#i just want to be able to marry both harvey and shane. shane takes him to sports and harvey makes him eat vegetables
thetriggeredhappy · 2 months
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mysticmikalla · 6 months
Stardew Valley Bachelors Cuddling Headcanons
thinkin' about cuddly bachelors to Cope
Harvey is one of those people who only lay in bed when he is ready to go to sleep, so cuddling is usually a pre-sleep activity, an added treat at the end of his long day
I think he likes being both the little and big spoon, but prefers being held just a liiiitle bit more
He likes to lay with you after a shower, a shave and his teeth are brushed, because once he lays down with you.... only the shrill sound of his alarm going off in the morning will be enough to get him back up
Harvey is one of those people who hate a rushed routine and take punctuality very seriously
But because waking up in your arms just feels too darn good sometimes, he sets an alarm a little earlier than his usual one, just so he can be awake enough to enjoy the first minutes of the morning being held by you
I believe Shane likes to be horizontal more than he likes to be vertical on a good day, anyway
But after you? Oh boy
There is no feeling like coming home and being able to sink into the mattress, his body heavy with the weight of the day
And now on top of that he then gets to have the person he loves laying on his chest? Tracing his skin with your fingers absentmindedly? Massaging his scalp with the pads on your fingers?
It’s his favorite thing in the world, actually
He'll cling on to you especially tight after a rough day, only reluctantly letting you go if you absolutely must
Although Sam loves it when it’s just you and him and his bed in your own little world, this man cannot sit still for too long
If you’re just laying together and talking, he needs to be playing with your fingers, with your hair, playfully biting your arm, a tickle attack or two
He also likes to lay on you. Like, fully - body completely on top of yours as he scrolls on his phone or rambles about something while you run your hands through his blond hair
Maybe he has too much energy, or maybe it's the ADHD I headcanon him to have, or maybe he's just really excited to finally get some alone time with you
… Sam just wants to be all over you, all at once
Unless he’s super exhausted or it’s before going to sleep, cuddling with Sam is not usually a bonding relaxing experience, but rather bonding over a playful one
Because of how he is and how he prefers to show and receive affection, Sebastian has always been kind of touch-starved, tbh
Especially in the beginning of the relationship
I think it’s no secret that he isn’t a very touchy person in general, but...
Sebastian liked cuddling a lot more than he was willing to admit or ask for at first
But back when you two first started dating, you would waste days away in his bed, talking about nothing and everything for hours, sleeping together, playing together, getting high, having sex, repeat
Just… you and him and him and you in your own world, limbs comfortably tangled with each other
Especially during the winter when you didn’t have as much farm work, you two would only pull away from each other for bare necessities
After you’re married and he’s moved in, he likes that the bed is bigger and sometimes you two can lay together and do your own thing in your own space
But in the end he’ll always gravitate back towards you
Cuddling with Elliot is peaceful
His voice takes on another melody when it’s just you and him in the comfort of his bed
The lights are dim but bright enough so that he can softly read you to sleep
He plays with your hair, his touches soft and gentle along the exposed skin of your arms
And he smells so good, and it's all around you as you lay in the comfort of his arms
Elliot likes it when you’re draped on him and he gets to wrap his arms around you and envelop you fully
Any position that allows him to be so close to you is his favorite
It’s…. safe. And Elliot likes safe
I firmly believe Alex prefers being the little spoon the majority of the time
Sometimes muscly jocks just want to be held, you know?
He likes to feel your body pressed against his from behind, and he’ll pull on your arms, tightening them around him, as if he’s letting you know how much he doesn’t want you to let go quite yet
He'll kiss the top of your hair, then bury his face on your neck and place kisses there too, sometimes innocent, sometimes not
Although not as bad as Sam, Alex doesn’t like to sit still for too long, either, so cuddling sessions are either before bed or a brief but welcome break during the day
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stardew-requests · 9 months
Can I get headcanons for the Bachelors and a pregnant farmer? ((Or a link to a post that you've made about the same thing that I really feel like you've made that I still can't remember))
Nothing makes my heart happier than the Stardew bachelors as dads! Thanks for the request Anon!
This one's long post! I put it under the cut!
Alex: In some regard, he still views himself as a teenager, so upon learning that the farmer was pregnant he had a moment of panic. Okay, it was more than just a moment. "What are we going to do? My grandma's going to be so disappointed!" He'd say, pacing back a forth. The farmer would just shake their head. "Alex, we're married. I don't think it'll be much of a scandal". It took some time to really register that he was going to be a father, but when it finally clicked a few weeks in, he begins to get excited. He takes initiative on prepping the nursery and goes above and beyond with helping on the farm. At his core, he's determined to be that father he never had; the one that every kid deserves.
