#but yeh im going off topic lol
amaranthdahlia · 7 months
i think its interesting how aziraphale and crowley have a different way to show how blatantly in love they are to the audience . like, aziraphale shows it with his expressions, he wears his heart on his sleeve and you can just see how much love he has for crowley (ie. jims question, aziraphales reaction. how he kept looking at crowley during boxflys reveal.) for crowley, you can see with his actions, how he much he does things for azieephale (ie. 1941 book rescue. how he came back to help him when he realize aziraphale could be in danger in s2) and i just think its so. cute, these r two supernatural ancient beings and they have such a human way to show how much they love the other and its so apparent to the audience lol
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a discussion idea! (long post)
my husband and i were chatting last night while cleaning up dinner; he pitched a fun idea that could be a great topic of discussion in the simblr community. maybe this should be a SQotD submission - IDK but: he asked how i feel about sims 2 expansion packs now compared to when they came out. initially, i said "yeh idk, i guess the same?" and that was that.
i put a more thought towards his question and realized, i do feel a bit differently about some of the EPs now compared to when they came out - all under the cut!
university: i was SO SO excited about it bc i didnt go away to college like my friends did so it was a way to vicariously-ish get the experience and a bonus was zombies! now tho? yea i still enjoy it even tho the dormies eventually start pissing me off bc theyre just so damn dumb lmao
nightlife: same level of excitement. i LOVE cities and i love vampires too. this scratched the "i need to go downtown chicago" itch when i couldnt from lack of transportation and safey being a v smol person afraid of the worst. i played all my sims in "downtown", specifically, 107 Custer Blvd. I made-over that lot dozens of times, it's seen dozens of different families and had a million different lifetimes. Nightlife still stands as my fave TS2 EP and 107 Custer - my all-time favorite lot to play.
open for business: initially, i had ZERO excitement over this pack. i personally, right out of high school basically, had NO interest in working myself (i didnt, i went to community college and got by ok w/ chore-money basically) so why the hell would i want to put my sims to work too?? i also didnt care for the music (i like it more now tho) as an Adult - i do enjoy this pack more than i ever did when i was a clueless near-20-yo. also, love the servos but i dont play w them nearly as much as i should being a bot fan and all. (i should fix that)
pets&seasons: i was pumped for these bc MORE IMMERSION AND REAL LIFE STUFF!!! also, weather and animals LOL. i still love these packs the same as i did when they initially released. just kinda wish plantsims werent annoying for me to play, i love them from afar tho! werewolves are neat but theyre also kind of a PITA to play.
bon voyage: EH i dont really go on vaca a lot myself, my sims dont either for the same reasons: money! im also still scarred from the one time i did send my sims on vaca and they got STUCK THERE!!! it broke all my shit and i had no way of fixing it bc i didnt know about MTS, MATY and etc to ask for help/guidance. RIP to that family lmao i hope theyre still having a nice time in the vaca-void theyre prob still floating around in! (note: ive never found bigfoot, some day i wish to!)
freetime: we all have hobbies right? it was all fine and good until the fire nation attacked i was being inundated with a ton of hobby spam, be it notifications, the hobby sims and the lots. it was a lot. its far more manageable now thanks to mods so i dont mind playing into hobbies. i do appreciate the return of the genie tho!
apartment life: ok, look. i thought this was super cool then but now, after living in apartments myself, i despise them and dont put my sims in them anymore either. i do love the witches tho, prob my fave aspect of this pack!
edit to add rankings: nightlife, seasons, pets, apartment life, uni, ofc, free time then bon voyage lmao
id be interested to hear/read you guys' comparison's to the different EPs we have for Sims 2 or any of the sims games tbh. id go over The Sims but i dont have all day lmao ill make a different post on that some time bc i always get in my feels over the OG.
