#i rant a LOT here and i know i come off super salty
desultory-novice · 6 months
A-ahem. Starting over again...
@newthinkerer found THS post and said to me: "I'm sure the Kirby fandom has done something to grind your gears."
Which, in truth, the answer is not lately / not really no. ^^; But it wasn't hard to reach in and find some "comical outrage" style gear-grindy answers for those who find such rants entertaining! So, here those are for everyone's (hopeful) enjoyment
[Original Response Below] Ohhh? Did you want "Salty" Dess? XD Let's go down the list...!
Marx / Reduced to one single trait
Look, I know the games don't give people much to go on, but a lot of people (1) seem ha~ppy to come up with pages and pages of backstory for all the other characters - but Marx? Nope. Marx is the one character who people seem almost allergic to rounding out when he is RIPE with mystery and potential. "But the game doesn't tell us anything about him so maybe he isn't that big of a deal, Dess?" Tsk! The game tells us just as little about Meta Knight! The only difference is the number of appearances! Use your imagination, people!
It's like some folks are trying to invoke the Smash Bros conspiracy theory that Kumazaki and Sakurai have a rivalry (they don't) and just like Sakurai would NEVER put a Kumazaki-era character in Smash (...he already did in the form of the trophies) no one is allowed to characterize Marx cause he's from the Sakurai-era of Kirby where characters just didn't have personalities and lore! Pah, I say!
Oh yeah, if you want to see me destroy something, say "He was just hungry!" : ) in my presence. Do it. I dare youuuuuu...! 
:holds Magolor over a wood chipper:
Susie / They stole (...some planetary resources and MK's autonomy...) and fandom labeled them a hard criminal
You all knew this one was coming, right? ^^ But if I start up the Susie debate again, I'm going to regret it so, uh, let's move on...
Kirby / Popular headcanon so off-base it hurts. 
I fear the Metadad people have their hands over the block button right now. But it's not that MetaDad is necessarily wrong! MK can act protective, sure. It's "Baby Kirby" that is wrong! He lives on his ownnnnnn with a houseeee he does not need babyinnnng.....!!
Magolor / Constant (eh, semi-frequent??) misinterpretation
...I want to be as gentle as possible when I say this because I GET IT. Please believe me when I say I understand so, so much and as far as AU versions/alternate HC goes, it's fine! This isn't a call out!
But... Magolor being a shy, reserved kitty boy who just wants...f-friends... Look, Magolor may not have EVERY disease, but he does have a lot of them. However awkward he may be though, the form his awkwardness takes is very clearly extroverted! Again, it's super okay though because I get seeing yourself or an aspect of yourself you're dealing with in a character and wanting to make them more like you! Dess supports comfort characters! (Plus, my own version of Magolor is a little laser-sighted on his frustrated side)
...But he runs a shop and a theme park. He actually LIKES talking to/dealing with people! He gets along with Marx because he LIKES tricking people. He likes to get under people's skin! He doesn't fear it! Magolor is/has been sad and probably has some deep trauma, yeah. But he also deserves to be more than :gif of a sad cat:
DMK / The worst takes.... 
I'm not going to start up The Debate here, same as with Susie, but... The unabashed glowing adoration the fandom has for Meta Knight and you take away ONE good trait and enhance ONE bad trait and now he is Satan?!? Some of you people hate him more than HYNESS (:spoken by a Hyness fan:) and I don't know why?!
Maybe add on "He would never say that" for the people who do the opposite and make him exactly like MK but he says the F word
Daroach / ...Ignored
Like, the real crime (haha, get it? crime?) about Daroach is that he IS used occasionally. More than like, I dunno, Chew Kawasaki? But when he does show up, it's with his crew being "The Leader of the Squeaks" (showcasing that Dad Energy(tm)) or DMK's husband. (The thief and the murderer are boyfriends! Diversity win!) And...that's it?
Daroach has so much potential to interact with literally everyone?! He roasts Dedede IN GAME?! Why are people not running with this energy more?! (Also, shipping Darkroach because of that one picture is fine. I do too. Shipping Darkroach because you don't want to break up MetaDede and so you relent to "giving" him MK's mirror clone like buying a grieving kid a new puppy is...kinda weird? Just me?)
Adeleine / Reduced to one single trait (part two)
...This might sound like THE most hypocritical thing coming from the creator of "Apologies" aka, "Sad Siblings in Snow" but Adeleine potentially being from Shiver Star (potentially!) equating her to "The Little Match Girl." Now I love all kinds of Adeleine origin headcanons! And I also love Sad Adeleine on Shiver Star stories! I don't want to put an end to them or suggest they are bad thing! Never!
But... I worry e~very now and then THAT  is the thing people find most interesting about her. That she would/should be a sad girl when she's really not. Since writing "Apologies," I've gotten a handful of asks about how Adeleine must be really sad about Noir's death or asking if she will ever be able to smile again and... like...um...
...S-she is? Already smiling, that is. ^^; "Apologies" was crafted in a way to PROTECT Adeleine's innocence so that she can be happy and relatively close to the canon Adeleine! Adeleine being able to move on with her life and smile and make friends is exactly the thing Noir died for - so that Adeleine wouldn't have the life he did!
So, again, kinda hypocritical of me because I actually really like sad Adeleine art and "Adeleine the Human" HC, but I sometimes fear it might become all that she is.  :spoke by a contributor to this trend:
...TLDR, continue to write and draw Adeleine angst because it allows me to ignore the option I almost considered just for a second which was sexualiza...Nope. We're going to go back to forgetting about all that unfortunate Pixiv content right.this.minute!
(1) So, despite my tone and the things I said, I'm not actually upset at anyone for anything they'd done! I'm really happy that people are creating at all - whether you're writing sad Magolor or itty bitty Kirby or lol random Marx or PTSD Adeleine or trophy husband Daroach!
I don't even see a lot of the things I'm ostensibly complaining about anymore, honestly. Thus my reasons for posting less and less salt on this account! Outside of a few fandom kerfluffles in the last month (alas...) I would say we're actually in an era of peace as far as good content about the characters goes! People are thinking and inventing. People are having fun. People are being measured with their takes and anything "gear grindy" is really going to be remembered stuff from the past, not present flaws!
...plz don't block me...
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here my friend after a very, very long week. This is actually my 3rd attempt at sending you an ask. First, I finally had time and was excited to type up something for the latest episode and then the Buck LI stuff came out and the mood for that was killed. Next I had mostly typed up my salty thoughts only to have my internet go down (yes, I whined at home "what i was going to read??!!" and pointedly ignored my very much filled bookcase because my ships aren't in them). So here let's see if this one works out.
So how is it KR and the promo dept always manage to kill any joy we have when we get fed any kind of Buddie content (the follow-up to the Eddie getting shot, and the 5b and premier come to mind here)?? Seriously Buck and Eddie more or less went on a date and had family night together and almost immediately they came back with "look Buck and Eddie are going to go on dates!!". Its exhausting cause it seems like any time they put out a story that might even be slightly suggestive of them being more than platonic bros they insist on following it up with stories to "prove" they are, no matter how recycled those plots are.
And okay let's take a second here to ask WTF is KR doing with these characters? In 6b alone we've had Buck dying, a coma dream, PTSD, super powers, and now he's getting a crush, and we STILL haven't finished the accursed sperm donor storyline??!! Bobby and Athena investigated had the death of a beloved friend 🙄 plot, HenRen had the nonsensical Denny secretly seeing his Dad which was never an issue before plot, and Madney and Eddie are just kinda there?? The other characters have had at best one storyline where the audience has to either invent or rewrite the backstory for. But for Buck he's had like 50 plotlines, none of which have really gone anywhere? I love Buck but I'd rather have him have 1 good arc and resolution than whatever this bullshit is. I'd easily take that screentime and give it to any of the other characters if it meant we got 1 well thought out and executed storyline. Instead we're just recycling and redressing old plots for everyone else while KR uses a magnetic poetry set to plan what Buck's doing from episode to episode. We have 5 episodes left in the season, 4-5 guest characters that are going to be incorporated (including 2 much beloathed ones 🙄🙄🙄), and nothing really setup for our mains to do (even Eddie dating isn't setup, it literally hasn't come up after Ana and you'd think they could have in 6a while he was watching his son mature).
Anyway, I'll stop the rant here though there's definitely more I could say. I'll close off saying I hope you're feeling better today since this week looks like its been rough on you. Sending you virtual tea, soup, and hugs!!
Long week is RIGHT my friend! I'm so sorry you were foiled in your previous attempts! I am right there with you on the Buck LI stuff just...sucking a lot of the joy out of things for me. Because of course we're doing this again 🙄🙄🙄 I was even writing up notes on a possible fic and you KNOW I haven't written anything since Malex and even that was before s4 started. But alas. That sucks about the power going out! I hate when that happens especially if I was in the middle of something! (Also I am SO with you. I keep buying books and then just...not reading them because my brain says "it's not our blorbos so no.)
I am just...so tired at this point. Like yes these people *may* not stick around, but even so, I don't want to loose out on Buddie scenes and Buckley-Diaz family scenes! I don't want Buck to have 90% of his time and discussions with some new character I do not know or care about instead of Eddie and the firefam! They already tried to do that with BT and it was the woooooorst! I want Eddie to have screentime and arcs but again, I don't want the little time we DO get to be wasted on some random side character! And lets be honest, there is no person they can introduce at this point that can compare with the relationship Buck and Eddie have already built and the ways in which they are the perfect partners for what each other needs. So the options are to a) cut down on seeing that relationship so their new het ones don't look so shitty and lame in comparison, b) have these women be mostly just Blurry Girlfriends in the background with no personality or depth just to have the boys paired off so they don't have to do Buddie while still centering their relationship so people can't call them out for not committing to Buddie because their "friendship" looks basically the same, or c) give them LIs that are basically the other's personalities transplanted into a female body in order to have the relationship be anything close to what Buck and Eddie need in a life partner. These are all terrible options, and I hate them, more than I hate the idea of them ending up single even though it undercuts their own narrative set up for the characters but that's a cop-out too.
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 to everything about Buck's 700 shitty arcs this season while everyone else is mostly twiddling their thumbs. KR is literally the worst at pacing and planning, and constructing a season with any kind of flow. On the bright side, Ravi is coming back and Chim is going to get to do something! I'm so excited! I was really hoping for more of him and Bobby teaming up last week because the little crumbs we got were GOLD.
I did have a very emotionally rollercoaster-y week and the show being Like This absolutely Did Not Help, but I am making it work. Mostly with loooots of fic. Cheers friend, lets see if we can make it through the finale intact, if Buddie dreams can make it through the finale intact, and if the SHOW can make it through the finale intact with how these renewal negotiations are going.
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nymosity · 2 years
Day 24 "Part-times vs. Dating"
A little rant under the cut, in case of spoilers.
