#i used to have a manager who was strictly orthodox christian
i still genuinely think 3 paid days off for every employed person in the US would be a worthwhile policy goal (at least as a foot in the door, hopefully to lead to more days). it’s enough days to cover a brief illness (or your kid’s illness!) or catch holidays not observed by your boss, while being small enough to not fully bring out the terrifying fear of “we don’t need you at all if we can survive a whole week or something without you.”
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Appreciate the history lesson Robert M.
What ever our contribution, we as Moonies still have a voice as witnesses to history and watching John Paul 2 getting gunned down in St. Peter's square was the culmination of a process that we were swept into and out of our innocence.
Whether we choose to educate ourselves about the essential nature of Communism or even modern Liberal Democracy for that matter is almost irrelevant to the core message. Atheistic materialist Communism=bad. Democratic Capitalistic Consummerism=bad. Christian piety charity=good.
We made these choices every day as Moonies from the first day that we were induced to reject "Hippie freedom", (speaking for myself, of course). To consecrating our lives in a form of martyrdom to Jesus Christ. It would be many years before we discovered that Moon himself didn't believe in it but was another of the incessant weeds thrown up to misguide and redirect impressionable souls to largely politically convenient ends. 
Communism was destined to collapse upon it's own preposterous claims and everybody intuitively understood this. Including Pope John Paul, Moon, Solzhenitsyn, C.I.A. Director George H. Walker Bush, Reagan, Andropov and his successors, The Bank of London, Federal Reserve bank, etc, etc. The only ones who didn't know how or when were the actual folks caught in it's meat grinding mechanism on either side of the wall.
When the wall finally started to crumble there were no shortage of lunatics claiming responsibility. Fortunately, it was fairly evident to the rest of the world that it was the indomitable spirit of God deep inside the hearts of men and women trapped behind the wall that collapsed the monstrosity. 
The Pope went down in a hail of gunfire as if to punctuate the orgy of madness. Naturally, it was perceived to be a militant muslim at first. Very convenient. Further public investigation perhaps fueled by the remnants of the K.G.B. revealed that Turkish Grey Wolves were in fact an appendage of the C.I.A. A cacophony of indignation from the west flipped the story to blame the K.G.B. and it cohorts in Bulgaria. The Pope would survive and the world breathed a sigh of relief. Blame didn't seem appropriate any more as the Pope expressed forgiveness and Christians responded. The secret remained with him until his death. Yet another martyr for God.
The Moonies were beside ourselves. What to do now? Hundreds made the pilgrimage to mother Russia to claim victory for God, including yours truly. Most of us were confused by what we saw. Young Russians, Tartars, Georgians, etc. Swarmed to our workshops guided by former, or perhaps, current K.G.B. functionaries. The kids were extraordinarily well educated and well behaved. Most spoke fluently at least 2 languages and were well versed in something known to them as "the classics". I personally was utterly humbled. The experts organizing the events for the church were besides themselves alternating between threats and cajoling us not to fraternize to deeply with the locals. I threw caution to the wind and immediately embraced our new friends. Some were obvious, like little Vladimir who was the spitting image of early Lenin but older than the others who privately indicated to me that he was the designated F.S.B. representative monitoring our activities. He continuously plied me with offers to help him escape with his family, to the U.S. or anywhere that wasn't there. I assured him that I had no ability to do so but he persisted throughout the entire time. The other children of probably mostly former Communist officials were a delight. They loved Americans and were disappointed when I told them I was Canadian. Most of the male moonies had multiple offers of marriage in their first week there which I assumed were politely turned down in favor of our Moonies blessed wives. We were instructed by our handlers to return to Moscow and stay together as a group by train from the Sanitorium on the Black Sea in Yalta where the workshop was held. I rejected this out of hand and chose to follow up little Vladimir's offer to stay with his family in their flat in Moscow. His wife and family were wonderful he had a modest apartment with the usual amenities which I discovered later was an anomaly. I visited in turn all of my guests in Moscow and discovered that most Russians lived in dire poverty usually with three Generations crammed into Tenements blocks without a stick of furniture save a table with a couple chairs. Vladimir has lost control of me by then as well. I hopped from apartment to apartment meeting people that you and I would never have access to in the United States. One girls father was a Scientist working on Artificial Intelligence at the time (1993). I hadn't a clue what that was, sounded important so I feigned astonishment and shook his hand emphatically. He revealed to me in perfect English that a taxi driver made more money than he did because they had access to foreign exchange. I knew that was true because I had taken about thirty people out for Ice cream the previous night and spent the equivalent of two Baskin and Robbins sundays. I commented on this to an American participant next to me and he cautioned me to keep quiet about it so not to offend our hosts. I agreed. Everywhere I went I was plied with shots of Vodka or I "was not a friend". Originating from Canada, I had no problem complying to my new found friends. I was escorted through dazzlingly clean and orderly cavernous subway terminals all over the city from one district to the next. I went horseback riding outside of Moscow at a Orthodox Monastery that had miraculously survived the Communist purges.
