#i sometimes remember how much time i spend alone in my house
books-and-cookies · 2 years
someone come take me on an adventure
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roosterforme · 9 months
Alone With All Your Letters | Hangman x Reader
Summary: You had been with Jake for so long, he could barely remember himself without you. But he was ready for more, and he was tired of waiting for you to catch up to him. With a few ugly words, he broke your heart. And with one handwritten letter, you brought him to his knees. 
Warnings: Angst, smut, age gap, fluff, talk of pregnancy, 18+
Length: 3700
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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You had been with Jake for a long time. Almost seven years to be exact. And while he loved you and knew he wanted to be with you, sometimes it was hard for him to come to terms with the fact that you and he were still at slightly different places in your lives. 
He'd met you when you were still in college. College. And he had been... a bit removed from school by that point. He had been new to Top Gun and San Diego when you slammed into his life. You were out celebrating your twenty first birthday at the same bar where he was celebrating his thirty third. You were clearly mortified when you ruined his shoes with a pitcher of spilled beer. But when he laughed, you looked so relieved, he let you buy him a drink.
And then you let him buy you several. And then you let him get you an Uber. And then he joined you in the Uber and spent the rest of the weekend at your apartment.
"Jake?" you asked, holding up two dresses next to your shared closet in his house. "Which one for brunch?"
They were both short and would show off your legs. Jake would get looks from other guys his age when he kissed your neck or wrapped his arm around your waist. He would get the occasional, "Nice going, bro." Or even the, "Daaamn." 
You were young. You were hot. But Jake would much rather spend the day at home relaxing with you instead of heading out to a boozy brunch with your friends. Especially the day before an eight week deployment. 
"The blue one, Honey," he told you with a soft smile. As he watched you get changed, he stood and tried to choose a shirt for himself. But he was tired of helping you pick out outfits and trying to coordinate how his shirts looked with your dresses. It didn't matter. It was exhausting. 
And that was the trade-off for being in love with someone twelve years younger. He was in love with a woman who loved him back with every fiber of her being, but he was also in love with a woman who put off the things he wanted to do. He no longer wanted rowdy beach vacations and dancing all night in clubs. He wanted to go to Europe and visit galleries. He no longer wanted to go out to eat every night. He wanted to stay in with you and make a meal together. 
He always felt the clash. Always felt like he was conceding with what he wanted for what you wanted. And it had never been more obvious than when he asked you a few years ago if you ever wanted to have kids. 
"Sure, Jake," you had told him, kissing his cheek. "I love kids. But not yet. In another year or two."
He hated bringing it up, he really did. But your answer was always the same. In another year or two. But it had been three years, going on four. And nothing you were doing was telling him you were getting close to that point yet. 
But he got dressed for this brunch that he didn't want to go to. And he held the door and talked to your friends and drank a mimosa. But he just wanted to be at home, enjoying the last day before he shipped out on an aircraft carrier. 
Later that night, Jake watched you change into some lacy, light pink lingerie that looked delicious on you. And then you made a big production of avoiding his grasp with a laugh. 
"Wait a second," you told him, pushing him playfully away. "I have to put something in your duffle bag." He unbuttoned his shirt as you rooted around in your nightstand drawer and pulled out a stack of envelopes just like you always did. "Make sure you read them in order," you whispered, bending to tuck them into his bag.
"I always do, Honey. Now come here." 
You treated him to your mouth and your hands and your pussy, letting him have whatever he asked for. And he fell asleep wrapped around your body, listening to you say, "I love you, Jake. I'll miss you so much."
But the next morning, he felt anxious in that way where he knew he needed to say something again. He'd be arriving back in port just before his fortieth birthday. He knew he was getting older. He knew what he wanted. But if there was never going to be a compromise with the timeline, then he needed to be the one to make the decision for both of you.
As you stood before him on the dock, tears in your eyes and your arms around his neck, he couldn't hold the words back. "Honey. I love you, but... I don't know if this is working for me anymore."
He watched your face fall and your lips part into a look of shock. Your voice was only a desperate whisper. "Jake?"
This was miserable, but he had to do it. He swallowed his guilt and said, "I don't know what to do here. I don't know if you're even happy with where we are, but I'm struggling. I'm about to be forty. I'm tired of going out all the time. I'm tired of waiting another year and another year and another year to get serious about kids. I love you, and I want to do that with you, but I can't force you. So if we aren't on the same page any longer, then maybe we need to end things."
Your lips were quivering, and your eyes were welling up with even more tears as you let your arms fall away from his body. You stepped backwards, putting some distance between the two of you. Your gaze started to change from one of sadness to one of anger. And Jake regretted it. He regretted everything he just said, but it was too late to take it back. So he stood there in it and let the disgusting feeling of remorse wash over him. 
But his name was being called now, and you stepped away again when he reached for you. "Goodbye, Jake," you whispered, your voice rough with unshed tears as you swiped at your eyes. 
He turned and walked toward the long, daunting ramp that would take him to his deployment and away from you. Perhaps forever. Every time he turned back to look at you, there were more tears in your eyes, but you hadn't moved an inch. When he made his way onto the carrier deck, he dropped his bag and pulled out his phone. 
Jake called you over and over, watching you standing on the dock as you ignored his calls before tucking your phone away. He called your name, screamed it over the noise from the crowd of people seeing their loved ones off. He hollered until his voice was hoarse. And then he got his phone out again, waiting with shaking hands until he got your voicemail. 
He was looking right at you, and you were looking back at him as he said, "Honey, please. I'm so sorry. Please. I didn't mean any of it. I love you. I need you. I need you to be there when I get home. Please! Fuck! I'm sorry. Please stop ignoring my calls! I love you."
With shaking hands, he ended the call and redialed your number. Once again he watched you ignore the call, so he left you voicemail after voicemail as the aircraft carrier pulled away from the dock. He apologized as many ways as he could until your inbox was full and you were just a speck in the distance. 
Jake collected himself off of the deck and made his way to his tiny bunk where he sank down onto the unmade bed and cried. What was he thinking? If he had to choose between a life with you or one without you, he wanted to choose you. He fucked up, and now there was no way you were going to listen to him. There was no way you'd be there when he got home. 
He just broke your heart and then his own with a handful of idiotic sentences that he said in place of having an actual conversation with you. If he ever accused you of being less mature than he was, well, he was wrong about that, too. This had to be the dumbest thing he had ever done. 
"Fuck," he groaned as he started unpacking his bag. But your letters to him were right there, and he thought he was going to throw up as he untied the stack and took the top envelope in his hands. 
That would be your revenge in a way. He would spend his deployment opening all of your sweet notes to him. You always did this, and he always loved reading them. But now he'd let them hurt. He would let himself feel pain. 
But he was in no way prepared for what he read in that first letter.
I miss you already! I'm probably still on the dock waving and crying, watching you sail away. Eight weeks isn't forever, but I know every day is going to feel impossible without you. And I know you'll feel the same way. So let me send you off with a little bit of hope and a promise. When I told you I had a last minute appointment on Wednesday, I had my IUD removed. And I didn't get another one in its place. I'm ready. When you get back in two months, let's go for it. Let's make you a Daddy.
All my love
He folded the note back up as neatly as you had, and then he tucked it back inside the envelope and sprawled across the bed with his forearm over his eyes. And he didn't move for a long time.
Jake was basically useless out of the cockpit. He flew his missions, and completed his training exercises, but he had to force himself to eat and go to the gym. There was no outside communication allowed this time around, so he had no way to talk to you, not that you would have answered your phone for him. 
To make things worse, he'd been rationing your letters to him, spreading out the pain, prolonging the agony. Each one was sweeter than the last, and each one made him ache. But he read that first letter every night before he went to sleep. Because, for the briefest point in time, he'd had everything he wanted. And now he had, well, essentially nothing. And because he had nobody to go home to, the weeks were flying by. He was nearing the end now. Nearing his fortieth birthday, and wishing he could just stay for another deployment. 
Silently, he packed his bag that final morning, but he held onto your letters, wanting to feel their weight in his hand. After nearly seven years of having you standing on the dock waiting for him to arrive home, he was going to have to call himself a cab. He'd go home and process things the best he could without you, but first he would stand there and watch everyone else fall into the arms of their loved ones. 
Jake tossed his duffle bag over his shoulder and wound his way down the ramp. He took a deep breath as his boots hit California soil, and he walked slowly into the crowd of people on the dock. The evening sun was still bright and hot as he was jostled around by all of the bodies. Choruses of 'I missed you!' and 'I love you so much!' rang out around him. When he closed his eyes, he could practically hear your voice, that's how well he remembered every single time you collected him here, took him home, and made love to him. 
But when he opened his eyes, he gasped. You were standing off toward the back of the crowd, face expressionless as the setting sun illuminated your features and your yellow sundress. The color of honey. Why were you here? To have your chance at telling him off? Or perhaps... 
"Honey?" he called out, suddenly shoving his way through the crowd. "Honey!" He rushed to you as quickly as he could, but you didn't move an inch. The only thing that changed was your expression, which was turning more apprehensive as he closed in. 
"Jake," you whispered when he was right in front of you. He hated the look you were giving him. There was an awful sensation in the pit of his stomach, a mix of wanting to reach out to hold you, but terrified of the rejection you were probably about to rightfully hit him with. 
"Honey. I fucked up."
You nodded, and the softest smile found its way to your lips. "You really did, Jake."
He dropped his bag to the ground. "Even if you're only here to slap me in the face, will you listen to me for a minute first?" When you nodded, he said, "I was frustrated. I'm getting older. I'm getting old for my career. I'm getting old to have a kid. And I feel at times like I'm too old for you to be satisfied with me."
"Jake, that's not true," you insisted, eyes bright with tears. When he ran his fingers along your jaw you didn't stop him. 
"Whether it's true or not, it's in my head. And I can't get it out," he whispered. "But I love you. I want to be with you. As soon as I told you otherwise, I regretted every single word, Honey. I didn't have to read any of your letters to know I had just made the worst mistake of my life. I didn't even make it all the way onto the carrier before I was calling you."
"I know," you whispered as one stray tear slid down your cheek. "I know you didn't read the note before you called me. I was watching you the whole time."
Jake brushed the tear away, fighting the urge to press his lips to that spot. "Then why didn't you answer me?" he asked softly. 
"Because I was mad. I'm still kind of mad at you. Either I'm enough, or I'm not. What if I can't even have kids? You were just going to leave me?"
"No," he swore, shaking his head. "The fact that you said you were willing to try with me is more than enough. Okay? You're more than enough, Honey. I love you."
You swallowed hard and let out a shaky breath. "I wasn't lying when I told you that I'd catch up to where you were someday. I never lied to you, Jake. So next time don't try to rush me into something, okay?"
He reached for your hand. "Next time?"
You nodded. "Yeah. Don't fuck up again."
"Does that mean you'll stay with me?" he asked, desperation in his voice as he wrapped his arms around your waist. 
Jake pulled you against him, his lips meeting your forehead as he squeezed you. He let himself cry out all of the pain and hopelessness he had contained the best he could for the past eight weeks as you held him.
Today was his birthday. Forty. Jake was pretty sure he was on the verge of needing reading glasses, and sometimes his shoulder hurt when he got out of bed if he slept funny. But last night he slept funny because you were wrapped around him in bed. So it was worth it.
Things had been a little shaky after you picked him up at the end of his deployment a week ago. He'd begged you to stay with him in his house and work through things. You'd been living with him for so long, he honestly couldn't imagine his place without you anymore. You were having open conversations together, and Jake was finally starting to feel like things were getting back to normal. 
But he hadn't asked you once about your IUD, thinking maybe you'd changed your mind when he was deployed, after he word vomited all of his insecurities on you. No, he wasn't going to mention anything about birth control until you brought it up. So quite frankly, he wasn't quite sure if you and he had had sex with or without birth control last night. 
Jake went through his day, hoping that when he got home from work, you'd be there. And that maybe today would be the day you'd make it clear what you wanted now.
"Honey?" he called out after he unlocked his front door. 
"I'm in the bedroom, birthday boy!"
Jake smiled and headed toward your voice, stopping short in the doorway. You were perched on the edge of his desk wearing that light pink lingerie he loved so much. There was a cupcake on a plate next to you, and as he approached, he watched you strike a match and light the candle. Then you pursed your pretty lips to blow out the match, and Jake was right there. He kissed you, raking his fingers along your soft skin, so thankful you were with him. 
"Happy birthday," you managed between kisses.
"You look like my present, wrapped up all pretty."
Your soft laughter filled him up. "I actually got you a watch, but sure, I can be your present." You hopped down from the desk and ran your hands along the front of his uniform before taking his hand. As you led him toward the bed, you looked back at him, your eyes unguarded. "I'm still figuring out my cycles now," you muttered, shrugging nervously, "but I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating today."
"Honey," Jake groaned. "Say it. Please, say it."
But instead of saying anything, you crawled across the bed, letting him see your gorgeous ass. And when you eased yourself down onto your back and spread your legs wide, you asked him, "Don't you want to fuck a baby into me?"
Jake's eyes went wide as he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside along with his undershirt. Then he eased himself down onto the bed, grabbing the backs of your thighs and kissing your core through the lace.
"Say it," he begged, watching you bite your lip and press your head back into the bedding. "Honey."
"I'm ready, Jake. I'm ready to make you a daddy."
With those words, Jake drew your legs back together and gently removed your underwear, letting the lace glide along your soft skin. And when he eased your legs apart again, he groaned. "You're perfect. I can't get enough." He pressed his lips and nose to your pussy, inhaling your sweet scent as he stroked your hips and belly with both hands. 
He could already picture you round and pregnant. He'd been imagining how beautiful you would be as a mom for years and years. When he kissed your belly button, you pushed your fingers through his hair. There was nobody else he'd ever wanted to do this with. 
When he met your eyes, there was a smile playing on your lips as you whispered, "Jake, we're going to have to do this all the time now. You know that, right?"
He groaned softly as he unclasped your bra and let his lips settle on your tits. "Yeah, I know," he told you, running his nose along the undersides of your breasts. "I'll fuck you full of my cum, nice and deep. Keep you full for as long as it takes."
"Oh, fuck," you gasped as he sucked on your nipples and unzipped his uniform pants. And then he was thrusting inside you, and the little sounds you made were the filthiest things he'd ever heard. He went harder, deeper, thinking about how he'd make sure you always had his cum inside you. How you'd smell like him. How he'd be on you all the time. 
"You're gonna look perfect carrying my child," he whispered, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. "Everyone will know what I did to you. Everyone will know how bad I wanted it."
The way you responded to him was too much. Your back was arched, and he could feel you tightening around him. "Everyone will know," you echoed in a moan. "They'll know you fuck me so good, Jake."
His forehead came to rest against yours as he panted. "You ready?" he grunted. "I'll fill you up right now."
"Yes," you whispered, taking his fingers and guiding them to your clit. With a few slow circles, he had you whining and squirming as you started to climax.
"Stay still, Honey," he whispered, his voice rough now. "Keep it all inside."
You were keening from his words and your orgasm as Jake filled you with his cum. "Fuck," you whined, and it was so loud and needy, he rammed his cock deep and held you to him while he pulsed inside you.
"Don't move, don't move," he whispered, kissing and licking your tits as your fingers stroked through his hair. "Don't waste it."
He was in love with you and the feel of your body. You wanted what he wanted. He would make it his mission to get you pregnant. 
"God, Jake." Your voice was raw and harsh as you said, "I'm getting your creampies around the clock now, aren't I?"
He lifted your hips gently off the bed and watched as he slowly withdrew himself from your pretty pussy as you whined softly. And when his cum started to dribble out of you, he gently fucked you with two fingers, pushing it deeper. "Around the clock," he confirmed. "Now let me eat my birthday cupcake and then I'll fill you up again."
You ended up sitting naked on Jake's lap and laughing while you had to pick the melted wax off of the icing. Then you fed him the cupcake, sneaking a bite for yourself as his cum oozed out of you and onto his khaki pants. He'd fuck you full again later. He'd keep doing it as long as it took.
"Happy birthday, Daddy," you whispered.
I wrote Jake again? It's becoming a habit now. Thanks for reading this one! And thanks for @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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saetoru · 10 months
So tell us how the first kiss goes between y/n and suguru in rich! boyverse 🙏🏼
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。IF ONLY — GETO SUGURU. (rich boy! au)
based on this — disclaimer: this is a side au! to rb! gojo but it’s not rly part of the “story.” it’s just for fun and builds off the au, but you may disregard it !!
contents. college! au, rich boy! gojo + geto, reader is dating gojo, cheating (reader on gojo w geto), mutual pining, a make out kiss ; notes. uh….it’s here guys. the first installment of mr. geto “steal your girl” suguru. we have sinned the ultimate sin 🚶🏽‍♀️ rip satoru my babie </3
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dating satoru should be enough—it was enough. but then suguru came along, and, well….suguru is magnetic.
his voice is that deep husk that sends shivers down your spine, his hair is long and frames his face so flawlessly, and when you catch a glimpse of his skin when his shirt rides up, you can’t help but think about the way he’s so defined. sharp, like he’s cut from stone, suguru is sculpted perfectly. satoru is everything you could have asked for….but suguru? he’s like a dream you didn’t think was a reality.
“hey,” he greets you sweetly as he opens his door, “you’re early. satoru hasn’t even left his house yet.”
early—you’re not early. you’re desperate. desperate to catch suguru alone. desperate to enjoy his company without feeling bad. desperate to stare at him while satoru isn’t there to notice. you didn’t come early by accident—you chose to be here before satoru.
“hi,” you grin, “you wound me suguru. don’t you wanna spend time with me?”
“i didn’t say that,” he chuckles, flicking your forehead affectionately.
suguru has always done that, he’s always been good at touching you in that casual way that’s so endearing and so dizzying—but it never crosses the line. his fingers tap against your forehead when he’s playful, and his hand steadies you on the elbow when you trip, and sometimes, he even hugs you with a squeeze that’s nothing more than friendly even though it makes your heart stop.
suguru is so alluring—and even when you have everything you need with satoru, you can’t help but want what you can’t have.
“i hope you got snacks because i require them,” you hum, sitting on island of his kitchen and swinging your legs back and forth.
“i did,” he snorts, “i got your favorite—”
he stops when he looks at you, has to pause and stare as you’re sat so casually in his home, looking so sweet and innocent and so, so pretty. you’ve always been pretty—you don’t even know it, how perfect you are. it makes you that much more desirable, makes him want to tell you every day until you believe him that you’re so god damn pretty.
and then he has to look away, has to ignore those thoughts that pop in his head about how it almost looks like you’re his, sat in his kitchen and asking for his snacks and smiling at his figure and seeking out his company. it almost feels like you’re his—almost.
so close, yet so painfully far.
it makes him a bad friend. he knows that—satoru has been glued to his side since he was a child. suguru doesn’t think there’s ever been a time he remembers without satoru, and he’s always liked it that way. loved it, in fact. satoru is a good best friend. the greatest, even. and he’s just as good of a boyfriend too—suguru should respect it, should put his head down and fight his demons and forget about his fantasies with you.
but then you pout as you whine, “gimme some, then. what’re you waiting for?”
“they’re for the movie,” he huffs, “don’t think i’ll share with you if you’re out of snacks before we finish the movie.”
“aw c’mon sugu,” you tease, giving him that dangerous smile of yours, “you’ll share with me, won’t you?”
yes. he’ll give you half of his soul if you asked. he’d carve out every bit of him to complete you if you needed him to, if you asked him to—he just needs you to ask. just once, he needs you to ask him.
“you’re a handful,” he mutters, “get your own snacks.” but he grabs a bag of chips from the pantry anyway, walks up to you and presses it to your hands. your fingers brush together as you reach—just at the tips, just barely for it to even count as a touch, but it makes you both still anyway.
he’s close. you can smell his cologne. he can smell your body wash. your fingers don’t pull away. his inch a little closer and feel your skin a little better. your face is close. his leans closer. and then you’re leaning in too—why are you leaning in? why aren’t you stopping? why isn’t he stopping?
and then it happens. his lips are on yours before you even realize it—you don’t even realize it, that’s the worst part. you don’t even register that you’re kissing suguru, your boyfriend’s best friend, the only one he has, because you’re so busy being lost in the feeling. his lips are warm, so soft and delicate and fuck, they’re a bit chapped and it only makes you want him more.
what other imperfections does he have? besides chapped lips, what else is there to discover? maybe his hair isn’t as soft when he hasn’t washed it after a few days. maybe his hands are a bit rough and calloused. maybe he has a scar or two from his childhood.
you don’t know, but you need to find out.
your hands are cupping his cheeks, making him lean into your mouth shakily, arms pulling you closer desperately. his arms are strong—they hold you tightly like you have nowhere else to go. and then when you take a chance as slip your fingers into his hair, to feel those strands you’ve only ever been able to stare at, he whines against your mouth.
like he wants more. like he needs more. like he’s always ever wanted more.
“c’mere,” he pants, “closer.”
you can’t help but listen. can’t help but lean closer and let him stand in between your legs as you’re sat on that damn kitchen island—you’ve kissed satoru against this same island. in secret. in a kiss or two you sneak when suguru doesn’t look. in a hopeless daze of want and need that always turns into more as soon as you’re both in private.
and now you’re kissing suguru. and it’s not enough. you need more—you feel like you can’t live without more.
“suguru,” you murmur, just because you need to taste his name on your lips when they’re whispered like that—like he’s yours.
“yeah?” he breathes, forehead pressed to your as his lips hover over your mouth—his breath is shared with yours, breathing you in and exhaling you out so you can inhale him too.
your hands are back on his face, thumb tracing the skin of his cheek so gently, it almost hurts that he’s gone this long without feeling you.
“i just wanted to say that,” you mumble, pecking his lips softly. he hums happily, closing his eyes as he leans into your hand and smiles.
“yeah?” he chuckles, “say it again—”
“guys i’ve finally arrived! the answer to your prayers,” satoru calls, opening the front door from the distance, “i know you’re bored without me. don’t worry, i’m here now.”
you pull away faster than lighting when you hear satoru, like suguru’s touch is the spark that’ll kill you if you let it near. he steps away, watches in slow motion as you plaster that lovesick grin on your face as satoru walks in and leans in to kiss you so softly—so carefree, so openly. like you’re his. like you belong to him. like you’ve only ever wanted him.
does satoru even realize? does he even notice the dazed look on your face and the plumpness of your lips? does he even notice the way your breath is short and a little puffy?
“toru what took you so long,” you pinch satoru’s cheek, “i’ve been waiting for you.”
“missed me huh?” satoru wiggles his brows—giddy, he’s always so giddy to be around you, always so happy to have you as his.
satoru is so lucky—and the worst part? he realizes it too. he doesn’t take you for granted, doesn’t ever leave an opening for suguru to take.
“don’t get a big head,” you roll your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck as he slots himself between your legs—right where suguru was just moments ago.
“yeah, satoru,” suguru says before he can help it, staring right into your eyes as he speaks, “don’t have a big head. what if we didn’t miss you?”
“don’t be mean suguru,” satoru pouts, “you always miss me.”
if only he knew, suguru thinks, if only.
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OH GOD. I FEEL SO BAD. but i love it 🤭
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yanderestarangel · 8 months
can you write some headcanons for smoke (tomas vrbada) from mk1? there’s barely anything on tumblr for him😭
TW: SFW, NSFW Headcanons, AFAB Anatomy, Husband!Tomas.
A/N: thanks for the idea anon<3 I miss this big guy on tumblr, Tomas my love deserves more attention.
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He is the shy type, a loving, passionate and gentle lover, even with his most serious exterior he melts in your arms.
Tomas loves just being at home with you, especially if you are married - whether it is an arranged marriage or a spontaneous marriage - he likes you, if it is an arranged marriage he will be shy to even talk to you, but he will do his best to being a good husband, respecting your limits, remembering important dates like your birthday - he even saves money to buy something you really want and makes dinner for you -
He is the type that will want to be your safe haven, if you live in the same house with him, you will take care of the house while he goes out to work with the Liu Kuei clan, but if you want to work for him that's fine, but he You will be reluctant at first for fear of being hurt in some way.
Tomas doesn't allow you to be close to Bi Han, don't take him the wrong way, he's just afraid because he knows his brother, Bi Han doesn't like anyone and probably if you and Tomas are married by arrangement, it was the grandmaster himself who forced him both to get married, as a form of "humiliation" for Vrbada, but it had the opposite effect, he was happy to have someone like you.
He's the type who only talks if you talk to him, he's always been like that, sometimes if you get too distracted he'll even forget that Tomas is at home, getting scared when you turn around and see him at the kitchen table, cutting his teeth vegetables for dinner for both of you.
On his days off from the clan, he likes to just spend time with you, watching movies, taking care of the house - mowing the grass, reading some books, practicing some new moves or, if you want, sex all day long, oral, anal, vaginal , whatever you want and order he will do to you, do you want him to fuck you from the outside? He goes. Do you want him to fuck you with his dick all over the house? He goes. Do you want to suck his dick? He'll let you stand between his legs until you're satisfied - he loves your blowjobs, especially if you pay attention to his balls, even if he's too shy to talk.
Tomas has a twenty centimeter dick, thick, slightly bent to the right with two thick veins that stand out on the sides, which pulsate extremely when he is hard. The color is pink at the tip going halfway, he is very sensitive - he gets hard with practically anything you do, even cumming in his pants if you tease him, especially if you masturbate him through the fabric, he whimpers and begs to cum, begging for your pussy, mouth, breasts anything, he just needs your body connected to his-
He values your pleasure first, but sometimes he can't hold back, cumming before you do, he's embarrassed, blushing while apologizing to you, but he won't stop trying to make you cum, he has so much repressed lust :( Tomas will continue to have a hard-on even after the first orgasm, that is, he will make you cum, whether with his dick, mouth, fingers or taking turns between the three, after all, it's your pleasure that matters to him.
He loves fingering you, always paying attention to your clit, he knows the right spots, where to touch, where to massage and how to massage - Tomas will finger you with both fingers, using his thumb to pay attention to your throbbing bud, while you praised him for holding his fingers so well - Example:
"-Good boy | Good girl"
"-Pretty little doll"
"-Little prince | Little princess"
"-My angel"
"-My boy | My girl"
"-Mine, mine alone"
"-You've done well/a good job my love."
"-You're making me really happy right now baby."
"-Fuck that's it, I know you can take it all."
Cowgirl - Tomas likes to see you in control, your pleasured face bouncing on his dick, as he watches your pussy being impaled by his dick, Vrbada's strong hands on your waist, squeezing the soft flesh of your body as he watches your breasts jump with each movement, he helps you by praising you and moaning to let you know that he is loving it, he is also quite vocal, you can see Tomas' face contorting with pleasure, his worked muscles trembling with each ride of your pussy tight on him, just keep enjoying yourself on his dick as he praises you for being so good for him as he cums inside your pussy with a guttural moan.
Reverse cowgirl - Vrbada loves seeing your ass bouncing on his crotch, how your back and waist look so delicate while your pussy swallows him greedily, he tries to be a gentleman with you but loses control, holding your ass tightly , slapping and fucking you at his pace.
Missionary - He loves this position because he can look at you, every reaction of pleasure, every time his cock slips out of your pussy, every time you moan when he pushes his thick shaft into your uterus, he always captures your pleasure, praising you and talking looking into your eyes how beautiful you are, while kissing you on your neck, breasts, face,lips, placing his forehead on yours while closing his eyes or looking down, seeing your wet intimacies, he loves seeing your full belly, with a slight elevation caused by his seed - he loves making a good creampie, taking his fingers up yours sensitive hole and dirtying the tips, rubbing it on your lips while he made you taste his cum.
Bonus: The only time you saw him angry was when Bi-Han betrayed him and Kuai Liang, he arrived at your house, an aura of anger and black smoke surrounding him tightly, you didn't even have time to ask. Tomas's anger and frustration seemed to radiate from him as he entered the room, his emotions practically palpable. Without saying a word, he took off his mask and kissed you fiercely, his desperation and anger evident in his actions. As he rubbed his hard cock against your body, you could feel the intensity of his emotions swirling between you. It was clear that he intended to release his anger through fucking, and you were more than willing to be his outlet. His grip tightened around your waist as he turned you around, removing your shorts and exposing your delicate pussy. With one hand, he easily trapped his legs, holding you in place as he ravished you with an almost primal intensity. "-Fucking Bi-Han." -Tomas growled, his voice mixed with anger and frustration. "-He betrayed us, son of a bitch, our father would be so disappointed... he was always so cold to me... shit shit, I thought he was my brother." As he continued to thrust into your pussy, his movements becoming more urgent and forceful, he tore off your shirt, exposing your breasts to his hungry gaze. The sight of your bare flesh only intensified his need, your lewd growls echoing through the room, he pushed his fingers into your mouth making you suck on them. "-Take my fingers, my dirty little slut" -ordered Tomas, his voice dripping with dark desire. "-Suck them, show me how eager you are to please me." With each strong thrust, Tomas vented his anger on your poor pussy.
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sohnric · 8 months
millennium bug – e. sohn
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pairing: eric sohn x fem! reader
genre: 90s au, twenty-five twenty-one au, brother's best friend au, childhood friends au, fluff, slice of life, coming of age. older brother! sunwoo. essentially just eric being baek yijin. oct-nov scenes inspired by weak hero class 1. no plot just vibes im sorry
warnings: minimal swearing and thats all lol
word count: 19k
a/n: posting a fic for a new fandom is always so scary pls be nice to me deobiblr bc im literally abt to cry. also yes i am calling this a 2521 au bc the plot is so heavily inspired it might just be one. a special thank you goes out to @csenke for dragging me into stanning this group i am enjoying myself 🤞
there are some pros and cons to not having friends growing up. cons: you're always forced to tag along with your brother and his group wherever he goes. pros: his childhood best friend is kind of hot.
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JUNE OF 1999
Being Kim Sunwoo’s younger sister is no bed of roses sometimes.
Sure, you get the occasional excitement of having him bring you rollerskating with you down the hill or the ever so rare moments of him defending you in front of your mother when you two have done something wrong (while never saying he was in on the bad act as well, of course), but more than often, you are met with his disgusted looks and insults whenever the two years older boy passes by your room and casually bangs at the door just to spite you.
His snarky looks are especially ones to remember. Maybe it’s because he offers them to you often– much like in this very moment, completely unprovoked, and completely not by your fault.
“But mum–”
“I already told you, Sunwoo,” your mother looks at him with a stern look in her eye, the one that makes chills run down your spine, “you can go if you take Y/N with you.”
“But nobody’s bringing their sister! Mum, come on–”
“Take it or leave it, young man.”
And see, your brother may be 19 years old, but he’s still in need of getting permission to leave the house if it includes an overnight stay. It’s an unspoken rule he always follows, since he’s usually granted the right to leave, but the result of his conversation was different than what he expected this time. And see, you may be just two years younger than him (one year left until you are an adult), but even though your mother is too busy to take care of you and entertain your slowly adultling self on most days because of her highly demanding job, she always makes sure that you don’t stay alone for long, and that’s exactly why (you realize, contrary to your brother) she insists on making you tag along on Sunwoo’s trip to the beach house with his friends.
The male grunts and turns on his heel, not giving your mother another response– and with this, you know she won. And that means you’ll have to pack your bag soon, because you know that there’s no way Sunwoo would miss going to the beach house with his friends– even if it meant making his little sister tag along.
And sure enough, Lee Juyeon’s minivan pulls up into your driveway only a few hours later, and the sound of the honking outside is enough for your older brother to aggressively drag you outside of the house, shutting the door behind you and hollering an angry “Bye mum!” to your mother. Your figure is handled with the least amount of care possible as you’re thrown towards the white van, the door opened and 5 heads already peeking out with expecting eyes, waiting for your brother’s arrival.
“My mum made my stupid sister go with me, so I hope we have space for one more,” Sunwoo huffs as he throws his bag into the trunk, slamming it with more force than was necessary (boy does he know how to throw a scene), an encouraging voice of none other than Juyeon– the driver himself– landing in your ear. 
“Sure, just hop in!”
With that, your feet finally unglue themselves off the ground and bring you into the vehicle. You’re familiar with his friends– since a scenario like this hasn’t happened for the first time and you had to spend your fair time with Sunwoo’s circle growing up, mainly because you never really had many friends yourself. You’re not close with any of them, though, and you’re sure you haven’t seen half of them for ages. 
Lee Juyeon is the responsible one of the group. You’re comfortable with the fact that he’s the driver, since you’re not entirely sure if you’d trust any of the other men in this space behind the wheel (you fear the day your brother gets a driver’s license. You'd bet a million dollars that he’ll die while driving recklessly one day). Next to him on the passenger’s seat is Choi Chanhee, his best friend, carrying a map in his hands and twirling it in all possible directions to get his friend on the right track. In the three-seat behind those two is Ju Haknyeon, Ji Changmin and your brother himself, and in the very back of the whole van, almost in the trunk, you’re sat next to Eric Sohn– your brother’s childhood best friend.
“Hi guys,” you offer a greeting to all of them, settling into the uncomfortable leather seat (that’s peeling off, just by the way), watching as the rest of the men pay you no mind and ignore your voice, falling into a comfortable conversation with each other.
Sighing, because this always happens– your brother gets too annoyed because he has to bring you with him all the time, and you imagine his friends aren’t fond of the fact either– you settle deeper into the seat and cross your hands on your chest, looking outside of the window. You can’t imagine enjoying your trip now, since you feel like you’re a nuisance, a child they have to take care of (yes, it embarrasses you just the tiniest bit, you have to admit. Although, you do enjoy getting out of the house from time to time), and the fact that your feelings were probably more than justified and also true has you pouting, an unsatisfied feeling weighing at your lungs.
“Hi,” a voice resonates from your side, the sight of a smiling Eric peering at you taking you off guard. You didn’t expect anyone to react to your greeting– not so delayed anyway– and the sight of your brother’s best friend carrying on in the conversation with you has you shocked beyond belief. “Excited?”
Finding yourself hum in agreement– how much you are still excited for the pool and for the sun, you’re not really sure– and although you are upset, something about his open and nice demeanor has you visibly relaxing, the sparkles inviting themselves back into your eyes. “I’ve never been to the beach,” you admit, seeing Eric gasp at you in surprise.
“Really?” he asks. “I go every year with my parents.”
“Well,” you hum, “you know how my mother is…” you sigh, chewing on the inside of your cheek. It’s easier to joke about it than to actually let the fact get to you– with your mother being the main news anchor, she is too busy to actually go on trips and form bonds with her own children sometimes. That’s why you spent most of your childhood at Eric’s family’s house in the first place– this is what made you the closest with Sunwoo’s same aged friend. His parents were nice enough to let you stay over and have sleepovers whenever your mum had to leave suddenly and take week-long trips abroad, or have emergency shifts during late evenings. 
