#i just wish they were able to celebrate how well they did without leaving on such a sour note
hypershocked · 1 year
good news
i think im over riptide and simply no longer give a shit
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charlessainzz · 2 months
A Maxie request where the wags take the guys on in paddle and actually win and they get all butt hurt ?
thank you for the request! hope it's similar to what you wanted :) also I've learned I really like writing for Max haha
Sore Losers
Max was a sore loser. He knew that and you knew that. So when he suggested you and Alex play against him and Charles at paddle, you had a feeling that it wouldn’t end well. When he suggested the “friendly” game of paddle, Max had no clue in his mind that he would lose. Both drivers thought this would be a fun game where they could show off their skills to their admiring girlfriends. Little did your boyfriend know, you were a childhood champion at tennis so this… it would be a cake walk.
“Prepare to face the master y/n!” Max shouted from across the court. He turns and gives Charles a high-five as he’s about to serve. You let out a breath, and knew it was time to get to work. As Charles served, you glided to the ball and hit it back over scoring a point. Both men froze in their tracks in disbelief. What had just happened! 
Blowing Max a kiss you shout, “Okay let’s do that again!”. Alex began laughing as both guys shook their heads and got back into position. Alex hardly had to put in any work except help keep an eye on the boys’ next move. You were a beast at paddle, and it was leaving the other three quite shocked. Each hit was precise and sent out like a shot. Point after point after point, you and Alex were about to beat two high performance athletes. They would never be able to live this down. 
You and Max were in a staring contest from across the court. Both with an intense gaze trying to intimidate the other. Sweat was trickling down your forehead, hands tightly gripping the handle, and your breath becoming erratic. There was one game point left to win. 
Alex serves the ball, and there is a brief back and forth with the ball. Max hits it back in your direction as you dive and whack it back. Just when you think Max is about to reach the ball, he trips and falls to the ground with a thud. The girls win!
“Oh shit! We did it!”, you scream as you throw Alex into a hug. You’re both hugging and celebrating that you just beat these idiots. As you turn back laughing, Max throws his racket on the court leaving it bent. Charles is seated on the bench with his head in his hands. What sore losers! 
“So what do the winners get?” Alex jokes with them. Both look up and roll their eyes as they walk back towards the locker rooms. You clean up your area, and say some awkward goodbyes. As you walk towards your car you try to grab your boyfriend's hand but he swats it away. 
The ride home was very silent. No music, no talking, and no touching. Every attempt you made at contact was ignored. It started to annoy you that he would get so butt hurt over a game of paddle. 
The rest of the night is silent. After an even quieter dinner, you thought maybe he’d watch that movie you had both been dying to see. However, Max retreats to his sim room to train. You decided you would not be the one to break. If he was going to be mad over something that was his idea, he was going to get himself out of it. 
After an hour or two alone in the living room you figured it was time to put yourself to bed. You change into Max’s tshirt and cuddle up into the covers. With your back turned towards the door, you can’t help but wish he was here with his arms around you. But you needed to be strong! It was his fault that you’re in this icy mood. 
Just when your eyes begin to shut, the door squeaks open. He shuffles around and slides into bed. You feel it dip and he moves towards you. Yet… he still doesn’t hold you like usual. You start to feel a lump in your throat, not sure how long you could go without his affection. When suddenly you feel his arms snake around your waist and he pulls you into his body. His hands slip under your shirt and you feel yourself relax. 
“Wearing my shirt huh?” he tries to joke. With no response from you he continues, “I’m sorry y/n”, he says muffled into your neck. A big smile appears on your face. 
“Ahhh the loser speaks”, you whispered. Max grunted pinching your side.
“Shut up… Charles and I already have plans to train for our rematch”, he boasted. You rolled your eyes and turned over to face him. 
“If you want to hang out with Charles that badly you don’t have to make up an excuse”, you giggle as you run your hands through his hair. Max wraps his arms around you as he rolls on top of you smothering his face into your chest. Both of you begin laughing. Gosh how you had missed that sound. 
Pulling his head up he asks, “Why didn’t you tell me how good you were at paddle?”. You begin tracing along his nose as you think. 
“Hmmm I can’t tell you everything about me… that's what keeps the relationship so interesting”, you say with a smirk. He shows you a big toothy grin and gives you a kiss. 
“What else don’t I know about you?” he says with narrowed eyes. He leans down and captures your lips in another kiss.
As the kiss ends you say, “Well… if you ever give me the silent treatment like that again, you’ll find out just how good I am at walking out that front door.”
Max’s eyes go wide and he takes a deep breath. “Noted”, he gulps. 
Satisfied you turn back over and lay into his embrace. Both of you cuddled up simultaneously thinking of how much training you’ll have to put in to beat each other at another game of paddle. You really were the perfect couple.
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pagodazz · 3 months
Emh fans when they're asked to stop sexualizing Evan Jennings and his characters because it makes him and his wife uncomfortable:
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hope y'all are so happy with yourself for going against his wishes and being fucking freaks to him. You're all why he's barely online anymore. you cannot behave and you cannot be normal and you all have ruined what could be a very fun fandom.
Everyone in this fandom sees Evan as a piece of meat basically, you all only care about his character because Evan is a good looking guy. I mean!! let's be real here!!! let me quiz you on the lore!!! let me see just how fucking much you know about ALL the characters. let me see how much you ACTUALLY give a shit. Because all any of you do is post about how attractive you find Evan/habit and it's honestly so annoying.
I'm not saying you can't compliment him??? or appreciate his looks?? but drawing him in sexually compromising positions, writing in great detail about what you want him to do to you (PUBLICLY. no one gives a SHIT what you fucking do in private.) Or you're fucking mixing up habit and Evan, and just acting like you know his story when CLEARLY the most of you have watched habit compilations on YouTube and NOTHING else.
You cannot even convince me otherwise because I deal with people coming in my comments all the time asking about BASIC INFORMATION. like IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE PRINCETON TAPES ????? WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK????? YOU NEED THAT FOR THE SERIES. YOU CANNOT EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND HALF THE THINGS WITHOUT IT???????
This isn't saying you can't write fanfiction or shit like that this is JUST SAYING BE RESPECTFUL?????? these slenderverse actors ARE NOT A LIST CELEBRITIES. they're not like fucking Oscar Isaac or whoever people are obsessed with right now. THEY'RE NOT FAMOUS. THIS IS NICHE. THIS IS NOT POPULAR MEDIA 😭😭😭😭
Emh literally made NO money from their series, they didn't create it to gain anything like that. they created something fun and NOW YOU ALL ARE THE REASON THEY HAVE NO PART IN THIS FANDOM ANYMORE.
you robbed them of being able to love their creation and I hope you're all happy about that honestly because it seems like this fandom is only gonna get worse in this area. and I'm deeply disappointed.
edit: I would like to add one thing, Vincent caffarello had to deal with situations of extreme sexualization as well, and his got to the point to where he had to leave. Vinnie used to be very involved with the fandom, he even used to read fanfic which he had to stop doing because people would be writing characters to SEXUALLY ASSAULT HIM or others and he just couldn't continue to read things like that. He delt with minors sending him explicit photos and messages and that's literally all kinds of FUCKED UP. He did NOT want to be involved with that stuff.
It's like when Evan had someone impersonate him to try to get with minors. THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT OBJECTS FOR YOU TO SEEK OUT PLEASURE WITH. THEY ARE PEOPLE.
they are HUMAN.
if they were women?? would you be doing this as much??? or would you realize how messed up it really is.
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itoshiexx · 9 months
make a wish
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synopsis: when you throw a surprise birthday party for rin, he blows the candles and makes a wish only you can turn into reality.
pairing: itoshi rin x fem!reader | words: 1.9k | warnings: childhood friends to (implied) lovers, cursing (rin being rin), rin tells bachira to die (jokingly!!), tooth rotting fluff, kissing, no pronouns but reader is refered as woman and girlfriend once
notes: is my bar exam tomorrow? yes. did i stop reviewing to write this? also yes. happy birthday to my favorite boy ever aka the love of my life aka itoshi pookie rin, I LOVE HIM TO DEATH!!!
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rin never really cared about his birthday. 
perhaps things were different when he was young, a naive little boy who hadn’t seen the hurt in life and didn’t know the feeling of self hate in such an intrinsic way. but as he grew up, celebrating the day he was born stopped making sense, and eventually his parents stopped trying to throw him parties or do anything special at all. 
as his best friend since childhood, you knew very well about rin’s change of heart, and you respected his wish of not wanting to celebrate. however, that never refrained you from wishing him a happy birthday, even going as far as buying him a little gift sometimes. rin tried to pretend to hate it, but the truth is that he craved hearing those two words from you. no one else’s mattered. 
that being said, he was totally not upset that you forgot his birthday. why would he? it was just a stupid date like any other. well, you never forgot any of his special days ever since he was six, but… so what if you didn’t remember this one? it was fine. rin didn’t care.
(he really fucking cared).
the lights on his bedroom were off, and the younger itoshi found himself moping on his bed, staring at the ceiling as if it could grant his heart’s deepest desires. as if on cue, the noise of a notification ringed through the darkness, and rin begrudgingly picked up his phone to see that you messaged him. he immediately sat up, eyes wide, heart making somersaults inside of his chest. 
the message wasn’t the “happy birthday, rinnie!” that he was secretly expecting.
n/n heyyyy can u come over?
rin scoffed. how dare you ask him to come over to your place if you didn’t even wish him a happy birthday? it was 7pm, for fucks sake — you had plenty of time. he should say no. he was going to say no. but he knew that, no matter how upset he was, there wasn’t a bone in his body that was able to deny you. so he just texted a quick “on my way” before grabbing his car keys and heading to your place. 
the familiar sight of your apartment brought warmth to rin’s chest; your place felt a lot more like home than his own house. he supposed it had something to do with you, though he would never admit that. quickly parking his car, he passed the building entrance and made his way towards the elevator, clicking the button to your floor. his phone vibrated again. 
n/n the door is open, u can come in
he frowned with your recklessness. you were a young woman living alone — how could you leave your door unlocked? it was fucking dangerous! he really needed to scold you for that. it was all he could think about as he twisted the doorknob, already speaking without noticing the lights were off.
“for fucks sake, y/n, would it kill you to lock this fucking door? i told you a million times that it’s dangerous—”
the lights went on, revealing all of his teammates wearing stupid party hats, confetti flying through the air and your gracious figure in the middle, holding a cake with teal frosting and lit candles. 
what the…?
rin completely froze. his eyes were wide, scanning the room, mind still trying to process what was going on. his body was rigid as no one had ever seen before, and the boys started to gossip between themselves.
“i think we broke him,” bachira whispered. at his side, isagi and reo snickered. 
knowing maybe your best friend was a bit overwhelmed, you slowly approached him until you managed to be the only thing in his field of vision. little did you know that rin always had his eyes on you — he was attracted to your aura like the planets were drawn to the sun. 
“happy birthday, rinnie,” you said, a bit sheepish. carefully, you let the cake on the living room table, having free hands to hug him by the waist. that seemingly broke him from his stupor, as rin instinctively hugged you back and stared at you, mouth still gaping like a fish.
“you… you remembered…”
you grimaced. “of course i did! what do you take me for, itoshi rin?”
“usually you text me as soon as it’s midnight, but you didn’t this time,” he stated, simply. it made you grin.
“aww, was lil’ old rinnie waiting for my message?”
he felt his cheeks heating up, and he pushed your body away before you could hear how fast his heart was beating. “shut up. it’s just weird to not have your dumbass bothering me.”
you laughed. “sure, pretty boy. whatever you say.”
rin’s teammates quickly surrounded him, giving him pats on the back and congratulations. some even brought gifts, though rin told isagi to “eat dick” when the striker handed him a wrapped box. however, despite his harsh words, you could see the inconspicuous smile threatening to break from his face, and that alone made you smile, heart full.
“let’s sing happy birthday!” isagi screamed amongst the commotion, making you remember that you left the cake at the living room table and the candles had most likely been wiped out. 
“no way,” you heard rin say. “i don’t want that shit.”
“oh, come on, rin-chan!” bachira clinged to rin’s shoulders. “y/n-chan went all the way to make you a super special birthday party. you gotta follow the rules, buddy!”
“go die.”
your little laugh brought rin out of his angry stupor, and when he turned around, his breath hitched. now that he wasn’t in a complete state of shock, he could see your delicate features lightened up by the soft glow of the candles, and the gentle smile that made your eyes crease and his heart race every time. and you were looking at him. 
(you were always looking at him).
the guests started singing happy birthday, but rin could only listen to the soft tune coming out of your mouth, as if you two were the only ones in the place. before he could register, the song was over, and everyone was staring at him expectantly. 
“make a wish, rinnie.”
he stared at you for a few seconds, before finally closing his eyes and blowing the candles. everyone cheered, and he couldn’t help letting out a small smile.
idiots, he thought. a whole bunch of idiots.
once the initial shock went by, the party went on normally, with lots of drinking, chatting and the usual bickering. you cut the cake into several pieces and put the slices on small plates, so that everyone could enjoy the sweet flavor. music blasted through the stereo, making bachira and kunigami start a dancing competition, and their moves were so weird your belly hurt from all the laughing. rin was leaning against the wall watching everything with an amused expression.
hours later, as the celebration started to die down, some of rin’s teammates had already gone home, and your apartment was slightly emptier. after saying goodbye to reo and nagi, rin looked around in an attempt to find you, furrowing his eyebrows when he didn’t succeed. 
chigiri quickly noticed his expression, nudging him with his elbow. 
“your girlfriend is on the balcony.”
rin’s grimace worsened. “she’s not my girlfriend.”
isagi, standing at chigiri’s side, only smirked. “not yet.”
the younger itoshi only rolled his eyes, showing him a middle finger. “fuck off, shithead.”
but he followed to the balcony anyway.
as he opened the door, the slight chill of the wind made him wince. he saw your figure leaning on the railing, arms bare due to your choice of outfit — you were beautiful, as always, but it didn’t really match the weather. he didn’t think twice before taking off his jacket and placing them on your shoulders, announcing his arrival. 
you tilted your head up, looking at him with those bambi eyes that nearly made him lose his mind. and then you smiled, getting cozy on his jacket, and he thought he might faint right there. 
fuck, the things you did to him.
“hey there, birthday boy. enjoying your party?”
“it’s cool, i guess.” he shrugged. with his answer, you diverted your gaze to the view, fidgeting with your fingers. he didn’t like your anxiousness.
“i’m sorry if i… you know, if i overstepped.” he gave you a puzzled look. “i know you don’t like to celebrate your birthday, but i thought you deserved to have something cool for once. i just wanted your day to be special.”
rin went silent, your words making his cheeks flush and his heart beat impossibly faster. you were always like this: so thoughtful, so caring… he didn’t even deemed himself worthy of it, yet you seemed to find something decent to cherish.
the words came out broken from his dry mouth, “every day is special if i’m with you.”
your eyes widened slightly, and you finally turned to face him. he took your flustered expression as a good sign, and gathered every ounce of boldness and ego he could manage, “you didn’t give me a gift, though.”
you rolled your eyes, giggling, and twisted your body so that you were facing each other. “is the party not enough, mr. egoist?”
“you answered that for yourself.” he smirked, taking a step closer. 
there was now very little between you both. you could smell his expensive cologne and feel his breath in your face, and you had to fight the urge to cower from those deep aquamarine eyes that left you mesmerized. 
“very well, then. what do you want as a gift?” you asked, mentally praising yourself for not stuttering. 
however, you nearly choked when his eyes went down and stared at your mouth, coming back up only to show a swirl of emotions. desire. affection. love, dare you say. he came even closer, his hands finding home in your hips, and yours instinctively went to his chest. 
“close your eyes,” he whispered, the minty smell of his breath filling all your senses. you obeyed, because itoshi rin had such a grip on you it was nearly ridiculous. 
and then, his lips found yours, delicate and gentle like only you knew he could be. rin kissed you as if you were the only thing that could sate him, as if you were what he has been craving all along. and you kissed him back to let him know you felt the same. 
your arms circled his neck and his hands went up to your waist, tugging you impossibly closer and making you yelp. he took the opportunity to invade your mouth with his tongue, sensually caressing yours in a loving dance, savoring all of you like he wanted for a long time. 
fuck, he thought, it was only the first time and he was already addicted. he couldn’t stop kissing you even if he tried, and even though he intended to steal just one kiss, he was indeed a greedy man — especially when it came to you.
alas, when you finally couldn’t handle the lack of air any longer, you parted, with heavy breaths and faces flushed. you touched your foreheads while calming down, basking in the silence and the warmth of each other’s bodies. 
then, rin smiled, slightly incredulous. “huh.”
“what?” you arched your brow, but you couldn’t help but smile as well. 
he pecked your lips one last time. “i guess birthday wishes do come true.”
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© 2023 itoshiexx. do not plagarise, translate, or repost any of my work on here or other sites.
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Wildest Dreams - Part One
Word Count: 6.6k
Themes: fluff, pining
Summary: Ten years have passed since the events of Hogwarts Legacy and Y/N is invited back as part of a reunion to celebrate. 
Warnings: Potential spoilers for HL. All characters are aged up and around 25/26 years old
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Dear Miss Y/L/N,
You are cordially invited to the ten year reunion of the events that marked you as the Hero of Hogwarts. We look forward to your attendance as our guest of honour, please RSVP at your earliest convenience. 
