#i just love how oblivious sanji is in canon too
mintypsii · 27 days
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author x barista cafe au (sanji is competing against himself)
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darlingbabyboo · 10 months
"What's wrong with me?"
♡ Luffy doesn't understand why the sight of you with Ace makes something ignite in him ♡
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Reader is described as a girl and shorter then Luffy and Ace. Also, suspend your disbelief, timeline is not at all canon compliant. Also also, not edited in the slightest :)
Ace is being introduced and everything and Luffy is so happy
He loves his brother so much and seeing him is a dream
He's a natural charmer too, the entire crew is smitten with him
And some might be a bit too smitten with him
So rewind a bit, what exactly is your relationship with Luffy?
You're a really valuable member of the crew Luffy values you an extra lot
Since Luffy doesn't have a subtle bone in his entire body literally everyone knows that he's in love with you
Everyone except for you
Luffy might be the most obvious motherfucker but you're the most oblivious motherfucker
Match made in heaven
The crew is sick of your shit
But it's all going to be over soon thanks to a certain flame boi
Going back to Ace
When you saw Ace, your jaw dropped (and honey, who can blame you?)
And when Ace saw you, he was equally impressed because you're also quite a beauty
"I-it's so nice to see you." You can't help but stammer when you see Luffy's older brother. He's so- attractive!
"I should be saying that to you." He gives you an awards-winning smile and you try not to faint. "I love your curls."
You try to compose yourself as he leans in closer, your foreheads brushing against each other. You think- he's trying to break you. And lo and behold, his next words makes your heart skip a beat.
"I've certainly never seen such a beauty in all of the seas."
You can't handle it, your legs start to tremble, you're definitely going to fall over. You can feel yourself going...
Until, Ace wraps his arms around your waist to stop you
The crew watches the scene with a bit of amusement at the lovey-dovey scene
Luffy's not as impressed
"Ace! Let me show you around the ship." In the middle of you, pushing both of you apart (using a bit of his devil fruit to make sure that you guys stay far away from each others)
You pout, upset that your moment has been interrupted
Ace is equally disappointed
And Luffy is now filled with determination to make sure both of you never talk to each other again
"Hey, gorgeous, wanna night watch together? The stars are almost as beautiful as you."
"Oh, well-"
"She's going to be too busy!" Luffy pops in, out of nowhere. Not even remotely near you when the conversation was happening. Lying through his rubber skin because you have fucking nothing to do.
That's how all your interactions with Ace go on for the entirety of his stay
"Gorgeous, wanna walk around the island a bit?"
"That'd be great! I just need to-"
"Too bad that she's helping Sanji search for food!"
"What? No, I'll be fine. You can go with Ace if you want." Sanji doesn't want to be dragged into the weird love triangle with Luffy and his brother.
Luffy, in a shocking display, glares at Sanji and stretches to wrap his arms around you, pulling you into him. He nozzles into you, despite your gasp at the quick motion, "she'll be with me and Usopp, so she can't come with you." He sticks his tongue out at Ace as an extra measure, though his older brother only gives a playful smile.
The crew also has their own playful smiles
Luffy is experiencing jealousy so badly and him talking about his feelings is such a laugh
He tries to talk to you but he's horrible at talking about his feelings and also has such a soft spot for you that he's not match for it
"I didn't think that your brother was like that." You swoon. Luffy wonders if he's imaging hearts in your eyes. Why do you have those. Ace is cool but not that cool.
"I didn't think you would react like that." He huffs out, "I don't even know why you're talking to him this much, he likes you too much."
You laugh, thinking he's just being silly possessive like he is over the rest of the crew. "He's just being friendly. Nothing wrong with that."
"I think there's a lot wrong with that." He insists, a prominent pout on his face and arms crossed.
"Luffy, it's not a big deal."
"Yeah, well..." He trails off when you tilt up and place your hands on his cheeks.
"It's fine Luffy, don't worry." You smile up at him.
A strange feeling swarms in him. Is he hungry right now? All he knows is that he wants your smile aimed at him forever.
When Ace is about to leave, Luffy is practically dragging him away.
He loves his brother, he does, truly
Just doesn't like the chemistry that he has with you
"I'll miss you, beautiful." Ace offers you a charming smile and you bite your bottom lip, giving him a bashful look.
"O-oh, th-thank-"
"Okay, bye Ace, won't see you for a long time!"
He pushes Ace onto his boat, the crew watching in amusement and Ace laughing the entire time.
"Now you can spend more time with me again!" He wraps his arms around you, you giggle at him.
"Sure Luffy- and there's no need to be jealous- out of the two of you, you're my favourite!"
Oh, maybe you weren't that oblivious after all.
Luffy's smile widens when he hears that, hugging you tighter.
No matter what jealousies, you two will always be each others favourites ٩(ˊ���ˋ*)و ♡
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sanji-piss-hell · 7 months
Here is some of my fave zosan fics. Some of these I read years ago and so I don't fully remember what theyre about but they we're good enough that I still have strong emotional attachments when I see the name. Most of them are things I've read recently. Literally all I do all day is homework and have an app tts fanfics to me like an audio book so there's quite a few of recs here. I am not the best at summeries but just trust me bro these are GOOD SHIT. I only provide the best. What I consider a good fic: - Takes place in the one piece world (I don't like modern aus) - Characters stay in character or if they do have changes from their canon portrayal there is a justifiable reason from within the story. - Solid story telling and arcs (even the shorter fics) - The Zosan dynamic is kept mostly how it is in canon they fight and bicker. (I know some like when they're soft with eachother like a loving married couple. You won't find much of that here) - Some of these have pervy sanji, que nose bleeds and ogling. With that out of the way here's the list!! Now to my fave zosan fic of all time and ironically enough the only fic taking place in a modern setting: Life is fine series. TW: Drug abuse, heavy angst, depression I have reread this twice and forced a friend to read it too. It is so amazing not just for the zosan but for the genuinely good story telling. You follow zoro reeling from his sudden loss of relationship with Sanji and falling down a...Well uh, path. It's fucked it's dark it's depressing and its fucking riviting. Alot of the time reading this you're just like WHY DID SANJI LEAVE HIM WHAT IS GOING ON??? Honestly I need to reread this again. Onto softer fics to heal your heart after that one: Honor in limits, his strengths in weakness By Hawksbrood
“Fucking hell cook, what happened to you?” Zoro demanded, voice low so as not to disturb the others sleeping nearby.