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Trump's Immunity Appeal Rejected in Jan. 6 Capitol Police Lawsuits (msn.com)
and you did it again pissed off tons of ppl and in publix and your hsoptiatl shit and you claim it all macs have you yuo fn oaf and embarrass us and you look like a mac and say t and brain transplants you talk to and it is hell y8our a shit donald a shit
you say it now your fault
and no your retarded now you fag all say it you loser shit and he hates you throws real stones no way are boulders and your a dink hahaha lol colorado and he takes it uses you shit ok shit fuck you trump you fucking loser
sarah we hit you seperate your fn dead
i h ave it the program
dave too it helped write it used it no copied it is all bullshit you faggot. you were not there nor under at the time all checke you fn faggot
Zues Hera these are serious topics trump theships they escped in real thetech real cuts steel and stone like butter and cadmiium is needed the clan took most. on mars there are someships some here the rest out and your sitting on it andd ont get it
oh i see. i sit on it. and do nothing. and ok i will stop. true im slow and dont do a t hing it is true. man this blows nad dee i see it you suck nd you are out this sucks leave her be macs want her and get it if you do adn oh dmnit
trump im useless anger him ruin his personal life nonostop threats by macs i see it danit
and your bowing and ducking all trrue though says you see it are sitting. and a find. and need it all do. evefn if it skedaddles and good
and it hurts but this guy next door is clueless ok. sees it not...ok says he does. they escaped. and wrong and she has one. good. we do this then..and he says no we do. and ok john what you got acamero and ok ahahah lol and or john gallagher and f this shit you are out tdeeyou faggot. tried and ok used by the dope addict again. and we see. and then this your the one with the problem and ok he says. and this isit i see it finnally.
macs too have hi do it the turd living turd lol...shut up and we see. and we do this.
mom sasy lol and yeh into a tomb it leaves. and she smiles damnit
now they go to utah
Thor Freya
0 notes
silverwing2522 · 6 years
Silverwing: The Red Thread (7)
OMG im so happy!! This is the first time finishing a fanfic story! I mean theres many in this series lol but writing is hard for me. I had adhd and autism, so for me it can be quite difficult. I'm really proud of this one and i hope y'all like it :D
“So, we’re all in agreement. This is what we’re going to do.” Danny stands with his arms folded in the drawing room of the x mansion.
Me, victor and danny had been discussing about what we were going to do about my pregnancy.
“Absolutely!” Victor stepped up, head held high.
What we had concluded was that we would jointly live for the next 9 months in the apartment danny owned in new york city, all three of us. Which meant that danny and i would be separate from K’un Lun during that time. He was not happy about it, but he still understood and reluctantly accepted the conditions.
Later while Victor was sleeping i slipped into dannys room. He was awake, thinking the same thoughts i was.
How were we going to explain this when we returned home?
As much as we had been getting along better recently, this would be more than a stretch to be believed. There was no way anyone could believe that this was really ours.
“This isnt going to be easy..” I sit down on the edge of the bed in my silk long nightgown, facing away from him.
“I know, but theres not much that can be done about it. Youve made up your mind youre keeping it, so...we just gotta hope everyone believes that its mine. On the plus side though, at least Victor is blonde…” He said, lightheartedly. Typical danny, always seeing the positive in things.
“Yeh.” I gave a small light chuckle in reply. “I just really want this danny. I wanted it a long time ago, but then….things happened and i thought it was all over. But now...now i-i might finally get it. I cant let that go. And i know how much this means to Victor too. This is OUR kid. Mine and his.”
“Sess, you dont need to explain it to me. I know, its okay. I can already see you really want it. So have it. We’ll work out the details later. We’ve got plenty of time to prepare.” He smiles at me warmly.
I touch his hand and thank him. “Okay, so whats got you all pensive then?” I ask, confused. I was certain it was about the pregnancy, but clearly it was something else.
“I was thinking of my future. I mean...you’re married-” “Twice.” “-twice, yeh! And i’m...i dont have anyone. I had misty, but that didnt really work.” He sighs and flops his head back onto the pillow. “I guess i’m feeling lonely. Here you are, expecting. All glowing and happy. And… i guess a part of me wishes i had that.” He looked at me so forlornly. I didnt really know to say. The chances of the right girl coming along and being okay with me being tied to him were slim to none.