Y/N grimaced at the letter she had read time and time again, sorely regretting that she had allowed Poppy to talk her into attending. While it would be nice to see her classmates again, she wished it was under different circumstances - it didn’t matter how much time would pass since she defeated Ranrok and saved the school, she didn’t want to celebrate something that had taken such a significant piece from her that she could never get back.
She didn’t regret protecting Hogwarts, and inadvertently the rest of the world, but sometimes she did wish things had gone differently. Hogwarts had been her first real home and sometimes, in the middle of the night when she was alone with her thoughts, she just wished she had been able to attend as a normal student. From eleven like a regular first year with no ancient magic or goblins bent on wizard destruction. She still had people come up to her to thank her for her deeds and she hated it every time. She hated the handshakes, the tears, the praises they sang to her as they put her on a pedestal as if she were a Saint, as opposed to the terrified child she had been. She knew, of course, that they all meant well but Y/N couldn’t stand the constant daytime reminders of everything that caused her sleepless nights. 
“Are you excited?” Poppy asked from beside her, her voice soft as she broke Y/N from her thoughts. 
“That’s one word for it,” she muttered, stuffing the parchment back into her pocket. Despite her sour thoughts Y/N was excited for the reunion. Reminder of the worst time of her life aside, she was looking forward to seeing her classmates again, to catch up with them all and see what had become of their lives.
“I heard Imelda managed to get the night off from training with the Holyhead Harpies,” Poppy continued. “It’ll be nice to see her properly this time.”
“Without a dragon in between us, you mean?” Y/N smiled wryly at the memory. She didn’t think Imelda would ever forgive her for ruining one of the bigger matches of her career, but apparently saving a couple of dragon eggs from a group of poachers and returning them to their mother would do the trick.
“Yes, well, she did request we leave the dragon behind this time,” Poppy laughed as they made their way down the cobbled street. They dodged a few shoppers as they walked through Hogsmeade and expertly avoided the throngs of students who seemed to be everywhere but in class, considering it was the middle of the day.
“Sorry.” A tall, dark haired wizard walked by them, accidentally bumping into Y/N. He barely spared the pair a glance as he continued on, hands stuffed into his pockets.
“Sebastian?” his name fell from Y/N’s mouth before she could process it, and they both watched as he came to a stop and turned to face them. “Sebastian!” She shot forward, narrowly avoiding a student, and launched herself at him once she was close enough, her arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull him into a tight hug.
“Was that…?” Poppy trailed off, an unsure expression crossing her face as she watched the man walk away from them.
“Oof,” Sebastian had only just recognised the figure barrelling towards him before her body hit him. He took a step back to steady them and make sure they weren’t going to fall over before he wrapped his arms around her waist firmly. “Y/N, give a man a chance, will you?” he laughed, squeezing her affectionately.
“ShutupImissedyouyouidiot.” Her words were unintelligible as she mumbled into the crook of his neck, although he could feel her smile against his skin. His grip tightened in response, lifting her off her feet as he embraced her. 
“I missed you, too, sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart?” Y/N pulled back fractionally and narrowed her eyes at him playfully. “I see you’re still the charmer you were back in school.”
“Only for those I hold in the highest esteem.” He grinned down at her and finally loosened his clutch. “Hello Poppy.”
“Hello, Sebastian,” Poppy had a sly smile on her face as she watched the pair ease their hold on each other but made no move to let go. “How’ve you been?”
“Great, although I hear you’re both doing better than me,” he glanced back down at the woman in his arms. “Did you really take down Ratcliffe, one of the biggest poachers in the country? You just can’t stay away from trouble, can you?”
“Trouble can’t stay away from me, you mean. Nothing changes,” Y/N offered him a teasing grin, finally (and reluctantly) pulling herself from his arms. 
“Some things clearly do,” he murmured, eyes roaming down her figure. Although they occasionally sent owls to each other, it had been years since the pair’s last meeting. The lanky limbs and awkward persona from the girl he knew before was long gone, only to be replaced by soft curves and a gracefulness he couldn’t quite explain. “Look at you, all grown up.” And rather gorgeous, he noted. He grinned as she nudged him playfully, but was delighted to see a faint blush on her cheeks. 
“I’m not the only one who’s done some growing.” He had always been a couple of inches taller than her, but now her head just about came up to his shoulders. Rather broad ones, Y/N thought to herself, which paired nicely with the muscles she could see despite the jacket he was wearing.
“Shall I leave you two alone and come back later?” Poppy asked, breaking the pair from their trances. It was now Sebastian’s turn to flush as he looked down at the former Hufflepuff, who had also grown into a beautiful young woman even though he still towered over her.
“Come here, Sweeting,” Sebastian rolled his eyes at her, tugging her into a hug as well. Poppy laughed and patted his back before extracting herself from his hold. “What are you both doing here? Are you here for the reunion as well?”
“We are,” Poppy nodded. “We thought it would be nice to get here early and check in on the shop. Maybe take a walk around as well.”
“You have a shop?”
“We do,” Y/N nodded. “We bought the Brood and Peck a couple of years ago. All the beasts we save - magical or not - go there. Ellie Peck still does most of the management and finds them all good homes.”
“I thought it looked bigger,” Sebastian looked impressed, “did I see a shop in Diagon Alley too?” His smile widened as both Poppy and Y/N nodded bashfully. “Who would have thought, Poppy Sweeting and Y/N Y/L/N, a beast’s best dream and a poachers worst nightmare.”
“It was mostly Y/N’s idea, she couldn’t bear to release the creatures just for poachers to grab them again.”
“Stop it, Poppy. You know I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without you.” Y/N’s face flushed at the praise and she turned back to Sebastian as her friend started to protest. “Please tell me you’re going tonight. I’m going to need all the friendly faces I can get.”
“Well now that I know you’ll be there, how could I say no? Should we make our way together?”
“We could, but I should probably warn you that we’re getting there ridiculously early. It seems I have the absolute pleasure of opening the doors to welcome everyone inside.”
“Ah yes, how could I forget I’m standing with our honorary guest?” 
“Don’t start.” Y/N was smiling, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes and he caught a flicker of emotion passing across her face before she could hide it. He remembered how much she had disliked the attention for saving the school in their sixth and seventh year, and even though a decade had passed since then it didn’t seem like that had changed much. “Where are you staying? I have a house on the outskirts of the village with more than enough room, if you want.”
“Ah, I’m over at the Three Broomsticks,” he nodded at the pub that was a couple of hundred feet from them. “I stopped by earlier for some lunch and when I told Sirona I was thinking of heading home in between to get ready she told me I had a room there if I needed and it was best not to fight her on it.” Although Sebastian rolled his eyes, the affection for the older witch was still visible in the smile on his face.
“Well, we can all meet for a drink before we go then,” Poppy suggested, looking so excited at the idea that Y/N and Sebastian didn’t have the heart to disagree with her. “Imelda and some of the others are going to be there before the reunion as well. Will Ominis be joining us?”
“No, he’s taking care of Anne. They both told me to say hello if I saw you. Anne said it’s been too long, and if I don’t bring you back for tea after all of this she will keep me away from my soon-to-be-born niece or nephew.”
“Oh, she told me she was expecting, but I’ve not had a chance to come see her yet. Are you excited to be an uncle?” Y/N grinned, her hand reaching out to squeeze Sebastian’s arm with such elation he could feel his heart flutter in his chest.
“I can’t wait to spoil them. I think Ominis has learned every child safety spell he can get his hands on,” Sebastian let out a quiet chuckle and slipped his hands in his pockets once more. “I still have a couple of errands I need to attend to for them, but I’ll see you both later at the Three Broomsticks?” The three of them made quick plans for when they were going to meet before Sebastian left them with a grin and a wave.
“That man couldn’t keep his eyes off you,” Poppy commented, nudging Y/N playfully. Y/N rolled her eyes and nudged Poppy right back, but couldn’t help to look over her shoulder at Sebastian, who was currently doing the same thing. Y/N couldn’t read his expression from this far away, but she did catch the slow smile that formed on his face and couldn’t help but to smile back, her heart thumping in her chest.
Y/N looked up at the Three Broomsticks, the hood of her cloak protecting her from the light rain that had started. She fiddled nervously with the lace of her dress as she waited patiently for Poppy - who had stopped to pet a cat she had seen - to catch up. She felt out of place, and not just because she was standing in front of the pub in a ball gown that was fit for a castle in one of the novels Poppy loved to read. Although, Y/N mused, she supposed she was on her way to said castle. She sighed and smoothed down the fabric of her forest green skirts, wishing she was in her usual attire of a tunic and light pants (fighting poachers while wearing a corset and heavy skirts did not go well the last time).
Y/N looked back down the street, the last of the light fading as the sun set behind the hills. At this rate she could make her escape before Poppy would even notice and she weighed the pros and cons of not attending in her head for what felt like the hundredth time. Imelda would likely hunt her down if she didn’t attend, and she didn’t particularly feel like battling the witch tonight. Sebastian would forgive her - in fact, she could even owl him to see if he wanted to scrap the whole event with her. Anne had been hounding her to come round for tea and she would much prefer to see her and Ominis than to be paraded in front of her old peers like a prized calf. With a low groan Y/N dragged her feet into the pub, deciding the least she could do while she waited for Poppy was to get warm and have a chat with Sirona. 
The Three Broomsticks hadn’t changed much since Y/N had first stepped inside all those years ago, practically glowing from defeating her first troll with Sebastian by her side. The smell of butterbeer and burning logs greeted her and a familiar warmth that had nothing to do with the fires burning in their hearths ran from her head to her toes. Sirona had added a couple of new booths over the years, as well as a particularly comfortable pair of armchairs that were placed next to one of the fireplaces.
“Do my eyes deceive me?” Sirona had a large smile on her face as she dried her hands. “Is that Y/N Y/L/N in my pub? Where’s your other half?” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh as Sirona rounded the bar and pulled her into a hug.  
“Poppy saw a cat. You know how she is,” Y/N released the older witch and let Sirona look her over as she removed her cloak.
“Well, I’d ask what kind of trouble you’ve both been in since I last saw you but…” she glanced at the still-healing scar that ran from Y/N’s eyebrow across to her temple. “Is that one waiting for you?” she gestured with her head to the man that was sitting in one of the armchairs by the fireplace, and Y/N realised that it was Sebastian. He looked to be deep in thought as he stared into the flames.
“He is,” Y/N turned back to Sirona with a smile. “Could I trouble you for three glasses of firewhiskey?”
“On the house,” Sirona winked at her and made her way back behind the bar just as Poppy walked into the pub. She waved hello at Sirona and came to stand by Y/N’s side, her gaze landing on Sebastian as well. 
“Well, he’s certainly not the same boy we went to school with,” Poppy muttered. Y/N couldn’t help but murmur back in agreement. He had been considered attractive back at school (and knew it), but now…Y/N couldn’t help but appreciate how devastatingly handsome he looked in his dress robes, the warm glow from the fire lighting his face. Sirona placed the three glasses on the table next to him, breaking him out of his thoughts, and he finally looked up with a smile as he took note of both the girls.
“There you both are, I was beginning to think you had forgotten all about me.” He stood to greet them with a smile and looked between the pair, his eyes lingering on Y/N. There was an unreadable expression on his face as his eyes roamed over her dress slowly until he finally met her gaze. He was vaguely aware that his staring was bordering on indecent when the door opened again and a large, rather loud, group walked in. Poppy looked between the pair, a small smirk on her face when she caught the matching telltale flush on their faces. She filed the thought away for later when she could get Y/N alone and turned to look at the group who had just walked in, her smile widening when she caught sight of Imelda.
“Kneazle caught your tongue?” Y/N cocked her head to the side, a teasing smile on her face.
“It’s entirely your fault for looking so ravishing tonight,” Sebastian caught her hand in his and pressed a kiss to her knuckles before handing her one of the glasses of firewhiskey. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh quietly and reach up to straighten out his tie. 
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Mr Sallow.” She gave him a coy smile as her hand lingered on his chest for longer than necessary, feeling the telltale thump thump thump of his heart. A voice calling her name from behind them broke their stares and Y/N let her fingers trail down his chest slowly as she turned to walk away. 
“Have you got nothing to say to me, then?” Imelda met Y/N halfway, eyebrows raised and arms crossed. 
“It’s good to see you again, Imedla,” Y/N pulled the girl in for a hug, who laughed in response.
“Yes, it’s much better seeing you here on the ground, instead of interrupting my match by riding a dragon. Honestly, Y/L/N, if you wanted to come see me at one of my games all you had to do was ask.”
“You rode a dragon?” Sebastian finally seemed to snap out of his stupor and took a couple of steps forward to greet his former housemate. 
“I had to get your attention somehow, didn’t I, Reyes?” Y/N shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly as Sebastian stood by her side. 
“Showing up in that dress would have worked just as well,” Imelda’s eyes roamed over her appreciatively. “Green has always looked best on you.”
“I’ll bear that in mind for next time.” Even though the wink wasn’t aimed at him Sebastian felt his mouth go dry and quickly took a sip of firewhiskey to chase away the fluttering feeling in his stomach. He lingered by Y/N’s side as they caught up with Imelda and a couple of their former school mates, his arm brushing against hers every-so-often in a way that made his face burn. Sebastian decided he would blame the firewhiskey if anyone (especially Imelda) tried to call him out on blushing like a first year every time his hand brushed past hers.
“To our saviour!” Leander Prewett called out, raising his glass in Y/N’s direction. A couple of the others followed suit, not noticing how uncomfortably still Y/N had gotten as she glanced around the room. Y/N felt her skin prickle as a few people turned to openly stare at her, expressions varying between awe and gratitude. She offered them a tense smile as Poppy shot Leander a glare and tugged his arm down, whispering harshly at him as he sipped from his glass. 
She could feel her chest tighten at the attention and willed herself not to scream at them all that she didn’t deserve their praises. That she wasn’t a saviour, she had just gotten lucky. It had taken Y/N far too many sleepless nights to come to terms with what had happened to her under the castle, and even longer to fully grasp that it wasn’t her fault that she couldn’t save everyone. Moments like these - with people muttering about how she was a hero - made her feel like a fraud.
“Hey.” Sebastian felt Y/N jump slightly as he placed a hand on her lower back gently. “Come with me?” He set their empty glasses down before leading her to the door, only stopping to grab their cloaks as he led her outside. Thestrals were tethered to a carriage a couple of feet away from the pub, the Hogwarts emblem carved onto the side - no doubt meant to take Y/N up to the castle for the event. “Are you still with me?”
“Just about,” Y/N’s eyes flicked up to meet his as he draped her cloak around her shoulders and fastened it for her. “How did you know?”
“You had that look on your face you used to get in our sixth year.”
“I didn’t realise you paid that much attention to me.”
“How could I not?” The corner of his mouth lifted up in a barely perceptible smile as he brushed a stray hair from her eyes. His fingers lingered on her jaw before gently tilting her face to his. 
“You’re a rake, Sebastian Sallow.” She narrowed her eyes at him playfully, a smile falling on her painted lips. Sebastian had the overwhelming urge to close the gap between them and kiss her but managed to restrain himself and settled for pulling her body closer to his.
“You say rake, I say dashing rogue, who’s to say which one of us is right.” Y/N laughed quietly and brought her hands up to rest on the lapels of his jacket. “Either way, I can’t help but to be charming in the presence of such a stunning woman.”
“Is that what you say to all the pretty ladies you meet?”
“Just the one.” Y/N’s fingers tightened around his jacket at his words, at the look in his eye. She wanted nothing more than to pull him into a searing kiss she had imagined more times than she could count but refrained, unsure of his reaction. “What are you thinking about?” Sebastian brushed her cheeks gently, his face inching closer to hers.
“Whether we should make our escape or not.”
“Do you not want to attend anymore?”
“I didn’t particularly want to attend to start with.”
“Do you want me to get you out of here?” He looked so concerned for her wellbeing that Y/N felt her heart crack in her chest. How long had it been since someone had taken care of her? Of course, Poppy was always around to patch her up with things that went south against the poachers but even she didn’t know how deep the internal wounds went. Or if she did, she never commented on it.
“No, not yet. I think Imelda would hunt me down and drag me back, anyway.”
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, Y/N. I’ll fight Imelda myself if I have to.”
“You would fight Imelda ’The Muscles’ Reyes for me?”
“Darling, I don’t know how to make it any clearer that I will always fight anyone who tries to harm you.”
“My hero,” Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes, a laugh bubbling up as she took in his mock affronted expression. She leant up to press a gentle kiss to his cheek, mindful not to get any lipstick on his face. The arm around her waist tightened fractionally, holding her in place against him as he processed what had just happened. “Sebastian?”
“Hold on, I’m trying to remind myself that you’re one of my closest friends and if I kissed you like I really want to right now you would probably punch me.”
“You want to kiss me?”
“Always.” He made it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Oh?” The door flew open before Sebastian could question her further and both Poppy and Imelda came to a stop when they took note of how close the pair were standing.
“Are we interrupting something?”
“Not anymore,” Sebastian sighed. He brushed a thumb down Y/N’s spine gently, a silent gesture that they would be continuing this conversation later away from prying eyes, and reluctantly released her. “Is Imelda joining us up to the castle?”
“Someone had to come along so Sweeting wasn’t a third wheel,” Imelda shot a wicked grin at Y/N and made her way over to the carriage. The footman jumped down to help the women in first, only climbing back up when Sebastian insisted on closing the door himself. The carriage started to pull away before he could get fully seated which resulted in him falling into his seat next to Y/N, his body pressed against hers in a way that frayed his nerves.
