#i think the closest thing i got to that was making fake insta lives for the characters HAHA
averlym · 1 year
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gold star for cathy parr!
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jackambrosemodeling · 3 years
Boy Talk || Jack & Brandon
When: May 2, 2021
Where: Jack’s apartment, Santa Monica, California
Featuring: Brandon Kelly (dialogue provided by Katie @itsbrandonkelly)
Triggers: Allusion to alcoholism
After firing off a You’d better be home. text to Jack, he realised that he really should have checked first to save him from waiting outside their apartment but that’s why there were so many saying about hindsight. Still, he knocked to let his presence be known instead of texting again, hoping he’d timed his visit well.
Jack was coincidentally home when they received Brandon's text. They got out of the shower when they saw the message. After texting him back with a 'bitch I might be', Jack unlocked their door as well as the entrance door to the apartment building. They followed up with a 'door's open' text and went to go find clothes to put on before Brandon came inside.
He huffed out in amusement at the first response he got and then knocked again at the second before letting himself in. “Who leaves their door open? This is the start to every horror film ever, then again just letting yourself into someone’s home is also how they start.” He called out, heading to the kitchen instead of looking for Jack. He figured they would have answered the door if they weren’t occupied with something else and so they’d join him when they were done. When he found glasses, he settled himself on the couch and shrugged off his jacket.
"I do when I know someone's coming over!" they yelled from behind their closed bedroom door. If someone had actually broken into their apartment for nefarious purposes, Jack was more than prepared to deal with the situation. Once they were presentable, they looked around until they found Brandon in the living room. "Comfy there?" they teased. "You know I love seeing you, but a little more of a heads up would've been nice. I could've still been in the shower. I could've been actively having sex!"
“Who’s supposed to be coming over? I can’t believe you were inviting people to chill and I wasn’t one of them?” Brandon had taken out his phone to sit on the couch with him and had even gotten as far as pouring them both a drink before Jack had come to meet him. “Yep. I made myself at home.” He gave Jack his best smile, even fluttering his eyelashes for good measure. “If you loved seeing me that much you would invite me over to do those things with you. Besides, it’s not much of a surprise visit if I tell you about it, is it?”
“You! I opened the door for you, silly!” Jack looked at the two glasses, then back to Brandon. “Oh shit, the wine that Nyle sent as a moving present! I forgot I had that.” They didn’t want to be rude and throw it out, and figured it would be good to have in case of guests, so they hid it. The fact that they managed to not drink any of it themself was a miracle. “Yeah, I’m not sure how Viv would feel about that... speaking of which. Fun update in my life. I’m kind of seeing someone? Still figuring out labels and whatnot.” Though there were rumors floating around the gossip sphere, Brandon was the first person they confirmed the rumor to.
“Then the door wouldn’t be open so it wouldn’t matter if you were showering or fucking, would it?” Jack’s comment had Brandon looking at the bottle again and picking up the glass closest to it. “Mine is alcoholic. I brought you some appley juice recommended by the best palate I know.” He patted the space beside him before his eyebrows raised in surprise. “You settled before you boned me? Disgusting. Unacceptable.” Despite his words, he started grinning. “I’m so happy for you, babe. That’s cute.”
“Brandon, stop making good points,” they huffed, sitting down on the couch next to Brandon. “Oh, thanks.” While Jack had never explicitly told Brandon why they quit drinking, it appeared that he had gotten the hint. “I’m sorry. It turns out I have a SIMP gene that was activated by me moving to Santa Monica. Who would’ve thunk it?” they joked, knowing damn well that they’ve simped over every person they’ve ever dated.
“I can’t help that I’m brilliant. Sorry buddy; you just gotta live with that I’m afraid.” He hummed quietly in amusement. Brandon simply offered them a smile at their thanks. They never joined in whenever B was drinking and he was nothing if not attentive. Sometimes, at least. “Literally no one because the simp gene has always been in you and always been active but I’ll keep that to myself if it really makes you feel better.”
"All my friends are hot and smart, but I'm just hot. Story of my life." Jack sighed, taking a sip of the juice that was so graciously provided to them. "Excuse me?!" Jack exclaimed overdramatically. "Are you calling me a simp? In the comfort of my own apartment?! I don't know what I did to deserve this treatment. I don't know how I'll go on!" They busted into  laughter, unable to keep the act up.
“You’re hot and smart. What the fuck are you talking about? Be nice to my friend or I’ll kick your ass.” He reached his foot out to nudge Jack with, an amused smile on his face. “Plus, you’re also super hot, own it. And yes. I’m calling you a simp. You’re the themperor of simpington. Population... Uh, I don’t know how many people are in Santa Monica but that’s the population.”
“Brandon, I was a straight-C student in high school and have the common sense of a bag of potato chips. I know my strengths and weaknesses.” Jack knew they weren’t book smart and it didn’t bother them. “Excuse me, I am not Themperor Simpington. That title belongs to Sunwoo Seong. Have you met them? But they did skip town a while back... shit. I didn’t ask for this title. I need to find a new non-binary friend to bestow this title on. I just need more enby friends in general.”
“You don’t have the common sense of a bag of potato chips, Jesus Christ Jack.” Brandon laughed as he slapped Jack’s arm. “You’ve survived this long in this industry, babe. That’s not down to potato chip brain, even I nearly crashed out a couple of years in.” He raised an eyebrow, head tilted as he fixed them a look of disapproval. “You are Themperor Simpington. The queen has spoken. I met Sunwoo once and obviously offered to climb that tree but they left and Joonie was sad so I’m no longer a fan of tall, hot and dimpled. If it makes you feel any better, I’m a huge simp for my sweet boy.”
“Hey, I’m funny. Fuck you,” they retorted, chuckling. “I’ve been told that I’m charismatic, and that’s helped me out in the industry. I’m still not that famous though.” While Jack was relatively well-known in queer circles, heterosexual circles were a whole other ballpark. Being friends with Brandon and recently befriending Vanessa did help their social standing though. “Themperor Simpington my butt,” they grumbled. “Wait, when you say ‘my sweet boy,’ do you mean Minjoon or do you have another boo I should know about?”
“Bitch, I been trying to get you to for so long now. I was starting to think you needed glasses.” Bee broke into a laugh before he even finished his sentence, nudging Jack’s arm in his giggling. “Yeah, you have to have a look and you have to be charming to start work in this industry but to survive in it? You have to be smart. About that though, I know I keep promising you a space on my next project and it’s had a few.. speed bumps I guess? Not really speed bumps but personal delays? Either way, I know enough now to be able to tell you that Queen B’s.. that I’m releasing a trial perfume.. fragrance line. Five scents to start, each will have its own colour have theme shots with, each will have its own model to associate with and I want you, if you’re interested?” Their mumbling made Brandon grin, coughing as a terrible fake attempt at covering up the ‘Simp.’ he titled them with again. “Minjoon is my sweet boy. I don’t have another boo, not even a little bit but if you hear simp alarms going off whenever I like the instas of a very beautiful friend of mine then mind ya business.”
"Oh my god. Brandooooon!" Though Jack had quite a few friends with benefits in their days, whenever the thought of doing anything with Brandon crossed their mind, they thought about the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed seventeen-year-old they met all those years ago. Jack's eyes lit up when he started talking about his fragrance line project. "Oh hell yeah I'm interested. Just remember, my favorite colors are purple and pink." They winked at Brandon. Aside from one photoshoot in L.A. that they did after fashion weeks, their work schedule was dryer than a desert. Of course they wouldn't tell him that though. They didn't want to sound desperate. Jack would've taken this job even if they weren't in need of work. "B, you're gonna have to be a little more specific than that. I know you. You don't befriend ugly people."
The laugh that left him this time was more of a giggle and he scrunched his nose up, shaking his head. “I tease but honestly, you’re practically family. Did you know that my parents ask after you? They know as much about you as I do but.. Well, they’re embarrassing. Eh, mom’s okay. Dad’s embarrassing so you’ll probably never meet them but yeah.. They get told about the important people in my life and you’ve been in it longer than Joonie.” Brandon groaned, setting his glass down. “Can’t believe I’m being gross and emotional already. Moving on..” He said, a little louder. “Purple would be fantastic for you. It’s a very royal colour and I’m going to do the obvious and lean into that a little but silk, not velvet. Pink was going to have a sweet-candy-lace vibe to it but if you want pink I can give you pink.” Brandon rolled his eyes, despite the heat he could feel spreading up his neck. “I have a... friend called Kian and he’s... There hasn’t been a word invented yet for how beautiful he is and it’s ridiculous and gross because I don’t lose my mind over pretty boys but he’s.. He makes me blush, Jack. I don’t blush.”
"Brandooooooooon! Stop, you're gonna make me blush. I'd love to meet your parents. Parents love me. Well, actually, I just love milfs and dilfs," Jack cackled at their own dumb joke. "But in all seriousness, let me know when they come to town!" As much as they wanted to meet Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, they didn't want to go to the Kelly home to do so. Jack knew that they shared a home state with Brandon, and didn't want to reenter North Carolina at the risk of running into their family. "Ooh, purple and silk? Now you're speaking my language!" Jack wiggled their eyebrows when Brandon mentioned Kian by name. "A yes, the cute delivery boy. You've mentioned him before. We're Instagram mutuals!"
“Do it! Blush, you coward!” Brandon laughed, leaning against Jack’s arm to nudge them. “Oh my god. I can’t believe I have to say this but if you’re gonna fuck my parents, please don’t date them and wait until I’m out of the room if you’re going to flirt, I don’t need to see that. They really would love to meet you though, they’ve been waiting for permission to come to town.” Brandon grinned at Jack at their approval, giving a small nod. “I’ll get some things drawn up for you. I do have a few already as rough drafts but now I know you’re taking it, I can design something a little more tailored to you.” The warmth spreading across his cheeks and colouring his face a darker shade of pink only grew worse as Jack wiggled their brows at him. “Yeah.. Well.. He’s almost perfect. The only thing I’d change about him is his last name.” His reaction to himself was instant, throwing himself against the cushions to yell out a laugh. “And I keep saying dumb cheesy shit like that! I’m a bumbling mess around him. Like.. Like I start off all smooth and collected and then he smiles and I’m just.. fucking applying to be hired by hallmark. It’s.. It’s so cringe and gross and... I’m happy.”
