#i just. sometimes get really nervous like what if they arent reblogging it because i did something wrong what if i drew the character wrong
yakkitylylac · 1 month
heehee hoo i love anxiety i love being anxious over people not reblogging my stuff
#BTW LIKE IF YOU DONT REBLOG SOMETHING I MAKE JUST BECAUSE YOURE NOT INTERESTED IN IT THATS OK!!!!!#i post stuff that I Like and thats good enough for me and i dont wanna force anyone to reblog my stuff if they dont wanna!!!!!!!!!#i just. sometimes get really nervous like what if they arent reblogging it because i did something wrong what if i drew the character wrong#and now everyone hates me and thats why they arent reblogging...............#[uh it gets kinda rambly/vent-y past here feel free to ignore idm]#what if i drew or said something wrong and it means im racist/ableist/what have you#*posts cute doodle* haha what if i accidentally promoted ableist stereotypes#WHAT IF I HAD A BAD TAKE ABOUT The Character AND IM ONE OF THOSE FANS THAT PEOPLE VAGUEPOST ABOUT LIKE#not to point any fingers but ughhh#some people in this fandom really get on my nerves (tumblr wont let me use quotation marks???)#its even more nerve racking when the fandom is small like#if you have a Cringe Take in a fandom like sonic or pokemon its such a big fandom you might not get as much attention for it because theres#so many other people but when the fandom has like 5 people its way harder to ignore#thinks.#when i think about it a lot of my worries are centered around fae actually#what if the way i draw her is infantilizing!!!!!!!!! what if im being annoying by drawing her so much!!!!!!! what if i only have a surface#level understanding of her character!!!!!!! and most of how i perceive her is just headcanons and projection!!!!!!!!!!!#same goes with almer like i dont really talk about him much although im less. anxious about it? because i just dont talk about him as much#ecause i havent really studied him as a character in depth and stuff#HEY SUPERGIANT GIVE HIM MORE SCREENTIME GOSH DANG IT#um anyways#oh yeah what if i have a bad take about the character and im accidentally ableist or something!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaa#and like like like i am guilty ofthe not fully grasping her character thing or at least like for some reason i either forget or ignore her#interest/connection with the scribes despite that being like. an Important Part of her character and i feel kinda bad about that#same with almer and cur culture/tradition and stuff#YOU FOOL!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE IGNORING MAJORLY IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF THEIR CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BUFFOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!#YOU DONT DESERVE TO HAVE THEM AS YOUR BLORBOS IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THEM/APPRECIATE THEM PROPERLY!!!!!!!#NOW THE MOB WILL COME FOR YOU#hhhhgggggg#hm. uh that was way more words than i expected !
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meringuejellyfish · 2 years
now that ive kind of just moved to tumblr im REALLY considering making an art blog -.- yawwwwn
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kreidewaltz · 3 years
happy holidays and advance happy new year everyone!! this was supposed to be for christmas but.. yeah hope u had a great time w your loved ones <33 this is for my friends who helped me get thru shitty times, who made me laugh so hard, and made me feel appreciated :) to my mutuals, thank u for taking ur time to talk to me!! any interactions from u guys makes me so so happy <3 im proud of you for getting through this year!! this is gonna b a long one .. hehe <3 sorry if i didn't mention u!! i still love u :( this is in no particular order dw dw ily all d same
to my followers, mutuals, and people who likes my stuff in general ツ
AAAAAAA guys ily you rock !! thank u for supporting me and just being there for me (esp for the ones who listened and stayed w my shit !!) ty for liking, reblogging about my stuff, or just interacting w me!! pls pls talk to me let's have some good convo hehe i hope no one will send me or any blog hate bc that isn't cool >:( happiness and love only are allowed people!!!