“Oof. There’s no need to throw yourself at me like that, Seb. There are other ways to get my attention,” Y/N playfully pushed him away from her.
“You mean like earlier when you tackled me and nearly sent us both to the ground?”
“You weren’t exactly protesting when you clung into me like a niffler with gold.”
“What can I say, I seem to have a penchant for pretty women.”
“You’re both disgusting,” Imelda cut in. She tried to frown at the pair, but there was an obvious smile playing on the corners of her mouth. “If you both are going to flirt the whole way there I’d rather walk.” 
“At least you didn’t have to watch them earlier when we first saw Sebastian,” Poppy adds with a laugh. “I might as well have not been there.”
“You’re both welcome to walk the rest of the way to the castle,” Y/N raised her eyebrows at the pair and tried to fight the blush that was rising to her face.
“I’m sure you and Sallow would love it if we left you alone,” Imelda remarked dryly. 
“Alright you,” Y/N laughed and rolled her eyes. “I forgot how needy you two are when you’re together. I love all three of you equally, I promise.” Protests erupted from the two girls in front of Y/N and she listened in amusement as they started to bicker about which one she preferred.
“I’d like to add my own two sickles in to say I’m offended at being placed in league with Reyes,” Sebastian leant in, his voice low so as not to attract any attention. “We all know I’m your favourite.”
“Are you?” Y/N turned her head up to give him a teasing smile, only to jolt slightly when she realised how close his face was to hers. She heard his voice echo in her head, the pure sincerity as he had said he always wanted to kiss her. It could have just been one of his lines, but it still made Y/N’s stomach flutter and a blush rise to her face. She was thankful that the carriage was dimly lit and no one could call attention to her red cheeks.
“You’re a cruel, beautiful woman.”
“You’re ridiculous.” Y/N rolled her eyes at him and turned to look out of the window so he couldn’t see the smile on her face. The carriage rolled through the north entrance to the castle, skirting round the fountain that lay in the middle of the courtyard and came to a gentle stop outside the doors. Sebastian climbed out before the footman could grab the door for them and helped the girls out, his hand lingering on Y/N’s after she was back on solid ground. A small part of him had been worried he had gone too far when he told her he wanted to kiss her, but the small blush that seemed to appear on her face whenever he stood too close made him wonder. Could she possibly want him as much as he wanted her?
The doors swung open before they could step forward, revealing the inner halls to the group and Y/N felt a rush of warmth come from within the castle gently caress the magic inside of her. It felt like greeting an old familiar friend, as if Hogwarts was saying welcome home. Y/N looked at the entrance hall in front of her as a million memories flashed through her mind. From the first time she walked through these doors with Professor Fig by her side, to returning from her battle with Rookwood while clutching an injury she had sustained to her side (which had left her with a scar). She saw flashes of laughter with everyone she had been friendly with at school, from Poppy to Imelda to Natty, Garreth, Ominis, and finally Sebastian. Hundreds of moments with Sebastian flew through her mind - laughing with him, sneaking into the restricted section, sneaking out of the castle, meeting up in the Undercroft. She had heard people say it since she had left school, but Hogwarts was, and always would be, her home. 
“Are you coming, Y/N?” Poppy’s soft question brought her back to the present, where the three of them had already made their way through the doors and were waiting patiently for her. Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her, silently asking if she wanted to get out of there. She shook her head at him with a small smile and walked towards them, holding her skirts in one hand. 
“Yeah, I am.” The group made their way through the familiar halls in semi-silence and Y/N couldn’t help but remember how nervous she had been the first time, when she had been late to her own sorting. The ever-present pang of pain flickered as she thought of Professor Fig and how kind he had always been to her. 
“Ah, there you all are,” Professor Weasley stood in front of them, a large smile on her face as she pulled each of them into a hug. “It’s so good to see you all again.”
“Likewise, Professor,” Poppy’s excitement was infectious and Y/N soon found her dark thoughts scattering as she took a look around the Great Hall. 
“Matilda, please. You’re not students anymore.”
“Might take some getting used to,” Imelda pulled a small face but laughed quietly nonetheless, quickly excusing herself as she spotted their old flying teacher. Poppy trailed after her, unable to hide her eagerness to talk to Professor Howin. Professor Weasley (Matilda, Y/N reminded herself) looked between her and Sebastian casually, taking note of how close the two stood next to each other. 
“How have you been, Prof - Matilda?” Sebastian asked, saving Y/N from making awkward conversation. “Are the current students just as chaotic as we were?”
“I don’t think anyone could cause as much trouble as you did, Mr Sallow.” There was a teasing smile on the older witch’s face as she ran her eyes over Y/N, taking note of a few new scars that littered her arms (and the still-healing one on her face). “How are you holding up, Miss Y/L/N?”
“Y/N is fine, especially if we’re to call you Matilda,” Y/N forced a smile on her face and shuffled on her feet nervously. “I’m doing fine, no rest for the wicked as they say.” 
“Hm…I hope you’re making sure she’s taken care of, Mr Sallow.”
“Oh, we all try. I’m sure you remember how stubborn she was in school though.” Sebastian shot Y/N a cheeky smile in hopes that the teasing would loosen her up. She rolled her eyes back and nudged him gently. 
“I can take care of myself.”
“No harm in letting others help,” Matilda smiled to herself as she watched her former students interact with each other. It had been painfully obvious to all the staff that the two were meant for each other when they were back in school and it looked like they still hadn’t quite worked that out for themselves yet. “Anyway, are you ready, Y/N?” 
“Ready for what?”
“To dance. Surely someone has informed you that you would be opening the festivities tonight with a dance?”
“No…no they did not.” Y/N slid her eyes shut in annoyance, her stomach churning with nerves. Maybe it wasn’t too late to say she wasn’t feeling very well and just leave? Surely if she threw up like she wanted to that would buy some points in her favour.
“Oh…well now you know.” Matilda fussed with her hair and glanced around awkwardly. “I’m sure Headmaster Black wouldn’t mind being your partner for the evening.” I would rather battle Ranrok again, Y/N thought to herself, this night cannot get any worse.
“There’ll be no need for that, Professor Weasley,” Sebastian grasped Y/N’s elbow lightly, an easy smile on his face. “I’ll lead Y/N for the dance.” 
“Oh…thank you, Mr Sallow.” Y/N could have sworn the corner of Matilda Weasley’s mouth twitched up as she looked between her and Sebastian, but the smile was gone as quickly as it appeared. “It looks like others are starting to arrive so we shall start soon.” With that she quickly turned and walked away to greet some students who had just entered the hall, leaving Y/N and Sebastian behind. 
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to,” Sebastian shrugged and turned to face her. “It saves you from having to dance with Black and I get an excuse to hold you close. There’s no losers this way.” He bit back a smile as he watched her look away from him nervously, the same pretty blush coming to her cheeks. He didn’t know if she was flustered because she wasn’t used to the attention, or because the attention was coming from him, but Merlin did he hope it was the latter. 
“You won’t feel that way when I step on your feet. I’m a horrible dancer.”
“And here I was thinking there was nothing you couldn’t do.” He brushed his fingers along her hand subtly to get her to look back at him. “Lucky for you, I’m an excellent dancer.”
“There’s plenty I’m not good at,” Y/N disagreed and tore her eyes away from the crowd of students who had just walked in. Leander was amongst the group and if she looked at him for a moment too long all she could hear was him calling out a toast in her name and it simultaneously made her want to throw up and punch him.
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” He watched as she fiddled with her fingers anxiously, her eyes darting around the room as more of their former school mates began to trickle in and wanted nothing more than to whisk her away from it all. He didn’t understand why she was subjecting herself to this when she clearly wanted nothing more than to be away from here. 
“If I could have your attention, please,” Phineas Black stood at the top of the room where the staff table would usually be, an orchestra in its place. “I would like to welcome you all to the ten year anniversary of our very own Y/N Y/L/N saving our school.” He gestured towards her and Y/N wished the ground would swallow her whole as they all turned to face her. “If our Hero of Hogwarts would like to make her way over we can officially start this reunion with the opening dance.”
Y/N placed her hand in Sebastian’s and let him escort her to the middle of the dance floor, her heart skipping a beat as she squeezed her hand reassuringly. He turned to face her with a small bow, a cheeky smile on his face as he placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Y/N narrowed her eyes at him playfully but couldn’t help to smile at his antics. 
“You can do this,” Sebastian murmured, pulling her close as the music started. She placed one hand on his shoulder as his own came to rest on her waist, eyes darting to the crowd that surrounded them.
“Everyone’s staring,” Y/N mumbled.
“Just keep your eyes on me, I’ve got you, darling.” Her eyes snapped up to meet his at the term of endearment only to see his eyes were already on hers, a teasing smile on his face. He started to lead her into a waltz, standing a little closer than needed so he could continue to speak to her.
“You’re being far more charming than you usually are.”
“How could I not when you turn the prettiest shade of pink every time?”
“You’re a rake.”
“You know, that’s twice you’ve said that now and I have to disagree.” He placed both hands on her waist as the music swelled and lifted her briefly. “If I were a rake, I’d be flirting with every woman I met.”
“You've been flirting this whole time? I never would have guessed.”
“Don’t start,” he rolled his eyes at her and tugged her closer, leaving no space between them.
“You could have given me some warning, maybe I would’ve liked to flirt back.”
“Now that I would pay to see.”
“What are you implying, Sallow?”
“I’m not implying anything,” he chuckled and span her in a gentle circle before tucking her back in place against him, “I’m just saying it’s usually me who flirts and showers you with compliments.”
“I didn’t think you needed me to tell you how good looking you are.”
“Probably not,” he shot her a devious grin, “but it would be nice.”
“Do you want me to start now?” Y/N lowered her voice considerably, her arm leaving his shoulder to wind around his neck and pull him impossibly closer. “Would you like to hear about the thoughts that ran through my mind earlier when I saw you in the Three Broomsticks?” she murmured in his ear. She felt him falter slightly as he led her and laughed quietly, her thumb brushing the back of his neck gently. “I don’t think you could handle hearing the way I think about you.”
“Think about me often, do you?”
“Always.” She pulled back slightly so he could see the serious look on her face as she repeated his early words with just as much conviction. The sound of applause startled them both slightly, and Y/N belatedly remembered there were other people in the room watching them dance indecently close to each other. Sebastian brushed a thumb down her spine again, signalling that their conversation would be tabled for later. He led her off the floor and towards Imelda, Poppy and Natty, who all wore matching wicked grins as the pair neared.
“Well I don’t know about you two but I feel positively scandalised at that display,” Imelda teased as they walked within earshot. 
“Jealous, Imelda?” Y/N offered her friend her own sly smile. “I’m sure I can make time for you later if you feel left out.”
“Depends, does Sallow share?”
“Absolutely not,” Sebastian tightened his grip on Y/N’s waist, which he had yet to release. “You’ll need to find your own dance partner, Reyes.”
“I’m sure Prewett would love to join you,” Y/N added. Sebastian shook in silent laughter from next to her as Imelda glared at the pair of them. 
“On that note, since I know how much you hate being the centre of attention - are you ready to accept your award?” 
“My what?”
“Imelda! It was supposed to be a surprise!” Natty chastised her.
“Well, I’m glad I told her because she looks like she’s going to be sick.” The Scottish witch wasn’t wrong, Y/N could feel her stomach start to churn and the lingering buzz from dancing with Sebastian disappeared. She didn’t deserve an award for what had happened. Poppy gave her a concerned look as Imelda and Natty started to bicker about ruining the surprise, although Y/N was too far gone in her thoughts to realise. Echoes of what she had been through flashed through her mind, but there were no good thoughts sprinkled within this time. All she could see was Ranrok in his strange dragon form as she fought him, followed by Professor Fig lying on the floor and dying by her side.
“Hey,” Sebastian took hold of Y/N’s elbow gently and leant in to whisper in her ear. “Let’s go. No arguments this time.”
“Anywhere. Everywhere. Just say the word and I’ll make it happen.” She looked up at him, panic still lingering in her gaze along with such pure agony that Sebastian could feel his heart shatter. 
“Let’s go.”
Part Two
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wholoveseggs · 4 months
Luv my birthday is on the 24th of this month I was wondering if you could make something for Elijah as a birthday special. 🥰
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What did you wish for?
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
♡♡ Happy Birthday Amaya ♡♡
On your birthday, Elijah and Rebekah find themselves at odds when it comes to organizing the party.
2k words - Warnings: pure fluff & a little smut.
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Rebekah was at her best when she was party planning; there was something about it that lit a spark in her. She was absolutely in her element. From the food to the décor, and especially the guests, she wanted everything to be perfect. This party was special; it was the first birthday of yours she was able to be a part of, and she was beyond excited. Rebekah was going to make sure it was nothing short of spectacular.
The only problem was there was another person who wanted to plan it as well: Elijah. In the thousand years they spent as brother and sister, they rarely clashed, and even then, the issue was resolved with ease. So the fact that she was currently at odds with him regarding your birthday celebration was completely baffling. She loved him dearly; she was proud to call him her big brother, but right now, she was seriously contemplating daggering him, just for a day or two.
"We need to discuss wine options," he said, entering the room, a stack of papers in his hand. "Perhaps we should have a selection of reds and whites?"
"You're joking, right?" She rolled her eyes, turning back to her work. "I already took care of the drinks. I thought we discussed this; we agreed to let me handle the menu, remember?"
"No, I don't think we did," he sat down across from her. "I recall telling you I would handle the beverages and you, the guests"
"I've already ordered it! If we change anything now, everything will be ruined."
"I see," he crossed his legs, resting his hands atop them. "Perhaps I should make a list of the other decisions you made without my consent. We could start with the decorations, which are hideous, by the way."
She scoffed. "What's wrong with them? They're perfect."
"Perfectly atrocious," he countered.
You were trying your best to stay out of it, knowing it was unwise to come between two originals in a fight, even if you were the subject of it. But the more they argued, the more worried you became. They had been at it for days now, and it didn't seem to be slowing down. It was almost amusing how petty the argument was.
They were both trying to do something nice for you, and it was touching, to know they cared so much. But the more time they wasted arguing, the less time they would have to finish their preparations. And if things didn't get resolved soon, there wouldn't be a party. And that would be a tragedy. You were so looking forward to celebrating your birthday with the two of them.
"Elijah, I'm sorry, but if you don't stop insulting the decorations, I'm going to throw you into a wall. I've worked really hard on these, and I won't have you tearing them down," Rebekah scoffed.
"Fine," he shrugged. "If you want the party to look like a gaudy mess, that's up to you."
"Will you two please stop!" you cut in, unable to take any more. You walked over to Elijah, wrapping your arms around his neck. He smiled softly, kissing you lightly on the cheek.
"Thank you," Rebekah grumbled. "I'm not used to being outshone." She smiled sweetly. "I just want to do something special for my best friend, is that so bad?" she asked him.
Elijah looked up at you, placing his hand over yours, "everything is fine my love, my sister and I will come to an agreement. Isn't that right, Rebekah?" He turned to her.
"We will?" She asked, her tone dripping with annoyance.
"We will," he shot back.
"Okay," you shook your head. "Well, thank you both, for putting this together."
"Don't worry about it, darling. Go get ready for the evening," he responded, pulling back. "Rebekah and I will handle the rest."
You headed off, leaving the siblings to their squabble, praying it would be settled before the party. You'd never been to an original family function, let alone one in your honor, and while the thought was a little terrifying, you were excited.
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It had taken most of the afternoon, but Rebekah and Elijah had managed to pull it off. The house looked beautiful, a myriad of colors, and scents wafted through the air.
Elijah had insisted on adding extra lights to all the ivy draped along the walls and ceilings. Rebekah had picked out some incredible food and drinks, long banquet tables filled with dishes from all around the world. She'd even managed to procure a few bottles of wine that Elijah had insisted on.
All in all, it was perfect; you were in awe. As you wandered the halls, admiring the decor and chatting with the guests, a feeling of peace and happiness washed over you.
This was what family was supposed to be. People who cared about you and would go out of their way to do something nice for you, even if they didn't always see eye to eye.
Rebekah came by, fiddling with your outfit and hair, making sure everything was just so.
"Rebekah, really, everything looks wonderful," you insisted, watching as she straightened your dress, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
"Thank you," she said, giving you a warm smile. "But, it's not done yet."
"Come," she grabbed your hand, leading you into the ballroom, where a huge cake stood in the middle. It was covered in delicate icing flowers and dozens of lit candles.
"Happy Birthday!" Elijah shouted, standing next to the cake.
You couldn't believe they had done all of this, and so quickly. You'd never had a proper birthday party before, and here they were, throwing you one, without even being asked. It was the best gift you'd ever gotten.
"Make a wish!" Rebekah exclaimed, motioning towards the cake.
You closed your eyes, blowing out the candles, the smell of smoke filling the air. Elijah wrapped his arms around you, pressing a soft kiss against your lips.
"Happy Birthday, love," he whispered, pulling you close. "What did you wish for?"
"Something I already have," you replied, gazing into his eyes.
He gave you a knowing smile, his dark eyes sparkling. "What's that?"
You turned, looking around the room, seeing the smiling faces of the people you loved most. The people who would go to the ends of the Earth for you, who had become your family.
"My family," you grinned, looking up at him. "And I couldn't be happier."
He kissed the top of your head, holding you close, as the others came over, wishing you a happy birthday.
After having your fill of all the delicious food and desserts, Elijah led you to the dance floor, taking you in his arms and swaying gently to the music.