“You do. In a way. You have me, in a very unconventional sense. We’re stuck together, which means you’re part of this new family thats being founded as we speak. You’re a part of this dan.” I smirk as i think of my next response. “Someones got to be a good god parent! Get some morals into them! Goodness knows it aint gonna come from me or Vic” I laugh.
He chuckles in response and sighs wearily. “I guess” and gives a small smile.
I know its not quite what he wants, but its the best i can give. Its all i can give.
A thought strikes me, but i quickly ignore it. Can danny be having feelings for me? No, my mind rejects the very notion. He cant!
I start to trudge back to bed, burdened with uncomfortable thoughts.
“Sessa…” he calls me back.
“Yeah?” I turn to face him from the doorway, hesitant about what he might say next.
“What you gonna do about logan?” I sigh with mixed relief. This topic was slightly easier in comparison, which said a lot!
“Nothing. Theres nothing i can do, because of the baby. The only thing i can think of is to help him back to his homeworld, so he can find peace there somehow. Be buried with his family at least. If it gets to that.”
Saying out loud was horrible. I was essentially letting a man die. But i wasnt going to let go of this baby to help him. And nothing else seemed like it was going to work, so sending him back seemed like the best option. Part of me wanted to do that, just so that i didnt have to watch him die, or hear about it.
“Is that all?” Danny was unimpressed, but understood the situation and the circumstances surrounding it. Yet he still found it necessary to ask. As much as we had been getting along better lately, it was still fraught with conflict between us. He still said and did thoughtless things that angered me.
I stamped my foot a little on the bare wood floor and huffed at him. “What do you want me to give him?! A parade?! Yes danny! Thats all!”
He motions for me to calm down. “Its just...i...i feel like...i dont know.”
“Well thats just great! Goodnight!” And then just like that i was out of the door, heading back to my room. I knew how he felt and what he was trying to say. I felt it too. I felt that there must be something to be done. Some fix. Some other answer. And maybe there could be during the next several months. Some secret revealed. Some device discovered. Something that didnt hinge on me!
But there wasnt. And after five months Logan had gotten worse. It wasnt just his healing factor failing him now, his overall health as at an all time critical low. He struggled to move around, and when he did he would soon stop from being breathless.
He understood my decision and accepted it. But standing here, it was hard to witness it.
He laid a shaky hand on my bump and whispered low and hoarsely to me. “If its a boy, make sure you name it James.” and he winks a cheeky smile at me.
I smile and laugh back. “I’ll see what i can do.” I hold both in hands in mine. “I have something for you, just in case.”
We stood below the city of K’un Lun where the jewel of tabentha was kept. Using the machinery used to create portals to realms and dimensions, we managed to find a doorway to his homeworld. It stood there in front of us, blazing a hot mid days sun through it onto us. Sand swept through the portal and landed at our feet.
“Looks like a good day”. He laughs and holds my hands tighter in his.
I say nothing but move my hands to lay on top of his. Nestled in his palm is a small vile of blood and bone marrow. Mine.
He looks down and frowns in confusion.
I bow my head nearer to his, face to face. “Just in case you find a way.”
In the five months i had been trying to help hank and jean find a way to synthesize my unique adapting gene, so it could be used as part of a therapy regime for logan. But unfortunately we had no luck with that avenue.
So this was my last ditch attempt, that maybe he could find something or someone there that could use it to help him.
My last gift. My only gift for him.
He cups my cheek and grounds it in his palm roughly. He sniffs deeply, scrunching up his face keeping the tears at bay. His head held high he exhales and walks away into the light.
And like that, he is gone. The portal shuts off and we, me and danny are left alone in the dim light of the temple’s basement. We dont say anything. But he moves to put his arms around me. And i start to cry for the first time in eighty years.
Its strange to think that five months ago i looked at logan and felt nothing. No affection, no connection, nothing but a stranger. An annoyance. But now, i felt like something important had just stepped out of my life. Its funny how life does that sometimes.
