#i love riku sm i just want him to be happy and for his family drama to be resolved oml.
raytm-moved · 1 year
I give you Riku for the character meme!
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and I’ll break their ass down:
how I feel about this character: riku has been a personal fav since i started the series. i am always drawn to the sunshine boys i swear to god despite the deceiving fact that i seem to always write the ones with the saddest backstories. riku does both of those for me. by being the character who is always smiling in spite of his own set backs, who's always trying his hardest for the sake of others and his dream. i just love him a lot !!! he doesn't let his illness hold him back and is always doing his utmost sobs. All the people I ship romantically with this character: the first character that comes to mind would be iori and that's because they seem to have this back and forth going on where iori is always looking out for him and they have their back and forth quips which is rather wholesome. but honestly, i could see him being plotted with a bunch of others. My non-romantic OTP for this character: i have alot of feelings about his relationship with tenn. there's so much tension there, so much that has gone on between the two of them, unresolved feelings and hurt but tenn is his brother and they just !!!! hand gestures. and his relationship with everyone in idolish 7 and the manager !!! like their whole dynamic is both hilarious and so inherently good. there's so many personalities in there and they're all bouncing off each other or colliding and it just makes them so much fun to follow alongside. My unpopular opinion about this character: i dont think i have any like inherently unpopular opinions but that also might be because im both new to the fandom and no literally one person in it LMAO. i would say, perhaps, the fact that he's seen as only a sunshine boy when he's very multi faceted and there's a lot of pain he's endured to get to the place he is right now. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: he needs to have his hand held and maybe a hug that is all.
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parchmints · 7 years
As someone that's following Another what kind of parents do you think the Furuba characters made? Do you have any headcanons? (particularly for Tohru&Kyo, Yuki&Machi, Shigure&Akito and Hatsuharu&Rin)
Hi!! Thanks for the ask anon! To answer your question: yes! I have many, many headcanons.
General notes:
-All of the sohmas who were once under the curse feared that the curse wasn’t really broken when they first found out they were having children. Everyone of them went through a “I can’t have a child! I could pass on the curse” phase during the pregnancy. Their S.O. had to calm them down.
-Kyo was probably the most terrified of all the zodiac to having a child. He’s still pretty traumatized from the events he experienced as a child and an adolescent, and he was so, so, so scared that he would pass on his curse to his innocent child.
-It even gave him nightmares. He’d wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night and Tohru would calm him down
-Tohru was really supportive of him through it all. She knew Hajime was going to be totally fine and even if he somehow did get possessed by the curse she and Kyo would love him no matter what. That child was never ever gonna have the upbringing Kyo had.
-Tohru was unbelievably excited to find out she was pregnant. She cried tears of joy
-She cried again when she found out they were having a boy and said “I hope he’s just like Kyo-Kun!” and the thought of a little Kyo running around the house made her so happy she could burst.
-Kyo was made even more terrified when he found out it was a boy and desperately hoped the child was much more like Tohru in every way
-Kyo was just an anxious mess the entire time
-Kyo was doing everything for Tohru. She couldn’t start a task with Kyo around without him taking it away from her. “Kyo-kun I can do it-” “Sit down! You’re pregnant! What kind of man would I be if I let my pregnant wife do the dishes?!” and then he’d furiously wash the dishes.  
-This drove Tohru crazier than anything because she likes working and being busy. That being said, during the third trimester, she didn’t complain about it much lol
-When Tohru’s water broke they both screamed a lot.  
-When Tohru’s contractions started and she was in pain, Kyo nearly lost his mind
-She was only three weeks premature, but Kyo was convinced their son was going to be possessed
-Kyo was able to drive at this time so he drove her to the hospital
-His heart was beating SO FAST guys
-It was a relatively easy delivery and Kyo’s heart dropped when he saw the baby handed to Tohru
-As soon Kyo realized the baby wasn’t going to transform, he burst into hacking sobs. SOBS!
-He could NOT believe how beautiful his wife and child were. He immediately loved Hajime so, so, so much and promised he would live and die for him.
-Tohru was so delighted that Hajime looked like Kyo, but that still made Kyo feel weird and nervous
-Kyo called Shishou pretty immediately and obviously, he ran straight over since he’s Hajime’s only *real* grandparent. When Kyo showed him Hajime he quietly said “You’re a grandfather” and everyone was crying.  