(edited for bedtime chat/call)
So here's the deal: I was super excited for this day, the title sounds so intriguing. I expected it to be either dramatic or tooth-rotting sweet. And surprisingly, it was neither. It was kinda lame. The chats were also short, like really short. No call during breakfast AND during lunch. Did I mess up my answers that bad?
Or, is this the point maybe? Did Cheritz want me to feel neglected? Great, now I also feel terrible for being mad at Teo for not interacting much today. My guy is working his ass off in order to pay his hospital bills and here I am being sulky and whiny. T-T
I'm so irritated right now. The bedtime chat/call better make up for it. Otherwise I'm going to bed salty later.
At least I was blessed with a cute casual Teo selfie. I don't know what it is but this outfit is appealing to me. Like a lot.
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Will update after bedtime chat.
I have no idea how the title correlates to what happened today. Spoiler: nothing really happened.
That bedtime chat was a joke. While he told me that he missed me, and asked how my day was, that chat again was super short. Like, what the hell? Then he told me the bus home was cramped, he forgot to water his damn plants, leaves for 8 minutes, comes back to tell me he flooded his place while watering them and then goes offline. Dude!???
I was waiting for the incoming call while typing my conclusion for today. And I'm fuming even more now. The call was so half-hearted and leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. Where did I go wrong? I want my lovey-dovey Teo back. :( The call felt really weird, idk how to describe it.
I know I'm way too emotional and invested in this game... but can't I feel loved by a 2d man at least? If I want to feel like an unwanted burden I'm gonna date real men. T-T
Let me know your thoughts on day 24 once you finished it. I would love to know if my replies were simply bad today or if this really was a terrible day.
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no1monstersimp · 2 years
If you're still doing the Salty Ask stuff, what about 7, 9, 23?
Thank you for the asks :D
Q: 7. Something I used to like but can't stand now.
A: I'm not sure tbh. I guess you could say this arc. This arc is wonderful, but I'm just ready to see what the consequences will be and what is going to happen, you know? Plus it caused me so much pain.
Q: 9. Disliked characters and why.
A: *sigh* Here we go haha. I'll probably get hate.
A character I have actually come to terms in hating is Psykos. I have a whole post to write on her but in short, she's actual evil. She pretended to be a monster to manipulate a whole society with fear into doing her bidding. She manipulated Orochi through brain washing, then throws him away like trash when she's losing.
No no no cause also , while the monsters, who were TRICKED into thinking they needed a war in the first place were DYING; She's drinking wine. Until I get a GOOD reason that isn't " oh Fubuki etc.", then I'll stay hating her. If we're being honest, what is likeable about her right now? Besides her being pretty. Sorry for ranting, but God😭.
I would say Garou but I want to see how this pans out first before I hate him. I do hate though that he picked on others while they were down. I mean, who hurts Mumen? Who does that?
I also hate McCoy ,cause like, corruption.
Also the dude in the sea monster arc that downplayed the heros with his bowl cut having... Anyways.
Also I kinda hate tank top Blackhole and Tiger for what they did to Saitama, and giving TTM a bad name cause he's a sweetheart.
Also fuck Sludge Jellyfish, no one likes him.(love his design though, but damn he's annoying asf😭.)
I'm probably forgetting ones I hate but it is what it is lol.
Q: 23. Unpopular character(s) I love:
Here we go, this may be a little long. I'm sorry in advance.
I love Royal Ripper, I know people hate them for what they did to Garou and Tareo, but I love them. I like the way they kinda just, idk, they have an attitude to them, like what we see with their attitude towards Great Food Tub. I love how cute they look in the background of scenes, they're gender envy. They pull off a plain dress and flats, making it✨ i c o n i c. ✨ I have a headcanon that they are gender fluid aswell. It's not canon and never will be, but I always have my thoughts.
I love Bug God, I just do, I like the way he works well with Royal Ripper and I wish we saw more of them as a team. They have a mutual respect for eachother, it's rare to have seen Royal Ripper be calmed in their feral moments as quickly as Bug God got them to calm down. I wish he beat Super Alloys ass tbh 😳.
I love Homeless Emperor, I feel awful for him, I miss him a lot. It was going to happen, though it still hurts. Much like with Royal Ripper. He's not that bad looking either. I like to think he takes over playgrounds and scares kids off of slides cause that shit is HIS.
I love Phoenix Man, I like his original form, but not in "I'm attracted to him" way though. I think it's BEAUTIFUL. The shading and everything. I also love his sass aswell. My favorite part is when Rhino Wrestler asks him what his disaster level may be and he goes " I don't care". So naturally, when Resurrected Phoenix Man debuted, that was a plus. Resurrected Phoenix man is "I'm attracted to him".
I love this hand on hip pose he always did :
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He is just 👌💖mmm💖👌. What else needs to be explained?
I love Maiko and ELM, I love them as a couple and how they support eachother. I love how he praises her. I love them.
I love Awakened Roach. I love this part specifically. As you see there is a trend, with cocky, overconfident monsters. Also his thighs😳. His eyeliner is on point too. I love how he just sits there and thinks for so long, idk why it's funny to me. I guess it being paired by how "over his shit" Genos looks looking up at him, makes it better.
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I love almost all of the lower class members that aren't as popular as the main cast (D-Pad, Gasmask Cowboy, Bone, Red Muffler, Butterfly DX, Forte, Chain n' Toad, Golden Ball, Spring etc etc)
Also Mentai and Zakos from the Super Fight, they're adorable. I think if I listed all the characters I like we'd be here forever 😞.
I should end the listing here or we'll be here forever. I probably missed characters though. Let's just sum it up at almost all of the monster association men and women.
Again thank you for the asks! They're always open even without this template! 💖
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wildpokemon · 5 years
My initial KH3 thoughts
gonna put everything under the cut to not spoil anyone. this is mostly for me anyways to see if i feel differently in a few weeks lol
i wanna say first off that while i have been waiting for this game since i was 11 years old and that the series holds a special place in my heart (lolol), i don’t think my expectations were too high. I’ve been replaying kh1 and kh2 pretty much every year since those games first came out and have always felt satisfied with both the gameplay (2 was way better than 1, but 1 was still enjoyable) and the story (while convoluted, they both felt self contained for the most part and had satisfying arcs), and so my expectations were based on those two things alone - i was hopeful for fun and challenging/somewhat skillful gameplay, and an ending with similar care and development for those characters i’d come to love. And for me personally, it was a letdown in both areas.
okay here’s the list of my general thoughts. i have a feeling the list is gonna be mostly negative, but i do wanna say that while i was playing it i did enjoy it for the most part, it’s just the feeling afterwards wasn’t satisfying and that’s what’s sticking with me the most. I’ve tried so hard to stay positive but it hasn’t stuck.
first of all, the game is truly beautiful. this is probably my number one positive about it, the game is fucking gorgeous to look at, the colors all pop and the landscapes expand out forever and the views off of every clifftop look amazing. really good design overall.
the gameplay is fun and flash, but thats about it for me. i know the kh games get a lot of flack for being just button mashers, but kh1 and kh2 especially had a lot more nuance to them. when you played on proud or critical you had to really know and understand the game mechanics to be good at it and it was a satisfying challenge. that doesn’t happen in kh3. every second you get some new triangle command that just does a ton of area damage and everything just dies so quickly. almost none of the fights felt satisfying.
why did the disney worlds have NOTHING to do with the actual story?? they barely even tried. like marluxia shows up in corona to do what?? stalk rapunzel but then do nothing?? and then i don’t even get to fight him?? i got SO excited when he showed up, thinkin id get to fight data marluxia 2.0 from kh2fm, but nah he just KOs sora with some dumbass sleep shit that gets reversed by the fuckin horse licking his face two minutes later. and that shit happens in EVERY disney world! vanitas shows up? Sulley yeets him through a door. Larxene comes by just to lock you in a maze, and all luxord does is ram you with a fuckin ship.
so many of the boss fights were just big ass titan type things (literally at the beginning) that you just hack at until they die. someone please please tell me why i couldn’t just fight the organization members in the worlds they showed up in?? give me some satisfying hand to hand combat where i actually need to block a hit for once
AND THEN when you do finally fight the organization members, its three of them at once?? because theres two or three of them in front of you it lessens the value of them to you, like there’s not one specific threat or moveset to learn how to deal with, instead you just mash x on whoever is closest and hope it works. and it does work, because theyve dumbed down their movesets too. I felt like i didn’t actually earn any of the victories i got because it just wasn’t a challenge, there was nothing to learn in any fight, just hit x and win.
and because i found the gameplay to not be satisfying, it made big character moments feel anticlimactic to me too. like it just felt like i didn’t earn them.
how did roxas’s replica just happen to come zooming out of the sky right when they needed it???
why were we suddenly supposed to feel bad for all of the villians after we killed them?? some of them maybe, but definitely not all should have been shown as sympathetic
why did sora just all of a sudden get ‘the power of waking’/ the ability to go to the realm of darkness?? i didn’t earn that?? i beat up a purple baymax and then all of a sudden the game was like ‘okay time for the real story now’ thats such shitty writing, come on, who let that happen??
kairi’s characteriation was sucha fucking letdown jfc, i wait 13 years after finding out my girl can wield a keyblade just to watch her do half a fight before she gets fuckin snatched again, and then she just DIES???? what was the point in that other than just some bullshit reason for sora to sacrifice himself so that nomura didnt have to write anyore sora games? (yeah yeah the secret ending, hes alive, blah blah - im taking that with a grain of salt for now. plus i dont give two shits about whatever games theyre trying to plug at me now)
which brings me to another one of my huge annoyances. i absolutely cannot believe that they spent real actual game scenes showing maleficent and pete searching for the fucking black box shit, for that to only be relevant to an entirely different set of games that havent even come out yet. writing 101, dont put shit in if it isn’t relevant to the story you’re currently telling.
oh! thought of another positive. my boy riku is the fucking mvp. it was cool as fuck to play as him (still all too easy but oh well) and his character arc throughout the series was done relatively well, he’s come the farthest and had some really cool moments in this one.
i thought the birth by sleep arc was the best one of all of the trios (not counting eraqus and xehanort’s bullshit at the end - im sorry, you guys dont need a happy send off, eraqus tried to KILL ventus! does no one remember that??) but aqua was cool as fuck, and her reunion with ven, and them with terra was really touching imo.
did xion really need to be in the game? this might just be me cause i never played days, but like, her arc just felt like the writers made up this character and gave her this really tragic - but meaningful! - ending in her game, but the fans loved her so much that the writers had to bring her back. felt like major fanservice.
this was a mainstream kingdom hearts game. why wasn’t there more roxas and namine stuff?? roxas was barely mentioned and it felt like no work was actually done to bring him back - namine even less so. like kh2 was a huge game for the series, huge disappointment not to have more emphasis on them in this game.
in general theres just a lot of story stuff that i think could have very easily been fixed and it just felt rushed and messy. i could make a whole other post just about how they could have easily made it all more cohesive and satisfying for the characters arc. sora could have still died and had this like meaningful sacrifice instead of that abrupt shit they gave us, and i would have been satisfied with that. soras death was the tipping point for me that set me off trying to kid myself that i was enjoying the game. i have no problem with killing off the main character at the end of the series, it just needs to be more meaningful. he sacrificed himself for kairi, and we didnt even see it!!! and his friends didnt even mourn?? kairi sheds a tear but it just felt like the game was like ‘oh btw hes dead’ and that was fuckin it. bullshit imo.
i know some of this is nit picky and no one has to agree with any of it lol. ive just been seeing so much praise and so little people talking about this stuff and i needed to let my feelings out.
