possible, scuttling rather than walking, but unlike the rest, it’s almost as if he has to consciously remind himself to do so.
Solas likes questions, she reminds herself, so ask one. He jumps up on the wagon, and she says, “do you like apples?”
Solas doesn’t even blink. “Apples were first domesticated in this part of the world.” How the fuck does he even know that, she wonders. “I saw a memory once, of a horde of human barbarians, desperately defending a part of these woods they held sacred, from the legions of the Imperium. When the barbarians were slain, the Tevinters marched forward, only to find a simple apple orchard, one which hundreds gave their lives to protect.” He takes one out of the crate, and takes a bite. “However, if you were asking about the taste- no, I detest apples.” He takes another bite. “This one in particular tastes sort of like burnt human flesh.”
“Dying for a lost cause. You really never miss an opportunity to make a point, do you?” she says, “also, how do you even know what burnt human flesh tastes like?”
Solas smiles mischievously. “I don’t like to waste words,” he says. The other point he is suspiciously quiet on. I don’t judge, Trevelyan thinks, you go eat as much flesh as you like, Solas.
His words are somewhat slurred, and she smells something in the air, besides the burning templars of course. She recognizes it as the unmistakable stench of peach whiskey, suspiciously similar to the bottle she had nicked from Dennet yesterday. Solas seems to notice and says, “Master Dennet had many such bottles wasting away on the shelf. He will not miss one, or two, I suppose.” He shrugs.
On the topic, she notices a small bottle of ale in one of the templar crates; the cork is stuck when she pulls on it, so she simply uses a bit of force magic to smash the top of the bottle off. It smells absolutely wretched, and tastes even worse, but she drinks it anyway. Solas watches her, possibly judging her, but he’s always hard to read. “Been a shit day,” she explains. Linnea said, go back to your templars. Fuck her. Tevinter apologist. Shockingly flat ass. Terrible kisser.
“Was today your first time in Redcliffe?” she asks. Solas chuckles softly to himself, apparently a joke only he understands.
“A long time ago, before your rebellion,” he says, “it’s changed since, of course. But I assume you’re asking my opinion on the rebel mages, rather than the settlement itself.” He’s quiet for a moment. “Despair sticks to most of the mages like gnats.” He’s right, during the retreat from the Free Marches, every morning some mages wouldn’t wake up, taken by Despair demons in their sleep. And the war has only gotten worse. She can’t even imagine. “Still, they endure. Their fight against oppression is admirable, and utterly hopeless.” , “Hopeless?” Trevelyan raises an eyebrow. She should be angry, but more than anything she feels exhausted. “You seem rather certain.”
“Of course I am.” he says, matter of fact. Trevelyan picked up some dalish during the rebellion; she’s not ignorant as to the meaning of his name. “In my journeys through the Fade, I have seen countless rebellions rise up, confident in the just nature of their cause, only to be crushed mercilessly. Righteousness, unfortunately, is no match against steel.” Good poetry. She’ll give him that.
“And, yet, Recliffe is still standing,” she says, “for the first time in a thousand years, in this part of the world, mages govern ourselves. No templars. No Chantry. We built that. Isn’t that freedom worth defending?” Trevelyan spent most of her life in the Circle. No price can be too great, she thinks.
“You forget you aren’t speaking to Cassandra or Varric. We do not disagree on the necessity of rebellion,” he smiles, just a bit, mostly to himself, “but, in order for a rebellion to win its immediate demands, as well has change what it is possible in the long term, something you once told me that you seek to do, they must do one thing.” He pauses for dramatic effect, and honestly it works. “They must win.”  
“Even failed revolutions can teach lessons,” she says, the only dogma she’s ever needed to believe in, “no matter what Varric says, the mage rebellion didn’t manifest spontaneously.” She thinks of the thousand year struggle for freedom, and what feels like generations of the dead on her shoulders. In the distance, Trevelyan can just make out the flag of the Venatori, waving from the ramparts of Redcliffe. The ships are not far behind.