Eric hums, sympathizing with you. “Well, at least you get to experience it now!”
“Yeah,” you awkwardly nod, playing with the hem of your jean shorts. It’s the shorts you made yourself by cutting the legs off your favorite pants after you grew out of them and they got too short, and they’re starting to look a little worn-out now. Maybe you should beg your mum to get you some new clothing.
The conversation between the boys grows in volume, doing nothing to help you to relax in the crowded vehicle. You can’t really find a place to fit yourself in and talk, the topics too unfamiliar for you and the feeling of not even being welcome in the discussion sitting heavy on your chest, when a finger bears itself to the flesh of your thigh, making you snap your head around to gape at the source of the contact. Eric looks at you with a boyish grin, sparkles evident in his eyes.
“Wanna see something?” he asks.
The male digs around his backpack, hands searching through the contents of his bag for only a couple of seconds– since he’s the neat one, contrary to your messy brother– before he takes out a small gadget: a square with a little screen on top, a silver, circular button space sitting big in the very middle of the device. Eric throws the thing into your lap, smiling when you take it into your hands and examine it with curious eyes.
“Have you seen one before? My dad got it for me last week,” he boosts, satisfied with your reaction to it. 
Your mother’s job pays quite well– meaning that you usually have the latest gadgets, the latest trends– but if you’re being honest, you haven’t seen one of these in real life before. Yes, you caught a glimpse of an ad for it in the town center, on one of the big billboards while passing by to get to school in the morning, so you know that it’s an MP3 player, but still; this was your first time touching one and examining it in real life. 
“How does it work?” you ask, watching as the boy scoots from his seat to the middle one, so he is now sitting directly next to you, before he takes out wired headphones from the first department of his backpack and turns the little square over in his hands, finding where the jack goes.
“You put those in,” he says, plugging in the headphones, “and then you press this…” he explains, taking the device out of your hand and pushing on the power button for a few seconds, “and then it should play.”
Watching him with expecting eyes, the boy finally puts the MP3 player back into your hold. Then, his fingers swiftly put the respective earphones into your ears– like you’d do to a little kid that has no idea how they work, making you a little flushed at the action– and after that, you’re left with the sound of an unfamiliar song playing in your ears, making the sound of the chatter in the van completely tune out. Eric keeps on watching you, a sense of pride in his eyes as you nod at him, all excited with the new explory, before he takes one of the earphones out of your ear, grinning.
“Cool, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you nod. “The song is good,” you dumbly say, watching as the boy next to you pridefully nods at the compliment, resting his back against the car seat. 
“It’s the H.O.T album. My dad says they’re good,” he mumbles, moving the headphone he took from you and placing it into his ear, making you nod at him in acknowledgement. The action has your insides bubble with disappointment, thinking that the fun is over as you reach for the other earphone as well, offering it to the male.
Eric looks at you with a shocked pout, shaking his head. “No, we can share!” he says, pointing towards your ear. “If you want, of course.”
The action has you smiling, a shy nod escaping out of you as you reach and put the earphone back into your ear, letting yourself fall deeper into the car seat, listening to the song from Eric’s MP3 player. You’re grateful for his presence– he didn’t have to keep up a conversation with you. He could ignore you, just like the rest of his friend group always has. Maybe it was something about the two of you growing up together that always made the boy at least a bit more affectionate towards you than the rest.
You spend the car ride to the beach house with Eric leaning on your side, listening to music and his occasional blabbering about how his previous days went. 
Somehow, you're glad the seat beside him was the only vacant one when you arrived to the vehicle.
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You don't quite remember when you met Eric for the first time, if you’re being completely honest. The first memory you have of him is of your seventh birthday party, although you’re almost certain the boy’s been present at some point of your life before– at one point, you think you saw a picture of him and Sunwoo, two chubby toddlers, watching you as you laid on a blanket on the ground somewhere in your photo album. As far as you’re concerned, he may as well have been there when your mother brought you back from the hospital– although you think he must have been too young for that back then.
The first memory you have of Eric Sohn is the day you turned seven– a gloomy, sad day that in the moment, you prayed you wouldn’t have to remember in the first place.
It was already established that while your brother is the social butterfly, you don’t have a big friend group. Actually, you could count the number of your friends on one hand, and since the amount wasn’t as big, your mother allowed you to invite them all over to your house to celebrate your birthday with you. 
She baked a cake, she decorated the living room, hell, she even took a day off from work– something you deemed special, for it doesn’t happen often– and as you sat on the floor of your living room, the cake standing proud on the small coffee table, waiting for your friends to arrive, you hummed a song under your breath, the clock slowly passing the time you agreed for them to come over and celebrate.
At first, you didn’t mind it– everybody gets late sometimes, it’s okay. It was just a birthday party, and you had a lot of time. Not everything had to be set on schedule.
But the closer the clock moved to being one hour, than two after the time your friends were supposed to come, you grew worried. Your mother’s nervous pacing around the living room and her heavy sighs as she sat next to you on the floor, smiling at you in what you can only explain as sad way made you more and more anxious about the fact that you only had three friends, but all three of them seemed to not care enough to come celebrate your birthday with you. And as your mother finally took the final bow in the form of a soft hand on your inner thigh, her tone gentle as she called your name– “Y/N, I think we should light the candles,” you began to tear up.
You were supposed to eat the cake with your friends. You were supposed to hear them sing the birthday song to you. You were supposed to turn on the radio and dance around with your classmates, eat the sweets and unwrap the cheap, but heartfelt gifts they brought along with them to celebrate your birthday. 
But none of these scenarios were happening, and you felt incredibly, incredibly lonely and sad. Forgotten, if you will. Not cared for, definitely.
Hiding your face into your hands, you started to cry. This disappointment was too big for your small heart to take, and you no longer cared about the cake, the candles, the seaweed soup your mother cooked for you to celebrate, the gifts, or the party. All you wanted to do was hide in your room and never come out– something about the whole situation felt deeply embarrassing, and to this day, the moment before the whole day turned around still makes you feel a bit ashamed of yourself. 
Too busy crying, you didn’t notice your older brother watching you with big bambi eyes, a worried glance sent your way each time your sobs grew louder and louder. And maybe the boy only wanted to taste the cake (he’s been bugging your mum about it since the very morning, but he was always sent off with a scolding look telling him that he’ll get a slice when everyone arrives), but no matter what his true intentions were, his actions still managed to pull your seventh birthday party together in a way you never imagined.
The sound of the front door faintly resonated in your brain somewhere in the middle of your aimless sobbing, but you paid it no mind, thinking it was just Sunwoo going out to the yard to kick the ball. See, your older brother had never really known what to do when you cried growing up– it didn’t matter if he was the reason for your tears or if anyone else was. If he was the reason for your emotional outbursts, he tried to shut you up with his palm and get you to stop crying before his mother found out and gave him a scolding, but if someone else was, the small boy sometimes turned angry at the source. Kicking his classmate that once made a snarky comment about you and made you tear up or punching his friend when he was too harsh with you was all he knew to do in these situations, so he wasn’t the one to comfort you with words or hugs. It was only natural for him to escape in this situation.
You were brought to a state of shock and surprise when a hand landed on your shoulder, a familiar voice breaking you from your emotional turmoil.
“Why are you crying? We have to eat the cake!” you heard, your big, sad eyes meeting the small figure of the boy living next door, your brother nervously stepping from one side to the other right behind his best friend. “Can you light the candles, Mrs?” Eric politely asked your mum, pointing towards the cake waiting sadly at the coffee table, the figure of your mother leaving your side only shortly to get the matches from the kitchen and illuminate your face with the small flames.
Confusion mirrored your features as you watched your brother and his best friend sing the birthday song to you while your mum lit your candles, both boys clapping and dancing around, acting silly just to get a laugh from you. You didn't know how Eric got there, but you guessed there are some good sides to having him as your neighbor. The energetic boy did his best to brighten up your mood a bit, and when you blew out the candle, making a wish, Sunwoo even went as far as smashing your face into the cake to bring in the full birthday authenticity.
That got him a slap to the back of his head from your mother, as well as made you stand up from your position– no longer making you look like a disappointed bulk of pity– and chase him around the room, icing falling off your nose to the laminated floor. You got your revenge and smeared the chocolate all over his forehead (he let you chase him down only because it was your birthday and he really, really hated to see his sister cry, but he won’t ever tell you that) and as the three of you sat back down to the floor, watching your mother slice the cake and offer it to you on small white plates, you realized you suddenly weren't as sad anymore.
“What did you wish for?” Eric asked you, mouth full of cake and face messy with chocolate.
“I can’t tell you,” you hummed, eyebrows furrowed. “Then it won’t come true.”
“You probably wished for that doll you saw in the store the other day,” Sunwoo snickered as he swallowed, having you glare at him and send a sharp kick to his shin, unwatched by your mother (thankfully), as the boy fought you back, having no mercy.
Music suddenly filled the room as Eric stood up and put the radio on, his 9 year old brain smart enough to know how the device worked, his small figure dancing away to the songs playing on the single radio station you could play without carefully sorting out the antenna so it faced the north, and truly, you didn’t know how it happened, but it had you standing up and dancing around, exactly how you'd imagined doing with your friends from school.
The day wasn’t ruined– quite the opposite, really. It was one of your favorite birthday parties, and ever since then, Eric was invited to every single one you had after. And while Sunwoo may act like he doesn’t hate anything more in this world than having a younger sister, every time you feel like a burden to him, you remember this very afternoon.
You will never tell anyone what you wished for that day– but just to let everyone in on the secret, 
it was to somehow, just like Sunwoo, find someone like Eric for yourself as well. 
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JUNE OF 1999
Standing at the side of the pool, eyes squinting from the inevitable force of the sun, you’re starting to regret your decision of coming along just a little. See, you usually don’t protest whenever Sunwoo aggressively drags you around and brings you everywhere he’s supposed to, because even though you love to see your brother angry (especially when you’re the reason behind the emotion), you’d also hate to see him miss out, but now, as the scorching hot sun is having no mercy on every exposed inch of skin– and believe me, there’s a lot of it, since you’re wearing your swimming trunks– and the sweat on your forehead is no longer culminating in beads, but rolling painfully slowly down your forehead, you do admit you’d be a little bit happier in the shade of your little room than here, watching the guys play volleyball in the comfort of the freezing cold pool.
And as the only female around the house, you settle with the patriarchy and bring out a small folding chair and a camping table alongside with a big, sharp knife, struggling to hoist up the giant watermelon you got in a grocery store on your way to the beach house, with the intention of cutting it and serving it to the guys later. Who knows, maybe they’ll like you a little more after that. 
The knife sinks into the thick green skin of the watermelon easily, and so as you accompany yourself with the excited (and not so excited screams coming from the losing side of the game– mainly your brother himself), you cut up the fruit into halves, then quarters, and as you stare at the moon crescents settled on the camping table, you decide to play nice and cut up the fruit into smaller triangles as well, to really get on everyone’s good side.
The yearning for male validation awakes in a woman pretty early on in life. It’s an inevitable misfortune.
“Told you Sunwoo’s all talk but no game!” you hear Haknyeon yell out as the game seemingly ends, the younger boy lunging at him in the pool, fighting him for the truthful words. Glancing at the commotion, you notice the guys slowly getting out of the pool, making you heave out in victory– you’re finally gonna have your turn in the pool. Well, if they don’t decide to occupy it again before you even get a chance to get in.
“Y/N! You cut up the watermelon?” Eric asks a very obvious question, walking up to you with beads of water all over his half-naked body. His dark hair is damply sitting against his forehead, making him look like a wet puppy, but as the male gets closer to you, he drags his palm through the locks and pushes them back, revealing his forehead– a sight sweet to your eyes, but you refuse to pay it much attention in the heat of the moment. It’s just the sun making you delirious as the idea of finding him attractive flashes through your brain, that’s all. 
“I did! Take one,” you smile, watching as the rest of the guys walk over to your little stand– while also obnoxiously swatting out water out of their hair like dogs, refusing to use towels like normal people– and finally, there it comes: appreciative smiles appear on their faces as they each take a piece, biting down on the fruit with delighted sighs.
Sunwoo walks up to you with a surprised look on his face, sighing as he messes with your hair. “If I knew you’d be our servant, I wouldn’t have even minded you going in the first place.”
“You do something nice for people and they jump on the chance to exploit you,” you hum, shaking your head in disbelief. “That’s just like you, Kim Sunwoo.”
“No, that’s just me having older brother privileges.”
“I hope you choke on that, you know,” you bite at him, pointing towards the piece of sweet watermelon in his hands, the smile on his face turning bitter. There’s a satisfied look on your face when your brother does, indeed, choke on a watermelon seed a few seconds later– and they say dreams don’t come true.
“You didn’t have to,” you hear Eric speak up from the other side, your head turning to face the male, his features appreciative and warm. “Thank you,” he beams. There’s redness on the tip of his nose and his forehead, signaling his quickly approaching sunburn, and you can’t help but laugh out at his clueless, Rudolph the red nosed reindeer self. 
“What’s so funny?” he asks, furrowing his eyebrows at you in question.
“Nothing,” you peep, “you just look like you forgot to use sunscreen,” you mumble, watching as the male gasps and touches his face, a horrified expression overtaking him when the skin under his fingertips burns to the touch. 
“I didn’t forget! It must have rubbed off in the pool,” he mourns, “I must look stupid!” 
“Only a little,” you tease, a grin overtaking your features. See, there’s something about the fact that you’ve known Eric for the entirety of your whole life that makes you more prone to teasing him– you’re familiar with your dynamics and just how far you can go, so his next actions startle you just the tiniest bit as the male looks sternly at you, throwing the half-eaten watermelon slice to the camping table. You thought you had the risks calculated– apparently, you didn't.
“What did you say?”
Examining his features, seeing no signs of anger– just the stoic, fakely-offended face of your brother’s childhood best friend– you shrug. “That you look a bit stupid with your face like that.”
“Oh, okay,” he nods, “you’re going down for that.”
“What do you mea–”
Your words are cut short when the male lunges at you, his arms enveloping your thighs and holding you up. The contact of his cold skin from the pool and your heated figure makes goosebumps appear all over your body, your hands instinctively reaching around him to support yourself as he walks closer to the pool– his intentions are suddenly painfully clear and you start to panic. 
“This will teach you to respect your elders,” Eric huffs, the turquoise surface of the water slowly coming into your point of view.
“Stop! Stop-stop-stop,” you squirm, kicking your feet and trying to take down the predator, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, alright?”
The male takes a halt for a split second– making you foolishly believe he’ll let you off– before he breaks out into a devilish grin and continues to walk to the edge of the pool. “Too late.”
“Eric!” you scream, the volume of your voice resonating through the whole beach, your heart thumping wild against your ribcage with the awaiting process. You’re not even sure what you’re scared of anymore– you can swim and you bet the water will feel nice against the scorching sun– but still, you’re absolutely terrified as the male has no mercy on you, carrying you steadily towards the water. “At least let me tie my hair first! You can dump me in after, I promise,” you mourn, trying to buy yourself more time.
“Alright,” he nods, waiting at the very edge of the pool, leaving you to take the purple scrunchie off your wrist and gather your hair together, preparing to tie it into a bun so it doesn’t get in your way when you’re in the pool. The hair tie is just at the tips of your fingertips, the first loop over the hair ready to be done, when a scream cuts out of your throat.
The feeling of falling suddenly overtakes your body, leaving you no time to prepare yourself for the impact of the cold water against your skin and all up in your nose, since you didn’t pluck it when you were dumped into the pool. The fall only lasts a split second until you’re below the water, the force of it resonating in your ears, and when you finally act on your instincts and stand up in the pool (it wasn’t even that deep in the first place, only reaching to your upper stomach), you cough out all the water and pray to gods you don’t throw up chlorine into the freshly cleaned pool. After you’re done catching your breath and getting oxygen into your lungs again, you do your best at getting all the hair out of your face. 
There is laughter landing into your ears as soon as you manage to get all the water out of them by leaning your head to the side and violently slapping each one, and when your eyes look up, you see an amused Eric Sohn bending over in his waist at your disheveled appearance. 
Grunting and pointing a finger to the criminal that almost made you drown, you huff out. “I’ll kill you! Just you watch.”
Your scrunchie nowhere to be found, forever lost somewhere outside of the beach house, you think, as it flew off your hand in the impact of the attack, shock makes your figure shake alongside of the coldness of the water, making you audibly sigh. 
Yes. You do regret coming along just a little.
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JULY OF 1999
Somewhere along the way, Eric Sohn starts acting as if he’s your second older brother. Sure, you’ve known the male your whole entire life and he’s seen you grow up, but it took him 17 years of your life to come to a point where he gives you equal amount of attention whenever he’s over at your house than he does to your brother, and even asks Sunwoo if you’re coming along with them whenever they leave to hang out somewhere else. It’s a change that comes naturally and slowly, and you welcome it unknowingly– the revelation shocks you on a hot summer day, though, when the idea finally comes to you in full force.
You would even argue and say Eric acts more like your brother than your actual sibling does– he asks if you’ve eaten and listens to you when you talk (which Sunwoo never does, well, except from when he’s arguing with you). Eric even compliments your outfits sometimes and lets you borrow his MP3 player from time to time– Sunwoo would never share his things with you, no matter how hard you pleaded and threatened to tell your mum. Yes, your brother's an adult and you’re one year away from becoming one– you still resolve your conflicts through your only parent, though. Some things, you never grow out of.
“I wanna try using the skateboard now, Sunwoo,” you order sternly when the boy finally reaches your destination. You’ve been sitting on the sidewalk for quite some time now, since your brother and his friend decided that they’re gonna try out their new skateboards on the hottest day of the year. Your town doesn’t have fancy skateparks and ramps like the ones you’ve seen in the music videos on TV, so you don’t really know what initially made the two buy those things, but you do admit that even driving up and down the road in front of your house does seem a little fun– so much you’d love to try it.
“What a shame we all wish for things we can’t have,” he shrugs ironically, shaking his head at you from his position above. The male reaches down for his bag, taking out a water bottle and putting it against his plush lips, all while you glare at him from below, still seated in your initial position. Eric comes up to you two, squishing at the soft plastic bottle in Sunwoo’s hold, making the water splash your older brother in the face, leaving a winning grin to be shared between you and the shorter boy, an expression that makes you all warm on the inside. See, at least Eric always has your back.
“You can try mine, if you want,” the latter shrugs, offering you a smile.
“Yeah,” he nods, “why not?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, “I just didn’t expect you to offer, since as you saw, my dear brother just refused when I asked…” you mumble, standing up from the sidewalk and taking the skateboard into your hand. Eric offers it to you with an outstretched arm and watches as you put the board on the floor, squinting at it with much examination.
“Do you know how to ride it?” he asks.
“No,” you shake your head, “but I mean, if Sunwoo can do it, how hard can it really be?” you joke, seeing as the said boy glares at you, finally finishing his water and dropping the bottle to the ground. 
“I’ll remind you of that statement when you eat shit on the pavement,” he shushes you, rolling his eyes. 
Not paying more attention to the grumpy being that is your own brother, you relocate your attention back to the skateboard on the heated road. You’re lucky you live on a street where cars don’t often drive by, since your neighborhood is on the very edge of the town, so you don’t really fear being run over by a pickup truck. What you do worry about, though, is your lacking sense of balance, which you discovered when you learned how to ride the bike for the first time. While your brother was a professional in no time, it took you weeks to get it right, and so with the idea of riding a board that provides you zero sense of security, you get a bit worried for your own life.
Dragging your hair out of your face and aimlessly trying to tuck it behind your ears– there’s no use in trying though, as the strands slip out just as fast as they found their place– you keep staring at the board only a few centimeters away from your feet, mentally calculating your next move. There’s a noise of a backpack being opened and rustling around in the background of your miserable thoughts, and when you look up to see what’s going on, you notice Eric offering you a small, purple bundle of fabric. 
“What’s that?” you ask, even though the answer is clear as the day– you recognise your own scrunchie with no problem. You’re just surprised to see it in his hold. You thought it was forever buried somewhere in the beach house, since you weren’t able to find it after you got out of the pool, no matter how hard you tried.
“Oh,” he shrugs, amidst a little too nonchalantly, “I found it and figured it was yours, but I forgot to give it back to you then… it seems like you need it now, though,” he offers you an explanation, lips pressed into a thin line that slightly signifies a smile.
“Ah,” you gasp, nodding as you take the hair tie out of his outstretched palm, gathering your hair into a bun and tying it up on the crown of your head– the staring contest you’ve been having with the board is much clearer now, when you don’t have your messy strands in the way. The idea of Eric keeping your scrunchie after finding it at the beach house makes your stomach do a weird kind of turn– you guess it made you a bit weirded out, if you’re being honest.
“Want some help with that?” he asks, pointing towards his skateboard.
Nervous, cracking your knuckles as you meet his eyes– he looks a bit amused, but still genuine– you nod, admitting defeat. There’s no way you’re getting on top of that board without help and not falling down. It’s always better to be safe than to be sorry, and so when Eric laughs airly at your composure and takes a few steps closer towards you, you let the male lead you, finding comfort in his secure words and actions.
Eric offers you his arms to hold when you try to get on the skateboard. He is peering at you from under his eyelashes when you put one of your legs onto the wood, his grip on your forearm getting firmer when you try to get your other foot on as well– and you must admit that you suddenly don’t feel like you might die anymore when there’s someone holding you and standing by your side. 
“See? It’s not that hard,” Eric mumbles, his voice low and reassuring from the proximity. You notice your hands sweating a little when his palm envelopes yours– damn the sun and its unbearable heat making you embarrass yourself– but he doesn’t mention it as he firmly holds you and meets your eyes. “I’m gonna drag you around a bit so you get used to it before trying yourself,” he says before taking a few steps forward, preparing to be your own type of personal driver.
Having him instruct you and help you around makes you feel more comfortable on the board. Sunwoo would never do such a thing for you– he’d enjoy watching you fall down and break your neck and possibly die– so you’re more than happy to have someone in your life that takes care of you in ways your older brother refuses to. 
The skateboard moves forward a little, starting slow, but then picking up speed as Eric jogs a little, making you laugh at the action. He does not have to go above and beyond, but he still does– but you guess it’s good for him to let out his energy somewhere. After a while, he looks back at you and meets your eye with a warm gaze, making you nod at him reassuringly and hold up a thumb of the hand he’s not holding right now, signaling that you’re okay and enjoying yourself. That has the male let go of your hand and let you take the road with the laws of physics, moving forward by yourself with the force he created. 
It’s nice. It’s fun. 
Yes, you totally understand why Eric and Sunwoo wanted skateboards after seeing them on TV. Hell, you want one now.
“Try it yourself now!” Eric encourages you as the board naturally comes to a stop under you, and his smiling face is enough for you to take initiative and nod, relocating one foot off the wood and placing it on the floor, then kicking it and making yourself move on the simple vehicle.
A moment of surprise envelopes you like a warm hug when you manage to not fall off and keep your balance, the joy of it making you try to go faster on the board, kicking once, twice against the pavement with the sole of your old, beaten up shoe. “I’m doing it!” you yell, glancing back at Eric standing on the sidewalk, watching you with excited eyes. The male offers you a victorious holler, something that makes you break into a laugh, makes your confidence blossom in marvelous ways.
Confidence rises in you so much you try to take a U-turn and go back to your teacher– perhaps showing off that you really got the hang of it now, or something– but as you try to maneuver the board and turn right, there it comes: the moment where you realize that you were, once again, too overly-confident in your abilities that are, sadly, very poor. Your body sways from side to side, your poor balance laughs at you and points an accusing finger at your attempts, and, well, to put it frankly, your whole life flashes in front of your eyes and the moment plays in slow motion as you lose the board from below your feet– the wood flying somewhere to the opposite side of the road, not at all where you meant to go in the first place– and your body inevitably comes crashing to the ground.
Awaiting the hard pavement meeting your nose and breaking it, you brace yourself with palms outstretched in front of you, the last remains of self-perseverance entering the sane parts of your brain in what you think are the last seconds of your miserable life. Another moment of surprise greets you when your yelp is muffled against something soft and your hands don’t hit the hard pavement, your ears filled with a grunt that belongs to another human swiftly chiming in and catching you before you fall.
Firm hands hold your waist– the touch somehow familiar, enveloping you in a strange sense of deja vu– and even though your body goes limp in terror, the male has you back on your feet in no time, his palms on the exposed skin of your stomach. The realization has you burning up as you look up and meet Eric’s eyes, gasping at the closeness of his face to yours. 
“You okay over there?” he asks as you unconsciously study his face– you never noticed his nose looked this nice up close– before you wake out of it and nod urgently, breaking away from his hold. You’re not gonna try to calculate the effort he must have put in just to chime in and catch you from where he was standing in such a short moment, but something about the passing thought of it has you weak in your knees from gratefulness. 
“Uhm- yeah,” you nod, kicking the pavement with your stained shoes, “I just… miscalculated my skills, that’s all,” you sheepishly hum, hearing the boy snicker at your shaken-up composure.
Watching him take off and retrieve his skateboard from where it wandered off against the curb– much to his golden retriever energy– you sigh and prepare to go sit back on the sidewalk, having enough of new experiences from the shock still lingering in your fingertips. You take a glance down the road, seeing your older brother cruising on the street– when and how he got there, you truly have no idea– when you hear Eric, who seemingly has different ideas for your next actions, call at you from the middle of the pavement.
“Where are you going? Come back!” he asks, having you look at him in surprise, mouth agape and eyes big, staring at him. He now has the board under his shoulder, but puts it back on the road and points at it, shrugging to himself. “I’ll push you down the road, it’s gonna be fun!”
“Eric, I’m literally going to die–”
“No, you’re not. Come on, I promise,” he says, but still, he doesn’t have you convinced. Your feet move against your best conclusions, though, and when you come to a halt right in front of your companion, he offers you a boyish grin. “Sit down on it, that way you’re more balanced. I swear you’re not gonna fall off, okay? I got you.”
“You promise?”
“Yes,” he nods, determined.
“Pinky swear,” you mumble, holding up your pinky finger– all thoughts of seeming childish pushed to the side in the desperate moment– and the male in front of you shakes his head in disbelief, breaking into a laugh.
“Cute,” he huffs, “yeah, okay. Pinky swear,” he nods, interlacing your pinky with his and bumping his thumb against yours, the seal foolishly making you feel more secure as you follow his order and take a seat on the skateboard, your hands gripping the bottom of the wood so hard your knuckles turn white.
“Okay, ready? 3, 2, 1–” he chants as he pushes you, two steady hands coming in contact with your shoulder blades, force making you move on the board, wheels taking you down with gravity. The sound of Eric’s shoes hitting the pavement fills your ears as you go faster, and as you finally get to the part of the hill that takes a downwards slope, he offers you a final push, sending you down the road. 
Wind makes your hair fly back, your surroundings blurring as you yelp and scream, but you can’t say you’re not enjoying the ride. Eric was right– it was fun, you liked it, and something about the gesture had you all warm on the inside. The breeze has you cool down a little in the summer heat, and the board continues to move even as you pass your older brother standing at the bottom of the slope, away from your trajectory. 
Body relaxing when the skateboard finally slows down, you let out a heartfelt laughter. Turning back and seeing Eric jog down the road with a humongous grin on his face, you offer him two thumbs up above your head, watching as he returns the gesture and makes his way back to the two of you on the bottom of the small hill.
The truth is, this was the day you realized Eric Sohn has always found his way to make you feel included and safe. 
You can’t help but feel grateful.
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“Sunwoo, you have to tie a knot here and then– no, you dumbass, you’re doing it completely wrong,” you mourn as you watch your older brother with a mess of thread in his lap, a focused scowl on his face. There’s a fan standing across from you, blowing cold air into your face, but you still feel yourself grow heated with frustration as Sunwoo just can’t help but not understand the art of making friendship bracelets. It’s not like you’re forcing him to do them– he was the one that asked you to show him how to, muttering something about offering one to his classmate Yeji once he’s back in school– so in theory, he should be putting in effort, no? 
Or maybe he is. Maybe he’s just… incompetent.
“I don’t get it,” Sunwoo hums under his breath, sighing as he leans against the sofa in your living room, the two of you sitting on the floor accompanied by his best friend squinting at you from the opposite side, a comic book in the latter's hand. The myth of men not being able to multi-task is quickly thrown into the bin as you watch Eric pay equal amount of attention to the comic book and the dialogue between you and your brother, and when Sunwoo seems to give up on the art of making friendship bracelets, his best friend can’t help but laugh.
“You’re giving up already? This is how you want to get a girlfriend?” you poke your brother to his side and take the threads off his lap, examining the mess of a safety pin and meters of yarn, all knotted up and not coming along in the shape you taught him to at all.
“It’s not to get a girlfriend, I just-”
“Sure,” you roll your eyes, huffing as you roll his poor attempt at friendship bracelet into a ball and throw it to the corner of the room, making a mental note to pick it up and throw it to the bin later. “You know what, just give her this one and pretend you made it,” you mutter, taking a bracelet you'd already made to demonstrate in between your fingers and throw it into Sunwoo’s lap, the older one catching it and examining it under his nose.
“That looks pretty good,” he hums, making you snort at his appreciative comment. The bracelet is pink and red, the colors just screaming romance and cute energy, which is exactly what a girl needs to be swayed by your brother. You can’t really believe a bracelet will make her swoop into his arms, because truthfully, with your brother’s face and manners, every living thing is keeping a fair distance, but hey, it doesn’t hurt to try, does it? Maybe his classmate is… majorly blind? That might do it?
“Of course it looks good,” you scoff, “that’s because I made it,” you nod, averting your gaze towards your lap, threading your fingers through the yarn you attached to a safety pin on your sweatpants to keep the growing friendship bracelet in place. 
“Then why is the one you’re making right now so ugly?” Eric asks, pointing towards the creation. 
Glancing up at the male slowly, mentally throwing all different kinds of curses at him for daring to talk badly about your craft, you huff. “What do you mean, ugly?”
“The colors… they don’t… they don’t really go together,” Eric sheepishly admits, scratching the back of his neck, quickly averting his gaze from you and gluing it back into his comic book. You think that if he doesn’t stop being a smart-ass and throw jabs at your artistic choices, he’s gonna have to protect his comic book with his own body– and you bet he’d do that, because he borrowed it from the library. The fees for damage are high.
“That’s just… not true at all,” you muse, but groggily take a look at the creation once again, but now, thanks to the remark, seeing it in a completely different way. Shades of orange, brown and purple stare back at you amidst a little disappointedly, and as you thread the yarn and make a couple of knots to end the bracelet, you can’t help but feel a pout growing on your face from the realization. Eric might be right. It does look a little bad…
“Whatever. Your taste is just bad,” you snap as you finish off the craft piece, unclasping the safety pin and sliding the bracelet off the inside, freeing it from the hold. Eric laughs a little at your frustrated state– similarly to what you do when you manage to get Sunwoo upset– and with that, you sigh and put the bracelet on the coffee table.
“I’m going out to the store to get some chocolates,” you say as you stand up, goal clear in your mind, “have fun, losers.”
“You’re still collecting the stickers from these?” Sunwoo asks, a mischievous smile growing on his lips. The teasing is inevitable and coming very soon, and there’s nothing you can do about it– you’re fully aware, which only further makes you want to escape the situation more quickly. Rolling your eyes at your brother’s antics, you move towards the door. 
“Yes, Sunwoo, I am. They’re cute and make me happy, do you have a problem with that?” you point an accusing finger at the male, having him shrug, tongue poking the inside of his cheek.
“You’re such a kid,” he huffs, averting his gaze from you when he lands the comment, the jab coming straight at your fragile heart.
“Okay, then,” you note, “I’ll just have my pretty and cute bracelet back, and you can get your girlfriend something else-”
The male quickly regains his previous composure, swatting his hands in hurry just to make you halt in your sentence. His eyes are big and his mouth is a little agape in terror as he tries to save his ass, plea written all over his face. “I was just joking! Don’t be so petulant… go get your cute stickers, they’re so fun!”
Humming to yourself, your face is tugged up into a victorious smile. “That's what I thought. So, as I was saying, have fun, losers.”
“Wait!” Eric suddenly calls for you, making you turn on your heel in the middle of your escape, eyes peering at the male. “Don’t I get a bracelet too?”
The request catches you off guard. There’s a certain kind of spark in Eric Sohn’s eyes as he asks the question, and you can’t really place it in any category, but it has you nervously shrugging at the preposition. You’re not really sure why Eric would want a bracelet from you, but to avoid confrontation and also the weird leap of your heart surely leading you into cardiac arrest, you only shrug and move back inside of the living room, chewing on the inside of your cheek as you scan the surroundings, searching for something.
“Sure,” you nod, taking the ugly bracelet off the table and offering it to him, “you can have that one.”
You hold a staring contest with the older boy for a couple of seconds, his head undoubtedly swirling with arguments and comments about the apparel of the friendship bracelet, but he’s smart– he must know the survival of his beloved comic book must be at stake. So, he only nods and smiles at you, outstretching his hand to you and nudging his head in its direction.
“Okay,” he hums, “tie it for me?”
A second comes by– a heartbeat, really– in which you chew on your bottom lip and gasp at the request, but still, you nod and come closer, crouching down to be at his level and taking the thread into your fingers. You wrap the bracelet around his wrist, making sure to leave a bit of wiggle room before you tie a knot, bringing the ends together, all while feeling the eyes of Eric glued to your face, watching every micro expression flash through your unsettling composure.
When you’re done, making a move to hide your hands behind your back and standing up, your limbs bump into each other and send an unspoken sense of electricity all through your body. The sensation is so strange you don’t meet anyone’s eye before you leave the room, yelling out a goodbye as you hurriedly open the front door and run out to get fresh air (it’s August, though. The air is humid and only makes your head spin more).
You clear your throat before you take off to the grocery store. It's only when you're halfway there that you realize you'd forgotten to bring your wallet with you. It's okay, though– you take this chance to walk around, regaining your casualty.
You bet Eric will take the bracelet off in a matter of a week.
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The leaves start turning orange and the weather a bit colder when you become hyper-aware of your shifting composure whenever Eric Sohn is around. The way you feel heat rushing to your cheeks whenever he calls you cutie, a nickname he’s had reserved for you since you two were little kids, the way you feel weak in your knees whenever he casually brings his arm around your shoulders or when he bends down to tie your shoelace in the middle of the sidewalk. You don’t really know what those sudden changes are, yet, you feel a bit embarrassed by them whenever they take place. You don’t think it’s normal to feel this way around your brother’s best friend, and the more you hang out with him, the more you wish you read less books as a child– because now, you’re also hyper-aware of the title those feelings may have. 
Still, it only comes to you on one September afternoon– you wake up from blissful unawareness and jolt with the quickly opening pit in your stomach at the strange revelation.
