#i told yall going to my moms is always a nightmare i wanna leave but i cant go until monday
todayisafridaynight · 8 months
‘The worst thing she can say is no’ and its the proposal scene from LAD8
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skullrock · 4 years
the lie
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gif by @harringtown​
pairing: Steve x Reader
summary: Steve lets out a big lie to prove Mike Wheeler wrong, but it ends in his favor. (aka, the one time Steve Harrington thanked Mike Wheeler for anything.)
warnings: swears!
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this one is for @sourapplebaby luv u Syl
Steve knew he fucked up as soon as the words fell out of his mouth.
“Why isn’t Y/N here?”
“She has work,” Steve says. “She has a life outside of your basement, Mike.”
“Unlike you,” Mike retorts.
“Can everybody just calm down?” Will says quietly.
“When are you guys getting married?” Dustin asks, propping his head up on his hands.
A cacophony of voices ring out, Max and El’s the loudest.
“When is it gonna happen?”
“You guys are so cute!”
“Steve couldn’t get married if his life depended on it.”
“Shut up,” Steve hisses at Mike. “I am getting married, so there.”
Steve nearly slapped his hand over his mouth, guilt creeping over him. It’s the biggest lie of the century, but Mike is not allowed to win this one.
The room is deathly quiet until everyone erupts in cheers. Dustin tackles Steve, beating on him, shouting, “I knew you could do it!”
“She said yes? You’re really engaged?” Max asks, holding El’s hand as she bounces in her seat. “When did this happen?”
“Week ago,” Steve says quickly.
Mike’s eyes narrow. “So you’re really engaged.”
Steve doubles down, digging himself deeper into the absolute shitfest that was sure to spike from this. “I am.”
“So if I asked your girlfriend - excuse me, fiancée- she would be able to affirm?”
Steve nods. “That’s right.”
But, of course, Steve runs home and calls Robin immediately, unsure of how to go forward.
“I fucked up,” he admits.
“Typical. What happened?”
He explains the situation, and Robin scoffs. “Steve, you lied about something this big to - piss off a sixteen year old?”
Steve sighs heavily. “That’s correct.”
“You’re such a moron -“
“What am I supposed to do, Robin?”
Robin is dumbfounded. “Tell them that you lied? Tell her that you lied? Tell everyone that you lied?”
“No,” Steve says sadly. “Can’t do any of that.”
“Then what, Steve? What are you going to do when Mike confronts her?”
“You’re no help,” he groans. “You’re supposed to fix it for me.”
“Got yourself into this one, get yourself out of it.”
Robin hangs up, leaving Steve in silence.
There’s another reason why Steve is freaking out - the idea of being engaged made him excited.
It wasn’t something he really thought about. He wanted to marry you, of course, he just never anticipated when he’d do it. But it seems as good a time as any. You’d been together for three years. He knew that he was desperately, madly, completely in love with you. He knows he can envision having a family with you, in a little house in the suburbs of the city, with a cat and a dog and a big yard.
It all hits him at once, making his head spin. It was simply too much for him - he decides to push it down and stay silent about it all. You won’t find out, right?
You open your door to find Max and El on the porch. They grin widely as they see you.
“Ooh, look who it is,” Max croons.
You nod, confused. “It’s me.”
“Yeah, future Mrs. Steve,” El says.
“No, El - it would be future Mrs. Harringtown, or whatever his last name is.”
“Oh -“
You furrow your brows. “What are you two talking about?”
“How you’re engaged!” Max shakes her head. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
You stare at her with wide eyes. Steve had never proposed - holy shit, did he propose? Were you half awake when he did and you said yes? Were you tuning out his basketball talk when he asked and you just nodded absentmindedly?
No way, you think, looking down at your left hand. No ring, no proposal!
“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know I was engaged,” you say slowly. “Who told you I was?”
El and Max look at each other, their eyes as wide as yours. “Steve did.”
“Steve told you that we were engaged?” Your voice is hoarse. “Steve told you? My boyfriend Steve? Harrington?”
“Just last night,” El says. “He told us at Mike’s.”
“Are you saying you’re not engaged?” Max asks.
You shake your head in disbelief. “I gotta go. I’ll see you both later.”
When you shut the door, Max looks at El. “Don’t tell Mike, he’ll have a power trip.”
Steve comes over later to see you, and you confront him right off the bat. His foot is hardly over the threshold when you ask, “Can you explain something to me?”
Steve shuts the door quietly, pupils widening. “Perhaps.”
“Can you tell me why Max and El came over today to ask why I didn’t tell them we were engaged?”
Steve blinks, then forces out a pitifully fake laugh. “What? Who would ever say that? I have no idea who told them something so silly.”
