#i saw those instagram screenshots and went to double check
kinuhanino · 2 years
Imagine if wenclair doesn't become canon but every interaction with them just smells fruity bcuz that actors are the fruity ones
Like imagine they're supposed to be straight but the actors just took them and ran and went gay gay homosexual gay
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hoodharlow · 4 years
Spooky Birthdays
AN: I’m so sorry this is LATE, I’ve been struggling with it, but hopefully y’all like it. Fun fact @littledrummeraussie and I share the same birthday as Claudia. A quick thank you to @karajaynetoday for somethings y'all will see soon. As alay thank you to @d-oaks​ for beta reading and editing. 
Requested?: Yes, I double dipped on two requests @spicycal​ sent 
“17 &18 w/ Cal” (17. Beg for it 18. I’m going to ruin you)
“What’s in it for me?” With cal dhdjdk
Wanrings: SMUT
Word Count: 5k words
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Calum mindlessly scrolled through Instagram before refreshing Claudia's Instagram story. Today was her birthday and all her friends and family were posting about her. It took everything in him not to post a sappy love letter as the caption, celebrating her birthday and how much he loves her. He even had the pictures for the post. One from Coachella, them at the beach where she's scratching Duke's stomach and their most recent one where she came to the Brooklyn show.
But he knew he couldn't post her, unless he wanted Stan Twitter to do an FBI level investigation followed by them dragging and being disrespectful. Whenever he's on Twitter he always sees the hateful messages towards the girls. So it's something he wanted to avoid. 
His phone screen illuminated showing Claudia's contact picture. She was mid eye roll in a clay facemask. 
"Hey birthday girl!" he said once he answered.
"I'm so close to fighting the lady that does the check in. Apparently the flight Duke and I were supposed to be on was cancelled, and there's no other flight available. Does no one need to go to Dallas, but me?"
"What do you mean cancelled?" Calum asked. He got up from the bed and pulled up the airline he got her ticket from. 
"Well that's what the lady said. So she got us on a flight, but I have to drive down San Diego to catch it."
"Where are you right now?" Calum asked her.
"I just got on the 5. My parents are meeting us at the airport, so I don't pay for the weekend parking lot. I got a drink voucher for the flight, so that's nice." 
"Call me when you get there. Love you."
"Love you, Cal… Duke dile bye." He heard Claudia tell Duke. After a few seconds of silence, Claudia spoke up. "Anyways, I'll call you later when I get there. Bye, love you."
Calum hung up and grabbed his wallet with his room key. He wandered down the hallway of the hotel until he got to the elevator. On the ride down he looked for the nearest outlet mall. 
He scrolled until he found one with every store he needed to go to. He got in the rental car and drove the outlet mall. The first place he went to was a bakery and ordered a small cake for her to cut tomorrow before the show. 
He picked a tres leches cake, her favorite, with a peach and mandarin filling, also her favorite. The outside of the cake was all white except for spider web made out of dark chocolate attached to the side. He asked the cake decorator if they could spell out 'Happy Birthday Claudia' on top. 
The second stop was Lush. He wanted to run her a bath when they got back to the room after he picked her up. Floral, citric and every scent in between filled his nose. He got a little dizzy with each scent that wanted to overpower the other. He blinked a few times,gaining back his smell. He went to the bath bombs to read each descriptor. 
"Can I help you with something?" One of the employees asked him.
"Yes, do you by any chance have a lavender one?" He asked, pointing at the bath bombs.
"Yes." They guided Calum to the shelf containing  the sets of bath bombs that come with body lotions and shower gels. "If you have any questions feel free to ask— Excuse me, please don't bite the soaps." The employee hurried over to another customer, leaving Calum. The lavender sets were on the bottom of the shelf. Calum ignored how his knees cracked when he squatted. 
He ended up buying the set along with a black rose bath bomb. He checked his watch as he was paying; he had a bit more time before Claudia's cake was ready, so he walked around some more.
His feet took him to BVLGARI. Calum unlocked his phone to see a picture of Claudia's necklace. Maybe he should get her bracelet along with the purse, he thought to himself. He had already gotten her a purse from the BVLGARI-Alexander Wang collaboration. 
He asked one of the store employees if they could show him  bracelets similar to the snake necklace he got Claudia. They told him they would call the manager overWhile he waited for the bracelets, he managed to overhear them talk.
"I doubt he could afford anything in the store. He's probably wasting our time." The manager told them. That was something he always heard whenever he went out shopping. It was probably one of the reasons why he liked online shopping.
"Sorry for the wait," the manager said, approaching the jewelry display in front of him. They took their time unlocking it. Then they looked up at him. "Are you sure you want something from this display? These are a bit… pricey."
"I need those three individually wrapped." Calum snapped at them, pointing at the three rose gold bracelets.The manager's eyes widened at Calum's demand and got to work. Truth be told, he was just looking around, he wasn’t planning on getting anything. Was he buying the bracelets out of spite? Not really because Claudia deserves all the nice things in the world. 
"Here's my card and make it quick, I don't have time for your 'these are a bit pricey' shit." Calum smacked his card on the display. 
He hated using that tone on people, especially to people that worked at stores, but sometimes the comments get to him. He doubted Ashton, Michael and Luke have ever been asked to see the cheaper items. It was always him. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a group of girls hovering at the store entrance. they whispered amongst themselves before deciding to approach him. "Hi, I was wondering if we could take a picture." "Of course," He beamed. He turned to look at the manager who was watching the whole thing. Calum had the urge to flip them off, but he knew Twitter would have a field day with that. He took a group picture and then individual pictures with the girls. 
"We're going to the show tomorrow. We have our costumes already picked. Are you and the rest dressing up?" one of them asked.
"Maybe, you'll have to go to the show to see." He hinted. 
The girls squealed. They conversed for a few more minutes. The manager approached them. They cleared their throat, trying to get Calum's attention. Calum's smile turned upside down and he became stoic.
"Here are your items." 
"Thank you." He nodded. He looked over to the group of girls. "Hopefully I see you all at the show."
"Holy crab cakes, Calum has money!" He heard one of the girls squeal to the group as he left.
“You have a kid?” Diego asked a sleepy Calum. He had texted Diego earlier to FaceTime him when they cut the cake with Claudia before her flight.
“What? No.” Calum said. He rubbed his eyes. 
“Then explain this.” He said. Diego tried switching the cameras. He handed his phone to Soni. “Amor, picale, no me deja esta chingadera.”
“You’re impossible.” Soni told him. She tapped the screen, so now Calum could see Claudia walking towards them with a baby carrier.
Calum smiled and took a screenshot. He still couldn't understand how effortlessly beautiful she is. Even walking down a parking lot made his heart skip a few beats.
"We don't see you for a month y ya sales con un chiquillo." Diego shook his head at Claudia.
"It's Duke, mira." She said, removing the blanket she had over him. Duke popped his head out and yipped excitedly at Diego. She lifted him out of the carrier and set him on the floor. She watched him sniff around and then paw at her dad so he could carry him. 
"Hello…" Calum called through the phone. Diego had placed the phone on the hood of Soni's car. "I'm still here." 
Claudia's parents stayed until she had to go wait to board. They had brought her favorite from their go-to Ethiopian restaurant and a few shots in celebration of their 21st. Since he wasn’t  celebrating with her physically, she posted a birthday post for Danny, and he did the same for her.
She had been surprised to hear that he had come to celebrate. She assumed he was going to Gaslamp Quarter with his friends. Claudia was almost certain that he's seeing someone, but she's waiting for him to bring it up.
Then her mom called Danny and lit up some candles. They sang to them, and Claudia blew out the candles.
"Claudia, you have to do the mordida twice." Danny said. He knew she hated doing it, but at least he wasn't there to shove frosting up her nose.
"What's that?" Calum asked.
"We all chant so the birthday person takes a bite of the cake." Soni explained.
"Oh that seems fun." Calum said, unaware of the true meaning of 'mordida.'
"Do it!" Danny yelled through the phone.
"Apa…" Claudia began. She gave Diego her best pleading look. 
"Andale," he gently nudged her to the cake.
"Promise that you won't smash my face in." she held out her pinky to him. 
"Promise." He wrapped his pinky around hers.
Claudia pulled her hair back and slowly counted back from five. It was so unexpected. She barely made it to three when she felt frosting all over her face.
"Good thing you didn't make me promise." Soni said, earning a laugh from the others.
Calum adjusted the cap on his head and slid on his sunglasses. He was at the airport waiting for Claudia and Duke. He sipped his iced Americano and triple checked the arrival chart. His phone began buzzing. He scrambled to get it out of his pocket. 
"Hey!" he said way too enthusiastically.
"We just got out of the airplane. We'll be out in, like a bit." Claudia said.
"Okay. I'm wearing my Nine Inch Nails short sleeve and black sweats." 
Claudia giggled through the phone. "Me too."
Five minutes later, Calum spotted her walking out of the gate. She had a small baby blue blanket over her torso that reached behind her shoulders. It reminded him of the moms that passed by him. He wondered if that's how she would look like when they have kids of their own. He was mid sip when he realized what he just thought of. He coughed and pounded his chest. 
What the hell was that? He thought to himself.
Calum pulled her to his arms and kissed her. He missed her even though he saw her a few weeks ago. Duke squirmed between them.
"Hey man!" Calum's smile grew ten times more. He pulled him out of the carrier and hugged him. "I missed you. Were you good?"
"Slept like an angel." Claudia told him.
"Well, it's what he is." he said. He placed Duke on one arm and with the other he pulled Claudia to him. "How's my birthday girl?" 
"Exhausted." She leaned into his chest. Calum pulled her mouth to his and gave her a chaste kiss. He slid Duke back in his carrier and grabbed Claudia's suitcases and led them to the car.
The drive to the hotel wasn't too long. They stopped by at a pizza shop for some pizza to eat back in their room. 
"Okay, I have to finish something.” Calum turned to her before opening their room,  “Can you wait out here?" "Yeah."
"Okay," He walked a few rooms down and knocked. Ashton came out and his loud voice let the rest of the band know she finally arrived.
"Yeah poor Cal was pouting the whole time." Michael joked.
After a while, Calum came back for her. He placed his hand over her eyes and guided her inside their room. Slowly Calum pulled his hand away. 
There were balloons everywhere. In the living room area, he had spelt 'Happy Birthday Claudia' in rose gold balloons. In the corner table were her presents. There was a fake candle trail leading them from the entrance to the bed and bathroom. 
Claudia teared up. She wasn't used to anyone spoiling her the way Calum did. Mostly because she felt uncomfortable and unworthy, but with Calum, she felt worthy and deserving of everything. 
"Do you not like it? Fuck this is too much, even for you." Calum said. He felt a little embarrassed. 
"No, this is unbelievably amazing. Thank you." she wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you for always making me feel special. I love you."
"I love you, too." 
They briefly kissed. Calum sat her on the bed. He placed all of her gifts in front of her. The first she opened was a red bra and panty set, a black silk romper and a baby blue dress all from 'fleur du mal'. She made a mental note about bra and panties for the morning. 