Sanji rolled his eyes. “What do you think? I told you we got in a fight earlier.”
“Not that, your fucking feet!”
The cook snarled at that, crushing his cigarette in his teeth. “What the fuck do you mean, my feet? They’re just feet!”
Zoro’s eyes widened, looking at the bruised flesh before him. This wasn’t that.
This was just so good and cute. I appreciate watching zoro appreciate sanji. They take care of eachother but in a way where theyre both still them yeah know? I appreciate how sanji is written letting himself be vulnerable but understanding that he's always gonna be crass cause it's just a part of who he is.
come on, come on (turn a little faster) by donutsandcoffee
The one where everyone thinks they’re dating, Sanji is oblivious, and Zoro takes everything in stride.
Sometimes a love story can go in reverse.
I reread this one recently and it's just soft and sweet. I like watching sanji flounder around. The gay panic is great.
a complete guide to falling in love by ThousandSunny Sanji was trained in the Bridal Arts; this does not go unnoticed by the rest of his crew. I read this like 3 years ago and I dont remember much but I do remember loving it!
Part Timer By 8ball Sanji really, really doesn't want to give Zoro a job at his restaurant. Zoro doesn't really even want to work there in the first place, but, well, there’s this thing with Sanji, and this thing with feelings and the whole thing is pretty damn stupid all together. Zeff just wants grandkids. He’s too old for this bullshit anyways. I am sure everyone knows 8ball very well they're like zosan famous but still just in case this one is really fucking good. Also read this 3 years ago so I don't remember much but I consider this a zosan classic. Onto the rated R Grand Buffet by asyndese Drunk fic!! If there was one thing Zoro knew, it was that you could always trust Sanji's inclinations to do a beautiful 180 as soon as he was drunk. Luckily, Zoro was more than equipped to handle it. I spent. 30 minutes. Trying to find this fic again because that's how much I loved it. It altered my brain chemistry. Sanji getting a nose job during sex is just. aaaaaaaaa. Read it. Cannot suggest enough. Horrors not yet known by Trixree
Sanji doesn’t know how he didn’t notice it before, is the thing. Of all the times he has seen Zoro shirtless (in battle, mostly) he just… never noticed. The problem is, once he has noticed, Sanji can’t seem to stop noticing. And neither can anyone else.
In which Zoro has a nipple piercing and Sanji has a Problem.
I recently reread this and the first time I read it I didn't really get the whole gender sanji shit. Now though???? Yeah another fic that rewired my brain chemistry. This fic opened doors for me it exposed me to a new world. Also sanji gay panic is in here and I live for that. It can be pretty raunchy (love that too) Three rounds with a tiger by KobochaKitsune Another drunk Fic!! also in modern times damn maybe I lied sdklfj
Liquid courage, drunken decisions, terrible euphemisms, and texts from last night, or: how to think entirely with the booze (and your dick) for once.
Or: By the time Sanji got to the party, everyone was already drunk.
I read this 3 years ago (theres a trend going on can you tell??) It also rewired my brain chemistry (from this point on just assume all of these nsfw fics rewired my brain chemistry each of these opened doors for me. This one opened the doors to bottom zoro.) Fucking 20k words of just pwp. I dont even know how the author did that bro like damn. Nature of things by stark_black Tw: Sex work and prostitutes When the Sunny docks, Sanji and Zoro sometimes seek out relief in some not so savory places. After crossing paths in town on more than one occasion, the two find they have a lot more in common than they would like to admit. I hunted this down for like fucking hours a couple of weeks ago because it was that good. Stark_Black has a fucking library worth of zosan fics this one is a classic to me. But if you want more content check out his other fics I think they have like over 100 zosan its kinda insane. Coregasm by Yakarmi
Sanji discovers that sometimes, Zoro has orgasms while he lifts.
“You…” Sanji trailed off, gaze turning down as he licked his lips. Pink tongue darting out nervously. “You orgasm when you exercise?”
Zoro clenched his jaw. Shrugged. Trying to act nonchalant.
Sanji’s eye went wide, and like his mouth had suddenly been liberated from his brain, blurted out, “that’s so fucking hot,” before clamping his hands over his mouth. His cigarette fell from his mouth, bouncing soundlessly on the ground.
Bro bestie, the way this put me on nose bleed Sanji. Perv sanji. I need that gif thats like mmm cause man this is good. Ending this fic rec with a BANG we have
Contingencies and Congruencies by PeaceSignDisasterBi
Somewhere between finishing the bottles of alcohol and mugs of beer, the crew comes together to create a contingency plan for something that may-or-may-not-happen during their time on the Grand Line and beyond. Usopp thinks it's more likely than bumping into zombies, Zoro wants to stay out of this, Sanji is just going with the flow, and Nami may or may not keep things legally binding and above board with consistent consensual acquiescence. Robin finds it all amusing.
The damn chart stays in the locked drawer in her desk, split into three neat categories: Devil Fruit Powers, Science, and Magic. Each represents whatever they're hit with but also categorizes the amount of self-control the person has during.
AKA: 5 times Zoro and Sanji had to help each other as Consensual Helpers of Dubious Consent + 1 Time There Was Nothing Dubious At All
Ok this is 152k long its pretty insane. It regoes over the arcs so throughly so carefully that I literally had to question my memory because I havent experienced alot of these arcs in a while (it's one of the reasons im rewatching one piece). I will say despite how amazing and well written this is I had a hard time comprehending sometimes. now I was sick at the time of reading this so that might be why but sometimes the way things were phrased felt like yoda talking. I think it's just me though. I'm not used to big words :( And thats a wrap!! These arent even all the ones I wanted to include I have at least 20 more off the top of my head but I'll save that for another day. I hope you find joy in these fics Like i did I'll def do another one of these as cause I didnt even touch my sanji centric fics or germa 66 or just in general the best sanji fanfic writers. (Mentioned some of them like 8ball, thousand sunny and donuts and coffee.) Best of luck to yall and let me know what you think!