"Brandon, I'll become your new step-parent and ground you, don't tempt me," Jack joked, cackling. "Well give it to them! Don't deprive me of your loving parents!" Jack didn't have loving parents of their own, so if Brandon's parents were anything like Brandon, Jack was going to latch to them like nobody's business. "Oh my goooooooooooood, that was so coooooorrrrnnnnnyyyyy! Damn, and you call me a simp! I'm not out here reciting poetry on main about my crush. And if you bring up the fact that we have keys to each others' apartments, mind your business." Jack knew they were simping hard over Vivian, but now it was Brandon's turn to be in the hot seat. "So have you considered, you know, talking to him?"
“Their ex girlfriend actually tried that once. Oh my god, it was kind of funny though. You’ll have to treat me better when our guests arrive and do as you’re told or I’ll have you cut off until you learn some damn respect.” He mimicked in a too high voice, rolling his eyes afterwards. “Like.. Honey, I’ve only just noticed you’re not the last guy they were dating and that’s only because you started pterodactyl screeching.” Despite his playful tone, Brandon could feel warmth spreading across his face. “Yeah, okay. I’ll.. I’ll invite them up to meet you.” Having made peace with the fact that he‘d made himself into a product, his parents were off limits when it came to the people in his life, knowing how fickle and superficial a lot of his relationships with people were. It was different with Jack though, Jack really was his friend. “Honestly, I’ve been an absolute mess. I pulled the whole ‘My friends call me B, you can call me any time.’ Thing on him when we met and now I just blush all the time and feel nauseous over butterflies.” He waved his hand quickly at Jack’s news, shaking his head. “NUH uh.. We are not going to just gloss over that? Oh my god? Keys? You’re entering domesticity. Like.. Me and Joonie levels of domesticity and my parents are the founders of the BranJoon wedding fan club. Like.. You’re getting into that territory..” There was a small pause before a smile spread across his face. “I’m happy for you, babe. Honestly. You deserve this.” He couldn’t help but sigh at the question, sinking into his seat a little with a pout on his features and a small shrug. “I’ve been so obvious about it. Short of getting a neon sign to carry around, I don’t know how much more obvious I could be and sometimes it feels like he’s being obvious back? Like.. It feels like it’s not just one sided? And then I start having a gay panic and do something dumb because he’s way out of my league which is a new thing for me. I do want to though. Should I?”
"Hold up, hold up. I said that as a joke. You're telling me that your parents are actually non-monogamous?! And you didn't tell me until now?! I came out as polyam like, 2-3 years ago! And now I'm in a monogamous set-up again. I missed my shot. I'm hurt." Jack put their hands over their chest and sniffled, but almost immediately returned to their usual cheerful demeanor. "I'm kidding, I'm not gonna become your step-daddy, or... I don't know what a gender-neutral equivalent would be besides 'parent,' and that doesn't roll of the tongue as well." This wasn't something they had to think about right away. It wasn't like they were going to wake up tomorrow with a child. "Ah yes, your infamous pick-up line." Jack's face turned pink when Brandon acknowledged the keys. "Okay, I actually do have an explanation! I initially gave her my spare key because I asked her to water my plants when I was away for Fashion Week. Granted, she didn't do a good job and managed to kill both plants, but that's an aside. But yeah, I just never asked for the spare key back." Jack gave Brandon a shoulder pat. They really didn't know Kian, so couldn't tell what the full situation was. "What I've learned from my many years of dating men is that men are dumb and sometimes you literally need to spell things out for them."
“As momma dearest says, monogamy is for the weak. Anyway, they were already in a relationship when you came out. Also? I don’t want to be hooking my parents up with my hotties?” Brandon pulled a face at Jack, nose scrunched up in disapproval. “To be fair though, you and Viv wouldn’t even be the first couple they’ve dated. You’d be the first I’d... somewhat approve of but..” He shrugged before laughing. “Oh my god. There are a couple.. Zaza or zeze instead of dada and mama but given the chance I’d mash up dad and mom and just refer to you as my dom to make everyone in the room uncomfortable.” He shook his head, laughing quietly. “I hate this so much, Jack please.” “I think it’s funny, definitely in my top 3 introductions.” He found himself sitting up straighter when he noticed the blush on Jack’s cheeks, a grin forming on his own features. “Oh my god. She killed your plants and you let her keep your key? Say it with me, babe. Simp. You’re cute though. I’m totally 100% on board with the two of you. She was one of my heroes.” When the conversation turned back to him, Brandon tilted his head as he weighed his options. “Not Kiki but... You’re right, I guess. He’s probably so used to everyone being in love with him that my flirting is just baseline niceties. Okay, yeah. I’ll.. I’ll tell him that I’m crazy about him. Or I’ll just text him that aggressive meme about wanting to hold hands.”
"Aaaaah, your parents are so cool! I wish my parents were cool like that. Mine are just homophobic." There was a lot more to Sofia and Tony Corleone than just that, but very few people knew about them. This was very much intentional. They made a face at 'zaza' and 'zeze.' "Yeah, not really digging those ones... Wait. Dom?!" Jack paused to laugh. "Fucking hell. Yes. That's definitely what my future kids are gonna call me." Jack never brought up the topic of kids to Vivian. They were still very early in their relationship and Jack was afraid they were too old to be a parent. It was still a nice thought though. "Yeah. I got back from Paris and she was having a bad day, so I ordered a pizza and we just... talked. Had a real heart-to-heart. I ended up staying the night, and we've basically had an open-door policy with each other ever since. And then the next day I went back into my apartment and found out about the plants."  Jack grabbed a pillow from the couch and lightly smacked Brandon's arm with it. "I know, I know! I'm a big sappy simpy mush. I'm a Cancer, I don't know what you expect from me." It took Jack a long time to accept their emotional side, but now they openly embraced it. "Or he might not know how to recognize flirting. I've met many people like that. Like the cute DJ at that bar where Minjoon used to work. Or Minjoon himself!”
“My parents have a big bank balance and even bigger hearts. That’s why I don’t approve of a lot of their partners but yeah.. As much as I give them shit for being lame, they’re the coolest. I mean, they’re the only reason I’m even.. y’know... Around.” Brandon let out an unattractive snort and sat forward to retrieve his glass, pouting when he realised it was empty but simply sat back instead of refilling it. “Please, I am begging you, think carefully as to why I’d find calling you my dom funny before you commit to that decision.” He pressed his lips together to fight his laugh before he let out a soft hum. “Do you think that’s where you’re headed with her? Is she someone you can see yourself having kids with?” He asked softly, his whole demeanour changing from playful now that they had ventured into serious topics. “You don’t have to say yes and you don’t have to have an answer right now. Things are still new with you both and y’know... Take it from the adopted, some people don’t want kids and some do.” He shrugged a little.
“Ew. You talked to each other over pizza because one of you had a bad day? That’s disgusting.” When hit with the pillow, Brandon grabbed it to tug it away from Jack so they couldn’t attack him again and he hugged it to his chest, propping his chin on it. “I live for that kind of domesticity.” He sighed wistfully. “You are a big simpy mush and I love that about you. It’s gross and honest and just very sweet. I’m really glad you have someone who makes you feel that way, babe.” Brandon  rolled his eyes and gave the pillow a small squeeze. “Vito really doesn’t recognise flirting? The dude wants to be an actor! With a face like that a lot of his roles are probably going to have it. I wanted to ask if he wanted any help getting into it because he was good to Joonie when they worked together and I always appreciate people taking care of the babie but I also feel like I don’t know him well enough to just give him a shout about a job. Eh. Maybe I’ll get Joonie to text him about this perfume thing and actually see what skills he has. Joonbug doesn’t count for the whole flirting thing though, attraction isn’t really his thing.”
"I gotcha," Jack stated, nodding. They had a similar problem when they first started modeling. They loved to spoil their loved ones-- and still do-- and people often took advantage of their generosity. As Jack grew older, they learned how to weed out the moochers. Of course Brandon was never a moocher; he wasn't the type to take without giving, plus he had plenty of his own money. Jack watched for Brandon's reaction, then chuckled in response to his face. "Babe, I know. I was joking. Could you imagine?!" They shrugged at Brandon's question. "Honestly, I have no idea. I think it's too soon to talk about that kinda stuff. I thought I was never gonna become a parent because Sage didn't want kids, but, you know, they're not my fiancé anymore." Sage not wanting kids wasn't the main reason the engagement was broken off, but it was a bone of contention in the relationship.
"Oh hush. One day you'll have a heart-to-heart over pizza too. Well, maybe not because of the whole gluten thing, but some food that you enjoy." They stuck their tongue out at Brandon. "Ohh, that's his name! At least he didn't recognize me flirting with him. Could just be that he wasn't into me because he's straight, but I'm hot so that's dumb." Jack didn't want to have sex with straight dudes anyways, so they didn't consider it a major loss. "Attraction isn't his thing? Is he asexual or something?" they asked curiously. "Wait a minute, you're deflecting!"
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crimsonhcadache · 3 years
( DANNA PAOLA, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER, SCORPIO, 24 ) I just spotted IVES “IVY” SERRANO at the beach today. Don’t you know them? They live down by the TOWERS and usually hang out with the RICH KIDS & MUSICIANS cliques. From what I’ve heard, they can be DECEITFUL, but they’re also ADAPTIVE. I always think of them when i hear LAST LAUGH - FLETCHER and tend to associate them with STRAWBERRY CHAMPAGNE, A FRESH SET OF STILETTO NAILS, AND RED LINGERIE. ( tay, she/her, 22, est )
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full name: natalie rose serrano ives serrano nicknames: ivy, poison ivy faceclaim: danna paola voiceclaim: lana del rey birthday: november 1st, 1996  zodiac: scorpio sun, aries moon, gemini rising sexuality: bisexual occupation: influencer, instagram model, musician, scammer / thief positive traits: effervescent, bold, creative, charismatic, coquettish, intuitive, ambitious, alluring, adventurous, perceptive  negative traits: cantankerous, deceitful, envious, manipulative, dramatic, stubborn, narcissistic, materialistic, reckless, quick-tempered character inspos: maddy perez euphoria, jackie burkhart that 70’s show, blair waldorf gossip girl, margo hanson the magicians, every lana del rey song ever, lucrecia montesinos and cayetana pando elite, rosa diaz brooklyn nine nine, the entire rose family schitts creek, jen harding dead to me
- ̗̀♡ — › background !