She then reached for a medium box. Removing the lid, she nearly passed out. It was the most beautiful purse she'd ever seen. Her finger traced the imprinted initials on the inside of the flap. She caught a mint green ribbon in one of the purse's compartments. 
"What's this?" She turned to him, holding up a small jewelry box.
"Open it." 
Claudia carefully pulled the ribbon apart and opened it, revealing a locket. 
It wasn't any ordinary locket. It was just like the one she lost in Mexico when she was a senior in high school. Her grandmother had given it to her at her quinceañera before passing a few months later. She opened it and inside was an image of her and grandmother. 
Claudia looked up at Calum. Tears pooled around her eyes, daring to trail down her cheeks. She looked back down to the locket and sobbed. She hugged the necklace close to her heart. 
Calum stared at her. He was not expecting her cry. Maybe a tear shed here and there, but full on crying? No. 
'Should've gone with the BVLGARI bracelets instead of saving them for Christmas,' an insecure part of his brain told him. 
"You okay, Claudia?" He asked gently.
"Yeah, just a bit surprised. How did you even get a picture of mi nana Maria?" 
"I asked your dad for it."
"Thank you… I don't even know how you even got this, but thank you." Claudia wrapped her arms around him. 
Calum hugged her back. He placed one of his arms around her lower back and the other he secured it around her shoulders. He felt a wet patch on the crook of his neck where Claudia hid her face. He gently rubbed her back, allowing her to let go. A few minutes passed, and Calum felt her go limp around him. 
"Claudia, wake up." He gently shook her.
"No." She grumbled.
"Yes, want me to run you a bath?"
"Only if you join me."
"Of course."
Calum got up and went to the bathroom. He opted to use the lavender bath bomb that was meant for relaxing. He tested the water making sure it wasn't too hot for them. 
Making his way back to the bedroom, he found Claudia dozing off to whatever she was watching on her phone. 
"All set." Calum said. 
"Can you carry me?"  She sat on her knees and made hands at him. 
"Yeah, hop on." he said. He turned around so she could climb on his back. She grabbed onto his shoulders and tightly wrapped her legs around his waist. Calum made sure he got a good grip on her. He’s not dropping her… again. 
"What are you drawing?" Calum asked Claudia. She was drawing something in his chest with the complementary roll on body soap the hotel left in the bathrooms. They reminded Claudia of the ones her mom used to buy her off Avon.
"A dragonfly," she giggled. 
It was not a dragonfly.
Claudia finished her drawing and leaned back against the tub to admire her work. When she reached to clean the drawing off his chest, it wouldn't come off. 
"It's not coming off." He groaned. "Fuck we're gonna have to trade costumes." He planned on going as Luke while Michael was going as Ashton and Luke as Michael.
"I'm sorry. It was an accident." She said softly. 
"It's okay." He said. He rested his head against his hand. He stared at her for a bit. "Stand up."
"Stand up and turn around." He repeated himself. Claudia as she was told. She felt awkward just standing como dios la trajo. She felt the roll on soap run across her ass. "All set." He said gently slapping her ass. He reached for her and pulled her against his chest. 
“What did you write?” She asked him.
“‘Calum Hood’s.’” he smirked.
"Should I write 'Claudia's' on your dick?" 
"Nah, it could irritate you," Calum paused. His fingers grazed her core, "and we wouldn’t want that."
He placed that hand on her thigh and mindlessly traced figures with his pointer finger. Slowly he inched closer to her core. 
Claudia had other thoughts. Without a second thought she straddled him. She lifted her hips a little and then reached for Calum's cock. She slowly slid down him until she was full. They both let out satisfied sighs. 
Calum pulled her chin up and kissed her slowly. After a bit Claudia pulled away and she rested her head on his chest. She playfully tugged his nipple, remembering how he liked it when she rubbed them while she rode him.
"Claudia, it's late, I don't think anyone would want to hear us go at it." Calum groaned when she licked and bit his nipples.
"Fine, but you owe me." She said. 
Calum laughed and pulled her closer to him. He started spelling out the alphabet on her back. Then he spelled out 'Cool Guy Cal loves Saint Clouds," their names on their contacts. He switched to slowly rubbing her back. Minutes later Calum noticed her breathing slowed and she was more relaxed. She had fallen asleep once more. He tapped her side.
"Pretty girl, let's get you in bed. Water’s getting cold." he said. 
"No, it feels nice like this. I like feeling you inside me like this." She mumbled half asleep.
"I know you do, but you're all wet."
"Happens when you're near me."
He sighed and splashed her face. She mumbled something in Spanish and lifted herself off him. He noted how her nipples perked up when the air hit them.
"Told you the water was cold." He joked. 
He pushed himself off and got some towels from the shelf above the toilet.
Claudia shivered as she sat on the edge of the tub. Calum had pushed the button to drain the water. He wrapped her up in a towel and carried her over to the sink where he helped her dry off. She slid on her black Calvin Klein panties. While she brushed her teeth, she noticed Calum wore a similar pair of boxers as her.
"We match." She pointed out. 
"Oh yeah." He chuckled. 
Claudia reached for his phone and tapped the camera option. She got in front of him and pulled one of his arms, covering her chest. They both looked up at the mirror and smiled, toothpaste dribbled and all. 
Calum brought her to bed and covered her in their blanket. After he visited her one time, he took the blanket with him. He looked over to the living room to check in on Duke. He was fast asleep in his bed with his duck toy. 
Claudia laid on her side and stretched her arm and leg over Calum when he laid down next to her. She kissed his chest and nuzzled her head on it. 
"Thank you." she said quietly.
"For what?" He asked, unless of where this was coming from.
"For being the best. I love you." 
"I love you too. But please go to sleep. Tomorrow we have a long morning."
"Can I give you a special wake up call?"
"If that's alright with you."
"Oh, it's more than alright."
It was rare for Calum to be awake before Claudia. He was up because his stomach felt wonky after eating pizza at 10 at night. Before climbing out of bed, Duke nudged his leg, wanting to be let out.
"Fucks sake, Duke. It's 4 am." He groaned. 
He stood back up and slipped on his sweats and hoodie. He walked over to where Claudia left Duke's leash. In a matter of minutes, they came back from the designated dog bathroom station the hotel had. Duke trotted back to his bed and chewed on the foot of his toy duck. Calum climbed back in bed. Claudia rolled over and hugged him from behind. With that he Calum dozed off.
Calum wasn't fully awake. His mind and body were still hazy from sleep, but his bottom half felt overwhelmed. He fluttered his eyes open and he nearly came at the sight. 
Claudia in the red set he bought her and a devil horns headband, working his cock with her mouth. Her back was arched with her ass in the air. Her soft moans filled the room as she took him deeper and deeper in her mouth. 
Calum noticed the hand that wasn't on his cock was shoved inside her panties. He sat up making Claudia sit up as well. Her cheeks were flushed. One of the straps of her bra slid down her shoulder. 
"I knew we should've used 'devil on my bed' instead of 'devil at my door.'" He said to himself. He glanced at Claudia noticing the pout on her face. "What's wrong, pretty girl?"
"I wasn't done." She said quietly.
"Well, I'm just going to begin." He removed her hand from inside her thong and licked her fingers clean. "I'm going to ruin you."
Claudia's pout changed to a big smile. Calum noticed the mischievous glint in her eye and it drove him insane. In a good way, of course. He loved how she's always ready to catch whatever he threw at her. 
"Did you make me stop sucking you off just so you can stare at me?" She blurted out after a few minutes of silence. 
"No, I may enjoy the view, but I was trying to figure out how I wanted you." He answered her. "Hands and knees please."
"What's in it for me?" She challenged him. She crossed her arms, pushing up her breasts. She smirked proudly when he glanced down at them before looking back at her.
"Well for one, my cock."
"Eh," She shrugged. "But because you asked so nicely, okay."
She took her time. She stretched a few times and did a few yoga poses until she was in the same position Calum woke up to. She wiggled her ass, taunting him, but Calum knew how to get her back. 
He peeled off her panties down to her knees and lined himself up like he was going to enter her. Instead he gripped her hips and kissed up from her waist until he reached the clasp of her bra. With one hand he skillfully unclasped it and continued kissing up. He reached her cheek and gave her a gentle kiss before leaning back on his knees. 
While one  hand was on her hip, the other slithered to her core. His fingers teasingly rubbed her. Claudia pushed her head and groaned in frustration.
"Beg for it, Claudia, I know you want it bad." He said sternly. He slipped his ring and middle finger inside her, egging her more.
"Cal, please just fuck me." She gave in. She couldn't take it anymore. It was all fun and games, but not when she was the one getting teased. "And please make sure your dick is going in my vagina and not my asshole."
"It was one time." Calum argued.
"One time too many." She mumbled.
"I'm going to leave you like this if you keep arguing with me." He warned.
"Wouldn't be the first time I've gotten off on my own." She looked behind her where Calum was. "I'm kidding, work your magic unless—"
She was silenced as Calum pushed himself in her. Claudia bit back a satisfied moan, not wanting to give him the satisfaction just yet. 
Calum's hands gripped her waist as he slowly rocked into her. As the seconds passed, his thrusts got rougher, and Claudia couldn't hold back. She became a moaning mess, begging Calum to keep fucking her at that deliciously slow and rough pace. He leaned over, his chest against her back. He removed one of his hands and reached over to where Claudia was tightly gripping the comforter. He intertwined his hand with hers and pulled it up to his lips. 
But he lost his balance when he tried to place their hands back. He slipped them off the bed, landing on the floor.
"You okay?" Calum asked her.
"Yeah. You?" 
"For the most part." He landed on his back so Claudia wouldn't.
Duke wandered in after hearing them fall from the living room. Claudia reached for the bed sheet and covered them as Duke approached them. He sniffed them then gave them a disinterested look before trotting out of the room.
Claudia turned to Calum and suggested. "Stay on your back and I'll get us off?"
During sound check, Calum kept getting distracted by Claudia in her work out shorts. Her and KayKay had decided on going as Maddy and Cassie from Euphoria, so they were practicing the iconic pep rally dance scene. Ashton threw his water bottle at Calum's head. 
"Oi!" Calum rubbed his head where the water bottle hit him.
"Claudia, you're distracting my bass player." Ashton yelled at her.
Claudia turned around and looked at them. "I can't hear you."
She turned to her side and cartwheeled her way down  to the stage. She rested her elbows on the stage and looked up Ashton."What's up?" 
"You're distracting my bass player." Ashton repeated.
"Not my fault your bass player gets distracted easily." She shrugged. 
"It's bass like B-A-S-E. Why do you pronounce bass like that?" Ashton asked her. 
"You know, you're now the one who's distracted by me." She pointed out.
Claudia stuck her tongue out at him. She looked over at Calum and blew him an exaggerated kiss. She turned back to Ashton and flipped him off before back flipping her way to KayKay.
"Can't believe a cheerleader showed you up." Luke joked, earning a laugh from Michael and Calum.