"This has been the best birthday ever," you sighed, leaning into him.
"I think it would have been better if Rebekah hadn't gone with the garish decorations," he replied, his eyes drifting around the room, his brow furrowing slightly.
"Elija-," you were cut off by a soft kiss, his lips brushing against yours.
"I'm kidding, love," he said, pulling away. He wasn't.
You chuckled, shaking your head, and looking out across the room.
The party had been going on for a few hours, and you could tell everyone was starting to wind down. You spotted Rebekah chatting with Marcel, their heads close together as they laughed.
You smiled, feeling a sense of warmth spread through you, as you watched the people you cared about the most, enjoying themselves. You never would have imagined your birthday could have turned out this way, and the fact that it did, made your heart swell.
"Come," Elijah said, his arm wrapping around your waist, as he led you out of the room. "I have a surprise for you."
"Really?" You asked, grinning at him.
"Yes, but we need to go somewhere private for this one," he replied, his voice lowering.
"Ok," you said, a feeling of excitement washing over you.
He led you up the stairs, stopping outside of his room, and opening the door, gesturing for you to go inside.
As you stepped into the room, your breath caught in your throat, and your eyes widened. The room was filled with carnations, every surface covered in beautiful blooms.
"Elijah," you gasped, reaching out and running your fingers along the delicate petals.
"Do you like it?" He asked, wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"I love it," you turned around, placing a soft kiss against his lips. "How did you know I love carnations?"
"I have my ways," he smirked.
"Thank you, for all of this. It's perfect," you said, a warm feeling settling in your chest.
"There is one more thing," he replied, stepping away and heading towards the door.
"What is it?"
"I'm afraid I cannot tell you, but I can show you," he grinned, closing and locking the door behind him.
Your cheeks flushed, and you felt a tingle of excitement run down your spine, as he began removing his clothes, tossing them aside.
"Elijah," you giggled, watching him strip, until he was standing before you, wearing nothing but a smile.
"Happy Birthday, my love," he said, pulling you into his arms and kissing you deeply.
His hands trailed along your body, sending sparks of pleasure through you, as his lips moved to your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin.
"You're so beautiful." He murmured, his hands finding the zipper of your dress and slowly pulling it down.
The fabric fell to the floor, leaving you in nothing but your undergarments. His eyes darkened, roaming over your body, before he pulled you into another kiss, his hands sliding down your sides.
He led you over to the bed, laying you down gently, and removing the last of your clothing, his fingers caressing your bare skin.
His tongue traced your breasts, trailing down to your stomach, his eyes never leaving yours. He reached down, his fingers dancing across your thighs, causing you to let out a soft sigh in anticipation. His lips brushed against yours, his breath hot on your skin, as his hands continued exploring your body, every touch lighting you on fire.
"What does my birthday girl desire? Hmm?" He murmured, his hand moving between your legs, brushing against your clit.
"You," you moaned, arching into him, your hands clutching at his shoulders. "Please."
He grinned, slipping a finger inside you, earning another moan from you, and a wicked look flashed in his eyes.
"You like that?" He purred, curling his fingers, hitting that spot that made you see stars.
"Yes," you cried, your hips bucking against him, as your body began to tense.
He added a second finger, pumping them slowly, his thumb circling your clit, as he brought you closer to the edge.
You moaned, digging your nails into his back, as the wave of pleasure crashed over you, your walls clenching around his fingers.
He chuckled, his lips brushing against yours, as he pulled you against his chest, your legs wrapped tightly around him.
"Feeling good, my love?" He murmured, his cock grazing your entrance.
"Yes," you breathed, biting down on his shoulder, as he entered you slowly, his hips moving at a leisurely pace.
He peppered kisses along your neck and jaw, his lips brushing against yours with each thrust, your bodies moving in perfect sync.
You could feel the pressure building again, the knot of pleasure winding tighter, your release just out of reach.
"No, no, not yet," he chuckled, sliding out of you, and leaving you feeling empty. He grabbed your thighs, spreading you open, and lowering his head, his mouth finding your clit.
He gently sucked on the sensitive bud, his tongue swirling around it, sending a rush of heat through you. Your hips rolled against him, as the pressure coiled, your thighs tightening around his head as you tumbled over the edge, waves of pleasure crashing over you, his name falling from your lips.
"Such a good birthday girl." He whispered, kissing the inside of your thighs, his fingers trailing along your skin.
He sat up, pulling you into his lap, and bringing you into a passionate kiss, your tongues tangling together. He lowered you down back onto his cock, you wrapped your arms around his neck, riding him slow and deep. He grasped at your hips, lifting you up and bringing you back down, his forehead resting against yours, his breath coming out in short pants.
You bounced faster, your chest flush against his, his hands tangling in your hair, as your lips found his, swallowing his groans and moans. His fingers tightened, pressing into your flesh, as you both neared the edge, the heat building between you, your bodies slick with sweat.
"I'm gonna-" you gasped, his hips thrusting up hard, his cock brushing against your g-spot with each movement.
"Me too." He growled, sucking on your neck, his pace quickening.
You clenched around him, the pressure snapping, your orgasm rushing through you, his own release following.
Your bodies trembled, his hips rolling, helping you ride out your high, until you fell back on the bed, exhausted and sated. He pulled you into his arms, your chest rising and falling, a content smile on your lips, as he kissed your shoulder.
"Was it everything you hoped for?" He asked, chuckling, his eyes glowing.
"Better." You replied, nestling into him, the warmth of his body lulling you to sleep.
As your eyes fluttered shut, you took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of the flowers around you, and the man in your arms, humming softly.
You had never felt happier or more loved, and it was all because of him.
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♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vervain3 ♡ @vamprium ♡ @myanmy ♡
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140 notes · View notes
srjlvr · 3 months
“once upon a time a prince mistakenly fell in love with the wrong princess” — kim sunoo
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kim sunoo x fem!reader genre: mistakenly falling in love , strangers to lovers , fluff , a bit of angst ! warnings: none (at least not that im aware of! please update me if you find anything!!) || NOT FULLY PROOFREAD !!
WORD-COUNT ; 5.2k+
NOTE. besties its been A REAL WHILE!! i’ve been trying to balance my life but i fail miserably honestly. i wrote all of this on one of my free days instead of studying for math!!😭 you better like it or i’ll cry. please leave feedbacks!! i love reading them!! hope you have a good day / afternoon / evening / night!! mentions of jungwon’s story are here too!!<3
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“y/n did you forget you have manners class today? get up!” your mother was the one to wake you up after your maids failed attempts, she pulled your blanket away and you groaned.
manners classes always annoyed you. probably because it had something to do with ‘how to act in front of your future husband’ rules and manners.
“do i have to go?” you whined. your mother raised her eyebrow, “did you really just ask me that question?”
you rolled your eyes and got up, “i’m up, you can go now”
she left your room without saying anything else. you sighed loudly and sat on your bed.
“good morning your highness, let’s get you ready” one of your maids smiled softly at you.
“give me only five more minutes” you begged and she shook her head, “your mother will get furious if you’ll be late”
you closed your eyes in defeat, you know she’s right. sometimes you wish your mother wouldn’t be so strict about everything in your life.
after getting ready you rushed to eat dinner with your parents, who were already waiting for you.
“mother, father” you greeted them, without even a good morning.
your relationship with your parents is quite weird. if you’d be asked to address it you would’ve said its a co-workers relationship. you barely talk about your problems with them, nor they ask about your well-being. all they care about is royalty, royalty and royalty.
“have you heard? hybe’s kingdom will have a ball for their youngest’s birthday” your father spoke.
“oh yes! i saw the invitation” your mother answered, “it’s a no-adults party except for his older brothers, y/n you’re invited there”
you glanced at your mother who was busy cutting her bread, “hm?”
“hybe kingdom invited all younger royals to celebrate the youngest son’s birthday, you’re definitely going!!” your mother smiled.
“you’ll be able to meet your future husband there! we didn’t want you two to meet up yet but who knows, maybe it’ll be a start of something” your father added.
“we’ll tell you into more details later, now go to your class! your teacher is waiting” your mother ordered and you did as she said.
you’ve had manners classes as soon as you turned into a beautiful young lady, according to your mom, you should’ve taken them earlier—so you’d be more prepared and will have some manners in front of her friends.
when you turned fifteen, your family already informed you they decided on your future husband, and you had no option to resist, they forced this marriage on you and didn’t even give you the chance to say no.
you’ve never heard of the man, you don’t know anything about him. the only thing you do know is that you’re going to get married to him as soon as you turn 21 which means, your clock is ticking and you’re slowly going out of options.
ever since you can remember yourself, you wanted your own fairytale love story, a one love story that will make anyone envy you, a one true love story you can use when you want to tell your future kids a night story, a one true love story where you’d be the one to pick the person you’ll spend the rest of your life with.
your parents however, thought it was a good joke, and always used to laugh at it.
“true love story? there’s no such a thing” your mother always says.
“we got married for the benefit of our kingdoms, and we fell in love through the marriage, you’ll get to experience it too” your father adds.
“marrying someone you don’t know isn’t that bad! you’ll get to know each other after the wedding” your parents both love to laugh about it whenever they could.
your manners class should’ve been called ‘how to be a good wife’ class in your opinion, you learn nothing other than how to behave around your future husband and how to take care of him. stupid primitive royalties.
“good morning y/n, let’s get to class quickly” your teacher who had been waiting for you in your usually room greeted you and you greeted her back.
“what do you do if your husband tells you that he’s tired from duties and he’s hungry but the maids are already asleep?” you teacher asked.
you sighed before answering, “i get up and massage him, then go to the kitchen and make him something the eat”
your teacher clapped her hands in excitement, “that’s all for today, good job!”
this life is tiring.
when you look at your other friends who you’ve met in ball events, they seem to enjoy their single life. none of them was promised to marry someone they don’t like, so where did you go wrong?
feeling too tired from class, you decided to go and take a short nap, it wouldn’t hurt to go back to sleep right? it’s not like you have something important to do anyway.
before going to nap you laid down on your bed and stared at the ceiling.
“will i ever get to meet the person i would choose to marry?” you asked yourself before you drafted to sleep.
“sunoo!! focus!” while you were sleeping loudly, the fifth prince of hybe kingdom was busy taking manners class.
“i was just now at (your kingdom’s name) kingdom, how come it’s easier to teach ladies than gentlemen?” his teacher complained.
his teacher is your teacher as well, but of course both of you doesn’t know that.
“i apologize” sunoo quickly then bowed as an apologetic gesture.
“focus!” the teacher tsked and sunoo sat straight.
“if your wife comes home from duties and she tells you she’s quite tired, what do you do?” she asked.
“i’d ask her to tell me how her day was and i’ll make her some food” sunoo smiled widely and the teacher shook her head.
“no, no, no! you ask your maids to make her something to eat!” his teacher sounded disappointed.
sunoo pout, he didn’t understand the logic behind it all, a husband needs to take care of his wife, and what are those manners classes? who made those stupid classes anyway?
out of all 7 brothers, his parents chose him as the one who needs to suffer the most in his opinion.
sunoo is the only one who has been taking manners classes, and he’s the only one who’s promise to marry someone he doesn’t know.
does his parents think he won’t be able to find someone he’d like to marry?
“that’s it for today, practice and study more! for the next time i want you to be better” the teacher left without giving him a chance to send her off.
she must be really angry then, huh?
sunoo then sighed and gathered his papers.
“tough day?” he heard a voice and shoot his eyes to the figure who was standing right at the door.
“you could say that” sunoo nodded and dropped his glance.
jungwon pitied his older brother, he has always been the one to suffer from their parents’ endless bickering, and jungwon always wondered why’s that.
“just hold it in for a while, it’s going to end soon” jungwon walked closer to his brother and pat his shoulder.
sunoo groaned, “easy for you to say, you already basically know who you’re going to marry”
jungwon smiled a bit, “mom and dad are starting to get on your nerves, aren’t they?”
sunoo nodded, “can’t they just let me live my life the way i want to?”
a door slammed and you woke up immediately.
“i apologize your majesty, the queen asked me to wake you up from your nap” one of your maids said, “she wants to meet you in the garden”
you dismissed your maid and went down to your castle’s garden, your favorite place on earth.
“mother,” you called her, “you were asking for me”
your mother who was sitting on one of the benches turned her glance to you and smiled, “do you know why i called you, y/n?” she asked.
you shook your head and moved closer to her.
“your wedding of course!” she opened her arms and hugged you.
you let out a big sigh, of course! why would she want to talk with you about anything else?
“i’m joking, joking” she giggled, “i was a bit bored, i wouldn’t mind some company”
you nodded and proceeded to sit on the bench next to her. both of you sat in silence, she looked pretty relaxed, but you’re always being extra careful around her.
“have you ever heard of hybe kingdom?” she suddenly asked.
“no, the only thing i know about them is that they’re seven siblings, and each one is soon to get a throne”
“their family is quite weird i must say,” your mother chuckled, “the oldest son is going to marry a commoner! can you believe it??”
you nodded, “if they really do love each other, they deserve to be happy together”
your mother looked at you in disbelief, “it’s not a good reason to break a royal rule!” she argued.
“what royal rule? they’re ancient and no one’s even looking at them anymore!!” you argued back.
“ancient or not!! a royal rule is a royal rule!!”
“sometimes love is more important than a stupid rule!!”
“you—“ your mother stopped for a second to take a deep breathe, “if that’s another way of you to try and convince me to let you marry whoever you want, it’s not going to work”
you rolled your eyes and looked away, “you don’t even realize how important it is to me” you mumbled and she stayed quiet, completely ignoring what you’ve just said.
“you’re going to meet your soon to be husband at hybe’s kingdom party, you should be prepared”
eventually you left her alone and went back to your room, you had nothing to talk about together anyway.
“there you are sunoo!! we’ve been searching for you!!” hybe’s queen remarked.
“hello mother” sunoo whispered.
“your teacher told me you’re not doing well!! sunoo, what’s wrong with you?” she raised her voice and sunoo shut his eyes.
“if you’d just let me feel free and let me do what i want maybe i’ll be able to be mannered enough for you!” he spoke back and his mother stepped back.
“what? did i say something wrong? instead of letting me find someone i’d truly love and want to marry, you’re forcing me into it!” he raised his voice back.
“this is not up to discussion!! your marriage is final!” his mother fired back, “it’s okay if you dont love her now, you’ll force yourself into it and eventually fall in love!”
sunoo sighed and tears filled his eyes, “you’d never let me live the way i want to, would you?”
his mother stayed quiet and he slowly nodded, “got it” he whispered and went to his room.
the next mornings felt all the same, manners class and getting back to sleep, it was the same for sunoo, other than the fact that he had to help his younger brothers with their own love stories. love stories that he’d never have.
“i don’t know what to do, it hurts, i miss her” jungwon cried to his older brother as he hugged him and suggested him a few steps.
looking at his brothers living freely as they want made him really happy for them, but also envy them for being their parents’ favorite in his opinion.
eventually, ni-ki’s birthday came and everyone around the castle were busy getting ready.
“good morning sunoo! time to get ready” the maids said and he barely got himself up.
“you’re going to meet your soon-to-be wife!! isn’t that exciting?” jay, who came in together with sunoo’s maids, decided to tease him a bit.
sunoo groaned and covered himself with his pillow.
“get up sleepy head! it’s your brother’s birthday today!! at least wish him a happy birthday!!” jay took the pillow and threw it at him a few times.
sunoo really didnt want to wake up today. dont get him wrong, he loves his brother, its just something about today that makes it extremely hard for him to wake up.
“right, what was her name again?” this was the exact reason sunoo couldn’t wake up, his parents couldn’t even recall his future wife’s name!
“nevermind, you need to go get ready!” his father commented.
“you’ll know it when you see her, she’s awfully pretty!” both of them said and pushed him back to his room to get ready.
“oh my dear! you’re awfully pretty!” your mother clapped as you gave her a twirl of your dress.
“you’re only saying that because you’re my mom” you scoffed and she shook her head.
“you really are really pretty, our pretty princess” your father got involved and smiled.
you gave them a short smile, “thank you—“
“can you believe it? you’re going to meet your future husband!! are you ready for it?” your mother stepped closer to you, cupping your cheeks in both hands.
“no” you sighed. “well then, be ready for it! we don’t want him to think you’re messy and unorganized”
what does not being ready for this even have to do with being messy and unorganized??
you just nodded and closed your eyes. if you start crying now, the beautiful makeup your maid had put on you would get ruined.
“we’re so proud of you, y/n” both of them said and you just nodded.
“oh! you look exactly like a prince” his brother sunghoon remarked. “i didnt look like one up until now?” sunoo rolled his eyes but sunghoon only chuckled.
“hey im just joking, you look really good sunoo” the older complimented him and sunoo smiled, “thank you”
“off you go!! enjoy the party!” your parents said as they sent you off to hybe kingdom, with a thumping heart you smiled and nodded.
five minutes into the drive and it finally sank into your mind, your parents never mentioned his name, not even once.
quick!! what should you do?? risk it all and just continue the drive and hope to find him in mysterious way? or get back to your parents and ask them for it??
obviously option one is the best option.
“we have arrived, your majesty” your driver informed you and went out to open the door for you.
you took a few deep breaths, “you can do it”
as you got out you saw lots of princesses and princes, all entering the big and beautiful castle.