“No,” Solas says, suddenly melancholy, “or if they do, it is always the wrong lessons.” He’s silent for a long moment, staring into the ground. “I saw a memory once in the Fade. A man who sought to overthrow a tyrant. Then, a half-hearted assassination attempt, tailored for drama, instead of results. It of course failed. The man himself was burned alive, defiant at first, but when the flames reached his body, when his skin began to melt off, he screamed for mercy that never came.”
Trevelyan takes a long drink. Solas adds, eerily calm, “In the end, martyrdom is just melted flesh upon a wooden stake, and a name utterly forgotten.”  She drains the rest of the bottle.
“I killed my mother,” she says, suddenly, without really meaning to, “when the Circle was annulled, I tried to give her the courtesy of a quick spell, but the tower wards blocked magic so…” she makes a motion with her staff “I, well, had improvise.”
“Your first murder?” he asks. She shakes her head. Definitely not. “If you want absolution, I’m not the person to give it.”
“Oh fuck no, I’m not Andrastian,” Trevelyan scoffs, and Solas chuckles softly. The Andrastians think they can solve all the world’s evils, all their many personal failings, through a song. It’s childish. Besides, Trevelyan would rather hold onto her sins for now- keep them close like a badge of honor. She looks down at the dead templars, corpses bathed in green light from her Mark.
“I don’t regret it,” she says, and she thinks she means it, “not if it served a purpose.” Trevelyan looks again towards Redcliffe, and thinks, everything I am, I owe to them. “In just the time it takes to travel back to Haven, how many will already be on the ships?”
“Likely a few dozen,” Solas answers, “there will be far more, thousands, if these Venatori are not defeated, which is a battle only the Inquisition has the resources to win. It is fortunate, then, that you have a position where you can speak on behalf of the rebel mages.”
The sun begins to rise, bathing the forest in dim orange light. “We should get back then ,” she forces herself to say, though every word is like a block of lead. Solas exhales in relief.
“One final thing,” she says as Solas moves to get up. She looks at her counterpart, studying him best she can, sensing his projections into the Fade. He’s unlike any other apostate she’s ever met, and there’s something about him she can’t quite put her finger on, much less vocalize. “You know quite a bit about rebellions,” she says.
“I have seen much in my travels,” he says, pausing as he considers his next words, “and you could say I had a dramatic youth.”
“One I’d be interested in hearing about,” she says, genuinely. “Especially if it involves more surprisingly melancholy stories about apple domestication.” Solas seems taken aback for a moment, but recovers quickly, chucking politely at her joke. He then smiles quietly to himself.
The two apostates return to the Inquisition camp, though Trevelyan keeps Redcliffe in her sight for as long as she can.
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for the dragon age asks, 4, 5, 6, 39, and 99?
I am sorry, this got way out of hand again lmao
gonna put most of these under the cut because it is,, long,,,,
4. What was your first Warden (gender/class/race/personality)?
Neira Surana (female elven mage)! My og girl <3 I love her a lot even if I don't give her enough attention on this blog ^^"
She's primarily a Spirit Healer but also an Arcane Warrior (she only really uses those abilities to increase her stamina/be able to wear heavy armour though). She's more a quiet introverted type but also the kind of person who manages to get along with everyone somehow, very down-to-earth and mature but not nearly as confident in herself as one might expect. Great at taking care of other people, horrible at taking care of herself, very acutely aware of her responsibilities and always worried about making wrong decisions and/or negatively impacting other people. She does grow into her role as Warden Commander (and Chancellor to king Alistair) though and is better at what she does than she realises.
5. What was your first Hawke like (gender/class/temperament)?
Liam Hawke (male human rogue) my beloved. Definitely the one I got the most invested in, and I was not prepared for the Painᵀᴹ he was gonna face :') He's a dual wielding rogue and technically has the assassin specialisation, but I don't think I ever actually used/unlocked any of the talents haha. He's more of a jack of all trades type of guy anyways so it does fit for him to have no proper specialisation anyways. His main temperament was purple/humorous, but his tone kinda shifted from mostly green/red (Prologue) > green/purple (Act 1) > purple (Act 2) > purple/red (Act 3) in varying degrees. He's someone who really just wants his family and friends to be happy and the gradual death of all his relatives unsurprisingly takes its toll on him. Definitely a mum friend, hella extroverted and social, awful puns and sarcasm all around, unbearably sappy with his close family and s/o, very very bad at working through trauma and grief, Very Tired And Done With Everthing by Act 3. Y'know, the usual.