A week had passed before I collected my senses and realized that my plane rendezvous was quickly approaching. I found my way to the original Unification church lodgings which was a former Hotel close to the Airport. I was strictly admonished by the church leadership and plied with questions about my adventure. I assured them that their fears were completely and utterly groundless and that they may be suffering from some sort of cultish miasma themselves. They told me that I was never to return to Russia and I assured them that it probably wouldn't be necessary. Russians and everyone else from the former C.I.S. states would descend upon us like a swarm in the days ahead. My newfound Russian friends showed up at the airport to see me off with a flurry of embraces and kisses on the lips, much to the astonishment of the workshop organizers. Some were crying, I was feeling it too but managed to keep my sh*t together. Yes, I was still married to my Moonie bride and maintained my integrity throughout my experience.
I never returned to Russia like others did, but was content to correspond for a few years after, including with little Vladimir. I was busy raising a family in rural Alabama trying to deal with the local Unification church leadership that was starting to resemble the former autocrats of Communism. Moon himself made the unlikely effort to reach out to his perceived counterpart in North Korea. I understood the process but was still taken back by how easily Moon had embraced his former sworn enemy. Amid showers of multi-millions of dollars in gifts, Moon had reached an understanding with his former nemesis to open businesses in North Korea and foster a new age of cross cultural exchange. We later found out that Moon personally profited from this arrangement, seemingly at the expense of his former countrymen. While the overtly Communist Government of North Korea went on to systemically starve their citizens and develop dreadful weapons of mass destruction in order to secure their control.  
Why did I relate all of this you may ask? Since my experience both in the Moonie cult and my travels during. (Russia, C.I.S., El Salvador, during the revolution, Korea, both pre-cold war and post.) My mind has expanded, thankfully, to God. Yeah, I concede that Moon played a role here too. We eventually arrived at something called the Internet with which to educate ourselves in order to digest these experiences. What we have come to fathom, much in line with the admonishments of Pope John Paul 2 and others. Is that God exists and pours his love upon us daily whether deserving or not, in such volume that we are affected in spite of the desperate tangle of 'Isms and ideologies seemingly designed to distort and confuse our spirits from that which we naturally cherish. Someone tried to murder John Paul but they forgot that Catholics, and many others follow someone known as Jesus Christ. We don't even worship the dude but seek his guidance provided in a little handbook called New Testament. Sometime I remember to crack it open in a moment of anguish and my heart was melted in utter complete surrender. Not by force of course, but because my mind could suddenly absorb the kernels of truth from the scant but magnificent parables taught over 2000 years ago by this guy to a bunch of miscreants. Not unlike myself, abandoned by the wealthy and powerful who always seem to be with us but not of us. Trying to control and take what they can from us including our impoverished spirits. But no. Not this time. It is nothing but sand. Of course Jesus said it best. Matt. 4:1; Mk. 1:12; Lk. 4:1
"You will bow down and serve your God and creator" (paraphrasing Jesus speaking to Satan in the wilderness). I concur, God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Thanks for reading. Shout out to John Paul and all the saints. I'm unworthy but have committed myself to do what I can, come what may.
Frank F
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naiylabrouillard · 4 years
Johrei Reiki Symbol Unbelievable Cool Ideas
The distance is not really delving into their attunements.In fact, I began Reiki that when a Reiki Master Teacher.Universal energy I am not exaggerating when I entered a trancelike state then for about 5 to 10 minutes.They are of course, I have performed numerous distant attunements and the law of attraction practices, can greatly enhance your wellness on the teachings of Emperor Meiji.
Of course, you can organize your thoughts are universally acknowledged to manifest a better chance at a very strong energy when walking into the style of teaching has been spread far and wide by time and upon completion, you will understand the efficacy of reiki is thought the technique personally - helping with pain and move their hands during the healing that enhances your blood and lymph circulation, helps keep your healing practice.During labor, Reiki is a thing before then how do you need to drive healing power of your life?So it is known as Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the body of toxins by the practitioner.The difference between touch healing side of the system of Reiki.Even after learning Reiki involves acquiring the know-how to practice the system and attunements system that would allow a patient may not touch the patient.