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the main thing u need to know about ivy is that she is lying ! always !! her real name isn’t even actually ivy smh
she was born NATALIE ROSE SERRANO, to two working class parents in new york city. she knew from a young age that she was just supposed to be rich and famous, and that something had gotten mixed up somewhere and she was put in the wrong life.
in high school she got a scholarship to a fancy private catholic school, and that’s where she started to hone her craft of manipulating rich people. she would befriend all of the richest bitches at school and take advantage of everything that came along with it: vacations to far away places, stays in the family’s cabins and lake houses, even designer clothes that her friends no longer wanted and would gift to her, thinking it was their idea all along
as she grew up and got better at getting what she wanted out of people, her entitled attitude only got worse, driving a wedge between her and her parents, who kept waiting for her to develop a work ethic and kept being disappointed. a few months after she graduated high school, on her 18th birthday, her parents kicked her out of the house and cut her off, hoping that it would force her to grow up and take on any responsibility
but that plan backfired for them, her parents underestimating how truly stubborn natalie was. the day after her 18th, she wandered into a local strip club and got a job, figuring it’d be the easiest and quickest way to get some cash, and she took to it naturally and actually really enjoyed stripping
she started to embody an entirely new persona that she had created for herself, dancing under the name POISON IVY and telling everyone she was a trust fund baby that had been cut off from her rich parents, needing to dance to supplement her income, and her lies just continued to spiral out of control until she almost started to believe it herself. she had never told anyone at the club her real name, not even the other strippers, just going by “ivy” for a while.
she had learned to weaponize the power she had over people by being pretty and charming, using her looks for absolute evil and doing whatever it took to get money—from straight up pickpocketing, to making men buy her expensive gifts, to blackmailing, to sugar babying, to getting patrons wasted and manipulating them into tipping her absurd amounts… she did it all, very quickly earning enough to live the life she had always dreamed of, that she felt she deserved for whatever twisted reason.
she started posting on instagram with the name poison ivy generally just flaunting her carefree, extravagant life, often exaggerating or down right lying just to really dazzle her quickly growing audience
as she started to go down the influencer route, she realized she needed to do something to hide the skeletons in her closet ( the fact that she didn’t actually come from money and was making far more than was normal for even the best of dancers, a couple of small possession / shoplifting charges, and just generally anything that could lead people to her real identity ) so she started to tell people her name was ives, fully taking on the new identity. she even went so far as to make some of the people that had been closest to her sign NDAs about her real identity, making sure that no one could sell info about her should her plan of being famous work out
she also moved out to california to run away from everyone in the city that was starting to catch on to what she was doing, basically doing all the same shit but now in a New Place.. this was about 3-4 years ago, so she’s been in sunhollow for a while now doing the whole influencer thing !!
and it did work out !! at first she was definitely buying followers/likes to boost her likelihood of brand sponsorships, but eventually she faked it until she made it and actually attained influencer status. she then used her newfound internet fame ( and some classic blackmailing ) to get herself a record deal 
she also started sleeping around with pretty much any famous person she could, having very public relationships and breakups and scandals to keep her name in the press, which ultimately lead to more exposure/people following her, if only to see what she did next, which lead to even more sponsorships
eventually she stopped dancing and just focused on her influencing and more recently ( like... less than 6 months ago recently ) her music career. but she never stopped sugar babying and scamming rich stupid men, still very much using that as a means to keep up her lifestyle. she’s also done a few modeling things, but it’s mostly just like catalog work or being the face of a trendy campaign bc she’s way too short for the runway
she also recently made an only fans account bc she was bored one night and was mostly planning on posting once as a joke but then she made a bunch of money / got a bunch of subscribers and was like oh word ? i can do that ! so she will post on there from time to time but she’s not like… super serious about it ya know ? also her music label is big mad at her for it bc they’re like bUt yOuR rEpUtAtIoN and she’s like yeah.. but my bank account ? also it’s no secret she used to be a stripper so she rly just.. doesn’t give a fuck ! 
so basically she’s jus here making money being pretty and pulling a long ass scam on… everyone
- ̗̀♡ — › personality / headcannons !
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she’s a real two faced bitch… she has perfected the art of becoming whoever she thinks other people want her to be, quickly adapting her personality to get whatever she wants
she’s usually pretty friendly actually, really charming and outgoing and just trying to have a good time
she has a pretty short temper tho and holds grudges like you wouldn’t believe, so once you’re on her bad side… good luck lol she is so ruthless
she’s like… deeply, deeply selfish and will always put herself first, but she’s so manipulative that she can make people do things that they think are their idea, but it’s really just something she planted in their head so it’s not always obvious
also very spoiled and will throw a mf fit if she doesn’t get her way or u say no to her
always going out !! always doing the most !! she’s the type to show up randomly at ur door at 8pm on a tuesday with a bottle of tequila and make u party with her whether u like it or not
she’s a lot smarter than she lets on sometimes, like she knows people expect her to be stupid and ditzy and shallow and she’ll let them underestimate her when it’s beneficial
always looks perfectly put together— her nails are always meticulously manicured, usually w stiletto shaped acrylics, and you’ll literally never see her outside her house without makeup and a perfectly composed outfit. it’s also a rare occasion that she’s not wearing at least six inch heels, trying to make up for bein so mf short ( she’s 5’3 )
she talks A Lot but is really good at saying a lot of words without actually saying anything, like you can be best friends with her for months and then just be like “i don’t actually know a single thing about her”
always up to no good and sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong !! she’s always got some sort of scheme going or getting in to some kind of drama
v much a hoe and v much proud of it, will sleep w just about anyone especially if she can get something out of it
also a serial dater !! she’s always hoping in and out of relationships and being rumored to be with a dozen people at once
most definitely calls paparazzi on herself, especially when she’s around other famous ppl but will never admit it
compulsive liar, she will literally lie about the dumbest things like she doesn’t even need a reason to lie she jus.. does
she has a luxury two bedroom apartment that she lives alone in ( one room is kinda a guest room but also mostly just a giant closet ) in the towers and the gag is she doesn’t even know how much her rent is bc one of her random sugar daddies pays her rent.. her power tbh 
- ̗̀♡ — › wanted connections !
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hookups / flings / one night stands / fwbs all that shit !!
exes on bad terms … gimme drama pls
enemies / ppl she’s stolen from maybe… she would definitely deny it and say they’re jus jealous of her or smth stupid but that could make the feud worse
party pals !! like i said she goes out a lot and always somehow manages to make new friends and drag them into her shenanigans
on again / off again exes… i want the Angst so bad..
shallow friendships / influencer friends like they play it up a lot for insta bc they both have a pretty big following but they dont really... like each other that much ?? like they definitely seem to be a lot closer than they really are
pr relationships this could be past or present !! in the same vein as the last one except they pretend to date ( or maybe just act like they’re gonna date but never actually do ?? like to fuel rumors ) 
unlikely friends !! like ppl who are nice and sweet and Pure, she could use a lil good energy in her life
situationship / flirtationship like they’re super flirty and maybe hook up a couple times but everyone assumes they’re dating or like gonna date but they’re jus vibing. bonus points if one or both of them actually has feelings but can’t tell if they’re just friends / casually hooking up or if it could turn into something more.. im a slut for some mutual pining !!
neighbors … mb they hate her for always being loud n throwing mini parties OR maybe they join in
mean girl rivalries !!
someone she’s taking advantage of / stealing from without them knowing .. oof
partner in crime !!!
one sided crushes or like someone she’s stringing along smh
sugar daddies mb 😇
someone to put her in her mf place JDKDKD like they call her out on her bs and are like “i see what ur doing bitch stay away from my friends” type thing
idk anything really !! gimme all the messy plots ok :~)
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margridarnauds · 3 years
1) How'd you get into Japanese Musicals?, 2) Favorite Celtic Myth?, 3) Favorite POTO Cast (Real Trio that existed together + make a trio of anyone you want)?
(1) I feel like this is a fairly common origin story for the international fandom of Japanese musicals, but I got in, primarily, through German musicals that had been given Japanese productions. I had the...luck (?) of falling into Frank Wildhorn musicals around 2011-2012, which was perfect because it was timed EXACTLY so that I was there when the very first Japanese production of Dracula happened, and so I watched the proshot of that. I thought it was okay, not my FAVORITE (that went, at the time, to the German, though now I’m firmly #TeamKorea), but it was good! And it was a good introduction. 
Because of the German production of Dracula, I fell into Elisabeth (aka “The Reason I took up German in the first place) and, like a ton of people, fell into the Takarazuka production of Elisabeth (and The Scarlet Pimpernel, because Wildhorn) because of that, though it still wasn’t a great, overwhelming love for me. It was okay, it was pretty, but not an OVERWHELMING love. 
I was interested in Lady Bess...fairly early on, I want to say 2014-2015, not long after its premiere, because I was like “Oh, Kunze and Levay are doing a musical on Elizabeth I? PRETTY COSTUMES?” I think I actually was there to see the very early press releases, ft. the English demos, as they were released. But, of course, Lady Bess was a bit of a white whale. There was NOTHING on it, the cast album was phenomenal, but that was ALL, really. Very little in the way of video, very little in the way of pictures (now I could probably find them, but back then I was a bit on my own), nothing in the way of plot. So, I basically gave it up for lost, though I retained hope that, one day, SOMETHING would surface on it. 
Then, 1789. Attending the European Musicals Streamathon in....around 2017. Seeing the Takarazuka 1789. It was like LIGHTNING. I’d loved the French production, though I fell out of it due to the general disdain for it that I felt in the French Musicals fandom at the time, but, if I’d loved it before, the Zuka made me fall in love with it x10. I wrote fanfic, for the first time in my fandom life (or, at least, fanfic that saw the light of day), I got involved in the world of Takarazuka (I’m not as much there as I am with Toho, and I know some people probably think I actively dislike it, but it IS where my roots are, and I retain a ton of affection for it), attended streams, etc. It got me into the rabbit hole of Japanese musical theatre, really, though Toho would have to come a little later. 
Then, in 2018: The announcement that Lady Bess was coming back. I don’t know how, but even then, I had the sense of “What if they do a proshot, like they did for Elisabeth and Mozart? What if we get that?” And then, shortly afterwards. The announcement. It was a “HOLY SHIT” moment, because I’d been waiting for FOUR YEARS and there it was. And it was expensive, especially for a family that. Well, no nice way of putting it, we’re well below poverty level. 