-Literally, everybody loved Hajime and would die for him
-Kyo and Shishou were SO excited when he was old enough to start martial arts training
-Kyo and Shishou both brag about him being a natural
-Shishou DOTES on him. They love each other sm you guys
-Tohru is literally the perfect mother. She reads to him. Tells him he’s smart and kind and wonderful. He’s so supported and loved.
-They’re both SO proud of him because he’s smart and totally going to do big things
-Tohru cried when he left to go to high school at Kaibara. Kyo really misses him too, but he understood why he wanted to go there
-Hajime cried when he left the house on the car ride to Kinu’s house
-I wrote an entire fic on how Hajime found out about the curse (http://archiveofourown.org/works/10688817)
-I’m totally gonna write a fic about Tohru’s pregnancy now fuck
-Yuki was super chill about the pregnancy except for when he first found out and when Machi went into labor
-He worried about the curse coming back, but he was much more sensible about it than Kyo
-Yuki treated her like a princess and Machi let him without complaint
-The hired maids did most of the work because they’re both shit at housework anyway
-Yuki was scared to tell Ayame because…Ayame…
-Ayame flipped the fuck out and said it would be the most beautiful child second only to his precious Hibika (Chizuru hadn’t been born yet, so Mutsuki is actually third lol)
-Ayame dotes on his Nephew obvi
-When Machi found out Mutsuki was shiny like his father “…Will this be okay? No…I’m sure it’s better he’s like his father…” but she foresaw many a girl fighting over him and that he would be the cause of much bullying. The real curse of being a Sohma…
-The whole family is a bunch of spaced out idiots who are also geniuses
-Presented with a diaper…Machi/Yuki were a disaster. Tohru came to help often. They still sucked at it. They’d forget baby powder and stuff, and eventually, the nanny just did it. Yuki’s hella rich so they just did that during the diaper years.
-They were really supportive and loving however, but lacked some serious skills lol
-Likewise, Mutsuki is lacking a serious skill in cleaning haha
-The hired help is constantly -_-
-Machi and Yuki completely spoil Mutsuki, but Yuki was determined to teach him kindness
-Yuki would only get actually mad at Mutsuki if he did something unkind. Mutsuki teased a girl in elementary school and after the talking to his father gave him…NEVER AGAIN! Mutsuki’s naturally kind, but he took the lesson with him for life
-Haru was chill, but excited. Rin was a terrified mess
-Rin was Kyo 2.0 basically
-Haru only freaked out when he found out it was twins
-He freaked out for .2 seconds and then was like “neat…”
Haru: “lol probably”
Haru: “Everyone’s parents fuck them up it’s fiiiiiiine”
Rin: “YOU’RE THE WORST” *freaks out more*
-Haru at some point had to get serious about calming her ass down because it was gonna start affecting the pregnancy
-How the naming conversation went:
Rin: What should we name them?
Haru: *literally playing Kingdom Hearts right fucking now* *Stops, then looks her dead in the eye, completely fucking serious* Riku and Sora.
Rin: …
Haru: …
Rin: …I love it.
-Haru loves KH and he said it as a joke, but then actually really liked it. He thought “Land” and “Sky” for twins was great.
-Rin watches Haru play KH and she’s begrudgingly sucked in. She likes Riku because he’s cool like Haru and she likes Sora because he’s kind like Haru. She knew Haru was kidding, but kinda loved it and it stuck.
-Rin is the Strict Mom™ and Haru is Fun Dad™
-They all get along and love each other sm, but Riku is a momma’s boy and Sora is a daddy’s girl. Rin has a soft spot for Riku because he reminds her of Haru and Haru has a soft spot for Sora because she reminds him of Rin (looks wise)
-Haru and Riku can clash because they’re similar in a lot of ways.
-Sora’s just a love bug
-Riku would literally take a bullet for Sora
-Basically Haru and RIn are stupid in love and they have two stupid kids that love them a lot
-He’s literally the best husband/brother/father ever and he loves the women in his life sooooo much he could die
-He cried when he found out his wife was pregnant and just kept crying about it
-He just looks at Mina on the daily and cries about it. He’s a mess.
-He’s a world-renowned violinist and basically, he lives his dream every fucking day because he deserves it and that’s 100% what happened fight me
So, in conclusion, they’re all a bunch of traumatized losers/cinnamon rolls who love their loser children
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