#i once again am psychoanalysing eddie munson
manicpixiedreamcurl · 2 years
'wishes he was a slut but craves true love'
you get him so right every damn time, i am in awe!!!!
It's true!!! I do think he flirts with everyone and fancies sooo many people and thinks about fucking them all the time, then he meets somebody he genuinely likes and he's like 'okay fuck off everybody else' and suddenly his wank sessions are monogamous and he's so heart eyes that he cums imagining cuddling them and having them play with his hair and taking them on dates and them laughing at his jokes and loving him <333
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manicpixiedreamcurl · 2 years
i dont even like stranger things that much, but eddie has a grip on me like noooo other lmaooooo
he reminders me of a lot of rotties ive met who look like scary dogs, like they dont know their own weight/play rough, but are also the single goofiest dogs you'll ever meet, super dramatic if theyre not getting attention from their favourite people, only rough with people who can handle it but very gentle with those who cant, super protective, eager to please and so so sweet (so yea thats basically eddie)
he reminds me so much of that, like he just wants to be loved for who he is, and openly love someone else without being seen as just a casual one night stand, or an interesting couple dates, or too scary and different to even be approached yknow. i bet he daydreams about commitment ahkshdkjflfj
i think thats why i like your eddie so much cause he's protective of others and knows how to use his image to protect himself, but is also the silliest, sappiest, sweetest person ever and you write that side of him so well!!
i dont know where im going with this qukdhdkgd i just really like how you write eddie!
Thank you!!! Show opinions and rambling about my sweetest goofy feral boy Eddie under the cut 💖💖💖
Stranger Things is a questionable show, that's the truth of it. I think the first season was brilliant and part of the reason I liked season 4 so much was because it got back that sort of scooby doo vibe that was so fun about the first one, that the Hawkins gang were trying to work everything out and getting into hijinks ahaha. But the whole Russia storyline? Simply could have done without it. There was a post going round a while ago that was like st 1 was good because it was about things but now stranger things is just about stranger things and I think that hit the nail on the head.
I think it benefits from interesting characters and very good casting all round. The young people in the show are (or were now?) uniquely good child actors (Gaten, Caleb and Sadie in particular imo). Also think Joe Keery was an inspired choice for Steve. He brought such brilliant vulnerability to Steve, so great to watch the scene of him seeing Nancy and Jonathan through the window and just before Nancy slaps him how sad he looks when he's trying to put on a tough front; 'I was worried about you.' My god. I DIGRESS.
Eddie <333 EDDIE <3333333 I think I've established I could talk about him for a million years. He haunts me. First just the thought of somebody being treated poorly by God knows how many people, and ending up as someone who collects bullied kids and gives them a safe place 'we showed you that high school didn't have to be the worst years of your lives' JESUS FUCK IF ONLY. Would have been nice. Idk if I've mentioned but I'm PRETTY SHY irl so...yeah. Would have been nice.
And THEN I think about the fact he used his last words to make Dustin promise to look after the group...to tell him that he loves him!!! Can't think about it too much but my God. That's so important. That's his priority in that moment. His little group having somebody to look after them fuck I'm crying.
AND that he tells Dustin to never change!!!! This little bullied boy!!! Like Eddie himself was when he was young!!!! AaaaaaaggggggggghhhhhhHhhhhhHHhhhhHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
And also he's so sweet to Chrissy. Just like the sweetest. Sees this girl silently screaming for help and puts the effort into making her feel SAFE!!! Giving her a little GIGGLE at HIS EXPENSE. FUCK.
So yes I think you are exactly right. I think he plays up to what people think of him when he knows he's not going to be able to change their mind and he thinks well fuck it hate me more then. I think he could swing a punch if he had to and if he was being hit he'd keep being provocative but I feel it in my BONES that he flirts with straight boys who are bullying him to make them wildly fucking uncomfortable I JUST KNOW IT cause I think he loves pushing buttons.
But yes, the sweetest around people who need it. And desperate to be loved and accepted. I think you're right I think he might have a go at one night stands cause he's a horndog it can't be denied but he thinks about somebody just adoring him and wanting him all the time and doing things for eachother and them not being ashamed of him or wanting him to change him and man...I must stop.