6. First Inquisitor (gender/class/race/personality)?
June Trevelyan (female human mage), Rift Mage and absolute disaster (affectionate). Has issues with authority, is insufferably rebellious and stubborn, cannot handle expectations or stress At All, emotionally very reactive and has no brain to mouth filter, cannot Politics to save her life, is essentially selfish in her motivations, absolutely Did Not Sign Up For This Shit, and just generally not at all suitable for the role of Inquisitor. She is very driven though, blunt but honest, opinionated but generally open minded and inquisitive (lol), highly interested in anything and everything controversial and unconventional, especially if magic related. Very much an ambivert; needs time to herself sometimes, specially when anxious or stressed, but also loves causing mayhem with her squad, generally frisky and energetic when in a good mood, and has no sense of modesty. Honestly just wants to vibe and do crime.
39. Creepiest moment in the games?
A couple! Well tbh I'm not sure creepy is entirely the right word for all of these, but I'll list my favourites anyways
Hands down the most revolting and disturbing thing DA has done imo were the Dead Trenches. The buildup to the Broodmother, with the Darkspawn gore getting worse and worse the further you go? Hespith's chanting while you progress until finally meeting her and finding out what happened? The realisation that this exact thing could have happened to a female Warden if they hadn't escaped Ostagar? The sheer wrongness and and grossness of the entire concept? It makes my stomach churn every time and I love it so much.
The Circle Tower has a very similar vibe, still disturbing but not quite as much as the Dead Trenches, again with the gore getting worse the higher you climb, the halls littered with mage corpses and abominations (and friggin drakes smh??) and just.. how obvious it is that something is very very wrong here, with the anticipation of what the Warden has to face at the top of the tower, it's great.
Now what's genuinely creepy imo is Haven. Love the vibe of these sorts of villages littered with little unsettling details (the blood shrine (?), barely any people to be seen, that one kid with the eerie nursery rhyme...) that are so clearly off, and the whole cult thing the village has going on? Love it. Same goes for the abandoned orphanage in the Alienage, that sort of thing always creeps me out too, in the best way.
And idk Origins as quite a few creepy-ish places imo. I know I was somewhat on edge when going down the Brecilian Ruins for the first time, or through the Temple of Sacred Ashes. Even Honnleath had an eerie sort of atmosphere to it. Also the Blackmarsh and the Mother's Lair from Awakening are both very creepy and gross respectively.
In DA2 it's definitely Quentin and his.... project, it's so messed up and gross and wrong and god the horror of hearing about the lilies and following that blood trail just to find that is awful and I hate it so so much. I love it.
Inquisition's creepiest section by far is In Hushed Whispers. The whole thing with red lyrium growing everywhere, out of the walls, the people, everything, warden corpses lying around, the sky outside being Fade-like, the end sequence with your companions making a last stand to let you escape... and just all the implications of that future are so disturbing and frightening.
The Raw Fade was creepy too, although imo not so much the Fade itself but the little snippets and details littered around. Some of the statues are really creepy (like that weird goat statue in that first section? those rough head-ish looking things all over? the various probably-Tevinter contraptions? the huge statue of Andraste (?)? lots of weird stuff), but what got me more were the various codex entries. Some of the ones about slaves and experiments were very alarming, but mostly the "Fears of Dreamers" were the ones that gave me goosebumps.
99. Where would you live (Fereldan, Orlais, Free Marches etc?)
(again gonna shamelessly copypaste here)
Hmm probably the Marches or Ferelden. Rivain and Antiva sound lovely but I'm not made for more tropical climates, I think the temperate climate in southern Thedas would be more up my ally. Also just generally prefer the more rural and less hectic vibe I get from those countries.