It was also...perfectly if also morbidly timed as well, because 2018 is on the record as being one of my most difficult years, even next to 2020. In 2018, I was a senior, just wrapping up my undergrad, I was overworked, exhausted, terrified of not getting my capstone in, and my uncle had just died in the last month or so of my program (along with my paternal grandfather), with my mom, who’s generally my #1 supporter, not able to be there for me at home because she was often over at his place, taking care of him.
 I was, frankly, absolutely miserable. 
But my mom told me that, as a present for dealing with....everything, I could get any Japanese musical that I wanted. And I chose Lady Bess. 
I remember taking it back from the post office, SO excited because it was actually REAL and I could hold it after all that time, and then getting my mom and aunt to play it in the front room so that I could finally see it. And then, with that first shot of the night sky as the overture plays, as Ascham takes the stage, I was totally in love and, more than that, my family was, too. 
Then the announcement that 1789 was going to re-run. As soon as I saw it, I thought of Lady Bess, and I was like “....are they....?” And then the resulting announcement shortly afterwards, which had me conflicted because, on one hand. It was *1789*. Arguably the single greatest musical love of my life, the musical that got me to write and publish fanfiction. And it was the TOHO one, the one that the entire fandom had been curious about since 2016. But also. My family had just spent the money on Lady Bess. It was hard to justify pre-ordering 1789, no matter how in love they were with Lady Bess. 
But, as it was, I had a streak of luck - I’d been given some money as a  graduation present by a close friend of the family (which was given under the STRICT order that I buy something “frivolous”), and so, with nothing else really frivolous to spend it on...I was basically vibrating around six months later, when the proshot arrived in the mail, and got to put it in the DVD player. 
If my family fell in insta-love with Lady Bess, they REALLY fell in love with the energy of 1789. To the point where we watched either it or Lady Bess once a night. And, from there...I was sold. No real going back for me. The last year, I’ve not been able to keep up with the new releases (I know when they happen, but I can’t buy them), but I’m still very much IN, and it’s me the chance to know some very, very awesome people. It was a long road, but definitely worth it, in my opinion. 
(2) Cath Maige Tuired! My actual baby, my child, the love of my life, the one that really got me into it in the first place. (Read the Elizabeth Gray translation, skip the Stokes.) It was reading John Carey’s article on “Myth and Mythography in Cath Maige Tuired” that I realized that people could study this stuff AS A FIELD and, not only that, but Americans could do it to, and since that point...I never really wanted anything else, besides the odd break. It is funny because, when I was doing aforementioned Capstone, my mom wanted to read up on it, since it was a major part of my work and she wanted to get involved. And I was like “Sure, here!” 
...since I’d been reading CMT since I was 14. I had forgotten that it contains one of the single most explicit sex scenes in medieval Irish literature. 
Coming from a fantasy background, it’s probably the closest you can get to a fantasy novel, in terms of scope and characterization - you have this vast variety of characters who, even though we don’t get INTERIORITY into them as such, do have quite a bit of depth to them once you pick below the surface, and it has a hundred different angles. I think that the best description was by Mark Williams, who described it as being “like shards of mirror stuck into the ground at angles to one another”, because that really is it. You have a hundred things going on, a hundred characters reflecting and refracting against one another, a hundred different social contexts, and the result is a work that, while seemingly a very simple tale about kingship and power and good and evil, is very complex. 
(3) I can’t speak as much about acting since, in all honesty....I haven’t. Really. Watched any POTO bootlegs. All the way through. (I’M A FAKE FAN, I KNOW. I KNOW.) 
That being said, I THINK that, as far as trios that have played, Kim So Hyun, Hong Kwang Ho, and Son Jun Ho have my entire heart. Kim So Hyun has a BRILLIANT voice, and a very distinctive porcelain doll-esque appearance that fits her very well, Hong Kwang Ho has a magnificent voice (first fell in love with him in Death Note), and Son Jun Ho....you can tell that he’s married to Kim So Hyun in real life because there’s such a tenderness to their performance - It really sells R/C. 
Honorable mentions include Claire Moore’s Christine, who’s had my heart from the first time I heard her very distinctive, haunting “oo” cadenza, Ivan Ozhogin, Celia Hottenstein (got to see her live so I’ve had a soft spot for her Christine ever since), Jeremy Hays, Hugh Panaro (who was once kind enough to deal with a teenaged fan at stage door for a concert of his and take a picture, as well as sign my playbill) and....there are definitely others. 
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whoever-iwant-tobe · 5 years
It wasn’t meant to be a long game (part 10)
Continuation of the David x Natalie story--- my imaginary version based on real life.
This is my first attempt to write from David’s POV. Not sure how I feel about it, but if you’re reading it, it’s because I didn’t hate it enough to keep it on private.
No warnings today! Remember I am cross posting on AO3!
Natalie didn’t want to go out one night. You were confused because she’d been talking about it all day like she’d planned to go. She was even talking with Carly about an outfit, but then when the time came and everyone was over and you were calling her name to get in the front seat of the Tesla, she wouldn’t come out.
It wouldn’t be the first time you went out without her. Sometimes she stayed home because of hangovers or headaches or just needing alone time, but she always encouraged you to go out anyways to have fun with your friends and get whatever footage you needed. But you never had as much fun as when she was with you. Natalie was such a big part of the fun for you since you didn’t really like to drink or lose control in that way. But Nat brought you laughter and you loved how your friends loved her. 
But today it didn’t make sense. She was coming with, and then she wasn’t. And people were already loading your car up to go.
“One sec guys, Natalie must have fallen asleep. I’ll be right out,” you called as they headed through the garage and climbed in the car. 
The house was empty now, so you didn’t bother to knock. When you walked in the room, Natalie was in her bed. Full makeup, but under the covers, laptop open beside her as she scrolled through Netflix.
“Hey what the fuck. Didn’t you hear me calling you?” you asked, walking towards the bed, moving to sit on the edge closest to her. 
“I’m not going.” she said flatly.
“But you said...”
“And then I changed my mind” she interrupted.
“Nat, what? Everyone is in the car. Lets go. I want you to go. It will be fun.” you argued as patiently as you could.
“I just don’t want to go there, okay?”
“Go where?” Now you were lost.
“That guy’s house. I didn’t realize where we were going and I am just not feeling it. But you go and have fun! I’ll be here when you get back.”
You had to think for a minute. Puzzled over her words. You’d been to a million house parties, including to this guys house. Why was it suddenly a problem now? Your mind rushed to the worst possible reason.
“Wait, did he try something with you? Cause I will fuck him up if he..”
“No, no, no. It’s not that” Natalie stopped you. “He’s never done anything to me. I just don’t love the crowd that goes to those parties. I can be confident and fit in a lot of places, but I just can not do that crowd tonight.”
You were supposed to go to an acquaintance of Dom’s house. You’d been there before. Somehow Dom befriended a rich guy who hangs out with a mix of real models, insta models, and porn stars. Even some you were familiar with. On top of that, Dom would let in any thirsty, halfway attractive fan if they gave him enough attention, so fans of yours always managed to get in too. These weren’t your favorite parties either, there were always lots of girls throwing themselves at you, but you knew it was mostly for clout or money so you were good at dodging them. You would quit going to these parties yourself, but they were so good for footage and you needed it. 
“Ugh yeah I get it, everyone at these parties are annoying. But you’ll be with our friends! It will be fine!” you reasoned, empathizing as best as you could. 
“No it’s not even that.”
“Natalie, I’m reaaaaally not a good mind reader so you’re gonna have to explain or I’m not getting off this bed.”
“David, just go and have fun! I’ll be here when you get back.”
“But I don’t want to go without you.” There. You said it.
Natalie smiled at your admission. “I just can’t go there. All those models and then all the hitting on you. It’s just a lot.”
It was your turn to smile at her admission. “It bugs you when they hit on me?” You smirked and waggled your eyebrows at her.
Natalie rolled her eyes and chuckled, just a little. “I don’t like when THOSE girls hit on you. They’re always beautiful and then you’re so polite and there’s nothing I can ever do or say about it and I just don’t like it.”
“Nat, come on.” You reached your arm to lean across her. “You know I have zero interest in any of them. We’ve had this conversation.”
“Yeah but, I don’t know. I never know if ‘the one’ is gonna walk up to you and I just really don’t want to be around to see it. It stresses me out, so my solution is to avoid.”
You heard a honk of the tesla from the garage now. Your friends were getting impatient. 
“Nat. If you come, I promise I won’t let any sketchy models hit on me. And you’re ridiculous for thinking ‘the one’ is gonna walk up to me at a party because I already have ‘the one’ right here and she’s being dramatic. I love her, but she’s being dramatic.”
Natalie narrowed her eyes at you in a fake glare before she smiled. She reached up to hold your cheek in her hand. “I’m gonna sit this one out, okay. I trust you, I do. I just have already talked myself out of this one. I’ll hang out when you guys get back! Tell me if you end up going somewhere else and maybe I’ll meet up, okay?”
You pouted, but didn’t want to push it. You grabbed her hand that was on your cheek, turned your face, and kissed her palm, then leant down to kiss her. “Okay, fine. We won’t be long. Promise.” She kissed you back.
“Don’t hurry on my account! Get good footage!” she called as you headed out the door.
You explained to your friends that Natalie wasn’t feeling well, so Zane crawled himself very unceremoniously into the front seat and tried to figure out if you were telling the truth, but you just pumped up the music and backed out of the driveway, heading towards the house party. 
You dodged many “where’s Natalie” questions, but you dodged a lot more girls who were hitting on you. Still polite, but shutting them down a lot quicker than you would have before. As promised.
You got the footage you needed, Carly drank more than she normally would and Zane was trying to take care of HER for once instead of the other way around, and you decided after about an hour that it was time to head home. You realized that it was a lot harder to have fun without Nat than you’d even though.
As usual, everyone came back to your place after, and Natalie came out to join everyone in the living room. She was in her PJs, clean faced, and glowing. She was refreshingly beautiful after all the girls who had been hitting on you at the party. She joined everyone on the couch, but quickly realized how trashed Carly was and tried to force-feed her some water. She was so good at taking care of people, it blew you away. Even when she was drunk herself, Natalie still figured out how to make sure people were taken care of. She always managed to pull it together just enough to get shit done. It was another item on the million reasons long list that you loved her. It was that trait that led you to invite her to come live out here and you loved that about her even when Liza was still in the picture. You didn’t know a lot of girls, much less people, who were like that. You admired her amidst the chaos. 