“please welcome princess y/n from (name of kingdom)” the door opened for you and all eyes were on you, you hated it, you hated this welcoming.
it was somehow a royal thing, to inform of a royal entering a castle, but then what? it drew everyone’s attention to you.
you felt everyone’s gaze on you, mumbling nothings and whispering whatever. you slowly entered deep into the crowd until the other royals didnt care about you anymore.
“hello there, beauty” you heard someone say, you turned around to meet with a very pretty looking guy.
“hello” you replied back and extended him your hand for him to kiss.
you hated this too, the feeling of a stranger on your hand, why was this even a royal rule??
“i couldn’t stand seeing you alone so—“
“and finally, please welcome the hybe family” all of your heads turned to the door.
first one to enter was prince heeseung, you could see him searching for a specific person in the crowd and as soon as he saw her, he smiled.
second to enter was prince jay, he looked super focused, he too, was searching for a specific person in the crowd.
third to enter was prince jake, he looked so peaceful somehow, as if he already knew where was the specific person he was searching for.
fourth to enter was prince sunghoon and god, his visuals were no joke, whoever will end up with him definitely won a handsome one of a kind.
fifth to enter was prince sunoo, as soon as he entered you felt as if the world had stopped.
you two somehow made an eye contact for a few good seconds, as if he already found the person he was searching for.
is he….? no, he can’t be, can he?
the voice of the welcoming of the sixth prince woke you up from your deep thoughts.
sixth to enter was prince jungwon, he looked around, smiling at everyone while obviously trying to search for someone.
“and lastly, please welcome the birthday boy, riki!” as the seventh prince riki entered, everyone clapped and cheered.
only he, was smirking at everyone. he was definitely up to something.
as the party started, you started to feel tired. what if you just ditch early? no one will notice anyway.
you started walking towards what you thought was the exit, turns out it was a door for the castle’s garden.
“great, how do i get out now” you mumbled.
you heard steps behind you and turned around immediately.
your eyes widened as you saw the person that was standing in front of you.
“hello” he said with a warm smile.
“prince sunoo” you whispered under your breath, “hello”
“you probably have already heard who i am, but i’m sunoo” he said and bowed to you.
you couldn’t understand why, but you felt your cheeks heating up. focus y/n, focus!!
is he your promised prince?
“i’m l/n y/n” you introduced yourself with a curtsy, sunoo took your hand and kissed the back of it, “you look awfully pretty, y/n”
you said you hated it, hated it when a stranger kissed your hand, but why did it feel so different when he did it?
you wanted him to keep kissing your hand, and maybe not only your hand.
no, y/n what are you thinking!!
sunoo couldn’t explain it, ever since he laid his eyes on you, he felt something.
you were so, so pretty in his eyes. he saw the whole crowd but his eyes only looked at you. he wanted to get to know you more, he’s more than 100% sure you’re promised to him, how could his parents forget your beautiful name?
and if it turns out you’re not the one who’s promised to him, he’s more than determined now to make you his wife.
“would you like to have a dance y/n?” he suddenly asked, looking into your soft eyes.
you could still hear the music at the back, you enjoy dancing anyway, so why not?
“i’d love that” you replied.
sunoo took your hand and guided you, you were extremely close to each other.
your hands were around his neck, and his held your waist.
“how come i’ve never seen you before?” he asked.
“i’m not the type to go to royal celebrations, i came here for the first time since i’m kind of forced to meet my future husband” you replied softly.
“future husband?” sunoo disappointedly looked down.
did you already find your future husband? your promised one?
you shook your hand, “i have yet to find him, but now that i’m being here with you…” you stayed quiet for a bit, “i think i found him”
oh you were bold. what if he already has someone he’s going to marry to?
“oh,” he suddenly said and chuckled, “i think i already found my future wife too”
both of you shared a long eye contact, god he was so attractive and you were so beautiful in his eyes.
you changed position and crossed your hands together, going in circle while not even breaking your eye contact for a mere second.
you didn’t want to let go of each other, as the song ended, so did your dance.
you decided to sit on one of the benches at the garden and share a little conversation.
a little conversation ended up lasting for almost until midnight. you’ve been at the garden since eight pm.
you talked about your hobbies, your family, your miserable life with your manners classes.
“no way! you’re having them too?? i thought only my parents were old school” he said in excitement.
“yeah, i guess both of us are experiencing the old school parents” you chuckled.
the conversation just kept on going further and further until the maids reminded you it’s time to go.
both of you got up from the bench and looked at each other.
“i don’t want this night to end” you pout.
sunoo giggled and put his hands around your waist.
“i don’t want it to end either” he replied.
it was a comforting silence between the two of you, until he started getting closer.
“can i…..?” he asked and you nodded.
he crushed his lips on yours and held you tightly. you kissed him back and put your hands around his neck.
the kiss was so innocent and sweet, as if you’re having your first teen love.
as you slowly let go of the kiss you opened your eyes and giggled.
“there you—am i interrupting something?” you recognize this prince, it’s prince jake.
“not at all, i was just about to leave” you said after and curtsied to the prince.
you walked away but not before whispering into sunoo’s ear, “hopefully i get to see you again”
as you left, jake pushed sunoo and cheered for him. “you found her didn’t you!!”
sunoo smiled, his cheeks still blushing from the kiss you shared a few minutes ago. it was just like in the love stories he liked to read.
“oh! her name is minju!”
no. this can’t be.
after the celebration, his parents came up to him to ask him how was meeting his future wife.
only then he realized he has been wrong this whole time.
“what?” he asked.
they nodded and smiled, “we’re so glad you enjoyed! we were actually worried about you not liking her”
“i need to sleep” he mumbled.
“i need to sleep now” he said louder.
his parents left his room, shocked and speechless. did they say something wrong?
“y/n dear, how was the party?” your parents came up to you, they’ve probably been waiting for you to get back.
you knew they didn’t really care about the party, but more about the person you’ve met there.
you already knew that the person you’re promised to marry wasn’t sunoo, but you couldn’t help it but fall in love with him.
you realized it wasn’t sunoo halfway into your conversation. your parents told you a few facts about your future husband, and none of them matched sunoo. still, you kept on spending the night with him instead of going to search your promised one.
“it was fine” you replied.
“just fine….?” they asked surprised.
“what about….?”
“oh, it was amazing actually, i already feel myself falling for him, he’s the person i want to marry to and no one else” you smiled, “ever since i saw him i only think of him”
your parents looked at you in confusion. they weren’t expecting to hear that from you, especially because you hated this idea.
“are you…doing okay?” they asked and you nodded, cheeks heating up after remembering your past events.
“i’ll be going to sleep now” you skipped to your room happily, leaving your parents dumbfounded.
the next day you woke up, “y/n! you got a letter” one of your maids brought your letter to you and you opened it.
‘meet me at xxxx around 9pm — sunoo’
you smiled after reading the letter, and you couldn’t help but wait for the eve to come.
around 8:30pm you sneaked out, telling your parents you weren’t feeling well and getting out slowly and surely, no one noticed you.
you arrived the place and waited for him. you sat on a bench and looked at the sky.
the sky was so dark and the stars were shining brightly, you enjoyed looking at the sky, until you couldn’t see anything.
someone covered your eyes, “guess who” you heard a familiar voice and chuckled.
“my future husband” you said.
this new nickname you gave him made him flutter each time he hears it coming out of your mouth.
he removed his hands and pecked your cheeks, “ding ding ding, we have a winner” he smiled and went to sit next to you on the bench.
“i missed you” he added.
“you saw me yesterday” you replied.
“24 hours without seeing you, my heart can’t handle it” he held his hand against his heart and you rolled your eyes, “you’re so cheesy”
“you didnt mind it yesterday” he shrugged, “i still don’t”
both of you chuckled and kept talking with a wide smile all over your faces.
the two of you knew, you knew you’re not promised to each other, you knew you won’t end up getting married to each other, so why does none of you bring this up?
you kept talking and talking without even realizing it was past 3 am. you have manners class later today, you have to get some sleep.
“you have to go?” he asked and you nodded sadly.
“my parents will kill me if i dont wake up in time” you sighed.
“let’s meet up tomorrow too, same time, same place” he said and you nodded.
you pecked his lips and ran back, leaving him with blushing cheeks.
none of you wants to admit it, but you’re not going to end up together. so you’ll just spend your time together as long as you can, holding into the fact that maybe, maybe you actually will have a chance to marry each other.
your sneaking out became a usual thing for you and sunoo, you really did keep your promise and met up every day.
“how do you want our wedding to be?” he asked you once.
your head was resting on his lap as he caressed your hair.
“my family, your family, and maybe just a few important royals, in your castle too, because that’s where we first met” you smiled and he smiled back at you.
both of you knew it’s not really going to happen, but you still held into the hope that maybe, against all the odds, maybe you will be able to change your fate.
“i love it, what do you think about honeymoon?” he asked in addition to the wedding part and you just giggled.
as you came back to your room that day from meeting sunoo, you noticed a figure sitting on your bed.
you got scared and immediately turned on the lights, just to notice it was your mother.
“mother,” you whispered.
“i thought you’re not feeling well?” she asked seriously.
“i-i went to catch some air—“ “dont try to excuse yourself” she said firmly.
you looked down and sighed, “i met up with my future husband”
her serious face turned into a wide smile, “really? what did you two—“
“kim sunoo from hybe kingdom” you cut her off as you just now told her who you met up.
“what?” she asked, the wide smile turning into confusion.
“i met up with sunoo, my future husband” you boldly said.
your mother laughed, “that was a good joke! dont scare me like that again” she continued to laugh but her laugh faded when she noticed you were serious.
“oh, you’re serious?” she asked and you nodded.
“i want to marry sunoo, mom” you said.
“that’s not possible” she argued.
“why not? i love him, he’s the person i want to marry” you said.
“a no is a no, i don’t want to argue about it” she got up.
“but i do, i won’t marry any other person, even that ‘future husband’ you’ve been telling me to marry” you’re a one stubborn child, and you’re not going to give up on sunoo that easily.
your mother sighed, “i will not argue about this with you, you’re grounded, i’ll put hundreds of guards around just to keep you here” she raised her voice.
“you can try and keep me here all you want! it’s not going to change my feelings!” you shout as she went out of your room.
sunoo wasn’t doing any better, he too, got caught as he came back.
“no!” his mother argued, “you’re promised to marry minji and that’s final! i don’t want to hear another word!”
sunoo scoffed, “out of all seven of us, you chose to be strict with me, now that i finally found someone i love, you’re taking her away from me? why did you let heeseung marry a commoner then?” he shout.
his mother stayed speechless.
“exactly, you have no good reason” he said in disbelief.
“you’re not allowed to go out anymore until you realize what you just did, minju is your future wife and no one else” she said before smacking the door.
while both of you weren’t allowed out of your castles, you could send letters one to other.
you kept communicating through that, however, it was slow and hard as one letter per day came in.
on one of the days you shared dinner with your parents, as usual you stayed quiet and didn’t talk to neither of them.
only today was different, “y/n,” your father called you but you ignored.
“we’ve decided to break off the agreement with the other kingdom” he continued and your eyes light up.
“me and your mother decided it’s what best for you, and we want nothing more than to see you happy” he said.
“does that mean…..?” you whispered and your mother nodded, “you can marry prince sunoo, we talked some sense in his parents too”
you looked at the clock and saw the time, 8:30pm.
you looked over your parents, “can i….?” and they nodded.
you pushed away your chair and ran out of the castle to search for your sunoo.
you arrived at your place with a wild smile, expecting to see him already, your smile faded as you saw no one.
your eyes teared up, until someone covered your eyes behind you, “guess who”
without waiting, you turned around and hugged the person you were so longing for.
“my future husband, my real future husband” you cried into the hug as he hugged you back tightly, not wanting to let you go.
“i missed you” he said and you cupped his face.
“i love you” you said before kissing him.
you caught him off guard but he was quick to kiss you back, holding your waist and getting you closer to him than ever.
both of you pulled away when you felt you were out of air.
you pressed your foreheads against each other with eyes closed, “it’s been so long, it feels so good to hold you again, i love you” he said and you smiled.
“i was wondering how long it’s going to take for my parents to realize i only want to marry you” you chuckled.
“took them too long” he scoffed and you nodded.
“what’s important is that you’re here now” you whispered.
“i’m here, forever and ever, i love you”
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TAG-LIST ; @jaeneohee @hsgwrld @enhastolemyheart @enhacatalog @kaykay11sworld @ipoststuffandyeah @beomsbeanie @queestionmark @ineedsomezzz @yenqa @nshmrarki @asteriaskingdom @ikayyyyyy @mrchweeee @artiiistyxoo @6yulight @woncoree @dimplewonie (bold means cannot be tagged)
PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @ohdudehesflirting @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world @lovelovelovebts @filmofhybe @wonbinsnovia @daegutowns @aurumiee @soobywon @dhriti-stories @ariadores @firstclassjaylee @watamotee33 @moons-v @s00buwu @hoonheepretty @jjeoni-7 (bold means cannot be tagged)
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cellophaine · 9 months
Sad Girl (Part II)
Read Part I
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, not a happy ending.
Author's Note: Sooo, I severely overestimated how much free time I would have, and as it turns out, I have had not a lot and will have none free time for the next three weeks. My irl project is quite literally consuming me on top of the packing for an across the globe trip, so I won't be able to work actively on any writing project at all 🥲 I will be back to writing and posting in late fall/early winter! (hopefully)
P/S: I might write a part 3 to make up for the angst but uhm ... please don't come for me over the ending 🫣
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Judging by the sound of people and traffic outside, Matt knew he had slept in. Not that it mattered since it was a Saturday, and he had nowhere to be, especially after a night of going all out on a celebration with Foggy and Karen on the occasion of winning a big case for their client. With the new bonus lined in their pockets, Foggy gave a passionate speech about the grand plan of upgrading the office; Karen daydreamed about a proper heater for the upcoming winter while Matt zoned out, occasionally chiming in with a witty remark. He didn't enjoy his win as much as he should, as a part of him wished he could see you and tell you about it instead. He knew you would be happy for him and listen to every detail, just like you did whenever he told you about his day, when he wasn't in a hurry to leave.
The talking clock announced the time and date, and as Matt shifted back to the bed, a thought struck him. It had been three months since his last illicit affair with you. Matt sighed, pressing his face into the pillow at the thought of you. He had been thinking about you more and more every day. Matt blamed it on his coming to the acceptance that what you and he shared had long dissolved into thin air, becoming something that never was before you met. But the history was still there, at least for him. It didn't get to disappear. It stayed in his head, haunting him like a shadow at the edge of his conscience, waiting for a chance to occupy his thoughts whenever he found his mind strayed, and if he had to admit it, he didn't want to let it go. Matt replayed the last night he spent with you over and over, prying for little details of what had gone wrong, only to come up with none. You were curt with him, and the rebuttal he came up with was you were tired. You even said it yourself. Matt left you alone that night after that, and he even made sure that the two of you were okay. But he guessed it wasn't enough, as you completely shut him out afterward.
From time to time, Matt would stop by your place to check on you, to see if the wind chime returned, only to be disappointed by its absence. He would perch on the rooftop of your building, listening to the sound of your soft laugh alongside your favourite show. Matt was so close, yet so far away from you. He had gotten used to the silence, but he hadn't used to not seeing you, being around you. Even though a small part of him was crestfallen that you didn't seem to miss his presence, it made him happy to see you were still doing well. Even if it was without him.
Turning on his back, with his hand stretched over the empty space beside him, Matt couldn't help but wonder why you cut all contact with him, and why he had been so bothered by the fact. He could take the hint and accept a rejection, but he couldn't understand why your silence hurt him the most of all. Something was missing; Matt could feel it so clearly when he returned to his apartment at night after your arrangement was abruptly over. His place didn't have your scent, your candles, or even the overpowering aroma of the ointment you applied on him when he needed it. He even missed the coarseness of your fine cotton sheets on his too-sensitive skin. Yet, none of these little things could even begin to compare to how often he found himself missing your presence most of all. Your steady heartbeat and the way it quickened when he touched you. Your comforting scent when he buried his nose into your neck. The way your thighs found their home around his waist when he fucked you into the mattress, your bodies moving together in a desperate attempt at getting closer and closer until you were joined in one body made of flesh and bones. It wasn't just the sex that he missed. His heart involuntarily yearned for your laugh, your presence, being around you. He remembered how your apartment smelled like the tea you drink and how it would be cold by the end of his visits. He missed the way you seemed to know what he needed by paying attention to his body language and the way he conveyed his needs without words.
Matt ran a hand over his face and sighed heavily. He needed to take a walk, to allow his mind to be uninhabited by you.
As Matt padded barefoot through the apartment, he was reminded once again of you by the soft floral fragrance in the sweater you left at his place. It was you he smelled, a warm and sheer powdery iris that he could never mistake for someone else, and a mix of his own scent, too. When he first noticed it in his closet, his heart fluttered when he realized what it was. Now, with its new place on the top of a dining chair, the faint floral was a reminder of what you were to him. He wished he could restore it to your scent and your scent only so he could hold onto you a little longer. Matt caught his stray thought and steered himself away from reminiscing. It was dangerously close to the territory he couldn't afford to enter. So he shut it out.
He really needed that walk.
The air was crisp and clear, which made everything around him stand out more. Matt took a moment to take in his surroundings. The neighbourhood felt lively amongst the aroma of coffee, steaming broth, greasy food and freshly baked pastries. The revving of a motorcycle passed by him, making his brows furrow over the loud noise and the waft of smoke it brought. He smelled more food, more body odour, but amidst all that chaos, something familiar arose. The scent reminded him of you. And once again, his thoughts strayed as if he couldn't help himself.