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Obey me: Apocalypso's reaction to Mc/their S/o Wearing their clothes
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Amused yet kind of offended
How fcking dare you touch HIS things and all?????
And how dare you look better than him in it
He'l be really pissed and you'l have to calm him down and assure him you weren't actively trying to steal his stuff...
After you proceed to practically worship him (might as well suck his dicc with how much of a suck up you are rn •-•) to calm him.... he'l get his usual reactions back on.
He really will not forgive if you were planning to take it and dip. He WILL take is as a challenge, and not the fun kind.
Just explain or say you were trying to be more like him, whatever can get his self absorbed ass to relax
Then he giggles like he didn't just try to snap your neck and rants about how cute you look and how if you wanted to dress like him you coulda just asked he'd have bought you the damn company..
"Humans are so cute~ you can wear whatever you want from my walk-in! As long as you ask first."
"Wha! Humans are so weird~... er, in a fun way! The only times i wear something others own is after i beat them and all..! It's fun to keep souvenirs~ 'trophies' as me and War call em'...... hah.. good memories~"
His clothes are fancy and seggsy and some are just super casual and normal.
His closet (walk-in.)'s just a whole ass mess of all kinda things
He even has dresses. He doesn't wear them he just owns them because they're worth more than your kidneys. And he likes to own shit just because they're valuable.
No really he straight up laughs
He has no classic "awww babe" reaction he thinks is so fcking stupid looking and funni
He straight up snorts
War's so cute when he laughs plz
Then he'l amuse you and act like he's talking to himself or something
If you already have a punkish aesthetic he won't find it as funny but like... still kinda dumb thing to do??
He's just like "why tho??? 😂"
Steal one of his hoodies okay be classic but like no need to pose in front of his gigantic ass mirror
He'l paint fake scars on your face with a red marker run
"Nah you're missin something!"
He'l get you and then rub it off with a smug grin
"If you wanna borrow a jacket that's fine but don't do something like that so seriously! That's not good for my heart!!"
"At least pose in something ACTUALLY cool! You don't wanna try any of my keepsakes??"
Don't. These things are heavier than his guilt.
His armors ARE pretty cool but honestly they're just fcking intimidating.
Like. It feels like an insult to wear them. Like stolen valor..
It is. It's a trap. Do not fall for it. Do not even touch the swords.
"Hm. Here! These are some hoodies i don't really like that much..... i want one too, though! Fair exchange?"
He has a lot of clothes bu they're always either super casual and street-stylish or like medieval knights shit
And gamer merch
Stands there
Watching you before freaking you tf out with a "what the fuck?"
Okay so since his body type is vvery thin his clothes are like so fcking small good luck fitting in his pants. (My best friend is teeny and wow her pants are the smallest size and she needs a belt too or it literally will not stay up bless her heart)
His shirts and tops and all are loose fitting so that has some chances of fitting ig
Anything at the waist forget it. You understand his obsession w belts now. Honestly whatever simple shit he owns he knows it's his.
Firstly he knows his wardrobe by heart second he can smell that shit and that shit ain't yours so give it back 😀
If you ask nicely he'l allow you but he's definitely just salty like why would you do that behind his back???
And HOW did you do it?? Cuz that man has more trust issues than me and he's so paranoiac and weary of everything??
"This some weird fetish?? You gonna come for my underwear next?? Ew. Take that off already."
If you explain it's just. Something couples do.. maybe....?? He kinda gets off your ass about it. Honestly you can excuse a lot of behaviour with "it's a human thing..." and he'l shrug and be like "oh. Okay."
He doesn't understand it but like what is he gonna do about it. If you wanna do it because it's a thing people do fine. It's not like he has the knowledge to argue it...
If it's something he really dislikes he won't let it slide but most of the time he tries to somewhat understand humans...? He TRIES okay
Humans like their s/o's scents....? He wheezes. Okay. He knows how stupid that is- you like the perfume because it makes you think of them maybe. He assures you, you do not like their 'scent'. Because a human's 'scent' is usually fcking gross.
He would know he lived in a wasteland. No soap there buddy.
Btw all his clothes smell super nice because every since he's discovered the wonders of perfume he's just all over it he just doesn't talk about it
With his sensible his nose is he just loves actually smelling something nice instead of like. Dust and death.
All that to say his clothes are worth wearing and he secretely really likes it because of the whole 'they're mine...' thought process... but also he finds it cliche and ew and he kicks that thought like "NO WAIT THAT'S CRINGE NO."
So he won't let you wear that around the brothers or anything
"I'd rather not have them all over me about it."
It's true.
It's not that he's embarrassed and will blush like 'nooo don't looook..'
It's just like 'ew. Stop. The teasing is just annoying.'
His punk aesthetic makes anyone into a goth bf/gf/so
You WILL be hot.
Turns and leaves-
He doesn't mind really he isn't exasperated either plz don't take it like that 😭
Sulks and tries to explain that he tried to leave because he was shy not because he was ashamed of you :C
He didn't know what to answer to that situation so he panicked and left ok..
"How am i supposed to respond to that....."
He thinks it's endearing??? He guesses???????
They're kinda like. Way too fcking big so damn you probably tripped trying to catch up to him and he only turned around to make sure you hadn't died right then and there-
"You should at least pin it so it doesn't drag...."
Okay mom •-•
Gently scolds you about how dangerous it could be cuz.. he gotta be Death about it
Gets you to turn around and gets some pins so it doesn't drag...
He knows how to drape fabric super well because well he worked with just. Long square fabrics for a long time.
Like honestly he should be a dressmaker but it's not something he's interested in at all.
You'l look hot in this clothes wether you like it or not tbh.
Comfortable asf cuz loose
Tired asf, holding a bunch of files under his arm, other holding two cups of coffee at once. Dead gorgeous heavenesque eyes staring at you.
He blinks. Slowly.
"Is this.. some couple thing i'm not enlightened about.....??????????"
Genuinely so confused help this man
You explain and he just listens. So silently and calmly. As he does. Kinda just nods.
"Oh. Okay. I don't want to do any more laundry than what's necessary though so... if you do that, please don't wear them too long. Or sweat in them. They're expensive fabrics too so don't tear them."
Walks past you to do what he was planning on doing.
Wow underwhelming.
"If you like wearing them so much i can get you the same ones..."
He still doesn't fully get it but you're happy so he's happy.
Ezekiel's entire life philosophy is aiming to make others happy and healthy so like. Who is he to prevent you from doing something that makes you happy??
He might even dress you up in his clothes
"That doesn't look good together. Here, try this instead.."
"You should replace me at a photoshoot. Ahh.. to be at two places at the same time.......that would be paradise.."
His clothes are professional. Not the most uncomfortable but they definitely feel kind of restrictive unless you wear his looser outfits which he wears for more manual work.
You'l look so put together and professional wow
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janeykath318 · 3 years
Another Cultural Misunderstanding
“You wanted to see me, Sir?” You asked nervously, having been summoned to the Captain’s ready room for no reason you could think of. You’d spent the whole trip up wracking your brain as to what regulation you might have broken and couldn’t come up with anything serious enough for a summons. 
Kirk looked up from his desk, face not giving anything away, but it was not his super serious “You are in trouble” face so you were able to relax a little. 
“Have a seat, lieutenant,” he said, indicating a chair across from him. 
You stiffly sat there, waiting for him to say something. He seemed to be struggling for words, toying with the stylus in his hands as he thought.
“First off, you’re not in any trouble, so you can relax, Y/N. Remember the recent mission to the“hippie planet” as we called it?”
Did you ever! The actual name was unpronounceable by most humans and Starfleet hadn’t given it a designation yet. 
The inhabitants were definitely very laid back, very pro-peace, and a lot of them were very high due to the special flowers that grew on their planet. It had been a quite relaxing time, and no one was thrown in prison or forced to fight to the death. 
You found yourself smiling at the memory.
“Yes, sir. One of the most peaceful missions I’ve ever been on.”
You quirked a smile and the Captain chuckled. 
“Very much so. Apparently, there was a bit of a cultural misunderstanding. They’re not mad or anything, but now they’ve informed Starfleet that we’re legally married in their eyes.”
Your eyes bugged out. 
“Married? How?” You puzzled. “I don’t know where they could have assumed that. You handed me a flower specimen for analysis, but that was it. Our fingers never even touched.” 
“The thing is, apparently that type of flower is the one kind that is given to one’s life partner at a joining ceremony, aka, wedding. They were extremely excited about it.”
“Wow!” You whispered. 
So maybe your eyes had lingered a bit too long on his when he’d given you the flower. But they were very striking blue eyes and worth giving a second look. In fact, he’d looked right back at you the same way. 
“Well, it was a VERY pretty flower,” you stated, at which both you and the Captain cracked up laughing. Your Brain unhelpfully noted how his eyes crinkled adorably when he laughed and the funny snorty noises he made. 
“I’m guessing there is paperwork to fill out over this?” You asked once you’d regained control. 
Kirk nodded. “Unfortunately.” 
He wrinkled his nose in distaste. 
“My least favorite thing,” he sighed, reaching for his PADD. 
“Along with hypos?” You teased. 
“Let me guess, you’ve been spending time with Bones,” Kirk sighed. 
“We had mutual friends and went out for drinks with them. He was feeling very salty that night,” you recalled, remembering the doctor’s epic rants about his irresponsible best friend. 
“They’re not so bad when he’s not the one giving them,” Kirk admitted. “But don’t tell him I said that.”
His blue eyes twinkled at you and your breath caught. You needed this meeting to be over soon before you developed a very inappropriate crush on your Captain. 
“Anyway, here are the forms you need to sign,” he said. “This should take care of it.”
“Thank you, Captain,” you told him once you’d finished. “I must admit, I’m curious as to how many times something like this has happened to you before.”
He thought for a bit, counting off in his fingers.
“This will be number twelve,” he admitted. “So far the least painfully awkward of them.” 
He seemed to be lost in thought for a bit, then looked at you again.
“Perhaps these mutual friends of ours will go out for drinks again sometime and I can tell you more about the other accidental marriage incidents?” 