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Usopp being sanji's first kiss is canon we all know this but usopp's first kiss is Zoro. Okay now listen both of them have separate crushes Zoro likes Luffy. He doesn't know what to do with himself around him, usopp is realizing that maybe his relationship with Sanji is a little bit more than platonic and he doesn't know how to approach that.
They have a conversation about this, debating on how they confess to their crushes. And the top of being ill experience with relationships comes up and they realize that they have never kissed anyone. So obviously they don't want to fuck it up. You know when the time comes. You know they don't want to embarrass themselves not knowing what to do so you know the logical answer to this dilemma is to practice on each other.
Usopp is of course very nervous about this He doesn't want anyone walking in on them. Zoro comes up with a plan during night watch to sneak behind Nami's tangerine bushes and do it there. It's late at night They're both anxious usopp more than Zoro.
Despite his worry usopp initiates the kiss first standing on his tippy toes to lean in for a kiss. His lips are inches away from zoro's lips and he freezes He's starting to get second thoughts that maybe this isn't a good idea. Before he get back away of the row, firmly puts his hands on his shoulders crouch is down and kisses.
It was....... Nice they can both tell that they've never done this before, but it's really nice. It starts off with just lips to lips but soon starts to add tongue and this ends up making out. They do this for a week sometimes to practice or out of boredom. (horny teens on a boat what do you expect) the day finally comes usopp is ready to confront Sanji about their relationship. Let's just say he's a pretty great kisser
This is real and canon to me and GOD if Sanji finds out he's gonna go insane. Don't. Don't you EVER tell Sanji about this. If he knows Zoro was the one to kiss Usopp first he's gonna go all jealous and crying and curling up on the floor. But this is so real to me. Especially pre-ts, you know? Like I can totally see this happening. Zoro and Usopp are besties and they're like "huh, actually, this isn't such a bad idea. Who are we going to do this with if not with each other?" and they just start making out. Thing that makes sense because they're in love with two people who are oblivious to their crushes and sometimes teenagers are horny and that's okay. I think they make out and kiss for fun at this point and if they get too horny they stop because their romantic asses can't take having sex with somebody that isn't their specific idiots.
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
One Piece on  a plane trip ! (AU) Who will you chose ?
So I am going to take the plane and I thought I should make write this lil funny head canons about my boys taking the plane...~
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L U F F Y 
Doesn’t pack, you actually need to pack for him. He will be carrying a huge backpack full of snacks and the customs will be shocked by the amount of snacks that he is carrying. He will have to throw some of the drinks away while passing the customs and he will refuse to do so.
Runs everywhere in an excited way all over the airport, you will have to reason with him.
Gets super excited for this “new adventure” and gets impressed by the big planes. 
You will be the one keeping his passport and all important documents. (Otherwise he will just eat them) “What’s this ?” Looks at passport  “Eh, I don’t think it’s important. Whatever” throws it away
Will ask the flight attendant for 5 drinks and for seconds, thirds, fourths when they bring food. You’ll feel like you’re actually on a trip with your child...
Will get bored through the flight and would like to jump off the plane. 
Flying with Luffy ? never again...
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You can’t count on this man. He will sleep in and miss the flight.
He packs the bare minimum. Few shirts, boxers and forgets that he needs socks. He won’t fold his clothes either. Why fold them when you’re going to use them ? Plain stupid. 
He will get lost in the airport, get lost GETTING to the airport, well, he will get lost everywhere. You will probably have to hold his hand.
He will be probably drinking beer in the morning in the airport and embarrass you. 
Let’s be real ; he will attract women’ attention because he is just super handsome with his sunglasses, but he’s too oblivious to notice anyways. 
He will fall asleep during the flight and leave you extremely bored. 
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 S A N J I 
He will suggest to pack your clothes....However, if you accept, almost all of the clothes that he will pack for you would be lingerie and elegant dresses. 
He will be pretty well prepared, would drive both of you to the airport. The day of the flight he will prepare a hearty breakfast for you. He will be super happy to travel in your company. 
He will pack lunch for both of you and would make you the cutest bento. Of course, Sanji is a cook after all, he loves making sure that you’re having nutritious meals and not the bland food that they serve on the plane! 
He will have a pretty serious nosebleed during the flight from all the pretty flight attendants around. Having them make sure that he is okay will make the situation even worse...You will have to keep a close eye on him. 
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L A W 
This guy has his suitcase packed three days before the flight in *Marie Kondo* style. Everything is color coded and in packing cubes. He also has a list of things he needs so he doesn’t forget anything. Did you expect anything less from Trafalgar Law ? 
Will go to the airport three hours beforehand ; just in time. He also knows everything about airports’ rules and what is allowed to carry and what is not. 
He will give anyone death glares ; he just has a resting bitch face. 
He knows a lot of random facts about planes, altitude and will keep telling you detailed information about the flight, the speed of the plane and such things. 
If you feel dizzy or have the mal de l’air, he will be prepared and ask the flight attendant for some water. Since he always has a plan, he -of course- anticipated your sickness and will have some pills on him to ease your pain. 
He will hold your hand and calmly explain how changes in air pressure affect your body.  So tell me who would you like to fly with ? =) For me I’d like Law ! My style of getting prepared for a plane trip is a mix of Law and Zoro :p 
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yukipri · 4 years
Good evening, how are you? Hope your days are well, safe, and happy! I was wondering in your MerLuffy AU, how does Robin fit in? Because it's canon that she is the mother figure so would she also be a playing mother figure with bit more protective tendencies? Or would she fight alongside Nami for MerLuffy's attention?
Hey there to you too! Kinda hard to find “well” days nowadays, but we make do, and I hope you’re doing your best to take care of yourself too ^ ^;
Ah, Robin.
So I’m not entirely sure if I agree that she’s a “mother” figure in canon. I think she’s an older woman in a group of people mostly younger than her, and that her maturity and experience often has her looking out for them, or watching over them when they engage in more childish actions that she herself doesn’t want to participate in. But I personally have never read her as being motherly to the other Straw Hats. Possibly older sisterly, but even that’s kinda open to interpretation! She’s just their friend and crew member, same as any other friend and crew member, and you can defs have amazing friends who are older/younger than you without needing a parental element in your relationship ^ ^;
As for her role in this AU...while it’s certainly subject to change in the future, I don’t currently have any plans to have her romantically interested in Luffy, at least beyond a gentle comfortable crush that she has no interest in acting upon. I personally sorta do see her as older sisterly! And can also absolutely see their relationship as queerplatonic, such that Luffy curling up on Robin’s lap and Robin gently kissing her head while stroking her tail and even sometimes pecking her lips is completely normal.