In summary, anon. Agreed. And thank you very much. Thinking about how kind and wonderful a relationship with him would be makes my chest pang. Sweetest goofiest boy, owner of my heart.
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manicpixiedreamcurl · 2 years
i love the analysis posts you do on eddie in tmyg cause it really opened my eyes to his character, he wants to BE loved and cared for sure, but also just as badly wants TO love and care for someone whos not ashamed to be loved by him and ooooooohmygod im losing my mind your eddie is soooo mwah mwah
Thank you, bud!!! It's analysis that truly nobody asked for but I'll shove down everybody's throats anyway because otherwise the endless thoughts I have about Eddie stay in my busy noggin and I need some space for other stuff up there!!!
Speaking of:
Yes!!! I think Eddie is kind of obsessed with love tbh. He's intense in general, but the fact that he took the time to say to Steve, a fairly new friend, 'hey I think Nancy loves you.' In fact, literally uses the words a sign of true love. TRUE LOVE. He says he's cynical! I don't believe you, Eddie Munson!!!
And there's a post somewhere, if I find it I'll reblog it, where somebody talks about how Eddie loves lord of the rings, and probably loves other fantasy books, which are full of true love. Arwen in LOTR gives up what is essentially an immortal life in heaven for Aragorn. I can just so easily see Eddie reading that when he's pretty young, a little raw from whatever happened with his parents, treated with fear and disdain by so many people, and yearning so much for that kind of love. I think he'd be obsessed with the idea that there's someone out there who's just made for him, who will love him forever and never ever leave. But when it doesn't happen the couple times he thinks it will, it gets to his sweet heart.
Thank you for encouraging these ramblings. I'm sure they will happen again, on the same themes again.
Also, 'my Eddie' ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
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manicpixiedreamcurl · 2 years
i keep re reading the more you give just going back to it after I'm done because it's just soo (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠) like its self indulgent and sweet and beautiful but it's still doesn't lose sight of who Eddie is as a character if that makes sense??? him loving the reader so much that he's willing to be something she hides from her friends just to keep her killed me even if it was brief, also that little please say you need me ... uff essays could be written on Eddie in realtionsgips and how he probably feels like he needs to provide something for the other to love him
Thank you!!!! Thank you so much for reading and for sending this lovely message!!! I really am overwhelmed by people connecting tmyg, it's so so so lovely to hear. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
On it being true to Eddie, I once again am going to go into my thoughts about him ahahah so heeeeere's another cut followed by obsessed ramblings.
It is self indulgent but it is about Eddie and how I think he'd be. Whether you are a fan of hellcheer or not, the scene with Chrissy is so important because it shows that Eddie has a real sense about what other people are feeling and how to talk to them. The fact that he offers to leave, establishes that he'll do so without complaint, but not before telling her that they're safe. And then when she tells him not to go his brain goes 'okay then well then we make her comfy' and he makes her giggle and is vulnerable with her about remembering her etc. I think it's just such a beautiful scene that shows Eddie sort of just knows how to talk to people when they let him.
And the same with Dustin in the field. Dustin, who doesn't have a dad, whose most significant male figure is Steve. A little play wrestling which is so boyish and silly but probably something Dustin didn't get so much and then to tell this nerdy kid who was the first person interested in finding and helping him to never change. To promise that he won't ever change. Jesus Christ. Eddie's a soft boy for the people he loves and I'll fight anyone about it.
And yuuup, I think he has this real need to be needed (not going to think about it too long but the looking after the sheep thing is just soooo 😩). It's sort of why I'm stuck on rockstar Eddie because he wants to be a musician so bad but also being successful at it would set him and everyone he loves up for life, and I think he'd be obsessed with that. First big paychecks go on buying Wayne a house wherever he wants, a shop or a building for a business so he doesn't have to work nights anymore (Eddie would totally just pay him to live but Wayne wouldn't have it).
And with reader, her saying oh well I want to do this but I couldn't live from it. Queue flashing sign in Eddie's brain that says you have to make her happy so of course his solution is nahhh, don't worry about it because I'm going to deal with all that. In fact, this is ideal, because if he gets famous and funds her dreams then she'll need him forever. Not healthy thinking, and certainly not what reader wants from him, but Eddie wants people to need him and he wants them to love him and he wants them to stay.
I think about Eddie...very much (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
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