Carefully as the statement was worded, you caught a definite note of interest in his tone and you felt your cheeks heat.
“I’ll look forward to it, Captain,” you told him. 
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abri-chan · 3 years
Can I just rant about Hellsing for a hot minute? (spoiers duh)
I really liked the anime, and in fact I like all works by the mangaka. I admire the kind of characters he comes up with. Which is why I’m salty over Pip x Seras.
I’m salty bc it could have been a pretty good couple with minor changes, but the mangaka really insists it’s okay to portray women harassments for fun (groping in Drifters) or give no chance for women to be active in their sexual attraction (this post, bear with me).
Here’s the deal, it’s weird Pip is mid 30s and she’s 19, and he is flirting with her. Could have made Pip younger or Seras older. This is minor, however. Let’s say nothing can be done there, because he’s a mercenary, so it’s not like he can choose the women he meets. No time for serious relationships, and he can’t help fall for Victoria. (I get it, I like her too.)
There’s no consent on her part... at all. And that bothers me, because just because the guy is dying, and he is in love with her, and has a plan to make her win (her consuming him), does it not make it okay to steal a kiss from Victoria. And it sucks because if only Victoria showed interested in Pip, the whole scene would have been not just hot (the kiss was hot, ok?), but super cool plot-wise: since you have two people literally getting intimate in death and trying to find a way to survive through it, albeit with Pip’s soul ending up in the collection of souls a vampire consumes. It was a beautiful scene really. 
And it’s not like the Hellsing mangaka is the only person to fall on the same trap of this tired trope. It’s everywhere, that is the trope of “the guy chases, the woman plays on the defense”. She plays hard to get to the very end. (There is no hard to get though, she’s just really not into you. However, in anime/manga, and media at large, it’s implied that she will eventually be into you, so you keep at it. Don’t take no for an answer).
Not only is this trope shitty for how it turns male characters into creeps and sexual harassers; it also ruins female characters, who can never be active about their feelings. They cannot admit to attraction, or play a part in courtship. Must be so funny Seras wouldn’t get Pip was flirting with her; it’s not like he was forward. Must be real funny, that while she doesn’t show inclination to like him, he keeps calling her Dear or whatever, and takes things without consent. Just fuck you, because we could have had Seras show interest, and it would have fixed the whole relationship, instead of making Pip’s moment of glory into sexual harassment.
And I like Pip a lot too. He’s handsome, flirty, charming French accent, and while he’s fun and games, he’s also very loyal. There really was no need, from a mangaka or writer’s point of view, to play the whole “make the girl play hard to get” for him, bc such is the common trope, and we will die less we throw that shit in so many stories, even those written by women. Seras can shoot a canon and murder a battalion, but she can’t consent, because women are not active in courtship, and love or sex is something that happens to them. 
For fuck’s sake, learn to write proper romances, and not perpetuate tired and harmful tropes. Especially since some 12 year old watching Hellsing, will not know the difference between flirting and “wearing down the girl until she says yes”, and if Pip is a cool character they will think that’s how we flirt now. But Hellsing is not meant for kids! So? Even an adult shouldn’t think it is okay, plus it pisses me off the mangaka went through all the trouble to make interesting characters with an interesting romance line, just to ruin it with sexist tropes of courtship and love.
(but are you upset over fiction? Don't come at me with that. It's the fact that it is so widespread that it is a problem. It will annoy me when it happens to characters I like, hence this rant.)
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This is just a rant again I’m sorry(I’m putting this part in last but I think people who think Abuela doesn’t love Mirabel are cra-cra-crazy)
Here my interpretation and thoughts on Bruno(+more!):
•It’s canon that Bruno left(Idk when but I think it was near/on Mirabel ceremony) He left on his own accord without telling anyone.
•It’s canon that Bruno was an introvert who wasn’t super comfortable around people.
•Accepting an apology ≠ forgive and forget
I wrote those things above because I wanted to talk about (again) something that was bothering me. I and other fans of course can’t know everything off screen. We can only analyze and assume. When I see people talk about Bruno I find myself having an opposite opinion about many things.
I don’t think Bruno was actively pushed/shunned away from the family. When I say that I mean I don’t think his family was actively ignoring him or bullying him. I especially strong about this bc the was Julieta talks about him and treats Mirabel. She doesn’t want to make the same mistakes with Mirabel and clearly misses her brother.
I know a lot of people don’t like Pepa from beginning but you have to realize that Bruno and Pepa grew up together. If anyone knows how sensitive her powers are it’s her siblings. Even when it wasn’t intentional Bruno was sadly the one to set her off. If your brother made u hurricane on your wedding you would be a little salty too. Even after ALL of that she is the first to run to Bruno and pick and up and hug him. She may not have shown it in the best way but she loved him.
If anyone made Bruno the black sheep it was the village. Bruno canonical was introvert and not a people person. To see people say that his family was the one who made him leave and isolated him just rubs me wrong. Not because I think the family is guilt free but because I feel like people don’t realize how much of the isolation was already there for Bruno.
I always say I’m not one to feed the Alma bashing but I will always call her out on her bs. Her and the village are the ones who made Bruno want to runaway. It them who interprets his gift as negative. When Bruno has his vision he says(not accurate)“I knew what it would look like bc I’m Bruno and everyone always assume the worst” Becuase even when their was a 50/50 chance of things being ok it was Alma and the village that made him think that the best thing to do is runaway.
But let me stray way from that a speak on some other things
I don’t see a lot of people talk about it but from what it’s frame I feel like people don’t like to think into Abuela.You don’t have to like her but I feel like people won’t let her be human
Have y’all ever thought about how Bruno just left? But not from his pov but Abuelas. I think it gives a little more thought into why Abuela thinks Bruno doesn’t care about this family. She was worried about the house/family and so she asked Bruno to look into the future to see if anything is ok. Instead of insights she comes back to an empty room and Bruno gone. If I’m right from her POV when she needed Bruno he left. He left her and the sactum her husband made for them. I could be wrong but that’s a little insight
I think their is nothing Bruno cared more for then his family. I don’t think Bruno apologized because he felt he needed to or he’ll be alone again I think apologized because he wanted to make the air was clear. I feel like Bruno is really family oriented so I feel like he would apologize just make sure their is no chance of grievances. Also I feel like people forget that Julieta shuts that down almost immediately so it wasn’t like they were making him apologizing
Could Abuela have better apologies? Yes but between the fact it’s a kid movie and that the ending has a timeskip I think it’s unfair to assume everything was the same. Also let’s get our facts right people Abuela says I’m sorry twice. She says I’m so sorry to Mirabel and then tells the family she’s sorry again in the All of You
ACCEPTING AN APOLOGY DOESNT MEAN THE VICTIMS IMMEDIATELY FORGIVE AND FORGET. It makes me so upset seeing people act like Bruno and Mirabel said they forgive and forget Abuela did. Mirabel said she understands Abuela pain and saw what she did while Bruno never really got to clear up his confusion. Just bc they were ok with touching and talking to Abuela doesnt mean their pain went up in smoke. I hope hope we get to explore this in a short story, tv series, or whatever. In my personal opinion and experience when people are really family oriented you don’t have it in your heart to just be angry. You can be upset about how they treated you, how lived, and you can call them out for it. At the same time you realize that you love them so much that you are willing to take the steps with them to try and repair and fix what was messed up in your relationship. That’s how I see Mirabel and Bruno. They don’t forgive and forget it’s just that they are ready to take the steps to move on. (I tried to avoid the word bitter bc I think people who want to be angry are allowed to. Some people are past redemption I just don’t think the Madrigals are)
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I can't get over the fact that schmico have been together longer than Amelink, Magston and Marina on station 19 who just got married in their finale. It just makes it seem grey's doesn't really have an interest in writing for queer men beyond using Jake and schmico for press.
Oh anon, little did you know, you've brought forth another one of my midnight rants. This has been bothering me for so long, and finally I can justify discussing it at length. Other people have spoken about this, but I have no life, so here we are. In short, you are correct. But, there is so much to discuss, so get your drinks and snacks ready:
What bothers me about the fact that Schmico has been together longer than Amelink/Marina/Magston is the complete disparity between how the writers portray the intimacy of these relationships. Don't be bamboozled - I don't mean sex or anything. By intimacy I mean that the writers portray Amelink/Marina/Magston as serious relationships where the characters have an emotional understanding of one another and truly carry that sense of people who know one another as partners. Obviously relationships move at different paces, but if I showed Schmico to someone without forcing them to do the math, I think most people would assume they'd been together a year at most. They fight like they are just getting out of the honeymoon phase and figuring out their boyfriend has real flaws. Quite frankly both of their behaviors (Levi constantly pushing Nico's boundaries, the whole weird ass sex buddies thing, Nico flipping out over drawers, and Levi running away ) are insane for a couple who by the start of season 17, were probably together like 2 years. Maybe I overestimate emotional maturity, but these are grown men, and you cannot convince me that these two would have made it to season 16B if they behaved like this regularly. I hate it. I hate how other couples have been together shorter time periods and get to behave like a valid adult relationship while these two are behaving like teenagers.
I've always felt Schmico existed within a pocket dimension of Grey's Anatomy - completely cut off from the rest of the cast/storyline or overall plot. I literally feel like the show stops whenever they come on screen, and we start watching this mini-show within a show. I don't know if anyone else can describe this feeling, but sometimes Schmico just feels so unnaturally placed that I doubt they are even in Grey's Anatomy. 
The best way I can prove this is the fact you could place this season's schmico storyline anywhere in the season, and it wouldn't even matter. They could have had Nico ask Levi to move in with him during 17x05 or 17x06 or 17x07, etc and it would not have mattered - they are so isolated you can literally cut and paste their storyline anywhere in the season without changing anything. (I realize that technically vax guy can only appear in the last episode because of when the actual vaccine was developed, but let's not pretend he couldn't have been replaced with literally any other male character. The vaccine trial was a fun tidbit, but literally meaningless to the progression of the plot). Nothing that happens to them is dependent on anyone or anything else in the show. This wasn’t as true in S15-16A, but it is on full display now. Every once in while they get pulled into a cameo appearance in a bigger plot-line, but this has no real consequences and lasts for 1 minute at most (see Nico’s numb comments). The fundamental cause of this is poor character development and the complete unwillingness of production to make these characters part of Grey’s - but we all know that. 
As a result, I truly believe the writers have some sort of temporal disorientation where even they forget how long schmico has been together. Because schmico is so dissociated from the show, it feels like the relationship is on warpspeed. Sure, a few weeks may have passed between Nico asking Levi to move in and him actually responding, but when you never see the characters in the show except for when they’re having relationship issues, it doesn’t actually feel like any time has passed. They have taken away the audience’s ability to place these characters within the show’s timeline (which is already kind of messed up to begin with). I think this contributes to the audience’s dislike of them because while other couples are seen interacting with many doctors across the hospital  over multiple episodes, these two will show up for 3 minutes every two episodes and the rest of the show stops while these two get locked in an enclosed space to fight. Literally. The show isolates them to closets or on call rooms or even Nico’s apartment - if I was more meh about these characters, I’d  be annoyed too that we stopped all character interactions to watch these two fight in the middle of a deserted parking lot.  