Robin’s absolutely very protective of Luffy, because in addition to Luffy being her chosen captain and savior, she’s adorable, and we know how Robin feels about cute things ^ ^; Robin’s also hyper observant, and is absolutely aware of most of their other crew members’ feelings towards Luffy, oftentimes before even they’re aware of it themselves. And, I think she finds the whirlwind of heated emotions centered around her beloved captain to be absolutely fascinating, and honestly, the greatest entertainment she’s ever had.
By which I mean, Robin’s essentially the all-knowing Overseer of the ongoing Win Luffy’s Affections Battle that is going on aboard their ship, and everyone but Luffy knows it too. She knows exactly who’s in love with Luffy and how deep they’ve gone. She’s there waiting when they come to the realization and need someone to talk to, and she gives advice on how to deal with their Feelings.
She steps in whenever things get too heated in love rivalry, such as when Zoro and Sanji are snapping at each other for Luffy-related things, suddenly appearing between them and giving them a Look, quietly saying, “Captain would be so sad if she knew,” which immediately gets them to back down and sulk in their respective Corners of Shame.
And while by no means is she a cock block, she’s also very aware of how oblivious Luffy can be, especially to things like romance, and steps in when she thinks anyone is going too far without Luffy’s knowing consent. Like perhaps Law gets a bit too tempted one night, and leans in to give Luffy a kiss on the lips while she sleeps--only for Robin’s eye and mouth to pop out of the wall next to them, gently chiding, “That’s crossing a line, Torao.”
Let’s just say, Law does not shriek like a terrified mouse, but no he won’t ever be repeating that. Nico-ya sees All.
Sabo, who got to know her a bit better than most during her time in the Revolutionary Army during the time skip, sometimes slides into the library while she’s working alone and tries to coax information on his competition out of her, such as whether Deuce has actually admitted to his feelings yet. And Robin’ll laugh, “That’s cheating, Mister Chief of Staff,” and Sabo’ll laugh too, raising his gloved hands in surrender but hey, don’t blame him for trying! He’ll be back to try another day, because it’s fun, even knowing Robin’s ironclad rules of confidentiality.
Who is Robin rooting for? Well, everyone, to be honest. While her unashamed favorite is Luffy, she loves all of her found family and friends, and finds all of their confused, chaotic, and passionate feelings for Luffy to be endearing. She gives little nudges here and there, but mostly stays neutral, waiting to see how things play out.
(And she has a strong hunch that there’ll be no single “winner,” anyway. Her captain always surprises them like that)
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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kenbunshokus · 4 years
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this is a (super late) update to this fic rec post! i was planning to just keep editing and updating that post, but it’s been so old it no longer appears on tumblr search system and all, so here we are. be ready for some old school zosans in the mix
all complete
absolute favorites will be noted with a ♡
list will be updated as i find more
story count: 30 fics
last update: jan 5th 2020
Goings On by clarify  ♡
Zoro and Sanji understand each other, and sometimes have a very similar sense of humor. Even though they're worlds ahead of most, sometimes they can't help but to act their age.
easily one of my favorites. zoro and sanji are completely in character, being themselves and comfortable in each other’s spaces. for anyone who thinks zoro and sanji can’t get along in canon, this fic can easily prove them wrong.
Part Timer by 8ball ♡♡
Sanji really, really doesn't want to give Zoro a job at his restaurant. Zoro doesn't really even want to work there in the first place, but, well, there’s this thing with Sanji, and this thing with feelings and the whole thing is pretty damn stupid all together.
Zeff just wants grandkids. He’s too old for this bullshit anyways.
a wonderful, heart-wrenching, roller coaster ride of a post-series fic. this fic is not just a mere fic — it’s a zosan magnum opus with guest appearances by so many other characters, lots of crew hijinks and a must-read for everyone who craves for a happy ending for these good boys.
Say It Again by 8ball
Zoro tells Sanji how he feels. And then again. And again. 
since we’re talking about 8ball i just want you to know i’d rec everything they’ve ever written, but special mention to say it again — a classic miscommunication trope fic done well where the miscommunication stems from fundamental misunderstanding of each other’s principles and views instead of just some plot-convenient coincidences. and soft zoro. god, he is soft.
The Wedding Night by cuethe-pulse (lj)
Zoro had never expected any of this.
major character death warning. don’t let the first few scenes fool you. note the warning; the last few lines were like a punch in the gut for me, except, you know, the good kind of punch. also, a quick rec of a drabble by the same author to soothe the pain after this one.
Roronoa Zoro: World’s Greatest Bug Killer by insaneidiot ♡
Sometimes, Zoro's life really sucks. He should've known better than to make fun of Sanji's bug phobia, though...
zoro’s internal monologue is hilarious  — until today, this author is still my go-to expert on zoro’s voice, especially his more sarcastic side.
Quitting’s Easy by insaneidiot
Sanji decides to quit smoking. This is not quite so easy as he thinks it will be. Also, his crewmates (excluding Robin and Nami, of course!) are assholes.
fun, fun strawhat hijinks and oblivious sanji. the crew dynamics and especially sanji’s voice are pitch perfect. there’s a hint of luffy/nami that you can easily scroll past if it’s not your thing.
I can’t stop thinking that i can’t stop thinking by hieiandshino ♡
In which Brook changes tactics and Zoro is not amused. Everyone else is, though.
holy shit is this fic hilarious. i love comedy fics that manage to slip in thoughtful observations and character study in between the hijinks, and this fic pulls that off with flying colors. 
The Walls See All by threesipsmore
Reiju hides a snail cam in her brother's room.
fun short fic from reiju’s pov. there’s never enough zosan set in whole cake island arc and this fic delivers.