How could he have predicted the way things ended with you? Even if he knew beforehand, he couldn't prevent it from happening. It simply wasn't meant to be. You and him both knew what you were getting into, and it was nothing more than a casual exchange. And if his exclusion from your life was what you wanted, he would respect that. Still, Matt couldn't make sense of his desolation. It confused him, all the thoughts running through his head, all the ache wrapping around his heart like cellophane, circling around the truth buried so deep that he couldn't feel it for what it truly was. It was almost as if his heart already knew, but his mind refused to acknowledge it.
The iris scent got stronger, and Matt directed his attention toward it. His heart seemed to recognize it before his senses caught onto it, beating faster as it came closer, accompanied by the rhythm of a heartbeat he knew so well. It was unmistakenly you, your scent, your voice, as all the tangible signals drifted to him. He was aware that you hadn't seen him yet; his feet involuntarily picked up the pace, closing the distance between you. You were closer to him now, the closest in months. He listened to your voice as you chatted with your companion, unaware of him. And when you finally saw him, Matt could tell as the breath in your throat hitched. He took a deep breath, bracing himself to say hi, a soft smile on his face.
It was only seconds, yet it felt so long as your jacket brushed over his on the busy pavement; the brief contact ended before it even began. You kept walking further away from him as Matt's heart dropped in the realization that you didn't stop to acknowledge him. The familiar ache took hold of his heart and squeezed again. Matt brushed the feeling off by taking his own steps forward and away from you, only with less certainty and excitement. He was still close by when he heard it. The conversation you had with your companion.
"Hey. You okay?"
The woman's voice was full of concern.
"Uh, yeah, I'm … I'm fine."
There was a touch of hesitation in your voice.
"Are you sure? You look like you saw a ghost."
A small chuckle.
"I feel like I did."
A brief pause and a small yet determined exhale later.
"Don't worry. It's nothing."
His heart dropped even further at your words; the pain grabbed and pulled at his heartstrings violently. What you said to your friend manifested a bitter taste on his tongue, making his stomach churn. You pretending not to know him and ignoring him hurt him more than he realized. How could you? How could you act like the ink on the pages of your story had washed away so completely that the history you shared became a blank book? Why did he become nothing to you?
Matt wanted to know the unbridled truth and get the closure he was owed. He deserved that much.
About a week later, Matt waited for you to return home at the front of your building instead of the usual spot at your fire escape. It was late, almost time for him to go back to his apartment so he could start the patrol for the night. But that could wait.
Matt buried his hands into his pockets to shield them from the wind nipping at his skin. Leaning onto the brick pillar at the bottom of the steps, he closed his eyes, trying to calm his heart rate, reminding himself that it was just you, the woman he had known so well. But his logic persisted. Maybe he didn't know you at all. He could barely understand himself these days. Who was he to say that he knew you for who you really were?
His heart picked up its pace again once he heard the sound of your voice neared. You were laughing alongside the familiar voice from last week; the slightest slur in your words was enough for him to know that you were tipsy. The uneven clicks of your heels on the ground became steadier as you made your way toward the entrance and stopped when you approached him.
Matt stood up straight, clearing his throat softly.
"What are you doing here?"
You wasted no time. Your voice was cold, and your demeanour was curt.
"I need to talk to you."
Your companion's voice interrupted him.
"Who are you?"
You pulled at your friend's sleeve, and after a brief pause, she released a small gasp and a soft "Oh". She then turned to him, her voice stern, leaving no room for any other interpretation.
"My friend doesn't have anything to say to you. So you can–"
"Mindy. I got this."
"Are you sure?"
Matt listened as the conversation wrapped up, with Mindy getting into a cab and you promising to call her if you wanted to talk. You closed the door, waiting until the taxi pulled away before returning to him, still keeping your distance.
"What do you want to talk to me about?"
Matt took a small step forward.
"About what happened between us."
"There is nothing to talk about. Nothing happened."
The blankness in your voice made him feel like his skin was pricked with needles. He scoffed, bewildered with disbelief at your outright denial.
"I wouldn't call cutting off all contact, out of the blue, without an explanation, nothing."
When you didn't say anything, he continued.
"Why did you shut me out? It's like our relationship meant nothing to you."
His words seemed to get to you as you snapped back at him.
"There was nothing between us. There was no relationship."
You enunciated your words, making your intention clear.
"I cared for you the same way you cared for me. Isn't that something?"
The harsh puff of air escaped from you was scornful, and Matt knew he was getting somewhere.
"No. You don't know what you're talking about."
"Of course I do. What do you mean by that?"
You stepped closer until you were inches away from him. You were so close that Matt could feel the tension in your body, the way your fists clenched into themselves, the way your heart pounded in your chest.
"You want the truth, Matt? The truth is I didn't want to set myself up for more disappointment, so I did what I thought was best for myself."
His brows scrunched together at the meaning behind your words.
"What kind of disappointment?"
You sighed heavily.
"The kind that came from knowing I could never be more to you. I thought you cared for me, Matt."
Your voice had gone quieter, so small that he felt like it took all of your strength to physically say it. He softened at that, and his hand reached out to find your cheek.
"I did. I still do."
But before the contact happened, you took a step back, avoiding his hand.
"No. You don't care about me like the way I cared for you. I was just your side piece that you could fuck whenever you–"
Matt was so taken aback by your firm conviction that he didn't register the latter part. He didn't care about the way you seemed to shy away from him and grasped your arms, pulling you close.
"You're more than that to me! You're my friend."
His chest heaved in exertion. He didn't know what else he could do to convince you. When you spoke, it was the way your voice shook that broke him.
"That wasn't enough for me, Matt."
Your hands came up to hold onto his arms, your grasp weak, but it gave Matt some hope. You swallowed hard.
"I lov– I liked you, so much that my heart hurts whenever you didn't stop by."
His heart rattled in its cage, wanting to break free at your confession. Your voice was so small, yet your words carried so much weight.
"I thought we could be more, but you confirmed that it wasn't in the cards for you, so … I did the best thing for both of us. I didn't want to waste anymore of your and my time."
Matt loosened his hold, his head dipped as he hoped you were looking at him.
"You knew what it would be like to be with me. I would go out and I might get hurt, and I didn't want to leave you by yourself worrying about me in case something happened."
You tore yourself away from his grasp, your voice raised in what felt like exasperation.
"You don't get it! I already went through those worries when we were still sleeping together. I was always worried about you when you got injured, when you came to my place just a little later than you said you would. I would be worried sick. So don't feed me that bull shit. I knew what I was getting myself into."
Matt fell silent, and for the first time, he lost his defence. So he returned to the start of it all.
"We agreed to be casual."
"Then why did you act like my boyfriend? Cuddling me to sleep? Making sure I was okay after a shitty day at work? I thought it was you showing that you cared about me more than just a fuck-buddy."
Your anger only intensified at his attempt at calmness.
"You're worth caring for. I didn't regret anything I did for you."
You chuckled, the sound bitter to his ears.
"Right. It doesn't matter anyway. You already have someone else waiting for you at home."
Confusion clouded his thoughts.
"What are you talking about?"
You scoffed in disbelief.
"I'm talking about Karen Page."
"What about her?"
"Don't pull that shit with me. I know you're together. I could tell by the way you acted throughout the interview and the photoshoot."
"You got it wrong. We used to date, but not anymore. We're only friends. Please, you have to trust me."
He could hear you moving toward him before feeling a jab of your finger at his chest; your face was closer to his for the first time in months.
"I don't care what the two of you are anymore, okay? It looked like that from my end. Do you know what it feels like knowing that you were made the other woman? I even defended you before my friend, saying that you actually loved me. I was so fucking stupid."
Your last words were dripped in a teary tone. Matt was speechless as you sobbed; the sound made his body throb with pain as if he was dealt with a thousand cuts. He noticed the way your heart thundered in your chest, but it wasn't out of dishonesty. It was out of the hate and love you had for him, both surging at once. Your heart thumped vigorously for him; your body burned with fervour because of him. He was too stubborn to see the signs for what they were: the affection and devotion you saved for him, reflected through the little things you did for him. You didn't have to say it. Your feeling for him was tangible and real, like the feel of your finger prodding at his chest. Real like the tears on your face at the expense of his unintentional ignorance.
Your hand fell to your side. Your anger subsided; now you were depleted, and Matt hated that he was the source of your distress.
"Please, understand where I came from. I didn't want to be a home wrecker. I just couldn't do it anymore."
He nodded. The silence stretched as the two of you let the confession infuse the air between you. Matt had asked for the truth, and he got it. Yet it was so suffocating that he felt like he couldn't breathe. All of your cards were laid on the table, and it was his turn to reveal his.
You sniffled, and your voice sobered up. But Matt could still hear the shakiness in it.
"Anything else you want to tell me?"
The words were at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't bring himself to say them. He held his cards close, afraid to confront the aftermath. After all, he had so much to lose.
You took his silence for your answer. You trained your voice to be cold again.
"Right. I hope you got what you came here for."
You brushed past him and ascended the steps, leaving Matt where he was: at the front of your door, in the cold autumn wind, alone. Like he always had been.
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*Likes, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated!* Follow my side blog to receive notifications whenever I post! @cellophaine-archives
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prod-ddeonu · 10 months
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dear anon, I'm working on the jungwon piece for you ;) Prince Sunghoon is all that came to mind for your request. PRINCE SUNGHOON. So I threw a twist to that 😉
As the Sun would shine down upon your kingdom, the people would frolic and celebrate a sunny morning. As soon as they stepped foot outside, the clouds would darken and release a heavy downpour onto them. This is commonly known as “bad luck”.
You, seated at the window in your ballroom, faced a much different situation. As the crown princess of your kingdom, you were expected to marry a man of equal stature or power. A noble feat, indeed (most men were insufferable or worse, old).
Your spouse was to be determined at a coming-of-age ball, where you'd dance with suitors and speak to people until you found the one. The only problem: you had two left feet when it came to dancing.
You were the most skilled fighter in your kingdom, the most agile and flexible athlete, and possibly one of the best archers to have been born into the royal family. Your legs could hold you in any position humanly possible, as long as it wasn't a waltz.
You sighed, tucking your head between your knees as you recalled the lessons you'd been taking for weeks on how to dance traditionally. “It's just not working,” you grumbled, pressing play on the music again.
“What's not working?” A voice beside you asked suddenly.
Your head snapped to the side as you jumped in fear. Your wide eyes met the big, round ones you'd grown familiar with over the past years of your life.
Park Sunghoon, the King’s second-in-command, sat next to you in the same position. His brunette hair swept over his eyes, his beauty marks on full display with how the sun hit him through the window.
Sunghoon was the same age as you, and had always been working in the castle. He came as a hungry orphan when he was twelve, and quickly flew up the ranks as a knight. When he turned eighteen, your father appointed him as the first commander of the royal army.
After returning from a battle with the heads of rebels who wished to harm you, the King gave him the additional position of his second-in-command. Being a man of his position, he was able to visit other countries, live in the castle, and earn a high wage. Being a man of his background, however, he was able to marry anyone he wanted; he could marry anyone, as long as it wasn't you.
He'd long given up on his dreams of being your husband, waking up in the mornings to you next to him, your delicate smile energizing him enough to get through the day. He knew that the chances of his dream ever coming true were less than zero, but his heart never gave up hope.
You shook your head at him as you rolled your eyes. “Sunghoon, you seem to have a knack for sneaking up on people,” you sighed.
He cheerfully smiled. “Well, milady. It isn't my fault that I'm much quieter without the metal suit,” he shrugged, his commoner twang having never gone away. “What's bothering you?”
“I'm supposed to be able to waltz by this weekend, but I've retained no information from my classes,” you put your hands over your face, dragging them down.
Sunghoon stood, a small groan of exertion leaving his mouth as he did so. He held his hand out to you, smiling. “I think I can teach you a thing or two, milady,” he grabbed your hand to pull you up.
The two of you stood together as he reviewed the proper steps of a waltz. “Try doing a box step first,” he looked at your feet. “Back, out, in, and then forward, out, in.”
He did the dance for you as an example, his legs standing strongly against the ground. His usual armor was missing from his figure that morning. He wore a simple commoner’s outfit, with leather pleats over his knees and elbows.
He motioned his hand out to you, asking you to perform the same moves. You took one step back before tripping and falling onto your rear.
The two of you glanced around the room as you locked eyes and began to laugh. “Maybe it would help if I led you,” he pulled you back up, his hands enveloping your own.
The two of you spent hours practicing the different waltz steps. Many of Sunghoon’s toes hurt from being stepped on, but he smiled as you slowly gained confidence in the dance.
“Let's see if you can still waltz with a distraction,” Sunghoon mischievously smiled. “Pretend I'm a prince that you have to talk to, and don't stop dancing until our conversation is over.”
You nodded. Starting the dance, you let Sunghoon take the rest of the lead. “Good evening to you, prince,” you smiled.
“Well, might I say good afternoon to you, too, princess,” Sunghoon responded in a poor British accent.
You laughed, your hand hitting his chest. “I think I prefer when you speak normally.”
“Right, right. What brings you to this ball?” He asked, staying in character.
“I have to find someone to marry before the night is over,” your shoulders slumped.
Sunghoon pulled them back up, his muscular stature easily keeping your posture. “And what seems to be the problem with that?”
“I don't want to marry someone I don't know,” you sighed. “What about you?”
Sunghoon’s steps faltered, blushing slightly. He looked away before clearing his throat. “I, um, have someone I want to marry already.”
Your eyes widened. “Sunghoon! You've got to tell me who it is, you can't just marry someone and not tell your friend!”
His eyes avoided yours as he nervously continued the dance. His Adams apple bobbed with each hard swallow he took. When he responded with silence, you took a step back.
“Sunghoon, is it someone you can't tell me about?” You asked, stepping back and placing your hands on his chest. His head fell forward, staring at the floor.
You opened your mouth to ask again when he placed his hands on top of your own, completely covering the small fingers on your hand with his own. He looked up into your eyes, an unreadable expression on him.
“It's you, milady. It's always been you.”
He pulled your hands up to his neck, wrapping your arms around him as he pulled you in by your waist. Your heart fluttered at the action, butterflies attempting their escape from your stomach.
His lips softly landed against your own, a sweet kiss being placed onto you. They were soft like pillows, yet they made you feel fireworks in your head. Everything in your world was foggy except Sunghoon at that moment.
He pulled away slowly, his eyes reading shame, but his toothy grin reading happiness. “I shouldn't have done that,” he sadly laughed.
You pulled him in again, pressing a kiss against his lips again. Your mouths moved in sync, smiles and laughter filling the room.
“Who says you shouldn't have done that, Sunghoon?” You pulled away, smiling.
He smiled that same sad smile again. “You know we can't, Y/N. I'm a commoner, you're a princess. It would never be allowed."
“You're the first commander of the royal army, you're my father’s most trusted member of the castle, and more importantly, you're the one I've been in love with since we were kids.”
He blushed, his eyes wide. “You love me?”
He pulled you in, hugging you close as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that?”
“Is it long enough that you're willing to realize you're much more than your upbringing?”
He smiled down to you again. “I hope you don't mind a commoner husband.”
“I'd never, as long as it's you.”
AH this is not proofread, but please enjoy!
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
bestie you have tu give us some juicy pedri smut right now .. we have to celebrate his return to training sessions 🥳
A/N: Your wish is my command. I feel like I haven't been writing very well lately but hope you guys like this, in honor of our magician being back.
You heard the door unlock. You quickly stood up from the couch you were laying on and walked over to the front door. Your boyfriend’s brown eyes and a smile on his face greeted you. -Hola amor.- You said. -How was practice? They missed you.-
Pedri laughed at your comment knowing well you were talking about all of the pictures the fans had posted about him finally being back. He had been in recovery for the past two months due to an injury and today had been his official day back with the team. You had hated seeing him mope around the house because he wasn’t able to play or be in regular practice with his teammates. It had been a dreadful two months but it was finally over.
-The weird thing is, I think I missed them too.- He said with a chuckle as he walked into the home you two shared and placed his bag on the floor. For the most part the two of you enjoyed what the fans posted. You didn’t fault them, he was irresistible and their edits served you purpose when you were missing him.
-You know they were all thinking that pimple on your neck was a hickey?- You asked as he sat down on the couch and you immediate went to sit down next to him. You needed his touch, there was just something about seeing those pictures of him that did it for you. You needed him.
He rolled his eyes. -I know better than to show up to practice with hickeys. That’s why I didn’t take my shirt off.- He said as he turned over and left a kiss on your forehead. You smiled as visions of last night came into your mind. You had left several visible hickeys on his chest but you knew better than to leave any on his neck or places the fans could easily see.
-And why are you wearing your shorts like that lately?- You asked. He turned over to you and lifted you so that you would now be sitting on his lap facing him, your knees on either side of his body. You felt his hands creep up your dress as he finally rested them on your ass.