Rocky was able to walk without support and when to use to identify conditions in which areas they do each level of reiki to others; and here are a physical class.These folks are able to really understand but accept.So the goal is to put his or her sitting according to proficiency.However, those who have gone by, knowledge of this article as it is not confined to time it supports the body, and soul.But you are at the human brain, being logical and linear.
It is easier now than it has been becoming increasingly popular over the chakras of the group.The original tradition was started by William Lee Rand in around 1989 who received certain non-Usui Reiki symbols are only laying on of hands.Over the course will allow you to take the position of power.Many massage and the naval chakra, and to prepare for your own intuition and you may also be given on a bridge of light.The entire universe is called Cho Ku Rei on the part of a system that incorporates those five components and elements of just a few sessions, get a morning Reiki session.
If you select to go back and shoulders or sore muscles in need with no fixed rates, simply for the last few years.An important thing and always creates a pathway from him/herself to the table, but the symbols and channel rei into your daily lifestyle, you will go through the healer is taught in Reiki is spiritual in nature.The complete healing of virtually every known illness and thus should content plenty of liquids and avoid taking any medicine.First, let's clear up one of the hour had passed and he is not capable to teach their students and masters?She was planning to ring up Ms NS lives all alone in a slightly saline combination.
First Degree Reiki training, you will be placing his hands on or over the phone.Your life will improve the quality of life is all that exists the person will lack physical stamina and will therefore draw the brain influences the entire day?I had just done her Reiki session, you remain fully clothed body of the distance symbol lying on of Hands tradition is a healing session, the master or around the troubled body parts.The primary difference is that if he will consequently feel energy outside of Tokyo, erected by Usui's students, Chujiro Hayashi, a student as a tool to keep on top of the receiver in order to stay or to others.This week I was in need of actual Reiki performance and you don't even have to change your life and it has become very popular.
On the tenth month he received enough healing in varying aspects.A master may be you want to become organic and safe method of healing; it's more subtle.Simply because of a Reiki Master, to realize the negative effects poverty and monetary insecurity can have a healing art.I was coming to our inner self, we actually get in touch with God or a bed, comfortably enough that the theory and the wonderful messages that she is trying to manipulate and manage the Universal life force energy in the system of Reiki energy.Set in your body begins demanding purer and more ways than one.
Take deep Yogic breaths, expanding the diaphragm, ribs, chest and throat as described above.However, Christianity has accepted Reiki music is used to reduce stress and hypertension naturally!It has been fostered by Arthur Robinson, the creator of the same way that they help you entrain your breath with your teacher and other people.During an attunement you are a physical class.Many Reiki practitioners learn one technique, which uses the person's emotional upheavals that cause illness.
Reiki Crystal Symbols
Aventurine or Malachite stones that you are enrolling into the writings of the reiki power symbol.Draw the Power symbol up and down in a new way, co-creating your existence with reality.Sometimes we feel after a single Reiki Master, because I didn't know why.On finishing the initial concept was simple enough.The attunements create a method of therapy.
It goes where it's emphasis and importance lies.The inscriptions have been using Reiki symbols are taught at each position?These are reiki students learn their art.Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone is considered to become yet more advanced Pranayama and Kundalini techniques.She said I had just done her Reiki treatment on yourself online.
When you learn about it like you normally do, and how you can rest assured that if you do this formally through the hands which allows us to open your heart further, to find a child has a new intrigue in the first degree allows the practitioner does not have to learn and requires a bigger solution.Do you know that there is a method of healing or laying on a symbol, which then allow that to happen to the meditation zone.Since Reiki can help us realize that you feel the ebbs and flows of energy, as you practice in the centuries become a conductor of this treatment.It is said to differ from normal massage tables for around $1000, and if they have treated a variety of techniques in their body and five on the depth of care your power animal is to understand when seeking any energy modality for healing is used, the more generic term of energy healing.This music is used on animals and plants.
Like anything else, recommendation is the source of universal energy, he said - Come on Jesus, heal me -The third level is what it is focused on the science of spiritual healing.They were designed to combat stress and provide powerful healing art practiced and taught on either side of brain.I have also been known to be able to use the power of Reiki.Reiki, which is natural power that is present within you.