Stormbird by Judin ♡
The Straw Hats' first landing in the New World is on Arashi Island, where it looks like they'll be spending a fun week attending the local festival and making new friends. Until they spot a strange pirate ship in the harbour, and Sanji starts behaving oddly. The Straw Hats become entangled with the mysterious Gently Pirates, a crew that harbour many secrets, and whose captain is a man out of Sanji's past who has the power to tear the Straw Hat crew apart. 
it cannot be overstated how wonderful this fic is, and how it could’ve fit into the canon just nicely, like a better-written one piece movie, except with zosan. not only are sanji and zoro in character, every strawhat gets a spotlight and has pitch-perfect voices. brook is especially lovely in this fic.
Unintended Consequence by itsmylifekay
A group of marines charge, Zoro slices through them, and in that instant Sanji feels his own eyes grow wide. Because there, on the arm now outstretched towards him, steel glinting in hand, is the stupid bracelet he’d given Zoro. The bastard is actually wearing it.
there’s a reason this is the most kudo-ed zosan fic on ao3 right now — it’s so soft without being ooc, and there’s a quiet undercurrent of affection laid throughout the fic that will warm you up from the insides.
Somewhere Between Sorrow and Bliss by srididdledeedee
Sanji has never cared for winter.
He can see himself, is the thing. There are bits and pieces that poke through, but it’s not all him. It’s like staring in a fractured mirror. He knows, intellectually, that the person staring back at him is himself, but his face is splintered and his shape is distorted and his body is wrong.
a fantastic character study on trans!sanji and how he comes to terms with his identity with the help of his crewmates. supportive strawhats are always a lovely addition to a zosan fic
Give In To Love by libbylune
Zoro knows better than to think about it too much, but between the rowdy festivals and ancient unexplained temples on this island, it's hard to forget about wanting Sanji.
i love how this fic puts as much focus on the boys after the confession as it does before the confession. a good case fic with its own unique island adventure and i’m always a sucker for soft!zoro
Laundry by libbylune
Dealing with Sanji makes Zoro develop a lot of opinions about clothes.
there’s absolutely nothing hotter than bi!sanji who’s completely comfortable with his gender identity and sexuality. also gay disaster zoro fumbling his words whenever sanji is around is 1) accurate 2) hilarious.
Language of Swords by HaveMyWeedCookies ♡
It took them for a while but finally, Zoro asked if Sanji wanted to hold his sword.
i love fics that explore zoro’s relationship with his craft and his swords, and adding zosan into the mix is something i didn’t know i needed. an interesting outsiders pov zosan in the pov of zoro’s swords.
Ghost of a Chance by sabershadowkat
“I know, for sure, that I didn’t expect to miss everyone so much, including you.” Sanji cut a glance at Zoro and rephrased correctly, “Especially you.”
this fic handles tropes that are usually associated with character death fics, but manages to end it with a happy ending. zoro’s devotion here is heart-wrenching.
Idiot Romance by sabershadowkat
"This has to be a joke," Sanji muttered, poking at the colored petals. Zoro couldn't have just given him flowers.
a classic  — this is literally the first zosan fic i’ve ever read — and a lovely one at that. sanji is oblivious and zoro attempts romance, not that zoro ever needed to.
festival night by thisislegit
“ANOTHER FEAT BY THE WORLD’S STRONGEST MAN, JORIRI.” The woman turned to Mr. Mohawk and with faux sympathy said, “Oh! Sorry, sir. Maybe next time. We can’t always beat the best, but we can do our best and that’s what matters. Do we have any other takers? ANY OTHER TAKERS READY FOR THE STRONG MAN CHALLENGE? HOW ABOUT YOU SIR? MADAM? YOU OVER THERE? ARE YOU INTERESTED?”
“What kind of shit name is Joriri,” said Zoro and Sanji in unison.
i’m an absolute sucker for fics that have zoro and sanji simply hanging out and enjoying each other’s company, comfortable in a way they couldn’t with their other crewmates, and this fic exemplifies that. just them being little shits and having fun with one another.
No Victory in Hesitation & the Past Has Its Lessons by EudaimonErisornae & vageege
Zoro has a lot of things he wants to say to Sanji, but he just needs one more day. || Zoro tries to fix a mistake he made in the past.
major character death warning. i died a little bit inside after reading this tbh. there are some devil fruits-explained time travel hijinks, but mostly it’s this looming, grim inevitability of death that’s written so pervasively throughout the fic that really got me.
Imperatives by dollcewrites
Zoro is confident in saying that Sanji is a man who doesn’t do what he’s told. Which is why, when a command accidentally slips from Zoro’s lips during foreplay, he is expecting to hear the cook’s scoff as he continues to do what he pleases.
i don’t tend to do pwp, but this isn’t just one — it’s a completely in-character piece about their relationship and dynamics.
when you say by bluewalk ♡
It's a long time in coming. Usopp can promise, but.
this fic is as much sanuso as it is zosan, and usopp here is — still very much usopp, but also a very beautiful take on his character as someone who spent a lot of time behind sanji’s back, and realizes that when he watches sanji’s back, he gets to see zoro’s, too.
a complete guide to falling in love by ThousandSunny
Sanji was trained in the Bridal Arts; this does not go unnoticed by the rest of his crew.
while the main ship is still zosan, the fic also focuses a lot on zoro and sanji’s relationship with the rest of the crew, and it’s one of those fics that really makes you realize how much of a family the strawhats is. a lovely read all around.
destructivity is a poison that run through our veins by wasteofmind
Zoro thinks that, someday, they are going to kill each other.
a dysfunctional take of their relationship. it’s fascinating in the same way a car crash is fascinating  — there’s an undercurrent of something violent, something visceral. this is one of the fics that inspired me to write migratory animals.
Ocean’s Child by 8ball  ♡
Here's the truth: Zoro couldn't swim. He fell in the water and sank like a stone because there had never been anyone to teach him how to move his arms. He forgot that if he screamed for help the water would get in his mouth, and he even opening his eyes hurt.
Here’s the other truth, the one that stays a secret: a mermaid saved him.
a fascinating retelling of the one piece canon with mermaid!sanji. it feels a lot like a love letter to the seas, and it’s mesmerizing how sanji’s mermaid backstory is seamlessly weaved into the one piece canon.
with you by Cirro
How to find your life partner in three easy steps: 1. Punch them in the face 2. Insult their cognitive abilities 3. Embarrass them so much they agree to marry you
a wholesome two-part modern au series. my personal favorite is the second part, where sanji brings zoro home to meet zeff — complete with the two of them teasing sanji in their own ways.