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softbladee · 3 years
some of my dorian x trevelyan family headcannons,,, bc also pt1??? Pt 1
It's commons for Free Marches to have separate bedrooms connected by a small changing area (similar to elizabeths/phillips room in the crown,, yes I watch the crown) so when kadatheron buys them a summer cottage in ostwick with 2 separate bedrooms dorian is confused and kadatheron is confused about why dorian is confused
'weve been sharing a bed for like 2 years now why would we get separate rooms now' 'dont you.....want your own bedroom?' etc etc they probably do just end up sleeping in 1 of them all the time and the other end up being remodeled into a study or smth maybe a reading room??? Lounge???
Kadatheron once invited dorian on a hunting trip with his brothers, the two ended up heading back early because even nobles hunting was not posh at all and was actually hunting and not just sitting on the countryside with fancy brandy
this may seem like a weird assumption for dorian to make but you've met dorian would you invite that man to go hunting for like 6 hours
no fucking way
in fact no one brought any alcohol since kady doesn't drink rip dorian
after they said that dorian felt weird abt pulling out his flask (kady rly doesn't care if ppl drink around him but his family is extra apprehensive abt it) and he was not gonna soberly hike around the hillsides while everyone else hunted
It's okay tho dorian hangs back with Grace, Tanya, and Belle (sisters in law) who are chill and cool and like fancy foreign teas, they tend to bicker amomgst themselves but have found dorian is a good addition and they realized it's cause he's a fire sign and they're all air signs
They also have alcohol what good is fancy tea without alcohol
Janya (Kadatheron's mom) loooooves Dorian who is of course not used to the motherly doting. Part of it is she just glad her youngest managed to find someone so n i c e.
She tries to steal an afternoon with Dorian whenever he's visiting to gossip. Dorian knows more about the nobles of Ostwick than kadatheron does at this point.
Janya sends Dorian fancy chocolates and includes a detailed note of her opinions of them and asks him to send his opinions back to her.
Honestly? Dorian's just glad they like him after the ✨c✨h✨a✨o✨t✨i✨c✨ introduction. The Trevelyan's all popped by Skyhold without notice (not just like 5 of them but like ALL OF THEM so like 16 people including kids sksksksk) Kadatheron asked Josie to warn Dorian,,, and give the man like a hot second before meeting the entire family,,, and kadatheron was like 'hello family why don't I show u my room I guess and I can ask why the fuck u showed up unannounced???'
Yes, dorian was in there naked on the bed
Yes, it was hilariously awkward when Kadatheron's parents tried to have a conversation with him immediately after letting him get dressed
Janya thought it was hilarious, Greshen III (Kadatheron's Dad) honestly has never seemed to mind much and was much more concerned with getting the whole mage from tevinter thing explained
Dorian would've rather have not talked about the whole mage from tevinter thing after his boyfriend's father saw his dick
Greshen III knew about Dorian first not realizing him and Kadatheron had a thing bc Kadatheron wrote a letter home abt everything that happened with Halward just being like what a shitty dad and Greshen III wrote back with a letter for Dorian
Just like a nice, fatherly letter? Telling Dorian he was doing alright and that it'd be okay and that if he needed any dad advice he was here
If anyone else around Skyhold nears a spare dad papa Trevelyan gives rly nice affirmative shoulder pats combined with a good 'im proud of you' 10/10 would reccommend
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kauriart · 4 years
2017-2019 Writing Review
Tagged by @elveny​ and @kittimau​ <3
Am gonna do this a little differently, because I was too upset with my writing in both 2017 & 2018 to talk about where I ended up at the end of the year, and frankly 2019 isn’t that different, but I want to be kinder to myself and let myself celebrate what I HAVE written, instead of always focusing on what I didn’t.
Total A03 word count
188,821 with just a TON of writing that I haven’t published yet.
Any finished stories?