Elliott: He is extremely attentive, almost excessively. Every need, every craving, every appointment or exam, he's there without hesitation. The farmer never has to doubt whether or not he'll be there, because he was fully involved from the moment they told him they were expecting. It had always been a dream of his to be a father, and it had finally come to fruition. So he was there for every moment of the pregnancy, good and bad. And the moment he held that baby for the first time? No painting or song or any piece of art was ever as beautiful as that moment.
Harvey: Being a doctor, Harvey was completely ready, medically speaking. However, no amount of medical school or field work could've prepared him for the intense emotions that overcame him the moment he found out he was going to be a father. Pure joy flooded over him, but also crippling worry. What if he panicked during the delivery? What if something went wrong? How could he live with himself if something did go wrong and he wasn't able to help? The farmer, while worried to a lesser degree, became the rock he needed to be both an attentive doctor and a caring husband. And, of course, he excelled at both. 
Sam: Poor Sam didn't see this one coming. The pregnancy was a surprise, and the farmer was overjoyed, but Sam had no idea how to react at first. Of course he was ecstatic; he'd often daydream of being a father. Taking care of Vincent all those years had given him a real paternal touch. But he was also nervous. What would his mom say? Would his dad be disappointed in him? Would he grow apart from his friends? The situation took some getting used to, but after he overcame the initial shock he let the excitement take over. He went to every single checkup with the farmer and bought LOADS of baby things to prepare the nursery. And you believe he absolutely spoils that baby. 
Sebastian: In his younger years, Sebastian fully believed he never wanted to be a father. He didn't think he was cut out for it. But after meeting the farmer, the idea began to grow on him. He liked the idea of being a stay-at-home dad on the farm. So when the farmer told him the news, he immediately knew he was ready to fall right into the role. Not having his own dad around (and the coldness he received from Demetrius all his life) made him dead-set on being the most attentive and loving man he could be. For both the baby and the farmer.
Shane: Shane had convinced himself that he'd never get that chance to be a father, with the exception of Jas of course, and he'd come to terms with that long ago. It was only after recovery and the blooming relationship with the farmer that he dared to imagine the possibility of a child of his own. When the time came that the farmer told him of their pregnancy, they were worried that he wouldn't react well. Though he'd come a long way in his recovery, he was still fragile. But the farmer wouldn't have guessed that he'd bury his head in his hands and become choked up. "Shane?" They'd ask carefully, worried he was going to break down. But he just shakes his head, looks up at the farmer, and says "I'm so happy".
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blackquillchillin · 3 months
Okay for Simon romancing people in Stardew Valley, we gotta evaluate the potential relationship with each of the characters, so, starting with the Bachelors!!
Alex: gives young person vibes, similar to how Sam does, but more then that i just don't think he's Simon's type. Cocky Jock with Gridball on the brain, eh. I don't know they'd have anything to talk about, really.
Elliott: Aesthetically quite nice, though I don't know if I picture Simon as being very appearance focused in partnerships. Very Artsy. Could work, though I think Simon would be pretty neutral towards him initially.
Harvey: Huge Bonus is that he does not appear as young as some of the other Bachelors. I'm also biased, as He and Sam are the only two I've gotten to marriage to personally. (and quite liked both of them) That said...I don't think he has enough Confidence for Simon. He's dedicated to being a doctor, sure, but he's also nervous, with huge amounts of anxiety at times. He talks constantly about the health and safety of the town, but when other topics do come up, particularly in dating, he's easily flustered. As cute as i find him (and his mustache) I don't think Simon would be interested.
Sam: Reads as too young. everything's still about skateboards and music. Not too young for romance, mind, I romanced him, but too young for Simon. does have golden retriever energy though, which is nice, and really loves his younger brother, also a plus. and he does grow a little once married, But I think it would feel weird. Better match for someone Athena or Apollo's age.
Sebastian: Now here's where we get into the fun stuff!! I think Sebastian would NOT like Simon, who in turn would be....very neutral towards the young man, and completely unaware of the one sided rivalry brewing. See, a lot of the problems Sebastian faces are concerns about not being able to establish himself. He's living in his Mom's basement, with his Step Father he dosn't get along well with, and half-sister who he sees as being favored over him. He also feels no one takes his job seriously, (example, in his two heart event we learn Abigail plans to come visit regardless of him working) but one thing he IS is the town's resident Goth, even more so then Abby. So, imagine, just imagine, how frustrating it would be for him when Simon rolls up, Grumpy and Standoffish, Shock of black hair, dressed all in black, hawk perched on his shoulder, already having his own space with a job everyone recognizes and not having to answer to anyone. If we wanted to count who's edgier, Simon's even been to prison. Heck, in this world he might even have prison tats, anything could happen. And Simon? not the least bit concerned about this, or even aware.