The Proper Reaction (or What To Do When Your Son Brings His Boyfriend Home by three_days_late
Holidays at the Baratie were always hectic, but it's nothing Zeff can't handle. Sanji's new boyfriend, on the other hand...
on the topic of meet-the-family: the only thing more fun than zoro meeting zeff is zoro meeting zeff and the entirety of baratie staff. also includes one of my favorite line about bi!sanji: “sanji loves nice girls and bad boys”.
Exclusive by cuethe-pulse
Zoro loves Sanji, Sanji loves Zoro. Zoro wants to be exclusive, so Sanji should, too. Right?
this is a circus/bakery au. yes, you read that right, and yes, it works. i went into this fic with a lot of doubts and came out very satisfied with how fleshed out everyone in this au is, and i’m forever in awe with how the author can set up an entirely separate, vivid universe with so few words.
Delivery by styx_in_the_mud
Sanji is stuck delivering pizzas when Patty is out of commission for a while. Zoro likes to order pizza after training. Both of them are sort of idiots, but Zoro can be smooth as fuck if he puts his mind to it.
a fun, in-character au with good ol’ banter and cute get-together.
The End of It All by xpiester333xx
Humans have been forced underground due to the effects of a chemical weapon that has made surface life impossible. Sanji lives in one of these underground colonies and though he dreams of bigger things his life has been mundane; spent following strict rules and obeying higher commands. Or it was, until a stranger shows up and changes everything.
the author labelled it as sci-fi au, but I personally think it’s more dystopian-like? either way, while this fic is on the long side, it manages to keep everyone in character until the very end, which is something that can’t be said for a lot of fics.
well, there we go! feel free to drop me an ask if you want to rec me fics or ask for a more specific/themed rec list; i’ll also update this post regularly !!
i also have an ao3 donutsandcoffee if you want to see my take on these dorks o/
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623-624: "Time for Tearful Goodbyes! Departure from Punk Hazard!" and "G5 Destroyed! Doflamingo's Raid!"
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Those veins will blow any second! 
You need to relax. Subscribe to Headspace. Take a yoga class. Kill some innocent Marines--- oh...
Oda has knocked it out of the park yet again. Now Doflamingo has entered the game, the implications of the wider criminal network of New World pirates has come to the fore. This, of course, means Law’s plan to take down Kaidou is not only super ambitious but also fraught with peril.
Considering I go on and on about peril like a broken record, this is a good thing.
And sorry about that last mini hiatus, by the way. Blame it on full rewrites and Resident Evil 2.
“Watcha thinkin’ bout, Luffy?”  “Chikkin.”
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“And thus the Strawhat crew spent some time intoxicated during their celebrations.”
Eloquently summed up by the Narrator, I feel. xD  Totally love how the Strawhats can switch from party mode to sober and ready to sail within minutes. Guess that’s part of the pirate job description. Things change on a whim out there in the New World. Sobering up fast is a vital survival skill.
There was a mini recap of the terms of Law’s alliance with Luffy. Smoker wanted to know what was going on. “There’s no way you believed I’d keep a promise to a pirate like you. If you really wanted to silence me, you had plenty of chances to kill me. What are you planning to use Strawhat for?”
At first I was like, what the hell, Smoker? Stop being arsey with all the Marines vs Pirates crap. You only escaped Punk Hazard alive because you teamed up with Law. Everyone’s on the same page right now. What happens on Punk Hazard stays on Punk Hazard. None of your men will rat on you for chatting to Law. Later, of course, I changed my opinion on this.
The recap of the Law/Luffy alliance chat revealed a bit more information about Kaidou. According to Law, Kaidou the Beast is known as the most powerful creature in the world. Creature, I think, being the operative word here because he might not actually be human?
One of those hype-building silhouette stills showed up, with Big Mom, Blackbeard, Kaidou, Shanks and Whitebeard. Couldn’t make out much of Kaidou, so I’m still none the wiser on the appearance front. Maybe he’ll be hairy, with that whole beast thing he’s got going on.
Back in the present, Law was characteristically cagey about the chat with Smoker. He told Smoker there was no real reason he let him live, but turned round and spilled that he was “planning on heading to Green Bit.”
I’m still confused about the Green Bit scene. Mainly because I have no clue where/what it is. Is is a code name for Dressrosa? Is it another island completely? Is it a town somewhere in the New World? Or is Law trying to throw Smoker off the scent because he doesn’t want his favourite smokey Marine to be endangered again?
Whatever the case, Law had some final business to attend to before waving goodbye to Punk Hazard. Caesar, Baby 5 and Buffalo were chained up in a corner and drew the filthiest looks when he walked over. (Well, Baby 5 and Buffalo did. Caesar was still unconscious.) They really are acting as if Law has betrayed them somehow.
Doflamingo also keeps calling Law a brat. Vergo was also riding the brat train hard. Can’t help but think Law was affiliated with Doflamingo when he was a kid. Maybe he resented it all these years and this is overdue payback.
We hate love hate love you JUST GO BEFORE WE CRY!
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At the harbour, the Strawhats continued to be absolute diamonds. Apparently, Nami and Chopper refused to sail until they knew the kids would be okay. The good news is that Vegapunk himself offered to help cure the kids of Caesar’s meth candy! Wonder what Vegapunk is thinking right now. He used to work with Caesar. Probably, “Always knew that guy was an asshole.”
As Luffy couldn’t be bothered waiting for another Marine ship to arrive, he told Smoker to just take the SAD tanker and send the kids home on it. Good decision, given a feathery menace was approaching at speed.
The scene with the G5 pretending to hate the Strawhats - erecting a protective banner so the kids wouldn’t be able to thank the dirty, cheating pirates - made me mad at first. I thought, damn, was that ungrateful or what? The Strawhats were the reason they escaped Caesar’s lab with their lives. If the Strawhats hadn’t been there, they would be locked up in cells and the last thing they’d ever hear would be a hiss of gas and a soft, “Shurorororororororo....”