“Really? Because they told me they had heard it from you.”
Steve falters, then sighs. “I can explain.”
“You can’t just tell people that we’re engaged, Steve! You can’t just - just make that up!” You start to pace. “I mean - shit, Steve. I wanna marry you - of course I do - but you can’t just decide we’re getting married.”
He tries to interrupt. “Y/N -“
“I’d at least like a proposal, Steve, or a real talk about our futures before you start saying that -“
“Y/N -“
You turn your back to him, pacing again. “And you shouldn’t have children coming to tell me the good news. I think I should know about my engagement before them, don’t you think?”
He’s suddenly quiet, so you ask, “What are you doing?”
Nothing. You turn to face him, and he’s suddenly kneeling in front of you, a box in his hand.
Your mouth drops and your brows furrow. Your eyes well up with tears before you can even process what’s happening. “Steve, what are you doing?”
“Having a real talk about our future.”
Steve’s never been so nervous in his entire life. His body and his hands shake, but he starts talking. “My parents were never in love. I never had any kind of healthy perception of what love is. I only got some ideas from movies and my shitty friends.” He swallows. “So for a long time, I thought love wasn’t real, or it was this unattainable thing.
“But then I met you. And suddenly, the movies made sense. My mom used to play me these vintage romance movies, and she’d always tell me that a love like that never existed. But she’s wrong.” He shrugs. “About a lot of things, but especially this.” He sighs. “Okay, shit, my knee is hurting -“
“Steve -“
“I’m not done!” He smiles. “I never thought I had a future, either. I thought I was destined for the worst. My first job burned to the ground, I got roped into fucked up stuff, I have nightmares ... I thought my life was hopeless. But now, I can see a future. I can see us with a little girl and a picket fence, and a dog named Romeo. I can see so many pictures of us - of our family on the walls.” Steve licks his lips. “I can reach out and touch it, Y/N. Because it’s right there. And it’s real.”
You kneel down with him, watching him pop open the box. It’s a beautiful ring, one that’s old and storied and ready to be used again.
“I did get this from my mom,” he admits. “It was my great grandmother’s, or something. She said it was art decal.”
You laugh tearfully. “Deco.”
“Whatever,” he smiles. He takes a deep breath. “Will you have a future with me?”
You throw yourself onto him and he falls back, slamming against the carpet. Neither of you care, though - you kiss him passionately, nodding the entire time. Against his lips, you whisper, “yes, yes, yes!”
Steve feels like he just won the lottery. Like he’s the luckiest man on earth. He’s light as air, happier than he’s ever felt. It’s like he’s invincible, radiant, unstoppable. Like he’s home, like he belongs, like things are finally going to work out.
“This isn’t how it was supposed to go, by the way,” he jokes, sitting up. “But I needed to get you to shut up somehow.”
Steve slides the ring on, and it fits nicely. You laugh in shock and happiness. “I’m getting married!”
“Me too!” he laughs, tearing up. “We’re gonna do it!”
You reach out and wipe some of his tears away, caressing his cheek. “Steve, I love you so much.”
He takes your hand, pressing a kiss into your palm. “I love you more.”
“Not possible.”
“Wanna bet?”
And, as much as Steve hates it, he gives a silent thank you to Mike Wheeler.
taglist: @harrington-ofhawkins @comedy-witch @gothackedalready @wolfish-willow @sassisaluxury @willowrose99 @harringtown @write-from-the-heart​ @m-blasterrr​ @whimsicalwoodlands @anerroroccurrrrred​ @marvels-gurl​ @the-almond-dinger @ssanjuniperoo​ @darth-el​ @sourapplebaby @yall-wildin-like-siriusly @andyl394 @astil-be @troop-scoop @ilovebucketbarnes @mybestfriendthedingus @unknownherelm @metuel18 @magnitude101999 @simplesammyx @lukeskisses @stevenismyboy
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jamiebluewind · 4 years
Pok The Nightmare King?
@skysfallingbaby proposed an interesting concept. "Maybe Pok Gukgak is the Nightmare King". And while this theory make a lot of things a lot more messed up (like trying to use Riz in a sacrifice), it got my theorist senses a tingling.
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So, without futher ado, let's get started.