But i am comforted in knowing what i felt before he left. Not a man who was afraid of what was to come, but of one who was hopeful what what still might be.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Raja's new outfit (Raja/Raven) ~ Hobnob
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AN: AU where Raja gets a God complex and Raven has soft skin!!
My Dad has a bit of a God complex i think. Not all the time but when he’s doing lego he’ll make the little men do stuff like fight to the death and de-limb eachother. Once he made a houses of parlament lego model and did an all out lego election in wich he had final say over everything, proper unsettling. I leave the house whenever he starts that shit then sit outside tesco for a bit.
Anyway, set your standards lower than a limbo bar, its time to get freaky.
The room felt stuffy as Raja and Raven sat together in the now empty studio, cameras and various bits of tech facing towards them. They had just finished filming Fashion Photo Ruview, and were eager to escape the studio to grab a pint.
Raja didn’t dare look up, not after filming. The cameras did something to her emotionally. Each device felt like individual pairs of eye’s looking over Raja’s every feature, as if they were casting judgemental stares and broadcasting them to millions of viewers.
In a sense that was what Raja was doing too. She was critiquing outfits queens had put work, time and effort into, casting them aside as if they were nothing. She was in no position to take any moral high-ground when it came to judgment.
She felt like some sick false God. For Raja Fashion Photo Ruview used to feel more light, less forced. Nowadays she found herself wincing every time she uttered the words ‘boot’ from her mouth. She was shattering emotions with a single catchphrase, hurting feelings with a cheap gimmick.
A sick sick god.
Raja contemplated wether Raven felt the same sometimes. They were both equally ruthless when it came to critiquing, but she never saw that bit of hesitation in Raven. Part of Raja envied that. She kept her gaze fixed at the floor.
“Raven?” Raja spoke finally, turning towards the large green screen behind them. Hell, even the background was fake.
Raven looked up from her phone, raising a perfect brow. She looked immaculate as always, a total toot. Youtube comments seemed to agree, though people were always less than enthusiastic when it came to Raja’s looks. She used to be ’the look queen.’ Where did she go wrong?
“Ive been thinking it’s time to stop the show.”
Raven did a double take, her nude lips hanging open, her eyes a mixture of disappointment and confusion. Raja snapped her head back to the floor, biting the lower part of her lip.
“Raj I don’t understand” Raven began, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Everything’s been going fine…Is something wrong?”
Raja went tense. She scrunched her eyes for a moment as she was forced to think about all the pain she’d caused.
“Who are we to tell people what looks good and bad.” Raja balled her fists, locking eyes with Raven. “What gives us the right.”
Raven sighed, moving her hand away. Her lips thinned into a sympathetic smile. “Is that it? I thought I’d done something to upset you.” She chuckled to herself, flattening out a few stray hairs around her wig. “It’s just harmless fun raj, people know that. Beauty is subjective.”
Raja grimaced. Fun? It was anything but fun. How was she meant to toot and boot looks with all this crippling guilt. Why didn’t Raven feel the same way? Surely she felt something.
“i-i don’t look better than half the girls we judge. Im such a hypocrite.”
Raven was taken back a little bit. She paused as if considering her words. Aesthetics had always been a sensitive topic for Raja, and she wasn’t really keen about touching upon it.
“I used to be an icon Raven, you know that? A fashion icon. And here i am looking like-like…” Raja gestured to her outfit. It was a beige suit with a small stain on the corner from last nights lasagne. “This! telling other people what they’re doing wrong, just to feel better about myself.”
Raja embraced the silence that followed as Raven looked at her with concern. She needed to say that more than anything in the world. Her breathing felt erratic. After a long pause from the pair Raven finally spoke up.
“If it’s about feeling…inadequate then…lets get you a new outfit!”
A new outfit?
“The ultimate toot, maybe even a shoot?”
What Raja wouldn’t give to wear a look worthy of a shoot. She’d combust on the spot. She could almost see the youtube comments gushing over her eleganza.
The ultimate toot.