But when the foghorn blasted and the ship set sail, Oda revealed some of the G5 guys’ inner thoughts. Sanji lead them out. Zoro and Tashigi teamed up. Law and Smoker fought together. Usopp guided the Minions to safety. Chopper and Nami helped the kids. Then I saw the sweat drops and the oddly tight jawlines.
Yup. They were fronting.
When Tashigi called them out on their rudeness, they even admitted it. “But Tashigi-chan, if we don’t stop insulting them, we’ll end up actually liking these outlaws.”
Ha. It is way too late for that, G5. You love the Strawhats. No one can escape the roaring event horizon of their charm.
Luffy was totally oblivious to it all. He just laughed and, “What weird Marines.” I mean, come on, G5. Don’t you realise by now that Luffy does not do subtlety?
As they walked to the ship, Zoro suddenly realised Law was tagging along. Usopp whispered in his ear, “Oh yeah, you don’t know. Luffy’s making trouble again.” Poor Zoro. Always the last one to know. xD
A brief flashback of all the major moments in the arc finished it up nicely. Luffy taking that DDM distress call, the fiery dragon, finding Kinemon, discovering Caesar had been drugging innocent kids, Smiley, Luffy declaring he would “kick Caesar’s ass and kidnap him” (best), saving Mocha, Caesar gloating about how well connected and protected he was before the final grizzly magnum smacked him out of the action.
A standard, uplifting ending with dramatic fanfare and Luffy shouting, “SET SAIL!”
But not quite.
For Doflamingo drew nigh...
Law Didn’t Spend Seven Years In Med School To Be Called Traff
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The scene when Law chatted to Doflamingo over DDM was probably my favourite across 623-624. It ramped up the stakes and reset the peril level to red alert. Only one might be tied with it.
Doflamingo bounded across the “sky path” (what is that?”) He bemoaned the fact it cut short. “You brats seem to have the devil’s luck.” He spied something floating on a raft below. He found Buffalo and Baby 5′s disembodied heads chained to it. He jumped down for a chat.
It was weird seeing Baby 5 and Buffalo so contrite. They kept declaring how ashamed they were. “I wanna apologise with my death. I was needed and couldn’t help,” etc. Doflamingo didn’t want to kill them. He needed answers.
What Doflamingo didn’t spy was a video DDM. Law’s voice spoke through it.
“What a surprise. I didn’t think the boss would come out himself.”
“Is that you, Law? Long time no see. Couldn’t you have stayed so I could talk to you in person?” At the point, Doflamingo was still supremely confident.
“If you’re looking for Caesar, he’s with me.”
To hammer home the point, Caesar’s wheedling voice cried, “JOKERRRRRR, PLEASE SAVE ME!” (Lol, oh Caesar.)
“Where are Baby 5 and Buffalo’s bodies?”
“That’s not what we’re talking about,” Law said, taking back control of the conversation. “Let’s make a deal.”
“Don’t try to be so tough,” Doflamingo laughed. “A brat shouldn’t try to act like an adult.” (There’s that calling Law a brat again. Plus, Doflamingo tried to take back control of the situation by ignoring Law and pressing his own agenda.) “Where are you right now? You shouldn’t anger me?”
“Anger? Your most important trading partner is Kaidou the Beast. You’re the one who shouldn’t anger him. What do you think would happen if he found out you couldn’t make SMILEs anymore? He’s not a man you can negotiate with. There would be a brutal battle. You would be killed.”
For the first time, the slasher smile was wiped off Doflamingo’s face. Forehead veins began to throb. That had obviously hit a nerve.
“You’re taking this joke too far, Law. What do I have to do for you to give back Caesar? What are your demands?”
And there it was. It definitely hit a nerve because Doflamingo has deigned to negotiate with the brat. Kaidou really must be something if he can intimidate Doflamingo. 
Law’s demand was kind of weird. It must mean something, but I have no idea what yet.
“Give up your Shichibukai post. Throw away everything you have gained these past ten years and return to being a normal pirate. Of course, if you do that, the Admirals will hunt you down. You have until tomorrow morning’s news. If I see you’ve retired from the Shichibukai, I’ll contact you again. If I see nothing, negotiations are over.”
I have no idea why Doflamingo *needs* the Shichibukai position so badly (other than being able to live on Dressrosa, I guess) but Law threatening to take it from him in exchange for Caesar made him M. A. D.
Multiple veins popped.
It was not pretty.
I guess Doflamingo is now on a deadline. Here’s hoping he does not catch up with the Strawhats before they reach Dressrosa. For that is their canon confirmed next destination! They are sailing to meet Doflamingo on his home turf. Foolhardy? Of course! It wouldn’t be the Strawhats otherwise, right?
Meanwhile... Back On Sunny
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This was so funny. Chopper fixing up Caesar so he can beat him all over again. Even Sanji said, “What kind of doctor are you?” But Caesar, though. Imagine bitching and moaning, “Oweeee, it hurts!” when you gleefully killed tons of people without a flicker of remorse. You deserve it, Caesar. Suck it up and take the L.
Franky also told the story of how he retrieved Mini Merry Mark II eight times (Franky’s long, luscious hair in bunches was excellent, btw).
While Sunny descended a Sea Slope (dat Oda creativity again), the team gathered round to discuss The Plan.  Zoro, now aware the plan was to take down a Yonkou, was suddenly and enthusiastically on board. Luffy asked if anyone objected and Brook replied, “Does objecting do anything?” (Lol, Brook.)
Sanji reminded Law again with a whisper in his ear that Luffy’s idea of an alliance is different from his. I think this might mean something later, so I am recording every instance of this warning as it’s come up twice now.
Then Sanji called Caesar a weird sheep and smacked him when Caesar said, “You’re all fools. You think you’ll get away with this? You’ve landed yourselves on some major big shots’ wanted lists. I hope you realise your foolishness before you die.”
And Chopper was like, “Oi. No kicking until after I’m done treating him.” xD
Law updated the Strawhats on the situation. Most of the Big Name Pirates of the New World have turf on this sea. This has created a massive criminal syndicate. Everyone is linked with everyone else. The scale of operations is on a completely different scale than the Strawhats have been used to. Deals and trades are done in secret so the don’t attract Marine attention. Law also updated them on Doflamingo’s trading relationship with Kaidou.