“Eric! Sunwoo isn’t home, though?” you mumble, confused as you notice the boy standing on your doorway, a plastic bag in his hand and a red Nike jacket enveloping his frame.
“I know, he said he’s hanging out with Juyeon hyung today,” he nods, “I brought you something, though,” he says, holding up the bag and making sure you get a chance to see it, offering you a boyish grin.
“Oh?” you gasp, furrowing your eyebrows at the male. When you do nothing to invite him inside, he does so himself– slightly nudging you in your side as he passes your figure and enters your house. He acts like he owns the place, and by the amount of time he’s spent in your home, you’d think he does– he doesn’t, though. The only thing he owns is just a lot of audacity.
The male takes off his shoes in the entryway and walks his way over to your room– a surprising act, considering he’s spent the least amount of time in this very place– and when he’s sure you’re following his every move, he empties the contents of the bag to the middle of your freshly made bed. Watching as approximately ten items fall out of the plastic, your eyes widen with surprise as you recognise your favorite chocolate– the mini bars with stickers inside, the ones you collect and stick into your journal and look at in the middle of the night, giggling to yourself and kicking your feet at the adorable pictures in your make-shift collect book.
“Woah,” you gasp when the male looks at you, seemingly awaiting your response, and when he gets the wished outcome, pride overtakes his features, shrugging to himself.
“My mum got some for free because she bought a lot of cabbage for kimchi yesterday,” he explains, “I thought of you when I saw them, so I bought you some more.”
“I- you-” you stutter, emotions too big for your own good swelling all inside your fragile, little self, hands running into your hair and tugging at the roots to wake yourself up from the dream. “You didn’t have to!”
“We got them anyway, and I know you like the stickers,” Eric shrugs, scratching the back of his neck, completely ignoring the fact that he said he bought you some more, your heart skipping a beat at the sentiment. Clearing your throat, you tentatively take a step closer to your bed, gathering a bar of chocolate into your hand and opening it, taking a bite.
“You can have the stickers if you give me some chocolate,” Eric says close to your ear, almost as if he was creating a masterplan, to which you eagerly nod and plop onto your bed, moving the bars of sweets into one pile. As you continue to munch on the first one, you unwrap the sticker and look at it, praying to yourself as if you were checking if your lottery ticket was worth any cent– hoping you get a sticker you don’t own yet.
The image of a cute panda would cheer anyone up even in their darkest moments– not you, though, as you mourn and sigh, disappointment clear in your features. 
“What?” Eric asks, eyes big pools of worry.
“I already got that one.”
“Ah,” he nods, seemingly understanding– much to your surprise, “well, we got 9 more tries, let’s get to eating.”
Wrappers are rustling in your bed sheets as you and Eric eat the concerning amount of chocolate, gathering the stickers in a little pile on top of your notebook, promising each other to not look at the stickers as you go and just make a grand reveal at the end. Eric’s full cheeks are a sight you enjoy, telling him he looks like a squirrel– to which he sends a light flick to your forehead, telling you you don’t look much different– and soon enough, the nine bars left disappear from your plain sight (you only had 3 and Eric ate the remaining 5. He’s a growing boy, though, so you understand. He needs to get his undying energy from somewhere.).
“Ready for the reveal?” you ask, locking your gaze with Eric.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
With that, you get to the pile of stickers in the middle of your bedsheets. Looking at the first one, there’s a happy squeal cutting out of your throat, the image of an adorable yellow duck warming you up with euphoria. 
“You don’t have that one yet?”
“I don’t,” you nod, “this is just perfect.”
Eric nods and watches you with a certain kind of warmth in his gaze as you open up your notebook and stick the newest addition to your little sticker farm– or a ZOO, however you wanna call it. The next sticker from the pile is added as well– a brown, big bear– and the next one too, the most adorable colorful parrot slapped to the corner of your page. 
The rest of your stickers are the ones you already own, though– a displeased look takes over your features at the knowledge, but still, you can’t help but beam at the fact that you have 3 new additions to your collection, and they were a gift from Eric Sohn himself. Someone who doesn’t make fun of your childish habit. Someone who feeds your little interest, watches you with excitement in his eyes as you indulge. Someone not like your brother. 
Someone you could never see the way you see your brother.
“What do you do with the duplicates?” Eric asks, pointing to the sad pile on the top of your notebook. His figure is closer to you now, since he wanted to watch you stick the animals into your notebook, his crossed legs almost pressed against yours on the small bed.
“Well, usually, I just throw them out,” you shrug, “but since you’re here…” you muse, the idea plopping into your head like the newest discovery you should probably patent, peeling the back of one of the dog stickers off and swiftly turning towards your companion, mischief sparkling in your eyes.
You put the sticker on his left cheek, making the boy jump. “Hey!”
Giggling, taking another one of the stickers and pressing it to the middle of his forehead, Eric starts to fight you, your bodies wrestling on the bed. You don’t think he puts much effort into getting you off him– that, or he’s insanely weak– and in no time, his face is adorned with all different kinds of animals, his hair messy from tussling in your bedsheets. The image has you laughing before you realize you’re basically straddling him on your bed, his big eyes gaping at you from below, his appearance enough to make something in your brain short-circuit and make you leap off him, clearing your throat.
Heat rushes into your cheeks as you take a seat next to him, playing with your fingers. You pray for anything to come and ease the awkwardness you caused, and sure enough, today must be your lucky day. “Hey, look here!” 
You call for the boy as you swiftly take your polaroid camera off your bedside table– the one that belonged to your dad, the one you fought with Sunwoo about, the one your mum said was yours because Sunwoo is too careless with his things to keep it safe– and snap a picture of the puppy-like boy, laughing at the fact that now, you have the image of him looking dumb and covered in stickers forever. Or at least until he doesn't take it away from you– which he attempts quickly.
“Hey!” he yelps again, huffing as he lunges at you, trying to take the picture out of your grasp as you drop the camera into your soft sheets. Your feet take you to the living room, navigating through furniture, and when you don’t hear footsteps follow you, you think you’re safe– Eric does have a lot of energy, but chasing you around gets tiring for him quickly when he knows you'll never let him win.
Entering your room once again, prepared to find him on your bed like before, you’re taken by surprise as a shutter sound goes off right after you open the door, a polaroid picture taken of your face making you temporarily blind at the flash.
“Eric!” you whine, hating that there’s a picture of you standing shocked at your doorway now forever in the universe– not really caring that the boy just got you back with the exact stunt you pulled on him just a few minutes ago. Before you get a chance to blink out the blind spots in your vision caused by the flash and run after him, though, you feel him gently press you out of the doorway and slip outside, the sound of the front door opening and closing after him resonating along his slowly disappearing, amused laughter.
Serves you right, doesn’t it? 
Sighing, you shake your head and take a seat on your bed, the picture of the boy still in between your fingertips. You only take a look at it when your vision comes back to normal, and as the image of Eric covered in stickers, hair messy and cheeks rosy below the animal print comes into your sight, the revelation arrives the same second a starstruck smile plays with your features.
And with that, you’re absolutely terrified. 
Throwing the polaroid picture onto the bedside table and lunging yourself into the sheets, you scream into your pillow and wish for the feelings to disappear– because in what world does a crush on your brother’s best friend ever come to a happy ending?
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Once October hits, you find yourself home alone more often than you’d like. Sure, you don’t mind having some me time to read comic books or watch the TV uninterrupted in the living room, but still– alone turns lonely pretty quickly, and somehow, you start to regret the fact that you’ve been relying on your older brother and his friends for so long instead of making some connections on your own.
Sunwoo started to play soccer at school– something is telling you that he might go far if he keeps it up– and that’s why he’s been stuck at practice every single day, coming home late in the evening all tired, but happy, so you’re not really complaining. Eric works in the little bistro downtown now, since he wanted to make some money and not rely on the allowance Mrs. Sohn gives him every month, and it’s not like you were that close to begin with, but the fact that the boy is now too busy to meet you is making your spirit fall just the tiniest bit. And with your mother always being at work, you find yourself alone in your room, laying in your bed and staring at the ceiling. 
Sometimes, you journal. About anything and everything, really. You don’t really think you’re ever gonna read back the entries once you’re older, since they would just be a reminder of how miserable and boring your teenage years really were, and that’s why you allow yourself to be authentic. On most days, you write about your assignments for school. Sometimes you bad mouth a classmate or two– gossiping with the diary pages, because you don’t really have any human beings to do so in real life– and seldom, you allow yourself to get into topics that evoke the slightest bits of existential crisis in you.
Topics like college. Growing up. Your lack of hobbies and social interaction with the outer world. The newly found crush on Eric Sohn…
Okay, maybe you do write about the boy with brown hair and dark eyes a little too often. You can’t help it, though– when he’s not giving you any new interactions to dwell on, you have to just pick apart the old ones. You think it’s a natural reaction.
And that’s exactly what you’re doing one October afternoon, the lamp in your room on, since the evening comes faster when the weather is colder, as you’re laying in your bed and kicking your feet back and forth, chewing on the end of your pencil. The sound of your doorbell resonates through the house suddenly and startles you, making you jump awake from your delirious delusions.
Mentally going through the list of possible visitors you could have– because it can’t be your mother or your brother, since they never forget to carry their house keys– you’re lost, not really finding any fitting candidates. Furrowing your brows, lost in thought and frankly, a bit confused, you plant your socked feet onto the wooden floor and walk over to the front door just in time for the bell to ring again. Scratching the back of your neck in nerves, thinking of precautions you could take for your own safety– since your front door doesn’t have a peep hole and you don’t want to open the door to a complete stranger– you clear your throat and yell over the door.
“Who is it?” you ask.
“Delivery!” a voice calls through the door, making you huff. 
“I didn’t order any food?” you yell back, confused. “Sir, there’s another house behind ours, sometimes the mailmen get confused and we get their mail. Maybe try there?” 
“The address is right, though?” the voice calls again, and somehow, it sounds kind of familiar… no, it can’t be, you dumb goose. You’re just imagining things because you’ve spent the last 20 minutes writing about the curve of his nose into your diary.
“There must be a mistake-”
“Come on, Y/N, open the door,” the voice on the other side mourns, the mention of your name making you jump, completely startled. The tone the man says it in is sweet like honey, though, so familiar in your ears, that you mentally want to slap yourself– so you weren’t dreaming. It is him.
Dragging your hand through your hair to smooth it down, praying you look at least a little presentable– although in your stained sweatpants and the Pokémon shirt you inherited from Sunwoo when he grew out of it, you doubt that’s even possible– you open the door and try to offer Eric a warm smile. “What are you doing here?”
“Food delivery,” Eric shrugs, pointing with his thumb in the direction behind his back, where his bike undoubtedly stands up against your gate.
“Oh…. but I already told you I didn’t order anything,” you mumble, confused. Studying his face– because a girl can indulge when she has the opportunity, am I right? – you notice his hair has grown a little longer, falling into his eyes. You bet it’s hard for him to see, but you must admit it looks nice, and you almost tell him, before you catch yourself and break away from the sentiment. 
The male snickers. “I know, I was just joking,” he says, “I did bring you food, though.”
“Why?” you ask, confused when he bends over and picks up a plastic bag off the ground, a container of food inside, the warmth of the contents making condensation appear all over the red sack. 
“We made this by mistake and it was just gonna be thrown out if nobody took it,” he shrugs, “and I figured you haven’t eaten yet– or if you did, you just had those cold kimbap rolls from the store– and I wanted to get some warm food into your stomach.”
“Ah,” you gasp, nodding at the explanation. It does explain the source of the food really well, but truthfully, it explains nothing about the fact why Eric thought of bringing you the food instead of taking it home with himself– he’s a foodie if you’ve ever seen one. The idea of him worrying about if you were fed or not is equally as strange and interesting in your head– still, you clasp your hand around the bag and take it, the smell making you involuntarily hungry. “Thank you.”
Eric only nods at you, a smile beaming at his face. “Well,” he sighs, “I’d love to stay longer and hang out, but I’m still on the clock, so…” he mumbles, taking a hesitant step backwards towards his bike, eyes never breaking contact with yours.
“Oh, right,” you nod, “that’s okay. Have a fun day at work!” you muse, watching him as he grins and finally retrieves back his bike, opening up the gate to your property and escaping, waving at you as he gets on.
“I’ll see you soon!” he calls as he rides off, your eyes following him until his figure disappears behind a corner, your ears buzzing with excitement and your lower lip trapped between your teeth with the innocent promise.
Walking back into the house, you grin as you close the front door behind you and carry the food into the kitchen. You quickly get the containers out of the damp bag, putting them onto the wooden table, and gasp when you find a sticky note on the very top one, a messy handwriting scribbled in a rush, but stuck to the food with care.
Eat well and don’t skip meals, Y/N-ie!! – Eric x
Not being able to battle your smile anymore, you decide to open up the containers and stuff your mouth with the food instead– only to find your favorite dish inside, staring back at you in what seems to be a dream that’s too good to wake up from. 
And sure, you are delusional, but are you delusional enough to believe that this wasn’t all a coincidence? You’re not so sure.
Still, you eat the food with feet kicking back and forth as you sit in the silent kitchen, the empty house no longer feeling so lonely. When you’re done, you throw the trash out– everything but the sticky note, which you glue into your diary a few minutes later, hoping to keep the memory forever.
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The world around you is dark as you step outside of cram school, your eyes are tired and your skin is prickled with goosebumps in the chilly air. You despise going to cram school, but your mother told you you have to– since you didn’t have any athletic features that could get you far in life like Sunwoo, you had to be good at studying, or else you won’t get into university. There was a lot of work ahead of you, but since you didn’t really have anything else to do in the day, you didn’t protest and went anyway.
The days are usually very long and you get off very late, resulting in you being tired almost all the time. When you get home, you undress yourself and change into your sleep clothes and doze off until the morning, when you have to wake up and go to school again– it’s an exhausting cycle, but you know you have to endure it for your own sake.
Walking down the steps that lead out the cram school building, you stretch your body and huff, cursing at yourself for the fact that you didn’t bring a jacket– you forgot that evenings get really chilly, and frankly speaking, you didn’t have much time to think when you were rushing to get ready in the morning. You’ll just have to get through it, you think to yourself as you walk in the direction of your house– the last bus to your neighborhood already left an hour ago, when you were in the middle of revising division– your sneakers kicking the stray rocks below your feet as you tug the sleeves of your hoodie lower, desperately trying to feel more heat.
“Do you never watch where you’re going? That’s gonna get you in trouble one day, you know,” you hear a familiar voice say, the joking tone making your heart skip a few beats as you place the owner of the saccharine voice to its face. Looking up, slightly alarmed at being caught in such a distressed state, you gasp.
“I was… watching my step, I guess,” you shrug as you come into a halt in front of him, shivering both under Eric’s gaze and the cold weather at once. “What are you doing here? Deliveries?”
“I just got off,” he says, “so I figured I could stop by. Sunwoo said you’re going to cram school, I thought you might enjoy some company on your way home.”
Gaping at his explanation, you nod, completely startled. The idea of your brother talking about you in front of Eric, the boy you have a very embarrassing, very big crush on scares you, to say the least. See, it doesn’t really matter that the boy grew up with you, pretty much seeing you at your lowest whenever he was around over at your house when you were both just little kids– the image of Sunwoo telling Eric about finding you sobbing at your comic book (the scene got too sad, nobody can really blame you) or about how your favorite jeans ripped right before you had to go to school one morning is terrifying. You don’t really want him to know about these things. He may act like your brother sometimes, but you never really saw him in that light in the first place.
“Well, then,” you clear your throat, “it’s… it’s good to see you,” you say. Eric shows you his boyish grin as your lips utter out the words, and you can’t help but mirror it, your eyes locking with the male. As if you just took a step back, your eyes see him in a light you’ve never seen him before– as if this was your first time meeting your brother’s best friend– and something about the sentiment has your stomach feeling all uneasy, heat rushing to your face. His hair is styled in a way that tells you that he didn’t really style it (or if he did, it looked truly effortless in your eyes, so props to him), pushed back a little and revealing his forehead, a few of the strands carelessly falling into his eyes. His jawline is sharper than how it was when you first met the boy, and with the realization of a foolish teenage girl, you have to admit that Eric Sohn grew up to be a very attractive, attentive man.
“You’re cold?” he says, although the sentence sounds more like a statement rather than a question, before he shakes his head at your antics and heaves out a sigh. “You should’ve taken a jacket with you when you went, you know it gets cold in the evening,” he scolds you. In those times, he reminds you the most of your brother– because although you and Sunwoo act like you hate each other sometimes, you know the older male still cares about you. He just hates showing it, which translates in his scolding tone whenever you do something wrong or against his wishes. 
In those times, Eric reminds you the most of the way your brother treats you, and you somehow hate it. You despise the fact, because that means he must only see you as someone like his younger sister– he never had one, so maybe he just likes to compensate for it by taking care of you all the time. Maybe he feels responsible to do so because of Sunwoo. The thought makes you equally as nauseous– you’d never want him to hang out with you just because he feels like he has to. 
“I didn’t have time in the morning,” you grunt, rolling your eyes at him. You avert your gaze from the male, for it makes you slightly uncomfortable after your previous thoughts, so when the noise of a zipper being pulled down and the weight of fabric on your shoulders brings you back to reality, you snap your head around at him all alarmed. 
“What? Wear it,” he says, head shrugging towards the direction of his jacket on your figure. “You’re gonna catch a cold if you don’t.”
Trying to wrestle out of the red material, you squirm in the hold of the windbreaker– Eric’s hands gripping each side of the jacket, as if predicting your next moves, making sure it stays on you and doesn’t fall down. His strong arms tug you closer to him to make your fight more difficult– and he’s successful with his efforts, because the proximity of him and his smell engulfs you and unarms you, heat rushing to your cheeks as you halt in your movements.
“Stop,” you mourn, “I don’t need it.”
“Yes you do,” he insists, “so stop being a baby about it and wear it.”
Staring into his eyes, as if to mentally tell him to stop what he’s doing– to stop how he’s treating you, how he’s making you all weak in your knees and sleepless at nights because of how much you think of him and hope he’s doing well each day, to stop being so gentle with you and taking care of you, because it brings all sorts of both doubts and delusions into your head– but he doesn’t back down. You’ve known him for quite some time, you should already be aware of just how stubborn he can be.
“Arms in,” he hums, holding on to the jacket and waiting for you to wear it properly. One thing about you– you can always admit your defeat. So, with a sigh, you put your arms through the sleeves of Eric’s red windbreaker, shrinking a little under his firm gaze. He looks at you with a look full of something you can’t decipher, and it’s all making you so, so insanely lost in the many thoughts and feelings swirling around your head, not helping your current state.
“I already have a brother, y’know,” you mumble in a moment of weakness, looking at your feet– your dirty white sneakers almost touching his from how close you are standing right now, “so you should stop treating me like one.”
A moment of silence overtakes you two, and you suddenly feel like you’ve done something wrong. Still, Eric’s hands are holding on to the sides of the opened jacket, keeping you close to him. “Hm?” 
Clearing your throat and shaking your head, you snicker to yourself. “Forget it.”
“No- I mean,” he blurts out, tone of voice a little nervous, “do you see me as your brother figure?” he asks, tone of voice more quiet now, more gentle.
Breathing in the crispy air, taking a moment before you reply, you shake your head in disapproval. “No,” you say, “no, I don’t. I- I don’t think I do,” you say, scared of what your answer will bring out of him. You don’t really know why, but at this moment, you feel insanely fragile– as if any bad move could make you break in his hands, waiting for him to glue you back together. 
Metaphorically, he does just that. “Good,” he nods, leaning down towards you, hands gripping the zipper of his jacket and zipping it together, making sure no cold can get to your bones as his fingers tug it up towards the very top, under your chin. “Because I’ve never seen you as my sister either.”
His answer once again startles you– but when you take a step back from the situation, you think it was in a good way. His hands grip your shoulders for a second as his eyes meet yours and he offers you a warm smile. “Come on, let’s get you home,” he says, tugging you towards the fence where you find his bike, his motions guiding you like a rag doll sucked out of all life.
“Hop in,” he motions towards the back of the bike, where the basket would usually be– Eric moved it towards the front, though, leaving enough room for you to sit at– and as you do, he takes a seat in front of you and looks back at you over his shoulder. “Hold on tight so you don’t fall.”
Like in a trance, your arms sneak around his middle– this was the first time you had this kind of physical touch with him, and just the thought of it makes you want to scream your throat out– before the male takes off on the bike, riding towards your neighborhood. With the cold wind slapping your face, you foolishly rest your cheek on his shoulder blade and close your eyes, enjoying the closeness of his body keeping you warm. 
If anyone asked you about the action, you’d tell them you were just tired.
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Socked feet make their way through the room, the sound of footsteps resonating on the laminated floor, as the short male comes up to you with a bowl of potato chips in his right hand and a bottle of soda under his left arm. Eric Sohn sighs at you, shaking his head in disbelief, before he places the items onto the coffee table and takes a seat next to you on the floor, opening up the bottle and pouring the three of you drinks.
“Can’t believe I’m spending New Year’s Eve with you losers, of all people,” Eric snickers, having you roll your eyes at the male and grumpily furrow your eyebrows at his sentence.
“No one’s stopping you if you wanna go, y’know,” you grunt as you take the filled glass off the table, taking a sip of the sweet drink and sighing at him. If he’s gonna take a leap into the new year with you while making you annoyed, he may as well leave now and do whatever his initial plan was– once again, no one’s stopping him if that’s what he wants to do.
“I’m just saying,” he shrugs, “it would’ve been so much more fun if we all went to Juyeon hyung’s. Everyone’s there celebrating, but we’re stuck here in your room.” 
“Well, Eric,” your brother smiles ironically at him, shrugging to himself, “it’s not like it’s my fault you’re not over at Juyeon hyung’s right now. You chose to spend the new years here with me. My mother prohibited me from going there, not yours.”
The argument has the male shrug, his eyes averting your brother’s gaze once his comment gets a bit too honest and realistic. It’s true and he’s right– it’s not like Eric’s mum told him he can’t go celebrate with his friends, because she didn’t. Eric’s mum trusts him and wants him to have fun and do what all the kids his age are doing. Your mum, on the other hand, is making you and Sunwoo stay home for New Year’s Eve to celebrate with your family, because, as she quoted, New Year’s Eve the only time she gets time off work, and she wants to spend it with her kids– forget the fact that you’re currently sitting locked in your room with your friend, protesting the family time just because you can– and when Sunwoo told her she has to stop treating him like a little kid, she told him she has all the right to do so, because he is her kid. And that’s how the party he was supposed to attend with Eric (the party you foolishly thought you’re gonna have to tag along to, not hating the sentiment as much as before now) got canceled from your brother’s plans.
“Well,” Eric chews on the inside of his cheek, “I did it for you two. Be grateful.”
“Whatever,” you hum, “let’s turn on the TV. I bet there’s some variety show on.”
Eric heaves out a sigh as he reaches for the TV remote, clicking the power button and making the boxy device in front of you light up. Your mum got you a TV in your room when you complained about being too bored one November day, and although the box of entertainment didn’t really help like you imagined it to, you’re glad it’s of service at least today. Instead of the expected variety show, though, there’s news on– the face of the old announcer looking at you with a serious look on his face, the professional tone making chills run down your spine, for he reminds you a bit of your mother when she scolds you. You think that’s a common news announcer trait. 
“As the year 2000 approaches, computer programmers realize that computers might not interpret the 00 in the software as 2000, but 1900. The softwares currently running only use a two-digit code for the year, excluding the 19. The data was excluded because the data storage is costly and takes up too much space. Activities that were planned on a daily basis could be damaged or flawed,” the announcer says, making the three of you look at the screen with interest. Maybe it’s true that when you get older, you get more interested in news– you think it’s good to know what’s going on around you, although the topic discussed right now might not even concern you in the slightest.
“Banks, which calculate the interest rates on a daily basis, could face real problems. Interest rates are the amount of money a lender, such as a bank, charges a customer, such as an individual or business, for a loan. Instead of the rate of interest for one day, the computer could calculate a rate of interest for minus almost 100 years!” 
“Oops,” Eric lets out next to you, a reaction so far away from what a real adult would think of the situation. See, you are all just kids, after all.
“Centers of technology, such as power plants, are also threatened by this issue. Power plants depend on routine computer maintenance for safety checks, such as water pressure or radiation levels. Not having the correct date could throw off these calculations and possibly put nearby residents at risk,” the announcer continues, the information coming out of his mouth suddenly making you hyper aware of the reality you’re experiencing right now.
“Do we have a nuclear power plant nearby?” you ask in a hushed whisper, watching as the men next to you almost comically widen their eyes, shrugging.
“I’m not sure,” Sunwoo peeps.
“The worst of all, this software and hardware issue could cause such a big problem in nuclear energy facilities, where nuclear bombs and missiles could be set off, causing the world to go into utter chaos, or worse, an end,” the announcer concludes, the last word making you gasp in terror. 
“An end?” you chirp, sitting up straight in your seat as you look at the two men, now equally as terrified. There’s something in Sunwoo’s gaze that makes chills run down your spine, the reality crushing down on you with heavy measures. 
“I knew I shouldn’t have fought with mum. What if the last words the two of us exchanged before we die are the harsh words I had said yesterday?” your brother mourns, seeing as his best friend chews on his bottom lip, lost in thought.
“What did you say to your mum?”
“That- that I’ll never forgive her for ruining this for me,” he mumbles, his voice breaking at the end, “and… other things,” he adds, the hint of incoming panic making his best friend frantically wave his hands around and try to make your brother relax before he has to deal with the breakdown. If the world is ending, this is not how any of you want to go.
“It’s okay, don’t worry,” Eric says, clearing his throat and pointing to the TV, “look! The show is on, we should watch before the year ends,” he proposes, taking the remote into his hand and turning the volume up to hopefully drown out Sunwoo’s thoughts and have him focus on something else. And it works– noting that your brother has an attention span of a 5 year old– he can hardly remember what he was worrying about just 30 seconds ago.
Still, the thought keeps bouncing around your head like a child in a bouncy castle. The words of the news anchor keep repeating in your brain, making your ears ring as you look at Eric from the corner of your eye, watching his angelic face. Oh how you hate disturbing the peace now that you’ve all calmed down– but still, you can’t deal with the worries alone. Checking the clock hung above the TV, noticing there’s at least 5 minutes left before midnight, you clear your throat, feeling your whole body on fire.
“Do you really think the world is gonna end?” you ask, cracking your knuckles in a nervous manner. Looking at Eric, pupils shaking, you find your brother’s best friend seemingly lost in thought. The music of the variety show program serves you three as a background sound now, none of you paying attention to the TV anymore, instead, focusing on all the things you've done wrong in your life and how somehow, this feels like karma for all of it.
“I dunno,” Sunwoo shrugs, “I mean- they said it’s possible! It was on the news, and they wouldn’t lie on the news…” he nervously mumbles, scratching the back of his head. 
“That’s what’s worrying me,” you sigh, “we shouldn’t have turned on the TV.”
“It was your idea in the first place!”
“And I’ll carry the burden into my grave,” you admit, gulping as you press a forced smile onto your lips.
Momentarily looking back at the TV, you desperately want to keep the thought of the world being over out of your head before you spend your last minutes on this earth going crazy– but now that you started, you can’t keep thinking about it. “Man, the world can’t end yet. There’s so many things I haven’t tried yet! I’m too young to die!”
The men don't reply to that– you presume they’re too busy trying to find other things to occupy themselves with instead of the inevitable– which has you dissatisfied as you throw your body back into the sofa, heaving out a sigh. Seconds go by painfully slow but also painfully fast at the same time, given the circumstances, as you listen to the cheerful song playing in the background and nudge your friend into his upper arm with your pointer finger, feeling his arm encircle your shoulders and pull you closer to him. The contact of his fingers on your upper arm makes you squirm and break out into a smile, feeling a particular lightness in your stomach at the action, a sensation that has you in shock. 
“I’m gonna talk with mum before we die,” Sunwoo suddenly calls as he stands up from his seat on the floor, sighing to himself, “I can’t go with the thought of her being upset with me,” he sentimentally adds before he’s out of the door, rushing towards the living room.
The space falls into momentary silence now that your brother is gone, having you chew on your bottom lip with nerves. You think now is the time to beg for forgiveness with the higher forces– I'm sorry for not studying well. I'm sorry for being rude and ungrateful towards my mum. I'm sorry for being greedy– when the sound of Eric’s voice resonates through the place as he speaks up again, waking you up from the anxious slumber, the clock now striking 2 minutes before midnight. “What would you wanna do before you die?” he asks.
The question is simple. You presume he wants simple answers– things like getting into college, getting a good job and making a lot of money, growing old– but as you lean away from him and get back to your place on his left, your eyes locked with his, you’re left clueless. There are so many things you have yet to achieve, and the idea of not being able to pushes a burden to your chest, but at this very moment, you can’t really name one. 
Shrugging, you chew on the inside of your cheek as your eyes scan his face. His firm eye contact has you a bit flustered, making you shrivel in your seat, and as the sound of the TV morphs from the song into a countdown from 55, you’re overwhelmed with the thought that your friend is insanely pretty– and he always has been, you just hated admitting it to yourself for the past few months, despite still being fully aware– and that now, when the world ends, you’re dying unkissed and alone.
Well, not completely alone, since Eric’s here. And he’s always been here– your whole life, since you can remember, and he’s here now as well, even though he should’ve been at Juyeon’s house. As the clock strikes 30 seconds away from midnight, your eyes involuntarily travel down to his chapped lips, all air knocked out of your lungs, the thoughts in your brain picking up on speed the closer you come to the end.
You’re dying soon. You’re dying in 30- now 29 seconds, and you’ve never kissed anyone before. You’re dying before you get a chance to hold hands with someone and have a partner, and you’re dying before you get a chance to tell Eric how you feel about him. There’s 28 seconds left until the end and you’re just staring at him like a coward, because you don’t really let yourself indulge in the silly warmth of your heart whenever you’re around your friend, but god, you can at least admit it to yourself before you die.
And as the clock gets closer and closer to midnight, now only giving you 20 seconds before it all ends and a missile lands on the top of your house, blowing up the whole town and making you all disappear, Eric’s question repeats itself in your brain. What would you want to do before you die?
The answer is suddenly painfully clear as you take action– leaning towards the boy on your right, face closer to his than it’s ever been before, your eyes counting all his eyelashes and focusing on his surprised, yet unmoving face– and as you hear the countdown reach 15, you close your eyes and press your lips against his. 
The contact makes you weak in your knees as your hands reach to his face to steady him, your own firework show erupting in your stomach, and suddenly you’re completely content with dying tonight– because at least you’re with Eric, at least you did something. You kiss your friend with something close to an unsaid confession, your lips staying on his throughout the rest of the countdown, the taste of soda you’ve both been drinking the whole evening mixing in the contact of your skin. You’re not sure you’re even doing this right– again, you’ve never kissed anyone before– but it doesn’t matter to you much as you let go of your worries, aware of the fact that in a few seconds, nothing will matter anymore when neither of you are going to be around to say anything to each other after the kiss is over.
The countdown rings in your ears– coming down from 5 as you scoot yourself closer to Eric, 4 as you run the pads of your thumbs along his cheekbones, 3 as you still in your movements, 2 as you notice your knees bumping into each other on the ground and finally, 1 as you get ready to die, kissing your first and only love– when the sound of cheers and fireworks from the TV fills your ears instead, the world around you stilling and completely unchanged.
Your kiss started in 1999 and ended in 2000. Your love for him passed a century.
Eyes fluttering open and your mouth letting go of his, the image of the boy with his lips slightly parted, eyes closed and cheeks rosy comes to you in the yellow light of your room, making your heart fall down to your stomach. He looks absolutely angelic, his hair slightly messy and the fabric of his shirt a little disheveled in the front, and even though you’d love to indulge in your foolish desires and kiss him some more, you’re quickly taken aback with the noise of the door to your room opening and making you jump away from Eric, your brother appearing out of thin air in the presence of your room. It serves you like a weird kind of reality check, Eric’s eyes opening and looking at your brother, and even though you two haven’t been caught, the male clears his throat and bites down on his lower lip, looking almost guilty.
Oh no. What have you done?
Suddenly, you feel insanely silly.
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“You’ve been awfully quiet the whole day,” Sunwoo mumbles from beside you, his whole body engulfed in a pile of snow, “not that I care, but are you okay?”
“I thought you liked it when I don’t talk,” you mutter, playing with the frozen white all around you, seated on the red plastic sled at the top of the hill. You got tired after dragging it up from the bottom, and when you noticed that the rest of Sunwoo’s friends– Eric included– are still on their way up, you figured you could use up the time to relax and sit around for a while. It’s been quite some time since all of Sunwoo’s friends gathered to hang out at the same time, which made you surprised to see that your own brother invited you to tag along with them as they decided to go sledding on the second day of January, using up their break to best of their abilities. Which is also why you didn’t say no to the invitation– you thought sitting at home and moping around wouldn’t help you much.
“I do,” he says, nodding, “that’s why I’m asking what’s up– so I know what to do when I need to shut you up later,” Sunwoo hums, making you roll your eyes at the masked worry.
Shaking your head in disbelief, you scoff. “It’s nothing.”
“Sure,” he shrugs, “so you’re just going through puberty?” he teases, to which you take a handful of snow into your palm and lunge the white at him, satisfaction running through your veins when the snowball lands into his unsuspecting face, the male coughing and swatting his arms around to defend himself.
“Hey!” your brother screams at you once he gets the ice out of his eyes and his mouth, his body jumping into a standing position before he chases you around, the bubble of a laugh escaping your throat for the first time these days– they’re not wrong when they say malicious joy is the best kind of joy.
Running at the top of the hill, not really looking where you’re going– instead looking over your shoulder to see Sunwoo’s actions, preparing yourself to duck if he decides to turn your small quarrel into a snow fight– your legs get tangled with the red sled you left before you started a war with the angered man, a yelp cutting out of your throat as you get prepared to fall over and knock your teeth out.
Your body comes in contact with something half-firm, half-soft, and as your feet slip and the snow-covered ground disappears from below your legs, two arms wrap around your waist and steady you, making sure you don’t get hurt.
Turns out Eric Sohn is there to catch you every time you are about to eat shit. You hate this kind of deja vu.
As you open your eyes (that you had closed on instinct, not wanting to see your own death) once you’re sure you’re safe and sound, the world around you invites itself into your ears in an overwhelming noise. The laughter of Sunwoo’s friends– some hollering at your fall, some at the redness and last remains of snow covering your brother’s face– and the hushed arguments over who’s going down first– with Haknyeon screaming that he’s stealing Sunwoo’s (yours) sled and Juyeon following him. After all those happening in the matter of a few seconds,  you realize you’re left on the top of the hill alone with the male, terror shaking through your insides.