Half an hour in they finally got the dance down. Claudia and KayKay changed into their respective costumes, she was Maddy and KayKay was Cassie. KayKay set up her camera in front of the stage so they were facing the guys. Claudia played the song off her phone.
"Alright," she waited until their cue neared. "Five-six seven, eight..."
They were on their fifth try. They had the first few seconds down, but then Kaykay would get distracted and mess up a step. On their sixth try Claudia followed KayKay's gaze. It was on Ashton. He was making obscene gestures at KayKay, making her fluster.
"Pinche Ashton, stop distracting KayKay." She yelled. Ashton broke into a fit of giggles. Claudia turned to Calum and pouted. It was the same gesture she did to her dad when Danny annoyed her.
“Alright Ash, let’s let them do their thing." Calum suggested, clapping Ashton's shoulder and guiding him back to the greenroom.
After they finally got the dance number recorded, they went to the greenroom. The band was still rearranging their costumes since Calum had a penis drawn on his chest and couldn't be Luke anymore. They also hoped to convince Ashton into doing a costume with them. 
Claudia sat on Calum's lap while they argued about costumes. She noticed that Ryan and Andy were pulling out their cameras, so she took it as her cue to go to the bathroom. 
Calum was too busy watching Claudia's ass sway in the cheerleader skirt. It was different from the one she wore in high school, he noted. He remembered her explaining that they wore a bodysuit and a skirt. And for games that they wore the long sleeve bodysuit with their designated sweatpants. 
"Is he okay? He's just staring at the door frame." Andy asked the guys.
"Yeah, Claudia left. He's probably timing how long she'll be back." Michael joked. He reached over and slapped Calum's neck breaking his trance. "Pay attention, mate."
"Fuck that hurt." Calum mumbled. He rubbed his neck where Michael slapped him.
He turned back and listened to them. His phone buzzed moments later. It was a message from Claudia saying that she went to the Slurpee stand and asked if he wanted something from the TexMex place. He quickly replied that he wanted a quesadilla.
By the time Claudia came back the guys, but Ashton, were in their respective costumes. Luke wore Ashton's black jumpsuit while Michael buttoned up one of Luke's silk shirts. Crystal was helping Calum put on a blonde wig to complete Michael's look. 
Calum looked over to her and beamed. He reached for her hand and pulled her to him. She laid their food on the small table next to them and started eating.
"You know what, Claudia you should wear my hoodie so you both take a family picture with Southy and Moose." Crystal suggested. "My sister brought a wig similar to my hair. You can wear it."
In less than five minutes Claudia and Calum were posing in front of the group with Moose and Southy. Claudia hid her face while she held up Moose. Calum leaned down and pulled her to a kiss. Then the guys took their band pictures. 
It was finally show time and the guys made their way down to the stage. Claudia gave Calum a bendición and he quickly walked over and caught up with the rest of the band.
"Claudia, are you joining us?" KayKay asked her.
"No. I found a blind-spot near the stage and I'm gonna watch from there. I'll meet you when they go back on stage." She told her. When they were practicing, Claudia found  the spot and asked the tech crew if she could watch from there when the guys performed.
"I'm assuming you and Cal are gonna wander off when he's done, so text me and I'll come get you." KayKay said.
Claudia nodded and went to the stage. She smiled when she saw Calum on stage. She hugged her knees, resting her head on her knees. Andy came by her way because he was going to get back shots of the guys.
"Smile." He told her, holding up his camera ready to take her picture. She smiled and held up two fingers. Andy snapped a few pictures of her. 
When the guys finished their set, Calum came to get Claudia.
"Hi." he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at her.
Calum twirled one of Claudia's stray curls as he picked what to post for Halloween. She was fast asleep with her arm draped over his chest. She had fallen asleep half an hour into their journey to Austin.
He decided on the one with her holding up Moose to her face and a few with the band. He even added one of Duke in his devil costume, but muted the video because Claudia was baby talking to him in Spanish.
He locked his phone and closed his eyes, hoping that he would finally get some rest. 
"Big spoon." Claudia mumbled. With her knee she gently nudged him to turn on his side.
"How come you're always the big spoon?" He asked her.
"Tengo sueño, just turn so I can pretend you're my giant teddy bear."
"Yeah, Cal, let her be your big spoon since you won't let me anymore." Ashton yelled from one of the other bunks.
Calum turned around and mumbled, "Should've killed him with his tree when I had the chance."
Taglist: @another-lonely-heart​ @sunshinebabycal​   @calumscalm​@karajaynetoday​​ @cherryxwildflower​​ @myloverboyash​​  @idontneedanyone​​ @findingliam-o​​ @5-secondsofcolor​​ @spicycal​​ @sexgodashton​​ @sunshinebabycal​​ @another-lonely-heart
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Justify My Love (Gigi x Jan) - Joley
ao3 link
It had started out as a completely innocuous comment during Untucked. Jackie and Jan had been talking about their time going out to bars and clubs in Manhattan, and more specifically, how Jan approached dating and hooking up when he was single.
“I swear, Jan has like a sixth sense, a bottom superpower or something. She can, without fail, always pick out the tops in a crowd. Sometimes it’s top-leaning verses, but it’s still a talent,” Jackie was saying with Jan nodding happily in agreement.
The other queens looked at her with curiosity. “So what about here? Are your top senses tingling?” Crystal asked curiously.
“Not with you,” Jan retorted with a laugh. “I mean I know Jaida is, I got those vibes from Nicky too, and obviously we have Miss Dom Top Girl Bye over here,” she gestured to Heidi. “Um… Yeah, am I forgetting anyone?”
Gigi cleared her throat pointedly, and Jan looked at her with sincere surprise. “What? Don’t look at me like that. I prefer topping. Is it that surprising?”
Jan strummed her fingers against her glass. “I mean… kinda, especially after I throttled you across the set. Honestly, you give off more ‘bossy bottom’ vibes, like Jackie.”
“Hey!” Jackie chimed in with a laugh.
“You know it’s true,” Jan cooed before redirecting her attention to Gigi. “No but really, if you’re a top, you’re a top. The sixth sense isn’t foolproof.”
The conversation tapered off after that, but the whole exchange was stewing with Gigi, who was simply unsatisfied with the result. It shouldn’t have continued to nag at her the way it did. It shouldn’t have still been lingering when they were nearing the end of the last episode. “Do I really give off bottom vibes?” she asked Jackie.
Jackie looked at her, perplexed. In the time since, she’d completely forgotten the exchange until Gigi jogged her memory. “Are you talking about what Jan said?”
“I guess I get what she meant. You can sometimes come off a little bratty, could be where she drew that conclusion,” she shrugged. “Is that really still bothering you?”
Gigi shifted uncomfortably. “It’s just that it’s totally inaccurate!” she insisted.
Jackie furrowed her brows. “Why are you so concerned with what Jan thinks?” She studied Gigi’s reaction – the red face, the averted gaze – she only had one conclusion to draw. “Do you… have a crush on Jan?” She didn’t let the younger queen answer. “Oh my god, you do! That’s so cute!” She cupped her face. “Aw, my sweet baby Geege,” she cooed.
Gigi swatted her hands away. “Knock it off, I don’t need that shit spreading around. Doesn’t she have a boyfriend, anyway?”
The enthusiasm immediately left Jackie’s face. She felt bad for not having thought about that, and embarrassed, considering all the double dates they’d been on. “Right, right, sorry. But hey, don’t get too down about it. Stranger things have happened.”
Gigi had thought her feelings would dissipate with time. They weren’t around each other all the time, she was constantly busy. It should be out of sight, out of mind, right? And maybe it might’ve been the case, if it weren’t for the fateful text she got from Jaida one November night.
‘Did Jackie tell you Jan and her boyfriend broke up?’
Of course Jaida found out from Jackie, she thought. ‘No, when did that happen?’
‘A few days ago, Jan’s crashing on Jackie’s couch until she can lock down a new place. Said she’s been busy helping or she’d tell you herself. Apparently it’s important that you know.’
Gigi turned red at that, hiding her face in her pillows and letting out a groan until she could collect herself. ‘Did she say anything else?’
‘Yeah: I told you so’
She rolled her eyes. “I told you so,” she mocked to herself. Leave it to Jackie to be a gossip and a know-it-all. Still, the next thing she did was check her calendar, hoping she would be in New York sometime very soon.
As it turned out, ‘very soon’ ended up being about ten days. And Gigi thought that was enough time, especially if she did decide to do anything. But even though there was a part of her trying to talk himself out of it, the rest of her had been drowned in the same feelings she had on set, and she knew that crush hadn’t dissipated in the slightest.
It didn’t help that most of Jan’s instagram feed was post-breakup thirst trap pictures. It had caught Gigi off guard, but she certainly wasn’t complaining, nor was she planning on deleting the screenshots of those photos from her phone anytime soon. Beyond that, she refused to show even the slightest drop of nerves when she got to New York. She was going to be the confident Gigi Goode everyone knew and nothing less. And she was going to make certain Jan knew exactly how much of a top she was by the time she went back to Los Angeles.
Once in the hotel, Gigi took a quick shower and changed into a clean outfit that was far more fashionable than the sweats and oversized hoodie she’d arrived in. After writing and rewriting a text a few times, she asked Jan if she wanted to go out to a club, and to her relief, she got an enthusiastic ‘yes’ in reply.
Gigi was expecting to meet Jan at the club, but just as she finished getting ready, he got a text from Jan asking for her hotel room number.
“Hey, I missed you!” Jan greeted warmly when Gigi opened the door. She hugged her tightly, liking the way the other queen seemed to melt into his arms.
“I missed you too. How’ve you been?” Gigi asked as she ushered her inside. “You’re all settled into the new place, right?”
Jan nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I have. It’s the first time I’m living alone and… honestly, it’s freeing. It’s nice, but a little lonely,” she admitted.
Gigi nodded and sat beside her. “Well, you won’t be lonely while I’m here. I’m going to annoy you incessantly until you’re ready to dropkick me back to LA,” she nudged him lightly.
“You could never annoy me,” Jan cooed and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer. “Well… maybe not never, but I’m still happy you’re here.”
Gigi had forgotten how physically affectionate Jan was, it had been a bit jarring at first. She had grown up with everyone keeping themselves at arms length, and normally that was how she liked things. But Jan was a hugger, a kisser, everything Gigi normally couldn’t stand, but somehow Jan was the exception. “I’m happy I’m here too.”
“And…” Jan pulled back to reach into his bag, “I thought we could do a little pregaming before we go out,” she set the bottle of vodka and cans of soda she’d gotten from the vending machine on the table.
“You’re the best,” she grinned as they fixed themselves drinks. “Cheers, to not being lonely tonight,” and they clinked their plastic cups and took long sips.
Jan took another sip and sat back down. “What’ve you been up to? Still a top?” she teased.
Gigi bit back a grin, this was just the segue she’d been hoping for. “I sure am. Still doubting me?”
“That really stuck with you, huh?” Jan chuckled. “I thought I saw it get under your skin a little bit,” she took Gigi’s hand, swinging it aimlessly. “Not still mad at me, are you?”