First off, What is Pok exactly? We can assume that the Nightmare King doesn't just look like a goblin as he doesn't actually look like any one race when people have tried to describe him. We could guess some kind of magical effect that alters his appearance, but the Nightmare King was also banished (a spell with no time limit outside homebrew rules, unless the spell is not held for a minute or the creature is banished while already on their own plane) and seeing as Pok lived on the material plane for years, he couldn't be the Nightmare King... technically. The thing is, the Nightmare King doesn't have to be there to be there. Ragh's mom was piloting a clone of herself in real time while her real body was unconscious and housed miles underground (possibly in the molten core of the planet). A goblin suit could be piloted by the Nightmare King using the same principles. Even a direct connection to the Nightmare King is established in game via his corrupting influence constantly leaking from his plane of existence into the material plane (specifically in Silvar).
The next question that comes to mind is Why did Kalvaxus eat Pok if they were allied? and to that I say Do we know for sure that he did? What we do know is this...
Kalvaxus taunted that he ate Pok, but he did it in the middle of a battle to throw off Riz.
Kalvaxus would have eaten Pok while bound. Barring being able to enlarge/reduce Pok (and even then, he would only shrink to about the size of a cat), it would have taken a 6 to 7 foot tall dragonborn a WHILE to eat someone 1/2 his height and 1/5 his weight, bones and all (and dragons and dragonborns don't even have the established voracious appetite goblins do).
Riz and Sklonda were told Pok died at sea until Kalvaxus said otherwise.
Pok and Shadow Cat/Calina worked together
Shadow Cat/Calina was absent at Pok's funeral and never contacted Sklonda or Riz afterward.
Shadow Cat was spotted immediately after the battle with Kalvaxus (making it possible that she was given a heads up about Kalvaxus' plans).
So, using this information it's not that hard to theorize that Pok might not have been eaten or was eaten under the orders of the Nightmare King. Reasons to taunt might have been something The Nightmare King told him to say once free or just something he said to rattle Riz knowing it couldn't be proven. Reasons to ask to be eaten could have been to dispose of a clone he was piloting without risking leaving a magical trace behind (which could have been done regularly for one reason or another, but if Kalvaxus got caught red handed, they would have had an established story set up and a witness to it happening).
There's also a few things that happen during the Shadow Cat/Riz dialogue that take on a whole new meaning. I'll link the dialogue below, but one exchange really stands out. She said "Pok Gukgak. It's a good man" and when Riz asked what went wrong between them, she said "Nothing went... wrong between us" immediately followed by her offering "a little information swap" and to answer a question about his dad in exchange for answering her own. This was despite Riz previously saying "I wanna know where the crown is. I wanna know where Fabian is. I wanna know why people are coming for us in our sleep." and thus already knowing what information Riz would trade for.
Finally, let's look at Riz.
He is the son of Pok and Sklonda Gukgak.
He is an inquisitive rogue and on more than one occasion has been described as being "one with the shadows".
He has always has issues with sleeping, often avoiding it or just not getting enough of it.
He has always been able to see Shadow Cat and has met her at least once.
He was going to be sacrificed on an alter by a Nightmare King controlled Fig to complete some kind of ritual.
He was not attacked in his dreams when he failed his throws, the first time getting Baron while awake and the second time pounced on by Shadow Cat while asleep (while even Ragh was attacked in his sleep and got up while already under dominate person as Adaine watched).
Shadow Cat knew a lot of stuff about Riz, including current stuff ("I know that YOU only do things to kinda distract yourself from how DEEPLY sad you are that your dad is gone, I get that. The maidens and then you find the maidens and then it's on to the next thing and the conspiracy board and you don't sleep and you're digging digging digging- it's like when you were in that palimpsest. You will dig until your own hands are bleeding...").
Shadow Cat's first offer to get his intel was to answer a question about his dad if she got to ask him a question in return (followed by saving Fabian despite that being one of the things he asked for).
Some of these wouldn't hold water alone, but combined they paint a very interesting picture. Shadow Cat being so familiar with Riz makes more sense if she has been keeping an eye on the son of her boss off and on for a long time. It also explains why Shadow Cat immediately offered to give him intell on his dad in exchange for answering a question and clicking her tongue when he turned it down like he did. Riz being the son of the Nightmare King (maybe only a tiny part or an infused thing due to how it happened) would mean he's probably immune to some Nightmare magic and skilled with others (like how half-elves are immune to Sleep, but can't trace), which explains why he has yet to get attacked while dreaming and his natural stealth skills, perceptiveness, and sleep issues. The Nightmare King trying to use Riz in a ritual sacrifice instead of just some guy on the street might mean his son is required for it.
This all leaves me with so many questions.
Considering how strategic the Nightmare King is, why exactly would he pick Sklonda?
Could Pok have fathered Riz specifically to sacrifice later, as a backup for something, or as a cover for being around certain people?
Why did Pok leave and was it planned?
What was Pok really up to during his life as a spy?
Is Riz required somehow to bring back the Nightmare King?
