#i just think its interesting how blatantly inlove they r in their own difd way
amaranthdahlia · 7 months
i think its interesting how aziraphale and crowley have a different way to show how blatantly in love they are to the audience . like, aziraphale shows it with his expressions, he wears his heart on his sleeve and you can just see how much love he has for crowley (ie. jims question, aziraphales reaction. how he kept looking at crowley during boxflys reveal.) for crowley, you can see with his actions, how he much he does things for azieephale (ie. 1941 book rescue. how he came back to help him when he realize aziraphale could be in danger in s2) and i just think its so. cute, these r two supernatural ancient beings and they have such a human way to show how much they love the other and its so apparent to the audience lol
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