“Oh, I was never mad at you,” she assured, then sat straddling Jan’s lap. “But you have to understand that I can’t just let you be wrong like that,” she added, running her fingers through Jan’s hair. All the nerves she had come in with seemed to have vanished, and she let her lust and desire take control of her words and actions.
Jan seemed just as interested, brow raised and arms looped around Gigi’s waist. “Yeah? You’re gonna show me how much of a top you are, Geege?”
Gigi put two fingers under Jan’s chin and tilted her head up. “Honey, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Is that why you wanted to come here first? Wanted to see if I’d fuck you? There’s no need to play games, you know. You could’ve just asked.”
“But where’s the fun in that?” Jan bat her lashes innocently.
So this was how she was going to play? Gigi smirked, not minding a bit. She grabbed Jan by her shirt and pulled her into a heated kiss. Her tongue slipped past Jan’s lips, swirling and wrestling it in a battle of dominance that she knew she was going to win. When she needed to come up for air, it was never more than a few seconds at a time before she eagerly dove back in, until finally she rested their foreheads together as she caught her breath. “Shit, do you have any idea of all the things I wanna do to you? Wanna fucking ruin you.”
“Please…” Jan’s voice was soft and breathy, but filled with an undeniable need that sent a thrill up Gigi’s spine.
And Gigi simply couldn’t leave it at that. “Please what?”
“Please fuck me, ruin me, take me like I know you’ve wanted to,” the words were spilling out too fast for Jan to realize she had admitted to knowing how Gigi felt about her at first. But she knew Gigi wasn’t one to talk about feelings, so she hoped that would be overlooked.
Gigi was, in fact, more than willing to overlook it. She just kissed Jan deeply, biting her bottom lip and slowly pulling back. “I don’t know how rough you like it, like… Will we need a safe word?”
Jan’s brows rose in interest, her hands splayed across Gigi’s thighs. “That’s exactly the kind of rough I like,” she purred.
“So, what’s your safe word?”
“Jan, too soon!”
Jan scoffed in mock offense. “How is it too soon for you?” She then giggled, hiding her face against Gigi’s neck until she could collect herself. “Sorry, sorry. I’ll just tell you to stop.”
Gigi got off of Jan and pushed her down onto the bed. “You’re ridiculous. Take your fucking clothes off.”
“Oooh, yes Daddy,” Jan purred, taking interest in Gigi’s firm tone. But she paused after she took her shirt off, tilting her head. “Or… Mommy?” She looked to Gigi for clarification.
“Doesn’t matter, Daddy’s fine,” she assured, then smirked. “Now go on, Daddy didn’t tell you to stop,” she gestured to the fact that Jan was still dressed from the waist down.
Jan breathed out an apology and quickly stripped down, then pushed herself up to her knees to undress Gigi as well.
“So eager,” Gigi chuckled, lifting her arms up so Jan could take her shirt off. “So desperate to get fucked, aren’t you?” she cooed as she kicked off her jeans and underwear, pinning Jan underneath her on the bed once they were both naked. “You might not have had me figured out, but I knew you were a greedy little whore,” she attacked Jan’s neck with kisses and bites, leaving marks from the base of her jaw to her collarbone. She sat back, straddling Jan’s waist and gently raking her pointed, manicured nails down Jan’s chest.
Jan felt goosebumps spread down her arms, breath hitching in her throat. Gigi’s gaze bore down into her soul, sending electricity coursing through her body. She always found Gigi to be beautiful, she’d always been attracted to her, but something about seeing her at this angle, gazing up at her – she looked ethereal, and Jan couldn’t help but melt under her touch.
Gigi wrapped her hand around Jan’s dick, stroking lazily as she looked around. “I take it you brought lube and a condom?” she asked, only letting go and getting off of Jan so she could retrieve it. “Of course you did, slut,” she smirked and snatched the bottle from her hand. “On your back, legs up and apart.”
Jan laid back, propping pillows behind her to give Gigi an easier angle to work with.
“You’re so pretty like this, on display for me,” Gigi mused as she slicked her fingers up with lube and sat on the back of her legs, positioned between Jan’s thighs. Her free hand kept a steady grip on Jan’s hip as she eased a finger into her, waiting a moment before starting to thrust.
“Fuck…” Jan grunted softly, arching towards Gigi as her eyes fluttered shut.
Gigi landed a firm smack of disapproval on Jan’s inner thigh. “Don’t you take your eyes off of me,” she hissed as she worked in a second finger.
Jan whimpered softly, but kept her head up and eyes on Gigi, which was a sight she really had no complaints about. She gasped out when Gigi twisted her fingers in just the right way. “Fuck, fuck right there.”
“That the spot, baby?” Gigi didn’t wait for an answer before thrusting her fingers against it several times over.
“Yes, yes, fuck, Gigi, please,” Jan panted, all but fucking herself on her fingers.
She smirked, slowing her thrusts to a halt. “Please what?”
“Please fuck me. Fuck, I need your cock, Daddy. Want you to fuck me so hard, I’m still feeling it when you’re on your way back to LA,” Jan was shamelessly vocal with her pleading, already aching for more.
And Gigi looked down at her, listening to the desperation in her tone and, to be honest, she would’ve given her anything in the world. But there was no way she would’ve given Jan the satisfaction of knowing that. Instead, she eased her fingers out and grabbed the condom, tearing it open with her teeth and rolling it down her length.
Jan quietly studied Gigi’s naked form. She didn’t expect such a lithe, little twink to be hung like that. She never noticed on set, most of the time she spent around Gigi, she was thinking about strangling her or tossing her across the room again. Perhaps it was those spiteful feelings that compelled Jan to seek her out – it was the best way to hash out months old tension as far as she was concerned.
And while Gigi’s frustration with Jan had stemmed from something completely different, it didn’t make her desire to fuck Jan senseless any less potent. She grabbed one of the pillows and propped it up under Jan’s back, hooking her legs over her shoulders as well. She carefully lined herself up and pushed in, letting out a quiet stream of curses until she bottomed out.
Jan’s eyes were blown wide with lust, the heat of arousal over taking her. She felt like she was on fire without the slightest urge to put it out. It took a moment for her to realize Gigi was waiting for her to give a sign that she was ready to continue, so she nodded eagerly.
Gigi began thrusting instantly, starting slow at first, but quickly picking up the pace. “Look at you, taking my cock so well. This what you wanted, baby? To get fucked like the dirty little slut you are?” She wasn’t satisfied with Jan nodding, so she grabbed her jaw and leaned in close. “Answer me.”
“Yes! Yes, fuck, it feels so good,” Jan moaned out sharply.
“Good boy,” Gigi hummed and moved back upright, thrusts becoming harder until she was fucking her at a brutal pace that was almost beyond her control. Her hips snapped forward at an almost animalistic speed. She couldn’t get enough, and neither could Jan.
It was when Jan started squirming against her that Gigi decided to pay her more attention. She wrapped her hand around Jan’s cock, her hand still slick from the lube. “Gonna make you come for me, baby doll, gonna have you screaming my name.”
Jan’s moans were already loud and guttural, reminding both of them that Jan did make her living off of vocalizing. “God, fuck, Gigi, I’m so close, gonna come…” But there was a tinge of hesitation.
It hit Gigi after a beat – Jan was waiting for her permission, and the way she had gotten her so utterly submissive made Gigi moan. “Go on, come for me,” she goaded, thrusts slowing down a bit so she could properly watch and appreciate the sight. “God, that’s fucking hot. Gonna make me come,” she murmured, slamming forward a few more times before stopping, an idea forming.
Jan whined softly, but she was still coming down from riding out her orgasm. Still, she looked at Gigi as if to ask, ‘what gives?’.
Instead of a verbal answer, Gigi pulled herself out. She got up to discard the condom and sat back down on the side of the bed. “On your knees,” she said, then snapped, “now.”
Jan pushed herself up and off the bed, sinking down to her knees between Gigi’s legs. She didn’t need any further instruction from there – she took Gigi’s cock into her mouth and began bobbing her head.
Gigi allowed it for a moment before grabbing onto Jan’s hair, which immediately got the other queen’s attention. She began bucking her hips forward, slowly at first, to make sure Jan was okay. And after a nod of approval, she went ahead with fucking her throat.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Jan had incredible breath control and no gag reflex, so she was able to comfortably stay still while Gigi continued thrusting her dick in and out of her mouth.
When Gigi came, she held Jan’s head in place, moaning out wantonly as she came down her throat, then slowly eased out. She swiped the come dribbling down the side of Jan’s mouth with her thumb and licked it off.
Silence followed for a few moments as Jan pushed herself up and got back on the bed. “Well,” she started, “I guess I was wrong. You’re definitely a top.”
“Mm, say it again,” Gigi cooed. “Wait, actually don’t, hearing you say you were wrong is just gonna get me hard again,” she laughed.
Jan tossed a pillow at her. “You’re a little fucking bitch,” she snorted.
“A little fucking bitch that made you scream,” she corrected, shifting to lay beside Jan. “We’re not going out to the club, are we?”
“Nah,” Jan decided, wrapping her arm around her. “I’ll just listen to you talk about how wrong I was until you’re ready to fuck me again.”
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missjanjie · 4 years
Justify My Love | Goodesport
Title: Justify My Love Summary: Gigi and Jan might have butted heads on set a few times, but the one thing that stuck with Gigi was Jan not believing she's a top. So she comes to New York with a secret mission, but Jan might just beat her to the punch. Word Count: 3089 Relationship(s): Goodesport (Gigi Goode x Jan Sport) Rating: E
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It had started out as a completely innocuous comment during Untucked. Jackie and Jan had been talking about their time going out to bars and clubs in Manhattan, and more specifically, how Jan approached dating and hooking up when he was single.
“I swear, Jan has like a sixth sense, a bottom superpower or something. She can, without fail, always pick out the tops in a crowd. Sometimes it’s top-leaning verses, but it’s still a talent,” Jackie was saying with Jan nodding happily in agreement.
The other queens looked at her with curiosity. “So what about here? Are your top senses tingling?” Crystal asked curiously.
“Not with you,” Jan retorted with a laugh. “I mean I know Jaida is, I got those vibes from Nicky too, and obviously we have Miss Dom Top Girl Bye over here,” she gestured to Heidi. “Um… Yeah, am I forgetting anyone?”
Gigi cleared her throat pointedly, and Jan looked at her with sincere surprise. “What? Don’t look at me like that. I prefer topping. Is it that surprising?”
Jan strummed her fingers against her glass. “I mean… kinda, especially after I throttled you across the set. Honestly, you give off more ‘bossy bottom’ vibes, like Jackie.”
“Hey!” Jackie chimed in with a laugh.
“You know it’s true,” Jan cooed before redirecting her attention to Gigi. “No but really, if you’re a top, you’re a top. The sixth sense isn't foolproof.”
The conversation tapered off after that, but the whole exchange was stewing with Gigi, who was simply unsatisfied with the result. It shouldn’t have continued to nag at her the way it did. It shouldn’t have still been lingering when they were nearing the end of the last episode. “Do I really give off bottom vibes?” he asked Jackie.
