#i reread it everytime i feel i have forgotten the intricacies of the plot just enough to be worth it
alvin-draper · 2 years
The Student Prince by FayJay. I’ve read it well over ten times in the past few years I imagine, and I never cease to enjoy it. The beautiful blending of modernity, magic and romance - mixed with a few fight scenes and some political intrigue. Something I tend to miss when reading modern AUs is Merlin saving Arthur, and this fic is certainly not short on that front. I love Lance and Gwen, and Morgana and Morgause. They are greatly enjoyable, and I am only sad that the fic came out before Gwaine appeared in the show - he would be an excellent addition. I am glad of the character of Kay (though not overly fond mostly) because I he portrays the kind of character rarely seen - a bigoted prick with the redeeming element of loyalty. Awful man. Great fun to hate on. Overall all the characters are well rounded and endlessly interesting, and there’s a fair bit of smut (though none of it so plot essential it can’t merely be skimmed and moved on from). The quiet moments in it are also greatly appreciated. It combines most of my favourite elements of Merlin fic into one beautiful original template that many others base their tone or characterisations off. 2010 is early fandom in a lot of ways, but the fic is incredible. And the tiny sequel to it is cute and fun - I remember watching the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics, and despite being of an age to know better, thinking it simply must be magic.
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