@sunakissses ツ
my bestie, my bae, babe <3 you rock val if im honest :( even tho we haven't been friends for a long time, we just clicked !! and yeah talking to u is just makes me at ease n u have that comfy vibes :)) and our interactions r so funny and wholesome <33 i just love when im talking to ya you know :(( and idk i love ur supportive aura whenever i do something hehe :( lets keep going next year and be more closer >:) and yes u and suna r going to be the cat's first ever aunt and uncle <3
@romaune ツ
okay .. the literal meaning of sunshine, yes you gracie baby :( you're so wholesome i wanna cry thats me 2 u !! i love your aura and just everything, i get so excited when u reply to my asks fr, because ure so enthusiastic n i like that a lot !!! :( ik we don't talk a lot yet but from our interactions (or just us screamin abt our mans winks) i know i gained a friend, a good n funny friend for that:) and ure so like hinata i wanna squish and hug and talk to!! i love how we scream abt our ongoing suna brainrots HAHA can't forget that <33
@cryoqi ツ
people put ur hands up 4 the coolest person ive met !!!! >:( istg you're so kind and so funny even if thats not ur intention T_T at first i was intimidated by u but then yeah <33 we vibe :( only the real ones know abt us and me bein your bread anon <33 ure rlly great and can't forget d time us and dove sang thru texts ...? yes that i cried while laughing HAHA, and yes i love the way u write 2!! so you and just amazing overall :)) n yeah i like to talk to u a lot in the server !!! ure so funny & relatable at times hihi
@miyasangel ツ
arden bae !!! you're so ... cool and pretty and one of the people i want 2 talk to in here <3 you're like cool and the way you write is chefs kiss >:( and i love it whenever we talk abt random things AHSHS and when we talk abt atsumu <33 i love love that !! n yeah good thing i interacted w u b4 on ur old blog and get to talk to you more !!! i was so shy n nervous while sending you asks sometimes LMAO idk why :(( ure rlly a great friend <3 n i think u also became a factor on why im liking inarizaki :D
@cafemiya ツ
omg hail to issy !! i know we don't talk that much yet but i literally like u a lot >:( you're rlly great w your long fics !! n handmade heaven lead me to you and ur asks <3 and you're so chaotic too HAHA i like that :) dw ill always shower u w compliments bc u so deserve it bby !!! and i squeal sometimes when u reply to my asks w the same energy :(( n yes i just love you and your vibe in general <3 and im so excited 4 the collab !!! <3 thanks for reaching me out hehe or my slowburn fic journey wont happen :( anw ily and keep slayin issy baby!!!! :D
@kuro0luvr ツ
omg kieran .. the big phat supporter of chlojime is here people !!! <3 i just love loooove talking to you esp in the server & we scream abt anything n everything :( and thank u for always giving me support and everyone else when we're down!! you're one of my sunshines 2 :( i love how we just talk and instantly b close friends you know!! even tho we dont chat like in dms we r so close hehe :( and yes ill never forget how happy u got when i complimented that u have akaashi vibes <3 ty for being a good friend n supporter to me :(((
@oikawasbliss ツ
milo everyday !!! >:) i missed our interactions tbh :( you're just so chill n i vibe w u a lot!! your themes omg i want em its so aesthetic and everything <3 and uhm i love ur love for oikawa >< i mean who wouldn't but whenever i see smth kawa related i think of u immediately T_T and yes ure just so so cool :(( lets talk more soon gah and maybe talk abt aot hehe smirks <3 and yes i just like ur themes and vibe a lot <3 lets talk more soon gah >:)
@himichii ツ
I KNOW we didn't talk really like until few weeks ago but ... you're so funny and kind n lowkey sweet HAHA u were so intimidating before i can't talk 2 u <//3 but im glad i did !! not me writin this and listening to the playlist u made for me :( omg thank u for that and the other that u posted, i felt nostalgic and (good) sad on d inside <3 HAHS lets talk more omfg idk what 2 say :( OH oh ure a greatt writer :( the angst u sent yesterday made me sad gah <3 let's talk more in the new years!!! :(
@hajimine ツ
oml lexy bae where do i start??? omg ily like <3 because you're so nice n sweet n so funny 2!! glad i started participating in your ask games and on that we became friends hehe :( i love how we just talk abt anything on your asks <33 like ur life keeps me entertained HAHA and when u became more chaotic n all that .. i liked it!!! :( and oh u write so well if u didnt know >:( can't wait 4 more interactions w you bae !! <3 and ugh omg ily <3 literally cannot express how much :( you have good vibes n i wanna have that too !! and love how we just scream over one man ;D
@lcaita ツ