Jackie looked at her, perplexed. In the time since, she’d completely forgotten the exchange until Gigi jogged his memory. “Are you talking about what Jan said?”
“I guess I get what she meant. You can sometimes come off a little bratty, could be where she drew that conclusion,” she shrugged. “Is that really still bothering you?”
Gigi shifted uncomfortably. “It’s just that it’s totally inaccurate!” she insisted.
Jackie furrowed her brows. “Why are you so concerned with what Jan thinks?” She studied Gigi’s reaction – the red face, the averted gaze – he only had one conclusion to draw. “Do you… have a crush on Jan?” She didn’t let the younger queen answer. “Oh my god, you do! That’s so cute!” She cupped her face. “Aw, my sweet baby Geege,” she cooed.
Gigi swatted her hands away. “Knock it off, I don’t need that shit spreading around. Doesn’t she have a boyfriend, anyway?”
The enthusiasm immediately left Jackie’s face. She felt bad for not having thought about that, and embarrassed, considering all the double dates they’d been on. “Right, right, sorry. But hey, don’t get too down about it. Stranger things have happened.”
Gigi had thought her feelings would dissipate with time. They weren’t around each other all the time, she was constantly busy. It should be out of sight, out of mind, right? And maybe it might’ve been the case, if it weren’t for the fateful text she got from Jaida one November night.
‘Did Jackie tell you Jan and her boyfriend broke up?’
Of course Jaida found out from Jackie, she thought. ‘No, when did that happen?’
‘A few days ago, Jan’s crashing on Jackie’s couch until she can lock down a new place. Said she’s been busy helping or she’d tell you herself. Apparently it’s important that you know.’
Gigi turned red at that, hiding her face in her pillows and letting out a groan until she could collect herself. ‘Did she say anything else?’
‘Yeah: I told you so’
She rolled her eyes. “I told you so,” she mocked to herself. Leave it to Jackie to be a gossip and a know-it-all. Still, the next thing she did was check her calendar, hoping she would be in New York sometime very soon.
As it turned out, ‘very soon’ ended up being about ten days. And Gigi thought that was enough time, especially if she did decide to do anything. But even though there was a part of her trying to talk himself out of it, the rest of her had been drowned in the same feelings she had on set, and she knew that crush hadn’t dissipated in the slightest.
It didn’t help that most of Jan’s instagram feed was post-breakup thirst trap pictures. It had caught Gigi off guard, but she certainly wasn’t complaining, nor was she planning on deleting the screenshots of those photos from her phone anytime soon. Beyond that, she refused to show even the slightest drop of nerves when she got to New York. She was going to be the confident Gigi Goode everyone knew and nothing less. And she was going to make certain Jan knew exactly how much of a top she was by the time she went back to Los Angeles.
Once in the hotel, Gigi took a quick shower and changed into a clean outfit that was far more fashionable than the sweats and oversized hoodie she’d arrived in. After writing and rewriting a text a few times, she asked Jan if she wanted to go out to a club, and to her relief, she got an enthusiastic ‘yes’ in reply.
Gigi was expecting to meet Jan at the club, but just as she finished getting ready, he got a text from Jan asking for her hotel room number.
“Hey, I missed you!” Jan greeted warmly when Gigi opened the door. She hugged her tightly, liking the way the other queen seemed to melt into his arms.
“I missed you too. How’ve you been?” Gigi asked as she ushered her inside. “You’re all settled into the new place, right?”
Jan nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I have. It’s the first time I’m living alone and… honestly, it’s freeing. It’s nice, but a little lonely,” she admitted.
Gigi nodded and sat beside her. “Well, you won’t be lonely while I’m here. I’m going to annoy you incessantly until you’re ready to dropkick me back to LA,” she nudged him lightly.
“You could never annoy me,” Jan cooed and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer. “Well… maybe not never, but I’m still happy you’re here.”
Gigi had forgotten how physically affectionate Jan was, it had been a bit jarring at first. She had grown up with everyone keeping themselves at arms length, and normally that was how she liked things. But Jan was a hugger, a kisser, everything Gigi normally couldn’t stand, but somehow Jan was the exception. “I’m happy I’m here too.”
“And…” Jan pulled back to reach into his bag, “I thought we could do a little pregaming before we go out,” she set the bottle of vodka and cans of soda she’d gotten from the vending machine on the table.
“You’re the best,” she grinned as they fixed themselves drinks. “Cheers, to not being lonely tonight,” and they clinked their plastic cups and took long sips.
Jan took another sip and sat back down. “What’ve you been up to? Still a top?” she teased.
Gigi bit back a grin, this was just the segue she’d been hoping for. “I sure am. Still doubting me?”
“That really stuck with you, huh?” Jan chuckled. “I thought I saw it get under your skin a little bit,” she took Gigi’s hand, swinging it aimlessly. “Not still mad at me, are you?”
“Oh, I was never mad at you,” she assured, then sat straddling Jan’s lap. “But you have to understand that I can’t just let you be wrong like that,” she added, running her fingers through Jan’s hair. All the nerves she had come in with seemed to have vanished, and she let her lust and desire take control of her words and actions.
Jan seemed just as interested, brow raised and arms looped around Gigi’s waist. “Yeah? You’re gonna show me how much of a top you are, Geege?”
Gigi put two fingers under Jan’s chin and tilted her head up. “Honey, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Is that why you wanted to come here first? Wanted to see if I’d fuck you? There’s no need to play games, you know. You could’ve just asked.”
“But where’s the fun in that?” Jan bat her lashes innocently.
So this was how she was going to play? Gigi smirked, not minding a bit. She grabbed Jan by her shirt and pulled her into a heated kiss. Her tongue slipped past Jan’s lips, swirling and wrestling it in a battle of dominance that she knew she was going to win. When she needed to come up for air, it was never more than a few seconds at a time before she eagerly dove back in, until finally she rested their foreheads together as she caught her breath. “Shit, do you have any idea of all the things I wanna do to you? Wanna fucking ruin you.”
“Please…” Jan’s voice was soft and breathy, but filled with an undeniable need that sent a thrill up Gigi’s spine.
And Gigi simply couldn’t leave it at that. “Please what?”
“Please fuck me, ruin me, take me like I know you’ve wanted to,” the words were spilling out too fast for Jan to realize she had admitted to knowing how Gigi felt about her at first. But she knew Gigi wasn’t one to talk about feelings, so she hoped that would be overlooked.
Gigi was, in fact, more than willing to overlook it. She just kissed Jan deeply, biting her bottom lip and slowly pulling back. “I don’t know how rough you like it, like… Will we need a safe word?”
Jan’s brows rose in interest, her hands splayed across Gigi’s thighs. “That’s exactly the kind of rough I like,” she purred.
“So, what’s your safe word?”
“Jan, too soon!”
Jan scoffed in mock offense. “How is it too soon for you?” She then giggled, hiding her face against Gigi’s neck until she could collect herself. “Sorry, sorry. I’ll just tell you to stop.”
Gigi got off of Jan and pushed her down onto the bed. “You’re ridiculous. Take your fucking clothes off.”
“Oooh, yes Daddy,” Jan purred, taking interest in Gigi’s firm tone. But she paused after she took her shirt off, tilting her head. “Or… Mommy?” She looked to Gigi for clarification.
“Doesn’t matter, Daddy’s fine,” she assured, then smirked. “Now go on, Daddy didn’t tell you to stop,” she gestured to the fact that Jan was still dressed from the waist down.
Jan breathed out an apology and quickly stripped down, then pushed herself up to her knees to undress Gigi as well.
“So eager,” Gigi chuckled, lifting her arms up so Jan could take her shirt off. “So desperate to get fucked, aren’t you?” she cooed as she kicked off her jeans and underwear, pinning Jan underneath her on the bed once they were both naked. “You might not have had me figured out, but I knew you were a greedy little whore,” she attacked Jan’s neck with kisses and bites, leaving marks from the base of her jaw to her collarbone. She sat back, straddling Jan’s waist and gently raking her pointed, manicured nails down Jan’s chest.
Jan felt goosebumps spread down her arms, breath hitching in her throat. Gigi’s gaze bore down into her soul, sending electricity coursing through her body. She always found Gigi to be beautiful, she’d always been attracted to her, but something about seeing her at this angle, gazing up at her – she looked ethereal, and Jan couldn’t help but melt under her touch.
Gigi wrapped her hand around Jan’s dick, stroking lazily as she looked around. “I take it you brought lube and a condom?” she asked, only letting go and getting off of Jan so she could retrieve it. “Of course you did, slut,” she smirked and snatched the bottle from her hand. “On your back, legs up and apart.”
Jan laid back, propping pillows behind her to give Gigi an easier angle to work with.
“You’re so pretty like this, on display for me,” Gigi mused as she slicked her fingers up with lube and sat on the back of her legs, positioned between Jan’s thighs. Her free hand kept a steady grip on Jan’s hip as she eased a finger into her, waiting a moment before starting to thrust.
“Fuck…” Jan grunted softly, arching towards Gigi as her eyes fluttered shut.
Gigi landed a firm smack of disapproval on Jan’s inner thigh. “Don’t you take your eyes off of me,” she hissed as she worked in a second finger.
Jan whimpered softly, but kept her head up and eyes on Gigi, which was a sight she really had no complaints about. She gasped out when Gigi twisted her fingers in just the right way. “Fuck, fuck right there.”
“That the spot, baby?” Gigi didn’t wait for an answer before thrusting her fingers against it several times over.
“Yes, yes, fuck, Gigi, please,” Jan panted, all but fucking herself on her fingers.
She smirked, slowing her thrusts to a halt. “Please what?”
“Please fuck me. Fuck, I need your cock, Daddy. Want you to fuck me so hard, I’m still feeling it when you’re on your way back to LA,” Jan was shamelessly vocal with her pleading, already aching for more.
And Gigi looked down at her, listening to the desperation in her tone and, to be honest, she would’ve given her anything in the world. But there was no way she would’ve given Jan the satisfaction of knowing that. Instead, she eased her fingers out and grabbed the condom, tearing it open with her teeth and rolling it down her length.
Jan quietly studied Gigi’s naked form. She didn’t expect such a lithe, little twink to be hung like that. She never noticed on set, most of the time she spent around Gigi, she was thinking about strangling her or tossing her across the room again. Perhaps it was those spiteful feelings that compelled Jan to seek her out – it was the best way to hash out months old tension as far as she was concerned.
And while Gigi’s frustration with Jan had stemmed from something completely different, it didn’t make her desire to fuck Jan senseless any less potent. She grabbed one of the pillows and propped it up under Jan’s back, hooking her legs over her shoulders as well. She carefully lined herself up and pushed in, letting out a quiet stream of curses until she bottomed out.
Jan’s eyes were blown wide with lust, the heat of arousal over taking her. She felt like she was on fire without the slightest urge to put it out. It took a moment for her to realize Gigi was waiting for her to give a sign that she was ready to continue, so she nodded eagerly.
