#i never had my meter set to a heart bc i wanted the other items first
risingsunresistance · 4 months
died to a t5 rev after i got block glitched on some stairs and some absolute saint in my lobby, instead of telling me im bad or something, showed me a spot where a t5 just wont spawn tnt if you stand there for some reason
anyways i've been doing slayers while jerry's been here (except for the mining fiesta) and im getting to that warden heart there SHOCKINGLY fast
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espship18 · 5 years
Kpop ship for honeykosmos
Hello everyone and after nearly what has felt like eternity, a very stressful work week, and one gray hair later, I have a ship ready for you (: this ship is for @honeykosmos . This ship was fun, so let’s get into it~
Based off of your request, I learned these things about you: 
You’re 5′1 with chubs with dark hair, dark eyes, and glasses
You have the ISFJ personality and you’re a virgo
You’re playful and a jokster
You also have a laid back personality
You’re intelligent, sarcastic, funny, loyal, and puts others before you awe
Interests/hobbies: music, books, and art, video games
Likes/loves: friends, food, sleep same, autumn sAmE, hoodies SAME, traveling, and long car rides 
And in your request, you asked to be shipped with BTS, EXO, Got7, and iKon. Let’s ship, shall we? 
BTS: Jin 
Okay so the best way I want to describe you two are as smol beans who I love very much. Right off the bat, I can see your and Jin’s chemistry bouncing off of each other beautifully. Although you’re shy for the most part, I can see you and Jin clicking nicely, and it would not take long at all for the stars to fall into place and you two to fall in love. Jin has that natural homey/welcoming personality, very very nice factor in the equation. Moving along, just putting this out here, you are treated like a queen- Jin will go above and beyond for you. The amount of respect, love, and happiness Jin would give you can be overwhelming to some depending on the person, but all in all, you love the amount of attention you get from Jin, and Jin helps you feel good about yourself- and there is nothing wrong with that. Jin is also our body positive king, so like, you best believe any insecurities(if you have any of course) will diminish because of your lovely broad ass shouldered king Seokjin. I also feel like Jin would even try to push you out of your fashion comfort zone sometimes. Just enough to where he can see you try something new(see, he cares!). When it comes to interests- I see you and Jin having your own interests you’re into separately, but there are also interests that you two have where you could do said interests together. You’re both very chill in retrospect, and you seem very adaptable. And the simple fact that you two love being together is the bow on top for anything you do. Overall, you and Jin are like ying and yang- balance. And when it comes to public statements/appearances, omg you two are knock outs! EVERYONE lives for the height difference, and everyone also LIVES for Jin’s mannerisms when he’s with you in public. When you’re not in the public eye and Jin gets to relax with you at home, you two have so much fun. Your girlfriend card comes into play here and you get to pamper him. Whether it’s setting up board games to play, taking naps, playing video games, or cooking, omg cooking is such a staple with you two, you two have the time of your life, and it only makes Jin fall in love with you more. Ugh, the more I write, the more balance I see. OMG LISTEN, it would be SO CUTE if you and Jin were ying and yang for Halloween!!! And lastly, PDA with Jin is so sweet! Jin holding your hands always and rubbing and kissing your knuckles. So many forehead kisses, Jin being needy for your love and affection, a whiny bub concept is everything when it comes to Jin. And you normally give in to his requests bc you love your bub and are more than happy to give him all the love in the world.
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EXO: Kyungsoo 
Okay so, we’re lowering the quirkiness meter a little, but we’re still keeping a lot of fluff, and we’re still gonna have fun. Shy but protective Kyungsoo is the warrior of choice for this ship btw. I think it would be really cute if you and Kyungsoo met in a coffee shop. Soo would be on a lunch break or something and he would be at his table reading a book. You of course would be getting your regular, and as you were looking around, you would notice the cover of the book, as you had finished the book recently. You were very happy with the book, it was overall an interesting book, and you would’ve loved to talk about the book with someone. As you were waiting for your drink and pastry, you looked over at Soo and made a statement about one of the main characters. It would definitely catch Soo off guard, but as you two talked more, Kyungsoo would invite you to sit with him and you two would talk for a long time together. As your relationship would soar, the first few months would be soft and subtle. You two would take things slow and easy, mostly enjoying each others company. You and Kyungsoo would also be in denial of your feelings for one another. It wouldn’t be until you were with Soo and his fellow group mates at dinner when some of them would be like ‘what’s up with you two??’. Of course your love would blossom further and you’d finally call yourselves an item. I wish I had visuals to see what you two would look like together. As I mentioned with Jin, the height difference. It wouldn’t even matter that Kyungsoo is 5′8(172cm), there is still such a cute height difference that I LOVE. Your relationship would be so cute. You both are very chill, but you’re also still flirty and playful. Tbh, I think Kyungsoo would be the biggest flirt. His form of flirting would be a cute little banter and teasing- I like that concept. You two would also do everything together. I also want to made a point that you two would have a cute little habit of trying to put one over the other. Of course you worry about him because of his job, but he worries about you and your health bc he wants to make sure his love it always healthy, and you two would end up in a cycle of love and lowkey become each others care takers. You would also be Kyungsoo’s security blanket btw. Real quick, I think it would be super cute if Kyungsoo would pre-plan dates. He’d always want to show how much he loves you. You also accompany him to concerts and his drama premieres BC OMG THOSE VISUALS. Lastly, Soo would be clingy with PDA. He likes keeping you around him with his hands holding something- helps him feel secure knowing you are safe with him. 