Clearing your throat and taking a step back from him, you tuck your hands into your pockets and avert your gaze from Eric. You two haven’t spoken since you decided to kiss him on New Year’s Eve, and with the awkward tension in the air, you don’t feel like doing so ever again in your whole entire life. 
“Thanks,” still, you hum.
Eric seems a little more light-hearted than you, shrugging as he replies to you. “Haven’t I told you to start watching where you’re going?”
“I’m not good with listening sometimes,” you mutter, huffing. Taking a look around yourself– noticing that there are no sleds left on the top of the hill, therefore, if you wanted to escape the situation, the only way down would be to roll around like a human version of a snowman, you once again admit your defeat, standing around nervously and shifting your weight from one foot to the other.
The silence is uncomfortable. It makes you want to dig a hole in the snow and bury yourself alive, to suffocate under the weight of the icy cold and never see Eric’s face again. You know that you ruined whatever friendship you had with the male– by being stupid and foolish, not really thinking about consequences (because there were supposed to be none and you were supposed to be dead), and the weight of the guilt makes you want to puke and hide away. 
Still, Eric comes out of his way to talk to you. Honestly, you’re kind of surprised– he should be disgusted with you. Realistically, he should be the one avoiding you, not the other way around.“They’re gonna take long to walk back up,” he notes, “wanna get hot chocolate with me?”
“I’m good, thanks,” you shake your head, not once breaking eye contact with the overwhelming white of the hill.
“Come on,” he sighs, “it’s just around the corner. They built a hot chocolate stand because they knew kids would come sledding here. Honestly, it’s an astute business tactic, but I promise the hot chocolate actually tastes nice,” he says, nudging you slightly with his arm, as if to make you look at him and change your mind.
“Thanks, but no,” you definitely say, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
“Are you avoiding me?” he asks, tone of voice casual– as if it was the most normal thing in the world, as if nothing ever happened and he was genuinely curious about the reasoning behind your actions.
“I’m not, I just don’t really like hot chocolate,” you sheepishly mutter, trying hard to avoid the topic.
“So you are avoiding me,” he hums, as if it wasn’t obvious before– and not only because you’re a bad liar. Plus, you love hot chocolate. Somehow, you think Eric knows.
“Look, Eric,” you sigh, running your hand through your hair, “can’t you just drop it?”
“No,” he shrugs, shaking his head, “and that’s why we’re talking about the reason why you’re avoiding me over a cup of hot chocolate. Let’s go.”
His persistence is terribly overwhelming sometimes. You wonder how the male does it. “I already told you-”
“You owe me for the stickers and the meal and everything,” he corners you, and you know you can’t argue with that. He’s kind of right, you suppose– you never paid him back for all the chocolates or for the free meal he brought you that one evening. And that’s exactly why you find yourself sighing as you follow him, mentally preparing yourself for the talk.
You hate how he can always get his way. Walking up to the stand, you crack your knuckles in the pocket of your jacket, nervously coming up with possible arguments to tell him. I didn’t kiss you on purpose, it was an accident. I only did it to know how it feels. We are both supposed to be dead, it’s not my fault the world didn’t end like it was supposed to! Each sentence sounds more stupid than the previous one, and so with that, you shake your head, wiping the thoughts away, smiling at the elderly lady in the stand. You’re just gonna have to be honest, you figure. 
“Two hot chocolates, please.”
Rummaging through your pockets to find your wallet– you do owe Eric, so it’s only natural for you to pay– you’re caught off guard as the male next to you swiftly takes out his own and unzips it, preparing to pay for you. 
“I thought I owed you?” you mumble, hand reaching to tug at his forearm to stop him, to which Eric only grins at you and sighs.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you have to pay,” he says.
“I think that’s exactly what that means.”
“Just take it,” he huffs as he brings out a note from his wallet, the force making something else fly out and fall to the ground with it, having the boy swiftly crouch down and pick the item up, attempting to hide it before you get a chance to see. And now, you don’t have 20/20 vision, but you recognise your face when you see it– that, and you also recognize the small white sheet to be a polaroid picture, and as far as you’re aware, you’re the only one who has a camera in his circle.
The boy hands you the drink with red-tinted cheeks. The idea of him carrying a picture of you that he took back in September makes you flush as well, and when your gloved fingers accidentally meet as you take the cup from him, he forces out a laugh. “We can talk about that after you tell me why you’re avoiding me.”
His nonchalance has you relaxing only for a few seconds. The boy walks with you as you try to heat up your cold hands on the boiling surface of the cup, and when you see a bench a few meters away from you two, you instinctively take a seat.
“So?” he becomes you, eyebrows rising as he takes a sip from the melted sweetness.
Sighing, you try to come up with the best way to go around this. Do you apologize? Do you promise to never do it again– and you won’t, even though you want to so badly and his lips look surprisingly soft today? Furrowing your brows at the war in your head, you place the cup on the bench next to you and put your head into your hands, hiding away from him when you realize the only way to do this is to be completely, utterly honest.
“I’m just so embarrassed, Eric.”
The only noise meeting your eardrums in the moment is the faint yelling of the crowd sledding in the background, your companion remaining quiet for a bit. When he sees you won’t explain yourself, he goes ahead and asks the question. “Why?”
“Do I really have to spell it out for you?” you sigh, not believing his so casual composure.
“Maybe,” he laughs, the airy sound taking all breath away from your lungs.
Well, not all of it, since you have enough oxygen to go on a tangent, it seems. “Because I kissed you, goddamnit. And- and I don’t even know why I did it, honestly, I’ve never thought of kissing you before! It’s just- when I heard the world is ending, I realized I hadn’t had my first kiss yet, and that just felt like such a miserable way to die, and then you asked what I wanted to do before I die and I couldn’t think of anything else,” you say, progressively taking out your head from your hands and facing the male, big eyes staring into his soul. 
To your surprise, he doesn’t seem mad. Or disgusted. Or any of the reactions you expected, really. Eric stares at you with a soft, but amidst a little star-struck look in his eyes, and you’re suddenly painfully aware of every slight shift in his composure.
“Did you kiss me because you wanted to kiss me, or because you thought the world was gonna end?” he asks, awaiting your answer.
And if you’re being honest, 2 days after New Year’s Eve, you do admit the thought of the world actually ending sounds a bit stupid. Why did you even believe that theory? Why did they talk about it so seriously on the news? They tricked you into ruining your own life. 
But still, nothing can be done about it now. “Both,” you admit, shrugging, “I… I kissed you because I really didn’t want to die unkissed, but also… I wanted it to be you, y’know? Like… I thought we were really going to die, and so I thought kissing you might be a nice way to go. I really wanted to spend my last moments with you, I guess,” you sheepishly say, averting your gaze from the male.
Eric offers you his silence again after you’re done explaining. While you do admit you feel a little tense to hear what he has to say, you also realize you feel lighter now that it’s out in the universe and out of your system. A major weight was taken off your shoulders with the confession, and suddenly, you’re kind of glad that your friend was so assertive and insistent on talking about this– who knows how long you’d go before managing to face him. You think you could honestly go on… forever.
Taking a sip of the luscious liquid, you feel your body warm up once the anxiousness slips away from your bones. The boy next to you hums, making you face him with expecting eyes. “Then why were you avoiding me?”
Sighing, you shake your head. “I just told you. I’m starting to think you’re the one that’s bad at listening.”
“No,” he laughs, “that’s still you. Because if you were good at listening, you’d remember me telling you that I’ve never once seen you as my younger sister.”
Shrugging, kicking the pile of snow in front of you with the tip of your winter boots, you’re not quite following. “So?”
“So you should’ve realized that I’m not doing all of this,” he theatrically swings his arms around, “for nothing, you know?”
“All of what?”
“Taking care of you. Feeding you, helping you collect those stupid animal stickers, walking you home…” he mumbles, sighing. “Keeping your picture in my wallet,” he adds with a playful tone, making you smile.
“I thought you were just being a good friend,” you shrug.
“I don’t keep a picture of your brother on me at all times,” he says, tugging off his gloves. The sleeve of his jacket rides up a little as you watch him take his cup of hot chocolate off the bench, surprised (and flooded with warmth) to see the ugly friendship bracelet you made still adorning his wrist.
Grinning to yourself, excitement welcoming itself into the tips of your fingertips, you shrug. “So?” you mirror your own question from a little while ago, wanting him to say it to you instead of relying on your own brain– you think there’s still a possibility of you just being too delusional to see the reality for what it really is. You need to make sure you’re not imagining things.
“So,” he starts, sighing to himself as he turns a little in his seat to face you, “you should stop avoiding me, because I liked the kiss. And you. And we should probably do it again, because I didn’t get the chance to kiss you back the first time,” he says, once again taking all oxygen out of your lungs with the casualty of his preposition.
Locking his eyes with you, having you two staring at each other like two rays of sunshine warming up the cold January, he grins. “How does that sound?”
“Good,” you breathe out, “very good.”
The male takes it as an invitation as he scoots himself closer to you on the bench, his body turning a bit to face you. His free hand cups your cheek, leaning closer to lock his lips with you like he asked you to, your eyes fluttering close at the proximity, the fuzzy feeling in your stomach already expecting to kiss him again. The situation feels a little too idyllic to be real, though– you should’ve expected it to get ruined again.
Something cold and wet comes into contact with the side of your face, and when you sharply open your eyes, you see Eric staring at you with shock and terror in his eyes, the snow dripping down the side of his face as well. Whoever threw the snowball has good aim, you think– managing to target two people at once (even though your faces were that close to each other that it probably wasn’t even that hard), and before you get a chance to look around and see who cut off your kiss, there’s a scream coming from the left side of the two of you, the sound of feet quickly darting in the snow landing into your ears.
“Eric Sohn, what the fuck do you think you’re doing with my sister?” the voice hollers, and before you get a chance to react, the said male fastly stands up from the bench and runs to the other direction, laughter resonating all throughout the place as Sunwoo and his friends chase their shortest friend down.
Snow starts falling as you watch your brother tail his childhood friend, and with a foreign sense of warmth, you get reminded of the birthday wish you made while blowing out the candles on your seventh birthday.
You wished for someone just like Eric. You didn’t know the universe would be so kind to give you him instead.
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jeysbvck · 3 months
it always leads to you (in my hometown)
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oh hi, im back after almost a year of not posting fics, and of course it's my main man who pulls me back in! this is my first jey uso fic, so pls comment & reblog & let me know what you think!! i tried to make it angsty, to fit the song more, but i guess that's not the direction my brain wanted to go!!
jey uso x afab!reader
smut, 18+, minors dni!!
word count: 2,420
some people i thought might like this (if you don't wanna be tagged, just let me know!): @southerngirl41 @bebesobrielo @harmshake @afterdarkprincess @rollinsland @wrestlezaynia @crxssjae
summary: when you're in town for the holidays, it always ends up with you in jey usos bed for the weekend. this time, it isn't enough, and jey shows you why you can't leave him behind.
You stared out the window, feeling content as you watched the snow fall outside, frost gathering on the glass. You and Jey had spent all weekend in bed, sleeping half the day away and sharing body heat in more ways than one; which is how you spent all the fleeting weekends together. You had so much to do before you left in two days, but you couldn't bring yourself to leave the warm bed, especially when Jey was sleeping beside you, looking like a literal angel.
This had been happening for the last four years and you remembered it all too well; the bewildered, haunted look when Jey locked eyes with you for the first time in years, like he'd seen a ghost. You remembered the ice that ran through every vein in your body when he walked past you without acknowledging you, making you consider whether you were a ghost. You remember lying in your childhood bedroom, old photographs of you and Jey still on your walls, staring down at you, judging you. You knew you'd hurt him when you left, he didn't think your reasons were good enough; but it never crossed your mind that he'd pretend you were a stranger. But as you stared at the posters and photographs on your walls, you realised that you were a stranger now, you didn't recognise the girl in the photographs anymore.
A few days later, you bumped into Jey again, this time you were both alone, walking past the school you used to share, and things seemed different. He opened a dialogue, asked you how you'd been, asked about your life, and before you knew it, you'd been standing in the cold for half an hour. Jey offered you a ride, and you weren't ready for this to end; it felt familiar, but also new. So you accepted and you drove around the small town, commenting on how things hadn't changed. Four hours later, you were in his bed, doing things you had only dreamed about.
You thought it would be a one-off, that maybe the universe was giving you a better goodbye than the first time, a better reunion than the one in the bar. But the next holiday you were in town, he text you, and you ended up in his bed again. Then Jey started surprising you at the airport -sometimes you hadn't even told him what time your flight was- and although he dropped you off at your parents house, it wasn't long before you were spending most of the time with Jey. It was essentially a weekend-long holiday hook up, a way to make you feel less lonely during the holidays and a way to have what could've been -what should've been- if you had just stayed.
Jey stirred in his slumber, retracting his arm that was stretched over you, taking away the warmth and leaving a chill behind, as you pulled the quilt up further, you couldn't help but think of it as a metaphor for how you would feel in a couple of days when you left. You turned your back on the beautiful view outside the window to the -in your totally, unbiased opinion- the more beautiful view next to you. Even after all the years of knowing Jey, he still took your breath away, he still set your heart ablaze. Every time you were here, you took every opportunity to mentally record every detail of him to take back with you. Every new grey hair, every tattoo, every laughter line, every perfect imperfections, you took it all in. You basked in the warmth, the comfort, the happiness that you felt in this bed, knowing it would all be over in a flash.
"Mornin' babe," Jey said, with a sleepy smile, "you're watchin' me sleep, forgot you were a creep."
You hummed in response as you leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his pillow-like lips. "And I forgot you snore." You teased, and Jey scoffed, his hand wrapping around the back of your neck, pulling you in for another kiss.
"Such a liar." He mumbled against your lips and you smiled, pulling away and finding your place on his chest. Your fingertips traced the lines of his intricate tattoo on his chest, as his stroked your back, soothingly.
The time you spent with Jey, in this bed, the room, the house; felt like a different world. Like reality as you know it didn't exist here, it was just you and Jey, and nothing else mattered. You hated leaving, you hated getting on the plane, going back to your life like you hadn't just left the warmest place you'd ever known.
"So..." Jey started, and you knew what was coming. The dreaded question that he asked every time. "How long we got? Until you-"
You cut him off, not wanting the words to be said, as if it somehow wouldn't happen if Jey didn't speak it into the universe. "I know what you mean, Jey." You sighed. "Can't we just stay in this bubble for a little longer?"
"How much longer? Like, you wanna talk later, over dinner? Or how about the mornin' of your flight so we barely get to say goodbye?" He snapped, and you scoffed at the outburst. "Ay, you're the one who-"
"Okay," you cut him off before he finished the sentence, sitting up and throwing your legs over the edge of the bed, grabbing the robe that had been thrown on the floor the night before as you stood up and pulled it over your body. "You really wanna spend the time arguing?"
"No! I jus'-" Jey groaned and turned on his side, his elbow resting on the mattress. "Okay listen, I know our whole thing; no stayin', no waitin', but-"
"No Jey, this works!" You lied. You knew you were trying to convince him more than yourself, because you knew it wasn't working. If it did, leaving him wouldn't break your heart, you wouldn't spend the year counting down to the next holiday. Nobody in your life knew you like Jey. They didn't know which smiles you were faking, or which laughs were genuine. They didn't even know your coffee order, or your favourite film.
"This works for you? This is enough for you?" Jey asked. "Because it isn't for me."
You bit your lips, you'd expected this every time, you knew it would happen eventually. Jey was always going to find someone who could give him more than you could offer.
"What are you saying?" You asked. "You don't-you wanna end this?"
Jey got his knees and shuffled towards you, leaning up and cupping your face with his hands, his eyes level with yours. "I don't wanna end this." He said. "I wanna be with you."
"Jey," you whispered, hoping he could see in your eyes how much love you have for him. "I can't- We can't-"
"Ay, just listen." Jey said. "What if I came wit' you?"
You stared at him, speechless, your face still in his hands. "That's not funny."
"It ain't supposed to be funny."
"Stop it. You can't just say stuff like this, not in here, not like this when we're all caught up in the bubble!" You said, throwing your hands around. "You have your family here, a life here, you're just gonna leave it all behind?!"
"Didn't stop you." Jey retorted, and you rolled your eyes.
"That was different! I didn't pack up my life to follow someone across the country!" He smirked at you, making you roll your eyes a second time.
"Ay, you think highly of yourself, don't ya?" He joked, but you groaned and pulled his hands away from your face, putting your own over your face. "What if I ain't doin' it for you? What if I'm doin' it for me?" He asked. He pulled your hands from your face and held them. "I know you tell me not to, but I wait, babe. I wait for you to call, to text, I ask your parents when you're comin', so I can wait at the airport for you. I don't wanna wait anymore, I wanna be wit' you, for real, and you can't stay."
You bit the inside of your cheek, refusing to let yourself smile, and you turned your back on him, sitting back down on the bed. He was saying all the right things, wearing your favourite smile, and it was hard to be logical right now. This was never an option, because what if he ended up resenting you? Having Jey sporadically in your life through the year was better than the alternative.
Jey ran his hands up and down your arms, planting little kisses on your shoulder and neck. "Jus' think about it, babe." He whispered in your ear as he kissed your neck. "We can have more than jus' weekends." His hands slid over your skin, grazing your breasts as he followed a path down to your stomach, sending shivers through your whole body. "We can do this-" His hand slipped into your underwear, teasing you. "-whenever we want."
You tilted your head back, leaning it against his shoulder as he nibbled your neck, and you hummed, bucking your hips in an attempt to get his fingers exactly where you needed them. He clicked his tongue before he dug his teeth into your neck, a moan escaping your mouth as his fingers teased your entrance.
His hard cock was pressed against your back, and as he played and teased you, you reached around and grabbed his cock. He rutted against your hand, moaning into your neck as you stroked the long length, the action making him push two fingers inside you. They moved inside you, matching the pace of your hand on his cock; when you slowed down, he did, and when you quickened the pace, he did too.
Jey upped the ante, his thumb flicking over your clit, making your hips buck, your grip on his cock tightening, making it twitch. Jey groaned into your shoulder, and when you ran your thumb over his tip, he pulled away from your hand. "Nah, you're gonna make me cum." He mumbled into your shoulder. He kissed your skin again, before pulling his fingers out of your cunt, making you whimper pathetically. You watched as he slipped off the bed and pushed you backwards on the bed before getting on his knees. "Gotta remind you what you'll be missin' if you leave without me." He smirked, burying his head in between your legs.
You moaned loudly as he flattened his tongue against your cunt, slowly licking every part of you. He quickened the pace, and just as you arched your hips, he pinned them against the bed, while pushing two fingers inside you, his tongue flicking and sucking your clit. This was euphoric, you writhed underneath him as he drove you wild. Jey knew exactly what he was doing and his plan was working, you knew that he could ask you for anything right now -doing that thing with his tongue- you'd say yes to anything and everything.
"So wet for me." He muttered against you, nibbling the inside of your thigh as he fucked you with his fingers. All you could do was gasp and moan as he didn't give you a moment to breathe, sucking your clit and fucking you with his tongue. You tried to hold out, to delay your orgasm, but it wasn't long before you let yourself go, bundling the sheets in your hands as your thighs gripped his head.
Jey pulled back and crawled up your body, his thick, hard cock grazing your cunt, making your body twitch. He grinned down at you, his beard glistening with your juices, his dark eyes full of lust and you pulled him down by the chain around his neck for a kiss, your tongues dancing with each other as you ran your hands down his toned back. He rubbed his cock against your cunt, and you bucked your hips against him. "Fuck me, Jey." You managed to gasp, and he grinned at you, his eyes darkening more. He grabbed your wrists with one hand and pinned them above your head, forcing you to maintain eye contact as he pushed his cock inside you, moaning with you as your cunt tightened around him.
Your moans were lost in Jeys mouth as your bodies rocked together, your kisses getting rougher and more passionate. His free hand playing with your breasts, switching between them, refusing to let your hands free. "Such a good girl, takin' my cock like this." He grunted and you threw your head back as he attacked your neck once again. Your orgasm was bubbling up inside you, your legs beginning to shake as he fucked you harder and deeper, his own orgasm imminent. He brought his lips back to yours, the kiss slower, but not less passionate, and when he let go of your hands to grip your hips, you wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
"Shit, baby, I'm so close." He groaned, burying his head into the crook of your neck, his thrusts getting harder. You rolled your hips making his cock twitch inside you, and in all the bliss and passion as your orgasm washed over you like a tsunami, three words slipped out of your mouth.
"Come with me." You whispered, nibbling his earlobe. "So close." He repeated, and you grabbed his head, making him look at you.
"No Jey, come with me." You said, and he looked in your eyes, he flashed you that beautiful smile -one that could light up a starless night sky. You nodded, and he kissed you, just as his own orgasm hit, and he thrusted into you a few more times, his moans being caught by your mouth.
He dropped onto you; his body like a welcome weighted blanket, and you wrapped your arms around him as he lay on your chest. "Did ya mean it?" He asked quietly. You ran your fingers through his hair, and thought about what you said. You hadn't meant to say it, especially in that moment, it had just slipped out. You also hadn't meant to confirm it was in fact, what you meant. But you meant it with your whole heart, and you knew as soon as Jey voiced it as an option, you knew you couldn't leave him behind again.
"I mean it, Jey. I've never meant anything more."
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farmerstarter · 10 months
Could you possibly write some random hcs for my man Elliott? Hope all is well <3
ʚ📜ɞ ˚ · . random Elliott HCs:
tags: elliott x gn! reader
hi! thank you so much for requesting :) Elliott is my number 1 favorite bachelor in sdv, so writing this was a treat. I hope you enjoy them 💐🤍
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🪶 You had to be the one to initiate your first conversation. The two of you exchanged smiles and gave each other waves when you crossed paths. But apart from that, you and Elliott never spent time together that lasted more than a minute. He was always so caught up in his own world, distracted and staring off into the distance. You later found out that he tended to zone out a lot, thinking about his drafts and meticulously judging his own writing prowess. "Being alone tends to do that to you," Elliot would muse. The two of you soon made an effort to spend Friday evenings in the Stardrop Saloon, hiding away in your little table in the corner. He would drone on about ideas for his book and you would complain about crows picking at your crops. It would usually end with Elliott drunkenly dancing on the table while you laugh at him. He's a happy drunk, no shame hiding under his lucious hair whatsoever.
🪶 He helps Willy tend to the shop sometimes when he doesn't have the energy to write. Or he would be with Leah in the saloon, both of them complaining about their art/writing block.
🪶 He's a master of calligraphy, I decided. His letters to you are always so well done. You end up keeping his letters instead of throwing them away because they were too pretty to be lost in your endless letter drawer. He writes poems to you, most of them about you. He always signs it at the end with "Yours, Elliott"
🪶 He collects sea shells. Makes them into bracelets after Leah taught him how to do it. It was no wonder why you couldn't find any shells when you would wander to the beach in the afternoon. Elliott already got to them first. You've noticed that both Leah and Willy have shell bracelets, wearing them wherever they went. When you and Elliott became friends, he sent you a bracelet and a letter accompanying it in your mailbox. Elliott bashfully told you that he got your wrist size correct because he would hold onto your wrist when crossing to the other side of the beach, across the wooden bridge you built for it. And here you thought he was holding onto you so neither of you would fall in the water. Turns out, that was only half the reason.
🪶 When he moved in to live with you, he spent his first few weeks reading about crops and farm animals so he can help you around the farm. He enjoys spending time in the coop with the ducks the most. He even bought a duck from Marnie to have as his own, much to your amusement. It's the only duck that lives inside the house. He gave you the honor of naming it.
🪶 He and Willy would have dinner together sometimes (Elliott and Willy friendship, my beloveds). Willy made him his famous crab cakes and Elliott has never known peace since. Willy had to give Elliott the recipe so he can make his own batch to eat anytime he wanted. Elliott cooks them for you too.
🪶 He keeps a notepad tucked in his pocket for when inspiration strikes. He told himself that he would write ideas for his book the moment he gets them. But he doesn't end up doing it. He tells himself that he'll remember them when he gets home. Most of the time, he doesn't.
🪶 I like to imagine that Elliott is a merman that Willy accidentally caught in a net one night. He got into writing after he realized he can hold paper without ruining it now. He rarely talks to anyone aside from Willy, who caught him in the first place, and Leah, who accidentally caught him swimming in the river as a merman. But honestly, this is a story for another time.
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footygirl114 · 10 months
Juntos (Alexia Putellas X Reader)
Second part in my World Cup series! As always the feedback is very very much appreciated. Read part one first for more understanding :)
Link to part one; Cuando Eramos Niños
The next few days are much the same, every free moment you have you spend it with the team so you do not get caught alone with Alexia. Not that you do not want to spend time with her, you just cant help yourself when you are around her. She still flirts but is much less subtle about it when the rest of the team is around. 
On the morning of the second group game you were up very early not being able to sleep. Something just felt off to you and you couldn’t shake the feeling. Needing to move you snuck out of your room letting Ona sleep and you walked to the quiet park beside your hotel, you found it one your first morning there and the pond and fountain reminded you of home, just not the cold air. 
You are so lost in tossing rocks into the pond that you miss someone walking up and sitting beside you, it isn’t until you see another rock being thrown in do you look over and give Alexia a soft smile and a whispered “buen dia Ale.” 
She smiles and knocks your shoulder with hers softly saying “Hola.”
You turn and smile at her messy bed hair and the soft pj pants and an old sweater she threw on. it takes you a minute but you ask her with a chuckle “is that my sweater?” 
You can see the blush start to creep on her cheeks as she says “It might be, do you remember when you gave it to me?” 
Now you can feel the blush on your cheeks as you say “you stole it from me.”
“Well I couldn’t leave your room at your moms house naked could I?” she smirks back and you feel her lean closer pressing her whole body closer to yours. 
You shiver and you know it’s not from the cold as you chuckle “No, I don’t think that would have been a good idea, but you kept it all this time?” 
She nods and moves her hand to grab yours and she squeezes as she asks “are you okay?” 
“Yeah, just needed to be alone for a bit and focus” you say and squeeze her hand back. 
“I can leave?” she asks.
You pull your legs up to your chest and turn to her leaning your cheek on your knee you ask her “have you ever just woken up and felt off?” 
You watch the crinkles on the side of her eyes as she smiles at you and says “sometimes yeah.”
“How do you shake it?” 
She reaches out and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, and moves her hand down to your cheek as she says “I just push through and focus on the game I love.” 
You smile softly at her and say “I am sure I’ll shake it by game time.” 
“Trust me once you have a ball on your feet your mind will clear and you’ll be focused on just the game” as she finishes she strokes her thumb under your eye with a small smile. 
“Ale” you say softly. 
She nods softly and pulls back standing up, she holds her hand out to you and says “come on I bet we can find a ball to help clear your mind.” 
You chuckle and connect your hands letting her softly guide you, and you know that she might be right and you just need to be playing the game you have worked so hard for. 
The feeling dulls once you start kicking the ball in warm up, but it never goes away and when you are lining up ready to start the second half it hits you harder again that something is off. The team hasn’t been playing bad, but the ball just wasn’t going into the back of the net. 0-0 meant it was a tense half time talk, and you were not surprised the mood didn’t help your mood. 
When 15 minutes go by and nothing crazy happens you are waiting for an injury break as you give yourself a pep talk, reminding your self how hard you worked to get here and you need to last 25 more minutes to finish this game out.
Play resumes and the other team strikes quick and a fast break is had, you are following your player waiting for the cross from the other side and it comes in just as you are expecting. What you don’t expect is for it to deflect off of Irene’s knee and land directly on your players foot, you jump in front to block it but you are too slow and the ball comes flying in and hammers your elbow. It was tucked in to your body but not enough as the ref immediately blows for a penalty. 
The minutes feel like hours as the ref goes to look at the screen for VAR, you cant even look at your teammates cause you know this is the feeling you had all day. When the call stands and the kick goes in you can feel your stomach drop and throat tighten. It takes every once of will power you have to keep the tears of frustration and embarrassment for not being good enough in. 
The next stoppage in play, and the sub board goes up with your number and you know that you are in shit. What you didn’t expect jogging over is for Alexia to be the one coming in, but you know that a goal is needed to stay in it. 
She’s standing there with her hands up for high fives and you can’t leave her hanging and you reach out to high five her. 
She pulls you in for a hug and whispers in your ear “I have got you babe, watch this.” 
She jogs away to get in position and when you settle on the bench you can’t help but wonder what she means. When two minutes later she has curled one in top corner from nothing, you think maybe you under stood what she meant. When she jogs by the bench and points to you with a wink you know thats what she meant. 
When in the 90th minute she adds her third goal to seal the victory, and keeps her eyes locked on yours as she jogs back to your half. It’s the first moment where you feel like maybe just maybe having her in your corner wouldn’t be a bad thing, and it could be the thing you game is missing to take you over the top. 
The day before the last group game, the team organises an afternoon off and the families to meet the team at the hotel. You were so happy that your mom and brother were able to fly in to see the games, seeing them made you so exciting. You were distracted talking to them that you missed someone walking up behind you, once she put her hand on your lower back you knew it was Alexia. 
Turning slightly toward her you smile at your mom and say “Mama, you remember Alexia?”
Your mom surprises you and doesn’t smile or reach out to Alexia like you expected and she just says “I remember” shortly. 
You meet your brothers eyes with surprise as he smiles and steps in and says “I remember her Y/N!” and reaches in for a hug as he says “I love telling people I knew the best player in the world” and he pulls back with a wink. 
Both of you smile at him while your mom still has on the stern look towards Alexia. Alexia a bit apprehensive now says “I’m not staying long I just wanted to say Hola” 
“Well Hola Alexia” YOur brother says with a chuckle. 
Your mom continues to ignore her as you turn a bit more towards Alexia and say “enjoy the time with the family Ale.” 
She nods at you and looks down at your lips before shaking her head and turning away with a “bye everyone!” 
Immediately you turn to your mom with a glare and whisper out a “What was that mama?” 
She shrugs and your brother adds in “Mama that wasn’t nice.” 
She grabs your arm and pulls you off to the side away from the group and your brother as she says “Y/N, my sweet girl, she broke your heart years ago and I will never forget that.” 
“what?” you ask her shocked. You thought you had hidden what happened with Alexia and your mom had no idea. 
She smiles at your expression and puts her hand on your cheek as she says “I knew what you two were up to, and I knew that she left you.” 
“What mama, how?” you are still trying to wrap your head around her knowing. 
She smiles again and says “I am your mother Y/N, I know everything.”
You chuckle at that and ask “how do you know she broke my heart?” 
“You would have done anything that girl asked you to Y/N, it wasn’t subtle how much of a crush you had on her. There is no way she didn’t know it.” she says shaking her head. 
Feeling the blush creep up on your cheeks you say “I still would mama.”
Nodding she says “I know, which is why she needs to earn my respect again Y/N, I won’t sit by while she walks all over you again.” 
Smiling you laugh at say “I won’t let her mama.” 
She presses a kiss to your cheek and says “I know. Now come on let's go find your brother before he gets him self in trouble.” 
Following your mom back to the crowd you think about what she said, and how you will not let Alexia in again as easy. You got here without her and you would not rely on her to get anywhere else. 
 You rounded out the group stage with an easy win to seal first place in your group, it was a good feeling knowing that you helped the team to get here. The good feeling slightly started to sink when you noticed you would be playing France in the round of 16. They had lost a game and took second place in their group. 
The morning of the game you were again up early and sitting outside, but the difference this time is that Alexia had followed you out and silently sat beside you and let you lean against her. You didn’t want to lean on her, but you were slowly coming around to the idea of her being good for you. 
When your phone pinging interrupted the silence you looked down at it with a chuckle.  
“What’s up?” Alexia asks softly.
You turn and smile at her and jump up holding your hand out to her as you say “Just my roommate from back in England being a goof.” 
She uses your hand and pulls her self up turning to walk beside you still gripping your hand. She asks “Is she here to support?” 
You laugh out loud and when she gives you a confused look you say “she plays for France.” 
She immediately stops and when you turn towards her she says “your laughing with the enemy Y/N!”finishing  with a pout. 
You shrug your shoulders and keep walking backwards away from her saying “You can’t stop me Ale.” and then you take off running down the street hearing her yell your name behind you. You slow to a walk into the hotel and as you head toward your room you think about how you were a ball of anxiety when you went out to the park this morning, but now you feel light and ready to go out and play. 
That feeling followed you all throughout the game, which led to a 3-1 victory over the strong French side. After you had celebrated with the team you were shaking hands with the French players when you felt someone wrap their arm around your neck from the side.
You chuckle immediately knowing it was Kenza and you say “Hi roomie, did you miss me?” 
She pulls back and punches you in the shoulder saying “You were supposed to take it easy on me!” 
“Hey I never promised that!” you chuckle back. Shaking your head you tell her “Seriously though, Kenz that was an unreal game.” 
You can see the blush on her cheeks as she says “thanks roomie” 
“And that goal was wild! I am so proud of you” you tell her with a smile. 
She chuckle and puts her and on your forearm as she says “Thanks Y/N, your confidence in me this last year has meant so much, you know.” 
You smile softly at her as you say “Kenz, I mean it you deserve to be here, that goal proves it.” 
She immediately smiles and pulls you into a hug and she whispers “thank you Y/N, the best roomie.” 
When she pulls back you notice Alexia walking up beside the pair of you. You smile at her and when she’s close enough you say “Ale! this is Kenzia my roommate back in England.” 
“Hola” Alexia says as she stands beside you looking at Kenza. 
“Hi Alexia, Y/N has spoke a lot about you.” she says with a smirk. 
You immediately smack her in the arm and turn towards Alexia and say “I was just telling Kenz how great her goal was.” 
She nods but you can see something is off with her as she says “yeah it was” 
With a raised eye brow at Alexia you say “It was a beauty goal.” 
“I wouldn’t have had the confidence to shoot without you Y/N.” Kenza cuts in. 
Alexia responds with “It was nice, but I have scored better.” 
You are a bit shocked but when you see the way Alexia is eyeing Kenza you realise she is jealous. You turn with a smirk and say “yeah but it’s more impressive when its your first world cup.” 
“One goal doesn’t win you 2 balon d’or’s” Alexia says a bit shortly and you almost have to laugh at how jealous she is. 
You meet Kenza’s eyes and you know she is also trying not to laugh, as you have told her all about your Alexia drama and she knows this isn’t her. 
“Okay then, Ale go find Jenni and talk about your balon d’or’s.” you chuckle and push her shoulder away, moving to put and arm around Kenza and walking away towards the tunnel with her.
“She was so jealous Y/N” Kenza says. 
You chuckle nodding as you say “Thats a good thing Kenz.” 
You both laugh and say your goodbyes splitting ways to your respective team rooms. When almost 20 minutes goes by and Alexia has still not come into the room, you have given up hope on saying something. When the last player walks out you turn and move to follow but are immediately stopped by Alexia walking into the change room. 
