#i tried to keep the hc as non specific as possible because there are variations and specifications depending on the au-fic
foralternateuniverses · 5 months
More Acechiji hdcs??? Pwease??? 🥺🤲
° Ichiji is a sheltered brat so he tends to follow Ace's lead on what is 'normal', but Ace also isn't normal so they just become a duo of weirdos interacting with the world.
° They're chronic cuddlers, they're very touchy in general, but they also spend way too much time cuddling, the moment they sit down they're leaning into each other, when they're standing they're hand to hip, holding hands or even just brushing limbs, Ichiji's exoesqueleton making him colder than normal is just an excuse.
° They would be insufferable if they met as children, both are the leaders of their sibling group and both are very angry kids so ASL and 124 would have group fights in the daily. Some sort of respect could come from that.
° I headcanon that the Vinsmoke Siblings' enhancements actually hurt them (especially for Ichiji and Niji), so as Ichiji's eyesight and hearing gets worse he starts depending more on Ace, and together they come with a way to communicate with each other in case Ichiji goes blind and/or deaf (they'll try their best from stopping it to getting to that)
° Ace isn't only narcoleptic, he's also a sleepwalker-talker, Ichiji's insomniac ass is always entertained and busy taking care of him.
° They're both very independent, but also kind of clingy, they're always following each other on missions and whatnot with the excuse of "Who's gonna look after you?"
+ Smutty headcanons
- Ichiji is a crier, the intense emotions always bring him to tears, Ace thinks that's cute, and it also makes him feel even more loved.
- Their favourite parts are the foreplay and the aftercare/cuddling.
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thisstableground · 5 years
I'm writing my first Ruben fic! Can I know some of your hcs for Ruben? and is it alright to borrow some?
of course! here’s just the ones that make up the core of what i consider my ruben characterisation, use whichever ones you want.
- he’s autistic, and sometimes especially when he’s very stressed/tired he goes non-verbal and communicates either via writing stuff down on his phone or sort of half-sign language. like it’s not proper ASL but he’ll mime more obvious things.
- ptsd probably goes without saying. his biggest triggers are unexpected touches, people calling him “rubes” or other variations on his first name, planes/anything airport related, men who are bigger than him standing too close, a specific kind of jazz music (that’s what was playing in the car when ian drove them out from the airport), sitting in the backseat of a car, and feeling pressured into doing things. has frequent nightmares.
- literally a genius. went to college at fifteen, got his phd by 22. will win a nobel prize one day.
- LOVES PLANTS. PLANT BOY ALL NATURE ALL THE TIME pets would not work around his schedule when he’s at IMH and post-jamaica they’re more responsibility than he can deal with (plus he has allergies), but he doesn’t mind because to him his plants are his pets. he sings them little songs when he’s watering them to help them grow. taking care of them helps him feel like he’s doing something good, like even if he’s struggling to look after himself he’s keeping something alive.
- he bakes a lot when he’s stressed. it’s basically just lab work but the stakes are significantly lower and at the end he has cake.
- his food preferences are either “intensely bland plain toast level” or “enough spice to make satan’s eyes water”. there is no in between setting.
- his dad is a fuckin deadbeat who ditched when he was seven. ruben barely remembers him other than that he was a dick, but it had way more impact on ruben and his need for validation/for people to think he’s useful than he’s actually aware of. he is a total mama’s boy but still often prone to hiding things from her, he doesn’t want to worry/upset her so often he doesn’t tell her things.
- his younger sisters are his half-sisters (different dad to him, they’re full sisters to each other). he is an extremely kind big brother, there’s a fairly big age gap  (i have paola as about ten years younger than him and mercedes about thirteen years) so he never really got into fights with them. they both adore him.
- favourite animal is seals. probably was a seal in another life. is definitely a seal in a parallel fic universe.
- he can have a really dry, dark sense of humour, especially round the few people he’s comfortable with. dark in the sense of it being turned towards himself - he doesn’t make fun of other people’s problems but will make jokes about his own terrible experiences that make everyone else wince. it’s a coping mechanism. also loves a stupid pun. that one’s not a coping mechanism, just him.
- he is the most patient human being alive. he can have some sass about it sometimes, if the other person deserves it (god knows he made sarcastic comments at jason/ian enough in the show, not that it had much impact on them), but if someone’s struggling or if it’s a young kid he can sit and explain something over and over and keep trying to find a way that will allow them to understand it.
- he doesn’t drink very often but when he does he likes stupid cocktails with ridiculous umbrellas. smokes weed very occasionally.
- loves comfy clothes. changes out of jeans and into soft sweatpants as soon as possible on getting home from work. wears colourful stripy socks and boxer-briefs with fun patterns on them. has the biggest collection of sweaters in varying shades of dark blue that you’ll ever see.
- he is soft and squishy in terms of body type, v good pillow, and when his hair grows out a little it is entirely a mess of cowlicks so he wakes up in the morning he always looks like he’s been electrocuted. always smells like coconut oil because he uses it to try and minimize some of the scars and also to keep his beard soft.
- despite all evidence to the contrary, genuinely doesn’t believe he’s a very good person. tries his best to be anyway. just desperately wants to be loved.
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