The Captain (Cullen x Isabela) is a very porny fic featuring one of my all-time fave rare-pairs. I managed to post the final 2 chapters after realizing that this wasn’t a stand-alone one-shot like I’d first planned, and am overall pretty floored with how it ended up.
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
Sunshine in the Dark (Alistair x Bethany) which has been a really lovely story to dig into, but also a challenge because A.) teeny tiny fucking ship and B.) I’d never written much from either character C.) the chapters are much longer than I usually write D.) no one is fucking yet so as a smut writer I don’t know what to do with myself.
Do you have any writing goals for the new year?
I want to get focused on how I attack writing. I want to actively write 3 stories simultaneously: Letters from Orlais, another multi chapter fic, and a one-shot; and focus on posting vs writing. I actually did manage to get through a chunk of my story queue in the last couple of years, but here’s what’s left of things that aren’t WIPs on AO3:
Cullen x f!Trevelyan (Dog Park AU) |  Warden x Morrigan x Alistair | Bull x Dorian | m!Lavellan x Bull  | Cullen x Carver | Tabris x Zevran x Isabela | Anders x m!Hawke x Fenris
Did you take any writing risks this year?
My mini-nsfw headcanons series was a big departure for me. They’re written in second person, which is literally no one’s favorite voice to read, and they’re tiny little character studies that take me forever to do. They’ve been pretty successful on tumblr –– which I’m super grateful for –– but they’r still not very satisfying to me compared to posting a full fic, and overall I felt like they derailed my focus.
Most popular story of the year?
Cullen: Intimacy (NSFW Cullen x f!Trev) It’s my most popular one-shot ever. A look at Cullen’s relationship with an explicitly plus-sized Trevelyan. It was rather intimidating to write, but that make its reception that much more rewarding. And my eternal thanks to @stregatadallostregatto​ for her encouragement of that fic.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Cullen: Through the Ages It’s my first, and only, non-romance / gen fic, so it has a much lower readership than some of my other stuff, but similar reception in terms of comments. But I can only track easily on AO3, and my audience is muuuuuch smaller there than on tumblr so “under appreciated” is a little hard to track.
Story with the single sexiest moment:
Checkmate (Cullen x Dorian) Because I am a fan of awkward, passionate blow-jobs and it turns out this pair delivers.
“Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you!” story:
Merill’s mini-nsfw headcanon. My dudes, there is fisting, and I did not intend for there to be fisting. But then I wrote:
Merrill’s hands are small, and graceful, and covered with scars so thin and fine in places, that they can only be felt when you drag them across your lips.
And then I went goddamn this is going to be about fisting, isn’t it? And lo, it was.
Story that was the most fun to write:
The Knight Lieutenant (Cullen & Meredith) I spent so much time pondering Meredith, and her impact on Cullen’s life, and his relationship to her, and how deep and complex Cullen’s ties to the order were, that I got to just wallow in the meta and headcanons which is pretty fun.
Hardest story to write:
Good Boy, Good Bye (Alistair x f!Cousland) Inspired by the death of my doggo - so it’s SAAAAAAAD, because it’s basically just Alistair’s reaction to Barkspawn’s death.
Biggest disappointment:
Happy Endings (m!Hawke x Orsino) I had to rush to finish the fic as part of an exchange I was doing and was pretty brutally disappointed with what I had posted. I did a pretty major edit that next week, and ended up being satisfied with the final product –– despite the lack of porn, alas –– but the initial failure still stuck with me.
Biggest surprise:
Cole (NSFW headcanon) because I kinda shocked myself by wanting to make Cole smut my #2 entry into my mini NSFW headcanon series, because it’s Cole and who the hell writes Cole smut?!
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
Inquisitor Fact Share - Tash
Tagging @ironbullsmissingeye who I got this from.
I thought maybe any Dragon Age fans might want to hear about my Inquisitors, and maybe they’d be encouraged to request. I don’t think this fandom’s over yet! Feel free to ask about my Inquisitors!
Ataashi “Tash” Adaar, Freyja Cadash, Emmeryn Lavellan, Medea Lavellan, Ezraen Trevelyan, Owain Trevelyan - others to come.