“Ale, what took so long?” you ask her with a smirk. 
She doesn’t say anything but moves closer to you, as she steps closer you start to move back. Exchanging step for step until your back is pressed against the wall. She stops half a foot from you as she says “that wasn’t nice Y/N” 
“what wasn’t Ale?” you ask with a smirk. 
She moves both arms and places them on either side of your head pressing her body into yours against the wall. “Making me jealous” she says and keeps her eyes on yours. 
“You were jealous Ale?” you ask meeting her eyes. 
She looks down at your lips as she says “You’re mine Y/N.” 
Before you can argue it she has closed the gap and pressed her lips hard to yours. You immediately fall into the kiss and move your hands to settle on her abs as you open your mouth for her tongue. When she does you let out a deep moan into her mouth at the press of her thigh between your legs. 
She immediately pulls back, take a full step back as she says “You are mine Y/N, and I will prove to you that you need me.”
She finishes with a wink and turns and walks into the shower section of the change room. You stay leaning against the wall as you play back the last few minutes and you can feel the tingling from your head to your toes. All you can think about is what she said, and how she plans on proving to you that you need her. 
2-0 down within the first 20 minutes of a world cup semi final was not a place that you ever wanted to be in again. When England slotted home their second and were celebrating, you saw Alexia gesture to the team to come together. Using the mini huddle as a chance to regroup, Alexia proves once again why she is the leader of this team. 
The team leaves the huddle coming out flying, but you still feel like you could be better, getting the score back to 2-1 by halftime. When you are walking off the field you feel Alexia move beside you and put her arm around your shoulders she waits till your in the tunnel when she pulls you off to the side down a hallway. 
“Babe listen, I need you, I cannot do this without you okay?” She says as she crouches slightly to be in your eyeline.
Still conflicted in your head about not playing well enough you shake your head and say “you can Ale.” 
“Look at me Y/N” she says and places her hands on your cheeks and moves you faces together as she continues “This right here, is what I play for, who I play for. I want to be the best I can be for you, and every other teammate, but its you who I need Y/N. I need you to be on your game so you can elevate me, and feed me those balls on a platter. Okay?” 
You nod and she looks over her shoulder quickly and then leans in and press her lips hard to yours. It’s quick but you can feel what she is pouring into it. “wow” you whisper. 
She smirks and says “Let’s go win this thing together” 
“Let’s do this” you nod and follow behind her to the change room. 
As the team prep continues, you zone out from the tatics talk. All you can focus on is how ready you are to go out there and prove to Alexia that you are the best player you can be. As you look up and meet her eyes watching you, you can feel the shift inside you that is screaming at you to let her in, and let her be the person you need to be complete. 
She winks at you when the talk ends and you jump up to walk beside her out on the field. Lining up to start the half you feel confident and ready to get this back. 
It works when less than 10 minutes in you get the chance to make a run down the wing and send in one of those balls on a platter that Alexia slots home tieing the game at 2. She takes off towards you and jumps in your arms as a celebration. When you are both walking back to your half after she says “Let’s do that again babe!” 
You chuckle and then you shake your head jogging back to your spot ready to finish this thing. By the final whistle you had served in another cross to Alexia, and one to Jenni both making no mistake and putting us up 4-2 to seal the victory. 
It wasn’t until later that night, you had gone up to your room to lay down, while the team continues to play cards celebrating the victory, that you see Alexia again. She was dragged off to POTM interviews, meaning you never saw her post game as you were swept up into the celebrations. 
A knock on your door has you groaning as you were hoping for an early night but now you know that you’d be dragged down to play cards. You get up and open the door and smile when you see Alexia at the door in sweatpants looking cozy. 
“Hola Y/N.” She says with a smile. 
“Ale, come in” you say and she walks into the door and stops right in front of you. You let the door close and she immediately pushes you up against the wall and connects your lips. 
You follow her lead and wrap your arms around her neck, she has hers on your hips and when she deepens the kiss you hop up and wrap your legs around her waist. She lets out a moan into your mouth and moves her hands under your ass as she moves towards the bed. 
She places you down onto the bed and stands above you with a smile. You smile back and scoot up the bed to lean on the pillows watching her. 
“You are beautiful Y/N” she says to you. 
Feeling the blush you smile and say a soft “Thank you.” 
She smiles and moves to lay on the bed right beside you. She’s on her side with her arm under her head while her hand moves to your stomach. You entangle your hands as she leans in and presses a kiss to your temple as she says “Sorry it took me so long after the game.” 
You chuckle and say “You are a superstar I get needing to do interviews.” 
She smiles down at you and says “You were amazing today Y/N” 
“Want to know something?” you ask her with a smile watching her. 
She nods and says “Always.” 
You move your free hand up to her cheek as you tell her “Today I realised that I dont need to be alone to be the best I can be. You made me better and elevated me up Ale, you have always done that to me” 
You see a tear gather under her eye and you move to catch it as she says “I am sorry I broke your heart when were kids” 
“You knew?” you ask with a questioning look. 
She nods and says “I broke mine too, but I knew I needed to if I wanted to follow my dreams and become the best player I could be. I didn’t want you to get dragged down when I didn’t make it Y/N, or for whatever you achieved to always be tied to me” 
“You never said anything.” you say quietly.
She gulps as she says “I thought I was protecting you, but when I saw you again for the first time in a Spain uniform I knew I made a mistake. I followed your career and I knew you would get her on your own and not because you were with me.” 
You take a moment to look at her as you can feel the tears gathering in your eyes you ask “Do you believe everything happens for a reason?” 
“Si I do” she says back. 
“Me too Ale, and maybe this is the reason. We were meant to become our own person, then reunite and be the best we can be together.” you say with a soft smile. 
She smiles back and leans in and presses a quick kiss to your lips. When she pulls back she says “Can we go win a world cup, then I can take you on a date?”
“I would really like that” you tell her with a smile. 
She leans down and presses another kiss to your lips, you don't let her get far as you move your hands to her head to hold her there, deepening the kiss. She moves more on top of you kissing you. You lose track of time, but when the need to breathe becomes too much she pulls back with a “wow babe.” 
“No more of that until we win okay?” you tell her. 
She nods and moves to get up “I should go back to my room before curfew then.” 
You follow her to the door and move to press another kiss to her lips as you say “goodnight Ale” 
“goodnight babe” she says with a final kiss as she disappears out of the door. 
You stand there for a moment replaying the last few moments, you are very sure you will be able to do this with her by your side. You also know that if you falter she will be there to lean on and pick you back up. 
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kookslastbutton · 10 months
Too Late to Dream ༓ jjk (m)┃ch. V
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✑ Summary: You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
Pairing: economics professor!jungkook x fem!artist!reader
AU/Genre: angst, smut, fluff, marriage au, age gap, series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 3,342
Warnings: 8-year age gap, mentions of professor-student relationship (oc was a Masters student), jk has milk obsession, oc injured, both lonely :(, mommy issues, lots of family drama/in-laws, fighting, pent-up issues/desires, jk has daddy issues, jk being good hubby to oc
Now Playing: Make It Right, Tryna Be, Infinity, It Will Rain, Heaven+
A/N: I've heard the requests and I think it's time to fulfill them–how did they get together?! Yes, it's here and I'm excited to finally share! Also, yes this took up whole chapter so a tiny break from present-day stuff but we'll be back at it next chapter. 💞
<< ch. IV ༓ ch. Vl >> | series masterlist
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Before marrying you, Jungkook had the same routine. He got up, showered, brushed his teeth, put work clothes on, grabbed breakfast, and ran out the door with twenty minutes to spare. Trying to find a parking spot at 7 a.m. at the university was no joke and he had to leave early or some college kid would take the last spot and not think twice.
His night routine was similar. Jungkook finished the day between 5 and 6 pm, slowly regretting he ever agreed to teach evening classes. He’d kick off his shoes, eat dinner, grade some of his student’s papers if needed, brush his teeth again, and went to bed.
It was a constant cycle and with no one around, not even a pet, Jungkook’s life was fairly quiet and systematic. Sometimes his buddies would come over on the weekend for a couple of hours and that surely rocked his world.
But that wouldn’t happen often during the school season due to his ridiculously packed teaching schedule. The most recent person he’d hang around during those months was Taehyung and if he wasn’t free, Jungkook would spend his time at the grocery store–stocking up on milk.
4 years ago
“That was two weeks ago man,” Jungkook says, pushing a cart with five-gallon jugs of milk to his car. He’s on the phone with Taehyung who's reminiscing about the grand opening of the new art exhibit and how “lovely” it was to meet you there.
Jungkook doesn’t need reminding though.
He clearly remembers seeing you there and Taehyung happily making a complete fool of him once he found out who you were. Thankfully you hadn’t seemed to mind too much since you and Taehyung soon moved on to discuss various art theories, masterpieces, and underrepresented artists.
“You didn't have to stay y'know.” If Jungkook didn't know any better he'd think Taehyung was salty. "You could've left at 8 pm like you planned. __ and I would have been fine."
Jungkook winces hearing the man's argument. He did think about going home at 8, but it unsettled him to leave you alone with Taehyung. His colleague was enjoying himself a little too much that night and there’s no telling what he’d do or say when he’s overly comfortable.
Jungkook had to stay until you left.
"Are you kidding me? Leaving you unsupervised would've been the worst idea after all your endless blubbering." Jungkook pops the trunk of his car, stuffing the jugs of milk inside. "God knows what you'd scar __ with."
On the other line, Taehyung smirks through the speaker. "No, that's not it......you weren't going to leave me alone with a woman, an attractive one at that."
Jungkook grabs the last jug of milk, slamming it on the floorboard. "Student, and stop talking about her like that. She's my stu—"
"Say student one more time and I'm going to take all your milk and give it to Yoongi hyung's cats."
"I swear to god, Taehyung, if you touch my milk I'm never going to another art museum or wine tasting with you again." Jungkook is very protective of his dairy products.
"That's okay. I don't need you when __ says she'll be happy to go with me sometime." Smug bastard, Jungkook thinks. There's no way you said that.
"That's bull Taehy—"
"Look she's in her masters and is literally eight years younger than you. It's not that serious so stop acting like she's fresh out of high school. Besides, you said it yourself, she's not a child."
Jungkook grunts, shoving the cart into the others. "She's a young lady who happens to be enrolled in the school. As faculty, we have no business thinking or talking about her outside those terms."
"For fucksake, Kook. You always make things so complicated!" Taehyung's baritone voice cracks through the speaker. "I'm just trying to get you to admit that you're into her some way or another. How many other students have I stayed to talk to and you couldn't give a—"
Just then a loud, high-pitch screech interrupts the call. Jungkook whips his head around immediately. He doesn't spot anything at first but a string of profanities remains audible in the distance.
"Jungkook, are you okay?"
"Yeah, but someones screaming and I can't tell where it's coming from." Jungkook walks around the grocery parking lot, eyes darting left and right. "Oh shit!"
There, near the bus stop, you lay on your side with your right leg stretched out and blood running from your temple. You try getting up but you fall right back down, cursing sharply.
"Taehyung I gotta go, it's __. I don't know what happened but she's laying by the bus stop and I think she needs help!" Jungkook shuts his phone and races to where you lay. He kneels next to you with sheer horror on his face. "__, what happened? What can I do?"
"Damn college boys, Dr. Jeon," you spit, dragging your leg up as far as you can. You reach for your bag which had flung about a foot away when you crashed. "So fucking eager to get off the bus and—oh damn that hurts like a bitch!"
"What hurts?" Jungkook lunges forward to catch your torso from slamming on the hard concrete. "Stay still okay? We need to get you to the hospital."
"I'm all set, but thanks. It'll likely heal in a day."
Jungkook shakes his head and wraps an arm under your back and legs. "Can you put your arms around my neck?"
"Dr. Jeon, I appreciate what you're doing but I don't want to go to the hospital. Please."
You're serious. No trace of bluffing or even simply trying to act tough. You really don't want to go.
"You need to be checked by a doctor sweetheart," Jungkook insists. "Whatever happened has made it so you can't walk. C'mon, my car is nearby and I'll drive you over."
"No, wait!" He feels you push against his chest.
"__. I'm not leaving you without making sure you didn't break a bone or something. I don't want to make things worse but you don't look so hot right now. So please, let me take you." Jungkook lifts you up when you give a barely consenting yes.
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"You sprained your ankle pretty bad hun." Dr. Kim Seokjin draws your attention to the X-ray scan. "Second degree." He points to the visual of your partially torn ligament. "There's going to be a lot of swelling so you're gonna need to stay off your foot for at least 4 weeks."
"Do I have to stay here?" is your first question.
"For the first couple of weeks, we strongly advise—yes." Dr. Kim moves on to the next X-ray scan. "You also cracked a rib which will also take about 4 weeks to heal, or more. Of course you're head has suffered a mild concussion as well but it's very mild thankfully." Dr. Kim catches sight of Jungkook next to you, staring at the scans. "You're wife's going to be okay," he says mid-diagnoses.
"We're not—" you start to say but Dr. Kim continues talking.
"Wife, girlfriend, lover, what have you. The point is, much of what we have here will recover with a month of rest, ice, and elevation." He takes a pen from his pocket and starts jotting down something on paper. "I recommend two weeks here for moderation purposes. If things look good, you finish the healing at home. Still, be careful though, no funny business."
The blank looks on both your faces tell Dr. Kim he wasn't clear enough. "Yah, my filters going to die with you two doe-eyed deer. No funny business means no sex!"
"Oh god!" You outburst, mortified by the thought. Jungkook whips his head to your slack-jawed expression. "Dr. Kim, it's not like that between us."
The older man suddenly zeros in on your professor, eyes narrowing slightly. "What's the matter son? Having trouble getting it up?"
Jungkook jolts in his seat, startled by the crass response. "I—no, what? There's nothing wrong with my—"
"We're not together!" You shout before Jungkook's sentence finishes. "We're friends." Saying that your professor brought you here sounded a little odd for some reason, especially when Dr. Kim was already convinced you two were a thing.
"Mhm sure, heard the same thing from my wife before we went off and eloped." Dr. Kim treads to the door. If he has a dime for how many times he's heard that "we're friends" bs he'd be...well, he's already rich so never mind. "Let's move on to something more productive now, like getting __ settled in a room. The sooner she starts the healing process, the sooner she can be good as new again."
"Thank you Dr. Kim," Jungkook says, slowly standing up to stroll you and your wheelchair out of the room. You didn't like it but the nurses insisted you be in one to keep pressure off your muscles.
"Yeah yeah." Dr. Kim waves him off. "Just remember what I said, no funny business. Especially here at the hospital. You don't know how many times I've heard the nurses catching their patients on top of one another at 2 am in the morning. That better not be you two, whoever you are to each other."
"Yes, doctor." You both reply, thankful of the fact that neither of you are in any position to be looking at each other.
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"Is there any way I can be here for less than two weeks?" Jungkook watches as you plead with the nurse. It worries him that you're still anxious to avoid medical attention.
"I'm afraid not," the nurse says simply. "If you need anything, press the call button and I'll be in as soon as I can."
Once the nurse leaves, Jungkook pulls up a chair next to your bed. "Stupid question but how are you feeling?"
"I'm in an ankle brace, my rib burns, and my head is still dizzy. I'm trapped in the hospital for two weeks and all because a bunch of nineteen-year-old boys couldn't wait to hit up some frat party," you groan, not bearing in mind your tongue. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this Dr. Jeon."
"You didn't drag me into anything __. I'm glad I was there when this happened and I'm even more glad that you're here, getting help." Jungkook clears his throat before continuing. "Even if it isn't ideal for you."
You ignore the subtle pry for information. "Please, Dr. Jeon. You don't have to stay any longer. It's the weekend and I'm sure you have plans."
Jungkook gives a faint smile. "So, you're saying this is none of my business?"
"No, not—not at all. I mean if you want to stay then I guess you can but I don't want you to feel obligated or anything."
"I want to be here," Jungkook says simply. "But you know that's not what I meant. I'd like to know why it bothers you when anyone tries to help you...if I may."
"Just habit," you mumble quickly, averting eye-contact. It's not your professor's job to bear the weight of your problems.
Jungkook nods in reply, pretending you gave a satisfactory explanation. He wishes you'd tell him but if you didn't want to share more then that was your choice —he wasn't going to force you. "I understand." He grabs his phone from his pocket and rests his elbows on his knees. "Are you hungry?"
"Huh?" You look back at him, his question going right over your head.
"I asked if you're hungry. It's about dinner time so I can get you something if you want. I also have a bunch of milk in my trunk that needs to get to a fridge. But I can place the order now and pick it up in my way back here."
"Milk in your trunk?" Is the only words you repeat, dumbfounded. "Like chocolate milk or...?"
"Nah, Whole Milk." Jungkook grins at your scrunched up face. You try to hide it but not very well. "Don't look so disgusted. Milk is good for you."
"Yeah when you're ten years old."
"On the contrary!" You flinch when his voice rises, along with his eyebrows. "Milk has a lot of health benefits as adults. It has thirteen essential nutrients and helps maintain muscle and bone strength. I drink at least two full glasses a day, if not more."
"I'm sorry but that's nasty." You shudder at the thought of drinking milk in your twenties let alone your thirties. "You really enjoy it? The taste?"
"Yup, always have since a baby! Loved it so much that my mother-" You raise an eyebrow to which he abruptly switches topics. "Anyway, do you want me to pick you up something or no?"
You giggle, a little uncomfortable with whatever he was about to disclose to you.
"That's okay, no thanks."
"You sure? Otherwise I'm gonna be eating in front of you." Jungkook knows how this sounds — he's trying to force you to eat. But the truth is, he just doesn't want to eat by himself tonight. He also doesn't want to leave you alone this early, especially when you obviously detest being here, for whatever reason.
"I'm sure," you say. "But...if you want to come back you can. Not like I have anything to do anyway."
"Good then." Pleased, Jungkook opens up his phone contacts. "Give me you're number in case you change your mind while I'm out."
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Over the next couple of weeks, Jungkook continues to stay by your side. He leaves to teach his classes of course and to go home late at night, but he stops by every day—hours at a time.
You keep insisting that he not come so much but he always makes the same excuses. "I just brought food" or "You're on my way home from the university". Sometimes he brings in class notes too.
Due to your current predicament, you're missing a lot of content so Jungkook thinks it best to go over key principles with you and takeaways from his lectures. He says it's his duty as a professor–never minding the fact that many of his other students are in a predicament of their own yet he’s not bothering to do jack for them.
"Look Dr. Jeon, I appreciate what you're doing but you really don't have to. I'll be perfectly alright to catch myself up from the textbook and study guides. You don't have to keep stopping by." You try again but Jungkook keeps his wall just as strong as yours.
"I know I don't have to __. I know that I could leave right now, take all these lecture notes home with me, and not feel guilty about a thing. But I told you I was going to be here and I'm going to keep to that no matter how many times you urge me to leave. I also want you to call me Jungkook outside class but have you allowed for any of those to happen?" Jungkook tosses the folder of notes in his sachel, a loud thump following. "A simple thank you would suffice."
"I am grateful, I really am. But I never asked to be given so much of your time. I feel bad because maybe you're just one of those overly nice people who feel it's their duty to stick around or what not when someone's in trouble. I don't need to be pitied over! Also, you said I could keep calling you the usual, so Dr. Jeon it will remain!" Why you're raising your voice, you don't know but it's happening either way.
"Yeah I did," Jungkook quips, matching your tone. "But after the last, nearly two weeks I think we ought to be on a first-name basis! And I'm in no way pitying you okay? I'm here because I care dammit! I don't want you to be alone and I don't want you to be behind in getting your Masters. So I' try to be be here every day for at least fifteen minutes if not more!"
You don't fully process what he says so you reply to what you remember most. "Why? Why can't I call you Dr. Jeon? It's been that way from the start, twice every week. So why do I need to call you Jungkook all a sudden?!"
"Because it makes me feel younger, you insulted my milk after I first took you to the hospital, we've been eating dinner almost every night since your injury, you told me about your childhood cat named Mr. Muttonbottom, and you just called me by my first name so there are no take backs! Now, if you're done making a fit, do you want bibimbap or jajangmyeon for dinner tonight?!"
What the actual hell? You cease your arguing at once, hearing your professor, or excuse you, Jungkook, all fluffed up. Obviously, you're not the only one high-strung over being stuck in the same routine day in, day out.
"Jajangmyeon...please," you mutter.
"Thank fuck," he swears. Yeah that's new too.
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"Sorry for getting mad earlier." You mumble the words as soon as Jungkook returns with the food. "It just feels odd that you've been here all the time...you're my professor."
Jungkook mauls over your choice of words, stiffening ever so slightly. "Well, I'd like to think we're sorta friends now but alright. Does this actually bother you __? I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, you know that." He places the bag of take-out on the small desk near your bed.
"No, it's doesn't bother me." you just don't know how to react or what to say besides a measly thank you. More so, you don't want to make someone feel responsible for you...you should take care of your own shit without bringing others with you. It's not the best mindset, you're aware, but its the one you have.
"Okay good because to be completely transparent, I'm sorta here for me too. I live my myself, eat by myself, talk to myself....I do most things alone so it's nice having someone else to be around." He's not sure where to set his eyes, so he looks downward, fumbling with the napkins in front of him. "I'm making this awkward, sorry."
Feeling the strange need to offer comfort, you stretch a hand over Jungkook's arm. "I get it. It's nice having someone around too."
You and Jungkook hold each other's gaze for a few seconds more, letting the brief silence do the rest of the talking. Maybe you've been looking at this a little too one-sided.
"How are you feeling today? Any better?" Jungkook cracks open the bowl of Jajangmyeon, handing it to you with a pair of chopsticks.
You take the steamy food and gesture to your ankle which has swollen down a good amount. "Still more healing to be done but it's better."
Jungkook hums in approval. "That's comforting to hear. Dr. Kim going to discharge you soon?"
"Yeah, I think so. A few more days and he said I should be able to rest up at home."
"Really?" He chews on his bottom lip. "Well great, uhm , do you have stuff going on when you get back?"
You think a moment, trying to recollect if you made plans with Na-Rae. "Maybe some but not much. I don't have a ton of people around me right now either...down here I mean."
"Well, do you wanna go out to dinner then?" Jungkook pops the question more causal than expected. It's almost like he planned this or at least has been thinking about it for a bit. "We've been eating together for a while now and I think it might be a nice celebratory thing."
"Are you asking me on a date...Jungkook?" Because it defiantly sounds like he is, as indirect as it may be.
His reply is barely audible but you hear it and for the first time, your professor sounds truly timid. "Uh, well...let's go with "hang out", like friends do."
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A/N: so yeah, thats how they got together 👀😅 anyone surprised? Thinking about a drabble for thier first date now haha. Anyway, next chapter we get back to present day stuff where more drama goes down. Also, adding a chapter bc this flashback took the whole chapter lol. Lmk your thoughts 💞
@frieschan @oldermenluverrr @tatamicc @kookswifesblog @llallaaa @sunnybyeol @namtaeh @exactlygreatcoffee @whipwhoops @yoongisducky @ktnj91 @junecat18 @thvlover7 @yoongiworshiper @ellesalazar @monbebe234-blog @parkinglot-nights @borahaexoxo @hobiswhore @kimseokjinbangtan @jjk97091 @mk-id @blueberry711 @givemethemaknaes16 @iammartian07 @jjkluver7 @itsdingdong @jiminshi20 @sweet-sourhotcoco @lubtou @lovingkoalaface @starsinsky1999 @rockstarrgyu @chaconnelatte @kaithezaftig @skzthinker @babystarcandykookie @jksusawife
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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akutasoda · 7 months
Me again‼️ :D
I would like to request a Lyney, Fremi and Lynette (fluff) x reader who’s like- under Columbina’s care? Like her’s ward- like they just meet on some Fatui meeting mby? I thought about reader having these wings like Columbinas ones but only a single pair of smaller one’s, they’re also keeping their eyes closed (sometimes open them but lovely beautiful amazing Columbina is teaching them to keep 'em closed) they're also trying to keep that lil smile similiar to Columbina’s one but yk they can’t keep it for long so mostly that little smile or just not smiling, not a much of talker, just a smaller version of our beloved Columbina
Thought it would be fun🤷‍♀️
(At this point u’re the only (and my fav) artist Im asking for shots ily💕)
birds of a feather
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synopsis - maybe being in similar situations wasn't that bad
includes - freminet, lynette, lyney
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight angst, wc - 810
a/n: hello!! thank you so much <3
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the house of the hearth was surprisingly quite the large building. while the knave did quite the good job at maintaining it and attending to the various children, sometimes it became to much for her alone especially when she had duties to attend to. so the only person she ever trusted to assist was the damselette.
therefore entrusting some wards to her in the event she would be unable to attend to them. but when you became the latest child to enter the house of hearth, arlecchino was shocked for your sheer resemblance to her co-worker, knowing exactly what ward to entrust you to.
additionally she immediately told columbina as it definitely wasn't an everyday occurrence to see another like columbina. naturally upon meeting you, the damselette immediately took a liking to you and you took a liking to her as you too had never met someone like you.
and from that day onward, you spent more time at columbina's side than at the house of the hearth. she saw you more like family considering how similar you two were and wanted you to be taught personally by her. afterall she knew your powers better than anyone else.
but ultimately, spending so much time with columbina meant you never really socialised with other children in the house. and even so, the first fellow 'children of the hearth' you had met you got along immediately with. although you weren't that talkative you would be dumb to ignore the obvious signs that you could get along with them.
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freminet ★↷
↪when he first saw you, he felt a sort of pity for you. he understood your situation but he knew he most likely couldn't do much about it. and that meant that he did sort of want to befriend you to offer a light that he never had in your situation.
↪you both weren't that talkative, but neither of you minded. most the time you spent with freminet was spent in a comfortable silence.
↪he found your wings so interesting. they fascinated him and he would always ask to have a proper look at them. he did also find them quite beautiful no matter how muched they reminded him of a certain harbinger.
↪same went for your eyes, when he first saw them he asked why you never showed them but answered his own question when he remembered your situation.
lynette ★↷
lyney ★↷
↪she initially never noticed you were there. she hated the fatui meetings where she had to be present, she saw no point in her being there. but when she did see you she couldn't help but feel slightly curious even though nost questions she had could be answered by common sense.
↪but when she did start to know you, which admittedly was a bit awkward as you both weren't known talkers, she did find herself becoming more comfortable around you. you both understood each other and enjoyed spending time with another.
↪she never commented on your slight odd smiling habits as she did admittedly have something similar. but she did comment on why you always had to try and keep your eyes closed. they were beautiful, so why did you hide them?
↪she always found your wings very pretty to look at. they reminded her of her cat-like features. bit she did very much enjoy seeing them.
↪upon seeing you for the first time, he felt indifferent. maybe even a bit of resentment considering who you were stood right next to. although he knew you most likely were in a similar situation to theirs, he still couldn't help but slightly judge you.
↪although overtime as he began to see you and be with you more and more, it did become more sympathy and he started letting down those initial walls, becoming his more normal joyous side.
↪the very first time he saw your eyes he wondered why you hid them but then he remembered who you were spending time with. he did love your wings however.
↪although sometimes they reminded him too much of columbina and by default the fatui but he knew that wasn't your but it couldn't be helped.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
Fluffcember Day 6 | Apology accepted
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Pairing | Husband!Ari Levinson x Wife!Fem!Reader
Word count | 2.4K
Summary | You and Ari have a big fight, and it doesn't go how Ari thinks when you storm out of the house. Spending time apart has always been difficult for the both of you since you've constantly been conjoined at the hip. The time apart gives you both time to think, and when you come back, Ari is more than ready to apologize the best way he knows how.
Warning(s) | Established relationship ~ husband & wife, use of a pet name ~ Princess
Angst | Swearing, mentions of a big fight, mention of a past abusive relationship, Ari is an absolute ass in the beginning of the story
Smut |unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), oral ~ F & M receiving, squirting, 69, dirty talk, size kink, belly bulge
A/n | This one-shot is written for day 6 of my Fluffcember 2023 Challenge. Thank you to @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading this one, it is deeply appreciated as always! I apologize that this and the last one were later than planned, but starting from tomorrow’s fic (day 7) everything will be going back to its regular schedule 🎄
Events Masterlist | ''Don't smile at me like this'' | @buckys-wintersoldier Masterlist | Squirting | @anyfandomkinkbingo Masterlist | 69 | @ultimatechrisbingo
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Owner
Main Masterlist | Ari Levinson Masterlist
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It is rare for you and Ari to fight, let alone to have one as big as this one. You don't remember how it started, but you know it has evolved into a screaming match on both sides.
''You are such a bitch sometimes, you know that?!'' Ari spits out, and as soon as the words slip out of his mouth, he instantly regrets his choice of words. Where he was beyond angry not even a moment ago, he is suddenly all too aware of everything going on, and the tears spilling over your waterline are not being missed by him.
But that's not what breaks Ari. What does end up being the last straw for him right now is that when he flings his arms up in anger - without the intention of hurting you, he could never do that - you flinch and step back with your arms wrapped around yourself.
You've been hurt too many times to count in your past relationship because your ex-husband has been both emotionally and physically abusive towards you, which has left you extremely traumatized.
It has taken years of therapy to return to your old self, and when you met Ari, your future seemed much brighter again. The day you told him what had happened to you, he swore never to lay a hand on you, and he has never broken that promise, but that doesn't mean you didn't get scared by his unintentional movement.
You're sobbing loudly as you retreat up the stairs and away from your husband, your vision blurry as you slap a hand over your mouth to stifle the sobs, but it's not working.
''Fuck!'' Ari yells as he throws the photo on the floor that he is holding, shattering it into a thousand little pieces. It was the photo your fight was about, and he knows he should have thrown it out long ago, but he couldn't get himself to do it.
And look where it got him right now: his wife crying and afraid of him and packing her stuff to get out of the house, away from him. No matter what he says or does, it won't matter because he knows he can't change your mind.
It's not for lack of trying, though.
''Princess, can we please talk about it? I'm sorry-'' is all he can say, but your mind is made up. You packed enough clothing and toiletries for a week and brought some valuables that you can't go without.
Your wedding ring, however, is left on the little trinket dish in the bathroom, and it's the first thing Ari notices.
''Fuck you, Ari Levinson,'' is the last thing you tell him before wiping your eyes and leaving your keys by the door, right before slamming the door behind you. How you would get back into the house would be a worry for another moment; right now, you need to get out of the house and away from him before either of you do something they regret.
You order an Uber, and within a few minutes, it's there, and you get in without looking back, ready to go to a nearby hotel to stay there for a few days.
Ari was looking through the big window next to your front door the entire time until you were entirely out of sight, and that's when he collapsed.
His hands are threaded into his hair as he sinks to his knees, screaming to let all his frustrations out. The tears roll in steady streams over his cheeks as he's petrified you will have left him for good.
But you could never get yourself to the point of leaving him forever. You need some time apart to think about what happened, but in the end, you will always come back to him and talk about what happened. But right now, you both need your own space.
''I'm such a fuck-up...'' Ari whispers to nothing as he wipes the tears from his cheeks, letting a few sniffles escape before pulling himself together and going upstairs to see what you've taken - and left behind.
He walks into the bathroom and finds your wedding ring there, which he had already noticed was missing when you walked out the door. Next up is the closet, and he sees that some of your favorite clothes and his hoodie are missing.
The photo of you two hanging on the bedroom wall is also missing, and you brought your electronic devices for work, but the rest are still there, just like they were that morning.
The most valuable thing he is missing now is you.
The first three or four days were, apart from lonely, relatively okay. But there's only so much work you both can distract yourself with and because of that, you decide that on the fourth evening of your departure, you'll send Ari a text message to talk.
My Princess 👑 >> Can we talk tomorrow over lunch? The hotel has a restaurant where we can sit and discuss what happened.
You have to fight the urge to text him how much you miss him, and instead, you keep the message neutral to calm your excitement.
My Prince 👑 >> Of course, Princess. I can be there at 1:30 PM. Let me know if you want me to bring anything, and I will. I love you.
He is making it incredibly hard not to run back to him and forgive him instantly, but you're surprising yourself with the amount of willpower you are showing.
You text him that 1:30 is okay and which hotel you're staying at, and with that, you're officially feeling better, not about what happened, but about the fact that you two can talk it out like adults.
The next day arrived faster than you thought, and it's currently 1 PM, so you still have about 30 minutes before you meet Ari in the hotel restaurant.
To be sure, you opted for a shower first. You may be talking about your fight, but that doesn't mean you can't look decent for your husband. You're opting to wear a casual outfit instead of Ari's hoodie, which is what you've been wearing for the past few days.
A few minutes before you're supposed to meet him, you make your way down to the hotel, and much to your surprise, he's already waiting by the time you arrive.
He gets up from the table he was sitting at, and you see the denim shirt that spans over his shirt and shoulders, making every muscle look even bigger than it already is.
Despite your height in your platform boots, he's still quite a lot taller than you are, and when he greets you, he has to lean down pretty far to reach your cheek, where he places a soft, loving kiss.
''Hi Princess, thank you for meeting me,'' he says, and you can't help but giggle at how his beard tickles your cheek, and a flush spreads across your cheeks.
''It's the least I could do after the way I stormed out of the house,'' you say as you sit down across from him, and he nods in response, not wanting to ruin the moment.
''I'm sorry for storming out of the house the way I did-'' you start the conversation, ''- It was immature of me, and I'm so sorry, Ari. I know I hurt you with that, and it has never been my intention to do that, but my fight or flight response kicked in...'' you say as your voice trails off.
''No need to explain, Princess, you did what was best for you in the situation, and I understand why you did it. I should be the one saying sorry in this case because I shouldn't have yelled at you the way I did.''
''All you did was ask a normal question about a photo, and I went off without a reason to do so, and I am so sorry for that, Princess. I have been hurting so much knowing what I did to you, and I want you to know that I love you so much, and if you let me, I want to show you just how much,'' he asks, his voice getting slightly deeper near the end.
You can already feel the arousal pool in your panties, and without needing to say a word, you're getting up, and Ari is immediately following you up to your hotel room.
You two barely make it into the elevator because once the doors close, Ari picks you up, and your legs are wrapped around his waist. The kiss you two share is passionate and hurried, unable to get to your hotel room quickly enough.
A clash of tongue and teeth follows, and once the doors open when you're on your floor, you guide Ari to your hotel room, which is close to the elevator.
''Here,'' you say as you hand him the keycard, and without a problem, he unlocks and swings open the door, kicking it shut behind him before pushing you against a wall.
''Missed you so fucking much, Princess, couldn't even fucking cum without you being there. It was so fucking hard every day, but without you, I couldn't do it. Need you so much, Princess,'' Ari tells you between kisses on your neck and jaw, all while you're opening the buttons on his shirt, needing him just as badly.