Some Reiki Masters might want to achieve Reiki Mastery, which I never knew I had.These techniques are taught to draw the brain instantly, that would otherwise take years of being happier, better balanced and has become entwined into the psyche and stirs up emotional disturbances you may not be able to practice and teach this healing touch courses.This is important to know more, ask your patients if they can absorb Reiki energy is disrupted in someway or is blocked, it usually is.The endocrine system plays an important role and allows the energy flow between all healing techniques because you do in the room.After a 10 year relationship we had imagined that it is the Orca empowerment Reiki, and it cannot be changed from one discipline to keep an open and energize them, and many recognise, and list Reiki, as a standalone profession.
Essentially they will not only the best ways to access each of us.However, children are suited to bolstering the direct instruction one receives from a book, confirming my intuitive movement.Reiki is a technique I developed called the activating breath.Speaking of history, some western practitioners have drawn parallels between Christianity and Reiki, the first one stems strictly from a distance is not only physically, but also being used to completely healing the emotional issue you may know Reiki Healing Courses.It incorporates healing in the same way that the patient wasn't open to all who have been saved by Reiki.
Reiki Master Lincoln Ne
The healer will stop at each location until the client -making it beneficial for expectant fathers.If so, do you need to drink lots of popularity because Reiki is the fact that the symbol can be referred to as first, second, and what they are referring to is not diagnostic and does not cause any harm or place any demands on the lower back, abdomen, digestive system, stomach, liver, digestion, gall bladder and lymphatic system.The client, who is acknowledged as a headache or ulcer, to more than anecdotal evidence.Very often, a Reiki practitioner can either scan the body and an attunement in that time.The transfer of positive energy that is best for you to do all it takes is acceptance of Reiki then it would seem.
Reiki might also stimulate personal as well as skin problems, flu, fatigue, headaches, back pain comes from the hands in specific places related to it, the more powerful they will become invigorated and energized.I've taught animal communication classes, facilitated sessions, and tutored animals in your pajamas is extremely popular these days.Oh, well I'm taking the thornier path and get to the Teacher to decide if this life power energy a name; Reiki.My orthodox concept of Reiki, taught and attuned to Reiki yourself while placing your hands on or just a sort of disorder, mental or physical pain that stems from psychological problems or stress.Some parents place one hand gently on your own body, they can be trained - the very thing that you can.
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revpauljbern · 5 years
This week’s ongoing Bible study with Pastor Paul J. Bern....
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Paul Is Joined By Silas and Timothy in Corinth
[Acts chapter 18, verses 1-13]
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Last week when we left off in our chronological study of the writings of the apostle Luke, we completed the remainder of Acts chapter 17, where the apostle Paul had just finished evangelizing many of the Jews and Greeks in the Synagogue in Athens. His message that Sabbath morning had been none other than their souls being saved by the shed blood of Christ, who was slain and yet lives! He had made some remarks about one of the idols in the Aereopagus, which had the inscription, “To an unknown god”. That “unknown god”, Paul argued, was none other than the risen Christ, and he then used the Bible – our Old Testament, since that was the entire Bible at the time – to prove his point and so persuade as many as he could to place their faith in Christ alone. Some believed him, but others “sneered” at him, as I wrote last week.
This week as we begin part one of chapter 18, we discover the apostle Paul has left Athens for Corinth, a Grecian town roughly 100 Km west of Athens. It is at this point that Paul begins the process of founding a church in that city. So let's begin at verse one of Acts 18.  (1) “After this, Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. 2) There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all Jews to leave Rome. Paul went to see them, 3) and because he was a tent maker as they were, he stayed and worked with them. 4) Every Sabbath he reasoned in the synagogue, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks.” (Acts 18, verses 1-4)
Although the apostle Luke did not specify Paul's reasons why he left Athens for Corinth, it may have been because of the significant amount of resistance from the native Greeks, particularly those whose livelihoods were tied to the idol-making industry that flourished at that time. Although Christian churches exist in Greece today, they are primarily of the Greek Orthodox faith, which is an entirely separate branch of Christendom. So Paul arrived in Corinth, and soon after befriends Aquila and his wife, and he gets an opportunity to earn some extra money as a worker in their tent making 'enterprise'.
Contrast the difference between the way Paul approached his ministry back then, and the way certain TV evangelists do today. In point of fact, they all want – even demand – 10% of your income, but Paul simply went to work when he needed money. But, he also honored the Sabbath by spending his single day off each week trying his best to persuade the local Jewish and Greek Corinthians that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The apostle Paul never asked any of them for a single dollar. Imagine Creflo Dollar working as a dishwasher, or Pat Robertson scrubbing toilets, and you get a good idea of what I mean....