A pictures or description of your Inquisitor(hair colour, eye colour, skin tone, scars ect):
The first thing noticeable about Tash is his ever-present smile (Varric nicknames him Dimples). He’s got horns that curl up and back, although they are small due to his young age. He’s slightly shorter than an average female elf, and he has grayish skin slightly darker than the Iron Bull’s. He has long brown hair that he ties into a small knot at the nape of his neck. Unusually, Tash also has golden eyes, similar to Morrigan’s. He basically looks like a giant little kid.
Any info about your Inquisitor(age, gender, sexuality, religion ect):
Tash is a child - about twelve to thirteen. He’s not quite sexually awakened yet, but he had a big crush on Blackwall for a long time. Tash is marginally Andrastian - he says a prayer every now and then, and it brings him comfort to think that his family is at the Maker’s side. 
What race is your Inquisitor?: 
Tash is a Qunari, although he insists on calling himself Vashoth.
1 cute fact about your Inquisitor:
Tash enjoys Cole’s company, and uses him as a human teddy bear on occasion - “Can’t sleep, but he reminds me of my brother, safe and warm next to me, making me feel like nothing can hurt me...”
A picture or description of your Inquisitor’s favourite location:
Tash likes to be in Cullen’s office. It reminds him somehow of his old home in Markham. He’s read every book on the shelves and tries to help the Commander with his paperwork.
Who your Inquisitor romanced/would like to romance(can be a picture or description):
Tash is a child, so he didn’t romance anyone, but upon learning he was basically homeless and family-less, Varric adopted him and took him to Kirkwall.
Something creative of your Inquisitor(Fic, Art, picture, or another fact):
Tash has a flair for design, or at least Vivienne says he does. He personally designed the Inquisition banners around Skyhold, as well as the throne.
Info about your Inquisitor’s childhood(was it happy/sad?):
As a baby, Tash’s mother Saarebas attempted to take Tash to Par Vollen after he developed magic. Tash’s father Kaaras chased after them, and was able to rescue Tash. Saarebas was killed by a group of Ben-Hassrath. Tash had a good upbringing apart from that, as Kaaras met and married a Markham baker by the name of Colm, and Colm’s son Arno took Tash to the Grand Tourney every year.
1 random fact about your Inquisitor:
Tash hates the smell of alcohol. It’s enough to keep him from entering the Herald’s Rest unless he needs to speak to someone.
Your Inquisitors usual companions:
Tash: Varric, Blackwall, and Cole
Are they a rogue, mage or warrior? What’s their class?:
Tash is a mage, and became a Knight-Enchanter because he was fascinated with the tales of mage-knights doing good with glowing swords.
Who did your Inquisitor chose to rule Orlais?:
Tash chose the public truce outcome - mostly because he didn’t want anyone to die. For now, this has worked, with each of the three clamoring to earn the favor of the beloved Child of Andraste.
Who did they leave in the Fade and why?
Tash left the Warden in the Fade. He couldn’t bear to disappoint Varric by leaving Hawke.
Favourite advisor?:
Tash absolutely worships the ground Josephine walks on. He loves her like a big sister. It helps that she shares the chocolates she imports from Tevinter with him.
1 happy fact about your Inquisitor?:
Tash adopted an injured fennec in the Hinterlands. He named it Harold so that he could jokingly ask it questions whenever someone referred to him as the Herald of Andraste. Harold tends to rest on Tash’s shoulders.
Did they save The Chargers?:
Tash saved the Chargers without hesitation. He wasn’t thrilled about working with Qunari anyway, and saw through the guise of an alliance almost immediately.
Did they chose the Mages or Templars?:
Tash sided with the Mages, although he was horrified to think that all the Templars were infected with Red Lyrium.
Did the disband the Inquisition or not?:
Tash disbanded the Inquisition. He didn’t want to have anything more to do with it, having been traumatized by the loss of his arm. Thankfully he had a home waiting for him with Varric and Hawke in Kirkwall.