Things started to quiet down at the house. Heath and Mariah left. Jeff drove Jonah home and Zane offered to get Carly back to her place. Natalie had offered the guest room, but Carly was insistent on sleeping in her own bed. You loved having your friends in the home you shared with Natalie, but you had to admit you were happy that you’d have it to yourselves soon.  
When the door closed and the place was finally empty, you waited for the lights to back out of the drive before letting out a massive breath of air. Nat was curled into the corner of the couch across from you, cuddled with a blanket, scrolling on her phone, but she put it down at the sound of you. You crawled your way across the couch and settled next to her, trying wrap an arm around her. She smiled and hummed at your touch, turning into your body. 
“Miss me?” she asked, knowing the answer already.
“Too much.”
“How were the girls?”
“Shut them right down. Actually I kept directing them to Jonah and ducking out of the way, but it worked pretty well!” you explained and Nat laughed.
“Oh good. I’m sorry I didn’t come with. But I’m glad you seemed to have fun.”
“I always have more fun with you. I don’t get why you are worried about those girls though.” You tugged her into you closer, trying to get her weight on top of yours. “Like you know I love you.”
“I know, but those girls.. they are all so perfect. I don’t know. You talk about being in love with perfect actresses and I am so not that. I’m not a model and we both know I can be dumb sometimes.”
Nope. You were not going to listen to her shit on herself like this. You pulled her so now she was laying on your chest and wrapped your legs up in hers. 
“Stop talking like that. You are everything I have ever wanted and you’re the only thing I’ll ever want now. No one can even come close. I promise.”
You were pretty sure she didn’t believe you, but now you had the task of making sure she did.
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secretradiobrooklyn · 4 years
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Secret Radio | Halloween special 10.31.20 | Hear it here.
Artwork by Paige, Liner notes by Evan except * means Paige
1. Sam the Sham - “Little Red Riding Hood” *
I had to make the case to Evan that this was a Halloween song, but I justify with the fact that 1.) this song uses the phrase “spooky ol’ woods” and 2.) many years ago, Sleepy Kitty played a festival on Cherokee Street that wasn’t a Halloween show but it happened to be the Saturday before Halloween. Recognizing our responsibility, we scrambled to throw together costumes and realized that if we just got a wolf mask and paws we already  had everything in our wardrobes to throw together the Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs LP cover drawing of Red and the wolf. Evan says he doesn’t like Halloween but it’s only because once he commits, he commits completely. One of my favorite moments of the night was spotting Evan that night, several hours after our set in the afternoon, having a completely serious and sincere conversation with a friend – wolf nose and paws still intact. This was pre iPhone days, but I tracked down an image and I’m gonna put it on our fake radio insta. Thus, Little Red Riding Hood is in fact a Halloween song. 
2. Roky Erickson - “I Walked with a Zombie”
Every year, reliably, Paige’s dad Ned tells us we should cover “I Walked with a Zombie,” and each year we somehow don’t do it. So this live version of the song is for him, just in case this is the closest we ever get. 
Halloween tag
3. Steve Martin - Little Shop of Horrors soundtrack - “Dentist!”
Sure, an alarmingly large and hungry, sharp-toothed plant is scary. But is it as terrifying as a dentist who delights in the pain he inflicts? “I thrill when I drill a bicuspid” — shiver!
4. Hocus Pocus soundtrack - “Sarah’s Theme”
Our definition of a good Halloween movie is way less horrifying than it is lightly spooky, so “Hocus Pocus” is just about ideal for our purposes. This is the sound of Paige’s delighted Halloween youth… though we also just watched it again. Holds up! 
5. The Beatles - “Mr. Moonlight”
Paige pointed out that this is essentially a religious song to the moon — a song of praise, devotion, and submission to a greater power. 
6. Quasi - “Ghost vs. Vampire”
I know that Quasi has had a long and illustrious career, but my fandom is frozen at this pinnacle of mystical bummerness. I learned so much about being creatively sad from Sam Coomes.
7. Rocky Horror Picture Show - “Sweet Transvestite” 
8. The Velvet Underground - “The Gift”
Didn’t realize this was a Halloween song until tonight. If Hitchcock is proper Halloween, which I vote a definite yes, then “The Gift” is ultra Halloween.
9. Bauhaus - “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” 
I feel like I have to say psychic hello to my friend Joseph Grady, who first introduced me not just to the coolness of Peter Murphy but to the allure of vampires generally. I wore my nails and my coats long. We talked about what the vampires were up to that night. We had some truly perfect nights together.
10. The Bitter Tears - “Murdered at the Bar”
An invaluable prize from being in a certain scene in a certain set of years in Chicago with the School of the Art Institute crowd — grad and undergrad. We all loved this song, and 15 or so years later, “we all” turns out to be a very specific and much-loved crew of people I miss and love. Except for Chris Shea, who I love and get to hang out with here in the city. This song is for him especially. 
11. Phantom of the Opera - Korean cast - “Point of No Return”
We had this epiphany accidentally. As I recall, we watched the movie version of “Phantom,” and I was distinctly not impressed, but then Paige put on the French-Canadian version and we were both fascinated by how different it was. That led us into Phantom Internationalé, wherein we just looked up versions from all over the world. It is amazing: each version is both militantly like and distinctly unique from the others. The Korean Phantom emerges as the most singular from among the versions we heard, and “Point of No Return” an emotional height.
Meet Me in St. Louis - “Tootie the Horrible”
One of the greatest Halloween scenes in the history of cinema in our book. 
12. Donovan - “Season of the Witch”
13. “The Dweller of the Cave” * I Found this tape at my parents’ house this summer while we were delayed in Illinois between March and whenever the van got fixed and we drove back. Rediscovering this tape may be why you’re listening to this whole fake radio spooktacular tonight. Hi to Stewart and Jill. 
14. Science Fiction Double Feature *
15. Dr. Who Theme Song*
16. Red Dwarf Theme Song* 
The previous 3 songs were woven into a medley for Sleepy Kitty’s KMNR Freaker’s Ball. It’s one of life’s great pleasures for a band to play Freaker’s Ball, we literally wound around a wooded road to find some Elk’s Lodge or something full of college kids DECKED THE HECK OUT in EPIC COSTUMES ready to freakin’ get down. Never have I been closer to being the band in the prom scene of a 90s movie than at a Freaker’s Ball. We met some rad folks through the KMNR scene, and if I’ve ever told you about my custom vocal pedals, Colin of CroyTone Audio was one of those rad folks we met one of those magical nights. Also, raise your hand if your love Red Dwarf!
17. Ghostbusters 
Paige: “I had this reflector, this flat reflector that was some scrap of something that Ned got from Honeywell. I would play Ghostbusters, and I was like: ‘This is a ghost trap.’ It was SO REAL to me. It was this flat reflector, like a bike reflector, and I would like, like, set traps. And I’d be like, ‘Don’t move my ghost trap!’ I would set the ghost trap, and it was like fishing for ghosts. But that was me playing. I would, like, wait. …I don’t know if it worked or not.”
“I’m not sure if this is me imagining this or not, but I’m pretty sure there was a day where I was like, ‘I feel like this trap’s not working.’ But I also feel like I was like, ‘But how would I know? They could be all inside. This is either full — or empty.’”
Vertigo soundtrack
18. The Fall - “Frightened”
“I don’t wanna dance, I wanna go home” — Fri-dund! 
19. Goblin - “Zombi” Title Theme
20. Karen Elson - “The Ghost Who Walks”
I think we got this record at Third Man Records when we were playing in Nashville. Sean’s new residence! 
Paige: “Karen Elson is tall, beautiful, an interesting musician, AND she has red hair. That’s crazy. What are the chances that you would have all of those things? Talk about a blue moon!”
21. Eartha Kitt - “I Want to Be Evil”
“The only etchings I’ve seen have been behind glass.” 
22. Jeffrey Lewis & Los Bolts - “The Pigeon”
“Old skies you flapped through are no more.”
We would like to give a heartfelt hello to Yona Schimmel, mostly out of reach for now. We mourn every missed knish.
23. Scott Walker - “The Seventh Seal”
Paige didn’t know this was a movie, she thought this was just a cool song about a guy playing chess with death.
24. Groovie Ghoulies - “(She’s My) Vampire Girl”
I love that he puts two Bazooka Joe jokes right in the middle of the song.
25. Black Sabbath - “Paranoid”
Sometimes you need priests to summon spirits. 
26. Fantasia - “A Night on Bald Mountain”
This is a song that seriously disturbed Paige when she was young. She thought that they did this whole demon thing every single Saturday. For me, it made such an impression that, when each of my young friends and I improvised who we were — “I’m Darth Vader!” “I’m a Cylon Raider!” my take was “I’m Night on Bald Mountain”! And I would open my arms wide and pretend that I was an entire sharp mountaintop transforming into a giant demon with wings, and I would always be the biggest and baddest and scariest creature of all, no matter what they thought. Bald Mountain beats Batman every time.
29. “Jump in the Fire”
Or as I say whenever the occasion warrants: “Jump in the show-AHH!” 
28. Rogers & Hammerstein “Pore Jud Is Daid”
29. Barry Adamson - “Something Wicked This Way Comes”
I cannot recall what brought this album to my ears… I suspect it was something I got in my inbox when I worked at The Rocket. This whole album is full of heavy musical grooves and heavy mental movement. It’s a rare pleasure in 
30. Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, “I Put a Spell on You”
This is straight-up one of my favorite recordings of anyone ever. And when I eventually saw it enacted in “Stranger than Paradise,” I was blown away by how fundamentally Eastern European it sounds. Every sound he makes with his voice creates new characters. 
31. The Shining, “Midnight, the Stars & You”
Happy halloween my friends, I wish we were all at an otherwordly dance together.