Shane: On the one hand, no one should romance Shane. Shane needs a friend, absolutely, but he also needs therapy, and is not ready to commit to marriage. I might feel differently about this if he wasn't returning to drinking after tying the knot, or reacted to you giving him Beer after quitting. On the other hand, they're both deeply troubled, and I absolutely pair deeply troubled fictional characters, both romantically and platonically. (Bobby Lives! Blackbright whomst, on both counts) They could be deeply troubled.....together..........
And that's the Bachelors! Next up, Bachelorettes..... Abigail: One of her Big character conflicts is growing pains and tension with her Dad. Too young for Simon.
Emily: Too new age-y. I do think they could be friends, though. She'd gift him crystals to "help him absorb negative energy" and he'd get caught in anything she's hung from the ceiling, like dream catchers or beaded curtains. She would be brightly optimistic even as he grouses about life, though wouldn't always appreciate his sarcastic ways.
Haley: Okay hear me out, same energy as Blackmahdi, or NyQuill as I prefer to call it. Sure, it's missing the Ying-Yang color scheme, but consistently arguing? taking pot-shots at each other? both being complex characters with real human motivations underneath their cruel exterior? yeah. It could work. Emily wouldn't be thrilled that that's how they talk to each other though.
Leah: Don't have a reason for it other then I just don't see it. Like, sure, it could happen, but I just don't think it would, you know?
Maru: Simon would be immediately put off by her dad, like that's a big no. Also, she reads fairly young, being at least younger then Seb. also, while he may be reasonably fond of her as a person, (or maybe not, i dunno) I think growing up with Aura may have killed any interest in inventors in general.
Penny: Okay, I know I said Harvey was too timid for Simon, and Penny doesn't exactly exude confidence, but it's not the same. She's a lover of children, who's actively trying to teach the only two children in town. She's aggressively helpful, and trapped in rough circumstances. Also, he could sweep her up in his arms and hold her close and she could gently help him through his anxiety attacks and no I'm not projecting-
Lastly, It's not Romance, but Platonic,
Krobus: No notes. Sweet little guy. Perfection. Simon would share his house with him, as would anyone.
And that's the list!! let me know if you want to hear potential dynamics with the other townsfolk, I may have more thoughts about some of them then others, of course.
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brainlessrot · 2 years
Who would the twst boys choose as their Stardew Valley Spouse? PART 1/2 (Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw & Octavinelle)
[Part 1, Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw & Octavinelle] <
[Part 2, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ighnihyde & Diasomnia] Tomorrow!
Inspired by me getting a pc and playing ST again just to simp for Leah
(no images bc that would clog the post)
Contents ;; No mentions of reader, just headcanons, who would they marry and who would they hate?, purely self indulgent, EXTREMELY biased
Characters ;; Riddle, Trey, Cater, Ace, Deuce, Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Azul, Jade & Floyd
Riddle ;;
Marry: i dont think this needs an explanation, but Penny, like, they are both so similar and he feels like she would understand him perfectly, not to say that the fact that she is a teacher (meaning: quite smart) scores her higher
Hate: Deffinetly Pam, he somewhat feels bad for her because of her addiction, but he believes that that is no excuse to treat her daughter (Penny) bad, also she reminds him of her own mother, but at the other side of the expectrum
Trey ;;
Marry: maybe also Penny, since he absolubtely adores the fact that she teaches kids and is so good at taking care of them, or maybe even Krobus, i dont really have a reason for this, it just fits
Hate: not full on hate, but Shane, deffinetly just because he should be the one in charge of Jas and he doesn't (although if he saw when Shane apologizes for not taking care of her, he would warm up a lil bit to him)
Cater ;;
Marry: Haley, he doesnt exactly like her at first because shes kinda mean but he gets a couple of hearts and loves the fact that she has a love for photography
Hate: Elliot, i feel like hed believe he's too pretentious, and would actively dislike him after he said that farming is easy, not like what he does, writting, like, dude wtf
Ace ;;
Marry: I feel like he'd go first for Abigail for the "emo gf" but end up marrying Sam because their both lil shits (affectionate)
Hate: He would hate Pierre for shittin on Sam while skating (and being a bad father to Abigail
Deuce ;;