1 sad fact about your Inquisitor?:
Tash’s entire pre-Inquisition family are dead. His stepfather and father were killed by a Ben-Hassrath ambush while he and Arno were at the Tourney one year. Arno and he traveled with the Valo-Kas after that, with Arno earning their keep, until he was killed during a mission. Shokrakar sent him to the Conclave to cheer him up, never dreaming what would happen.
Opinion of the Qun?:
Tash has a very low opinion of the Qun. But since Josephine has told him it is better to be ambiguous about negative things, that’s all he’ll say on the matter.
Opinion of the Dalish?:
Tash is fascinated by the Dalish, particularly their mythology. He’ll often pester Solas for information about the Dalish and their gods - the one subject Solas doesn’t like talking about - until Solas is practically begging “Ask about something else, child!”
Opinion of The Chantry?:
Tash is no stranger to Chantry abuse, despite being Andrastian. He believes that no one can truly claim to know the Maker’s will, and tries to find meaning in the Chant on his own.
1 headcanon for your Inquisitor:
Tash loves to read and write - before the Conclave, his greatest ambition was to be a court scribe.
Any other information you want to share:
Tash was given the moniker “Child of Andraste,” which made him uncomfortable. He was also the first to figure out Solas’s identity. He likes Vivienne because she can be mean and polite at the same time, and he was initially afraid Dorian would hate him because of his horns. 
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sassyseeker · 5 years
No other universe + character can hold my interest
for fanfiction like Dragon Age + Solas. I like Jack Sparrow (sorry, *Captain* Jack Sparrow) and his adventures on pirate shores or chasing the horizon on the Black Pearl. I like Jareth, the Labyrinth’s Goblin King, and his love for the stubborn, pretty Sarah, now a grown woman, full of potential for romance. I like Erik, the Phantom of the Opera, and his naive student, Christine Daaé. I also like her with her childhood friend, Raoul. I like Fenris so much! Same universe, beautiful soundtrack, cool tattoos, the same elven charm plus hair! (lol) But it’s not the same. There are so many universes, so many settings, so many plotssibilities... So why do I feel so attached to the same Evanuris, wether he spends the majority of the story as one or as a bald hobo apostate or as a modern day teacher or businessman or archeologist or mentalist or donut shop clerk? How come I don’t I tire of it? Why do I feel like other themed fics soon become boring and his fanfic is somehow superior? (I tried to alternate themes for fear of running out of DA+Solas material but started resenting the other themed fics and gave up, cause I wanted to read Solas fic that much more). It’s not the time setting, I like medieval as much as modern and scifi. It’s not Dragon Age, cause other LI’s don’t have me as invested. It could be the fandom. I get a feeling that Solas fanfic in general is more mature (not talking about sex, but narrative). Solas is controversial, many hate him. Perhaps the select group who loves, writes and reads him have more affinity regarding other preferences as well, which resonates with me better? But I have read many different flavors of Lavellans and OCs and don’t think this to be the case. The general maturity of the stories is definitely something I enjoy though. Is it Solas himself? Is his canon character so well written that it makes his fanfic seem somehow superior to me? I think his canon character is very well written and the richness of the lore can add so much to a fanfic. However, the lore is not always used, the canon is not always followed (and i also love it), I find that the writer’s prose/style/personality/choices is a huge part of what makes the stories interesting. So that doesn’t answer my question either. Why? Is it that maybe his character resonates with me more? I really love good men. I have a huge crush on good intentioned ones, even if they’re wrong (but think themselves right), self sacrificing, protecting, loving men. But literature has many others, Solas is not even an ideal example (there are self-interested motives mixed in there, attempted guilt redemption through sacrifice for one, not to mention he might let you die). Cullen is a good man, according to the standard protocol, and he is right there, alongside Solas... completely forgotten. He’s lucky I romanced him first (it was lovely that first time, with my Trevelyan), it would be hard to enjoy it as much had I romanced Solas first. Maybe it’s the tragicness of the situation? This is the closest I think I get from a possible answer because literature may have many more tragic characters/plots but I don’t recall ever reading fanfic of any of those.