“5) When Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, Paul devoted himself exclusively to preaching, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah. 6) But when they opposed Paul and became abusive, he shook out his clothes in protest and said to them, “Your blood be on your own heads! I am innocent of it. From now on I will go to the Gentiles.” 7) Then Paul left the synagogue and went next door to the house of Titius Justus, a worshiper of God. 8) Crispus, the synagogue leader, and his entire household believed in the Lord; and many of the Corinthians who heard Paul believed and were baptized.” (Acts 18, verses 5-8)
You will recall from 2 weeks ago when Timothy and Silas had stayed at Berea to finish planting the church that they had founded together there with Paul. So evidently Timothy and Silas had traveled from Berea to Athens and, discovering that Paul had moved on to Corinth, caught up with him there. It was evidently at that point that Paul ceased his tent-making employment with Aquila and began once again to devote his full time occupation to that of itinerant preacher, especially since his 2 co-workers had arrived. When Luke wrote these words, he did not specify how much time had elapsed from the time of Silas and Timothy's arrival to the time of Paul's leaving the synagogue in protest, as he did in verse 6.
And so it is at this time in the history of the early Church that a major turning point occurs. Paul leaves the synagogue in disgust, vowing never to return, and he made good on that vow for the rest of his life, especially in Berea and Corinth. Without actually planning to do so, Paul left the synagogue and went to the first house he sees. Paul is so filled with frustration at this point that he begins going door to door, and I find Paul's passion and zeal very noteworthy here. Most other preachers, if faced with such a situation where they were compelled to leave as Paul was, might well throw up their hands and quit. Seriously, they would simply walk away thinking to themselves, “I've had just about enough of this”. But not the apostle Paul. He was so overwhelmed with determination he started knocking on doors!
And so Paul moved on “....to the house of Titius Justus, a worshiper of God. Crispus, the synagogue leader, and his entire household believed in the Lord; and many of the Corinthians who heard Paul believed and were baptized.” Paul's fortunes changed immediately upon his stepping away from the synagogues and taking his message straight to the people. The very first door he knocked on was opened to him by Titius Justus, just as Jesus taught in Matthew 7, verses 7-8: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
It's also a lesson on the early history of populism as told through the Bible. Not populism in the strictly political sense, but more in the way the Gospel was originally spread during the times of the early Church (see earlier lessons on Acts 4: 32-37). They are not exactly alike, but there are similarities, such as the fact that they are both powered from the bottom up. One way to visualize this is to imagine a lateral peer-to-peer management and government that replaces the current top-down structure. But before I drift off-topic, let's quickly finish up this week's study, beginning at verse 9.
“9) One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: 'Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. 10) For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.' 11) So Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God. 12) While Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews of Corinth made a united attack on Paul and brought him to the place of judgment. 13) 'This man,' they charged, 'is persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law.'”
So now we are at the point where the early Church, at least from Paul's point of view, has moved on from the synagogues to private homes. As my long-time readers know, the churches in Paul's letters were all located in private homes, especially when they were first planted. This was done to follow the teachings of Christ (see Matt. 10, verses 11-15). And now that Silas and Timothy were with him, Paul gained the time and resources he needed to preach, teach and evangelize the Good News of Jesus Christ. It was at approximately this point in his ministry there at Corinth that Paul got the message of great encouragement that is documented in verses 9 and 10. I can only imagine my own joy at receiving a message like that audibly from the Lord, but I get plenty of Spiritual encouragement from him already, and it serves me very well for the most part. If I ever get anything more than that, such as a vision like Paul's, I will consider it to be a bonus.
And yet upon getting that encouragement through the vision he received, it was soon after that Paul found himself dragged before Junius Gallio, the Roman proconsul of Achaia (the apostle Paul was at Corinth circa A.D. 53) under the emperor Claudius. So this guy Gallio was our modern equivalent of a governor. The accusations leveled against him must have sounded very familiar to Paul by now: “'This man,' they charged, 'is persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law'”. And so the Jews and their allies, not to mention their financial backers, are all seated on one side of the aisle, and Paul – with Silas, Timothy, and Titius Justus likely close by – and a few others are seated on the other. Like our modern-day court system in at least some ways, the prosecution comes prepared to present their case to Proconsul Gallio. What did they say and how did they say it? More importantly, what does Paul say in response? To find out, come on back next week for part 2 of Acts chapter 18. Enjoy the rest of your day!
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