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jeffpackswasyes · 7 years
Answer them all
1. 3 Fears - open spaces, getting kidnapped and tortured, uhh spiders but spiders are kinda dope now
2. 3 Things I love - Music, girls, animals/nature
3. 2 Turn ons - Lip biting, being wanted in return
4. 2 Turn offs - Manipulative behavior, arrogance
5. My best friend - Regan for sure
6. Sexual Orientation - Straight
7. How tall am I? - Like 6ft tall
8. What do I miss right now - My friend Scott who moved away :(
9. Favorite color - Teal
10. Do I have a crush - I don’t think so
11. Favorite place - My apartment
12. What am I listening to right now? - Modest Mouse is on right now (The Lonesome Crowded West is a fantastic album) 
13. Shoe Size - 11
14. Eye Color - Green
15. Hair Color - idk is that like brown or blonde or what. dirty blonde maybe
16. Meaning behind my URL - Dumb pun that I would tell my friend Jeff every time Jetpacks Was Yes! came on
17. Favorite Song - Lmao there are way too many songs
18. Favorite Band - The Dear Hunter!!!
19. How I feel right now - Tired and lazy and mopey
20. Someone I love - my bff regan is an angel
21. My current relationship status - Single as heck
22. My relationship with my parents - My dad and I are on pretty good terms, don’t care for my mom
23. Favorite Season - Autumn of course
24. Tattoos and piercings I have - NONE cause I’m a broke bitch
25. Tattoos and piercings I want - I could go on and on about the tattoos I want all over my body but I’m not gonna do that here. I only want one piercing, a nose ring. 
26. The reasons I joined tumblr - There is cool shit on here and it’s good to browse when you are high 
27. Do I ever get good morning texts or good night texts? - sort of? I only text one person
28. Have I kissed the last person I texted? No but I’m workin on it
29. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - Like 6 minutes
30. Have you shaved your legs in the past 3 days? - Nope
31. Where am I right now? - In my bedroom
32. Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - When my roommate isn’t home I play my music loud af
33. Do I live with my mom and dad? - No
34. Am I excited for anything? - Damn, not really
35. Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - Definitely 
36. How often do I wear a fake smile? - Often 
37. If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - Maybe Casey Crescenzo I really don’t know
38. What do I think about most? - Probably music
39. Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - Definitely behind it
40. What was the last lie I told? - “Nah everything is cool dad” 
41. Do I prefer talking on the phone, or video chat? - Phone
42. Do I believe in ghosts? Aliens? - Aliens exist, and I’m convinced ghosts or some sort of spirit entity is out there
43. Do I believe in magic? - Somewhat yes actually, still on the fence about it
44. Do I believe in luck? - I like to think that the universe looks out for some people, whether or not that is “luck”, I’m not sure
45. What’s the weather like right now? - It’s like 85 degrees and sunny out
46. What was the last book I read? - I’m in the middle of Game of Thrones right now and yes, it is fantastic
47. Do I have any nicknames? - I go by James, my middle name so I guess that counts
48. Do I spend money or save it? - I need to be a little more careful with my money I spend so much
49. Can I touch my nose with a tounge? - I’m sure I can touch it with A tongue, but not my tongue
50. Favorite animal? - Damn this a tough one. A sloth? A bear? Deer? Mantis Shrimp? 
51. What was I doing last night at 12 am? Smoking and watching Bojack Horseman
52. What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - Mr Blue Sky by ELO, no contest
53. What is my favorite word? - Honestly fuck this question 
54. My top 5 blogs on tumblr - They are all good I can’t rate them
55. If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - uhh please stop killing each other 
56. Do I have any relatives in jail? - Nope not that I know of
57. What is my current desktop background? - Overwatch shit
58. Had sex? - Nope
59. Bought condoms? - Who needs em! /s
60. Gotten pregnant? - God I hope not
61. Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - Yes
62. Had a job? - Yes
63. Smoked weed? - Too much, gotta chill on it 
64. Smoked cigarettes? - Yeah
65. Drank Alcohol? - Yes
66. Am I vegetarian/vegan? - Nope
67. Been overweight? - No I’m skinny af
68. Been underweight? - Definitely
69. Gotten my heart broken? - I wouldn’t classify it as heartbreak
70. Been to prom? - Nah, not my thing
71. Been in an airplane? - Nope :( 
72. Learned another language? - Not fluently
73. Wore make up? - I have not, but wouldn’t be opposed
74. Dyed my hair? - Yep, I really wanna die it again
75. Had a surgery? - Nope, I’ve had stitches though
76. Met someone famous? - Never
77. Stalked someone on social media? - Nope
78. Been fishing? - A couple of times
79. Been rejected by a crush? - I didn’t have a lot of crushes so no
80. What do I want for my birthday? - A livable income 
81. Do I like my handwriting? - Yeah, I don’t hate it I guess
82. Where do I want to live when I’m older? - Probably somewhere in Europe
83. Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing something bad? - I got caught doing LSD a few years ago
84. What I’m really bad at? - I’m not the best with my words, bad writer and bad conversationalist
85. What my greatest achievements are - ...uhhh Sean and I wrote an album last summer and it was pretty dope but it never got rerecorded and released so does that even count
86. The meanest thing somebody has ever said to you? - I don’t remember off the top of my head
87. What I’d do if I won the lottery - Go visit Regan and get us out of our shitty towns 
88. What do I like about myself? - My hair, my hands
89. My closest tumblr friend  - damn that is a good question
90. Any question you’d like? - What, i only answer the questions fuck this 
91. Are you outgoing or shy? - Definitely shy
92. What kind of people are you attracted to? - The kind that I can click with and talk to and have fun with 
93. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - Nope
94. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - Nah, it is a very interesting subject
95. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - Last night with my friend Cody about this life being a simulation 
96. What does the most recent text you sent say? - “right, fuck you james”
97. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - Damn gimme a few minutes to look 
Cowboy Dan - Modest Mouse
The Old Haunt - The Dear Hunter
None Shall Pass - Aesop Rock
Absolomb - Periphery 
Open Up - Dispatch 
98. Do you like it when people play with your hair? - Yes I love it
99. Do you think there is life on other planets? - There’s gotta be 
100. Do you like bubble baths? - I haven’t taken a bubble bath in years so idk
101. Do you like your neighbors? - Most of them
102. Where would you like to travel? - I wanna travel everything but that is vague and generic so I’ll say Innsbruck, Austria. The name means Inn by the River and it is a cute magical looking town
103. Favorite part of your daily routine? - I don’t have a daily routine but I play overwatch everyday so i”m gonna say it’s that
104. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - Probably my skinny fucking legs 
105. What do you when you wake up? - Lately I’ve been reading a chapter and smoking a bowl  
106. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? - I’ve never really thought about it tbh
107. Do you ever want to get married? - I mean not particularly but if my partner wants to get married then yeah sure 
108. Is your hair long enough for a ponytail? - Yep
109. Would you rather live without TV or music? - TV, duh
110. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - Probably
111. What are your favorite stores to shop in? - There’s a bunch of thrift stores in this town so those are always pretty neat
112. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - Yes
113. Do you smile at strangers? - Sometimes
114. Have you done anything recently that you hope no one finds about? - Nope, I’m clean
115. Ever wished you were someone else? - All the time
116. Favorite makeup brand? - Sephora, BH Cosmestics, idrk
117. Last thing you ate? - Cereal 
118. Ever won a competition? - Nope
119. Ever been in love? - Yeah
120. Facebook or Twitter? - Neither, but you can follow my insta @jeffpackswasyes ;)
121. Twitter or Tumblr? - Definitely  tumblr
122. Are you watching TV right now? - Nope
123. What color are your towels? - Mostly white, I have a blue one though
124. Favorite ice cream flavor? - Vanilla, cookies and cream
125. First person you talked to today? - Regan or Cody
126. Last person you talked to today? - Regan
127. Name a person you hate? - The guy who made the kid put his laptop in the oven on twitch. 
128. Name a person you love? - My bff Regan!!
129. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - Nah
130. Do you tan a lot? - Nope
131. Have any pets? - None of my own, none in my apartment
132. Do you type fast? - Yes
133. Do you regret anything from your past? - I try to let go of any regrets, still trying to let go of some. But I’ll get there
134. Ever broken someone’s heart? - Yes
135. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurt? - Lmao yeah 
136. Is cheating ever okay? - No, but I do think that it is forgivable, depending on the situation of course.
137. Do you believe in true love? - What is TRUE love? Love is just love, we don’t understand it
138. What’s your zodiac sign? - Cancer
139. Do you believe in ghosts? - This question is on here twice, very suspicious
140. Get the closest book to you and open it page 42. What is the first line? - Egyptian Wheels and Dimensional Travel  
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tokyoknj · 7 years
a load of tags! ✨🌟☀️
lmao i was busy doing uni stuff but now i finally got round to these so Enjoy !
obviously u don’t have to do all of them just do whatever u feel u kno? anyway
i’m tagging u all up here lmao so i’m tagging @namsieur @wingscomeback @sugaegyc @sugasideup @sheloveskook @cryptidhobi @gaycypher @namjooniewifey @iluwonho @jiminsarroz @stigmz @dreamjimn @mochiminii let me know if u don’t want to be tagged in stuff like this !! 
get to know me tag
answer the 20 questions and tag 20 followers that you would like to know better.
i was tagged by @monnyoongi​ thank u zuza!
name: alice
nickname: i don’t really like any of my nicknames? lmao
zodiac sign: cancer
height: 5′8″
orientation: A Whole Bi
nationality: british
favourite fruit: mangos! 
favourite season: either summer or autumn
favourite flower: either roses or tulips
favourite scent: like just a fresh summer evening lmao
favourite colour: pink, red + orange
favourite animal: sharks !
average hours of sleep: i think 9?
favourite fictional character: clarice bean
number of blankets you sleep with: always just the one
dream trip: either dubrovnik, mykonos or the amalfi coast
blog created: last april
get to know me again
rules: answer 30 questions & tag 20 blogs you would like to know better
tagged by @yoongicrew​ thank u rena !!
1. nicknames: still none lol
2. gender: female
3. star sign: cancer
4. height: 5′8″
5. time: 4:24 pm
6. birthdate: july 21st
7. fave band(s): bts, blackpink, red velvet, lany
8. fave solo artist: gallant, Queen CRJ, kehlani
9. song currently stuck in my head: saw you in a dream - the japanese house
10. last movie watched: spiderman homecoming and i Loved it
11. last show watched: first dates
12. when I created this blog: last april
13. what I post: 95% kpop, 5% aesthetic
14. last thing I googled: “that flute song” still don’t know what the song is. its not mask off tho
15. any other blogs?: my aesthetic blog dadcrisis that i’ve had since like 2012... christ
16. do you get asks?: not very often but its all good
17. why I chose my url: i love mister rap monster
18. following: 919
19. followers: 809
20. fave colours: pink, red, orange
21. average hours of sleep: 9
22. lucky number: 8
23. play any instruments?: drums
24. currently wearing: my pyjamas xoxo
25. how many blankets I sleep with: just one
26. dream job: oh idk. charming radio host probably
27. dream trip: just v scenic places across europe
28. fave food: any cured ham... Hell Yes
29. nationality: british
30. fave song currently: you better know - red velvet
kpop q’s
tagged by @teambusan​ thank u sabes xoxo
1. who was your first female bias?
i think it was jennie i was very late to girl groups lmao
2. who was your first male bias?
namjoon.... what a guy
3. who are your current biases? other than the above:
johnny, jinjin, rosé, jiwoo, wonpil, dahyun, luna, jooheon, shownu + dean
4. in the entire kpop industry, who is the closest to your ideal type?
probably shownu... like he’s a sweet n humble dad who is just also fine as hell... thats what i’m about ! also jennie like she’s just Gorgeous™ like i would lay down my life for her in a heartbeat tbh
5. have you ever attended any kpop concert / fanmeeting / fan sign?