''Ari, please! Need you to fucking wreck me!'' you beg him, and he isn't one to deny you when you're begging for him to ruin you.
It doesn't take long for you both to be completely naked, and he's already lining up with your entrance. His red, leaking tip is swiped through your folds with his large hand and long fingers wrapped around it, and you're already whining impatiently.
''Fuck, so needy for me already, aren't you?'' he asks, and when he finally starts sliding in, he hisses at how tight you are around him, even after all the years you've been together.
''Jesus, fuck! Such a tight pussy for me, feels so good around my big cock, always such a perfect, tiny pussy for me to fuck,'' he groans as he slides in, and you moan uncontrollably at a stretch, and you can never get enough of it.
The size difference between you and Ari is perfect in every single way, and his size kink is most definitely satisfied each time he slides home, though he can never stop himself from commenting on it.
''Look at you, Princess, look how much I'm filling you up already. 'm not even in, and I can already see myself in your belly,'' he tells you, and he throws his head back when he slides in completely, your back arching into him when he does.
Your moans are uncontrollable at this point, making Ari only harder inside you. He bends forward, bracing himself on his elbows beside your shoulders, before slowly rolling his hips, and the smirk on his lips is almost devilish.
''D-don't smile at me like this,'' you tell him, or you try to at least, because when you're nearing the end of the sentence, he angles his hips in such a way that has your eyes rolling into your head.
''What're you talking about, Princess? 'm just making love to my wife,'' he says, and he captures your lips in a deep, passionate kiss that is enough to push you over the edge, especially with the way he thrusts into your sweet spot.
''Ari, 'm cumming!'' is all the warning you can give before you cum, and you squirt all over the bed and your husband as you push him out with the force of your orgasm.
''Fucking hell, Princess, look at you! Fucking squirted all over me, you know how fucking good that makes me feel, don't you?'' he asks, but your brain is already turned to mush after just one orgasm.
''I need a taste of this delicious pussy now, Princess, and you get to sit on my face just the way you like, he whispers in your ear right before nibbling on your earlobe, earning himself a soft whine.
He's lying on his back, and you're too far gone even to comprehend what's happening; you're seated on his face, but you can't keep yourself up, so you fall forward as he's already licking his way through your folds.
You're eye to eye with his cock, and you reach out to touch it, giving it a few strokes before taking the tip into your mouth and suckling softly. When you do this, he lets out a groan that goes right through your body, and you're already on the edge of another orgasm again.
He keeps eating you out like a man who's been starving for a long time, and when you trace the large vein on his cock with your tongue, you feel him twitching in your hold, making you smile.
Once Ari dips his tongue into your entrance to get to the source of your sweet juices, you moan loudly, but your second undoing comes when he attaches his thumb to your clit, rubbing tight circles that have you trembling in his hold.
The moans and whines leaving your lips are absolutely without any control behind it at this point, as you're completely and utterly fucked out, but all you need now is for Ari to cum. That's all you can focus on right now, and that doesn't take long.
''Feels so good inside that throat of yours, Princes, gonna fucking cum for you, and you better swallow it all,'' he says through gritted teeth as he fucks up into your throat, your hand stroking the part you can't get into your mouth.
Before you know it, he's shooting his ropes of cum into your throat and mouth, but he can't seem to stop cumming, and a few spurts of cum end up on your face as well, making you look thoroughly and utterly fucked out.
C'mere Princess,'' he says as you look back at him, and he pulls you onto his chest before licking his cum off his face, right before giving you a deep kiss to feed it all back to you.
''Good girl,'' he tells you, and with those words, you fall asleep on your husband's chest, getting some much-needed rest. You would continue your conversation when you wake up, but right now, you need to be in his arms, where everything will be okay.
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southangel · 2 months
hey againnn! hope ur doing well ^^ wendy, stan, and kenny (seperate) x fem touch starved reader? could be nsfw or sfw whatever u want
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Stan, Kenny, and Wendy Being Touch Starved
Warnings: slight mentions of NSFW themes
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Notes: Hi anon!! Hope this doesn’t get out too late, i’m trying to use my free time on working on all of my requests. Okay yeah this got out late, oops.
Stan Marsh
Honestly, Stan himself would be touch starved himself, if not more.
He really just needs some love, so a simple touch on the hand or a hug would brighten him up so much.
Since you’re touch starved as well, you both just spend time together all the time, rarely apart.
You and Stan always hold hands, whether it be at school, outside, at home, anywhere.
Whenever Stan is cuddling with you, he gets really awkward often, so he most likely has to be doing something separate at the same time.
You might just show up randomly at his house, unannounced. Please keep doing it more often, it makes day a lot better..
Stan is a really good listener, he’ll let you rant to him about anything and everything as you cling onto his arm.
Will get very awkward if you just grab one of his hands and put it anywhere on you; just because you can tell he can’t do it himself.
Stan can be very clueless, so don’t expect him to know what to do once you start crying for him to come back to bed.
He’s learned to tell you every time he has to go for a bathroom break, even when you’re sleeping because you can tell.
Stan had gifted you a matching hat as his with different colors a while back; he can’t remember the last time he saw you without it.
He’s too scared to ask about it though, he doesn’t want you to take it as an insult.
He changed your contact name to parasite without thinking you would see it, you left him alone for a whole week straight.
Stan apologized for it so many times, it was kind of intense.
He got really used to you always being with him, so it just feels unnatural to have you gone from him.
“I swear i’ll be back quick. I just need some water..”
Kenny Mccormick
Kenny was never too touch starved, maybe a bit, but he loves it when you are since it’s just an excuse for him to show you more love.
From the amount of affection he gives you, it’s surprising that you still act like this.
You could message Kenny at a random our at night, expect him to be outside your window.
Both of you aren’t really that social, so you might just sit together at a lone table, not minding about anything else.
Kenny might rest a hand on your thigh, just to hold you over, might go higher if you’re wearing a skirt.
Similar to Stan, he can get really touchy as well. Any kind of touch is fine, but he likes to just focus on you the entire time.
Sends photos of himself to you when he’s away just to tease you, he finds it funny how annoyed you can get.
Feels a little bad afterwards, so Kenny shows up as quick as he can right after.
He takes a bunch of photos of you when you’re like this, just for fun.
Kenny probably will kiss you everywhere but your lips, telling you that you already got “enough” affection from him.
If you both ever have work that’s due, you’ll just ask for a hangout to work on that together.
It’s really just an excuse to be next to Kenny, he doesn’t mind it at all.
Kenny loves giving you head rubs, and he knows you like it as well.
Sometimes he ruffles your hair at the same time and it gets all messed up. He fixes it before you can say anything, and actually makes it look better.
You probably copy that exact hairstyle from then on, or make Kenny redo it for you.
Always open for late night hangouts, don’t be shy to invite him over.
“Do you think I look cute in this photo? I probably do.”
Wendy Testaburger
Wendy is a pretty busy girl, but she understands how it feels to be touch starved.
She tries not to stay away from you too much, just so that you can get the attention you deserve.
Wendy doesn’t want to give you too much though, the last time she did that her whole schedule was fucked up.
A simple kiss on the cheek is what she does most of the time until she comes back, she can tell how needy you can be.
Wendy ends up inviting you over on the days where you really need her, watching a movie together or even just cuddling if that’s what you need.
You’re one of her top priorities though, so she’s always making sure that you’re comfortable.
Wendy is the type of girl to lend you her beret, or just any piece of clothing to let you have a part of her.
You both exchange clothes all the time and it’s so fun.
You’re almost always sitting next to her, doesn’t matter where. She might get a little annoyed at first, but she knows it isn’t your fault.
Spam calling and messaging Wendy late at night would get her so pissed.
You know she doesn’t like getting woken up, but you should be grateful that she loves you because she lets you off the hook easier.
Wendy would definitely know how to deal with your emotions, especially on those days when you’re extra moody.
A good listener, but a good conversation starter. You love just listening to her talk, even if you’re only focused on her voice and not what she’s actually saying.
The whole time she was just trying to comfort you.
“Anything specific you wanna do? Or maybe we can just cuddle..”
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romana-after-dark · 3 months
Rooms on Fire: I Will Run To You
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Dark!Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader Dark!Francisco Morales x Fem!Reader Dark!William Miller x Fem!Reader Dark!Benjamin Miller x Fem!Reader
Also: FishBen, and an assortment of other M/M relationships (no Millercest). Everyone is Bisexual
Series Masterlist: Main Masterlist : MainTaglist
Spotify playlist
Summery: Madonna learns more about her role and the dynamics of the household.
Warnings and Content:
DUB CON MOSTLY but there WILL BE NON CON. Major character deaths, forced breeding, physical abuse, brainwashing, manipulation, violence, gore, alcoholism/addiction, BIG OLE BLASPHEMY WARNING like this cult appropriates a lot of religious themes and they call reader their Madonna, Santi is called the Pope, like all that stuff. However, this is a cult so I mean. It happens. None of it are my thoughts on religion or meant to make fun of religion or demonize religious people. Disgusting views on virginity. Attempted rape outside the boys. T*m warning. Age gap. Creepy terrible men. Non-reader rape, dub con, violence.
Extra warnings for chapter: Mentions of medical malpractice, death in childbirth, mentions of male sexual assault via power dynamics, lots of complex feelings.
A/n: next chapter things ramp up.
3.1k words
A/N I gotta apologize y'all. this was meant to include so much more but I guess this chapter is getting split bc I just put so much Jonah lore. I hope y'all are formal about liking him. We finally get some backstory on the uprising, Tom, and Madonna's dad, who BTW, had a name change. JACK IS NOW MARCUS more info after the story!
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One so young, so changed Should not be left alone Two in love should confess And not be left alone And I will run to you Down whatever road you choose Yes, I will follow you down I will run to you ~I Will Run to You, Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty
“You paint a lot of fire”
Jonah’s voice startled you, making you turn around but you relax when you see it’s just him. Reyansh was watching you outside your studio, and Jonah coming meant you must be summoned somewhere. 
You were painting a picture of a burning house, something you saw in a dream last night. Ben and Will treated you normally, fucking you but also spending time together. You supposed Francisco’s behavior was normal too, considering that he continued to treat you like you only existed to fuck when he had to fullfill his duty. He never touched you alone. In the week since you got your period Santi was ignoring you. He’d call you to his room, fuck you with your face pressed into the mattress, and then toss you out. Last night he shoved you into the hall with your dress still bundled up in your arms.
“I paint what I dream.” You mumble, tired and not totally there. You were terrified to sleep, and after a second visit from the succubus it was getting worse, forcing yourself to stay up later and later. Lack of sleep was making it difficult to be alert, and little noises make you jump.
Jonah approached where you stood, keeping a respectful distance. He’d been distant as well since the night you saw him, and you still were unsure what you did wrong and why Iris was so upset with you.
“You dream of houses burning?” His voice was gentle but curious.
You take a deep breath, too tired to fight off any questioning. It’s best not to lie, anyway. “Ever since I was a child, I dreamed of fire. I dreamed I was dancing in front of it. I dreamed I caused it, and it was out of my control and now I must dance in the smoke and watch as the flames consumed things that I loved.” A pause, tears beginning to burn behind your eyes. “Sometimes, he stood inside them.”
“My father.”
Jonah drew in a sharp breath and you worried he thought you were sympathetic to his traitorous cause. You weren’t, you had remembered how betrayed you’d felt that he’d thrown everything away to follow Deacon Davis, the judas who had killed the Divine Mother. As per tradition, when someone is sentenced to death, they burn at the stake and the unmarried women are expected to dance. The closer you are to the individual, the closer you are to the fire. You had been Marcus’s only family, him and your mom having adopted you as an infant. He died in front of you as you danced, embers blowing in the wind and singeing your white dress and sensitive skin. You were only 12, but you knew right from wrong, and your father was wrong. Sometimes you woke up still smelling his burning corpse. You had danced longer than anyone, keeping all the energy your child body could give you until you passed out.
You turn to Jonah with tears in your eyes, “I hold no mercy in my heart for him, please know that. I am loyal to the Divine Mother, I am loyal to my husbands above all else! I don’t know why I didn’t get pregnant but know I’d die for them happily should it came to that!” Crying now, you desperately plead to him but it’s not Jonah you are speaking to, truely. You know Pope is questioning you right now, and you cannot bear the thought that he doubts you.
“Honey” Jonah’s voice is strained, pain anguishing him. “How much do you know about the uprising…”
Your face is wet with tears, almost shaking in fear and frustration. You didn’t know how you’d messed this up so badly so soon. You just wanted to be held, you don’t remember the last time you’d been held without sexual desire… it was probably your father, may he be damned.
“Deacon Davis… he was an advisor to the Divine Mother, a friend to my husbands… he and Deliliah conspired against the Divine Mother and her family. Dad- um, Marcus, was a part of the traitors and he allowed Deacon Davis into Divine Mother’s quarters where he murdered her. Deliliah was Will’s betrothed before. She had seduced him for information and, and betrayed her husband! I would never do that, Jonah!” You realize now why he was questioning you, he thought a traitorous blood ran in your veins. Had Pope sent him? Had Francisco seen the evil in your heart, the evil that was inviting a demon?? Or had Jonah simply seen you for what you were. “I would rather die than betray them! You have to believe me!” You sob, closing your eyes as you are no longer able to look into his in shame. Strong arms wrap around you, practically holding your body up. 
Jonah held you tightly and you cried into his shirt, so tired, so sleepy… You just wanted to feel peace again. Jonah allowed you your release, wetting his shirt with your tears until your breathing slowed. It occurred to you that you were hugging and being held by a man who was not your husband, so you take a step back looking down.
“I- I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me, I haven't slept well-”
“It’s okay, honey.” His voice gently reassures you. “It’s okay to cry sometimes.”
You shake your head. “No… no I’m happy, I should be happy here, happy with my husbands, I am!” You’d shown weakness, surely Jonah would tell Pope that you were unhappy, that this was proof of your doubt, of unworthiness… Instead, Jonah pulled a sleeve down on his hand, stepping up to you once more. He ran the sleeve carefully under your eyes wiping the tears.
“There is nothing wrong with feeling what you feel. Your husbands are blessed with a kind, beautiful, artistic wife and they should be so lucky you sit at their table, nonetheless someone who cooks them dinners and paint them pictures. It is they who are unworthy, not you.”
You gasp at the blasphemy. “Jonah! No, no they are-”
“Gods, I know.” He wipes snot from your running nose. “But you… you’re like a daughter to me, and a father is allowed to place his children above Gods. Marcus may not… he may not have made the right choices, but he wanted nothing but good for you, just like I do. So please, for me, show him and yourself a little grace.”
With a little sniffle, you nod. “Thank you, Jonah.”
He gave you a smile, the bright one you like that made his eyes squint. “Good girl. Now, I got a surprise for you that I think will brighten your day.”
Jonah watched as you practically skipped down the hallway. When he told you Frankie wanted to take you out for a picnic, you perked up so fast it was like you hadn’t even been sobbing in his arms a moment ago. He wished he could be honest with you, he wished he could tell you the truth about Tom, Delilah, and most importantly, Marcus… but you were so brainwashed, there was no way for him to break through to you. He couldn’t simple tell you everything you’d know and believed whole heartedly, your religion, your life, the very thing that you chose above your father was a lie… not yet anyway. Maybe one day you’d doubt, you’d question, and the first people you’d go to would be Iris or him, maybe even Reyansh. Rey played the part well of a good soldier boy, he wasn’t as overt as Iris was but he knew you trusted him.
Despite being late already with the crying, you insisted on stoping in your room to grab a ribbon for your heart. Jonah’s heart hurt watching you put so much effort into this.
Will treated you well. Despite Jonah and Will’s… past, he couldn’t deny Will  was a good husband. He took care of you.
Ben was a little shithead and was absolutely going behind your back with women still he just couldn’t figure out who. Ben had to be more sneaky now. This didn’t stop him from very loud late night fucks with Frankie that it seemed only you and Santi weren’t aware of. Still, he gave you affection and spent time outside of sex with you.
Santiago, he expected nothing less. Santiago’s moods were unpredictable, they had been ever since he was a child. Jonah had known Santiago and Beatriz since he was young, when all this was fairly new and traction was growing more and more. Jonah didn’t exactly believe, but his wife Jess did. Maybe he did for a while, it was hard to not with the things he saw… Beatriz had taken an interest in him and thus, despite being married, he spent a lot of time at the mansion with her. Jonah felt like a hooker, like his body was a commodity and up for grabs from anyone, and the worst part was how okay Jessica was with it. She fucking encouraged it. “Its an honor!” It wasn’t such an honor when she died giving birth to Iris and was denied medical treatment. Doctor said it wouldn’t have helped. Jonah knew Beatriz had something to do with it. He was luck Irish lived. She was his only reason for living sometimes.
It was Frank he was surprised about. Jonah had known all four men for most of the 3 decades of their life, and next to Santi, he knew Frank the longest. Frankie was raised with Santiago, practically as brother. Beatriz couldn’t adopt him, because something something divine blood, but that didn’t matter when Santi pissed her off enough. Jonah had witnessed the lashings and beatings he had taken, but what seemed to hurt the teen the most was when Beatriz would hang his godhood over his head, saying that it should be Frankie who was the savior, not him. After Jess’s death, Jonah was moved into the mansion and promoted to captain of the guard. It was just an excuse for Beatriz to demand sex even more.
Frankie was a good kid, but he always followed Santi like a lost puppy. Santi became obsessed with Frankie, forcing Frankie to become more and more withdrawn. Still, the nice young man was in there somewhere, and Jonah would bring it out. After the girl came to his room crying about Frankie not loving her, Jonah spoke to him and said he needed to do better by her hence the picnic.
Rey was out at the stables by the time Jonah got there, preparing the three horses. He was there a lot, knowing a lot about horses. If he has any choice, Jonah was certain he’d have been a vet. Another life, he supposed. Jonah and Rey would accompany them since they were going out a ways.
“Hello, Francisco.” She spoke softly, but enthusiastic. For all he and Santi hurt her, she loved him.
Frank gave a small smile. “Hi, Madonna. I thought maybe we could take a picnic. Get away from… everything else.” He brushed the mane of the horse.
Everyone else, Jonah thought.
“That sounds wonderful!” You walk over to him. “What’s his name?”
“This is Cielo. And those two,” He points to the other horses being settled. “Are Estrella and Flora.”
“Will we be riding Cielo?” You ask, but Frank turns away.
“I’ll be riding alone.”
You look dejected again, so Jonah steps up, frustrated with Frankie. “C’mon, you can ride with me.” Jonah puts a put in a stirrup, launching a leg over the saddle and onto Flora, his favorite horse.
“Actually” Frankie interjects. “I think she should ride with Rey.”
Of course. 10 years later and everyone was still suspicious of him. Frankie climbed onto Cielo, and Jonah rode up to him, whispering. “Compliment her ribbon. She picked green just for you.”
Reyansh pulled you up and onto the saddle, allowing you to ride the side saddle to protect your modesty in the dress. If you knew you’d be riding a horse, you’d have worn pants. It wasn’t the most comfortable, and you feared falling, but Reynash’s arm was strong around you. He was careful to keep his hands at appropriate places, which you were thankful for. 
“How is your painting going?” He asks, as since Jonah leads the group and Francisco is in the middle still not keen on talking to you. Still, this was a step forward.
“It’s good, thank you. It’s nice and peaceful. I miss-” You stop yourself. What you missed was when Santi used to sit and watch you paint, drinking his wine and intent eyes on you. It had been a comfortable silence. “I do miss having company sometimes…” You missed your husband, you missed his laugh, his smile, his praise.
“Hey, I’d love to sit in on a session!” You could tell by the tone of his voice he was smiling. “I’d love to see a real artist at work!”
You laugh just a bit, “I’m not an artist, but if you’d like to watch, I'd like that.”
You sat against a tree, legs bent modestly in your skirt and eating the sandwich Iris packed. She also packed apple juice, which you loved.
Francisco was silent. He’d thanked you for your help setting up the blanket and spoken as he served his food, but now he simply sat there. He looked sad, but even then he was handsome. Francosco sported a mustache, which had remained consistent the whole time you’d known him. Santiago was growing out his hair and beard, which was making your heart ache even more that you couldn’t kiss and touch him like you wanted to. Still, the silence wasn’t awkward. You had begun to wonder if he was just… quiet.
“Thank you for taking me out.” You say, speaking quietly. Jonah and Reynash were circling the parameter and you felt… watched. “I hadn’t realized how much time I spent inside until now.” Had you even left the house at all since your wedding? When was the last time you felt sunshine before today?
To your delight, while still looking down, he smiled. “I’m glad. Don’t like seeing you cooped up in that house all day.”
Your heart warmed at his concern for you. Feeling emboldened, you scooch close to him.
“It’s not cooped up with the men I love.”
This makes his eyes flick up to you. He narrows them suspiciously, but not angry “You… love… me?”
Your heart nearly shatters at the question, and you can’t help but find him so endearing. “But of course I do!!!” Careful, you place a hand on his face and feel the patchy bit of stubble. “You’re my beloved husband!”
“But… you had to marry me.”
You shake your head. “No, Francisco I chose you, I chose all of you and I love all of you. Is that why you’ve been distant? Is that why you’ve been so cold to me?”
“I-” He stutters over his words. “I don’t think this is good for you… I don’t think I’m good for you…”
If there were ever words you hadn’t expected from him, it wasn’t that. Francisco was a God, he was holy, good and righteous, how could he not be good for you. It didn’t matter. Clearly he was hurting, and as his wife, it was your duty to make him happy again. “Francisco Morales, you are my husband, you are the foster child of the Divine Mother, and the love of my life. I chose you before, I choose you now, and I will choose you in heaven, Divine Mother willing.” You bring your face closer to his. “I adore you, in all your God and human.” Feeling brave, you bring your mouth to him and tenderly take his pouty lower lip into your mouth, making him whimper. You liked that sound.
“You choose me?” He whispers, slowly kissing back. “Out in the open, no secrets?” His voice is slightly higher now, almost whining as he begins to chase your mouth. 
“Always” The desperation growing, you give him everything you have. You don’t care that it’s an open field surrounded by trees, you don’t care that Reyansh and Jonah could ride up at any point, and you don’t care who might see you. You were divine and if you wanted to make love to the god of nature in his own fucking land you will. You had Francisco Morales, demi-God, whimpering for your touch. You had HIM, finally had him and you weren’t going to waste it for one second. He wanted thing sout in the open, you would show him you weren’t ashamed to be seen getting filled by his seed. Before you, your husbands were not celibant, that much was known. The sex parties were stuff of rumors and you couldn’t decipher the truth from fact. However, it was clear that public sex was not off the table. Shame is a punishment for the sins of Adam and Eve, and for men born without original sin, there was no shame in sex. “I choose you, always.”
Frankie entangles his fingers into your hair, feeling the green tie in your locks. His other hand slides up to cup your breast.
“I love this ribbon, it suits you.”
“Whatcha think’n, old man.” Rey asks as he rides up to Jonah. Both are perched up on top of a hill overlooking the field you lay on and he watches you kiss Frankie. 
“I’m thinking,” Jonah turns to Rey, nodding his head back home. “That I got it here, and since the others are out, you should run back and try and sneak some time with Iris.”
Rey smiled at that, but hesitated. “You sure? Morales didn’t seem like he wanted her with either of you.” 
Jonah rolled his eyes, but it was good natured nonetheless. He liked Reynash, loved him even. He was a good kid. Iris was put in the position she was in, not any older than the girl was now, because of his shortcomings, his weaknesses. She was punished to punish him. She deserved all the good she could get, and Reyansh Saha was about the only bit off good left in this world, beside Iris and now Marcus’s kid he was looking after. He reminded Jonah of Delilah in a lot of ways. Always smiling. Always kind.
“Look at ‘em.” Jonah referenced the pair kissing below. “She’s going home on his lap.”
Rey laughed brightly, turning his horse. “Oh yeah, you’re quite the matchmaker!” And he road off, long dark hair wild behind him. Handsome devil.
The words matchmaker hung in the air. Was Jonah giving her false hope he wondered? Or was he giving her the time she had left and filling it with better memories. He wasn’t sure. Maybe he was delaying the inevitable. It was always going to end one way for her. There was no way to live up to what Santiago wanted.
Because what Santiago wanted was Frankie with a womb.
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And poor madonna bc Jonah christ smelling your dad burn is a lot
So Marcus's face claim is David Habour, this came out of some chats with. @umnitsa in my romanaverse discord server. He is now your adopted father to keep things inclusive, but this is important as he has background info and ties in a lot. Think hopper in stranger things. Also May is already shipping him and Jonah so that ship name is Jonus lmfaooooo
If you are an active participant in one or more of my universes and have a discord (this means commenting or comment Reblogging, im looking for people who want to theorize and chit chat) dm me for a link! This is primarily focused on giving you extra content and sneak peaks but a lot of cool people are there too and you can share your work!
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ryomens-vixen · 7 months
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Contains: NSFW, Stalking, Yandere tendencies, Knife play, Blood Kink, Predator and Prey Kink, Major Character d3ath, Angst, mentions of Gor3, P0rn w/plot, daddy kink, breeding kink.
Summary: You haven't heard from your Ex Boyfriend Suguru for a year, he deleted on all social media and even changed his number the day you broke up with him. Even Satoru and Shoko haven't heard from him....until you get a mysterious call on Halloween night.
(Small warning, I have not written a full story in a long long time please bare with me I know this is gonna suck 🥲.)
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It all started just a year ago, Celebrating your 5th anniversary with your high school sweet Suguru Geto on Halloween night. You didn't think you'd be spending it at a Halloween party, but nonetheless in your skimpy Angel costume that showed just the right amount of skin didn't cease to catch the attention on lookers. As if your devilishly handsome boyfriend wasn't standing right next to you... No seriously he had a devil costume on. Of course it had to be at Satoru's house though, All the beautiful women, sloppy drunk men, the smell of booze and weed really gave it that "Satoru" party touch, even the whole gang was there, Nanami, Shoko, MeiMei, Haibara.
It was all great until everything went horribly wrong. Don't you remember? All of you had sat down to watch a good ole horror movie after all the party goers left. Satoru pushes the tape in while, whilst teasing you and Shoko about not getting too scared.
"Ya'Know if you get too scared you can hold onto me Shoko, Unlike (Y/N) she's got my better half."
"Oh, Shut Up Satoru, You're the one that screams like a girl."
"Hah, And what does that make you, Satoru?"
While they bickered and argued amongst themselves you were playing more attention to the "movie" playing. It was a room- A familiar room in fact it looked an awfully lot like the guest bedroom upstairs. Giving it your full attention, two people came through the door feverishly kissing one another... It look a lot like...
"mmmf... Suguru"
Just like you remembered that night. You were yelling and screaming at Suguru in front of all of his friends as he begged, pleaded for you to believe that wasn't him and that he was with you the whole night. But that wasn't true- at some point of the night both for you were off chit chatting with your respective friend group. So technically he wasn't always with you that night, but nonetheless it was one of the worst nights of your life and just as equally worse for Suguru. Once you had storm out on him the room fell silent as Suguru Stood there trembling, his fist gripping at small square box buried in his pocket as your hurtful words were on repeat.
"You're cheating on me?! H...how cou- why.. Why wou- Suguru, I thought you loved me?!" You snapped at him, Your voice having a shriek like tone to it.
"I do love you, damn it! You know that isn't me!" Suguru reached out to you desperately. His face overtaken with panic and concern, disbelief in his eyes.
"Don't-!" You snatched your arm away from his firm grip.
"Baby... Mamas, come on that's not-"
"You're dead to me Suguru Geto, dead to me!"
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While all of this was happening... A certain somebody just couldn't help, but smirk to themselves
And just like that your five year long relationship came to a close. Now here you are a year later on the same day reminiscing on what could've been. You never heard a thing from Suguru afterwards, I mean how could you? His number was immediately blocked along with all of his social medias. He never even showed up to your house to get his clothes out your shared closet, Maybe he truly didn't care for your relationship as much as you did, but no worries Satoru and Shoko helped box up his belongings sometime ago.
Oh and You have a new roommate... Housemate. Satoru was so worried about you living alone after experiencing such a traumatic heartbreak that he sorta just moved himself in. You didn't mind it because it was such a familiar face that you got to see every day. Satoru plopped onto the bed wrapping his arms around your waist to drag you into a spooning position as he kissed the side of your head. Completely knocking you out of your train of thought all of your thoughts of Suguru washed away in an instant.
Did I forgot to mention that Satoru was also your knew boy toy? He was there you throughout the entire grieving process almost as if he couldn't believe Suguru would cheat on you. Maybe this was all happening too fast, Maybe there was a reason for Satoru to jump straight into action, Maybe you don't want to think about how suspicious it was, but it's nice to have someone to hold you this close on nights like these.
"Hey! pay attention to me damn it! Heh, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" You were so trapped in your head again not noticing Satoru was practically eating away at your neck by how bruised and wet it was, until he spoke up.
"Oh, Toru.. I- I'm sorry I was just thinking about-"
"Him again? Pfft- Babe, Listen there's no need to worry about Suguru anymore. He did something so unspeakable to a beautiful girl like you. Besides if I were him, don't you think you'd be married by now?"
You were rendered speechless, satoru always new how to shut down those thoughts of Suguru. He was right, he did cheat on you after all so why spend Halloween night mopping around about it? Maybe it's time to have a little fun.
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As soon as the bedroom began to fill with moans, Satoru smashing his lips against yours, hands slipping underneath the Halloween themed night gown you wore, firmly gripping the fat of your ass while grinding his stuff bulge against your clothed pussy. Suddenly the doorbell rang more than likely it was some trick or treating going on, but they could wait right? No, the second Satoru took his shirt off the doorbell rang again cause satoru to let out a frustrated groan.
"Sounds like somebody needs to go pass out candy." you teased, Giving him a quick kiss beife he left.
"Fine- But you better not go anywhere I'm not done with you~" And with a wink he left , leaving you equally as frustrated.
Rolling over in bed you grabbed your phone off the night stand to check up on Shoko. It's been a few weeks since you've heard from her, maybe she was wrapped up in her college studies? That would make sense if it hadn't been for utahime. You tried calling her too, but the phone just went straight to voicemail too. Maybe they broke up? Changed their numbers? No that doesn't sound like either of them. Meimei would have told you by now if that was the case. Something just isn't right about all of this maybe you should ask Satoru? Speaking of him what's taking so long?
As you were about to get up to check on him, your phone rang- an unknown number was calling, maybe it was shoko? You answered.
"Hey, I don't know if I dialed the right number, but is this Shoko?"
"Huh? Who is this? A friend of hers? I haven't heard from her either, I'm sorry you have the wrong number though."
"Yeah, Shoko and I were really close. I just need someone to talk too."
"Well... How about you tell me you name first, and when I can get in contact w-"
"No, (Y/N) I want to fuckin talk to you!"
There was a brief moment of silence you could almost hear has fast your heart pounded against your chest, how your stomach twists and churns, throat becoming quite dry, blood rushing with adrenaline. Maybe this was Satoru pulling a Halloween prank on you? Instead of getting a treat maybe this is the trick? But that wouldn't make any sense he was passing out candy to the kids at the... At the door.
"You better now hang up this phone, (Y/N) unless you want to see your little boyfriend again."
That was enough fuel to send the fear of God throughout your body, panic ensued, you walked around the house for any sight of Satoru only to find that the front door was left wide open. There was blood on the welcome home mat with a scattered bucket of candy. All you could do was stand there fight or flight beginning replaced with freeze in an instant as a the fear that ran through your body was now washed over with dread.
"W.. Where's Toru? Wh- When he comes back he's definitely going to kick your ass! Who are you! "
"Poor, Poor Satoru. I guess all those muscles didn't help much. Now I'm sick you asking me all these fucking questions-"
With that the phone hung up, the door immediately closed from behind and in front you was a masked person, dressed as a famous movie slasher named Ghostface. Taking a step back you nervously laughed somewhere in you thought this was a prank Satoru was pulling just to scare you like the old days, but another part of you was screaming that this wasn't just a prank. Everything was confirmed once the mystery person dropped their phone, yanking the mask off revealing long disheveled black hair, depressed eyes, dark circles, dry but somehow plump lip, those broad shoulders.. It's almost like your body yearning to reach out to him, but your heart aches at the sight of Suguru.
"Geto..." Your voice hitched when Suguru snapped back at you with venom in his voice.
"Don't you dare call me that-" Suguru pitched the bridge of his nose inhaling then letting go as if he was trying to calm himself down. "(Y/N)...its Su-gu-ru you know this, Doll. Now how about you answer a question for me?" The step he took forward was absolutely hair-raising, causing you to take a few steps back yourself. We're you scared? Hell yes? The Suguru before you who once looked like he wouldn't hurt a fly let alone you. Now he looks so gloomy and his voice was so unnerving every word he spoke had a hint of coldness to it sending you and uneasy feeling straight to your gut.
"Let's start with Satoru, Since you were so quick to let him get in your pants, in our bed, why is that!? Huh? You care about him so much maybe you were the one cheating on me?"
"Now you know that's not true Ge-!" He lunged forward at you swiping the knife he hid across your cheek. Again frozen in place after feeling the sharp pain, raising a hand to feel for a wound only to be hit with a stinging sensation met with a wet warm feeling against your hand. This has to be a nightmare, the red that coats your hand did indeed confirm that this was no night this was real and... This definitely wasn't a prank. Your Horrified gaze met his bone chilling gaze, watching him bring the knife to his mouth licking your blood off of it.
"Taste good, Doll face... Now talk or you'll end up like your stupid little boyfriend and Shoko."
What did he do? Why Shoko? What did he do to Shoko and Satoru? All these questions ran through your head a thousand miles per hour barely being able to think straight.
"G- S.. Suguru I never cheated on you, I loved you, You're the one that cheated on me and you know it!" You shouted to him.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk- I never cheated on you, you bitch! *inhale* *Exhale* I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean that. You're not a bitch- you're just confused. How about we play a little game? It's called Trick or Treat, but we play it my goddamn way." Suguru aggressively grabbed your wrist with an almost bruising grip, pulling you towards the back of the house where he'd turn the patio light on for you to see none other than Satoru himself. Tied up in one the chair, mouth duct taped, the front of his hair now red with his own blood and a pumpkin basket in his lap. You watched in horror as he picked Satoru's head up hearing him wince in pain.
"Here's how it's gonna go, He has two options either he tells the truth about that fuckin night, or he ends up just. Like. Poor. Shoko. And You my sweetheart pick Trick or Treat and I'll let this spoiled blue eyed piece of shit go."
"Oh.. And don't try to call the police I already cut the phone line." He said coldly, while yucking the tape off of satoru's mouth.
"Toru... W-what is he talking about?"