omg kai ... hi <3 HAHS sorry if im so awkward wtf but ure so cool and so funny !!! i like ur vibes always even tho ure not always around <3 and when youre around i just get happy !!! >< for some reason i love ur name hehe and uhm i love ur aesthetics hehe on ur acc !!! >:) and yes thank u for being a kind friend hehe :( lets talk more next yr abt anything!!! maybe abt ur mans (kaashi, semi, others) hehe ;)
@kemochie ツ
nea !!! i just . wanna say that you're a sweet human being :( and deserve the world :( ik we didnt interact much yet but !!! i love u already n your aura in general <3 and i just get soft on ur username for some reason T_T i love our little interactions from time 2 time n i wanna boost that more on the new years!! <3 idk i like u :( that's it thats my say :(
@nightmareupondaydream ツ
kana baby !!! im so grateful for u whenever u send me sweet words at random times ... and when i need it <3 and i missed our chats in dms :( lets do it again sometime !! im gonna be here for u okay :( and you're so sweet fr i love u,, and yeah just talkin about how shitty life is or how my writing goes, let's do that on the new years oki!! <3333
@ravscrii ツ
thank u for being there like really >< ik u have own probs to solve but you still helped me :( ty for being a great listener and supporter hehe <3 u deserve great things !!! and pls dw okay we're good even tho we arent talking that much :( i miss that hehe n ure a kind and funny person ASHS esp in the server ur replies n everything make me laugh :( lets talk more soon like the old times AAAAAA i miss it hehe <3 and goodluck on genshin HAHA pls entertain me w it even tho i don't play </3
@rintaroll ツ
olivia babe <3 omg i missed u sorry 4 not checking on u :( forgive me <//3 just wnna say u totally made my 2020 better n a little more bearable <3 i like ur vibes sm and ur name .. olivia wow i like it :( and oh you're so aesthetic like ur blog in general ??? hello pls step on me :( and u also influenced me (for some reason) to like tsumu more ?! which i dont mind at all .. i like it when we scream over tsumu or i tease u n him getting horknee :D yeah and god i can't forget the time we fangirled over gojo on ur asks ... and u sent me gojo gifs which made me scream <3 one of my unforgettable moments w ya!!
to my hajime anon + mod ツ
thank u for always being here :( and you just chatting w me makes me so happy <3 i hope you'll see this hehe and just thank u and ily yknow :( when im down or happy, or shitty you're just there, supporting me always <3 im so grateful for that!! and hajime anon mod ily :( thank u for taking ur time to chat w me and make me so happy hehe <3 take ur time okay :)
to my baby, stella ツ
AAAAAAA idk if you'll see this but shoot me an ask if u saw :( uhm i love ur vibes and you're so cool !! promise <3 and your theme changes r always so beautiful <3 pls pls i love you so much agh im so worried when u deactivated :( pls dont overwork okay whenever ure working :( i love talkin to u always in ur asks !!! ure so sweet and lovely grr >:( u deserve all d good things okay ily stel :((
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justabstractthings · 4 years
hey its the writer anon again 😔 im kinda nervous bc if i ever do end up publishing my writing and it get attention i dont feel like anyonr else would like me. im really blunt and i always say how i feel and i joke around but my jokes can seem mean by people that arent my friends. and sometimes i feel like people wouldnt like me bc of it 😖
Hi writer anon!
I will be honest. I’m always nervous about publishing anything because once it’s out, it’s out. Everybody can see it and everybody can judge me for what I write. They may love it and they may hate it. And that’s fine. That’s just how things are.
There’s nothing wrong with being blunt and saying how you feel. That’s just how you are and that’s totally fine! I have a dark sense of humor and if you haven’t known me for a while, you would think I should be admitted to a psych ward because of the weird and twisted stuff that the swim in my brain. 
As writers, especially as writers publishing our writing, a lot of us find a lot of happiness and satisfaction when we see reblogs, comments, and likes on our writing. We worry about people liking us and our writing enough to keep reading or following us. It’s a totally normal response. 
Here’s my advice when you’re feeling nervous or worried about your writing or yourself:
1. Friends - find friends who love and understand the kind of person you are. On Tumblr, you can also find friends who love your writing and personality. Keep and nurture these friendships because you’ll see how encouraging writings on Tumblr are.
2. Swallow it all up - the nervousness you're feeling? Swallow it all up and bury it deep inside your soul. Especially right before you post something. The nervous feeling will never go away. Even the best writers feel nervous about posting their writing. This is where friends really help because they can read your writing and encourage you to post it.