Raja was having her very own personal epiphany. She knew that a show stopper outfit would put her back in the book of legends. She’d be able to judge makeup and outfits without a hint of remorse, and even better, toot and boot again.
“Raven you always know just what to say.” Raja laughed for the first time that day. She looked up to her friend who was returning the smile.
This outfit would have to be something pretty special to rudeem herself. Something unexpected. Something…nude coloured? Raja looked over to Raven. She really was immaculate. Her face was beat for the god’s. She never managed to look stale despite wearing her makeup the same every day. Gorgeous.
“I don’t want to hear any more talk of you leaving.” Raven interrupted her train of thought, popping a mint into her mouth. “I don’t know what i would do without you.”
Raja offered a smile before patting her hand. Raven’s skin felt so smooth as her touch lingered for a little too long. Raven furrowed her brow but otherwise smiled back.
Smooth. Immaculate. God Raven was perfect.
Raja’s new outfit, needed to be made…of Raven’s skin.
“Thats enough emotions for one day, don’t you think?” Raven quipped, getting up from her chair. Raja needed to take action immediately if she was going to pull this off. Almost instinctively she grabbed her arm in protest.
“For fucks rake Raja what now?”
A pause ensued.
“Does…does this rag smell of chloroform to you?”
Raven groaned and reached to rub her face, only to find her hands had been restrained. Her eyes shot open as she felt her chest rise and fall erratically.
She looked down to her arms and legs, mouth agape in terror. All her limbs had been tied down with thick tulle fabric and hair. The entire scenario was odd to say the least.
She wasn’t at home.
She wasn’t in the studio either.
Raven’s surroundings were dark as her head darted around, searching desperately for any kind of answer.
“Nice of you to wake up.”
She recognised that voice anywhere. Raja Gemini.
“Raja why am i tied down? This prank is proper messed.” Raven said through shallow breaths, settling her gaze on the shadowy figure ahead of her.
“Prank? No…” Raja spoke softly taking a large step forwards, ruvealing grim contours of her face under the dim lighting. “Messed? Yeh a little lol.”
“Alright well…thats enough now just let me go.” Raven spoke with an urgent tone, giving an unconvincing smile. She noticed the glimmer of something metallic grasped in Raja’s hand. Alas, it was slightly too far out of her peripheral vision.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that Raven.” Raja deadpanned rolling a large metal table over. Raven feared the worse.
“Remember what you said earlier? An outfit worthy of the ultimate toot? Maybe even a shoot?”
“i-i may recall that yes.”
“Well i need you for that outfit Raven.”
“Like sewing tips?”
“I’m going to use your skin for my outfit.”
“What the fuck.”
Raven should of seen this coming. Who asks whether a tissue smells of chloroform. She’d been dicked over.
“You little shit i should’ve known.” Raven said, clenching her fists. “Untie me so i can knock you around.”
“SHhhhhhhh” Raja dragged a finger along Raven’s lips and smeared it around a little. “You and me Raven, we’ll go down in the year 7 history textbooks because of this.”
Raven began to sob. “How do you expect to make my flesh into fabric even i don’t think you thought this through.”
Raja brought a knife into Raven’s line of vision and grinned. “Goodnight Raven. Nevermore shall the burden of this heavy world drag you down.” She said, slowly hovering her knife over to the centre of Raven’s chest. “Any last words before i shank you up?”
“Yeah Manila should’ve wo-”
The knife was plunged. Raven’s expression softened as all life drained out of her.
Perfect. She was ready for…preparation.
Raja sat in the chair she always sat in.
Green screen behind her.
Cameras in front.
She grinned. The crew had entered the set moments prior and were enamoured by the craftsmanship of Raja’s outfit. Her poise, her elegance, the draping of the garment. Every move she took was her’s to control.
Raja had done it. She was a God.
Skinning Raven had been quite a task, though suprisingly satisfying. She’d dealt with network executives before, so skinning her best friend was nothing she couldn’t handle. After that it was all a matter of hems and stitches.
“Were about to…start filming…Where’s Raven?” One of the camera crew managed to choke out, never tearing their vision away from Raja’s masterful display of artistic genius.