"Baby, look- I don't know, we haven't heard from this guy in a year, Heh This poorly package piece of shit has clear-" Satoru winced in pain again once Suguru's fist connected with his head.
"How about you use that pretty little mouth for something more useful than talking shit? Hm? Like telling the truth. Trust me if I got it out of Shoko what makes you time I won't get it out of you?"
"Please stop this is crazy! Just- just tell me?!"
"You want the truth, (Y/N)?! Well I'll tell you EXACTLY what Shoko told me-"
"Suguru.. Wait don't-"
"Or what?! She'll find how what a real piece of work you are? How you ditched your own party, had Shoko put a black wig on you-"
"Shut up!"
"How she helped doll you up to look like me?!"
"Suguru shut the fu-"
"Threw on some contacts for the added affect, took some cheap whore up stairs, taped it-"
"You knew I wanted her first!"
"And the cat is out of the fuckin bag! So what is it gonna be, baby? Trick.. Or fucking treat?"
All you could do was stand there in disbelief watching Suguru become more crazed by the minute, and Satoru become more frantic as he looked at you with pleading eyes.
"You... You didn't Toru.. You didn't-"
"Tell her, ToRu"
"Damn it, Yes! I did- I did! But Suguru knew goddamn well I wanted you first, I always wanted you, but you still fell for him."
"What are you 12?! Oh that's rich, yeah I knew you did, but you knew I liked her too. I gave you the option of sharing her, but you're such a greedy stubborn little shit that you just can't stand the thought of sharing your toys? How's that for a fuckin analogy?! I'm waiting (Y/N) Trick or Treat!?"
"(Y/N), Baby, don't pick please!"
"Please, (Y/N) he's fuckin Crazy!"
The whole situation was so overwhelming like you had no time to think, of course you wanted to be mad at Satoru, he literally ruined your entire relationship, but that wasn't something you'd want him dead about. Treat? Maybe if you picked treat he won't hurt him, you thought to yourself.
"I'm running out of Patiences, Doll!"
There was an ominous silence between the tree of you, then a smirk appeared across Suguru face and it sent a chill down you spine. "Good Girl" Suguru said with a menacing tone. Satoru started to panic, shaking his head repeatedly saying no as Suguru tossed the basket from his lap, grabbing Satoru by his hair again, then jabbed the knife he held directly into his abdomen, continuously stabbing into him until he was completely gutted.
You screamed in terror begging Suguru to stop in hopes of getting him to listen to reason, but Suguru was far beyond reasoning. He was completely gone, where oh where could the old Suguru had gone? Oh that's right- Today, on this very night a year ago where you stormed out on him, shattered his soul, and took his beating heart with you. No you had to reason to cry- all those nights he cried, all the times he stalked you at work, all the times he snuck into your house to watch you sleep only to see you in bed with his best friend? You shattered this man, no you killed the old Suguru.
"Sugu, Sugu, Please Stop, please stop, oh god.. Toru-" you weeped while holding onto Suguru from behind. Stopping mid-swing at the sound of the nickname you gave him. With a smirk on his face again Suguru turned his attention to you and your delicate arms gripping his torso.
"Hmph, would'ya look at that? I guess it's time for my "Trick"-"
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The creaking of the kitchen table accompanied by your pretty cries filled Suguru's ears with complete and utter joy as he pounded his cock, into your cock drunken pussy. He loved watching you squirm underneath him, oh how he missed the sound of you moaning for him, vice gripping the fat of your hips , watching your hands wonder desperately for something to hold onto. Hell if you could even think at the moment you would have thought Suguru was hate fucking you.
"Fuckfuckfuck, I knew it, ugh... I knew she missed me, Daddy missed you too." He reached between your legs pressing his fingers against your already swollen clit to vigorously rub circles on it while bullying your pussy. He loved hearing the squelching sounds your soaking wet pussy made it's most like "she" was talking to him and of course he'd definitely respond back.
"A-Ah S- Sugu! Too Much!" your words forced out of your throat by another bliss filled moan joining the unexpected, but intense orgasm causing your body to jolt, your walls squeezed around his cock, as your juices shot out of you drenching his abdomen. "You dirty girl, Squirting all over me, do it again, do it again, again again for me~" Suguru continued on not giving you the slightest of breaks he wanted to fuck you until your mind was mush, until your pussy "remembered" the shape of of cock down to the veins, maybe he could fuck you until you completely forgot about this night?
But you were moaning so much it began to annoy him, he could barely hear the sounds you were making below. "shhh, shh, how about being a- Mmmf, little more quieter- Ugh-Ah-fuck trying to hear what my babygirl has to fuckin say~" his harsh words went straight to your cockdrunk head, then straight down to your core, and before you could think of utter a response he quickly put a rough hand over your mouth to muffle you. "Listen.. Listen to my baby girl, Ooo fuck yeah, talk to daddy."
He gazed down at the way his cock slide in and out of you, his face scrunched up biting the inside of his bottom lip. Both of you listening to the sopping wet sounds "I love you too baby, yeah, you gonna milk daddy? Milk daddy for all he's worth?" God this all felt so wrong, but it also felt so fucking good, felt so right. You were in just as much ecstasy as him if not, more especially with the way his pace quickened the smacking of skin to skin became louder, a but rougher actually, you could hear the way Suguru grunted and growled, throwing his head back, his grip now bruising your plump thighs. "FuckmeFuckmeFuckme, pretty girl, so tight baby, you keep pulling me back in- Oh Fuck.."
Your were so close to cumming again until he abruptly stopped leaving his cock deep in your cervix. Suddenly he leaned forward laying his entire weight on you, bringing his arms around you in what seemed like a hug while his head rested in your soft breasts, almost feeling your beating heart against his own.
"Su.. *Pant* P.. Please I need-"
"You really thought you could break up with me? Me?! And think that this sweet...candied pussy wouldn't miss daddy?" Suguru was completely out of his right mind, drunk on your pussy. I mean who wouldn't be? He spent a whole year with you, without being deep in your guts, without your touch, your voice, your sweet beautiful moans. Suddenly you felt his arm tighten around you in a bear hug "Listen.. Listen to how much she misses. her. fuckin. Daddy-" each word was met with a harsh, nerve racking thrust of his hips.
Suguru wasn't going to stop anytime soon, no matter how much you came, dug crescents into his back, drew blood, screamed, cried tears of pleasure. No he wasn't stopping anytime soon not until he was completely milked, until his seed was so deep that you had to have his baby, but until he pumps you full of his seed this deranged man wasn't stopping.
He came yet again inside of you- what was this the 4th time? Suguru and you were desperately panting for air until he felt him move his hips again. You could just feel his heavy breath again your ear this time. Over the sloppy sound of skin to skin contact the last thing you heard Suguru say before uttering a word yourself was "I wanna Fuckin Tear You Apart"
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Tag list: @gojos-thot-patrol @biscuitsngravie @midnightshade @blkkizzat @candycandy00 @satkuna @callm3senpaii
I had too much fun with the dialogue. Happy Halloween🎃👻🍬
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
one nail drives out another / joão félix
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summary: it had all started as a mutual favour: you weren't over your ex, and neither was he. but the old saying one nail drives out another proves to be true. author's note: had this in the drafts for too long and just needed to get it out, even if i just couldn't finish it in a way that i liked :( hope it's still good tho.
warnings: smut with a plot. wc: 2.2k words
the deal was simple: he calls you when he feels alone, and you do too.
in reality, it's simpler to say that you call him to avoid calling your ex. this is what you said to yourself every time: it was for a good cause, really. anything to help you avoid the man who broke your heart several times. 
joão was one hundred percent better than that man could ever be, and you knew it was safer: at least, he wouldn’t break your heart. above every single adjective he could be described with, he was kind. and after knowing him for such a long time, you also were aware of how hard it was for him to let his past relationship go, no matter if he knew it wasn’t good for him, no matter how much she actually hurt him. he was in the same situation as you: heartbroken and on the verge of falling, again.
the kiss was heated, tongues meeting and battling each other for dominance, while letting you taste him. you still could feel the vodka on his lips, intoxicating, although you doubted if what was making your brain go into overdrive was the alcohol, or joao’s ragged breath. “i need to stop thinking about her for a second,” he pleaded, warm brown eyes normally turning a shade darker. he continued the trail of kisses, messy and wet over your neck. “please, help me”.
tonight, it was your turn to call joão.
you were about to call your ex, again, for the second time after six months, until you thought otherwise. it wasn't rocket science to understand that you were feeling alone. the flat in which you lived in now was the same one you once shared with your ex boyfriend, and sometimes, no matter how many hours you try to spend out of the four walls, you can't forget what happened. how it all went wrong, so suddenly. the doubts start to creep in when the sun sets, and you start doubting whether it maybe was your fault, after all. surely, nothing you could have ever done could excuse his cheating, but why weren't you enough?
[12:11] you said: are you awake?
[12:11] joão said: yeah
[12:11] joão said: i was just about to text you
[12:12] you said: mind if i come to your house?
[12:12] joão said: it would be my pleasure
it's been a few weeks since you've seen him, with the international break getting him away from you and his schedule just being crazy in general. and even though you were thankful for it, as a way of getting your feelings on check, you also found yourself missing him. which made everything worse. after almost four months, he knew you like the back of his hand. knew how to rile you, how to touch you, what you liked. you craved him in a way no other guy would fulfill. 
you had tried it.
you barely make it through the door before joao's planting his lips on yours fiercely. it's been too long, he thinks, while sinking his fingers hard onto your hips and backing you onto the main door, hard.
"you don't know how much i missed this," he says, and the warmth starts to seep into your bones, not only where you would expect it to when a pretty boy like him has his hands on you. the effect he has on you it's incredible, and you can only moan in response, legs almost giving up when he sinks a bit to grab the back of your thighs, signaling you to jump. you've got your legs clamped around his waist while he gets both of you into his bedroom.
he lays you onto the bed carefully, with him on top of you while the heavy makeout session continues. his hands roam your entire figure like he has forgotten the trace and wants to remember it. as if he could ever forget, he thinks to himself, before focusing right back into your taste. "do something, joão," you beg, your hands going to the top of his head and slightly tugging on his hair when he starts to trail down his kisses, wet lips tasting all the exposed skin he has available, before growing impatient and pulling the end of your shirt softly. although he's desperate to taste you, he remains calm, helping you take the clothes off before he proceeds to do the same.
he cups your heat through your underwear, and your hips bucked instinctively against his hand. he smirks, the little devil, when he feels how wet you are for him, even though your core remains clothed. you know it's been too long, and you're chasing this fix like he was the most addictive drug. "you're so wet, princesa, so needy. is this all for me?".
he wants to edge you, he wants to make you beg for him, but who's he kidding? joao's almost as desperate as you, not even being able to take off your undergarments fully, and instead, moving it to the side. he slides two fingers inside of you at once, your slick coating his fingers instantly as he feels you clenching around his digits. soon enough you're almost there and he notices, instead taking your fingers off your entrance and savoring your taste in his mouth, humming contently. he wants to feel you tightening around his length instead of his hand, and he hurries to extend the condom over his hard on.
your lips part when you feel his tip at your entrance, right where you need him most, and your fingers grab onto whatever skin he has close to you to remain grounded. his biceps are the ones suffering the attack of your nails on them, pleading him silently to, finally, make his way into you. he's slow at first, with you so tight after a few weeks apart from each other, and his eyes flutter shut, trying to maintain his composure until he bottoms out. you can't even think straight at this point, small whimpers leaving your mouth pleading him to move. joao finds the rhythm that has you moaning his name nonstop soon enough, like he always does, and you grab him by the nape of his neck to get him to kiss you and swallow your desperate noises.
“i won’t last long,” you warn, voice barely audible while your back arches away from the bed, creating a gap from the mattress. “go ahead,” joao encourages, keeping the pace that is driving you mad, and soon enough, you come undone under him. he helps you ride out your high, and thanks to how you’re clenching around him, he lets go too, not long after you. 
the air is tense once the moment has seemingly broken, both your staggered breaths, the only sounds heard through the four walls. joao knows he has to say something about the elephant in the room, but still, he doesn’t know how. you’re the first one to move, not sparing him a glance as you start to collect your things to leave, wanting to avoid the question repeating in your head. what the fuck are we?
"why do you never stay over?" he asks instead, resting his back over the bed frame. his hands pillowed under his head in a relaxed gesture, but he’s anything but calm while the question floats in the air. 
"what?" you call, not having heard his ask: you were too busy trying to find your underwear to pay attention to what the portuguese was saying. still, he continued. "it's like you run away from me every time,” he says, frowning at the thought. 
once he realizes that he won't be having an answer until you find what you're looking for, he focuses on your surroundings, scanning the poorly lit room until he finds your undergarments. they're dropped by his side of the bed, serving as a reminder of what had occurred between you two not too long ago. 
joão hooks the piece of lace cloth on his fingers, catching your attention, before you go and take them from him, slipping them on almost effortlessly. “is there a problem with me?".
now, with you not completely naked, you can answer him, although still refusing to dive into his warm brown eyes. "absolutely not”.
“and here you are, running away,” he laughs bitterly while getting up from the bed to grab his shirt. god bless, you think. the mere sight of him, laying on his bed, in just his black calvins was almost enough to get you back on the bed. but you can’t, you remind yourself. 
“i thought it was what you wanted, no?” you counteract. it’s like joao doesn't remember the talk you had before it all began. “part of the no feelings attached thing you talked about," you remind him, and he huffs annoyed, before going back to being seated on the edge of the bed, back towards you. 
you can see the marks your fingernails made on his tanned skin, still red from your doings. you’re tempted to bring it to his attention, maybe to avoid his teammates catching them tomorrow morning when he has to go back to training, but the words die on your throat.
he mutters lowly, gripping his hair like he’s about to pull some strands off. "you don't think we fucked it up already?”.
"what are you talking about?".
of course you know what he’s talking about. the deal made it clear that it was just sex: but you were friends first and foremost, and you couldn’t avoid your friend group, which you shared with him. you couldn’t avoid the questions they asked. who has you smiling so big lately, y/n? are you seeing anyone? no, of course not. i can present to you a friend, then. 
the mere thought of you with someone else made joao see red, and that's how he noticed something had changed, and that he had to do something about it before what he feared became a reality. he initially had said he had enough of relationships, and just didn't want the complications it brought. and after what he went through, it was safe to say his trust issues were at their worst. just like yours. that's why it was such a good deal at first: to get the benefits of a relationship without the problems of actually keeping one. 
“i missed you while i was away,” he begins, and your stomach turns when you hear what he has to say next. “you don’t see a problem?”. you want to say that you missed him too, but the question leaves you feeling uneasy. of course it’s a problem for him, you think. he has grown attached, like you have, but doesn’t want any of it.
“good thing that i’m leaving then, no?”.
joao's quick to stand on his feet and go over to where you are, almost turning the knob and exiting his bedroom. “stay. please," he begs, hand softly grazing your wrist to avoid you getting away from him. at this point, you're confused and hurt enough to start regretting even getting here in the first place. “you’re not making sense right now, you know, right? saying that this is a problem and then asking me to stay the night”.
 through your years being friends, you realized that joao wasn’t the best one at explaining his emotions with words. maybe, because the words weren’t truly his -having to find the words, in a language that wasn’t your own, sure made things more difficult than they needed to be-. "you and i not being together is the problem", he gets to say, almost like a last resource to get you looking at him again. "what about what you said before? that you're not ready for another relationship?".
it work in his favour, because the sentence previously muttered by joao as you turn to face him again. you’re looking into his eyes now, trying to find even an ounce of doubt that would make you leave again. you didn’t want to force him into being with you: you knew the risks when you accepted this fucking deal. you didn’t want him to feel trapped into a relationship he had never intended to start.
"i guess i'm ready when it's you,” joao smiles, softly caressing the skin of your cheek with his thumb. you feel yourself melt under him, his sweet touch and his thoughtful words. “i know you're not her. and i'm not him. but i get it if you-".
the kiss is needy, again, like it had been when you first arrived, but this time you are the one to initiate it. your hand found its way into his hair, and you pulled him impossible closer, hoping that this would clear up all his doubts without you having to say anything. of course you knew he wasn’t him. you had never dared to make the comparison, not even for a second. once the kiss is over, you rest your forehead against his, before softly whispering onto his lips. “we can take it slow. i just need you, nothing else”.
“whatever you need, princesa”.
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eeunoia · 8 months
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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ENHYPEN as Taylor Swift Songs
synopsis: summer is what you’ve always looked forward to. not just because there’s no school, but also because you’ll be seeing your brother’s bestfriend and also the love of your life, park jongseong.
pairings: jay park x reader
word count: 12k.
warnings: angst, kissing, party, alcohol mentioned, suggestive. please take note that oc is at legal age already when this happened, no intention of grooming or anything.
note📎: i got totally carried away writing this. i just love cruel summer x jay concept. he fits so much? i hope you like this because i enjoyed writing this. your reply and reblog means a lot and my ask are open for you thoughts. thank you and stay safe.
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“Will Heeseung oppa come home this summer, Mom?” your eyes are hopeful as you wait for her response. Both of you are at the kitchen, cleaning up. Dinner just finished and you are here trying to give her a hand.
“Of course.” as she continues to place the clean dishes over the drawers.
She glanced at you, no suspicion can be seen over her eyes. Of course, you are always been very close to your brother so having you asking for this kind of question is not a surprise to anyone anymore. You are indeed curious if your brother will come home. You missed him and all, but what’s excites you more is his best friend that always comes here with him.
Park Jongseong, everyone calls him Jay. He’s very handsome, cool and well mannered guy. Your parents has always been very fond of him ever since they moved in town back when he’s in sixth grade. He became friends with your brother and they became very close to the point that your house became his second home. Your parents offered him to come here every summer since most of his family lives in america now and he doesn’t have anyone around. They feel bad for him if he spends his summer alone in their big house. It has been their routine ever since freshmen year and they’re at their third year of college now.
Now, Jay is not just handsome, he’s also very smart and extremely hot. There’s just something in him that makes your stomach wrenches and sometimes presses air out of your lungs whenever he’s around. You admit that you have a small—okay a huge crush over him. But you’re afraid that he just sees you as his little sister because he basically saw you grew up. He’s two years older than you.
You can’t exactly remember when you started to develop this feelings for him, maybe when your stares lasts longer than before. Or when he started to greet you using his low voice, leaning down so he can whisper it a bit near your ears. This changes occurred last summer. Nothing happens more than just teasing stares, his sexy smirks whenever you’re around and his occasionally soft skinship with you.
It wasn’t anything creepy. Honestly, it makes your heart jolt from time to time. You can feel excitement runs through your veins whenever he’s around. This summer, you’re more than thrilled for them to come home. You don’t know what’s going to happen or will there ever be. Afterall you just turned 18 last week. And they said a lot of exciting things starts to happen after becoming at legal age.
“Is Jay oppa coming?” you act normally, to prevent catching suspicion from your Mom. She seems to bite the trap and just nodded her head, it was obvious that she’s excited to see her two ‘sons’ this summer. That's how he calls them.
“I can’t wait for tomorrow! Do you think they will go to the lake this summer again, Mom? I want to go too!” you can’t contain your excitement just by thinking about it.
She glances at you with a smile while drying her hands over a clean cloth, “Oh, I’m sure they have a lot of other things to do this summer sweetheart.”
You pouted and tilt your head over to the side a bit, confused. “And what is it?”
“Like parties and catch up with their friends. You know how those two are too popular to be forgotten by their highschool mates.” she chuckles that made you giggle as well.
Your eyes trailed over to your hands as you play with your fingers, “Well, I guess you’re right. But do you think oppa will agree to take me with them? In parties?” voice hopeful and just by thinking about it makes your whole system jumping in excitement.
She looks at you and stared for a while before smiling, “Maybe, darling? I mean you are at the age where you’ll want to explore the world, am I right?”
You smiled brightly after having a positive answer from your Mom. You nodded your head continuously, “Right, Mom! I’m 18 now anyway.”
It was the last day of school and you are very impatient for it to finish. You’re very sure the other students feels the same way as you because school ending only means its summer already. And summer means your brother will come home with his best friend, Park Jongseong.
Your mind was filled with nothing but him throughout the whole class. Its fascinating how you never get sick of it and how you think of how much fun you guys will have this summer. Its super thrilling this time because you’re at legal age already, meaning your brother may take you with them more often than before.
It took everything in you to stop yourself from squealing in happiness once the last class was dismissed. It was stretched out by some reminders of your teacher to make sure you clear out the lockers and so on. You are too occupied to even give a care about it, busy stuffing your things inside your bag so you can be ready to go.
“We're planning to go out of town this summer break, Y/n! How about you?” your head snapped over to your group of friends the moment you heard one of them talked to you. As you look at them, all eyes were at you, waiting for your response. They looked hopeful, since you always go with them whenever you guys have hang-outs.
You flash them an apologetic smile, “Sorry guys! My brother is coming home this summer break from his college university so I’ll spend it with him.” and because Park Jongseong is coming with him. You wanted to add that, but you refrain yourself from doing so.
Some of your friends pouts in disappointment, some even have their shoulders hang low. They forgot about your yearly routine of spending your summer with your brother. Well, they couldn’t blame you because he does go to a far school and will be a sucker if you didn’t spend time with him while he’s here.
You bid good-bye to your friends right away so you can leave and go home. The bus stop was filled with students waiting for their bus. Impatiently waiting for your ride home, you fished your phone and checked if there’s any messages your brother left you. The last message he sent wss that they already left their dorms and on their way back to your town.
Upon arriving home, you walked in with your Mom busy fixing the guess room where Jay usually stays. The room across the hall was where he sleeps during the summer. She turns her head after hearing your steps and smiled widely at you.
“Hi Mom,” you greets and stood by the door just to see how the room looks.
“Hey sweetheart. Go change clothes and go down so you can help me with dinner.” she instructs that made you pout a bit.
“But I have to prepare for oppa’s arrival.”
She chuckles finding it cute how you’re preparing for your brother. She was totally clueless that it was for his bestfriend. Your pout remains with your pleading eyes for her, but she didn’t let it pass.
“It’ll only take you an hour. Plenty of time to fix yourself tho I don’t understand why you have to bother for it. It’s just your brother and Jay, its not like he took some friends with him, Y/n.” and she continues tidying the pillowcase.
Exactly. He’s coming home with Jay.
“Still, I want to look presentable.” you tried hard not to sound too suspicious about it.
She doesn’t seem to wonder and just asked you to change so you two can start already. You groaned lightly but follows what she said. Changing into a more comfortable clothes, you stride down the stairs afterwards ready to help your Mom. She was already in the kitchen, wearing her aprons.
You walked closer and helped her. The two of you started preparing the dinner. Your Dad arrived minutes after and he just asks if the two boys are home already. He went to his office after hearing that they aren’t home yet, leaving the two of you to focus on cooking.
“Done!” you let out a sigh after fixing the tables and stare at it with satisfaction.
“Great, thanks for helping me darling.”
You smiled at your Mom before telling her that you’ll go upstairs to prepare. Thankfully, she lets go of you and just went back on finishing the food.
It’s not like you will dress up too much. You want to look presentable, but not to the point that your brother will be suspicious. He’s very quick witted so you need to be extra careful. He never mentioned that you aren’t allowed to like boys, but you have no exact idea how he will react if he knew you’ve been liking his best friend for years already.
Almost finished, a knock errupted from your door. “Y/n, your brother and Jay is almost here. Go down afterwards, all right?” she reminded that you answered with a quick ‘Okay!’
You leaned closer the mirror and checked your reflection, making sure to look keenly at every details. You looked okay, but you wanted to look pretty.
“Y/n! Your brother’s here!” your mom shouted. Your eyes grew and your heart raced rapidly just by hearing her say those words.
“Oppa!” you greeted happily and ran towards your brother. He chuckles and return your hug. You are excited to see him, but what excites you more is the person he came along with.
“Hey angel.” a low husky voice said from behind you. Heart starts racing, shivers running through your spine and you felt so thrilled.
Slowly, you turned to face him and you are lost of words. There, Park Jongseong looks so handsome. His hair a bit longer than how it looks the last time you saw him. He smirks and one of his arms opened before he tilts his head.
“No hug for me?”
Your brother is now busy talking to your Mom and Dad. His smirks grew wider when you walks closer to wrap your arms over his waist. His lips slightly grazed over your forehead and you moved away seconds after the hug. You can feel your heart racing so fast, you’re afraid that it will burst out any minute now.
You glanced away, face totally flushed as you awkwardly stand just a little far from him. Jay’s eyes follows you silently and his attention diverted to your Mom when she approaches him go greet him. Your Dad also went close to say Hi. They looked so happy seeing him again.
“How’s my favourite sister?” your head snaps towards your brother as he reached your hair then messes it a bit.
Your lips gapped at what he did and quickly swat his hand away, “Oppa! Don’t mess my hair.”
He smiles, finding you cute when you’re annoyed. “Come on, I just missed my baby sis.” he says, tone obviously taunting. It made you flush and tried to roll your eyes, but gave in to his sibling hug. Like you mentioned, your brother and you grew up very close so this is naturally normal.
“I missed you too, oppa. But you’re still so annoying.” you mumbled that he didn’t react much to.
“Enough bickering you two and let’s go eat already.” both of you followed your parents towards the dining area with you standing between the two tall boys.
Having to stand beside Jay was both nerve wrecking and thrilling for you. It’s not like this is the first time, but maybe you just like him that much. Clearly, you are aware of your feelings and now every small actions or interactions you get with him makes you all flustered.
The dinner started, you sitting at your usual spot which is beside your brother and Jay in front of him. Your brother assisted you, putting food on your plate, teasing you from time to time as he continues chatting with your parents about college. Of course, your parents won’t ever make Jay feel left out as they ask him questions too.
“So Jay, we heard from Hee that you two are doing well in the rugby team.” Dad turns with a proud smile and hopeful eyes towards the young guy, looking forward on hearing more about the sport.
“Ah, yes. It was fun playing, although we need to put more effort on catching lessons and missed activities.” he stated in this maturely tone. The way he says it indicates how sure and confident he is that he knows what’s going on in his life and that he’s in full control of it. You find it amusing. Totally amused.
“Oh I can only imagine the girls admiring you boys! Any chance of news about girlfriends this semester?” this time, it was your Mom’s turn to get into the conversation.
The smile on your face faded as the question was a big deal for you. The two of them were pretty popular in your town because of their looks and so much more, it won’t be much of a surprise if they gain attention in their university.
“I’m too focus on my studies, Mom. I think girls can wait. I mean if the right girl comes, then okay. If not, its totally fine too.” your brother said and took more bite over his food.
Your brother was always the playful and flirty type ever since. He may seem to be a very out-going person, but behind all these he takes school seriously. He have firm goals in life that he’s sure to achieve no matter what. His motivation and dedication in everything he does is amazing. He’s such a chic magnet, but also knows his priorities.
“That’s great, Hee.” your Dad couldn’t hold his smile, looking at your brother proud.
“But Jay here,” your brother started and smirked at his friend that now shakes his head lightly before smirking as well, glancing down his plate.
“He sure does have a reputation of making girls cry. He’s...” he stalled his words and gave out a bit exaggerated sigh, “..crazy.”
You couldn’t hide the expression on your face while you listen silently. Your eyes looked at Jay who's trying to stop your brother from ‘exposing’ him to your parents. He doesn’t seem too fazed about it and take it as a joke. Your parents and your brother seems like the same. You frown lightly and turned your eyes down your plate, started to play with your food while your mind flew far away.
“I mean Jay is very handsome and charming so I don’t doubt girls will fall for him all the time.” your Mom says and you agreed silently. You are clearly aware of how good looking Jay was! You’ve been talking about it nonstop since the beginning.
“Yeah, and a heartbreaker.” your brother jokingly insinuate that earned laughs from your parents and a subtle ‘Stop it dude.’ from Jay.
“How about you, baby sis?” your hand stopped moving as you unconsciously craned your neck to look at them. Suddenly, their attention were at you.
Pretty occupied about the sudden news of Jay breaking hearts there and there, you spaced out so the question slipped off from you. “W-What?” you asked clueless.
“Any boys that I need to watch for while I’m here for the summer?” he asks, eyebrow raising strictly at you.
Four pair of eyes looks at you and your Mom was the only one giving you innocent eyes. The other three were like predators waiting for their prey to say something wrong for them to attack. You gulped, anxious and pouted, glaring over your brother.
“N-No. What are you talking about, o-oppa?” the whole situation felt a bit awkward and flustering for you.
“Hee, cut your little sister some slack. She’s very pretty and its just normal for boys to like her and for her to like boys.” your Mom tries to meddle.
Heeseung rolls his eyes in a snobby way, “I know that she’s pretty, Mom. That’s why I will watch these suitors without blinking this summer.”
You kept your pout as your parents shrugs and laughs it off. Its not something new, your brother’s always been the protective type.
“Let her be, Hee. During these age is when they normally get boyfriends.” Mom seemed to be smiling widely at the thought of a summer romance for you.
Your brother scoffed, “Why? Do you like someone already? Perhaps a schoolmate?" his question sounded like a trap.
“N-No. I don’t like someone from school.” and as you glance away from him, your eyes caught Jay’s. It was just a brief eye contact, but sure does make your heart raced like crazy.
The dinner went on and thankfully the topic diverted about something else. All in all, you had a pretty much good time. You missed your brother’s annoying ass and enjoyed chasing glances towards Jay, eye contacting with him from time to time.
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Having your brother and Jay back in town only means parties will be thrown and held continuously. Of course, they won’t miss a chance of catching up and getting to meet again after a while. Their batchmated organizing and planning gatherings up was just foreseen. That also means their group of friends, which consists of unbelievably and insanely attractive guys, will gather up and party.
Parties with super popular and attractive guys just indicates that a lot of girls will be there to see them. There is no way you will let it pass. You wanted to come with them. Try to experience how their life plays through, have a taste of Jay’s usual crowd.
“What time later, dude?” your brother asks while you all kill time by the living room, watching random tv shows.
“7 pm,” Jay lifts his eyes from his phone he’s been busy for the past two hours, constantly texing someone. You have no idea who it is, but its annoying. “Jake said he’ll meet us there with Hoon." he continues and eyes caught you staring while trying to shove another popcorn over your mouth.
You instantly flushed and stared away failing to notice how Jay’s eyes falls over your lips, busy chewing the newly popcorn inside.
“Okay, I'll get ready in a while.”
“Where are you guys going? I want to come!” excitement rulled over your tone as you flash this wide big smile to Heeseung.
His brows furrowed, a little confused. “What do you mean, you’ll come? No way.” He rejects your suggestion of joining them for tonight.
You showed disbelief and quickly protests, “Why not?!”
“It will be crazy there. I'll drink so much and I’m not sure if I can look after you.”
“I'm 18, oppa. You don’t have to look after me like I'm five.” you reminded him, just incase your brother forgot the fact that you are not a kid anymore.
Just in time, your mother walks in with grocery by her arm. Jay stood up right away seeing her and offered help that result her for smiling sweetly at him.
“Mom! Please tell oppa to let me go with them.” her eyes diverted at you with confusion.
“A party.” you said shortly. Her eyes then moved towards your brother.
“Take your sister with you, Hee. What time will you guys go? Are you staying for dinner?” she says continuously that made you smile widely.
“What? Mom, its a party filled with drunk teen agers and I’ll probably be super wasted and can’t look after her properly.” he tries to still argue.
“It will be fine, Hee. Its not like y/n is five or something.” her calm voice slightly reflects yours.
You grin widely at him, like a smile of victory. “See? That’s what I told him, Mom.”
Heeseung rolls his eyes and threw his head back out of defeat. Jay can only watch on silence and enjoy how you tease your brother for it.
“Fine. But once something I don’t like happen, you are going home.”
You wanted to complain and argue more, but in the end you just nodded your head. Bad things won’t happen anyway, its not like it will occur on fun events like it. You are just so happy you get to be with them in a party. You wanted so bad to see more of Jay.
After getting ready for the party, you went downstairs to see the two tall guys waiting patiently for you. Their eyes darted at your direction right away, one have blank expression the other turned a little dark out of confusion.
“Your dress is too short. Won’t you get cold?” your brother asks as he stood up to meet you halfway.
You snorted, trying to hide your nervousness and your shyness because you can still feel Jay's eyes looking at you. His heated gaze didn’t left you and was just silently watching. It made butterflies go crazy inside your stomach you couldn’t even focus at your pissed off brother.
“Don’t they normally wear this at parties?”
In the end, of course your brother couldn’t do anything about it as well. He just had to let it slide and take you to that party. He walks first, you followed and Jay’s a couple steps behind you. Not too near, but also not too far, yet his presence was enough to make your knees weak. The way his hair was brush-up, showing off that perfect forehead. His outfit looks amazing too. Now you can definitely imagine him being a playboy, going around their campus grounds breaking girls hearts.
“Have fun, kids!” you even heard your Mom shouted while you wave at her.
“Hop in.” your brother says and opened the car door for you.
Your eyes looked over to Jay and he’s on his way towards his own vehicle. Heeseung noticed where you’re looking so you teared your gaze away, fearing he will catch on right away.
“He’ll take his own car because we’re not sure if he will go home with us anyway.” he said meaningfully before he closes the door and walks towards the driver’s car.
Your chest tightens and hurt by just thinking of what he will possibly be doing if he won’t go home with you later. You aren’t that innocent, you are well aware of things and honestly jealousy pricking your heart just by the thought of it.
The drive was short, Jay’s already parked and talking to someone you aren’t familiar with. Heeseung parked right beside Jay’s and goes outside to help you get down.
“You good?” he asks and you nodded with a smile. You two walked towards Jay and they both turned their heads.
“Lee Heeseung!” the man beside him greeted your brother, “Nice to see you again dude!” he seemed very pleased to meet your brother again.
Jay walks towards you that made you hitch your breath, your eyes follows him consciously. “Fix your dress, angel.” he whispers that sent shivers through your spine.
He looked so serious and it intimidated you right away. You gulped and quickly obliged. He stood right behind you, waving and greeting some acquaintances that passes by.
“Good girl.” he smirks dangerously at you. “That’s my angel.” your body shivers at his low husky voice. You almost lose your mind.
“Who is she?” your attention darted at the guy in front your brother.
His smile faltered and swat the chest of his friend playfully, Heeseng covering you from his sight protectively.
“Stay away, dude. That’s my sister.”
He gasps, “That’s your sister already?” he sounded so amused.
Your brother shut any possible question about you then just insisted that all of you goes inside now. It was already loud from outside and its deafening inside. You’ve seen parties from movies and all, but it sure is different when you’re experiencing it firsthand. The flickering lights makes you a little dizzy and confused how people manage to know who's who.
If you’re overwhelmed, Jay and Heeseung are completely different. They are so chill about it like this kind of places are totally normal for them. People recognized and greets them right away, some eyes settles over you after greeting your brother and they will wonder who are you. Then their eyes will move towards the other tall guy behind you, and their eyes will light up excitedly.