I’m not sure but I get the feeling Law is enjoying the prospect of taking down Doflamingo even more than Kaidou. There is history between these two and I cannot wait to find out what it is.
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And the scene that is tied with Law threatening Doflamingo over DDM?
Why it’s the scene when Aokiji Showed Up Out Of Nowhere To Kick Doflamingo’s Ass, of course!
While Smoker and his G5 guys stayed behind to rescue any petrified survivors (still a bit salty about that, but I’ll get over it), Doflamingo landed on Punk Hazard like a bomb going off. A single, loose pink feather falling to earth was all the warning they had. Then he hit them with Conqueror’s Haki.
The veins. Oh, the veins. Veins galore criss-crossed that forehead. I counted approximately twenty.
I thought, this guy is out for blood. But he had questions that needed answered first. Doflamingo is not a reckless guy.
“Are they all gone? The tanker’s not here, either. I believe a group of pirates were just here until a minute ago. Where did they go?”
Maybe if he hadn’t opened with Conqueror’s Haki, he would have got some answers. G5 resented the fact he’d attacked them. There was an attempt to fight Doflamingo. An attempt.
With a few twitches of his fingers, Doflamingo took control of their bodies.
“Law could be a problem but Strawhat is just a pirate. Where did you let them run off to?” He turned the G5 against each other, forced friendly-fire massacre style. His pointy shoe stomped a random G5′s chest. “ANSWER ME. What direction did those brats go?”
When the G5 couldn’t answer, they had outlived their usefulness. “Then die.”
Luckily, Smoker smoked into the fray and saved their asses. There was a brief stare off. Doflamingo had a Scary Shiny Glasses moment.
“Smoker, tell me where those brats are.”
This is when Smoker really came through for me. He knew Doflamingo was a corrupt betrayer of the Marines. He played dumb, but could not resist getting a jab in at Doflamingo.
“Who knows? I sure don’t, Joker. They must’ve slipped through our fingers. How can I explain this to our Base Commander, Vergo?”
Smoker made two mistakes. He revealed to Doflamingo that he knows his underworld nickname and hinted he was aware of Vergo’s true allegiance.
Doflamingo’s voice went eerily quiet (I like his VA). “He’s dead, right? It sounds like you know too much.” His hands twitched and he leapt at Smoker.
Does Doflamingo have telekinesis, or something like that? A power that lets him control the movement of others? I’m still not sure what it is. It looked great in the fight, though. Smoker kept getting cut by slashes out of nowhere.
Then, just as Doflamingo sat on Smoker, about to end his existence, a Presence drew up behind him.
“Oh, my. Sorry, little boy. Could you move, please? He’s my friend.”
Holy hype machine, Batman.
You could have knocked me down with a feather. Aokiji, fresh from quitting the Marines, is back in business!
Doflamingo is not having a good day. 
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Usopp has become oddly genre-savvy.
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
gonna throw my sanuso idea out here for u cuz i dunno what else to do with it. im no writer but its kinda like a fic idea about sanji subconciously reaching out for/touching usopp, using the excuse that hes just so enchanted by beautiful women he cant contain himself.
it kinda begins early on, shortly after they enter the grand line. whenever sanji is swooning over nami or whatever lady, he kinda flails and bumps shoulders with usopp, sorta leans into him while hes overwhelmed with his lovesickness. and overtime it evolves into him reaching out and putting his arm around usopp and pulling him in close while he dreamily sighs about how radiant robin and nami look.
eventually down the line, he uses his swooning as an opportunity to grab usopps hand and twirl him around in a little dance. he doesnt even really realize it, but it becomes less and less about the women and more about being able to take hold of usopp and be near him and dance with him.
meanwhile the whole time usopp cant decide if hes more annoyed or flustered or jealous or what to even make of it, but in the end hes glad to be able to be close to sanji too.
AWWW!! This idea is adorable because you can do so many things with it!! Sanji doing this unconsciously at first, always going for Usopp to dance with him or take his hand etc etc when he's daydreaming about one of the girls. And Usopp doesn't mind that much because he knows how Sanji is, so he just rolls his eyes and lets him do whatever. Sometimes he'd make a comment about it or hit him to wake him up, but usually, he just deals with him.
But, of course, we know that even in canon Usopp likes to tease and jokingly flirt with Sanji. So he starts to just... Flirt back and enjoy his shenanigans more and more because Sanji always goes to him when he does these things. And at some point, Sanji just enjoys being next to Usopp so he ends up doing it just because. He says it's for the joke and it's just having a fun time with his best friend, but it's more than that.
The thing is, I think they would end up flirting more and more without girls in the picture. Sanji brings snacks to Nami and Robin and Usopp says something like "Oh, no! What about your dearest sniper?" and Usopp does not expect Sanji to joke back and say "Of course, pretty boy, how could I forget about you? Silly me" and he actually already has a snack prepared for him. They will laugh at Zoro or Law pining over Luffy by holding each other close and imitating their voices dramatically and pretending to almost kiss and they- They genuinely have fun doing it. They're just silly like that. They end up getting closer and closer and Usopp makes jokes about Sanji not paying enough attention to him when everyone can see Sanji has been even ignoring the girls around just to flirt with Usopp.
The sniper doesn't realize, but Sanji is actually down bad and the fact that they're close enough now to even kiss or hold hands jokingly with no strings attached makes him so happy. He wants more, of course, but damn he'll take what he can get, honestly.
Thinking about Sanji actually falling in love with Usopp and being all worried about it in the end, to the point where he has this crisis about confessing. Usopp thinks (because he's oblivious and dumb) that it's because of Nami. So of course, he goes to Sanji and tells him to practice his confession with him. Because Usopp doesn't think he has any chance of being with Sanji. He has already accepted it. And this way at least he can help the one he loves.
Finally, Sanji makes this beautiful confession to Usopp, saying everything he feels out loud for once, and about to kiss him, and Usopp is like "Huh, I- I think you should keep the kiss for Nami, right? You wouldn't want to waste this on someone like me" and Sanji is literally so in love with him it hurts, so he says "It would be a waste to use it on somebody that isn't you" and they kiss. And they're happy. And I love them so much-
Now they become even more annoying because their way of flirting jokingly turns into actually flirting and being clingy and the crew is soooo done with them.
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