This whole pocket dimension schmico is also part of the reason I think the writers struggle to figure out that they shouldn’t be behaving like this. I’m not giving them a free pass because they are part of the problem, but I doubt incorporating this side couple that only gets 1.45 minutes of screen time each week is a fun or easy job. Schmico are not woven into the fabric of the narrative, and I bet even the writers feel confused how best to write them. 
I imagine the Grey’s writing room has lots of whiteboards that roughly charts a character’s plot each season. Except, schmico’s plotline is written on sticky note that Krista uses as a coaster. Once they complete the episode, someone notices Jake walking by and suddenly realizes they’d forgotten schmico. Then, there’s a desperate attempt to shove them into the story before filming begins. In the crunch, there’s no time to consider whether this makes any sense. 
As for your second point about them only using them for promotion, I 100% agree. The headlines about “Grey’s Anatomy introduces first Asian male surgeon” literally haunts my dreams. I’ve spoken at length about the fact Grey’s is running on a season-by-season format right now, which I think helped contribute to this nonsense. I am hesitant to call out anyone by name because this show is a group effort, but I can’t help but feel like Jake kind of got forked. He (and Alex) put out a lot of press for Greys during Season 15, and he spent a decent amount of time talking about his storyline, and I always felt he was pretty happy with it - and Krista also spent time hyping up this storyline (Your friendly neighborhood reminder that Krista once said schmico was her favorite couple. I can’t prove it’s a lie, but I’m willing to bet my left kidney). However, they totally dropped the ball once the news articles were gone and the internet had moved onto different things. It’s pretty insulting to the actors, and I would feel pretty salty if I came onto a show where I started with a meangingful storyline only to end up here.  
I have nothing too much to say in conclusion. Most of this has been said before, so it’s not like I’m adding anything new. Given how everything ended, Season 18 is looking good for both Jake and Alex’s return. While I can’t say for sure they will come back, I think that right now, Grey’s is giving them both a steady paycheck and probably good connections and resume building. Last season I was super hopeful we’d get a better schmico storyline or at least something that didn’t revolve around the same old tired plot. But we all see how that went. At the bare minimum I want to believe that the Nico’s a d*ck plot will kind of be put to rest, but they have made it pretty clear that Nico is literally at fault for everything in this relationship, so I bet Levi will be mad at him next season too. 
Good thing the fanfiction is strong in the community. May you all rest well knowing you put more effort into this couple than paid professionals. 
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percyjacksonfan3 · 3 years
For the salty asks: numbers one, five, six, and twenty through twenty-three please 😇
I live for the chaos so pls just... go off my dude
Ah Tay, reason #187893467 that I love you is that you indulge me in my rants <3
Salty asks are from this post!
K this got LONG so here's a read more!
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Honestly even though I don't multi-ship often I DO usually get the appeal behind ships so this is a really short list. This will probably get me some hate but I still to this day can't get behind c/ex@ from the show that will not be named. But then again I do get the appeal of two super attractive women with chemistry and the whole ruler/ girl who makes the ruler change their ways thing. So I guess I get it even if I don't like it?
Also, and this is not to hate on Hinny, but Harry and Ginny from HP are not my cup of tea. I like what fandom has done for them but the actual content we get for them in the books (and movies, but I prefer the books) isn't enough for me to love them. Same with Mal and Alina from S & B/ Grishaverse, they're so bland to me in the books but the show is doing far better with them and actually making Mal ya know. Likeable. Again, I don't ship it, but best friends to lovers is top tier so I get it.
Oh! I also don't really get Dwalin/Ori from The Hobbit, but that is probably in large part because I'm a Dwalin/Nori shipper. Again though, all of the secondary characters' relationships in The Hobbit rely on fans to extrapolate HARD and wear extreme shipper goggles, and ik there's that scene where Dwalin helps Ori out of the river so like.. maybe that's where it's from? I don't hate it or anything but it's always something that's made me go ??? cause I have no idea where the heck it came from.
Apart from that... I can't think of any rn? I feel like I understand where all the PJO ships come from, even if I don't ship them. There are a couple that I don't understand how they can be someone's OTP, just because I find them super boring (no offense to those who ship C@leo or J@siper but I just don't love how Rick handled those relationships). In TSC I think fandom mainly vibes with the same pairings and that's true for most of my book fandoms. With the shows I watch I don't think fans majorly ship anything too out there for me. Maybe I don't interact enough with fandoms to tell. So this is all I got.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Oh my god, oh my god, this is a can of worms, my lord. A pairing I'm not so sure about, but characters? Abso-fucking-lutely. I took a break from PJO fandom for exactly that reason and the list of characters is endless honestly, for multiple fandoms.
I won't say fandom ruined Bell@rke for me cause I still ship it, but I definitely lost enthusiasm with how toxic the shows fandom was and then that was made even worse when the show completely destroyed itself with the worst writing and plots ever in the latter seasons.
Also I have a feeling that G@me of Thrones/ @soiaf ruined one for me but I can't remember this very second. Maybe not, and again that's probably cause I don't interact with fandoms en masse, usually just through fic and following a few people I vibe with in each.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Yes, quite a few! I used to dislike Drarry (for obvious reasons I feel) and Romione (as a kid I wanted Hermione to be with Harry and even when I grew out of that I really didn't like she was with Ron) but fandom changed that for sure. And same with Darklina now, I was upset cause I felt like the books really underutilized their relationship and fell short of what could have been a super awesome pairing if better explored, but the show fandom is taking it in so many different ways that I'm starting to really love them despite the reasons I shouldn't.
And I won't say I hated Hayffie in THG, but definitely the only reason I ship them is from reading @ellanainthetardis's fic Have a Drink Sweetheart and then all the others written for them. That portrayal of Hayffie and the characters have become my own headcanons now because I've been reading them for so long and they're so good.
Fandom made me ship Leon and Morgana from Merlin too, though that's very lowkey. I never hated them, I just never thought of them as a pairing until reading fic.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Percabeth. I don't care which fandom, it's Percabeth. Growing up together, going from enemies to friends to best friends to lovers? The establishment of them being best friends and the way Rick wrote that friendship was so pure, and they are a couple with no internal problems, all external, and you just know they're gonna be together through everything, fighting at each other's side, cause that's the way they are. There's a reason they're my OTP and it's cause they are the most well-established, ride or die couple I can think of. They're just so solid.
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
Love em for fandom but personally I very rarely get behind crackships just because I usually need a lot of build up, scenes, good dialogue and chemistry, etc. to ship something, so most of my ships aren't crack ships. The only one I can really think of that I actively root for and ship and would read fic for is Billy/ Owen from 911 Lonestar which is just... something.
Like idk if Barduil from The Hobbit is crack because ik it's quite popular... what makes a ship a crack ship anyway? Lack of canon reference? Is it cause they two characters would be so random together because they barely ever interact? Or because it's SO unrealistic you know for sure it will never happen but want it to anyway? Or is it lack of popularity in fandom? I need someone to define this so I have a better answer :D if it's the second option then I have MANY
I love seeing fandom stuff for crack ships though, cause seriously, it's fiction, ship who you want. If you ship two characters just cause you think they're pretty side by side then that's enough for me. Make all of the fan art and fic you like.
22. Popular character you hate?
Oof. Jason from HOO. And Leo in everything after The Lost Hero. I hated Piper in The Lost Hero and Mark of Athena but like her after those. I don't like any of the book characters from S & B except Nikolai, but I like everyone in the show (except David? Why did they make him so weird? Like he's not even awkward, he's straight up rude imo, but anyway). In @soiaf I don't like Jon Snow, I think he's boring. And I despise Jorah Mormont cause I think he's creepy for having a crush on Dany.
Didn't love Stefan in TVD, too much of a goody-two-shoes. I liked dark Stefan but it felt like a totally different character. Honestly most of the characters I don't like cause they're boring or too by-the-book.
OH! A big one in M@rvel is Captain America. Can't stand him honestly, I like him as a character to have in the story, but I like never agree with him on anything. I like a couple of his one-liners but that's it really. I also don't like Gale in THG, idk if that's controversial. Or Lex@ from the show that will not be named because I think she's manipulative and not good for any of the characters i DO love.
Is Ron popular? I think so. I like fandom Ron but not canon Ron and idk why. I think I'm growing out of it but I read those books when I was like 7 initially so I thought it was awful of Ron to stop being friends with Harry because he was jealous and I never really got over that.
There are so many but I'm gonna stop now.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Again, tons. I love anyone whose got kind of a tortured backstory because it makes them more interesting to me.
I love Movieverse Hawkeye! I think Clint is great and while I wish his deafness was canon in Marvel and I don't love J Remmer, I do love Hawkeye a lot. He was honestly one of the only Marvel characters that felt consistent and in-character throughout the movies.
I like President Snow from THG just cause I think he was a fantastic villain. And Effie and Haymitch aren't unpopular, but they're probably my favourites, again because of the fics mentioned above.
Leon from Merlin!! I don't actually think he's unpopular, but he's like... my fourth favourite character in the show which I know IS considered high for most people.
Sandor Clegane from ASOIAF. Not the show, just the books. His book character is phenomenal and I am so excited for GrrM to finish the goddamn series so I know what happens to him.
The Stolls and Katie Gardner from PJO cause fandom created Tratie and sucked me in at a young age.
Bellatrix Lestrange? Is she unpopular? I don't think so but she's another one I think is a fantastic villain. I'm almost more interested in her than Voldemort tbh.
That's probably it!
Thanks so much for the ask Tay, this was tons of fun! Anyone else who's interested can feel free to fill my inbox!
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buckybabybaby · 4 years
Not So Bad
A/n: this is my one shot for @firefly-in-darkness's summer challenge. It's a couple of days late, I'm so sorry!! I wrote most of this in one go on Friday, which is the most I've written in months, so hopefully I can keep that up.
Proof read by way of a text-speech device.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/reader (gender neutral)
Word count: 1998
Warnings: none :)
Plot: stuck on a beach awaiting pick-up after a mission, you and Bucky have an interesting conversation. (Enemies to friends (to implied maybe lovers later))
The steady lapping of the waves washing up onto the sand below is the only sound breaking the silence between you and Bucky. Seated at opposite ends of the last bench on the promenade, you are seriously considering typing up your notice the minute you get back home and walking away from The Avengers if this is the way you're going to be treated. Not only have you had to spend the last two weeks acting all lovey-dovey with Bucky for the sake of a mission, but now it's over you're stuck on a beach with him as you wait for a pick up. Because, apparently, a domestic flight back home would be too risky.