3. Ignore - ignore all the haters. Easier said than done, but it’s true. You can’t let the few people that don’t like you get you down. Literally, say “screw it” and be happy with who you are. In the long run, what matters is how you think of yourself. 
Be confident with who you are and your writing. You’ll find yourself having a lot more fun when you do. 
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actuallyadhd · 7 years
Support Sunday
idontknowwhattouseasmyusername’s Submission:
This week my reaction to my drugs agent a bit haywire, but it seams like it's leveling out now but I'm really struggling with how poorly this week went without them and all of the implications of that.
chikadee’s Submission:
I've fallen behind in my coursework. I know I can do it once I get started but I'm having a more difficult time than usual choosing reading my textbook over binge watching TV and playing games on my phone. I take Strattera and it has been a life saver and is the only reason I know I can do it if I can just only START.
coffeepot-pilot’s Submission:
I am struggling with two things. First, getting up in the morning. I am not taking my ADHD meds right now because I can’t afford them on an HSA plan, and getting up is just…hard. My mind is in such a fog in the morning, and it’s near impossible to wake up my brain so I can even function and get to work on time. Even after a full night sleep, I’m tired. The second thing: finding some natural treatments for ADHD. I don’t know what supplements I can use to help my focus and get me moving in the morning.
Anonymous’s Submission:
I graduated college two years ago and have been casually employed since (odd jobs, etc, nothing constant.) Next month I'm going for an intense 4-week course to get a teaching certification and I'm nervous, they say it's really hard. Any advice for someone jumping back into academics?
Anonymous’s Submission:
ive been really struggling with executive dysfunction. i missed two days of classes this week because i couldnt make myself get out of bed. now i have a bunch of homework as well as a few personal projects that just arent enjoyable for me to work on anymore... i need help :(
Anonymous’s Submission:
I struggle to accept that the thing I crave most from a pro-diagnose is the validation, and not the help/meds/therapy. Several people have tried to convince me not to seek a diagnosis, and when defending my wish it's so much easier to point out that I desperately need help, even tho the validation is what I need the most but I can't explain why, and that makes me feel ashamed. Maybe I don't even want help, what if I just want an easy excuse to continue to be the dipshit I am
Anonymous’s Submission:
my usual way of dealing with strong emotions, being too distracted, or too much energy is going for a walk. Unfortunately, the weather is getting much colder and I have chronic pain. So walking can't always happen. Anyone have any alternatives for getting energy out?
Anonymous’s Submission:
I love my job, but I come home with no executive function or attention energy left to do basic things. Sometimes I go a couple days without showering because I can't force myself to do it. It's like the only thing I can do in a day is go to work. I'll even stay up late begging myself to go to bed, but I can't. Any advice on forcing myself to do something when I just can't? I set an alarm for getting ready for bed. That helps, but not enough. 
Please reblog or send in your thoughts regarding these issues. This is your community of ADHDers sharing the things they are struggling with the most right now. We are crowdsourcing support!
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kathrynmjaneway · 7 years
*Rose Tyler voice* This is the story of how I died:
(No, but really, this is the story behind my autograph from John Barrow/man from last weekend)
(Please don’t reblog this, because it is really personal)
The short version: I started crying while talking to him, and something like that has never happened before and I’ve been to a few conventions and met quite a few celebrities that I’ve admired.
But to get to the point where I started crying and why, a bit of a backstory/ the long version:
I made a post last friday night, the night before the convention, about coming out as bisexual, which itself was and IS very emotional for me, since I have been and still am sometimes struggling with my sexuality. Now, one of the reasons I made the post when I did, was that for me, it was just time and I have reached a point where I’ve accepted myself and feel comfortable enough with it (at least here, where it’s safe).
But another reason for making this post was because of John and the knowledge that I’d meet him the next day. When I found Torch/wood a couple of months ago and got into the fandom and started looking up the actors, including John, it really helped me with coming to terms with everything (and yesss, I know this may sound incredibly cheesy and whatever but) and seeing this bunch of canonly not-straight characters, all handling their sexualities and their struggles with it differently was just like an eye opener for me, in a way. And in addition, the fandom is just great as well! So, I made that post because I wanted to be able to thank John for all that.