Marry: I feel like at first he would just try winning hearts with everyone to be friends with them, at first he would slightly dislike Alex (since he sees his past as a bully in him) but after some character development would be like "you and me, bros" and marry him (ALSO ADORES GRANNY EVELYN)
Hate: i cant think of anyone that hed extremely hate MAN, he may have read during a yearly event Caroline saying that she wishes that Pierre would spend more time with the family, and from then on would not like him very much
Leona ;;
Marry: I feel like he wouldn't even bother getting to know any of the villagers to be honest LMAO, but if he had to.... maybe Harvey, he'd think that if he married him he would heal him for free but after finding that he charges his spouse divorce him immediatly, or maybe.... Shane, i dont think this one needs an explanation
Hate: Almost everyone, but mainly Haley, Emily, Elliot, maybe Pierre and Lewis ( last two hella valid)
Ruggie ;;
Marry: KROBUS!!!! he'd deffinetly grow very attached to the lil shadow dude, he somewhat feels familiar with him (bith of their hometowns are kinda run down, try to do anything they can to survive.... THEY'RE SOULMATES!!!) also off track but he'd be the one that would get the most money, maybe just after azul
Hate: He deffinetly hates the Joja Mart dude, Pierre and Lewis
Jack ;;
Marry: Alex, definetly, hed try fighting him him at first (jk) but he would end up warming to alex and would want to play sports with him, also ADORES granny Evelyn, and ig George too ig
Hate: He's very family oriented so he would not be able to stand anyone that does not treat their family as they should, like Demetrius, Pierre, Pam and Shane, maybe also Haley, (He likes quinoa)
Azul ;;
Marry: listen, listen to me, he wouls go after Abigail JUST BECAUSE he thinks he will get some short of family discount after marrying her from Pierre, and when he finds out that that does not work that way, he will inmediatly divorce her and turn any children they had into doves
Hate: Im sorry but i feel like this man would hate Linus (+ he would read the theory that says that Linus was Joja's co-CEO/founder and would be flaggerghasted that a man would give up such oportunity)
Jade ;;
Marry: Krobus. it just fits so well. also he the moment he sees that you are able to get a mushroom cave hes goin crazy, gives thousands of gifts to demetrius as a thanks
Hate: idk man i dont think he would actively hate anyone??? like hes the type to get hearts with everyone so they give him free stuff, but if he had to dislike someone, it could be Lewis, since he is the mayor but does jack shit to keep the town goin, or Haley because sometimes she is mean to her sister
Floyd ;;
Marry: definetly Emily they both have... something going on in their heads, and he thinks shes pretty fun to have around
Hate: Lewis, hes just... so boring and if he sees him shittin on sam for doin flips in town he will hate him even more, and also Demetrius, he gives. mushrooms. also way too strict and extremely rude to sebastian just because, and deffo Clint, he hates that incel (valid)
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hibiscustea9 · 3 years
10,000 views on “Fire Walk with Me”!
YOU GUYS. Late last night, “Fire Walk with Me” hit 10,000 views. I am beyond blown away by this. Nothing I have ever written has come anywhere close to the reception this story has gotten. To celebrate, I’m going to make the sort of post I don’t usually make and share one of my headcanons for each of the Stardew Valley villagers (excepting the few who don’t have any real impact on the story, like Gil and the Ginger Island villagers). Read on below the jump to see these (some of which have been shared already in “Fire Walk with Me”) and thank you, thank you for all of your support and reading this story. It’s made me so very happy.
Abigail secretly loves disco music. She hates the aesthetic and clothing of the era, but she will rock out to any of the great disco bands or divas when in her room and with her earbuds in. She would sooner die than have Sam and Sebastian find out about this.
Alex had offers to attend several universities on a full ride scholarship to play gridball, but turned them down out of fear of failing out of school. After high school, he was diagnosed as dyslexic. His teachers were encouraged to just pass him through without making him complete the work, which left him deeply insecure. He now has plans to go to trade school, which he feels might be his ticket out of Pelican Town.
Caroline is the wizard’s daughter, and a lay green witch. Her father was a sailor who was lost at sea and Rasmodius comforted her mother (which is the regret Rasmodius has that broke up his marriage). Caroline’s hair is naturally green. She is not aware of her magic, which manifests mostly as being able to grow any plants she wishes.
Clint left Pelican Town to go to college, only to have to come back when his father died to take care of his mother. He was a voice major and has a lovely singing voice, though he’s often too shy to show it off these days.