A light flickering in the distance catches your attention, and you raise your head to watch as the illuminations strung along the closest pier are extinguished one by one, until only the hazard warning at the very end remains lit, plunging the beach further into darkness.
“That'll be midnight then.”
It shouldn't, but Bucky's voice coming from beside you for the first time in hours makes you jump. Sitting up straighter, you attempt to hide your shock as you ask, “What will be?”
“The lights. The pier closes at midnight. I guess it's just you and me now.”
Looking away, you roll your eyes; this mission hasn't been easy for you, and you've had to hold yourself back from repeating that action many times during the last fortnight. Normally working with world-saving heroes is the dream job, but normally you're not sent out undercover with the formal Winter Soldier, forced to act like a honeymooning couple to infiltrate a people smuggling ring operating out of an exclusive Floridian beach resort. Though it wasn't hard to get people to talk and the mission was a success, you feel little joy in the outcome.
The reason is currently huffing next to you.
“Stop that!”
Bucky looks across at you, raising his eyebrows at your outburst. “Stop what?”
“Breathing so heavily!”
“Oh, you want me to stop breathing?”
“I wouldn't complain.”
“That'll be a first.”
Refusing to rise to the bait, you turn back to staring out to sea. How you survived pretending to be married to this man for fourteen long days, you may never know. Maybe you were an actor in another life, because every time you're alone with him it usually leads to petty squabbling, but you somehow managed to fool multiple people into believing that he was your 'amazing husband' who you were madly in love with.
To be fair to Bucky, he was very good at pretending too. The little glances and touches that made it convincing, the way he memorised your back story perfectly and never slipped up when questioned, how he succeeded to completely hide his disdain for you the whole time, it was all truly impressive. Even in private he didn't drop the act, on the slim chance of being caught out, leaving you flustered and confused.
Hence why you're sitting as far away as possible on this weather beaten bench.
As soon as the all clear had been given that you could go home, you couldn't get out of there fast enough, desperate to sleep in your own bed alone and not share one with the furnace in human form that is Bucky. Apart from the comment about the pier, he's been completely silent as you waited for the rescue boat to arrive, a jarring contrast to earlier in the day as you checked out of the hotel.
You don't like the way you miss his gentle hold and soft words. A fortnight living together has warped your emotions beyond recognition, and the return to normal life is most welcome.
From somewhere deep in the pile of luggage on the beach your phone buzzes twice, and you jump up to grab it, groaning in frustration at the message it contains.
Bucky senses the cause. “Delayed?”
He says it so casually and it's like you snap. It's been ages since the two of you have been alone without the threat of eavesdroppers, all that pent up tension exploding in a mini rant.
“Well it might be cool for you, but excuse me for being annoyed. Not everyone wants to be stuck on a beach in the middle of the night.”
He shrugs, unaffected. “You kept saying you wanted to go to the beach.”
“Yeah, but not at midnight! And certainly not with you!”
“Wow, ouch.”
The genuine hurt on his face surprises you. He has always given as good as he gets, never seeming fazed by the verbal abuse you throw his way. “What, Bucky? Don't act like we get along. You hate me!”
If anything, the look of hurt deepens at your words. “Hate? I don't hate you.” He rises to stand with you on the sand. “Y/N? Is that what you think?”
You can't keep eye contact. “Why would I think anything else? We can't spend ten minutes together without arguing.”
“It's just friendly bickering.”
“Friendly?” Scoffing loudly, you walk back up to the bench, flopping down in a slouched position and resigning yourself to the wait. “If that's your idea of friendly I worry about your actual friends.”
Bucky's stood frozen where you left him but you pay him no mind. As the clouds clear above and the stars become visible, the temperature starts to drop. Shivering, you curl into a ball on the seat, too lazy to search through your suitcase for warmer clothes.
Blinking, you're met with Bucky's outstretched hand and the offering of his coat.
“What.” You say flatly.
“So you don't freeze,” He explains, shaking the jacket a little in your face.
You snort at his act of chivalry. “Oh, please. It's okay, the shows over. You don't need to pretend any more, we haven't got an audience here.”
He visibly holds his tongue. “Will you just take it? Stop being so stubborn.”
“Well, what about you? Don't you need it?”
“Super soldier, doll. We tend to run hotter.”
“Yeah, I noticed,” You mutter under your breath, not quietly enough.
“Oh, you did? Must have kept you nice and warm huh?”
The smirk you know so well is back and you fight your smile at the familiar tone in his voice.
“More like sleeping with a damn heater. You're lucky I didn't kick you out every night.”
“As if you could.”
“You know I could.”
He nods in agreement, remembering all the times you've beaten him in combat training. “Suppose you could've. But you didn't. That's something.”
Placing the jacket over your shoulder when you sit up, Bucky pulls it round to the front to fasten the top button, allowing you to do the rest yourself as he takes his place back on the bench. You are much closer now as you chose to sit in the middle of the seat, but you stay put as it feels rude to move away when he's been so nice.
The air is once again full of only the sounds of nature. It was true you had wanted to visit the beach during this mission, the long stretches of white sand calling your name from the hotels bedroom window, but you hadn't got the chance as the suspects you were tailing stayed around the bar and pool. As you breathe in the salty air, you decide the pain of the last fortnight was worth it for this moment, even in the middle of the night and without the longed for ice cream.
Glancing over to Bucky's relaxed form, you study his profile. Whilst you've seen it a lot recently, it still shocks you how defined his face is and the way his hair always seems to fall perfectly, no matter the time of day or weather. Even his early morning bed-hair could be classed as a tousled style others would take hours to achieve, and you can't believe you've never noticed how attractive he is. And it's not just his looks, if the way he acted his role is anything to go by. This mission has taught you one thing; who ever Bucky does end up marrying will be the luckiest person in the world.
You think of your previous conversation, still lost. Since your first meeting it's been the same, sharp tongues flinging insults at each other whenever you meet, and the others in the tower have learnt to avoid the two of you when you get going. Does Bucky really think that that's all been in jest?
Eventually, the curiosity gets the better of you. “Do you really not hate me?”
He takes a few seconds to reply, not looking at you as he says quietly, “No, of course not.”
“Okay.” You don't bring up your regular fights as evidence to the contrary, instead asking, “And you actually enjoy my company?”
“Why do you think I volunteered for this?”
“Volun-what?” That really wasn't what you expected when you started on these questions. You stare at him wide-eyed with disbelief, sure you've misunderstood. “I thought we were assigned? I definitely didn't choose to be here.”
“You were assigned. They thought you'd blend in well with the crowds here, they just needed someone to be your husband and... Here we are.”
“Huh.” You blow out a breath, overwhelmed.
“I thought it would be a way to spend time together without the usual spats.”
“That's an extreme way to spend time with someone.”
He sighs. “I know.”
“But why? With me?”
“'Cause you're fun to be with?”
“Are you telling me or asking?”
“Telling. I want to be better, nicer to you, but any time we're together, you get all defensive, and I can't help returning the sentiment.”
“So, it's my fault?”
“That's not-” He cuts himself off, stopping the argument before it can begin. “I'm sorry.”
“No, I'm sorry.” You smile at him for the first time. “You're going to have to give me a while to get used to this. I'm finding it kinda hard to believe you don't actually hate my guts.”
His own smile drops. “I'm so sorry.” Dragging a hand through his hair, he gazes at you intensely. “This is... I honestly had no idea you thought our arguments were serious. I thought-” He swallows, a self conscious grin tugging at his mouth. “Is it awful that I thought we were flirting?”
Your cheeks heat up, but you shake your head to reassure him. Thinking back, you can see why he believed that. There is a fine line between hate and love, and it makes sense now why you sought him out so often, why you gravitated to him even when it would be so easy to avoid contact, and why, if you're being honest with yourself, you didn't despise the last two weeks at all.
“So, where do we go from here?”
“First, we go home.” He gestures to the vessel you hadn't noticed bobbing in the surf, waving at the captain as the speed boat is launched to retrieve you and your belongings. “And then? Whatever you want.”
“Can we start just being proper friends?”
He reaches for your hand to help you up. “I'd like that.”
Stretching, you follow him across the beach in the gloom. Picking up your holdall and rucksack on the way, you dump them into the bottom of the boat and climb in, sitting close together on the narrow bench. The crew shout at each other over the engines roar once you're both safely on the yacht, but you tune them out, choosing to stay on deck and admire the lights along the coast. Bucky joins you after you tire of his hesitation and tug him down into the seat to you. 
As the boat starts the journey back north he glances at you through the spray of salt water, the small smile you share feels so much bigger, and your letter of resignation couldn't be further from your mind.
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writeraquamarinara · 3 years
as with everything else in life, I’m late to making this post. I tend to make one around Jan 1st every year, but it’s now a few days after that, and all i can say for myself is that time is non-consequential during a pandemic, right? right.
anywho, this is my usual “thank you for keeping me going this year” post, but with even more fervor. 2020 would not have been nearly as tolerable without you all in it. and when i say all i really do mean all. thank you to anyone who follows me here or has read and supported my work on AO3 or has sent me a message or an ask or even just likes my posts. you can never know how many people’s hearts you’ve touched, lives you’ve made better, but i’m telling you now: you made me smile and laugh and feel love in a year that could have easily stolen all that. thank you for sticking around.
a few more specific shoutouts are under the cut to keep from flooding your dashes. i hope you’re all having a wonderful start to the new year.
much love, mari
to @anniemurphys: ria, i cannot thank you enough, for so many things. you played such a vital role in turning this year around for me. your friendship, and the friendships you’ve helped me make through book club, kept me smiling from week to week. i never wanted to leave our meetings, no matter how long they’d already gone. I could listen to your literary analyses and life advice for days on end. you’re such a kind, patient, loving person, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. here’s to another year of freaking out over taylor swift albums and the power inherent in voluntarily turning oneself into vegetation.
to @bigdsgirl: heidi, you’re one of the sweetest, most hard-working people i know. you amaze me, and you graciously humor my latest hyper fixations—somehow always knowing, always reblogging content related to what i’m obsessing over at the moment. you give such great advice and have such a calming presence that i love being in chats and on calls with you. i cannot wait for more zoom movie nights in 2021.
to @hellodinoflower: raptor, you’ve supported me for so many years now, and whenever i feel down about my writing i’ll go back through the comments on some of my old fics and yours always make me tear up. you’re so thoughtful and kind and excited about my work that i cannot help but be the same. i hope you enjoyed the little dino reference in pride & publishing—i tried my best, i really did—and i hope you’re doing well. sending you so much love.
to @soyforramen: soy, i promise i’ll get to your head canon asks some day. i promise i haven’t forgotten them; i’m just uncreative and uninspired, but what else is new. you, however, are brilliant and kind and thoughtful, and your guidance in making both life and fic-writing decisions has been so important to me this year. wishing you so much luck with school this year, and even more happiness.