Do you find yourself of a similar opinion? Do you like Solas fanfic more than all the rest and do you have a theory why? Please share you theories with me, I’m trying to understand.
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octerminal · 5 years
max trevelyan A7, A14, D1, J6, L2, L9,
Questions from here. Max is one of my unexpected favorites, actually. I never thought I’d like him as much as I do, but he’s…honestly more fleshed out than some of my Wardens and Hawkes. I don’t get to talk about him as much as I’d like.
(Apologies to mobile users if the cut doesn’t work)
Maxwell Trevelyan
A7. Is your OC confident in their reactions to life in general, or do they get embarrassed or easily shamed for it?
He is not confident at all. This is why he tends toward stoicism and the stoic dialogue options; it’s better to not show his feelings at all, than to risk feeling the “wrong” thing. This means the inner circle has to become pretty adept in reading him, because he’s certainly not going to speak up himself.
By Trespasser, he’s gotten moderately better. It’s an ongoing process.
A14. Is your character empathetic?
Yes, very - it’s a big part of why he never enjoyed his time in the Templars, and why he remained a recruit as long as he did. I imagine he managed to get on the bad side of one too many superiors who didn’t want him in their ranks but couldn’t kick him out because of the Trevelyan name.
D1. How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
He’s similar to a lot of the characters in the series who hint at being faithful, but don’t seem particularly amenable to the Chantry itself. My interpretation of the Trevelyan family is one that is very devout, one with several of their own within the Chantry’s ranks. Uncles, cousins, etc. who are brothers, sisters, Templars, or other miscellaneous available occupations. This is all to say: he is very much not a stranger to the Chantry and would have been raised in its history, politics, and teachings. His opinion is an informed one. He believes, but because of what he’s been exposed to - through his education, through his Templar training, and through having a mage sister - he can’t be a traditionalist without ignoring his morals.
…Which is basically what he ended up doing pre-Inquisition anyway, because of the abuse he’s endured and because he’s the type to always put duty (however misplaced) before his own feelings.
But by the end of the game, Leliana is his Divine, so hey.
J6. How do they react to people whose political viewpoints are very opposite of theirs?
Depends on where he’s at in his arc. Early on, you’d be hard-pressed to find him expressing a definitive opinion at all, so it’s not like anyone would even know their opinion is actually the opposite of his. He contorts himself to be what people want him to be and he has no clear idea of his own identity because of this. If someone expresses an opinion contrary to his own, he’s likely to just go along with them and tell them what they want to hear, or keep his actual opinion private. Not very healthy, nor very honest. (This is part of why he’s drawn to Dorian, because Dorian makes no apologies for who he is and what he believes in even though it’s led to his consistent ostracization.)
The “Inquisitor” mantle forces him out of this. He has to make his viewpoints public now, because his position demands action. He is still shaping himself around others’ expectations (a “leader” - not something that comes naturally to him nor something that he’d want himself, given the choice), which is a problem addressed at a later date, but he’s given…courtesy, at the very least, when speaking on Inquisition matters due to his title. His words hold weight; he’s not immediately ridiculed. Whatever else, this does help him build confidence in expressing his political opinions. By the time of Trespasser, he’ll add in his two cents and then lean toward diplomacy when necessary.
L2. What do you consider the biggest themes in your character, if any?
Learning to stand up for himself and to be his own person instead of being what everyone else wants and/or expects him to be.
L9. How did you come up with your OC?
I was watching videos of the companions’ reactions to the specializations, and I really liked what Dorian says about a Templar-specced Inquisitor smelling nice. Two problems, though: 1) I don’t think a pro-Templar Inquisitor would work well with Dorian in the long run and more importantly, 2) I have no desire to play a pro-Templar Inquisitor, at least not as my canon. 
So, then, why would my Inquisitor be specced as a Templar if he wasn’t pro-Templar? What circumstances would have lead to that? That’s what got me started, and then it snowballed from there. I also generally take into account the kind of character their intended LI is, and play off that so I have a dynamic that interests me.
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