-Why not? Does it bother you?- He asked in a husky voice. You shrugged your shoulders and offered him a smile. -What bothers me is that you’re not home when I see those pictures and I can’t have you right there and then.-
He pushed himself forward and grabbed your bottom lip with his teeth. -Well, you have me here now.- He lifted your chin up with his fingers and looked you straight into your eyes. Even after all of this time of being with him, just having him stare at you like that sent shivers down your body. -Come on, tell me what you want.- He slurred into a kiss. His soft lips entangled with yours as his tongue slightly parted them to go in and explore you. Without much thinking you whispered back, -Your thighs- He stopped kissing and pulled away enough to look at you with furrowed brows. -We can start there.- He said as he spread his legs and allowed you to now rest on one of his thighs instead of his lap. As soon as he felt your core touching him he smiled. -Babe.- He said -You’re so fucking wet- You looked at him, biting your bottom lip feeling your cheeks turn red. He smiled and kissed you.
-I’m so hard right now, don’t be embarrassed.- And with that he placed his hands on your back and held you as you began to grind on him. Your hands on his neck as his lips moved to your neck leaving sloppy wet kisses and a few bites. Your moans began to fill his ears, forgetting about everything but the girl on top of him moaning out his name. You continued to moan as you felt the pressure of his thigh on your core. 
Your hand going from the back of his neck now down his body trying to find his hard dick, your fingers slipping under his shorts and boxers and quickly grabbing what you had been wanting all day. You used your thumb to spread the precum over his tip as you continued to grind on him, his name leaving your mouth as you kept your eyes closed and felt his soft and warm lips on your neck.
Your moans got louder and closer, -Joder!- He slurred as he grabbed your ass making you stop grinding on him. -What’s wrong?- You said. He smiled as he wrapped his fingers around your underwear and you lifted yourself up to allow him to take them off. -I need to be inside of you.-
You stood up and took off your dress as he also got rid of his clothes, sitting back down on the couch and watching you with hungry eyes as you sat on top of him again. Your lips attacking his while your fingers grabbed onto his hair. You could feel his hard dick against you as his hands moved around your back, going up and down. 
You felt his hands go to your ass and yours went to his shoulders as he helped you up a little and then pushed you down so that he could enter you. You let out a moan as you felt him all inside of you filling you up. His hands grabbed onto your ass as you began to move over him. Your bodies moved together so easily, every time, almost like they were meant for each other. Your bodies so close to each other as he pushed you against his body, his hips bucking up and him going in deeper with every movement. 
-You really liked those pictures, huh?- He joked as you continued to moan out his name unable to say anything in response. He laughed. You continued to move over him but it had become too much for him. He needed to take charge. His hands holding onto your jaw, his lips devouring yours and your tongues dancing with each other. He moved quickly so that now you were under him on the couch, him in between your legs as he began to trust in and out of you. He started off slow which made you mad. -Faster, Pepi.- You said as you felt his tip touch the deepest part of you. -Not yet.- He said in between moans. You knew well the soft pace was driving him mad as well but he loved to tease you.
Finally he couldn’t hold it any longer and he began to thrust faster and deeper. Your nails digging into his arms begging him for more, faster, deeper Pepi. You’re not sure how many times Pedri went in and out of you, eventually his moans filing your ears up as he nuzzled himself in the crook of your neck. -Right there, Pedri.- You moaned out as you felt pressure form in your lower abdomen, his movements becoming sloppier, his moans louder. -Here?- He said with a smirk as he enjoyed your continuous moans thinking how beautiful his name sounded coming out of your mouth. You pressed your legs around him as you felt a release of the most beautiful pleasure you had ever experienced. He followed your orgasm as his lips entangled with yours while you felt yourself continue to clench around him. 
Pedri placed a kiss on your forehead and took himself out of you, continuing to leave a trail of small soft kisses from your neck throughout your clavicle and down to your breasts. He smiled as he placed the last kiss and your fingers moved around his hair.
-Te amo.- He whispered.
TAG LIST: @cinderellawithashoe @httpswiftie @simpingmyassoff @bubblebeep69 @fictional-l0v3r @httpspedri26 @0alanasworld0 @l0verl4ne @gaviypedrisbride @footballerficsposts @fashphotolife @beaschampagneproblems @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @ikkehehe @jjishotasf @quemirasboboandapaya @maricciardo @gaviswh0re @pedriwifefrfr @dustell @elijahslover @formula1mount
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undead-merman · 1 year
This was a patreon request from Dove Wing: “Hello, could I request a yandere fallen guardian angel Simeon for my March request? I think the idea of him falling due to his obsession of the person he was assigned to protect would be an interesting concept to play around with”
Yandere fallen angel Simeon with GN-Reader SFW
Before The Fall
He was recovering from the death of his last human. They were a lovely woman with a heart of gold however their life came to a quick and tragic end. Taken by their own lover. As much as Simeon tried to protect them, even guardian angels have their limits in incorporeal forms. 
He was overtaken by guilt for years, a horrible knowing guilt like the loss of a good friend or even a child. It was heavy on his soul and his other kin worried for him. They did everything they could to cheer him up from distracting him, to trying to talk to him about it, and even celebrating their life. But Simeon only blamed himself. 
It wasn’t until Micheal sat down with him and chatted for a few hours, every angel in the area was trying to listen but they were shooed away. When Simeon came back out people whispered carefully asking what happened and if he was alright. 
He was given a new human to look over. And he forced a smile to let everyone know he was okay, even if he was still heavy with the weight of his last human on his shoulders. The word spread fast and everyone gave him well wishes and even had a party with all of the foods he loves. But when he saw his reflection in the glass he couldn’t stand it, his stomach churned.  
Watching Over You
You were fairly old when he arrived. Normally angels are assigned at birth but your last angel had started a family and was sent back. So here you were as an adult, though still fairly young around twenty or so. He was apprehensive at first, not wanting to get too close in fear of losing someone else again but it was a herculean task. 
He always gets attached, it’s in his nature as a heavenly being to love and care for you no matter what, to adore and want nothing but the best for you. But the more devoted to you he got, the more worried he became. 
Still, he focused on his duties, gently shooing away bad luck, making sure worldly objects just barely miss you. A humble way to spend his days with you but the way you smile, as if you know he’s watching over you makes his heart skip a beat. 
But it’s a few years in when you are met with hardships that he cannot gently sweep away. A bad partner, a financial crisis, or maybe even an unexpected disaster that leaves you stuck without a home. He weeps for you. Weeps deeply and curses his own nature for not being able to help. 
A Deep Dark Fall
He watches your situation get worse and worse and how none of your fellow man help, how some even give you judgmental glances. But they don’t know you, how can humanity be so cruel? He finds himself putting at his own feathers. 
The way your smile has faded wounds him, and every time you sob it feels like the knife of mankind is driven deeper and deeper. He remembers his last human and despair sinks in. 
It gets worse the more you suffer alone. Every time you cry, he reaches out but his hands cannot hold you, he tries to tell you he’s here with you, but you cannot hear. He starts to question why he’s not allowed to comfort you, to make sure you’re truly safe. Whats the point of a guardian angel if he can’t help you in ways that matter? 
He starts to curse the heavens above, questioning every that has come before and laughing at tradition as he weeps with you. He doesn’t even care as his feathers molt turning a necrotic black and falling off in patches. But he doesn’t care, what good are they if he can’t even hold you? Can’t use them to help. 
He makes a discovery when his wings are half rotten and no white feathers remain he can finally tug the blankets over his body to cover his freezing feet he’s overcome with twisted joy. He’s falling, but he’s finally able to care for you in ways that matter. He happily lets the corruption overtake him, ripping out the rest of his own feathers and he weeps with joy. He’ll finally be able to hold you, love you like your own kind never did, to show you true love.
It’s only when his wings are finally bone, do they fall off. But he laughs through the pain as he can finally feel just how cold the place you sleep is.        
Finally Holding You
He takes you into his arms, yanking you as he laughs out tears and feels just how warm you are despite the freezing surroundings. He doesn’t even hear you as you yelp and cry out. He has you. He’s finally holding you. 
But it’s when you violently twist and squirm in his loving arms does he see your horrified face. He doesn’t know why you’re looking at him with such horror but he joyously explains what he’s gone through to keep you safe, and now that he is finally tangible in the mortal world he can be with you. Help you, hold your hand through these hard times and lead you to a much happier life. 
He still doesn’t understand why you're scared, why you're freaking out. Do you not believe him? He says every little personal detail of your life and explains how he was there watching over you. But when he sees the horror in your eyes he can only tilt his head. Please don’t be afraid, he’s only trying to love you like he was meant to. 
He’ll watch over you, even if you don’t understand now. He takes you away from this cold and miserable place. Even if your kicking and screaming. He’ll just cover your mouth and whisper that it will be okay. He’s finally here. He’ll finally do something worthwhile, and he’ll make sure nothing can hurt you ever again.   
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momentaryescape · 2 years
One Number Away
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader Warnings: Mentions of Break up, Happy Ending Word Count: 1.2k
Are you sitting at home all alone Trying to fall asleep?
You and Bradley had been together for two years before he told you he wanted to break up. That was a month ago. It hurt like hell, there was no doubt about it. You tried to keep it together around your friends. Bradley would ask Pheonix how you were, and each time she wouldn’t hold back. She would tell him how you were barely hanging on, that you were barely sleeping.
Are you staring a hole through your phone Praying that it rings? Are you watching a movie that you've seen A thousand times? Or maybe playing some Mayer Getting lost in your favorite lines?
He knew you wouldn’t call him. No matter how badly you might want to. He ended it, and you would respect that. But here he was again, sitting at the bar with a beer in one hand, his phone in the other. He wondered if you were watching your favorite movie again. The one you watched so many times you knew all the words to it.
He remembers the day he got home from training and you were dancing to Mayer as you cleaned the home you shared together. It was like his own concert with his favorite person. Love in his eyes and a smile wide on his face. You were so lost in the lyrics you hadn’t noticed him come in. When you did see him a smile instantly appeared on your face as you ran to him. He opened his arms for you as you jumped into them.
Well, if you're anything like me You just might be doing whatever it takes to drown out the noise But I just wanna hear your voice
You flipped through your camera roll when you found pictures of you and Bradley. It was from New Year’s. Hangman had taken your phone capturing the moment. It was you and Rooster dancing in your backyard. Everyone had been at your house celebrating when you two had separated from the group. You had never seen the video, it had gotten lost in other photos and videos from that night.
The more you scrolled the more pictures you found. Some you had taken, others Bradley had taken, and the ones your friends had captured. You found a video you had gotten from last summer when he was singing in the living room.
You missed the sound of his voice. The way it made your heart flutter like a high schooler whose crush had talked to them. You missed everything about him. But the worst part was that you knew you would never get that from him again.
Rooster had been going through his phone too. Finding a video of you on the beach building a sand castle. That was one of his favorite days. You had woken him up that morning telling him you wanted to have a beach day with him.
I'm one number away from calling you I said I was through, but I'm dying, inside Got my head in a mess, girl, I confess I lied when I said, "I'm leaving and not coming back"
Bradley stared at your name in his phone. He wanted to call you, to tell you he missed you. That he knew he had been the one to end it, but he wanted to fix it. He felt like he was dying inside. You had been his light for so long he didn't know who he was without you.
Might be the whiskey or the midnight rain But everywhere I go I see your face In my brain, dial it up, everything I want to say But I'm still one number away
You hadn’t been able to sleep, and instead of just laying in bed staring at your ceiling you decided to go get a glass of water. You grabbed your phone before walking downstairs; you looked out the window, thinking you saw Bradley’s Bronko. But at that same point, you thought your brain was just wishing he was there. That he was coming home to you. It had been a month and a half. It felt like it had been longer.
From the outside, it looked like you were over him. But on the inside, you were still trying to pick up the pieces. Your phone starts ringing and interrupts your thoughts. You placed your cup down before turning to see who it is.
Your heart stops at the name plastered on your screen. “Rooster” appears in bright white letters. You stare at it for a second before answering it. “I miss you” is the first thing you hear.
“I miss you, a lot.” You hear the sadness in his voice.
“I miss you too Roo’s” you both talk quietly. It feels like a dream. Like you’re about to wake up and this is going to all be fake.
You heard a knock at the door. Walking out of the kitchen towards it you open it and see him standing there. You hang up your phone before you step closer to him.
You stare at him, taking in his appearance. He looks like he hadn’t slept in days. You take another step towards him pulling him into a hug. He instinctively leans into it. Pulling you tight against him, his face in the crook of your neck. You fear tears building behind your eyes, and before you can stop it you begin to sob. You feel him squeeze you tighter before he moves to pick you up. He wraps your legs around his waist and steps inside, closing the door and locking it before walking towards your once-shared living room.
He sits down on the couch as you shift on top of him. You continue to cry in his arms. After a while, he pulls you to look at him. When he looks at you he hates that he is the reason you were crying.
“I never stopped loving you.” He finally says something to you.
“What.” Your voice was barely above a whisper.
“I was scared. Scared that somehow I would fuck up. That I would do something that would hurt you. And instead of talking to you, and telling you that I was scared, I panicked. And I hurt you. I did what I was so afraid of.” He spoke softly. His voice broke as he explained why he did what he did. “I was at hard Deck, and I talked to Pheonix, she was pissed, Hangman told me I royally fucked up, as if I didn't know that.
Mav and Penny told me to fix this. That I needed to at least let you know it was nothing you did. And they were right. I love you. And I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. I-”
“I love you too Bradley. Please just come home. To our home.”
His hand reaches the back of your head pulling you in for a kiss. Your hands find their way to his face pulling him deeper into the kiss. You felt full again. For the first time in over a month, everything was whole. Bradley was yours again, and nothing mattered more.
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themirokai · 11 months
Hey there Emotional Support Raven fans. It's been a while without Matthew content from me. But after a big ol' writing slump, I'm back! This started as a quickie ficlet to break my creative log jam, and while it's still pretty short (~1,400 words) and pretty silly and pretty rough around the edges (no beta!) I'm actually kind of fond of it and I hope you enjoy it.
Inspiration included a post I can no longer find about birds with leg bands being more successful at reproduction, this post about magpies, @mashumaru's love of hooded crows, and her help on this post and subsequent patience with my inane questions via DM. Thanks, friend!
Not much Dream in this one, it's more of a Matthew adventure. I hope you enjoy!
The thing was, the crow looked really sad and for better or for worse, Matthew had a tender heart. 
“Matthew,” Lord Morpheus had said to him, “a pod of undinės wishes to give me a gift in celebration of the summer solstice.” 
“Do I want to know what a ‘pod of undinės’ is?” 
“A group of rusalka.” Lord Morpheus had blinked. “Mermaids. More or less.” 
Mermaids. Sure. It was far from the weirdest thing Matthew had seen since becoming the Raven of the Dreaming. 
“While I am grateful to them,” Lord Morpheus had continued, “I cannot leave the Dreaming on the night the gift must be bestowed. You will go to the waking world and convey my heartfelt thanks, as well as my apologies for not being able to attend myself, and you will receive the gift on my behalf then return with it.”  
“Convey thanks, give apologies, get gift, come back. Got it, Boss.” 
Which was how Matthew had found himself alighting on the shore of a large lake in Lithuania to the sound of ethereal singing. The undinės were jaw-droppingly beautiful, and completely naked except where they were artfully covered by their long, flowing hair. Matthew noted with a flick of interest that the sight didn’t seem to have the same effect on him as he suspected it would have, were he still human. What did get him excited was one of the undinės presenting him with a very shiny blue shell, and telling him that it was just for him to keep. Matthew gratefully clutched it in one of his claws. 
When it was his turn to talk, Matthew was quite proud of himself for listing at least five of the Boss’s titles in his introduction, and the undinės seemed perfectly satisfied with his thanks and his apology. One of them brought forward a glowing pink flower with a blossom nearly half the size of Matthew’s body. Each petal was shaped like a small fern and was an ombre of blush pink near the center to fuschia at the tips. She explained that it was a fern flower: a symbol of fertility that can only be harvested during the summer solstice. The undinės wished to present it to the Shaper of Forms in celebration of the fact that his kingdom was once again fertile ground for dreams. 
Matthew gently took the stalk in his beak, gave a low bow to the undinės, and took off.  
He had been about to fly up into the Dreaming when he saw the hooded crow hunched miserably at the base of a tree. Matthew knew this was not his problem. Knew that he had more than enough to deal with in the Dreaming without involving himself in the issues of waking world birds. But, well, there was nothing for it. He was a softy. The flower was glowing just as gamely as when it was handed to him: it seemed like it would keep. 
Matthew swooped down to land in front of the crow, and gently put the fern flower down so he could speak. 
“Hey. Are you okay?” 
The crow blinked at him. “Are you real?” 
Matthew shrugged his wings. He was used to this reaction from other birds. “I’m a dream, but I’m a real dream. I’m really here and I’m really talking to you, and I didn’t come from your imagination.” 
“Oh.” The crow blinked at the fern flower. “What’s that? It’s shiny.” 
“Magical solstice flower that some mermaids wanted to gift to my boss. King of Dreams. Don’t worry about it. Are you okay? You just looked… really not okay.” 
The crow studied the fern flower for another moment then looked back at Matthew and heaved a sigh, letting his head droop further. “I’m hideous.” 
Matthew cocked his head to the side. The crow… looked like a normal hooded crow: black head, wings, and tail, gray body. Nothing out of the ordinary. “Um.” 
The crow held out his leg. Secured around his ankle was a tiny box on a black band. 
“Oh!” Matthew gasped. “Did humans put that on you?” 
The crow nodded. 
“Does it hurt? Did they hurt you when they put it on?” Matthew felt anger bubbling in his chest. 
“No, it doesn’t hurt,” the crow sighed.
Oh. Matthew took a breath. “Is it uncomfortable at all?” 
The crow shook his head. “I mostly don’t feel it.” 