Gigi began thrusting instantly, starting slow at first, but quickly picking up the pace. “Look at you, taking my cock so well. This what you wanted, baby? To get fucked like the dirty little slut you are?” She wasn’t satisfied with Jan nodding, so she grabbed her jaw and leaned in close. “Answer me.”
“Yes! Yes, fuck, it feels so good,” Jan moaned out sharply.
“Good boy,” Gigi hummed and moved back upright, thrusts becoming harder until she was fucking her at a brutal pace that was almost beyond her control. Her hips snapped forward at an almost animalistic speed. She couldn’t get enough, and neither could Jan.
It was when Jan started squirming against her that Gigi decided to pay her more attention. She wrapped her hand around Jan’s cock, her hand still slick from the lube. “Gonna make you come for me, baby doll, gonna have you screaming my name.”
Jan’s moans were already loud and guttural, reminding both of them that Jan did make her living off of vocalizing. “God, fuck, Gigi, I’m so close, gonna come…” But there was a tinge of hesitation.
It hit Gigi after a beat – Jan was waiting for her permission, and the way she had gotten her so utterly submissive made Gigi moan. “Go on, come for me,” she goaded, thrusts slowing down a bit so she could properly watch and appreciate the sight. “God, that’s fucking hot. Gonna make me come,” she murmured, slamming forward a few more times before stopping, an idea forming.
Jan whined softly, but she was still coming down from riding out her orgasm. Still, she looked at Gigi as if to ask, ‘what gives?’.
Instead of a verbal answer, Gigi pulled herself out. She got up to discard the condom and sat back down on the side of the bed. “On your knees,” she said, then snapped, “now.”
Jan pushed herself up and off the bed, sinking down to her knees between Gigi’s legs. She didn’t need any further instruction from there – she took Gigi’s cock into her mouth and began bobbing her head.
Gigi allowed it for a moment before grabbing onto Jan’s hair, which immediately got the other queen’s attention. She began bucking her hips forward, slowly at first, to make sure Jan was okay. And after a nod of approval, she went ahead with fucking her throat.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Jan had incredible breath control and no gag reflex, so she was able to comfortably stay still while Gigi continued thrusting her dick in and out of her mouth.
When Gigi came, she held Jan’s head in place, moaning out wantonly as she came down her throat, then slowly eased out. She swiped the come dribbling down the side of Jan’s mouth with her thumb and licked it off.
Silence followed for a few moments as Jan pushed herself up and got back on the bed. “Well,” she started, “I guess I was wrong. You’re definitely a top.”
“Mm, say it again,” Gigi cooed. “Wait, actually don’t, hearing you say you were wrong is just gonna get me hard again,” she laughed.
Jan tossed a pillow at her. “You’re a little fucking bitch,” she snorted.
“A little fucking bitch that made you scream,” she corrected, shifting to lay beside Jan. “We’re not going out to the club, are we?”
“Nah,” Jan decided, wrapping her arm around her. “I’ll just listen to you talk about how wrong I was until you’re ready to fuck me again.”
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revisionaryhistory · 4 years
Three Days ~ 58
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The video call with Emma's family had been good until the last sentence. I wasn't sure if Andrea was legitimately saying she hoped we'd be together or questioning if we would. From the look on Emma's face, she was going with option two. Now I was slightly suspicious Eli's dislike for them wasn't unfounded.
It wasn't late when Emma called. I put my script on the table and stretched out on the couch before connecting the call. I stopped before a word left my mouth.
Emma said, "Hey."
"This is not the same happy face I saw less than two hours ago." She looked exhausted. While her puffy red eyes could be from the pool, I doubted it was chlorine. She'd been crying. A knot formed in my stomach. I spoke quietly, "What's going on, baby?"
What followed was a strange story of her parents ignoring her to talk to Amy then telling Emma she should pretend her life sucks so her sister won't do drugs. Oversimplified, but accurate.
Dammit, Eli was right.
Emma went back and forth between angry and sad. I honestly don’t know which was worse, but I didn't like either of them. A wave of protectiveness washed over me and I wanted to jump on a plane to go get her. She didn't need saving now any more than she did in the bar after the volleyball tournament. The difference was either I was there just in case she needed me at the bar or possibly my feelings for her were stronger now. Or both.
At the end of the story, she said, "It's not always this bad. Most of the time it's fine, besides the walking on eggshells. I didn't say anything because I try to be optimistic. If I come down here thinking the worst, I’m reading into everything and paranoid about everything I say. It only makes things worse. I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad."
I double blinked, "Mad? I’m not mad at you. I’m pissed as hell at them. Your best friend kind of hates them. Your sister's a heroin addict and your parents signed over custody of you to a rock star who lived on the other side of the country. I never thought this was a vacation. You said I didn't need to worry, but I did anyway. I am going to need Eli's phone number so I can apologize for thinking he was an ass about your parents."
I felt better when she smiled, "He'll enjoy that and never let you forget."
"Never letting you forget stupid shit is the basis of most male friendships." I switched back to serious for a second, "Do you wanna leave? Say the word and I'll book the flight and talk to you until the Uber gets there. Meet you at the airport here and we'll lock ourselves in my apartment until we have to leave Sunday. Hell, you can just stay here and hideout. Maybe rearrange some more of my drawers."
"As wonderful as it sounds, no. Not tonight anyway. Amy and I will have a good time tomorrow. I'd feel bad running off. Sunday there will be family buffers. Monday, I don't know. Mom will be doing exams Tuesday while I'm with the girls." She shook her head, "I already severely limit my time here."
"Em, it's ok to not want to be around people who make you feel bad. Even if they're family. It's shitty, but it's your choice."
"Visit when my guilt about not visiting outweighs the potential bad time when I visit."
"I don't recommend guilt." I looked at her thinking what a shit situation this was.
"I don't want to fight to just be myself. Shouldn't be this difficult. I can understand them wanting to protect Amy, but I feel like they don't want to hear about me."
I couldn't fix this as much as I wanted to. "Last night when you knew I'd been upset did you feel incredibly helpless? Even though talking to me while I could see you was enough."
"Yep." She yawned. "I was out by the lake. I came back where it was light and we could see each other. We have good phone calls."
I agreed. Phone calls, even video calls, can feel distant or impersonal. Not for us. I'm used to keeping friendships going over the phone. If I couldn't have real conversations on the phone, I wouldn't be sane. "You’re tired."
"I don't want to hang up."
"Not going to. What was your favorite bedtime story when you were little?"
She looked at me like I was a little crazy. Not inaccurate. "Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree."
"I want you to go upstairs and get into bed. While you’re doing that, I’m going to find Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. Then I'm going to read to you until you fall asleep."
“You’re going to read me a bedtime story?”
I most definitely was. I nodded with a smile.
“Best boyfriend ever.”
“Trying.” I could tell she was getting up. “I’m going to be quiet so you can sneak in.”
“My parents are awake in the family room. I have to walk through.”
“Just pretend you're sneaking me to your bedroom after a date. Put me in your pocket.”
She laughed and then the screen went dark. I could hear muffled voices. “I’m going to bed.”
“Amy said to be ready to leave at ten.”
“Sounds good. Night.”
“Sleep well. We love you.”
“Love you, too.”
Hmmm. Her voice didn’t hold the warmth those words should have. Not the way I’d want to hear them.
Less than a minute later I was out of her pocket. “I need the bathroom. I’m going to let you hang out in bed.”  She was quiet, but I could see she was concentrating on something. “Enjoy.”
Emma dropped the phone on the bed and I was staring at the ceiling when my text notification went off. Oh . . . the naked on a pool float picture. Peachless. Also, bikini bottomless. I was still smiling when the real girl came back on camera. “Nice ass.”
She crawled under the covers and propped her phone against the pillow next to her. “Remarkably self-conscious.”
“Then why’d you send it?” From the drinking game, I knew she’d sent nudes to someone before.
“Wasn’t self-conscious until after I sent. At the time it was fun and flirty. I knew you’d like it. After I hit send I thought I should make sure.”
“No, you were right I like it. A lot. Want a picture of my ass?”
“Your naked is ass is online and on film.”
“Bonus for you! Everything will be soon enough.” I still wasn’t sure how I felt about that.
“Really? Full frontal?”
“Not sure how full, but frontal. The movie I shot in Greece. Talk about self-conscious.”
“I tell you what. When your full-frontal comes out, I’ll send you full-frontal. We’ll be even.”
“Now I’m looking forward to the release.”  A dirty smile formed on my face, “Do I get to take it?”
“I don’t know who else would.”
I scrunched up my face because that hurt in all the good ways. I’m supposed to be reading a bedtime story not getting a hard-on. Guess where gonna see if I can do both at the same time. “Time for sleep.”
She smiled and tucked her hands under her pillow. I like seeing her relaxed like this even better than the naked pool picture. “You look so pretty curled up.”
“Did you remember to turn on the screenshot function?”
“I did.” I took one right now. “I’ll go sleep to that.”  
Winnie-the-Pooh sat down at the foot of the tree, put his head between his paws and began to think. First of all he said to himself: “That buzzing-noise means something. You don’t get a buzzing-noise like that, just buzzing and buzzing, without its meaning something. If there’s a buzzing-noise, somebody’s making a buzzing-noise, and the only reason for making a buzzing-noise that I know of is because you’re a bee.”
Then he thought another long time, and said: “And the only reason for being a bee that I know of is making honey.”
And then he got up, and said: “And the only reason for making honey is so as I can eat it.” So he began to climb the tree.
I kept reading until I was sure she was asleep. Instead of hanging up, I hit mute and put my phone on the arm of the chair where I could see her while I worked. I kept watch until she changed positions and knocked the phone onto the screen.
First thing in the morning, before heading to the gym, I sent her one of the pictures I took of her sleeping.
Sebastian ~ Hope your day is as peaceful as you look here.
Emma ~ Thank you. For everything. Listening, talking, bedtime story.
Sebastian ~ Confession. Didn't know Pooh before last night.
Emma ~ We can watch next time we're together.
Sebastian ~ Cuddled up watching Winnie the Pooh sounds good. Have fun today.
Emma ~ Have fun with the guys tonight.
 The next time I checked my phone, after working out, I had half a dozen text messages. All from Evans.
Chris ~ Yo!
Chris ~ Wake up
Chris ~ Lazy fucker
Chris ~ Are you home?
Chris ~ I’m in NYC
Chris ~ Let me know
Sebastian ~ Ass. I was at the gym. Chace is in town too. Meeting for drinks about five. Dinner. More drinks. You should come. I'd love to see you.
Chris ~ Sounds great. Tell me where.
 I sent him the address and was more excited about my night. Will, Chace, and now Chris were doing before dinner drinks then we'd meet up with the others. I'd made a ton of progress with the new role. After my shower I made some more notes, alternating with checking Instagram when I got a notification Emma had posted. A group walking down a dock pulling a couple of coolers was labeled, "Load in." A shot all of them on the boat. Emma was wearing the same bikini from yesterday with a pair of cutoffs. A couple of hours later she posted multiple pictures of them tubing, people sitting around laughing, others in the water, and a couple of them laying out on the deck. None of those had my girl. The next batch did. Same sort of pictures, but with her in.