Demetrius is a skilled teacher and used to adjunct biology classes at Grampleton Community College to help support his family when Robin was getting her carpentry business off the ground. While he enjoyed teaching, the commute and long hours burnt him out after a year and he hasn’t felt the urge to teach since.
The Dwarf is a huge movie buff, but even more than the films, she enjoys turning around while sitting in the front row to look at the faces of the people watching the films.
Elliott is not a citizen of Ferngill but a foreign national. His posh accent and vocabulary rubbed some townsfolk the wrong way when he moved to Pelican Town. He managed to get on the good side of those same townsfolk when he accidentally knocked his bait bucket all over himself at his first Festival of Ice but continued fishing through it, coming in a respectable second to Willy that year.
Emily genuinely believes in the healing power of crystals and positive thinking, though she also has great respect for traditional medicine. She often asks Harvey medical questions when he’s at the bar. For his part, Harvey truly enjoys being able to talk about his discipline with anyone else, even a crunchy granola type like Emily.
Evelyn stopped believing in Yoba after her daughter was diagnosed with cancer and died young, leaving Alex in her care. She has never let on, given how George makes a point of attending weekly services. Seeing how much Clara suffered, first in an abusive marriage and then going through the failed treatment for her cancer, left Evelyn unable to believe in an all-powerful deity. Instead, she aims to spread as much kindness as she can, seeking salvation in other people instead of worship of Yoba.
George started watching so much television when Alex came to live with him and Evelyn. He didn’t like TV much before then, but got in the habit of letting Alex stay up late and watch reruns with him. While he claims to enjoy westerns the most, he has a not-so-secret love for classic game show reruns. The way the women dress reminds him of Evelyn when she was young, though he thinks none of them are quite as pretty as Evelyn.
Gus used to run a successful restaurant in the Zuzu City suburbs and is a classically-trained chef. The stress of running the restaurant and being in charge of both the front and back of the house took a toll on his health and his doctors recommended he step back and find something less strenuous to do. With his proceeds from selling the restaurant, he built the Stardrop Saloon and now is much happier with his life.
Gunther is a local son of Pelican Town who moved away to attend grad school in library science. He had a job in Zuzu City but moved back when he learned of the theft of the collection. He secretly resents returning to Pelican Town, which he was eager to leave, but feels it is his duty to stay and ensure the library is taken care of.
Haley’s ringtone on her phone is the National Geographic theme. When she was young, her parents took her and Emily all over the world and she grew fascinated with other cultures and other places. She has planned all the trips she wants to take. As much as she and Emily bicker, Emily is her favorite travel companion.
Harvey and his family were very poor when he was growing up. When he was fourteen, his sister contracted scarlet fever and they were unable to afford a doctor’s visit. A local doctor from a clinic came by and left medicine at her own expense. This led Harvey to pursue medicine as a career; he could make much more money in Grampleton or Zuzu City, but he stays on in Pelican Town because they really need a doctor. 
Jas helped Shane with his experiments in breeding the chickens. She has a natural head for science and once she got hold of Shane’s books, she plotted out how to look for recessive genes that would allow for chickens to be bred and emerge with blue feathers. She and Shane have a gentlemen’s agreement to not tell Marnie.
Jodi worked as a travel agent before she married Kent. She always envisioned the trips they would take as soon as they had the money, and then when Sam was grown, and then when Vincent was grown. She sometimes stays up late on the computer, looking at flight plans and planning the most affordable trips that would allow her to travel and see the places she most wants to see in the world.
Kent found comfort in another soldier when they were in the Gotoro prison camp. Though it became physical, it was more about finding something to hold onto than about the sex. His guilt over this relationship kept him distant from Jodi and his sons when he first returned. After confessing his indiscretion to Jodi, they attended relationship counseling. She has forgiven him, but he has yet to forgive himself.
Krobus is technically a liquid.
Leah earned an M.F.A. from Zuzu State, where she met and became friends with Elliott. Prior to attending her program, she interned as an apprentice carpenter in Grampleton. It was these same contacts who told her about Pelican Town and Robin, who let Leah stay at her home while she looked for a house to rent in town. Leah not so secretly has a crush of admiration on Robin.
Lewis, before becoming mayor of Pelican Town, owned a leatherworking business. He misses working with his hands, which is one of the reasons why he always visits the shopkeepers and is insistent on there being booths at the Stardew Valley Fair for the artisans in town to show off their wares.