How Dare You
6. if yes, which group / artist? how was the experience?
i cannot believe this disrespect
7. which group /artist would you like to see live?
bts, blackpink, monsta x. day6 !
8. how did you get into kpop?
my friend showed me fantastic baby (lmao) when we were like 15 and then i dropped it for a bit but then i saw a dance practice for no more dream like last year so now i am Here
9. who are your otps?
10. when did you start to ship them?
11. what is your favorite fanfic genre?
honestly i’ll read whatever turns up on my dash as long as it’s not involving furries or anything Truly Nasty
12. what is your favorite music genre?
pop has and always will be my fave but i like other stuff too ofc xoxo
five things tag
Rules: you’ll have to tag 15 people at the end of this challenge
tagged by @cypherpart420​ thank u linsey ily!
five things you’ll find in my bag: purse hand sanitiser keys vaseline water
five things you’ll find in my bedroom: Trash Mountain nik naks fan approx. seven 1d posters radio
five things i’ve always wanted to do: go to glasto ! go on a trip just to look at palaces across europe lmao see bts ! adopt 2 dogs and live my best life go somewhere with a really clear view of the stars and just Cry
five things that make me happy: family dogs my pals xoxo listening to music baking
five things i’m currently into: fake nails crafting my Brand lmao big brother hydration arrested development
five things on my to do list: embark on my Fitness Journey get my professional blog going plan what i’m doing for my bday get a skincare routine get money
once again, get to know me
i was tagged by @parkmochibean​ thanks natasha!
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST: 1. drink: water 2. phone call: my sister 3. text message: my friend explaining exo sub-units to me lmao 4. song you listened to: young & free - xiumin and mark 5. time you cried: probably looking through val from bake off’s insta she’s just the cutest 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yep ! 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: only my whole uni career 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: only twice i know my limits now lmao
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12-14. pink, red and orange
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: ofc! 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes lmao 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20 found out who your friends are: yes  21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them 23. do you have any pets: no :’( 24. do you want to change your name: no i enjoy her 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went for afternoon tea w my family 26. what time did you wake up: 11am its summer now i do what i want 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: idk chilling i guess 28. name something you can’t wait for: my birthday !! 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like an hour ago 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: idk if i’d been confident Forever i think that would be pretty good? 31. what are you listening to right now: faking it - kehlani, lil yachty, calvin harris 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my older sister she’s just so Loud 34. most visited website: this or youtube 35-37. lost questions?? 38. hair colour: brown 39. long or short hair: i want long but i’ve got medium rn lmao 40. do you have a crush on someone: no 41. what do you like about yourself: i’m good 2 my family and i think i’m quite nice? tbh? 42. piercings: ears + nose 43. bloodtype: idk yikes 44. nickname: none lmao 45. relationship status: Single™ 46. zodiac: cancer  47. pronous: she/her 48. favourite tv show: bojack horseman, rpdr 49. tattoos: just one (1) 50. right or left handed: right 51. surgery: on my hand and i was awake for it but they played me some 1d so it was chill 52. piercing: ok i literally just answered this 53. sport: thats cute 55. vacation: just various fancy places across europe before brexit ruins that free movement 56. pair of trainers: i only wear my adidas but they’re on the verge of death now rip
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: werthers originals i’m a nan 58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: go tf to sleep 61. waiting for: my birthday lmao 62. want: money and ideally a job that looks promising 63. get married: Who Can Never Be Sure? 64. career: either radio or social media 
WHICH IS BETTER 65. hugs or kisses: hugs 66. lips or eyes: eyes 67. shorter or taller: don’t really mind 68. older or younger: older 70. nice arms or nice stomach: also don’t mind lmao 71. sensitive or loud: sensitive 72. hook up or relationship: relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: yes 75. drank hard liquor: yes 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: my first pair of glasses... rip 77. turned someone down: yes 78. sex on the first date: no 79. broken someone’s heart: probs not? i hope not 80. had your heart broken: no 81. been arrested: no  82. cried when someone died: yes 83. fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: Always ! 85. miracles: sure why not 86. love at first sight: no 87. santa claus: he’s doing his best 88. kiss on the first date: sure 89. angels: idk?
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: robin 91. eye colour: green/blue 92. favourite movie: i’m basic it’s love actually
shuffle tag
tagged by @kpopeyton thank you !
rules: you can tell a lot about a person based on the type of music they listen to. put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
wake up alone / amy winehouse
first love / bts
pyramids / frank ocean
i didn’t just come here to dance / carly rae jepsen
girl girl girl / triple h
21st century girl / bts
you better know / red velvet
wolves / one direction
coffee / miguel
view / shinee
12 notes · View notes
quizmeghan · 4 years
1. What is your middle name? Sharleen. 2. Do you have any nicknames that aren’t derived from your actual name? I don’t. 2. Do you have any allergies? i’m allergic to msg that’s in most Chinese takeaway foods - not diagnosed or anything, but I cannot eat more than a few bites without feeling sick, shaky and sweaty, which generally takes away the enjoyment haha. 4. What is the longest your hair has ever been? above the bottom of my back. 5. How well can you write in cursive? I've been told I have really nice, neat handwriting, and I like writing in cursive, so I suppose quite well. 6. Name one item on your bucket list. I want to visit New York at Christmas time. 7. Have you ever been on a blind date? never. 8. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it? I have an atl tshirt from their gig in 2009 but I don’t wear it anymore. 9. How often do you eat out at a fancy restaurant? before this i’d eat out at normal restaurants about once or twice a month, but never really FANCY places. 10. How grammatically correct are you when you text? i’m quite bad for being really grammatically correct, and autocorrect usually changes shortcuts for me as well. 11. Can you drive stick? I love getting to a certain question in these things then realising it was written by an American haha; yes I can drive stick. 12. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why? I've been to both italy and spain, but italy was around venice so i’d like to visit rome, and the last time i was in Barcelona i was about 7 or 8 years old, so i’d like to go there as an adult. 13. Nutella or peanut butter? Nutella!!! 14. At what age did you have your first kiss? like, 19. 15. DC or Marvel? please; marvel. 16. Have you ever hosted a wild party? no, and if you knew me you’d know why that’s so funny to me. 17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it? harry potter and the deathly hallows by she who shall not be named; and yes, i’d recommend the story but not the author. 18. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang with? legit, 4 or 5 at most. 19. Have you ever donated blood? i’m not allowed to, but I would if I could. 20. From 1-10, how much do you like decorating for holidays? 20! 21. Coffee or tea? if I had to pick; tea. 22. What is your go-to Starbucks drink? their strawberries and cream frappuccino drink, that’s always nice haha. 23. Last show you binge watched? me and my mum just finished seasons 1-5 of how to get away with murder on Netflix, and I accidentally spoiled s6 for myself by reading one of the actors insta’s. we can’t get s6 yet so I need to wait for Netflix, gdi. 24. Dogs or cats? dogs. 25. Favorite animated Disney character? Rapunzel is my fave. 26. Have you ever cooked a big family meal by yourself? yeah, I love cooking. 27. Favorite winter activity? ohhh, visiting Christmas markets. 28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone? a few times. 29. Can you blow a bubble gum bubble? yep. 30. How early in the year do you start celebrating Christmas? outwardly? as soon as my household allows it, but inwardly? October 31st after our work disco’s are finished hahah. 31. What emoji best describes your life right now? the facepalm one, the see no evil monkey one, the crying one and the crying laughing one. 32. Are you fluent in more than one language? I know a bit of French but i’m not fluent. 33. What is the longest you’ve ever kept a New Year’s resolution? I don’t even make them anymore haha. 34. Have you ever successfully been on a diet? Did you gain any of the weight back? no haha. 35. Are any of your grandparents still alive? my dad’s mum is still alive, but I don’t speak to her. 36. How good are you at communicating through facial expressions? very good. 37. Have you ever gotten a commercial jingle stuck in your head? all. the. time. 38. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was over? no and I take pride in that fact, despite actualy sitting through the newest fuckin’ blade runner movie. 39. Do you consider rapping singing? it’s a form of it, yes. 40. Does your home have a fireplace? yes. not a real one though haha. 41. Favorite non-chocolate candy? ooft… the only thing I can think of is peach heart gums. i’m not really a gum/candy sort of person. 42. If you could have only one superpower, what would you want and why? invisibility - you could literally sneak in anywhere. 43. Have you ever locked your keys in your car? nope. 44. Do you listen to any religious music? no. 45. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite? diet irn bru is my fave, but I do like a draught diet coke or pepsi max. but they have to be draught. 46. What was your ACT score? idek what that could be. 47. Rice or quinoa? basmati rice, mmm. 48. From 1-10, how good of a driver do you consider yourself? like, an 8 or 9. 49. Do you like horror movies? I love them but I also hate them. 50. How easily do you cry? all it takes is a tv advert really. 51. Do you have any tattoos? If so, of what and where? I have a lily on my right thigh, an anchor on my left wrist, pawprints just above my right ankle, and on the top of my left calf I have a butterfly, and my right is a wasp. 52. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing? if it’s a night in, eating pizza and chilling or a night out also eating pizza in one of our fave bars and then going to our fave club after haha. 53. Can you handle spicy foods? What is your spice limit? I can handle sort of moderate spice but nothing too hot. 54. Can you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones? in school I took lessons for guitar, bass, keyboard and vocals in school but don’t anymore. 55. Are you more introverted or extroverted? I N T R O V E R T. 56. Last CD you bought? wake up sunshine by all time low. 57. Do you like roller coasters? LOVE them. I was in the car earlier and we were on the motorway so I shut my eyes and pretended I was in a theme park hahaha. disclaimer: I was not driving the car. 58. What day of the week is laundry day for you? whenever I need to do it. 59. Have you ever played spin the bottle? i have, but we played it as truth or dare, not having to kiss the person it lands on. 60. How long have you known your best friend? 