#i really really like how i accidentally made a trans flag on spy i was like
emmetofthestars · 5 months
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designs i (hastily) drew to be printed on buttons i feel like purchasing soon. there's pauling and admin but alas iam on mobile and will have to post them seperately
god i hate working on high resolutions (1000 x 1000 pixels)
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chrisredfield73 · 6 months
Could you do a reader who accidentally tells the tf2 mercs they're gay/queer in sexuality? With some angst from the reader because they're worried it'll affect how the mercs see them. And depending on the merc, some comfort?
This is a bit self-indulgent as I am a girl who likes girls, but it can be written for anyone
The reader is meant to be a teen so it's strictly platonic!
A/N: As a gay trans guy, I understand the angst and fear! Thank you for requesting!!
For Spy's part-
Mon chou means 'my cabbage' (weird term of endearment for kids but it's really sweet)
You let it slip, accidentally, but it immediately made you panic. You mentioned liking the same gender as you. The fear of not being accepted hit you like a tidal wave, as you stare wide eyed at the merc in front of you..
He's surprised, to say the least.
He definitely makes a snarky and sarcastic joke, but he quickly shuts up when he notices your fear.
"Hey now.. Don't get all nervous on me."
He's pretty supportive overall, giving you some reassuring comments and a pat on the back.
"Listen.. I don't know how all the other guys would react, but I'm okay with it. Don't worry, I won't say anything."
He may make some hints about it to the others, but he doesn't go too far.
He also definitely would help you find a s/o and he would beg to hear who you like.
Now for this big himbo, it's a 50/50.
He either doesn't hear or get what you've said, or he heard it and he's judging you.
"What was that, maggot?"
If he didn't hear you or understand you, you could definitely play it off as a joke. He'd probably laugh it off with you, not even noticing how nervous you are.
If he heard you and is now judging you, he's staring at you through narrowed eyes. "You're queer?"
He's definitely not supportive... At first. You could probably, eventually, get him to come around and be supportive.
He has that mentality of, "I was raised thinking it was wrong so it's wrong."
When he heard you say that, it's completely obvious he supports you.
He gives you a thumbs up and a hug for reassurance.
"Mff mff mm mmff."
You're not sure what he just said, but you can tell it was something supportive by how he just acted.
He helps make sure you're comfortable, even giving you gifts that are discreet pride flag colors.
If any of the other guys catch wind about it, you can bet that Pyro will be there to stand up for you.
Another one of the guys that's 50/50 about it.
If he's drunk, he's either not going to act supportive, when he actually is, or he's not going to be paying attention to anything you just said. "What..?"
In the rare occasion that he's not drunk, he's very supportive and will give you a hug.
"Ey there, lass/lad, no need to worry. It's alright with me."
He is one of the supportive ones, despite being an idiot when he's drunk. He's proud of you for being yourself, even if you're not out to everyone.
He's shocked, looking over at you with wide eyes.
He doesn't say anything for a moment, before noticing your anxiousness.
He's not super supportive, but he's not going to judge you about your preferences.
"Heavy is not mad. Heavy is happy you're happy."
He gives you a pat and maybe even rubs your back, trying to help you feel better.
He won't tell anyone about it, he's the second best secret keeper on the team.
"Heavy won't tell anyone, Heavy pretends he never heard it."
He's caught off-guard, but he's supportive 100%.
"Oh? I never would've thought..."
He gives you a reassuring smile and hugs you gently.
"Don't worry, kid. I won't tell nobody. You have my word."
He's the first best secret keeper, and he's basically the supportive dad of the team.
He'll, much like Pyro, also get you discreet pride gifts to show he supports you and to make you feel better.
All in all, Engineer is the best to share things with, he's a calm and gentle soul who just wants to see you happy.
He had his suspicions, he suspects a lot of things about a lot of people.
"Oh? You like women/men?"
He's pretty supportive, but he's not a very touchy person. He'd prefer to not have a ton of physical contact.
He gives you a quick rub on the back before pulling away.
"I'm not going to judge you, there are things far worse than not being straight."