Linus used to live in Pelican Town. He has a living relative in town. [REMAINDER REDACTED: SPOILERS FOR UPCOMING CHAPTERS OF “FIRE WALK WITH ME”]
Marlon saved George’s life the day of the mine cave-in. He was the only one willing to enter the caves and seek out the last missing miner. It was in the process of doing so that a falling rock blinded him in one eye. Despite his injury, Marlon managed to pull George to safety up through the mine shafts. Though his lost eye made him unable to be an active member of the Adventurer’s Guild, Marlon does not regret anything and would absolutely do it again.
Marnie wanted to be a veterinarian. She did very well in college, earning a degree in animal sciences from Zuzu State, and was on the verge of leaving Pelican Town permanently to pursue vet school when she interned at a vet’s office in Grampleton for a summer. She was so distraught the first time she had to assist with putting a dog to sleep that she gave up on the career and decided to open her ranch. She makes it a point to be present any time an animal has to be put to sleep to give it comfort, even though it wrecks her emotionally.
Maru got into science after Sebastian was completely uninterested in a chemistry set he got one year for the Feast of the Winter Star. She is still passionate about chemistry, despite her other interests in biology and robotics. She was briefly the most popular kid in town, despite being younger than most of the other young adults, when she learned how to make ice cream using ingredients found in any kitchen.
Morris was a child actor who had a small role in Junimo Forest, a nearly-forgotten children’s movie from more than forty years ago. He owns six of the known twenty surviving copies of the film.
Mr. Qi took Sandy on as his ward after her parents, who worked for him, died suddenly. He considers Sandy to be his own daughter and always looks out for her. It’s why the Oasis is still in business despite barely getting any customers.
Pam and Penny used to live above the library. Pam’s husband and Penny’s father was the former curator, who made off with the entire collection on a day when Pam took Penny to an academic competition her senior year of high school. The trailer was the only thing they could afford to move into. This was when Pam started drinking so heavily and Penny started longing so much to live in a house of her own.
Pierre holds a degree in economics that he wanted to use to help boost his family’s business. His secret stash is stock options that he has been investing in since taking over Pierre’s General Store from his father. Neither Caroline nor Abigail knows about this money that Pierre is sitting on.
(I am not the biggest fan of Pierre, in case you can’t guess.)
Rasmodius only built his tower after his daughter, Caroline, was born. He has looked over Caroline and her family ever since. Though his lifespan will last far beyond Caroline’s, he plans to watch over Abigail after she is gone, as well as any children Abigail has, or their descendants. His greatest regret is not being present in Caroline’s life as she was growing up.
Robin wanted to be a ballroom dancer, but at 5′11 was far too tall to actually enter the ballroom circuit. She met Demetrius at amateur ballroom dancing lessons and still knows how to perform any ballroom or Latin dances she learned. Her favorite dance is the tango because of the crisp precision required. After she retires, she and Demetrius have a plan to travel and dance the tango in all of the countries where it is taught.
Sam, despite a love of pranks, only ever really got in trouble once while in high school. He and Sebastian cut class and went to a local park, where Sam skateboarded and Sebastian smoked. A missed trick made Sam get so scraped up he had road rash for a month. After he got home, Jodi read him the riot act for once and grounded him from skateboarding until school was out. That was when Sam got into guitar and started thinking seriously about a career in music.
Sandy met Emily at a holistic retreat. She used to work for Mr. Qi, selling snake oil (literally - his iridium milk sells for a huge amount to those in the know), but was so energized by her encounter and conversation with Emily that she decided to go into running her own store.
Sebastian’s favorite adult in town (other than his mom) is Marnie, who recognizes in him a kindred spirit. Marnie taught Sebastian how to catch frogs when he was young and he still occasionally seeks her out to talk to and ask advice from. He vehemently dislikes Lewis because of his refusal to acknowledge his relationship with Marnie, and wants to see Marnie in a relationship with someone who will treat her right.
Shane was on track to be a major gridball star, and was the hope of Stardew Valley High, before getting in a car accident senior year. He almost lost a leg and had to spend six months relearning how to walk. He began drinking heavily afterward to cope with the constant physical pain. Marnie reached out to friends of his in Zuzu City, who had him come live with them and dry out. He remained sober until three months after he moved back to Pelican Town with Jas, his goddaughter. He started drinking again after working at JojaMart, much to Marnie’s dismay.
Vincent changes what he wants to be when he grows up on a weekly basis. Past desired jobs have included soldier (like his dad), musician (like his brother), teacher (like Miss Penny, but something fun like art, not yucky like spelling), game show host, Flower Queen, surfer, and astronaut. Jodi amuses herself by imagining what her son will wear to work on the weeks where he insists he’s going to be some combination of the above.