to @ithoughtyoulikedmereckless: rach, where to even begin? you’re the person i talk to when i’m feeling happy or sad or annoyed or angry or pretty much anything, really. our FaceTime convos are my favourite, no matter what time of day we have them at (somehow, the ones at 10pm are just as crazy as the ones at 3am, and i don’t really understand how or why, but i love that for us). i’ve learned so much about myself through my conversations with you, and you keep me level headed when i start doubting myself too much. you understand me on such an amazing level and i’m so lucky that you reached out to me so many years ago. i’m so lucky that we just happened to find each other on here and just so happened to move near each other this year. i still cannot believe i get to see you in person and go on walks in the woods with you. you’re such a talented photographer, writer, painter, baker, and all around artist; an incredibly kind and funny person; and i aspire to be you. i’m rambling now, but just know that i love you.
to @catthecoder: lav, my light, my love. seeing your icon and username on my dash makes me smile so hard. you just give off the best vibes and chatting with you always leaves me feeling like i’ve been basking in the sunlight for the past few hours. we need to make a resolution to sprint with each other more often this year, even if 2021 is going to be as hectic as ever, as i find so much joy in reading your snippets as we go along. you’re such a wonderful writer, and i often read your gift to me from years ago for inspiration and comfort. i hope you’re doing well and am sending so much love.
to @stirringsofconsciousness: stirrings!! i know you’ve had a super busy year, but you still made time to chat with me and i’ll be forever grateful. i often think about the advice you’ve left for me and the thoughtful responses you’ve given to my personal posts and find so much inspiration in your own words and actions. i also still cannot get over the time when you sent me a post of artful vases because you thought of me when you saw them. mortifying ordeal of being known who? anyways lol, i just wanted to thank you for being in my life and wish you a happy 2021.
to @heavy-lies-the-crown: alex, i just wanted to thank you for putting your time and energy towards answering my incessant questions this year. you’ve been an inspiration to me as a writer ever since i first found your work, but you’re also an inspiration to me as a person, and i’m always thinking about the advice you’ve given me. i hope you had a wonderful end to 2020, and that 2021 brings you even more joy than seeing your posts on my dash brings me. much love.
to @stonerbughead: maria, you brought so much happiness to my 2020. your support for my work took my breath away every time, and I swear I nearly cried when I saw your latest comments on pride and publishing. you put so much time and energy into this fandom, and into supporting the people in it, and I hope you know that it doesn’t go unnoticed. we all love you, and we’re so lucky to have you; your fics are brilliant, your podcast highlights are a joy to read, and your disdain for ras is hilarious. thank you for being you. sending lots of love.
to @sullypants: sully, it’s been years and i still marvel at how lucky i am to know you. you’ve taught me so much, from how to be more thoughtful to how to navigate therapy and self-love to how to be a kinder person in the world. you introduced me to ask polly and you send me really nice asks and you’re one of like four people who interacts with my posts on a consistent basis, which makes me feel a little less alone in the world, if that makes any sense. i’m going to stop myself from rambling on or else i might cry, but i just wanted to thank you for—here comes the cliche—changing my life (doesn’t everyone we meet change our lives, in some way or another? but you’ve changed mine considerably, and for the better). sending you so much love (in the form of both yellow and blue heart emojis)
to @justcourbeau: mel, our paths cross less frequently now than they used to, but that doesn’t mean i don’t think about you and the conversations we’ve had, or smile when i come across your posts on my dash, or when i happen to open up instagram once in a blue moon and see you’ve posted on your story. please never stop sending me sparknotes memes—especially cask of amontillado ones. your words of advice from the night i called you, distraught, a few years ago live in my brain rent free, and i will continue to carry them into 2021 with me. i hope 2021 treats you well, and that you achieve all you want and more. sending you an immense amount of love.
to @protectorofthesmoll: your string of comments on pride and publishing made me cry multiple times, i swear. i still read them back every so often, when i’m trying to muster the courage to start up on the new chapter. your support means so much to me, and it amazes me how far back it goes: I’m pretty sure I have at least two asks of yours sitting in my inbox, from back in 2018 when I had barely any followers or supporters, both of them writing prompts that I never filled. i promise i’ll get to them one day. anywho, i just wanted to thank you for your support this year, and every year before that. wishing you so much love and happiness in 2021.
to @panalegs27: 2020 was the year of figuring out that we have so much in common: a hatred of dating apps, confusion over tumblr’s obsession with the raven cycle, and an attraction to logan lerman with gray hair. thank you for chatting about all of these things, and more, with me; seeing that you’ve sent me a post always makes me smile, and our conversations make me laugh. wishing you even more love and laughter in 2021.
to @indiebughead: maria, it’s been so lovely getting to know you more over the course of this year. i love listening to your stories and living vicariously through you, lol. (i want updates on new neighbor boy, asap!) thank you for listening to my petty rants and for encouraging me to make bad decisions and be salty on main when i want to be. i couldn’t have asked for a more supportive conspirer ;) sending lots of love.
to @redundantoxymorons: iz, you’re one of the smartest, most eloquent, most supportive people i know. i know 2021 will be both stressful and exciting in many ways, and i wish you all the best. i know you’re going to thrive wherever you end up, and i’ll cheer you on as you navigate this new world, just as you’ve done for me all these years. i’m so lucky to have you as a friend, supporter, and beta, and all of our conversations bring me so much joy. pls continue to gush about taylor swift and rec books and send uquizzes with results that make me feel Known in 2021. i love you very much <3
to @cracklr: leda, i’ve missed your passive aggressive smiley faces, but your gushing insta comment more than made up for that, i promise :) sending you so much love and happiness in this new year <3
to @dottie-wan-kenobi: dottie, the posts we send each other make me so upset, but in a good way—the “if i just had to see this nasty shit then so do you” kind of way—and i love that about our relationship. who else would understand how disgustingly hilarious something is other than my wife? no one, that’s who. i often think about how you were the first friend i made in fandom, and i’ll be forever grateful for that: i couldn’t have found a better person. i love you so much, and am sending you all my love.
this list of shoutouts is really much shorter than it should be, but my brain is currently friend and i cannot seem to think properly anymore. therefore, i’m going to call it a day and reiterate my above statements that I love you all, and I hope you have a fucking amazing 2021.
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onyxoverride · 3 years
Im still sitting here, thinking about Twitch Streamer! Zeke. He gets really, really hypercompetitive even if it’s one of those really complex first person shooter games or a challenge with a wholesome game. Its pretty self explanatory when it comes to ranked games but for wholesome games... maybe maximizing profits in a farming game like Stardew Valley or a speed run of who can make the most aesthetically pleasing island in Animal Crossing between him and his twitch friends in a set amount of time. They’d stream for a set amount of time so their audiences get to see their progress (twitch streamer!Pieck wins every time and he’s always salty about it. Swears that they should have blind judging. They do and Pieck still wins).
I can see him also doing a lot of strategy and skill games that require a lot of skill honing. He’s ridiculously good at shooting games from years of COD and the like. I can see him doing Pokemon nuzlockes and gets super attached to his team. He computes his chances and researches everything so they all survive, cocky and a bit too confident. He even shows off the spread sheets he’s made and he’s way too proud of them. He gets so mad when he gets KO’d by some attack that was less likely to happen. One time, he had to take a long break and end his stream early after his starter died. He’s known for his contained rage and rants about how things were supposed to go HIS way, not some numbers programmed into this machine box. (It goesnt help that he throws back his head and groans with that deep voice of his 😳)
But he’s chill too. He plays Animal Crossing noncompetitively and just chats with his, um, chat. He even tries out some games his chat tells him to. I don’t think he’ll play very story heavy games but his chat loves his blunt and dry comments about the plot and the in-game logic. His chat once convinced him to play Hatoful Boyfriend and you can see him visibly TORTURED by the plot and its nonsensicalness but his audience LOVES it (“how does a bird be a waiter? Hm? First of all, he had no hands to do labor such as handle and send out orders, second, isNT THAT A HEALTH VIOLATION?! Like it or not, birds can carry pathogens harmful to humans- I would never go to this cafe.”). But another bird related game he actually enjoyed was Untitled Goose Game. He loved the chaos he brought the townsfolk while his little goose had a little cute bow on. He never extends his stream but does it JUST for Untitled Goose game.
He does give in and goes for games like What Remains of Edith Finch and while his audience knows him to be this cynical, realistic, blunt man, he showed that he had a sensitive side to him as well. He’s not a dick when it comes to sensitive material and acts serious and does a little PSA of what he knows and encourages everyone to do more reseach on sensitive topcs. His audience can at least rest easy that he’s not one of those assholes.
He shows off this more soft, sensitive side when his s/o drops by. They know when he gets kind of worked up from a game while in stream so they just bring him coffee or a lil snack to brighten his spirits. Chat goes ‘huh’ when they see Zeke smile genuinely for once, saying “Thanks for the coffee, sweetheart. Just what I needed.” in a really sweet tone thats a far cry from his usual demeanor. He immediately recovers and does another round of whatever it was he was playing. He gets boastful when you bring him up a slice of his favorite cake, telling the chat “if you guys would hate on me, hate on me for scoring the jackpot in romance. I have the best damn s/o in exsistence, it should be illegal. Illegal.”
He gets carried away once, wanting a kiss after you’d bring him his coffee for the stream. For a split second, you show up in frame and the chat goes nuts, asking if they could finally meet you. Zeke has fun with this, teasing his chat with stuff like, “oh? Please, you wouldn’t be able to handle how gorgeous they are.” and “you’d all combust in front of your screens from how hot they are.”. It’s really more on if you’re comfortable showing your face to his stream and he respects your decision. He’ll happily tease his chat about it going, “wow, a lot of you are s*mps for my s/o and you’ve literally only seen their hands and maybe their hair- you guys got it bad.” But does address it seriously if it gets out of hand.
When you do agree and show yourself, Zeke has you sit on his lap, a hand on your thigh and another one on your waist. It was like he was boasting some sort of trophy while you wave shyly to chat and how enthusiastic they are to finally meet you. You appear in some other streams, playing with him in competitive games sitting next to each other. Chat expects him to snap at you or something but he takes any defeat with grace, a slight frown on his face but will smile widely as you taunt him jokingly. There’s this one playstation co-op game i cant remember the name of where you have to use the same controller to win. It’s just a light hearted stream of the two of you egging on the other for not reacting fast enough or complaining about how bad the other is. Chat gladly becomes third wheel as enjoy yourselves. Truly one of twitch’s solid couples.
Scrolling up and seeing the amout ive written is disgusting (bc i sent this in as an ask) feel free to delete im just here to share with with u 👉👈🥺
Pls never be disgusted with how much you send, I love getting asks like these because it's obvious you're enjoying yourself and I love that!!