So fast forward to Saturday afternoon: Right after John’s panel (where I saw him live for the first time ever!) me and my new friends immediately got in line for John’s autograph. And at the beginning I was really excited and grinning and was really looking forward to it (and he walked right past us!!!!). Then I remembered what I wanted to say to John and started to get a bit nervous, but I told myself that I would NOT chicken out now, not when I got this far and planned this moment since March.
Mind you, this would not only be the first time I ever talked to John Barrow/man or be this close to him, no, this would also be the very first time that I would actually TALK about my sexuality to someone, not just thinking about it or writing it down. SO THIS WAS A HUGE STEP FOR ME.
I was the last one of my friends to get the autograph and my hands started shaking and John was joking around with the friend in front of me and then it was my turn and I realized that it would be now or never.
And then I started talking and said something along the lines of “um, I wanted to take the chance and thank you because” (and this is where my voice started cracking) “I only just recently found torchwood and it, um, really helped me coming to terms with my sexuality” (this is where i started to hold back my tears) “ and you’re such a positive force” (tears are starting to fall) “in the community and it all really means a lot to me, so i wanted to thank you for that.” (The tears are still there, my english is pretty much gone by that point, I’m even crying right now, as I write this).
And John, the absolute precious sweetheart that he is, says things along the lines of (and I dont remember the exact words q.q): “Oh you’re welcome! Remember to always be yourself and love yourself. You are what you are and you don’t need to change that at all! Don’t care/bother about what anyone else says, because they don’t matter at all!”
(Me nodding, too choked up to really say anything, tears still rolling down my face, he hands me the autograph)
“And that’s no reason to cry! Those are happy tears though, arent they?”
Me, smiling, nodding, “yes” (my voice is cracking again)
“Good!” (His brilliant smile) “now go find someone to love you!”
Me, barely able to see anything, still very much crying, completely overwhelmed, shaking, smiling, “yes, I will, thank you so much”
And then I went back to my friends, still crying and with my autograph in my hands, after I just talked about all this for THE VERY FIRST TIME to JOHN BARROW/MAN, and I think they were a bit surprised, but very sweet and then I kinda came out to them as well, although in a mixture of english and german and still crying and that was that. It took me A WHILE to completely calm down (no, well, seeing as writing this down made me cry again, i don’t think I really calmed down yet, but well).
(And I want to add - I’m someone who cries very, very easily and someone who has had to hold back tears in many different situations and succeeded, but as I said, I met many celebrities during conventions and I will always treasure these moments, and I was nervous and shaking during some of these moments and really excited and usually running on adrenaline etc, but something like this with John had never happened to me)
So that’s the story behind my autograph from John, and why I put making this post off for such a long time - because this probably one of the most important things that happened to me ever and meeting John wasn’t just simply awesome and amazing and a dream come true, it was and IS so much more for me, and maybe this all sounds a bit over the top and cheesy and stupid or what ever, but frankly, as he said, I don’t give a damn. It’s important to me and he is just so positive about all this and supportive, and I really wanted to share this story.
(And this is also the reason why the autograph means just that bit more to me than my photo with him)
TL;DR: I started crying during the autograph session with JB because it was the first time ever that I actually really talked to someone about my sexuality (instead of just writing it down) and John was so nice and sweet and it’s definitely the most important moment in my life right now.
(Please don’t reblog this)
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thaumatological · 7 years
im tryin to find fox stuff bc the haxits but it makes me very nervous bc i know Dog Language i speak Dog Language better than i speak People Language but i dunno fox language and with animals that Arent Domesticated like that its even harder to read or identify the signs of unhappiness n like... i dunno thats what i spend a lot of time thinking about. same with frogs- the frog people i follow are all good frog people but sometimes i get tagged in frog pictures and its like i dont,, know enough to Know, but it doesnt look Right, yknow? and its something that i only notice because Thams My Favourite Animals (next to dogs) and im usually right. (like the frog riding the beetle- that was a fairly notorious one that turned out to be Really Bad and i could Tell) i forgot where i was going with this. know how to read your animals?? there was one time i saw a video of these cats sleeping in a cat sized bed together (just randomly, not reblogged by anyone i know) and it unsettled me so much i had to go track down the source and make sure the cats were alive. (they were, for anyone worried. still freaky as hell though.)
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