Raja needed to come up with a classic excuse. Shit. What did they always say when one of them didn’t show up?
“She’s…sucking dick.”
All the camera crew nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer provided.
The director gave a countdown. The cameras began to roll, casting their visions to millions of viewers. After all, what is a God if not a public figure with influence over others? The bending of wills, planting opinions and views into young minds.
None of that mattered anymore though really.
All that mattered was Raja is the ultimate toot. ~
AN: If anyone knows how much stamps cost can they message me thanks.
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Camilla’s Best Quotes #2
Session two, otherwise known as The Gang Gets To Know Each Other and Is Forced To Deal With Delusional Shopkeepers. We saw some mild jealousy drama between Dancer and Tuile, sock-related suffering on the part of Heskan and everyone yet again forgetting to actually have their characters introduce themselves to the rest of the party. Oh well, next time perhaps?
1. No surface is safe
Tuile remembers that one stayed behind somewhere in the room, right... under the table. She walks up and bends down, looking for someone sleeping under there but founds nothing. Well, she does find something - drawings have been carved into the wood under the table, penises in different sizes covering the surface with almost no space between them.
Tuile: "Interesting."
2. So alcoholism isn’t the final boss anymore? 
Hamster Master (GM): yeh...im going to leave belloth and tuile with the wolf now for a bit
Cravin Raisins: fair
Belloth: this wolf corpse is the final boss
Eff Off: knew it
Camilla S.: nice tunes
Eff Off: man that startled me
Cravin Raisins: hell yeah
Belloth: lol
Hamster Master (GM): xD 
Hamster Master (GM): we need them tunes
4. More music shenanigans 
Camilla S.: ooh, spicy
Camilla S.: is this wii music
Hamster Master (GM): it sounds like zelda
Briar L.: it sounds like wii music
Hamster Master (GM): ya know...when u enter a weird shop
Belloth: it sounds like zelda im glad im not the only one
Briar L.: it reminds me of mario on the wii
Hamster Master (GM): like..i swear ive heard it
Eff Off: i love this
Cravin Raisins: nice dnd vibes only
Eff Off: thank you for this gift
Briar L.: ive never played zelda though so idkCamilla S.: I'm feeling like animal crossing
Hamster Master (GM): i swear this is like...it...its zelda
Hamster Master (GM): WELL ANIWAI
Camilla S.: yeah lol let's move on
5. “Hot Topic For Vikings”
shopkeeper: We got a bit of everything. Shiny decks of cards. Broken brushes. Cloaks.
Eff Off: i think you just walked into viking hot topic
Cravin Raisins: god i wish that were me
Briar L.: i've never been to a hot topic so i have no idea what that means
Cravin Raisins: viking emos 
6. Designer socks
shopkeeper: well here are some socks. some have holes, i charge extra for those
Eff Off: oh my GOD
shopkeeper: i spent a lot of time on them
Eff Off: i'm crying LEKDJGSKFDGKJDF
Briar L.: i cant even
shopkeeper: do you want left or right? both, or maybe two right ones? or two lefts? some holes or no holes...there's a lot to choose from
Couch: buy them all
7. It follows...
Corva: "Okay, so, everyone. Let's get down to business."
Briar L.: to defeat the huns
Hamster Master (GM): to defeat..dmit
Camilla S.: I knew someone was going to say that
8. When members of your group skin a giant wolf shortly before you visit the local nobility
left guard: Oh sure. These look like guests fit for a lady.
Eff Off: (dancer kinda does tho)
Camilla S.: two of us are covered in blood
Eff Off: dancer is covered in jewellery
Eff Off: but yeah you guys aren't helping
Shadowdancer: "Please don't bring the bloody wolf head into a mansion."
Tuile: "Well why not?"
Shadowdancer: "We're guests, not barbarians."
Corva: "It's foul."
Belloth: "I say it shows character!"
Tuile: "She'll think it's cool."
right guard: you have to leave it outside the door
Corva: "Let's just go”
Tuile: "..."