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Got7: Youngjae
Okay so I am trying to get as much versatility in this ship as I can, so here we have our hyper bean who is your hype man. Youngjae would be that type of guy that is the biggest and most loving sweetheart, and he makes your heart flutter and your cheeks go red. Omg listen, I think it would be so cute if you two met over Youngjae’s infectious laughter. You each would be with your respective parties and you would hear Youngjae’s angel laugh from the bottom of the aisle. JB and the rest of Youngjae’s buddies would apologize for his loudness, but, the stars in space align, you say all the right things, and you leave that store with Youngjae’s number in your pocket. I can see you and Youngjae being very spontaneous when you would first get together. You two would be very entranced with each other, you’d love to be together and talk, so you two would go out all the time- rarely turning down the offer. And even before you two were officially an item, I can see Youngjae being protective and caring over you. And even after you two were an item, I believe that Youngjae would keep that ideology. The concept is sort of old school- the guy taking care of the girl, but I think it works. Youngjae can easily get the boyfriend of the year award with the way he treats you. Youngjae can remember just about anything you say or want, he pays attention to where he can tell how you’re feeling by the tone in your voice, he knows how to listen to you, and he also knows what you love and what you don’t love. He’s just overall an amazing boyfriend(in my professional opinion) and he will always take the opportunity to tell you how much he loves you. And, because I love spreading body positivity, Youngjae is also one of our body positive bubs. The things that this boy is able to say sometimes really throws you for a loop, and you would think of things you never thought before. You would always feel empowered when you were with Youngjae- bottom line. Also, I can only imagine how many of your hoodies you own from Youngjae. Youngjae is a literal teddy bear, so just imagine all the warm hoodies you’d have in your closet- and how many of said hoodies Youngjae would have to steal back. PDA is very sweet as well! Youngjae’s PDA would be so playful and sweet. He would love hand holding, and there would be a lot of times where he would spin you around and then pull you close to him and give you a big bear hug and kisses on your cheeks, forehead, and of course the lips. Back hugs are also a staple in your relationship as well!
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iKon: Bobby
Oki doki~ So, I was stuck between two members, but I have a good feeling about you and Bobby. In my opinion, I feel like yours and Bobby’s aesthetics and personalities merge well together and you’d be one of the chilliest couples ever. And don’t even get me started on being one of the most loving couples ever. We have all seen the way Bobby loves on Hanbin in the past, so just imagine how much love Bobby would give you- you’re going to be loved for forever and more. When it comes to your relationship, I like to think that you two would bounce off of each other, similar to you and Jin, but you’re even more playful that any of your other sips mentioned. The teasing and sarcasm is so real and so present here, like, sometimes if you’re around new people, people will listen to you two playfully bicker and think ‘omg why are they fighting?’ You two would also like to banter around with people who would try to invade your privacy or tell you how to run your relationship. There’s so much sass. And there’s enough sass to where you’re actively in the cute little roast sessions that the Bobby and the rest of iKon does. Your chemistry with them works perfectly. But overall, Bobby is very vocal over his love for you, so he would have different ways of telling you how much he loves you. Moving right along, I want to touch on something that is melting my heart. I think it would be SO AMAZING if Bobby had the old-school mannerisms when it came to being a boyfriend. Holding the door open for you, giving you his jacket if you’re cold, kiss your knuckles, calling you ‘doll’ or ‘honey’, he would do it all. There is honestly nothing more attractive than a man with respect and omg girl you are getting yourself a good one! I also like to think about Bobby taking over for date nights. Dinner dates are always on the menu(HAH). He would like for you to get dressed up, which he would also take you on shopping trips so you can get you cute things to wear. He just loves seeing how you light up when you get all glam. He loves seeing you with your head held high and feeling great about yourself. A lot of your dates end with a walk along the river or a lake. If you’re wearing heels that night, Bobby would hold your heels in one hand and hold your hand in the other hand SOMEONE STOP ME I’M CRYING. And of course, the obligatory snuggles and slow dancing when you get home. PDA is so touchy touchy. Bobby is not afraid to grab your hip to keep you close to him- he’s very clingy. He loves showcasing your shortness to his tallness, and last but not least, he has the softest lips, for the softest and most sweetest kisses you’ll ever get!
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