Does the ritual actually require Riz to die and if so, could they revive him without causing the ritual to fail (like if it required a lethal amount of blood from Riz or a mortal wound)?
What will Gorthalax reveal once he's freed (which will most likely happen once Ayda learns Plane Shift and has a slot free to use it)?
Could someone in the party potentially question Kalvaxus (maybe with the help of Gorthalax or a specific spell)?
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Special thanks to @skysfallingbaby for the bardic inspiration for this tinfoil time. I honestly hadn't considered the possibility until you mentioned it, but the moment I did I just HAD to follow the logic to see where it led. It really surprised me how many pieces fell into place the further I went. It really was an absolute delight to research. Thank you ^_^
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yum-cy · 5 years
You reblogged an ask game. I will now require you to do all of them. Yes I know you hate me blah blah blah love you too
I cant decide if i want punch you for this or not. Also, flannel is repeated like 3 times
lantern: 6th grade science. i thought they were bitch. idk what they thought of me
frost: you deserve better and so do the people you hurt so dont do that this time around
maple: existing. ive never done it before (i dont really have an answer to this one)
harvest: idk. boris pavlikovsky?
fireside: i wanna look like a pirate/vampire/college student mash up
cider: i dont like food full stop.
amber: yall are so ready to punch nazis, but when was the last time you talked to a Jewish person. your support is important, but that doesnt just mean punching people for us
fog: i would lay down and ask for the zombies to kill me, so not too great
jack-o-lantern: kate mckinnon
spice: yep, my own (doors open and slam, electeonics turn on and off randomly, etc)
orchard: i wanna go to a haunted house or a corn maze or out of my house (all those things im not allowed to do) does that count? if not, figure out my emotions even a lil bit
crow: math? i cant do it and i kinda dont wanna fail
bonfire: small-ish? never silent, mine, full of people i love. always decorated for halloween. gothic and victorian. a manor fit for a "confirmed bachelor" but not as big and empty
cinnamon: if it werent for how much the world sucked, 1920s america. speakeasies, mafias, the disintegration of the american dream, a gritty undertone to something seen as sparkily? sign me the fuck up
cranberry: my hair. its ginger and fluffy and curly. people like it for some reason, but when they see it its like they forget theres anything else to me
maize: some random person came up to me when i was still living in ny, grabbed my arm and told me my moms name and the exact date of her death. it freaked me out then bc i was like 9 but it freaks me out now bc they were right
quilt: i take my tea luke warm (i dont like burning my mouth thanks) and i leave the tea bag in the entire time im drinking/waiting for it to cool so its so strong it kinda hurts by the time im done
pumpkin: neither. i think people are born as blank slates, and our experiences mold us. i also think we can adjust what kinda person weve become if we truly feel like theres a flaw at any point
moonlit: i cannot see the floor. carpet? i didnt know we had her
flannel: nope but ive dated shitty people if that counts
cocoa: probably what i already have. idk i sorta like what my hairs doing right now
ghost: my mom. the lady in the apartment next to ours when i was 7 that would give us lasagna
pumpkin spice: earl grey/black/peppermint tea or an iced vanilla latte
wool socks: crunchy colorful leaves, halloween decorations, wind
falling leaves: a boat, a fishing rod, a wood chipper
smelly candles: the original chapstick flavor
big sweaters: i like warmth but im always cold
halloween: the mayor from nightmare before christmas
cozy blankets: under my 3 blankets in my room
hot tea: the end of summer(august? july? i cant remember which)
flannel: april 4th, i have ocd and the number i get super obsessed with is 4(snap 4 times before walking through doors, etc)
chilly air: windy and overcast is great, sunny and stuffy is awful
scarves: prolly my musemem hoody and either my wonder woman pj pants or my ripped jeans
apple cider: just alex. i dont much like people so even if i admire them i wouldnt want to meet them in person(never meet your heroes)
haunted houses: i was held under water until i passed out when i was 5 and now i cant even go near any body of water(pools, lakes, oceans)
fuzzy boots: roaring 20s explained earlier
thanksgiving: alexxxxx. i love them. so much. but thanksgiving is a bullshit holiday
black friday: nothing that i can think of.
apple picking: either greece or rome. the architecture is incredible, the history is fuckin bonkers, and the mythology is incredible
corn mazes: nothing i do is ever really secret? i can play cello pretty okay, and im alright at writing?
hay rides: horse drawn carriages
the color orange: ribs by lorde. idk why but i love that song and i always think of fall whenever i hear it
windy nights: hozier. without a doubt
holding hands: soulmates are inherently amatonormative concept anf as someone on the aro spectrum(not fully aro tho) that doesnt sit well with me. so, no
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