15 years. 61. Can you eat using chopsticks? i can but it takes me forever and it’s an embarrassing time for all involved. 62. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer? If so, what are they of?  no, i’m too anal to ‘ruin’ the look. 63. How often do you say y'all? only ironically. 64. Favorite flavor of ice cream? depends on the day, usually just vanilla or maybe raspberry ripple. i love mint chocolate chip too though. 65. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person? hahaha, I've never been in a relationship. 66. Star Trek or Star Wars? trek (but only the new chris pine ones). 67. How good are you at math? fairly good.  68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical? in the school nativity shows when i was aged between 4-10. 69. How often do you read/pay attention to your horoscope? only if i come across it do i read it but usually just to slag it. 70. What is the shortest your hair has ever been? when my mum gave me what was nothing short of a RIDICULING bowl-cut sort of hairdo. 71. Have you ever broken any bones? never. knock wood. 72. Do you like to go fishing? nope. 73. Do you believe in evolution? yes. 74. Favorite costume you wore for Hallowen? How old were you? i’m always partial to a cat, from when i was young to now, but my favourite was a witch which i used a few years running for disco’s in work. aged 20-odds. 75. Real or fake Christmas trees? real. 76. How many pillows do you sleep with? five. my head goes on one and the rest go around and about my body. 77. Do you live in an apartment or a house? house. 78. How many of your friends are of the opposite gender? none. 79. Have you ever had a near-death experience? no. 80. How long have you been at your current job? 8 years. 81. What kind of car do you drive (year, brand, model, color)? my dads HAHA. i used to drive a silver Renault clio before i got rid of my car. 82. Have you ever been fired from a job? nope. 83. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship? i mean, i ‘went out’ with someone for like a day then ended that, but i wouldn’t call that a romantic relationship. 84. Phrase you say the most? i say the word bangin’ a lot. 85. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it? little pecks, not a full-on kiss though. 86. Do you eat meat at all? i do but I've gone off it more and more. 87. Do you like fast food? love it; god damn you covid. 88. Have you ever given anyone CPR? thankfully no, although i am fully trained to do so. 89. Have you ever learned to do anything from a a how-to video on YouTube? yeah, mostly like, how to braid hair etc. 90. Describe your sense of humor. dry, sarcastic, dark, self-depreciating. 92. Favorite cereal? i don’t really eat cereal much, but i do like frosties. 93. Have you ever auditioned for a reality competition show? no. 94. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show? no. 95. Do you believe in ghosts? i do. 96. Do you think there is life on other planets? i think so. 97. Have you ever given money to a street performer? i don’t remember. 98. Your deepest fear? the ocean haha. 99. Pancakes or waffles? waffles. 100. Are you still friends with anyone from high school? my only friends are my friends from high school. 101. From 1-10, how good of a dancer do you consider yourself? the lower end of that scale haha. 102. How much of a patient person are you? i’m really patient, but I've been known to lose patience quickly sometimes. 103. Do you know your IQ? no. 104. Do you own any homemade clothing? my friend knitted me a snood a few years ago for Christmas. 105. Do you own any clothes from a garage sale or a thrift store? i don’t think so. 106. Have you ever bought anything from a flea market? nope. 107. Have you ever quit a job? no, but I've been on the verge for years haha. 108. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head? all the time. 109. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over and over again and enjoy just as much each time? easy a, harry potter, Disney, literally any of these. 110. Have you ever gotten a TV theme song stuck in your head? yeah. 111. Have you ever skinny dipped? nope. 112. Are your birth parents together? they are. 113. Do you or have you ever worn glasses? I've been given glasses before which had the weakest prescription, but that was in the run-up to me being diagnosed as diabetic, so i reckon it was more to do with that. 114. Favorite type of cookie? milk chocolate chip. 115. Have you ever been broken up with? again, no relationship. 116. How often do you smile when getting your picture taken? all the time. i get nervous haha. 117. Have you ever accidentally dialed 911? no. 118. Oldest memory? i remember my sister being born when i was two. 119. Have you ever been the victim of a nasty prank? in school people would go about chuking those snapper fireworks, or would tape tacs to the ends of pens and stab people in their legs or arse; folk would call those pranks but i just call that stupidity. 120. How often do you snort when you laugh? not often. 121. From 1-10, how good of a singer do you consider yourself? people tell me i’m more towards an 8 but i’d say a 5 or 6. 122. Favorite Disney song? ohhh, i love i see the light from tangled, but i also really love i just can’t wait to be king from the lion king because it’s so fun. 123, Where do you see yourelf 10 years from now? hopefully finally being a teacher. 124. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type? isfj. 125. Have you ever had a fortune cookie fortune come true? well, we once went to a Chinese restaurant to celebrate me getting my degree and the fortune cookie was related to hard work paying off or something, so that’s about as true as they have ever been for me. 126. Name one thing you wish people would stop posting on social media. happy heavenly birthdays. bane of my LIFE. 127. Last musical artist you saw live? the Jonas brothers! (it should have been 5sos, but that and McFly were both rescheduled. up yours, covid). 128. Credit cards or cash? cards. 129. Favorite fandom? i flit between but i love the harry potter one. 130. What is your astrological sign? aquarius. 131. How flexible are you? i used to be soooo much more flexible. 132. Any hidden talents? i’m sort of crafty but it’s not really a hidden talent. 133. Can you surf? no and i’d hate to try it. 134. What motivates you to do well in life? i’m not really sure. 135. Your worst physical feature? all of it? 136. From 1-10, how much are you like your father? physically i look more like my dad but i act more like and get on better with my mum. 137. How lucky do you consider yourself? very. 138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasently surprised. when i guy i liked liked me back (however briefly). 139. Have you ever been summoned for jury duty? never, and it’s so weird and slightly upsetting to me because my degree is in criminology. 140. What type of shoes do you wear the most? trainers. 141. Favorite summer activity? going out to parks or zoos with friends. 142. Favorite song to sing in the shower? depends on my mood! 143. Have you ever lived with a roommate you did not get along with? yeh, i moved into residential halls in uni and i didn’t speak to any of them. 144. Have you ever lived on a farm? nope. 145. Have you ever kept a diary or a journal?  when i was younger. 146. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most? anything Disney, or shrek. 147. How often do you get mad at yourself? a lot. 148. Have you ever gotten any stitches? no. 149. Have you ever been hunting? NO. 150. Favorite YouTube channel? i don’t really watch youtube. 151. Have you ever had a pet besides a dog or a cat? we’ve had fish, hamsters, rabbits, birds and gerbils as well as cats and dogs. 152. From 1-10, how well do you work with others? 8 or 9. 153. Are you friends with any of your exes? i have no exes. 154. Apple or PC? pc (but apple for phones). 155. Do you collect anything? concert tickets. 156. Have you ever seen any Broadway plays or musicals? not actually on broadway, but I've seen the lion king in Edinburgh and the cursed child parts 1 and 2 in London. 157. Any missed opporunites you wish you had taken? yep. 158. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag? yes haha. 159. Do you have a pool at your house? no, it’s Scotland, we’d freeze to death. 160. What is the longest you’ve gone without sleep? two and a bit days. 161. Last thing that made you laugh? question 159. 162. Disney or Nickelodeon? Disney. 163. Name one celebrity you wish was still alive. alan Rickman. 164. From 1-10, how much are you like your mother? physically, not much, but i’m more like her in personality. 165. Your best physical feature? eyes (or eye, seeing as one can’t really be counted as functioning at the moment). 166. Earbud or earmuff headphones? bud. anything else infects my piercings haha. 167. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender? i think most people might have thought it when they were younger, cos i did, but not truly. i know that can be a difficult idea for some to deal with. 168. Do you have any piercings anywhere besides your ear lobes? I've got three helix piercings. 169. How often do you wash your hair? I've tried to do it less over lockdown because i wash it too much, but i used to wash it every two days. 170. Showers or baths? showers! baths mean you’re just soaking in your own dirt. i only take baths if i’m in a lot of pain, and even if i do, i have to take a shower immediately after. 171. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman? I've been a bridesmaid once. 172. Bottled or tap water? i’m not fussed, but prefer bottled. 173. What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid? i loved tots tv and barney. 174. Any guilty pleasures you’re willing to discuss? nothing that i can think of, i openly love cheesy shit. 175. Favorite video game? i don’t play them now but i used to love crash bandicoot and spyro the dragon. 176. Have you ever gotten a New Year’s kiss exactly at midnight? nope. 177. How many of the United States have you visited? one - florida, two years ago, and we literally didn’t leave the Disney bubble. 178. Have you ever given money to a homeless person? i think so. 179. Have you ever gotten a surgery? a couple. 180. Your least favorite food? turnip and potato mashed together, YUCK. 181. From 1-10, how competitive are you? maybe 3 or 4. 182. Do you like wearing hats? i don’t suit them. 183. How much of a jealous peron are you? not really jealous at all. 184. What was your SAT score? not relevanttt. 185. Have you ever voted for a reality competition show? yeah but only the free ones haha. 186. Does anyone in your family currently serve in your country’s military? nope. 187. Snowboarding or skiing? I've been skiing once before on a fake ramp and i prefer the idea of two skis to one skateboard. 188. What celebrity would you most want to play you in a movie about your life? emma stone or anna Kendrick. 189. Have you ever been a Boy or Girl Scout? i was a brownie. 190. Have you ever dyed your hair? since i was 9 years old. 191. From 1-10, how good of a cook do you consider yourself? 7 or 8. 192. You have just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit? google. 193. How many things can you do with your weaker hand? what sort of question is that? hahaha. 194. Were you involved in any academic clubs in high school? nope. 195. Have you ever played hooky from school? yes, but with my mums permission so idk if that really counts as playing hooky. there was also one time that i literally walked out because i was so stressed and sad but i went back under an hour later lol. 196. Are you comfortable with watching rated R movies? yep. 197. Do you root for any sports teams? nope. 198. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning? check my phone then take my insulin. 199. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which one would you choose? a giraffe. 200. Tell something about yourself most people don’t know. no because i’m lazy and i just answered 199 questions about myself.
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