He's not the best for comfort but he is, at least, mostly supportive.
He stops what he's doing and turns to look at you, his expression and emotion unreadable.
"You... You're what now?"
He notices you panicking and steps over to you, offering you a small smile.
He gently ruffles your hair and chuckles, "Easy now, roo. Calm down. I'm not judgin' ya, I'm just confused."
He's okay with you elaborating on your sexuality, and he's okay with you not talking about it anymore.
He's also good at not telling anyone about your sexuality, he prefers to keep to himself anyway.
He let's out a low hum, raising a brow. He definitely didn't expect that.
He's polite, not teasing you or making fun of you.
He doesn't really understand but he's not going to go out of his way to judge you or make fun of you.
"Don't worry, mon chou. I'm not going to judge you."
He sets down his cigarette in his ashtray and pulls you in for a hug.
He's one that doesn't like physical affection very much, but seeing you in slight distress makes him want to comfort you.
He almost thinks of you like his child, and he just wants to see you happy.
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marveliciousfanace · 5 years
do you have any more headcanons for binathema and her trans wife newt bc i cannot stop thinking about them
Oh boy do I! So, in a reblog of my post about it, in addition to a whole bunch of other headcannons that I agree with, @sevenseasofbi calls her Nat, which I actually love. When she’s changing her name, she realizes that it’s her chance to have something that makes her sound cool and sophisticated, like Natasha or Natalia (she’s got a thing for spy flicks, after all). Nat is short for neither. The name she picks is Natalie, but no one really calls her that. Anathema starts calling her Nat very quickly, because it’s short and cute, and Nat is kind of in love with it (and with Anathema, of course).
But also I have other headcannons like:
* Nat gets nervous about coming out to Crowley and Aziraphale (who have since become their friends) because of the whole “angel/Heaven” thing. She needn’t have worried. Aziraphale points out that Crowley was one of the first beings on Earth to pick a new name when the old one didn’t suit him, and that humans are beings of change. “There’s no shame in discovering who you are, my dear,” he tells Nat. “And if you say you are a woman, then it’s as simple as that.” He also, upon finding out that Nat likes dresses, insists on giving her some of his old ones. “No, really,” he says, “I haven’t worn them in ages, and I’d so love it if they found a good home.” Which is how Nat ends up the delighted owner of several vintage dresses, often white, often with delicate lace edging that Anathema loves to curl around her fingers. 
* Crowley’s the one who suggests Pride (and who turns up with long red curls like the 2012 bun I’m in love with and the shortest leather skirt imaginable - Nat nearly passes out because is she supposed to wear something like that?), but all four of them go. Anathema paints Nat’s cheeks with the lesbian and trans symbols, and wraps her girlfriend up in a big rainbow flag, using the ends of it to pull her in for kisses every so often. They go back every year. Nat’s favorite Pride is their fifth. She’s wearing a blue, pink, and white striped dress Anathema got custom-made for her, and her long pair is pinned back with rainbow clips, and she’s in heels that aren’t all that tall, but are tall enough that when Anathema gets down on one knee and pulls out the ring box, Nat trips over them and falls into her now-fiancee’s arms. 
* Nat continues to love technology, and continues to be woefully incapable of interacting with it. She does not find it amusing when people point out her breaking the stereotype of queer trans women who are tech wizzes. She does find it amusing when Anathema says it, mostly because Anathema makes it sound like the cutest thing in the world.
* Anathema tries to introduce Nat to her family over Skype. Nat accidentally hits a button and shorts out the wifi for the next week. Eventually, Anathema brings Nat on vacation to America to meet her family, and they all adore her, even if she’s not precisely what they were expecting.
* When Pepper figures out she’s a lesbian, Nat and Anathema are the first people she tells, even before her own parents or the Them. They’re also the second people to know that Adam is gay (after Crowley and Aziraphale), and Brian comes to them for advice when he starts thinking he might be aro-ace. Their advice isn’t always perfect, but they support the Them and love them unconditionally.
* Eventually, Nat and Anathema have kids. Three of them, biologically theirs, and as far as their two mothers are concerned, perfect in every way.
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