You are in between them, your brother holding your wrist to keep you from getting lost. Some of the guys' looks stays at you, finding you pretty. It didn’t slip off from Jay and the next thing you know, his hand sneakily settled over your waist caughting you off-guard. You aren’t still over it when he did his next move, leaning so close to you, his hot breath fanning your neck.
“Don’t talk and accept drinks from anyone, okay? Stay close to your brother, angel.” he then moved away, your head following him wanting more closeness.
He waved and greeted friends as your brother continues to pull you somewhere. Jay stood there, interacting with people. His smirks looked dangerous and the way he talks with girls are obviously giving you the impression that he’s the real master of this game.
“Stay close or I’m dragging you back home.” your brother warned you and sat you down the sofa. You pout while your brother hands you down a pillow to cover your legs.
“Can’t I at least have something to drink?” you asked him with a hint of sarcasm. He can’t be serious about not giving you any drinks tonight. Gladly, he did gave you some.
Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves except from you. The lights are making you dizzy, the liquor tastes so bad, your brother flirting with a girl but kept eyeing you like some babysitter, people making out left and right and most important thing, Jay’s nowhere to be found.
After sitting there for nearly 40 minutes acting like a spoiled brat taken to a random place, you stood up and approached your brother. His eyes shifted at you right away, leaning down to hear you clearly. All of his attention at you.
“I’ll just look around for some friends. It’s boring just sitting around, oppa.” you tried to complain at him. He looked hesitant at first to let you go, but thankfully he did.
He reminded you not to accept any drinks from other people and to go back here if something happened. You assured that you’ll be alright and started roaming this big house. Its filled of kids your town, most of them are upper batch—same class with your brother— and some are your age. Some group of boys follows you with their eyes, admiring you while you’re busy searching the room with a familiar face.
“Y/n!” your head craned at the sound of your name and face brightens when you saw one of your friend.
“Fia! Omg I’m so glad to see you here.” she walks closer to you as you exclaimed that. She chuckles and greets you with a warm hug.
“I can’t believe you are here!” she says as she pulls away from the hug.
“My brother took me with him.”
Her eyes immediately searched for your brother and it made you smirk, “Where? Where’s your handsome brother?”
You snorted and playfully pushed her shoulder lightly. “Can you at least pretend that you’re not a simp for him?” she clings her arm as she laugh.
“How can I not drool over Lee Heeseung? He’s like super hot.” she gave this dreamy expression that made you roll your eyes.
“Then that explains why I saw Jay with that girl a while ago.” she mumbles and even side eyed you to check your reaction.
Your looked at her, “What? What girl? Where?” you asked him multiple questions that made her chuckle. She knew your long time crush with your brother’s bestfriend so she finds you cute.
“Back in the kitchen. They’re like almost eating each other’s faces— hey where are you going?” she furrowed her brows as you didn’t even let her finish and went to go look for Jay.
Since the whole house is crowded, it wasn’t that easy to find the kitchen, pretty much Jay. Arriving to what it seems to be the dining area, your eyes scanned the whole room to see him. Several eyes settles on you, but you completely ignore them.
Your step halted at the sight of Jay smirking flirtatiously towards to a girl, take note that its not the same one from a while ago after your arrival. They seem too hooked to what they were talking about while the girl runs her hand over his biceps. Jay’s large hands rests comfortably at her waist, thumb caressing them.
It suddenly reminded you of the incident a while ago where he held you by the waist. It made butterflies go crazy in your stomach and at the same time stab a knife straight to your heart.
How come one person is capable to make you feel so many emotions at the same time? At this point, you find it amusing how much he affects you.
The scene seeing him holding her like that was painful for you, but as he leans in and locks their lips together like hungry horny teens made your heart crack. This isn’t the very first time you saw someone make outs. This isn’t new to you at all. What’s new is that Park Jongseong, your brother’s bestfriend a.k.a your long time crush is kissing some other girl in front of you.
Your night was a blur after that. You left the kitchen even before someone notice you watching them eat each other’s faces and thought of you as a creep or something. After an hour or two, your brother came searching for you and saw you by the balcony.
“Hey,” he greets and examined you with his eyes. His hand reaches over your face and brush away some hairs from it, hanging strands over your ears. “let’s go home. It's pretty late.” he suggested that you agreed on right away. A lot happened and you don’t exactly know what to say or react.
“Hey, you okay?” he asks halting you from stepping further.
You glanced at his worried eyes and realized you’ve been very obvious with your emotions. A smile makes it over your lips as you slid your arms over his.
“I’m fine.” but it wasn’t true. You just witnessed the man you like kissing somebody else how can you be okay?
His stares remained, not totally convinced about your lie. “I’m just tired, oppa.” you added.
Good thing he seemed to buy that excuse and let it slip before he guides you outside so you two can go home. He held your arm so he won’t lose you in this pool of drunk people.
“Wait, where’s Jay oppa? How about him?” you asks trying to roam your eyes around to go find him.
He opened his car and snickers a laugh, “Don’t worry about him. I’m sure he won’t be going home to us tonight.” and your mind was blank as you went inside and sat over the passenger seat.
You didn’t even realized that he went inside and started driving already. First time trying to get a taste of Jay’s life. Hearing about his reputation of being a campus playboy is one story, then seeing it first hand is a different one.
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“What else?” your brother asks while lazily pushing the grocery cart, following behind you.
“We need to go to the meat section.” and your eyes scanned the paper to see more of what you need.
“Okay, you and Jay stay here while I go get the meat.” your brother suddenly announced that made you stunned to your position.
You freezed right at the spot and took a quick glance at Jay who took the hold over the cart. When he was about to look at you, you turned your head back at the shelves and try to busy yourself with these canned goods.
You gulped when you felt him push the cart closer.
“So how was the party the other day?” he asked curiously.
It has been a week ever since the first party you’ve been with them and also the first time you’ve witnessed how heck of a playboy he is. The second party happened the other day, you went with them hoping you can have more interaction with Jay. Interesting thing is Jay got a new girl that party, the last one were nowhere near him.
You cleared your throat and glanced at his direction. He was leaning over the cart, watching you with his dangerous eyes. A smirk plays his lips when you met his gaze.
“It w-was fine.”
“Did you enjoy it?”
‘No.’ you want to tell him, but you sighed and put the canned over the car.
“Yeah, its cool.” it was half true, half lie.
“Hmm,” he hummed and pushed the cart closer. “I saw a lot of guys enjoyed it too while trying to catch your attention.” his tone sounded a bit pissed, followed it with a scoff.
You furrowed your brows at what he said, not getting it completely. “What do you mean?”
Even if you can feel your insides going crazy, you tried maintaining an eye contact. He slowly stood straight, your height difference becoming more evident. He’s now staring down at you, eyes looking arrogant and sexy, his smirk not been wiped off his face.
“Oh, baby...” he whispers and one hand reaches over your face. He touched your cheeks gently. “...boys around you go crazy for your attention and yet they can’t get it. I wonder where it is.” his tone is taunting this time.
You pursed your lips and didn’t look away, cheeks blushing, heart racing your smiled at him.
“Yeah, I wonder where it is?” you taunt him back that made his smirk grew wider.
The eye contact last for a bit more until you saw your brother from the corner. You moved your face away and started walking over. You heard them both talk for a while before following behind you.
The next day, there’s another party. Of course you wanted to go and this time you are determined to go approach Jay. Looking on the mirror, your reflection shows off your pretty features you put yourself into determination that the night will not without you and Jay having the moment you’ve been looking forward to.
“Same rules, baby sis. No drinks from a stranger, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs and go find me if something happened.” Heeseung repeats this like a chant. You rolled your eyes and nodded to end it.
Jay stood close to the two of you, smirking tauntly. “You can also look for me if there’s a problem, baby.”
The sudden endearment made your heart race, but to your brother it was nothing. He calls you baby sis all the time so he thought it wasn’t a big of a deal. Besides, its Jay.
“Yeah, go for Jay if he’s not busy eating some girl's face.” he snorted and Jay was quick to swat his arm with a smirk on his face.
You shake your head and walked pass them both. They followed right after, greeting friends and acquaintances along the way. The party was wild wild as you arrive, its like they’ve started ahead of you so there’s couple of people stumbling down already.
You have a plan tonight, but seems like the boys that find you interesting has the same thought. Your brother managed to give you drinks and you only get refills from one of his friends, Jake. He’s a nice popular guy, very handsome, rich and have this golden retriever vibe around him. Anyway, while you’re nearly finish your fifth cup you are drunk.
Thinking you might need some confidence that the boost will definitely provide, you thought that you should drink more. You miscalculated and eventually got a little too drunk from how you planned to.
You started looking for Jay to execute your plan. Hopefully he’s nowhere near your brother so there won’t be a problem. When you arrive by the last room of the house, you're about to make a u-turn and try looking around again when you heard faint noises from that room.
“Jay.” a faint sound, which appeared like moans of a girl continuously caught your attention.
Your body freezes and steps halted from the initial plan of leaving this hallway. Its a little isolate than the other parts of the house since the music is faint here, you can’t really enjoy dancing or anything if you stay here. Mostly, this could be an ideal place for people who wants to do something else.
Slowly, you walked towards the room and pushed the door lightly. And you almost lost it. There he is. Top of and above him was this topless girl. They’re too immersed with each other that they didn’t even notice your presence. They continued making out, roaming their hands over to their bodies like their life depends on it.
You are dizzy, very drunk and emotions are all of over the place. There is no way you can deal with this situation right now. You couldn’t believe the suffocating feeling you have right now as you try to walk away from that awful place. Memories of Jay having a topless girl above him not leaving your mind at all.
Stumbling over your own feet, one guy caught you. He’s smirking and finding you cute while you mumble an incoherent word, probably ‘sorry’ or something.
Seeing his face you realized its someone from your rival school. As far as you remember, he’s the captain of the football team, if not then basketball, of their campus. Popular guy.
“Sorry 'bout that,” you chuckles despite the tears rolling down and was about to walk away when he hold you firm close to him. He seems also too lost with the liquor that he couldn't contain his actions.
“Lee y/n,” he started with this smirk. “I've been trying to score a date with you, but you’re very snob. Why? Why will you reject..” he stalls and gulped, “..someone like me?” he continues.
You couldn’t process anything and starting to feel annoyed that he’s delaying you when you want to leave this place immediately. His hold tightens at the unpleasant expression over your face. Its like he can’t accept that you will reject him when every other girls drop to their knees for him.
“Let go of me!" you tried wriggling to get away from his grip, but he was too strong.
He started to be more aggressive towards you, “No! Let’s talk! Why do you look at me with blank face every time you reject me? Why do I seem too worthless for you?” he screams, and it startled you.
You sighed and was about to say something when somebody threw a punch over to this guy. He lets go of you and was down over the floor.
“You okay? What did he do?” your brother’s face came into your view. He’s the one who came rushing and punched that guy away from you.
The party stopped and a lot of people gathers around. The drunk guy was still down the floor, but his friends are in panic and called the police for assistance.
You are still dizzy and out of it, but you are worried for your brother. He’s clearly involve and you are the reason of it. As the police arrive, he asked him to stay for a couple of things he wants to ask him.
He nodded, not really trying to make it more complicated. He turns his head over you with soft gaze and cup your face.
“I’ll call Mom to pick you—”
“I can take her home.” a voice interrupts and your brother’s face reflects relief after hearing his voice.
“Great. Please take care of her, dude. I need to settle things here, ask for Dad as well.” he continues, but you are too drunk to even say or process anything.
Jay took off his jacket and put it over your shoulder, gently tugs you closer to him then guides you towards where he parked his car. A lot of commotion are happening, but the alcohol in you took away any possible consciousness of you to be aware of it.
The next thing you know, he’s already driving and you groaned because of the terrible headaches occuring due to being dizzy. He glanced at you and sighs before stopping by the side where he saw this one vending machine. He knew he needed to give you some water to help with the bad effects of alcohol.
“Angel,” he calls softly after opening the passenger seat and leaning down to your face level. You slowly opens your eyes and greeted by his handsome face. “Can you walk?” he asks after, brushing away some hairstrands.
You inhaled, “I'm n-not sure.” you admits.
He smiles a little, chuckled sexily before nodding gently. “Okay. I got you.”
As he busy himself taking off your seatbelts, you got the chance to look and observe him. He’s wearing a black shirt that shows his fit body, not too tight but also not too big for him, just the perfect size. A gold necklace dangling freely was the next you notice, adding to his appeal. His perfectly arched jaw clenched as he put his attention over you.
“I’ll carry you. Is that all right, baby?" his tone sounded soft. Too soft that it came out subtle.
You nodded and he quickly slid one arm under your legs, the other over your back to carry you in a bridal style. In normal days, you would’ve panicked and blush like crazy, but the liqour is shitting you and the constant memories of a naked girl hovering him kept flashing back through your mind like a broken dvd.
“Stay put. I’ll just get you water to make you feel better.” he says and you followed him while sitting down at a bench where he put you.
You silently watch him and see him glow through the lights of the vending machine as he hangs his head low to go get the water. He walks closer and handed you the bottle after opening it for you.
A low thank you escapes your mouth and drinks from it while eyes still darted at him. He smiles and crouched down in front of you, just so he can get a full and better view of your face. To make sure you are okay.
You nods even if you don’t know if it really did something. Now, you aren’t sure if you its because of the alcohol or you really just gains the confident, but you frowned at him.
“Aren’t your girl upset you left her?”
Jay’s brows furrowed. He looked confused.
“What girl?”
“The one naked hovering above you a while ago.” you said straightly.
He looks taken aback then lips pursed trying to suppress a smirk to form from his sinful lips. “That’s not something you should have seen. I’m sorry, baby.” he didn’t sound ashamed or what, who would be? He’s probably proud of his own body so you seeing him topless and naked girl topping him was no problem.
“Next time—” he reaches out his hand to brush away some of your hair, but you swat his hand.
“Stop that.” he tilts his head, confused.
“Stop treating me like a kid. I’m not a kid anymore. I know what you’re about to do with that girl, I know that you will have sex with her!” you continuously said.
Jay didn’t seem fazed about your words nor mad about it. He sighs calmly and stared down at your water. “You’re drunk. Have some more water—”
“I d-don’t want to.” your eyes started to water and you sniffed, Jay’s eyes soften heart completely broken at the sight.
“Baby, why—”
“Don’t call me that!” you burst out, upset. “My brother always calls me that and I feel like you’re doing that because you treat me like your little sister.”
He licked his lips, “Isn’t that a good thing?”
“No! I’m not your little sister and I will never be!” you sounded so upset and a tear left your eye.
Jay sighs, staring at you with soft gaze. “I know.” he gently wiped off the tears over your cheeks. “I know that fucking well, angel.” his tone low.
It was silent for a while before he sighs and stood up.
“Let's go, I’ll drive you home.” he announced and your heart sank.
This is the first intense conversation you ever had with Jay and with the alcohol still in your system, you know you can’t just be stopped.
“I like you.” you said without faltering or stuttering.
Jay’s eyes remains at you, his future actions of carrying you halted because of your sudden confession. Something flickered through his eyes, but it was too quick for you to catchh on.
“Aren’t you going to say anything?” you asked when he started carrying you back to his car, silent.
He placed you gently and put your seatbelt on to make sure you are safe. His eyes dangerously darted at you that sends thousands of volts over you. The way he looks at you was different. You couldn’t explain and you don’t know what exactly it was, but something changed.
“I know.” he whispered that caught you off-guard.
“Y-You know?”
“Yes.” he lowered his head and he raised his head up with this evil sexy grin like as if he just confirmed something that made him so happy.
Your heart tightens for unknown reasons.
“Do you think I really wouldn’t have any idea?”
“Then are you purposely doing these things to make me like you even more?” you sounded accusing and pissed.
You just confessed and heard the most unexpected response from the guy you like for years now, who wouldn’t be pissed off?
“What do you mean?” one of his large hands rests over the front side of the cars as he tilts his head, staring at you.
“Like you purposely want me to like you even more!” it was ridiculous, okay. You’ve liked Jay for a long time and honestly even the smallest thing he does fascinates you. You are just a bit disappointed, embarrassed and drunk at this point.
“No,” he says and stood back straight.
“You have no idea how much I hold back, angel.” he says that made you silent for the whole ride home.
He calls your dad and informed about what happened to your brother. As you arrived home, your Mom and Dad were gone. They left to go to your brother and they’re not worried that you will be alone because Jay was there.
“I like you.” you repeats it like as if you didn’t just confessed a while ago.
Jay just opened the passenger seat to help you get inside the house. He furrowed his brows a bit, before smirking.
“You already said that baby.”
“Date me. Let's date.”
For the first time tonight, you saw Jay surprised. He was caught off guard at how bold and bravely you utter those words towards him.
He hides his shock with a chuckle, “I don’t do dates and relationships, Y/n.” his tone firm and he unclasped your seatbelt before looking down at you once again. “Specially if they’re younger and my bestfriend’s sibling.”
Those words went straight to your heart. He was bad. Bad for hurting you, bad for playing at girl’s heart, bad for being this seductive and not caring at all. He’s overall bad news behind these good looking face.
He was about to help you, but you reject him. Lowering your head, you gently pushed him off so you can walk. His hand reaches for you as you stumble on your own feet.
“I can do it! Don’t touch me!” you started waddling towards the house and Jay behind you, making sure you won’t trip and hurt yourself.
That night, you cried yourself to sleep with a small crack on your heart and a throbbing headache.
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Days after, you and Jay were totally ignoring each other. It was honestly just you avoiding him. There’s instances that he wanted to talk or start a conversation which you decline quickly. Normally, after a cold and straight rejection you’re suppose to accept then try to move on from it.
But no. You are completely aware that Jay is bad for you. He clearly told you he don’t do dates or relationships, he said he won’t date someone younger and specially his bestfriend’s sibling, and he’s your potential heart breaker. Total bad news. Despite all that, you still want him. You still want to go after him and take another shot. What doesn’t kill you, makes you want him more.
You made another plan. Now you know that the previous approach didn’t work so you needed a new one. You figured that you should take advantage and use that one emotion that flickered through his eyes. That subtle jealousy you saw through his face when your brother talked about how that boy held you close to him. Sounds petty, but still its a plan.
“Well well well,” your head snaps towards the living room when you heard your brother talked.
“Hi,” you greeted innocently, barely sparing Jay a glance as you approach to your brother to give him a kiss on his cheeks.
They planned to stay in today, just watch movies and video games when you suddenly walks downstairs looking so good.
“Where are you going, baby sis?” Heeseung asked curiously, but it seems like he isn’t the only one curious because at the corner of your eyes, you can see Jay looking intensely at you.
“On a date.” you answered then smiled cutely. Heeseung’s brow raised at what you said.
“A date? With who?” he tilts his head, impatient to hear the boy's name that will go out with his baby sister.
“With (random name),” you stated. He’s one of your friends from school and yesterday he asked if you wanted to go watch this cool movie. You agreed and thought that you can use that plan to push Jay into his limits. Actually, you don’t have any idea what to expect from here.
“Where are you guys going?”
You chuckle at your brother’s cute question. “Oppa, you sounded like a strict teacher.” you kid and even before he can say something, a honk can be heard from outside your house.
All of your heads snapped over it and you glanced towards them to bid good bye. Heeseung quickly stood up and follows behind you. He knew he can’t prevent you from going on dates or dating someone, but he can surely mess with them.
“Hi,” (random name) greets you with bright smile, very excited. He leans and gave you a kiss on your cheeks as a greeting. It didn’t slip off from the two pair of hawk like eyes by the door.
His smile slightly fell seeing the two tall guys watching over. He bowed, showing respect to your brother.
“Make sure she gets home before dark.” your brother reminds.
What made you smirk is that pissed off look over Jay’s face. You waved at them and then went off without even glancing back. The date went great, you enjoyed it but your mind couldn’t stop thinking of Jay. Its not like (random name) is your boyfriend now. You're clear at him that this will be a friendly date and he has no problems with it at all.
The next few days became a cycle of going out with your friends and with (random name). You have no idea what’s the process so far, but you plan to test it tonight. There’s a party again at one of your brother’s friend. He asks you if you will come along with them.
“Yes, my friends will be there.” you announced.
“Including (random name)?”
Jay didn’t like it at all. He don’t know what's up with him. He’s not the type of person who gets jealous easily so he has no idea why he’s so pissed off while seeing you spend time with that dude. He tries to ignore it, convince himself that its totally okay and that he's just protective of you because he genuinely cares. If Hee’s cool with it, he should too right?
But that’s not the case. Tonight, you are pushing his buttons. He watch how you danced too closely with that boy. His hands roaming all over your body that made him clench his jaw angrily. He was silently watching the two of you by the corner taking sips from his drink. Your brother were nowhere to be found and he's been here, watching over you. He didn’t actually asked him to, he does it voluntarily.
He kept muttering in his mind that its okay to be touchy with each other. He’s not new to these things, he’s been 18 before and he knew how it is during this time. He convinced himself that its fine and that he should just leave you alone.
But why did he just find himself settling his drink at the table before heading towards you. He just saw you inch your face closer, lips too close to (random name)'s and he was certain if he didn’t just stepped in you already kissed.
Surprised, he managed to pull you away from him. You glanced at him a little annoyed because of his intrusion.
“What are you doing?”
(random name) looked as confused as you.
“Your brother is looking for you.” Jay lied and didn't even wait for you to react or object. He started dragging you outside of that house.
Realizing you two were headed to where his car was parked you stopped walking making him glanced at you.
“What are you doing? Where is my brother?” you asked furrowed brows and trying to roam your eyes around to go look for your brother, but he’s not here.
Your head snapped back at Jay, “Did you just lie?” you accused him and base on how he’s not denying you, it was true. He lied about your brother looking for you and he doesn’t seem to be fazed about it at all.
“I can't believe you!” you exclaimed, “I’m going back inside.” you announced and turned your heels only to he held back by him again.
“No you’re not.”
“You don’t get to say that!"
“Why do you even want to go back? Is it because of that loser? And what were you doing huh? Are you really going to kiss him?” he lets out sounding so frustrated.
You were caught off-guard of this behavior of his. This is unusual of him. He’s usually very preserved and oozing with confidence. You smile at the back of your mind, thinking that you’re finally getting the reaction you want from him.
You crossed your arm over him.
“Yes and so?”
His eyes grew dark at your response, “What are you doing? What are you up to?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you really dating that boy?” the way he say the word boy was slightly insulting. He’s just years older, but he say it like the two of them are years apart.
“So what?”
“Don’t date him.” he stated.
You raised your eyebrow at him. “Why not?”
He gulped, but his arrogant eyes remain.
“Who do you suggest I date?” you took a step closer to him. “Who should I date, Jay?”
He clenched his jaw and he looked so sexy. When he didn't answer, you rolled your eyes and walked. You plan to go back inside, but once again he stopped you.
His hand hold your wrist. Your eyes dropped over it and his thumb caress your skin gently. You gulped, totally affected by his soft touch.
“Don’t go back inside.” his tone softer too this time. Your eyes trailed over to his and his eyes looked arrogant, but gentle.
“Let’s talk, please?”
Your heart races at the way his tone sounded so convincing. You are not drunk, but it makes you dizzy. You pouted and nodded your head. A small smile escapes his lips before guiding you towards his car. He unlocks it and made you go inside.
“Wait for me here. I’ll just talk to your brother.”
He left after closing the door then went back inside to find his best friend. A couple of people greets him and some girls even tries to flirt, but he’s not interested. After seeing your brother enjoying his night with the same girl he’s been eyeing for weeks now, Jay approached him right away.
“Hey, y/n doesn't feel good.” he lies that made the smile over Heeseung’s face disappear.
“What? Where is she?” his eyes roams, searching for her worriedly.
“I took her to my car. Don’t worry, I’ll drive her home.”
Relief rains over his expression and nodded his head. “I'll see her off first.” and he leans over his girl and whispered something before he accompanied Jay back to his cat where you sat silently.
Your brother knocked over the window and you rolled them down right away, seeing him. Your heart races in confusion to what Jay said.
“Are you okay? Jay said you don’t feel well.” he says and reached his hand to cup your face.
Your eyes darted at Jay and he’s just looking at you straight in the eyes. He’s not telling you to lie, his eyes silently plea that he truly longs for you. And that he don’t care whether you tell your brother the truth or not, either way he will take you away from here.
“Y-Yes. I’m just tired and dizzy, oppa. I think I drank too much.” you felt a small hint of guilt for lying, but you want this as well. You want to talk to Jay and hear what he wants to say. You want him to take you away from here and be with him alone.
“Okay, Jay will take you home and drink water when you arrive.”
You gave a small smile and nodded silently. He sighs and gave your forehead a kiss before telling Jay to drive safely. He nods too and swiftly go to the passenger seat of his car.
“You are such a liar.” you taunt at him while he put his seatbelts on.
He smirks, a little confident your brother won’t see it because his car is heavily tinted.
“Well that's what bad boys do, don’t they?”
Heeseung waits until the car has driven away completely. The drive was silent. You don’t know what to say and you thought you will talk, but he’s not saying anything. Not too far away from home, he slows down his car that made you glance at him confusely.
“Let’s talk here.” he said and you gave him a nod before gulping, heart thumping in anticipation.
He stares right at you for a while before sighing. He reaches over your hand and plays through the fingers, enjoying how warm and soft it feels.
“Date me.” you hitched your breath when you heard that from him.
You wanted to blame the alcohol for a second, asking yourself if you really are not drunk. He might read through your expression so he lifts your hand and kissed the back of it once.
“Date me, y/n. I can’t promise that I will be all good, but I will try.” he repeats. This time, you are sure this isn’t the alcohol.
Park Jongseong really asked you out.
You pursed your lips and a smile made its way on your face. You unclasped your seatbelt and didn’t even bother to hide the excitement and happiness on your expression.
“Of course I will date you!” you cheered and quickly hugged him.
His hand settled over your waist as he smiled, nuzzling at the crook of your neck inhaling your scent. Jay’s heart was beating so fast that it finds it uncomfy. This is the very first time a girl made him feel this way. Its odd, but in a very good way.
You pull away and stared at his handsome face. His eyes hooded and as his eyes trailed down your lips.
“Can I kiss you, angel?” he asked huskily.
You hitched your breath and ears ringed, its like everything out were blocked outside from your world. You don’t care about anything or anyone but the gorgeous guy in front of you.
“Yes.” and he didn’t waste any second. He leans in, pulls you even closer as he gets to taste of your sweet lips for the first time.
“I'm bad, right baby?" he whispers as he plays through my fingers, staring dangerously at you. He let his sinful tongue graze slightly over his lips, before starting to gently pull you closer.
A playful, evil, seductive smirk appears through his handsome face, “And I think I’m becoming worst because I still want you. I want you all for myself.” and he once again leaned towards you for another heated kiss.
He knew then and there that he found something he’s about to lost his mind to and he was all in.
It was the start of your hidden and thrilling relationship with Jay. You two figured your brother won’t react well about it so you both agreed that its better to keep it from him until you felt like its the right time to tell.
At first, it started with just sneaky skinships and stolen glances between each other during meals or movie times. Then the subtle hand touching around his brother escalates into making out secretly inside the bathrooms or his car. He sneaks inside your room as well whenever he has a chance. It was thrilling and the fear of getting caught by your parents or worst, by your brother makes it more intense.
The sounds of your lips kissing and tongue touching softly filled the room. It was night time and everybody else in the house were fast asleep. You are straddling his lap, both of his hands inside your shirt cupping your breasts. You let out a soft whimper when his kisses moved from your lips, to your jaw and down to your neck, sucking on its skin.
You’re both drunk by each other’s touch when a knock pulled you out of trance. With heart beating fast your head craned at the direction of his door. Thankfully Jay didn’t forget to lock his door.
“Dude?” it was your brother.
You panicked and so does Jay. He quickly guided you towards the bathroom and you furrowed your brows. You are about to ask more but he just pulled a towel from the rack, wrapped it over his waist. He took of his top and wet his hair before asking you to stay quiet.
“Stay here, baby.” and he even pecks your already swollen lips.
He walks out and pretends he just got out from shower. You covered your lips and tried hard to hold your laugh because of how messy you two got yourselves into.
“I'll be downstairs once you’re ready to go.” your brother says.
Seems like they will go out in the middle of the night.
“All right.”
“I think y/n is knocked out already. She isn’t answering her door.”
“Probably. Its late anyway.”
“Yeah. Hurry up, dude.” and finally, your brother left the scene.
After making sure he’s not there anymore, you went out with the biggest smile and jumped towards your boyfriend.
“Going out?”
“Yes.” he lets out a strained sigh before letting both of your bodies fall over his bed, yours above his.
“I don't want to go.” he mumbled, face buried over your neck. You smirked enjoying his clingyness.
“You have to, or he’ll start to be suspicious.” you pecked his lips. “See you tomorrow. No girls for you.” you gave him this warning look.
He smirks, “Tomorrow? I’ll see you tonight, angel. I’ll sleep beside you.”
You pursed your lips, blushing at the thought of it. It has been like that for weeks already ever since you two started dating.
“Okay, I'll leave my window open.”
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“I’m here.” you smile and put your head outside your window to go check if Jay’s right outside of your house.
Past midnight, he's standing by the side and waving at you. His car parked not too far from your house, headlights off.
Its been almost week ever since he told your parents that he will stay at their mansion for a week because his parents asked him to at least go sleep their for a while. And every night of those days, you two will sneak out to go on night drives, dates around his house, late night swimming by the lake, and other fun things you could ever think off.
You slowly tiptoed and went out from the quiet, dark garden of your house. Jay smiles widely as he reaches for your hand and you both bolts towards his car. He drove away, planning to once again take you by the lake.
He sets up this mat and brings out some snacks incase you felt hungry. You chuckle finding him cute and hugged him.
“I wish this summer never ends.” you mumbled, lips close to his. He smirks, wrapping his arm tighter over your waist.
“Its fine,” he says and grazed a soft quick kiss at your lips. “I will always come back next summer.” he assures you that made you smile.
You just can’t explain how happy your are right now. The emotions you have for him are too much but in a good way. You really mean it when you said you hoped this summer lasts long. This isn’t how you expected it to be, it was even better. Or so you thought.
After spending a couple of hours together by the lake, talking about random things, making out, more talking and more makeouts, he needs to take you home. He parks not too far away again and turned off his headlight.
He turns and faced you with a pout that made you chuckle. You cupped his face and shower his face with kisses.
“I’ll see you again tomorrow.” you assured him and he leaned in chasing your lips for some proper kisses.
“All right, pretty. Let me walk you home.”
And you two walks along the silent street hand in hand, giggling from time to time.
“Isn’t it too late for you to be outside, y/n?”
Both of you jumped when someone talked. Your eyes instantly caught your brother leaning by his car, parked right outside of your house. His face serious, eyes dark and jaw clenching. Your heart thumped at the sight of him. Jay caress your hand, trying to calm you as he stand close to you.
“O-Oppa.” you calls him out, like you couldn’t believe he’s right there.
His strict and intimidating eyes darted at your way. “Get inside, y/n.” he clicked his tongue at the side of his cheeks.
“Don't make me repeat myself.” he cuts you off. “Inside. Now.”
Your brother rarely gets mad at you and you’re always scared whenever he is. Not because he will hurt you or anything, but because your brother is very intimidating when he’s like this. And also, you are scared of what he will do with Jay.
Your eyes glanced at Jay and he’s not even scared at all. He smiles and touched your cheeks once, “Go ahead, baby. I’ll talk to your brother.”
In the end you are left with no choice but to leave them both. Feets heavily stepping inside the house, silently praying that nothing bad will happen between them. Mixed guilt and worry dawned upon you. This isn’t what you wanted. You knew you are somehow at fault. You should’ve just let your brother know right away, but you stalled and now he found out even before you can inform him yourself. He must’ve felt so betrayed.
You didn’t sleep properly that night, unaware of what happened between the two guys. Hurriedly, you went downstairs to check and your eyes furrowed when you saw your Mom sadly hugging Jay. Your brother standing from a distant, watching. When he caught you, he rolled his eyes.
“Its sad that you have to cut your trip short. Are you sure everything’s all right?” your Mom asked that made you stunned at your position.
Confused, you slowly went closer. Your Mom looked at you and based on her expression, she has no idea of what happened last night. Your head snapped at the two guys, wondering what happened last night.
“Y/n! Just in time,” she says and pulls you closer. “See Jay out since you’re the last one to go down. He needs to go now since something urgent came up.”
Your heart sank at the news and you didn’t believed any of it. You knew it has something to do with your brother finding out about you two sneaking out. Even before you can say something, your brother interrupts.
“Let’s go see him out, y/n.” his voice stone cold and Jay teared his eyes away from you unwillingly before bidding goodbyes to your Mom.
He walks outside and your brother follows along with you.
“What did you say to him, oppa? Did you ask him to leave?” your tone already accusing him.
“Its his decision.” he answered shortly, and it made your heart ache.
“Are you mad at me because I like your best friend?”
His jaw clenched as he stare at your teary eyes. He slowly raised his hand and wiped them off gently.
“No,” he said. “I'm mad because you kept it from me.”
He didn’t talk after that and let you approach Jay by his car. His eyes looked so sad and guilty. You don’t know what to say, because you know you’ll burst out of tears any minute now.
“W-Why...” you can’t continue.
He smiled softly and roam his eyes all over your face, like as if memorizing every features.
“I need to go.” he starts. “I’m sorry, angel.” he sighed heavily.
“I shouldn’t have sneaked you out, I should’ve known better. I’m bad for you. I’m bad news.” you shake your head.
“N-No...” you reach over him, “I love you.” you confessed that caught him off-guard. He smiles sadly, his eyes shining due to tears forming by his eyes.
Last night, Heeseung told Jay that right now he doesn’t trust him for you. He knew how he is with girls and as your older brother, he couldn’t just trust him. You are precious to him and he value you so much. No man can deserve you right away, even his own best friend. He told Jay that if he really cares for you he will go and try to reflect to himself.
Your brother is afraid that maybe he’s just overwhelmed with the thrill and idea. He asked him to go away, try to think and settle his own feelings. He’s pissed that he kept on sneaking you out betraying him completely. He wants Jay to be sure first before he continues to pursue you again. He won’t let him have his way easily. Even if it means you will hate him for sending him away.
He didn’t say anything and approached closer. He whispers continuous sorry before he kissed your forehead, a single tear fell from his eyes. He moved away and turned his back right at you. He didn't glanced back, afraid that he will change his mind and just stay.
You cried silently, accepting and respecting his decision. Your heart aches so much you rest your hand above it. Jay’s car started to drove away and left, your heart left with him.
It is such a cruel summer and as always, Park Jongseong is the highlight of it.
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