This was much better than last night. She looked like she was having fun. The last one before I headed to meet the guys was her, Amy, and who I assume was Amy's boyfriend. He was in the middle. Emma's caption read, "Someone is missing."
I commented, "Miss you too."
I ran into Chace right outside the bar. We hugged and gave each other shit about our matching beards. We kept up the teasing and laughing all the way to the table. Will and Chris were already seated and had ordered beers. Chris downed half his beer in one drink, "Seb, man, you stood me up. I mean, I get helping your parents move."
Will laughed. Chace cocked his head to the side and smiled. Chris looked at them before turning his attention back to me, "What have you done?"
I put my beer down slowly. "Yeah, about that. I may have left out a bit. I was helping my parents move, but that's not why I stayed."
Chris put his hand on my shoulder, "You met a girl."
"I met a girl. We'd had a great first date and I wasn't ready to leave. I wanted to get to know her better."
Chris looked up like he was thinking, "I'm good with that." His eyes came back, "Still seeing her?"
I couldn't have stopped my smile if I'd tried. "Yeah. Emma."
Chris smiled, "Nice."
Chace looked at Will, "You knew this and didn't bust him in our group chat?"
Will shrugged, "Trust me, it's more fun this way." He shifted his eyes to me for a second before looking back to Chace with a smirked, "You've met her."
Chace pointed to himself, "I’ve met her?"
Will continued, "At Kirk's wedding she was with the singer from Boone's band and his wife."
I watched him search his memory, "Didn't I hit on her?"
"Why did you say that out loud?
Chace snickered, "To see him make that face."
Not sure what face I was making, but I changed it.
"I thought they were in a throuple."
I rolled my eyes, "Not a throuple."
"How is that even a word?" Chris screwed up his face.
Will handed Chace his phone, "This is her Instagram Emma_plays_90"
Unless Emma had updated the first was another throuple.
Both smirked, "Nice."
Chace asked, "Which is yours?"
"Polka dot bikini."
They scrolled back in her timeline, turning the phone toward me when they got to the peach one.
Chris raised one eyebrow, "Please, tell me you have the uncensored version."
I nodded. Smiling again.
Chace handed Will his phone back, "You have better on your phone. Hand it over."
I knew this would happen and had left the naked one in my texts. I had to stand up to dig my phone out of my pocket. I had it unlocked and the folder full of her open when I got a text.
Emma ~ Tell Chris hi and nice to meet him.
I looked up. Chris was on his phone. "What did you do?"
Chris did a shit job of pretending to look innocent. "Does Instagram notify someone if you follow them?"
"If their account is set to private and they have to approve you, yes, it does." Another text.
Emma ~ And Chace...
I glared at him. He shrugged, "0oops."
"Now she knows we're talking about her." No idea why I said that. Of course, she knows we're talking about her.
Will looked exasperated, "She already knew."
Chace chuckled, "She DM’d me. Hope your pick-up lines have improved." He sat there saying each word as he replied, "I'd like to say they have, but probably not."
Will smacked the back of Chace's head, "Stop it. You know how he gets."
One of the side effects of insecurity is jealousy. I get jealous. And in an all-time dick move I don't like it when girlfriends get jealous. I think that falls under the topic of commitment issues. I shook my head at Will, "Not jealous. It's this combination of annoyed that I could have met her a year ago and relief I didn't because things would have gone very differently. I was not ready for Emma a year ago."
"How'd you get ready?"
One of the things Chris and I have in common is relationship and commitment issues. I had no trouble answering, "Years of therapy finally came together. I managed to step outside my walls and she ... she has this way of working around my anxiety. Makes it ok."
I handed over my phone, scrolled back to the beginning with the fish.
Chace winked at Chris, "Told ya the good ones were on his phone."
They scrolled through, stopping to look at each other before turning the phone around to me. It was on the deck at her place. She was sitting at the table, her leg pulled up with her foot on the seat, smiling at me. She'd looked beautiful in the fading light. The smile, the look on her face, still made my heart skip a beat. Any man would love to have a woman look at him the way she was looking at me. That was day four. It’s even better now.
Chris turned the phone back toward them, "You should have led with you'd blown me off because you met a beautiful woman who looks at you like you hung the fucking moon."
I shook my head, "I met a very kind and amazing woman who just happens to be beautiful."
Chace asked, "How'd you meet?"
"She thought I was a drug addict getting snacks before checking into the rehab place up the road. She
helped me find chocolate chips for mom to make fudge."
Chris looked surprised then smiled, "That's a good story."
"Nice, but makes questionable choices." Chris grabbed Chace’s hand to turn the phone back around.
Chace kept scrolling, "This hers? She have a kid?"
Not sure why the pictures are out of order. "No, one of her students. She teaches first grade."
Chris started laughing, his hand went to his chest, "This is perfect. I couldn't do this better."
I was lost, "What are you talking about?"
Chris waved his hand around, "Issues aside and knowing you're not always the good guy in the relationship. The Seb I know," He pointed to Chace and Will, “we know, is kind, sensitive, and has a big ole soft heart. Every time you date someone, I get scared. Legit terrified. I’m afraid every girl is going to break you, change you, and you won’t be sweet Seb anymore. When I think of a teacher, especially a first-grade teacher, I think patient, kind, empathetic, flexible but firm. If I was setting you up on a blind date, I'd look for those qualities. This could be perfect."
"Emma is all those things. And accepting. I had a panic attack the other night. She didn't bitch about me not waking her, or ask a million questions, she just asked what I needed to be ok. I needed a run. I came back and she was upside down on my couch and had switched my sock and underwear drawers. She took none of it on, just took care of me."
"Refreshing," Chris said and the others agreed.
"I took care of her after she got to her parents."
Will winced, "Eli right to hate them?"
My eyes went wide, "They ignored her to talk about Amy's boyfriend, and told her to pretend her life sucks so Amy won't do drugs and relapse."
Will grimaced, "Yeah, Eli is right."
I filled in the holes for Chace and Chris.
Chace frowned, "You’re supposed to go to rehab for cocaine?"
Chris put his hand over his mouth and pretended to look surprised, "Oops."
Chace again, "I picture a first-grade teacher as sweet and innocent. No cursing, drinking, and kinda shy with sex."
I lifted an eyebrow. The same side of my mouth curving up. "I get that, but no." I pulled my eyebrows down, pursed my lips, and shook my head. "I do like Monday mornings when she comes down looking like a first-grade teacher."
Chace leaned forward, "Are you in love with her?" He started to smile.
I hesitated and Will spoke up, "If you say anything besides yes you're a worse liar than you are an actor."
"That's harsh." I rubbed my hand over my beard. "Falling in love, yes. Haven't quite been pushed
over the edge."
"How long have you known her?" From Chace.
"Three weeks."
Chris was shaking his head," You don't need months to know what's right for you. Don't overthink it. If she's ticking all your boxes, your heart flutters when you see here, and her smile takes your breath away, it's long enough. Don't waste a second. Falling in love is the best feeling in the world, just fucking enjoy.”
Chace held his hand out, palm up, waving from Chris to me. "For the record, I wasn't going to give you shit. I was just curious."
The conversation changed to what had been going on with them. Chace was doing some anti-superhero Amazon series. Chris was signed on for an Amazon series too. Apparently, the future is Amazon. The beers kept coming and we were lit when Chris asked our servers to take a picture. He texted it to the three of us and we posted it to Instagram at the same time. Complete with a countdown. Because drunk boys.
We wove our way the block to the restaurant. Our group more than doubled in size. Dinner sobered us up. It was a good time. We were loud for no other reason than talking across a long table. Ok, we were a little loud anyway. Next was another bar. We got even louder there. The value of a night out with the guys should never be underrated. Being idiots and taking the piss out of each other was good for the soul, and bad for the liver. We closed the bar down, loading into cabs in groups heading in the same direction.
I barely remember getting home. The next morning, I woke up with a raging headache. First order of the day was Advil and a bottle of water. Second was checking in on Emma. After the bar, the first one, I hadn't checked my phone again. She knew how to reach me if she needed me. I'd figured she was having fun like I was. From the pictures and videos on Instagram plus the ones she'd texted me, I was right. They’d gone back to her parents after the boat and had a pool party.