I can imagine you bringing him coffee and he stands up to hide your face a bit and kiss you but he kisses you a bit to long and too heated so you say "Dont do that, you'll get me riled up" and he goes red because "babe that mic can still hear us..."
Even though it's a bit embarrassing you laugh, "Well now they know you're good at other things besides video games," you leave him with a kiss.
When he goes back to streaming he's red as hell and scratching his ear a bit, completely flustered as he tries to continue nonchalantly and ignore the chat for a second.
He does fawn over you on stream. Chat asks about you and he's immediately looking a little softer, more in love. Teases them, "I don't know, maybe i want to keep them for myself, my little secret."
If they ever get go meet you it's a whole event, Zeke teasingly hypes you up and the chat goes crazy because wow, you're beautiful. He's like "This is my beautiful wonderful secret now not-so-secret significant other!"
Then you start playing together or him coaching you through. Which gets frustrating because he tries to be in control and you just got to say "Zekey I know you love to be in control but if you try to backseat game me like that I will hurt you," and he backs off and says sorry.
Chat teases him for being called "Zekey" and even his Streamer friends tease him but he's like "only they can call me that."
If he ever meets pushy fangirls that are bound to go "Zekey!" Even though he's made it clear only you can call him that he immediately is eyebrow raised, "who are you talking to? And don't flirt with me." Very blunt about it.
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get-chazzed · 3 years
I’ve been reading your dad Chazz thread and it’s super cute!! I wanna know how does Chazz react when his kids reach a milestone? (First laugh, first word, walking etc)
(( First of all, thank you very much! It's hard to write something you don't have any experience with and it's very comforting to know that it's not a pile of trash (I know I use very extreme words when talking about my writing, do not mind that too much). On top of thanking you for the kind words, I want to double thank you for writing this ask- it's encouraging and nice and it has made me very happy. On to the question c: ))
Dad Chazz headcanon dump under the cut!
For him to be a dad, Chazz needs to have matured emotionally A LOT. Of course he doesn't lose his playful side, but becoming an adult does imply that he can't be the same person he was in high school. Specifically what we need to touch upon here is his openness and honesty with his feelings: it's one thing to tell your friends that you hate them when they know it isn't true, but you can't do that to a child without them taking it to heart. That's something Chazz would be very aware of, so I believe he'd drop his guard around the kids in order to avoid saying anything he doesn't mean. Rather than being a character trait, denial becomes more of a gimmick- it doesn't come from insecurity, rather from acknowledgement of the aspects of himself that he's come to regard as faults.
Now, he's the youngest of three and was clearly never a priority for his parents or for his brothers (while no canon sources confirm this, nobody becomes an attention seeker from being smothered with affection) and I wholeheartedly believe that he's mildly salty about the fact that no pictures of him as a child were ever taken (especially because he's seen Chosaku and Shouji's). So the first thing is: pictures. He takes them and he prints them out. He must keep orderly albums and always write down the time and place in which each photo was taken. He likes to keep mementos and believes it's an act of love to show that he cared enough to do it.
So then, first laugh. That depends. If it was elicited by either him or the Ojamas, he'd be on cloud nine- making his child laugh has to mean he's best father in the world material, right? He'd probably get carried away and do something stupid (fall off the stair on purpose levels of stupid) to keep the child laughing. If it was because of someone else, then he'd just...
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... Make that face. Smile fondly and admit to himself that humans might not suck so much after all.
First word. It, again, depends on what it is. However, leave it to him to take two random syllables and decide that the child has spoken. The reaction to that would be a loud scream of glee- possibly chasing his partner(s) around the house to shout about how the baby has said the first words and, last, but not least, calling Atticus (unless he's the partner, of course) to rant about it. Atticus has to know that the baby uttered two syllables that were most definitely not intentionally meant to form a word.
First steps. He does not trust the child to walk without falling over despite them having managed some steps, so while he's definitely happy and had most surely taken a picture to commemorate, he's also anxiously telling his partner to not let the kid walk on their own- they need to be monitored because otherwise they'll fall and no, he doesn't want to commemorate the first hospital stay just yet. Yes, he's a worrywart. What could you expect from a control freak.
In general he'd be very... supportive? As in very vocal with praise. First drawing he gets to hang in the office? A goddamn masterpiece. The kid has to know. They have a future in the arts. It's so good. Chazz could actually cry because of its sheer beauty.
First day at school? He's so damn proud. Fucking show them who's boss. You are, kid. That's fucking right. Punch anyone who tells you otherwise in the face. With words, of course. Your knuckles aren't worth getting scraped over some dumb kid. But yes, also study, it's good for you and Mathematics are far more interesting than they seem.
First bad grade? Eh. happens. He'd tell a story about his first failures- even make one up if the real ones aren't 'bad' enough. He tries to get them to laugh it off because it doesn't matter, he isn't disappointed, what matters is that they keep trying. It's ok to be bad at things. He keeps a recording of the one time he tried skateboarding just so he can show that you can be cool (like Chazz Princeton™) even when you aren't good at everything.
By the way, no, he doesn't swear in front of the kids. He has a really hard time with it. He's very relieved when they grow up and he can finally let loose. First time the kids hear him swearing? It isn't the first time, because they overheard him trash talking Aster Phoenix. They probably tell him it was about time he revealed his true nature. He just laughs because heck yeah, his kids are that smart (it didn't take a genius, Chazz). First time a kid swears? Intimidating glare until he actually goes, bends down and places his hands over their shoulders. "Not 'feck', kid. It's 'fuck'."
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everything-laito · 4 years
So, Laito is a pisces. What's the similarities between Laito and his star sign? Or is there any particular reason for his and the triplets birthday?
Oh my god I never expected an astrology question! I do quite love astrology, whether its real or not, I just find it fun! I’m not sure if people making the birthdays for the characters (whether it be in DL or not) had astrology in their minds while making them, but I’ll take a crack at it, as well as clear up some astrology misconceptions! 
I kinda went off in this one lmao, so if you do know more than the average person, the explicit answer is near the end! However, the rest is just some fun astrology explanations! 
So, before I dive in to Laito’s chart, there is a misconception I do need to clear up. In true astrology, there is not one sign. You have multiple ones! What is being referred to as the star sign by this anon is also known as the sun sign. Which, yeah pretty much no difference since the sun is a star lol. 
But, as I mentioned, you have different signs. I’m not an astrologer or anything, but I do know a good amount to get by. Anyways, here are the signs and what they “rule.”
Sun = ego (as in the “self”/what you project outwardly) Moon = how you are “internally” (inner thoughts/self etc) and your emotions Mercury = how you communicate Venus = how you love (whether it be romantic, platonic, family, or sexual) Mars = your motivations/aspirations
I don’t know much about the outer planets but here they are anyway: Jupiter: Understanding/perception  Saturn: boundaries/disciplines Uranus: Rebellion/eccentricity Neptune: Imagination/healing Pluto: transformation
There are the inner and outer planets, including the sun and moon. There’s also your rising sign, which means what kind of first impression you give people, and there’s also the Lilith sign which describes your insecurities. There’s the N.Node too but I don’t know what that one describes. 
I really focus on the inner planets (as do most astrologers do as well) when interpreting and describing a person. However, you can describe a group of people or a generation using the outer planets. This is because the outer planets move slower than the inner planets do. You can use the outer planets to describe a person, but they’re not as individualistic, if that makes sense. However, you can talk about how your signs interact with other signs you have. 
The sky is divided up into 12 “houses”, or sections, based on the earth. Astrology is geocentric, or centered around the earth. These “houses” are where those respective zodiac constellations reside in. Which is why, that “thirteenth” sign is bullshit; sure a new constellation was found but that does not mean that every constellation in the sky is a zodiac one. I get salty bout this lmao. Also, the 12 houses are divided up equally. If you know anything about the unit circle in calculus, this one’s for you guys B). 
However, to interpret someone based on astrology, you need to figure out all those said signs. You usually use a natal chart/star chart in order to do so. Your natal chart represents where the planets/moon/sun/etc were on the day and time you were born. For example, my sun sign is in Aquarius, my moon is in Sagittarius, my Mercury is Aquarius, etc etc. This means the sun was in the Aquarius house, the moon was in the Sagittarius house, and Mercury was in the Aquarius house on the day and time I was born.
Am I ranting again? Oh fuck yeah, you bet I am. Is this typical on this blog? Oh fuck yeah. I just wanna give context before I dive into things, just to make sure everyone’s on the same page!
Now, to explain why I can’t really analyze Laito in depth based off of his sun sign:
1. He’s a character; unless if his birthday was specifically on March 20th for an astrological reason (which ironically is Macaron Day; so that might have been why haha), it doesn’t have much merit 2. He’s a vampire; we don’t know the exact time, or year he was born 3. We don’t know where he was born; the place where you were born also impacts some sign alignment in relation to you
Now, finally to answer this anon’s question (poor anon had no idea what was coming ahsgldkjf)! I’ll find some similarities between Laito and what a pisces sun sign typically has for sun characteristics. I could figure out what he could have for a moon etc, but he’s been so traumatized and also by doing “retro-astrology” is super hard for me lol. But if you are well versed in astrology by all means, take a crack at it! I’d love to see what you come up with, and please tag me if you do so! 
Here’s some pisces sun traits that I know of:
- Adaptable/tolerant (as in open minded) - Typically misunderstood - Insatiable yearning for understanding, and thus discontented - Can come across as “wishy-washy” (or not, depending on the outlook) - Head up in the clouds, dreams a lot - Deep love for humanity/compassionate - Sensitive to criticism and sensitive to hurting other’s feelings (especially those who do not have compassion) - Have a hard time saying no  - Tendency to utilize escapism - Not very aggressive - Very artistic and creative sign (as well as that good ol “angst” depending on the moon sign)
However, some of these traits may show in more pisces than others, depending on their other sign, usually affected by their inner planets + moon sign. Pisces is a water sign, which is why it is a very fluid yet emotional sign. 
Good god, Laito uses a lot of escapism, dear LORD! I’d also say he’s pretty artsy considering he can play the piano and is generally more creative in my opinion. I’m not sure about if he’s spacey, but I do think he tends to avoid his feelings, like I’ve said. So I think spacey in that sense??? If that makes sense. AND OH BOY IS LAITO MISUNDERSTOOD LOLLLLLL!!! I’d also say that he’s open minded as well, he never really judges in comparison to his brothers. Either it’s light teases but it’s never like “wtf are you doing” unless if it’s really wild and stupid lol. He also isn’t that aggressive (especially in comparison to Kanato and Ayato, who both are the aggressive aires sign), however he does have his moments. He is a Pisces/Aires cusp, which means he might have some aires traits in him as well.
Hopefully that answered your question! If you want any clarification or have any questions, don’t hesitate! 
Don’t fall in! -Corn
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