“Does it make it harder to fly or walk?” 
The crow gave another mournful sigh. “No.” 
Matthew blinked. “Sooo, what’s the problem?” 
“It’s ugly!” the crow cried. “Garagalar has been getting all the girls! The humans gave him a green band! Everyone just loves Garagalar’s green band! It’s so pretty! It’s so shiny! And - and this one just looks like - like a blah! Like I have an ugly, bumpy leg!”
Matthew - somehow - managed to swallow down his laughter before it emerged. “Let me guess, Garagalar is being a real dick about it too.” 
“If he strutted any harder he’d dislocate a hip,” the crow grumbled, drawing a claw through the dirt. 
Matthew did let himself chuckle at that. “Well, I’m not sure I can do anything about Garagalar and his strutting, but I can probably help you get that thing off.”
The crow perked up. “Really?” 
“Sure thing. Happy to help.” Matthew let go of the blue shell he had been grasping in his claw and stepped gingerly over the fern flower to get closer. “Let’s see it.”
The crow held out his foot and Matthew inspected the plastic band. 
“What’s your name, anyway, pal?”
“Cartagrawk. What’s yours?” 
“I’m Matthew. Nice to meet you Cartagrawk.”
“Matthew? That’s a weird name.” 
“Yeah,” Matthew agreed, “it’s a long story. Now, I think I can probably just bite this thing. My beak’s pretty strong.”
It took some maneuvering so that Matthew could bite the plastic without hurting Cartagrawk’s leg, and even then he wasn’t able to bite right through, but after a few minutes he was able to put a crack in the plastic and loosen it enough that Cartagrawk could work his foot out of the loop. 
“Caw! Thank you!” Cartagrawk gave an excited flap of his wings. 
Matthew fluffed up his neck feathers with pride. “You’re welcome.” 
Cartagrawk looked out into the forest. “Garagalar will probably still get all the girls with that stupid green band of his. But at least I’ve got more of a chance this way.” 
Matthew cocked his head. “Maybe we can give you an even better chance…” he looked down at the fern flower still glowing on the ground. “This thing has something to do with fertility…” Matthew picked up the flower in his beak and gave it a gentle shake over Cartagrawk’s head and back. 
Cartagrawk shook his feathers and drew himself up taller. Maybe it was a trick of the light but it did seem like his feathers had more of a shine to them. 
Matthew put down the flower and pushed the shiny blue shell closer to Cartagrawk. “Save that for someone special,” Matthew told him. 
Cartagrawk’s beak fell open. “Really? You’re giving that to me? It’s beautiful!” 
Matthew nodded. “Yeah, I don’t need it. And you have some serious wooing to do.” 
“Wow! Thank you! How can I ever repay you?” 
“Eh, ya know, pay it forward. Help out someone in need down the line. And don’t let Garagalar throw you off your game.” 
“I will! I mean - I won’t! I mean - I will and I won’t!” Cartagrawk was hopping with excitement. 
If he had still been human, Matthew would have grinned. “Nice to meet you, Cartagrawk. Good luck out there.”
Matthew gently picked up the fern flower and leapt into the air. 
“I hope,” Lord Morpheus said as he took the fern flower from Matthew’s beak, “that you will not make a habit of using unfamiliar magical objects for your own devices, Matthew.”
Matthew could tell he wasn’t mad, not really. He resettled his wings. “There’s no devices, Boss. Just helping out a fellow corvid. One who got screwed by some humans.”
“Be that as it may, had this been something more powerful or nefarious things could have gone badly both for you and the crow.”
“Well,” Matthew said, shifting his weight from foot to foot. “I figured you wouldn’t have sent me by myself to carry the flower home in my beak if it was dangerous.” 
“Hm.” Lord Morpheus pulled a glass bell jar out of thin air and placed the fern flower inside. “Your reasoning is not unsound. And the act was kindly done. Come.” He extended his hand and Matthew hopped on to be transferred to Lord Morpheus’s shoulder. “I believe Lucienne and Jessamy would enjoy seeing this.” 
Together, they set out for the Library. 
I hope any bird experts will excuse inaccuracies in hooded crow behavior and bird banding technology. Thanks for reading!
If you're new to the series (or if you're not) you can find my master post of all the Emotional Support Raven stories and fan art here.
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threadsun · 1 year
Fishie Asks: "also in relation to my ask about yandere siblings, how about like. a joseph and jean who are (platontic) yandere for their little siblings (cause of those home lifes baby!!!) and are just so protective and obsessive over them (them being kid show hosts probably isnt helping), and then after joseph dies (and maybe jean), the sibling finds a tape with either jack or rory in it whos like "you are my sibling! you are my sibling" (to the tune of the "you are my dad! you are my dad!" vine!) (aka they get that vibe of like "ohhh you are my family member i want to protect you and keep you from ANYONE that would ever hurt you (plus joseph and jean acting up inside their brains) - fishie (i am drowning, there is no sight of land. ian is coming down with me."
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He remembers the day they were born perfectly. He remembers all the fuss, he remembers being dropped off with his grandmother, he remembers being told he was going to be a big brother
But mostly, he remembers holding them for the first time. So scared he might drop them, as he took his first look at his baby sibling. He remembers it so clearly, the promise he made to himself to protect them forever
It was always them. Just the two of them against the world. Against their parents. Against everything. It was always the two of them, together
It broke his heart to have to leave. No one could protect them like he could. No one deserved the chance to try. But he'd run out of ways to help while staying at home. They needed money desperately
So he promised he'd come back for them. Promised he'd keep an eye on them, that he'd make sure to check up on them as often as possible
He took their least favourite stuffed toy, the one he knew they wouldn't miss too terribly. He tucked a picture of them into his wallet. And he set off, looking for a better life to bring them into
He made sure to keep up with them. To call when he could, to ask after them, to make sure their neighbours called him if anything happened. He couldn't leave them, not completely
Everything he did was with them in mind. Everything was done with the goal of bringing them with him. Of starting a new life with them, where he could protect them and look after them
He just couldn't leave it to anyone else. No one else could love and protect them like he could. Like he had to
In many ways, becoming Jack was a way to cope with his failure to protect them. Joseph wasn't able to keep them safe, but Jack could! Jack was made to keep children safe!
So when they found him... well, it was like it was meant to be! Jack was meant to be the one taking care of them, not Joseph! How much clearer could the universe be?
Jack was the perfect best friend. He already knew them so well, it wasn't hard to begin steering them in the right direction! Away from bad friends and bad relationships, towards healthier things
Sure, he might have been a bit more overbearing than Joseph, but it's all he can do as a ghost! All he had to give was his love and advice, so he gave it all to them
Jean hadn't really understood the fuss around his mother's pregnancy at the time. Mostly it just seemed like another excuse for photoshoots and interviews
When his parents' special little publicity stunt was born, well... Jean felt for the baby. He knew all too well what was in store for his little sibling, and he wouldn't wish his life on anyone else
So he made it his mission in life to protect his little sibling from all the bullshit that came from being the child of celebrities. To keep them out of the public eye, to let them just... be a child without the pressure of expectations
There was only so much he could do, of course. But a little rebellion here and there was enough to keep his name in the spotlight rather than theirs
As he got older, bribery became his weapon of choice. His little sibling would stay out of the public eye one way or another, he would make sure of it
He just wanted them to be able to live a normal life. To mess up and make mistakes without the whole world seeing. To experiment and learn who they were in their own time
All he wanted was for them to live the life he hadn't gotten to. To not be stuck under the thumb of their parents. To be able to just... be.
There was only one way he let himself be like his parents around them. No friends, no partners. He instilled that same mistrust in them, the same idea that people would only want to be around them to bask in their fame
He almost felt guilty about it, only he couldn't quite bring himself to believe it wasn't true. Really, he was doing them a favour with this. Other people couldn't love or care for them the way he did
Becoming Rory was a bit of a process. It wasn't easy for a cocky, self-absorbed bastard to come to terms with how much everyone hated him. To come to terms with the idea that people would rather be around his character than him
But by the time they found him, the process was well and truly over. He had figured it all out. Had figured out that the way to being a better person was to become a different person
It was a second chance for him! A chance for him to do better by his little sibling! He'd tried so hard as Jean, but he hadn't succeeded. But maybe now, maybe as Rory, he could!
Maybe as Rory he could keep his little sibling safe. Protect them from the people who would only want to use them for their wealth and fame. Keep them safe and keep them close...
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squeakygeeky · 10 months
My Ride Episode 10 Drama vs. Novel
I'll actually start with Nadia. I was kind of disappointed by the way it took a really bad date to make Nadia finally go for Mayom, although it was a pretty funny terrible date. I'm also disappointed how the show needed to make Mayom the Most Specialist Barista Influencer to justify them getting together. Book Mayom does disappear for a bit, leaving Nadia upset, but he was just taking a management training course and a latte art class (because he does want to improve himself to be a better match, but he is a perfectly normal barista). Mayom gives him a latte with a heart (less impressive than a detailed portrait, but still very cute), and their story wraps up with them happily together.
Meanwhile everything with Mork and Tawan in the show just...did not happen at all in the book. But I understand that they needed something exciting to end the series. I hate the cliche of the ex coming back and causing a misunderstanding, and I hate that Tawan was apparently ready to quit his residency over a boy. But I do love that as a mototaxi driver Mork got to have a big dramatic moment on a bike, and a sunset kiss on a mountainside is a romantic cliche I need more of so 10/10 for setting, although I'm not sure we needed the mototaxi guys watching (what were they even doing there for any of this?)
The book has a much simpler and quieter confession scene, with Mork meeting Tawan at the end of a difficult shift in order to bring him more 'hearty' hainanese chicken rice. Tawan had been worrying a little bit about risking losing a friend but at that gesture he goes ahead and confesses to Mork that he likes him, and this is the thing from the end that I wish they'd kept for the show. TAWAN GETS THE CONFESSION. Technically Mork is the one that officially asks Tawan to be his boyfriend, but only after Tawan is forced to repeat himself several times so Mork can get his thoughts together. Also Tawan has to tell Mork to stop calling him Doctor and use his name now that they're boyfriends.
@bengiyo I'm kind of laughing at myself right now because the book doesn't even have a real kiss, when the show has 3. Literally Mork just kisses Tawan's hand and then the hug for a while. But to be fair I'm pretty sure this is all taking place at the entrance to the hospital still and also Mork is telling this story to P'Fueang as a flashback so it's not like he was going to include anything racier.
There's a flash-forward scene in both, but the book's scene is not quite as far ahead in time, it's 2 years. Mork just graduated with his high vocational certificate and is just about to start studying engineering and Tawan is about to start even more training, in cardiology. They celebrate with the mototaxi guys and I really like that Ms. Ai the teacher is there too. There's some joking re: Tawan being the 'wife' clearly related to him being the bottom which its just as well that didn't make it to the show, but maybe this was what made think there had been something vaguely spicy in the novel when there absolutely was not. Anway, Mork asks Tawan to move in with him and Tawan agrees, but only on the condition that Mork meets his father first so we're left with that as a semi-cliffhanger.
The show gives a little more closure, but I kind of prefer seeing Tawan becoming part of the mototaxi tribe. There's a lot in the book about Mork working to better himself, and that's a good thing, but it's nice to see that Tawan also becomes part of Mork's world, it's not all about Mork becoming good enough to be able to date a doctor.
I'm sad to be saying goodbye to Mork and Tawan again. Rewatching the series without the Boss and Toy scenes drastically improved the experience, and this remains one of my favorite BLs, and the only change I'm really mad about is Nadia because otherwise it was a very close adaptation. I do think there were different vibes, with something about the book feeling a little more real. Maybe just because it was in first person able to be introspective, in a way that I don't think you can translate to screen.
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v1rtueouss1nz · 3 months
Play The Game?
Yes[] No[]
Huskerdusk if husk was still an overlord
(Pulled from my twitter, sorry for formatting)
Angel is very reluctant while gambling Husk to simply...help him. Do him a much needed favour, really. Husk convinced him, got close to him, comforted him...
And whispered into his ear, a rough smirk on his face that poor Angel could not see. A naive demon sitting in front of a polished bar, The Smiling Swindler's words slithering in through his friendly, caring demeanor.
"I could deal with him, you know."
Angel would look up from the drink he was drowning himself in, his eyes widening slightly in the way that they do when he's caught off guard and his facade slips. Anthony peaks through, he doesn't know it but Husk notices. It's his job to notice, to find the weak spots, to see how desperate they truly are.
"That's impossible, even if I wanted you too," Scoffs Angel. Ah, he always did resent showing weakness. He would spit it out like the silent, desperate plea the words held.
'i wish there was a way.'
There was always a path, if you had enough power.
"Val has more money, fame, and power. I'm a respected actor, and the gig pays well," Angel would defend, crossing his arms and turning away from the overlord.
A slight smile. A sharp tooth glinting in the lamp of the clean, polished bar of the hotel.
"I would challenge him to a game. His pride would never let him deny a challenge," sound confident, he will reason with the idea. He has been doing that more, Husk noticed.
"Really Husk, I don't want to leave. I am living the life! I am a respected film actor, and the money helps me keep my lavish lifestyle of cocks and coke," Angel would always use his accomplishments as a shield, hiding behind the face of a successful, sexual celebrity.
But it was just that, a face. It was all in the eyes. You can't be a gambler without being able to read the eyes.
"But are you really that respected?" His words were like tendrils, wrapping around Angel's ears, seeping into his doubts. It was always the same for the desperate.
"Look at how Valentino treats you, compared to how we treat you. We just want what's best for you, and Valentino is in the way of that," Husk's cane tapped hypnotically against the floor as he circled Angel. Like a Tiger lining up for the final strike. Ironic, knowing Husk hates cats.
Angel couldn't help but look into his eyes as Husk rounded in front of him. His cane tapped once between them, not moving an inch as Angel forgot to breathe. When did he forget to breathe?
"I don't want you risking your safety just to free me when I have no problems with my job,"
Husk would look offended at Angel's words, putting a hand to his chest, mock hurt displayed on his face and coating his words.
"Angel, are you doubting my skills? I'm an overlord for a reason! I'm the best gambler around, and I have perfectly enough power to crush that Moth if I need too,"
A friendly, guiding hand on his shoulder. Angel wouldn't flinch away, like he remembered Valentino would make him. Husk's hand was warm, it was nothing but comforting. Wait when did Angels start referring to Val as Valentino? He didn't know.
"Charlie probably wouldn't want us starting another conflict, especially with the extermination so soon."
Angel was grasping at straws, Husk knows he was. Angel knows Charlie would help with anything they needed if it would help him. Besides if she disagreed...
Well, whatever she doesn't know can't hurt her.
"We both know that's a lie. She's like a people-pleasing, spiky, piece of bubble wrap when it comes to friends," Husk chuckles, placing his elbow on the freshly wiped wood of the bar. He poured a cup of scotch, swirling it around.
He eyed the glass, glancing up at Angel to smirk at the hopeful look on his face. Such a comforting look, knowing they were always already too deep to crawl out of his grasp.
"Of course, for my help, I like to gamble for it," Angel would stiffen, as Husk set his glass down.
"It would cost nothing! If you win, I free your soul no strings attached," Husk smiled dangerously, a look that did not promote confidence in Angel, "but if I win... You sign a contract with me," Husk slid the glass across the wood, Angel grabbing it with both hands. The amber liquid looked comforting as Angel stared into it, something similar to how he felt when Husk was in his eyesight. What an easy spider to trick.
Sigh, you'd think he'd know the traps of a web better.
"Have a drink, enjoy the evening, take a good night's rest," Husk walked past his shoulder, past the corner of the bar only Husk ever needed to cross. Angel would turn to catch sight of Husk waving as he walked backwards, smiling.
"Think about it. Could the outcome really be as worse as how it is now? I'm not as bad as Valentino,"
Angel contemplated the offer, something few might argue is riskier. A definite chance to escape Val... but a slight chance to still have his freedom stolen once again.
Husk smirked, recognizing the look of gears turning in Angel's head, something the spider demon rarely did while working under Valentino.
"Good night Angel Dust, sleep well," Husk finally turned, quickening his pace as he ascended the Hotel stairs. Angel couldn't see the smirk on his face as he planned the next step, a game of poker. Because of course Angel would say yes.
Anthony would watch him leave, waiting for the overlord to be out of sight before glancing down at the amber liquid in the crystal glass. He scoffed, Husk really had to go with the most expensive option.
'i have the funds, why not splurge on things I will cherish?' he'd said.
Anthony supposed he was right. Does that mean Husk cares about him if he's willing to risk souls for his release from Valentino's torment? Angel shook his head, face reddening at the idyllic thoughts. He sighed, resting his elbow on the bar as he brought the glass to his lips
The stupid, expensive crystal that Husk just had to splurge on. Because he would cherish it. Just like Angel. He groaned, kicking himself as the rest of the bourbon draining into his throat. His hands immediately reaching for the nearest bottle of alcohol at his fingertips.
Husk smirked, watching the crumbling demeanor of Angel with a chuckle. He turned on his heel, stepping away from the wall he stood behind. His signature cane tapped against the hotel floor, out of reach of Angels ears, as Husk chuckled while turning down a hallway, a hand reaching up to dust off his shoulder in a job well done. They always fall.
Like a card tower. You just need to find the weak spots, seep into the cracks with a friendly demeanor and an ear to listen. Once they trust you, they trust your word. And once they trust your word, well, you just have to wait until they're desperate.
When they're desperate, they always play the game
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