#i hope this isnt transphobic
blacknbluejustice · 2 years
Random idea that definatly has a darker origin. (Something tells me at least one of my followers would actually know what it's origin is)
There was once a town where a lot of women and girls would have a lot of pain. One day unicorns found them and decided to do something. (SinceUnicorns are known to find young women (mainly virgins in some myths but not here)). So the one town would regularly get visits from unicorns. They go around to find women and girls in town and boops them with their noses. This gives the women and girls very small amount of magic which they can use for things like pain relief when period cramps come by or for migraines they get. But there is a bad catch to these unicorns. They accidentally out Trans women and girls, including some varieties of Nobinary woman/girls and some varieties of gender fluid folks too. This is due to them still obviously being women/girls of different types and them being in pain but the unicorns can't really distinguish them like we do. All they know we're those two simple facts. Because of this, some people get angry and reject the unicorns! Some even push them away, others run away and some people act on the behalf of the accidentally outed and pushed away the unicorns themselves.
The unicorns were just lost and confused but despite their simple minds, they managed to make a plan. They brought in reinforcements to help "Boop" everyone thinking that was the issue. If everyone is in pain, they wouldnt be able to think clearly. The unicorns would still boop the women/girls. The meredogs would go up to the men/boys and boop them with their paws or even lick their cheeks if the guy was friendly enough. Lastly their friends, the winged myrmecoleons (antlions), would fly towards Non-binary folks and wait until they get their attention before sticking their tiny paws out to paw at the NB's hand or fingers so they can give a tiny bit of magic to them- although over time, they became able to fly up to the NB directly and boop their noses directly.
Because of this, magic not only became more abundant in the town, but some folks had multiple types. Realizing the only thing the animals wanted to do was to help take away their pain (which is the main function of the magic they handed with the boops), they found ways to help them back. Not only by being kinder to one another to lessen the pain, but by being more open minded to one another, a cepting trans folks, and treating eachother kindly. Some even began helping those who wanted (or in some cases needed) to transition.
This let the town prosper in ways it never has before and after years of helping eachother and being more open minded, they began seeing the creatures less and less until one day, the last Unicorn stopped by to boop an elderly woman who stopped by the town for the first time. She burst into tears and hugged them tightly.
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doctorwormcore · 8 months
What i think i love the most about the live action is just how much love there is? Yeah its different from the anime, but honestly....kinda better. I love how kind they all are, the strawhats clearly just love each other already, their own little family
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y does yr bio say that posts can be reblogged by anyone but yr not wanting terfs or gender criticals to interact ?
coming out of my indefinite hiatus just this one to clarify: its because all human people are welcome to interact with my blog; terfs and gender criticals are not people or human <3 <3 hope this helps!!
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pom-seedss · 11 months
Just picking up some conversations from the ether but like...
There has been this push back against queer signifiers in media recently and I’m kind of wary of the whole thing. This isn’t just one thing, but I’ll give an example.
Nimona isn’t trans because there is a trans flag in the background when she’s talking to Bal about her shapeshifting or the rainbow in the credits. But to act like queer folks don’t use signifiers to confirm to other queer folks that “yes this is what I mean by this” or “you are included in this” is kind of asinine.
While I understand the pushback against rainbow capitalism and the co-opting of our symbols by corporate interests, or the thought that slapping a pride pin on a character makes them inherently queer in the narrative when it is never actually touched upon, I feel like we are overcorrecting in saying all flags are either coincidental or useless or both.
And in Nimona’s case, it isn’t a trans allegory just because there is a flag in the background, it is the full embodiment of her character, the story and the world that was created around her in the movie. But the trans flag in the background and the pride flag at the end? That’s just confirmation. That’s something queer folks can point to when bigots say ‘it’s not about that’, and while bigots can look passed it, it affirms it for *us*.
It can be trans both because of the story itself resonating a lot with trans, especially genderfluid, folks *and* because there is a trans flag in the background while Nimona is talking about her shifting.
Like, it can be both.
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lumalalu · 5 months
i know that last post is abt americanization so i didnt wanna ramble in the tags since tags are more visible now and it doesnt feel the same as talking to myself but i was thinking abt how sasha is a gender neutral name but not to the people i would meet. the name i originally picked is gender neutral in that half the world thinks its masculine and the other half thinks its feminine. guess which half i live in. it doesnt matter bc its wrong either way.
people make fun of enbies w object names a lot but likw. if you just browse gender neutral names lists its really easy to see WHY people gravitate towards object names. there is no gendered correlation for "socks". the average person would assume it's a funny nickname, but they won't ask me if it's short for "ariana".