Willy is a veteran of the Ferngill Coast Guard. He is from the Fern Islands but vowed never to return after some of his siblings disputed his father’s will and caused a massive feud. He joined the Coast Guard as a way to stay on the water and get away from the islands. He was honorably discharged after suffering an injury on a rescue mission and decided to settle in the most peaceful seaside town in Ferngill that he could find, which led him to Pelican Town.
Once again, thank you all so, so, so much for reading “Fire Walk with Me”! I hope you enjoyed these headcanons and that they give you some insight into some of the way I’ve written characters in the story.
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somedew-fictions · 4 years
I love your writing and I’ve read all the way to the beginning of your blog. If this makes you uncomfortable you are more than welcome to delete it. Can you describe the bachelor’s wedding night? Nothing too graphic, just details like how they are feeling, where do they go, if the farmer is nervous how do they calm them, who’s romantic and who’s more laid back, things like that. TIA.
I’m so sorry this took me so long to get to! I am so appreciative you enjoy my writing! I thought this one was a fun one to write about; Please enjoy!
Sebastian’s leg has been twitching since before the ceremony even begun and it still is after the reception. They are walking up the steps to the farmer’s house- their house- when he stops, loosening his tie. He asks the farmer if they want to go out on a ride before they go to bed and the both of them grin before rushing into the house to get changed into slightly more comfortable clothes. Finally Sebastian can relax, having wanted to be alone with the farmer all night. They go off to the cliff where they had their first kiss and star gaze, talking about everything they happened during the reception and enjoying the silence and cold night air after such a loud last few hours.
Alex’s palms have been sweaty before the ceremony and he definitely partied hard the entire reception, reliving some of his party days as a teenager. Getting back to the house that was now both the farmer’s and his he is feeling nervous, but the farmer sets their cool hand on his cheek and he can’t help but feel at ease. He sweeps them off their feet and brings them inside the house, a grin on his face. His heart is beating rapidly in his chest but he sees it as a good thing, his feelings realer than anything.
Shane stands in the living room, feeling as if he can’t breathe. It instantly feels like a ton of bricks were laid onto his chest, the pressure stacked against him in this moment. The farmer notices and the two of them go outside into the chilly night air, sitting on the porch steps. Eventually, Shane is able to gather his thoughts and crack a few jokes to lighten the mood, being assured for the thousandth time that the farmer will always be right there to support him. He grins mischievously and takes the farmer into his arms, bringing them back inside, his mind swelling with confidence once more.
Harvey is nervous, sitting on the edge of the bed and practicing breathing exercises as he waits for the farmer. He has a glass of wine in his hands and combs his fingers through his hair nervously, but as soon as the farmer comes back into the room he grins. The farmer instills so much confidence into him by simply being in his presence, and he kisses the farmer on the cheek lovingly.
Sam is still partying by the time they get home, a grin on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. He seems to want to do a million things once he gets home; make dinner, take a shower, clean the closet, sweep the floor, repair the window… the farmer has to call him to bed just so he will come down. Yet as soon as Sam sits on the bed he seems to melt away his excited attitude and becomes instantly a ball of pure affection. The farmer has to be showered in kisses and most definitely needs a back rub- he wants to kiss their face affectionately and nuzzle his face into their neck. He does everything that feels right, his heart beating fast but not because he is nervous.
Elliott melts as soon as he gets into the house that him and the farmer now share. He lies in bed and stumbles over his own words as he tries to compliment the farmer’s charming smile and show his appreciation for this moment alone as they are now married. But surprisingly, Elliott is mostly silent, unable to conjure the right words for anything. He just smiles, melted into a puddle of sweetness for the farmer to be drenched in.
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mlmdarkfiction · 4 years
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I wrote two separate versions of this fic, and I’m not a major fan of either works I did…However I love Shane and I’m always up to write for him, so if you aren’t happy with this and wanna send in something else for Shane feel free to <3
CW: Mentions of Emotional Manipulation
Read On AO3:
Read Below:
It’s a restless night. No matter how hard Shane shuts his eyes and just tries to focus on sleep it doesn’t come.
He’s used to this.
Used to nights where he can do nothing but stare at the ceiling.
At least before he was able to drink himself into a stupor and eventually pass out but…He was better now, right?
He didn’t need to do stuff like that.
That’s what he wants to believe anyway.
But even now laying in bed beside your sleeping form, and unable to sleep himself, Shane really has to wonder how much of a changed man he really is.
Recovery is an uphill battle.
That’s what you, Harvey, and his therapist in the city always said, even while praising the progress he had made but…
Maybe he hasn’t made any real progress at all.
Maybe he lied to get close to you…
And if that’s the case it worked, didn’t it?