Tuile sighs
Belloth pats Tuile in reassurance.
Tuile: "Fine."
Belloth: "I would have let you keep the wolf head."
Tuile: "Thank you, I appreciate that. SOME people have taste.”
Corva: "Come on everyone, let's calm it down."
Tuile: "I am very calm."
10. *side-eyes*
Shadowdancer checks out Mari.
Tuile notices and elbows Shadowdancer
Cravin Raisins: DAMN YOU
Cravin Raisins: smh i gotta roll to shame ppl??
Belloth: yes
Eff Off: damn right
Tuile rolls well.
Eff Off: fuck
Cravin Raisins: HA
Belloth: she been knew
Shadowdancer smiles.
Shadowdancer: "Jealous?"
Tuile wipes blood from her cheek onto Dancer's clothes and walks ahead.
Corva sighs.
Shadowdancer will remember this.
Tuile hopes so.
Camilla S.: ominous
Eff Off: you don't KNOW that
Eff Off: gawd the metagaming
Tuile has no idea what Dancer remembers.
11. Stop humiliating her!! She’s doing her best ok
Corva: "Well, first we should pay a visit to the black market, I guess.”
Shadowdancer laughs.
Shadowdancer: "'Visit' the black market. Good one!"
Tuile: "Can you physically go to the black market?"
Frida laughs too
Corva: "Oh, you know what I mean!"
Corva looks cross.
12. Larryyyyyyyyy (the missing chicken)
Camilla S.: i feel bad about larry
Eff Off: justice for larry
Hamster Master (GM): theres time to find him
Eff Off: we all are
Cravin Raisins: for clues and justice
Hamster Master (GM): im so happy i added the larry quest
Camilla S.: J U S T I C E
Camilla S.: F O R
Camilla S.: L A R R Y
Cravin Raisins: BEST NPC
13. Prostitution? 
Briar L.: also the shopkeeper was great
Eff Off: if i can't fuck loki i will fuck the sock keeper
Eff Off: :))))
Hamster Master (GM): they'll probs charge u for it
Eff Off: i'll save up 
Eff Off: and i will pay
-- camilla
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
6 degrees in dc now and later 7.  isnow 42.8  all code says you dont know over there we do. and you shouldnot go there...and not to type. and we break your fingers and i break all yours therenow...for the comment.  oh ok...all...yes all.   nd your rude dumb and if you dontwant ppl toknow certinly do not advertize if small  you dumb bitch. Zues Hera oh ok dumb yes. loud yes arrognt yes and notreally doing it and we plow in there and rip you up... qe fart Zues Hera fine we are done soon yes qe yeh hyour peeps send you there Zues Hera send us why.   qe simple thehy protect you house you shield you feed you fix you and send you..dont do it for none other and cnt survive mac planned it. Zues Hera they hv to.  this sucks cork you  made ithappen yeh plan tomess it up do it myself later lol and he will br there he says up there i will too and now it is dumb i agree. stupid ppl us macs all cork andhow so  qe he holds a secret about dave and on and on he says bja ok cork he does..so what your  an asshole provolk this cstupid talk nd show himwhere wehave print out and he says breaking tons of fingers in london his idea he is there floats up that cop place and we see it too you asshole bja qe wefight them mac vs mac and it is grand isntit ca bja your a queer arnet you bja Zues Hera what does he mean  bja he means you act like a bitch a mnpartly really a boy and you ar eon off topic and float off and say mean things mean it expect no reprisal due to yourocwardly appearance and it is righton we see it too he is gargantuan and notices youwont and cnnot be stopped talking now we see you dying and shadowy figures killing all of you..all.cork you r doomed you ave brought it all down on us t fulfill your destiny s nothing he says ittoo his fault due to lack of control intel gathering smarts and htis man the boss and your cadre trump but mainl laziness. losers tuff and lack of abiltiy and knoledgeof gear...your soft too hateflul be try using you you turn fast and are mean.it is ridiculous wtching yu he saidtoo hard towatch so you dont..we did now and see you. ugly asshole qe nd finally....you are ugly and you say it. so what i am.  im himnad them now was always.  sowaht so wht. bja so what you ruinedus.  