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criminal-sen · 4 months
My trans adhd friend had a trans adhd moment when we were halfway to the airport (90 min drive i agreed to take her on) and she realized she forgot her wallet (I blame girl pockets not deep enough to hold wallet just as much as adhd.. hence the Trans part of that description) anyway we luckily left super mega early, so had time to go all the way back to her apartment and grab it, then still drop her off with plenty of time to catch flight
It wasn't even that big of a deal for me but she felt SO fucking bad about it😭 and that 'OH SHIT' moment when she realized? If it was me I would've started crying fr
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the-boy-branithar · 6 months
tellin you right now, terfs are THIS close to regendering occupations. if they win their sacred public bathrooms, they're gonna be coming after jobs next, saying women shouldn't have to be in the same workplaces as men. they'll tell us all that the REAL solution to workplace harassment is segregation, only men should be on construction sites (women are too frail for that kind of work anyway, of course) and only women should be teachers (men are dangerous predators and can't be trusted around children anyway, of course) and they'll tell us all that it's anti-woman to say that women should be safe in any career.
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infizero · 1 year
uhhh ok i’ll shut up now but. legally obligated when talking mario stuff to remind everyone/inform the unaware that paper mario the thousand year door had a canonically explicitly trans girl in it that becomes mario’s friend
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graveyardcat7 · 1 year
i hope my college roommate either had a cat or wants to get one because if theres not a little guy in my house ill go fucking crazy
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 1 year
i unsubscribed to two cooking youtubers in the past week for slobbing on jkr's knob, transphobia and antisemitism are bad enough but supporting bri ish food??? The line has to be drawn somewhere
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baltears · 2 years
as a nonbi/nary person it is not my responsibility to exert myself and spend my energy trying to actively distance myself from my agab in ways im not personally interested in doing. if people perceive me as a girl that is simply bc their third eye is closed and its not my fault
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solar-cycle · 2 months
maybe i should try and load the site. hmmm. i also have another device that has the latest app version installed so i will see if its an old app issue
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clerichs-xi · 1 year
its biannual time of talking to my parents about being transgender again. sigh.
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girltwinkskye · 2 months
I cant imagine having to grow up with transphobic parents. Im struggling enough as it is. Having bad parents on top of that is eeeeeee. You come out to them and they deadname and misgender you because they cant deal with change? Oh i guess you dont love me at all. Cool. To anyone affected by this i hope you get out of that situation asap. That isnt normal
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
I see a lot of anons commenting things like "oh i hope the leaks are false and the show is actually good!".
I dont, i hope they are real, and that the story gets way worse, that the show sucks and that it flops so bad that Vivzie is never given any other opportunity to work on the industry.
Because, if the show comes out to be good, there would be a LOT of consequences:
If its succesful, then Vivzie will get fame on the industry, not just on the internet, wich will lead to her being allowed to make more shows and proyects. With workers that she will abuse the exact same way with the indie ones, and this time it will be ever harder for the victims to speak out if its against someone who has an important place on the industry. Like i just know that the production of any proyect she is in charge of is a total nightmare for anyone who isnt her rich arrogant ass. Add to that the transphobia, her obbsession with being loved by anyone, the way she expressed to wanting to "destroy" people that she had conflict with, it will def get ugly.
The only good thing that could came out from Hazbin being good, is that it COULD make bigger companies want to support indie proyects from the internet, but i think there are a LOT more indie productions that deserves it than Hazbin.
Anyway, i dont care if Hazbin turns out to be the best show ever, i dont think this Transphobic childish bully with abuse allegations deserves to have her shit OC show to be succesful. I hope it gives negative numbers to the company and she gets kicked out and blacklisted.
High-fucking-five, Anon. My thoughts exactly, and I do mean exactly.
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stiffyck · 13 days
Hey if i could just ask you about your post on bantaro-bird, isnt the fact that theyre trying not to talk about it good? Like thats probably someone who grew up in a christian household and has a hard time accepting lgbt people, which isnt the best but it looks like theyre trying not to talk about it because theyre aware it could hurt someone, thats not hiding it, thats just being a decent person to people you dont agree with, and i think in that regard making a callout post does more harm than good
"They're trying not to talk about it because they're aware it could hurt someone" uh hey what if instead they changed their viewpoint on trans people then? If they know their views on stuff are hurtful to people why wouldn't they rethink that view then.
Let's use this argument but with a different group of people that's either marginalized or opressed oe discriminated against in some way:
"Hey isn't it good that this person is not talking about how they don't support black people because they're aware it could hurt someone?" "Isn't it a good thing they're not talking about how they don't support disabled people because it could hurt someone?" Like I'm sorry but what. (This isn't comparing these things btw, they're all very different)
Maybe the correct way to go here would be to idk. Apologize and change their way of thinking????
If I was friends with someone and found out they didn't "agree" with me for being trans but kept that to themselves? We are no longer friends. I don't care that they "don't want to talk about it" I will forever know they will never accept me and support me. Unless they apologize and change their views.
Like I don't care that they're trying to keep quiet to not upset someone- because they're active in very queer fandoms and spaces. There's a lot of queer people. Why do you want to interact with someone who you do not like.
Religion is not an excuse to be a bigot. They're a grown ass person. They can change their mind.
Also you can't just "not agree" wIth someone on their IDENTITY.
Real question tho: why are people so ready to defend a random stranger on the internet who has been very outwardly transphobic and homophobic? Like yes I liked their art too but is that really all it takes for you to look past their views.
Idk I hope this answer makes sense.
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