Dark eyes shift from staring listlessly at the ceiling to your sleeping form beside him, and from there to the ring on his own finger.
You married him after all.
He’s grateful for you. Your willingness to help him.
You had always been so kind to him after all, even when he really didn’t deserve it.
Maybe that’s why he’d decided to do whatever it took to win your heart, even if it meant pretending to be worse off then he really was.
Even if it meant just now, a year into your marriage, acting as if he’s made progress, when really he’s just back to where he’d really been all along.
Lies didn’t matter, as long as you were happy with him, right?
His eyes shift back to your sleeping form.
Your bandaged sleeping form.
Lately you’d been spending more and more time away from the farm, going deep into the mines, and often not making it back in one piece.
At this point, Shane had lost track of how many times he’d had to venture into the mines himself to retrieve your unconscious bloodied body.
Thanks to you, he learned to truly appreciate the Valleys only doctor.
And ultimately, it didn’t seem to matter how many times he or Harvey begged you to stay away from the mines, or at the very least to be more careful.
All the worried begging in the world didn’t seem capable of keeping you away.
He’d tried to ask you about it, to get to the bottom of what inside thank dank, monster filled place was so alluring to you, and yet you’d laughed off the question.
“It’s nothing like that!” You’d told him, laughing him off as you continued cooking dinner for the both of you, even as your arms were already bandaged from the numerous wounds you’d attained from your trip before into the mines.
Even while injured, you’d refused to let Shane take over any of the farm chores, or cooking, or cleaning.
You refused to rest.
You refused to let him take care of you.
It was always like this. You always give and never take and he didn’t know how to just make you rest, make you let him take care of you.
“Really,” You’d insisted, momentarily leaving the stove to cup his cheeks, forehead resting against his home.
“I just like the mines. That’s really all it is.”
And that’s when he’d decided you were lying.
He doesn’t know why you’re lying. What’s so important, or so bad that you couldn’t share it with your own husband.
You always did everything on your own.
You never let him help you…
Maybe that was it.
Maybe you were tired of him.
Maybe you were spending so much time away at the mines just to be away from him.
Did you really hate him so much?
Even if you did…Shane wouldn’t let you leave him.
He worked too hard to get where he is now, to get you both where you are now.
Whatever was wrong, he’d make it up to you.
Starting tomorrow he’d show you what a good dutiful husband he really could be.
He wraps his arms around you, head resting against your chest. _
You don’t stir in your sleep, like you’re used to this late night cuddling.
Yeah, starting tomorrow he’d make sure you knew you didn’t need to push yourself so hard.
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punkcherries · 5 years
cus im bored random approximate age hcs for the sdv bachelor/ettes: alex: ~24, young enough to still sound like a college fratboy and reminisce on his highschool days but old enough to take care of his grandparents and basically own his own icecream stand
elliott: ~30, youngest of the older bachelors to where can still be a bit of a dreamer, while still having a bit of an older more mature air to him 
harvey: ~35-40, oldest of the bachelors, old enough to have a medical degree and be able to run his own clinic
sam: ~22-24, probably the youngest of the bachelors, still young enough to have “immature” teen-esque aspirations (i.e becoming a rockstar™) but old enough to hold a job even if he cant quite move out yet (or doesnt want to, he does have a baby brother after all that and the whole band thing)
sebastian: ~25/26, id put him closer to sam’s age but he is maru’s older half brother and based on how he talks abt demetrius it seems to be implied hes old enough to remember his birth dad, so hed have to be significantly older than her for that to be true and for them to both be of marrying age
shane: ~32-35, i ont really have much of an explanation for this one he just Looks mid 30′s aged ykno?
abigail: ~23~25, probably younger than seb by about a year or two id think, still in that rebellious goth aesthetic commonly associated with younger adults while being mature enough to help around pierre’s shop and be going to (online) college
emily: ~30, the oldest of the bachelorettes, being haley’s older sister and the more mature of the two while also being able to hold a stable job at the saloon, and it just Feels Right™
haley: ~24, around alex’s age and might have even gone to the same highschool as him, still young enough to have the whole prom queen vibe about her but old enough to live w/o her parents
leah: ~28/29, the second oldest bachelorette, again not much explanation for this one, just feels right :P
maru: ~20-22, the youngest of the bachelorettes, if it werent for sebastian’s whole thing id probably pit her closer to 24 or 25 since she does work as a nurse and all but. ykno.
penny: ~25, still relatively young while also being mature and intelligent enough to tutor jas and vincent. this one also just kinda feels right. :P
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