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likefusion · 7 years
How to Get 99+ Endorsements on All Your LinkedIn Skills: “I got 99+ endorsements, and they all help prove my proficiency in key areas.” That's what Jay Z might say if he was optimizing his LinkedIn profile. Hopefully you get the reference. But seriously, LinkedIn endorsements are really important. In fact, they're one of the most effective ways to prove your expertise and back up your claims. Anyone can say they possess a particular skill, but having 99+ endorsements proves that. What are endorsements? Before I go any further, allow me to explain this concept if you're unfamiliar. It's pretty simple. Endorsements are a LinkedIn feature that allows others to verify your skills with a single click. Here's a screenshot of the formal definition given by LinkedIn: For instance, the top three skills I list on my profile are SEO, online marketing, and web analytics. Endorsements are a simple way to prove you are not a charlatan—you're genuinely proficient at the skills you list on your profile. The more endorsements you have, the more legit you appear. Ideally, you'll want to reach 99+. Not to toot my own horn, but that's what I've achieved on the vast majority of my LinkedIn skills. See? Here too: All are 99+. Of course, you can have thousands of endorsements for a certain skill, but 99+ is the highest number that will appear unless someone actually clicks on the skill to dig deeper. Here's what I'm talking about: I actually have 2,134 endorsements for SEO, but 99+ is what visitors first see. Why are endorsements important? Getting people to endorse you can open doors and unlock opportunities that might not have happened otherwise. It's a way to validate yourself and show you really do “have the chops.” This is obviously appealing to those who come across your LinkedIn profile, looking to find a partner in a business project, working arrangement, and so on. Some experts even suspect it can impact your search ranking. The bottom line is the more endorsements you receive, the better. In this article, I'd like to discuss some strategies to help you get 99+ endorsements on all your LinkedIn skills. Let's start from the top. Prioritize your skills Most people have a wide array of skills. And LinkedIn is more than happy to help you share them with the world. In fact, they allow you to list up to 50. I list a few dozen on my profile. But you need to be selective about the skills you list at the top. Like I mentioned earlier, the top three skills I list are SEO, online marketing, and web analytics. This is important for two reasons. First, it tends to be easier to get endorsements when it's for your core skills that people naturally associate you with. For example, I do have experience with website development. That's true. But I'm far more skilled at SEO. Therefore, most people associate my name with SEO more than website development, which makes them far more likely to give me an endorsement for SEO. That's why I made the conscious decision to use SEO as the first skill on my profile. Second, people tend to get overwhelmed if there is a ridiculous number of choices. But if you place your primary skills at the top, people can zone in on those skills, which increases the likelihood of them giving you an endorsement. Endorse others I'm a firm believer in the law of reciprocity. It's a psychological principle I've discussed in several blog posts mainly in the context of conversion optimization. Long story short, it simply means that people are inclined to do something nice for you if you do something nice for them. But reciprocity can be applied to LinkedIn endorsements as well. And it's not rocket science. Endorse the skills of others, and there's a good chance a considerable percentage of them will return the favor. I recommend starting with the people you're closest to and have the tightest relationships with. This might include colleagues, team members, previous employers, and satisfied customers/clients. Look over the skills they list on their profiles, and add a few endorsements. Once they see you've made the effort to help them, many will be inclined to help you as well. If they know for a fact you're adept at a particular skill, it shouldn't be any trouble for them to endorse you. And the beautiful thing is it's easy to do. It's not like it requires a major time commitment. Unlike personal recommendations that require someone to write a unique statement, an endorsement requires only a single click. It's really no big deal. Straight up ask for endorsements One thing I've learned in life, as well as in business, is that it's important to ask. Some of my biggest breakthroughs were simply the result of me asking for help, a favor, etc. And you know what? A lot of people are more than willing to help you out. Tactic #1 If you're looking to raise your number of endorsements quickly, I suggest politely asking others to give them to you. An article on Portfolium discusses a specific formula for increasing endorsements by asking. It's simple. The author, Scott, created a brief message that he sent to 300 connections asking for endorsements. Here's what it looked like: I'd like to point out his opening line: What skills do you want to be endorsed for? I think this is a more effective way to approach people than immediately asking for an endorsement—it doesn't make you come across as overly self-serving. After sending this message to 300 connections, Scott saw a drastic increase in his number of endorsements. It went from a meager 28 to 302, which was an increase of over 1,000%! The amazing thing is that it took less than 15 minutes. Tweak this template as you see fit, and send it to as many connections as possible. While you may not get quite the level of results that Scott did, I can pretty much guarantee you'll see a substantial spike in your number of endorsements. Tactic #2 Here's another simple way to go about asking. It involves leveraging existing resources where people understand your skillset and know what you bring to the table. Some examples might include your blog and email. Here's what you do. First, invite others to connect with you on LinkedIn. This is necessary because the last time I checked, only first-degree connections are allowed to endorse you. To do this you, you could leave a CTA with a link to your LinkedIn account at the end of blog posts or in your email signature. Then, each time you make a new connection, send them the message I discussed in the previous tactic. Be active on LinkedIn One of the things I find interesting about LinkedIn is that many people seldom update their profiles. While there are 467 million users, only 3 million update their profiles on a weekly basis. That's a tiny percentage. Most people update their Facebook at least two or three times a week. It's usually the same with Instagram profiles. As for Twitter, it's not uncommon to hit double-digit updates daily. But for some reason, most people totally forget about LinkedIn. But that's not how I roll. If you look at the activity feed of my profile, you'll notice I update quite frequently: And for a good reason. The more often I update, the more I'm on the radar of my connections. This means more traffic to my profile and more opportunities for engagement, including endorsements. What I'm trying to say is that you should make a point to consistently update your LinkedIn profile with quality content. It doesn't even need to be your own content. Curated content is totally fine as long as it offers real value and scratches your connections' collective itch. And when you're choosing what type of content to post, try to make sure it's relevant to the primary skills you're seeking endorsements for. If conversion optimization is your thing, you might want to post something from ConversionXL. Considering the small number of people posting updates on LinkedIn, it should be fairly easy for you to gain users' attention when they scroll through their feeds. Conclusion When it comes to professional networking, LinkedIn is the go-to network. While it doesn't get as much attention or have the same user base as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you don't want to overlook it. In fact, it's been an incredibly powerful tool for me and has helped me make several valuable connections over the years. One of the ways you can prove you're legitimately proficient at the skills you list is by having others vouch for you by giving endorsements. It's quick and easy but can have a tremendous impact on your personal brand, especially if you're able to gain 99+ endorsements. By using these strategies, you can effectively leverage your network to get the endorsements you're looking for. And who knows what opportunities this will lead to in the future… The long-term implications can be profound. How do you typically go about getting endorsements for your LinkedIn skills? http://bit.ly/2sgOyCv
0 notes
reverseskydives · 7 years
How to Get 99+ Endorsements on All Your LinkedIn Skills
“I got 99+ endorsements, and they all help prove my proficiency in key areas.”
That’s what Jay Z might say if he was optimizing his LinkedIn profile.
Hopefully you get the reference.
But seriously, LinkedIn endorsements are really important.
In fact, they’re one of the most effective ways to prove your expertise and back up your claims.
Anyone can say they possess a particular skill, but having 99+ endorsements proves that.
What are endorsements?
Before I go any further, allow me to explain this concept if you’re unfamiliar.
It’s pretty simple.
Endorsements are a LinkedIn feature that allows others to verify your skills with a single click.
Here’s a screenshot of the formal definition given by LinkedIn:
For instance, the top three skills I list on my profile are SEO, online marketing, and web analytics.
Endorsements are a simple way to prove you are not a charlatan—you’re genuinely proficient at the skills you list on your profile.
The more endorsements you have, the more legit you appear.
Ideally, you’ll want to reach 99+.
Not to toot my own horn, but that’s what I’ve achieved on the vast majority of my LinkedIn skills.
Here too:
All are 99+.
Of course, you can have thousands of endorsements for a certain skill, but 99+ is the highest number that will appear unless someone actually clicks on the skill to dig deeper.
Here’s what I’m talking about:
I actually have 2,134 endorsements for SEO, but 99+ is what visitors first see.
Why are endorsements important?
Getting people to endorse you can open doors and unlock opportunities that might not have happened otherwise.
It’s a way to validate yourself and show you really do “have the chops.”
This is obviously appealing to those who come across your LinkedIn profile, looking to find a partner in a business project, working arrangement, and so on.
Some experts even suspect it can impact your search ranking.
The bottom line is the more endorsements you receive, the better.
In this article, I’d like to discuss some strategies to help you get 99+ endorsements on all your LinkedIn skills.
Let’s start from the top.
Prioritize your skills
Most people have a wide array of skills.
And LinkedIn is more than happy to help you share them with the world.
In fact, they allow you to list up to 50.
I list a few dozen on my profile.
But you need to be selective about the skills you list at the top.
Like I mentioned earlier, the top three skills I list are SEO, online marketing, and web analytics.
This is important for two reasons.
First, it tends to be easier to get endorsements when it’s for your core skills that people naturally associate you with.
For example, I do have experience with website development. That’s true.
But I’m far more skilled at SEO.
Therefore, most people associate my name with SEO more than website development, which makes them far more likely to give me an endorsement for SEO.
That’s why I made the conscious decision to use SEO as the first skill on my profile.
Second, people tend to get overwhelmed if there is a ridiculous number of choices.
But if you place your primary skills at the top, people can zone in on those skills, which increases the likelihood of them giving you an endorsement.
Endorse others
I’m a firm believer in the law of reciprocity.
It’s a psychological principle I’ve discussed in several blog posts mainly in the context of conversion optimization.
Long story short, it simply means that people are inclined to do something nice for you if you do something nice for them.
But reciprocity can be applied to LinkedIn endorsements as well.
And it’s not rocket science.
Endorse the skills of others, and there’s a good chance a considerable percentage of them will return the favor.
I recommend starting with the people you’re closest to and have the tightest relationships with.
This might include colleagues, team members, previous employers, and satisfied customers/clients.
Look over the skills they list on their profiles, and add a few endorsements.
Once they see you’ve made the effort to help them, many will be inclined to help you as well.
If they know for a fact you’re adept at a particular skill, it shouldn’t be any trouble for them to endorse you.
And the beautiful thing is it’s easy to do.
It’s not like it requires a major time commitment.
Unlike personal recommendations that require someone to write a unique statement, an endorsement requires only a single click.
It’s really no big deal.
Straight up ask for endorsements
One thing I’ve learned in life, as well as in business, is that it’s important to ask.
Some of my biggest breakthroughs were simply the result of me asking for help, a favor, etc.
And you know what?
A lot of people are more than willing to help you out.
Tactic #1
If you’re looking to raise your number of endorsements quickly, I suggest politely asking others to give them to you.
An article on Portfolium discusses a specific formula for increasing endorsements by asking.
It’s simple.
The author, Scott, created a brief message that he sent to 300 connections asking for endorsements.
Here’s what it looked like:
I’d like to point out his opening line:
What skills do you want to be endorsed for?
I think this is a more effective way to approach people than immediately asking for an endorsement—it doesn’t make you come across as overly self-serving.
After sending this message to 300 connections, Scott saw a drastic increase in his number of endorsements.
It went from a meager 28 to 302, which was an increase of over 1,000%!
The amazing thing is that it took less than 15 minutes.
Tweak this template as you see fit, and send it to as many connections as possible.
While you may not get quite the level of results that Scott did, I can pretty much guarantee you’ll see a substantial spike in your number of endorsements.
Tactic #2
Here’s another simple way to go about asking.
It involves leveraging existing resources where people understand your skillset and know what you bring to the table.
Some examples might include your blog and email.
Here’s what you do.
First, invite others to connect with you on LinkedIn.
This is necessary because the last time I checked, only first-degree connections are allowed to endorse you.
To do this you, you could leave a CTA with a link to your LinkedIn account at the end of blog posts or in your email signature.
Then, each time you make a new connection, send them the message I discussed in the previous tactic.
Be active on LinkedIn
One of the things I find interesting about LinkedIn is that many people seldom update their profiles.
While there are 467 million users, only 3 million update their profiles on a weekly basis.
That’s a tiny percentage.
Most people update their Facebook at least two or three times a week.
It’s usually the same with Instagram profiles.
As for Twitter, it’s not uncommon to hit double-digit updates daily.
But for some reason, most people totally forget about LinkedIn.
But that’s not how I roll.
If you look at the activity feed of my profile, you’ll notice I update quite frequently:
And for a good reason.
The more often I update, the more I’m on the radar of my connections.
This means more traffic to my profile and more opportunities for engagement, including endorsements.
What I’m trying to say is that you should make a point to consistently update your LinkedIn profile with quality content.
It doesn’t even need to be your own content.
Curated content is totally fine as long as it offers real value and scratches your connections’ collective itch.
And when you’re choosing what type of content to post, try to make sure it’s relevant to the primary skills you’re seeking endorsements for.
If conversion optimization is your thing, you might want to post something from ConversionXL.
Considering the small number of people posting updates on LinkedIn, it should be fairly easy for you to gain users’ attention when they scroll through their feeds.
When it comes to professional networking, LinkedIn is the go-to network.
While it doesn’t get as much attention or have the same user base as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you don’t want to overlook it.
In fact, it’s been an incredibly powerful tool for me and has helped me make several valuable connections over the years.
One of the ways you can prove you’re legitimately proficient at the skills you list is by having others vouch for you by giving endorsements.
It’s quick and easy but can have a tremendous impact on your personal brand, especially if you’re able to gain 99+ endorsements.
By using these strategies, you can effectively leverage your network to get the endorsements you’re looking for.
And who knows what opportunities this will lead to in the future…
The long-term implications can be profound.
How do you typically go about getting endorsements for your LinkedIn skills?
from Social Media Marketing http://ift.tt/2quV3Bc via Social Media Marketing
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