we die fall and you dont even seem to care. qe we dont much think it us...we o...pointed there that is the Krakens Laire go make fun of him try to get sharks to bother him nd stuff. so i will...more then...hehehehahahh more tha tis the Kraken the one who takes over your body you know Venom and also was his wife Doomsday, crushed you...and i see small.huge .  adn this is fun. i seeit whynot the Fortificatoins he is too large. oh boy. it istrue heis hugenow.  so i go ad find this king wedontknow about who assaults me fromthe insideout and hitsme a lot. takes my life and mine. and others. hese huge too...huge.  fn  a he heates me this one the kraken and firesme a lot and i say it is caa he cannot stan me bja who can you indulgent whimp your out to lunch think it is ur prob we dont care go elsewhere. qe fine he will fight methen.. bja ahahha this is real and he monster is real and ppl know and generals knew left weith bravery courage and conquered thousands of years of fear and you cork run round ignorant are happy. Zues Hera and im sick but i see it. they were brave conqureredit and i fd it iup. hatted them less than you but you didnt know.  so i atedthem and hurtthem too but hear it...here are bugs that are not normal bugs.  saw it a lot see it now.  they are here too.real.  now you cant talk but can.  ok. but how weill ppl konw i wotn act like a massvie ass and hurt my onw.  whll holdstuff.  wont pee all over and more...ok the Kaiju see it... and i keep itup then bja nah we eaty ou all now and you frown nad continue. you are edible we testedit Kraken Female Kraken andwe hear it we are edile get eatenanddenyli you exist consternatingisnti t Kraken use your head where are we. now. bja your everywhere we are followed you easily you leave a trail of angry people and idsplacdppl atey up continue to. your farts to easy tospot wekill you allnow due toit Kraken Female Kraken you wont work wiht us cork you wot leave us be and you attracted tem like plaughe now deal with it qe and i shall inmy own way you caa comewith me bja no not on your life you queer faggot. you leavenow or we pull you out. Zues Hera finei leavethen. bja you shall we hear you you faggot yo uleanon him he breaks you youfarthe has youeaten whole your an idiot.found out yourson anddaughter went on a ride...left dead..no were on it the whole time you blabbedintelto thier headset someone else wore. on pourpose too saw it weringit. yourfired we releas it. now. too. preston bill nah iwont biteyou caacomewtih me bja fuckoff little shit. you come near me i break you for real. and you mumble all you want i hate you your a whimp. shithead too. you dont run the museumany more and you are in it in amsterdamn and you are then a prisoner and off to titan due toy ou..as are all your comrades who let you walk on me as they allow now and you g up and it will devistateyour rhealm..and yeh afterdave does puke. looks likehe is Oryx she is Thyshik no you sacrifice them unwittingly as you say  to us and demons thank you but your out of time...wait for it yuo pickupmac bring himthere then you stay ok.  dumbasshole Zues Hera Thor Freya he is dumbwrong and invitest it bur your dead caa for your comments here  qe f off retard...stay that way and die i mean the order isout ony ou and your idiot faggot kid y8ou are a gaurd here what a piece of shit you arenow. and your brother not nothin.  so you rant. it is pricy.  as for hiom you sit do nothing we take it all take over.  Zues Hera fine use and abuse me and im not likeyour mom no.  she was a whimp and not akid....no your tards...nd i see overn us we are whmps fine. are. shithea shtous up in hte uk ended it for us...fine. ok fine. goodbye son had a good run there. qe no you didnt.  you tried. mac didnt.. Zues Hera how dare you..no he failedearly on due to himself. feel it too loser...crap. shit. you kileld me mac and your idiot kid did too. fu mac so i sit wait for tenext show...finale coming up...he says canst stanit our house nope wasnt isnt. okhavethe title inone of corks old haunts to implicate the faggot. oh boy htis is fun cork your fired he said before ok we seehim all the time all dayo allnight weay too many qe
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